Competitive strategy of the company International Business Machines Corporation, commonly known as IBM was founded in 1911 by Charles Flint (Kros and Brown 28). This American firm is headquartered in New York, United States, and operates in 170 countries around the world. IBM was one of the firms that played...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1995
Pages: 8
Founded in 1987, the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black CAP) is a non-profit community-based that relies on volunteers to achieve its strategic objectives (Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention 2014). The Black CAP is a community-driven organisation whose mission is to “reduce the spread of HIV infection within Toronto’s Black...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 1954
Pages: 8
Introduction India is one of the countries with the largest population in the world. As a result, the country is prone to numerous crimes that may require a strong justice system to ensure that law and order are maintained throughout the country. The country has a rich criminal justice system,...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 2125
Pages: 8
Introduction India is on the top list of the most populous countries in the world that has recently been gaining recognition as a major regional power. At the moment, there are many grave problems that plague India, and if unaddressed, they may set the Southeast Asian country for a looming...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 2281
Pages: 8
Introduction Globalization has turned the world into a small village where movement and communication are easily done irrespective of the location of an individual. Technological improvement in the field of communication has meant that it is now possible for a business unit to communicate with its customers all over the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2210
Pages: 8
Introduction Before and during the Nazi regime in Germany headed by Adolf Hitler, there was a systematic- state-sponsored persecution that led to the murder of many Jews. This occurred at the beginning of the year 1933 when the Nazi regime came to power and progressively propagated the belief among the...
Topic: Nazism
Words: 2022
Pages: 8
Theory/Author Name and Background Known as one of the people that broke new grounds in the realm of nursing, Dorothea Orem reinvented how patients’ needs were addressed in healthcare (Wong, Choi, & Lam, 2015). Her Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT) allowed viewing patients and their participation in the process of...
Topic: Dorothea Orem’s Theory
Words: 2042
Pages: 8
The question of whether to drill oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) or not to drill it at all has been one of the most controversial issues in the United States. Environmental conservationists hold one common view that drilling oil in the ANWR will cause irreversible damage to...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2051
Pages: 8
Introduction The UK Employment Rights Act attempts to set various criteria or tests to differentiate a contract of service from a contract for service. Further, the Act grants certain rights to the first category of services that are not available to the latter. Typically, a contract of employment gives rise...
Topic: Law
Words: 2001
Pages: 8
Buddhist philosophy is a thought process that can be easily applicable in the die-hard competition of the Modern era. It can bring solace to the human mind once applied correctly. Buddhism has an often-overlapping quest for the ultimate end in life- Enlightenment. The concept of enlightenment in Buddhism is called...
Topic: Meditation
Words: 2175
Pages: 8
Introduction The Civil Rights movement in the United States has a long history. Starting in the 1950s, this social impetus for change implied taking direct action; it was primarily focused on the realm of education, although its proponents also addressed other areas where African American people were experiencing severe discrimination...
Topic: African American
Words: 2251
Pages: 8
As of today, the world continues to become ever more unstable, in the political sense of this world. The most recent escalation of the geopolitical tensions between the US (collective West) and China/Russia contributes to this process more than anything. At an initial glance, such a situation may appear as...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 2203
Pages: 8
Introduction It is important to note that The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest media entertainment corporations in the world. The company primarily focuses on creating media products and streaming services but additionally operates and owns amusement parks worldwide. The Walt Disney Company utilizes the constructive conflict and...
Topic: Disney
Words: 2151
Pages: 8
Introduction An intelligence agency is a body that is based on a government with the sole purpose of gathering information. Information is very crucial to a government especially because it keeps the government informed of any threat that might accrue to its national security. There are various means of information...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 1914
Pages: 8
Introduction The Second World War (WWII) was a major global conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945. This upheaval ended after the Allied powers, comprised of the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, managed to destroy Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Historians agree that this war...
Topic: Nazism
Words: 2285
Pages: 8
The depiction of indigenous people in mainstream art created by the people representing the majority of the population has always been a contentious topic to discuss. Due to the unavoidable biases in the perspective of those at the helm of the production, the narrative is likely to contain multiple stereotypes...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2200
Pages: 8
Abstract Diabetic retinopathy is one of the common diabetes-related complications that affect the eyes. The blood vessels in the retina become damaged (swelling or leaking) because of high blood sugar levels. Because of the impossibility to predict the quality of damage and the development of blood vessel growth, diabetic retinopathy...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2584
Pages: 8
Organizations must be able to quickly adapt to the changing environment if they are to retain their competitive advantage in a world where globalization is increasingly taking the center stage (Kotter & Cohen 2002, p. 24). Organizations that have incessantly failed to make provisions for change have been hardest hit...
Topic: Organizational Change
Words: 2113
Pages: 8
Introduction The history of American military operations includes dozens of armed interventions that had different objectives and were aimed both at liberation goals and suppressing the aggression of opponents. In the history of the 21st century, the largest number of US force interventions has been recorded in the Middle East,...
Topic: Business
Words: 2195
Pages: 8
The literary works created during the Black Arts Movement (BAM) reflected the aspirations of many African-American people for the recognition of their political rights and their cultural identity. This artistic movement can also be associated with revolutionary ideology. There are many conflicting views on BAM. This essay will review various...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1930
Pages: 8
Introduction Austerity measures simply refer to the reduction of government spending in order to regulate public debt, especially when the country is at a risk of going bankrupt. In other words, austerity measures are stringent measures enforced by the state to bring public expenditure in line with the revenue (Manuel,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1945
Pages: 8
The Queer of Color Theory As a diverse field of studies that includes multiple disparate ideas and points of view, the queer theory incorporates color issues. To understand the experiences of people different from the predominant groups, one should refer to the queer of color theory that “seeks to disrupt...
Topic: Gender
Words: 2265
Pages: 8
President Barrack Obama is critiqued and praised by some as an exemplar of liberalism in international relations, but much about his approach can be viewed as an expression of Constructivist thinking as well. This should not perhaps, be surprising since he demonstrates nuanced deliberation in his thinking and public communication....
Topic: American Politics
Words: 2033
Pages: 8
Dale Chihuly, the artist According to Taragin (13), Dale Chihuly is reputable for enhancing the change of glass art gallery from their original premise of solemn studio environment to better establishments where the lifestyle of the art world involves the collaborative endeavors and dissection of workforces within a creative procedure....
Topic: Art
Words: 2224
Pages: 8
When transgender and transsexual persons’ experience has finally started to present a point of interest to the audience that is willing – either sincerely or pursuing some personal interest – to understand them, the representation of trans community on the screen can be seen. However, what the mainstream broadcast mostly...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1940
Pages: 8
Introduction Given the discursive implications of Globalization, there can be only a few doubts as to the fact that one’s ability to act as an effective cross-cultural communicator does positively relate to the measure of his or her existential competitiveness. Therefore, it is indeed fully justified, on the part of...
Topic: Cultural Competence
Words: 1948
Pages: 8
Introduction Youth have been committing crimes that have been noticed by researchers, the media, policymakers, and the judiciary; these crimes of violence have been producing disastrous effects in society. Children younger than 18 years are being punished for surprising crimes like “robbery, forced rape, assault, and homicide”. Risk factors and...
Topic: Juvenile Delinquency
Words: 2324
Pages: 8
A revolution occurs once the populace rebellions contrary to the government, typically because of supposed prejudice (social, party-political, or economic) or radical incompetence. Revolts have ensued in the social past, and their policies, length, and supervisory values have all diverse significantly. Substantial variations in culture, economy, and socio- partisan structures...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 1995
Pages: 8
Sociology refers to the study of the origin, development, and structure of human societies and the behavior of individual people within the society. On the other hand, health is defined by the World Health Organization as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence...
Topic: Health
Words: 2160
Pages: 8
On the surface, alcohol might seem to be the easiest product to market since its audience develops an acquired taste, and customers’ purchasing ability is restricted mostly by age. However, as an overview of the history of alcohol marketing shows, the process of promoting the product has been fraught with...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1937
Pages: 8
Legal Issues in E-Commerce Introduction Since its introduction, the online shopping and e-commerce platform has experienced an exponential growth. Business-to-consumer has contributed significantly to the development of this form of trade. However, like in all other form of emerging technologies, there are several concerns that make it hard for online...
Topic: Online Shopping
Words: 2183
Pages: 8
Introduction This paper traces the advancement of political thought via a study of some key writers of political discourse such as Immanuel Kant, David Hume, and Friedrich Hegel. Emanuel Kant was a German philosopher, and he was well known for his enormous contribution towards shaping the modern philosophy. Hume was...
Topic: Immanuel Kant
Words: 2003
Pages: 8
Introduction It is necessary to say that the Sundance Film Festival is one of the most known events that are focused on independent movies. The fact that it is frequently discussed all over the world should not be disregarded, and its influence can be described as tremendous. Another aspect that...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2199
Pages: 8
The Walt Disney Company is one of the most popular companies that offers entertainment in the form of theme parks, shows, series, merchandise, and movies to its customers of different ages. The company was founded in the 1920s as a cartoon and animation studio, and, after that, it experienced an...
Topic: Disney
Words: 2339
Pages: 8
Introduction The analysis of any film may contain a variety of aspects, but the one that is most likely to offer an insight into the creative work’s main ideas, both apparent and concealed ones, is the mise-en-scene. The careful exploration of a movie’s compositional elements allows the viewer to see...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 2297
Pages: 8
Business Description PayPal is one of the world’s oldest online payment companies. It connects more than 150 million users globally to a virtual payment platform that allows them to purchase goods and services online. The American company supports online money transfers between customers and merchants in a model that substitutes...
Topic: Business
Words: 1963
Pages: 8
Introduction: Hermeneutics as a Crucial Component of Theology The Proposal Hermeneutics: Definition This paper seeks to understand the methods of interpreting the scripture nowadays, as well as the significance that the Scripture and its postulates have for the contemporary audience. There is no need to emphasize that the Biblical writing...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 2305
Pages: 8
Introduction Transportation refers to the transfer of people and commodities from one geographical location to another. Transportation system involves the objects being transported, vessels used to transport the objects and mode for movement of the vessels. The objects being transported can either be people or goods, the transportation vessels are...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 2120
Pages: 8
Historical Background The book of Ruth is set during the time of the Judges, as a family from Bethlehem moves to Moab to avoid famine. The nation of Moab, along with Ammon, had its genealogical roots in Lot’s intercourse with his daughters (Gen. 19:30-38). After the Exodus, the Israelites returning...
Topic: Literature
Words: 2311
Pages: 8
Introduction The 1993 film Farewell My Concubine (directed by Chen Kaige) is now referred to as one of the Chinese cinematography’s finest works. There are several reasons for it, but the most important one has to do with the film’s high educational value. After all, even though Farewell My Concubine...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 1957
Pages: 8
Introduction Leprosy disease is one of the oldest recognized illnesses in the world. People with leprosy (PwL) were banished in ancient Indian culture for various reasons: chronic, possibly disfiguring aspect; inconsistently successful treatment, linked with sin; and dread of infection. This combination gave leprosy a stigma that endures to this...
Topic: History
Words: 1951
Pages: 8
Introduction The law of evidence refers to the principles that require one to prove a particular act during court proceedings. The principles are used to govern the kind of evidence required so as to arrive at an effective decision. It is important to note that for the proof to be effective,...
Topic: Law
Words: 2025
Pages: 8
Introduction Church discipline is the act of calling upon people to change their wayward ways through repentance and asking for forgiveness. It is performed when an individual has disobeyed the church rules provided by God. The intention is to restore people into a reconciled state with God. The aspect of...
Topic: Church
Words: 2311
Pages: 8
The nature and the purpose of the mission may change depending on the historical circumstances. The Christian mission underwent the path from eradication and imposition to acculturation. Nowadays, the Protestant mission and Church follow the ‘acculturation’ approach; thereby, the institution actively adapts to the changing cultural landscape. For instance, the...
Topic: Church
Words: 2213
Pages: 8
Introduction Managing Employees Performance involved numerous activities, far more than simply reviewing what an employee has done. This system must fulfil several purposes. Developing and conducting performance appraisals should not be done in isolation. The performance appraisal is closely related to a number of human resource management that should be...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2240
Pages: 8
Introduction Peloponnesian War refers to an ancient Greek conflict that involved the Delian League led by Athens, and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. The war can be categorized into three phases by noting the historical perspectives. The first phase is the Archidamian War, where Sparta invaded Attica in repeated...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 2144
Pages: 8
Company overview According to the annual report 2010 of Kellogg, this Company started its journey in 1906 and was incorporated in Delaware in 1922 and it is now one of the major players in the ready-to-eat cereals and convenience foods industry in the US market. However, human resources are the...
Topic: Management
Words: 2195
Pages: 8
Background of the Issue One of the most controversial issues at the moment in the field of sports is the growing tendency of male athletes to become transgenders and entering women’s competitions after all the required operations. Even though it may be seen as a perfectly fine approach to rivalry...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 2189
Pages: 8
Introduction Ramsay Health Care is one of the leading Australian healthcare organizations with a global network. The organization was founded in 1964 by an Australian entrepreneur and anthropologist named Paul Ramsay. Within the past five decades, this business venture had expanded to have branches in different regions, including Asia, the...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 2253
Pages: 8
Executive Summary Premise Climate change is a problem that affects the entire planet, which means that all stakeholders need to make a joint effort to reverse the impacts of climate change. Governments can spearhead the efforts to reverse the effects, majorly through making policies and leveraging investments in critical sectors...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2372
Pages: 8
Abstract COVID-19 is on the verge of becoming endemic, creating havoc in the workplace. This anthropological study aims to collect data on employees’ informal social interactions outside of work hours to influence government legislation. The fundamental goal of this research is to ascertain the demographic makeup of the individuals, their...
Topic: Socialization
Words: 2432
Pages: 8
Introduction This research aims to expose the financial performance of Rio Tinto by using key financial indicators and financial ratios. The company is a multinational metal and mining corporation that focuses on supplying metals and products of mining. Therefore, using the company to understand the financial layout and progress of...
Topic: Performance
Words: 2191
Pages: 8
Introduction Mark Bradford, an American visual artist, was born on November 20, 1961. He is a native of Los Angeles who attended the California Institute of the Arts, a private university in California. Bradford’s collaged paintings have been featured in exhibitions all around the world, and he also works with...
Topic: Art
Words: 2267
Pages: 8
Introduction There is no doubt that a person does not exist in isolation. People are representatives of a particular culture that reflects a set of ideas, beliefs, and customs. However, it is a typical case that individuals, especially young ones, feel more connected to a specific idea or value system,...
Topic: Subculture
Words: 1687
Pages: 8
Introduction (Fiction) This paper is about a family that lost a child after a shooting at Tangle Wood School in Greenville. The news took the family by surprise, and everyone began to experience severe suffering. As a result, sleep, eating, and communication with other people worsened. Such factors lead to...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2250
Pages: 8
Abstract This report explores the context and current situation related to the prevalence, morbidity, and epidemiology of stress in the UK. The document contains a discussion of statistics on the scope of the issue, its influencers, and the rationale for initiating behavior change. The World Health Organization’s strategy for stress...
Topic: Stress
Words: 2445
Pages: 8
Introduction Informal meetings and employee socialization are essential due to adjusting the relationship among working-class people from different organizations. The nature of interactions depends on the individuals’ ethnographic identity, hence establishing key variables that boost diversity and inclusion. Intermingling among the workers outside the institutions significantly contributes to the intensification...
Topic: Socialization
Words: 2225
Pages: 8
Company Profile and Campaign Domino’s Pizza Malaysia opened its first store in 1997 and has established itself as one of the leading pizza companies in Malaysia in terms of market share, technology adaption, and physical stores (Domino’s Pizza, n.d.; Yee, 2020). To date, they have opened over 240 physical stores...
Topic: Business
Words: 2241
Pages: 8
Executive Summary Social media has tremendously altered the way individuals interact at work and home. Additionally, social media platforms display significant potential for enterprises in organizational learning, recruiting, public relations, and internal and external communications. A better percentile of workers presume social media can enhance team cohesion and work culture,...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 2351
Pages: 8
Introduction Congenital heart defects (CHD) introduce a serious public health concern that may occur in the heart during the prenatal development of a fetus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017) states that about 1% (40,000) of children are born with such defects in the United States annually, and...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2252
Pages: 8
Introduction Social advocacy means empowering people to share an idea with a large audience about a given issue. In the video titled Women’s Rehabilitation, Susan Burton shares her story on how she was incarcerated after being found guilty of drug abuse which emerged as a result of mental damage after...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 2488
Pages: 8
Delgado, J., Bowman, K., & Clare, L. (2020). Potentially inappropriate prescribing in dementia: A state-of-the-art review since 2007. BMJ Open, 10(1), 1-9. Web. The authors touch upon the problem of increased risk of inappropriate mediation and adverse drug effects emerging while treating dementia. The investigators aim at determining factors that...
Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease
Words: 2098
Pages: 8
Introduction Customers are at the heart of the Agile Delivery Framework’s definition, construction, and release of goods. In a project that uses the Agile Delivery Framework, setting up beginning statements such as goals and vision is essential. This framework provides a single point of view for the team and establishes...
Topic: Agile Project Management
Words: 2208
Pages: 8
Introduction Chlamydia in Women Chlamydia trachomatis, which is typically referred to as chlamydia, is a sexually transmitted disease that causes serious complications by permeating the reproductive system and damaging it, therefore, causing infertility. Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted diseases among the American population, as recent findings show (Centers...
Topic: Chlamydia
Words: 2262
Pages: 8
Introduction The given report is devoted to the analysis of the mobile phone market in the UK using the case of Eco-Fone. The increased importance of this technology and its availability to clients result in the growing sales and increase in the number of users every year (Good Morning Britain,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2291
Pages: 8
Introduction Recent increased interest in Meningitis is caused by the presentation of many children with a provisional but erroneous diagnosis of meningitis in America. In many cases, it is impossible to make a specific aetiological diagnosis in fever-associated headache, and it is significant not to traumatize the child or an...
Topic: Illness
Words: 2018
Pages: 8
Introduction Crucial in achieving optimal benefits for all screening programs, quality assurance is defined as a system of procedures, checks, audits, and corrective measures to ensure that health services are at their highest achievable quality. Mammography is a screening and diagnostic tool which uses low-dose amplitude x-rays to examine the...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 2095
Pages: 8
Introduction With the advancement in technology around the globe in this new age, new courses are introduced in various institutions in the world to meet the ever-rising demands. Skills are increasingly sought in virtually all aspects of learning. With innovations taking shape, new courses are bound to be introduced. Another...
Topic: Sound
Words: 2252
Pages: 8
Raising of capital When a company is looking into raising capital it is faced with a lot of options such as borrowing of loans, issuing of stocks that are tradable in the floor of stocks exchange or even use of a hybrid financial assets such as convertible bonds (Alon and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2405
Pages: 8
The coronavirus pandemic and quarantine measures to contain it had an abrupt and widespread shock on the world economy. Then quarantines gradually began to be withdrawn, and demand for many goods and services returned to pre-quarantine levels and may even have exceeded them. Thus, people attempted to compensate for the...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 2196
Pages: 8
Introduction Memo : The intention of this report is to update the Managing Director of VLSI about the managerial attitudes to a structural change of recent organisational development and addresses how the management team would to coup with the proposed change to improve communications and maximise operating efficiencies throughout the...
Topic: Business
Words: 2164
Pages: 8
Introduction Process mapping refers to the technique of utilization of workflow diagram to illustrate process flow, generate ideas for improvement, and enhance understanding of organization’s operation in achieving a specific goal. Formulation of process diagram requires initial identification of the process, the collection of information from the population, proper identification...
Topic: Business
Words: 2052
Pages: 8
Recruitment is the method by which organizations pursue and acquire personnel for their various job positions. The duration of the process depends on the company and the worker’s requirements, and the work urgently needs to be filled. Conversely, branding for employers attracts and retains employees, making it a crucial aspect...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 2241
Pages: 8
Introduction Historically, minor races such as Blacks have faced a lot of inhumane experiences in the US. At one time in North Carolina, a 20-year-old black woman was about to be sterilized. This woman was a single mother to one child, and they lived together at O’Berry Center. During this...
Topic: Eugenics
Words: 1918
Pages: 8
Introduction Background of study Any company worth its salt ought to know that its workforce is its most useful resource. This implies that the company should continuously focus on ways to improve employee relations and to motivate these very employees. This is the reason why Tesco Ireland has dedicated a...
Topic: Tesco
Words: 2036
Pages: 8
Industry Analysis As discussed in prior sections of the report, the competition for Moma Monaz can be distinguished into three categories: fast food chain locations, non-chain restaurants, and bars. The first category presence in the area is substantial, with McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, and Subway all present. The other locations are...
Topic: Fast Food
Words: 2081
Pages: 8
Introduction Organizational change involves strategies that alter routine operations for improved competition and increased profitability. The change is influenced by factors including cultural, technological, political, social, and economic. ALDI is one of the most promising retail stores in Australia. The firm has about 580 stores across the country, and over...
Topic: Business
Words: 1628
Pages: 8
Executive Summary This report on Tata Motors Company was requested by the Corporate Head of Marketing for Tata Motors. The purpose of this report was to investigate whether or not there would be a market for their economy car, the Tata Nano, in Canada. Tata Nano has always been described...
Topic: Market Research
Words: 2090
Pages: 8
Introduction Teamwork is a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon that is often studied from the perspective of team members’ relationships and their impact on outcomes. The more effectively teams work, the more their members can learn and live within the context of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes (Schmutz, Meier,...
Topic: Collaboration
Words: 2153
Pages: 8
Introduction Ethical conduct is important in leadership because it enables individuals to develop positive relationships. Trevino and Nelson (2017) define ethical conduct as a moral issue that guides and motivates people and positively affects how they relate with each other. For example, Jack Ma’s ethical behavior and philanthropic approach to...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 2303
Pages: 8
Introduction Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects an individual’s mental health. Although symptoms start early in childhood, a practical diagnosis is made in adulthood. According to Posner et al. (2020), around 8% to 13% of all children around the world are affected by ADHD. This condition has...
Topic: ADHD
Words: 2229
Pages: 8
Introduction There are many related phenomena in the cognitive processes of human consciousness whose effects may run unnoticed by the individual. Among such effects, particular attention should be paid to blindness to change as a demonstration of the imperfection of human attentiveness. Blindness to change should be understood as the...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2218
Pages: 8
Introduction Foster care is becoming increasingly prevalent in the United States. Various circumstances, including high mortality and other crimes, mainly cause the growth. Foster care is sometimes viewed as a temporary home for children, especially those with no one to look after them. Children can also enter foster care if...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 2221
Pages: 8
Company Background The bakery Sweet Delicacies is to operate in Warwick town at a store in Cape Industrial Estate. The Sweet Delicacies Company’s mission is to be the best in Warwick town. The bakery’s primary focus will be producing exceptional cakes and bread with distinct flavors. Delivering outstanding service to...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2276
Pages: 8
Introduction Natural law protects individuals against discrimination in the workplace, enhancing their social well-being and interactions. In the U.S., there have been an increasing number of people who are discriminated against for their age, gender, race, and sexual orientation. Discrimination can have far-reaching impacts on the victims, their work, and...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 2235
Pages: 8
Introduction A means of information has been collected by bio gerontologists pertaining to changes that occur during aging at various points of biological organization and development. As these aging matters extend to spread and are viewed normally, pathological modifications are being noticed among species. The table below consists of some...
Topic: Aging
Words: 2273
Pages: 8
The American lifestyle experienced gradual change with the coming of the industrial revolution. Before industrial revolution took shape in the American world, they mostly practiced farming while most of the rest were artisans. Industrial revolution brought about a great transitional point in the lifestyle of the people in the United...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 2193
Pages: 8
Introduction There has been increasing research from scholars on World War I. However, more importantly, over the last few decades, more studies have evaluated the role of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. This is right because the impacts of the First World War and the involvement of the...
Topic: Ottoman Empire
Words: 2282
Pages: 8
Introduction Foreign dance classes have become popular in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union (Radchenko 1). Many young women and men have started to practice foreign dances for professional reasons or just for fun. In Russia, Belly Dance, Irish Dance, Indian Dance, Flamenco, and Swing Dance have become...
Topic: Dance
Words: 2044
Pages: 8
Introduction Researchers have raised concerns over the prevalence of stroke in Indigenous populations across the globe. Existing literature indicates a 14-fold prevalence of stroke in the Aboriginal population in 2019-2020 (Nedkoff et al., 2020). Even when scholars have recommended evidence-based therapies in emergency departments, incidents of preventable mortality rates are...
Topic: Stroke
Words: 2360
Pages: 8
Underlying Economic Principles Their access to medical treatment profoundly impacts a person’s health. One-quarter of Americans do not have access to a primary care specialist or a healthcare institution. To this day, despite the passage and administration of the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA), one in five Americans under the age...
Topic: Health
Words: 2258
Pages: 8
Reimbursement and the Revenue Cycle Reimbursement Definition The identified medical organization for this analysis is Maximum Care Hospital (MCH). Medical professionals at MCH perform a wide range of tests, provide personalized care, offer drugs, and avail adequate resources to support the healing process. The process of receiving payments for such...
Topic: Health
Words: 2312
Pages: 8
About Non-Parametric Procedures The most common reasons of selecting a non-parametric test over the parametric alternative Non-parametric tests are preferable over parametric tests in case the data has violated the assumptions of normality (data does not have a normal distribution). Non-parametric tests are also preferable over parametric tests if the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 2476
Pages: 8
Elder Abuse With Mental Disabilities Ill-treatment or violence is a behavior aimed at causing harm, insulting, or humiliating a person. This is any act or omission that harms an older person or puts their health and well-being at risk. Common types of elder abuse include physical or psychological abuse, neglect,...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1995
Pages: 8
Abstract The paper examines the effect of stress and anxiety on an individual’s mental performance. The research utilizes a reverse Stroop experiment to evaluate the mental performance of individuals when subjected to either up-regulation or down-regulation. In this experiment, the control group and the experimental group are subjected to similar...
Topic: Anxiety
Words: 2200
Pages: 8
Introduction In our society presently, immunoassay techniques used in data analyses have assumed a place of high significance, particularly as it is applicable to pure/applied researches; where the techniques are adopted for such developments as ultrasensitive enzymatic immunoassays in antigenic and antibody analyses. Ultrasensitive/rapid enzyme immunoassays, have presented more current,...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 2099
Pages: 8
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to find out determinants of CEO SALARY. The main findings of the primary the data were interpreted and turned into information by using SPSS and excel quantitative methods software system jointly. Statistics in clients’ survey A total of 300 questionnaires were sent to...
Topic: Business
Words: 2170
Pages: 8
Executive Summary The gender pay gap refers to the mean variation in the wages of men and women in an economy. Discrimination based on gender has been eradicated and prohibited in many nations worldwide with the focus of achieving equity among men and women. However, in the labor market of...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 2257
Pages: 8
Introduction The nursing practice continues to grow with the passing years making progress in one way or the other. The paper seeks to identify how nursing theories relate to professional nursing practice. The nursing theories have continued to guide resolutions made to ensure that the professional practice grows steadily. In...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 2307
Pages: 8
Introduction Addressing youth mental illnesses remains an essential health challenge internationally and in Australia. Organizations such as headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation are tackling the issue by responding to mental health problems in Australia’s youth (Looi, J.C., et al., 2019). The agency supports young people with physical and mental...
Topic: Health
Words: 2201
Pages: 8
Description This report is about the analysis and comparison of hybrid and gasoline vehicles; and would use qualitative research method along with the definitions, description, background, findings, and interpretations of the models of Hybrid Ford Explorer and original gasoline vehicles. Definition Hybrid vehicles make use of on-board rechargeable energy storage...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 1910
Pages: 8
Introduction to the Issue Homeland security is an American security department mandated to ensure that the public and everyone in U.S. jurisdiction is safe, resilient, and secure against any form of harassment, terrorism, or other natural hazards that the American residents are prone to (Morag, 2018). This department is aimed...
Topic: Homeland Security
Words: 2254
Pages: 8
Introduction My track is related to Advanced Registered Nursing Practice, specifically Family Nursing Practice. This paper will provide a conceptual framework, a theoretical model of the Need Theory – grand nursing theory, and transition theory – a middle nursing theory that is essential for my practice. The Need Theory defines...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 2016
Pages: 8
Introduction The emergence of social media has brought many social issues that need to be addressed. As a key platform for social interaction, it can be argued that this emergent technology influences how people behave both online and offline. The article “Stranding online and offline profile, millennials search for identity”...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 2217
Pages: 8
Introduction In today’s world, media has been playing a detrimental part to the people’s lives. Media is a short form of the term “media of communication” that is used to refer organized means of dissemination of facts, opinions, and entertainment such as newspapers, magazines, cinema films, radio, television, and the...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 2035
Pages: 8
Our sample essay will focus on Toyota and Mercedes’ competitive advantage and marketing strategy case study. Introduction This paper will compare two companies, namely, Toyota and Mercedes, which are among the world’s best automobile manufacturers and sellers. The goal is to examine their competitive priorities and operations strategies. The paper...
Topic: Toyota
Words: 2035
Pages: 8
Introduction Film Noir is a term coined in the early 1940s by the French to refer to trendy Hollywood crime movies produced during this period. The term literally means black film in French and the movies were characterized by their black and white visual style, a style generally thought to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1988
Pages: 8
Introduction Cardiovascular disorders (CVD), which include myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, and cardiogenic shock, are the primary causes of death among Australia’s aging population. This factor indicates that the need for reliable, efficient, and accessible Cardiology service is critical in enhancing care. However, there is a problem in the health system...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2057
Pages: 8
Introduction Due to changes in the tastes and preferences of customers, most companies face intense pressure to develop new products and update the current products to meet the present needs in the market. Companies are fully aware that to compete in the market, they must conduct research and learn to...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 2204
Pages: 8
Introduction Each age period is characterized by changes that occur due to physical and psychological processes and environmental influences. At the same time, adulthood is not considered enough because of the misbelief that the least significant transformations characterize this period. However, it is vital to note that adulthood is a...
Topic: Health
Words: 2320
Pages: 8
Introduction Located in Baltimore, Maryland, John Hopkins Hospital, founded in 1889, is a medical and biomedical research facility in the United States. The facility, which also functions as a teaching hospital for the John Hopkins School of Medicine, also started at the same time, enjoys the privilege of being the...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 2321
Pages: 8
Introduction Bible is the primary book or account through which humanity can understand their maker’s purpose for them. The book of Genesis provides information about the creation and humans’ existence but significantly little about why God created humans. According to Genesis, the only clear role for people is that humans...
Topic: Theology
Words: 2319
Pages: 8
Introduction Smoking is a significant contributor to the deterioration of public health since it has a negative impact not only on the health of smokers but also on the health of people who choose not to light up. Hence, anti-smoking efforts are essential to public health measures, which aim to...
Topic: Fear
Words: 2001
Pages: 8
Introduction England’s medicine and healthcare are among the most efficient, innovative, and advanced in the world, based on the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS works productively and promptly in assisting at the main stages of citizens’ lives. Notably, this system is not at the expense of medical insurance but...
Topic: Health
Words: 2331
Pages: 8
Introduction The growth of businesses depends on the strategic plans, goals, values, cultures, and norms implemented within a given institution. Multi-national companies like Coca-Cola have dominated the global markets for the past five decades based on adopting performance management and training principles in running activities since its inception in the...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 2266
Pages: 8
Poor countries have gradually continued to suffer the perils of climate change since the onset of industrialization. Developed countries have often converted poor countries into dumping places for their industrial wastes. In addition, developed countries have taken a toll in the emission of the largest percentage of carbon IV oxide...
Topic: Climate
Words: 2330
Pages: 8
Introduction The shortage of staff in the healthcare system is a growing challenge that has a significant effect on the delivery of medical services and consequently, patient outcomes. Due to their low numbers after distribution to various facilities, nurses are faced with increased workload and long shifts. Overworking can result...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 2329
Pages: 8
Case Scenario Patient: Max B is a 29-year-old male patient living alone. Recently resigned from the formal employment where he was working as a teacher after he suspected that someone was “watching” over him. History: Max B has a history of auditory hallucinations, and has been previously diagnosed with schizophrenia....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2317
Pages: 8
Introduction Euthanasia is a healthcare intervention that receives varied ethical opinions from a worldview and a Christian worldview. Healthcare providers come across multiple instances where a patient’s view on healthcare interventions gets influenced by their religious worldview or worldview. Patients’ religious beliefs can sometimes affect their health outcomes, given their...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 2217
Pages: 8
Introduction A president is expected to be bold and articulate, with great charisma and deep knowledge. However, each person who has held the office of President has brought a distinct style to it. These styles reflect the President’s character, personality, and performance. A full range of leadership styles often include...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2372
Pages: 8
To solve the psychological and pedagogical problems of interaction of participants in the educational process, the technology of contextual learning is recognized as the main one. Many researchers consider this technology of teaching to be a priority, especially in the context of the transition to the competence-based paradigm of education...
Topic: Education
Words: 1719
Pages: 8
Welcome to our sample essay on Apple’s internal environment and external environment case study. Here, you can learn more about Apple’s strengths and weaknesses and get some inspiration for your Apple internal and external environment analysis. Strategic Environment Analytical Tools SWOT Analysis SWOT analytical tool is considered an important approach...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1976
Pages: 8
OJ Simpson Case Introduction This paper presents a detailed report on the criminal case of O. J. Simpson, a known ex-athlete who was charged with a murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. The paper will explore the investigation and trial that went on in...
Topic: Law
Words: 1946
Pages: 8
Introduction Physical exercise is a pillar of a healthy lifestyle throughout the lifetime, and all healthcare practitioners advocate involvement in sports and leisure. All healthcare care experts advise physical exercise and involvement in sports due to their multiple health benefits. Physical exercise, sports, and leisure are essential for adolescents and...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1745
Pages: 8
Introduction Increasing numbers of Americans are participating in organized sports. This boost in engagement has been accompanied by an increase in sudden deaths. Hereditary or developed cardiovascular abnormalities have been linked to the majority of unexpected deaths among athletes participating in various sports. Other explanations of unexpected death are heatstroke,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1565
Pages: 8
Introduction Shifting cultivation, which is also referred to as rotational bush fallow farming, slash-and-burn farming, or swidden, is an old tilling practice mostly found in tropical parts of the world. The land-use system is mainly practiced in the wet tropical highlands in South Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Latin America. Approximately...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2318
Pages: 8
Introduction This paper aims to analyze a case study involving Francesca, a 50-year-old woman who presented to counseling upon the request of her employer, who believes that her frequent absences from work are concerned with alcohol or substance use. The client reveals that she has been taking Mersyndol Forte for...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2176
Pages: 8
Introduction The belief that mothers connect better to the child leads to the frequent issuance of children’s custody to the mothers in case of divorce suits. Moreover, companies aiming to promote stable families provide child care services to employed mothers, but rarely to the working fathers. The aspects show communities’...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 2231
Pages: 8
Introduction In the 21st century, technology has become an essential element of our life. Cellphones now account for the vast majority of all internet services, with more than half of the world’s inhabitants having access to smartphones and the internet. Because of the ease with which we can communicate via...
Topic: Smartphone
Words: 2174
Pages: 8
Summary In the past centuries, most of the labor was provided manually by human beings in all types of industries, such as textile and transportation. The activities were slow and required a high number of workers to contribute towards a significant output. The need to meet people’s demand for the...
Topic: Industrial Revolution
Words: 1965
Pages: 8
Introduction Arpita Singh is the first female artist in India to represent the homeworld in her paintings. Her early works reflect images of childhood memories, absorbing the world’s complexities around her. The bright details of everyday life in the childhood home bloom with colors in her drawings. In most of...
Topic: Artists
Words: 2192
Pages: 8
Introduction One of the priorities of today’s ecologists, biotechnologists, community activists, and environmentalists is the problem of microplastic pollution. Microplastics are a consequence of macroplastic pollution of natural environments, whether aquatic or terrestrial ecosystems. As a result of the long-term action of physical, mechanical, and light forces, gradual degradation of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2304
Pages: 8
Introduction It is important to note that an e-commerce business heavily depends on a properly structured and organized information systems infrastructure. The availability of such systems enables the automation of many important and repetitive tasks, but it needs to be incorporated with precision and in accordance with the key objectives...
Topic: Health
Words: 2300
Pages: 8
Introduction The economic theory of investing pays much attention to the phenomenon of financial bubbles. In a general sense, bubbles are understood as an unreasonably sharp increase in the price of assets on the stock market, followed by a sharp decline when the bubble “bursts.”This is reflected in the terminological...
Topic: Cryptocurrency
Words: 2224
Pages: 8
Introduction The video by Zohari (2020) evaluates how globalization impacts developing countries. The most debated issue in the modern world is globalization, with some people supporting and others opposing it. Some people consider globalization as a process of opening up economies to facilitate free trade. For them, a high rate...
Topic: Developing Countries
Words: 2315
Pages: 8
The Change Event in Netflix The advance of the Internet and allied technologies has allowed small startups to develop into large, multinational corporations quickly. Founded in 1997 in California as a small startup business, Netflix became a global organization in less than 20 years due to its Internet technology (Liang...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2138
Pages: 8
Introduction A policy may have a positive or negative impact on the people. They are usually developed to guide how a system should function. For example, in South Dakota, one of the policies that affect people is the employee’s break period. It proposes that employees have 15 minutes break after...
Topic: Law
Words: 2202
Pages: 8
Over the past few years, the business segment of food delivery apps has grown unprecedently. A prime example of such an application is Glovo, a business established in Barcelona in 2015 by Oscar Pierre and Sacha Michaud (“About us,” n.d.). Since then, the service has expanded from Spain to nearly...
Topic: Business
Words: 2102
Pages: 8
Introduction Corruption is one of Brazil’s primary problems that significantly obstruct economic development and hinder the quality of life in the country. The government officials exploit its national and social resources but use the money for themselves instead of making positive changes. As a result of this injustice, many groups...
Topic: Activism
Words: 2250
Pages: 8
Introduction Critical thinking is the ability to question incoming information and beliefs. The skill helps to think clearly and rationally, seek logical connections between facts, and formulate strong arguments. Critical thinking is based on the ability to reason. To become a critical thinker, it is necessary to be an active...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 2202
Pages: 8
Executive Summary The Chinese market is rapidly expanding, with the demand for various types of products, including food. Patchi is a manufacturer of premium chocolate operating in Canada and several North American, European, African, and Middle East markets. Premium chocolates are a unique product made from cocoa butter, with the...
Topic: Chocolate
Words: 2208
Pages: 8
The fundamental problems of philosophy arise along with its development, which is inseparably linked with civilizational transformations. The problems that thinkers have always considered have changed with the development of human culture, knowledge, and practice, but there have always been such questions, the answers to which were traditionally expected exclusively...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 2229
Pages: 8
Literature Review The academic study of marketing conceptual frameworks is not limited to theoretical research but includes practical implementation of what a student learns. Hence, it is useful to conduct one our own research aimed at using current skills. For this reason, the central idea of this paper is to...
Topic: Coffee
Words: 2101
Pages: 8
Background The preponderance of street lighting poles is made out of steel with a sprayed, metallic lacquered, or galvanized protective layer and come in a variety of types of construction and internal diameter. These are prone to corrosion, which can result in severe collapse, posing significant health and environmental risk...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 2376
Pages: 8
There might be several definitions of deviant behavior and what is considered deviant in general. In the framework of the study, the most appropriate would be to characterize it as a social construct for deviance cannot exist outside the society. Both for society and the individual, the understanding of the...
Topic: Prostitution
Words: 2255
Pages: 8
Introduction With the rapid growth and development of the Internet space and the globalization of the world, big changes are taking place in all areas of handling business. One of these implications is the online business model, which permits a more efficient business interaction in today’s marketplace. The benefits of...
Topic: Franchising
Words: 2271
Pages: 8
Introduction Boeing is currently one of the leading manufacturers of aircraft, satellites, rockets, rotorcraft and missiles in the world today. Companies in the aviation industry can also hire or lease airplanes from this organisation. This corporation’s diversification strategy and business model explain why it continues to compete directly with Airbus....
Topic: Crisis Management
Words: 2223
Pages: 8
Abstract Accounting and finance are critical elements in the efficient management of a company. The information gathered from accounting analysis helps a company or an organization make day-to-day decisions. This study’s objective is to determine how effective accounting and finance are in eradicating or reducing risks from a company’s operations....
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 2330
Pages: 8
Why did the creators of the Zionist movement feel a need for “a home secured by public law”? Although the Zionist ideas are currently being fractured into numerous variations of political hypotheses, the overall importance of this movement could be outlined with the help of both pragmatic and spiritual variables....
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 2260
Pages: 8
Introduction Law is the unique phenomenon regulating interactions within society and guaranteeing people behave within the existing legal framework. At the same time, it serves as a tool for analyzing cases of misconduct and providing punishment to individuals who violated the law. At the same time, to be fair and...
Topic: Law
Words: 2247
Pages: 8