Prostitution: The Non-Deviant Social Phenomenon

Prostitution is one of the significant social problems that cause multiple debates and arguments over its acceptance or suppression in the culture. Prostitution might be considered deviant behavior because of the historical patriarchial roots where the exploitation of women has been practiced all along in different variations (Benoit et al.,...

Addressing Marginalized Groups

Those excluded from mainstream social, economic, educational, and cultural life are marginalized communities. Examples of groups that are considered oppressed or marginalized are LGBT, Racial/Cultural minorities, Hearing, visually, and Physically Challenged Persons, Persons with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI), Persons with Cognitive Impairments, Autism Spectrum Persons, Gifted and Talented...

Teenage Pregnancy in the United Kingdom

Teenage pregnancies are a significant social and health issue in the U.K. due to the increase in various recorded cases. Adolescent females in the U.K. encounter optimal complications within the spectrum of health risks. This implies that teenage pregnancy within the U.K. has increased spontaneously hence resulting in the implementation...

Classless Society: A Critical View

Demand for social justice and equality has recently arisen with a new strength. Achieving the American Dream manifested itself in upward mobility that has linked to the opportunity with education and employment (Kendall, 2017). However, the idea of creating a more just and fair system without inequality and oppression is...

Cause and Effect of Drug Addiction

Dealing with substance abuse is usually linked to additional challenges not only because of the lack of motivation in patients but also because of the stigma associated with the specified disorder. To build empathy toward people suffering from drug misuse, an insight into the causes and effects of drug dependency...

Solving Social Problems With a Nudge

Introduction TED Talks are extremely popular nowadays. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the Ted Talk of Sendhil Mullainathan, titled “Solving social problems with a nudge,” where he describes the issues of the “last mile” (Mullainathan, 2009). The essay will thoroughly discuss the particular Ted Talk by inspecting...

Trends in Contemporary British Society

Introduction Contemporary British society is considered to be the result of major changes in the spheres of politics, economics and private issues of the population. To understand the modern situation and position of the society of the UK it is necessary to underline the basic changes experienced by the population...

Child Abuse Management: Multidisciplinary Approach

Abstract This paper investigates the efficacy of multidisciplinary and non-multidisciplinary approaches in child abuse management. Evidence of increased prosecution rates increased medical referrals, and increased provision of medical examinations show that a multidisciplinary approach is highly effective. Conversely, confusion, jurisdictional disputes, and weak investigations (during the detection, reporting, and management...

Suicide and the Moral Dilemma

Introduction Suicide is a major cause of death that has severe emotional and physical consequences on victims and their families. According to statistics, more than 1 million people kill themselves every year (James & Gilliland, 2012). In the last five decades, cases of suicide have increased by approximately 60%. It...

“My Dungeon Shook”: The Open Letter by James Baldwin

James Baldwin is known to compose a collection of essays addressed to the white people, expressing his grievances about racial injustice. “My Dungeon Shook” is an emotional letter demonstrating Baldwin’s anger on the topics of racism and the political situation in the country, which subsequently made him famous. The letter...

Prenatal Development and Its Main Principles

Prenatal development is an essential part of the process of a fetus as it represents the time when numerous important changes take place, thus helping set a context for the psychological development of the individual in the future. For instance, the brain develops during the prenatal stage but will continue...

“An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al.

The influence of neighborhood and, more generally, residence on different aspects of adult outcomes seems to be a subject of poignant interest. The article “An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al. constitutes part of a sizeable body of literature dedicated to the subject....

Discrimination in Dubus’ “House of Sand and Fog”

Sociocultural issues that immigrants face in the United States remain numerous and very challenging to address despite the rise in public awareness. In his novel, Dubus provides a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of racism and discrimination in the U.S., depicting the life of an Iranian refugee in his House...

Social Worker’ Role Play Exercise

Adults belong to the category of the so-called group of the limited mobility and are the most socially vulnerable part of society. It happens primarily due to the disabilities of their physical or psychological condition caused by diseases resulting in disability, as well as to the existing complex of concomitant...

Peer Pressure Problem: Negative and Positive Influences

Introduction Peer pressure denotes the direct influence on a person by his/her peers through following their conduct, attitudes, and ways (Black, Devereux, & Salvanes, 2013). It varies from social influences as it makes a person change his/her approach or behavior with respect to the influencing individual or group. Peer pressure...

Multiculturalism as a Threat to Gender Equality

Introduction: Women’s Rights in the XXI Century. An Overview Gender equality has always been an issue within any society. Whether the problem can be openly discussed as it is in the present-day society, or silenced, as it was before the feminist movement was born, it persists and managed to invade...

Services Provided by Child and Family Welfare Agencies: An In-Depth Review

Obstacles to Accessing Services When people want to access any services across agencies, they may often encounter a range of different impediments. The main obstacles, when turning to agencies, are the inevitable bureaucracy and formalism, long processing times, and general scarcity of information on the services furnished by the agencies...

Underage Drinking: Trends, Impacts and Interventions

Introduction: Underage Drinking The issue of underage drinking has been on the social. agenda for a while (Hudson, Wekerle, & Stewart, 2015); however, it has not been up until the past few years that the problem started getting out of control. Moreover, studies show that the rates of teenage drinking...

The Consequences of a World Without Leadership

Introduction Leadership is a critical aspect that controls many elements of life in the world. It is important to have leaders in society since they play a key role in establishing the commendable well-being of the community and the environment. Without leadership, society would have incomplete living realms based on...

Digital Society in Black Mirror’s Episode Nosedive

Introduction Charlie Brooker is the creator of one of the most successful British sci-fi television series Black Mirror. The show is highly acclaimed, yet controversy surrounds how it depicts the modern and potential realities of human societies in Western countries. Despite having specific differences, they are all dystopias that emerged...

Racism Against the Blacks in the UK

Introduction The UK is one of the most ethnically diversified countries, with residents from different parts of the world and various cultural backgrounds. However, the significant diversity in the UK has led to racism. Racism is believed to correlate with increased unemployment rates, police brutality, and racially motivated murders. This...

Classism and Discrimination in Tennis Clubs

Classism refers to the systematic subjugation of lower-class people in order to benefit and empower upper-class people. It is the social class-based systematic assignment attributes of merit and competence. People are classified according to their social classes in various countries depending on their economic status, occupation, and education. Different social...

Domestic Violence Intervention Programs

Domestic violence has been an issue under discussion for decades, with research conducted to identify suitable intervention programs. Intervention programs help stop domestic violence, thus preventing childhood abuse, saving relationships, and rehabilitating offenders. A Family Violence Intervention Program holds family offenders accountable for their actions and provides them with tools...

Social Worker in the Field of Child and Family Welfare

Introduction At the moment, there are many approaches to working with families and children to achieve their well-being. In the 2020 UNICEF report, the United States was ranked 34th in child well-being (UNICEF Innocenti, 2020). Therefore, it is necessary to understand the responsibility and the need to work in this...

The Pink Tax: Inequality Should Be Outlawed

Inequality can be manifested in different dimensions, ranging from racial prejudices to judgment of personal life partner choices. Whereas any kind of unfair treatment is primarily wrong, there are some types the lack of logic behind which is truly baffling. The so-called pink tax, which involves higher prices for ‘female’...

Are Children Smarter and More Socialized Because of Internet?

Introduction Internet is a certain environment of functioning of an individual, which has the laws of formation of internal relations. In addition, it has its own unique set of factors that influence people’s psyche. The Internet forms groups of people based on shared interests, stimulating the development of interpersonal relationships....

Human Population Growth and Its Effects

The Population of the Planet The planet’s population is constantly increasing, which is facilitated by more favorable living conditions than centuries ago. According to publicly available data, at present, the figure is approaching 7.95 billion (Current World Population). The peak of growth occurred at the beginning of the 19th century,...

Poverty and Its Negative Impact on Society

Poverty is characterized by unequal allocation of land and resources, a low growth rate of incomes, limited job opportunities, poor population control, and failure in the promotion of a nations’ economic growth. Poor people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, sanitation, education, and healthcare....

Social Status of Individuals in Society

Introduction Society attaches prestige and honor to positions held by different individuals in society. The position, which is referred to as social status, can be defined on the basis of inheritance (ascribed status) or a person’s achievements. Ascribed status is mainly fixed to the person as a factor of their...

Speech of Emma Watson: Gender Equality

Introduction The analysis is based on the two speeches regarding the women’s rights protection topic. Emma Watson makes the first speech called United Nations Address on Gender Equality, focusing on gender equality (Watson). Malala Yousafzai proposes the second one called Speech at the United Nations, emphasizing the role of women’s...

Discussion: Treating Smoking Dependence

A controlled study was performed to determine the efficacy of Mindfulness Therapy (MT) in treating smoking dependence among 40 adults. Half of the participants received the standard therapy for smoking dependence, while the rest received the MT. After 16 weeks, the participants were asked to fill out the Nicotine Dependence...

Personal Change: Cutting Time Spend Online on Social Media

Change of behavior is a tricky thing to manage especially when one is under addiction. I chose to make a change in the time that I spend online because it wastes more time. I sometimes miss sleeping for at least eight hours because I spend most of my time on...

Domestic Violence: Justification Is Unacceptable

Introduction Violent acts committed against society occur for various reasons but are never justified. Finding a problem in a nonviolent way goes a long way toward developing and changing the collective consciousness about issues. More than 10 million people in the U.S. are believed to experience domestic violence –the mistreatment...

How Coronavirus Affected College Students

Introduction Since early 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has posed serious challenges to individuals and institutions globally. Academic life has been dramatically changed, as universities and colleges replaced traditional in-person learning with virtual classrooms or hybrid models. Many students had to leave residential campuses, which disrupted their academic and social lives....

Poverty in Ghana: Reasons and Solution Strategy

Introduction Ghana is rich in natural resources such as oil, gold, and bauxite, to name a few important industries. Partly due to this strategic advantage, the country experienced continuous economic growth at an average rate of 7 percent yearly since 2005 (Cooke, 2016). Moreover, Ghana achieved a significant reduction in...

Drugs and Social Life in Iceland

Demographics overview Iceland is a small Northern European country with a total population of 366 425 people, who primarily live in two cities — Reykjavik, the capital, and Akureyri. With a population density of only 3 inhabitants per square kilometer, Iceland is the least crowded country in Europe. According to...

An Ideal Society: Justice, Peace, and Security

Summary The concept of an ideal society has been extensively discussed, for it is every man’s dream. The subject, however, lacks a perfect explanation, and there exist numerous perceptions from various individuals in the modern world. In this article, I present my model of an ideal society which possesses key...

The Issue of Micro-Macro Divide in the Social Work Profession

The social work profession is dichotomized by micro and macro practices that aim to promote social equality, eliminate all kinds of disparities, and increase people’s quality of life. Nowadays, critics claim they see a tremendous incline in social work practice towards micro therapeutic interventions with the neglect of macro practice...

Canadians’ Reaction to Alcohol as a Newly-Invented Illicit Drug

Introduction The possible reaction of Canadians to alcohol, if it was a newly-invented illicit drug, will differ depending on their personal characteristics and essential external circumstances. The former is mainly presented by age, severe mental health conditions, and the overall attitudes towards substance use (Canadian Center of Substance Use and...

The Power of Introverts: Analysis of Book

A strong narrative with a skillful implementation of rhetorical modes determines the success of an argumentative literary work, as research determines the quality of an academic paper. Susan Cain (1968–), an American writer today and a lawyer in the past, worked on her non-fictional book since 2005 but accumulated the...

Gender Stereotyping at Workplaces

Organizations have been working on gender stereotypes for many decades. They have invested resources in the career development of women. They have even conducted prejudice recognition training within the workplaces. Front runners, including many CEOs, are publicly committed to making the workplace more equitable. Despite this, the progress toward gender...

The Ideal Society: Social Stratification and Poverty

Introduction Some people often consider and evaluate themselves to determine their social group in society. In sociology, there are three major categories of social class: the elite, the middle class, and the poor. It is typical of a human to have thoughts of advancing from one group to the next....

“Harvest of Shame” Documentary by Edward Murrow

“Harvest of Shame” was aired in the 1960s by Edward Murrow. The goal was to enlighten the citizens about the poverty in the state and the agriculture workers’ struggles. Murrow intended to use the television as a means of public education because he believed that people who are willing to...

The Long-Term Consequences of Being Bullied or Bullying Others in Childhood

Introduction Bullying in schools is a well-known, dangerous, and prevalent problem in the educational collectives internationally. For teachers it is hard to detect in time and deal with effectively since bullying has many forms and is not always evident to even the most qualified outsider. Male and female students alike...

Chemical Dependency: Crisis of Addiction

The issue of chemical or substance addiction has long since become rampant all over the world, and the United States is no exception to it. Substance abuse includes the use of any substances such as alcohol, nicotine, medical prescription drugs, illegal drugs and many other subjects. Drug abuse can take...

Rehabilitation of Criminal Offender

Rehabilitation entails the process of restoring an individual’s character and reputation (criminal offender) be it a juvenile delinquent or a youth or adult offender, with the main aim of making him or her acceptable in the society as well as being transformed to a productive member of the society. Rehabilitation...

Homelessness and Poverty in Developed and Developing Countries

In the present day and throughout history, homelessness and poverty have always been a highly crucial issues in almost every society across the globe that cannot stay unnoticeable. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (2015), every year, “at least 2.5 to 3.5 million Americans sleep in...

The Legalization of Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana policy changes over the last few decades across many states point to greater societal awareness of this drug’s decriminalization process and medical use. However, despite the intentions to create a solid understanding of legalization, there are still many factors driving the prohibitionist approach to the cannabis issue, at...

Racial Injustice, Racial Discrimination, and Racism

Introduction Many people struggle with ethical dilemmas on an almost daily basis. Some range from really unimportant to serious. Racial injustice is one example of an ethical dilemma that plagues millions around the world mainly based on the color of your skin and your race. This essay will argue that...

SARA(Scanning-Analysis-Response-Assessment) Problem-Solving

Introduction One of the police’s primary responsibilities is to ensure that they protect the citizens from harm such as gang-related violence. Riverside High School’s board of management (BOM) has raised concern over gang-related graffiti on the school premises. As the Chief of Police of Riverside, I have to make sure...

Is Social Worker a Profession?

Social work is a significant activity in society as it aims at providing assistance to those in need, promoting better living conditions, and improving the social environment. It is a relevant topic for discourse these days because many people are involved in social practices; however, the dispute appears if this...

What Is Cancel Culture, and Can It Go Too Far?

Have you ever said or done something that could be considered offensive or objectionable in your recent or distant past? A relatively recent phenomenon known as Cancel Culture refers to the widespread practice of withdrawing support for public figures after they had done or said something considered objectionable or offensive...

Drug Abuse Relation to the Violent Behavior

The drug abuse and violence-connected series present itself in several distinct and distinguishable different aspects: drugs of abuse may work on brain systems that cause an unsound individual to engage in aggressive and violent deeds. However, any person with heavy drug habits may act negatively and involve in violent acts...

Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

Introduction In recent years, the United States public has seen a strong debate about the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. As some states began implementing various levels of decriminalization for the substance, marijuana remains a highly illegal Schedule I drug at the federal level prompting discussions at the policy...

Homelessness Crisis in Canada

Introduction Homelessness is becoming a major concern across Canada, especially in the lower mainland. According to a recent government survey, it is estimated that over 250,000 people are homeless in the country (Kouyoumdjian et al., 2019). The number could be twice or three times higher than this estimate because of...

Internet Addiction as a Teenage Issue

Internet addiction (IA) is one of the leading contemporary issues affecting teenagers in modern settings despite heightened assessment, screening, and testing to solve it. The Internet is continuously evolving to enhance life, and it is gradually becoming an aspect of human progress. However, teenagers suffer the adverse effects of spending...

Drug Dealing on College Campuses

Introduction Regardless of tthe attention given to the issue, the effects of drugs on students are always understated. This is typical because the entire scope of the problem is rarely understood. More often than not, only the individuals caught taking the drugs are attended to. In the process, a whole...

“Civilize Them With a Stick” Article by Dog and Erdoes

The topic of this week is education, and it includes an analysis of the history, purpose, formats, trends, and sociological perspectives on this subject. Dog and Erdoes’ (1999) article “Civilize them with a stick”, deals directly and theoretically with this week’s topic. This article concerns the research which Dog and...

Teenage Drug Addiction Problem

The modern world is full of diverse activities and hobbies that can have both strictly positive and negative effects. In other words, the world’s versatility becomes both a virtue because each individual can find his own business, and a disadvantage because among the hobbies are often destructive addiction. One of...

Does Media Violence Cause Violent Behavior?

Looking at the recent trends, one can note that the public is becoming desensitized to seeing blood on screen. With films becoming continuously gorier and the rise in popularity of violent video games in the past couple of decades, even young kids have most likely encountered such media in their...

Stages of Development Adulthood

Adults undergo several developmental stages including early, middle, and later adulthood. As they develop through these phases, they experience different health concerns and are forced to adjust to several changes in their bodies and personality (Bourisly, 2016). Some of the changes include how people relate and whom they relate to...

“The Handicapped” By Randolph Bourne

Disability is in most social circles perceived as a hindrance to achievement. Disabled people are therefore from the onset viewed with prejudice and bias. This condition colors the way in which the handicapped person perceives his life mostly to his disadvantage. The false perception that disability is actually inability makes...

Human Ecology Description Concepts

Human ecology is defined as “a branch of sociology dealing especially with the spatial and temporal interrelationships between humans and their economic, social, and political organization” (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2009). This overall definition encompasses a vast body of disciplines that are becoming increasingly important in these times where natural resources...

Teen Promiscuity: Understanding the Issues

Teen promiscuity is a term which no one really talks about in the media until something has already happened and is news worthy. I believe if the media was more proactive on giving information to their society to help in preventing teen promiscuity and the issues that come with it....

Driver’s Today Have Dangerous Driving Habits

Introduction Have you ever stopped to observe the driving habits of the other people behind the wheel these days? If you have then you must have noticed that driving is no longer the sole activity that the person in charge of the wheel is busy dealing with at any given...

Drug Addiction among Nurses

The United States of America has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Some of the local hospitals such as Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins Hospital are ranked among the top hospitals globally (Hiremath, 2015). People fly from all over the world to get specialized medication in the...

Poverty in “Serving in Florida” and “Dumpster Diving”

Poverty and food insecurity are the issues that have been troubling American society for many years. Numerous citizens of the United States live below the poverty level and find it difficult to support themselves and their families. Some of them lack necessities such as food, housing, and health insurance and...

Social Class, Life Chances and Goals Achievement

Introduction A society is not a homogeneous formation: people tend to constitute unequal subgroups known as classes. Whether a person belongs to the upper strata or comes from the lower ones determines their success or failure to a certain extent. Equipped with a corresponding set of values, norms, and preferences,...

Social Stratification in Modern Industrial Societies

Social stratification means formation of classes basing on person’s social and economic wealth. Melamed (2005) explains that income, level of wealth, and employment rate play a key factor in determining the strata within which an individual is defined. Stratification therefore, is the process of placing individuals within specific classes, which...

Examining Racism in America: A Critical Review of “Men We Reaped” by Jesmyn Ward

Introduction Men We Reaped is Jesmyn Ward’s account of the economic realities of poverty-stricken rural Mississippi during her childhood. Ward reveals that young black men in DeLisle, bereft of equal economic and educational opportunities, lost their lives to substance abuse, violence, and suicide. Ward’s memoir paints a picture of an...

A Social Worker’s Reflections on Power, Privilege and Oppression

Spencer’s main thesis Spencer’s article presents the plight of social workers and the aspect of self -identification. Social workers vary depending on the sector in which they operate and the nature of their business. They undergo adequate training and acquire skills based on their work. Social workers play crucial societal...

Effects of Poverty on Education in the USA Colleges

Introduction Poverty entails a collection of several factors befalling an individual, family or a group of people that lead to impossibility for such a person, family or group of people to afford the basic human needs. Prolongation of such a state for at least three generations leads to a cycle...

Teenagers Impacted by Increased Screen Time

Introduction Smartphones and computers are an integral part of teenagers’ lives nowadays. Nevertheless, scientists have concluded that excessive fascination with it harms the health and well-being of the younger generation. Increased screen time affects the psychosomatic, cognitive and physical health of teenagers. Overuse of electronic devices has previously been linked...

Racial Bias Within the US School System

Introduction The aim of the given work is to give an overview of the acute issue of unequal educational opportunities among and bias toward racial minorities in the U.S. The issue of institutional racism has been prevalent for centuries. Although it has become less evident and violent, it persists in...

Drug Abuse and Alcohol-Related Crimes in Adolescents

Introduction Various substances, including drugs and alcohol, are some of the most notable predictors of crime. This issue is particularly relevant for adolescents who are frequently not addicted but rather want to try something new. This curiosity is typical for many teenagers; however, it is critical to address this issue...

Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Introduction At the adolescence level in human growth and development, behaviors begin ensuing and may define a person’s life for a long. Unhealthy traits such as addiction to substance use are rampant in society and have posed challenges to public health. When addicted to alcohol and drugs, a person’s physical...

Affirmative Action: Advantages and Disadvantages

The purpose of affirmative action is to equalize opportunities for people regarded as minorities or those who are denied positions based on their gender, race, religion, or any other form of discrimination. It provides particular preference to groups of people in areas like enrolment in education and employment to avail...

Practice as Fundamental Principle of Success

Introduction The saying practice makes perfect is a fundamental principle for success in any endeavor. There is no shortcut to mastery; while some people may have an intrinsic aptitude for a particular subject or skill, mastery requires time, repetition, and stepping beyond the comfort zone. It is true for every...

Social Work Theories: Application to the Knowledge Base

Social work is centered on promoting the wellbeing of people, families, and the community. The practice is driven by theories that seek to explain, describe, and predict social happenings founded on scientific research and evidence. The theories involve a wide perspective covering philosophy, sociology, psychology, education, and economics, among other...

Homelessness and Racial Disparities of African Americans

Introduction In the United States, there is a disproportionate share of the homeless population. African Americans are part of the minority groups experiencing higher rates of homelessness and racial disparities than the whites. The primary cause is America’s long-standing structural and historical racism. Racial inequality in homelessness cases among the...

Racial Discrimination and Poverty

Introduction Racial discrimination and poverty reinforce contemporary issues, hindering global progress toward equality. With the growing population of African Americans in the United States, severe discrimination and racial inequality heighten. Despite progress in certain areas, evidence from several studies establishes that racial discrimination and poverty are salient risk factors of...

The Issue of Low-Income Working Mothers

Families headed by single mothers are a widespread social phenomenon all over the United States. At the same time, often, such families are vulnerable and unprotected against the socio-economic challenges that face all the parents raising their children and maintaining the household. However, some single parents with a more stable...

Separation of Law and Morals

The question of the interdependence of law and morality has worried many generations. In this regard, a discussion arose between G. Hart and L. Fuller about the relationship between morality and law. It was prompted by the question of how the courts of post-war Germany should regard Nazi legislation. Among...

Ethical Implications of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Introduction It is a common perception that employees’ behavior reflects a company’s values. The digital era helped many victims to obtain a way to share their adverse experiences and garner sufficient courage to push against the toxicity they were subjected to in their workplaces. With the rise of the #MeToo...

Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children: Analysis of Film by BBC

This video covers a revisit on the state of Bulgaria’s abandoned children, which was done on October 20, 2009. It was done as a result of a previously aired video by the BBC documentary done in 2007 on Bulgaria’s abandoned children living with disabilities (Blewett, 2009). The BBC documentary led...

Education and Income Inequality Relationship

Introduction Income inequality is a great problem of every society since it widens the chasm between the richest and the most deprived people and negatively affects economic growth. Many individuals are certain that income inequality is unrelated to education, and the authorities need to better investigate the issue to find...

The Sense of Belonging to a Student Community

A sense of belonging to something bigger often inspires and motivates people. This is generally not surprising because, as Cherry (2020) wrote, individuals tend to worry if they do not feel a sense of belonging to social groups. Such groups can be family, classmates, colleagues, or even an entire nation....

Social Work Interventions

Introduction Interventions are evidence-based practices aimed at meeting the demands of underserved members of a given society. In some cases, such initiatives are implemented in such a way that they re-pattern a beneficiary’s life. Experts in the field of social work should be aware of various intervention models and replicate...

Analysis of Mia Birdsong’s TED Talk

In this speech, Mia Birdsong aims at spreading awareness here on the topic of poverty in the African-American community by the use of experiences. The address is aimed at educated audiences, who are intellectual persons with a lot of money who care about social issues, fairness, and sustainability. As she...

“Blaxploitation Horror Films” Article by Benshoff

Article The article “Blaxploitation Horror Films: Generic Reappropriation or Reinscription,” written by Harry M. Benshoff, presents the perspective of the author on the problem of social and generic racism in this genre. It is reflected by the inclusion of African American characters identified as monsters by white filmmakers of the...

Misrepresentation of Women in the Media

Women are misrepresented and underrepresented in the existing news media. Around the world, they are featured far less than men are, being invited to interviews as experts only in 13% of cases, while constituting only 37% of the reporter base (Rattan). These facts alone are evidence enough of underrepresentation, but...

Racism: A Party Down at the Square

Ellison’s narrative, A party down at the square, depicts public lynching at Southern point. The story is told from the perspective of a white witness from Cincinnati who was visiting his aunt. Throughout the lynching process, there is a violent storm that havocs the town’s residence, making the narrator uneasy....

Parental Stress and Its Effects on Children

Introduction Children are highly susceptible to the influence of external factors, such as the situation in the family and the emotional state of their parents. Stress is contraindicated in pregnant women because it could affect the development of an embryo and even lead to a miscarriage. The research question is...

Social Norms and Behaviors on Public Transportation: On the Bus

The world of people, communities, and societies is an organism that functions according to certain rules and norms, which are expected and regulated. There is a great number of social situations that people participate in, each one of them having its etiquette and expectations. The culture and the attitudes of...

Reflection Paper on Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a self-help group that assists alcohol addicts to break from their drinking habits and stay sober for the rest of their lives. Alcohol Anonymous (AA) gives the successful candidate an opportunity to mentor other people struggling with alcohol problems. According to Kneisl & Trogoboff (2013), the program...

The Issues of Aging Population

Over the past few decades, the birth rate in the world has been steadily declining while life expectancy has been growing. The aging population is one of four global demographic trends, along with population growth, international migration, and urbanization, which have a long-term impact on the development of the world....

Family, Marriage, and Gender in “Gone With the Wind”

The questions related to family, marriage, and gender roles always played a crucial role in society. The norms established in these fields were changing in different historical periods. Sometimes, the mode of behavior considered as a rebellion against the social standards in one period could become a norm in the...

Drug Addiction in America: Effects and Solutions

The consumption of illegal substances and the development of addiction to them remains one of the primary health-related concerns in the American healthcare setting. The problem has grown particularly noticeably among high-school students, as the recent report by the National Institute of Health (2020) has indicated. Apart from the traditional...

African Resistance to Colonialism and Colonial Economies

African Resistance to Colonialism The African history is closely associated with European colonization, which was mainly caused by the economic, religious, and political factors. To acquire larger territories of Africa, Europeans employed various means of suppressing the local population and supported it with the so-called mission of making Africa a...

The Story of Chanie Wenjack: Medium and Message

Chanie Wenjack is an Indigenous boy, who died one week after his escapade from a residential school due to exposure and hanger. This occasion is prominent, as it has become the symbol of resistance to the challenging circumstance and the power of colonization in Canada. Gord Downie has contributed to...

Influence of Gender on Life and Sexism

Sexism is a negative phenomenon meaning that individuals face various opportunities and attitudes based on their genders. MacKinnon and Fiala (2018) argue that sexism is one of many forms of discrimination that leads to inequality in society. According to The King Center (n.d.), Marin Luther King also considered sexism a...

Postcolonial Theory: Being “Civilized” and Exploitation

The postcolonial theory focuses on the analysis of the relationships between representatives of “developed civilization” and local colonists. Historically, they were typically unequal and were accompanied by the imposition of norms and values of the dominant nation on “uncivilized” savages. The notion of the superiority of “civilized” people resulted in...

Social Inequality, Discrimination, and Solution

Social Inequality Perpetuates Racism Social inequality is one of the primary drivers of racial discrimination. At the micro-level, unequal distribution of wealth contributes to racial segregation in housing, education, employment, and medical care (Hanks, Solomon & Weller, 2018). African Americans have relatively lower income levels than non-Hispanic Whites (Assari, 2018)....

Rhetorical Qualities of the 1969 Marijuana PSA

Introduction Over the years, public service announcements have become a genre in themselves, creating an environment where the focus on warning and prevention warrants significant exaggerations and, at times, even the presence of logical fallacies. A closer look at one of the earlier PSAs will show that a single announcement...

Reducing Stereotype, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Introduction Prejudice is a societal phenomenon that manifests as a hostile or negative attitude towards people because they belong to a specific group. Even though bias manifests in irrational opinions and views, discrimination is often expressed through unfair treatment of a group or a person. Despite civil rights and women’s...

Negative Bullying Outcomes: A Persuasive Speech

Introduction Attention Getter When we think about school, we think about the learning process, bonding with classmates, maintaining meaningful relationships, and achieving academic goals. State Topic What often remains out of the frame of this idealistic picture is ostracizing, insults, and pushes that are still way too common in school...

The Good Samaritan Dilemma: Why Are People Reluctant to Help Strangers in the Street?

Offering assistance to those in need appears to be one of the primary ethical principles to which most people are expected to adhere in modern society. However, the phenomenon known as the bystander effect appears to be tragically true, with a significant number of people preferring not to intervene in...

Daly and Chesney-Lind: Distinctive Features of Feminism

Feminist theory in criminology assumes the difference between the social roles of men and women. Hence, it questions a masculine-driven approach to criminal investigations and justice. According to Naegler and Salman (2016), gender plays a significant role in cultural criminology, impacting the way people see crime and justice, and defining...

Brown v. Board of Education 1954

Jim Crow laws and the “separate but equal” doctrine are not the American way. The Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education (1954) was a landmark case, which addressed the issue of segregation of children in public schools. It was regarded as highly unconstitutional because it discriminates against a...

The Protestors Cartoon by Clay Bennett: Visual Analysis

Introduction The analysis of acute social, political, and other topics through the assessment of current media resources can allow considering a specific issue from a new perspective. The cartoon by Clay Bennett, a famous columnist and cartoonist, will be used as the object of analysis (Figure 1). This image is...

Human Behavior and Social Environment Relationship

The relationship between human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) is usually complex. Social workers should be able to apply various theories and knowledge and use conceptual frameworks and models. The HBSE idea is that people’s actions are more predetermined and defined by external factors than internal changes, and attention...

Social Problems Related to Alcohol and Drugs

Introduction Alcohol and drug use is a significant issue in the contemporary world that influences not just the individual but also their family and the wider community. Hence, various scholars have concentrated on the social consequences of alcohol and drug use in their articles or considered them, along with other...

UK Media Representation of Ethnic Minorities

British society is not outnumbered by ethnic minorities, although new immigrants have come, mainly from Asia and Eastern Europe. 85% of UK citizens are white British, while the remaining 15% are recognized as ethnic minorities (Georgiou & Zaborowski, 2017). Black African, Black Caribbean, Indian, and Pakistani are the four largest...

Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence is an urgent and significant problem that is addressed not only by social workers but also by official state boards. The importance of this issue is explained by severe implications on the physical and mental health of people who have been abused by family members. In addition,...

The Great Gatsby: American Dream Concept

Introduction The American Dream is based on the assumption that, according to Benjamin Franklin, the American society is meritocratic, and thus with hard work and honest dealings, anyone could achieve wealth, economic security, and community respect. As such, the industrious and honest could achieve love, wealth, power, and high social...

Ida B. Wells-Barnett’s “Mob Rules in New Orleans”

Introduction Ida B. Wells-Barnett was an African American journalist, abolitionist, and leader in a civil rights movement in the late 19th century. One of her notable publications named Mob Rules in New Orleans was issued in 1900 and paid attention to many acute problems so that many readers found it...

Ability, Disability, and Erasure

Disability refers to the situation when the abilities of the individual are limited by his or her mental or physical disturbances. People with disabilities are frequently being oppressed even in modern society, not to mention the earlier one. This oppression is called ableism and signifies that disabled people are being...

“On the Tranquility of Mind”: Seneca on Possessions

In this paper, I will defend the claim that people should limit their possessions to be less exposed to sudden misfortunes, made by Seneca in the dialogue “On the Tranquility of Mind” from the objection that sufficient property can repel any misfortune. Explaining his views on the state of human...

Australian Aborigines and Racial Discrimination

Aborigines is the term used to describe the class of people defined by the law as being members of the race that originally settled the Australian continent before the arrival of Europeans. In legal terms, an Australian Aborigine has been defined as “a group of people who share, in common,...

Age Discrimination in the Work Place

Abstract In the recent days the phenomenon of discrimination should be considered to be a peril of the employment. In this age of cultural diversity, economic development and modernization the age discrimination in labour market is a stigma to the corporate world. It is found in every corner of this...

Challenges That Multicultural Children Face In the United States

Over the recent past, there have been several attempts to integrate the challenges that multicultural families face in the direction of equal openings or opportunities in society, particularly in America. Multicultural families around the world have encountered many opportunities, conflicts, and adjustments at the turn of the twentieth century. This...

Cell Phone Use While Driving Must Be Banned

It used to be that the only thing distracting the average driver was the radio. The urge to turn the knob and scan for the best song available can be so difficult to resist. As a result vehicular accidents may occur as the driver gets distracted. In the 21st century...

Runaway Slave: Tale Review

Introduction There is a rich tale about slavery in the US from previous ages of which people can only understand now as something that belied “equality” and “freedom”. Specifically, this can be glimpsed in advertisements such as the one that follows. Main body In 1769, Thomas Jefferson put an announcement...

Cultural and Social Literacy for Millennials

Over the past few decades, there have been many important trends that affected the development of contemporary society. Globalization and diversity were among these trends, and they had a significant impact on the cultural composition of society. Increased diversity and cross-cultural collaboration are evident in all aspects of our lives...

Fat Acceptance and Body Positivity

The modern movement towards body positivity presents serious health threats, such as obesity and chronic diseases. Along with weight stigma, fat acceptance can lead to gaining even more weight since a person starts considering his or her excessive weight normal (Tomiyama 10). The promotion of models with excessive weight causes...

The Idea of Home as a Special Place

Numerous thinkers of all nations and generations discuss the notion of home since it is a core idea that can be approached from different angles. An article “The idea of home: A kind of space” by Mary Douglas attempts to view the concept of home using an evidence-based approach. She...

America Anonymous: Eight Addicts in Search of a Life

America Anonymous is an ambitious project by a New York Times bestselling author and tenured professor of writing and literature, Benoit Denizet-Lewis. The writer is known for his non-fiction, characters’ multidimensional personalities, and in-depth profiles that hide not a single detail from the reader. Denizet-Lewis is bold and unapologetic in...

“The Danger of a Single Story” TED Talk by C. Adichie

Chimamanda Adichie is a renowned African novelist. In TED talk, she extensively addresses the dangers of hearing a single story about a person or a country. She argues that such a phenomenon exposes people to the risk of developing wrong impressions about a subject. She begins the talk by narrating...

Substance Abuse and Its Promotion in Advertisement

Introduction Substance abuse is, to a great degree, very common in the world, and lately, the general populace has perceived substance abuse mentally as one of the vital questions raised for consideration or solution facing almost all countries. Specifically, the public solicitudes that illicit substances are the cause of aggressive...

Work and Identity in Huws’s “Fixed and Footloose”

In her article Fixed and Footloose Ursula Huws focuses on the changing nature of work in the twenty-first century and the influence of these changes on people’s identities and their interactions with one another. On the whole, the author gives a very disturbing description of future because it is the...

Gender Neutrality in Swedish Schools: A Shift Towards Inclusivity

Introduction It is imperative to note that many countries have started to focus on gender equality over the last few years, and many scholars have made suggestions on how current problems may be addressed. Some think that boys and girls should be treated equally from the very start, and it...

Understanding Hair Discrimination Against Black Women in the Workplace

Introduction Diversity and inclusivity are current trends that are integrated into the workplace environment. It aims to ensure justice and equity by ensuring everyone’s views are crucial. However, it is essential to examine black women’s oppression as they get discriminated against in the workplace. Hair discrimination is an injustice directed...

The Link Between Oppression and Victimization and Challenges Faced by Marginalized Groups

Introduction Traumatic relationships between people are always relevant and require extensive, in-depth research. Various aspects such as victimization, oppression, discrimination, or inequality must be overcome by society for legitimate development and sustainability, which can be achieved through the timely correction of negative factors affecting people’s lives. The historical marginalization of...

Poverty and Demographics: The Impact of Race, Gender, Age, and Education on Social Status

Introduction Poverty arises from a multitude of factors that contribute to unbearable and challenging conditions for economic well-being. Social conditions are mainly the dominant cause of poverty and the resulting consequences and threats. Existing social classes result from the unequal distribution of income and the uncoordinated distribution of funds to...

Colorblind Racism in Modern Society

It is important to note that racism and race-based discrimination can take a multitude of forms. Colorblind racism is a real and widespread phenomenon of being passive, dismissive, and non-acknowledging of existing race-related issues among marginalized and oppressed groups (Burke, 2018). In other words, it perpetuates racism by shutting down...

Critical Thinking in Modern Society

Decision-making is critical in everyday life for personal and professional success. Decisions have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. For better life choices, critical thinking must be integrated into decision-making. According to Dill and Zambrano (2020), critical thinking involves scrutinizing provided facts to make the best decision to...

The Problem of Spam Calls in the US

Introduction Today, many people feel that the only calls they receive are spam calls. According to a survey carried out by Singh (2020), half of the respondents indicated that they received at least one spam call every day, while one-third noted that such calls occur at least twice a day....

How Does Gang Affiliation Become a Social Problem?

Introduction Despite the intention to create a positive and supportive environment, there are many conditions under which people continue experiencing social pressure, violence, and irrational biases and prejudices. It is not enough to find support but to ensure a better future, addressing available sources and knowledge. In the United States,...

Children and Aging Adults as Vulnerable Groups

Introduction Society is one of the most dynamic systems in which people rapidly change their social groups and, in most cases, become more vulnerable. This paper, using groups such as children and aging adults as examples, will reveal existing problems and suggest solutions. The most vulnerable period of a person’s...

Faking Orgasms: Reasons and Consequences

In the present day, sexually explicit media is very widespread. Not only is there an abundance of easily accessible pornographic videos, but more mainline movies show more than they used to in the past. It is not surprising that a general idea of orgasm is constructed within the viewers’ minds....

Education and Social Inequality

Introduction The connection between education and social inequality in society is one of the fundamental issues of sociology and one of the most pressing issues of state policy. Each person goes through the basics of education as a social institution that influences the development of life plans and images of...

Institutional Inclusivity in Society

This module was an extremely fascinating and captivating experience since I have learned a lot during this time. The most stood out for me was information about hate crimes and the frequency they happen even nowadays. I was surprised to learn that criminal justice reformers are experiencing a difficult time...

Baratunde Thurston Post: Analysis

In the TED talk, Baratunde Thurston narrates how racism is demonstrated against blacks by calling police officers even in cases when they are innocent. He gave instances when whites called officers: when a young girl was selling water, a black woman was donating food to the needy, and a black...

Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Creativity

The perception of weed smoking as a creativity amplifier is popularized in western cultures because substance abuse is frequently mentioned and even praised among famous artists. Moreover, the bias that masterpieces and exceptional works cannot be crafted without enhancing abstract thinking with drugs forces young people to underestimate their natural...

Social Inequality in Poems, Songs, and Films

Social inequality is the unfair distribution of goods, burdens, and wealth in the society. Social inequality results in various challenges, including underrepresentation, marginalization, substance abuse, and criminality in society. People who are less equal in the societies are neglected in cultural inclusivity, economic growth, and social engagement. Social stratification in...

Innovative & Creative Thinking in the Modern World

The process of thinking is a complex and mysterious phenomenon because it is difficult to determine the line where thoughts turn into thinking. Often a person can register passing words, ideas, and concepts in their head, but this process occurs without intentional effort. On the contrary, a person can unconsciously...