Earthquake: Definition, Stages, and Monitoring

An earthquake is a term used to describe the tremors and vibrations of the Earth’s surface. These tremors are the result of sudden natural displacements and ruptures in the Earth’s crust or mantle. Further, they are transmitted over long distances in the form of elastic vibrations. Earthquakes reflect the internal...

William Blake’s “Tyger” Poem Analysis

Introduction William Blake’s poem Tyger is one of the most remarkable literary examples of animal imaginary-heavy works that touch on the topics of imagination, religion, and life’s purpose. It remains one of the most famous works in the entire bibliography of the poet, and consecutively has been a subject to...

Concept of Separates Microaggression

Some people who, for whatever reason, are not completely accepted by society experience various types of pressure, such as microaggressions. Microaggressions can be defined as slights and subtle hostilities based on race, gender, sexuality, and other characteristics that people cannot control (Cho viii). Although microaggressions may seem harmless due to...

Electric Guitar in African Music

Introduction On a global scale, music today is difficult to imagine without a guitar, which has become a cornerstone of a variety of styles and genres of music. In particular, the electric guitar has been integrated into almost all contemporary musical styles, allowing artists to adjust their technical features to...

Summery of “The Fog of War” Documentary

The Fog of War is a documentary that serves as food for thought and in which former US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara outlines the lessons government officials learned from their experiences in the Cuban Missile Crisis, WWII, and the Vietnam War. In his lessons, McNamara illuminates human nature, luck,...

The Salvation Element in Christianity

Introduction Salvation refers to the deliverance from the consequences of sin and its influential power. Christianity was founded under the construct of the laws found in the Bible. In Isaiah 49:6, redemption is earned through the provision of service in the ministering of the word of God (King James Bible,...

Human Rights Related to Immigration

The concept of human rights refers to the fundamental freedoms and rights that a person acquires at birth and could be deprived of under no circumstances. Examples of such rights include the right to life, asylum, expression, work, privacy, and equal treatment. Every country is obliged to grant these rights...

Noble Cause Corruption in Law Enforcement: Ethical or Not?

Introduction Noble cause corruption is an ethical dilemma in law enforcement that justifies the abuse of police power to attain desirable outcomes or achieve ‘a greater good.’ This form of corruption stems from a teleological ethical system, which emphasizes that the consequences overweigh the means of achieving a goal. Examples...

Automation and New Trends Within the Technology Industry

Automation is a timely topic of discussion that is controversial yet significant in terms of effective business practices. Nevertheless, a new wave of technological anxiety floods the public and academic debate, fearing that technology will displace jobs on a large scale shortly. According to researchers, multiple employees view automation as...

Virtual Reality Market: The New Headset

Introduction This report describes a new virtual reality headset that will bring an innovative experience to the customers. Instead of projecting the picture to one’s eye, it will project the image directly to the brain creating a dream-like experience. The value proposition of the concept includes four key characteristics. First,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Identity Dilemmas in “The Paper Menagerie” by Ken Liu

Introduction From a cultural standpoint, the problem of self-identity has established several controversies. Culture shapes how and if people prioritize such characteristics as modesty, personality, courtesy, and confidence. On the other hand, identity, as a common phrase, refers to one’s concept of self that stems from any type of ownership...

Poe’s View on “The Masque of the Red Death”

Introduction One of the most important themes explored in The Masque of the Red Death is the inherent equality of death. Edgar Allan Poe uses the word “masque” in the title to symbolize a one-of-a-kind celebration where people cover their identities behind masks to foster safety and experience joy. Shortly...

The US Government’s Historical Milestones

The Federalist Papers are ubiquitously regarded as one the most influential American contributions to the development of political philosophy and are considered as the most independent source for identifying the intended meaning of the proponents of the United States Constitution by researchers, legal professionals, and judicial officers. The political ideology...

Cybersecurity and Protection in Healthcare

In the modern world, the development of innovative technologies has given the population a significant advantage in providing medical care. However, along with them, there were multiple threats to cyber security. Therefore, cyber-attacks began to appear with noticeable frequency, and the preservation of personal information of patients and hospitals is...

The Decline of the Print Newspapers in the UK

The development of digital technologies and online mass media sources has caused a significant decline in demand for print newspapers all over the world. The statistics state that only in the United Kingdom the expenditure on newspapers fell from almost 4.5 billion pounds in 2005 to 2.8 billion in 2020...

Children’s Right to Expression and Decision Making

Introduction The rights of children are essential in providing a conducive environment for their growth and productivity. Article 12 of the UNCRC offers the opportunity for every child to express their views and opinions freely and adequately. These opportunities have enabled the children to speak and be heard on different...

Culture of Maori People of New Zealand

Maori People are the native Polynesian culture of continental New Zealand. The Maori People originated from East Polynesia with settlers, arriving in mainland New Zealand through several waves by voyages (in canoes) between the 1320s and 1350s. With many centuries existing in isolation, the settling immigrants developed a distinct cultural...

Sharing Economy’s Development in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction and Background The growth of the internet has resulted in a revolution in business models. Since the emergence of the World Wide Web, many business structures now comprise mobile, electronic, and social elements (Puschmann and Alt, 2016, p. 93). The consumption behaviours have also changed and new trends and...

Advantages and Challenges Faced by Private Airlines

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on civil aviation is seen as unprecedented in today’s realities. The virus has had a huge impact on transport logistics in all countries. Thus, this system has undergone significant changes and difficulties, being one of the most affected by economic problems. The negative consequences...

Parenting and Harm of Unrealistic Expectations

Robert Plomin – Professor of Behavioral Genetics, King’s College London The nature vs. nurture debate has a long history, and scholars of all times tried to determine whether parental heritage or upbringing was more critical in forming the personality. The scholars claim that approximately half of the differences in cognitive...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hispanic Marketing in Online and Mobile Formats

Introduction The Hispanic community in the United States comprises an increasing population. Their steady increase in the population influences their consumer purchase by a significant percentage. Companies looking to advertise their products in the United States cannot ignore this potential market. However, these companies must develop marketing strategies that understand...

Keeping vs. Repatriating the Antique Artifacts

There are hundreds of various touristic attractions that introduce local culture to foreign or native visitors. However, some of the most important ones are museums as they contain some of the most highly valued cultural objects. With the development of technology, one can become familiar with the greatest worlds of...

The Purple Cloud Management Model

Introduction: Case Summary The restructuring of the management model at Purple Cloud is the recommended strategy for Purple Cloud, considering the challenges of financial ineffectiveness, possible conflicts between and within departments, barriers to implementation, as well as overall inefficiency. The shift in an organizational structure is needed, indicating a change...

The Role of the Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Nursing involves making important decisions that can affect patients’ treatment. Nurturing leadership and appropriate knowledge can lead a nurse to be able to implement new approaches and practices in everyday work. This article will discuss how to use theoretical foundations and academic literature as the knowledge that nurses can...

William Faulkner’s Life and Rise to Fame

American writer and Nobel Prize winner William Cuthbert Faulkner was born on September 25, 1897. He was regarded as one of the 20th century’s most influential authors. His novels, short tales, and novellas are the foundation of his reputation. Faulkner was a scriptwriter on occasion and a published poet as...

Government Regulations: Effects on the Economy

The successful collaboration of public and private entities within a national economy is a valuable prospect that many governments seek to pursue. However, in some cases, it is not possible to achieve fairness in market coverage, budget allocation, and other factors directly affecting capacity development. State interventions manifested in strict...

“A Sorrowful Woman” Short Story by Gail Godwin

The protagonist in Gail Godwin’s short tale A Sorrowful Woman is a woman and parent who, after becoming overburdened with her spouse and kid, withdraws from them and progressively cuts them off from her existence. She tries on different roles after becoming dissatisfied with her duties as a responsible wife...

Human Resource Management: Employee Engagement

Introduction The above statement, which announces the end of remote working for Tesla’s workforce, directly results from Tesla’s lack of engagement and connection with its employees. Such an announcement requires consultation with every organization member regardless of their seniority. Since the matter directly concerns junior employees, involving them in the...

Osteogenesis Imperfecta as Pathology in Anatomy

Summary Bone abnormality, known as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), is a congenital (existing at birth) hereditary condition. It is commonly referred to as “brittle bone disease”, and the severity of the symptoms and signs can vary in different individuals. As a result of OI, a baby may have abnormally soft bones,...

The Play “Don Juan of Seville” by Tirso de Molina

Don Juan is considered to be the most famous and even legendary libertine, the affairs of whom have been described by many authors during different periods of time. This personality was a real genius, who was able to seduce any woman any time. He got unbelievable pleasure while fighting with...

Federal Aviation Administration, Its History and Role

Introduction The Federal Aviation Administration is an important organization in the aviation industry. It has always played a critical role in aviation regulation and control of the air safety. This essay provides a brief history of aviation as it appeared earlier than the Federal Aviation Administration. Knowledge of the aviation...

UnitedHealth Group Organization Strategies

Introduction UnitedHealth Group is a healthcare organization with its head offices in Minnesota (Plourde, 2012). The organization provides healthcare insurance services to over seventy million individuals in the US. The organization aims to enhance medical insight, information resources, and healthcare technology. The organization’s business model is very flexible enabling it...

Immigrant Children and Governmental Responsibility

The debate on whether the United States government should be responsible for the children of undocumented persons within its borders has been ongoing for years now. Whereas other people believe that the government should support immigrants, especially their children, others claim it is not the government’s responsibility. The issue has...

Food Diversion as a Type-2 Diabetes Treatment

Introduction Diabetes affects more than 100 million citizens of the United States with a large section of the population either experiencing type-2 diabetes or prediabetes that might lead to the development of type-2 diabetes (“New CDC report,” 2016). A great variety of treatments and diagnostic techniques have been researched and...

Adjusting Forestry to Meet Recreational Demands

Introduction and Context The article “A Note on Benefits and Costs of Adjusting Forestry to Meet Recreational Demands” is devoted to one of the most important environmental issues of Sweden – logging industry. To be more specific, the Swedish government is concerned with the consequences of the most profitable as...

Emily’s List: Organization’s Purpose

Group’s Goals The group in question is aimed at addressing the lack of equality in contemporary society. Particularly, the focus on the rights of women in the modern world and their further integration into the realm of politics, economics, finances, and other areas of the state’s functioning, is by what...

David Lurie Character in Coetzee’s Novel “Disgrace”

Introduction J. M. Coetzee’s Booker Prize-winning novel is a metaphor for the twenty-century world and events happening in it. While the book events revolve around David Lurie and his personal and intrapersonal complicated issues, the author manages to present a picture of the present-day difficulties in South Africa and describes...

Powerful States’ Influence on Poorer States

The most powerful states have more opportunities to preserve their autonomy on the global arena than poorer states; moreover, powerful nations can have a significant impact on other countries, as well as impose their will on them. In spite of the fact that globalization influences all states, powerful countries are...

Healthcare Conflict Resolution Case

The Conflict The current conflict involves two individuals, Kimberly and Jade. Kimberly is a nurse and Jade is a nurse manager. The conflict is based on individual matters and involves the problem of role assignment within the professional medical setting. The conflict originated two weeks ago and developed at a...

Nursing: A Science or Art?

Introduction The debate over whether the nursing profession is a science or art has been ongoing, and the proponents of each point of view put forward contrasting arguments to support their opinions. As debates proceeded, it became evident that nursing has more apparent characteristics attributed to the scientific side of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Thomas Reid’s Ideas on Common Sense Realism

Thomas Reid strongly believed in the power of common sense. He argued that human beings should not waste their time trying to justify what they perceive because everything in nature is self-evident. He insisted that human beings should just consider the realities in the things they see and stop being...

Fast Food as a Cause of Obesity in the US and World

In the contemporary rapidly developing world people are always on the move. They want to save time whenever it is possible. Hence, people prefer not to spend evenings in the kitchen cooking fresh dishes or wait at the restaurant to have dinner. The image of a happy housewife wearing a...

McLaren Health Care Facilities and Services

Introduction McLaren Health Care is a network of healthcare facilities that provides the citizens of Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsular with high-quality medical service (“Company overview of McLaren Health Care Corporation,” 2017). It was created in 1981 and is located in Flint, Michigan. The company states its mission as...

The Legacy of Ancient Civilizations Philosophy

As a matter of fact, the ancient texts are relevant even for the modern world. It seems that ancient people have known something that is hidden from today’s society. Ideas that are outlined in the ancient texts contain actual information, a unique philosophy that should be taken into consideration and...

Psychotherapy Group of Combat Veterans in Transition

Introduction When a psychotherapeutic group reaches the transition stage, many clients can drop out and become reluctant or unable to change. This stage is characterized by such features as group members’ reluctance, resistance, anxiety, passiveness, conflicts, and even aggression in some cases (Corey, 2016). Since the group members will be...

Human Resource Management Practices

Introduction One of the primary roles of the human resource management (HRM) function is to ensure that human assets are highly motivated to assume the required productivity levels. This role is actualized through the application of various motivational programs and ensuring that the management is always committed to enhancing the...

Nursing Simulation Evaluation: Impact on Nursing Education and Practice

Introduction The selected nursing simulation was developed by the nursing program of Montgomery College. Its purpose is to educate nursing students about specific nursing care situations they would encounter in real-life practice using a simulated context (Montgomery College, 2013). The simulation scenario is on the physical assessment of a hospitalized...

The Geriatric Population’s Depression

PICOT: in nursing staff at VEGA Medical Center (Miami, FL), how does the implementation of National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2016) guidelines affect the accuracy of diagnosing and management of depression in the geriatric population within 8 weeks? The analysis of the data of my project is still...

Obesity Reduction and Effectiveness of Interventions

Introduction Obesity has become one of the primary health-related concerns in the USA as the number of obese or overweight people has increased substantially during the past several decades. This health issue is also persistent among US youth as over 20% of American adolescents are obese or overweight (Davis, Wojcik,...

Child Labor in Ghanaian and Bangladeshi Industries

We live in the society that could be considered a consumer one. It means that its members are provided with all goods needed to meet their diverse requirements. People often buy new things, and it becomes the primary measure of their success and social position. Moreover, there are numerous cases...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Genetics and Autism Development

Introduction Within the past two centuries, many researchers have been investigating the role of genetics in the development of various medical conditions. Such studies are taken seriously in an attempt to deal with different diseases and transform the lives of many people. One of the illnesses believed to be associated...

Homeschooling Disadvantages for Students and Parents

Introduction This essay will explore whether homeschooling is a better option for parents and their children compared with classroom establishment. The essay will concentrate on homeschooling as a whole including educational perceptions and family matters arising from the debate. This topic is highly fascinating especially when the issues that arise...

Discuss the Importance of 3 Things You Have Learned in Class to Your Life

Introduction Aristotle is famous for his statement that man is a natural animal. I realized the true meaning of this statement only after I had enrolled in a degree program in political science at the university. The course introduced me to the world of politics, and how politics runs society...

“V for Vendetta” a British Graphic Novel by Alan Moore

Human relationships may be of a different kind, and for some people, some of the relationships may seem strange; others may believe them to be ideal. Therefore, it is possible to say that people choose the way they are going to communicate with others on the basis of their character...

Managing Diversity Within Public Administration

Introduction In recent decades, there has been a meaningful change in the diversity composition within public administrations. The election of President Obama in 2008 showed that minorities can hold public office and have a tremendous impact. Factors such as globalization, immigration, biracial and interracial family unions demonstrate that demographics and...

“All My Thoughts” Poem by Dante Alighieri

Introduction Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was an Italian poet famous for his Divine Comedy, which is regarded as the most prominent literary work ever written in Italian. The sonnet “All My Thoughts” is a part of the acclaimed narrative poem. The very title of the sonnet resorts to the readers’ attention...

Nursing Informatics and Its Influence on Leadership

This course has equipped me with valuable knowledge concerning leadership in the diverse society with a focus on the healthcare setting. I understand various peculiarities of and issues, as well as opportunities, associated with emotional intelligence, conflict management, time management. Importantly, I learned more about myself as I learned about...

Creating a Safe and High-Quality Health Care Environment

Introduction The sphere of health care is among the fastest-growing in the United States economy, which points to the need for recognizing its key problems and improving the quality of care provided to a large population of patients. In the assignment, the topic of safe and high-quality care environments was...

Obesity Treatment in Primary Care: Evidence-Based Guide

Introductory Part Obesity is one of the major health conditions affecting people in every developed country. This disease has become a major problem because professionals and experts in the field of health do not take it seriously. Consequently, it has become a leading cause of many illnesses today. This paper...

US Marketing Strategy for KFC

The utilization of proper marketing strategies is crucial for a business environment as it ensures the growth of profits, increases the market share of an organization, and strengthens brand awareness. The marketing phenomenon, which occurred when Popeye’s Chicken introduced a new spicy sandwich, can serve as an excellent example of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurses Improving Care of Healthsystem Elders

The modern demographic situation leaves no doubt that caring for older adults is a requirement of time. The aging of the population increases the economic and social burden on society, making it clear that new ways of geriatric care are needed. One of the main features of older adults is...

Corporate Organisational Culture and Regional Issues

Organisational culture is crucial to the success of any company since it shapes employees’ attitudes and behaviours, as well as organisational values and internal processes. However, corporate culture does not exist in a vacuum; it is influenced by the external context of the organisation, including the local culture. HSBC Holdings...

The Problem of Faith in Parables by Kafka and Nietzsche

Introduction The problem of faith is a rather controversial one. Different people have different views on what faith is. Some consider it to be a code of moral principles without which one cannot exist; others find faith a human’s failure to explain the life around. As long as humanity goes...

The Two Faces of Leadership: Considering the Dark Side of Leader-Follower Dynamics

Section One This article speaks about leadership and the traits a leader should or should not possess. In today’s world, which is now better known as a “global village”, leaders are in a one-on-one competition with each other, with fear of one surpassing the other. What is of utmost importance...

Homelessness and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy

The management of HIV remains one of the key priorities of modern healthcare since AIDS as a likely outcome of HIV is still incurable. Therefore, studying the factors that aggravate the problem and create obstacles for managing the disorder is essential to the improvement of patients’ health status, preventing HIV...

Margaret Fuller’s and Frederick Douglass’ Rhetorical Styles

Margaret Fuller Margaret fuller was born in 1810 in England. She was a brilliant woman who started transcendentalism and championed the fight for women to be given equal rights as the men. Due to her brilliance she stood out, unfortunately she was unappreciated in the patriarchal society. She was an...

Will Computers Take Over Society in the Future?

This paper will be based on the scenario of computers and will computers take over society in the future. The first and foremost element of this research paper is the research question and the entire research is based on this. The thesis statement is the answer to this research question...

Crime and Justice by Curie

The problem selected for analysis deals with the problem of unemployment and crime. Such findings are related to merely all types of crimes, such as robbery, auto theft, homicide, rape, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, and so on. The results of the studies by Currie proved the tendency of crime occurring...

Jewish Experiences in the United States

In the first part of the twentieth century, the United States accepted millions of Jews from Russia, Poland, Germany and other Eastern and Central European countries. These immigrants first escaped the social changes and the growing pressure on their community in the 1900-1920, later they sought to survive the Holocaust...

Learning Style and Reading Achievement

Introduction Learning styles are ways of learning which involve methods of educating that are specific to individuals thought to allow individuals to learn best. Through research, it has been identified that some people are favored by some methods of learning while others tend to favor some interactive modes of learning...

The Theme of Drug Abuse in Egan’s Book

In her novel “A Visit from the Goon Squad”, Jennifer Egan discusses a number of problems of modern society. Among them is the problem of drug abuse. Through the whole course of the novel’s story plot, the readers may see how ruinous it can be for people who take drugs....

“Eye of the Night” and “The Lie”: Comparison

Introduction Relationships are one of the fundamental aspects of not only the personal life of each individual but also the plot of most literary works and other major media. Because of it, it is important to be able to differentiate as well as analyze what happy and unhappy types of...

The Dangers of Biting on a Phish

Online security has continually caused a significant challenge to individuals and organizations due to fraudulent activities such as phishing. Phishing refers to deceitful cybercrime where individuals attempt to obtain secure information such as passwords, usernames, and PIN numbers by disguising themselves as legitimate institutions or persons (Aleroud & Zhou, 2017)....

My Favourite Kumite Technique in Shotokan Karate

The question of finding a single favorite technique is a challenging one, as Kumite has broad applications in my life. Although the primary use of most martial arts is generally believed to be self-defense, they have many other benefits. Depending on the intent of the person, karate can be utilized...

Nurse Interview Findings – Ann Stanley

Introduction Ann Stanley is a nurse leader who is currently employed as a nurse manager in the Obstetrics Department of North Shore Medical Center in Miami, Florida. Mrs. Stanley has received a Master’s degree at Northcentral University (Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Management and Organizational Leadership). Prior to that,...

Violent Crimes Committed by Juveniles

Introduction Violent crimes by juveniles have been a topic of debate for many decades. Crimes committed by youth increased during the mid-1980s, which lasted for over a decade (Jordan and McNeal 387). This situation triggered the ensuing panic of the general public. People started to become more concerned about juvenile...

The Aspects and Causes of Myopia

Myopia is a visual dysfunction from which more and more people start suffering due to the development of computer technologies. Myopia usually occurs “when an eye is too long when the cornea is too steeply curved when the eye’s lens is unable to relax enough to provide accurate distance vision,...

“Walking Home in the Dark” and “An Essay on Man: Epistle I”: Poetry About Nature

Introduction Poetry about nature and its features occupies a significant part of the world’s poetic heritage. At the same time, in addition to describing the world, many poets resort to the analysis of such a phenomenon as human nature that conveys aspects of people’s characters and their outlook on life....

The Panama and Suez Canals

Introduction A canal is an inland waterway that is artificially built to connect two large water bodies especially for commercial activities and today they are for recreational purposes. It is designed for transportation or irrigation from a waterway. Examples of canals include the Erie Canal, Kennet and Avon canal, the...

Women in “The Great Lawsuit” by Margaret Fuller

Introduction The Great Lawsuit by Margaret Fuller is one of the essential works of early feminism, which still serves as a major inspiration for activists nowadays. Her original ideas and rich language, saturated with metaphors and allusions, were highly regarded by many prominent contemporaries. In The Great Lawsuit, Fuller raises...

The Main Theme of Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables

The House of the Seven Gables is a romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne, an American novelist of the first half of the XIX century. The romance tells the story of the Pyncheon family and the life of the family members in the mansion in the small town in New England. This...

Medical Error and Patient Safety

Introduction Medical error and patient safety are critical factors in clinical medicine since they play an important role in enhancing care delivery and patient outcomes (Barach, 2000). In this respect, this paper will critically analyze the work presented by Woolever (2001) titled ‘The Impact of a Patient Safety Program on...

Community Colleges: Making Education More Affordable

Nowadays, there are many ideas for people to get an education and have a chance to find a good job and earn a living. Among a variety of traditional ways of education, a community college seems to be one of the most preferable and the easiest options for many people....

Impact of James Brown on Modern Dances

To be a good dancer, one needs an innate sense of rhythm and style. Dance is not just the art of performing body movements; it is about revealing one’s soul and interpretation of one’s ideas. Being a physical and cognitive activity, it united many people worldwide who dedicated their lives...

Telecommuting Effectiveness: Impacts Due to COVID-19

Introduction The spread of coronavirus infection around the world has significantly influenced all areas of human life. It can be explicitly seen in present-day businesses which emphasize the need to transform their daily operations in all aspects accordingly. One of such necessities is the establishment of the practice of telecommuting...

Principles of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

A business incubator connotes a group which is informally or formally organized with the aim of providing entrepreneurial ventures with the resources regarded as critical in their journey. The facilities target to inspire sharing of different ideas and knowledge among the incubated firms and offer network services (Høvig, Pettersen and...

The Importance of Nursing Education

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, the demand for health care services of high quality is increasing. In this regard, the significance of nurses cannot be underestimated, as they spent the greatest amount of time delivering medical services to patients. In addition, there are considerable problems with the accessibility...

McKinsey & Company: Company InFormation

The company’s objectives, particularly financial goals are driven by the pricing plan, market trends, and business performance projections. For instance, the suggested prices are as listed below: Hoodies and sweatshirts – $60-$90 Joggers and pants – $80-$110 T-shirts (short- and long-sleeved)– $30-$70 Matching sets (short and long) – $100-$180 Year...

Depot Town, Ypsilanti Description

Depot Town, located in Michigan’s historic district called Ypsilanti, is a commercial and residential area with some houses set above storefronts. The town’s boundary ranges from East Cross Street to North River Street and Huron River, plus a small 300-block area on North River Street. Several surrounding blocks are also...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Discourse of Fear in Local Crime News

Introduction The use of news as a resource aids in the setting of an emotional tone to the rhythm of life and reminds us of the ideals of order and disorder that threaten the cosmology of quiet regions and everyday order. On the other hand, news stories as a topic...

A Child With Asthma: Holistic Care Plan

Introduction An African American girl aged 8 years, was diagnosed with asthma, which in the recent past has been controlled using a rescue inhaler. She is being admitted to the emergency department after the escalation of the disease to an acute exacerbation, and she is receiving oxygen per nasal at...

Mental Health: Current Situation and NCAA Policies

Athletes are one of the groups that face highly increased health risks in their lives, and it applies fully to college and university athletes. The rigors of studying combine with the pressure put in them as athletes combine to make university athletes susceptible to mental health issues. Even though one...

Project Selection Approaches and Management Skills

Approaches to Project Selection Project selection methods include a range of proven and tested techniques developed based on logical explanation to choose a project and filter out any that are undesirable or have higher chances of succeeding. The current project focused on expanding the rental holdings of MSG Incorporated from...

The Connection of Good and Evil in Tricksters Characters

The paper is devoted to analyzing the two characters of the Scandinavian and Greek myths: Loki and Prometheus. The psychological approach contributing to assessing and comparing particular characters’ behavior is used for the analysis. The ancient myths are the essential resource of knowledge that can help examine the behavior and...

Password and Anti-Virus System for Information Security

Introduction In the modern world, an increasing amount of personal data is accessed online, including various financial services and applications, and this information should be reliably protected. Websites, mobile applications and online services regularly collect user details. On the one hand, this is practical, because the sites remember logins, passwords...

Mezzo- and Macro-Levels of Social Work

The different levels of social work all aim to achieve social justice and human well-being. However, the ways in which they accomplish this can be different, usually depending on the scope of the practice at hand. Micro-level social work, or the traditional approach, entails working closely with individuals, families, and...

Books on Teaching Children in Church

Follow Me as I Follow Christ by Cheryl Dunlop The first book I read for the course was Cheryl Dunlop’s Follow Me as I Follow Christ. This book is a guide for educators teaching children in a church setting. The experience of reading this book has been an invaluable contribution...

White Only Signs in School Dress and Grooming Codes

Introduction Racial discrimination is widely discussed as society progresses from segregative tendencies of the previous century to diversity and equality valued today. Consequently, the events where the regulations negatively affect minority groups’ representatives receive much attention. The article “School Dress and Grooming Codes Are the New ‘White Only’ Signs,” written...

The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

According to Psychiatric Quarterly, advocates and policymakers have raised concerns about the potential adverse effects of using social media. Berryman found that social media may be linked to some negative mental conditions such as loneliness, suicidal thoughts, and decreased empathy. Social media users have different lifestyles and ways of doing...

Jesse Pennington: Play Performance Reaction

Acting on the theater stage is an art that captivates the viewer not only due to the plot of a particular play but also due to the dynamics of characters’ images. As a target work to analyze, the play “Uncle Vanya” by the great Russian playwright Anton Chekhov will be...

Military Violence: Negative Impact on Society

The article by Alcindor with the flashy title “States with More Gun Laws Have Less Gun Violence,” published in USA Today, gives information about the study conducted by Fleeger et al. Alcindor states that the research findings indicate that in the US states where more laws regarding guns are passed,...

Thomas Paine’s Political Views and Theories

Thomas Paine was an international revolutionist, controversialist, and pamphleteer who argued that Americans should gain independence from Britain. Paine was a member of the French National Convection 1792 – 1795 and had various texts; however, the most common is “common sense” (Marker). This study will evaluate Paine’s distinctive understanding of...

Aspects of Electronic Health Records

Introduction Electronic health records in healthcare are sophisticated software used to capture and store information about patients. The system was developed as a program aimed at streamlining the country’s healthcare system. The program’s main function was to ensure that all the relevant data concerning the country’s citizens were kept safe...

The Korean War’s Impact on Comfort Women

The victims of the comfort women issue are the women who were forced into sexual servitude by the Japanese military during World War II. The perpetrators are the Japanese soldiers and military officials who abducted and raped these women (Soh 47). The Japanese government has never officially acknowledged or taken...

The Role of Women in Antigone by Sophocles

Introduction The debate on whether some jobs are preserved for men and others for women continues in society as critics and adherents try to prove their points. Among them is Sophocles, the playwright, who technically pictures a variety of women’s roles. Antigone is one of his masterworks, which closely manifests...

Elements of The Phantom of the Opera Musical by Hart

Introduction The Phantom of the Opera is a musical that features lyrics written by Charles Hart and music composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It is a timeless narrative of intrigue, love, and mystery that takes place in the Paris Opera House. This musical can enthrall audiences of varying ages since...

Brand Luther and Reform the Catholic Church

Introduction Luther sought to reform the Catholic Church and bring light to its wrongdoings. The Catholic Church’s practice of selling indulgences incensed and repulsed him. The beginning of Pettegree’s book depicts biography details of Luther, the origins of the Reformation, and the development of Luther’s unshakable faith in God’s ultimate...

Legal Authority for Operation Geronimo

Introduction When it was revealed that the United States had begun a covert campaign to apprehend or kill Osama Bin Laden, the architect of the 9/11 attacks, the whole world was in disbelief. Operation Geronimo, the mission’s code name, was a stunning success; Bin Laden was assassinated in his Pakistani...

“Jane Eyre” a Novel by Charlotte Bronte

Introduction Jane Eyre is a world-renowned novel by British writer Charlotte Bronte. Not so well known or indeed remembered is that it was packaged originally as Jane Eyre, an autobiography with Curre bell shown as the name beneath it on the cover page. Indeed the book is written in the...

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This “Blood Diamond” analysis essay is focused on the movie’s moral lessons, ethical issues, and themes such as imperialism. Feel free to read our “Blood Diamond” movie analysis for inspiration.  Introduction The movie Blood Diamond is a political story that perfectly resonates with the African context. Produced in 2006 by...

Advanced Technology Investment Company: Problems and Decisions

Introduction Background of the Problem The effectiveness of the company’s strategic planning directly depends on the certain management style followed in the organisation. During a long period of time, the Advanced Technology Investment Company (ATIC) located in the UAE has been following the effective management strategies to contribute to the...

Russian-American Family Health Assessment

Family Description The family was interviewed for the purpose of completing this health family assessment is a Russian-American family, whose ancestors migrated to the USA in the early 20th century. The family is comprised of three people, which include the father (43 years old), the mother (40 years old), and...

“Patient Isolation Precautions: Are They Worth It?”: Article Analysis

The ability to critically analyze information is crucial for a nurse as a researcher. Many academic enterprises rely on using secondary sources to build up an evidence base for prospective research. At the same time, there is no such thing as a perfect article. All articles, including those published in...

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Introduction Transitional nursing strategies are implemented in different medical areas to ensure that patients’ transition from one unit to another or from a hospital to their home is safe, effective, and does not adversely influence their wellbeing and health. However, patients with cancer can have different needs and demands compared...

Griggs vs Duke Power Company: Discrimination Case

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Telenursing vs. Home Visits in Post-Acute Care

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Conflict Resolution Decision in Healthcare Institutions

In any environment that involves people’s communication, there is a possibility of conflict situations. Disputes may arise because of unfair or unsatisfactory working conditions or because of poor performance of some employees. Some people prefer to share their feelings and apprehensions whereas others keep the situation to themselves. Some employees...

Poor Working Conditions in Globalized World

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Team vs. Primary Nursing Care Models

Introduction Various nursing care models characterize healthcare delivery in the contemporary healthcare centers. Some of the models that medical practitioners undertake as they deliver services to patients include team nursing, total patient care, functional, and primary nursing. During my time in a certain hospital that is near our home, I...

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Healthcare Reform Policies in the United States

Introduction Health care reform is a powerful strategy for supporting the economic position of a nation. The approach presents evidence-based ideas and policies that can improve health care delivery processes. A healthy nation is linked to improved productivity, reduced medical expenses, and economic superiority. Using the HITECH Act, this descriptive...

The Cask of Amontillado Summary and Analysis

Introduction The stories of Edgar Allan Poe impress a lot with their gloominess, terrible reality, and cruelness. The Cask of Amontillado is one of such stories with a simple plot but rather complicated techniques and ideas. On the one hand, The Cask of Amontillado is a story of one person’s...

Deepwater Horizon Disaster and Prevention Plan

Executive Summary The Deepwater Horizon disaster occurred in 2010 caused severe deterioration of the environment as well as significant financial losses. Organizational and operational factors of several companies involved in oil production led to the accident. It is recommended to improve interaction and cooperation between stakeholders, develop preventive policies and...

The IOM Implementation in Nursing Reports

Introduction Cotemporary healthcare of the Unites States and the world faces many problems that need solutions. The implementation of such solutions is even more important because it can improve health. In the United States, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) leads discussions, introduces experts, and conducts research to provide efficient solutions...

John Ilhan and His Managerial Skill

Management refers to all the activities and one’s duties undertaken by one or more persons to plan and control the duties and activities of others to do a given goal or complete a given duty. Management also involves staffing, directing, and controlling the employees of a given company or organization...

“Human and Environmental Security: An Agenda for Change” by Dodds & Pippard

Introduction Human & Environmental Security and Agenda for Change is a powerful collection of essays that reveals the problems of human and environmental insecurity nowadays. Felix Dodds and Tim Pippard are the two editors, who make an attempt to recognize the most crucial issues concerning human security and use the...

Teacher Beliefs in Contemporary Science Education

The Subjects or Participants in the Research Study The study entails an analysis of the beliefs held by nine teachers in Souhegan High School towards the goals and objectives of the modern science education. The school is a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES). CES refers to a...

Social Responsibility in Strategic Plan Development

What are the roles of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan for an energy-related organization? Businesses operate in environments that have external factors that are affected by the operations of the business; businesses in the energy industry are affected by environmental conservation campaigns; they need to uphold...

Right Arbitration Case from Management Perspective

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International Adoptions in Canada: Legal Perspective

Introduction Over the past few decades, views on adoption, local and international legislation, and the nature of procedure have all changed. At the beginning of the 21st century, many developed countries such as the United States of America and Canada saw a growing tendency of intercountry adoption as opposed to...

Reassessing Personal Life After Psychology Course

Introduction The study of various psychological theories and concepts may allow taking a new look at the world and changing the perception of usual communication, behavioral, and other habits. After completing this Psychology course, my vision of certain aspects of life has become different, and new views have emerged regarding...

France After 1789 and in the 21st Century

Introduction There have been different periods in France’s history, all of which have made an impact on the country’s development. The most crucial changes have been social, economic, and political. Politics has always been considered the foundation of a state’s development or organization. This paper aims to compare the political...

Orgon and Candide from Moliere’s “Tartuffe” and Voltaire’s “Candide”

Introduction The wisdom of classical literary works is a valuable legacy that the authors of past eras left to posterity. The images of many characters, their experiences, thoughts, and actions make one think about the serious aspects of human life and the process of cognition. In order to better understand...

Ernest Hemingway’s Life and the Themes Presented in “Hills Like White Elephants”

It is not a rare occasion that authors include some details from their personal life in their works. Sometimes, they explicitly remark that a book or a story is autobiographic. In other cases, writers entitle their characters with some features pertaining to themselves. Finally, there are also situations when nothing...

Jackson Health System’s Quality Improvement

Jackson Health System (JHS), a collection of care facilities residing all over the city of Miami, provides a wide variety of services. The hospital claims to deliver “world-class care” to anyone who comes through its doors, assisting patient requests ranging from emergencies to plastic surgery (“About Jackson Health System”, n.d.)....

Practice Problem of the Obesity in United States

Practice problems can take different shapes and influence the experiences of both caregivers and patients. Obesity remains a critical issue affecting many citizens and communities in the United States. This condition is a risk factor for a wide range of illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, and stroke. The...

Code of Professional Responsibility for Lawyers

Introduction Professional ethics is that code of conduct, which various professions have to observe primarily with themselves and the public in general. Code of ethics, which has to be observed primarily with themselves, with the public at large, with their clients and courts during the period of their profession, is...

Cultural Training of the Staff to Improve Health Quality in the Community

Executive Summary This report is conducted to address the issues related to the recently identified decline in the performance of a new health care facility opened in a culturally diverse neighborhood. The content of the document presents the learned causes and outcomes of the problem, as well as outlines the...

Greek Concept of the “Therapon” in the “Iliad” by Homer

Introduction The Greek concept of “Therapon”, as one of the central in the Ancient Greek culture, plays an important historical and cultural role in the “Iliad” by Homer. On the whole, the Ancient Greece contributed greatly to the development of the world culture of today, and the above mentioned concept...

Southwest Airlines: The Company Analysis

Strategic Issue What is the issue? Southwest Airlines is the American airline company known as one of the most low-cost airlines in the country. It is the largest company in the United States which carries the biggest number of passengers per year domestically. “Southwest Airlines has been profitable every year...

“I Too” and “The Ballard Of Landlord”

Introduction In their works, the two poets send out a message that indicates that something is wrong in the society. Discrimination of the human being in any form is an injustice. This is because once someone is discriminated against he is automatically denied a chance to compete and be like...

“American Psycho” Film and Lizardo’s “Fight Club” Article

Introduction The most obvious thing that can be traced in the Hollywood movies is the yearning for making money; as a rule, filmmakers do not always benefit from making unprofitable movies and vice versa, sometimes movies that were characterized as noncommercial gain success and popularity which brings them to the...

Hong Kong: A Bustling and Magnificent City

Introduction Hong Kong is a bustling and magnificent city located at the south coast of China. It covers an area of 1104square kilometers. The city has got a reach history of both English and Chinese cultures which are well fabricated in the harmonious coexistence among the natives. The city is...

The Presidency of George W. Bush

George W. Bush was the President of the United States between 2001 and 2009, succeeding Bill Clinton and being followed by Barack Obama. His presidency was accompanied by controversy from beginning to end, starting with the election results and ending with the 2008 financial crisis. Nevertheless, he was able to...

Factors Contributing to Juvenile Delinquencies

Purpose of the Study The current study is aimed at employing qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method approaches in accounting for the various risk or protective factors that are behind various delinquencies observed among the youth. This will be achieved through reviewing several studies that have been carried out previously on the...

Effective Steps to Achieve Successful Aging

Since the middle of the 20th century, the expression ‘successful aging’ has been utilized progressively to speak to the variables and conditions fundamental for effective rejuvenation and is frequently ascribed to a healthy lifestyle. The complicated system of maturing is not homogeneous among the population and in different tissue frameworks....

Event Overview of Sessions on Israeli-Arabs

The discussion consisted of a series of sessions on Israeli-Arabs and the growing importance of this minority of contemporary issues in the region. The discussion is the second in the series on the emergence of Arab Israelis. Michael Brenner, who is the facility director of Israel studies at the American...

Capturing the Motion. Monet and Hockney

The attempt to capture the essence of changing into a still image is one of the great dilemmas of painters of all times. Theoretically, it is impossible to depict an imperceptible movement of a dancer, the color nuances at the sunset, or the light flight of a butterfly in a...

The Influence of Water on the Growth of Popcorn Plants

Introduction The growth and development of plants in an environment depend on numerous factors for their growth and development. Major factors required for plants’ growth are water, air, soil, light, nutrients, and warmth (Qaderi et al. 5). Since the amount of precipitation varies from one season to another and in...

Recommendation on NAFTA Decision

Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is proposed to address concerns regarding barriers to trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. For Americans and Canadians, NAFTA will provide low-cost investment options because labor is cheap in Mexico. For Mexicans, NAFTA means export opportunities and foreign investments. On...