Bvlgari Jewellery Company Analysis

BVLGARI is one of the masters of diversification in the jeweller business. It has continually reinvented itself since the 1920s, following Sotirio Bvlgari’s decision to start developing luxury watches alongside the previous family business of making high-end jewellery (Hotinceanu 2021). The organization was created in 1884 and has continually exhibited...

The Catholic Church’s Deontology and Utilitarianism Perspectives

Introduction An attempt to provide an ethical theory is made in response to specific moral dilemmas. Although ethical theories aim to determine what moral standards are right, they do not directly address any particular queries (Gunn, 2018). The death penalty was, is, and most likely will be a contentious topic...

Business Communication: Misrouted or Dropped Incoming Calls

Introduction An inbound call sent to an unhelpful agent or self-service application is referred to as a misrouted call. Dropped calls are at best an annoyance in business communications. Worst case scenario, they might halt a transaction in its tracks thus impacting the organisation negatively. Many procedures must be accomplished...

The True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Should Not Be Banned in School

A partial autobiography The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian follows Junior, a young Indian, as he navigates life. He experiences problems with the residents of his reserve because he attends school there, and they bully him and treat him even worse whenever he departs. They torment him and...

Communism in China and Its Origins

Communism was a socioeconomic system characterized by the absence of private property and state control of the means of production. In a communist society, all resources and means of production are owned by the community; there is no social hierarchy or class system, and everyone is supposedly equal. Communism in...

Transformations in the US (1870-1940): Role of Government in Society and Economy

The balance between laissez-faire and progressive frameworks of governance has been shifting over time in American economic history. During the Laissez-faire model, (which started around 1880) American politicians began to withdraw their influence over corporations and other civilizational initiatives. The government limited its intervention to two main aspects namely, foreseeing...

Psychological Assessments of Childhood Anxiety

Introduction The three standardized tests identified and considered for the psychological assignment are; the Inventory of Callous–Unemotional Traits (ICU), Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) tests. The Inventory of Callous–Unemotional Traits (ICU) is one of the copyright-protected 24-item surveys designed to offer a comprehensive assessment of callous...

Nursing: Medication Errors and Patients’ Safety

Introduction Nursing involves a variety of responsibilities, that are crucial to help patients heal. While caring about the registrants, it is important to stay alert; thus, no mistake is overlooked. Prevention of possible medication errors or reporting already committed ones is an ethical duty of any nurse, since such inaccuracy...

The Global Impact of American Popular Culture

American culture’s identity and output have been transferred and spread to other parts of the globe. American culture is driven by the desire to assert its cultural identity by exploring various examples of American popular culture, such as music, film, television, and fashion, which have been received and adopted. The...

The Cotton Boom (1840s) Period Analysis

Introduction The “Cotton Boom of 1840” refers to a period of rapid expansion in the cotton industry in the southern United States, driven by increasing demand for cotton in Europe and the United States. This boom was primarily fueled by the invention of the cotton gin in the late 18th...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Opioid Pain Relief: Key Concepts, Risks, and Safe Practices

Introduction Patients in healthcare facilities experience pain, which is treated with opioid drugs. Mild to severe cases of pain are common, and they make the patients uncomfortable. Opioids are extracted from opium plants or can be manufactured in the industry. They function by blocking signals for pain where the opioid...

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Antisemitism and Islamophobia

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of modern history’s most protracted skirmishes with a significant impact on the Middle East’s political stability. The conflict’s background is defined by the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which marked the beginning of the disagreements between the parties regarding the partitioning of Palestine and the claim...

Emotions: Definition of Love

This “definition of love” essay is focused on different types of romantic love and the possibility of creating a love definition. Essay samples like this one will help you write a great paper of your own. Definition of Love Essay Introduction Defining love can be one of the most challenging...

Windshield Survey of Clermont Community: Insights into Local Needs

Clermont (Florida) is a steadily growing city where the community can access various services in many spheres of people’s lives. The city can be referred to as the City of Champions, which is stressed by the local government (City of Clermont, 2018). The central industries are real-estate and tourism due...

Preventing Childhood Obesity: Family-Based Intervention Strategies

The incidence and prevalence of overweight has been increasing rapidly; today the problem has become a major health concern. The following paper outlines a plan for a family-based intervention to reduce obesity. The rationale for the preference is backed by current research. For example, a study by Sung-Chan, Sung, and...

Understanding the Enron Bankruptcy: Causes and Consequences of Corporate Collapse

Ethical Leadership Behavior Enron’s bankruptcy is considered to be one of the largest company bankruptcies ever: the company’s CEOs, Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling were convicted of fraud and conspiracy, as they had cashed millions of dollars in stock before the company eventually collapsed, thus taking the earnings of thousands...

Statistical Decision Models: Frameworks for Improved Decision-Making in Organizations

The accuracy of the research’s results depends on the statistical test chosen to measure variables. To decide what specific test to choose for the study, it is necessary to analyze the variables’ character. Considerations made during the decision process can be organized according to a series of questions to direct...

Critical Challenges of Constructing Program Evaluation

Abstract The critical challenges of constructing the program evaluation are the necessity to conduct the effective needs assessment, the necessity to identify the program evaluation objectives clearly, the necessity to conduct the in-depth interviews, and the necessity to conclude about the program’s effectiveness with references to the evaluation procedure. The...

Vaccination Policy Challenges in Miami-Dade County

Introduction Vaccination is an important health policy issue in Miami-Dade County in Florida. At the moment, the state’s laws on vaccination require children to receive certain vaccines, including diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis (DTaP), IPV, varicella, MMR, and others, before entering daycare or family daycare (FDH, n.d.). The set number of doses of...

Anarchical Institution: Concepts and Models

Introduction Different institutions usually employ different mechanisms in monitoring organizational functions and operations. The methods used to identify the best mechanisms to be employed usually get inclined towards the issues affecting leadership in institutions. In the given scenario, the person involved moves from a collegial institution to an anarchical organization...

Saudi Arabia and Lebanon Cultures Comparison

Introduction Saudi Arabia is one of the dominant nations in the Middle East region with its capital city in Riyadh (Ryan, 2010). The dominant religion is Islam while the government is run by a monarch system. Its current population stands at slightly above 25 million people. It has great temperature...

Strategies for Effective Conflict Resolution: Techniques and Best Practices

When two and more people need to cooperate while performing their duties, conflicts are inescapable. It is vital for employees to be able to recognize and resolve them because they can lead to the loss of productivity, preventing appropriate cooperation and collaboration in the future. Effective conflict-resolution strategies can provide...

De Beers’ Monopolistic Position

DeBeers and monopoly Why some firms are more competitive and successful than others has long been a matter of marketers’ concern. In any market, whether ice-cream or electric engineering, competitiveness of firms depends on a variety of factors, including their ability to manage resources effectively and external market conditions. Firms...

Nationalism as a Cause of World War I

Introduction World War I is the greatest event that affected the world at the beginning of the 20th century. This paper will reveal some of its triggers and identify how the USA was engaged in the war. In particular, attention will be paid to the major forces that led to...

Reducing Maternal Stress: Evidence-Based Pregnancy Programs

Mental distress during pregnancy is very common, and it might lead to a wide range of negative consequences for women and their children. It gives rise to a major healthcare problem that has not been solved yet. Developing evidence-based approaches that combine different methods to reduce maternal stress might have...

Huawei Technologies Co.: The Road to Rise

Introduction Huawei is an international telecommunications and technology corporation based in China which has experienced extraordinary growth to become a leader in providing various products and services. The company is characterized by its innovation and strong dedication to the consumer market. However, Huawei’s close ties to the Chinese government have...

Transition Phase of Depression and Its’ Challenges

Introduction Depending on the approach, different stages may be identified within a group process. Corey (2015) distinguishes a transition stage, which is similar to the storming one as defined by Pessagno (2013). To be more specific, Corey’s (2015) transition is characterized by conflict, which stems from members’ anxiety, worry, and...

“Between the World and Me” the Book by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Introduction The struggle of minorities to achieve equal rights and opportunities has always occupied an important place in American history. Urbanization created sufficient prerequisites for the emergence of an African-American urban subculture. In the United States, enormous changes were taking place in the mass public consciousness, as a result of...

Genetic Engineering in Food and Freshwater Issues

There is a growing problem of hunger facing most of the world’s population. Many thousands die from starvation daily, and as the population increases, this problem escalates, which further necessitates the desperate need for a reliable supply of food. The technology of bioengineered foods, sometimes referred to as genetically modified,...

“Untitled” by Smith and Marden’s “3 Hydra Rocks”

The painting Untitled by Smith is incomparable for its use of space all over the canvas and the application of dimension in form of space is unique. Smith’s Untitled is Color screenprint, 57 x 76.8 cm (22 7/16 x 30 1/4 in). She made space speak a language and narration...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advertisement and Target Customers

Introduction Owing to globalization that has greatly affected the world’s economy, marketers have to develop new strategies for surviving in the market. This is mainly because competition has become stiffer hence narrowing the market opportunities (Assael 45). It is therefore important for marketers to know and understand their consumer’s behavior....

On the Use of Ethical Principles in Medicine

Introduction During their medical career, health professionals are often presented with moral dilemmas. There are protocols and recommendations for resolving some issues, but, in other cases, only ethical principles can serve as guidelines. Therefore, it is important to develop moral standards which can be applied in various critical and sensitive...

“Crucial Conversations” by Patterson

Introduction The book to be reviewed is Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Patterson et al. (2011). It is about the best approach to use when participating in crucial conversations. A model has been developed concerning how best to prepare for high-stake situations, control emotions, and...

Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Children

Introduction Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common virus infections of the reproductive tract. There are over forty different types of the virus that may affect the genital area of both males and females. Some types of HPV are harmless while others (i.e. types 16, 18, 6, and...

Real and Escapist Life in the Film “The Slumdog Millionaire”

The film, Slumdog Millionaire is an exciting and breathtaking story of an orphaned boy (Jamal) in Mumbai who uses his impeccable intelligence and strength to rise from rags to riches. The events of Jamal’s life are narrated in the movie through flash-forwards and flashbacks. Set in the slum, the movie...

Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative

It is estimated that more than a billion people around the world suffer from neglected diseases. Those affected the most are the poorest, living in conflict zones, urban fringes or isolated rural areas. According to DNDi Africa (2018), their needs are not a priority for policymakers, pharmaceutical organizations, or research...

How to Improve Mental Health in the Community

Introduction Mental health is defined as human psychological, emotional, and social prosperity. It influences how people think, feel, and act as they contend with life. It helps identify how to relate with others, handle stress, and make decisions. Unfortunately, the United States has the highest rate of mental illness in...

Mental Disorders: Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Health is not merely the absence of disease and bodily defects. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social condition. Therefore, it is apparent that three health segments: body, soul, and society, are closely interconnected and affect well-being. Individuals who are balanced and resistant to stress are wholesome...

Walmart Digitalization in the Post-Pandemic Era

Introduction Walmart is one of the largest and most well-known organizations in the retail industry. During the last several years, this company has become a good example of creating high-quality services, maintaining competitive advantage, and promoting efficient leadership in various directions. At this moment, Walmart has to deal with different...

Implementing and Evaluating a Healthcare Organization’s Strategic Plan

Introduction Strategic planning is a necessary practice without which competent management is impossible. The main priorities of strategic planning in the health sector are reducing mortality and expanding measures to prevent morbidity. Trinity Health in Pennsylvania was selected to review the improvements needed and implement strategic planning. Trinity Health is...

The Aftermaths of the Great Depression

The Great Depression represents one of the notable economic tragedies in human history. Before this catastrophe, Latin America enjoyed a period of consumer boom as the leading international exporter. The Great Depression emanated from the collapse of the stock market in 1929 (Cardoso and Faletto 21). However, the ignorance of...

Managing Effective Decisions during the Katrina Emergency

Introduction Hurricane Katrina is known as one of the most terrifying natural disasters in USA history. Unfortunately, it has led to many financial losses, deaths of citizens, and damages. This case can serve as a great reminder of the importance of efficient emergency management. Reviewing and summarizing the actions taken...

Short-Term and Working Memory Measurement

Introduction While long-term memory can store and modify information over a long time, short-term memory can generally hold information in an active state for a short time. Working memory is a type of short-term memory where one can store small amounts of information for a short while. An example is...

Pineman’s Processibility Theory in Linguistics

Second language learners are individuals who are learning a new language after they have already learned one or more languages. Pineman’s Processibility theory (PPT) holds that a second language learner’s proficiency in a language is determined by their ability to process its individual units (phonemes, morphemes, and lexemes) (Dalamu, 2018)....

The Impact of Advanced Practice Nursing in Healthcare

Introduction Advanced Practice Nursing refers to improved and broadened healthcare interventions and services offered by nurses who, in an advanced capacity, affect clinical health outcomes and provide direct medical services to individuals, communities, and families. An Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a nurse who has obtained the expert knowledge base,...

The Cold War and American Foreign Policy After World War II

The Cold War is defined as an open though restricted rivalry between the Soviet Union, the United States, and their allies. Although it developed after World War II, the roots of The Cold War were in Western allies’ repeated delays in providing help and opening a European second front. The...

Nursing Education Program Analysis

Introduction To a great extent, healthcare demands have substantially transformed, causing high demand for medical professionals to seek continued nursing education. The chief financial officer (CFO) must understand that human and other resources, including policies and tuition finances, are required for the nurses to offer exceptional patient care, including quality,...

Employee Motivation: Service Quality in Higher Education Institutions

Introduction Employee motivation is critical to ensuring that employees accomplish their work satisfactorily, achieving organizational goals. This presentation suggests five strategies for motivating employees of various races, faiths, ages, and genders. The techniques used are based on Maslow’s and Herzberg’s motivation theories. The presentation discusses what employees may do to...

Bacterial and Non-Bacterial Diseases: Chlamydia and HIV

Sexually transmitted diseases seriously threaten the world’s healthcare system because they affect many individuals. While some Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are treatable, others can have serious health consequences if unaddressed. STDs such as Chlamydia and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be prevented. General health outcomes are improved through education, awareness,...

Key Milestones in Women’s Fight for Equality and Rights

Introduction It has become easier and more common for women and men worldwide to be equal. However, to achieve these positive results, women of the past had to fight for their basic rights and prove that they deserved equality and were never worse than men. Specific events, including the creation...

Conquest of Mexico and Downfall of the Aztec Empire

Introduction While the human race takes great pride in the progressive nature of each subsequent civilization, human beings continue to harbor a keen interest on ancient civilizations. This interest in the past sometimes springs from specific attributes of certain ancient civilizations which are hailed as benchmarks in the civilization process....

The Trump Hotel Annual Report Analysis

Introduction Donald J. Trump started Trump hotels in 1997 as Trump and International Hotel and Tower in 1997. The hotel was a 52-story building used as residential. The other hotels opened later include Trump International Hotels and Tower Chicago, Trump International hotel Las Vegas, Trump International New York, Trump Ocean...

Wheatgrass Smoothie Production Business Plan

Wheatgrass Smoothie Production: Business Concept Wheatgrass smoothie marketing is based on the promotion of healthy lifestyle tendencies among customers. Therefore, the product belongs to the category of drinks that target a wide social group. The industry that launches wheatgrass smoothie sales has to account for several crucial factors. First, the...

Is Multiculturalism a Good or a Bad Thing?

Introduction Multiculturalism is a term that can be viewed from different aspects. First of all, it is a fact of the surrounding world: our planet is culturally diverse, and most of the modern countries have also ceased to be monocultural. Apart from that, multiculturalism is an ideology that depicts the...

Fat Taxes in the US

Abstract The number of obesity cases continues to rise globally, owing to the rising number of people who have ventured into unhealthy eating while at the same time ignoring the impact of exercising on their health. As a result, countries such as the US have established mechanisms, which they deem...

“Preferences for Photographic Art Among Hospitalized Patients With Cancer” the Article by Hanson, H., Schroeter, K., Hanson, A., Asmus, K., & Grossman, A.

Introduction Since recently, alternative and complementary therapies have been making their way into medical science. The present article reports on one of many research studies that aim to contribute to the body of knowledge regarding complementary therapy for patients with cancer. Specifically, the authors focused on photographic art therapy, its...

Red Bull Energy Drink: Marketing Plan & Strategy

Executive summary The marketing plan entails a marketing strategy for Red Bull energy drink. An overview of the external environment in the energy drink industry is given. The competitive challenges in the market are identified and hence the importance of developing an effective marketing strategy. The firm’s mission statement in...

Creative Management of Bill Gates and Michael Porter: Innovations

Creativity is a term that is used to refer to the general act of generating fresh ideas. Management of creativity implies that the ideas are managed to such an extent that they are put into application in a certain specific context and that they are able to bear fruit. The...

A Psychoanalytical Reading of Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The close reading of Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour” reveals the fact that the story’s motifs may be well discussed within the context of the Freudian theory of psychoanalysis; as they provide us with insight into the oppression-related essence of the main character’s existential anxieties. In this paper, we...

Reasons of America and The Great War

World War I was one of the bloodiest military conflicts in contemporary history, second only to World War II. Over 16 million people died in that first war, soldiers and civilians alike. World War I was a great tragedy that changed the world forever and paved the way to an...

Mohr et al.’s Qualitative Business Research Method

Characteristics of a Good Qualitative Research Credibility Credibility is an essential criterion for judging the soundness of qualitative research. This criterion entails establishing the capacity of qualitative research results to be believable from the dimension of research participants (Guba and Lincoln, 1981, p.61: Barbour, 2003, p.1019). From the perspective of...

Popular and Scientific Writing: Finding Difference

Introduction The research projects or papers are typically grounded by different sources, including books and scholarly publications from periodicals (magazines and/or journals). When an instructor or a professor issues an assignment, he or she specifies whether the used articles should be from popular (referred to as “magazines”) or academic (referred...

“Fences” by August Wilson – Drama Analysis

In his compelling masterpiece, the fence, August Wilson describes the lifestyle of blacks amid a foreign land. He focuses on the social life of African-Americans who struggle to improve their status in a country controlled by racism. Troy and Cory are the main characters in Wilson’s story. As a father...

Social and Detail Division of Labor

The social division of labor is the distribution of types of labor among particular social groups aimed at producing complete commodities. Each social group in a traditional society has specific tasks, such as the creation of a certain type of product. Braverman gives an example of the division of labor...

An Overview of the Social Service Worker Profession

Job Knowledge The position of a social service worker is highly demanding in terms of job knowledge. As far as this category is concerned, I have chosen group assessment as my desired skillset, and it comprises family assessment, as well. While the major part of the work process is usually...

Eastern vs. Western Religions: What’s the Difference?

The Eastern religions are typically described as those faiths which originated and were practiced in countries such as India, Japan, Southern Asia, and China. There are regular arguments and conflicts between the Eastern and Western religions, whereby the latter dwells on the idea that a distinct type of worshipping only...

Medical Negligence and Malpractice in Nursing

Introduction The prime concern in nursing is to promote the welfare of the sick, the injured or vulnerable members of the community. In particular, nursing is primarily concerned with the protection and restoration of individual health, preventing disease-related sufferings, and prevention of illnesses. Nurses play an important role in the...

Rhetoric in Moore’s “Idiot Nation” and Gatto’s “Against School”

Introduction Education is a point of concern for people of all ages and backgrounds since childhood is strongly tied to the idea of discipline and learning. In the United States and many other countries, “forced” schooling is a societal standard accepted as a positive force in every human life. However,...

Inhibition of the Fur Gene by Mutation as Potential Antimicrobial Target in Escherichia Coli

Abstract Microbial resistance to antimicrobial agents is a growing challenge for the development of chemotherapeutic agents. E. coli is a Gram-negative bacteria that contain pathogenic strains that lead to various illnesses including infections of the respiratory system, urinary tract and gastrointestinal system. Previous studies have reported that small molecules are...

Succession Plan for Business: Why Is It Important?

Succession Plan Every entrepreneur wishes to succeed in a business and they work hard after investing their capital. However, starting a business and thriving in it isis one of the major challenges that people face. Many start a business but within a short period, they are not able to proceed...

Why Capitalism is Better Than Socialism

Currently, most economies in the world are in chaos, especially in the United States. As a consequence, the arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of socialism and capitalism as competing systems of the economy have been increasing. Socialism is an economic system where the government controls or owns the means...

“Just Like Us” by Thorpe

Introduction Helen Thorpe’s work Just like us: The true story of four American girls coming of age in America made a significant contribution to the development of literature and politics. The main problem of this book revolves around the topic of illegal immigration to the United States. This story is...

Nazis’ Persecution and Mistreatment of Jews

Introduction The Holocaust is a historic black spot that remains a memory of the dangers of dictatorship and racial ideology that tarnishes social cohesion and economic thrive. Adolf Hitler is the mastermind and infamous perpetrator of this heinous regime that stripped humanity from the Jews. With the position of Chancellor,...

Business Ethics and Its Evolution

Introduction Business ethics is considered the standard of morality, meaning either doing wrong or right in the business environment. Ethics refers to the code of conduct at the workplace or any business, and it is an essential factor to consider as it dictates the company’s success. Misconduct at the workplace...

Rhetorical Analysis of “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education” by Deresiewicz

Introduction A rhetorical analysis considers a text as the instrument of communication and persuasion and describes how the text accomplishes those aims. It elucidates the main ideas and claims of the article; then, it explores whether the article managed to convey them to the reader or listener. The analysis introduces...

Character, Leadership, and Moral Code in Christianity

What Is Character and How It Is Transformed According to Wright, the character is a set of individual personality traits formed as a result of a person’s behavior and thinking. Character transformation is a daily work and, in a way, even an art; it is essential to understand how this...

Diagnosis and Management of Dementia

The world’s population is aging, and advances in modern health care have meant that people are living longer. However, at the same time, the number of people suffering from non-communicable diseases is increasing. One of the essential tasks of today’s health care system is to preserve the older generation’s health...

St. James Community Power Outage Hazard Campaign

St. James Town is one of Canada’s most densely populated and largest high-rise communities. The town is a diverse neighborhood comprised of multi-cultural, multi-linguistic, and multi-ethnic individuals most of whom are immigrants. St. James is a neighborhood that has continued to transition since the 1870s (Neighborhood Guide, n.d.). Among the...

Discussion: Employment or Labor Law

The History of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Employment and labor laws are essential in every country to build a relationship between employees and employers. The United States has federal, state, and local labor laws. Federal labor laws contain Acts that aim to protect employees’ rights, such as the...

Inequality Within the Australian Labour Market

Introduction Equality in the labor market implies similar opportunities for people to realize their needs for labor, professional retraining, career advancement, participation in management, and fair remuneration. Despite this, the work market in Australia is heterogeneous, which contributes to increased competition between young participants in social and labor relations and...

Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphonies

Introduction The performance of the Fifth Symphony was a great success; it was the moment of the victory of creative genius over physical weakness – Beethoven was almost completely deaf, and one of the orchestra’s soloists was forced to turn the composer to the audience so that he could see...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patient Case Study

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a combination of chronic conditions that impact the individual’s ability to breathe normally. This paper presents a case study of a patient who came into emergency room (ER) with severe shortness of breath and wheeziness. COPD was diagnosed and treated. The patient maintains a...

Science and Technology in Society

Studying the works of various scientific figures helps to gain an understanding of society and in which direction it is developing. In particular, it contributes to the formation of opinions about the role of science and technology in social transformations and people’s opinions about specific issues. Therefore, within the framework...

The Great Commission and Business as Missions

Introduction The Great Commission refers to instructions that Jesus gave to his disciples after he rose. He asked them to preach the gospel to people across the world. These instructions are found in many passages in the book of Mathew. In fulfilling this work commissioned by Jesus, the disciples were...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Patient Care Problem

Introduction Most patient care problems affect the hospitals’ budget. In many cases, it is the responsibility of a nurse leader to assist mitigates the aspects leading to the effect on the healthcare facilities budget. Many of the patient care issues are preventable and influence the health facilities more on their...

The “Call of Duty: Black Ops III” Game Analysis

Introduction Black operations 3 is the third installment of the black ops episodes, apart from other Call of Duty series like the modern warfare plot line. Black Ops 3 occurs in 2065, forty years after the incidents of Black Ops II, in a dismal dystopia. Multiple nations throughout the globe...

XYZ Inc.’s Recruitment Strategy Proposal

Introduction XYZ recruitment company provides talent acquisition solutions and is committed to helping organizations like State University attract the best talent that drives organizational success. The recruitment agency understands the difficulties organizations face when filling a vacant position, especially a management role, and the importance of finding the correct applicant...

Exploring Themes in Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’

Introduction Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein is a novel that has been a classic for two centuries and is still one of the most popular books for movie adaptations, theater plays, and other artistic manifestations correlating with the original plot. Multiple films have captured the original idea of scientific exploration of...

Analysis of Characters in Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

Introduction In his short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” Washington Irving uses a variety of figurative devices to represent the depth of his characters’ feelings and the setting where real and supernatural themes are properly intertwined. The personification of birds and the environment underlines the unique nature of Ichabod...

The Flipped Classroom Approach in Nursing Schools: Innovations and Challenges

Abstract This paper aims to review available scholarship on the flipped classroom model with the view to demonstrating how it can be effectively used in associate degree nursing schools. The results demonstrate that the flipped classroom supports a sound pedagogical model that can be used to develop highly competent nurses...

Che Guevara’s Biography and Revolutionary Path

Introduction Ernesto Guevara who is best-known as Che Guevara was one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution that took place in the 1960s. He adopted Marxist ideas when he was a medical student and he fought for the rights and freedom of working people in Cuba as well as...

The History of Indus Valley Civilization

Introduction More than 5 thousand years ago during the Bronze age, when Egypt and Mesopotamia sprouted, great cities blossomed along the flood plains of the Indus and Saraswati Rivers in modern day Pakistan and India (Jonathan, 2002.p.116). Harappa was the first city to be excavated, hence the name Harappan civilization....

Addressing Diabetes Through Community Initiatives: The Country Walk Approach

Introduction The aim of this paper is to use a combination of demographic, epidemiological and windshield survey assessment data to discuss one community health nursing problem affecting the Country Walk community and also to identify the underlying factors that cause the problem within the population. Although Country Walk suffered deadly...

Evaluating Well-Being Metrics for Children and Families: Methods and Findings

The assessment and intervention of child and family problems require social workers to implement a set of specific skills including ethical decision making, multicultural sensitivity, and profound professional competence to convey the necessary risk information to the clients and refer them to the helpful sources of support. The intervention plan...

Debates Around the 1787 American Constitution: Key Issues

Introduction The Articles of Confederation are considered to be the first American constitution ratified by all the states with Maryland being the last one in 1777. Still, the specific factors related to American internal issues proved that the states needed a national government that would be stronger than the provided...

Core Beliefs and Practices of Major World Religions: Origins and Impact

Judaism Origins and Development Judaism is a monotheistic religion that was founded by Abraham (who was the first to be commanded by God) and Moses (who was also guided by Him as he led the God’s Chosen People from Egypt) (Davis & Velaidium n.d.). As pointed out by Karkra (2012),...

Utilizing Electronic Resources and Tools for Effective Patient Education

Introduction Information technology is an innovative and driving force behind the modernization of the healthcare system. The focus of technological development in clinical applications has become centered around patient care. One of the critical components of delivering high-quality healthcare is patient education. Information systems help to establish a database combining...

Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy & Chemotherapy: Lesiuk’s Study

Introduction Cancer is a dangerous affliction that remains one of the primary causes of human mortality, along with heart and lung diseases (WHO, 2017). Out of all available methods of treatment, chemotherapy remains the most reliable way of counteracting cancer in the early stages of the disease, sporting the highest...

General Motors Company’ Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management can become another tool for improving the company’s performance. It is especially advantageous in the case of financial activities, as it has been proved that the companies that learned to exploit it effectively as well increased their revenues, became more competitive, and gained more customers. The concept...

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Cisco System Inc.’s Enterprise Resource Planning

What factors had made the difference between the success and failure of the Cisco ERP project? Management of resources within organizations is very critical in the financial and efficient performance of today’s biggest organizations, organizations like Cisco deal with very many variables in their day to day business activities, especially...

Empress Luxury Lines Company: Antonio’s Ethical Dilemma

Analyze the ethical dilemma faced by Antonio The fact that Antonio have been involved in the case by Kevin and is now aware of the fraudulent dealings that the Company has been doing means that he cannot continue working as if nothing has happened. This is especially so given that...

Sylvia Plath’s “Daddy” Poem Analysis

Introduction A metaphor is a figure of speech in which two dissimilar things are said to be the same. When Sylvia Plath addresses a shoe in the first two lines of “Daddy,” the shoe refers to the metaphor’s tenor, the subject which is likened to the vehicle. This is her...

Medical Insurance: Health Care Reform

Background The United States is said to have reached a stage where the status of health care is precarious, primarily because it is simply not sustainable anymore in an environment where there are just under 50 million US citizens uninsured, out of which Massachusetts alone accounts for a figure of...

Why a Career in Business as an E-Business Consultant Is Best for Me?

In order to succeed in any job search one has to know the different types of careers available. Self evaluations are necessary for one to know what he can do best and then specialize in that career. Currently, the level of unemployment is rising at a very high rate. Most...

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic neuromuscular disease that affects the motor neurons of the spinal cord and leads to increasing muscle weakness. The disease is progressive in nature, weakness begins with the whole body and the muscles of the legs, and then it reaches the muscles responsible for...

Nurse Staffing Standards Act

Background The S.1357 also known as the Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2019 is a bill introduced to the 116th Congress (2019-2020) by Sen. Sherrod Brown. The primary purpose of the legislation is to amend the Public Health Service Act to establish mandates...

Christian Identity, Nationalism, and Patriotism

Christian Identity Since the institutionalization of Christianity, the Church has always competed with monarchs for control over the states. Only after the beginning of the Reformation did Christianity begin to cooperate with local authorities. It can be said that such a symbiosis of unique cultures and local Christian practice norms...

Enterobius Vermicularis: A Worm That Knows No Class, Race, or Culture

Introduction Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) is the most common among all helminths in the world with a prevalence rate of 20-40 million in the United States. Treatment of pinworm infection is fairly easy and medication can be provided at all public health facilities. This paper seeks to provide an analysis of...

God Created War so that Americans Would Learn Geography

Mark Twain’s quote “God created war so that Americans would learn Geography” humorously depict the levels of American involvement with other countries at that time. Twain lived during the late 19th century when America was repeatedly involved in different wars, for instance, Red Cloud’s War, Mexican-American War, Great Sioux War,...

The New York Kouros: Style, Function, and Context

A Kouros is a term given to a free-standing ancient Greek sculpture that made its first appearance during the archaic period in Greece. The sculpture is a representation of a nude male youth (Von Bothmer 616). The name Kouros in Greek refers to a young boy, particularly of noble rank....

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Methods

Introduction People majority perceive communication as an everyday part of their life and have few issues practicing it. However, a certain percentage of children suffer from inherent or developed difficulties related to communication that interrupts their socialization process. It is accepted to define these disabilities as Complex Communication Needs (Dodd,...

Mental Health and COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the biggest global challenges in the last 50 years. The virus has affected world economies, health, societal cohesion, and daily life. The mutation of the disease creates uncertainties for people, especially when knowledge about the illness is still shallow. The impacts on society,...

Review of “Hum” by Jamaal May

Readers always have different opinions for the same work of literature. Specifically, people tend to use different lenses in interpreting a book. However, knowing the author’s biographic information and the contextual setting within which the author wrote a novel helps to get the intended meaning. Other aspects that a person...

“My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Jose Antonio Vargas

Life away from home on foreign territory always seems more complicated and thornier than life on home soil. Thus, migrants face various difficulties every day: the language barrier, cultural characteristics, and legal aspects. In his essay “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant,” Jose Antonio Vargas recounts his personal experience of...

The Day-Age Theory as Applied to Genesis

Abstract In the Christian tradition, the dominant perspective on creation follows a commonly shared position that the world was created by God in seven days. However, this dogma remains a matter of heated debate, as conditioned by the alternative, non-traditional view. There are many different theories that surround the creation...

Little Women Drama by Greta Gerwig

Introduction Little Women by Greta Gerwig is a heartwarming movie with some memorable characters. Director Greta Gerwig unveiled the latest version of “Little women”, a classic novel by Louisa May Alcott, into the theatre (Zborowski 4). Gerwig’s movie presents some unadulterated changes to the original story’s structure and style. Watching...

Social Media: The Role in Modern Society

The advent of technology created unprecedented opportunities in medicine, business, and across other industries globally. Specifically, smartphones and the Internet have radically optimized communication systems, shaping the way society evolves, develops, and behaves in their interactions with others. For example, Skype, Viber calls, Zoom, WhatsApp calls, and FaceTime allow people...

Derrick Adams’ Paintings Visual Analysis

“We Came to Party and Plan” by Derrick Adams is a series of 40 paintings that depict people at a party. These are mainly portraits in which the artist experiments with colors while establishing similar compositions and textures. 36 of 40 paintings are face portraits, and 4 pictures are full-body-sized....

Moral Development and Factors of Influence

Introduction Moral development is the process through which children learn how to act toward others and how to interact with society. It includes learning ideas like politeness, empathy, guilt, shame, and knowing the difference between right and wrong (Van Leeuwen, 2019). Moral standards in behavior, moral conscience, and moral deeds...

Play “All for Love” by John Dryden

Introduction The main theme of All for Love is love, which is shown through the relationship and hardships of lovers Antony and Cleopatra. Their tragic love storyline accentuates the tension between a person’s private aspirations and their duty to the nation, society, and the public good. This conflict between love...

Martin Wattenberg: Is Voting for Young People?

Introduction Martin Wattenberg’s Is Voting for Young People is an intriguing book that examines the issue of American youths’ absence in politics and the consequences of their ignorance. Is Voting for Young People reviews the low turn-out rate and political apathy of people below 30. Wattenberg highlights that politics turned...

Developing an Expansion Plan for the LEGO Group in India

Introduction Expansion is the most fundamental element which constitutes growth and relativity to success. Its growth and expansionism strategy have mainly relied on innovation and creativity in its operation. As part of its expansion, it has adopted brand-related Innovation (Xiaohan, 2020). The LEGO Group has been on a soundtrack in...

Workplace Conflict Between Nurses

Introduction The task of nurse leaders is to provide visionary leadership in order to foster a constructive work environment where disagreements are dealt with more effectively to maintain high standards of patient care (Angelo, 2019). The purpose of this essay is to discuss a situational conflict and how to deal...

Mental Disorder in the Community

Mental disorders can be averted through disease prevention and ensuring high-quality treatments are accessible to everyone. The capacity for cognitive performance is a measure of mental well-being. A person’s capacity to engage in a community and their ability to have close personal interactions with their relatives and friends depend on...

Symbolism in Tolstoy’s “The Death of Ivan Ilych”

Introduction In The Death of Ivan Ilych, the author Leo Tolstoy uses a variety of symbols to amplify Ivan Ilych’s life. The writer perfectly captures death, materialism, corruption, greed, and illness through this symbolization. Ivan desires to attain a happy life through materialism; he moves to a new home and...

Subcultures and Reasons for Their Existence

Introduction Each person living in a society is a part of its culture. This is inevitable; whether we want it or not, we learn from what surrounds us and adopt other people’s habits and manners. However, there exists such a phenomenon as subcultures; members of subcultures are a part of...

“Sympathy” by Paul Laurence Dunbar

“Sympathy” is the poem written by Paul Laurence Dunbar, one of the first African-American poets, whose works gained popularity at the end of the 19th century. The son of the enslaved father, Dunbar, knew a lot about the misfortune of being a slave. “Sympathy” is the author’s narration about the...

Tackling Nursing Shortage and Employee Turnover: Innovative Approaches for Retention

The primary goal of any healthcare system is to offer the best possible treatment for its patients. Highly qualified healthcare specialists constitute the foundation of that system, yet at the moment, skilled nurses are in the highest demand in the United States. A lack of educational opportunities and stressful working...

The Iraq War in Structural Functionalism

Introduction The dictatorial leadership of Saddam Hussein inspired the U.S. to wage war against Iraq. The U.S. wanted to restore peace to the citizens of Iraq who had been oppressed for a long period of time. The functionalist theory employs a qualitative approach of analysis in explaining and differentiating between...

Conflict Resolution Strategies and Organizational Behavior

The phenomenon of organizational conflict and its impact on the performance of organizations has generated increasing attention from organizational scholars especially after the realization that organizations are ever more subject to conflicting demands imposed by a multiplicity of factors arising from both internal and external operating environments. Liebler & McConnell...

Syphilis: Prevalence, Symptoms, and Treatment Insights

Introduction Despite numerous attempts to protect society against sexually transmitted diseases by educating, counseling, and offering specially developed devices like condoms, millions of people admit that they have already faced or are currently having some problems. This type of disease is usually passed from one person to another during intimate...

Criminal Behavior, Structural and Social Inequality

What is structural inequality? Structural inequality in essence is an inherent bias within social structures that can provide some advantages to a select group of people within society while at the same time marginalizing others. This can be seen in instances related to racism, education, and discrimination wherein certain segments...

Managerial Work, Functions and Challenges

Typical activity patterns in managerial work It has been revealed that managers usually do not have definite patterns of their activities in their managerial work. Sometimes, managers may spend their free time alone in their offices, interact with their juniors/ subordinates, or attend scheduled and unscheduled meetings. Importantly, some consistency...

Scheduling at Red, White and Blue Fireworks Company

A staffing plan for Red, White and Blue Fireworks Company Days no Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 10 10 10 10 Day off Day off Day off 2 Day off 10 10 10 10 Day off Day off 3 Day off Day off 10 10 10 10...

Strategic Growth Planning for Jellio: Expansion and Innovation

Executive summary Planning for the growth of a company is important and managers should carefully look at available options before deciding on which growth strategies to introduce. In the case study being discussed, the company (Jellio) seeks to expand its operations because of the increase in the number of customers....

Miami-Dade County in Florida: Geological History

Introduction Geology is a natural science which studies soil and its composition, including rocks and minerals. It focuses strongly on the transformation of the Earth’s geology over the 4.5 billion years of its existence as it underwent a continuous change and cataclysmic events, which have formed the composition of the...

The U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem

Introduction The struggle between Israel and the Palestinian people has not subsided in decades, with both nations being unable to come to a mutually beneficial resolution. While civilian protests initiated by Palestinian people continue, so do international discussions aimed at establishing peace in the region (Gelvin, 2014). In 2017, the...

Shift Work: Negative Effects on the Health and Performance of Nurses

Nursing is notoriously known as a profession with erratic scheduling and constant fatigue from a lack of or inconsistent sleep. This is largely due to shifting work which forces nurses to work long hours to meet the staffing needs of a hospital. There is a myriad of negative effects on...

Environmental Protection Agency’s Guerrilla Tactics

This paper is dedicated to the application of guerilla tactics by the staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the 1980s. Here, the ethical issues that were present throughout the period will be described, and the solutions of EPA staff (the guerilla participants) will be evaluated. The case...

Evaluating the Sun Coast Remediation Project’s Objectives and Results

Literature Review A literature review was performed based on quantitative research articles found through the Columbia Southern University Library. Peer-reviewed quantitative papers and reviews published between 2015 and 2020 were included to ensure the high quality of information gathered. A total of six studies on five problem areas were included...

Falls Prevention in the Elderly and Risk Assessment Tools

Due to the fact that the risk of falls among elderly patients in emergency departments is high enough, it is necessary to find a way to reduce the number of victims. As a potential solution, the use of appropriate tools can be considered as a technique of effective intervention. As...

The Issues of Love: Analysis

Introduction Although, the issues of love are rather important for the existence of the mankind, they stay unsolved demanding further consideration by people. Despite numerous ideas about the sense of human lives that suggest doing the good, fulfilling some missions, etc. as the major aim of human beings in this...

“Fighting Auschwitz” by Josef Garlinski

In the 1940s, the Nazi regime started an international program aimed at “purifying” the racial profile of the European population and establishing the rule of the so-called Aryan race. The powerful instruments of such correction were concentration camps, which combined the functions of labor utilization, development of science and technology,...

Teaching Charts as Effective Strategies

Introduction An effective teacher is one who maximizes the achievements of students by working in accordance with an explicit set of principles that have order, coherence and relevance in particular instructional context (Killen, 2006). Teachers use teaching charts in order to look at the target behaviors differently, see behavior more...

Larry Summers’s Public Relations Advisor: Case Study

Management of organizations is a difficult task especially when the manager is not on good terms with his subordinates. The manager is required to be critical of the interests of his or her subordinates since failure to address them may lead to them looking for excuses to topple him or...

Body Weight Change in First-Year College Students

Introduction Weight gain in human beings is a very slow process caused by a slow insidious imbalance in energy levels which has caused an overweight crisis in America (New York Times, 2). Persistent increase in positive energy balance occurs mainly in first year’s college students and this increasingly visible phenomenon...

Lakota Hill: Strategy Analysis

The case shows the introduction of an entrepreneurship venture in the specialty food industry. The new venture hatched by Laura Ryan was to set up a venture to sell fry bread powder in a sack. She sold the age old recipe to the locally and then to the supermarkets to...

The US, Japan, and Germany in the 1940s

Introduction The period between 1940 and 1949 forms one of the pillars of the modern world history. As a matter of facts, the period is associated with numerous and renowned events that goes down as remarkable occurrences in the world’s historical books. For instance, the world most famous war i.e....

Congress and the President: Contemporary Activities and Contradictions

Among the fundamental principles of the American state, researchers invariably call the separation of powers. This provision, as well as the principle of checks and balances supplementing it, has been the main concern of internal relations in the American state throughout its history. In this context, one of the core...