The Criminal Justice Service Violations and Ethical Issues

Ethical Failures and Shortcomings The section provides an overview of major violations and ethical issues that occur among criminal justice professionals. Kania and Davis (2015) define seven categories of such misconduct that frequently happen among criminal justice officers. These ethical failures include personal gain pursuit, bias and favoritism, deceitfulness, personal...

“Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry

Rohinton Mistry is an author of Squatter, a story about two individuals, narrated to the local young boys by Nariman Hansotia. One of the characters in the story is Savukshaw, a great cyclist, pole-vaulter, hunter, and cricketer. The other one is Sarosh; a Parsi immigrant who lived in Canada and...

“Race in the Schoolyard, Chapter 3” by Lewis Analysis

Understand West City School has many tensions due to the racial composition of its students and staff (Lewis, 2003). Students and teachers of color are put at a disadvantage by a white majority, who do not recognize racial issues. The school discourages discussions of racism, subsequently perpetuating the cycle of...

The Yellow Wallpaper. Mrs. Spring Fragrance. Review

The compositions left a profound trace in the literature of the XX century. Even though the stories are short, they contain significant ideas. The narratives are modernist since they describe the individual’s thoughts, not the social environment. The paper below represents a brief overview of the narrations. It also explains...

Alcohol Negative Effects on Vital Parts of Human Body

Alcohol abuse is an urgent problem for many modern people, as it is the most affordable way of intoxication. Statistics informs that excessive use of the substance is the reason for “95,000 deaths and 2.8 million years of potential life lost each year in the United States” (Alcohol facts and...

Doctors’ Knowledge on Drug Prescription

When patients visit hospitals and other medical facilities, they expect doctors to have adequate knowledge on the best therapies. Unfortunately, that is not the case as explained by Ben Goldacre in the TED video. I was surprised that the health industry is not controlled by medics but by the political...

Importance of Listening Skills

Listening is an essential skill for daily conversations and for conducting interviews. There are six main strategies required for effective listening during any interview: concentrating on the conversation, avoiding judgment, reflecting, clarifying questions, using a summary, and sharing one’s ideas (Agarwal, 2019). Active listening during interviews is a valuable technique...

Quantitative Studies and Their Critical Appraisal

Quantitative studies comprise a significant portion of the basis used for making decisions in evidence-based practice (EBP). However, different studies on the same subject can propose contradictory conclusions. This can complicate choosing the findings that one must follow when making evidence-based decisions. Therefore, one must critically assess the study by...

Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology

The book Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice focuses on the usage of statistics, which can be considered one of the most important means of studying crime in its quantitative and qualitative terms. It contains data on the number of offenses committed, their structure and dynamics, as well as information...

Why Eyewitness Testimony Is Bad: Experimental Evidence

Often, investigators rely on the testimony of eyewitnesses, and they give compelling testimony from a legal point of view. There are cases when eyewitnesses attribute details, events, and actions that did not happen at all. Here, the human factor plays an important role; that is, sometimes it happens that eyewitnesses...

Historical Themes in the Movie “Gladiator”

For this assignment, I have watched the movie Gladiator and here are the historical themes I have found relevant: The primary theme identified in the movie is slavery. The film portrays slaves who become gladiators (Maximus, Hagen, and others) and generals who become slaves. Almost every character serves someone or...

Bullying During Orientations in the Universities

Introduction Orientations are a great way to familiarize students with a university and help them join student life. Such events have long been considered instrumental in providing new students with the basic knowledge that can enhance the integration process. Moreover, there are certain psychological aspects to orientations, as they encourage...

Jackson Pollock: Utilization of Time and Movement

It has become common today to view time and motion in the light of their influence on the perception of the art and the complete transformation of this experience. Even though it seems some visual art, such as paintings or sculptures, are frozen in time and motion, it is not...

Global Forces and the Advertising Industry

Advertising Industry Aviation Industry Five Forces: Threat of new entrants. Bargaining power of customers. Bargaining power of suppliers The threat of substitute products. Rivalry among competitors. 1. medium 2. high 3. low 4. high 5. high 1. low 2. high 3. high 4. medium 5. high Drivers of Success Innovation,...

Caste, Class, and Ethnicity in Rynkiewich’s “Soul, Self, and Society”

Chapter 9 of Rynkiewich’s Soul, Self, and Society reflects on caste, class, and ethnicity. What are caste, class, and ethnicity? Caste is the system of arranging society into groups according to their ranks. At the same time, the class can be referred to as an outstanding category. Ethnicity can be...

The Sexual Abuse of Black Men Under American Slavery

Summary The thesis of this article is that violence has no face, race, or gender. The times of slavery left a large number of people disfigured and offended, including men. Strong social stigma about the shame of male sexual passivity and general weakness did not allow for deep and responsible...

Does the Binge-Watching Cause Aggression?

Hypothesis As a matter of fact, in the present day, series may be regarded as an intrinsic part of peoples’ lives, and their popularity cannot be underestimated. A considerable number of individuals sacrifice their sleep for non-stop watching. However, the influence of this habit on people’s behavioral patterns and mental...

Utilizing Thorium in Energy Production

Thorium Today’s generation of industrial nuclear reactors mainly burns the U235 isotope of uranium as fuel. However, due to the multiple adverse effects of uranium fuel, researchers started searching for a more environmentally friendly alternative to generating energy and found thorium. Thorium might have elevated nuclear power production to a...

Race, Sex, and Gender in Cultural Anthropology

The central idea of the reading shows how attitudes towards races and gender have changed in secular and scientific society through the dynamics of the stories of progressive scientists. The destruction of stereotypes was accompanied by a long fermentation of thought and testimonies of the book’s heroes, who, ahead of...

The Example of Critical Thinking Skills

Introduction Critical thinking and emotional intelligence define the quality of multiple processes and colleague relationships. Sally’s case proves that poorly managed emotions and a lack of communication might provoke additional workplace challenges and employee dissatisfaction. The woman needs to address certain critical thinking elements to combine reason, emotion, and communication...

Exploring the Cosmos Through Four Lenses

Introduction Traditionally, people believe that the exploration and study of space is exclusively the interest of adherents of rigorous sciences. Such people do not give a chance to others with a different mindset to approach this fascinating and vital topic. Space exploration has a tremendous impact on the lives of...

Adolescence in “Dangerous Laughter” by Millhauser

Introduction In the short story “Dangerous Laughter,” a group of adolescents engages in a trendy habit. Teenagers congregate at gatherings and laugh irrationally until the laughing obscures prudence and rationality. One girl, Clara Schuler, breaks out of her shell of shyness thanks to the laughing craze and would not let...

Specifics of Commodifying Women’s Labor

Introduction In the context of surrogacy, a woman’s work is equal to other types of labor since it is characterized by the presence of interested parties and is based on the voluntary participation of the woman. Nevertheless, there are significant differences between surrogacy and other commercial activities. Primarily, this applies...

BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Summary Facts On April 20, 2010, there was an explosion at the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which resulted in the release of over 130 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico (Meiners, 2020). This oil spill was the largest in US history and still has environmental...

Analysis of John Updike’s Short Story “A&P”

Introduction The tragicomic short story written by famous American novelist John Updike describes the social boundaries of society and how people create and follow their made-up rules. The author focuses on the topic of choice and its consequences. This essay analyses the meaning of the short story, its central and...

Palliative Care and Hospice Programs Misunderstanding

Introduction Lois, a patient in the last stages of breast cancer, was recently admitted into a hospice program. Once a patient enters hospice care, curative treatments are typically no longer given. He was glad to have a hospice nurse come into their home and help with the care of his...

Perception of Witches in the Past vs. Today

Introduction Witches are popular creatures from nay legends and histories retrieved from the sixteenth century. There is no clear proof that females could be witches because of their specific powers that could transform people into other living being or cast a curse. However, their actions, like cannibalism, sabbaths, and close...

The Local Response Capacity Concept

The term resilience refers to the capacity of a system, group, or society exposed to risks to resist the consequences of a hazard in an efficient and timely manner. There are many concepts and activities that may be taken to lower the likelihood that a disaster will occur. Nevertheless, a...

Toms Shoes and The Body Shop Firms’ Social Responsibility

Introduction As businesses continue to grow, their impact on society and the environment has become more critical. Social responsibility refers to the idea that businesses should make decisions that promote ethical and social good while balancing the company’s and its stakeholders’ interests (Hu & Zhang, 2020). Two companies recognized for...

Why the External Hiring Process Is Better

Introduction When a corporation hires from inside its current staff, it replaces a vacant job. External Recruitment, on the other hand, is seeking someone to fill the open position from outside the organization. The option I favor more than two is external recruiting, primarily because it will allow the business...

Engaging Kids with Nature: A Place-Thought Walk at Woodlands Historic Park

For the place-thought walk, I settled on Woodlands Historic Park. The Wurundjeri peoples, the local First Nations people, are located in the historical territory of Woodlands Historic Park. I brought three kids, who ranged in age from 4-6. We took a path that was marked out in the park, letting...

Exploring the Science of Happiness: Practical Steps to a Joyful Life

Introduction Imagine waking up with an immense feeling of joy and empowerment to tackle all of life’s challenges. While most individuals think that the key to happiness is amassing wealth and having good health, science begs to differ. Let me unravel the simple secrets to happiness and share how leveraging...

Healthcare Access for LGBT: Discrimination and Gaps

Introduction The current issue is that LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) people and their families do not have access to comprehensive and inclusive healthcare services. Healthcare access and quality gaps still exist despite tremendous progress in recognizing and embracing the rights of the LGBT population (Mcleod, 2023). Main Body...

Institutional Review Board: Main Objectives

Institutional review boards, also called research ethics committees, are institutions which are created to examine cases of human participation in research and ensure their protection. The main aim of IRBs is to secure the physical and mental well-being of people participating in research (Grady, 2015). Essence The ethical examination of...

Managing Organisational Change: Contingency Approach

Value of contingency approach to organisational change The contingency approach to organisational change advocates that all decisions regarding change need to be taken contextually and it would not be deemed proper to have a “best way” fit all methods to address all issues connected to organizational change. (Jalnoah 2009). This...

Microbiology: History and Development

Microbiology studies the structure, vital functions, patterns, and developmental conditions of organisms. The name of science microbiology, one of the biological sciences, came from three Greek words: mikros – small, bios – life, and logos – study (Singh & Satyanarayana, 2017). In other words, microbiology is the science of tiny...

Keep the Steering Wheel in Your Hands, Not the Cell Phone

Introduction The reason why there is no need to add an “I am driving” instant message to the phone is that no one should ever even touch it while holding the steering wheel and pressing the gas pedal. I have watched a number of videos about the circumstances of car...

Benefits and Drawbacks: Economist and Mathematical Statistician

Introduction Nowadays a person needs not only knowledge of sciences, but also the ability to communicate with people. The work of an economist and mathematical statistician is similar since their job is to properly prioritize and set goals to maximize profits with the least loss. The purpose of the report...

Analysis of “The Lifted Veil” by George Eliot

The Lifted Veil is a novella by George Eliot. At the center of the story is Latimer, who is a dying man with an assumed ability to see the future. However, the text allows different interpretations, which imply that he is not a reliable narrator. Understanding how Eliot portrays the...

Evolution of the Feminist Movement

In the recent past, the world has witnessed the rise of several feminist movements. These organizations mostly have the same goal – to address women’s issues and their effects on the social and economic order, which predominantly seems to be in favor of men. However, despite the changes that have...

Jawn Bin Huwai: A Martyr for Allah

Introduction Jawn bin Huwai is a significant personality in the history of Islam. Being one of those martyred at Karbala, he had undergone the reality of slavery since he was in servitude to several masters. However, his last master freed him and urged him to abandon his service and his...

Marketing Mistakes Affecting International Marketing

Marketing is an essential aspect of business because it creates awareness. As a result, companies constantly strive to be creative to appeal to more clients. Due to the increased number of clients, businesses expand their market share and consequently enhanced their customer base. However, sometimes marketing strategies fail terribly. Therefore,...

Civil Rights and Liberties in the United States

Concepts Civil rights and civil liberties are distinct concepts based on their applications and definition in the context of ordinary life. In that way, civil liberties acknowledge fundamental human rights, such as the right to freedom of speech, privacy, marriage. On the other hand, civil rights constitute the rights of...

St. Augustine, Socrates and Plato: Comparison

The influential philosophers of antiquity who established the basis of modern human fields are St. Augustine, Socrates, and Plato. However, these philosophers have different perspectives on specific aspects of the worldview, although they voice similar motives in various directions. Thus, it is essential to analyze the main similarities and differences...

Role of Advance Directives in Healthcare

Advance directives give much-needed assurance and peace of mind by allowing individuals to make decisions about their healthcare in advance. They also offer some security to healthcare practitioners who may face family members with opposing viewpoints on what is best for their relatives. The most morally troubling situations are directives...

Michael Porter’s Technique for a Competitive Analysis

Introduction Michael Porter’s technique for competitive advantage evaluates the five forces for competitive strengths and positions of a business in its environment. The five forces include supplier power which assesses the ease of merchants to drive prices down. Supplier power is determined by the uniqueness of products, relative size, and...

Feasibility Study and a Cost-Benefit Analysis

The method compares the cost of the total expected benefits from the project with the total costs of its implementation. The analysis has two goals: 1) at the project justification stage, determine whether the benefits from the project exceed the costs and, if they exceed, by how much; 2) create...

The Gilded Age in the United States’ History

Introduction Each stage of economic history has its peculiarities since, at different times, people have other problems that change the economy in one direction or another. There was such a stage as the Golden Age, which at first glance was remarkable, but corruption prevailed in the political system, which hindered...

“Caged Bird” by Angelou and “Sympathy” by Dunbar

Introduction The poem Caged Bird written by Maya Angelou follows the same theme as Paul Laurence Dunbar’s Sympathy. Thus, both poems focus on the theme of freedom through the perspective of a caged bird. However, despite using similar imagery of the bird in the cage, the poems can leave a...

Using Twitter in the Foreign Language Classroom

In modern world the intensive development of Internet technologies and various information and communication networks has led to the emergence of new means of communication. Over the past ten years, foreign language teachers have been actively using Internet resources in the classroom to immerse students in the language environment. Free...

The Alternative Ending of the Civil War

Introduction Originally, the Civil War was the result of differences in views regarding slavery. After the South’s loss, the country faced multiple social, economic, and political changes. Americans would later be confronted by the need to change their country and reunite the North and the South as one nation-state. An...

The Turing Test and Development of Artificial Intelligence

The Turing test is necessary to determine a program’s ability to think. This empirical test is conducted with two people and a program, in which the program and one person communicate with a judge. The judge needs to determine which of his interlocutors is a robot and which is a...

Ethics, Morals, and Values in Healthcare

In healthcare, ethics, morals and values play a rather crucial role. It is important to be able to differentiate between the concepts and understand their influence on the field. Ethics in healthcare refer to a set of principles that assist medical professionals with providing care. It features both one’s moral...

Lake Oroville Disaster: Analysis

The Oroville Dam is located on the Feather River in Northern California, east of the city of Oroville. The dam is an earth-filled embankment design and was built between 1961 and 1968. The dam is built on the geological terrain called Smartville Ophiolite Complex. It is described as steeply dipping...

Leader’s Approach to the Changes in Professional Speciality Area

Introduction Many criteria form successful leadership; however, preserving the position and ensuring modern solutions for the issues that may appear during the career is even more challenging. The essay explores two parts of the professional leader: technology as an aspect of development and interpersonal communication within the company. Both elements...

Perez’ What Home Is Poem vs. Walk’s The Flowers Story

When poetry and prose are compared, it is sometimes difficult to find common ground in tone, theme, and syntax. However, for Ashley Hope Perez’s “What Home Is” and Alice Walk’s “The Flowers,” which are a poem and short story, respectively, the connection can be built in terms of these three...

What Does Poverty Mean?

Introduction Poverty is a lack of money to meet basic needs, including housing, food, and clothing. It deprives people of liberty, physical and mental well-being, and safety (The Economist, 2019). Manifestations of poverty include malnutrition and hunger, inability to obtain education and satisfy other basic needs, social discrimination and exclusion,...

Aspects of the Spirituality in Christianity

Introduction Spirituality in Christianity is a broad concept that includes the personal traits of every catholic and a collective view of the world as a place of God’s creation. There are multiple worldviews according to which spirituality can be defined as a set of values or practices like meditation to...

Child Cognitive Development

Introduction Taking into account Piaget’s theory about the cognitive development of children, from four stages, the preoperational phase is chosen (Babakr et al., 2019). At this stage, the most obvious manifestations of intelligence are revealed. Children acquire new skills and ways of knowing the world, for example, through digital games,...

Benefits and Drawbacks of the Low-Carb Diet: A Comprehensive Review

Evaluation of the Diet Plan Based on Nutritional Value One diet that is quite popular nowadays is a low-carb diet, which has both benefits and drawbacks. The given diet can be defined as a nutritional approach where carbohydrates are eliminated and replaced with fats and protein, which helps the body...

American Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution: Pros and Cons

The primary goal of this essay is to compare and contrast the content of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution by presenting the weaknesses and threats of both documents. It could be assumed that the U.S. Constitution provides detailed information about the importance of government by providing additional...

Characteristics of Central Asia

Chapter number two by Cummings called “The Region of Central Asia” explores the characteristics of this area as a region about its political, geographical, cultural, and historical peculiarities. The area known as Central Asia consists of five former Soviet Union republics such as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan. For...

Overview of Health Promotion

Introduction Modern society centralizes health promotion and advances it within different spheres of life. Whether a person sees an advertisement of a fitness club or an annual hospital screening, all of this is targeted at promoting wellbeing. Health promotion can be defined as a process that makes people choose healthier...

The Hidden Symbolism in Picasso’s Guernica

Pablo Picasso’s Guernica is one of his most famous paintings. It was finished in 1937 and is painted with oil on a canvas. It is, in fact, accepted by most critics as one of his most compelling and moving paintings. The painting is conveying an anti-war message showing gruesome nature...

Health Information Technology Service Management

Healthcare is one of the most important services provided to people, as the need to be healthy is shared by all humans. It is crucial that healthcare management keeps improving with the introduction of new technology. The implementation of IT in health services has been a work in progress for...

Man vs Machine: Luddism Then and Now

Introduction Since the economy of England relied heavily on the textile and clothing industry, there was always a demand for skilled workers. However, the introduction of steam looms did not require the presence of skilled workers. Therefore, manufacturers preferred to hire children and women rather than experienced men (Lindholdt, 1997)....

Three Famous Irrational Numbers Are Pi, Euler’s Number, and the Golden Ratio

Irrational numbers make up a significant sector of mathematical sciences and find utilization not only in theoretical models but also in engineering, construction, and scientific applications. Although most likely, irrational numbers — such as Pi, the Euler’s number, and Golden Ratio — have always existed, humankind did not immediately guess...

Greta Thunberg’s Speech: Rhetorical Analysis

This persuasive and rather emotional speech was delivered by sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental and climate activist. She is famous worldwide for calling on leaders and governments to begin taking sufficient steps to fight against climate change. This speech was given on 23 September 2019 at the United Nations...

Raymond Carver’s “I Could See the Smallest Things” Story

“I Could See the Smallest Things,” written by Raymond Carver, is concise, but it has a powerful effect on readers. The author masterfully attracts attention, forcing them to search for clues about what is happening in the characters’ lives. The story’s plot is constructed around Nancy’s night walk, who hears...

Rock: Composers, and Special Features of the Genre

Rock Music Rock is a genre of music that was originated in the United States in the late 1940s and became extremely popular throughout the years. Rock stars attract large crowds to stadiums and become idols for their fans. As a genre, rock is very diverse since there are many...

Corporate Social Responsibility of Starbucks

Introduction and Organization Overview In the face of various aroused challenges, including global warming and the COVID-19 pandemic, corporate social responsibility (CSR) acquires increasing importance for the prosperity of business and society altogether. In these contexts, Starbucks Corporation can serve as an exemplary entity with active CSR clearly determined and...

Production of Fur-Free Branded Clothing

Today, the trend of greening the world is gaining momentum. People are switching to alternative energy sources. However, there are still moments of human life that have not come to today’s trends in ecology. Hunters in search of skin and fur exterminate huge quantities of almost extinct animals. According to...

Holden Caulfield’s Irresponsibility in The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger

Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of Jerome Salinger’s The Cather in the Rye, may be many things, but responsible is not one of them. Be that himself or other people around him, he rarely has a concern for anything. By highlighting his irresponsible behavior, Salinger contrasts the character’s rather self-absorbed focal...

Art Critics on “Starry Night” by Vincent Van Gogh

Introduction “Starry Night” is one of the most famous pictures of Vincent van Gogh, which was created when he was in the asylum due to his mental health problems. It is generally thought that it depicts the view from his window there. The work of art has always been regarded...

Utilitarian and Retributivist Theories of Punishment

Introduction Fair punishment has long been a subject of dispute among philosophers, politicians, and the general public. However, there is still no consensus on which type of penal system is the most appropriate in terms of effectiveness and ethics. These discussions gave rise to two major theories – utilitarian and...

Francis Bacon in History of Art

Francis Bacon is one of the most famous English self-taught painters who mainly worked in expressionism and figurative painting. As a rule, the artist created frightening, disturbing, wild, and exciting images in his works. His favorite themes were screaming, suffering, agony, loss, defeat, death, and doom, which were often framed...

“Good Omens”: A Book and a TV Series

Introduction Good Omens is a novel about the birth of Antichrist who is supposed to bring the apocalypse and end times to Earth. It is striking how much time the series writers have devoted to the book’s details that are critical to the narrative. The book and the series are...

Metaverse Spatial Design Analysis

Metaverse is a 3D-virtual universe that has been decentralized to focus on social media connections. It is a collective open space that allows the physical world to exist as a parallel realm. Currently, it is reshaping some organizations that operate e-commerce through its ability to influence online shoppers in various...

Polio Elimination in Uttar Pradesh

In 2001 India accounted for 15% of the global population, with cities exceeding one million, and most citizens resided in rural areas. Indians embraced various beliefs, notably: Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islamism, and Christianity (Blumenthal et al., 2011). Muslim groups were a minority in most of the regions in India....

Washington’s and DuBois’ Speeches Comparison

As a black man, a simple worker from Atalanta, the question of social equality between people of color is very important to me. So, I read the writings of two of the great spokesmen for the Black rights movement, Washington and DuBois, and tried to choose which of them made...

American Psychological Association Style and Rules

When writing an academic paper, the presentation of information in the text is critical. Various citation styles are used to help organize the knowledge and data taken from various scientific sources. One of the most widely used citation styles is the American Psychological Association style (APA). This essay will provide...

Irrational Exuberance Chapter in Civil Society by Edwards

There is no doubt that capitalism has proven to be the most efficient model for economic relationships so far. However, with the consistent focus on expansion and profit increase, which companies are expected to pursue in the capitalist environment, the opportunity to support vulnerable and marginalized communities is reduced substantially...

Interpersonal Skills: A Management Case Situation

Introduction In the context of this scenario, it is necessary to consider the perspectives of three parties, namely the organization itself, the staff member, and the part-time employee, in that order. Mastering interpersonal skills is mandatory to determine the correct resolution of the situation and to form a reasoned response...

Swanson’s Theory of Caring: Five Stages of Compassion in Nursing

Introduction Swanson’s theory is one of the most informative in the medical field. It is heavily based on the theorists’ research and practice. The theory perceives caring as a sequence of five categories. It was primarily centered on maternal care, such as struggling with miscarriage; however, it spread to nursing...

Enhancing Performance Appraisal Systems for Equitable Employee Feedback

Introduction The performance appraisal system is essential for any company. It helps evaluate employees’ performance and provides feedback to help them improve their service. However, we have found that the type of feedback that men and women receive significantly differs. This paper will discuss the current performance appraisal system’s effect...

Differences Between Greek and Roman Cultures: Government, Gender Roles, Architecture

Government Greek and Roman cultures differed significantly in various aspects, such as governance, gender roles, and how religious and cultural beliefs were expressed in the arts. The political systems of the Greek polis and the Roman republic and empire were particularly distinct. The Greek polis was a small urban state...

Semantic Analysis in Linguistics

Semantic analysis Semantic in linguistics is largely concerned with the relationship between the forms of sentences and what follows from them. Semantic analysis is an analysis of the sensible set of instructions that form part of programming in a language, for instance, the presence of subject-verb agreement, proper use of...

Comparison of Success and Failure

Success and failure are widespread phenomena that occur in virtually any form of human activity. Both aspects can have both positive and negative effects on a person, so the issue of influence is particularly important. The purpose of this essay is to compare success and failure and how it affects...

“The Red Convertible” by Louise Erdrich: Symbolism

As the title shows, “The Red Convertible” is the main fulcrum of the story and the entire plot is built around it. It is used as a symbol of happiness with its color ‘red’ denoting passion and life. At the beginning of the story, the car belongs to both Lyman...

Image and Symbol in the Poetry of Aimé Césaire

Introduction Chapter Six “Essential Landscape: Image and Symbol in the Poetry of Aimé Césaire” explores the contribution of the poet into surrealist literature. Born on 26 June 1913, in a small town in the North of Martinique, Césaire placed great importance on his background and the place of birth as...

Western Medicine and Its Shortcomings

Impact of Pharmaceutical Industries on Environment, Health, and Safety Summary: Various classes of pharmaceutical compounds have been detected in water samples and proved to be highly toxic for animals and humans. Thus, to save the environment, it is necessary to regularly monitor pharmaceutical compounds’ concentration in pharmaceutical effluents that enter...

Hillside Veterinary Clinic Marketing Plan Overview

Introduction Hillside Veterinary Clinic (HVC) is a small business operating in Colorado, requiring rebranding of its positioning to acquire new customers. The facility was planning to expand, therefore needing to adjust and enhance its marketing strategy according to the client’s needs and preferences. The following paper critically analyses the marketing...

Clash of the Titans: The Remake of Perseus and Why Is He So Popular

Introduction Perseus, a Greek demi-god, is one of the most known and loved heroes in mythology. The recent movie Clash of the Titans (2010), which retells the story of Perseus, proves the fact that his bravery is still not forgotten. Most likely Perseus is still so popular and discussed today...

Study of a Parent-Child Relationship

The study of a parent-child relationship is a sophisticated endeavor focused on the peculiarities of a socioemotional environment of the upbringing process, as it may have a significant influence on the outcomes of the child’s interaction with both society and caregivers. Hence, when speaking of the following issue, it is...

Doing Genders: Social Constructs of Gender

The evolution of human society is closely related to the development of such constructs as gender. This concept defines the roles and responsibilities that are characteristic of representatives of a particular group. However, physical differences are not always associated with the same gender differences, which makes them significant factors of...

Discussion of Opioid Crisis in the U.S.

The “opioid crisis” in the United States has lasted since the late 1990s and is associated with the emergence of cheap opiate-based painkillers. These are potent compounds found in safe drugs and hard drugs, such as heroin. After all, opioids act on the part of the brain that is responsible...

Features of Treatment for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Deaf and hard of hearing people are a particular group of the population that requires a unique approach, in particular, in nursing practice. The leading channel of perception of these people is the visual analyzer. As a result, they cannot or find it difficult to perceive spoken language. When trying...

France and Its Territorial Disputes

Introduction to the Country France is a country in Western Europe, and it is one of the wealthiest and most populated nations in the region, as well as one of the most influential nations in the entire world. The population of France exceeds 63 million living in a territory of...

Piaget and Kohlberg’s Theories Differences and Similarities

The cognitive stage developmental theory put forth by Lawrence Kohlberg is often looked at as an advancement of Jean Piaget’s theory on morals. The theory put forth by Piaget focused on the cognitive ability of children and their moral development while in their natural environment. He was the first to...

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Introduction To find relevant literature on the PICOT topic, MEDLINE, PubMed, and Embase databases were used. MEDLINE is a database maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) that contains references to journal articles, mostly in the field of biomedicine. PubMed is a subset of MEDLINE, although it includes more...

Healthcare Informatics Discussion

Introduction Healthcare informatics is a field that specializes in developing and studying information systems involved in the healthcare delivery process. With the rising importance of technology and the ongoing digitization of medicine, informatics has started to occupy a central role in discussing how to safely and effectively integrate technological solutions...

Sinusitis: Clinical Practice Guidelines

Introduction Rhinosinusitis is among the most concerning conditions in the healthcare field. The average annual number of diagnoses exceeds 30 million, which results in $11 billion in costs for the respective treatment (Rosenfeld et al., 2015). The economic costs are further increased by personal consequences of quality of life, productivity,...

Depression: Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Patient S. H., 32, female, Caucasian, single, was referred by the patient’s mother since the patient has been exhibiting changes in behavior. Problem The patient complains about lack of sleep, tiredness, loss of interest in leisure, irritability, and trouble concentrating. She states that these symptoms have been prominent for two...

Veteran Suicide Rates: Addressing Mental Health Challenges

The increase in suicide rates among veterans frightens and reveals the magnitude of mental challenges experienced by the group. The most worrying aspect of Clay Hunt’s interview was the revelation that 22 veterans die daily from suicide (CBS News, 2013). Unfortunately, many recruits to the army fit the profile of...

Innovations in Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

Introduction In today’s world, the number of people using a private car is growing steadily. Problematically, the increase in traffic leads to traffic jams for many kilometers. The task of engineers is to create alternative vehicles capable of relieving the jam. One such option is electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing...

K-12 Health & Physical Education Curriculum

In order to select what types of programs are to be made constituents of a new K-12 health education curriculum, it is necessary to take into the account that all its apprentices must be provided with an opportunity to be healthy, fit, and willing to embrace new knowledge. Therefore, K-12...

Civil War Prevention: Learning from History

Introduction The two most pressing problems for the US, which appeared long before the start of the war, were the abolition of slavery and the bourgeois-democratic solution to the land question. However, before the outbreak of hostilities, a political split of the country took place, so the reunion of the...

Nonverbal Communication Methods in Health Care

Communication has always been an essential part of people’s lives. Messages are exchanged during communication in order to achieve the goals of the conversation. People do not simply transmit data but inform, share knowledge about the difficulties of solving a problem, and discuss other aspects. However, due to unavoidable circumstances,...

Validity and Reliability in Quantitative Studies

To be able to critique quantitative studies is crucial in each evidence-based process. In healthcare, an appropriate appraisal ensures the quality of one’s medical practice and patient treatment. The following factors should be assessed when appraising a study: validity, reliability, and applicability. A critical analysis of all three elements should...

The Phenomenon of Interpersonal Communication

The phenomenon of interpersonal communication is a process of exchanging information, knowledge, experience, emotions, and beliefs between people. In other words, interpersonal communication happens when two people talk or use non-verbal means to exchange data. According to Lane (2016), interpersonal communication is influenced by the perception of the world, self-concept,...

How Does Composer John Williams Unify His Films Through His Music?

John Williams is an American composer that is considered to have composed some of the most recognizable and beloved film scores in the history of cinema. His style might be characterized as an orchestral callback to classical Hollywood, with piano and trumpet at the forefront. John Williams’ music has the...

The Ship of Theseus Concept Overview

The discussion of the identity of a whole often includes the paradox called “The ship of Theseus.” In this example, a ship has all of its parts gradually replaced, while the disassembled parts are used in the creation of its copy. This creates an issue of the origin of an...

“Dürer, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” by Dr. Hickson

Being a well-known element of the Biblical mythology, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse often appear in media in different iterations. In Dr. Sally Hickson’s (2019) article, the media used for the article, particularly, Dürer’s pictures, are expected to represent the sheer Biblical terror of the Apocalypse and convey the...

Micrococcus Luteus Under Microbiological Analysis

Background One of the central tasks of microbiological analysis is the identification of unknown microorganisms. The application of this need, namely the ability to qualitatively identify pathogens to select a plan for further clinical risk management activities, dictates the need for in-depth, detailed, and correct investigation of the strain and...

Analysis TED Talk Outline: Broken Relationship

Sometimes, relationships get broken for seemingly no reason; you just abruptly drift away from each other. Indeed, even the closest of people can grow apart without a reason and that is it. That is what we have to accept as we move on with our lives, and not let it...

Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons

Artificial intelligence attracts more and more attention. Bill Gates believes that among all modern innovations, AI has the most significant potential to change our lives: to make them more productive, more efficient, and easier. AI has long captured the imagination of writers and journalists. Not all people really understand what...

“Lanval” and “Laustic,” by Marie de France

Marie de France’s depiction of females in Lanval and Laustic illustrates an inclination to sympathize with their sexuality despite the trend of shaming them by male writers at the time for their sexual desires. This tendency is seen throughout the two texts, further affirming the notion of feminist eyes in...

Most Important Traits for Successful Leadership

The key to success in the age of disruption is effective leadership, which is value-driven rather than bottom-line-oriented. The need for leadership is more than ever in the age of disruption. Strong leadership is directing companies that are successful in navigating digital advancements (Chng et al., 2018). With the help...

Aspects of Risk Management Framework

Introduction The modern world is extremely interconnected, and technology has become an essential component of our everyday life. While technology has made many processes simpler and more convenient, it has also introduced new and complicated threats to privacy, security, and stability. The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is an effective tool...

Overview of Breast Cancer: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Ecological Perspectives

A Brief Overview of the Disease Breast cancer can emerge because of the changes in cells found in breast tissue. Both males and females might suffer from the disease; however, women have a higher risk. Breast cancer is often linked to such factors as lifestyles, gender, age, history of disease,...

The Debate on Sex Education in Public Schools: A Critical Examination

Introduction to the Topic My chosen topic is whether sex education should be taught in public schools. The book, “With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking, ” is a manual for analytical thinking and solid logic. The authors hold that different thinking styles, such as analytical, creative, and strategic,...

Collective Bargaining Role in Management Relations

Collective bargaining is a technique used by public union representatives and public agency managers to negotiate conditions and terms of employment. The goal of collective bargaining is to optimize the employer-employee relationship by facilitating a win-win situation for the various parties involved. Collective bargaining improves the workforce strength and as...

Understanding Suicide: Religious Perspectives and Modern Implications

Suicide is a highly controversial issue that requires special attention of society. Significant efforts have been put on a global scale into the research of this grave phenomenon and the development of the prevention programs. In this section, suicide and its implications will be regarded from the religious perspective. The...

The Benefits and Risk of Using Public Online Health Information

Public Online Health Information helps organize the interaction of healthcare providers, patients and payers through an integrated electronic patient health record and analytics that capture all data related to health care. Duplication or non-provision of necessary services is incompatible with the concept of safe, effective, and quality medical care. Online...

Teen Pregnancy and Father Teens

Introduction Teen pregnancy is common in the United States as teens are increasingly having sex before 16. Notably, since the responsibility lies equally with teen mothers and teen fathers, there is a need to develop government programs to inform and support father teens. Besides, to reduce the incidence of unwanted...

International Organizations Battling Human Trafficking

Introduction Not being strictly bound by the political landscape, intergovernmental (IGOs) and non-governmental (NGOs) organizations play a crucial role in alleviating countless transnational issues, including human trafficking. While anti-slavery initiatives began in the 1800s, this global problem remains unresolved and plagues many nations, especially in Asia and Europe (DoCarmo 2020)....

The Importance of Persia on the World Stage

Persia is one of the oldest states and empires, now called Iran. In the best “heyday period,” the Persian Empire became one of the most significant states in history. From its origin to the conquest by Alexander the Great, Persia occupied a dominant position in the ancient world for two...

The Future of the Meat Industry

Introduction The meat industry concentrates on the production, packing, preservation, and marketing of meat. This sphere of agriculture is fully industrialized now, like many others. Obviously, the meat industry has a big future and will only be developing. There are innovative technologies implemented now that decrease the damage to the...

Michael Porter’s Strategy Used in Disney Plus Company

Summary For competitive advantage, the Walt Disney Company employs a generic differentiation approach that capitalizes on the uniqueness of products available in the media, entertainment, and amusement park industries. According to Michael E. Porter’s concept, a generic competitive strategy enables a company to advance and maintain its market competitiveness. Disney’s...

Ignatius Loyola and the “Society of Jesus”

Ignatius Loyola founded the religious order named the ‘Society of Jesus’. The Jesuits, a religious apostolic community, were involved in the establishment of Jesus’ society (Noll, 2022, p.201). They are people who are rooted in Christ’s love and enlivened by the visions of spirits of their founder, St. Ignatius of...

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Main Achievements

Introduction Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only US president to be elected 4 times in a row. Therefore, his presidency lasted a long period – from 1933 to 1945. Not surprisingly, the politician’s reforms were generally perceived as successful. The most important achievements of Franklin D. Roosevelt were the development...

Characters in Good Country People by Flannery O’Connor

Good Country People is a short story written by an American novelist and essayist Flannery O’Connor and published in 1955. In the story, O’Connor portrays the conflicting natures of people living in the American South with irony and wit. A case can be made for three of the four main...

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Three Types of Research Methodology

In managing research in any area of life, it is imperative to employ procedures to collect data and analyze it. When viewed in that perspective, it is referred to as research methodology. Research methodology is a critical decision in the whole process of an individual’s research. Developing one’s research methodology...

Walmart’s Approach to Human Resource Management in China

In terms of retail sales, Walmart is one of the world’s largest companies. The company has expanded into foreign territories after its success in the U.S. market. Intending to expand its influence, Walmart entered the Chinese market in 1996. Walmart’s existing human resource management practices did not meet the needs...

Honoring Immigrant Lives Lost on September 11: Stories and Remembrance

Introduction The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, will always be remembered as a dark day in American history. Some experiences frequently went unwritten or were missed among the agony and loss. One story focuses on the immigrant servants who died while working in the World Trade Center’s kitchens on...

Supporting Adolescents Through Identity Crisis: Insights from Psychosocial Theories

Introduction Adolescence is one of the most challenging periods in young people’s and their parents’ lives. The main reason is the unstable psyche that undergoes the most significant changes and developments. This paper explores different psychosocial theories to suggest strategies for supporting a young person experiencing an identity crisis and...

Technology Trust and Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS): A Study of Implementation

Introduction Human resource information systems (HRIS) are a practical method of processing and managing employee data. HRIS standardizes personnel management duties and processes, assuring accurate records and reporting. Technology trust is crucial to how well a system functions, just like it is with any other informative system. The work by...

People with Addiction and Substance Use Disorder

Questions and Answers How has this presentation influenced the care you will provide to this population? Why? Adult patients with opioid addiction need special care and regular monitoring by a professional healthcare provider. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (2016), more than 435,000 young and older adults suffer...

Analyzing Abortion from Both Legal and Public Health Perspectives

Introductory Paragraph Thesis sentence: Abortion should be legalized to safeguard the health, reputation, and status of women in need of abortion services. Support for Thesis 1 Topic Sentence: Criminalizing abortion in many countries has led to unsafe abortion practices, which are a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Detail...

Robert Redford’s Quiz Show: Fame, Morality, and Scandal

Introduction A 90s classic Quiz Show produced and directed by Robert Redford examines the moral boundaries of a person on their way to becoming famous. The storyline of the movie revolves around the Twenty-One quiz show scandals that took place in the 1950s. Back then, after observing plummeting TV ratings,...

Why Must We Protect Crocodiles?

The article “Why must we protect crocodiles?” explaining the value of the Philippine crocodile to rural communities” discusses various methods, approaches, and reasons to protect the endangered Philippine crocodile. Although it is strictly prohibited from hunting, its numbers continue to decline due to the use of poaching fishing methods. The...

Motorcycle Safety and Its Psychological Aspect

Abstract The purpose of the following research paper is to define how various psychological factors influence motorcyclists’ behavior in terms of safety. Among the concepts discussed, the issues of helmet wearing and exceeding speed limits will be outlined. With the help of peer-reviewed studies on the matter, some motorcyclists’ behavioral...