Introduction Mass media are powerful instruments for forming, influencing, and manipulating the consumers’ views on the covered subjects. The audience should be conscious of that fact and be critical of the presented content, especially regarding such important topics as sexuality. In this case, some mass media can be utilized as...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 957
Pages: 3
Most people believe they should organize their lives and make decisions. They continue choosing colleges, enhancing skills, and earning a living. In his “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For,” Henry David Thoreau breaks all rules and proves it may be enough to live a simple life and be...
Topic: Literature
Words: 957
Pages: 3
Medicine is constantly developing as a sphere, introducing new technologies and methods of cognition of problems and phenomena. One of the most important tools for evidence-based research is the development of a PICOT question by experts. This aspect is intended to give the most accurate picture of a particular health...
Topic: Antibiotic
Words: 957
Pages: 3
Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to healthcare that involves making decisions about patient care based on the best available evidence. In order to engage in EBP, healthcare professionals need access to relevant and reliable sources of information. A critical source of information is databases, which can be used...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 957
Pages: 3
Introduction Their Eyes Were Watching God is written by Zora Neale Hurston and published in 1937. This story is about Janie, whose life journey is challenging, and shows the girl’s struggle with building the life she wants. Although Janie wants to find love, she is influenced by her grandmother Nanny...
Topic: Literature
Words: 957
Pages: 3
Agriculture is the key sector in America that has conquered global exports in the world. Currently, America has put in great agricultural thought in the world. This paper analyzes America’s contribution in prevention of natural calamities, decline of soil quality, promotion of production outlay and provision of sufficient food. According...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 958
Pages: 4
Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by attacks of breathlessness caused by failures in the bronchial patency. Asthma may be of an acute or a chronic character, and the major distinction between these two types of disease is the severity and longitude of an aggravated condition. It is commonly considered...
Topic: Asthma
Words: 958
Pages: 4
The Chipotle firm’s food safety problems deterred customers and reduced its stock by more than 20% leading to the shutdown of several outlets. How the Composition of Leadership Influences Outcomes Studies have shown that the top management team (TMT) has the responsibility of leading an organization (Colbert, Barrick, & Bradley,...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 958
Pages: 4
Introduction The school-to-prison pipeline is a highly destructive tendency. It results in students being suspended and imprisoned for minor discipline violations. The problem can be studied from many perspectives, as it concerns social, psychological, and political issues. This paper investigates the school-to-prison pipeline from the political point of view using...
Topic: Prison
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction A flowchart is a diagram representing a process by detailing the sequence of steps that are necessary to create a desired output. This graphical presentation uses symbols to connect one event to others by showing different outcomes at particular stages. Flowcharts can be used to analyze any process that...
Topic: Business
Words: 958
Pages: 4
Explain how the interactive practices between adults and young children promote language development. Why is the approach you chose better than the other approaches? The nativist interpretation is the most logical of all psychological approaches to childhood language development. This is because each human being is endowed with an innate...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction Throughout the Comp 101 class, I have come to appreciate and understand the core elements of writing, research, and the general reading criteria which will further my endeavors in other areas of study or work. This is because communication is exceedingly required to better identify with other areas of...
Topic: Education
Words: 958
Pages: 2
Practice Issue The topic The topic of this practice issue is discharge planning from hospital for patients with congestive heart failure. The purpose of discharge planning is reduction of hospital stay as well as avoid readmissions (Gonçalves-Bradley, Lannin, Clemson, Cameron, & Shepperd, 2016). One of the opportunities to address this...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction The nursing profession and practice have undergone an evolution since become a vital part of care delivery in the late 19th century. Theories have helped shape nursing practice into a discipline that is flexible and adaptable to serve any role within the healthcare system. Nurses serve numerous roles and...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction The chosen study studies patients’ experiences after a fall and their views on fall prevention strategies in hospitals. The research used a qualitative methodology, with patient interviews as the main source of data. The analysis of the interview results suggested some common themes and attitudes, such as self-blame, reluctance...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 958
Pages: 3
The Great Gatsby is considered to be one of the most renowned books of the beginning of the XX century. Written by a famous American writer Scott Fitzerald (1925), it represents extensive chronicles of the era named “Jazz Age”. The story is set on the background of the aftermath of...
Topic: The Great Gatsby
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction A government is a body that has the authority to create and enforce laws in a society. In other words a government manages a society. A good government is supposed to regulate man’s interactions in a society because a man is basically selfish. Thus with a government it can...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 958
Pages: 3
The articles that are reviewed in this essay are related to droughts in Africa in 2009. The articles are about the recent discovery by scientists about the incidence of drought in the African continent which shows that the continent has a history of droughts in Africa in the Sahel region...
Topic: Journalism
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction Diocletian was born in the year 236 AD and reigned as a Roman emperor between the years 284-305 AD during which, his reign was faced with many changes in the Roman Kingdom. Before his reign as a roman emperor, Diocletian was an army commander before becoming a consulate. During...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction In the past, scientific information was concealed, but the Internet filled this gap. However, did this unlimited access to information complicate the research process? These changes in access to information highlighted the rising significance of leadership and the integration in information literacy. In the context of scholarly research in...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 958
Pages: 2
Mean Girl is a popular movie for adolescents of a comedy genre. It is a story of a young girl Cady who has spent her childhood being home-schooled in Africa. She comes back to the USA and enters the American educational system to discover that it is the same jungle....
Topic: Cinema
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Legal Background Legal awareness of the choice of goods (services) will allow consumers and businesses to avoid misunderstandings or to settle them within limits stipulated by the current legislation. The main document that regulates the relations between consumers of goods is the Consumer Protection Law (Law). According to the Law,...
Topic: Law
Words: 958
Pages: 3
The Problem of Error is an essential philosophical and theological question that has been a matter of debate for many centuries, especially during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. The discussion examines the reasons for human imperfection, including the error of senses, despite the existence of a perfect...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 958
Pages: 3
The main characters in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” include the following: Mona Stangley – a “madam” or the owner of the “House,” presiding it over by rigid behavior rules both for the girls and their clients. She is charming, sweet, and well-known due to generous donations to political...
Topic: Texas
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Movie’s Plot For a long time, this drama with comedy elements is showing to viewers the crucial issues of family relationships, growing up, and the importance of communication. The plot of the film is a small live segment of one huge family, which includes five generations. The filmmakers tried to...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Successful communication is one of the most essential but challenging processes. It is crucial to know some practices and details to communicate easily and effectively. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and explain nonverbal communication and the process of listening. Then, the factors that impede good listening, some...
Topic: Communication
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction Efficient work, the provision of high-quality service or products are the goals of almost every company, regardless of its scope. In health care, the quality of services is critical as people’s lives often depend on them. Many factors influence the enterprises’ success – employees’ commitment, their communication, the presence...
Topic: Organizational Behavior
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction Post-Civil War American registered significant economic and industrial growth accompanied by westward expansion caused by the increasing number of Americans moving across the Mississippi River in search of opportunities. In the years that followed the civil war, the promise of opportunities and other issues that divided the country inspired...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction Despite the transformations that the healthcare system is currently undergoing, the cost of healthcare remains high worldwide. The high prices have become an issue of concern even in the most developed countries. However, the United States’ budget for the health sector is higher than in other developed countries but...
Topic: Health
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction Notably, civil rights employment laws in France offer a high level of employee protection. Nevertheless, L&E Global (2021) states that the legal environment changes due to government reforms and law advancement. France is an excellent example where workers’ rights are considered. For instance, France protects civil rights through anti-discrimination,...
Topic: Civil Law
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction It is certain that art is always a reflection of the time period in which it was manifested or expressed. The relevance may correlate with the social, economic, political, or cultural aspects of the said period. From the standpoint of modern times, it is evident that one of the...
Topic: Art
Words: 958
Pages: 5
The theory of evolution by natural selection is one of the most popular versions of how the world was organized and structured. From the beginning of the Darwinian revolution, this idea became known and widely accepted by society. Charles Darwin suggested that all species have one common ancestor, and the...
Topic: Charles Darwin
Words: 958
Pages: 3
The history of Great Britain, in particular England, has many dynasties that succeeded one after another. Among the formidable kings of the Middle Ages and the times of absolutism, queens also ruled, great women who left their mark on the history of the country. One of these queens, “symbols of...
Topic: History
Words: 958
Pages: 4
Introduction Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are products that are sold quickly and at a relatively low cost. According to Veselova (2022), common examples of FMCG include food items, beverages, toiletries, household cleaning products, over-the-counter medicines, and other consumer products. These goods are usually purchased with the intent of daily use...
Topic: Economics
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction The two plays Julius Caesar by Shakespeare and Equivocation by Bill Cain are contrasting pieces that follow unmatching plot lines. However, the two are similar in the sense that they try to modernize the stories from a distant past to fit their respective era better. They follow conspiracies taking...
Topic: Julius Caesar
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction The patient has severe headaches, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine is mainly found in the fairer sex, and two-thirds of cases are manifestations of menstrual migraine. Regardless of age, both women and men can have migraine cluster headaches due to physical and emotional overload, due to...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 958
Pages: 3
What the US has done There has been a remarkable improvement in my state based on the education excellence for all children act of 1999. The US government has played a pivotal role in uplifting the standards of education especially in the elementary and secondary education. For instance, my District...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 959
Pages: 4
Introduction It should be noted that images can be analyzed differently depending on the approach and method employed. Nevertheless, any visual interpretation should be accompanied by content analysis to ensure that not only the artistic expression is investigated by also the social and cultural value of the canvas. The purpose...
Topic: Art
Words: 959
Pages: 4
“Death of a Salesman” is one of the most significant works by Arthur Miller. In this play, Miller concentrates on the life of the middle class people-presented through the Loman family. The play is basically drawn by the conflicts between its protagonists. Biff and Happy are the two siblings in...
Topic: Death of a Salesman
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction In any profession, there are several risks at hand that are inevitable. Especially for people in the security and criminal justice sectors, their responsibilities revolve around various risks that need to be managed effectively, unless they want to expose the lives of other people and themselves to various dangers...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 959
Pages: 3
The novel Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen are considered to be a significant contributor to the world of literature made in 1813. It is important to stress that Jane Austen finished her work in 1797 when she was only twenty-one. The novel has rich historical value because it...
Topic: Pride and Prejudice
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Differences between pedagogy and andragogy. What comes next? Education is a door of opportunities for all those who have it. Education shapes the destiny of a nation and it is the main asset of a person. The traditional classroom system has existed for hundreds of years. Pedagogy or the art...
Topic: Pedagogy
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Betham’s main critics were on the law and of moral and political discourse. He was particular on the law and how there were legal fictions in it, all that would lead to confusion. To him, morals and legislations can be described scientifically although the description would require an account of...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction The number of strikes in UK has decreased in the last 25 years. This information was released by the office of national statistics in 1999. (Turnbull 2004) noted that the number of dispute that has been recoded has declined. The number of workers who participated in this strikes has...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction A company has to decide on the approach to use when producing goods for the market. Functional management in an organization ensures that a business has the best option for goods and services production. The following paper indulges on various approaches that Wonderful Widget Company can use in the...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction In the Medieval Europe, manorial system was the official form of governance. In this structure, all official and economic powers were given to the lord of the manor (North and Thomas 2014). The ancient system of governance was defined by ownership of factors of production. The manor was not...
Topic: History
Words: 959
Pages: 3
With regards to speed training, there is the concept of speed strength that involves the application of maximum force when at high velocity. The primary objective of speed conditioning is to enable the athlete to sustain speed in the short runs. The speed training program focuses on the physical body...
Topic: Sport
Words: 959
Pages: 4
Summary Strategic management is an essential element of an organization that aims to analyze its external and internal factors affecting performance and sustainability. To thrive in a fast-paced business environment, corporations must understand different forces that influence production, financial growth, and societal cohesiveness. This essay delves into the specific processes...
Topic: Management
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction and purpose Learning is an active process that requires careful, insightful and guided quest for practical and theoretical application especially when undertaking the graduate program. Activities that are familiar and designed to provoke creativity among students generate greater sense of identity and facilitate personality and cognitive progress. Developing an...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Aim of the Paper The healthcare industry is one of the biggest and most influential in the United States as of today. Its complex structure and billion-dollar turnover facilitate the complicated relationship between medical care system and the economic environment. The objective of this paper is to explain the structure...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 959
Pages: 3
The discussion in this paper will center on the book, The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun and a Renegade Monk by Michelle DeRusha. The 320-page book was first published by Baker Publishing Group in January 2017. The book is further divided into 18 chapters, with other additional information contained...
Topic: Literature
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction Tyler, the band’s leader, wrote “Stressed Out,” claiming that “blurry face” reflects the person he is as a personality and the things the author feels uneasy about. Most of the official video was filmed at his childhood home, which is what the song says. Tyler added that one of...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Moneyball In the movie Moneyball, Billy Beane changes the view of baseball operations with the help of Peter Brand, an in-game statistical analyst. Beane is the General Manager of the Athletics team, which is financially low and has lost some of its players. As the team’s general manager, Beane is...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction This research paper is aimed at a comprehensive and detailed study of two health systems – in the USA and the UK. Moreover, this work explores both the pros and cons of each of the systems. In addition, the paper provides concepts regarding the introduction of new and relevant...
Topic: Health
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Ely Buendia, Raimund Marasigan, Buddy Zabala, and Marcus Adoro formed the Filipino rock band Eraserheads, or E-Heads. The band’s songs, albums, and EPs have all charted at number one. The release of their third album, Cutterpillow, which went platinum many times, demonstrated their commercial success. The Eraserheads is one of...
Topic: Rock Music
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction Professional therapy is a technique that has substantially gained ground over other therapeutic solutions used to address individuals’ distress and mental health issues. While some approaches focus on altering attitudes, others target individuals’ behaviors. The methods help individuals come to terms with life and improve their perspectives by targeting...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction The leader builds a team, but, unlike the builder, he does not deal with bricks and mortar, but with the most difficult thing that can only be in this world – with a person. A person has a lot of desires, aspirations, and motives – all these sometimes contradict...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction The film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fourth movie in the Harry Potter franchise. The main character was returning for his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, together with his allies, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) (Warner Brothers, 2020a). At...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 959
Pages: 4
Introduction Target Corporation is an example of a publicly traded company that specializes in retail. It is the seventh most significant retail corporation in the US among the companies with the most employees. There are several formats in which Target Corporation works, including the small-scale stores that are called TargetExpress...
Topic: Business
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction The Canterbury Tales is perhaps one of the most popular collections of tales from the 14th century. It is a collection of stories told by Geoffrey Chaucer who remains one of the significant contributors to literature in the 14th century. In this collection, Chaucer who doubles up as the...
Topic: Canterbury Tales
Words: 960
Pages: 4
Abstract The purpose of the paper is the evaluation and appraisal of AACN’s Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing (EMEN). Every essential reflects specific skills and competencies nurses should develop to provide reliable care, improve public and individual health outcomes, and enhance health systems. Each essential is briefly described, and...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 960
Pages: 4
English and Hindi # Hindu English Comments 1 SOV SVO Unlike in the system of the English language, the system of Hindu presupposes that the subject of the sentence was followed by the object. 2 Place – Adverb – Verb Verb – Place – Adverb In contrast to English, where...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Understanding the factors that motivate employees to perform and deliver better results is inherent to successfully manage organizational issues and meeting the set goals. However, motivational theories are numerous and varied, providing different perspectives on how staff members can be encouraged to perform better and attain stellar results. Although delivering...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 960
Pages: 4
Introduction Nurses represent a significant element of the whole health care industry. These specialists serve as a link between patients and higher medical staff, which is essential for better patient outcomes. That is why it is necessary to draw specific attention to their training to provide these representatives of the...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 960
Pages: 4
Introduction In human perception and reflection of reality, there is an issue which has been the focal point of research for psychologists and linguists: whether it is the language or the thought that develops first, which of them determines the course of the other, and what exactly is the nature...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 960
Pages: 4
Introduction Sound organizational control and structural foundation paves the way for an organization to be run in a professional manner and effective business negotiation is an essential part of it as be viewed in the Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation case study involving Randall and Dolan. However, the major learning curve...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 960
Pages: 2
Introduction One of the most prominent paintings of Vincent van Gogh – The Starry Night – is currently exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The piece of art was created in 1889 and is still one of the most glorious paintings of van Gogh. The Starry...
Topic: Vincent van Gogh
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Purpose of the Study The current study is aimed at employing qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method approaches in accounting for the various risk or protective factors that are behind various delinquencies observed among the youth. This will be achieved through reviewing several studies that have been carried out previously on the...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 960
Pages: 3
In the world of the 21st century, people seem to have forgotten about the cruelty of being deprived of freedom. With the impression of living as a free man, they have now become more focused on the notions of respect and equality. Only few, however, realize that every human being...
Topic: Literature
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Hate crimes are not new to Europe, the United States, Russia, and many other parts of the world. They are described as the offenses related to a specific aspect of a victim’s identity – nation, race, sexual orientation or sexual identity, skin color, religion, or a disability. Rooting in the...
Topic: Law
Words: 960
Pages: 4
Introduction For any business the organizational set up plays a pivotal role in the growth of business. Limited liability of ownership is originally associated with corporate set ups; but the same features with some modifications have also been applied in limited liability partnerships. There are other positive and negative features...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Kindred significantly contribute to the character, values, beliefs, identity and status of an individual. When kindred suffer loss due to divorce, illness or death of an individual the impact is felt by others. In Toni Cade Bambara’s short story, “Raymond’s Run,” the protagonist shows how she relates with her brother...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Both at the individual and corporate level, entrepreneurship and business are becoming an integral part of any innovation ecosystem. The corporate entrepreneurship theory is based on interaction of innovative efficiency, and media entrepreneurship (Hampel et al., 2020). Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) is a process that allows existing companies to expand and...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 960
Pages: 3
My interviewees were a family of three Huli men, all from different age groups. I picked the men from these age groups because I believed I would get a different perspective from each. Even though the culture has barely changed, the three were raised in different eras. My goal was...
Topic: Culture
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Introduction At the end of World War II, it seemed that humanity had already lived through the major horrors of violent conflict and could at least temporarily enter a phase of calm. However, the problems that emerged during that war were not fully resolved and instead became deeply entrenched: this...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Semá:th Xó:tsa: Sts’ólemeqwelh Sxó:tsa or Great Gramma’s Lake a children’s book written by the Reach Gallery Museum in collaboration with Stó:l partners, tells the story of Sumas Lake’s draining from an Indigenous perspective. The book reveals the history and essence of culture, the very spirit of the Sumas people, reflected...
Topic: Literature
Words: 960
Pages: 3
Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the academic achievement of the nation’s children and adolescents, both in and out of the classroom. Educators, school staff and leaders, parents, and caregivers have come together to combat some of these effects; however, the pandemic has unevenly impacted students, deepening already existing...
Topic: Academic Achievements
Words: 960
Pages: 5
Alexandre Dumas once said in his letters, “Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons” (“Alexandre Dumas Quotes and Sayings”). True joy is impossible without hardships since people can know it only through suffering. The idea of this connection is revealed in “The man...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 960
Pages: 3
What does the ADA provide for people with disabilities? The Americans with Disability Act was passed by Congress in 1990. According to the provisions of this act, it is illegal for businesses and organizations to practice discrimination based on disabilities. All people, with or without disabilities, have an equal right...
Topic: Disability
Words: 961
Pages: 2
Main points of the article In the article, Brown and Levey delve into the current furor surrounding the U.S. accounts deficit and the level of debt the U.S. finds itself in. Brown and Levey state that the problems are less dire than what analysts claim them to be. They focus...
Topic: Economics
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Most historical archives of countries in Latin America will mention colonialism as a vital aspect in reshaping the democracy in their respective states. Colonialism comes from the Latin word Colonia, which means a country estate acquired by foreigners. Thus, McLean and MacMillan (2003) defined colonialism as “the policy and practice...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 961
Pages: 3
The purchase of a new software package is important to an organization for efficient operations. Such a decision should never be taken lightly and the organization should exhibit strong leadership skills and a clear understanding of the needs of the company or the organization. The new system should be able...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Introduction It is every business’ goal to achieve sustainable success, however, this cannot be fulfilled without effective communication, marketing and organizational culture, among others. When business employees, such as marketing personnel present results or proposals in stakeholders’ meetings, it is quite essential to analyze the audience. This is because, in...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Brief History From as early as the seventeenth century, when public schools were established, women could only attend school for four months in a year, starting from April. At this point in time, children under the age of seven years were not being admitted to school, but since their parents...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Mesa is one of the largest cities in Arizona. It is also classified among the fastest growing cities in United States. In United States, census is conducted after every ten years. The information obtained from census is used in determining the number of political seats in each region, and also...
Topic: Population
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Introduction There are many themes discussed in Ancient Greek and other myths – love, hatred, true wisdom, loyalty, and the creation of the world. One of the most critical topics in most of the stories about deities is depicting a family conflict that may arise from jealousy, betrayal, competition for...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 961
Pages: 3
The current paper aims to present Erikson’s psychological theory and to reflect on it. Moreover, personal experiences’ examples will be presented and discussed in light of the theory. Concerning an outline, the work consists of the following parts: a brief overview of Erikson’s biography, a presentation of the theory, and...
Topic: Erik Erikson
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Abstract Rape cases have been on the rise over the past few years. So far, little has been done to address the issue and it’s high time that the government took up the responsibility of protecting its citizens against sexually related crimes. There are various factors that are believed to...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 961
Pages: 3
The decline in stock production in market in October 1929, which was accompanied by calamity, resulted in numerous Americans suffering from economic declines. Millions of people ended up losing their job, which was associated with a reduction of their incomes. Moreover, this led to a reduction of learning period in...
Topic: Great Depression
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Introduction Trinity Hospital is found in the southeast area of the United States and has up to 89 professional staff members. It offers all the basic life support services, as well as different medical solutions, which comprise general surgery, neurology, pharmacy, radiology, internal medicine, and gynecology, among others. In addition...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Introduction Ebola and Marburg virus are very deadly viruses that result in significant outbreaks with high fatalities. These viruses have been underestimated in the current society because their outbreaks have been experienced in a few parts of the world. However, the number of fatalities experienced by those areas is very...
Topic: Ebola
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Introduction Advanced practice nurses have many responsibilities when treating patients. Drug prescription is one of the duties nurses can perform in several states, and this process always poses a risk of medical errors (Martyn et al., 2019). The reviewed case concerns JJ, a 7-year-old boy who experiences asthma that available...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 961
Pages: 3
Introduction Many people in the world value their lives, and they cannot sacrifice it for any reason. However, Telemachus sacrificed his life for the sake of the helpless slaves and political prisoners. He found a crowd in Rome being entertained by the gladiator fights. He could not find it logical...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 962
Pages: 4
Introduction The purpose of the educational program is the provision of secondary intervention for the female adolescent of 14 years old with congenital vascular dysplasia of a lower limb (Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome). The patient complains about the progressive swelling of the right lower limb. The talocrural area is increased in volume....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 962
Pages: 4
Abstract The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) identified nine expected outcomes of master’s-level education in nursing. It is recognized that master’s-prepared nurses are expected to be able to translate their academic and scientific knowledge into clinical practice, to integrate scholarly findings of topical research into the operation of...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Description The advert selected to be analyzed is from the telecommunication sector and for a company called Safaricom. The advert is dealing with a bank account interrelated with a mobile phone. The service as advertised is called M-kesho. The service is the world’s first bank account on a mobile phone...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 962
Pages: 3
The Koreans are known to have been under the Japanese colonial administration for a span of about 35 years, starting from 1910 to 1945. Similar to other colonized countries by the European nations from the West, Koreans also opposed the advancement of education policies in Korea. However, the Japanese ensured...
Topic: History
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Voting is a citizen’s most fundamental activity that expresses his patriotism and desire for nation building. Citizens are required to choose the government of their own through elections. The voting department of the U.S encourages everyone to vote for a leader because it’s their country and their home. However, 30%...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Introduction The process of recruiting can define the success of an entire facility. To improve the results of the efforts of an organization, companies have introduced numerous methods that help them with obtaining an optimal candidate for a job. Depending on the focus of a company’s recruitment of staff, there...
Topic: Recruitment
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Today the problem of overpopulation is widely discussed by the researchers, economists, sociologists, scholars, and politicians. The fact which causes the public discussions is the problem of carrying capacity because overpopulation can be defined as the situation when the growth of population is higher than the level of possible carrying...
Topic: Overpopulation
Words: 962
Pages: 3
The Great Depression is one of the most critical periods in the modern history of the United States. It began with the global economic crisis in 1929, which most affected the United States. Throughout the 1930s until 1939, the economy could not fully recover from the crisis and recover. Therefore,...
Topic: Great Depression
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Introduction A&P by John Updike is a short story describing an incident at a supermarket. The main character, Sammy, is a representative of the typical middle class who works in the store as a cashier. When three girls in bathing suits enter, disturbing the peace in this establishment, Sammy decides...
Topic: Literature
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Introduction Sam Shepard wrote the play Buried Child in the year 1978. The play is an extraordinary piece of work, and it received the Pulitzer award in 1979. Buried child is part of a family trilogy by Shepard, and it gives us a clear glance into a broken American family....
Topic: Literature
Words: 962
Pages: 3
The Importance of Being Earnest is a play written by Oscar Wilde and published in 1895 for the first time. This is the story of two friends, each of whom uses a fake personality to be able to pursue a life that they cannot live under their real names. The...
Topic: Literature
Words: 962
Pages: 5
The term “neurocognitive disorders” refers to a set of conditions in which the predominant deficiency is cognitive functioning. The American Psychiatric Association (2013) depicts those neurocognitive disorders emanate from Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s. The typical symptom for all the orders in this category is the victims’ impairment in cognitive functioning...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Voluntary euthanasia can be defined as a case when the person wants to die and requires assistance. Involuntary euthanasia, on the other hand, means that such a person would prefer to live but has a condition that would cause their death eventually, and the suffering from this condition cannot be...
Topic: Disability
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Organizational Structure Novant Health is a network of clinics located in four US states. This allows us to conclude that the structure in the company is multi-step, and not a classic hierarchical one. So, first of all, it should be noted that the organization has a headquarters with its own...
Topic: Health
Words: 962
Pages: 3
In the human environment, microbes are among the numerous living organisms. With the stimulus of the settings and surroundings, bacteria, a vital component of such creatures, may occasionally turn into an exceptionally fierce adversary of humans. Among the most predominant infectious pathogens among human beings, Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) can...
Topic: Infection
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Introduction Statistical application and data interpretation are vital in healthcare, providing valuable insights contributing to quality, safety, health promotion, and leadership. This nursing paper will explore the significance of statistical application in healthcare, specifically focusing on its relevance to the mental health specialty at HonorHealth Hospital. It will also discuss...
Topic: Health
Words: 962
Pages: 3
Introduction Life-Cycle Permanent Income Model, sometimes called Life-Cycle Hypothesis (LCH), is an economic theory that predicts human consumption and saving, considering future income possibilities. Milton Friedman framed LCH in the 1950s, and his idea that he wanted to prove is that humans plan their spending throughout their lives, considering future...
Topic: Economics
Words: 962
Pages: 3
“Finding Article” Workshop The workshop under the name “Finding Article” set its prior goal to teach the students to search for the sources, such as articles in periodicals. Since looking for the necessary information is the prior concern of the students, and at times it can be hard to make...
Topic: Education
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Pain is the most common and upsetting symptom observed in oncology practice. Pain has a significant effect on the quality of life of cancer patients, their view of the effectiveness of treatment, disease progression, and survival (Bhatnagar & Gupta, 2015). According to Bhatnagar and Gupta (2015), stubborn cancer pain that...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 963
Pages: 4
Describe a famous case study in the history of psychology. Then explain what did the field of psychology learn from this case study? How does the scientific community view the results of case studies like these? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method? Such a research method as...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 963
Pages: 4
Introduction Career choice is considered to be an important step in everyone’s life. Job is an integral part of human activities and it should be balanced with one’s interests and mentality. To achieve global goals and make a successful career it is necessary to make a right choice evaluating personal...
Topic: Business
Words: 963
Pages: 4
Introduction Career planning entails a personal initiative pursued by an individual in order to arrive at the desired occupation of interest. It may involve situations where one visits a career counselor, career websites or seeks information from friends and family members on his/her career of interest. In this case, an...
Topic: Career
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Introduction The case scenario “A. P. Moller-Maersk Group: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives” is expounded retrospectively, throughout the company’s ideological changes since the pre-2003 era till recent times. After reading the article, it becomes clear why human resources function is crucially important and should be aligned with the strategic plan...
Topic: Business
Words: 963
Pages: 3
“Skylark,” written by an outstanding Hungarian author Dezso Kosztolanyi, is a novel about the change of one senior couple’s life during the impermanent absence of their unattractive and unmarried daughter. At the same time, this work provides essential information about Hungary, especially its political environment, at the end of the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Introduction Marijuana is the universal name for the unfinished drug that comes from a plant called cannabis sativa. Marijuana has a chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), including other chemicals. Marijuana cigarette mostly referred to as “joint” is prepared from dried particles of the plant. The quantity of THC in marijuana establishes...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Introduction Computer-based information systems are designed and maintained using these information systems (Jeffrey et al, 2005). The systems comprise application software’s which is used to support business and organization processes. The most used types of information systems are information technologies because they are responsible for assisting human beings to perform...
Topic: Business
Words: 963
Pages: 3
The prototype is intended to improve the use of harvested rainwater that is collected on large railway stations. Water usage is divided into three purposes: aesthetic, healthcare and education. The aesthetic aspect presupposes the creation of the waterfall effect. Most projects associated with rainwater harvesting create waterfalls. Pornchai Garden in...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 963
Pages: 4
Introduction Various scientists, philosophers, and priests interpret the connection between God, science, and naturalism differently as the evolutionary discoveries question the religious statements. Gould and Draper are the scholars who discussed how Christianity correlates with science based on their own experiences and observations. This paper aims to compare and contrast...
Topic: God
Words: 963
Pages: 4
Introduction A violent crime is anything that is done to endanger or hurt another person’s life. For example, murder, rape, armed robbery, and assault are all crimes that fall under this category. Due to a rise in the reportage of violent crimes by both survivors and media sources, it appears...
Topic: Law
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Introduction For a very long time, the United States of America has been offering a safe haven for people running away from persecution, tyranny, and violence. Today, more people are being uprooted from their countries by wars as well as crises. The United States act of providing resettlement t these...
Topic: Donald Trump
Words: 963
Pages: 4
Introduction A code of ethics establishes an institution’s ethical rules and industry standards for maintaining honesty, integrity, and competence. While working as a consultant at eBay, I studied the code of ethics to understand my rights and opportunities. Organizational members who violate the code of ethics may face punishment, possibly...
Topic: eBay
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Introduction Although the US and the Soviet Union were allies in World War II, their alliance broke up soon after the victory over the Axis powers. The period of tensions between the US and the Soviet Union, lasting from 1947 to 1991, became known as the Cold War. This war...
Topic: History
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Healthcare fraud, waste, and abuse are significant issues in the US and cost billions of dollars annually. Waste and abuse refer to the unwarranted or excessive use of resources as well as intentional deception or misrepresentation of another person or institution for financial advantage. These problems have an adverse effect...
Topic: Health
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Scenario Humans have increasingly tightened their shields around infection prevention and control due to the numerous unidentified illnesses that have been on the rise in today’s globe. Infection control aims to prevent or slow the transmission of infections in medical facilities (Popovich et al., 2019). Chester Brown, a 48-year-old man,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Introduction The transition from the Articles of Confederation to the new Constitution was not smooth and both documents imposed either limitations or new complications to the lives of the American people despite their initially positive aims. The changes provoked numerous debates among the states, authorities, and the people of the...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 964
Pages: 4
Introduction Chronic diseases need particular care to preserve the life quality of a patient. With timely diagnosis and relevant support therapy, people may lead a normal life. However, the patient’s participation is important since chronic illnesses usually have co-morbid conditions to consider. The patients from the case studies suffer from...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 964
Pages: 4
Using the dichotomous typologies only, what types of decisions were the five critical decisions? The first decision was about having a “safety fence” to prevent ground invasion. Such a decision was based on an earlier event in 1985 where 39 Italian (Juventus) fans died when they were trying to escape...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 964
Pages: 3
The model of nursing care I observed the team model of nursing in an intensive care unit in a certain hospital. The majority of patients in this unite were facing life-threatening conditions, and thus they needed constant supervision from the nurses and other technical staff members. Care providers in this...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Introduction The health of families and communities is one of the main priorities for nurses of different types. However, non-nursing theories may also have a significant effect on family and community behavior. This paper will show an example of a health-based theory and a non-nursing theory, their application to health...
Topic: Health
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Natural disasters traditionally have been reasoned to be an effect of environmental conditions like volcanoes, cyclones, earthquakes, droughts, etc. They have considered human contribution in the disasters as passive agents. However in the early 1980s there had been radical critique from social geographers on environmental lines, who argued that humans...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 964
Pages: 3
The existence of mental-disorders has necessitated extensive studies for quite some time now. This owes to its undesirable impacts to the patient and the community. Because of mental illness, several kinds of inequity and ill treatment have come up in the society. Previously, the incidences of mental-illnesses were identified as...
Topic: Illness
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Introduction The first year at the university is a highly significant time for students. This is the time when students are most vulnerable to academic failure, as well as most likely to experience social, emotional and financial problems. “The process of entering university has been likened to moving from one...
Topic: Stress
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Abstract The American education system remains one of the education systems in the world that needs reform. In this education, there is a lot of investment but there is actually not enough information to show this. In this paper, the focus is on the book waiting for superman by Karl...
Topic: Education
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Thesis Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) is known as a prominent philosopher, journalist, sociologist, and, first of all, economist. In every one of these spheres, he has left a priceless heritage that remains useful even nowadays. In this work, his biography is reviewed and it is...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Democracy is a political or social unit that gives power to the citizens in which they observe it through a free and fair electoral system. When the citizens do not exercise democracy themselves, then the elected representatives carry it out. This kind of system is illustrated by having recognized equality...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Heidegger Biography Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher, was born in 1889 to a catholic family. He was raised in a Roman Catholic Church where his father served as sexton. Heidegger gained many contributions from the Catholic Church that were working tooth and nail in preparing him for the priesthood. His...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 964
Pages: 3
In this case scenario, Mr. P.K is a 50 years old man, known as a diabetic patient for ten years. He is currently on insulin of 12 IU units in the morning and 6IU in the evening, and the abdomen is his preferred injection site. Mr. P.K reports that he...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 964
Pages: 3
The American Civil War was a watershed instant in our country’s history. Ten thousand battles were fought across the globe between 1861 and 1865 (Hall et al., 2019). The war settled critical questions unaddressed by the revolution. The first was whether the United States was a soluble confederation of independent...
Topic: Abraham Lincoln
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Jones, C. L., Jensen, J. D., Scherr, C. L., Brown, N. R., Christy, K., & Weaver, J. (2015). The Health Belief Model as an explanatory framework in communication research: Exploring parallel, serial, and moderated mediation. Health Communication, 30(6), 566-576. Web. The researchers used the health belief model (HBM) as an...
Topic: Health
Words: 964
Pages: 3
The Lifeboat case describes an incident where four sailors were stranded in the middle of the Atlantic. They had run out of food, were starving, and decided to kill one sailor for the survival of the rest. The remaining three sailors were rescued and tried in the court of British...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Jean-Paul Sartre dismisses the understanding of humanism that fails to acknowledge the importance of individual choice. Based on the rejected philosophy of humanism, people may take others’ credit for their personal accomplishments since they share humanity, thus, making others’ achievements their own. He critics the previous understanding of the concept...
Topic: Humanism
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Human resources are the most basic and irreplaceable resource in any activity, including business. Without reliable employees, developing any endeavor, delegating tasks, or expanding the scope of action is impossible. Accordingly, the company’s strategic plans must be aligned with the company’s human resources policy. Without an appropriate, renewable, and adequate...
Topic: Management
Words: 964
Pages: 3
There are different types of healthcare organizations across the United States that are known to assist patients at different levels. The types of healthcare organizations selected are hospitals and Ambulatory surgical centers. Healthcare facilities offer a service to their clients via a continuum of care and appear to be more...
Topic: Health
Words: 964
Pages: 3
Introduction This paper analyses the comparison between “Catch Poem” of Francis Robert and “Easter Wings Poem” of Herbert George. Indeed, the two poems are significant, although they express concealed implications to readers. Though each poem presented dissimilar information, such ideas are related, imperative, and vital to readers in general. Analysis...
Topic: Literature
Words: 965
Pages: 4
Introduction Getting attention The act of murdering other people is, unfortunately, a common thing in our society. To kill one person is already a horrifying deed, to kill more than that is a crime against all humanity. Nowadays, those who have killed three or more people are officially called serial...
Topic: Serial Killer
Words: 965
Pages: 3
Immigrants in the American society It is estimated by the United States Census Bureau that most of the immigrants in the United States (almost half of them) reside in big cities like Los Angeles, New York, Miami, or Chicago (“United States Population Clock”, par. 1). The large amounts of people...
Topic: Social Problems
Words: 965
Pages: 3
Introduction American imperialism may be defined as the tendency by which the people who have powers or are known to be influential on people or the nations that are believed to be strong either politically or economically take advantage of the weaker nations or the people. They will always want...
Topic: Imperialism
Words: 965
Pages: 3