Family Therapy Techniques

Outline This essay discusses about family therapy. It also goes through the importance of family therapy, its major goals and different theories and assumptions used by the family therapists for the treatment. Introduction Family is the basic factor for the development and existence of a person and a society. Relationship...

The Weary of the Blues by Langston Hughes

In this The Weary Blues analysis essay, you will find plenty of information about the poem’s literary devices, metaphors, and themes. Check it out and get inspired. The Weary Blues Analysis Essay: Introduction Langston Hughes was an African American born in 1902 in Joplin, Missouri. He started writing early in...

Emotional Breakdown and Discharge at Work

Introduction: The Issue of Emotion Management in Workplace The emotional health of the employees is one of the key elements to the company’s success. As the management experts note: “Over the past ten years, increasing attention has been given to how workers express emotions in a variety of working setting”...

Health Statistics and Populations With Coronary Heart Disease

Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practice. Specify how you define the population (e.g., age, gender, health status, etc.). The selected health condition for this assignment is coronary heart disease, medically identified as coronary artery disease (CAD) or ischemic heart disease (IHD). It is the most...

Ideas & Message in Pride and Prejudice: Reflection Essay

Pride and Prejudice: Reaction Paper Introduction Jane Austen is one of the most classical female authors in the Western literary canon, most famously known for her famous novel Pride and Prejudice. Originally published in 1813, this novel defines classic Regency fiction and is attributed to being a novel of manners,...

Group Dynamics, Managing Conflict, and Managing Stress and Employee Job Satisfaction

“High cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity.” Do you agree or disagree? I agree that high cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity because productivity is also defined as the ratio of resources used to produce the output. The quality of decision-making within the group...

“The Confessions of Nat Turner” by William Styron Review

The novel “The Confessions of Nat Turner” was written by an outstanding American writer William Styron. The most eloquent fact about this book is that it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1967, but it would be just to state, that the response of the audience to the novel appeared...

The U.S.A v. Jeffery Skilling – An Ethical Analysis

Statement of Facts Jeffery K.Skilling, the former CEO of the Enron Corporation was found guilty of securities fraud, conspiracy, engagement in insider trading, and made misrepresentations to auditors by a Jury of District Court for the Southern District of Texas. However, Skilling denounced this allegation that the district court applied...

Cloning: Issues and Moral Aspects

Introduction Cloning is one of the most debatable issues in modern medicine and the scientific community dealing with benefits and opportunities of the research and moral arguments against inhuman medical practices. Cloning is immoral because it violates the moral rights of an embryo thus it is really difficult to define...

Economic Political and Social Contexts of Italy

The report here presents the economic political and social contexts of Italy which are considered by the marketing team to evaluate the country for penetration. Here the required details for the marketing considerations are provided which may make the decision to enter Italy or not a lot easier. This essay...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Laurel, Maryland: Best Place to Live

Introduction Established in the 1870s, Laurel remains one of the best cities to live and do business in the United States. It’s conveniently located at the center of three key U.S. cities of Baltimore, Annapolis, and Washington DC. (Robert J. Brugger, 1996)The city boasts diverse communities, excellent housing, and outstanding...

Stress Effects and Management Report

Introduction Stress is the feeling which results from situations that are overwhelming which the body or mind are not used to. When someone is under stress, a feeling of insecurity is evident. As a result, hormones react to the prevailing situation which may lead to a faster heart beat. Also,...

Workplace Sexual Harassment: Problem Solutions

Definition of the Problem The ethical decision model is among the most used ethical strategies that aid in creating the most efficient solutions to any ethical issue. The model purposely lacks the financial aspect so the person assessing it would pay close attention to values instead of profit. Weak corporate...

Social Satire in Canterbury Tales

Introduction The 14th-16th centuries period received the name Renaissance in European history. As a cultural phenomenon, the Renaissance marked a slow transition from medieval era to modernity. During that time period, a significant part of European states experienced severe changes in their social structures, as well as the rise of...

Rondo Company: Financial Statement Analysis

Introduction Originally, financial statement analysis is the research, which requires thorough and multi angle approach towards estimation of the financial ratios and financial flows, both horizontal and vertical. The aim of this paper is to analyze the financial ratios of Rondo Company by doing the financial ratios and also comparing...

A New Business’s Challenge and Marketing Plan

The enhancement in technology has presented new opportunities in the mobile phone and communication industry. The (name of Company) wishes to enter the global built environment as a key player in the industry. In particular, building and construction are one of the most developed industries in the world, which contribute...

Pricing Negotiation Planning Strategy

Purpose of Negotiation The purpose of negotiation is to improve the price for the negotiated product. Desired outcome The desired outcome presupposes the increase in the price for an item sold by the company and the attainment of higher revenues. Pertinent information The negotiated product has outstanding quality and almost...

Review of Weber’s and Marx’s Theories

Weber’s Theory Certain aspects of the state were highlighted in Weber’s Politics as a Vocation and other writings. Nevertheless, he did not specifically specify the term element, which people do for clarification of discourse. In reality, the ingredients are the most crucial portions of his concept. A modern state is...

“My Octopus Teacher”: Plot and Main Themes

My Octopus Teacher is a documentary directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed and released by Netflix in 2020. It depicts a year that a filmmaker, Craig Foster, spent observing a common wild octopus in South Africa (Ehrlich and Reed). The documentary has only two protagonists who are Craig Foster...

Health Care Disparities Regarding Poor People

This paper aims to study why poor people are often diagnosed with late-stage cancer. The researcher used secondary sources of data and discovered the reasons as thoroughly discussed in the paper. Unemployment was the first challenge facing late diagnosis in socioeconomically deprived communities. Inadequate education was the second as many...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Network Schedule for Montview Stadium Project

Case Summary The G&E Company is considering the construction of a baseball stadium in Montview for the 2024 season as part of its plans. Because of this, the April 3rd deadline is highly crucial and will play a significant role in the planning and decision-making process for the project proposal....

The Case Study of the Jim Beam Bourbon-Making Plant

Introduction Neglecting employees’ natural needs in the context of the pursuit of increased productivity is a controversial practice. The example of the Jim Beam bourbon-making plant, described by Smith (2002), offers an assessment of an ambiguous situation. After carrying out the relevant checks and analytical work, the plant management issues...

Influenza Vaccine: The Effectiveness Against Hospitalization in Children

Introduction Influenza, also called flu, is among the most contagious infections that tamper with the passage of air in the lungs. The symptoms of influenza include coughs, body aches, high fever, sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, among other symptoms. Influenza has been known as the most common and severe...

Rotor Cuff Rehabilitation for a Throwing Athlete

Introduction Rotator cuff injuries are common among throwing athletes, and rotator cuff surgery is a procedure that is often necessary to help these athletes regain their strength and mobility. After surgery, it is crucial to gradually strengthen and stretch the shoulder over several months to avoid re-injury and ensure a...

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson Literature Analysis

This “Who Moved My Cheese” essay explores Dr. Spencer Johnson’s short story and its characters. Check it out if you need to write a “Who Moved My Cheese” summary essay or a literary analysis. Introduction This book was written by one of the world re-known management expert Dr. Spencer Johnson....

Conflict Theories: Gay Marriages and Feminism

Introduction The information provided by research and theories usually work to intimidate certain groups; for instance, the minorities like gay and feminists. Because of such daunting perspectives on research and theory, many people do not trust research and theory as they feel that such works function only to perpetuate unpopular...

How Does a Bill Become a Law? Essay

Let’s explain the basics. What’s a bill? It’s somebody’s proposal for a future law that is brought to the responsible party (aka a legislative body) for a review. Before being accepted, such a proposal goes through an extensive list of processes and reviews, and only after that, it may become...

Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire: Overview

Introduction As stated by Northouse (2016), leaders are determined to perform with all of their followers rather than interacting with just a small group of them. This is the primary principle that determines what leadership is for me. While answering the questions in the questionnaire, I realized that some of...

Changes Implementation Plan in the Clinical Organization Conditions

Introduction The analysis of changes in the conditions of the clinical organization should be accompanied by the construction of an implementation plan, according to PICOT. In particular, the question posed in this study is as follows: In patients, age 50 years and older (P), will consistent adherence to antihypertension drugs...

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” by Gibney

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is one of the most captivating movies that touch upon numerous themes about people, their crimes, and their actions’ outcomes that lead to the greatest scandals in the business world ever. This documentary movie tells a story of how executives of the company...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Society in Relation to Gender and Sex

Gender and sex are quite multifaceted topics to discuss within a contemporary society. Over the past decades, the overall perception of gender has been constantly changing. It is a relatable theme which can be applicable to anyone, yet it can be controversial and evidently influential. Additionally, although different concepts are...

The Dunkin’ Donuts Firm’s Operational Strategy

The global supply chain practices and their impacts gained considerable attention in the last two decades. In the last few years, the growing need for integration of the supply chain has been highlighted as a factor for effective and efficient operations of the supply chain. The phenomenon is observable with...

Significance of Statistics in Health Care

Introduction Statistics have an essential place in modern-day healthcare, directly affecting its most significant components. In particular, the correct application of statistics contributes to the quality and safety of care and promotes beneficial health practices. Furthermore, statistics can point to more effective leadership practices, improving the care process. This paper...

Nutrition, Rules, Government, Religion, and Democracy

Introduction The development of humanity occurred in a specific historical cycle, which changed depending on the emergence of new ideas and innovations that allowed people to adapt to new living conditions. It is worth noting that innovative ideas at each stage have made significant adjustments not only to individuals’ lives...

Staying Single or Getting Married

After the passage of the teenage years, a person has the choice of remaining single or getting married. Both are similar in two ways. Firstly, both single, as well as married persons, remain part of society, participating in it in various ways (such as being sportspersons, entertainers, politicians or entrepreneurs)...

Apologies, Their Use and Meaning in Business

Article Critique The article Apologies, Their Use and Meaning: A Course Module by Friedman and Friedman focuses on the apologies as the essential elements, which have to be included in the course material. I find this approach interesting, as the authors focus on the remarkable and curious aspects of this...

Miami Gardens: Caring for Populations

Introduction of Community (20 points) The selected community for this survey is Miami Gardens. This is a suburb are located in Miami City, Florida. Most of the people in the community are African Americans and Latinos (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2014). Windshield Survey (75 points) Vitality The majority of the...

Laboratory Information Systems: Life Cycle

As pointed out by Lippeveld, Sauerborn, and Bodart (2000), the World’s Health Organization has described healthcare information systems as a critical factor required to ensure the health of the population at the beginning of the 2000s. besides, the experts of the organizations noted that in the contemporary world, information is...

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing

Abstract The completion of master’s degrees is a key component in the professional development of nurses (Drennan, 2012). Graduates of master’s degree programs are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for the transition into clinical and educational settings. Nine essentials that outline skills and knowledge possessed by graduates of...

Characters Analysis of Joyce Oates’ “Four Summers”

Sissy In the story, Sissy is the protagonist and the narrator. In the first summer (or the first episode of the story), Sissy is a child, accompanying her parents and brothers at a tavern near an unnamed lake. She is dependent on her parents because she is quite young. For...

Organizational Leadership Challenges and Leadership Theories to Overcome Them

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation For almost 14 years of experience as a leader, I have managed to explore many various challenges and obstacles that arise in the way of managers and slow down the process of solving relevant organizational tasks. When I was appointed as a supervisory board member...

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom

Introduction The rise of D.F. Roosevelt was connected with his political career and personal development as a national leader. The political career began in 1910-1911 when Roosevelt entered the state house. Roosevelt received a perfect education and was familiar with banking, investment, finance, insurance, and real estate matters. During these...

Leadership, Motivation, Work Satisfaction and Performance

Introduction Motivation, teamwork and performance are related to each other. The level of performance of a follower is mostly influenced by the amount of motivation he receives from his leader. The leader is responsible for evaluating the performance of the followers and making any suggestive comments, if required. Role of...

Physical Punishment for Children

Introduction This paper summarizes the systematic learning about the different aspects in regard to aggression and violence towards children. Physical assault as a means of punishment to children in the family and in other circumstances is now looked down as being a practice that is very harmful for the long-term...

Education in High- and Low-Ranked Universities

Objective This study has been conducted to know what differences are there in education through high ranked university and low ranked university? In this study, attempt has been made to explain how much the low ranked university have to be upgraded to reach the same level of high ranked university....

The Native American Indians

Colonization is a process of settling the territories by people who cannot be considered the native population of these territories. The British colonizers were people who were eager to leave their native cities in Old Europe and move to the new continent which was supposed to give them a chance...

The Performance of Nurses: Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

The goal of realizing the plan is to introduce changes that will help improve the performance of nurses who care for the elderly and the quality of service in… hospital. The primary approach to implementation is the use of Levin’s three-stage theory of change and transformational leadership style to enhance...

The Influence of Quality on the Demand for Medical Care

Introduction For many years, health care sector has remained a very important aspect of a nation’s economy, creating the need for a well managed system and quality services. This can be attributed to its role in ensuring good health and overall welfare for the population. The sector has continued to...

Stress and Somatic Symptoms: Healing Environment

A healing environment is a necessity in a modern fast-paced world where people are constantly exposed to new challenges. The word “healing” can be defined as “to make whole” (“What is a healing environment?,” n.d.). Hence, healing is the process of regenerating one’s energy, both physician and mental, to help...

The Relations Between God and Contemporary Culture

Outline The aspect of religion where God is the superior Being has continued to diminish in contemporary culture. This modern culture is characterized by many technological developments in which man is the main innovator. The ability of a human being to influence creation has made him feel superior to the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racial Inferiority and Blacks Empowerment in Brooks’ Poem “Primer for Blacks”

Introduction Poetry is an art that many individuals use to pass information. From politics to liberation movements and racial awareness rallies, poetry enables communication that conveys crucial messages to the public. Poetry can influence decision-making among people as it can give the truth to the public and also manipulates some...

Outsourcing & Women’s Discrimination in the Workplace

David, N. (2014). Women with disabilities: Dual discrimination. Labor Education, 137. According to David, even though the internal labor organization (ILO) has done enough to promote and protect the human rights of persons with disabilities, it has as well as helped in the struggle for equal treatment and equal opportunity...

Comparison of Current Relationships Between US and Russia to Cold War

There are many similarities between the relationships between the US and the USSR in the middle of the 20th century and the relationships between the US and Russia in the current period. In both cases, an unarmed conflict takes place between countries that do not engage in a war in...

Phone System Inc.’s Performance Measurement

Introduction Companies constantly face many difficulties in the decision-making process, especially when determining the future vector of the development. Phone System Inc. strives to increase its profit by opening the facility in India and the old one in America, but faces several problems trying to manage all the details. Therefore,...

Racial Inequality in the United States

Introduction Racial inequality in the United States has taken root in the recent past and continues to affect a larger majority of the people. The social movement against racial inequality aims to identify social disparities affecting various races in the United States and provide solutions (Chasin, 2022). His movement has...

Practical Training of New Employees in Geriatric Care Facilities

Introduction The onboarding process is orienting and acclimating new employees to their jobs and workplaces. It typically includes orientation activities, such as introducing new employees to company culture and values, and providing them with the necessary training and resources to succeed in their roles (Jeske & Olson, 2021). This essay...

Nursing and Midwifery Recognizing Domestic Violence

Introduction, Problem, and Purpose The article “Are We Failing to Prepare Nursing and Midwifery Students to Deal with Domestic Abuse? Findings from a Qualitative Study” is a qualitative study conducted by Bradbury-Jones and Broadhurst (2015). This research article explores the issue of nursing and midwifery students recognizing abuse in practice....

Cyberbullying, Its Types and Effects on Victims

Abstract Cyberbullying is a term that dates back to the emergence of the Internet. It refers to the use of electronic devices/communication to harass, intimidate, or embarrass another person. Cyberbullying is facilitated by electronic devices that include cell phones, computers, tablets, and communication tools, such as instant messaging, email, social...

Motivational Interviewing in Obesity Reduction: Statistical Analysis

The main aim of the given research is to determine the effect the methods like motivational interviews and specific web tools will have on people suffering from different degrees of obesity and how these could be used to improve their quality of health. To attain the increased credibility of the...

Freedom – Comparison of Different Definitions

Freedom is often a term used to describe various types of individual liberties, such as religious liberty, political liberty, freedom of speech, right of self-defense, and others. Nations fight for political freedom, youth desire behavioral freedom, and monks desire spiritual freedom. It is also used as a general term for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Expressive Language of Visual Devices of Pablo Picasso

“Those who seek to explain a picture most often go astray”, said Pablo Picasso in response to the numerous attempts to analyze the hidden messages in his works. However, this does not keep us from trying to penetrate the mystery of his visual symbols. Art always provides the viewer with...

Eyewitness Identification Evidence Role in Felony Case Dispositions

Summary The study investigated the link between felony case dispositions and eyewitness identification evidence by examining a total of 725 felony cases. The research findings indicate that there is identification in most accepted cases as opposed to rejected cases. However, while acquaintance cases demonstrated a more significant association, stranger cases...

Bowling as Culture and a Lifestyle

Belonging to a particular culture is central to the very human nature since it creates a sense of security and satisfies people’s need for belonging. Although the concept of culture can be stretched fairly far, and some cultures might seem less significant than others, it is possible to gain deep...

The Control the Availability of Illicit Drugs

As early as the 20th Century, the United States has been associated with a high number of individuals involved in drug abuse. The situation worsened in the late 1950s and 1960s, a time when the federal government lacked well-defined laws on drugs. It was not until the early 1970s that...

Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates Trade Comparison

Introduction It is hard to overestimate the significance and efficiency of international trade agreements. Understanding how they work and what benefits provide is essential in determining the feasibility of international trade. If made reasonably, trade agreements may allow different countries and their companies to access those markets and industries that...

Drivers of Change in the Context of Amazon

With a comprehensive and pervasive digital revolution, as well as demographic and socio-economic transformations, the most urgent issue is the development of new business models necessary for adaptation to a new intellectual environment. The impact of current drivers of change on the development of the economic system needs to be...

English Colonization and the Road to Revolution

Introduction In the seventeenth century, the political situation in the world was significantly impacted by the active position of the British Empire, which expanded its power on a global scale. It had a particular interest in obtaining the lands of North America, which is why the large territories were gradually...

Misrepresentation by the Media and Government Regulations

Public Perception of women is misrepresented, disempowering them in politics and social life featured in the “Miss Representation” documentary. The analysis development starts with identifying how media influence individual beliefs and norms. Then how our beliefs about ourselves and others are shaped by what we see. Monitoring media influence through...

Domestic Violence: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence

Domestic violence, meaning a violent act committed against a person in a domestic relationship such as a spouse, a relative, or a dating or sexual partner, has been a problem for centuries. Although society, especially Western, is formally developing in the way of spreading the ideas of tolerance, large mindedness,...

Attributes of God and Communion with God

Introduction The Attributes of God and Communion with God are my chosen biblical doctrines. The main character of the biblical God is a powerful, invisible force that directs the course of history and intervenes in the lives of people on earth. Many people see this as evidence of an all-powerful,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Culture and Acculturation in the Nursing

Multicultural communication is exchanging information, ideas, and values between individuals from different cultural backgrounds. It is a process that involves understanding, interpreting, and responding to messages from other cultural groups. Multicultural communication originated from the need to bridge the gap between different cultures and nations, which was caused by the...

Human Resource Management Concepts Evolution

Any organization that aspires to be efficient and effective in its operations requires a vibrant Human Resource Management (HRM) strategy. Fredrick Taylor, a mechanical engineer, introduced the concept and practice of HRM in the early twentieth century. He referred to it as “scientific management” (Taylor 7). He aimed to increase...

Four Intercultural Conflict Styles

Abstract The current paper aims at discussing the peculiarities of the Intercultural Conflict Style model and inventory offered by Hammer in Moodian’s book. There are four main styles defined by the author: discussion, accommodation, engagement, and dynamic. Each style is a good chance to explain how conflict is developed, what...

Safe Nurse Staffing Act Analysis

Introduction Nowadays, staff reduction is the main policy in many global companies and businesses, which causes loss of clients sometimes. Still, when the business involves health care and human life, it is crucial to provide patients with high-quality services, which is possible only with adequate staffing. Recently, there have been...

Ford Motor Company’s Organizational History

Organizational History What is interesting about the Ford Motor Company is that its organizational structure consists not only of its internal management and product creation divisions (i.e. marketing, engineering, etc.) but also encompasses aspects related to the different brands under its control, the various dealerships that sell its products as...

Development and Implementation of Training Programs: Executive Team Roles

The executive team that works in the organization can contribute to the development and implementation of training programs significantly. It is important to note that the leaders’ knowledge and experience can be used actively when it is necessary to design or improve training programs in a company (Lee-Kelley & Blackman,...

Childhood Obesity as a Topic for Academic Studies

Topic Description Childhood obesity is an issue of great public health concern globally. A higher than normal body mass index (BMI) in children is a diagnosis of this condition. Obesity in childhood has multiple causes and is associated with a variety of health risks. The primary etiologies include unhealthy dietary...

Persuasive Arguments to Maintain Ethical Standards

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My experience in management and leadership at Bridgestone helped create several persuasive arguments in communication regarding ethical standards and organizational norms. It was not enough to demonstrate good skills in leading people. My goal was to achieve excellent results by demonstrating strong communication skills, developing...

Transforming the Texas Plant: Possible Solutions to the Problems

The “Transforming the Texas plant” case presents several important problems that may be of everyday occurrence at the workplace. That includes abuse of power, organizational behavior issues, the establishment of leadership and a healthy corporate environment. With the example of this particular case, it is easier to come up with...

Freedom and Social Status of Blacks in America

Introduction We live in time when many descendants of slave owners have come to realization of their historical guilt. However, only very few of them understand that such realization, on their part, draws practical consequences. It appears that the majority of White people in America are not quite ready to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Rate of Occurrence and Protective Factors

Rate of occurrence There are several paradigms that relates to addiction and treatment. The first paradigm argues that the problematic and chemical involvement of a person is actually a response to, or a symptom of either a family dysfunction, or a psychiatric problem. The other paradigms are more involved with...

“The Meal” Poem by Susan Berger

Poetry is by far the most powerful means of expressing ones thoughts and ideas, although these ideas are not always explicitly stated. There is no aspect of human relationships that poetry cannot describe. The relationships between parents and their children have always been a subject of thorough analysis in psychology;...

Apartment Living vs. Dorm Living

Introduction Living in a residence hall or an off-campus student apartment is largely determined by the financial capability of the student through this varies from campus to campus. We find that living in dorm can be fun but also it has its limitations. There is no certain measure to determine...

The Political Situation in Pakistan

Abstract The region today referred to as Pakistan was much of its history part of Persian dynasties including what is today referred to as India. Today, Pakistan is an independent country in South Asia to the west of India. But what led to the split and the rise of Pakistan...

Financial Analysis of The University Ambulatory Care Center

Financial ratios may be clclassified into the following broad categories: Short term liquidity ratios, also known as working capital management ratios, Long term risks and capital structure ratios, also known as leverage or debt management or solvency ratios, Operating efficiency and profitability ratios, Investment ratios (Graham, J., Smart, S., Megginson,...

Nurse Staffing and Differing Managerial Approaches

Introduction Healthcare in the United States faces a range of challenges that affect the effective management of patients. The high workload of nurses due to their low number compared to the number of patients seeking care is one of those healthcare problems. Nurse leaders and policymakers have essential roles in...

Unethical Behavior in the Sporting Industry: The Caster Semenya Ordeal

The Situation Over the years, sports have been one of the main reasons people come together. People from various backgrounds meet and compete regardless of their economic, political, or social differences. There have been cases of unethical behavior in sport by participants, officials, or management of the game, but the...

Muhammad Ali and His Legacy: Informative Speech

Introduction Sports activities form an important part of humanity’s culture and development. Evidently, they have a strong impact on a person’s physique, but they also contribute to mentality and emotional maturity. While many people do exercises and workouts on an amateur level, others dedicate their entire lives to sports. Boxing...

Cybercrimes: Email Account Compromise

Introduction Cybercrime has become a major problem. People are involved in many criminal activities. One of the cybercrimes is email account compromise (EAC). EAC is a criminal organization that preys on businesses and people intending to steal money from their bank accounts. According to IC3, there were 585 additional cases...

The Impact of Electronic Medical Records

Information technology is transforming the world from the large volumes of files in the offices to a paper free environment and health care sector is not left behind given the advantages attached to this technology. Electronic medical records can simply be defined as digital medical records –i.e. medical records stored...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Economic Systems: Attitude to Work in Capitalism

Work attitudes Sheehy recounts his encounter with workers with a “don’t-care attitude” during his undercover activities. These workers only completed the assigned task because they needed to get paid, and as such, they were less concerned about how they performed tasks. They did not feel the need to be responsible...

Imagery in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Fitzgerald

Although “The Great Gatsby”, a novel of the American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, was written almost a century ago, in 1925, it still remains an unparallel classic of both the American and global literature, and is often considered to be one of the greatest literary documents capturing the fickle spirit...

Anthem Insurance Companies’ Risk Management

Medical malpractice is an issue that affects healthcare establishments and insurance companies from both legal and ethical perspectives. The primary implication of the problem is its impact on the health of individuals and the reputation of the clinic as an accountable care organization (ACO) that provides high-quality services. It is...

Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression

Abstract Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by unusual mood changes that shift from manic to depressive extremes. People with the illness experience periods of mania and depression. Depressive episodes involve feelings of lethargy while manic episodes involve hyperactivity and intense feelings of happiness. Symptoms depend on...

Carl Schulz’s Biography and Artworks

Introduction Carl Schulz represents the cohort of those artists, whose works are read with humor, or a cartoonist. They bring joy, lighten spirit and make reader consider perennial philosophical or moral issues like friendship and love. Charles Schulz is an inspiration in my career goals in the area of computer...

Distribution of Anti-Virus Software

Introduction Dozens of new threats are being raised every fortnight. Viruses, hacker attacks and other cyber threats are now becoming a nightmare. In this era of knowledge and information, every organization is concerned about security. At the same time it is important to make sure that a user can access...

Instructional Strategies in Social Studies Through the Learning Cycle

Introduction Social studies are the academic domain which instructions are characterized by the dominant use of the textbook. However, many student instructors have not received in-depth training in learning strategies involving content literacy. This paper discusses the various activities or strategies to be employed at every stage of the learning...

Randomized Controlled and Clinical Trials (RCTs)

Results and Validity Randomized controlled (or clinical) trials (RCTs) are experimental studies that randomly assign subjects to groups, one of which acts as experimental and the other one serves as a control group. Even though RCTs are more characteristic to medical literature, nursing may also benefit from such studies. Large...

Ideal State Concept: Government and Economic Structure

Introduction In this paper, I will describe the ideal country and determine its political and economic structure, social problems and their solutions, national defense system, as well as its participation in international relations. The country in which I am elected president is rich in sources medium-sized state with a multinational...

Miranda’s Rights: Review

The use Miranda rights in the United States is so common that a trial judge once commented that its use in television investigative dramas series has made the laws part of the American culture. Many citizens now believe that every encounter with the law enforcement officers require the Miranda rights...

Analysis of “Requiem” by Anna Akhmatova

Language and Metaphor in Anna Akhmatova’s “Requiem” Of all verbal arts, poetry might be the most saturated with metaphors and other means of communicating emotional subtext. Anna Akhmatova’s “Requiem”, a long poem mourning the victims of the Soviet repressions is not an exception. To express the feelings of loss, the...

Agriculture Development and Related Theories

Domestication Models Two Agricultural Theories That Oppose Each Other There are two main domestication models used to describe the development of agriculture. Some scientists strongly believe hunter-gatherers first cultivated wild plants by putting random wild seeds in the ground near their homes. The first approach supports the idea that domestication...

Leadership, Technology and Nursing Informatics

Introduction Leadership, technology, and informatics are important components of effective nursing practice. To maintain excellent treatment and patient safety, nurses should instill practical leadership skills in their everyday activities. Nursing leadership is only effective if the entire team promotes outstanding patient care. Technology and informatics are vital in nursing because...

Discussion of Medication Errors

Background Medication errors are one of the most spread types of medical errors that remains a significant healthcare problem. According to WHO (2017), medication errors kill one American every day and harm approximately 1.3 million people a year in the United States. Moreover, this problem is determined by a large...

Impact of Medicare on Health in Canada

The change in medical policies in Canada significantly contributed to the apt distribution to the populace. The Canadian authority focused on the incorporation of policies that enhanced the scope of practice, affordability, and accessibility. Over the decades, one of the significant challenges that affect the quality of care involves healthcare...

Authentic Leadership in Business

The concept of an authentic leader is rather new and still in the process of development, but it already demonstrated its effectiveness and relevance in the modern world. This type of leadership appeared as a reaction to the unpredictable events, scandals, and fear of the dishonest managers and heads of...

Law: Animal Testing Debates

People in developed countries are living longer and fuller lives due to improvements in the quality of their lives and advances in medicine and research. Animal testing, largely, accounts for this unprecedented development. More so, cosmetics industry also heavily employs animal testing. It is noteworthy that fighters for animals’ rights...

Public Administration and Fiscal Policy

In regards to public administration: What are the various types of taxes used by governments? Who are the actors that make funding decisions? How are they accountable to the public? How does the public influence this process? Why is taxing and spending so controversial? Any government relies on taxes to...

Turner and Owen Poets Messaging About War

War has existed with humankind for as long as humankind has existed, and it has defined many societal functions. Most people look at war from the perspective of the war winner and the loser of the war. However, war bears with it more themes than the winners and losers. The...

Personal Nursing Philosophy Based on Orem’s Theory

Early in the process of my nursing training, I came to a realization that learning the key aspects of the nursing profession suffices not. Given how strenuous the work in health care can be, a nurse needs to have his or her “why” figured out to guide them when the...

Oncology Nursing Society: Chemotherapy Safety Standards

Introduction The problem of treating cancer patients, including children, has always been relevant and important. One of the stages of intervention is chemotherapy as the method of helping people to avoid malignant tumors and eliminate the consequences of the disease. Different practices and methods aimed at studying this field of...

Key Concepts in Politics by Max Weber

Introduction Politics can be defined as the means and ways through which decisions in a unit of governance are made. It is the art and science of the allocation and distribution of resources determining who gets what, when and where. From an academic perspective, it is a study aimed at...

Chuck Plunkett “Prius Effect”: Energy Efficient Cars Harmful Effects on the Environment

Introduction The “Prius effect: Energy-efficient cars undercut the appeal of the light rail” was written by Chuck Plunkett for The Denver Post. The main idea of the article is that energy-efficient cars made the light rail, which has harmful effects on the environment, less attractive for the passengers. Plunkett explains...

Toyota Prius and Ford Mondeo: Marketing Strategies

In 1990, three of the United States’ leading automotive manufacturers sued the state of California for the intensity with which it was establishing and implementing emission regulations. Toyota however, began work on the Toyota Prius as a move that has now become one of the most fuel-efficient cars in the...

Ford Motor Company’s Strategic Leadership

Ford had been experiencing losses for a long time, and this made it look for a CEO outside the industry. In the 1990s, leadership training programs were developed to strengthen the build-up of human capital. These were Ford Business Associates, Capstone, Experienced Leader Challenge, and the New Business Leader. These...

Resource Based View Strength and Weakness of a Firm

Resource based view (RBV) deals with the internal strength and weakness of a firm. In the concept of RBV, a firm’s performance and profitability are determined by the assets of the firm and managerial abilities of the people working in the firm which it can use as a cutthroat competitive...

Moral Philosophy in Making Worthwhile Decisions

Abstract As a human being, various aspects of life are instrumental when it comes to making worthwhile decision and choices. The world is awash with ideas and trends that influence a person’s capacity to respond and act. It is quite important to have a moral position and standing that puts...

“Superpowers for Parents” by Dr. Stephen Briers

Introduction Nowadays bookstores and libraries provide a lot of literature for inexperienced parents who look for help both practical and theoretical advice. Published in 2008, Superpowers for Parents: The Psychology of Great Parenting and Happy Children by Stephen Briers serves as a good example of parental guide literature that deeply investigates...

Financial Innovation: Achievements and Prospects

Introduction The last twenty years have witnessed several innovations which have made several implications to the financial sector. There are many instruments that have been employed by financial institutions like banks since 1970. Some of the innovations are: butterfly spreads, Eurobonds, program trading, collateralized mortgage bonds among others. These innovations...

How Do Fried Foods Affect Nutrition for Young Adults?

Barr-Anderson, Daheia et al. “Does Television Viewing Predict Dietary Intake Five Years Later in High School Students and Young Adults?” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, vol. 6, no. 7, 2009, pp. 1-8. Research studies have established a negative correlation between the nutrition of teenagers and the amount...

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Public Fears of a Technological Apocalypse for Humanity

Introduction An in-depth rhetorical analysis of texts is a valid academic strategy for mastering principled theoretical concepts and summarizing existing knowledge. Only through writing a critical reflection on the material read can the student structure his or her own learning and realize the practical skills of a student-researcher. Much of...

Television Has Its Positive Effects on Children

Many parents look at television as harmful to their children due to the violence, stupidity, and inappropriate images of the TV show. While this fact is correct, parents often overlook that television also positively impacts the development and education of children through educational programs and cartoons that teach children valuable...

Ancient Hector vs. Achilles: Who Is Better?

Why is Hector Better Hector is the leader of the Trojan army, the son of Priam. Hector, like Achilles, is guided by military honor in his actions. At the same time, Hector realizes that he has a great responsibility to the people and must protect their interests. Homer shows how...

The Importance of Mental Health Care

Introduction Usually, when people think of illness, they think of cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. Indeed, these conditions are leading and most prevalent in the world, but all of them are strict in their physical nature. Not many people realize that mental illness has a similarly profound effect on life...

Cultural Differences in South Africa

When it comes to the question of doing international business, it becomes very important to understand the country’s cultural diversities as this will assist one to incorporate cultural sensitivity which creates a good avenue for communication to prosper and in turn do business according to Susan, (2009). Different countries have...

Integration Paper on Leadership Requirements for MCDonald’s New CEO

This integration paper is a brief analysis of the activities done during the past week. Through this paper, I intend to provide an overview of the topics discussed in the past week in order to assess the usefulness of the study in personal and professional life. In the past week,...

Gender Socialization of Children

Introduction Gender refers to behaviors, mindset, and feelings associated with one being male or female. The tendency of using pink hat for a baby girl and blue hat for a baby boy leads to children learning their roles with respect to gender. Once children are born, their parents play a...

Racial Profiling: Necessary Evil or Discrimination?

Introduction The historic American Civil War occurred between the years of 1861 and1865. The United States’ survival as one nation was in the balance and therefore the war outcome depended fully on the ability of the nation stakeholders’ to bring civic education to her citizen on the values of liberty,...

Medical Device Decontamination: Bioburden

Introduction Bioburden is the level of contamination by microbials of an object before sterilizing. The process of testing for bioburden involves counting the number of these biomicrobials in order to ensure that a certain level of cleanliness has been attained before sterilization. How bioburden may affect sterilization Before medical devices...

Lens Analysis: History. Humanities

The discussion of women in the workforce from the historical perspective would be incomplete without mentioning of the feminist movement. Initially, the movements of the 19th century were focused on women’s suffrage, i.e., the ability to participate in elections. Later, from the 1960s, feminists pay attention to the position of...

Muscle Identification Presentation

Biceps Biceps brachii is a two-headed muscle located anterior to the humerus. The long head of the muscle originates from the supraglenoid cavity of the scapula while the short head originates from the cubital fossa. The two heads insert distally on the radial tuberosity. They also insert into the fascia...

Bald Genius Stereotype: Raymond Reddington From “The Blacklist”

Character Description Character: Raymond Reddington. Television show: The Blacklist. The Blacklist is an ongoing American crime thriller television series that airs every Friday at 8 PM on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). The show premiered on 23rd September 2013 and is currently on its eighth season, claiming that it has...

Prejudice as a Learned Behavior

Introduction Prejudice is an intrinsic part of society as all people form different opinions about themselves, others, and various social phenomena. It can be defined as an attitude and a “preconceived negative judgment of a group and its individual members” (Myers & Twenge, 2018, p. 238). There is a debate...

Sustainability Proposal of Green Initiative in Business

Environmental management has been an ongoing concern for businesses globally. Businesses have created green initiatives to curb the rising cases of carbon emissions from industries leading to corrosion of major contributors to a clean environment for human existence (Popescu C. & Popescu G., 2019). Global warming is why most businesses...

Patient Data Protection in Nursing Informatics

Through the advancement of science and technology, healthcare providers run functions efficiently – from treatment to information management. Ethical decisions are required during which the healthcare professionals need to be honest and trustworthy. Given that the world keeps on changing in terms of unique work ethics, new technologies, different healthcare...

Consumer Carbon Footprint Labels

Rationale and Background Food plays a significant role in optimizing human health and enhancing environmental sustainability. Yet, in recent years there have been concerns about food becoming a threat to the planet and its people. According to Trolle et al., the food systems account for about 21% to 37% of...

Tourette Syndrome: Chronic Neuropsychiatric Disorder

This paper aims to shed light on the condition known as Tourette syndrome. It is essential to know what causes the tics and what kind of tics they are. Acquainting with DSM-5 so one may understand the criteria for diagnosing this disorder, as discussed in this manual. ‘Maldie des tic’...

The Amazon Company’s Performance Management

Introduction The workplace culture of Amazon has often been observed with great contrast when compared to other tech giants such as Google or Microsoft. The trend of prioritizing employee comfort and well-being has become more popularised among tech companies, though Amazon does little to follow. For years, Amazon white-collar employees...

End-of-Life Care and Physician-Assisted Suicide

Introduction End-of-life issues are multiple and often painful for patients and their families. People who are faced with the impossibility of overcoming the disease may experience emotional pain, despair, or frustration, and without support and social interaction, their suffering may worsen. The ability to decide for yourself when the last...

General Psychology: Mental Health and Wellness

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating psychiatric disorder that develops after exposure to severe trauma. PTSD is associated with “intrusive memories, distressing dreams, dissociative reactions, avoidance of trauma-related stimuli, negative cognition and mood, increased arousal and irritability, and clinically significant distress and impairment in functioning”...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Credit Cards: Safe Method of Payment or Not

A credit card enables you to buy something now and pay for it later. As a result, a credit card can help you when you’re short of cash. Further, carrying a credit card can be a lot safer than carrying cash. Cash can be lost or stolen. Credit can be...

Facial Pain After Whiplash and Clinical Intervention

The article by Peterson (2015) presents a clinical case of facial pain after whiplash. The patient, a 41-year-old woman, was treated primarily with deep neck flexor and proprioceptive training, which was proved to be effective. The patient was symptom-free for months after ten intervention sessions for eight weeks. The case...

Consumer Behavior for L’Oreal Shampoo

Executive summary Most consumers of shampoo are influenced by the features of the product. These features form the most important factor in determining the quality and thus affecting the consuming pattern. It is consumed mostly by the young and energetic population segment most of them who will be showing off....

Leadership in the Film “Gladiator” by Ridley Scott

Leadership is an enigma for all supervisors who sooner or later face the challenge of managing the work of their subordinates. The sense of enigma becomes evident when it becomes evident that some people become leaders due to their authority, which is not that favorable, and others inspire people and...

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Life, Inspirations, and Works

Introduction The significance of Frank Lloyd Wright’s contribution to modern architecture cannot be underestimated. Widely accepted in both America and Europe as the most innovative and original architects of the last century, his concepts and constructions have had a great effect on the design of homes and office buildings, an...

Earthquake Resistant Building Technology & Ethics

Asia is unfortunate to suffer from continuous devastating appalling natural disasters and Japan is not the exception. For centuries the country has been experiencing the ruinous consequences of earthquakes and tsunami with thousands of casualties and destroyed buildings. Therefore people tried to minimize the effects of these disasters by building...

Police Corruption in California

Introduction Police is a powerful law enforcement organization that can influence citizens and regulate their decisions to prioritize legitimation and government. The ability to intervene provides police officers with the opportunity to make the world a safer place, but sometimes they misuse the given domination. It leads police to corruption,...

“Learning to Read and Write” by Frederick Douglass: Rhetorical Methods and Techniques

Introduction Literary works are a unique form that allows the reader to fully convey the palette of emotions, experiences, and properties that the writer sought to put in the texts. For this purpose, authors tend to use various artistic techniques to capture and transform the audience’s attention, but most importantly,...

The USA and Singapore Health Care Addressing COVID-19

Introduction All the countries around the globe are trying to combat COVID-19 by financing health care. The United States and Singapore are the states with different models and expenditures to health care. The situation in two countries and their performance during the pandemic is evaluated by using three metrics from...

Discussions on Cole, Lynch and Cugnoni’s Paper on Nursing

Introduction This paper was about a very interesting article published in the month of June 2006 by the Journal of Nursing Standards, an internationally recognized journal dealing with the latest development in nursing and medical science. Its authors are Cole, Lynch and Cugnoni. Elaine Cole is a lecturer on nursing...