🏆 Best Essay Topics on Conflict
✍️ Conflict Essay Topics for College
- Conflict in “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings” by MárquezThe concept of conflict in literature denotes the ideological confrontation of the sublime and the low, good and evil.
- A Driving Conflict in Wilson’s Fences PlayIn Fences, Wilson uses the conflict of Troy versus family to drive all the elements of the play, as evidenced by family conflicts over a college scholarship and Troy’s infidelity.
- Homosexuality as a Problem in the Conflict TheoryThe term “sexual behavior” encompasses various actions that people engage in to show their sexuality. Sexual arousal is a part of these behaviors’ biological and cultural aspects.
- Gender Roles in Modern Society: Structural-Functional vs. Conflict PerspectivesSome people are obsessed with their biological or social differences, while others prefer not to pay much attention to these concepts.
- Role of Religion in Functionalism and Conflict PerspectivesThis paper seeks to establish the role of religion in three major sociological theories (functionalism, conflict and Interactionism).
- Walt Disney Company Conflicts ManagementOne of the sources of disputes at Disney entails the different values held by the various stakeholders. Conflict occurs when people fail to understand each other.
- Conflict Resolution at WalmartThe paper concerns conflict resolution at Walmart. It analyzes the challenges that Walmart needs to overcome and the application of management theories.
- The Conflict Theory in Today’s WorldThe Conflict Theory is still relevant today because wealth disparity, racism, and sexism are becoming more and more prominent due to increased exposure.
- Examples of Conflict Between Personal and Professional ValuesUnder conditions where personal and professional values are hard to deal with, a social worker has a right to apply the morally responsible measures in dealing with the problem.
- Conflicts in Harper Lee’s Novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird reveals the central conflict of society and humanity that is represented through Boo’s disagreements with the entire town Maycomb.
- Conflict Theory: Background, Critical Aspects, and Personal ViewsConflict theory is one of the models that make it possible for people to learn more about societies, and it is believed to have originated from the works of Karl Marx.
- Conflict Resolution TechniquesIn terms of the topic, the notions of conflict types, conflict resolution strategies, and conflict resolution skills will be taken into consideration.
- Conflicts in “The Rich Brother” by Tobias WolffIn the short story “The Rich Brother,” Tobias Wolff vividly portrays a conflict between rich and poor brothers.
- Theme and Conflict in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik IbsenThe main conflict in the play ‘A Doll’s House’ by Henrik Ibsen shows how men in this society controlled women in everything, even their own choices in life.
- Conflict in “The Stranger” Novel by Albert CamusIn the novel “The Stranger” by Albert Camus, readers follow the story of Meursault, whose mother recently died and who killed an Arab for no understandable or obvious reason.
- Parent-Child Conflict Resolution: Communication ProblemThe psychological view upon the problem of the parent-child conflict covers many aspects explaining the nature of generations’ contradictions.
- Troy and Cory Conflict in “Fences” Play by WilsonFences is a play in two acts written by August Wilson. The plot follows the life of Troy Maxon. One of the central conflicts of the play is between Troy and his son Cory.
- Conflict Between Friendship and JusticeI was angry with my friend Omar because he openly discriminated against other people in my presence. He was especially skeptical about homosexual people.
- Man vs. Society Conflict in ”The Lottery” by S. JacksonThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the conflict in “The Lottery” by S. Jackson as that of man vs. society.
- Crime and Deviance: Conflict and Functionalist TheoriesVarious theories consider crime and deviance. This essay examines these phenomena within the framework of conflict and functionalist theory.
- Workplace Conflict: Case Study and SolutionsConflict within a company may be defined as a process that generally involves people disagreeing at work and may range from minor disagreements to considerable workplace violence.
- Conflict Theories: Gay Marriages and FeminismConflict theories purport that, families can take different structures and do not view change as a clash or dysfunctional. This theory has been a catalyst for gay marriages and feminism.
- Conflicts between Antigone and CreonThis paper analysis Antigone by Sophocles. This story begins after banishment of Oedipus, the king of Thebes. Antigone’s act sparks a conflict between her and her uncle, Creon.
- Conflict Management and Classical Theory AnalysisThis paper explores classical conflict theory, which emphasizes that conflicts arise due to differences in people’s views and poor quality of communication.
- Labor Conflicts From 1877 to 1894This essay covers three significant strikes that took place in 1877-1894: the Great Railroad Strike, the sugar cane labor strike, and the successful Cripple Creek miners’ strike.
- Marxist Conflict TheoryAccording to Karl Marx, despite the systemic nature of the social relations between the members of society, they contain a huge number of conflicting interests.
- Power, Politics and Conflict in an OrganizationIn any organisation, there are office politics involved. Politics emerge due to the scarcity of important resources.
- Interpersonal Conflict: Marvel Cinematic UniverseThe conflict between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a classic example of interpersonal conflict.
- Workplace Conflict Between NursesThe task of nurse leaders is to provide visionary leadership to foster a constructive work environment where disagreements are dealt with more effectively.
- Tesla Inc.’s Workplace Safety ConflictTesla Inc. was founded by Elon Musk in 2003 and has become one of the most innovative companies on the market.
- Myths Featuring Conflicts Among Members of a Gods FamilyThe purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast two myths that depict a conflict between a family of gods.
- The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict PreventionThe chapter “The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention” of “The Lexus and The Olive Tree” by Friedman highlights the influence of McDonald’s and the economic side of war.
- Shakespear’s Hamlet: Conflict Between Seeming and BeingThis is an analysis of the characters such as Hamlet, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern clarifies the play’s obsession with the theme of the conflict between seeming and being.
- Conflict and Functionalism TheoriesFunctionalism theory developed from the work of Durkheim, who evaluated how part of society unite to form a whole society.
- Negotiation Case Study: Negotiation and Conflict ManagementBefore analyzing the negotiation, it is necessary to consider the scenario and essential aspects such as purpose and participants.
- Power, Politics, and Conflict in Business OrganizationsConflict is an attribute of both power and politics, and this paper aims to observe how it results from organizational resource scarcity within the business sector.
- Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’ – Cultural Conflict and Family BondsThis paper aims to closely analyze “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker regarding the historical concept, themes, and significant literal attributes in the book.
- Characters Conflict in “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by DoyleSir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles is the continuation of the adventures of the genius detective Sherlock Holmes.
- Values and Conflicts in The Oresteia by AeschylusThe play Orestes revolves around the concept of justice: justice as revenge thus putting personal responsibility of revenge on the insulted.
- The Israel-Palestinian Conflict and Its SolutionThe paper gives a look on the Israel-Palestinian conflict and tries to come up with a solution to the conflict through the formulation of new strategies.
👍 Good Conflict Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Conflict Management in Nursing PracticeThis paper explores the nature of conflict in the context of patient care, its four stages, and suggests the best strategy for resolving the conflict.
- Compromise and Collaboration in Conflict ResolutionThe choice of conflict resolution approach depends on the situation. Compromise and collaboration are the most popular approaches with their own benefits and disadvantages.
- American Apparel: The Ethical ConflictsThis study of American Apparel found ethical conflicts such as untimely paying employees, using taboo topics to promote their product, and insults and abuse by supervisors.
- Conflict in The Metamorphosis Essay ExampleIn the novel “The Metamorphosis”, Kafka describes his own life through the life of Gregor. The author faced seclusion and separation from his workplace and family.
- Leadership and Conflict ManagementThe primary goal of the following paper is to present a practical way to employ conflict management skills within a team.
- Negotiations and Conflict ResolutionThe paper discusses the statement: Negotiators who frame a conflict as ‘winner takes all’ will have a harder time than those who believe it is possible for everyone to win.
- Personal Experience in the Covert ConflictI experienced the negative consequences of the covert conflict while living with the roommate who avoided expressing the real emotions and feelings.
- Interpersonal Conflict and WorldviewInterpersonal conflict – the form of struggle that involves two or more people different from intrapersonal conflict, which only involves a struggle within yourself.
- Relational Dialectics and Conflict ManagementRelational dialectics can be described as a concept of communication theories that analyses contradictions and tensions that exist in relationships.
- Functionalism vs Conflict Theory in SociologyAmong the many sociological theories that study the structures of society, functionalism and conflict theory stand out as progressive ideas.
- 20th Century Ideological ConflictsThe end of World War II did not mean the end of ideological struggles between the great powers, as the new conflict named the Cold War began soon after.
- “The Lottery” and “The Destructors”: Conflict, Characterization and IronyThe essay will discuss the main conflicts of “The Lottery” and “The Destructors” stories, their characterization, and themes.
- Social Order Perspective and a Conflict PerspectiveThere are two perspectives – social order perspective and a conflict perspective – that make the entire social system work correctly for the sake of humanity and society in particular.
- Evidence-Based Conflict Resolution Strategies in HealthcareThis paper aims to discuss an evidence-based example of a conflict situation in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the best conflict resolution strategies.
- Role, Conflict, Social Exchange Theories in NursingRole theory, conflict theory, and social exchange theory should be discussed in the case of the nurse that is regularly challenged to prove her self-worth and skills.
- Google Inc.’s Male and Female Employees’ ConflictsIn all contexts that involve interactions between different people, communication skills are necessary to ensure the passage of the intended message.
- Four Intercultural Conflict StylesThe current paper aims at analyzing the dual concern model offered by Hammer, discussing the situations with different intercultural conflict styles, and introducing a list of codewords.
- Intergroup Dynamics in Conflict ResolutionThis literature review delves into the existing literature on the theory of social identity and discusses new findings and shortcomings of the theory.
- Mother-Son Conflict in Toole’s “A Confederacy of Dunces”John Kennedy Toole’s novel A Confederacy of Dunces unveils diverse issues. They include relationships with others and ways to fit in the community.
- Functionalism vs. Conflict Theory on Social StratificationThe primary difference between fundamentalism and the theory of conflict lies in each model’s views regarding the nature of stratification.
- Conflict and Power: Police and Community CollaborationThis paper includes an analysis of the nature of the conflict between law enforcement and citizens in the US, as well as some strategies that can contribute to solving the problem.
- Conflict Resolution at the WorkplaceMutual conversation among employees is one of the critical factors which result in good relationships among the workers.
- Media Coverage on Israeli-Palestinian ConflictThe media highlights the occupation as an immoral and illegal act by Israelis which should be resisted in its entirety.
- Hypothesis Writing: Israeli-Palestinian ConflictThe conflict between Israel and Palestine can be seen as one of the characteristic attributes of politics in the Middle East.
- Conflict and Negotiation DiscussionAs a manager or leader it is a fundamental duty to maintain the goal of the company by resolving conflict through negotiation.
- Tourism and Socio-Cultural Conflicts in Lhasa, TibetBalancing the need for revenue in Lhasa by increasing attractions sites for visitors may not only lead to potential damage to the sites but is likely to conflict with social norms.
- Moral Issues in 21st-Century ConflictKilling an innocent person is an immoral act in itself, and it means nothing whether it has some noble purpose or not.
- Conflict Resolution in BusinessThe function of a conflict is drawing attention to the problems that exist within a group of people and catalyze its resolving.
- Conflict Resolution in NursingSufficient conflict resolution is an essential component of any organization’s successful performance because conflicts occur in any sphere where human interaction is involved.
- Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’: Heritage Conflict in African American Family“Everyday Use” is a short story authored by Alice Walker. The story is told in the first person by an African American woman known as Mama.
- The Role of Conflict Management PlanGiven the possibility of undesirable influences of conflict on teamwork, it is worthwhile for organizational heads to adopt strategies for the management of conflict.
- Conflict in A Rose for Emily Essay ExampleThe short story A Rose for Emily takes on a sinister path because of the happenings seen throughout the plot up to the end.
- Impacts of the China-Taiwan Conflict on the US EconomyAssuming that the simmering tensions between Taiwan and Beijing escalate to war, the economic challenges would be catastrophic to the US.
- Intercultural Conflicts: Occurrence and SolutionsThe Intercultural Conflict chapter of Exploring Intercultural Communication by Grothe discusses the theoretical basis of conflicts, their definition, occurrence, and solutions.
- Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory and AlienationThe current paper is devoted to Karl Marx’s conflict theory and the construct of alienation analysis and identifying its usefulness for social workers.
- Workplace Disputes: Conflicts Between the Employee and the EmployerWorkplace disputes are unpleasant, but unavoidable, and affect the atmosphere of the team. Workflows must be easy for employees to understand.
- Conflict of Interest in Speech TherapyConflict of interest in clinical practice and especially in speech therapy is a phenomenon emerging due to the presence of varying perspectives of personal and professional nature.
- Workplace Conflicts’ Impact on Employee Well-BeingWorkplace conflict is a substantial danger to employee well-being, according to numerous researches. However, such conclusions are based on a broad measure of conflict.
- Meaning of Conflict and Its Importance for OrganizationsThe paper defines conflict and negotiations, explores the tactics and strategies that improve the conflict outcomes, and explains why conflicts are important for organizations.
- Communication Issues and Conflict ResolutionCommunication has assisted in the growth of trust and the generation of solutions with your stakeholders and corrective action.
🌶️ Hot Conflict Ideas to Write About
- Managing Conflict in Teams and OrganizationsInstitutional discrepancy conflict is an inevitable phenomenon in the organization but if managed properly, it can cause people and the foundation to develop and improve.
- Interpersonal & Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”Conflicts are integral parts of our lives, and knowing how to resolve them is one of the essential skills to learn.
- Nurse Manager’s Role in Conflict ResolutionThe causes of conflicts can range from simple misunderstandings and communication failures to more profound clashes of values, personalities, or objectives.
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse’s Role Conflict ResolutionThe APRN role conflict is pervasive within interdisciplinary teams. The most appropriate approach in resolving the APRN role conflict is the collaborative style.
- Team Building and Conflict Resolution at WorkplaceTeamwork is recognized more as a collaborative effort by the members for the mutual benefits of corporation and organization employee relations resulted as cooperation among the team members.
- Conflict in Former YugoslaviaThe conflict in the former Yugoslavia was caused by the long standings borders between several nations that should have never occurred.
- Deontological and Consequential Ethical ConflictThe case under discussion provides a moral dilemma when adhering to the rules contradicts the desire to do someone good.
- Conflict Theory in Nursing PracticeThis reflective journal entry elaborates on some issues that nurses face in their daily practice, and what theories can support them when resolving the arising problems.
- Resolving a Recurring Conflict Between Two NursesIn the initial conflict, two nurses in Hospital X in Miami were involved in an altercation regarding medical proficiency.
- PMHNP Conflict Resolution Skills in Interprofessional SettingsThe present paper is devoted to a case study of the Psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) involvement in conflict resolution.
- Conflict Resolution Strategies for Healthcare EstablishmentsHelthcare conflicts occurrence can be prevented or even turned into an advantage by applying proper leadership skills and techniques after the conflict is properly identified.
- Nurses’ Intergroup Conflict and Its StagesThis paper investigates an intergroup conflict based on nurses’ experience and attitude towards new employees, describes four main stages that can be a part of any conflict.
- Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare SettingThe senior management of a healthcare setting must find a way to resolve a conflict in order not to undermine employees’ productivity and the quality of the provided care.
- Chopin and Hawthorne: Gender, Race, and Conflict in 19th-Century LiteratureIn the nineteenth century, men were very chauvinistic. This statement describes men’s brutality against women. In the story, Desiree asks for permission before doing anything.
- “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Conflict ResolutionThis is a literary analysis of Disgrace by Coetzee that demonstrates conflict resolution styles of David and Lucy Lurie differ due to their social environments and sexual genres.
- A Personal Experience of a Destructive ConflictThe paper presents a discussion of a personal experience of a destructive conflict, the kind of conflict style that happened, and how the conflict was resolved.
- Cultural Conflict DescriptionThis paper discusses cultural conflict that was observed or personally experienced with people of a different background, and provides reflection and conclusions.
- Conflicts in the Film “A Clockwork Orange”One of the A Clockwork Orange movie’s conflicts that can be observed is between the values of individual choice and society’s need for control.
- Impact of Workplace Conflict on Patient CareThe paper states that disruptive behaviors in the healthcare workplace harm the patient health outcome due to the inefficient functioning of staff.
- The Dakota Conflict Documentary’s AnalysisThe PBS documentary Dakota Conflict provides a perspective on conflict using excerpts from diaries and letters. This approach allows one to better relate to American settlers.
- Conflict: Positives, Negatives, and StrategiesConflict is a significant part of interpersonal interactions, arising from a perception of incompatible goals between interdependent parties.
- Structural Functional and Dysfunctional ConflictsConflict is something that occurs in any workplace, it is an inevitable part of the work routine. Sometimes it can be helpful, as conflicts highlight a particular problem.
- Labeling Theory and Conflict TheoryThe study of various theories to identify the most appropriate and convincing that can explain the unique relationship between capitalism and crime.
- Gender and Cultures in Conflict ResolutionThe conflict resolution measures should not solely end conflicts, but should also help to restore the fighting communities together.
- Workplace Interpersonal Conflicts Among the Healthcare WorkersThe work in a healthcare setting is rather demanding and may sometimes require much more than a thorough preparation and the knowledge of one’s job.
- Teamwork and Conflict Management in NursingA nursing leader should accept that conflicts are a natural part of building team cohesion. A good understanding of key factors may help to develop a conflict resolution strategy.
- Resolving Intercultural Conflict: Transgender Locker Room DebateThe given case presents an intercultural conflict between Felicity Pearson from the Riverbend City Civil Liberties Union and Police Chaplain Lee Khang.
- Israeli-Palestine Conflict and Global CommunityThe paper describes the causes of the Israeli-Palestine conflict and discusses what historians have claimed as the role of the wider international community in the conflict.
- Reflection on Sexism, Gender Culture, and Associated ConflictsThe present statement is an example of gender-based discrimination and prejudice among women. Sexism and gender discrimination in America have a long and complicated history.
- Healthcare Conflict Resolution CaseThis paper dwells on the details of the conflict in a Healthcare Setting between Kimberly and Jade and describes the stages of the conflict.
- Conflicts: Main Reasons and ResolutionConflict resolution is a complex issue that implies numerous points of view on the same problem and the ability to find the main reason for confrontation.
- Barn Burning: Loyalty vs. Justice in Faulkner’s Short StoryThis paper discusses the short story Barn Burning by William Faulkner and describes the conflict between a boy’s devotion to his family and his strong sense of justice.
- Conflict Resolution and Its Key ApproachesThere are many different approaches to resolving conflict, including accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, competing, and compromising.
- Coser’s Theory and an Example of a Social ConflictThis paper discusses the concept of social conflict, which arises due to contradictions between different social groups, and its significance in societal progress.
- Family Counselling and Therapy for High-Conflict CouplesThe paper presents bibliography about role of family counselling on marries and divorces, especially structural family therapy and dialectical behavior therapy.
- The Role of Power in Conflicts in the WorkplaceThis paper states that legitimate power presents itself as the most effective power in solving conflicts in an organization.
- Conflict Theory Applied to the American Civil WarThe research question of the planned research will be as follows: How does the conflict theory inform the causes of the American Civil War?
- The Conflict Resolution ProcessConflicts exist everywhere in day-to-day activities and are inevitable. Whether in families, social relationships, or workplaces, they are bound to arise at any time.
- Europeans vs Native Americans: Why the Conflict Was Inevitable?As soon as Indians began refusing to do what colonizers asked of them, the latter started taking brutal measures.
- Technology’s Impact on Workplace ConflictTechnology is a significant part of modern business because it simplifies several tasks in an organization’s day-to-day functions.
🎓 Most Interesting Conflict Research Titles
- Ethics vs. The Law: Main ConflictsEthics is a philosophical branch that defines what is right and what is wrong concerning the actions of people, as well as the decisions they make.
- Conflict in Nursing: Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare SettingThis paper aims to evaluate a recurring conflict taking place among the nurses of a hospital setting in Miami, which had an adverse influence on the practice of nurses.
- Resolving Conflict & Dealing with Difficult PeopleSuccessful communication is an essential part of human life, and it defines one’s overall promotion in all spheres. Some conflicts prevent us from being good at communicating.
- Conflict Resolution Case: Details and StagesThere are many options for resolving various conflict situations. To use them, it is necessary to think soberly and sometimes even predict possible conflicts.
- Transformational Leadership Approach to Conflict Management in Emergency CareThe research stresses the leadership importance in the conflict management process and highlights its vitality for bringing positive changes to the emergency departments.
- The Palestine and the Arab-Israel ConflictThis article explores the causes and historical preludes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and discusses Britain’s role in the conflict.
- Internal Strife and Conflict in Literary WorksThe paper discusses the literary elements of inner struggle and meditation in Frost’s poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ T.Roethke’s ‘My Papa’s Waltz’ and the play ‘All My Sons’ by A.Miller.
- Group Dynamics, Managing Conflict, and Managing Stress and Employee Job SatisfactionThis paper discusses of whether a high cohesiveness in a group leads to higher group productivity, or not. Analysis of the effect of the quality of decision-making within the group.
- Conflict Management and Team BuildingCommunication is one of the most crucial elements in stable and healthy relationships. It can also affect conflicts positively, as it can help people to identify the causes of disagreements.
- Managing Conflict Discussion: Personal ExperienceConflicts happen all the time between friends, members of the family, colleagues, or even strangers.
- El Salvador’s Turbulent History: From La Matanza to PeaceThe Republic of El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America with its population hardly exceeding six million people.
- Addressing Healthcare Conflicts: Key Issues and SolutionsHealth administrators should use adequate measures to address every challenge. This discussion describes a conflict that has occurred in healthcare working environment.
- Conflicts and Resolution at Engineering CompaniesThe purpose of the current exploration is to discuss the cases of internal and external conflicts in a project team, with a special focus on the engineering context.
- Nurse-Physician Conflict and ResolutionNurses communicate with a variety of health professionals. When it comes to nursing, conflicts in the workplace can have serious effects on patient health.
- Affordable Care Act and Related Ethical ConflictsThe paper seeks to identify and discuss the ethical conflicts brought by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare or Trumpcare
- Nursing Leadership and Conflict ResolutionThe paper unveils the working mechanism of the qualities of a leader, and the ability of the leader uses an array of strategies to mitigate conflicts at the working place.
- Conflict Resolution and Action Plan in HospitalIn this assignment, a recurring conflict in a hospital setting in Miami will be discussed for the purpose of developing an effective action plan for subsequent conflict resolution.
- Worker Exploitation in the Social Conflict TheoryThe conflict theory suggests that the different social groups within the society are engaged in a constant struggle over the scarce resources and for dominance over each other.
- Conflict Resolution Between Nurse and PatientThis paper discusses the case of intense disagreement between a nurse and a patient regarding the use of antibiotics as a treatment method for a viral infection.
- Nurses Role in ConflictsA nurse has always been a mediator in the relations between a nurse and a therapist, guaranteeing that any conflict will be solved and a compromising solution will be found.
- Communication and Cultural ConflictsConflicts due to variations in values, beliefs, and practices are bound to occur when people communicate to achieve shared objectives, complement each other, and share resources.
- Approaches to Conflict Resolution in Miami Hospital: Methods and OutcomesThe paper describes in detail the particularities of the conflict between the nurse and nurse manager and outlines the stages of their conflict.
- Self-Interest and Public Interest ConflictsThis paper discusses two inherent conflicts that might occur between self-interest and public interest, namely definitional challenges and market-oriented mechanisms.
- Framework for Conflict Intervention by the African Union: Strategies and EffectivenessThe article “After 50 Years of the OAU-AU” explains why new strategies are needed to ensure the African Union is valuable towards addressing humanitarian crises.
- Anne Fadiman’s ‘The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down.’ Cultural Conflict and HealthcareThe story of a family of Hmong immigrants in the US, “The spirit catches you and you fall” by Anne Fadiman, shows the effects of the cultural insensitivity of medical personnel.
- Good vs. Bad Conflict in the WorkplaceGood conflict is constructive and helps an organization to grow and improve, while bad conflict is destructive and damages relationships and productivity.
- Resource Sharing, Planning, and Conflict ManagementBy focusing on conflict management, resource sharing, and active planning, it is possible to survive in different circumstances.
- Cultural Impact on Negotiations and Conflict ResolutionCultural background determines the course and success of negotiations. Remarkably, cultural differences may contribute to conflicts, which complicate their resolution.
- The Mediation of Conflict in Personal ExperiencesMediation is becoming increasingly common because it saves time and money compared to going to court and allows both parties.
- Growth Machine Conflicts in Post-Amazon Western QueensThe essay will answer questions based on the Amazon headquarters project and Western Queens Community Land Trust’s controversial plans.
- Seeking Conflict ResolutionsThe paper states that conflicts do not have to worsen relationships. It is vital for all involved sides to avoid dwindling in the past and move forward.
- Discussion of Personal Conflict of InterestIn FAR Subpart 3.11 – Preventing Personal Conflicts of Interest for Contractor Employees Performing Acquisition Functions, the term “Personal Conflict of Interest” is defined.
- Problem-Solving and Conflict Avoiding at A&B Healthcare, Inc.This report aims to examine the issue of conflicts within A&B Healthcare, Inc. and to provide solutions for addressing and avoiding them.
- Functionalist, Conflict, and Interactionist TheoriesSocial relationships are complex processes that require several scientific approaches, which are discussed in the paper.
- Al’s Pals Program: Children’s ConflictsThe paper discusses children’s conflicts. They can arise over resources, discipline, communication difficulties, values, and needs.
- Conflict Management: A Conflict Between the Vice PresidentsIn managing this conflict, the first thing to do is spot the Vice Presidents who are up to the idea of acquisition and those who do not support it.
- Diversity and Other Conflict Management ToolsAmong the tools that are applied the most are diversity, inclusion, equality, and equity, which lead to healthy communication and team productivity.
- Work-Family Conflict and Women of ImpactSince individuals typically spend much time on work, some of them can have difficulties having families and taking care of their relatives.
- The 24 Hour Fitness Firm’s Employee ConflictOn March 12, 2018, a complete story documenting the ongoing conflict between 24 Hour Fitness’s staff and management appeared in Capital & Main.
- Strategies for Workplace Conflict ManagementIt is essential to recognize the stage of conflict and intervene to resolve it. It is necessary to develop management skills to identify the causes and consequences of disputes.
💡 Simple Conflict Essay Ideas
📌 Easy Conflict Essay Topics
❓ Essay Questions on Conflict
- Are Trade Integration and the Environment in Conflict?
- Does Ethnic Conflict Impede or Enable Employee Innovation Behavior?
- Are Religion and Conflict Inherently Linked?
- What Is Cultural Conflict in the Workplace?
- Does Gender Difference Play a Role in Marital Conflict?
- How Can Family Conflicts Lead to Deviant Behavior in Children?
- Why Did the Major Twentieth Century Conflicts Affect So Many People?
- Can Cultural Norms Reduce Conflicts?
- Why Does the Bible Conflict With Science?
- How Can Miscommunication and Misunderstanding Lead to Conflicts?
- What Is Social Conflict According to Karl Marx?
- Does Gender Diversity Help Teams Constructively Manage Status Conflict?
- Why Doesn’t Class Conflict Dominate Politics in Advanced Industrial Societies?
- How Does Conflict Relate to Social Inequalities?
- Can the WTO Reconcile Environmental and Trade Conflicts?
- What Are the Two Main Issues in the Current Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
- Does Higher Inequality Lead to Conflict?
- How Can People Best Respond to Conflict?
- Does Poor Communication Cause Conflict in the Workplace?
- What Are the Major Conflicts Between Virtues and Utilitarianism?
- How Can Team Conflict Be Reduced?
- Does Social Media Influence Conflict?
- How Does Conflict Manifest Itself in “Romeo and Juliet”?
- Does Violent Conflict Make Chronic Poverty More Likely?
- How Do Cultural Differences Influence Conflict Within an Organization?
- What Were Some Conflicts Involved in the Iranian Revolution?
- How Does Maslow’s Theory of Human Needs Explain Conflict in Human Society?
- Why Are Intra-State Conflicts So Difficult?
- How Does Shakespeare Use Conflict in “Hamlet” as a Way of Exploring Ideas?
- What Problems Are Caused by Conflict?