Advantages of Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) in Teaching English

Introduction There are many evidence-based and effective methods of teaching English in educational institutions for several reasons that enhance learning. To achieve effective learning outcomes and develop the necessary skills in students, it is necessary to consider their characteristics as best as possible. Cooperative language learning (CLL) can be a...

Advancements in Virtual Reality for Education: Benefits and Applications

One of the most popular and modern learning technologies is currently Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The technology is expensive, and its cost depends on the type of equipment and the manufacturer. With the help of VR glasses and special joysticks, students can gain practical skills in various subjects. This technology...

Raising Dementia Awareness: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Dementia: Definition and Prevalence Diseases associated with a person’s mental state should be of particular importance for the health care system since the mental state of the population affects public health. Dementia is a neurocognitive intellectual disability that can impair a person’s cognitive abilities (Livingston et al., 2002). Thus, it...

Private Debt Options: Firm Choices & Financial Insights

Introduction Firms decide which type of private debt to use based on their financial needs, creditworthiness, and the availability of various financing options. Private debt includes any debt that is not issued or guaranteed by a government agency, such as corporate bonds or bank loans (Berk et al., 2021). Main...

Beck’s Theory of Postpartum Depression: Benefits, Limitations, and Nursing Implications

Introduction During the postpartum period, women may experience depression that prevents them from leading a normal life and caring for their newborn. Beck’s theory of postpartum depression is a qualitative tool for addressing women’s postpartum conditions. The use of the concept allows to provide comfort and well-being for women who...

Business Process Reengineering at Coca-Cola: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Business process reengineering is aimed at transforming processes so that the organization’s activities are optimized and efficient. Coca-Cola has engaged in business process reengineering to simplify internal processes, improve service, and get higher profits. Many stages were carried out, but still, the company achieved the planned results. Each reengineering...

Roman Architectural Style: Holy Redeemer Parish and Its Unique Features

Introduction The Roman architectural style is one of the most famous construction types, and it was developed many centuries ago. This style stays unique as massive buildings identify it with a classical view and flowing designs (Meyers 12). This style, developed in ancient times, can also be seen in the...

Impact of the Scientific Revolution: Advances in Physics and Astronomy

The scientific revolution usually refers to the significant shifts in scientific thought that occurred in the 16th and 17th centuries. For centuries, the study has been dominated by Greek conceptions, which were replaced by new approaches during the scientific revolution. This change precipitated substantial developments in humanity’s history. Though it...

Emotional Isolation and Teenage Exploration in ZZ Packer’s “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere”

ZZ Packer’s story “Drinking Coffee Elsewhere” tackles the issues of teenage exploration of sexuality, loneliness, isolation, and relationships. The heroine, a young woman named Dina, is struggling to define herself and find ways to build relationships with people around her. Her attention is focused on another girl, Heidi. However, her...

Trichomoniasis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Women and Men

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It is a common infection that affects both men and women but is most commonly found in women. According to Muzny and Van Gerwen (2022), the incubation period is between 4 and 28 days, but for...

Why Good People Act Unethically and How to Avoid Rationalization

Introduction The issue of human behavior is complicated, and a wide range of variables can affect how decisions are made. Decent individuals sometimes act inappropriately and make dubious decisions to appear more likable, hide a mistake, and many other reasons. People then begin to justify their behaviors and rationalize their...

Milton’s “Paradise Lost”: Free Will and Divine Justice

Introduction John Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost is a timeless classic exploring the idea of the will and ways of God. It relates the account of Adam and Eve’s fall, banishment from the Garden of Eden, and final salvation. Through his characters and themes, Milton explores and reflects his views...

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: Symptoms, Screening, and Treatment

Both Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhea are bacterially-based sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). The primary way that Chlamydia trachomatis is transmitted is through sexual interaction. It is one of the most prevalent STIs and can affect both men and women. Chlamydia can cause several symptoms. They include discomfort or burning when...

Action Plan for Achieving Compliance with the Clas Standards

Introduction To achieve compliance with the Principal and GLW standards (outcomes 1-4) within CLAS, Hospital X plans to improve workforce diversity and multicultural competence. The necessary resources include minority organizations in the hospital’s area of operation (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS], n.d.). In collaboration with them, Hospital...

Government and Church’s Role in Wealth Redistribution

Introduction Faith has played a crucial role around the world by guiding those in leadership both in church and government to enhance the care of citizens. Sider (2020) asserts that all people were made in the image of God, which is the true definition of the nature of a person....

Culture War and Gun Violence in the United States

Introduction It is important to note that culture wars are major social events, which, in some cases, are centered around social justice issues. These events had a strong impact on the development of American society, and they are still continuously shaping its modern state by raising issues on a wide...

Discussion of Policing Aspects in America

Police Subculture The beliefs, attitudes, points of view, and actions that are shown by law enforcement are referred to as the police subculture. Officers devote their time to serving the public and safeguarding them from members of the criminal community and crime. In general, they do not trust any group...

Christ and the Adulteress by Rocco Marconi and The Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael

Both Raphael’s and Rocco Marconi’s paintings are similar in terms of the subject matter since they both illustrate biblical scenes involving groups of people displayed at the center of the pieces. However, the pieces are different in the mood of the stories depicted. Raphael portrays a joyous occasion of Mary...

Some of the Common Pitfalls in the Mediation Process

Failing to Prepare Appropriately For the mediation procedure to be highly successful, the concerned parties must be adequately prepared. Many arbitration processes do not succeed because either the claimants or respondents fail to prepare well, and so, do not understand their case fully. People should also know their opponents’ cases...

Boris Johnson’s Leadership Discussion

Boris Johnson’s Leadership Style Good leaders are those who commit to creating change and impacting lives positively. Boris Johnson was a British Prime minister serving in the conservative party and became a remarkable leader in the United Kingdom’s history. He was inaugurated in July 2019 and served for three years...

Public Health Career Opportunities

Introduction Public health is an important aspect of modern reality in the whole world. With the ecological situation changing for the worse, while vital medicals are rare, it is important to help provide society with necessary healthcare. Public health may have a positive effect on students’ development and accomplishment of...

Urban Industry and Reconstruction

Introduction The Smart City system is a beneficial solution to problems with industrial zones that negatively affect the environment and their residents. The Industrial Revolution has an impact on the industrialization of cities and Steam engines. Even though many cities tried to replicate the industrialization system, the urban development was...

The Basic Structure of a Human Team and Its Mutual Influence

As before the creation of the first civilization and after its appearance, human beings always formed and united into groups and teams. In those days, it was a crucial principle of biological survival, and now it is a significant factor in the social and psychological life of the individual. Over...

The Impact of Enlightenment Ideas on Education

The 18th century entered the history of culture as the age of the Enlightenment. Recent scientific advances, especially the discoveries of J. Newton and J. Locke, prompted philosophers, scientists, and writers to reconsider the former picture of the world radically. The eighteenth century radically changed European thought and brought significant...

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Foot Muscles and Movements

Introduction Numerous muscles, tissues, tendons, and bones make up the foot and support stability, flexibility, and movement. Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles are the two primary classifications of foot muscles. Discussion Extrinsic foot muscles have their origins in the lower thigh, and they fit into various foot regions to enable gross...

Fraudulent Online Dating as an Ethical Problem

Online dating is a popular option for finding loving couples that are used by many youngsters worldwide. One of the most popular dating applications is called Tinder. It has more than 75 million users every month. Although Tinder gives a variety of opportunities for dating, some people may start searching...

The Patient-Oriented Model of Medical Care Organization

The creation of a new model of a medical organization providing primary health care is a set of measures aimed at respecting the priority of the patient’s interests, organizing the provision of medical care to the patient, taking into account the rational use of his time. Moreover, an important part...

Analysis of Nursing and Physician Shortage Impact

Discussion The research topic will be nursing and physician shortage across the globe. Generally, in order to have quality care services, there must be professionals that ensure the needs of patients are met. Healthcare is critical and every nation has prioritized ways of making the services universal to allow citizens...

High-Quality and Affordable Care for US Veterans: Challenges and Solutions

When it comes to providing high-quality and affordable care for the US veterans, it is crucial to consider all aspects of this multi-faceted issue. On the one hand, using the expertise of Nurse Practitioners in giving health care to veterans is a viable decision while on the other hand, there...

Communication with Patients with Dementia: Weitzel et al.’s Techniques

In their article “Pilot testing an educational intervention to improve communication with patients with dementia,” the authors suggest certain communication techniques that can be effective for the hospital staff when they are communicating with patients with dementia. They state that a perfect approach is an individual approach, as it takes...

Symbolism of Christmas Spirits in “A Christmas Carol”

In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens renders the theme of fate, which is reflected in the three Spirits of Christmas. The Spirit’s demeanor and looks symbolize Scrooge’s life in the past, present, and future implying his fate if he does not rethink his behavior. The first Spirit, the Ghost of...

“I, Too” by Langston Hughes: Historical Context

The poem I, Too was written in the year 1925, leading to a discussion of the historical background. Primarily, one of the most impactful and devastating events that took place around the time of these works was racial segregation, which started approximately around the 19th century and ended in 1964...

Electric and Gas-Powered Vehicles Compared

With the development of technologies and the growing need to take care of the environment, new models of vehicles started to appear. A non-professional may fail to see any differences, but electric cars are actually not the same as their gas predecessors and colleagues, and the similarities between them can...

US Subprime Mortgage Crisis: Global Impact and Risk Management

The US subprime mortgage has not only had an affect in the USA but also has spread across the globe. Thus, the direct risk exposure has spread well beyond the USA to Asian and European market. It has become essential to adapt a dynamic risk management tool to contain credit...

Record Breaking X-37B Unmanned Space Plane

Introduction USA-240 is the third spaceflight of the U.S. Air Force’s X-37 experiment program to ascertain the technological reliability and reusability of unmanned spacecraft in orbital missions. The secretive flight, which logged 675 days orbiting the earth, marked the first re-flight of the agile space shuttle specially designed to withstand...

The Issue of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supply in Hospitals

State the Healthcare Issue/Topic & Problem The COVID-19 pandemic made researchers and healthcare practitioners pay attention to the problem of guaranteeing adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supply in hospitals. The lack of PPE in facilities directly affects the quality of care for patients and the safety of healthcare providers. Explain...

World Religions: The Meaning of Symbols

Buddhist symbol is a cyclic attribute symbolizing the wheel of the Dharma. It explains samsara, the cycle of rebirths that can be avoided by studying the Buddha’s and the story of how the Buddha achieved enlightenment (Halberg, 2014). People use in ritual practice to concentrate on reflection, using the mind...

Why Witches Were Accused in Human Reproduction Issues

The primary source, “Malleus Maleficarum,” and the secondary source, by Lynda Roper, on cannibalism, both offer a glimpse into the beliefs and accusations surrounding witches. According to the “Malleus Maleficarum,” witches were accused of various crimes related to disrupting or harming human reproduction, including aborting fetuses, killing newborns, and making...

What Is Colors and Emotions Association?

There is a close connection between the colors and people’s emotions. Each object around has its color, which affects perception. Associations that colors evoke were formed through generations of ancestors and personal experiences. For example, blue and light green are more likely to cause pleasant emotions due to association with...

What About Gender Is Most Interesting to Sociologists?

Before the emergence of the discipline of gender studies, there was an understanding that the social is biologically determined; that is, boys and girls are like that because they were born like that. The understanding that the dual division of norms constructed by society does not coincide with the biological...

Washington’s and DuBois’ Speeches Comparison

As a black man, a simple worker from Atalanta, the question of social equality between people of color is very important to me. So, I read the writings of two of the great spokesmen for the Black rights movement, Washington and DuBois, and tried to choose which of them made...

Use of Technology in Law Enforcement

Introduction The article from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism focuses on high-risk drinking among college students. One independent variable identified in the article is “student characteristics,” which includes demographic factors such as age, gender, and ethnicity, as well as psychosocial variables such as stress, depression, and social...

Tomorrow at Dawn by Victor Hugo: A Poem Analysis

One of the most striking and unusual poems is Tomorrow at Dawn by Victor Hugo. This author is known for his unusual style and method of presentation, which makes a special impression on the reader (Matthews 682). His work includes several literary devices and features that create a concrete character...

The “Who Gets to Graduate?” Article by Paul Tough

Introduction The difficulties that low-income and first-generation university students encounter when navigating higher education are examined in Paul Tough’s piece “Who Gets to Graduate?”. A summer bridge program at the University of Texas and a psychological initiative that aids students in acquiring a “growth mindset” and overcoming self-doubt are some...

The US Government Pandemic Initiatives

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic became a major factor which affected numerous spheres and especially businesses. In order to address the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments worldwide, including in the United States, designed special initiatives to help companies. The support offered by the U.S. government in the form of...

The Stock Market: Investment Instrument

Recently, the stock market has become one of the most interesting and main instruments for investing and raising capital by companies and investors. Most companies use the advantages of stock markets to attract public funding for business development. Thus, it is important to discuss how companies and different investors choose...

The Return of the Elgin Marbles

Introduction Nowadays, many countries strive to return the artifacts that originate from them to their possession. The Elgin Marbles, which were created and placed in Greece, had resided in the British Museum since the nineteenth century when they were relocated from the Parthenon through an agreement with the Ottoman Empire...

“The Other Two” Short Story by Edith Wharton

In the short story “The Other Two,” Wharton describes a husband, Mr. Waythorn, whose wife Alice has two divorces. At first sight, it seems that Alice is miserable because she marries and divorces in strive for social prestige. Nonetheless, it is essential to notice that Wharton depicts the upper class’s...

Theodore Roosevelt Biography

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, was born in New York in 1858. He had bronchial asthma; therefore, he received all the primary education at home. In 1876, Theodore Roosevelt began studying at Harvard; he was interested in politics from an early age. A tragedy occurred in...

The Marshmallow Experiment Articles

In “Why Rich Kids Are So Good at the Marshmallow Test,” a TEDx talk by researcher and author Dr. Anindya Kundu (2017), he talks on how, in the well-known marshmallow experiment, socioeconomic status influences a child’s capacity to defer gratification. According to Kundu, while wealthier children typically perform better on...

The Human Nature Concept Analysis

It is important to note that human nature is a highly complex and intricate subject because it is rather challenging to define and pinpoint. Such an elusive characteristic of the concept makes it challenging to prove or disprove its existence. However, an argument can be made that human nature is...

The Godfather’ by Francis Ford: Movie Review

Introduction The Godfather is a world-famous masterpiece directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1972. According to multiple expert reviews and public opinion, the movie is nearly peerless film-making (Chiang). The film has a marvelous screenplay, flawless cast, excellent camera-work, and mindful composition. The present paper offers an analysis of the...

The Global Nature of Modern Economics

In his “The False Promise of International Institutions,” Mearsheimer presents a critique of institutionalism theories and the policies that ensue from them. He claims that these theories do not reflect the realities of the world and are disproved by the world’s history. According to him, the alternative, namely realism, is...

The “Four Freedoms” Speech by Franklin Roosevelt

Introduction In the speech “Four Freedoms,” Franklin Roosevelt outlined four major goals to reach global freedoms in speech, worship, and the absence of want and fear. These ideas remain relevant today as the United States and other countries continue developing. One particular issue is freedom of speech in new digital...

The Flood and Creation in the Bible and Myths from Mesopotamia

Different religions and beliefs have their versions of the creation of the world. There are similarities and differences between the biblical flood and creation stories and Mesopotamian myths. According to Enuma Elish, the world’s creation took place in several stages (Sublett, 2023). Just like in the biblical stories, God created...

“The Constitution Was Made for Us…” by Bouie

Direct Democracy This news article examines the features of the American constitution. The author’s position is that this document has many political and legislative restrictions for making the necessary changes. This is also connected with the topic of direct democracy since the existing system of elections in the United States...

The Animal Skulls: Anthropological Discovery

Ancient cultures and living organisms that inhabited the planet before modern humans are particularly interesting to anthropologists. Any discoveries can answer old unsolved questions about the history of the development and evolution of humanity. A recent discovery by scientists from the University of Madrid may help better understand prehistoric people’s...

The 1,2,4,5-Tetrazines Synthesizing Method

The article by the Scripps Research Institute highlights the expected positive effects of a recent chemical discovery – now there is a general method that allows for the synthesis of 1,2,3,5-tetrazines, a previously unknown compound family. About sixty years ago, closely related 1,2,4,5-tetrazines were found, and their success and invaluable...

Sticking to an Exercise Program

Exercise programs are usually recommended for patients suffering from illnesses because it helps them remain physically fit or lose some weight. Sometimes it is challenging for a patient to stick to an exercise program. However, there are several strategies they can employ while exercising. The following are some of the...

Rates of Drinking Water Consumption: Impact on the Hydrologic Cycle

The concept of the hydrologic cycle is, perhaps, known by everyone over the age of eight. The fact that the three states of H2O, i.e., the solid (an ice cube), the liquid (water) and the gaseous ones (vapor) can be observed daily in the everyday environment makes the hydrologic cycle...

Social Media in Healthcare Marketing

The role of social media has grown increasingly over the past decade, with some of the best-known social media sites having morphed into massive promotional platforms of a range of organizations. Similarly to other businesses, healthcare organizations can use social media to their advantage in order to advertise their services...

Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution of the US

Introduction It is hard to disagree that same-sex marriage is one of the most controversial topics in the U.S. Many people consider such marriages a fundamental right of humans, while others find them inappropriate and try to cancel this tendency. Same-sex marriages have long and challenging relationships with federalism, and...

Rewriting Roosevelt’s Four Democracies Speech

In the speech Four Democracies, Franklin D Roosevelt spoke about why democracy matters, as well as how and why it should be protected. I would choose to expand on this discussion further by explaining my perspective on the matter and why it is important to preserve it. Primarily, one of...

Researching of Hedging Function

The function of foreign exchange in practice for the company is hedging. The organization is participating in international trade where the customers of the cross-boundary units pay for goods and services using their local money. The unpredictability of the nations’ currency poses a significant risk of depreciation, increasing the venture’s...

Reasons Why Shakespeare Still Matters

Shakespeare is a great playwright who created unfading and ageless works that have fascinated readers worldwide throughout the centuries. The secret of Shakespeare’s fame lies in the fact that, in his works, he raised such issues as love and hate, loyalty and betrayal, and truth and lies that are still...

Public Opinion in Forming Public Policies

Introduction Public opinion is a set of viewpoints regarding a specific person, topic, or policy. They are used to learn about people’s approval, disapproval, or neutral attitude towards a certain politician’s actions and ideas. It plays a crucial role in politics, as ignoring it may result in protests or riots....

Propaganda in “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller

The Crucible by Arthur Miller examines the widespread fear and persecution experienced during the Salem Witch Trials in the late 17th century. Throughout the play, various propaganda techniques are employed to sway public opinion and defend the witch hunts. It is most realistic to remark that black, grey and white...

The Novel “Orlando” by Virginia Woolf

The concept of gender is a significant theme in Virginia Woolf’s 1928 novel Orlando. In her classic work, Woolf examines the idea of gender identity and the fluidity of gender roles. The novel’s protagonist, Orlando, is a young English nobleman born in the Elizabethan era and lives through several centuries...

The “Merchant of Venice” Play by Shakespeare

The play “Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare is a well-known play that often features in professional and amateur theatrical performances. The play is expansive, and reading through all of it often makes the overarching plot escape in the details. Summaries of the play are available for performers to understand...

Analysis of Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”

The central idea of Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”, which is vividly formulated, is a dilemma between loyalty to a blood relative and commitment to justice. Sarti, a little boy, realizes that his father’s actions and behavior are inappropriate, but Sarti’s love for him heavily influences the assessment. However, in this paragraph,...

The Book “The Oedipus Cycle” by Sophocles

Oedipus cycle is a collection of three Theban plays written by Sophocles, which include Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, and Oedipus the King (also known as Oedipus Rex). These plays illuminate Thebes’ fate during and after King Oedipus’s reign. The three plays talk about the mythological Oedipus, who married his mother...

The Use of Humor in “The Importance of Being Earnest” by Wilde

Oscar Wilde has employed humor in writing The Importance of Being Earnest play. The play comically ridicules cultural norms regarding truthfulness, love, and marriage in the Victorian Era. One of the humor elements that Wilde uses throughout the text is puns. The play’s title consists of the word “earnest,” which...

The “Preface” by Alice Walker Review

After I read the “Preface” by Alice Walker and the poems at the beginning of Spiegel, I started to think about animal life. I felt ashamed because I had previously loved visiting the zoo and exploring animals living in captivity. Moreover, I realized that confinement is a restriction on the...

The Poem “Greed” by Philip Schultz Review

The poem “Greed” by Philip Schultz discusses several social problems, including inequality in the United States and the inability to become happy. The message of this poem is relevant to most people because these issues are common for everyone who does not belong to the privileged group of Americans. The...

“Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?” by Shakespeare

Among the sonnets that we read this week, William Shakespeare’s Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day was my favorite. First, I enjoyed the poem due to my devotion in reading Shakespeare’s works. Second and most importantly is the poem’s artistic element and theme that represents the stability of...

“The Most Handsome Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The paper shows the story presented by Gabriel Garcia Marquez called “The Most Handsome Drowned Man in The World.” The narrator explains to writers that humanity has created an unhealthy romantic relationship with the surrounding world, and the quote “happily ever after” should not be the source of hope. The...

“Mona Lisa Smile”: Plot, Themes, and Influence

Mona Lisa Smile tells the story of feminist teacher Kathryn Ann Watson, who leaves her boyfriend in Los Angeles to teach at a conservative private women’s college. Instead of the bright minds of her generation, Kathryn meets girls with the primary life purpose to get married. Watson tries to convince...

The Essay “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift

The satire of “A Modest Proposal” stems significantly from the vast disparity between the speaker’s calm and reasonable voice and the evident obnoxiousness of his proposal. The poor’s young infants are raised as livestock, butchered, and given to the wealthy, who devoured them as a delightful treat. Swift uses irony...

Exploring Themes in ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’

Nobility, Elegance and Mystery Around the “Emerald Color” “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” is a unique, inimitable work in its structure and content, illustrating a special message and interpretation of color from the point of view of symbolism, hints, and mysterious signs. Thus, the green color in the novel...

Langston Hughes’ “Mother to Son” Poem

Mother to Son is a narrative poem written by Langston Hughes, an American poet, novelist, and playwright. The poem is constructed in the form of a monologue of a mother addressing her son. She states that life has been hard for her and compares overcoming the struggles to climbing stairs....

The Poem “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodor Roethke

The poem My Papa’s Waltz touches on the intricate relationship between a child and a socially irresponsible father. It is difficult to say whether this work was written under the pressure of one’s negative memories or in impulses of inspiration. However, Theodor Roethke conveyed with precise accuracy the image of...

Analysis of Thousand and One Nights Stories

Storytelling as art can speak to humans in a way that numbers, presentations, slides, or data cannot. It is capable of influencing one’s beliefs, thoughts, and values. Through Shahrazads’s effective storytelling techniques, she changes the king’s mind, calms him, and manages to save her and many other women’s lives. Her...

Achilles vs. Aeneas: The Main Differences

The heroes of the poems can represent entire nations and be the arbiters of human destinies and states. A variant of such correlation is the category of the epic hero. Heroes are endowed with the best and worst sides of their people. Achilles and Aeneas are a reflection of valor...

Racial Identity in “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin

This dissertation is fundamental and very informative research that explores the representation of the topic of racial identity in “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin. Since the author also compares this short story to three significant African-American novels, it is possible to say that this source is helpful in identifying the...

“A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold is a passionate and thoughtful account of nature observations throughout a year. In the very beginning, Leopold lovingly refers to the start of the year’s observations as tempting distractions (1). This love for the natural world is vivid in his descriptions of natural...

Montgomery’s “Aunt Olivia’s Beau” and Wilkins’s “A New England Nun”

Social roles and agency of women used to be perceived from an exceptionally shallow perspective by society. However, even in the era when the concept of female agency was virtually non-existent, female writers struggled to shift the paradigm. Although Montgomery’s “Aunt Olivia’s Beau” and Wilkins’s “A New England Nun” feature...

Edgar Alan Poe’s “The Raven” Review

Edgar Alan Poe’s “The Raven” is one of his most mystical and complex poems. It was first published in 1845 and immediately caught readers’ attention with its dramatic and musical tone (Poe 2). This poem narrated the story of a young man who lost the love of his life. In...

Women’s Choices in the 19-20th Centuries Literature

“White Elephant Hills,” “Desiree’s Baby,” and “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” by Ernest Hemingway, Kate Chopin, and Flannery O’Connor; all address women’s choices in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Women had a terrible situation in terms of their life choices and independence during this period. Instead...

Comparison of Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” and Ellison’s “Battle Royal”

It seems reasonable to state that black oppression in “Sonny’s Blues” and “Battle Royal” is the primary theme. The latter will be a good option to focus on within the scope of comparing the mentioned stories. In these pieces of writing, despite the liberation of slavery, black people are still...

The Poem “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” by Yeats

In his poem called the Lake Isle of Innisfree, Willian Butler Yeats emphasizes the undeniable connection between the spiritual world of the human being and nature. The author describes the mystical world of the human phantasies where one can be saved from the vanity of the real world. The comparison...

The Poem “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman

The theme of the fullness of life, to which the character aspires and which he sings as an integral component of earthly existence, is one of the main ones in the poem by Whitman. The poet speaks of his desire to leave his mark on the earth and encourages the...

Analysis of “The Tale of Genji” by Murasaki Shikibu

The novel spans several decades; the protagonist, the brilliant Genji, one of the imperial sons, has all sorts of virtues, rare external beauty, and outstanding abilities, which causes everyone’s admiration. His career at the Court is developing successfully: he lives in luxury and has a prominent future. The second chapter...

“Character Is What You Are in the Dark” Quote

Character is what you are in the dark. Dwight Lyman Moody Quotations from literary works can sometimes touch the soul more than a whole book or a story can do. Hence, some of them contain the author’s thoughts about a particular problem or convey a worldview. The quote under study...

Dante Alighieri’s Attitude Toward Popes

Dante was a fierce Guelf supporter and stood opposed to the Popes holding the political power in Italy. In Canto 19 of Inferno he states that the Pope Nicholas III is already in Hell, and he is awaiting the arrival of Boniface VIII and Clement V: And he cried out:...

“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell: Drama Research

It is important to note that the play Trifles by Susan Glaspell is an outstanding piece of theatre and writing which explores critical ideas of feminism and gender identity within the context of historical patriarchal societal structure. The plot highly pertains to women since it is heavily focused on two...

“Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Rose for Emily is a novel about the profound tragedy of a woman who cannot come to terms with loss and cope with grief. Emily Grierson experiences her tragedy regularly; she cannot bear the loss. The story begins surprisingly: Emily’s funeral, followed by the narrator’s memories of what this unfortunate...

“Tracks of the Wandering Mind”: Poem Analysis

Within Tracks of the Wandering Mind the author expresses the feeling of a deep longing for something unreachable and different from the surroundings. The protagonist is linking the things they would want to experience and the places they would want to see with trains, and they also mention railways. It...

Euphemism Behind Connie’s Actions as Presented by Oates

Connie yearns for attention, a factor that appears throughout the text. She talks condescendingly about her sister’s looks and claims her mother used to be beautiful. However, despite talking about them in this light, she does not seem bothered by her relationship with her father. In this instance, the character...

The Iliad by Homer: Interpretation in Art

In the Iliad Homer tells the story of how the murderer was able to repent and remember when he still had a soul. Achilles is presented in the book as an evil that ruined many sons. King Priam sent his son Hector to be the city’s guardian but Achilles killed...

Issue of Racism in “Growing Up Colored”

Henry Louis Gates is a famous American writer and educator. In Growing Up Colored, he wrote about his childhood as an African American person in the West Virginia town of Piedmont, where people like him were considered to be second-class citizens. Although it may seem to be at some point...

Visual Elements in Frankenstein Novel by Shelley

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is one of the famous novels which influenced the development of the science fiction and horror genres. Numerous generations of readers were inspired by it and appreciated the atmosphere created by the author. Thus, Frankenstein: The Graphic Novel represents the story from another angle using specific...

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Reviewed

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of twenty-four short stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century. It is considered a foundational work of English literature that popularized the English vernacular. The individual stories are presented as part of a story-telling contest hosted during a pilgrimage from London to...

Dante’s “The Pilgrim” Poem Review

At the start of the poem, Dante is a middle-aged poet who is lost on his path. “I found myself in dark woods, the right road lost” (Alighieri 3). This right road can be considered to represent God’s path of his life, and since he wandered from it, he is...

Inferno Cantos XVII-XXXIV of Divine Comedy by Dante

Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is one of the most well-known poems in history. It depicts a journey of a soul after death through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Consequently, the examined part – Inferno Cantos XVII-XXXIV – describes the Eighth and Ninth Circles of Hell and provides fascinating insights into...

Aeneas’s Characteristics in Aeneid by Virgil

Aeneas is the main character of the Aeneid; he is the son of Trojan ruler Anchises and Venus, the Roman goddess of fertility and beauty. In IV’s book of Aeneid, he is depicted as “the most handsome of them all,” who “walks, as lightly, beauty like the god’s shining from...

Achilles in The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer

Achilles was the Achaian army’s best warrior, honorable, strong, and proud. The Iliad is about the Trojan Conflict, but it is mostly about how Achilles’ rage and power affect the war. Achilles’ primary character is vital to the story because of his inactivity or retreat from the combat. He is...

Jealousy and Treachery in Othello by Shakespeare

Desdemona, Emelia, Cassio, and Iago arrive at Cyprus after crossing the sea. Iago designs methods to use Cassio’s ladies’ pleasing qualities against him during the demonstration of his courtesy. Iago frequently mentions webs and how they ensnare Cassio and Othello. Cassio arrives, breaking the news of Othello’s marriage and lavishing...

Female Voices in Poetry by Sappho and Erinna

Female voices in poetry are significant for interpreting women’s experience in different cultures, and poets from Ancient Greece are no exception to the rule. Their works shed the light on the emotional aspects of their lives in the first place as well as their place in the world of men....

“Thinking as a Hobby” Book by William Golding

The three statuettes in the headmaster’s office that Golding writes about are a miniature of Rodin’s Thinker, a miniature of Venus de Milo, and a statuette of a crouching leopard. In Golding’s view, the statuette of Venus represented the third grade of thinking. While it is a symbol of beauty...

Geoffrey Chaucer’s Poetic Career Development

Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the greatest English poets that has disclosed the language in a unique, unrepeatable way. Unfortunately, some facts about the writer’s biography remain unclear and unknown; however, Geoffrey Chaucer remains in history as a poet, diplomat, courtier, and military servant. Chaucer experienced a bright and interesting...

The Prevalence of Divine in Ancient Greek Mythology

Presumably, everybody can remember an occasion that seems to have been shaped in advance by a certain external force. A seemingly unlikely coincidence, an unexpected ending, an essential sign, or a chance, which an individual needed but did not consider real – many have such or similar experiences. They are...

“The Vanishing Half” by Brit Bennett

The Vanishing Half, written by Brit Bennett, is devoted to showing racial discrimination issues through different generations. One of the most illustrative connections with racial prejudices is depicted through the relationships between Stella and Loretta. The first character’s racial identity is questionable because her family is originally black. However, Stella...

Emily Dickinson’s “The Wife” and “The Story of an Hour”

“The Wife,” a poem by Emily Dickson, reveals the poet’s concerns for the native feminineness in middle-class people by articulating the gender roles of women by applying the term “wife” frequently. Patently, the poem’s persona is a woman, and conservatisms of marriage are articulated from the female perspective. Further, the...

Black Boys, Black Men, and Hardship in Poems and Short Stories

Poems Hayden, Robert. “The Whipping.” This poem is about, as the title suggests, the whipping of a little boy by his mother, assumingly, or perhaps other female relative. Violently and relentlessly, she strikes him again and again, seemingly habitually, as the narrator hides away from the cries. Hayden refers to...

The Malcolm X Character in Poems

Brookes, Gwendolyn. “Malcolm X.” This poem is about Malcolm X, as obvious from the title, written soon after his assassination. It seems to be relatively ambiguous in its descriptions of him – “original,” “ragged-round,” “rich-robust.” It acknowledges the influence Malcolm X had on the Black movements, and yet emphasizes that...

A Poem “The Great Hymn to Aten”

People can trace the development of world religions through various written sources, historical changes, and mentions in literature. The latter source most accurately reflects not only developmental processes or religious rules but their influence and perception in society. For example, the emergence of monotheistic religions is considered the birth of...

Themes in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

There is the scholarly debate about the date when William Shakespeare wrote the tragedy Othello but it can be said that this story is written in the 1600s. This is a sad story about lost trust in friendship, the effect of love, and the meaning of life. In short, this...

Poetry as Important Part of Art

Since its inception as a form of art, poetry has had significant importance to the culture and identity of Native Americans. Although it is not exotic, the literature of the aboriginal people defines America. The concerns highlighted in the poems are particular to the life and challenges they faced in...

Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe: A Novel Review

When Robinson was stranded on a deserted island, he attempted to organize his life in the area. The hero had high hope and willpower, and he really wanted to return home; therefore, he did not panic and believed in himself. At the same time, Robinson created a calendar in order...

Researching of Verismo in Literature

Introduction Verismo is a special genre and way of thinking widely spread in Italian literature and creative directions in general. This style reflects an authentic, truthful picture of socio-psychological confrontations in relation to the new reality (Virga, 2021). Accordingly, genre writers in their works sought to depict the manifestations of...

José Olivarez’s Talk on Race, Identity and Gender

José Olivarez discusses his family, music and poetry, and race and identity. As a child of immigrant parents, the poet describes himself as white-presenting and an outsider to white culture. He says, “as a Mexican family, my family always had more in common with black families” (“José Olivarez”). The poet...

Indian History in the “Ceremony” Novel by Silko

The novel Ceremony, published in 1977, is rightly considered Silko’s best work to date. The theme of the one-sided military experience of the Indians naturally merges in the book with the theme of bitterness over the lost land, with the rejection of which all the social rights of the “native...

Creation Myths of the World by Leeming, D. A.

These two stories possess identical elements, as they present stories regarding the creation of the world and life in it in accordance with different cultures. The theme from the stories that I would like to explore is cooperation in the process of creation. The deity does not perform the act...

Description of a Narrator in Bartleby, the Scrivener

The narrator describes himself as a lawyer who is unwilling to think more than necessary to do his work well and live a good and comfortable life. In my opinion, such a view makes his life better and much easier, as he has a very positive attitude toward the world....

“The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Black Cat” Novels by Poe

The novel The Black Cat combines the features of true-to-life horror and mysticism. Realistic events and a series of mysterious, frightening coincidences allow the reader to classify this work as a psychological thriller. The first-person narrative reinforces the oppressive psychological component of the novel. This technique enhances all the sensations...

Adversity in “The Wars” by Timothy Findley

The claim that adversity is the most important factor in shaping character is addressed in The Wars at different levels. In particular, on the one hand, it relates to the shaping of the character of the protagonist, Robert Ross. On the other hand, it shapes the characters of readers who...

The Poem “The Odyssey” by Homer: Story of the Sirens

When it comes to the story of the Sirens in Homer’s The Odyssey, the first mention of them comes from the goddess Circe. She warns Odysseus that upon returning from the Underworld, he will encounter creatures bewitching sailors with the sweetness of their song. Circe notes that there is no...

A Rose for Emily: The Theme of Tradition

Many people at some stage of their lives and almost all nations at certain points in history encounter the dilemma related to their cultural traditions. On the one hand, it is widely agreed that the new challenges necessitate new solutions that should eventually substitute the older ‘ways’. On the other...

Antigone and Ismene in Sophocles’ Play

Today the play “Antigone” by Sophocles, written hundreds of years ago, is still widely discussed, not in the least due to the masterfully created characters of Antigone and Ismene. The readers see that the sisters love each other, and family means a lot to them from the very beginning. However,...

Analysis of Odyssey’s Personality

The personality of characters in ancient Greek literature is a question for discussion. For a long period of time, it was considered that epic characters are flat and do not change significantly throughout the plot. Ancient Greek authors usually did not have a goal to describe deep, complex, and controversial...

Style of “Kubla Khan” Poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Poetry has always been used as a form of stylistically constructed literature to convey the message in an artistic yet firm manner. Kubla Khan is one of those poems that makes you apply all senses in analyzing the poem. Reading through it, I found that I could feel, smell, and...

Analogy in “To a Daughter Leaving Home” by Linda Pastan

An analogy refers to a linguistic expression that compares one thing to another to make a comparison and clarify meaning. As a result, poets often employ analogies when they want to establish a resemblance between two factors. The following essay recounts how Linda Pastan uses analogies in her poem, “To...

Faulkner’s “Rose for Emily” Literary Analysis

“Rose for Emily” is one of Faulkner’s most famous and uncharacteristic stories. It is set in the Southern town of Jefferson in the decades following the Civil War. Emily Grierson’s house, in its “stubborn and coquettish decay,” is the epitome of declining Southern aristocracy in the town (Faulkner). It is...

Cultural and Social Reflections in Cao Xueqin’s ‘The Story of the Stone’

In the Story of the Stone, Jia Baoyu, a charming young man and the main protagonist of the story, is opposed to the character of Lin Daiyu, his cousin and love interest. The contradistinction between the two characters is sourced from their previous lives, as Baoyu was born as the...

“Araby” by James Joyce Is Not a Love Story

Compared to his other words, James Joyce’s “Araby” seems almost simplistic, with a touching yet fairly straightforward story of a boy falling in love with a girl living across the street being the main plot. However, while the love story is placed at the forefront and emphasized strongly, the true...

Faith and Violence in the “Night” Memoir by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel is a 1960 memoir that recounts the author’s experience with his father during the holocaust in concentration camps between the years 1944 and 1945. Wiesel depicts horrifying actions committed by people and thereby establishes a number of themes prevalent in his work. Overall, the thesis of...

Scenes from the “Oroonoko” Book by Aphra Behn

Even though many of the scenes where the furious Oroonoko is involved are extremely violent, they are deeper than they seem. In the case where Oroonoko kills Imoinda, at first glance it seems that he looks like a ruthless beast. However, if you delve deeper, it becomes clear that Oroonoko...

Quotes from the “Flatland” Novel by Edwin Abbott

Flatland is a satirical work written by Edwin Abbott that elaborates on the nature of hierarchy, freedom, and reality. The novel describes a two-dimensional world where “distinction of sides is intended by Nature to imply distinction of colours” (Abbott 27). Hence, it is a society where some seemingly abstract properties...

Values in “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Hemingway

In the short story “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place,” written by Ernest Hemingway, the varying values of people are discussed. They are attributed to different generations, whose struggles are unique partially due to the perceptions of old and young people concerning what problems are. Therefore, Hemingway sheds light on the theme...

The Story “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison

In the story “Recitatif,” written by Toni Morrison, the audience has to make an assumption on the main characters’ race and class while having limited information for it. However, when one of the girls, Twyla, reflects on their differences, in the beginning, she mentions that it is typical for people...

The Poem “The Raven” by Edgar Alan Poe

The themes of death and the afterlife are frequently addressed in the works of famous authors. In The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, mysterious symbols and dark signs that allude to death and remorse are integrated into the poem, revealing the thoughts and feelings of an unknown speaker. As the...

The Native American Women’s Reflections in Johnson’s Poem “Quill Worker”

The question relates to the representation of Native American women’s reflections as expressed in Johnson’s poem titled “Quill Worker.” The author pays tribute to the women of the Sioux tribe and the work they perform on a regular basis, including traditional textile embellishment techniques (Johnson 122). While engaging in meticulous...

Teju Cole Personality’s in Modern American Society

Introduction Teju Cole is one of the most famous and influential creative personalities of Nigerian origin in modern American society. The range of his hobbies is pervasive and diverse; it is known that Teju is engaged in writing, photography, curation, criticism, and studies and teaches art theory. Nevertheless, the insufficiency...

The Lesson by Toni Cade Bambara: Analysis

The lesson by Toni Cade Bambara is a narrative about children who, with the help of their teacher, learn a lesson about the social problems of society. The reader can see that children live in a bubble, not comprehending the daily challenges they and their parents must endure. Nevertheless, even...

Romeo and Juliet and West Side Story Scene Assessment

Romeo and Juliet, a famous play by the great English playwright William Shakespeare, focuses on the themes of hate, death, and passionate love. West Side Story, the 1961 Hollywood adaptation of Shakespeare’s play, modernized the setting by replacing the feud between two noble houses with a street gang rivalry. However,...

Antebellum: “Liberty of Power” by Harry L. Watson

Certain books are granted with exceptional value, as they capture pivotal moments in the history of the world. Liberty of Power writer by Harry L. Watson is one of such pieces that are integral to the past of the United States. This book is devoted to the political evolution of...

Plot and Themes of “The Cask of Amontillado” by Poe

Every reader of the horror genre knows the name Edgar Allan Poe and his countless works. In 1846, the author wrote one of his most short stories, “The Cask of Amontillado.” In it, the main character, Montresor, recalls how he buried another man alive for, as he believes, insulting him....

Language, Rhyme, and Style of “The Raven” by Poe

The Raven doubtlessly is in the list of the most famous works by Poe; for many, this poem is the primary association with his name. Both its language and the atmosphere it creates apparently contribute to such strong appreciation, and these two are closely intertwined. In fact, this piece of...

A Wise Woman in Plato’s “Symposium”

Through the character of a wise woman named Diotima, Plato describes the role of love in the mystical ascent to truth and immortality. The first stage of the ascent starts with the love for one body (Plato, 1965). Then, since the beauty of one body is related to the beauty...