Responsibility Accounting, Managerial Action and ‘a Counter-Ability’ Article Critique

Summary Responsibility accounting has a direct effect on the direction and outcomes of decision-making in the corporate environment. Therefore, studying how it influences a managerial action and how it can be utilized to improve decision-making in the organizational environment is critical. The study by Lennon (2019) seeks to research the...

A Care Home’s Business Analysis and Planning

Introduction The population of the elderly people in the United Kingdom and many other developed countries in Europe and North America has been in a consistent rise over the past decades. Improved healthcare systems, technological development among other human development index factors have extended life expectancy in these countries (Goodwin...

Sustainable Supply Chain Management Article Critique

Introduction The circular economy is a theoretical concept that aims at creating an industrial system. Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of this concept and see it as a mechanism for generating competitive advantage. This article’s main idea is to address the implications of the supply chain in...

West Coast Transit Project Team’s Performance

Introduction In large companies, it often happens that it is necessary to make emergency marketing decisions, and for this purpose, project teams gather. Evaluating the performance of the project team is a critical factor in determining whether it is possible to solve the assigned tasks. Formed teams go through several...

Motorola: Absorption Costing and Variable Costing

Motorola is a manufacturer of smartphones, which it supplements with a unique system of accessories. As such, it uses cost-based pricing, with each unit costing a set amount of money to produce and selling at a fixed price. It can use either absorption or variable costing for its financial statements,...

Certified Public Accountants of Benefit Corporations

The article “The CPA’s role in forming benefit corporations” by Benson, Thomas, and Burton revolves around the benefit corporations and the role CPA plays in their formation and further evolution. Social benefit enterprises can be considered an essential feature of the modern business world as they are focused on the...

Effective Workplace Negotiation Strategies & Skills

Employees and Employers Knowing how to handle and relate to a supervisor is no less important than what requirements should be made to the subordinates. Without this, it is difficult to find a common language with both the boss and subordinates. Using these or those norms, an employee can attract...

Comparison of Managerial Implications Article Critique

Summary The phenomena of applied costing and variable one have been used in entrepreneurship as two strategies for managing costs for a while. The absorption costing approach allows an organization to consider all expenses linked to the production process, whereas the variable one takes only those that are deemed as...

Integrated Management Project: Risk Management at Orpic

The present-day business environment is highly volatile, and the trends and factors that constantly emerge at both national and international levels can substantially affect companies’ economies and performance. Thus, evaluation and prediction of environmental changes and timely response to them in a way that prevents loss and maximises opportunities to...

Small Business Administration Loan Guarantee

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a principal federal agency involved in import and export promotion. The four primary activities are undertaken by the organization that aims to promote small business exports consist of outreach, counseling, and training, trade leads, and financing. However, this paper seeks to evaluate the small...

Agency Analysis: KIPP Baltimore

Introduction This analysis of a nonprofit agency will review KIPP Baltimore, a branch of a college-preparatory school network located in several parts of the United States, KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program). The report will discuss the organization’s history, structure, leadership, culture, and external relations. Then, an investigation of KIPP Baltimore’s...

GrowCo’s Short-Term Incentive Plan: An Examination

Introduction In light of unsatisfactory performance in GrowCo’s design engineering department, the company approved a short-term incentive compensation plan. The plan is aimed at improving engineers’ performance by rewarding them with an annual pay bonus based on three key factors: unexcused absences, adherence to schedule deadlines, and drawing quality. This...

Under Armour Company’s Strategic Audit

Current Performance and Mission Under Armour is one of the leading brands in the sports clothing industry, which specializes in the invention and distribution of athletic apparel, footwear, and various sports accessories. Under Armour was created in 1996 by Kevin Plank as a result of an attempt to solve a...

Bower and Paine’s Criticism of Agency Theory

To sustain an organization, one needs to delineate the roles for each participant clearly, which includes the shareholders as crucial agents of the business setting. However, locating the extent of the influence that shareholders should exert on a company is quite a challenge due to the unique circumstances in which...

Managerial Team’s Training & Development in Poland

Training and development are vital in the modern world when the market has become competitive. As such, I need to equip my team of managers traveling to Poland with the necessary skills so that they handle their operations in the foreign location successfully. Before visiting any new field, individuals must...

Curve Distribution Company and E-Commerce

In the wake of e-commerce becoming popular, Curve Distribution has to make a significant decision about serving the new market. On the one hand, almost all necessary facilities for the implementation of the solution are already possessed by the company. However, it is vital to carefully assess the feasibility of...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Mission and Goals

To continue leading the industry in the ever-changing world, companies have to be able to understand and predict the trends and forces which shape businesses of the future. Only careful preparation and adherence to the proclaimed mission, vision, and values can allow organizations to succeed while maintaining a positive climate...

“Brewed in the North: A History of Labatt’s” by Bellamy

Introduction Brewing is one of the old and traditional occupations that provided people with stable income. At the same time, because of the character of this business and its relations with customers who buy certain products, it highly depends on the image of a brewery, its cooperation with clients and...

UK Business Sourcing Extensive Food Materials from Greece

Introduction The ability of a firm to achieve success in the current competitive business environment depends on the effectiveness of its procurement and supplier relationship strategies. According to Willoughby and Gore (2018), companies are under pressure to cut the overall cost of operation as a way of improving their profit...

AAR Corporation’s Organizational Environment & Behavior

Introduction: Company Background The AAR Company has been long known as one of the pioneers in global aviation. Having captured its momentum in the target market, the company has firmly established itself as a powerful leader in the aviation economy (AAR Corp, 2019). This paper will study the AAR Company’s...

Sports Marketing Strategy Article Critique

Sports sponsorships are ubiquitous for various enterprises, particularly those that produce goods associated with physical activity. However, many companies with a more general orientation also make use of sports to gain recognition and spread their message. The study reviewed in this work, conducted by Ghezail, Abdellah, and Mohammed (2017) defines...

Effective Marketing: Sports Marketing Management

Introduction Marketing remains a central function in any organization that intends to remain successful in its sector and achieve every outlined goal. The presented case study explains how the New York Yankees have merged professional sports with appropriate business practices in an attempt to remain successful in the sports industry....

Redfin Company’s Strategic Analysis

Executive Summary This paper focuses on the comprehensive analysis of the Redfin case study, with the key purpose of applying the strategic concepts and instruments. The following problems exist the need to increase profitability, the decreasing number of customers and increasing property prices, and poor decision-making regarding investment were identified....

Project Funding: Financial Sources and Conventional Methods

A project’s success is primarily determined by whether project owners are able to finance it without any disruptions. In this context, funding sources are critical because different financing methods have varying implications. This paper provides an overview of the current practices in project financial management and conventional methods of funding...

The Right to Contract Out: Case Study

Which party has the burden of proof? Which level of proof should be used? Why? In the case 11-1 about the right to contract out in terms of the bargaining unit, the Union was the party that has the burden of proof. The Union was the party that initially filed...

Reflection on CareerQuest Resources and Network

When analyzing the predominant trends in the Information Technology sector and its further in-depth examination, CareerQuest assisted greatly in such research. It is a valuable online platform for both students and employers that presents a wide range of job and internship opportunities and events such as career fairs. However, the...

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

The policies of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) will have an impact on the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Most importantly, it should be noted that long-term interest rates are connected by the decisions of the Fed (Brigham, & Ehrhardt, 2017). This impacts the value of long-terr because the...

The Concept of Consolidation Accounting in Company

Decision to Consolidate The decision to consolidate financial statements when a company acquires a small company is based on the general rules listed below. The acquiring company will own the majority of the voting interest. The ownership of the voting interest exceeds 50%. In either case, the company has to...

The Value of Testing Worker Personality

Introduction An individual’s personality is a set of distinct characteristics that define his or her character and have an impact on the attitudes towards work, productivity and cooperation with other team members. The primary aim of these tests is to assess the strength and weaknesses of each employee and determine...

Minimization the Negative Implications of the B737 MAX Crashes

Executive Summary The paper focuses on the analysis of Boeing as the aircraft industry player. An overview of the industry and its players, as well as the company’s profile, are suggested. Porter’s Forces analysis allows identifying potential threats to the organization’s activity. The final recommendation is to suspend the use...

Operation Jawbreaker: An Evaluation

Topic One of the US operations that can be ambiguous in their success is the Jawbreaker team activities. This operation, which took place in 2001, failed to achieve its primary goal, but it was incredibly effective at achieving the outcomes that were crucial for the US at the time (Bailey...

Linear Programming Models Review

Summary In business, linear programming models have the potential to be used in profit optimization. As evidenced in the article by Maurya, Misra, Anderson, and Shukla (2015), linear programming can be used to facilitate the integration of effective quantitative techniques to predict the need for profit optimization. Using the example...

Zero-One (0-1) Integer Model

Summary Zero-one (0-1) integer linear programming represents a mathematical method that uses a set of binary answers (yeas and no) to solve with two mutually exclusive options (Anderson et al., 2016). The method has a wide application in different areas of life, ranging from the world of finance to everyday...

Information Technology (IT) Industry Analysis

Introduction The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is one of the oldest companies operating in the industry of computer and information technologies (IT). In spite of the fact that IBM still maintains top positions in the market, it is almost impossible to claim that this company is a leader in...

Nike Proxy Statement Analysis

Abstract The purpose of this work is to analyze the proxy statement of Nike and provide details about what comprises the executive compensation plan of the company. It also includes the amount of compensation received by the CEO, Mark Parker, and how it compares to the median salary earned by...

Compensation for Expatriates Working in Hong Kong

Introduction Companies operating in different countries have numerous opportunities to improve their competitive advantage as they penetrate new markets, reach more customers, and enhance their profitability. Such operations often involve the work of expatriates who can be defined as employees performing tasks in a state other than their home country...

Performance Improvement Plan for Jackie

Jackie, the nurse manager, is violating her job responsibilities: she does not attend meetings of the Joint Commission, ignores requests for guidance and support, and establishes a non-working relationship with some employees. This problem could be a result of Jackie’s misunderstanding of her role as a leader. Scientists emphasize the...

Case Analysis of Fabritex Operations

Fabritex is a company that produces various types of textiles for different purposes. Its customers are other manufacturers who sell their products to retailers or in independent outlets. One of the key Fabritex’s customers in the segment of UK lingerie warp knit is Pearlwear, a large company operating in Europe...

Barriers Reduced by Strategic Human Resource Management Initiatives

Introduction Expanding a business overseas is most frequently associated with financial profit. Still, sometimes, company owners neglect the probability of difficulties that may emerge once employees are forced to live and work in another country. Multinational organizational structures may involve a variety of obstacles to business performance. These barriers can...

Economic in One Lesson: The Drive for Exports

In Chapter 12 “The Drive for Exports,” Hazlitt talks about the exceeding need of countries for countries to export their goods to facilitate equal distribution of expenditures and earnings. This means the higher are exports, the greater the should be imports to achieve balance (Hazlitt 69). The principle is not...

The Impact of Blockchain on Identity Management

Introduction Identity and access management is essential in the modern world. It is so because this system makes it possible for a high number of people to have easy access to particular information and services. At the same time, identity management is responsible for denying access to those individuals who...

Skip’s Research of Loan-shark ‘Syndicated Lending’

Introduction Nowadays, it is expected of students to continue their education path after graduating from school. To get through college, students have to put in a lot of financial investments, which cover tutoring, textbooks, etc. Sadly, after getting a degree, a lot of graduates are left with crippling debt, which...

Retirement Savings: Retirement Investment Portfolio

Summary Retirement investment portfolios are used to create a balance between capital preservation for safety purposes as well as the growth of the capital that would protect it against inflation (Anderson et al., 2016). In a balanced retirement portfolio, there are two distinct characteristics, which include diversification and a fixed...

Operation Jawbreaker: Literature Review

Introduction The history of American military operations includes dozens of armed interventions that had different objectives and were aimed both at liberation goals and suppressing the aggression of opponents. In the history of the 21st century, the largest number of US force interventions has been recorded in the Middle East,...

Barton Engine Works: Case Analysis

Having gone through the presented case, it is evident that Barton Engine Works Company is no longer performing positively. Things have been getting tougher over the years due to the increasing level of competition from both local and foreign engine manufacturers. Following the sudden death of the owner of this...

Boston Beer Company’s Corporate Leadership

Boston Beer Company has a myriad of top executives who hold several key positions in the company. The company’s President and CEO, in charge of all operations and chief decision-maker in terms of fiscal policies. With an average term that spans 8 years, Boston Beers provides a longer tenure than...

Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Article Review

Researchers have been interested in investigating the role of leadership in stimulating employees’ performance for a significant period of time. Nowadays, it is possible to find a lot of research papers dedicated to the topic, and the article by Tan et al. (2019), “Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the...

Tesla: SWOT Analysis and Strategic Growth Options

Strategic Issue for the Brand from the SWOT Analysis Based on the SWOT analysis conducted, one can assume that Tesla needs an appropriate strategic development plan to overcome the competitive barrier and address existing legislative issues. While taking into account such indicators as the high cost of component materials, the...

New Science Company’s Success in the Global Economy

Introduction An aggressive increase in sales through active global market penetration is often seen as a rather risky strategy to take, yet, for an organization with a significant competitive advantage that is ready to enter the global economy, the described approach is likely to have a positive effect. In New...

Controllable vs. Non-controllable Costs for Fitness

Introduction Controllable and non-controllable costs are an integral part of the functioning of any profitable organization. The first group can be defined as those that can be altered in the short term to fulfil current needs. For the discussed case, these might include labor costs, direct materials, and basic maintenance...

ACME Consumer Buying Behavior

Executive Summary The report examines the markets of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany to determine the value proposition and sales opportunities for high-end refrigerators in each country. The results of the analysis show that the value propositions, and accordingly, the characteristics of the production and advertising of...

American Beer Market and Brewery Industry

Introduction To understand the challenges and opportunities that companies face in the brewery industry, one has to consider not only economic but also sociocultural and technological factors. Thus, one will be able to outline several important opportunities for readers’ consideration. For example, the development of aluminum cans as a container...

Project Management and Project Success in the South African Defense Industry

Introduction Project success (PS) is the desired outcome in many settings. One of the methods of achieving it is project management (PM) (Anantatmula & Rad 2018; Radujković & Sjekavica 2017). Research on PM is limited (Badewi 2016), and the same can be said about PM in South Africa (Clinning &...

Sustainability Report Nonfinancial Performance Measures

Introduction For this assignment, the author will review a sustainability report by the company 3M. It produces a wide variety of construction, safety, and medical equipment, as well as a range of consumer products for various purposes. In the report, the company features a variety of metrics, such as the...

Census: Project Strategy, Leadership and Governance Coursework

Introduction Inensus is a mini-grid consultancy firm that focuses on empowering the rural dwellers in impoverished countries of East and West Africa. The company has selected two countries, Tanzania and Senegal, with the aim of providing rural electrification as enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goal 7. The aim of this...

Relocation Orientation Booklet by Bright, Incorporate

Introduction Moving to another country is always full of various kinds of difficulties. These include questions about the very process of moving, arranging a home in a new place, and acclimatization in a cultural and linguistic environment. Relocating to such a unique country like Japan can easily surprise an unprepared...

Business Analytics as a Key Tool for Industrial Workers

Introduction Business analytics has become a prominent area of study over the past few years. Current technology, as well as the understanding of business management, enables processing and using data in a way that helps businesses to become more successful. Knowledge of processes and tools involved in business analytics is...

Three Areas of Concern for Committee on Globalization

Introduction Globalization affects all states and creates opportunities through better access to global markets, improved cooperation, enabled by trade agreements, the unification of laws, and other practices that target international collaboration. However, when viewing globalization as an increasing dependency between nations, several economic, business and security problems become evident, and...

ORPIC: Integrated Management Plan

The promotion of strong and proactive risk culture is one of the major challenges that Orpic faces today as it needs to find a way to respond to existing threats and capture new opportunities more effectively. The lack of an integrated approach currently threatens the company’s employee and stakeholder safety,...

NAPP Business Research: Overview of The Company

Introduction NAPP is an American company specializing in providing babysitting services. The company has a network of babysitters who are matched with parents through the NAPP mobile application, currently available on App Store only. NAPP is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, and its network of sitters is mostly limited to the...

Transforming the Texas Plant: Possible Solutions to the Problems

The “Transforming the Texas plant” case presents several important problems that may be of everyday occurrence at the workplace. That includes abuse of power, organizational behavior issues, the establishment of leadership and a healthy corporate environment. With the example of this particular case, it is easier to come up with...

Innovating Youth Employment Policies and Programs to Create Workforce

Introduction The unemployment of the youth is a pressing social and economic problem that causes strain for both developed and developing countries. Even though the number of unemployed young people around the world exceeds 70 million based on the United Nations findings, the issue does not receive the attention needed....

Complexity of the Project Manager’s Work

The first and most serious difference between a project manager and a routine manager is involvement. If a company has created a project team to solve a specific task, the project manager must provide almost round-the-clock support to all employees. The work of such a project manager is more complicated...

Critical Evaluation of Windsome’s Risk Management Strategy

Executive Summary This paper discusses vital components and processes of a risk management structure. The processes are designed for the purpose of helping companies identify and evaluate their susceptibility, enhance their resilience against threats, and augment their ability to resume operations after a man-made, technological, or natural event. This discussion...

Customer Mix and Managerial Decision-Making

Introduction Companies that provide resources or services often find variations in the way that customers use their offers. Differences among customers can be used by managers to improve and diversify the company’s value proposition. Service companies are particularly sensitive to their customer mix since tailored services and offers can attract...

Y Health and Wellness Studio: Technology Plan, Management, and Social Responsibility

Technology Plan Technology in Use Y Health and Wellness Studio business has integrated software and hardware technological devices to support its service delivery to its clients, who are young children. The hardware components include mobile phones, tablets, and computers with physical exercise apps installed in them. The company has also...

Paramount Decisions: Predictive Model Assessment, Implementation and Pattern Discovery

Introduction The decision-making process is a key activity of all organizations. Right decisions are a significant part of businesses’ success, a high level of performance, and competitive advantage. Thus, the choice of an appropriate decision support system based on the company’s needs and purposes is vital. This paper provides an...

Financial Statements of Titus Lake Hospital

Financial statements can provide substantial information regarding a hospital’s operations, including its revenue, assets, and cash flow, which display the ability of an organization to be profitable. The General Practice Affiliates intends to partner with the Titus Lake Hospital, which will provide the former with the ability to take advantage...

Golf Centers and Country Clubs in the United States: Grand Strategy Selection

Introduction The purpose of this memorandum is to determine the appropriate grand strategy for a Golf Center and Country Club company in the United States. The company in question has a significant number of strengths, such as an excellent image, high market share, and high-quality personnel. However, the organization requires...

Rogers Communications Inc.’s Compensation Analysis

Executive Summary For this assignment, Rogers Communications Inc., a Canadian company operating primarily in the field of media and wireless communication, was chosen. As of 2018, the company’s annual revenue had amounted to CAD$15.1 billion (Statista, 2018). According to the 2013 data, the company employed 26,000 people both in Canada...

MegaGlobe Business Solutions Expansion

Why Do We Need Diversity? The globalization of the world economy and the appearance of numerous companies operating in different countries across the globe has caused a shift in the financial consulting market. While localized services are still invaluable, especially for companies planning to expand into new countries, most clients...

Generational Health and Fitness: Strategic Position, Marketing, and Operations

Strategic Position and Risk Assessment The strategic position of Generational Health and Fitness (GHF) is a low-cost fitness program offering cycling classes to residents of the local community. The long-term goal of the enterprise is to create an environment where community residents could learn to love exercise, improve their health,...

Almond Limited’s Audit Planning Phase

A preliminary assessment as a part of the planning phase of Almond Limited’s audit has been completed. In the given memo, key account balances that are suspected of an increase in audit risk are identified, as well as factors that increase audit risk associated with these account balances. The key...

British Rail: Understanding the Business Environment

Introduction British Rail is a private organization overseeing the operation and sustenance of the national railroad in the UK. It is one of the oldest railroad organizations in the world, encompassing 15,811 square kilometers of standard gauge lines (UK railroad industry n.d.). Over a third of them are fit for...

Knowledge Dissemination: Case Study

Introduction A lack of patient awareness of the need to ensure the consistency of their treatment is a serious problem in healthcare. In the given case study, the Amish population is identified by Michelle as the target audience that needs education on reporting about their utilization of non-traditional medicine. Taking...

Organizational Processes: Organizational Management Concepts

The program under consideration is dedicated to enhancing one’s knowledge regarding the concepts of corporate management. The most important course I have taken was change management of an organization. It is the most relevant one because it provided me with an understanding of the variety of factors that impact a...

E-WOM in Service Supply Chains: Current Research

Electronic or online word of mouth can be listed among the promising concepts in business management that are currently underresearched. As for the general definition, the term “word of mouth” or WOM is used to refer to either positive or negative statements made by people who have the experience of...

Role of Risk in Change Management

Introduction The identified risk is the fact that teller connects are currently being implemented in SunTrust Bank to allow clients to access banking services remotely (Santana, 2015). Traditional banking allows clients to physically visit a bank and do their transactions. However, through SunTrust’s teller connects, the clients can use just...

Problem Solving and Decision-Making Processes: Stages and Approaches

Whatever sphere one chooses to work in, it is impossible to avoid the emergence of dilemmas. Problematic cases may occur when a person decides to move house, to change a department, or to relocate to an entirely new company. Whether it is a spontaneous or a long-planned decision, it is...

Dr. Johns: Profile of a Leader

Introduction Obviously enough, a leader in contemporary society holds a vast set of responsibilities that serve as a guideline for his or her activities. Accordingly, a leader that efficiently implements actions and plans in compliance with the organizational standards can have a large positive impact on society. Moreover, it is...

Employment Discrimination in the United States

Introduction Employment discrimination is a major issue not only in the United States but also in other countries around the world. Zimmer and Sullivan define employment discrimination as unequal treatment of employees or job seekers based on their gender, race, religion, nationality, physical appearance, age, mental or physical disability, and...

The Value of Evidence-Based Management When Proposing Change

Introduction To answer this question, it should be ascertained what exactly is evidence-based management. It is a framework that organizations are using to correctly measure, manage and improve the value that they get from their products. Evidence-based management focuses on improving the results that the company gets, be it PR,...

Business Plan: Generational Health and Fitness

This business plan is prepared to provide details of the proposed business Generational Health and Fitness (GHF) which will operate in the fitness industry. GHF will operate as an indoor cycling program provider to the local community. GHF will partner with the City of Seattle to operate out of Seattle...

Byfield Business College’s Change Problem

Introduction Organizational change is a challenging endeavour because it affects many structural units and employees. Without adequate change processes, such ventures often fail because of many resisting forces. Therefore, it is imperative to plan the implementation carefully and communicate the ideas to employees correctly. This paper analyses the case of...

Temperton Accounting Firm Upgrading Exchange Environment

Summary Temperton Accounting Firm was interested in upgrading Exchange 2010 environment to Exchange 2016 environment to help address challenges that had been identified in the system. The firm handed over the upgrade project to Bytes to Bits Computer Consulting because of its reputation as one of the firms that understand...

Temperton Accounting Firm’s Environment Upgrade

Proposal Overview The Exchange 2016 environment has introduced new features in its new architecture that includes a hybrid configuration wizard (HCW), a cloud-based configuration, and its improved troubleshooting and diagnostics make it the most appropriate application in the modern society (Leonard, Svidergol, Wright, & Meloski, 2016). Firms that were previously...

Telecommuting as a Trend of Contemporary Business

Introduction The working climate is one of the critical factors impacting the performance of employees, their motivation, and the ability to achieve success. The positive atmosphere and the absence of serious stressors can contribute to the improved results and specialists’ ability to solve complex issues or engage in challenging processes....

Breather Company Website’s Keyword Analysis

Keyword analysis refers to the process of analyzing the keywords used in research to understand the most relevant ones as well as determine which words are the most popular and have the most results. In business, keyword analysis represents a starting point of search marketing campaigns, which companies use to...

Worker Organizations During the 1st and 2nd International

The second part of the nineteenth century was pivotal for world history. The colonial structure of the world that had been formed by that time and division of labor became global. The world economy of that period was characterized by the situation when the production of finished goods was concentrated...

Bank of America Launching New Online Services

The introduction of innovative new services helps firms to survive in the industry and succeed in their operations. The process enables businesses to increase their market shares, improve performance outcomes and adapt to various market situations in which they operate. In addition, the launch of new services is critical in...

Chicken Co.’s Performance and Talent Management

The Role and Advantages of a Performance Management System Performance Management as a Crucial Aspect of Success The role of performance management (PM) in a company’s operations and successful development cannot be overstated. Through the use of carefully selected approaches, one can provide high-quality work in all departments and at...

Employees’ Morale and Influencing Factors

Introduction My experience at a Legal Technology gave me an insight into the intricacies of Organizational Psychology and its effect on the employee’ morale. It’s no secret that an employer introduces the majority of organizational and motivational programs or events in order to increase the image of the firm for...

Hunter Harrison’s Corporate Governance and Shareholders

Analysis The phenomenon of risk is inseparable from the business environment. Therefore, the distribution of power in the business setting and the subsequent decision-making process have to occur very carefully, with maximum awareness among the key parties. For this reason, the power of shareholders may be limited due to the...

Leading and Controlling Theories in Addressing Challenges

Introduction Understanding the significance of management is intrinsic to the successful functioning of an organization. While the role of a manager might not seem as big, it defines a company’s performance. Therefore, the theories linked to the use of managerial functions are to be examined thoroughly. Theories Theory 1 As...

Managing Task Clusters in Organizations: Theories

Introduction The process of organizing tasks arranging them in a way that establishes a certain hierarchy within an organization is an important part of a manager’s role within the context of a company. Therefore, the theories that shed light on the subject matter and allow for scrutiny thereof should be...

Leading and Controlling in Addressing Challenges

The issue of organizational control and surveillance is one of the most critical aspects of a manager’s job. At Bridgestone Aiken, it was essential to prompt diligence and a constructive approach to problem-solving in the workplace, which was rather difficult given the diverse environment and the multiple opportunities for cross-cultural...

Managing Task Clusters in Organizations in Practice

Introduction At the Mixing Department, a range of staff members was unaware of the goals to which they contributed by performing their routine functions in the organizational setting. As a result, the arrangement of work was deplorable, with most staff members being quite disorganized. Experimentations However, after thorough clarifications and...

Environmental Protection Agency’s Guerrilla Tactics

This paper is dedicated to the application of guerilla tactics by the staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the 1980s. Here, the ethical issues that were present throughout the period will be described, and the solutions of EPA staff (the guerilla participants) will be evaluated. The case...

Managing Task Clusters in Organizations: Experience

Introduction Establishing control in the context of the Bridgestone Aiken company was a crucial landmark on the way to improving the quality of the produced goods. Although the overall workplace environment within the specified setting could be defined as quite employee-friendly and comfortable, the lack of control and the absence...

Leading Theories Testing and Application

Introduction While being rather basic, Mayo’s HRT worked miraculously well in the Bridgestone Aiken setting. The members of the Mixing Department were particularly impressed with the willingness of the organization to create the setting in which they feel most comfortable and remove the factors that they deem as distracting. Culture-related...

Performance Management: Employee Performance Documentation

One of the new realities of American companies is linked with the change of their evaluation system. For example, healthcare organizations are accredited not only on the basis of the quality of services that have been provided, but also based on the parameters, which are linked with patient satisfaction. Thus,...

Managers’ Roles in an Organization: Theories and Principles

Introduction The management of the described processes also required integrating theory and practice, thus drawing parallels between theoretical tenets and the management of practical tasks. Thus, the transfer from the abstract conceptualization of quality management to the actual enhancement of product quality had to be seamless and effortless. Although the...

Effective Models of Leadership

Introduction Effective leadership is one of the most important foundations for excellent performance. Leaders ensure the achievement of the established organizational goals through the use of various strategies and methods aimed at effective management of teams. In nursing practice, leadership is essential as it results in proper patient health outcomes,...

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

Introduction The process of design is complex and multidimensional, even more so since the making of products in recent years has come to mean, “a practice associated with having a human-centered approach to problem-solving in contrast to being technology- or organization-centered. Designers are seen as using an iterative process that...

Planned Parenthood Organization’s Philosophies

Abstract Planned Parenthood is a major healthcare provider and a nonprofit organization that faces multiple ethical issues. Most of them are related to the ethical challenges common for healthcare institutions, which means that they can be framed with the help of medical ethics principles. As a result, Planned Parenthood has...

Trimco and Navistar’s Supply Management Issues

Situation Analysis The lacking performance of Navistar’s supplier, Trimco, resulted in the delivery of low-quality components or kits that were missing specific parts. However, the company remained an essential partner, and “Navistar: Supply Management” describes it as key (5). The reason lay in the lacking quality control procedures conducted by...

Amazon: Company Analysis

Introduction Businesses that operate in the present-day competitive market may not record optimal performance if they disregard the prevailing regulatory standards. Such guiding principles have been put in place to inform companies’ economic decision-making processes. Contravening the laid-down ethical, accounting, monetary, and government policies may subject organizations to significant penalties,...

Alternative Organizational Change Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation As the leader of a certain department, I correctly realize the fact that the functioning of an organization is a complex and multilevel process that might demand the introduction of multiple approaches or methods to achieve the best possible result. There were numerous situations in...

Are a Firm’s Cash Flow and Profit Different?

Cash flow refers to the net change in the cash position of a company from one time period to another. This means that if a company takes in more cash than with the cash it sends out, the cash flow is considered positive. In the case, when a company has...

Communication Style Differences at Work

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Working in a diverse environment will inevitably lead to the necessity to reconcile differences in the approaches to communication that people belonging to different social groups have. These include specifics of interactions accepted within groups of particular gender, ethnicity, age, and culture. No matter how...

Scholarly Research Methods for Persuasion

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My 13-year-old working experience at Bridgestone required the identification and development of multiple skills and knowledge in the field of leadership, cooperation, and management. To be persuasive means to be ready to present credible information and clear facts and explain how to use the material....

Group Decision-Making and Conflict Management

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My experience and the evidence show that continuous improvement and monitoring are the two key areas of effective conflict management and decision-making in a group (Griffin, 2017). In this connection, I train my supervisors on developing countermeasures and observing the results of the department. At...

Perception in Behavior, Learning, Decision-Making

Understanding employees’ perception of the workplace and evaluating changes in it is another step toward enhancing performance quality and changing the workplace atmosphere toward a better one. It is important to motivate staff members to excel in their workplace performance. With a change in the staff members’ perception of their...

Change and Its Elements in an Organization

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Any progress that occurs within our department is the result of the competent work of all its employees. The mode of changes promoted to improve such factors as performance indicators, quality control, effective interaction, and other criteria are achieved through preliminary planning and the evaluation...

Organizational Change Models: Terms and Scales

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Working as a section leader, I often face tasks presupposing short-term and long-term planning. I can state that it is a significant part of my work because of the necessity to provide workers with tasks that will help them increase their effectiveness and contribute to...

Organizational Structures and Their Differences

To function properly, an organization has to have a specific structure according to which the relationships within its context are built, and the principles of the corporate culture are redesigned. An organizational structure defines the distribution of power across a company and the hierarchy within it. Thus, the quality of...

Effective Interpersonal Communications and Professional Growth

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Even though workplace communication is a natural phenomenon that remains self-sustainable in most corporate settings, it still requires managing numerous hindrances that may make workplace conversation more productive. For instance, reducing the levels of emotional strain and the pressure of workplace-related constraints should be regarded...

Effective Conflict Resolution Strategies & Theories

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation There are five behavior strategies in a conflict, such as withdrawal, coercion, compromise, concession, and cooperation. In my view, cooperation is the most effective strategy of behavior in a conflict. It implies opponents’ desire to the constructive discussion of the problem, paying attention to the...

Dynamics of Change in the Supervision of Others

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The 13 years of professional experience taught me that there could be a range of external pressures and complications that affect organizations’ need to change. These can range from disruptions in the market to new technologies or shifts in the preferences of customers. Any organizational...

Messages and Listening in Effective Communication

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation An impressive number of elements of communication are often taken for granted during the workplace communication process. People tend to use various verbal and nonverbal tools to convey their message without thinking much about the implications of their word choice, mainly due to the set...

Amazon’s Innovation, Sustainability, Global Market

Introduction The current concept of Amazon is linked with growing its business through electronic commerce operations. It possesses a significant number of storages, covering the U.S. and other countries, providing a possibility of prompt two-day delivery. Nonetheless, the number of direct sales does not show sufficient growth. The paper is...

Persuasion Principles to Promote Compromise

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My desire to become the best leader for my team made me read recent studies and visit several online courses to understand what steps and strategies can improve our company. In the list of available ideas and recommendations, my attention was paid to compromise and...

Group Development Phases in Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Tuckman elaborated the group development phases to explicate the development of group members’ behavior over time. It consists of five stages: the formation stage (Forming), the storming stage (Storming), the settlement stage (Norming), the performance stage (Performing), and the completion stage (Adjourning). Consistent with Tuckman,...

Motivation Theories Explaining Individual Behavior

Understanding the factors that motivate employees to perform and deliver better results is inherent to successfully manage organizational issues and meeting the set goals. However, motivational theories are numerous and varied, providing different perspectives on how staff members can be encouraged to perform better and attain stellar results. Although delivering...

Policies and Work Rules’ Influence on Supervisors

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The 13-year leadership experience allowed me to see that without the establishment of clearly defined rules, policies, and procedures, an organization cannot reach its objectives to the full extent. Procedures refer to the sequence of steps a company must follow consistently, for example, responding to...

Effective Persuasive Arguments and Methods

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation There are many important qualities that a person has to develop as a leader. For me, to be a successful leader means to be good at persuasion and details. When my employees know what I want to do, their cooperation and support are priceless for...

Power & Conflict in Individual and Group Behavior

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Since I interact with my subordinates and members of the supervisory board, the senior management, and regional supervisors, I can study the role of power and its influence in practice. When I use certain skills and knowledge gained in such interaction, I can notice that...

Employee Attitudes, Behavior, and Job Satisfaction

Employees’ philosophies and ethical standards affect the decisions they make in the workplace, the pace at which they acquire new competencies, and the extent to which they enjoy their work. Therefore, it is critical to cultivating the atmosphere in which staff members feel fulfilled and are eager to build commitment...

Personnel Recruitment and Equal Opportunities Law

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation In my company, the recruitment process involves an inquiry from a department for a specific position addressed to human resources. An essential element here is that managerial positions, such as mine, can be filled using the current employees if those possess the necessary skills. One...

Information Analysis for Persuasive Communication

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Leaders in business organizations are occupied with several tasks and duties. One of the experiences I obtain as a leader in data analysis is based on persuasive messages. A persuasive message is one of the central sources of information that may call to action, convince,...

Policies Related to Personnel Management Issues

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The main issue faced in my industry is the motivation of employees, especially the newcomers. Laws and policies that regulate this problem in the US are connected to the incentives of empowerment of the staff and recruitment (“Employee motivation law and legal definition,” n.d.). The...

Group Participation Dimensions in Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My professional experience consists of 13 years working as a leader for the Bridgestone Aiken plant in the flagship department. I currently manage 191 employees and five supervisors, focusing on operations, personnel, and customer satisfaction. As a qualified leader, I have substantial skills and knowledge...

Communication Within Organizations: Nature and Function

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Workplace operations and the effective performance of a company are unthinkable without communication. Using a particular system of signs, be it a basic language or a combination of symbols that are characteristic only of a particular workplace environment, a manager and a leader convey important...

Organizational Change: Need and Process

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my personal experience, I can also state that the articulation and explanation of the need for change are among the most difficult phases of any transformation process. The fact is that workers already have some experience working in particular environments that remain comfortable for...

Bonobos: Digital Economy in the Fashion Retail Sector

Outline Introduction. Company’s Current Digital Initiatives Initiative 1: Developing Strategic Design Initiative 2: Focusing on Small but Strong Aspects Initiative 3: Affecting Customer Service Initiative 4: Using Stores as a Means of Interaction The Financial Impact of Online Strategies Adopted Recommendations. Conclusion. Introduction Fashion retail is one of the most...

Ethical Communication and Its Principles

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation A leader has to follow ethical principles and standards when making a decision in the workplace. The essential ethical standards that a leader has to follow when managing communication in an organizational environment include reciprocity, clarity, and speed of data transfer (Mumby & Kuhn, 2018)....

Unionization and Right-To-Work: Arguments Against

Unions are formed to facilitate labor working in unionized workplaces. It is immaterial whether employees are members of the union or not but they all have to pay union dues. A union requires funds to remain proactive of issues related to the rights of workers. Therefore, unions charge membership fees...

Organizational Group Formation and Its Steps

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation As one of the group leaders, I have to monitor not only such significant performance indicators as productivity, initiative, and other criteria for success but also the quality of teamwork. When undergoing training for a managerial position, we were taught that group formation had several...

Persuasive Arguments to Maintain Ethical Standards

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My experience in management and leadership at Bridgestone helped create several persuasive arguments in communication regarding ethical standards and organizational norms. It was not enough to demonstrate good skills in leading people. My goal was to achieve excellent results by demonstrating strong communication skills, developing...

Mediated Communication in Groups and Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation One cannot deny the fact that the recent technological advances and the massive breakthrough that has been made in the IT and ICT domains have affected the way in which people interact in modern society. The breakthrough in question includes the influence that communication technology...

Uber Storms Europe: Europe Strikes Back

Introduction Modern technologies are currently transforming business operations and processes. Uber Technologies is one of the companies that have capitalized on the power of smartphones and apps to deliver high-quality services to the targeted customers. Unfortunately, the organization is facing various obstacles that have the potential to affect its future...

Abu Dhadi Airports Innovation in Aviation

Contemporary economic development is under the significant influence of innovation. New technologies provide companies with outstanding opportunities to improve their performance and achieve sustainability. One of the industries that benefit from technological advancement in aviation. This report focuses on innovative aspects in the activity of Abu Dhabi Airports, one of...

Collective Bargaining and Shared Governance in the Healthcare Sector

Collective Bargaining Modern organizations had to work in extremely complex environments characterized by a high level of rivalry, new demands to the quality, and pressure from society. For this reason, they have an increased sophistication of relations between various departments, coworkers, and managers. It means that there is a critical...

Staffing Policy of International Company Overseas

In the case under consideration, a British company, possessing a top secret manufacturing technology, decides to expand overseas, particularly, in China and Bangladesh. The company aims to establish new manufacturing factories in these countries. Therefore, the problem of choosing a suitable staffing policy arises. According to Subba Rao (2009), there...

Living Foods Company’s Business Plan

Executive Summary The proposed business is ‘Living Foods,’ which will produce and sell microwaveable healthy grilled-food items in the UK. The business owner is Mr. XYZ who has worked for more than seven years in different food companies. He has mastered the art of cooking and has developed amazing recipes... Inc.’s Corporate Valuation

Overview The company to be analyzed is, Inc. (Amazon), a listed company located in the United States that operates in the technology industry and the consumer cyclical market. The company has online and physical stores and provides a third-party marketplace to buyers and sellers. In terms of retail, Amazon...

Global Selection, Hiring, and Merging Processes

In the case under consideration, an American beverage company plans to expand to French and Indian markets, also aiming to merge with some local companies. The first question is in which country the merging process will be easier to perform? Secondly, it is also essential to identify the best suitable...

Qingdao Haier Firm’s Domestic and International Activity

Executive Summary The report discusses the aspects of Qingdao Haier’s domestic and international activity to assess the risks and benefits of letting the company set up operations in our country. The company’s international strategy is developed with regard to openness, customer-oriented approach to production and distribution of goods, and digital... Project Message and Brand Strategy

Introduction The positioning map for can be placed into two dimensions that define the market of consulting and educational services: efficiency and customer-centric approach. The rationale behind this choice lies in the fact that the problems that customers, mainly teenagers, and their parents, address the organization with, are very...

Amazon: Data Collection and OIP

The existing problem that significantly affects Amazon is the emergence of multiple rivals because of the growing popularity of online services, their convenience, and, at the same time, poor management of the Internet market. The majority of strategies implemented and utilized by Amazon demonstrated limited efficiency and were unable to...