Harmful Impact of Video Games on Children

Introduction A common frustration in society is the impact of violent video games on children. Its popularity among kids is not overstated. According to Greitemeyer (2018), most of the children interviewed were obsessed with the above activity. Centuries of reflection on the impact of violent media have looked at the...

Rhetorical Analysis of Adidas “Break Free” Advertisement

Introduction A “Break Free” (2015) advertisement has an original plot and addresses the images of elderly people in a nursing facility. Throughout the video, the main character, an old man who got inspired by a runner whom he saw from the window, is trying to leave the nursing home (“Adidas...

Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby” as a Deconstruction of the American Dream

The American Dream – the idea that every person can prosper in America, provided he or she works hard, never gives up, and cultivates virtue – is one of the central notions of American culture. Many pieces of art have discussed this idea, and one among them is Baz Luhrmann’s...

Celebrities as a Good Role Models

Celebrities ought to be good role models due to their significant impact on society and individuals. Although it is highly controversial and questionable whether the public needs to consider them as good examples of proper behavioral pattern, the fact is that some people do. Therefore, celebrities must acknowledge and realize...

Rhetorical Analysis of “Media Control” by Chomsky

Introduction Noam Chomsky’s classical book on censorship intends to awaken a revolution in devised propaganda. The author terms propaganda as a deception strategy on the “bewildered herd” (Chomsky 3). This term refers to the low-class and illiterate citizens whose only responsibility is to elect the leader. Chomsky reveals how the...

“Alone Together” by Sherry Turkle

Introduction The rise of the digital era has improved the standards of living and provided unheard of opportunities. Concurrently, the spread of technologies has raised concerns about the nature of human relationships, now molded by screens, texting, and social media. The book titled Alone Together: Why We Expect More from...

Factors That Impact Media Consumption

Starting with the digital revolution in the 1990s when the world made a step forward personalized media moved away from the “tyranny of mass media”, people consumed only the content they found useful and meaningful (Jenkins 244). We got our media choices. With the active development of the digital and...

Toyota Highlander: Advertisement Analysis

These days, advertising is intended not only to fulfill the function of promoting a particular company but also to present a form of art, so its analysis is a matter of specific interest. Professionals apply a significant number of impressive methods, and one of them is their focus on Super...

Causes of 2008 Financial Crisis in Sony Documentary, “Inside Job”

Causes of the 2008 Financial Meltdown The documentary, “The Inside Job”, highlights some of the reasons why the 2008 financial meltdown happened. The film shows how bankers, regulators, and politicians all contributed to the crisis. One of the causes of the financial meltdown presented in the documentary is the high...

Media Coverage on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Media coverage of the Israeli-Palestine conflict elicits mixed reactions. The West Bank barrier, for instance, is contested by both Israel and Palestine supported by their respective allies (Savigny& Marsden, p. 10). The Israeli government officially terms it “security fence” while the Palestinian authority describes it as the “Israeli apartheid wall”...

The Simpsons vs. Family Guy

Both The Simpsons and Family Guy satirize the current problems of the contemporary family. Those animated television sitcoms are also aimed at revealing the major shortcomings and merits of the American lifestyle. Hence, the first show is more concerned with revealing humor imposed on cultural biases and a wide range...

“Pearl Harbor” by Michael Bay

Pearl Harbor is a war film made in 2001 by Michael Bay, who is an American film producer and director. Bay is well known for making big budget films such as Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, The Rock, Armageddon, Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Bay was much motivated...

Fake News and Unethical Journalism

The accuracy of information and its unbiased presentation can be listed among the most well-known principles of ethical journalism. There is no doubt that the failure to meet these requirements has a severe impact on the reputation of news agencies, online newspapers, blogs, and other sources. In spite of that,...

The Internet and the Media

Regulation of the Social Media In most developed countries, the freedom of the media is enshrined in their respective constitutions. The governments play no role in its regulation following the complexity that has resulted from the emergence of the Internet. However, as much as the media is not regulated in...

Soap Operas’ History, Features, and Effects

Summary of Argument Stern, Russell, and Russell (2007) explore the negative effects of character images in soap operas on audiences, which are mostly comprised of women. To support their perspective, the authors refer to the history of soap operas as a genre by analyzing its specific characteristics inherited from its...

British Ads in “Soft-Soaping Empire” by McClintock

In the publication Soft-Soaping Empire: Commodity Racism and Imperial Advertising, McClintock examined the concept of soap as a historical agent that modified the elements of British culture and contributed to its unity (208). I believe that viewing soap as a symbol of “monogamy”, “Christianity”, and “industrial capital” was an interesting...

The Television Series “South Park” Analysis

Introduction Communication is one of the greatest aspects that make human life enjoyable by promoting understanding and interactions of individuals from similar or diverse backgrounds. It forms one of the agents that bind the society together despite the many personal and cultural differences that exist among human beings. The media...

Social Media Effects on Consumer Behaviour

Introduction Social media creates a platform where businesspeople communicate and/or interact with their customers. Through social media, companies market their products to reach worldwide consumers. Social media platforms are increasingly being caught up in voyeurism, gaze, and shadowing since many people have been connected to the internet, thanks to the...

Face-To-Face Communication Vs Online Communication Essay

Which is better: texting through social media or speaking face to face? This online communication essay explores the two options and shows which of them is more preferable. Online Communication Essay Introduction Today, there are many opportunities to communicate with friends and relatives with the help of modern technologies. Online...

Technology and Communication in Today’s World

Introduction Technology is making communication easier in today’s world, but at the expense of personal contact. More and more people choose to interact from home in front of a computer screen as this type of communication allows them deal with their own business, stay at home, and talk to people...

Promotion and Advertising Strategies Used by Apple and Samsung

Welcome to our sample essay about Apple and Samsung advertising strategy! How does Samsung promote their products? What is Apple’s marketing mix? Find out here! Introduction One of the major objectives of the firm is to create and sustain the competitiveness of its products and services in the market (Cole,...

Social Media: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction In a dynamic world catalyzed by the rapid advancement of technology, the use of social media is becoming a daily routine for a considerable number of users. Social networks have now become the mouthpieces of information, presenting individuals with the opportunity not only to communicate but also to receive...

The McDonald’s Pedestrian Crossing Ad Placement

Though a catchy commercial jingle and an eye-catching logo might seem the quintessence of a successful advertisement, there are several other components that contribute to its impact, ad placement being among the key ones. The placement of the advertisement above reinforces its meaning and core message, making the statement all...

Connectedness and Disconnect on Social Media

Social media has changed people’s lives significantly, as it has introduced a novel way of sharing information. Although people can share the smallest details of their lives with their friends and loved ones, the platforms also allow communication with strangers. Moreover, as people try to show their best selves on...

The Facebook Recent Privacy Issue and Actions Needed

Introduction and Executive Summary Corporate reputation is a vital enterprise concept that ensures how consumers perceive the company’s image. The importance of corporate reputation is seen as the power of an organized relationship between an enterprise and a consumer, with consumers being both current customers of the company and potential...

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Game Overview

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI is a turn-based strategy computer game in which one or more people fight against desktop AI competitors to evolve their Civilization from a tiny tribe to total control of the globe over numerous generations. A turn-based strategy game (TBS) is a strategic multiplayer game that means...

New Ethical Concerns in Online Privacy and Data Security

Security and privacy are becoming one of the main problems in modern society. The storage and use of digital data are more difficult to control in the context of ever-increasing online fraud and information leakage. According to statistics, less than 10% of social networks cover all five principles of notice,...

Perfume Ads: Le Labo and Juicy Couture

Advertising is a tool that most businesses use to promote their products. According to researchers, it has been evolving significantly (Liu-Thompkins, 2019). Customers need to relate to the product that is being advertised, and this is why certain marketing strategies are used to intrigue a specific target audience. The perfume...

Popular Culture in “Inglourious Basterds” Film

World War II movies are not usually associated with popular culture. Screenwriters use themes of Nazi oppression, the brutality of war, and the bravery of the allied forces, which have been cultivated for over seventy years. Yet, one of the most well-known and controversial movies about World War II, Inglourious...

Video Games Are Harmful to Children and Adolescents

Introduction The debate about the benefits and harms of computer games has been ongoing since their inception. Proponents of video games note their benefits for developing useful social skills and learning. Opponents of video games are alarmed by the negative impact on the psyche of children and adolescents. Habitual exposure...

Social Media Influence, Ethics, and Privacy Issues

Introduction There is exponential growth in social media usage to acquire and spread information. One of the reasons for the popularity of social networking sites is that they allow users to create, receive and share public messages at a cost-effective price. Moreover, there is significant internet penetration across the globe,...

Summery of “The Fog of War” Documentary

The Fog of War is a documentary that serves as food for thought and in which former US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara outlines the lessons government officials learned from their experiences in the Cuban Missile Crisis, WWII, and the Vietnam War. In his lessons, McNamara illuminates human nature, luck,...

Analysis of a Transmedia Narrative: “The Hunger Games”

The Hunger Games‘ first film, Catching Fire, has become an excellent example of a transmedia storytelling campaign. The Hunger Games takes place in a dystopian post-apocalyptic future in Panem. Every year, a boy and a girl from each country’s 12 districts are chosen as a tribute and forced to participate...

Television Impact on Children’s Development

The mental and physical development of children is dependent on their exposure to television. Before starting school, the majority of children immerse themselves in the world of television. According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the first two years of growth are critical for brain development. Exploring and communicating with people can...

Movie Review “Angels and Demons”

The film Angels and Demons is an interesting piece of art as the film truly captivates the audience. The film was directed by Ron Howard and produced by Brian Grazer. The film follows Robert Langdon, a fictional professor of cryptology who helps uncover the mysteries related to the crimes against...

Bloggers and Journalists Comparison

Currently, the blogging industry is one of the most popular and successful. It is still hard to count how many people in the world are considered to be bloggers. With the rapid development of information technology and social networks, blogging has turned from a simple hobby into a real career....

The Impact of Popular Culture on Body Image in Women

Body Image: A Concept Definition Historically, body image refers to a social, cultural and often artistic overlap that exists between the objective form of human body and it’s subjective perception. It is a concept that depicts a combination of attitudes, both externally displayed and internalized, that a person has about...

Lessons From the Hardball Film Applied to Real Life

The film is based on the book, ‘Hardball: A Season in the Projects’, by Daniel Coyle, and although the film is not an exact replica of the book by Coyle, it is an account similar to the Near North Little League’s 1992 season. The film features Keanu Reeves portraying a...

Analysis of the Ad “Perrier Prints: Melting”

Central Message With the help of the advertising agency Ogilvy, Perrier got an opportunity to present one of the best ads of the year (“Perrier Prints: Melting” par. 1). They created a range of different prints that are united by the idea of extreme heat. The people look so that...

Autism in the “A Boy Called Po” by Asher

Summary of Po’s Experience Autism is a developmental disability characterized by significant communication, social, and behavioral challenges among affected individuals, and in most cases, it begins from early childhood. As a result, patients interact, communicate, and behave in manners different from other healthy individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,...

The Blind Side: Cinematic Case Study

The movie narrates about Michael Oher, the big black teenager whose drug addict mother does not know precisely how many kids she has and the names of their fathers. By chance, he enters a decent school where he finds it challenging to study, given his illiteracy, isolation, and social status....

Effects of Social Media and Internet

Effect on Me I regard social media as the most critical communication platform. As a social being, I appreciate the significance of interactions in my life. Therefore, I maintain that people need efficient connection resources, and social media through Internet facilitation is the perfect networking tool. I look forward to...

An Analysis of Galeano’s Writing

The article “Upside down: A primer for the looking-glass world” by Galeano (2001) represents an immensely honest and even, to some extent, brutal overview of the present world. The work is comprised of metaphors, exaggerations, irony, and contrast. Galeano (2001) attempts to open the readers eyes to the reality in...

Media Events and Rituals: Durkheim, Turner and Lee

Introduction Media rituals are a part of media culture influenced by national and corporate traditions. It is not difficult to see that a medium of communication in the modern world can require very considerable resources, skills, organization, and sophisticated technology. Thus, we talk in overall terms of the communications industry...

“The Rhetoric of Video Games” by Ian Bogost

In his article “The rhetoric of video games,” Ian Bogost writes about how video games are sophisticated statements reflecting the real life of people, their interactions, feelings, and worldviews. The games that we play can make arguments about society, persuade people to take a specific side in them, and express...

The Media and Communication

Why are some media forms regulated by the government? Some media firms have contributed to several ethical concerns. These ethical concerns threaten to destroy the trust and responsibility among humanity. The consequences of these ethical concerns necessitated the establishment of several acts that would offer appropriate control and limitation in...

Journalism Future After Technology Change

Introduction The field of journalism traces its origin back to the early 16th century when the early members of the fourth estate in Europe started publishing news articles for circulation to the public. Particularly, according to Anderson, journalism is a profession that concentrates on the preparation of news for broadcast...

Stereotypes in “Moonlight” Film by Barry Jenkins

Introduction Moonlight chronicles the life of a queer black boy singled out for being too soft and feminine, but eventually transformations himself to a menacingly muscular drug dealer with gold teeth grills accentuating his maleness. The movie segregates the journey of an adolescent boy into manhood into three chapters. Initially,...

“The Shawshank Redemption” Film by Darabont

Era and Setting The Shawshank Redemption is a movie revolving around the life of a banker by the name Andy Dufresne. The plot of this film begins in 1947. This is a clear indication that the film describes the issues and events experienced in America’s postwar era (Marvin & Darabont,...

Talese’s and Capote’s New Journalism Articles

New Journalism is a term that refers to the phenomenon that took place in the 1970s. It can be defined as “a radical new way to describe the times” in which people live (Goc 279). It was a revolutionary approach to journalism as new forms and styles were used. Truman...

The Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Communications

The rapid development of technologies led to significant changes in the manner of people’s interactions because of the necessity to respond to the tendencies of the constantly changing world. The progress of Instant Messaging technologies, social media, and Skype means the beginning of the digital era in which the computer-mediated...

Jonathan Marks’ Documentary “Understanding Race”

Jonathan Marks’ documentary “Understanding Race” examines the development and function of the notion of race in society. According to Marks (2014), the concept of race was invented to legitimize the enslavement and abuse of Black people and to perpetuate White dominance. The Damer family, for example, endured ongoing prejudice and...

Becoming Distant on Social Media

Over the recent decades, social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives. Various media resources are currently used by all segments of the population in the US on a daily basis. The number of opportunities for people to connect and communicate via the Internet has increased, but...

The Role of Blogs in Policy Analysis

Why Blogs Have Become Popular Over the last two decades, new technological advancements have changed how people communicate. The World Wide Web, for instance, provides various platforms for people to exchange ideas and work with others online. One of the most common platforms used is blogs. These web pages serve...

”Comfort” Movies and Films With Greatest Impact

Introduction Following the advancement in technology, humans have taken the aspect of entertainment to another level. Currently, there are a large number of film producers that release many movies that suits the perspective of audience across the globe. Based on the variety of cinemas, I have developed a deep interest...

The Together-As-One Community Event

The Sundance Festival, the most prominent independent cinema event in the United States, presents both domestic and foreign autonomous creators and takes place annually. Each year, two of the best American football sides face off in the Super Bowl in front of a vast crowd, and it is as American...

“Don’t Demonize Social Media…” by Frazer-Carroll

Research dossiers and news reports have linked teens’ use of social media to mental health problems. An independent school made headlines by asking parents and students to sign a “contract” banning phone use on the road, during meals, and at night (Frazer-Carroll). In adolescence, when status and popularity are so...

Journalistic Ethics in the Digital Age

Introduction Journalism ethics is a subset of communication ethics studies that seek to define, analyze, and promote the correct and virtuous conduct among professional media workers. The first substantial attempts to develop the norms of responsible journalism can be traced back to 17th century Europe (Ward 307). Inspired by the...

The Role of Media in Modern Society

Media is one of the most powerful forces in modern society. With the development of the Internet and the new ways of sharing information, it has become omnipresent. Nowadays, communication by image is more important than communication by the word because of the ability to share these images immediately and...

Pros and Cons of Free Speech Regulations on Social Media

Introduction Freedom of mass information is considered the central principle in any democratic state. It is necessary for political pluralism and cultural diversity for individuals and their associations. Despite this, permissiveness can have negative consequences since the unrestricted freedom always drives to the repression. Therefore, the issue of media freedom...

Slippery Slope Fallacy in Advertisement

Fallacies are a common occurrence in the world of politics, advertisement and journalism. They are used as a means to invalidate the opponent, present oneself as superior to the customers and clients or to enforce a message, regardless of whether it is rational or nonsensical. The following post will review...

Environmental Marketing: Fiji Greenwashing Ad

Introduction In the industry, greenwashing is described as a brand’s unjustifiable and deceptive assertion that its product is more ecologically friendly than it is. People can view this in a variety of ways, including obvious deceit, covert advertising, and typically as bold statements with no full disclosure of the actual...

How Social Media Contribute to Mental Health

The influence of Social Media on Mental Health Humans are social beings who thrive when they are in the company of others. The nature of their bonds influences their mental state and happiness. Socially connected people can survive stress, worry, and sadness, increase self-confidence, bring happiness and peace, and alleviate...

Social Media Evolution and How Does It Make a Difference in Today’s World

Introduction In the present day, social media develops at a rapid pace. In the last 20 years, many people all over the world have been engaged in communication via social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. Seventy percent of American adults used at least one social network in...

TikTok Addiction Among Teenagers

Introduction The headline in the selected story is that teenagers who are addicted to TikTok are more likely to experience severe depression, anxiety, and limited working memory. The selected article was obtained from a news website called PsyPost and was published online on January 25, 2022. The article captured my...

Social Media for the Purpose of Knowledge, Entertainment, and Communication

Nowadays, almost all people, especially the representatives of young generations, consider their smartphones and laptops to be an integral and rather significant part of their life. Having an account in social networks provides individuals with numerous opportunities. Nevertheless, even though some may refuse to believe in this, social media can...

Urban Legend of Sex and Drugs and Rock’n’Roll

Introduction An urban legend or urban myth is a widespread contemporary coequal to the vision of fairy tales circulating in modern society. At first glance, the story may seem plausible, including actual characters and carrying a particular moral, but usually, urban legends do not have valid evidence. The legend usually...

Social Media Impact on Activism

Introduction Social media is a digitally facilitated technology used to enable communication through virtual communities. Activism entails the efforts put into place to bring along the desired change in political, economic, and environmental policies for a perceived greater good (Nikunen 15). Activists use different forms to drive their agendas, such...

Peer Pressure and Decision-Making in “The Breakfast Club” Film

Introduction Peer pressure is a type of social connection between people in one group that implies direct or indirect influence on the decision-making process. Peer pressure exists in different environments and settings; however, scientific evidence suggests that one group is at the most risk of being affected by peer pressure...

History and Background of “Essence” Magazine

Essence, a lifestyle magazine specializing in beauty, culture, entertainment, and fashion, is a monthly magazine first published in 1970 for African American women. Essence Communication Inc. (ECI), the media that publishes Essence Magazine, was founded in 1968 by Cecile Hollingsworth, Clarence O. Smith, Edward Lewis, and Jonathan Blount (Jacinta 2)....

“American Psycho”: Plot and Main Ideas

Outline American Psycho is a film made as a critique of the materialistic American society, the incompetence of law enforcement, and misogynistic violence. Working as a black comedy, it combines elements of horror with more light-hearted aspects to lampshade the world around it. Additionally, the film exists as an interesting...

The Iconic Moments in the Film “Gold Rush 1925”

The most iconic moment in the movie is when Charlie Chaplin prepares and eats his shoe not to starve from hunger. He serves the shoe on a dish with shoelaces as spaghetti, which puts the viewer in laughter. The funniest thing about the moment in the movie is the face...

“The Matrix” Movie Discussion

During the training fight between Neo and Morpheus in the dojo as well as the fight between Neo and Agent Smith at the subway station, the film rarely, if ever, uses the hand-held camera. This approach results in stable wide shots, which make it easier for the viewer to understand...

Persuasive Speech: Chat Rooms Are Unsafe for Underage Users

With the constant technological development and wireless networks covering an increasing percentage of the globe, users can now access online chat rooms anywhere and anytime as long as they have a connection. Although the opportunity to stay constantly connected to others and instantly share messages, pictures, and videos is appealing,...

Aspects of Adidas Commercial

Semiotics studying signs unites linguistics and social sciences, which allows considering traditions, behavior patterns, and other social phenomena as sign systems. Thanks to semiotics, one can track the ways of subconscious interpretation of different messages – a process that relies on emotions. Daily routines and rituals are also full of...

The True Cost: Fast Fashion, Garment Workers, and Environment

The True Cost is a documentary that was directed by Andrew Morgan and released in 2015. It shows the background of the fast fashion world, where garment workers live in terrible conditions, facing poverty and a lack of safety. The multinational fashion corporations follow globalization economy, which means that production...

Social Media Addiction and How It Affects People

Every year people spend more and more time tapping a finger on the smartphone screen or clicking a computer mouse. According to the statistical data provided by Statista (2021), in 2015, people spent approximately 80 minutes on the smartphone, whereas in 2021, the average time increased up to 155 minutes...

Persuasive Techniques in Advertisement

The first type of persuasive technique used is Pathos, which entails emotional appeal. Essentially, using this type of advertisement will require provoking an emotional response from the customer. Occasionally, they are positive emotions that include excitement and enthusiasm to create a good reputation and convince the customer to consume the...

“A Cure for Wellness” by Verbinski

Anti-capitalist symbolism is expressed in the film “A Cure for Wellness.” The movie is a psychological horror picture that proposes that worship of money and material success, kills a human being. At the beginning of the film, an employee dies of a heart attack at work in a substantial financial...

Mass Communication and Media Risk and Uncertainty

Risk Society and its Relationship to Modernity Ulrich Beck, a German sociologist, is the contemporary theorist of modernity. He proposed his modernity theory in his book, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (1992). He suggests that modern society’s inherent risk would result in the foundation and development of a universal...

Ethical Values in Artifacts: Hacksaw Ridge

The identification of ethical issues plays an important role in the creation of artifacts at any period. In ancient times, people were obsessed with the impact of religion on human life. During the Enlightenment, artifacts were developed on the basis of innovation. Today, individuals follow their standards and thoughts to...

Cosmetic Surgery Advertising: Multimodal Analysis

Introduction This study documents the multimodal analysis of cosmetic surgery advertisements in British clinics. Specifically, flyers from three clinics have been analysed throughout this study. The analysis has considered the textual and visual elements used to pass the messages to the targeted audience. It describes how advert discourses utilize the...

Impacts of Social Media on Children’s Social Lives

Introduction The discussion of social media’s effects on children’s lives has become a major contentious debate all over the world. Several types of research have linked social media with positive impacts on the lives of young people, although a few studies reveal its negative effect. The world is recording significant...

Ethical Considerations in “Little White Lie” by Mandefro

Little White Lie is a masterpiece story about family issues that depicts rising youth when an identity is significantly characterized by others. It describes the progress into adulthood as a moment when individuals can distinct their personalities. The difficulties of self-searching and development are amplified when one’s very own story...

Mass Media Influence on Public Consciousness

Introduction The issue of the influence of mass media on various types of people and social institutions at various levels of society is often disputable. The reasons for raising the issue are understandable. In contrast, other comparable social institutions such as religion or the law that communicate directly with the...

“Symphony of a Great City” by Walter Ruttman

An in-depth analysis of any film allows viewers to appreciate the work as a piece of art. It explains all the working parts and encourages a better understanding of what is happening on the screen. However, the whole film depends on the theme, characters, their conflicts, as well as on...

Mass Media and Its Link to Crime and the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The interplay between media and crime is a fascinating phenomenon. Crime in itself is a complex social phenomenon but if one will combine crime and mass media, the resulting media-crime nexus will greatly influence the way people view crime and how they respond to it. The TV networks as...

Public Communication Professionals and Debates

Introduction Public relations professionals play a critical role in influencing debate in the public sphere. According to Gower (2018), these professionals have a critical role of influencing public opinion and protecting the image of organizations they represent in the public domain. They can also help in championing for or against...

“Frontline: Inside the Meltdown” by PBS

Introduction The crisis of 2008-2009 constitutes a major turning point in the dynamics of the US and global economies at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The PBS (2009) film “Frontline: Inside the meltdown” explores this turbulent time, examining the key causes and effects at play, and the response of...

Worldviews in “Avatar”: Spirituality and Cult of Nature

Introduction Apart from being a form of entertainment, movies provide an opportunity for people to learn about different perspectives and views of the world, expressed creatively through the plot, characters, and visual elements. Avatar is a movie directed by James Cameron and released in 2009. The director offers to look...

Public Relation Influence of Media

Public Relation has been chosen as my field of study because it is the influential art that involves shaping opinions of a figure or an organization on the media. It is that challenge and ever changing affect of Public Relation that appeals to me and I look forward to the...

Old Spice’s “Smell Like a Man, Man” Advertisement Analysis

One of the most famous advertising campaigns of the last decade, Old Spice’s “Smell Like a Man, Man,” was continued earlier this year. For the first time, the appearance of this ad brought the company and its products to a new level of popularity. This reason became an argument in...

Ethics in Advertising: The Importance and Benefits

Introduction The importance of advertising has been on a steady rise in the past few decades with a strong social impact in modern world. Advertising through social media forums is a pervasive, strong force that defines the attitudes and behaviors of a majority of the population that who impacted by...

Elle Magazine Advertising Analysis

Introduction Whether we choose to recognize it or not, the media plays a large role in how we define ourselves as men and women, whether we are active or inactive, happy, sad, successful, attractive or a dozen other questions regarding who and what we are. These definitions come from the...

Movie Narration & Historical Accuracy: Troy

Introduction Troy is one of the few movies that have chosen to bring the most fascinating of historical events to the modern generation. Released in 2004, this Oscar-winning movie was directed by Wolfgang Peterson and is based upon a combination of real-world events, Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid amongst others...

“The Watchmen” by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons: Film and Comic

Art is the phenomenon that helps human beings reflect the real world, and also differentiates between human beings and other animal species on the Earth. The art of filmmaking, or cinematography, is one of the most modern and, at the same time, the most fascinating art forms. However, sometimes it...

“When They See Us” TV Mini-Series’ Analysis

The mini-series titled “When They See Us,” directed by Ava DuVernay, released in 2019, tells the story of five young men falsely convicted of rape and assault of a young woman in Central Park. The collision of genuine desire to support a friend with the cruel and unjust reality of...

“Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now” by Lanier

Introduction Social media platforms are trapping more and more people into their golden cages. Although the vast majority of people are aware of the hazardous effects of social networks, they still cannot imagine their life without them. In the past few years, many researchers published some serious studies on the...

How News Images Move the Public

The Significance of Images, Advanced Relationship of Images to Identity Images and other elements of visual culture have a strong social effect. Their aim is to reflect social differences that exist in people and the world surrounding them. In the text called “Researching Visual Materials”, it is mentioned that images...

Emirates Group: Advertising and Passenger Communications

Executive summary This is a business report on the advertising at Emirates Group. It entails the Group’s strategies and activities on passenger communication, visual services, and advertising. The report discusses the activities of advertising, which include, budgeting factors based on the ROI and accountability, Information, Communications, Entertainment (ICE), flight Passenger...

“Human Change” and “Do What You Can” Posters

It is possible to presume that the visual materials may largely support the contemporary initiatives for the achievement of climate sustainability. Images on the ecological issues aim to encourage the ecologically friendly behavior and raise awareness of the topical problems. When arguments are visually supported, it becomes easier to comprehend...

Social Media: Science, Technology and Government

Social media has become one of the most utilized platforms in the world today. Advances in technology have enabled a lot of access to information and eased communication. Most social media platforms require that the user should connect to the internet and more so have a mobile gadget. The demand...

Diet Pepsi Advertisement Explanation

The New Skinny Can Pepsi Ad Analysis: Introduction Pepsi Co. is one of the primary competitors of the Coca-Cola Company, and it has always been trying to develop interesting and appealing advertisements that attract the attention of the audience (Lamb et al. 94). In this case, the Diet Pepsi advertisement...

Rhetorical Analysis Essay: an Example of a Web Page Case Study

In the modern world of increasing competence, marketing needs to be as creative as possible. There are countless strategies that specialists use to attract potential clients. Indeed, great marketing professionals can make any ordinary product stand out. A great variety of methods has a common objective: to make an advertised...

Abuse and Neglect in Media

The media today pays a lot of attention to issues that are related to child abuse and neglect. This is because incidences of child abuse and neglect have been on the rise in recent years. This role of the media has been effective in notifying the public of the various...

Anti-Smoking Poster Visual Analysis in Advertising

Introduction Advertisements and posters can deliver powerful messages to different individuals. Many advertisers and campaigners can achieve their goals using the best visual elements. For instance, the anti-smoking poster presented below encourages more people to quit smoking. This anti-smoking poster explores how designers can use of words, images, colors, settings,...

Doctorow’s Writing in the Age of Distraction

Informational technologies and the Internet seem to oversaturate people’s daily routines, leaving almost time for meaningful and productive activities. In his article Writing in the Age of Distraction, Cory Doctorow describes the most apparent but hardly avoidable distracting factors that bother many individuals who are more or less connected with...

Social Media Plagiarism: The Key Issues

Giving credit for an open work satisfies the open-copyright license’s legal requirement that the writer acknowledges the work’s author. Citations are made for restricted works where the copyright holder does not grant public access to the copy. If the work is not attributed properly, it can be marked as plagiarized,...

Social Media: The Role of Cyber-Ethics

Ethics, also called moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The term is applied to any classification or theory of moral values or principles. In the digital age, cyber-ethics is described as the discipline of using appropriate and ethical behaviors...

Doctor Faustus in Popular Culture

Introduction The relationship between science and the occult remains a common topic in many literary and popular culture works. Many readers consider The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe as one of the original stories about the contradictions between good and evil, right and wrong. This play introduces...

Social Media and Work Productivity

In today’s world, many people constantly use social networks, which affects the change in business and its strategies. First, the companies themselves pay attention to their media and Internet presence. Secondly, company employees have constant access to social networks, which encourages them to develop addiction (Priyadarshini et al., 2020). The...

“Coca-Cola: The Great Meal” 2020 Commercial Video Assessment

Visual Rhetorical Analysis 2020 will be known in history as the year when the COVID-19 pandemic was at its peak, resulting in massive lockdowns of the population all around the world. In almost every country, people were forced to stay at home for indefinite amounts of time, and from that,...

Informal Deviance and Impact of Mass Media on Society

I find mass media to be one of the most significant influences on the perception and performance of informal deviance in modern society. This is largely due to the constantly evolving nature of media as well as what is considered to be formally deviant. Social norms are much more susceptible...

Jib Fowles’ Fifteen Advertising Appeals

The article by Fowles (1982) targeted 15 specific appeals to the basic human psychology that advertisers have developed to make their products marketable. Fowles (1982) singled out the following appeals making consumers buy things they do not need or can substitute with analogs. Sexual motive: a rare but noticeable appeal...

“Watchmen” Film in Relation to the American Dream

Introduction Watchmen is the title of the film that I have chosen to study for this assignment. The film was released in March 2009 with gross sales of $107.5M. One of the most startling aspects of Watchmen is the brutal reality of the consequences of achieving the ‘American Dream.’ The...

Opportunities Social Media Provides

I comply with your statement that social media provides more opportunities for all to show different perspectives on the same issue and demonstrate the results of someone’s work more effectively. I believe that the future of social media should be considered through the lenses of business and marketing. Moreover, social...

Facebook vs Myspace Platforms: Finding Differences

Introduction Facebook and Myspace are some of the world’s most popular social media platforms. Even though the sites have specific differences, they also enjoy numerous similarities. Nevertheless, the paper will primarily focus on the differences between the two online avenues. A close review of the two social media giants reveals...

Issues of Technology: Online Behavior

With the advent of the Internet in the modern world, most everyday tasks have become much easier and more accessible. Opportunities for remote communication, dating, ordering food, and leisure activities have become wider, qualitatively raising the modern user’s standard of living. However, along with the Web’s obvious benefits, technology has...

Video Games: Positive and Negative Effects

Introduction Playing video games can affect a person’s mental health similarly to the way gambling does. The American Psychiatric Association suggested that Internet Gaming Disorder is related to Gambling Disorder, which some researchers support, and others contradict (Von der Heiden et al., 2019). Excessive video games can lead to fewer...

Discussion of the Film “The Batman”

Did you know that Batman has returned on the big screen? The hero, often known as the Dark Knight, is ready to fight villains again and protect people. If you have not watched the recent movie yet, here are some reasons why you should. The Batman does not have an...

“Supplements and Safety” Documentary by Frontline

The Principal Points The documentary on Supplements and Safety by Frontline, New York Times, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation presents an insightful description of the hidden dangers of supplements and vitamins. These organizations analyzed the marketing and control of supplements, as well as their serious health problems. According to the...

Pop Culture and Serial Killer in Darkly Dreaming Dexter

The portrayal and roles of a serial killer as a famous person in the entertainment sector demonstrate modern cultural characteristics of stardom and violence. Violence representation has become an essential part of novels and films, which, to some degree, has brought debates regarding the effects they have on modern society....

The Ideology of Disney Princesses and Its Effects on Female Viewers

Introduction At some point in her life, every little girl dreams of being a princess. Over the last century, the Disney corporation has built a multibillion-dollar empire by successfully repackaging established European princess fairytales and selling them to young audiences. The conglomerate owns an estimated 40 percent of the US...

Tony Stark: Trait Theory

Introduction This paper represents a detailed analysis of Tony Stark’s personality that is performed in accordance with the trait theory. The author is going to link unique behaviors and personality traits from Avengers: Age of Ultron to Tony Stark’s character in the movie. The first section of the paper is...

Digital Influencers and Body Image

Introduction Social media platforms are becoming increasingly popular across the world. They allow individuals to communicate, share images, and interact with content posted by peers, family, and celebrities. These media platforms allow people to edit pictures, thus facilitating the presentation of idealized versions of themselves. The meteoric rise of influencers...

Media Sociology: Media Content Analysis

Media Sociology: An Introduction The module looks at the media content and factors that shape it in our society. It looks at the internal and external factors that may influence media content and why this may be necessary. Media content is not a true reflection of issues within the society....

“A Few Good Men” by Reiner

Are People Always Ready to Handle the Truth? – Many people believe that they need to and want to live a truthful life. Still, not all of them are actually ready to handle the truth and accept it as it is. The movie A Few Good Men directed by Rob...

Dubai Expo 2020, Its History and Initiatives

The History of Expo and Its Effect on the Development of the Humanity The current Expo is hosted by Dubai and it was planned to happen in 2020, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was postponed to 2021. The Expo itself is a global exposition, which provides countries with a...

Persuasion in the 1950s Advertising with Marilyn Monroe

I discovered advertising from the 1950s on the internet that skillfully promoted an ordinary shampoo through the legendary sex icon, Marilyn Monroe. Use of persuasion The advertisement’s key tactic for achieving its goal of selling these goods is persuasion. The ad is designed to send the notion that all women...

Boiler Room: The Film’ Review

Different forms of white-collar crime have been numerously depicted in films. One of the films that depicted white-collar crime is “Boiler Room”, a 2000 drama by Ben Younger. This paper presents a personal reflection on the film from the perspective of analyzing the depiction of white-collar crime. Reflection Paralleling the...

Advertisements in Terms of the Social Science

Article Choice I chose four advertisements, as they appeared to be engaging in terms of the social science questions they identify and address. Each ad represents different products – toothpaste, locks, beer, and a Red Cross campaign. However, they are all united by the various social representation of individuals, their...

The Media and Society: Media Influences

These days, the media have turned from a simple tool of searching, processing, and transmitting information into means that control and transform a person’s inner, mental world. Instead of expanding the horizons of the development of human awareness, giving it sovereignty and independence in judgments, modern media are increasingly manipulating...

Reenactment as a Genre of Cinematography

Introduction Knowledge of the past has always been of a dual nature: on the one hand, the knowledge of professionals, relying on authentic sources, documentary evidence, on the other hand, the knowledge of the masses, using rumors, speculation, and myths. Television has developed its technologies for reproducing the past, unique...

Cultivation Theory and the 2019 Gillette Commercial

Introduction At the beginning of 2019, the personal shaving supplies brand, Gillette, released a commercial online titled “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be.” It discussed the topics of sexual violence against women by men and called for the male sex to improve as a whole. However, the response to...

Social Stratification in the Media

The patterns of human relationships have now become one of the major subjects for scholarly discussion due to the researchers’ ambition to establish a theoretical basis for this communication. In order to achieve this, sociologists examine all the precedents to human behavior in certain settings and divide them into various...

“Raise the Red Lantern”: Gender Roles and Hierarchy Issues

Summary Given her exposure to the wider world, Songlian feels betrayed that she must become the fourth wife in a cheerless homestead of a wealthy landowner. The wives’ living quarters are along both sides of the courtyard. Traditionally, the Master requires the lighting of a red lantern outside the apartment...

Steve Job’s Commencement Speech at Stanford

Introduction Looking through the internet, there is no shortage of adjectives that describe one of the most influential people for generations. A visionary, a design genius, and a “tastemaker of modern digital culture” are just some of the few words used to describe the late head of Apple Inc. Given...

“Courage Under Fire” by Edward Zwick

This essay in brief discusses the movie “Courage under Fire” by giving different types of leadership and the change theory. In addition, it examines the complexity in the movie characters. For Serling, developing predestined captivating accountability for his dealings and fitting the leader he was competent of being. Walden’s award...

Is the Digital Effect Making us Stupid?

Introduction Over roughly five or so decades ago, not even the most far-fetched of positive idealists could have foreseen how rapidly technology, and especially in the information sector, would grow. The epitome of this growth is perhaps the Internet, a vast field of boundless information that can be accessed by...

Short Movie “Darkness/Light/Darkness” by Jan Svankmajer

The author of this movie is Jan Svankmajer, the clip is called “Darkness/Light/Darkness”; it was produced in 1989. This clip can be easily found on the World Wide Web. From the first point of view, the main character of this short movie is a hand made of plasticine, it looks...

Mass Media: Stereotypes Impact on People

Media is a very strong force and it has vices. One of the noted vices of the media is its tendency to stereotype identifiable groups like gender, race, and alternate sexual communities. As a formidable force, these stereotypes distinctively possess an impact on the people of the groups. To understand...

Chicanos in “Mi Vida Loca” Film by Allison Anders

Introduction For centuries, Chicanos, a Mexican-American people, have been viewed controversially. Popular media, such as TV shows, films, plays, and songs, frequently present Chicano culture either in a positive or negative way. This essay analyses Mi Vida Loca, an American drama film directed by Allison Anders in 1993. It focuses...

The Spot Fiat 500X Commercial

The chosen 2014 TV commercial Spot Fiat 500X Viagra – anuncio de television advertises the new Spot Fiat 500X to potential buyers, with the ad’s setting being a town in Italy. In the beginning, viewers get to see an old man entering the bedroom with his wife laying on the...

Influence of News Media on the Social Behavior of Society

Introduction Undoubtedly, the news media have a tremendous influence on the social behavior of society with regards to information, communication, as well as entertainment. Paper journals, magazines, and newspapers are currently considered as old sources of media that cannot have the same impact on society the way that technologies can....

Science Fiction in Literature and Movies

Introduction It now became a commonplace assumption among many people that the genre of sci-fi in literature and movies is being solely concerned with exposing how the continuous technological progress may affect the realities of people’s everyday living in the future. Nevertheless, there are good reasons to believe that, while...

Patriarchy Power in Soap Operas and Advertising

The crucial role of mass media in spreading public beliefs about gender, relationships and family roles is widely recognized. Mass media shape collective patterns of behavior and greatly influence the ways, in which men and women show their feelings, make decisions, and act in daily environments. Mass media, and television,...

Sex Scandals in Digital Media News

Sex is a news value that journalists give much attention to. However, the coverage of sex subjects present journalists with lots of decisions to make, some of which are of ethical concerns, yet others are dangerous, with some still being categorized as embarrassing. The public normally has the right to...

Public Opinion and the Media

Introduction Academics and professionals claim that most Americans guess their responses to survey questions; have narrow, weak opinions about the US government policies; and are easily influenced by the media based on standard narratives, politicians, corporations, or advocacy groups. Public opinion reflects public views on various government agendas and political...

News and Feature Articles as Writing Genres

Introduction The proponent of this study attempted to appreciate the deeper meaning and intended message of two articles. The first one is a news article and the second one is a feature article. The process was made easier by reviewing essays regarding writing genres (Dirk 250). The same thing can...