Mindfulness Practicing: Personal Experience

Introduction It goes without saying that mindfulness cannot be regarded as the solution to all problems. However, the practice of mindfulness-based intervention may have a positive impact on stress reduction and improve life quality. This paper describes my personal experience in mindfulness practicing and explains why I consider mindfulness highly...

Why I Want to Become a Dental Hygienist

Introduction Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed about working in healthcare. There was something very appealing and motivating in helping people overcome their health issues and improving their quality of life. I am convinced that some of my most prominent personality qualities have contributed to the formation...

Adoption: Positive and Negative Attitudes

Adoption is a process that involves numerous positive benefits for children in a difficult situation. However, given the challenges for adoptive families and minors, it can be considered as a social issue that needs to be approached in different ways. As for the key ideas, adoption presents a process informed...

Dog Fashion as an Extension of Personal Style

Introduction Since the beginning of time, mankind has always domesticated wild animals. Some of these animals have been well domesticated while some have not. A dog has formed a very close association with mankind. Dogs have often been described as a man’s companion. Initially, domesticated dogs were used for hunting...

Physical Inactivity: Negative Effects

Introduction Physical activity is an essential requirement for healthy living and functioning. During workouts, the human body decomposes energy that enters the organism with food consumption. When individuals lead a passive or sedentary lifestyle, their immune system begins to weaken together with a deterioration in muscle tone. Moreover, at the...

Cohabitation vs. Traditional Marriage

Abstract Cohabitation has taken an increasing trend in the young population and many people prefer it for compatibility before marriage. Living together with partners of opposite sex helps reduce financial and other unforeseen exposures because the partners equally contribute to the same while they get the sexual romance. This paper...

Valuation of Southampton Football Club

Introduction Southampton Football Club is a sports team in the United Kingdom that competes in the English Premier League. Being among the most popular teams in the league, an investor is inquiring on whether or not the team is worth acquiring. This means that valuation is supposed to be conducted...

Dating Trends and Mate Selection

Introduction In the life of human beings, dating and mate selection have been critical aspects that facilitate the marriage institution across different cultures in the world. Men and women of different calibers have embraced the practice to link with a future partner. However, over the decades, the dating and process...

Soccer in the US, Its Development and Popularity

Introduction Soccer is one of the most popular sports globally because of the high number of individuals participating. Many countries and other individuals have invested a significant number of resources towards ensuring effectiveness in the sporting sector. Soccer is one of the major sports in which individuals have invested their...

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love

Sternberg’s triangular theory of love is one of the frameworks designed to explain the concept of love and how it can be applied to relations between individuals. From this perspective, the phenomenon consists of three different aspects such as intimacy, passion, and commitment (“Triangular theory of love,” n.d.). The combination...

Observation of Neo-Local and Multi-Generational Families in the Framework of Modern Trends

Introduction The modern world is very diverse and well combines current trends with the remnants of the past. Once multi-generational households were the absolute norm, different generations could coexist nearby or even under the same roof. The reasons for this could be entirely different, from economic to social causes. Standing...

A Chicago Four-Star Boutique Hotel: Social Media Goals

Social Media Goals Small and medium-sized businesses and large corporations actively integrate social media platforms into their digital marketing strategies. The hospitality industry might also benefit from using the benefits of social media to engage the market and enhance customer loyalty, profit, increase sales, and ensure continuous feedback from clients....

Tourism and Heritage Management

Introduction Over the past century, tourism has been one of the most fast-growing industries and is essential to the visitor economy. Heritage attractions constitute one of the reasons for the increasing popularity of tourism. In general, heritage attractions are points of interest, referring to exhibitions, museums, traditional sites, and other...

Creating Personal Business Plan

Vision and Opportunity Obtaining a higher education in IT business management is a long-standing goal of mine, which I have been striving for for a long time. Getting a degree in this sphere can help me realize my career ambitions to the fullest. After graduation, I want to find a...

Healthy Lifestyle and Its Key Benefits

Everyone, without exception, must take care of their health. It is helpful for those who want to achieve success in all areas of life: love, study, work, sports, family creation, and others. In addition, it will allow people to maintain strength and a sober mind in old age and live...

Social Class and Sports Participation

The influence and power one receives as a result of a high position in society have not avoided sports. Even though sports have been thought to transcend social, racial, and gender differences, such thought is quite naïve and void of evidential support. Social class has been closely tied to sports...

Homosexual and Heterosexual Families Are the Same

Abstract It is often argued that gay/lesbian parenting is unequal, in some aspects, to that of heterosexual parents. This argument is based on the notion that homosexual parents lack the parenting skills and practices that their heterosexual counterparts have. However, the studies reviewed in this paper indicate that parenting depends...

Child Abuse or a Parental Discipline

Although children respond differently to discipline, physical contact towards a child should be considered as a parental discipline and not as an abuse. It is well known that some children need discipline, which absence can make a child disrespectful and arrogant. According to the center of effective discipline, there is...

Marriage and Inequalities With Gender

The issue of bridging gender equality has been the center of debate in the 21 century. The role of women in society could no longer be underestimated. In the United States and other nations around the world women have equal opportunities to stand for their rights and engage in a...

The Negotiation Process in Football

Negotiation is a progression in which two sides try to resolve a dispute or argument and come to a mutual agreement (Barry, Lewicki, and Saunders, 1). According to Cellich and Jain (2003), negotiation involves the presentation of arguments by both parties to the negotiation then trying to initiate a pact...

Self-Improvement Paper – Shyness

Communication is something that comes naturally. Everything in this world communicates with one another. Some forms of communication are simple, consisting of sounds, movements and gestures. Animals, birds and insects communicate in a similar fashion. Other forms of communication are complex and detailed that include languages, rules and unlimited variations....

Children Before Marriage: Contradictions in Society

Nowadays a lot of couples do not feel the necessity of getting married to have children. Young people being in love do not hurry to make their relationships official in order to create a family; modern society has a different look on the contemporary situation. Cohabitation and having children before...

Why Do We Say the Things We Don’t Mean

Many of the things we say in life are mechanical without actually meaning it. An excellent example of this is the greeting “good morning” with which we begin most of our days and conversations. While saying the term to the many that we encounter in the morning, we don’t even...

Effects of Economy on Sports

Sports social phenomenon Sports as a very important social phenomenon is represented at all spheres of modern society, it influences all spheres of human activities. Sports influences national relationships, official life, social position, fashion formation, ethical values, and the way of life of all people. The analysis of sports development...

Time Management: Being Late and Its Impact on a Team

“I am late” is one of the common phrases people use in their everyday life. Despite being aware of the fact that time is one of the most valuable possessions in life that can never get back, millions of persons continue wasting it or managing it poorly (Vennila, 2018). As...

Enculturation and Family Relationships

During one of the discussions we had in the class we were talking about parenting styles and family interrelations and the role they play in the process of enculturation, i.e. how the way our parents treated us in the childhood and how they treated each other affects the evolution of...

A Person I Would Like to Be: Helen Keller

Introduction My daughter Andrea was born with brown eyes and soft brown hair and from the first moment I saw her “beautiful” was the only word that came to mind to describe the light of my life. The way she curled her small hand around my finger when she was...

Sport in Canada: Progress and Achievements

Every country has its favorite sports which are a part of the popular culture and help perceive the society values (Nimijean 1). In Canada, the central place has always been occupied by hockey. However, the latest tendency shows that people start getting much more interested in basketball. While some people...

Parental Positive and Negative Behaviors

Abstract The main purpose of this piece of paper is to investigate parental positive and negative behaviors. Additionally, it describes the effects of parent’s behavior on the life of their children. Main Body Parenting care is an exceptionally essential aspect in the life, growth and development of a child. Parenting...

Intercultural Communication: Interfaith Marriages

Introduction Nowadays rapidly changing the world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of intercultural communication. One of them is a growing number of interfaith marriages integrating people from different countries, having different cultures and religions. This essay focuses on the analysis of this phenomenon based on the article...

Views on Raising Children: Tasks of Parents

Introduction In our family, we have a strong belief that there is nothing more important than raising well-rounded and kind children. My parents and I have our personal views on upbringing which are based on a sense of morality and development of human qualities. The Importance of Proper Upbringing Raising...

Historical Facts of Tourism Development

Tourism development is related to many factors, including the desire to learn about different regions’ cultural and social characteristics. In addition, tourism has been facilitated by technology and the development of transportation, which has allowed people to move to almost any point on the planet. From a historical perspective, tourism...

The Standard North American Family’s Privilege

Introduction The family belongs to the cohort of complex and constantly developing social institutions. In this regard, various sociological theories can be applied to studying processes occurring within the family and evaluating their impact on society. For example, Landor and Barr (2018) studied the role of skin tone as a...

Extramarital Relationships and Their Causes

Extramarital affairs represent a critical problem for the modern institution of marriage. The significance of this issue is determined by a negative impact on the relationship between people within families and others. There are various types of extramarital affairs, which in turn leads to the need to find suitable options...

Building a Meaningful Friendship

Undeniably, friendship has an exceptional value in our lives, especially in building meaningful relationships. A meaningful friendship can be characterized as one that is long-lasting, encouraging, frequently described in terms of family, and spans a variety of circumstances (Winkle-Wagner et al., 2019). Therefore, I believe that my friendship has evolved...

Parenting and Harm of Unrealistic Expectations

Robert Plomin – Professor of Behavioral Genetics, King’s College London The nature vs. nurture debate has a long history, and scholars of all times tried to determine whether parental heritage or upbringing was more critical in forming the personality. The scholars claim that approximately half of the differences in cognitive...

“Enchanted Garden” Wedding Plan

Introduction The wedding day is the event people want to remember for a lifetime. Therefore, it is critical that the ceremony is beautiful, well-established, and respects the interests of all guests. The wedding is a family event, but at the same time, this day is especially important for the bride,...

Social Class Impact on Family Life

Family life comprises childbearing patterns and marriage, home stability, and household composition, greatly impacted by social classes. Social classes play a significant role in shaping the structure of families (House, 2017). For instance, less developed nations struggle with a high population in the current era, while administrators in developed countries...

Courage: Self-Reflection and Introspection

Abstract Individuals face various problems and challenges in their daily lives, making them feel vulnerable and nervous. However, people must comprehend the meaning and value of bravery to overcome feelings of vulnerability and apprehension and perform their responsibilities and roles satisfactorily. Furthermore, this attribute will aid in achieving desired goals...

The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong

The world today changes and develops so fast that we can barely keep up. Although many people do not think about it or even notice it, they are constantly bombarded with tons of all kinds of information their brains have to process. It often takes time and self-analysis to realize...

COVID-19 and Playing Sports During a Pandemic

COVID-19 pandemic severely hindered the entire sports industry by making it difficult or even impossible to organize competitions and matches. This halt was primarily caused by the fact that the virus spreads in close proximity, which means that many sports cannot be played or performed safely. It is important to...

Customer’s Expectations in Hospitality and Tourism

Hospitality and tourism are the most popular industries in the modern world. This sphere has gone through many unstable world situations, and due to this fact, customers’ expectations may change rapidly. Many governments believe that tourism and hospitality expand the economy, and the leaders continue investing a lot of money...

Professional Philosophy in Sports Psychology

Sports consultancy is a relatively young field, which explains the absence of an overarching consensus in regards to approaches to practice. A particularly controversial concept is professional philosophy in psychology. It refers to “a consultant’s beliefs and values concerning the nature of sport reality, the place of sport in human...

Impact of Sports and Physical Exercise on Adolescent Self-Esteem

Introduction Physical activity plays a vital role in human life as it promotes the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, healthy habits, and the prediction of weight-related problems. Many current researchers support physical activity engagement from a young age, preferably childhood and adolescence, as this period is associated with physical and...

Beijing Olympics Games & Chinese Tourism Industry

Introduction The topic “What are the impacts of the Beijing Olympics games on the Chinese tourism industry?” analyzes the impact of this event towards Beijing city. This paper studies the various impacts that have been created while Beijing holds this event as well as after this event. This event will...

Environment and Tourism in the Caribbean

The Environment and Tourism in the Caribbean Mainly, Caribbean ecological resources are basic and natural, including sand, sun, and the sea. Apart from the sun, the resources are subject to damage and depletion, as threats can arise from both within and outside the region. Typically, the magnitude of damage caused...

Cheating or Infidelity in Relationships

Such phenomena as cheating and infidelity have long existed in various societies where traditions about sexual relations are established. They have different forms – sexual, emotional, and even online (Sternberg & Sternberg, 2020). The fact of infidelity violates promises and agreements between partners and leads to a loss of trust....

To Be a Child in the Past and Today

Toys hold a very special place in every adult’s heart, no matter whether they were hand-made or bought in an expensive store. Although the specified product might seem unimportant to some, educators and child psychologists know that toys play a crucial role in shaping a child’s personality, values, skills, and...

Improving General Life Quality

The most important thing for a person is the opportunity to lead a healthy life, acquire knowledge, and have access to resources that allow them to live with dignity. At the same time, people value other things, including the conditions for creativity and self-realization, the guarantee of rights, and whether...

High School Diploma Is Important to My Future

All great paths start with a small footprint, and this first step can be considered as the most important and the hardest. It is an indicator that a person can accomplish. Individuals may use this fact to motivate themselves – if one goal can be achieved, then thousands can be...

ABC Hotel: Executive Summary. Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry can be characterized as highly competitive one due to the presence of well-established companies and the need to ensure that the location and the target market are properly identified and selected reasonably. In the ABC Hotel case, a multi-faceted project was developed to wander into a new...

Courting in Fisher’s “Anatomy of Love” and Dickerson’s “Never Die Alone”

Introduction Courting is generally regarded as the necessary ritual between representatives of two sexes that is needed for making the proper choice. Because this ritual is attributed not only to humans but to animals also, the significance of courting is biological. Its duration and significance strongly depend on the development...

Same Sex Marriages in India

India is one of the Asian countries that have been violently opposed to same-sex marriages for many years. This opposition however does not mean that there are no cases of gays and lesbians in the country. The Indian culture has in the past provided room for mistreatment of any person...

Real Madrid and Barcelona Football Clubs History

Introduction Nowadays, football is one of the most famous and beloved sports games in the world. During the last decades, the sport has developed: it became more professional, commercial, and businesslike. Proceeding from this, the concept of success has also changed, and there is a variety of methods used in...

Freedom in Life and Relationship

Introduction Freedom refers to a situation where one is capable of acting, reasoning, judging and sharing his or her opinions without being restricted by external forces or being influenced. In every relationship, couples are bound by varied responsibilities. Violation of one’s responsibilities may lead to the relationship becoming sour or...

What Is Right With the World?

The world diversity creates a scope of picturesque scenes of nature in its perfect presentation. A man urged to nature when wanted to escape from the reality of routine life. The ability of everyone to see and share the beauty of the world is slowly decreasing due to the urbanization...

Iso 14000 System in the Hospitality Industry

The ISO 14000 Concept The worldwide rush of opinion leaders, captains of industry, and thoughtful hotel patrons themselves to be seen to mitigate local pollution, address the continued buildup of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, and in general, reduce “carbon footprint” has forced a hard look at the...

Being a Mother: Challenges Facing Parents With Young Children

Introduction A mother is a social or biological parent. In mammals like human beings, biological mother is the one that gestates fertilized ovum called an embryo at the beginning which later becomes fetus. Gestation occurs in the uterus of the mother which begins from conception up to the time when...

Lack of Parental Support Forces Teenagers ‘Run Away’ From Home

Introduction Presently, the rate of run-away children is increasing greatly. Many parents do not take into account that the transition period from childhood to adulthood is awkward for most teenagers, and they need special attention and a delicate way of looking at their problems. According to statistical results prepared by...

Tourism for Developing Low-Income Countries

Tourism can become a lever that pulls the growth of country’s economy-stimulating revenues by foreign exchange, and forming new positions for employment. Tourism sector makes up around five percent of the global GDP, being a very lucrative area (Aynalem, Birhanu & Tesefay 2016). This paper is dedicated to research on...

Millennium Hilton Bangkok Hotel’s Marketing

Introduction The hospitality industry is important, especially in a modern world where every individual has an expectation of having his or her needs satisfied as soon as possible at a reasonable price. To date, I have had personal experience with several different service providers. In this paper, I provide an...

Cheating as the Cause of Divorce

Family life is associated with a variety of unique difficulties that can arise throughout the partnership. As in any dynamic system, there are periods in the family called crisis periods. During them, hidden and unresolved problems escalate, and conflicts or quarrels become more frequent. Many families will struggle to deal...

Online Reviews Influence on Travel Industry

Introduction Active development of the newest technologies and their introduction to most of the spheres of human interactions have a direct influence on the evolution of social and economic relations (Audretsch & Welfens 2013; Burns 2015). It is true for all countries regardless of the level of their development and...

Hospitality and Restaurant Management: Singapore

Introduction The hospitality industry is one of the industries that is growing very fast due to the fast growth of economies that have necessitated the growth of this sector. Many investors opt to invest in this industry because it is widely known that, such businesses have considerable profits. Hospitality is...

Romantic Relationship: Failures and Lessons

Why do so many romantic relationships come to an end? Are people incapable of having true feelings these days? Where are Romeos and Juliets? Are they too afraid or busy to be attached to someone? Every case is unique, and there are usually many reasons for relationships to fail. Some...

The Impacts of Divorce on Family Relationships

Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of divorce and separation on family relationships; however, the researcher will apply qualitative research approach to analyze data and will use semi-structured interviews to obtain the required information from six participants by maintaining high ethical standards. This research will...

Love in Historical and Social Contexts

While speaking about the concept of love, sociologists usually note that love is a product of people’s relationships which also serves as the medium to make these relationships not only easy and pleasant but also productive. Thus, love in the historical and social contexts can be described from the perspective...

The History of Basketball

It is interesting to know that a Canadian invented the game of basketball. Great games are supposed to originate in Europe, in exotic countries, or perhaps in the great cities of the United States of America. But no one will consider a Canadian as the originator for something that is...

Hard Work as a Guarantee of Success

Introduction Hope for the best helps a person to survive, to fight for his life and happiness, no matter how terrible and difficult his life circumstances may be. Having lost hope, a person actually signs a sentence for themselves before fate does. Meanwhile, everything can change dramatically at any moment,...

How I Gave Up the Habit of Shopping

Shopping addiction increasingly becomes a critical issue for millions of Americans. With the ongoing growth of the global economy, producers have a lot to offer and use all means to engage potential customers in online shopping. The bank system that suggests comfortable credit agreements makes the issue even more complicated,...

My Constructive Thought Strategies

A constructive thought-focused strategy is a fundamental tool that promotes self-transformation. In the past years, I have doubted myself and every decision I make. The process has become a pattern and currently formed a significant barrier hindering my growth and progress in areas I believe effort and dedication are necessary...

A Personal Experience of a Destructive Conflict

Introduction Basically, a conflict arises when two or more parties disagree as a result of clashing ideas or thoughts, interests, attitudes, and requirements (Khamidovna, 2021). Conflict is only present when the parties involved communicate their struggles about an idea or thought in question. A destructive conflict is that which involves...

Qatari The Torch Doha Company’s Analysis

Background of the Organization The Torch Doha, also called the Aspire Tower, is among the most recognized hotels in Doha, Qatar. It was founded in 2012 and is a haven for discerning travelers such as sports enthusiasts, business leaders, as well as health and wellness seekers (Hospitality ON, 2022). The...

Toddler Observation: Video Review

There are four little children in the video going about their play activities. The room is filled with different toys; there is a wooden slide and a wooden set of stairs that leads to a platform from which the children slide (Hatfieldmomof3 0: 02- 0:20). There are photos of children...

Embarrassment: The Feeling of Discomfort

A feeling of minor to extreme discomfort, known as embarrassment or awkwardness, is typically felt when someone does anything that is socially inappropriate or frowned upon and is seen by or made known to others. Often combined with shame and guilt, embarrassment is referred to as a “self-conscious feeling” and...

How to Play Defense in Football

Introduction The play of the defense unit in football is considered to be essential since the defenders have an objective of not letting the attackers move forward or complete touchdowns. In football, a strong defense gives the offense a solid field position to begin their drive toward the target, making...

Analysis TED Talk Outline: Broken Relationship

Sometimes, relationships get broken for seemingly no reason; you just abruptly drift away from each other. Indeed, even the closest of people can grow apart without a reason and that is it. That is what we have to accept as we move on with our lives, and not let it...

Family Systems Analysis of “A Family Thing” Movie

Introduction: Definition of a Family The family is the smallest basic unit of the existence of any populace. It is a social group of people who share the same pedigree. This group could be related based on birth, adoption, or marriage and therefore considered to be members of one family....

Consequences of Divorce of Parents for Children

Introduction A divorce is a widespread phenomenon in modern society, and the community does not condemn people when they decide to end their marriage. However, a divorce is typically considered a negative event because it brings emotional and often financial challenges to all parties. According to the official statistics, the...

Examining Personal Experience as a Coach

Abstract This paper critically evaluates my experience as a professional trainer. The general thought of the paper is based on changes, expanding knowledge and competencies, and identifying mistakes that previous experiences have been associated with. The paper extensively discusses the four main lessons that I have learned during my coaching...

Aspects of Parenting and Gender Roles

Introduction Gender-sensitive parenting is on the current agenda as gender roles and stereotypes are being redefined. If previously gender filling the roles of a boy and a girl was not a question and was an option by default, today, the gender distinctions are unfocused. Parents should pay special attention to...

The Football Impact on the European Region

Football is undoubtedly one of the most famous sports across the globe, with a large percentage of the world’s population very interested in the following football. The European region has been considered to be the world’s most prominent fan organization, with around three million football fans (Faccia et al., 2020)....

Diana Baumrind Theory of Parenting Styles

Children exhibit different behavioral characteristics depending on their upbringing. Diana Baumrind developed four parenting styles explaining children behaviour in specific situations. The authoritative style is associated with clear rules, support, independence, and high expectations. Children raised by authoritative parents are most likely to develop good social skills and self-esteem. The...

The Relevance of Child Marriage and Its Impact on Fertility

Introduction The concept of early marriage is very vague, for example, the official language of jurisprudence considers a marriage concluded by young people before reaching a certain age established by law to be early. However, people are sure that the family created at the age of 18-20 is the earliest....

Sports and People’s Attitudes Toward It

Sport should be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for every person. Physical exercises keep athletes fit and strong, develop stress resistance, and have a beneficial impact on appearance. Despite the evident positive aspects of sports, people have diverse attitudes towards systematic physical activity. Sports can be intentionally avoided...

Four Types of Love and Agape as Its Highest Form

The word “love” has various meanings, and everyone usually uses it, implying their meaning. I believe that clarifying the definition of love would benefit society and the world due to sympathy being one of the most important. As a result, people would be better at understanding their own emotions and,...

A Four-Week Training Program to Increase Vertical Jump

Introduction A vertical jump refers to a benchmark test completed by an athlete to determine their power and athleticism. This paper displays a four-week program to increase the vertical leap of an athlete. Weeks One and Two It is the part of training that will determine the foundation of the...

Personal Statement: Healthy Lifestyle

A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are essential for the well-being of the modern society. Nevertheless, obesity, malnutrition, and other eating disorders are becoming increasingly alarming problems in today’s world. Moreover, an unhealthy diet can accompany and exacerbate conditions such as stress, depression, and overwork. By applying for the...

Family of Six Life Crisis Case Study

Introduction to the Family This paper presents a family which lives in Alta, Salt Lake County in Utah State, US. The family is comprised of a couple with four children making it a neutral family composed of six individuals. The cultural context for the family is highly influenced by religious...

The Major Challenge of Sports Licensing

Sports licensing agreements help promote teams or individual athletes through merchandise. Such contracts give licensing companies the right to use a team’s name and logos. Sports licensing is beneficial for both parties, for business, it is a possibility to reach a particular market and for the sports organization, it is...

Persuasive Presentation: Convincing to Practice Yoga

The purpose of the presentation is to persuade the audience to practice yoga several days a week for a month. It is common knowledge that people would be healthier, fitter, and happier if they participate in some kind of exercise. However, yoga is much more than just an exercise routine...

Paternity Leave for Employed Fathers

Almost all major companies and organizations offer maternity leave – a particular paid period of time for new mothers. However, in some countries, fathers are also provided with such an opportunity. This is called paternity leave, but, unfortunately, it is available only in five American states. The purpose of this...

Eco-Tourism: A Growing Trend in Andhra Pradesh, India

Introduction Initial Situation In the present day, traveling plays a highly significant role in the life of almost every person across the globe. Originated as a way to search food, security, shelter, and better habitat, it subsequently transformed into a source of experience, knowledge of the outside world, and entertainment....

“The Sanctuary of School” by Barry

There are many situations when children feel sad and unhappy at school. They may not like subjects, classmates, or teachers, and they leave school classes every day with the feeling of relief. However, Barry’s essay The Sanctuary of School tells readers about the opposite situation. The main character wanted to...

Best Indoor Hobby: Crocheting, Blogging, and Videogames

Introduction Over the last decades, the paradigm of activities and hobbies people are engaged in on a regular basis has been modified drastically due to the overall shift of the notion “leisure’. Nowadays, unlike years ago, the vast majority of people find their hobbies without going outside their homes. Thus,...

Moral Relativism and the Same-Sex Marriage

There are many contemporary moral issues that some societies or religious organizations condemn. One of such aspects is same-sex marriage, which has evoked numerous debates in political, religious, legal, and some other dimensions. Various cultures tend to accept marriage in different ways, depending on the moral and ethical norms accepted...

“Hurt People Hurt People” by Sandra D. Wilson

The title of the book Hurt People Hurt People by Dr. Wilson clearly expresses the first premise. She demonstrates how the process of hurting others is an ongoing process that repeats itself from generation to generation or from one individual to the other. Wilson argues that the cycle begins right...

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory: Personal Childhood Experience

Introduction Understanding the stages of an individual’s cognitive development is critical for numerous reasons, including the opportunity to locate problems in development. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory provides an interesting addition to the rest of the developmental theories, shedding light on how personal experiences and a combination of external and internal factors...

Step-By-Step Guide for Horse Grooming

Horse grooming has always been a very important part of hygienic care. It is not only a means to keep your horse clean, the horse grooming is exercised before the horse shows to present a pet at best. So, this essay will elaborate on the way to groom a horse...

Oceania Islands as an Tourist Attraction

Introduction Tourist attraction plays a major role in the Gross Domestic Product of any country and is majorly taken into consideration by the policy makers of the country. A lot of investment is put into this and part of the investment involves setting aside areas that will specifically be used...

You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover. Good First Impression

We are often told that it is most important to create a good first impression when meeting somebody for the first time. The connotation is that we are most often judged first by our physicality, and only secondly upon our character. Sadly, this is the criteria by which we are...

Improving Children’s Study Skills in 30 Days

Introduction Though the world is changing fast, the education system does not change at the same rate. The majority of capable children experience frustration at school not because they lack the aptitude, but for the reason that they lack adequate study skills not offered in many schools. Due to the...

Chinese New Year Celebration History

The Chinese New Year is a long celebration spanning for fifteen days commemorated on the citing of the second new moon. This is done immediately after solar winter solstice. The Chinese New Year is based purely on astronomer’s observations. Of all Chinese celebrations, the New Year holiday is rated as...

Should Gay and Lesbian Couples Be Allowed to Adopt?

Gay couples are married people of the same sex. There are some factors which when considered at an instant, then it may lead one to feel that even gay couples should be allowed to adopt. Some of these issues as brought out in the book article are: there are some...

Explaining the Impact of Birth Order on Siblings’ Relationships

Families and relatives have been an integral part of society and culture since times immemorial. They have been the survival units for individuals to co-exist in societies that are impacted by and continue to impact society and culture as a whole. The members of the family are united with one...

From U.S. to Africa: Personal Experience.

Everyone is proud to speak of his/her family, so am I. It has been a great privilege to me for being part of such a loving and blissful family atmosphere. My family consists of my aged grandma, my father, mother, two younger brothers and one younger sister. Born in Africa,...

Role of Public Relations Staff in a Sports Organization

Sports organizations are increasingly being seen as business entities for providing monetary returns, fame, and success to all sports practitioners. These are nowadays driven by their owners or top executives along the lines of a business organization. Crises have been seen to destroy a thriving organization, which was unthinkable under...

Modern Electronic Sports Contradictions

The first thing a person thinks about when he or she hears the word sport is something connected with movements, strength, competitions, hard training, and special physical abilities. Football, tennis, hockey, volleyball, ski race, weightlifting, track and field, swimming, and other activities are familiar sports. Also, no one is surprised...

Physical Exercises as Obesity Treatment

Introduction Obesity is a chronic, recurring disease, and the prevalence rate of obesity in both economically developed countries and developing countries is comparable to the epidemic. The development of obesity is based on the fact of a prolonged, positive energy balance, which occurs when food is consumed in quantities exceeding...

Vargas Family: Career Evaluation Case Study

Introduction Career selection is a complicated process that largely impacts a person’s entire life. Decision-making is associated with a range of factors, including relationships between its members, role models, and the system of specific values. This paper aims to explore the case of the Vargas family, in which the intention...

Significant Event That Positively Impacted My Life

Introduction Every person may notice that there is a wide range of factors that influence his or her life every day. New acquaintances, knowledge, or experience make their contribution either to improve or degrade the quality of living. However, at the same time, only highly significant events have an immeasurably...

Tourism Principles and Practice

Introduction Human beings are dynamic and are always on the move to make discoveries not just here on earth but also on other planetary bodies. The deep history explorers who traveled from their home countries to make discoveries, and of course, the 1970’s exploration of the moon have witnessed this....

Personal Experience in the Covert Conflict

Introduction I experienced the negative consequences of the covert conflict while living with the roommate who avoided expressing the real emotions and feelings. My roommate chose to mask negative emotions under ignoring behaviors. Covert conflicts can develop over a long period of time, and our conflict was lasting for several...

Marriage and Family Counseling

Divorce In case the client was in my counseling room, I would first of all find out the details of irritation frustration the woman felt regarding her marriage. It is evident from her responses that she is fed up with her life and simply wants to refuse from everything, to...

Tourism Site: Lake Geneva, Switzerland

Abstract The tourism sector is a major and substantial contributor to any nation’s source of income. Tourist attraction sites are unique and different in different parts of the world. The great and unique features of such locations tend to attract tourists from different places. The fees citizens and foreigners pay...

Internet for Travel Agencies and Tourism Websites

Introduction As mobile technologies provide more and more opportunities for travel, the need for travel agencies reduces. Such applications as Google Maps, Foursquare, Booking.com, Airbnb, Tripadvisor, and hundreds of others make independent traveling easier, cheaper, and more convenient for regular tourists. Despite the presence of such rivals, travel agencies have...

Sports Venues and Events Management

Introduction Maintaining and increasing spectator satisfaction is an important goal in stadium management (Hock, Ringle, and Sarstedt, 2010). This need is more profound in multifunctional stadia that cater to different customer needs. Therefore, the stadium management process needs to cater to the needs of a wide spectrum of customers who...

Attraction, Love, Relationship Schemas and Stages

Antecedent of attraction Social psychologists argue that there is no one antecedent of attraction but rather that it is caused by numerous factors that include but are not limited to propinquity effect, similarity, reciprocal liking, social exchange, and liking (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers, 2016). Similarity or a match between...

Major Sport Event Bidding Process: the Olympics Games

Bidding process for host cities was unknown until 1984 during the Los Angeles Olympics. Cities that previously hosted were selected based on their financial capability. It was after this event that organizers realized about the surplus income earned and a calendar of events, which require host cities to bid, has...

Meliá Hotels International in Hospitality Industry

Introduction In essence, this essay focuses on giving a circumspect analysis of the nature of international hospitality at Sol Meliá (currently known as Meliá Hotels International) which is a prestigious and highly revered Spanish hotel chain based at Palma de Mallorca in Spain. In doing so, the paper will begin...

Family Building in Symbolic Interactionism View

Introduction Family structure, relationships inside it and factors of influence tend to change over time. In the context of social family studies, the approach of symbolic interactionism deserved its privileged place due to a number of factors. First of all, it has a wide capacity for the theoretical thinking; its...

Sports Management and its Impact on Society

Sports management is an integral part of the sporting sphere, the main task of which is managing the business processes. The sports manager is engaged in the planning and regulating activities related to the athletes themselves and sports organizations, as well as information support. Sport represents a significant part of...

Albion’s Seed: Marriage and Cultural Folkways

Introduction David Hackett Fisher’s book called Albion’s Seed describes the folk customs of four groups of people who moved from different areas of Great Britain to the United States. The argument of the book is that the culture of each of the groups has been preserved and forms the basis...

The Four Seasons Resort Whistler Hotel’s Analysis

Introduction Four Seasons Resort Whistler is a 5-star hotel and resort located at 4591 Blackcomb Way Whistler, British V8E 0Y4, Canada. The resort is nestled among evergreen alpine forests, presenting a premium luxury mountain lodge and offering getaways throughout the year. A Canadian entrepreneur founded Four Seasons in the 1960s;...

The Impact of Rules and Norms on My Life

It is essential to mention that people live in a society, which is why they are exposed to the influence of other individuals and specific trends. Society significantly affects my life, which occurs through the media, advertising, and even during regular communication with friends. For instance, individuals follow fashion trends,...

Romantic Relationships Built With Dating Apps

Modern technologies are actively developing and improving and helping people in all areas of their lives. The sphere of personal relationships and love is no exception. For people who are in search of their soulmate, developers create various dating apps that are installed on a smartphone or computer, and according...

Cohabiting Before Marriage: The Negative Effects

Nowadays, things that were rare and unheard of have become the new norm. Cohabitation among couples has become popular in the past fifty years, and young couples are normalizing it. Most couples decide to live together to test their compatibility, which will help prevent future unsuccessful marriages. Surprisingly, the divorce...

Social Work Career: Personal Experiences

Introduction My desire and interests to help and support those in need started at a tender age. At preschool age, I shared my belongings with vulnerable children. One notable instance that caused trouble between my parents and me was when I insisted we offer my room to a homeless street...

Analysis of Family and Person Life Cycle

Background Family refers to a collection of people that are united due to the ties of marriage, adoption, household, and blood in the respective social position. This is comparable to family life cycle that refers to the intellectual and emotional state that individuals experience as they develop from childhood to...

Early and Late Specialization Models for Athletes

Deciding to pursue a professional sports career, an athlete chooses an early or late specialization model. There is much research made on the subject of which one is safer or effective; however, it is still a subject of debate in the coaching field. There are many factors that the model...

Belize as a Tourist Destination

Introduction The travel industry around the world is currently experiencing a difficult economic period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, these events have dealt a blow to those countries whose economy depends on the tourism sector. However, outbound tourism is also a significant part of the economy of many...

Waste Management in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Introduction Waste is considered an end product of a particular product that is no longer useful. In the present day, following industrialization and advancements in technology, there has been a rise in the total waste produces by industries and households. The end repercussions of these increases are a massive degeneration...

Self-Assessment and Development Plan

Planning is one of the most critical aspects of an organized, directed, and purposeful existence. Creating plans, whether based on short- or long-term goals makes sense for structuring one’s life and following specifically intended paths. Thus, a life without plans is hardly possible, and even if it is, such an...

The Influence of Culture on Self-Development and Maturity Process

Naturally, my surroundings, including social interaction, tend to influence my identity and me as a person in general. For instance, my neighborhood and the people I befriended there impact my judgment, character traits, and opinions on a daily basis. In addition, my cultural background and its aspects like traditions, mentality,...

International Tourism, Hospitality, and Events Management

Background The tourism and hospitality industries have evolved into highly dynamic and quickly developing sectors in recent years. International Tourism, Hospitality & Events Management is a segment that combines the studies of general tourism and hospitality industries, and it is a broad field with numerous job options that include restaurant...

How Tourism Impacts Places Like Antigua

Introduction The global population is economically divided into haves and have-nots. The former group lives in first-world nations and exhibits significant control over the other lot. The have-nots dominate the developing economies worldwide, where they experience poverty and poor governance, among other issues. A majority of the first world’s countries,...

Local Restaurant Closing Down

Elbistro hotel and restaurant will close its doors at the end of this week after 20 years of service due to the effects of COVID-19. The establishment is one of the most iconic businesses within our city because of the quality food it offers. George Gilbert, the manager of Elbistro,...

Applying to Boston Architectural College

My name is Xhesi Qose, 20 years old. As far back as I can remember, I dreamed of becoming an architect. Where others see projects, experimentation, and the presentation of architecture as a chore, I only see excitement and beauty. However, unfortunately, after graduating from Winthrop High School in 2019,...

Recommendations for a New Five-Star Resort

Terminal Values One of the most valuable terminal goals that the new five-star resort should adopt is to provide pleasure to the guests. Such entails ensuring the provision of indoor facilities for maximum enjoyment and leisure, such as swimming pools, movie theatres, play areas, social zones, and so on. Secondly,...

The Management of MICE Events

Introduction This report will analyze Venice, Italy as a MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) destination. I have chosen Italy for the reason that it is one of the top five MICE destinations in Europe in terms of the size of the outbound market with over 1.1 million trips. The...

Personal Experiences and Social Imagination

There are a number of factors throughout my life that have shaped my understanding of the world and the self. In particular, I think that gender has been an interesting topic to think about and a theme that has given me considerable trouble throughout my life. Gender is a complicated...

Savoring and Flow in Personal Experience

People escape bad feelings and stressful moments by doing things that fill them with happiness and satisfaction. For instance, taking warm baths, reading books, and taking strolls, offset negative emotions (Baumgardner & Crothers, 2013). Most of the activities create flow experiences by absorbing a person until they get lost in...

Measuring Competencies in “Sex Education”

Otis Milburn is a nerdy teenager who has heard too much about sex from his advanced mom, a sexologist but has never actually done it. His friend, Maeve Wiley, on the contrary, is too developed for her age, as she was born into a dysfunctional family and has already tasted...

Building Meaningful Relationships

The relationships that people create with their contacts are critical in mobilizing resources to promote change in the community. The interaction with people in a business serves as a primary means for achieving goals because it forms the basis of organized change efforts (Avramchuk, 2017). Moreover, individuals motivate each other...

Successful and Unsuccessful Relationships

Introduction Almost every Christian would agree that building relationships that could be called successful is a critical part of happiness. There are no universal definitions of good and bad relationships, so gaining this information from different sources is an exciting experience. This essay seeks to summarize the author’s findings from...

Dave Zirin’s “Pre-Game” Essay Analysis

Introduction In the essay, Dave Zirin aims to demonstrate to readers that the changes taking place in sports are a very significant factor in modern politics. This is explained by the fact that it was the image that was important for athletes some time ago rather than the component of...

Discussion of Family Problems Impacts on Children

When it comes to assessing children, it is of importance to use multiple evidence-based tools. Interviews or open-ended tools are considered a starting point for becoming familiar with a child and their families and determining what further assessment measures are suitable (Wooley, 2013). This information demonstrates that quantitative methods should...

Fitness Plan: Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Muscular Strength, Flexibility

Cardiovascular/Cardiorespiratory Endurance Activity (Mode) for cardiovascular fitness I have chosen cycling as an activity that will enhance cardiovascular fitness. Cardiovascular exercises are a physical activity designed to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. These exercises should be done at least twice a week. Most programs run three to five...

Moving to the US: Challenges and Opportunities

Five years ago, my life changed completely. Born in 1970 in Moscow, Russia, I could never imagine that more than forty years later, I would become a mother of three beautiful children living in the United States. In 2016, my husband and I decided to move to Cleveland, Ohio. Such...

Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

A strong-sense critical thinker always strives to be intellectually fair. One of the qualities of such a thinker is that they try to understand the viewpoints of other people. When discussing or debating an issue, it is essential to give opponents a fair chance to express themselves (Elder and Paul...