Malay Marriage and Its Ceremonies

Numerous nations and ethnic groups have their own customs and traditions in all the spheres of their social and religious lives. The ceremony of wedding, and all the traditions connected with it, is of crucial importance for the society, and Malay people understand this as well as all other nations....

Divorce and Family Disorganization in the UAE

Introduction “The Gulf societies have been undergoing radical changes since the end of the 1970s. The Arab Gulf family is passing through a fast transition that affects its functions, roles, authority, and structure. One must start with a preliminary hypothesis that reviews the Arab Gulf family as a basic unit...

An Interview With a Teenager Analysis

The person who was interviewed in this research is known by the name Ann. She is 14 years of age which means that she is in her adolescence. Her interview commenced with some physical aspects of development during her adolescence. Ann was asked questions concerning how her development has been...

Most Memorable Childhood Christmas

The most memorable Christmas I ever had was during the time I was quite a young kid on Christmas eve, just out of the theatre where the movie Superman I was running. It was a breathtaking experience and I remember quite well that it took a long time to get...

Marriage Has Lost Its Relevance In Modern Culture

Marriage is commonly understood to be the embodiment of a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman. It is a long standing tradition that seems to have more of a religious connotation rather than a social meaning. The social view of “slavery for the woman and prison for the...

Increase of Divorce Rates in America

Introduction The romanticized institution of matrimony, celebrated by an endless array of song and story, is a concept that is as old as civilization itself. Marriage is something that virtually everyone does but hardly everyone is successful at doing. Few, if any, couples that exchange vows are prepared either practically,...

Self-Improvement Paper – Shyness

Communication is something that comes naturally. Everything in this world communicates with one another. Some forms of communication are simple, consisting of sounds, movements and gestures. Animals, birds and insects communicate in a similar fashion. Other forms of communication are complex and detailed that include languages, rules and unlimited variations....

The Diversity of Family Structures

It is well known that the life of a person does not only revolve around his work. Family life has significant bearing on life and during one’s lifetime a person experiences the creation of a number of family structures which are transformed over time and eventually each one changes to...

Parent Monitoring of Children in Public Places

Parents-children relations may be characterized as the complex interconnection of different issues, which are the main patterns in the upbringing process. Monitoring children in public places is one of the main considerations of parents and they try to cope with the problem on the highest level of responsibility. There is...

Should Gay and Lesbian Couples Be Allowed to Adopt?

Gay couples are married people of the same sex. There are some factors which when considered at an instant, then it may lead one to feel that even gay couples should be allowed to adopt. Some of these issues as brought out in the book article are: there are some...

Apartment Living vs. Dorm Living

Introduction Living in a residence hall or an off-campus student apartment is largely determined by the financial capability of the student through this varies from campus to campus. We find that living in dorm can be fun but also it has its limitations. There is no certain measure to determine...

A Dramatic Breakup of Relations

As is my week-daily custom, I arrive at school early, not because I’m especially responsible but because of the paranoia associated with being late and having everyone notice. It’s some type of psychological flaw that happens to serve me well. Sometimes, about four days out of five, my anxiety is...

Social Construction of Divorce: Insights from Robboy’s Uncoupling Analysis

In the article “Uncoupling: The Social Construction of Divorce” the author Diane Vaughan discusses the specifics and the social perception of marriage and divorce. When married, the two people form a single identity, while during divorce, the redefinition of this construct occurs. This paper aims to analyze the article “Uncoupling:...

Child Adoption and Society

It is impossible to call the adoption of children a new or infrequent practice. However, there can be disputes when it comes to the question of whether it is good for children in foster care and people willing to become their new families. This essay argues that child adoption is...

Parental Divorce and Consequences for Children

Introduction Divorces are a common occurrence in the modern world, and most people are accustomed to the idea of a separated family. Nevertheless, psychologists have long been concerned with the consequences of divorce for children. Research shows that, compared to children who grow up in a full family, those whose...

Ideal Social Meeting Place from Personal Viewpoint

Introduction The ideal social meeting place is different for every individual since people’s notions of relaxation are dissimilar. For me, such a spot should be calm and pleasant first of all. If I were to open a coffee shop with the aim of turning it into the coolest place for...

Child Behavior in Relation to Parenting

Introduction Although parenting influences all affiliations within a family, its impact on parents-children relationships is vital as it may affect the children’s future negatively. Positive parenting necessitates parents to concentrate on improving their children’s behavior and acting as role models to ensure their wellbeing. Through positive parenting by friendly, loving,...

Challenges in Friendship: Interpersonal Communication

Context One evening, Tiffany and I were sitting in my room while discussing social issues for it has been a while since she visited me. Tiffany has been one of my great friends for the last 15 years and we used to spend a great deal of time together sharing...

Culture Shock’s Experiences

I first heard about culture shock when I was thirteen years old. My parents were missionaries in the Philippines, and we were citizens of the United States of America. To me, the word sounded extremely awful. According to the explanation given by the adults, the immigrants to the Philippines were...

Responsibility’s Interpretation and Personal Vision of Responsibility

Responsibility is a complex and ambiguous concept the interpretation of which has been the object of numerous debates throughout the centuries. Even though philosophers and analysts have made a lot of effort to work out a framework that would define this notion, every person still has an individual approach to...

Happy Life: Critical Thinking and Ethics

If we are to live our life in harmony with nature, what qualities must our mind have? Seneca admits that if people want to live a life in a harmony with nature, it is necessary for a human mind to have and develop several qualities. Soundness, sanity, courage, moral energy,...

Navigating Stress: My Transition to High School Life

Stress is part of life. Each person experiences stress at one point in life. Stress is defined as a normal way through which the body responds to every undertaking to keep it balanced. Thus, in life change is inevitable and always causes one to be stressed. In fact, stress may...

Family Life and Structure in the UK

Introduction Notable statistics indicate that the average British family endeavor to cut down on their daily average expenditures. This trend is particularly notable within the post recession period. Basically, they are trying to contain their expenses within the bracket of their incomes. This is unique relative to other families across...

“The Gift of Sex” Book by Clifford and Joyce Penner

Is the Book “The Gift of Sex” for Me? Indeed, this is one of the most important questions that a young man or woman who is stepping into the life must ask him- or herself. This question can be paraphrased in the following way: “Am I ripe enough to read...

The Divorce Debate: Impact on Children & Perspectives

Defining the Issue Regardless of the premises and the gravity of consequences, divorce is always a devastating event. The ones who usually suffer are the kids of those two people who decided to split up. For the most part, we cannot blame just one person out of the couple for...

Intercultural Communication: Interfaith Marriages

Introduction Nowadays rapidly changing the world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of intercultural communication. One of them is a growing number of interfaith marriages integrating people from different countries, having different cultures and religions. This essay focuses on the analysis of this phenomenon based on the article...

Views on Raising Children: Tasks of Parents

Introduction In our family, we have a strong belief that there is nothing more important than raising well-rounded and kind children. My parents and I have our personal views on upbringing which are based on a sense of morality and development of human qualities. The Importance of Proper Upbringing Raising...

The Impacts of Divorce on Family Relationships

Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of divorce and separation on family relationships; however, the researcher will apply qualitative research approach to analyze data and will use semi-structured interviews to obtain the required information from six participants by maintaining high ethical standards. This research will...

The Role of Fathers in Parenting: Insights into Involvement and Impact

The challenge of ensuring ample success of children in educational settings perhaps calls for ensuring richness in childcare. Following its research on the extent to which fathers involve themselves in the development of education of their children, Eric Development Team reveals how “Half of students mostly get A’s and enjoy...

Anne Bradstreet on Embracing Adversity: The Role of Winter in Appreciating Spring’s Joy

Anne Bradstreet expressed a big truth: “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.”. Winter is a perfect example of such understanding; at first glance, the season is inconvenient and unpleasant. However,...

Creativity and Personal Strengths Analysis

When a person is asked directly if they are creative or not, the instinctive response is to say “No”. There are reasons for that – most people are raised to be modest and not flaunt whatever personal talents they have in front of others. Self-esteem and understanding of personal strengths...

Planning a Wedding: Hiring a Professional Manager

Introduction Planning a wedding is a task that requires meticulousness and much attention to detail. Usually, the best way to organize a wedding is to hire a professional manager with the skills and connections needed for such a task. The manager’s responsibilities include developing the wedding plan with the clients,...

Personal Philosophy About Raising Children

People react differently when they learn they are expecting their first child. To establish a meaningful definition of parenting, one ought to understand its essence. The basic definition of parenting is the process of caring for a child. Parenting is the art of naturing a child’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional,...

Albion’s Seed: Marriage and Cultural Folkways

Introduction David Hackett Fisher’s book called Albion’s Seed describes the folk customs of four groups of people who moved from different areas of Great Britain to the United States. The argument of the book is that the culture of each of the groups has been preserved and forms the basis...

Chinese Dating Culture and Its Origin

Introduction Dating and romantic relationships are common and crucial aspects of life in adolescence and the early years of adulthood. Scholars have emphasized the relative significance of dating, which is vital for society and individuals. Close, good relations have been associated with enhanced physical and mental well-being, a more vibrant...

Employability Skills and the Future of Work

Employability skills are broad abilities that make one appealing to potential employers. Every profession requires practical communication skills, and companies want people with outstanding verbal and nonverbal communication capabilities. Employers want people with great learning and leadership abilities who can enhance procedures and establish organizational initiatives. Next, teamwork, or the...

Broken Relationships Aspects Discussion

The world is a highly unpredictable and hectic place. You must have heard this phrase thousands of times already. However, have you ever thought about its implications on relationships? Today, the arrangements of married couples have changed compared to the situation several decades ago. Divorces are more acceptable in society,...

Homage to the Trainer Speech Example

Hello, dear friends! I am called upon to tell you how my coach helped me to become better, stronger and taught me to live. My story began two years ago when I came to my coach with a dream to become stronger and more resilient. At that time, I was...

Parenting and Harm of Unrealistic Expectations

Robert Plomin – Professor of Behavioral Genetics, King’s College London The nature vs. nurture debate has a long history, and scholars of all times tried to determine whether parental heritage or upbringing was more critical in forming the personality. The scholars claim that approximately half of the differences in cognitive...

Polyandrous Relationships and Their Key Features

Introduction Since ancient times, people have learned to find and apply specific methods and means to interact with others. Moreover, these sorts, types, and forms of relations began to be “framed” and acquire more specific formats. Some of the most famous connections are friendly, business, family, and love, which also,...

Personal Financial Literacy and Planning

By the end of the current 2022, I want to pay off my bad credit and also invest in other loans that I have; for this, I need a capital of about 3000 US$. I make monthly payments to pay off the loan so that the total final amount may...

Work-Life Balance for Europeans

Introduction Work-life balance is considered one of the most important professional values of the 21st century. Research has confirmed that it leads to greater financial returns, higher organizational performance and commitment, and increased job and overall life satisfaction (Lee & Sirgy, 2017; Wood et al., 2020). As a result, lawmakers...

Emotions That Drive Action: Benedict Arnold and Michael Jordan

People experience a range of emotions that can have both positive and negative effects. Hence, some of them can become a drive to make a serious decision or start acting. These emotions are the strongest and have an exceptional value. Thus, this work will explore how inner experiences and feelings...

Consequences of Divorce of Parents for Children

Introduction A divorce is a widespread phenomenon in modern society, and the community does not condemn people when they decide to end their marriage. However, a divorce is typically considered a negative event because it brings emotional and often financial challenges to all parties. According to the official statistics, the...

Aspects of Parenting and Gender Roles

Introduction Gender-sensitive parenting is on the current agenda as gender roles and stereotypes are being redefined. If previously gender filling the roles of a boy and a girl was not a question and was an option by default, today, the gender distinctions are unfocused. Parents should pay special attention to...

Creating Personal Business Plan

Vision and Opportunity Obtaining a higher education in IT business management is a long-standing goal of mine, which I have been striving for for a long time. Getting a degree in this sphere can help me realize my career ambitions to the fullest. After graduation, I want to find a...

What Does It Mean to Be “Successful” as an Adult?

More often than not, when people hear the word success, what comes to their minds is a well-paid job, a bigger house, more money, a better car, or even a relationship. However, success has many faces in modern society, as everyone has their own version of success. For some, it...

Family of Six Life Crisis Case Study

Introduction to the Family This paper presents a family which lives in Alta, Salt Lake County in Utah State, US. The family is comprised of a couple with four children making it a neutral family composed of six individuals. The cultural context for the family is highly influenced by religious...

Diverse Sexual Expression: Collection of Artifacts

Attitudes Toward Sex Positivity Several months ago, I attended a play party at the invitation of a friend of mine. The meeting aimed to popularize the idea of sex positivity and overcome complexes through entertaining conversations and quizzes. At this party, all those present were gifted with the same T-shirts...

Effect of Parenting on Child’s Health Development

Introduction Bad parenting can be named the main healthcare problem confronting the public. It is the most significant factor involved in youth diseases, adolescent pregnancy, and substance abuse (Frosch et al., 2019). The patterns at home construct the eating and sporting habits of a child for their whole life (Fuchs...

The Development of Infants and Young Children

Infants and young children are already gaining knowledge at birth, and they keep developing and learning at a fast rate in their formative years. The process offers a vital basis for lifetime progression, and grownups, both parents and other members of the family, who support the nurturance of infants and...

The Health Care Insurance Supervisor: Job Description

Discussion In staffing within the health care insurance sector, the first step is the manpower requirement estimation. This process involves establishment of the actual personnel in terms of the number, position, and job roles. The main elements considered in the estimation include analysis of work load and workforce in order...

“Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex” by Schalet

Introduction These days, sex education appears to be a matter of multiple discussions. This topic especially regards teenagers, who are eager to start their sexual life, but they are not experienced enough. This fact is highly likely to lead to negative consequences and result in psychological traumas, unintended pregnancy, and...

Individuals With Emotional Disabilities

Emotional disabilities vary and influence the quality of human life. This condition is characterized by differences in emotional responses to events, people, or actions. To this point, my experience with individuals who experience emotional disabilities and disturbance is not rich. Still, several significant observations and conclusions can be made. The...

Why Marriage Should Be Based on Love and Not Arranged?

Introduction Arranged marriage is a practice that appears strange to most Westerners. It is usually an integral part of the culture in the countries of South and East Asia and the Middle East, such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Japan, China, Israel, Iran, and Iraq. In these cultures, arranged marriages still...

Technology and Dating: Social Media and Committed Relationships

The twenty-first century is the age of technologies, online communication, web-life, and social networks. There are thousands of websites that make people’s lives comfortable and let them chat without going outside and spending time on the road to meet. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and a significant number of online dating...

Hipster Subculture and Green Movement Counterculture

Introduction A culture is a complex phenomenon that cannot be isolated from the process of social evolution. It often coexists with an array of subcultures and countercultures that are closely linked to the issue of national identity and the feeling of belonging. This essay dwells on values, norms, beliefs, symbols,...

My Way of Balancing Responsibilities

Nowadays the tempo of life is becoming faster for the modern world requires a person’s performing many tasks. That is why people try to find a way to manage their time in order to deal with all the problems and responsibilities successfully. There exist courses, programs, and books that suggest...

Happiness and Good Life: Review

Happiness is one of the most critical human aspirations in any era. Martin Seligman (2004) outlines three main ways to achieve it. Engagement allows people to be kind to each other and exchange positive emotions. Pleasure relieves people of unnecessary needs and helps them to be happy and confident. Meaning...

First in Show Pet Foods: Case Analysis

Introduction First in Show Pet Foods is among the newest frozen dog food companies, which can be considered to be a first-mover in the given market. The dog food market is estimated to be worth $10 billion, which is half of the veterinary service market of $20 billion. The overall...

Improving General Life Quality

The most important thing for a person is the opportunity to lead a healthy life, acquire knowledge, and have access to resources that allow them to live with dignity. At the same time, people value other things, including the conditions for creativity and self-realization, the guarantee of rights, and whether...

Declining Marriage Rates Outcomes

People’s lives and communities’ well-being are better when a high number of individuals marry and maintain the relationship than when just a few get married. Despite the declining rates, marriage remains the most potent anti-poverty, anti-delinquency, and pro-health establishment. It is indubitable that opportunities for monetary success, psychological welfare, and...

Bullying and Parenting Styles

Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there is a direct connection between bullying incidents and poor parenting. A significant number of these incidents occur within educational establishments. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal,...

Family Health and Nursing Process

Family composition Janet’s family is a Black American nuclear family with both parents and three children. The father of the family is 57 years old, and the mother is 50 years old. The couple has two daughters. One is 19 years old and the other one is 16 years old....

Football in Ghana and Its Relationship with the Rest of the World (Player Transfers)

Introduction, Background, Literature Review, evaluation, and Gaps Football is one of the most popular sports not only in Ghana but in the region of Africa and the global society. According to Bellucci (2019), football was introduced in Ghana by European merchants in the 19th century. It gained massive popularity among...

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory: Personal Childhood Experience

Introduction Understanding the stages of an individual’s cognitive development is critical for numerous reasons, including the opportunity to locate problems in development. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory provides an interesting addition to the rest of the developmental theories, shedding light on how personal experiences and a combination of external and internal factors...

Essential Qualities of Marriage Partners

A successful marriage is a precondition for happiness; therefore, finding suitable partners is necessary for the well-being and satisfaction of couples. Romantic partners have to meet each other’s expectations while being both friends and spouses to lead a long-lasting untroubled marital life. Successful marriages are characterized by friendship among partners,...

How to Groom Your Pet Dog: Process Analysis

Abstract Pet grooming is an important process, and it requires absolute devotion. Dogs are bound to get dirty; for this reason, frequent grooming is necessary for their health and general well-being. The process of grooming a dog might vary from one person to another, but the general process consists of...

“Contra Same-Sex Marriage” by by Jeff Jordan

Review Jordan (2004) begins by asserting that having an opposing opinion to same-sex marriage is not necessarily anti-gay. Marriages across different races were initially opposed. On the contrary, same-sex marriages are upheld by opinions that are not against gay practice. The author further explains three models of marriage which are...

You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover. Good First Impression

We are often told that it is most important to create a good first impression when meeting somebody for the first time. The connotation is that we are most often judged first by our physicality, and only secondly upon our character. Sadly, this is the criteria by which we are...

American Family’ Changes Since the 1950s

American families are better off than they were 100 years ago because of the positive changes that have taken place in society for this period. Reportedly, more children experienced child labor in the 1900 than they do today, by working full time in mines, mills and sweatshops. In addition, people...

What Is Right With the World?

The world diversity creates a scope of picturesque scenes of nature in its perfect presentation. A man urged to nature when wanted to escape from the reality of routine life. The ability of everyone to see and share the beauty of the world is slowly decreasing due to the urbanization...

Is the Institution of Marriage at Risk?

The world of present days is about to ignore the institution of marriage. I can say so because of a personal survey on the problem. The thing is that humanity coming forward towards technical and scientific advantages omits the moral part of its essence. The most needful values seem to...

Crow Lake by Mary Lawson

The beginning of every person’s life is in a family. All the person’s values, behavioral patterns, morals and character are formed in families. Family is the greatest support one can have. But at the same time it is in families where people are the most vulnerable. The circumstances under which...

Home. Concept Definition and Personal Vision

To me, home is our ancestral house ‘Red Rose’ in Junction City, Louisiana in which grandmother Emma lives. A visit to it is like stepping into another world. The garden is full of my favorite roses. My own room stocked with clothes purchased by grandmother. Most of the family photographs...

Lack of Parental Support Forces Teenagers ‘Run Away’ From Home

Introduction Presently, the rate of run-away children is increasing greatly. Many parents do not take into account that the transition period from childhood to adulthood is awkward for most teenagers, and they need special attention and a delicate way of looking at their problems. According to statistical results prepared by...

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Bradberry & Greaves

Today, in the workplace, labor productivity, career success, and even the health of employees actually and to a greater extent depend on the level of emotional intelligence (EQ). Although it was previously believed that IQ (intelligence quotient) was primarily relevant in this context, i.e., cognitive intelligence, EQ replace it as...

Cheating as the Cause of Divorce

Family life is associated with a variety of unique difficulties that can arise throughout the partnership. As in any dynamic system, there are periods in the family called crisis periods. During them, hidden and unresolved problems escalate, and conflicts or quarrels become more frequent. Many families will struggle to deal...

SMART Goals Used for Individual Success Plan: Improvement & Reflection

Areas for Improvement Identifying areas for improvement is a crucial component of designing an individual success plan. My instrument for such identification was participating in research and clinical activities, in which I could learn what aspects of my knowledge and skills were well-developed and relevant to practice and what aspects,...

Multitasking & Time Management Challenges in Personal Experience

What are your greatest challenges with time management? Throughout the time of being a student, I have had many incidences where I needed to analyze my time management skills. Just like most people, I found out that I tend to spend time ineffectively sometimes which leads to delays that slow...

Group Dynamics and Relationships in Teams

Introduction There are many things that the course in group dynamics has helped me to realize. Studying theoretical concepts discussed during this course, it becomes possible to understand the nature of relationships within any type of group. Moreover, it helps any person to comprehend his or her role in the...

Managing Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue Compassion fatigue is a common condition among many caregivers and community workers. This condition is “characterized by a gradual diminishing of compassion within a specified period” (Stamm, 2014, p. 2). The condition is also given the name Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS). Several risk factors and conditions are associated...

Responsibility as the Fundamental Quality for Any Person

Every human being is unique and inimitable. There is hardly a person who has the same set of values and feelings as some other individual has. It makes life diverse and complicated at the same time. To understand a person it is essential to realize his/her attitude towards universal truth,...

Dog Fashion as an Extension of Personal Style

Introduction Since the beginning of time, mankind has always domesticated wild animals. Some of these animals have been well domesticated while some have not. A dog has formed a very close association with mankind. Dogs have often been described as a man’s companion. Initially, domesticated dogs were used for hunting...

Parental Positive and Negative Behaviors

Abstract The main purpose of this piece of paper is to investigate parental positive and negative behaviors. Additionally, it describes the effects of parent’s behavior on the life of their children. Main Body Parenting care is an exceptionally essential aspect in the life, growth and development of a child. Parenting...

Gender-Neutral Upbringing: Reasonable and Possible?

Introduction The new trend of gender-neutral upbringing seems to gain popularity in the modern world focused on the ideas of equality and the balance of opportunities. More and more parents decide to employ this approach in view that the relevant manner of upbringing will help to facilitate their children’s’ integration...

Healthy Marriage and Family Relationships

Introduction Marriages and family relationships are the forms of conceptual institutions in which different personalities play roles to ensure that people of the opposite sexes form spousal unions. These unions are based on psychological functions that deal with mental and emotional parts of human beings. A keen examination on the...

Key Factors to Consider Before Deciding to Have Children

Introduction Before deciding to have children, you need to take some conscious steps. It must be borne in mind that bringing a child into the world requires a lot of effort and responsibility. As a rule, people have two reasons for having a child: a passion for family life and...

Parenting Styles and Their Impacts on Child Development and Behavior

Introduction Parenting is an intricate journey filled with challenges, rewards, and pivotal decisions that shape a child’s future. Researchers and psychologists have identified various parenting styles with distinct approaches, outcomes, and repercussions. These styles reflect the parent’s beliefs and values and play a fundamental role in molding a child’s personality,...

The Impact of Excessive Self-Disclosure on Relationships: A Case Study

Introduction The relevance of self-disclosure in relationships cannot be overstated. Depending on its application, it has the potential to either strengthen or destroy relationships. This essay will describe a romantic relationship where self-disclosure damaged the dyad. This couple, we need to call them Mark and Lisa, was in a relationship...

Benefits of Adoption: A Pathway to Family and Stability

Arguments in Favor of Adoption While there are various reasons behind adoption, its positive effects, ranging from psychological to physical, are undeniable. Adoption is an optimal option for individuals who want to become parents since this process can help them build a strong connection and satisfaction and, in turn, help...

Contemporary Couples Diversity

The collage combines images that reflect the diversity of contemporary couples and highlights the differences between couples today and those of 100 years ago. Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait is featured as a smaller image within the collage. The Arnolfini Portrait is a reference to the conventional lovers depicted in...

Love and Hate: Relationships in Shakespearian Othello and Life

Introduction The chapter titled “Love and Hate” criticizes the idealistic portrayal of love that exists in some media. It typically displays love as two people seeing each other, falling in love at first glance, and clicking together like two pieces of a perfect puzzle, never having a disagreement in the...

Letters Across Realms: Finding Forgiveness in the Afterlife

Introduction It is good to write to you, after all this time. Now that we are both dead, we get to live on in this new plane of existence. Last time we met, we came to blows. I was angry at you for what you did to me, at first....

Unveiling Freedom: Deciphering “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Introduction “The Story of an Hour” is a famous and exciting short story by Kate Chopin. This literary piece describes the thoughts and feelings of Louise Mallard, who is told that her husband, Brently Mallard, tragically died in a railroad accident. Main body The author fails to present much information...

Driving with Dogs in the Laps: The Main Dangers

Introduction Over the years, dogs have been a significant part of human beings offering the necessary company at home. The relationship has grown, and in the current world majority of pet owners have adopted the tendency of having the canines join them, especially when traveling in their cars. Following the...

How Shootings Shaped Political Views, Perspectives, & Attitudes: Personal Essay

One frequently runs into many societal issues throughout their lifetime. Mass shootings, which have a significant impact on the political opinions, perspectives, and attitudes of the younger generation, are one of its causes. I believe that the threat of widespread shootings has widened the ideological divide between liberals and conservatives,...

Nonverbal Communication: Exploring Relationship Dynamics

Nonverbal cues are as important as verbal communication when having a conversation with another person. One of the embarrassing situations I experienced was with the traditional OK sign. I have a friend who is Brazilian, and his parents are immigrants who do not speak much English. Once, I was picking...

Vision and Mission Discussion: Academic Networks and Career Trajectory

The environment in which a person studies and works can influence them and it is advantageous if the university’s mission and vision are correlated with their academic and professional goals. My professional and academic goals as a scholarly practitioner are to demonstrate a lifetime commitment to excellence in practice and...

The Mediation of Conflict in Personal Experiences

Mediation is becoming increasingly common because it saves time and money compared to going to court and allows both parties to own the outcome more than they would if a judge was in charge. On the other hand, a mediator is there to help facilitate a resolution that the parties...

Naming Our Offspring: The Rise of Individuality and Unique Names

A sociology book called The Family: Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change explores how families are evolving in modern society. The book discusses a wide range of family-related subjects, including gender roles, marriage, parenting, and family diversity (Cohen, 2015). Sociologist and demographer Philip N. Cohen use statistics and research to examine...

Seeking Conflict Resolutions

Introduction Greetings, today, I would like to discuss interpersonal and group conflicts and their resolutions. Disagreements are a common part of being human, as people can not always agree on everything. Limited resources, differing opinions, goals, and personal values can cause a rift between individuals that might have destructive consequences....

Marriages and Divorces: The Motivation of Choice

Introduction A traditional marriage is the union of two people whose romantic relationship has become more profound and formalized. The relationship between people does not necessarily have to end in marriage, and many couples feel great about being single all their lives. Nevertheless, statistics show that about two-thirds of women...

Parenting: Adoption of Homosexual Couples

Introduction The adoption of homosexual couples is the adoption of kids by same-sex couples, which may take the form of the adoption by one partner of the other’s biological kid or a joint adoption by the couple. Joint adoption by homosexual couples is authorized in many nations and territories that...

Prenatal Development & Birth Stages Analysis

Introduction Since I have no memory of my prenatal development and birth, I can strictly rely on the information I have learned about these processes. Prenatal development takes place in three primary stages. The first two weeks following conception are known as the germinal stage, followed by the embryonic period...

Workplace Romance: What Are the Reasons?

The area of personal, romantic relationships between colleagues is under-researched. It is obvious that there are specific reasons for these connections, and Cowan & Horan (2014) explore this matter. Furthermore, in their study, the authors also focus on investigating how such relationships may affect the organization they work in. In...

The Lifestyle Prescription Strategy

Nutritional therapy and “lifestyle modification” are critical to helping patients prevent or manage the disease for two reasons. First, their application allows a person to focus on something new. The daily performance of a specific action will bring more diversity to the patient’s life and make life more fulfilling and...

Fatherhood in the Modern World

The general topic of the study considered the concept of fatherhood in the modern world. The article’s authors stress that the understanding of the father’s role in the contemporary world has changed significantly compared to how it was previously understood. According to Duckworth and Buzzanell (2009), “Recently, the very definition...

The Friendship of Amir and Hassan

Friendship is an essential element of human life since it directly affects the range of communication and demonstrates a person’s character. People usually consider a true friendship as one characterized by full reciprocity and willingness to help a friend in any circumstance. However, each person has a personal perception of...

Values’ Influence on a Romantic Relationship

Abstract Humans have different values and behave, think, and believe based on them. The formation of romantic relationships implies that people with different values emerge. As various factors hinder the building of relationships, values are one aspect that encourages their creation. This work thus aims at studying the impacts of...

Diary of an Enslaved Woman: Personal Experiences

The diary excerpt is from the perspective of one enslaved woman who was forced onto a boat. It will help a reader better understand the slave trade, the daily lives of enslaved people, and the events that led to emancipation. The story is based on personal experience and may not...

Parenting Styles’ Impact on Children

Introduction Parenting is a holistic process of raising children to protect them, prepare them to be responsible adults, and instill values in them. Different parenting styles have different outcomes, and a parent can choose a technique aligned with the desired result. Research on parenting style is paramount because it informs...

Spending Plan: Saving and Spending during Uncertain Times

Monthly spending tracking is vital as it helps people stay involved in their finances. Paying attention to spending ensures that one stays within his budget and spends wisely. People with financial discipline are capable of conforming to their spending and banking to the set plans to attain fiscal goals. Actual...

Marriage as a Topic in Cultural Anthropology

Different cultures usually have other practices that are unique to their origin. Marriage can be very different depending on where one comes from. For example, some tribes in Asia practice fraternal polyandry, which is a rare case for other tribes in the world. Some tribes also practice polygamy, which is...

Emotional Intelligence in Action

Introduction Emotional intelligence allows people to interact with others in meaningful ways since it helps to understand and utilize human emotions. There are five aspects of emotional intelligence that contribute to the person’s ability to empathize with people and communicate with them effectively. Three of these aspects are personal (motivation,...

How I Gave Up the Habit of Shopping

Shopping addiction increasingly becomes a critical issue for millions of Americans. With the ongoing growth of the global economy, producers have a lot to offer and use all means to engage potential customers in online shopping. The bank system that suggests comfortable credit agreements makes the issue even more complicated,...

Parenting Styles: Infancy and Early Childhood

Generally, a child’s behavior is directly linked to the parenting approach being used by the respective parent. Each technique used has a corresponding impact on the well-being and development of the young ones. According to the work of Amy Morin (2022), there are four basic parenting methods that are most...

The Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Parenting

Introduction Confucianism and its practices have left their mark on the history of many Eastern countries, especially China, and can be seen in the attitude toward academic success that is commonly inculcated in children from a very early age. Moreover, just as important is the imprint of the dogma of...

Personal Connectivity Milestones

How would you like to be recalled? I am always pondering that one particular question. What will I have accomplished, and what kind of impression will I have left? I desire to be regarded as a person who revolutionized the world. I want to be remembered as a lady who...

My Constructive Thought Strategies

A constructive thought-focused strategy is a fundamental tool that promotes self-transformation. In the past years, I have doubted myself and every decision I make. The process has become a pattern and currently formed a significant barrier hindering my growth and progress in areas I believe effort and dedication are necessary...

The Daddy-Less Daughter’s Self-Perception

Perception is defined as how you view the world and the people around you; it is influenced by how you see things, your interactions with people, and how you interact with things. Discernment can either be positive or negative and this is affected by how one thinks. How you see...

The Advantages of a Failure in Society

Introduction Society considers failure a significant obstacle in the way of personal goals and objectives throughout all stages of life. The concept brings immediate negative connotations and associations. Hence, the idea created even more complex issues such as fear of failure and connected emotions such as anxiety, humiliation, and shame....

Parenting Experience of a Mother of Two Children

Introduction Parenting experience is different for each person responsible for caring for their biological, foster, or adopted children. Most people have happy and sad emotions after receiving newborns. I interviewed a thirty-year-old mother of two called Lilian (pseudonym). Particularly, she had an eight years old girl and a 4-year-old boy....

Parenting: Influences and Standards

Ayoub, Mona, et al. “Genetic and environmental associations between child personality and parenting.” Social psychological and personality science 10.6 (2019): 711-721. Web. The article discusses how many people’s ideas about parenting are based on how it affects their kids. The authors say that children can affect how their parents raise...

The Benefits of Gardening: Natural Contact with Nature

In the modern world, many people live in an artificial, urban environment, cut off from natural contact with nature. It is difficult for such people to imagine that caring for their garden can be more than just an aggravating household chore. Many people cannot imagine what it means to maintain...

Marriage and Divorce in the Modern World

People are frequently told to make plans as though their marriage will not last. For instance, many significant types of human capital—knowledge and skills—specific to relationships are beneficial if an individual stays with one’s current spouse but would not transfer to the next spouse. According to Mills, acting in a...

The Impact of Rules and Norms on My Life

It is essential to mention that people live in a society, which is why they are exposed to the influence of other individuals and specific trends. Society significantly affects my life, which occurs through the media, advertising, and even during regular communication with friends. For instance, individuals follow fashion trends,...

Romantic Relationships Built With Dating Apps

Modern technologies are actively developing and improving and helping people in all areas of their lives. The sphere of personal relationships and love is no exception. For people who are in search of their soulmate, developers create various dating apps that are installed on a smartphone or computer, and according...

QuickWrite: The One Where We Ask, «What If?»

We tend to view famous people as representatives of their cultures, holders of important opinions, and, in general, very interesting individuals. However, many, if not all of them, are not who they seem to be; what we view as a celebrity’s personality is a carefully constructed image that helps sell...

Comfortable Working: Personal Essay

I am comfortable working with a social group consisting of older people. I do not have any problems or worries when interacting with them. At the same time, I might feel uncomfortable collaborating with people with alternative sexual orientations. Some interactions might be awkward for me and require additional effort...

Parenting in a Pandemic: Tips to Keep the Calm at Home

Article Summary “Parenting in a Pandemic: Tips to Keep the Calm at Home” by the American Academy of Pediatrics provides a set of simple recommendations for parents regarding managing children’s behaviors during the pandemic. The source problematizes the pandemic’s implications for children’s subjective well-being and emotional stability. Families are recommended...

Embarrassment: The Feeling of Discomfort

A feeling of minor to extreme discomfort, known as embarrassment or awkwardness, is typically felt when someone does anything that is socially inappropriate or frowned upon and is seen by or made known to others. Often combined with shame and guilt, embarrassment is referred to as a “self-conscious feeling” and...

Personal Experience With Different Types of Courage

The four types of courage introduced by Rollo May include physical, social, creative, and moral courage. The different types of courage present a reformation of the concept of a courageous person to identify specific efforts and overcoming an individual faces when doing a courageous act. Thus, the concept allows closely...

Pursuit of Happiness: Yeimi Portillo and Maya Hmed

Introduction Happiness help people develop optimism and a “take on the world” attitude. Consequently, happy people are often healthy due to effective wellness and state of mind. Every person has their own story of happiness pursuit. Family relations, including marriage and intergenerational relationships, affect someone’s state of happiness. While many...

Social Work Career: Personal Experiences

Introduction My desire and interests to help and support those in need started at a tender age. At preschool age, I shared my belongings with vulnerable children. One notable instance that caused trouble between my parents and me was when I insisted we offer my room to a homeless street...

Mothers’ vs. Fathers’ Caregiving Position Differences

Introduction Currently, there is no unanimity of opinion among researchers regarding the purely biological basis of the father’s or mother’s behavior toward the infant. The mother’s role is often emphasized as social, not just biological. The cause for this is, among other things, the observation of the behavior of mammals...

The Experience of Playing the Guitar

The Structure of Intentionality My experience is that in my free time, I play the guitar. I play the songs I like now and try to learn new ones through repetition and practice. I use my hearing, sight, and touch senses as I experience this. The guitar, as a whole...

Friendship: Definition, Types, and Motives

Introduction Humans are socially intertwined creatures whose psychological and physical health is dependent on relationships. Various studies, including Lu et al. (2021), suggest that an individual’s mental and physical well-being depends on their social relations. The issue of friendship was explored by Aristotle more than 2300 years ago and highlighted...

The Problem of Divorce

Divorce is a reality that affects millions of individuals and families worldwide. In certain situations, it can be a necessary step to escape from an unhealthy or abusive relationship, but some believe that divorce is too easy to obtain and contributes to the breakdown of traditional family structures. This paper...

Aspects of Emotional Intelligence

Introduction I chose the area exercise EQ 14, “To Talk or Not to Talk.” I chose the exercise since it is vital for social knowledge, self-awareness, and empathy. The activity was interesting because it helps build relationships by understanding our interaction with others and helps generate empathy among individuals interacting....

How Parental Involvement Influences the Life of the Individual

The purpose of the work is to demonstrate how parental involvement influences the academic and social life of the individual from the perspective of several theoretical notions and models. Thereby, the overarching research question examines the reason for parental engagement’s positive impact and mechanisms of parental and school/college/university cooperation. Besides,...

Parenting Peculiarities in Queer (LGBT) Families

Introduction The 21st century has seen more significant changes in identification with sexual identities as society has changed its perception and started recognizing gay, lesbianism and same-sex marriages. However, there are some opposing views from those who belief same-sex marriages should be illegal. The advancement has led to the increased...

Emotions and Instincts in Human Decision-Making

Many factors influence a person’s decision-making process: from personal to spontaneous, depending on the situation. While some elements of the first category can be objectively assessed, random variables such as emotions and instincts are more challenging to determine. However, they play a crucial role in human decision-making, sometimes eclipsing even...

Emotions Formation by Nature vs. Nurture

The realm of psychology has always been an intriguing topic. For example, when it comes to emotions, previously, there were experts and ordinary people who leaned towards a notion that all emotions are intrinsic, genetically driven responses to specific chances and barriers shaped by nature to aid humanity in survival....

Same-Sex Marriage: Issues and Debates

Introduction Marriage is an essential part of people’s social lives, that helps them regulate their relationships with each other. Gays and lesbians strive to have the same basic freedoms as heterosexuals, including the right to relationship. However, there exist not only ethical issues but also legal ones related to the...

Modern Families and Current Trends

Introduction The notion of a family differs in various cultures and social contexts. While the idea of a nuclear family continues to dissipate, other options for relationships have become more popular among younger generations (Ferris & Stein, 2018). The drastic changes cause conflicts between different ages and within the same...

Analysis TED Talk Outline: Broken Relationship

Sometimes, relationships get broken for seemingly no reason; you just abruptly drift away from each other. Indeed, even the closest of people can grow apart without a reason and that is it. That is what we have to accept as we move on with our lives, and not let it...

Importance of Prepared for Crisis

It is important to note that sudden and drastic changes can affect any individual, which is why being prepared for crises both mentally and financially is of paramount criticality. This lesson of life was taught to my family the hard way. I had to adapt to a sudden change in...

Adjustment to Changes in Personal Experience

In every person’s life, events occur that cause significant changes to everything they have known before. I grew up in a supportive environment and close environment; however, everything changed when my uncle suddenly passed away in August last year. The emotional pain of losing a loved one and the new...

Reflection on “The Whole-Brain Kids”

The book The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson describes how the brain grows, how it functions, and how to interact with and support children as they start recognizing, managing, and learning through their emotions. It helps to get a better grasp of what kids face...