Leprosy in Nineteenth-Century India

Introduction Leprosy disease is one of the oldest recognized illnesses in the world. People with leprosy (PwL) were banished in ancient Indian culture for various reasons: chronic, possibly disfiguring aspect; inconsistently successful treatment, linked with sin; and dread of infection. This combination gave leprosy a stigma that endures to this...

Martin Luther King’s Leadership

Martin Luther King is an excellent example of a leader who managed to change the world in a positive way and highly influenced society’s perspective on racism. He is known for his encouraging and memorable speeches that inspired black people to keep fighting for their rights and freedom. King spoke...

The Main Historical Events of the 21st Century

Introduction It seems that the millennium has changed relatively recently. However, the 21st Century has managed to be remembered for critical historical milestones and changes. The world has dramatically transformed over 20 years, and the speed of these processes is growing every year (Wince-Smith). In addition to the global agenda,...

Importance of Studying History

People should attract attention to the importance of studying history and developing historical thinking skills. The study of the past extends our understanding of how people and societies behave in various social settings (Stearns). This understanding of human behavior features allows managing people’s lives in the present. Moreover, historical knowledge...

Nelson Mandela’s Leadership

Introduction Nelson Mandela is widely known for his extraordinary personality and exceptional contribution to his people’s well-being. The struggle against the apartheid regime in South Africa became his life’s calling. People who knew the ‘father of the nation’ personally said that he was a truly transformational leader. Nelson Mandela believed...

The Civil Rights Movement: Effects and Consequences

The Civil Rights Movement was one of the key turning points in American history, which ended segregation and institutional oppression of African Americans. However, the observed changes would not be possible without proper leadership and societal reconstructions. Although the movement was not able to achieve every objective it put forward,...

History of New York City

From the 1620s, New York became a favorite destination for Dutch settlers who introduced numerous ideas and ways of lives in North America. New battles emerged since the foreigners tried to attack and control the Native Americans. The infamous Pavonia Massacre led to the death of around 80 natives. Flowe...

Genghis Khan: The History of Life

Introduction Genghis Khan was a Mongolian Emperor and prominent military leader in the 13-14th centuries AD. He is notably one of the most prominent leaders of the region and strongly contributed to the spread of the Mongol Empire which encompassed most of Eurasia and Southeast Asia becoming the second largest...

Liberal Palmerston’s Foreign Policy in the UK

Introduction Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston was the British Prime minister who served two terms in the Mid-nineteenth century. He was involved in government affairs and held government positions from the year 1807 until his death in the year 1865 where he began his career as a parliamentarian as...

Mao Zedong: A Great Leader or a Bloodthirsty Tyrant?

The realm of international politics would not have come to a full circle if socialism was not explored to promote the ideology that favors using the state as means to redistribute wealth. Socialists advocate state ownership of capital, rather than private ownership, so that the accumulation of wealth is controlled...

Cornelius Vanderbilt: One of the Men Who Built America

The United States of America became a superpower due to the commitment and diligence of Americans. Some of them made a great contribution, while others contributed their labor to make big ideas happen. Cornelius Vanderbilt is often referred to as one of the men who made America and “built” the...

The Industrial Revolution: Culture, Work and Social Change

Introduction The industrial revolution was a change of various individuals’ life situation that occurred in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries due to the interest to expand the technologies of industries. It was characterized by a complex interaction of revolution in various fields like society, economy, and culture, where...

Policy of Appeasement in the 1930s: Britain and France

Introduction The policy of appeasement is a diplomatic policy that allowed enemies to find common ground with one another to avoid war. The term was very common after World War I because no country wanted to be involved in another war. The First World War had left various undesirable impacts...

Napoleon’s Reign vs. US Government Perception

Introduction From a study by Markham, France is what it is today because of two things. The first thing is The French Revolution while the second is the rise to power by Napoleon (1). Historically, these two things played a vital role in shaping France. This paper compares and contrasts...

European Colonialism in Africa

Introduction Colonialism refers to a governance system in which a powerful country takes control of a weak state by ruling its people and exploiting its resources for economic gain (Gann and Duignan 5). Colonials assume that they have the right to impose their will and authority upon other countries. Most...

French Revolution and Latin American Independence

Introduction Many countries were colonized in the early years. Before a country got its independence, there was a struggle that it had to undergo. Colonizers mistreated the local people and made them work for their benefit. In Latin American, the Spanish were the colonizers. They treated the locals as inferior...

History of Crusades

Introduction The crusades that were carried out in medieval times left long lasting effects that are still being felt today in both the Christian and Muslim world. Crusades played a significant part in defining the kind of relations that exist between the West and Islam at the present time. This...

Examples of Extreme Unity and Division in US History

It is possible to distinguish several periods in the history of the United States characterized by marked manifestations of unity and division. This country’s history includes various determinative historical events such as revolutions, wars, and crises. A significant number of historical processes in the United States are related to internal...

What Is History? Burying the White Gods by Townsend

Introduction The perception of historical events and the overall historical development of peoples and nations significantly depend on the discourse that prevails in the field of research and history as a subject. The approaches to analyzing particular causes and outcomes of events predetermine the overall idea about a historical period....

Catholic Church’s Contributions in Medieval Europe

In the Medieval era, the Catholic Church was the main dominant force in religion across Europe. The church was more than just a religion as it played a significant role in determining the lives of the people who lived in this time. Its leaders ruled over many elements of the...

The Drama “The Marriage of Maria Brown”: History of Germany

This film has become widely known in Germany and around the world. In Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s extensive film biography, she may not be the best. However, it is most indicative of him and essential in a certain sense. The drama “The Marriage of Maria Brown” can be interpreted from various...

The New York Kouros: Style, Function, and Context

A Kouros is a term given to a free-standing ancient Greek sculpture that made its first appearance during the archaic period in Greece. The sculpture is a representation of a nude male youth (Von Bothmer 616). The name Kouros in Greek refers to a young boy, particularly of noble rank....

The Nature of the Cold War Between the US and the Soviet Union

Introduction Following the Second World War, the US and the Soviet Union marked the most powerful countries around the world and were referred to as superpowers. However, the two countries had different notions concerning government and economics, which resulted in their fighting a battle of ideas known as the Cold...

Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies History

Introduction Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay Colonies were the two large settlements founded at the beginning of the seventieth century. Their appearance, though motivated by different ideologies and purposes, has made a significant contribution to the future of the USA. Taking into account the basic structural principles of these colonies,...

Lost Colony of Roanoke Island

Introduction The mystery of the disappearance of the English colonists on Roanoke Island provokes many questions even in the 21st century, and the history of the Roanoke colony is a subject for the investigation event today. The reason is that there is no single opinion regarding the causes and aspects...

Waves of Immigration in the United States

Since 1877, the US had experienced several waves of immigration that shaped its policy and contributed to the creation of the different society characterized by great diversity and power. Nevertheless, there are still some opponents, who tend to believe that the policy of openness is unprofitable and it should be...

Victorian Society, Its Values and Beliefs

The Victorian era, getting its name from Queen Victoria who had a long reign over Great Britain from 1837 to 1901, was a very significant one regarding its bringing about a supreme change in the moral values of people dwelling there. It was distinct in terms of imposing a strict...

Art and Literature Response to Horrors of War

There are a lot of sufferings that people undergo in events of the war that are not accounted for. Soldiers as well as prisoners of war are subjected to suffering by their enemies. Innocent citizens are displaced with others being killed in the process. Women and children are the most...

Conformity During the 1950s in American Society

Thesis Statement Suburban life was always a kind of perfect starting base for further success in life in the view of American society. This topic has always been extremely popular in literature and art, however, the art of the 1950s is full of suburban protagonists, and the mentioning of life...

The Ancient Sumerian History and Legacy

Abstract The term civilization has various definitions depending on the context of the subject being discussed. Many scholars have defined civilization in different contexts but most of them agree that civilization is a social transformation of a society from low standards of living to advance standards of living. The transformation...

Homicide Perception in Ancient Greece and Rome

In the ancient world, both in Rome and Greece, human life was not considered sacred; therefore, murder and cruelty were widespread. The notions of justifiable and unjustifiable homicide have been significantly different from the way people see it nowadays. The purpose of this essay is to consider how citizens of...

Was the American Civil War Inevitable?

Introduction The Civil War is among the most widely studied events in American history. It had an essential role in shaping American society and securing the national identity of the United States. The Civil War began in 1861, shortly after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, and lasted for over four...

Common Sense vs. The Declaration of Independence

The War of Independence marked an important period in the history of the United States when first colonies declared their freedom from the British Empire. Although it might be hard to imagine it today, many people were initially opposed to an organized rebellion against Great Britain. In 1776, this fact...

The Assimilation Policy as a Form of Aboriginal Control

Introduction The Aboriginal people were the indigenous inhabitants of the Australian Continent. Before contact with the Europeans in the 18th century, these people occupied various regions throughout Australia and they had diverse culture and languages. Contact with Europeans had a devastating effect on the lives of the aboriginal people. The...

History and Role of the Money

Introduction Money is any commodity or token that serves as a medium of exchange that is legally and socially acknowledged in payment for services and goods and in the disbursement of debts. Money serves as a store of value and as a standard of value for determining the comparative worth...

Romanticism in the 18th and 19th Century Great Britain

Introduction Romanticism as a cultural phenomenon was formed in Great Britain earlier than in other countries of Western Europe. Pre-romanticism took shape in a single ideological and artistic system in the second half of the 18th century. Its components took on concrete outlines – the Gothic novel, sentimental poetry, the...

The Danger of a Single Story: Reflection

From my perspective, the concept of the Single Story is terrifying both in its nature and prevalence. Unfortunately, most of the examples given by Adichie (2009) are too close to reality, and one can recognize the behavior of acquaintances and one’s thoughts in them. Misunderstandings caused by a person’s exposure...

Compare and Contrast Louisiana with US Constitution

The Louisiana Constitution is a 1974 legal document cornerstone of the state’s law. In this case, the legal document ensures the protection of the rights of people in the state of Louisiana, and it describes power distribution among the local government and state officials. On the other hand, the US...

The Fall of the Roman Empire and Its Causes

Introduction The Roman Empire is one of the most significant states mentioned in both European and world history. Noteworthy, one can trace the legacy of this country in many areas of modern life: from engineering to law. The empire’s dominance was maintained for several centuries, secured by the professional army....

The Impact of Enlightenment Ideas on Education

The 18th century entered the history of culture as the age of the Enlightenment. Recent scientific advances, especially the discoveries of J. Newton and J. Locke, prompted philosophers, scientists, and writers to reconsider the former picture of the world radically. The eighteenth century radically changed European thought and brought significant...

The Causes and Effects of the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction “The time is always right to do what is right,” said Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most famous civil rights leaders. His words expressed the hopes of many people for justice, fairness, and equal opportunity for African Americans. The civil rights movement in the 1950s and...

Historical Changes in Society of the 21st Century

The history of the development of civilization on the planet has gone through many complicated stages. Human ancestors went through phases of inequality, crisis, and hunger to build stability for future generations. Many social activists are tied to achieving changes in society at the cost of their lives. For example,...

Mansa Musa: The Emperor of the Mali Empire

Mansa Musa is famed for having been the wealthiest person ever to live. Musa ruled the Mali Empire during his time, which spread to The Gambia, Senegal, and the Western Sahara border (Cowling & Hamilton, 2020). Musa oversaw an empire rich in gold and copper and monopolized business between North...

Effects of the Vietnam War

Introduction The Vietnam War was a long-running conflict involving the South Vietnamese and North Vietnamese communists. Both warring parties had their allies who intensified the war; for instance, the primary supporters for the South Vietnamese was the U.S, while the Soviet Union and China backed the North Vietnamese communist. The...

History of Agricultural Technology Development

Agricultural technologies were majorly developed during the Medieval period to ensure sufficient product yields for growing populations around the world. European farming systems included new methods and techniques to improve productivity overall (Broedel et al. 2017). The innovative technologies adopted by Medieval Europeans and West Africans reflected the critical elements...

Analysis of the French Revolution

The critical event in French history was the revolution of the 18th century. A combination of reasons made people infuriated with the situation in the country, with the local aristocracy playing a pivotal role. As a result, the events of those years caused upheavals not only in France but also...

David and Bathsheba: Historical and Cultural Context

Introduction The story of David and Bathseba is one of the narratives in the Bible, which initiated a series of tragic events. More specifically, they included the destiny of Bathsheba’s husband, the affair of David’s son with his sister Tamar, and the man’s transgression over time. Therefore, the complexity of...

Princess Diana: Brief Biography

Introduction It would be difficult to find a more inspiring, beloved yet tragic figure in the history of the 20th century British monarchy than Princess Diana Windsor. The phenomenon of the worldwide love for her has been explored by multiple authors, both within and outside the academic sphere. Relatively approachable,...

The English Civil War: The Major Cause

Introduction When studying the factors that might have led to the English Civil Wars, it is essential to consider that the conflicts did not begin as a revolution. The individuals who were actively involved did not wish for replacement of the Monarchy. Conflicting attitudes towards the royal power as well...

The Industrial Revolution Impact on European Society

The Industrial Revolution is a remarkable turning point not only in European history but also in the whole world’s faith. In the middle of the 18th century, crucial changes started to happen in Great Britain and then spread the influence on the other countries and empires.1 Working processes were becoming...

Was Julius Caesar a Good Person?

The artistic approach of the English classic playwright William Shakespeare, who chronicled Julius Caesar, was based on historical sources, but with a strong preference for embellished fiction. For Shakespeare, it was important to express not the real characteristics of the prototype of his character, but the character himself, as the...

The Ottoman Empire in the World History

The Ottoman Empire was one of the most influential and longest-lasting dynasties in global history. With Islam as the dominant religious ideology, it ran large territories in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Northern areas of Africa for more than six centuries. The leader of the empire, the Sultan, was...

Postcolonial Analysis in the 21st Century

Postcolonialism refers to the historical period that represents the outcome of Western colonialism. Similarly, the term may be used to refer to concurrent projects to claim back and rethink the history and people’s agency subordinated by several forms of expansionism. There are many signs that if not properly checked, the...

The Influence of Alexander the Great Across History

The history of the world has seen many prominent personalities who had impressive accomplishments in their respective eras. However, there is a narrow circle of figures that are noticeable even among the greatest people of global history. They are commanders, national leaders, scientists, and philosophers whose contribution to the world...

The Importance of Persia on the World Stage

Persia is one of the oldest states and empires, now called Iran. In the best “heyday period,” the Persian Empire became one of the most significant states in history. From its origin to the conquest by Alexander the Great, Persia occupied a dominant position in the ancient world for two...

The Civil Rights Movement History

Introduction The American Civil War, in which more citizens died than in any other war involving the United States, freed slaves. However, being formally free, African-Americans also continued to be victims of prejudice and discrimination. In the late nineteenth century, the Jim Crow segregation laws came into force, prohibiting voting,...

Winthrop’s “City Upon a Hill”

John Winthrop’s speech to his Puritan community is a well-known example of a person’s vision of the future. Many American scholars and politicians refer to the expressions and phrases implemented by Winthrop (Squiers, 2018). The advice presented by the Puritan leader is still relevant to this day, providing a significant...

The Most Significant Cold War Events

The Cold War lasted from 1947 to 1991 as an extended period of large-scale nuclear warfare threat. Although no real battles were fought, there was intense geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States (Norwich University Online). The documented timelines can help historians determine the most critical events...

Angola’s Role in World History

Introduction Angola’s modern history is dominated by mass migration on the Atlantic coast and Portugal. In the 19th century, around 500,000 Africans (nearly all of them male) were taken as slaves and sent to different destinations, primarily Brazil. It is noteworthy that in about 100 years, the approximately same number...

General Franks Stability Operations: Personal Reflection

Implemented under President Bush’s service, General Franks Stability Operations had unfortunate consequences for the US military forces, being flawed in strategical planning and immediate execution. Not long after the US Army overthrew the dictate regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, in 2003, General Tommy R. Franks made a decision to...

The Fall of the Aztec Empire

Introduction Aztec Empire was the largest domain on the North American continent before the Spaniards defeated it. The conquest was led by the renowned conquistador Hernán Cortés. His victory over the Aztecs secured Mexico as a colony and ensured the Spanish Empire could establish its influence in the region. This...

The Development of a Unique American Civilization

American civilization is indeed unique and distinct with its advantageous geographical position and exclusive history created by brave people. It is difficult to disagree that in terms of its religious and political institutions and national spirit, the United States occupies an exclusive place among other countries. It is an entirely...

The Storming of the Bastille Analysis

The French Revolution is considered to be one of the most significant events in the history of the humanity. It is a complex event with many precursors and repercussions, some of which are still palatable to people in the present times. The event that triggered the French Revolution is the...

The Ancient Pagans of Northern Europe and a Connection With Nature

The connection between the ancient pagans of northern Europe and nature is undeniable. Harvey provides the definition of paganism as such that “labels a diverse but cohesive array of religious activities and affiliations that can also be named ‘nature-centered spiritualties’ or ‘nature religions’… Pagans are people who identify themselves as...

King’s Speech “I Have a Dream”: Neo-Aristotelian Critique

Introduction For many years, black people were discriminated against in the United States. They had no rights and no power. They were taken out of their houses and deprived of any liberties. That is why the question of freedom was so important and urgent for each African American. Even when...

The Declaration of Independence

Outline America’s Declaration of Independence lays the foundation for the growth of democracy in the United States. The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God and the concepts of equality and unalienable rights for all form the fundamental principles of governance. This makes Declaration America’s most important historical document. Introduction The...

The Fall of the Roman Empire

Rome was not built in one day; so too, the mighty Roman Empire did not fall in a day – it covered hundreds of years. Why did Rome fall? Just like the human body is inevitably subject to growth, decay, and death it is the same with nations. History is...

The Impact of the Great Depression on Education

Introduction The great depression and its impact on education can be viewed from the perspective of decline in the number of students in institutions and the inadequacy in In terms of resources to support education. The great depression was marked by important features that had significant implications on the education...

British Civilization: Queen Victoria

The evolvement of monarchy is important to understanding British civilization because the monarchical system has been adopted for several centuries and has been defining, variably, the sociological and political life in the country. This paper is going to examine one particular reign: that of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) a monarch who,...

Cleopatra’s Role in the Evolution of Humanity

A role of a person in the evolution of humanity cannot be overestimated. There are numerous names of outstanding people that are associated with various periods of history as they became the manifestation of that era and preconditioned the way society evolved. In ancient times, the influence and contribution of...

Otto von Bismarck’s Unification of Germany

Germany first became a nation on January 18, 1871, with the official ceremony taking place at the Palace of Versailles’ Hall of Mirrors. This became possible due to the efforts of Otto von Bismarck, a notable figure in the German and European affairs of the late nineteenth century as well...

Progressive Era 1890-1920: Positive and Negative Impact

Introduction The progressive era was a period of change experienced in America between the years 1890 and 1920. The industrial revolution that had preceded this period brought with it some negative impacts on the American population, such that leaders found it necessary to change the bad conditions that the Americans...

Hatshepsut, the Forgotten Queen

Introduction Hatshepsut was and still is the only female who doubled as a queen and pharaoh of Egypt. She ascended to power in 1478BC after the demise of her spouse Thutmose II. Hatshepsut became an Egyptian queen and subsequently a pharaoh at a time when no one thought that women...

Egyptian Culture History: Legacies to the Modern World

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It is apparent that its governmental structure, architecture and other aspects had a vehement influence on the formation and outlook of the modern world. Consequently, a primary goal of this essay is to evaluate an effect of each aspect...

“The Space Traders” by Derrick Bell

In his short story The Space Traders, Derrick Bell puts forward a very disconcerting argument about American society. In particular, he constructs a hypothetical situation in which American community is asked to hand over every black person living in the country in return for gold and technologies that can help...

War and Diplomacy

War and Diplomacy, the two tactics of different nations through the ages have been used very effectively throughout history. While some people felt that Diplomacy was the best means to avoid war, some statesmen felt that was war was the only solution to settling disputes with other countries. Otto Von...

Aspects of Joseph Stalin’s 1941 Speech

Introduction Joseph Stalin was a political leader of the USSR in the 1940s, and it was during his leadership that the country faced the Second World War. In 1941, Joseph Stalin gave a radio broadcast to the people of the Soviet Union after Germany had invaded the country (Stalin). In...

Jomo Kenyatta’s Book Facing Mount Kenya

Thanks to the existence of such tribes as Gikuyu in Kenya, historians have a chance to study the customs, traditions, and occupations of Neolithic times since these people preserved their ancestors’ lifestyles. Jomo Kenyatta’s book Facing Mount Kenya presents a detailed overview of this tribe’s life. Although men and women...

Julius Caesar, the Dictator of the Roman Empire

Julius Caesar was one of the most famous rulers of Rome who became a dictator of the Roman Empire. However, his rule was shortened by the assassination of Caesar by his rivals. Julius Caesar was a man who was capable of many things due to the fact that he was...

The Causes of the French Revolution

Introduction French Revolution was a movement that took place between 1787 and 1799. Due to the fact that it reached its climax in 1789, it is also known as the Revolution of 1789. The movement brought a new era of liberalism, republicanism, feminism, abolitionism, and nationalism to the Western world,...

World War II-Occupations: What New Jobs Were Created?

Introduction Occupations in the Civil Activity In the United States, President Franklin D. Roosevelt claimed that the contributions of civilians to support the military forces by self-commitments were important. He compared their commitment to equal the troops’ sacrifice in the allied victory (Crosby 6). Women participated in military conflict activities...

Economic and Demographic Reasons for the Fall of the Roman Empire

With the growth of the lands controlled by Rome, its fragmentation into provinces also increased. After the land reforms of the Gracchi brothers, subsistence farming began to develop in Rome, which led to a reduction in the share of the processing industry, and prices for the transportation of goods increased....

Conflict Theory Applied to the American Civil War

The history of humankind is intertwined with continuous conflicts that emerge based on differences in interests and competition over resources. Wars, social unrest, and other forms of conflicts are inevitable elements of historical development; they are driven by power distribution and the fight for dominance. In this regard, the application...

Social Contract in the French Revolution

One of the most significant contributions linked to the French Revolution can be disclosed through propaganda messages and the gospels of insurgency. This eventually means that the French Revolution became a crucial historical event that transformed France and brought liberty to the French land. Based on the information presented by...

Umayyad, Abbasid, and Fatimid Caliphates’ History

Introduction The Fatimid State was formed in Ifriqiya (modern Tunisia) as a result of the victorious uprising of the Berber tribes against the Abbasid governors of the Aghlabids. This uprising, in turn, was the result of the secret propaganda of the Shiite-Ismaili emissaries with its slogans of justice and universal...

The Murder of Caesar: Brief Analysis

The murder of Caesar has remained one of the most infamous assassinations in history over centuries. It may be explained by the fact that Caesar was a powerful ruler, who managed to bring Rome to prosperity, and by the drastic consequences, this assassination led to, which ran counter to what...

Pericles’ Contribution to Athens’ Development

Pericles’ Accomplishments The history of Ancient Greece remembers many names of great philosophers, artists, and military leaders. One of them was Pericles, the outstanding public figure, orator, and leader of the Athenian regiments. He became famous as the founder and supporter of ancient democracy, and due to his accomplishments, Pericles...

The Sadler Report: Child Labor in the United Kingdom

The Industrial Revolution was a period of incredible advancement. Huge industrial facilities arose that could mass-produce merchandise at a low cost. Individuals ran from their ranches to the urban communities to work in industrial facilities, factories, and mines. In spite of such advancement, life was difficult and stressful as a...

Benjamin Franklin “The Autobiography” Review

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is among the most important historical documents of the United States and is the major literary work of its author. It was and is the very first autobiography to reach the general public and gain widespread popularity. The document’s importance lies in the fact that...

The Crisis of Democracy of the 1930s

Introduction Democracy has faced several challenges with regard to its growth. The historical period of 1930 to 1950 witnessed great difficulties in the ideals of democracy around the world. At the center of the crisis of democracy were the four European powers at the time: Germany, Britain, the USA, and...

The Historical Evolution of the International Community

Introduction The emergence of international community is linked to the treaty of Westphalia of 1648 which was signed following the thirty year war and which created the modern states. Westphalia treaty relegated the position of the church in the society and helped in the disintegration of established European empires and...

Reconstruction Era: Primary Reading Analysis

The treatment of African Americans was still unfair after the emancipation of slaves. Liberation of slaves prompted numerous difficulties for black people, the primary ones being isolation and separation. African Americans got no help from Republicans during the age of Reconstruction, particularly in the South since they believed there was...

The Medicine Practice in Ancient Times

Modern advances in medicine, as in other areas, originate in Ancient Times. Today, people are accustomed to the availability and safety of the process of diagnosing and treating various diseases. However, it took humanity many centuries and millennia to achieve this level of medicine. According to numerous studies, there is...

The Gold Coast: The Impact of British Imperialism

The era of colonialism and the related policy of imperialism were associated with the emergence, existence, and development of considerable empires, the main goal of which was foreign policy expansion. Among these empires, the most essential and exceptional place is occupied by the British colonial system. Thus, British imperialism manifested...

The Significance of the Battle of Saratoga

Introduction The Battle of Saratoga took place in 1777 and signified the victory of the Continental Army over the British. The battle was a turning point in the American Revolution as it improved the Americans’ morale, convinced the prospective foreign ally to provide support, and ended the British control of...

Emergent of the Modern World From History

Introduction The foundations of the modern world were laid in the period between the 14th and 16th centuries. The main activities attributed to this development include the Great Britain revolution, the growth of the cotton industry, and the emergent of the finance and banking industry. The transformations made in this...

The Difference Between Northern and Southern States

In the 1840s, there were three major sectional differences in economy, politics, and states’ rights between northern and southern states of the United States. One should be aware of the fact that during the given period, there were far fewer people in the South than in the North. It is...

The Cuban Revolution: Causes, Events and Leaders

Introduction The Cuban revolution revolved around Fidel Castro’s movement which was out to overthrow Fulgencio Batista. The latter was a dictator in Cuba who humiliated and exploited the citizens of this country. The Cuban revolution began with the attack of Moncada barracks in Santiago and camps in Bayamo by Cuban...

Margaret Thatcher’s Political Biography

Introduction Margaret Thatcher was the first U.K woman prime minister and the longest-serving PM (three consecutive terms) in the 20th century she was in office for 11 years, from 1979 to 1990. Due to her tough character, she was given a number of nicknames including; The Iron Lady, The milk...

Great Fire of London and the Way to its Reconstruction

On September 2, 1666, the City of London burnt with fire that lasted for three days. The entire territory of the City was ruined, the houses and stone buildings burnt down. More than 80 000 citizens of London lost their homes. First, they camped in the fields nearby the city,...

Working Conditions of European Miners in 19th Century

Zola’s work was set during the Industrial Revolution which was a period of heightened economic and technical changes that occurred in Europe between the years 1760 and 1850. During this time the steam engine was introduced on a wide scale as well as the innovation of machines designed to perform...

Economic Boom Factors of the 16th Century

Introduction The historical analysis of the development of the economy may be useful for the understanding of the current problems and challenges faced by contemporary society. In this relation, the sixteen century was a remarkable period in world history. It was the period, which gave birth to geniuses and brought...

Ancient Civilizations: Athenian Democracy vs Australian Democracy

Introduction Democracy has today evolved to become quite symbolic and viewed by historians as well as critics as different from its historical origin. While democracy is considered as the best form of government a state or country/nation may come up with, many forms from illiberal to liberal have emerged so...

Alexander the Great as a Military General

Introduction Alexander the Great has been described as one of the most successful military strategists of all time. However, even though there is an extensive collection of sources on how magnificent he was, there is also a lot of contradicting information on the same. Whereas some sources claim that Alexander’s...

Heroes and Killers of 20th Century: Joseph Stalin

Introduction The website named “Moreorless: heroes & killers of the 20th century” by the author and producer Bruice Harris was developed for society all over the world. It is intended to present all necessary materials about heroes and killers of the 20th century from the author’s point of view. Among...

Native American Boarding Schools

Indian boarding schools were opened to assimilate Native Americans. The US government was establishing multiple schools around the country at the turn of the 20th century. Following the implementation of Euro-American standards, it was the optimal way to do it. The essay on Native American boarding schools introduces the purposes...

Facts about Hera the Greek Goddess

Greek mythology is filled with gods and goddesses who possessed various powers and greatly influenced ancient Greek. The goods were worshiped and sacrifices were made to them by their followers. Hera is one of the powerful ancient deities in Greek mythology. Hera was worshipped throughout the Greek world and she...

Che Guevara’s Biography and Revolutionary Path

Introduction Ernesto Guevara who is best-known as Che Guevara was one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution that took place in the 1960s. He adopted Marxist ideas when he was a medical student and he fought for the rights and freedom of working people in Cuba as well as...

The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent

Introduction Sultan Suleiman is one of the greatest leaders in history. Sultan was the leader of the Ottoman Empire was born in the year 1494 on the 6th of November. He was in the reign for the longest time beginning in the year 1520 until 1566 when he died. He...

“The Cold War: A New History” a Book by John Lewis Gaddis

In the book The Cold War: A New History, John Lewis Gaddis proposes a unique vision of the Cold War and its impact on the world and relations between the USSR and America. The book consists of seven chapters devoted to different aspects of the Cold War and relations between...

The Historical Context of Globalization

Introduction History offers the required perspective to comprehend how previous events have shaped current affairs. This research paper investigates the historical backdrop of globalization and NAFTA. The goal is to answer the study question, “What is the most important historical event that may have given rise to present globalization?” Today’s...

Quality of Life Changes in Manchester in 1750-1871

Introduction Contextualization Industrialization was one of the most influential periods in human history, introducing new manufacturing technologies and significantly changing the conventional way of life. The period from 1750 to 1871 can be classified as the First Industrial Revolution, and Manchester was the world center of the ongoing transformation. This...

Simón Bolívar, The Jamaica Letter

The selected primary source is The Jamaica Letter, written by Simón Bolívar. The document was written when he was exiled to Jamaica in 1815. The content of the letter focuses on the unification of Latin American colonies to form a republican form of government. The text makes me wonder and...

Jesse Owens: A Story of Struggle and Perseverance

Jesse Owens was a Black American track and field athlete most notable for winning four gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games. Like any person of color, he faced many challenges and barriers throughout his life and career. Despite his great international achievement, he had an objectively hard childhood. He...

International Relations: The Balkan Crisis 1912-13

Introduction The Balkan wars are of great historical significance. The first and second Balkan wars signified a drastic reorganization of power in regions of southern Europe. The Balkan wars marked the Ottoman Empire’s total collapse and ultimately led to the first world war. Factually, power needs reorganization from time to...

“Murder of a President”: Analysis of Documentary

After watching the documentary about President Garfield, I believe that he could have become one of the greatest presidents of the United States. Garfield’s attitude and the willingness to drive change were unmatched, but they got him killed eventually. The scenery and the costumes represented the time period perfectly, focusing...

Different Accounts of the Assassination of Malcolm X

Firstly, in the article from The New York Times, the author selected a factual approach to the description of the tragic event. The description of two primary persons, Malcolm X, and his killer Thomas Hagan is organized in sequence including their age, social status, and race. In the article, Malcolm...

The History of Islam and Arabs and Their Contributions to Global Civilization

Introduction Since Islam stemmed and grew from the Arab traditions, other cultures which have embraced Islam also seem to be influenced by the Arabic customs. Therefore, Arabs and Muslims have cultural affinities, although every group has maintained its distinguishing features. This implies that Arabs are not necessarily Islamic and Muslims...

The Causes of the Crises of the Roman Empire

Introduction The historical process of human development proves its cyclicality over time. The birth, flowering, and then unstoppable demise of civilizations are illustrated by the study of the history of once-great ancient states. One such example is the Roman Empire, the state that gave the world the foundations of modern...

How the Beatles Changed the American Culture

Introduction The Beatles took England by storm with their rock and roll music in the late 1950s, and by the early 1960s, their influence had reached the United States. The band comprised Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr, commonly known as the Fab Four. The band, originally...

Why the North Won the Civil War

One of the reasons why the North (Union) won the Civil War was that it had a larger population than the South. The population of the Union was about twice that of the South (Confederacy). The North had more people to fight in its army as compared to the South...

The New Deal: Successes and Failures

It is important to note that the New Deal was comprised of regulatory changes, financial and economic reforms, public projects, and aid programs to overcome the effects of the Great Depression. There were both successes and failures of the New Deal, where the former included the Emergency Banking Act, the...

Women in Ancient Greece and India: Statuses, Roles, Life

Introduction Women who made their way into the history of antiquity are associated with greatness and deities. They are represented by vivid images of goddesses who tried to help people and were merciful. The goddesses were beautiful and statuesque; the antique statues and Indian frescoes are striking in their elegance....

Positive and Negative Impacts of the Industrial Revolution in England

Industrial Revolution in England The Industrial Revolution of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is one of the most significant periods in the history of England and the whole world. This process was marked by the invention and mass distribution of steam engines as the main means of production....

Age of Exploration Analysis

Introduction The Age of Exploration was an important event witnessed in the West. This Age began in the 15th century and lasted up to the 17th century, during which the explorers used compasses to navigate around the world. Conversely, there are many reasons why the Europeans participated in exploration journeys...

French Revolution and Consequences of Radical Reform

The French revolution took place to change the monarchy and take control of the government due to poor economic and political policies that existed. The monarchy had lacked dynastic legitimacy; thus, republicans demanded a regime based on popular sovereignty. Further, France had undergone international humiliation hence the need for revolution...

Giles Fletcher’s “Of the Russe Commonwealth”

“Of the Russe Commonwealth” is the work Giles Fletcher written in 1591. Giles Fletcher was an English scholar and diplomat who described Russia right after the reign of Ivan IV and before the Time of Troubles. He was sent to the court of Fyodor I Ivanovich, who was a tsar...

Biography of Saeeda Sakina After the Battle of Karbala

Sayeda Sakina (also known as Sukayna bint Husayn) was the daughter of Prophet Mohamed’s grandson, Husayn ibn Ali. She is an important figure in the Islamic narrative. She was born in 56 AH and died between 60-61 AH at the hands of Yazid I. Her story is intricately related to...

Napoleon Bonaparte: Autocratic and Charismatic Leadership

Napoleon Bonaparte is often referred to as one of the most effective military leaders. According to researchers, the French leader was operating based on the techniques used within the autocratic style (Weiss, 2020). At the same time, current knowledge refers to soldiers as focused on the overall environment within the...

Benedict Arnold’s Leadership Traits

By his fine display of courage and military acumen, Benedict Arnold remains one of the most recognized characters from the Revolutionary War. Born in 1741, Arnold served as an American officer and general and is among the most well-known figures of the Revolutionary War. He worked as a merchant and...

Pope Urban II Speech at Council of Clermont, 1095

According to Halshall in his Medieval Sourcebook, he represents the Pope’s speech in 1095 at Clermont; Urban had an appeal to a crusade where he addressed to the Christians; the Church leaders and members from all walks of life. During his speech, Urban addressed his audience as he delivered what...

Tacitus’s Characterization of the Barbarians

Historical records and, particularly, the accounts of the key events provided by the experts that were present to witness historically significant occurrences, hold particularly strong weight and value for the future generations as the window of opportunity to glance at the past critically. However, the presence of personal biases and...

20th Century Ideological Conflicts

The history of the 20th century was turbulent, but it is possible to trace at least one persistent feature present in each of its important moments and periods. As political and military struggles embroiled the powers of the world, there was always an evident ideological subtext present in the events....

Corrections: The Historical Perspective

The contemporary criminal justice system in the United States of America is rapidly evolving, leading to significant changes in the ways that policing, court administration, and corrections are carried out. The correctional system operates within criminal justice so that to entail a variety of measures and responsible bodies that enforce...

The Impact of the Wars on Western Civilization

Introduction History is full of wars and regardless of the fact that this phenomenon is considered to be negative, many of them are the basis of significant historical events. The consequences of some wars still affect the population of the modern world. They manage to turn history in a different...

Historical Figures: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) was a famous Swiss educator-democrat, theorist of the popular school, who had a tremendous influence on the development of pedagogical theory and school practice in many countries of the world. He pinned his main hopes on properly organized upbringing and education of children, on the unity...

Monasticism in Western Europe During the 400 to 1100

In Western Europe, the rise of monasticism falls in the Middle Ages, during which religion was the most significant force. Monastic Christianity initially originated in Egypt and Palestine in the 3rd – 4th centuries and steadily transmitted to Western Europe. The essential concept of Christian monasticism is the alienation from...

The Ancient World: Art of Ancient Times

The art of ancient times is not merely a story of dead people and civilizations gone forever. Filled with contradictions, tragedies, and moments of glory, it reveals the lives of former generations, which define current customs and traditions. Moreover, the striking similarities in various aspects emphasize its importance in understanding...

The War of Independence and Its Impact on Society

Introduction Today is September 21, 1783, and it means that I became a colonist precisely 13 years ago. Great Britain admitted independence of the United States in the Treaty of Paris only a few weeks ago, and I am lucky to witness how America came to its freedom. The country...

Bocassa, the Cruel Ruler

The African continent has a unique history, as it has hardly been completely independent during its existence but was a metropolitan colony as a source of oil, uranium, and ores. This created a rather harsh socio-economic environment in mainland countries, which indeed hurt local populations. In particular, the Central African...

Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution

Introduction The Constitution and the Articles of Confederation both marked the path towards the beginning of the democratic tradition in the United States. These documents and the process of their creation laid the foundation for this nation, and it is critical to analyze them. The comparison of the main provisions,...

Black Wall Street Analysis

In the early 20th century, Tulsa, Oklahoma, was famous for having one of the most prosperous African American communities in Greenwood, commonly known as Black Wall Street. The community was founded by O.W. Gurley, who moved to the area in 1906 (Huddleston, 2020). Gurley helped African American entrepreneurs to escape...

The United States’ National Symbols and the Anthem

Conveying universally recognizable national codes, state symbols unite society, regardless of the governing authorities or dominant ideology. All over the world, national anthems and flags have become the most meaningful and understandable means of intra-state and international communication, reflecting attitudes and perceptions of various social groups. However, today, in the...

The Role of Ho Chi Minh and the Philosophical Principles of Vietnamese Independence

Ho Chi Minh was, without a doubt, one of the most important personalities in Southeast Asia’s recent history, albeit a divisive one. During the World War II, he led the Vietnamese resistance against both the French and Japanese occupants and eventually rid his country from the occupation completely, declaring Vietnam’s...

The Philippine-American War: The Origins and the Influence

The Philippine-American war was an armed conflict between the United States of America and the First Philippine Republic, which lasted from 1899 to 1902. Partially, this confrontation is connected with the ending of the Spanish-American War because Spain imparted the Philippines into the possession of the United States as the...

The History of Roman Emperor Diocletian

Introduction Diocletian was born in the year 236 AD and reigned as a Roman emperor between the years 284-305 AD during which, his reign was faced with many changes in the Roman Kingdom. Before his reign as a roman emperor, Diocletian was an army commander before becoming a consulate. During...

Suleiman I: Longest-Lived Sultan of the Ottoman Empire

Introduction Suleiman the Magnificent is referred to as Suleyman I. The leader had been assigned different names by different countries with the Turks referring to him as Suleyman; Europeans nicknamed him the Magnificent, while the Islamic world referred to him as the Lawgiver for his valuable efforts in the complete...

The History of Kirkuk

Historical Background of Kirkuk The City of Kirkuk is one of the oldest sites of human occupation in the modern Iraq state. The history of Kirkuk can be traced back five thousand years ago following the archaeological artifacts which have been found where the city is currently located.1 The Assyrians...