Organizational Design: Supply Chain Management

Introduction The supply chain is used in every type of business. And the supply chain is followed in all spears of a business. The term “supply chain management” has two parts – “supply chain” and “management”. Supply chain is the circle where the work of passing the raw material, work...

Professionalism in Planning and Code of Conduct

Introduction According to the November 2002 issue of Academy for emerging medicine on professionalism and code of conduct for physicians, professionalism is viewed as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” (p. 1). This definition enlightens us on the existence of a...

Death Penalty Validity as a Form of Punishment

Outline This paper attempts to assess the validity of death penalty as a form of punishment for controlling the increasing crime rates. In doing so, it will first examine the arguments for death penalty, analyze whether the gist of these arguments are met by awarding capital punishment. Then the paper...

Islamic Mosque Customs and Architecture

There were some substantial differences between the holy places of Roman Catholics and the Sunni Islamic Mosque at Florida, the most crucial one being the segregation between males and females for entering the mosque. The Florida mosque is only for male members and females are not allowed to enter the...

The Roles of Women Changing in the World Today

Introduction Women have been one of the most important elements of society but were never able to make an eminent place in the world, due to the dominance of men all over. This gender of society has forever been the lower one, with male supremacy and authority taking their toll...

Body Mass Index and Health Risks

Arguably, obesity has become one of the most debated issues concerning public health. The centrality of this health crisis within the public agenda can be evidenced in the increased coverage by the media and other forms of communication. According to the Health Policy Institute of Ohio (2), the question of...

Literacy Skills and Knowledge: Implementing Literacy Instruction

Introduction Literacy is a fundamental aspect of communication that is based on comprehending or communicating thoughts, ideas, and intentions between individuals. The educator’s role implies assisting students in developing linguistic and non-linguistic patterns of communication. The literacy instruction covers both receptive and expressive skills and aims at encouraging independent thinkers,...

Intellectual Disability Problem Analysis

Introduction Developmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect people’s growth and the ability to complete normal tasks. A good example is that of intellectual disability (ID) and individuals who have limitations in various functional competencies. Researchers and scholars in the fields of genetics and psychology have been keen...

Epidemiology. Healthy People 2020 Program in Miami

Healthy People is a nationwide program set by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to accomplish health promotion and disease prevention goals. First launched in 1979, it is updated and reviewed every ten years to reflect the changes and address current public welfare concerns. The program is...

Glory of War in the Homer’s “Iliad”

Naturally, mention of participation in war is viewed with indifference because it often points to atrocities and other inhuman acts associated with it. Homer’s epic poem however contradicts this not by showing how magnificent war is but by presenting possible glory associated with involvement in the war. Homer forces the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lung Cancer among Indigenous Australians

Cancer appears to be the disease of the century, as it presents the most frequent reasons for deaths. Lung cancer is the most often type of oncological diseases, causing the greatest amount of fatal outcomes (Bilano et al., 2015). Due to poor social position, destructive lifestyle, unhealthy traditions and habits,...

National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Ethics Program and Sexual Abuse Scandals

Academic institutions have a range of responsibilities to meet to ensure that they meet the needs and secure the rights of students, protection against sexual abuse is one of the foundational responsibilities. Given the vulnerability of the target demographic, academic authorities at universities must ensure that all educators adhere to...

The Color Line: Racism in Dubois’ and Zinn’s Works

Despite the long and active process of development of society, even in the modern world, people often encounter racism. This problem is especially acute in America because it was there that slavery arose in the most widespread form. Undoubtedly, significant progress in the fight against this problem can be noted...

Paper Books and E-Books in the Modern Society

Introduction During the recent years, the opposition between paper books and e-books has become quite topical. Numerous people nowadays argue about whether it is more comfortable to use a printed book or a digital device for reading. Although an increasing number of people choose e-books over paper ones, printed editions...

The Application of Bioremediation

Introduction Bioremediation is an essential biological process that entails the application of microorganism or their products in the decontamination of the environment. Microorganisms can degrade pollutants in their environment by using them as substrate materials for their enzymes in the generation of metabolic energy (Perpetuo et al., 2011). Increasing levels...

Indigenous Australians’ Health Program

Australian Historical Context: Health and Wellbeing of Indigenous Australians The Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal are believed to be the natives of Australia. Historians and archeologists have indicated that such indigenous people have lived in this country for over 65 thousand years (Fisher et al., 2019). These people engage in...

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” Literary Analysis

The appearances people put on for others and the true essence of their being are vital parts of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been.” A short story is a literary genre with distinct ways of conveying themes and messages concisely. Various authors utilize different elements to enhance and...

Using a Mobile Phone While Driving

The use of cell phone while driving should be banned in all states. The cell phone has become one of the best-liked and fascinating technological inventions of the 21st century. Currently, the cellular phone has turn out to be a major safety concern in our roads. In the United States...

Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems

Action Potential Action potential is simply a communication function in the nervous system. It takes across ion charged plasma membranes and is characterised by very fast reversals of voltage exchange. This is possible by the presence of voltage gated ionic channels that are found along the axon hence enable conduction...

Communication Modalities in Health Care Facilities

Introduction Technology has contributed to immense improvement in almost all areas including the health care sector. Communication is important in this sector because it provides a platform for interaction between health care providers, patients, and their families. In addition, it ensures patients understand their problems and measures that will be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing: Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Introduction The interviewee, in this case, was the Director of Nursing in an independently licensed free-standing ambulatory surgery center (ASC). The organization has 25 employees including full-time, part-time, and casual workers. The ASC performs a variety of same-day surgeries including but not limited to orthopedic/sports medicine, ENT, ophthalmology, GI, breast...

The Importance of Setting for Interpretation of Stories

One of the essential components of any story is its setting helping the authors efficiently transmit the message. It is a place and time of the described events alongside the weather, cultural surrounding, climate, and physical landscape serving as the background of the narrative. Hence, the uniqueness of readers’ experience...

Recruitment Plan Overview

Introduction The quality of the recruitment process closely relates to the overall performance of the company. If an HR manager succeeds in hiring professional, experienced, and well-educated employees, then, without a doubt, an organization will flourish. A hiring manager should develop an effective recruitment plan that is a strategy for...

Texas State Government’s Response to the Winter Freeze of 2021

Introduction Various disasters constantly occur in the world, including extreme temperature changes. On February 11, 2021, Texas began a record drop in temperature, leading to the shutdown of major power plants controlled by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) (Maxouris). This situation has led to widespread consequences affecting a...

Justice and Morality: “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave”

Douglass’s work captures the era of abolitionism, the struggle against slavery, and black Americans’ contribution to their liberation. In Frederick Douglass, the writer and the social activist, the educator and the statesman were happily united. Beginning his life under the harshest conditions of slavery, he achieved recognition through natural talent,...

Global Women’s Health and Rights

Introduction It is essential to ensure a woman’s general and medical rights. That is, Global Women’s Health and Rights, along with women’s right to education, freedom of movement, and fair wages, also have rights concerning their health. For example, women have the right to make decisions about their bodies and...

Plato’s vs. Aristotle’s Political Approaches

Introduction Plato and Aristotle are among the most influential philosophers to have written on various topics. These topics range from ethics to general academic inquiry. Their work played a crucial role in laying the groundwork for other philosophers and scholars to make important advances in various theories. These scholars have...

Analysis of Our Biotech Future by Freeman Dyson

The article “Our Biotech Future” by Freeman Dyson discusses the hopeful, in his view, future of biotechnology and its daily uses. The author believes that biotechnology will become reasonably inexpensive and common in the 21st century, comparable to how physics-based and computer technologies have grown very cheap and widespread during...

Post-COVID Recovery Plan For Ryanair

Introduction The Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has become of the most significant challenges faced by the contemporary business environment. The pandemic has entailed nationwide lockdown protocols, while global travel was virtually paralysed. In such a situation, airlines experienced serious financial problems caused by the decreased passenger flow and the overall...

Import Substitution and Export-Led Growth Policy

Executive Summary The development of the domestic economy depends on both the trading relationship with other countries and the state’s self-sufficiency. To foster a local economy, developing countries tend to embrace the approaches of import substitution or export-led growth (Appendix F). The first approach, while facilitating technological progress and self-sufficiency,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The “Saving the Bones” Novel by Jesmyn Ward

Introduction The Historical Context The events in the book occur during Hurricane Katrina, the most destructive hurricane in U.S. history. The disaster killed 1,836 residents and caused $125 billion in economic damage (Stevens 158). The hurricane began forming on August 23 near the Bahamas. Before the hurricane reached the U.S....

Infection Control in Nursing Practices

Introduction Nurse leaders carry significant responsibilities since their role is to mentor the nursing community in order to improve the general quality of treatment within a given healthcare environment. Although there is no specific definition of the exact duties of nurse leaders, the name is self-explanatory as it covers different...

The 1807 Bill and the Abolition of the Slave Trade

The topic of my research is the effectiveness and contribution of the 1807 Bill in the fight against slavery. My own perspectives and opinions might greatly impact the topic I chose and how I may approach studying it. First of all, I am sure that slavery was one of the...

The Pixar Studios Company’s Analysis

Company Background Pixar Studios, based in Emeryville, California, is a visual effects studio with numerous nominations and awards for its ability to advance technologically and creatively. The production of films, merchandise, and other related items for the younger generation is a crucial area of ​​the company’s activities. In addition, the...

Nursing Profession’s Origins and Modern Issues

In the Middle Ages, the Christian church was concerned with health issues. Temples welcomed the sick and infirm within their walls, and deacons cared for them. They were assisted by women who were called deaconesses. In the eleventh century, in the European states, for example, in the Netherlands and Germany,...

The Forgiveness of the Student Debt

The issue of student debt is clearly one of the most important issues that we face today. There are many different proposals as to how to deal with it, but it seems that the best decision that can be made would be for the government to appropriate the debt of...

Philosophy of Things Changing

Heraclitus argued that reality is changing ceaselessly. According to this philosophy, there is no other reality apart from the reality of change (Moore & Bruder, 2012). The argument further states that permanence does not exist because it is only an illusion. He argued that fire is the root substance of...

Banner Healthcare Strategic Planning

Strategic planning to enable Banner Healthcare to serve citizens in the next decade Banner Healthcare is a health care facility in the United States of America. It is located in Phoenix, Arizona and operates over 25 hospitals across the country. It also operates several specialized facilities in the U.S. Banner...

Health Sleep for Low-Income Youth Model

Introduction One of the vulnerable population categories with respect to healthy habits and behaviors is low-income youth. Young adults from 18 to 25 continue their studies at colleges and universities or have to work part-time or full-time to earn their living and pay for studies. However, they frequently lack time-management...

Chinese and Japanese Cultural Differences

Culture refers to customs, beliefs as well people’s practices. It encompasses their source of livelihoods as well as the immaterial phenomenon that they pass on from one generation to another. Culture is dynamic and this applies to all the societies in the world. For our discussion, we will be handling...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Warbings Office Systems Company’ Human Resource Management

Introduction The recommendations made to Warbings Office Systems should lead to increased profitability of the firm as a result of improved employee commitment. In summary, the recommendations include conducting an employee satisfaction survey and introducing a performance appraisal for all the staffs. They also include the development of SMART objectives...

Domestic Violence by an Intimate Partner

Summary This study was aimed at examining the trends in attitudes about violence between intimate partners. In setting the foundation of the study, the authors hypothesized that if people across the world are affected by the diffusion of global norms, then the number of persons who think that violence between...

Evidence-Based Practice Star Model in Nursing

Introduction Among the chosen population of patients aged 50 or older, one of the most widespread problems is the high amount of readmissions due to insufficient risk assessment before discharge. In the previous paper, the issue was identified as follows: how can patient outcomes be improved with the employment of...

Nursing Model in University of Miami Hospital

Introduction Selection of an appropriate model of nursing care coordination is interrelated with the management of such diverse organizational issues as cost-efficiency, customer satisfaction increase, achievement of positive treatment outcomes, and provision of high-quality healthcare service to all patients. When an efficient model is implemented, the internal communication among nursing...

“The Farthest” a Documentary by Emer Reynolds

Introduction The Farthest is a 2017 documentary that describes the story of the Voyager probes, the human-made objects most distant from the Earth. Since their launch in 1977, the machines have managed to survive to this day while sending valuable information back to Earth all the while. The generators installed...

Nike Equality Campaign and Marketing Communication

Any marketing communication plan is an opportunity to communicate all possible marketing messages with the help of which customers can be targeted, and professional goals can be achieved. It is not enough to choose one marketing strategy and follow it precisely. It is necessary to investigate all important components of...

Theology in the Enlightenment Age

Introduction Enlightenment was an intellectual movement. It is commonly held that the influence of enlightenment was paramount in the 18th century (Adorno, 2002). Some literary sources, however, indicate that it began way back in the 13th century. Generally, the enlightenment age started gaining momentum in the 13th when Thomas Aquinas...

Marriage in Family Life and Government Policies

Family This is an institution that has been created through an agreement in marriage. It has been accorded the right to privacy by the law. Privacy enables the family members and heads to make the right and best decisions for the sake of the whole unit (Dolan, 180). Family-related decisions...

Ramifications of the Internet

The Internet is one the most outstanding invention of humanity, which allowed to erase the borders between countries and continents, to bring people closer to each other, and to drop all the complexities and inconveniences, and to communicate freely. In addition, the Internet has opened up opportunities for profitable businesses,...

Access Control Methods: Positive and Negative Aspects

Introduction The concept of access control is confusing to many people. Some consider it as the act of preventing external sources from accessing information stored in a system. They are unable to differentiate between access control and identity verification or authentication. Sicuranza, Esposito, and Ciampi (2015) define access control as...

Beryl Mineral’s Physical Properties

Introduction Beryl is a mineral composed mainly of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. However, traces of cesium, lithium, and sodium can be found in beryl. The gemstone originates from igneous, metamorphic rocks. It has a refractive index ranging from 1.57 to 1.58 and a specific gravity of 2.6 to 2.92 (Sultana &...

Roy Adaptation Model for Nursing Care

Introduction The theoretical concepts of nursing care models are closely related to practice. Many of the models have been developed by nurse practitioners who based their theories on real-world contexts. It is important for registered nurses to observe and apply nursing care models in workplace settings to identify positive characteristics...

Cultural Relativism, Universal Jurisdiction and Human Rights

The Human Rights area of different countries has its own peculiar features and structure. Human Rights are the result of people’s fight for independence. Middle East countries have always been characterized by certain unique rules and positions in the sphere of religion and human rights. The contradictions between the international...

Management of Sex Offenders

Although sex offender treatment is an established clinical department, results concerning the effectiveness of how it handles its task has been slow to gather up. Treatment outcome studies are going on and one carried out in California best known as Sex Criminal Management and Assessment Scheme is used to give...

The Impact of the Culture and Communication in International Business

The impact of the culture For ICCTC, an international consulting company, it is important to recognize that international and national culture requires careful considerations and deep knowledge of values and traditions of people. The countries selected for expansion are Iran and Malaysia (Keegan and Green 1996). One widespread understanding, though,...

World Religion: Main Norms and Studies

William does give a very good preface and a strong prelude into the face of religion all over the world. It introduced an orientation ad gives a compass reading into religion it norms. He gives a simple face of understanding in to his survey on the different stages of his...

Globalization and Transformative Process Drivers

Introduction Globalization is a process of world wide connectivity through which the regional economies, societies and ways of life are joined together through trade and communications. It is the joining together of the local societies to the international community through the processes of trade, migrations, transportation and communication, business ventures...

“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: Part Three Analysis

The Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a poem written in the 16th century and has an English origin. It is about a knight serving during King Arthur’s regime; he accepts to fight a mysterious green warrior known as the Green Knight. The fight is scheduled for New Year’s...

Breaking Free From an Abusive Relationship

According to statistical data provided by the American Bar Association of Commission on Domestic violence, approximately 1.3 million women are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States (American Bar Association). This problem has grown so acute that many American writers and screenwriters of the XXth century...

Racial and Cultural Descrimination

Race and culture have always been sensitive topics given the rise in racial discrimination in the recent past. This prompted me to carry out a study on various aspects of culture and levels of discrimination that are common in the society today. In addition to the above, I highly anticipate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advantages and Disadvantages Working From Home or Office

Introduction Nowadays, the boundary between personal life and workspace becomes more and more blurred. Advancement of communication technologies provided everybody with a chance to find a job that can be performed either at the office or at home according to individual preferences. The Covid-19 pandemic increased the rate of home-based...

Medical Literature Evaluation

Introduction Title: Costs and Effects of Inhaled Corticosteroids and Bronchodilators in Asthma and Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease. Authors: Maureen Rutten Van Molken, Eddy Van Donslaer, Margreet Jansen and Frans Ruttten. Funding: Department of Health Economics, University of Limburg, Maastricht the Netherlands; Institute of Medical Technology Assessment, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the...

Impact of Alcohol Abuse on Breast Cancer Risk in Women

Introduction Alcohol abuse is a common problem in most societies that leads to serious health problems. However, many people are aware of the negative effects of alcohol on the liver and cardiovascular system but do not know about the link between alcohol and an increased risk of cancer. The connection...

The Future of Nursing in an Evolving Health Care System

Owing to the ongoing health care reform, nurses in the United States are continuously being facilitated to practice to the optimum level of their proficiencies and capabilities with the view to assuming new roles in the health care delivery and becoming the main force behind the optimization of care for...

The Involvement of Patients in the Process of Using a New Treatment

Introduction To address the interests of patients, nursing care should be not only high-quality but also ethical. New technologies, medications, and approaches to treating patients are actively developed today, and registered nurses need to respond to the issue of using new strategies and drugs to positively influence the quality of...

The Future of 100 Shares in Overstock

Introduction In the analysis of the future of the shares, it is imperative to analyse the diverse aspects of Overstock. The entity began operating in the late 1990s. From then, the entity has developed in an exceptional manner. The entity is an online retailer with many warehouses in America to...

Trends Across Period 3 Oxides and Chlorides

Aim The aim of this experiment was to identify critically the trend in the chemical properties of elements and compounds of period 3. The students were required to specifically study how the chemical properties of the oxides and chlorides of period 3 elements relate to each other and how the...

Application of Insanity Defense in Los Angeles

Introduction Insanity defense refers to a strategy that is rarely utilized in the courts as a defense. In many states in the US, the defense is usually unsuccessful in many courts. States are grouped into three major categories as regards the use of the insanity defense. One of the categories...

The Essence of “All Politics Is Local” Phrase

Background Over the years, the American government attempts to recover from the great recession through intensifying economic activities and the development index. However, the initiative faces the challenge due to the compromise to the societal growth that involves the eradication of key issues. An excellent example is the allocation of...

Primary Risks That Affect the Credibility and Relevance of the Obtained Data

Introduction Designing a plan for the process of data analysis is of the same significance as the process of data collection itself. It is vital to divide it into distinct phases by determining the objectives of each stage so that the process is flawless and the goals of the change...

Discrimination Against Women at the Workplace

Modern consumers require businesses to not only deliver excellent quality of their services but also to embrace social accountability, especially in terms of providing employees with equal opportunities. Nevertheless, every month, news emerges on how high-ranking managers at multinational companies mistreat their workers or generally demonstrate inappropriate behavior engaging in...

Eisner and the Disney Company

The Disney company is among the most profitable and successful actors in the industry nowadays. Such state of the art was achieved because of due diligence and policy that the top management has been applying for many years. However, there was a period when the corporation faced a plethora of...

Climate Change and Mitigation Approaches

Introduction Climate change is an important modern issue, which requires worldwide attention and common efforts. There are three main approaches to minimize the negative effects of climate change, including mitigation, adaptation and activation. Activation represents actions that contribute to broader acknowledgement of the issue and encourage both individuals and social...

“Recitatif” by Toni Morrison Analysis

Introduction One of the primary purposes of literature is to deliver meaningful messages through artful images and plots. While some literary works may have a mostly entertaining function, some pieces prove to be seminal in the broader context of topical issues of society. Toni Morrison is one of the authors...

Death in the Village of Gold, Zamfara Province

Review Process The village of Gold is a case study experiencing a life-threatening condition to its population after numerous deaths are reported amongst children in three villages of Zamfara Province, Nigeria. The case involves a Disease Detective who has a role in identifying the cause of deaths after getting the...

Summary of “The War for Kindness” Book by Jamil Zaki

Background The book “The war for kindness” (TWFK) is written by Jamil Zaki (2019), and the author uses stories, observations, and research findings to show how people turn to hate rather than empathy in their daily lives. Zaki (2019) defines empathy as “an umbrella term that describes multiple ways people...

Brains of Persons Who Have Committed Murder

The human brain is amongst the most compound and most significant organs in the body, comprising more than a hundred nerves communicating in trillions of links called synapses. The brain consists of different specialized regions that work together in a coordinated manner. An example of the region is the cortex...

Human Biology and Culture Connection

Unlike the ancient one, modern man is developing much faster, and this year, from the point of view of evolution, is equal to the previous century. The population of the Earth today is much more diverse than before. People differ by race and nationality and by physical and intellectual level,...

Qualitative Research Methods Matrix

Section 1 Approach Disciplinary Roots Focus of Central Research Question Unique Terminology Primary Data Sources Sampling Issues Analysis Plan Guidelines References Basic Qualitative Inquiry Philosophy, history constructionism, phenomenology How can the experience of [an event, circumstance, program, a context] be described or explored? What is the meaning of [a process,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Pre-Writing Process in Business Communication

Introduction A business report is a formal document designed to guide managers and policy-makers in organizations toward making informed decisions. As a result, business reports rely heavily on factual data and research resources to analyze concepts and provide practical recommendations to improve organizational processes. On that account, it is critical...

Mindfulness for Trauma and Anxiety Treatment

Introduction Trauma and anxiety symptoms in young adults are highly researched topics in the field of mental health. A wide variety of potential treatments exist, including programs focused on medication, exercise, group conversations, and more. Mindfulness and meditation are among these interventions, as they have been shown to reduce stress...

Escherichia Coli O157:H7: Analysis

Introduction Escherichia coli (or simply E. coli) is one of several types of bacteria found in the intestines of healthy people and most warm-blooded animals. E. coli bacteria aid in the maintenance of appropriate intestinal flora (bacteria) balance and the synthesis or production of specific vitamins. A strain of E....

Strategic and Program Evaluation in Healthcare

The constant increase in healthcare costs associated with the emergence of new medical technologies and medicines, as well as changes in the structure of morbidity and demographic problems, is a global trend nowadays. Holden et at. (2021) emphasize that “this evolution is accompanied by new challenges to deliver safe, high-quality,...

Team Management and Leadership Articles Review

Introduction While conflict levels determine the efficiency of a team’s performance, it is highly essential to identify the underlying humanistic facets that contribute to both interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts for their minimization and effective management. At the same time, a team’s contextual factors and personal characteristics are among the facets...

Cryotherapy for a Complex Adult Health Client

Introduction The application of ice and cold-water immersion for therapeutic purposes in cases of some tissue injuries and edema can be dated back to ancient times. Indeed, cryotherapy was initially proposed by Hippocrates for relieving body swelling and muscle pain (Kwiecien & McHugh, 2021). It exists in various forms, from...

Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Views on Healthcare

Introduction The view of Jehovah’s Witnesses is slightly different from the perspective most people in the United States share. The topic of the paper focuses on the perspectives Jehovah’s Witnesses have on healthcare-related topics are vital for nurses and physicians who treat them. The subtopics include their views on life...

“Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles vs. “Fences” by Wilson

Introduction It is important to note that the key themes of betrayal and trust, family and relationships, as well as pride and prejudice, emerge in many works of literature. The given analysis will focus on “Oedipus Rex” and “Fences,” which do not seem to be linked in any way. However,...

Southwest Airlines’ Major Case Analysis

Introduction Southwest is one of the leaders in the short-haul air travel industry. The company was founded in 1967, and 2020 every year is profitable for it (Parnell, 2017). Southwest has established itself as a no-frills company; no food is provided on board, and reservations are also not possible (Parnell,...

The Patriot Act as an Anti-Terrorism Policy

Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. This can include acts such as bombings, kidnappings, hijackings, and mass shootings, and is often carried out by non-state actors such as extremist groups. The goal of terrorism is to create fear and disrupt the normal...

How Jesus Would Fit in Today’s Society

Introduction Religion constantly confronts contemporary culture and phenomena, either positively interacting with them or conversely coming into conflict with them. This relationship is based on the principles that faith erects around itself, so the potential relationship of Jesus as the One God with modernity is of interest. His relationship with...

Doping in Sports: Essay Example

Doping in Sports: Essay Introduction Recent years have seen major athletes being caught with doping. Use of performance enhancing drugs is considered as one of the major crimes in sports. This act is considered as cheating and as unethical in sports. Increase in the numbers of sportsmen being caught in...

Exploitation and Minimum Pay

Minimum Wage The issue of exploitation is a major challenge in many societies. A minimum pay is the lowest monthly or daily remuneration that companies may pay their workers. My position is that every business should follow the best ethical principles. This approach will ensure “every organization provides what many...

Transforming Nursing: Issues and Trends

Introduction The provision of quality health care services in America has become a headache for most presidents and governments (Halstead 78). There seems to be very little progress towards improving this sector even though the government has invested heavily in research, debates, and reforms to ensure its citizens get good...

Disability in the Workplace

Background of the study Workplace disability refers to a situation where an employee sustains physical or mental impairment. This state of affairs substantially limits performance of some activities. Both domestic and international human rights bodies have variously addressed the matter in favor of incapacitated employees. Many governments around the world...

The Power of Ideas – Philosophy

According to Heraclitus, everything is ceaselessly changing. In his argument, Heraclitus says, “all is fire”, which means that the only reality that exists is the reality of change. He argues that permanence does not exist, but it is an illusion. By using the phrase “all is fire”, the philosopher attempts...

Gendered Analysis of “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”

The story of Henrietta is a classical example of how women are portrayed and thought of in the society. The portrayal of women on magazine covers is exemplary done by the author in her book cover. The author views Henrietta as a beautiful black woman. In fact, pundits argue that...

DC Motor Rotational Speed Characteristics

Introduction DC motors are machines that convert direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy or torque, whoch is also reffered to as the moment of a force. The operational mechanism of the motor is based on the forces that act on the magnetic field, which is caused by flow of...

The Communication Problems with the Email

Identify the communication problems with the email Communication is a sensitive issue because when one is saying or writing anything, the expectation is that the recipient will understand everything. It involves two or more parties but the basic ones are the sender and the receiver (Stuart, Sarow, & Stuart, 2007)....

Informatics Competencies for Every Practicing Nurse

Core competencies are the skills an employee is required to have to perform their job effectively. This concept is universal among many different fields of work. However, having specific competencies is especially prioritized in the medical field. Even different types of nurses require different core competencies. This paper will compare...

Same Sex Marriages in Australia

Introduction Same sex marriages and relationships have become common in modern societies due to the expansive democratic space offered by constitutions (Sullivan 2011). People misinterpret constitutions to behave in ways that make them happy even if this violates the moral and religious teachings of the society. The move to establish...

World War I: Nationalism and the US Impact

Considering the belief that loyalty should be the greatest when it comes to nation and culture, nationalism is a way to describe this attitude. In the case of WWI, nationalism led to the development of a competitive worldwide environment where each country felt the urge to overpower its closest rivals....

Indian Creek Foundation: New Plan Fundamentals

Indian Creek Foundation is an organization focused on helping children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It has operated for more than 40 years and has provided a great service to the people living in its area of operation. However, currently, the company operates under an outdated plan that...

Nursing as a Science and Nursing as an Art

Introduction When speaking about nursing, the majority of the representatives of the general population claim that it is a practice. Nevertheless, professionals who work in this sphere know that it can also be both a science and an art that can be performed while coping with their duties. Nursing is...

Cybersecurity Issues of Healthcare Organizations

Introduction The paper aims at analyzing the article describing a potential implementation of unified cybersecurity standards for healthcare organizations. The analysis provides the rationale for choosing the topic, explores the positive influence of suggested changes in nursing practices, identifies potential difficulties and adverse effects of the proposed innovation, and discusses...

United Parcel Service’s Environmental Management

UPS’s alternative-fuels fleet as a response to trends taking place in the company’s general environment Every country exists in a constantly changing environment that can be subdivided into the internal and external layers. The general environment is a part of the external environment and consists of international, technological, natural, sociocultural,...

Change Theory in Pediatrics Unit

Healthcare institutions should implement powerful practices to support the needs of different practitioners and ensure that quality services are available to every patient. The targeted unit is concerned with the health needs of children below the age of six. The practitioners in this unit use their competencies to identify patients’...

Transition Stage of Psychotherapeutic Group Development

Introduction When a psychotherapeutic group has passed the storming stage, it reaches the next level of its development, which therapists call a transition stage. At this point, a group that has gone through the initial phase faced some challenges of recognizing the rules of behavior, and established places in the...

Hawaii’s Solar Wars and Variable Pricing Solution

“Hawaii’s Solar Wars”: Variable Pricing as a Solution Offered by Herman K. Trabish “Hawaii’s solar wars” is an issue that has emerged recently due to the installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems by some Hawaiian households and the resulting economic conflict between the owners of these systems and the rest...

Indians in the American Revolutionary Era

Corn Tassel, Speech at Treaty Talks with Virginia and North California, 1777 This document presents a reply from George Corn Tassel, the Cherokee leader, to the claim of the North Carolina government to enter Cherokee lands. The speech of this leader is polite and convincing as it aims at the...

Evidence-Based Practice and Implementation Barriers

For successful advanced nursing practice, it is essential to establish a proper environment and empower nurses to utilize evidence-based practice (EBP) that is based on scholarly research. Even though the advantageous role to patient outcomes is recognized as one of the pillars of the healthcare area, many nurses still struggle...

Managerial Strategy From the Inside Out

Introduction Unique capabilities and popular brands are important in sustaining the competitive advantage of companies. However, they are not built through the process of imitation. Managers who portray a high degree of creativity use their organizational processes and design to identify, build on, and leverage their asymmetries, contacts, or assets....

“Great Expectations” a Book by Charles Dickens

Pip’s Feelings the Next Day After He Met Mr. Jaggers Pip’s mood has improved the next morning after he came into possession of the unexpected fortune. However, he feels uncertain about his future and even thinks that something may happen to London before he even has a chance to get...

The Concept of Gender Socialization and Ageism

Introduction Being social creatures, people of all ages are expected to effectively collaborate with others and manage to strike the right balance between their personal needs and social requirements. Taking into consideration that many individuals face personal problems related to their interactions with the world, they need access to effective...

Telephone and Online Follow-up Versus Personal Visits

Introduction Technological advancements are entering more and more spheres of people’s lives, leading to considerable improvements. In the healthcare profession, timely response to patients’ needs is frequently the decisive factor in the process of saving someone’s health or even life. Modern equipment helps physicians to perform a thorough examination of...

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory in Nursing

Virginia Henderson Theory: Introduction The use of nursing theories in the clinical nursing environment varies significantly depending on the context. However, all such theories are targeted at achieving high levels of care for patients regardless of who they are and what is their background. For the purpose of the current...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company: Marketing Plan Assignment

Executive Summary Thai-Lay Fashion Company is an existing garment manufacturing company in the UK having the business mission of achieving market leadership in the garment industry on a global basis with its well-designed and qualified garment products. The company’s objective is to get market acceptability through the production and marketing...

Social Cognitive Theory and Self-Efficacy

The socialization of people in the modern world led to the impossibility of the existence of any group of people, organizations, and other institutions without communication. The effectiveness of health risk communication in the organization may be evaluated by means of social cognitive theory and self-efficacy, which are going to...

Tactical Planning of War

Introduction The action at Jumonville Glen in Pennsylvania is a starting point of the French and Indian war. This encounter is worth discussing in detail because the events which took place back then help to evaluate the tactics which the parties used. There were a number of factors which contributed...

‘Cost of Quality’ Implementation in Outsourced Customer Service

The ‘Cost of Quality’ Approach For the uninitiated, ‘cost of quality’ provokes the naïve notion that the phrase stands wholly and solely for what it takes to make a good quality product. But this cost is already known. Part of this is the item ‘Cost of Goods Sold’ or ‘Cost...

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The Importance of Motivating Knowledge Workers

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Marketing Research: The Air Humidifier from Prodserve

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Johann Sebastian Bach’s Sacred Cantata BWV 29

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Introduction Terrorism and drug trafficking are the major wars that the world has been trying to fight for several centuries. However, winning the war has not been easy because of the nature of the organizations involved in the crime. Most of these organizations are very large and they operate as...

International Green Marketing in British and Romanian Firms

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Researching Consumer Purchases

Introduction In the contemporary information-driven markets, consumer purchasing behaviors are particularly dependent on the availability and credibility of information about a product one has an intention to buy. For this essay, the product selected for analysis was running shoes. Different brands of running shoes were examined to retrieve online reviews...

Launching Antibacterial Wipes in the UAE Market

This report describes the market research conducted on behalf of ABC multinational company planning to launch wipes with antibacterial qualities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market. Antibacterial wipes are pre-moistened towelettes that contain sanitizing or disinfecting substances such as alcohol or chlorine compounds which kill germs on surfaces and...

The Case of Sandra Malone: Evaluation

Introduction In order to identify what changes, if any, are necessary in a particular case, it is critical to evaluate the current state of affairs. For a social worker, evaluation means assessing the relevance of any interventions that have taken place in the situation under the review, judging by their...

The Influence of the U.S. Foreign Policy During the Late Cold War

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The Pearl Harbor Attack: Political Importance

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“Carrie” by Stephen king in 1976

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God’s Existence in Descartes’ Argument

An ontological argument set forth by Descartes is among the most exciting while also improperly understood aspects in his philosophy. The interest in the argument is associated with the effort to prove that God exists based on simple but significant premises. Descartes was unsuccessful in proving the existence of God...

Disciplines of Environmental Science

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Anoxic Brain Injury: Causes and Effects

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Marketing: A Salivary Testosterone Device Assessment and Analysis

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Co-Leadership Using Humanistic Approach

Introduction Leadership involves personal guidance and effectively guiding other people. Group leadership includes providing focus and directions to a specific team working towards a common goal. Teaching and facilitating the team’s actions and accepting responsibilities for the group’s outcome efforts constitutes effective leadership. I believe that minor improvements are the...

The Yoga Ethics in a Student-Teacher Relationship

Setting Boundaries Between Teachers and Students The yoga ethics in the student/teacher relationship arises from an idea of various boundaries ranging from an array of personal upbringing and regular life experiences. There exists a relationship between teachers and their students who have set boundaries in their coordination and how they...

The Influence of Gender and Power Disparities on the Workplace

Nowadays, discrimination in labor relations is one of the most widespread but not always distinctly identified human rights violations. Prejudice is a multifaceted phenomenon with many diverse manifestations and international scope. Legislation at various levels, from global to local, emphasizes that bias in the field of labor is prohibited. However,...

Interprofessional Team Management in Healthcare

Introduction Interprofessional teams comprise specialists from various occupations who work together to enhance patient outcomes. Such groups can improve care, advance job satisfaction, and decrease stress (James et al., 2021). Accordingly, multidisciplinary crews need competent leaders who will unite the members, guide practice, and resolve issues. I intend to lead...

Tampa’s Problem of Housing and Rising Cost of Rent

Urban areas are mainly characterized by a high population that requires adequate housing facilities. In Tampa city, there has been an increased influx of people from different regions owing to the desirable opportunities available in the urban area. Although Tampa city is peaceful and has fantastic beauty, it should create...

Psychology of Long-Term Explicit Learning

The straightforward learning process, which is frequently assumed to be similar to the processes involved in conscious problem-solving, is thought to involve attempts to construct a task representation, a directed search of memory for similar or analogous task-relevant information, and consciously deriving and testing task-related hypotheses. People’s mental, physical, and...