Three Views of Grammar

The textbook identifies three views of grammar – traditional grammar, structural linguistics, and transformational grammar. Standard grammar refers to a set of prescriptive rules and concepts about the structure of language. This type of grammar has its roots in the principles formulated by the scholars of ancient Greece and Rome....

Police Officer Characteristics and Evaluation

Most people would prefer their police officers to be capable of making decisions and taking action, especially in tense situations where swift choices are necessary. They would also like their officers to be ethical, with a strong moral compass, so that they do not engage in misconduct for any reason....

“My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke

In “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke, the waltz is used as a metaphor for describing the relationship between a father and his son. The readers are introduced to a visual flashback from the speaker’s childhood as to a night his father came back home intoxicated and proceeded to dance...

Areas of Difficulty Faced by Nurses

From the viewer’s perspective, nurses are seen as hardworking and loving caregivers in their communities and hospitals. In addition to this, nurses are also people with thoughts, feelings, and limitations on how much stress they can handle. Both areas of difficulty that I have encountered are caused by a lot...

The United States History Reforms Chart

Public Education Reform The 2011 U.S. education reform Description One of the most controversial measures of this reform is transferring some educational institutions into private hands. Public schools, run as private enterprises, were considered more success-oriented. Person Involved Diane Ravitch How was the person involved? Diane Ravitch is the most...

St. Louis Lambert International Airport

St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) is a big international airport characterized by about 259 daily departures to 78 locations in the USA and abroad. For this reason, its stable functioning is vital for guaranteeing that passengers from the area will be able to satisfy their transportation needs. The airport...

Themes in The Corporation Documentary Film

The Corporation is a documentary movie revolving around giant companies becoming increasingly influential in the current world. Cogitating on the functioning and development of these entities, the authors attempt to compare them to specific psychological patterns found in people (Encore+, n.d.). For instance, modern corporations focus on earning money as...

Hume’s Skepticism: Evaluation and Personal Reflection

Hume’s analysis is a complex concept directed to understand the relationship between cause and effect. In his view, we enhance our knowledge of matter because of understanding its causes. However, our understanding of the cause of the matter is limited; therefore, we cannot fully accept the nature of events. The...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery: Similarities and Differences

Indentured servants and slaves were brought from outside America to work in plantations in the colony. These people faced cruel punishment for petty crimes. They were poorly housed, ill-clothed, ill-fed, bought, and sold (Smedley, 2007). Furthermore, indentured servants and slaves had high mortality due to poor working conditions. Their ideas...

Mallards Couple’s Marriage in Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The work will examine the marriage of Mallards, the couple from the piece of literature entitled “The Story of an Hour,” written by Kate Chopin. This work makes a reader question the feelings between Louise Mallard and her husband, Brently, as the author gives clues that point out opposite views...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Murders During the Black Lives Matter Protests: The Case Study

The article describes the trial of a young man who shot and killed two people last year during the Black Lives Matter protests. Notably, 18 years old Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted in court despite fatally shooting two men and injuring one (BBC, 2021). A former police youth cadet, Kyle Rittenhouse,...

“The Godfather” as Traditional and Untraditional Gangster Film

The film “The Godfather”, directed by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola, is a wonderful conjecture that invites us to contemplate the Mafia fully on its terms. That is why we have sympathy for characters who are inherently evil. Don Vito Corleone is a sympathetic and rather adorable character; throughout...

An Eye for an Eye Principle in Society

In the discussion concerning the “an eye for an eye” principle, I support Jones, who said that this commandment would not leave a blind society, but to a one-eyed society, which is different. To my mind, both sides are right in some aspects because violence leads to even more violence....

Analysis of Anne Hutchinson Case Study

It should primarily be mentioned that the case of Anne Hutchinson is a very controversial one and can be judged from various points of view. For example, it can be stated that she was a treat to authorities and the people around her because she was a member of the...

Forensic Drug Analysis Course: Reflection

Modern forensic science offers many tools for more effective work in the investigation and prevention of crimes. The focus of the course is the most relevant for me, as it allows me to consider in more detail forensic drug chemistry. The most interesting part of the course is the study...

Measuring Public Relations and Advertising Efforts

If I were in the position of a marketing manager, I would definitely insist that a firm should do its own measurement of the effectiveness of public relations (PR) and corporate advertising efforts. The first reason is apparent; it is financial and human resources. These are crucial for any firm...

Communication with the Audience in Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein”

Beyond simply telling a good story, Mary Shelly is trying to convey the information that while technology and science have an essential part in human life, the two can only go as far. The author at the end of the story proves that technology and science can only go far...

Herodotus on the Egyptians: World History

I believe that Herodotus had a valid opinion on how influential some of the Egyptian customs have been to the Greeks. For instance, Egyptians had the same type of social hierarchy, with the upper class of land and slave owners and the lower class with limited rights. Some religious similarities...

Customer’s Expectations in Hospitality and Tourism

Hospitality and tourism are the most popular industries in the modern world. This sphere has gone through many unstable world situations, and due to this fact, customers’ expectations may change rapidly. Many governments believe that tourism and hospitality expand the economy, and the leaders continue investing a lot of money...

Social Media Impact on Globalization

Among the many drivers of globalization, the advancement of digital social media platforms has been one of the most influential. The invention of the Internet in general, and the development of networking online in particular, have shifted traditional interpersonal communication toward the virtual exchange of data. In such a manner,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Addressing Marginalized Groups

Those excluded from mainstream social, economic, educational, and cultural life are marginalized communities. Examples of groups that are considered oppressed or marginalized are LGBT, Racial/Cultural minorities, Hearing, visually, and Physically Challenged Persons, Persons with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI), Persons with Cognitive Impairments, Autism Spectrum Persons, Gifted and Talented...

Proofs of the Existence of God Based on Moral Conscience

The deontological argument for the existence of God attempts to answer the question of whether the moral order and grounding ethics are possible without assuming that God exists. One of its formulations is Kant’s argument, which states that a superior order is required to guide people in their actions. God...

Aspects of Work Phase Skills

The main topic of chapter five of Shulman’s book is centered around work phase skills. These include data sharing, content connections, process identification, obstacle pinpointing, empathy skills, sessional contracting skills, and tuning-in abilities (Shulman, 2016). In the case of Summers’s book, chapter four addresses the importance of cultural competence in...

“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the monster is the creation of Victor Frankenstein that was assembled from old body parts and unknown chemicals that come together and make a live creature from a spark. Looking quite menacing and dangerous, the monster enters life as a blank slate, with a newborn...

Wealth, Opportunity, and Teen Pregnancy Relationship

Girls from disadvantaged families are much more at risk of early pregnancy. Firstly, children from dysfunctional families often suffer from a lack of sexual education. Pregnancy at a young age is a consequence of early sexual initiation, improper or no contraceptive use, and a lack of awareness among adolescents (Yglesias,...

Universal Information Security Management Measures

The cloud computing approach has become the dominant technology paradigm across the entire enterprise IT infrastructure. The cloud model has brought a myriad of new and innovative management and operational mechanisms, approaches, and frameworks to nearly every industry. However, it has also created a lot of new and unknown risks...

Case Management in Nursing: Benefits and Disadvantages

The responsibilities of medical workers are not limited only to providing the most effective and optimal care and treatment. According to Tomajan and Hatmaker (2019), advocacy and social activism are also aspects of the healthcare provider profession. Nurses and physicians can bring about the necessary changes in the healthcare institution...

The Role of Family in Ancient Greece

Thee research study of the history of historical events is of great interest. Despite the fact that the history of Ancient Greece can not be called entirely reliable, since many books were lost or damaged. The main topic of interest is Greek family life, where the rules were clearly distributed...

Healthy Eating Plate: Nutritional Recommendations

Both Harvard Healthy Eating Plate and USDA MyPlate are designed to provide nutritional recommendations for the general population, although they differ in some ways. For example, in contrast to the Healthy Eating Plate, MyPlate has only recently added a suggestion to consume whole grains for better health, does not make...

The Train Problem: Ethical and Philosophical Issue

The wagon problem is one of the most popular ethical and philosophical issues. The question seems straightforward; of course, saving the lives of five is more important than saving the life of one. However, it is complicated by the fact that, in this case, the person behind the level, making...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Choice of a Medical Data Management System

The healthcare information system plays one of the most important roles. This concept implies a system for managing medical data. This implies the storage, management and use of medical information using the patient’s electronic medical record. Moreover, the information system in healthcare helps to conduct data operations more efficiently and...

The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act

As cybersecurity has been an intensely debated and widely researched issue, its application in the legislative context is also essential to explore. In the Security Magazine article, Henriquez (2020) discusses the Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Improvement Act and what it means for the public and the government. The reason...

“The Perfect Dictatorship” by Luis Estrada: The Concept of Dictatorship

Presumably, the best-known markers of a dictatorship are a personality cult and the systematic oppression of human liberties in a certain state. A combination of the two results in the lack of the possibility for the citizens to “change their rulers peacefully,” which Dent (2005) indicates in his dictionary (p....

Digital Marketing vs. Digital Media

In the heyday of information technology, people utilize it to help them with anything, doing business included. Ferrel notes that there is a term for that – e-business, which means running traditional business and achieving its goals with the help of the Internet (403). In its turn, people use the...

Access to Hospitals in Rural America

Statistics Related to Access to Health Care Entities in Rural America Paradoxical things and processes are taking place in the relationship between public health and the population in the United States (US). Quality in terms of technology and personnel is steadily increasing. However, access to essential and standard treatments and...

The Impact of Technology on Globalization

Advances in technology have greatly contributed to the main forces behind globalization. As technology progresses, organizations are compelled to become global by increasing their market size and economies of scale necessary to break even. Two significant factors are associated with how technology contributes to globalization and trickles down to the...

Romantic Era: Frederic Chopin Concerto No. 1

The video represents the virtuoso performance of Frederic Chopin Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra in e-minor. The concert involves the play of a piano, multiple violins, and contrabasses, which assemble the performance more complete due to the balanced combination of strings and keyboard musical instruments. The concert hall...

Biography of Joan of Arc: The Radical

Joan of Arc was born in the early 1400s when her country of France was at war with England. She came from a modest background, but her radical nature is seen through her belief that it was her divine calling from God to lead the French army to victory against...

The Problem of Hiring Certain Categories of People

Hiring employees is regularly presented as one of the most challenging tasks for employers, which requires the proper attention and approach of hiring managers. Various legal provisions protect these social classes from hiring women, people with disabilities, or the elderly. Most questions are raised by legislation regarding students and non-disabled...

Challenges of Computer Programming for Non-English Speakers

The initial idea was to choose a topic connected with the problems that some inexperienced programmers may face. I decided to use Google Scholar for the search and see what more specified themes I could find among the credible sources. Then I saw the academic article about technical struggles that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

In the era of exponentially growing business companies, not everyone manages to consider the importance of social and environmental consequences from the action of entrepreneurs. The business world oftentimes is aggressive, straightly focused on increasing the cash flow. However, many successful firms develop strategies caring about social and environmental states...

Mitigation Programs: Case of Emergencies

Mitigation programs have a critical preventive function in case of emergencies. As a rule, these programs are undertaken at the state level, but the support of the business sector and community members is equally important. With their help, local support of resources, distribution of management coordination, and assistance in monitoring...

“Black College Men’s Sources…” by Goodwill et al.

The two research questions guide the researcher to understand the challenges faced by Black college men and how they are solved. From the criticism, building the study from prior research was critical since it helped the researcher understand the age range of the participants and the appropriateness of the questions...

Aspects of Media and Social Change

Global history proves that social movements, technological innovations, and media, combined or separated, can create social change. Another thing that the historical discipline shows is that the process of bringing it in can be brutal or peaceful. The current century is comparatively calmer regarding social transformation and change, and social...

Racism as a Crime

Racism is one of the oldest and most reprehensible forms of crime, which manifests itself in discrimination against people based on their racial or national origin. It is expressed through statements, actions, or policies that divide people. Racism creates prejudices and demonizes others, leading to a lack of access to...

Using Supply & Demand Tool for Analysis

Venezuela Half a century ago, Venezuela was the world’s second oil-producing country. Its production began in the country back in the 20s by large American companies (“Death by Socialism”). Oil provided 90% of exports and 60% of budget revenues (“Death by Socialism”). The country quickly became the leader in Latin...

Police Misconduct: New Rochelle Police Officer Case Study

An off-duty cop acted out of anger while trying to arrest a suspect in New Rochelle, NY. Officer Michael Vaccaro was driven by the desire to punish the criminal Malik Fogg; however, he used too much force, pushing Fogg’s face against the sidewalk (Bandler, 2022). While two other cops were...

Myplate and Pyramid: Nutrition Education and Behavior

MyPlate has assumed the function of the prior Pyramid image as the tool to assist Americans in making better food choices. Its main idea is to encourage people to consider preparing a healthy plate when dining. The servings recommended for each food group in MyPlate and Pyramid are found to...

Multiple Genes’ Influence on Behavior

Behavior largely depends on multiple genes, but not completely. The genotype does not determine behavior only, but rather the general principles for constructing neural circuits responsible for processing incoming information and making decisions. These mechanisms are capable of learning and are constantly rebuilt throughout life. The methodology for studying the...

The Poem “The Aeneid” by Virgil: Roman Empiric Ideal

Virgil believed that loyalty to the state and devotion to family represented the essential Roman virtues. Thus, he portrayed Aeneas as the dutiful servant of the gods who contributed to the construction of Rome’s ideal. Augustus ordered Virgil to continue Homer’s works and glorify Augustus. Thus, the reworks aimed to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Economics and Happiness: Personal Experience

I definitely believe and assume that anthropogenic activities are one of the significant drivers of climate change. Human actions and their impacts on the temperature and ecosystem have resulted in unusual plant and animal extinction events, biodiversity loss, and the endangerment of flora and fauna living on the planet (Cavicchioli...

Effects of Parent-Based Teaching of Alcohol Use

Parent-based interventions have been a predominant topic in alcohol use reduction. Consequently, Bo et al. (2018) argued that the implications of parents’ involvement in teaching responsible drinking are unclear. On the other hand, Napper et al. (2020) argued that parents can play an essential role in shaping beliefs, behaviors, and...

Checkerboard Pattern of the Railroad Land Areas

A similar checkboard pattern can be noticed in many places where railroad tracks have been laid and railroad stations built. The main reasons for this were government grants with sides up to several miles in size along the railroad. Such grants were given as a subsidy and were an alternative...

Detection and Prevention Methodology for DoS Attack

The main discussion post provides strong evidence and arguments about the vulnerabilities of mobile devices due to wireless connectivity reliance, which is being manifested in a denial-of-service (DOS) attack. Since many technology users primarily rely on their smartphones as well as Wi-Fi for internet connection, the highlighted problem is both...

Women in Politics and Changes They Bring

Women entered politics not long ago because the patriarchal conditions of the world continue to affect every nation. Female Political Representation and Substantive Effects on Policies: A Literature Review by Hessami and da Fonseca identifies how politics changes when women enter its history. The authors view women’s politics as an...

KE Adventure Travel Company Analysis

Introduction KE Adventure Travel is a company that organizes trips and vacations for its clients. This is a task that they have been accomplishing for over thirty years (KE Adventure Travel, 2022). The recreation style promoted by this company is active, they provide, for example, hiking, swimming, and skiing (KE...

The Gross Domestic Product Analysis

GDP is commonly known as the gross domestic product, and many political leaders are paying attention to this factor to estimate future changes in their country and avoid possible financial risks. Politicians are using the changes in GDP data during the development of different economic instabilities like inflations and recessions....

The Food Choices Movie Analysis

The main thesis of the movie, ‘Food Choices,’ is that a plant-based diet is the most nutritious, and people should not consume animal products. In this documentary, director Michal Siewierski investigates the effects that people’s dietary choices have on their health, the health of the environment, and the lives of...

What Does Freedom Look Like: The Exploitation of ‘Freedom’ in America

The concept of freedom is multifaceted, and it has many definitions depending on the scope of its application. For example, freedom can be physical, spiritual, political, or personal. However, regardless of the scope, all types of freedom have common features. All these concepts are united by the fact that a...

“Three Days in January” by Bret Baier

In his book, Three Days in January, Bret Baier aimed to enable his readers to understand more about Ike from an individual point of view. Baier wrote the book to educate people on the ideals and principles of the president’s actions during his time. An individual can learn the type...

Sociological Theories Applied to “9500 Liberty” Documentary

9500 Liberty focuses on the history of immigration laws in Virginia. It reveals the major events that occurred during the period of repressive immigration policies. Viewers are able to trace the cause-and-effect relationship between government actions and the social panic that erupted during the passage of the law, which justified...

The Temples in Chichen Itza: Architecture Issues

Chichen Itza was founded around the 6th Century. It was formed by the Mayan people who at the time occupied the Yucatan Peninsula. The name is two-part, drawn from its access to water in the arid region chi meaning mouth, and Chen meaning well. It is located in the region...

Solitary Confinement for Juveniles

Solitary confinement at any age is considered a severe ordeal in correctional facilities because it takes away social opportunities in many ways. Adolescents who end up in correctional facilities are there to make amends to the victims and to change their behavior to the right one in the future (Tedx...

Discussion: Self-Care and Self-Leadership

Being a nursing leader requires self-care, which is an important duty. In their professional capacity, registered nurses have a responsibility to their patients, colleagues, communities, and society. Self-care is crucial for maintaining health, managing pressures, and being the best leader for nursing team members. Self-care should be a practice for...

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses: Conceptual Model

It should be noted that QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) is a project that has been initiated to promote essential security features into health care specialists’ preparation. Its aim in terms of undergraduate baccalaureate education is to expand the liability and autonomy of nurses through effective training and...

Data and Information Difference Explanation

The web search of the phrase “difference between data and information” resulted in a variety of links, from which to choose. Upon the exploration of some of them, website was chosen as it specifically focused on providing information about how certain phenomena differ from one another. The “Difference between...

Mirror Reflection as a Symbol in Wiesel’s “Night”

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” is a detailed description of the processes that happen in a young boy’s heart, soul, and mind, when he observes people being tortured, starved, and burnt alive, when he gets betrayed, insulted, and humiliated. This short but shocking book contains preserved images and evidence of how far...

The Electoral College Institution

The Electoral College is a political institution formed by 538 representatives from 50 states and the District of Columbia. These representatives are Electors who are responsible for electing the President. The candidate should receive the majority of 270 votes to win. Thus, to become the President, the candidate should win...

Arab Influence on Western Society in Middle Ages

All the popular Arab countries in the modern world were known as the Islamic Empire back in the Middle Ages. It is necessary to state that the culture and inhabitants of the Empire’s territories made a tremendous impact on the development of the entire world that started off in medieval...

Ring & Elsaesser-Valarino’s “Lessons from the Light”

The book Lessons from the Light: What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience by Kenneth Ring and Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino, 2006, presents an extensive study of near-death experiences (NDEs). Some spiritual insights into these life-changing encounters and the lessons that can be learned through NDEs are discussed in the book....

Internet and Its Influence on Modern Society

The Internet in the mind of its creators was different from what it emerged to be and what it is today. Even in the 1960s, when the Soviet Union was developing the concept of the digital network, the ideas of solving the economic and social problems of the population persisted...

Physicalism and Functionalism Definition in Psychology

Explaining Subjective Mental Experiences Through Physical Processes The subjective mental experiences that take place usually depend on the perceptions of the subjects. Physical science provides some explanations of why a person may feel some things, such as depression, which is a mental problem, being linked to the decrease of serotonin...

Staffing Policy of International Company Overseas

In the case under consideration, a British company, possessing a top secret manufacturing technology, decides to expand overseas, particularly, in China and Bangladesh. The company aims to establish new manufacturing factories in these countries. Therefore, the problem of choosing a suitable staffing policy arises. According to Subba Rao (2009), there...

Empowerment Activities in Nursing

Nurses usually need to empower their patients to help them make lifestyle modifications. These empowerment activities are associated with the health promotion task by completing which nurses assist patients in overcoming possible barriers related to their environments (Raingruber, 2016). For example, there were situations when I had opportunities to empower...

Academic Achievement Gap and Teachers’ Perceptions

The article by Ratcliff et al. (2016) was aimed at discussing the issue of the achievement gap in terms of the problem’s causes and solutions as well as teachers’ perceptions. The researchers conducted a survey of 874 educators that included questions regarding the achievement gap, such as its importance, causes,...

Qualitative Descriptive Research and Case Study Research: A Comparison

Applying qualitative research to the field of nursing allows shedding light on various issues such as the nature of specific phenomena, the perception of a problem by nurses and patients, and other concerns. Qualitative research encompasses a range of methods for the analysis of key variables, which define the focus...

Hadoop Distributed File System as a System for Handling Big Data

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a file system that aims to store large files with the ability to stream access to data, working on clusters from arbitrary hardware. Files in HDFS are divided into blocks if the file size exceeds the block size. By default, the block size in...

Translating Research into Practice

Despite the growing preoccupation with the issue of translating scientific research into practice, the process of implementing theoretical framework of knowledge into clinical evidence base remains slow. When reflecting upon the matter, healthcare professionals share individual concerns as well as generalized comments, describing the barriers within their professional area of...

Development of Nursing Theory According to Tobbell

The development of nursing theory has become one of the fundamental factors contributing to the emergence of useful and valuable approaches to patient care and conducting relevant research. However, according to Tobbell (2018), significant changes in the practice of nurses occurred only in the 1950s when educators and scholars were...

Taylor’s Framework for the Professional Development of Doctoral Supervisors

The article written by Stan Taylor centers around the changes in supervision practices which became necessary due to the new ways and methods of doctoral education. Last several decades have brought transformations in terms of formalization, growth and diversification of the candidate population, diversification of modes of and diversification of...

The Epic of Gilgamesh: Friendship Between Gilgamesh and Enkidu

Enkidu, a wild man, and Gilgamesh, a king of Uruk, contested but became friends. Despite Enkidu’s transformation that guaranteed him assimilation to civilization, his subconscious, internal side controls the journey and relationships. Before the transition to civilization, the character was bathing with gazelles, and “his heart delighting with the beasts...

Are You Listening?: Ethical Issue of Privacy Violation

A couple of days ago, I experimented to determine whether online apps listen to conversations. My friend and I were sitting at a coffee bar, smartphones on the table, discussing our experiences with purchasing iPhones from online stores. While we were discussing, microphones and cameras on our phones were turned...

Writing: Personal Hobby Analysis

Human beings have a tendency to pursue specific hobbies that match their expectations and achievements in life. Writing is one of such pastimes and it allows individuals to think critically and improve their analytical skills. Hall identifies it as the basis upon which a person’s intellect, academic success, and organizational...

SIOP Model in the United States

The SIOP Model represents an evidence-based framework of sheltered instruction that has been widely used across the educational facilities in the United States. The components of the SIOP Model include preparation, building background, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, practice or application, lesson delivery, and review or assessment. Lesson preparation is the...

Conscious Capitalism Description: Humanity and Business

Conscious capitalism or marketing is gaining popularity as companies seek to embrace compassion in their business ventures. TOMS Shoes is one of the leading conscious companies with its “one for one” mission. The idea behind this company is to donate one pair of shoes to a needy child for every...

The Process of Marketing Research

The process of marketing research implies following the specific steps for a precise outcome. First, the marketers define the product buyers in general, for example, teenagers of 13-16 years old living in Los Angeles. Sometimes they use not real customers but the perceived people who would possibly be interested in...

Consumer Product Safety: Relations and Standarts

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is a regulatory agency that seeks to eradicate risks and injuries caused by consumer products. The organization directly relates to the concept of regulation since it designs and issues different standards concerning various goods to prevent them from being potentially hazardous. The CPSC also...

Depression and the Nervous System

Depression is a broad condition that is associated with failures in many parts of the nervous system, such as neurotransmitters. Per Hoffmann et al. (2017), when the disorder is present, serotonin levels in the organism tend to be low compared to those of others such as norepinephrine and dopamine. Its...

The Problem of Plastic Pollution: Negative Impacts

I decided to select the problem of plastic pollution for my final project. Therefore, today, I want to discuss a social ad made by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF, 2018). The video discusses the drastic effect plastic has on wildlife, the environment, and people’s health. In particular, it shows that...

Assessing the Federal Bureaucracy

Federal bureaucracy refers to the unelected administrative body of the Executive Branch of the federal government. It comprises the federal agencies, departments, and commissions. The main strength of the federal bureaucracy is its clarity in structure, policies, and procedures. Thus, the clear policies help in discouraging favoritism, while the rigid...

Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Livelihoods, Their Health and Our Food Systems

Covid-19 is affecting every aspect of life – personally and professionally, and it is redefining the way society and the workplace are organized. At a personal level, people have to adapt to the changing dynamics including observing social distancing, washing hands regularly, avoiding handshakes, wearing masks in public spaces, and...

Sonny’s Blues: Midterm by James Baldwin

The given assessment will focus on James Baldwin’s “Sonny’ Blues,” and the essay question on what this work reveals about issues like reality, imagination, truth, morals, values, relationships, gender roles, and power structures. This particular piece of writing primarily focuses on family values, brotherly relationships, and addictions. The story demonstrates...

Head Injury and Impaired Pituitary Secretion in Kids

Diabetes insipidus is a disease caused by malfunctioning of the kidneys due to a lack of the hormone vasopressin. Its main symptoms are often urinating, production of an unusually high amount of urine by kidneys, and extreme thirst (“Diabetes insipidus,” n.d.). Other symptoms are colorless urine instead of pale yellow,...

Internal Racism in the Movie Amreeka

The movie Amreeka tells the story of Muna, a non-religious Palestinian woman who works in the banking sector. Every day, on her way to work, she has to cross the Israeli border, on both sides of which people are hostile to her because of her birthplace and religion. After winning...

Autonomous Swarm Boats: Review

The United States Navy’s autonomous swarm boats provide several advantages for naval warfighters. Even though autonomous and robotic technologies became widespread in both airborne and ground-based operations long ago, aquatic operations remained untouched until relatively recently. Autonomous swarm boats represent the progress that military watercraft has made over the decades....

Egyptian and Mesopotamian Societies

The advances in the sphere of agriculture enabled people to accumulate considerable resources and knowledge that led to the fast development of ancient societies in fertile areas. Numerous ancient texts reflect people’s concerns regarding material aspects, as well as the establishment of proper codes that could regulate civilized behavior within...

Dental Billing Fraud and the Role of a Hygienist

One of the most common patterns of dental fraud is related to billing. Some dentists may seek additional profit and perform services that are unnecessary to the patient. In other cases, a high number on a bill may be due to mistakes with coding. In either case, the situation is...

Mediastinotomy and the Current Procedural Terminology Codes

An effective mediastinotomy combines the selection of the appropriate CPT Codes for the procedure and the comprehensive consideration of all relevant information. Mediastinotomy is an invasive diagnostic procedure where a doctor makes an incision on a patient’s chest to examine the organs and tissues located between the lungs, the breastbone,...

Resistance against Racist Nativism

The interesting aspect of the article by Ramjattan (2019) is the strategies adopted by English language teaching (ELT) non-native professionals to resist racist nativists. Racist nativism refers to false perceptions about non-whites being non-native of countries like Canada and the United States because of racial differences. This perception is regardless...

The Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act

Dear Senator Rick Scott, I am writing to you as an American citizen and resident of your district regarding the Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act. I am writing to urge your support and ask you to co-sponsor the bill that can bring equal opportunities for all Americans to benefit from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Expression and Purification of Tagged Protein in E.coli

E.coli has been found as a modal vector in which genes of different sources can be expressed. There have been many developments in the systems through which protein expression and purification can be achieved using E. coli as the cloning agent. Clontech HAT (Histidine Affinity Tag) is a protein expression...

Cultural Relativism: James Rachel’s Claims

The concept of cultural relativism is a well-known phenomenon described by scholars, and the six claims of James Rachel is a model allowing us to examine it. However, since not all of the statements are equally justified, the strongest of them is: “There is no “universal truth” in ethics; that...

Healthcare Information Technology Trends

Undoubtedly, telemedicine is becoming extremely popular nowadays due to the developments in the field of technology. Besides, a multitude of individuals lacks the time to visit hospitals and wait for their turn. Moreover, it seems to be extremely useful for people living in remote geographic areas or being detained in...

Netflix Target Demographics and Market Segment

For this discussion post, I chose one of the most famous companies across the globe: Netflix. This streaming company is known for its innovative approach to entertainment, which includes content personalization, close relations with studios that produce new products for viewers, and strong brand equity (Sadwick, 2019). With a goal...

Community’s Role in Fighting Air Pollution

The community needs industrial activity to provide various consumer resources. However, it can violate environmental standards, which leads to discontent among people who live near factories. O’Rourke suggests the processes and authorities in Vietnam that control the permissible environmental pollution level do not work adequately enough and require more detailed...

Gore’s Flat Structure Works Well

It should primarily be mentioned that it is surprising that an organization without any structure or hierarchy can achieve the described amazing results. This is primarily because, usually, in order to attain goals and improve performance, there has to be a system that operates and drives the organization in a...

Krebs’ Portrayal in “A Soldier’s Home” by Hemingway

In Hemingway’s “A Soldier’s Home,” the main character experiences apathy for a multitude of reasons. Harold Krebs was trained in a way that made him void of any empathy. The disinterest towards maintaining normal relationships or any mundane hobbies settled in after the return to civilian life (Hemingway 2). This...

Standardization in Multinational Enterprises

Multinational enterprises have to cope with some issues, associated with corporate culture, which alters its approach to establishing standards within a company. In addition, local specialties, such as specific environment and cultural features, have a considerable impact on the operation of a company and, therefore, on the administration, which is...

Importance of Cultural Competency in Nursing

The concept of cultural competency in nursing refers to the awareness of traditions and peculiarities of patients cultures, understanding of their values, and respect to their beliefs and views even if they differ from ones of a nurse. According to Sharifi, Adib-Hajbaghery, and Najafi (2019), cultural competency consists of “cultural...

Effective Writing and Criminal Justice

Introduction It is no secret that effective writing is essential for all professional activity areas, and criminal justice is no exception. Criminal justice professionals apply the full range of their skills, namely “cognitive, physical, social and cultural,” when they write effectively (Effective writing instruction, 2019). Effective writing develops logical and...

Change Theories in Evidence-Based Intervention

Kurt Lewin developed the theory of change in patient care. The theory includes three main categories: driving forces, constraints, and balance or balance that is achieved as a result (Barto, 2019). This model includes actions such as defrosting, changing and subsequent freezing. Another approach in this paper will be the...

Universalism Versus Particularism

The universalism versus particularism debate refers to how a society implements the rules of ethics and morality. For instance, in the US, which is a universal society, regulations and contracts are developed and can be applied in any case, with the expectation of goodness defining relationships between partners. In China,...

Recruiting Staff in Multinational Organizations

Working in multinational enterprises implies a significant amount of responsibility, obtaining in-depth knowledge and skills, and adherence to strict standards of a company. Therefore, it is crucial to employ competent and qualified staff to support the reputation and maintain the quality of service and products. For this reason, there are...

Social Responsibility in Business

Few topics in business invite as much controversy as social responsibility. Even though businesses are important for the functioning and prosperity of the economy, they also generate a substantial negative impact on society. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an idea that businesses are obliged to respect the ethical rules of...

The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics

Ethics has a fundamental value to nurses in their professional lives. The ANA Code of Ethics can be used by them through applying the essential values, realizing the boundaries of loyalty and obligations, and responsibilities beyond individual patient contact. ANA can help nurses through ethical education, allowing to make informed,...

Puritans and Their Obsession With the Devil

The Puritans were English Protestants who sought to purge the Church of England of Roman Catholic practices. They aimed to work on societal, moral, and religious policies and were distinguished by religious fanaticism, courage, perseverance, confidence in their exclusivity, asceticism, and prudence in economic matters. The representatives of puritanism believed...

“Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House” by Audre Lorde

The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house is Audre Lorde’s provocative admonishment, and it is a warning that Black and other academics of color should heed. Lorde uses dismantling the master’s house as a metaphor for intersectional systems and structures of oppression that produced and perpetuated health inequality...

Project Manager Position and Requirements

The title of this position (or role) can sound different: project manager, project leader, delivery manager, and other variations. The tasks of a project manager include the following: draw up and agree on technical specifications, set tasks for the team, distribute the workload and motivate, ensure the achievement of quality...

“Federal Judge Blocks Medicaid Work Requirements…” by Goldstein

The work written for The Washington Post by Amy Goldstein talks about the blockage of Medicaid work requirements in the states of Kentucky and Arkansas by a federal judge. The article notes that a federal judge based in Washington rejected a Kentucky program that sought to compel poor people to...

Conflict Styles and Ways to Resolve It

Styles of behavior observed in conflict situations differ between various people and situations. The collaborative style was used when there was a need to consider the needs and desires of the other party. The purpose of its application was to develop a long-term mutually beneficial solution. There was also a...

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Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Sociological Development

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The “Indonesia: The Invisible Giant” Documentary

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The Tragedy of the Commons: Article Review

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Servant Leadership from a Personal Perspective

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The Concept of Unions in the Labor Market

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Thought Experiment: The Morality of Human Actions

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Athenian Values in Pericles’ Speeches

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The Horror Movie “Lights Out” by David Sandberg

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PepsiCo vs. Coca-Cola in the South African Market

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Impact of Eating Breakfast on School Performance

The principles of healthy eating are the aspects discussed not only in the narrow professional environment of nutritionists but also among ordinary people since this topic affects everyone. Particular attention is paid to the nuances of child nutrition because the problems of obesity and related chronic problems at an early...

The Horizons for Homeless Children Agency’s Work

The social determinants of health are economic and social factors like the neighborhood, physical environment, education, and employment that impact a person’s health. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness of the role social determinants of health play in Horizons for Homeless Children’s work and health in general....

Wilson’s “Fences”: Discussion of Rose Character

It is important to note that Rose in Fences is a vital character who represents maternal care and practical love. One needs to be aware that she is the only female figure in the story who brings balance between Cory and Troy. In addition, when it comes to her functional...

Fair Trade and Its Benefits for Local Farmers

Most of the world’s cocoa supplies are carried out from small family farms, which are located in different countries of West Africa. The process of growing cocoa is quite time-consuming, and currently, consumers and human rights activists are concerned that children are used in this work. The cost of buying...