Kant’s Categorical Imperative in “Gone Baby Gone”

THE FIRST PREMISE According to Kant’s First Formulation, one should act as if those actions were a universal law of nature. This means that the moral choice should point toward a complete necessity and signify a rational decision that is not impacted by any subjective outlooks of the individual (White...

Hospitalized Patient Reassessment Factors

Importance of Subjective and Objective Data Medical workers have to know how to gather subjective and objective data of hospitalized patients and provide them with health care in a proper way. It is necessary to understand that in a hospital setting, a patient does not require a full portion of...

Culture Wars in Contemporary US Society

The Author’s View The author believes that culture wars are non-existent in contemporary US society, as Americans are not divided into two camps. Thus, considering such a controversial issue as homosexuality and gay marriages, the author notes that people’s attitudes towards these problems are constantly changing, and there is no...

The Family Centered Services (FCS) Program

The Family Centered Services (FCS) program offers effective support and care to at-risk children. The agency also supports the needs of the targeted families. The agency takes care of every abandoned, neglected, or abused child. FCS supports a powerful child-welfare system. This system fulfills the needs of different children who...

Berkshire Hathaway’s Service Guarantee and Issues

Berkshire Hathaway has been known for quite long as the provider of insurance services. Having grown to the size of a multinational conglomerate, it has managed to retain its quality standards and is currently topping the list of the most successful financial service organizations. However, because of the quality statement...

Econometric Methods to Model Growth

Economists use econometric instruments in order to complete the quantitative analysis of the available economic data and determine possible relationships. Traditional econometric methods are statistical instruments associated with discussing the linear relationships and changes (Magnus, Powell, & Prufer, 2010, p. 140). The notion of the economic evolution is closely associated...

Obesity in Afro-Americans: Ethics of Intervention

Introduction Nowadays, black people in the United States of America face the problem of obesity. Approximately forty percent of Afro-American citizens (between sixty and ninety years old) have significant overweight issues. The following paper will describe and analyze certain points of the proposal on the topic mentioned above. Ethical Considerations...

EBags Company: Operations Management Analysis

Comparing the Supply Chain Strategies: Drop-Ship and Private Label Models The application of the direct-from-manufacturer model allowed for a more efficient analysis of the customer feedback: “the drop-ship model was not a large departure for the major luggage providers, and it gave them more immediate feedback from the customers than...

Aviation Company X’s Operations Improvement

Improving the quality of the entrepreneurship’s operations is a challenging task, as the example of Company X shows. Though promoting innovation and following a customer-focused approach, the firm is facing issues due to the problems in its procurement process, therefore, causing its customers to feel frustrated over the inconsistent services....

Experimental Psychology: Science Vs Ideology

Science seeks to understand situations and phenomena by utilizing testable and experimental mechanisms to come up with an inference. It is, however, important to understand that there are times when science becomes a hard option to utilize in explaining something. Ideologies, on the other hand, are ideas that are used...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Rules of the Game and Two Kinds: Books Comparison

Introduction Amy Tan used two books, “The Rules of the Game” and “Two Kids” to address parenting roles in different scenarios. In “The Rules of the Game”, she exposes a mother’s supportive attitude towards her talented daughter. The mother would always induce confidence in her daughter by being supportive in...

Relations Between Biology and Culture

Introduction There are many thoughts on the origins of human beings. A lot of people believe that they were created by God or some other spiritual form. However, the scientific approach usually recognizes humans as one of the biological species that obey the same laws of nature. Darwin’s theory offers...

Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Problem Statement Even though type 2 diabetes is a challenging health concern affecting the quality of life and everyday activities, making some changes in one’s lifestyle may be helpful for minimizing risks of being diagnosed with it and addressing the diabetes epidemic challenge in the modern world. Hypothesis The proposed...

The Documentary “Explorer: Inside North Korea”

A documentary titled Explorer: Inside North Korea produced by the National Geographic Channel provides a unique view into the life of the most reclusive society on earth –North Korea. The country also has the world’s fourth-largest army and probably the most protected border in the world. North Korea is ruled...

Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Independence

I suppose that Ho Chi Minh meant the help that Vietnam provided for France in the course of World War II. At that time, Vietnam got into the center of conflict between France and Japan. Becoming a location of the fight for territory between the two nations, Vietnam lost its...

London Olympic Games’ Public Art Program

Introduction The best way to enjoy an unforgettable view of London is by visiting the observation deck of ArcelorMittal Orbit in the former Olympic Park. ArcelorMittal Orbit is a unique synthesis of art, architecture, and engineering. The construction was designed by Kapoor and Balmond and is an iconic image of...

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital

The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Hospital pays great attention to continuous quality and safety improvement, focusing on research, inpatient, and outpatient care. The observation of the official website that presents the recent data related to the hospital performance illustrates that such domains of health care quality as timeliness,...

Worker Exploitation in the Social Conflict Theory

The conflict theory suggests that the different social groups within the society are engaged in a constant struggle over the scarce resources and for dominance over each other. These struggles often take the form of wars, politics, negotiations, and many other forms of interest clashes. The major contributors to this...

Corot’s Orpheus Leading Eurydice From the Underworld

Introduction The painting by Corot is considered as a masterpiece in terms of depicting the skill and mastery of European art culture. Orpheus and Eurydice have been featured in the narration depicted in the painting. The story is based on the underworld where Orpheus embarks on saving his fiancée who...

The Ambassadors Painting by Hans Holbein

Introduction The Ambassadors painting is one of the most famous and meaningful works of Hans Holbein. It is a double portrait depicting French ambassador Jean de Dinteville and bishop Georges de Selve. They wanted a biographical portrait and described in detail all the elements and parts of the future masterpiece....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Inattentive Blindness in Psychological Experiment

As it is known, the human mind is capable of much, but at the same time, its capabilities are not entirely understood. For example, the peculiarity of our perception of the surrounding world and the concentration on particular objects look rather ambiguous and intriguing for studying. Our memory has many...

Spreading Information with Social Media in Activism and Revolutions

Introduction The significant developments in technology, especially the use of social media has simplified the way like-minded individuals air their grievances and articulate positions on issues of interest. In this modern society, social media is like a traditional community, where aggravated individuals converge in a common place to plan for...

Therapy and Culture in the Nurse-Patient Relationship

The nurse-patient relationship can be discussed as specific interactions between a person who takes a role of a caregiver, a provider of services, or a supporter and a client who needs to improve the health and cope with diseases. As a result, nurses should pay much attention to the impact...

Museum Space of the British Museum

Introduction This paper is aimed at the comparative analysis of two approaches concerning museum spaces by Duncan and Hillier and Tzortzi in relation to the visit to the British Museum. Key Ideas and Approach to Museum Space by Duncan The first article is written by art historian Carol Duncan. He...

Vision Impairment: Nursing Diagnosis and Planning

Welcome to our essay sample on impaired vision nursing diagnosis and planning. Here, you’ll find some important aspects of the diagnosis and care plan and gain inspiration for your essay on vision impairment nursing diagnosis. After gathering the necessary information about the health condition and the patient’s problems, a nurse...

Bank of America’s E-Business Challenges

Introduction E-business is a key trend in the current system of management. This system has taken roots in the management inducing processes like Enterprise resource planning and client-server architecture (Chen, 2005:18). However, the adoption of electronic businesses in many companies faces criticism as it poses a risk to customers who...

Vision and Change: Managing Organizational Change

Introduction The organization selected for the discussion is a business consulting company that operates at the state level and plans to expand its services and the customer base. The vision of this company is used by its leaders to provide the background for developing business goals and strategies and corporate...

Four Seasons Company’s Resistance and Diversity

Event of resistance One of the notable events of resistance during the Four Season’s takeover in Paris is evidenced by the perception of the selected expatriates in its new property in the country. Some of the managers that were chosen to work in Paris understood the cultural differences between the...

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Procedures

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was enacted in 1978 as an attempt of the American Government to reveal and prevent threats to national security. FISA regulates processes of foreign intelligence surveillance including authorization procedures. Still, there are some controversial aspects to discuss related to FISA procedures for American citizens...

Childhood Obesity and Self-Care Deficit Theory

Theoretical Framework Among all factors that affect obesity, eating habits and lifestyles can be deemed the ones that have the greatest effect on the development of the problem. Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest that changing the child’s behavior and habits as far as the physical activities and a diet...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Patient’s Health Assessment and Nursing Education

Based on the available client information, a nurse can gather important data on her lifestyle, nutrition, smoking and drug intake habits, and psychological condition. Namely, it is possible to note that the patient leads unhealthy lifestyle, since she eats once a day, smokes, uses street drugs, and rummages through trash....

Association of Nurses in AIDS Care and Its Activity

The Function of the Organization, its Mission and Vision ANAC (Association of Nurses in AIDS Care) is one of the leading professional nursing organizations working on the issue of AIDS and HIV (Association of Nurses in AIDS Care [ANAC], 2016). The organization provides its members with valuable information concerning nursing...

Quality Measurement Tools and Metrics in Nursing

Introduction The application of valid measures for the assessment of organizational performance is a critical function of a leader, which should be used to inform their decision-making process. This paper aims to discuss two chapters on quality measurement tools and metrics in the context of nursing. Dashboards and Scorecards A...

Nursing: Social, Political and Cultural Developments

To be a nurse means to be a person, who is ready for many challenges and the demonstration of their personal and professional skills. There are many issues that an ordinary nurse has to take into consideration. In this paper, several social (nurse shortage and the economic crisis), political (the...

Homelessness in Californian Public Places

In my home nation of Japan, it is difficult to find homeless families that reside on the streets. This explains why my visit to California back when I was in high school was an appalling experience. I had never come across such a scenario, and I had difficulties in demystifying...

Jumping Rope 30-Minutes Activity in Lesson Plan

Physical Education Lesson Setting: outdoors Objectives: The main objective of the activity is to teach children to jump rope using different techniques, both feet 15 times, left foot for 10 times, and right foot for 10 times. Introduction/Warm-Up Time Activity Purpose/reasons 5 min First children should be encouraged to fitness...

Florida National University’s Book Prices

Introduction Since ancient times, books used to be a rare commodity. Until public schools were introduced to the world en masse, the majority of the populace remained illiterate, and even less knew how to write. That, coupled with the fact that the books had to be written by hand rather...

Definition of Psychological Terms and Creating Sentences

Deafness This can be described as a condition whereby an individual suffers from partial or permanent loss of hearing. Some scholars define deafness as a condition that results from hearing impairment due to an infection called otitis media (Friend, 2011). Deafness can also be defined as a condition that entails...

People’s Belief in God in Wiesel’s Novel “Night”

Thesis statement Elie Wiesel’s novel Night is being often referred to, as such that represents a high philosophical value (Fienberg 169). One of the reasons for this is that Wiesel succeeded in exposing the illusionary essence of people’s belief in God, as an omnipotent entity that is supposed to be...

Vikings Exhibition in the British Museum Online

I visited the British Museum’s website. After going through the page, I found out that the museum engages in many activities. Their main activities include storage of ancient and new discoveries, exhibitions, providing training in collaboration with African museums, and offering international training programs for individuals who wish to be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Website Critique: International Federation of Journalists

The website is run by the International Federation of Journalists organization. This organization was first established in 1926 and its current chapter was launched in 1952. The IFJ is open to membership by journalists’ trade unions from all over the world. It presently has about 600,000 members from over 100...

Principles of Finance Course: Lessons Learnt

Personal feelings regarding the course As one of the courses studied during this session, principles of finance have equipped me with a great deal of knowledge and skills. I have gained knowledge on financial management such as financial forecasting (Shim & Siegel, 2008, p.71). The knowledge gained will not only...

Standardized Test Preparation Approaches

Standardized tests are a current fixture of admissions to educational institutions and for professional licensure. Given this, students and their families need to avoid being blind-sided. There are resources and techniques to make the experience less horrific, but of course, nothing replaces personal familiarity with both the content of the...

Financial Institutions and Fiscal Instruments

Demand and supply are obviously affected by the monetary tools of Fed Monetary supply is affected by Fed using three main tools. These tools include the rate target for the federal funds, lending practices carried out through discounts and finally, the reserve regulation as stipulated by fiscal laws. To begin...

Intercultural Communication: the Product Names and Logos

When doing business globally, it is crucial to take into consideration the meanings and sounding of the product names and logos into the languages of the cultures a product target. Chevy Nova produced by General Motors was very popular in the USA, yet in South America it had no success...

Implementing Strategies of Career Development

Introduction Despite the economic downturn, pursuing a career in the construction industry is still a rational goal that one can set his eyes on, and achieve. People will still want to build more houses and businesses will still need more facilities to expand, keeping the demand for this industry constant....

Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements

​The IASB framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements outlines the concepts underlying the preparation and presentation of financial statements by external users (Deloitte 2008). The framework assists the board in the formulation of accounting standards and seeks to resolve issues that are not addressed directly in the...

The Concept of Meditative Walk

Introduction Mindful walking refers to relieving one’s stress through taking a walk aimed at eliminating overwhelming stressful thoughts. Various psychologists and scholars argue that mindful walking is an effective tool for dealing with stress and anxiety. Such an argument holds since the exercise allows an individual to get rid of...

Wastewater Treatment Plant: Defining Capacity

The concept of capacity is viewed through the lens of the technical properties of the wastewater plant. When mentioning the phenomenon under analysis, the contributors to the site imply the ability of the plant to contain a certain amount of water, produce a particular amount of work, etc. Therefore, although...

Second Amendment as a Legal Research Topic

Choosing a topic for further research is always a challenge because it requires thinking it over and gathering as much detail as possible before the study itself such as making up preliminary plans and identifying the desired outcomes. It should be the subject of interest but, at the same time,...

Oil as a Political Weapon in the Middle East

Oil is one of the most widely used energy products, but at the same time, the overwhelming majority of petroleum consumers (first of all, Western European states, Japan, and the United States) are practically devoid of oil fields. Despite the rapid development of international transportation networks and energy transfer (in...

“How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents” by Julia Alvarez

Today’s nurses are faced with the challenging task of delivering culturally competent care to a large number of patients with different ethnic backgrounds. Among other things, a culturally tailored approach requires overcoming prejudice and racial stereotypes, which have shown to have a negative impact on patient health (Perkins, 2014). The...

Ruby Lake Resort’s Staff Training Program Outcomes

Abstract This paper dwells upon the importance of program evaluation with a focus on a specific program that is aimed at training workers in Ruby Lake. In this paper, specific strategies that can help evaluate the program effectively are outlined. These strategies focus on the accessibility of the program, its...

Males’ Stereotypes in Professional and Family Life

The study in question dwells upon the way males’ stereotypes are manifested in such domains as professional life (football) and family life (Steinfeldt, Wong, Hagan, Hoag & Steinfeldt, 2011). The dependent variables were such domains as success, power, and competition; restrictive affective behavior between men, restrictive emotionality, conflict between work...

Business in Politics: Business, Government and Society

Business in Politics Summary of the chapter In this chapter, John Steiner and George Steiner discuss the relations between the government and businesses. At first, the scholars introduce the narratives of such people as Paul Magliochetti who represented the interests of corporations through lobbying (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 272)....

Autist Students Identification: Distinctive Features of Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that is characterized by deficits in communication, both verbal and nonverbal, deficits in social interaction, and deficits in educational performance. The peak age for diagnosing Autism is at 3years. Children with autism usually like repetitive behavior and resist change. A case in point is they...

A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA by Ron Finley

Introduction Effective and persuasive speeches should have certain elements in order to attract the audience’s attention. Furthermore, the structure and organization of a speech also influence its perception (Griffin, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to analyze the speech by Ron Finley with the focus on its effectiveness to...

Oceanology Field Trips and Class Learning

Learning from lectures and literature in class is a vital part of education, as the activity allows students to acquire a large amount of detailed and precise information in a relatively short amount of time. However, field trips offer different opportunities that are as valuable and help to solidify the...

Harlem Renaissance and African American Society

Tentative Research Question The following research question has been formulated for this paper: How did the Harlem Renaissance affect African American society? Reasoning: Effects of the Harlem Renaissance Religion and Family The research paper will answer the question of the influence of the Harlem Renaissance on the progress of African...

Straw Man Fallacy vs. Healthy Argument

Straw man fallacy is the substitution of a person’s argument with a distorted form so that it can be easier to attack the opponent by pretending to disagree with an opponent’s viewpoint. It is based on providing an impression of rejecting an argument not presented by an opponent. Since the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Soft Robot for Elderly Fall Prevention

Falls are a significant healthcare concern affecting people aged 65 years and above. It has been estimated that one in four U.S. residents fall every year, which is often associated with serious injuries or even death (Burns & Kakara, 2018). According to Burns and Kakara (2018), the rate of deaths...

Fear Appeal in the Stop Bullying Public Campaign

In the public service announcement (PSA) video “Stop bullying,” the subject matter is presented bluntly and shockingly. The forty-seven-second clip shows a high school girl receiving an aggressive text message from her peers, criticizing her appearance. Such statements are prevalent among young people who tend to place a high value...

Balance and Gait in Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patients

What is the purpose of this research? The study aims to investigate how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) affect elderly patients’ gait and balance − the factors that contribute to falls-associated morbidity. Velayutham, Chandra, Bharath, and Shankar (2017) suggest that differences in these parameters may be used in...

Advocacy in Nursing: The Process of Healthcare Policymaking

Introduction In the course of their jobs, nurses have to advocate for the patients and the profession. Nurses spend most of their time with patients, and thus they understand the strengths and limitations of the healthcare system from a broad perspective based on firsthand experience. However, nurses are rarely involved...

Causes of Bullying in Nursing

Introduction The relationship between medical staff is an important aspect that determines the quality of work in a particular institution and the healthcare system as a whole. However, in the practice of even the most well-known and respected clinics, one can find cases of bullying, which often arise among nurses....

The Epidemiology and Control of Clostridium Difficile in Hospitals

Introduction Nursing is currently in a paradoxical situation since there is an emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation, but the core aspects of nursing practice are being scrutinized for utility by the economics of the health care market. Therefore, the reality of the devaluation of nursing creates a culture where physicians are...

The Problem of Inadequate Nurse Staffing: PICOT Statement

The problem of inadequate nurse staffing affects nursing practice and health care agencies by impairing the care process. In units with low staffing levels, nurses often experience burnout and high workload, which can lead to medical errors, poor quality of care, and low patient satisfaction with services. As a result,...

Education for Older Adults: A Patient’s Perspective

Introduction America’s healthcare system is considered one of the most inefficient and expensive in the world. Due to overinflated expenses on nursing care, hospitals are looking for alternative avenues to reduce the rates of hospitalization, decrease costs, and prevent potential diseases from developing. Many prospective interventions and treatments measure patient...

Linear Programming Models Review

Summary In business, linear programming models have the potential to be used in profit optimization. As evidenced in the article by Maurya, Misra, Anderson, and Shukla (2015), linear programming can be used to facilitate the integration of effective quantitative techniques to predict the need for profit optimization. Using the example...

Network Topology Types Analysis

There are several topologies of networking computers that can be used for different purposes. The most typical ones are the bus, ring, tree, star, and mesh among others (Brown, DeHayes, Slater, Martin, & Perkins, 2011). For an IT Manager working in a small travel company, including the owner and five...

Telomere Theory of Aging

Telomere Theory Classification The telomere theory of aging completely changed the way researchers approach the process of aging. In studies of different populations, it has been found that as people get old, they have shorter telomeres, which eventually leads to the inability of cells to replicate. As a result, fewer...

Remote Sensing. Satellite Imagery of Conflict in Aleppo

The selected report describes a two-week period of a human rights-related issue in Aleppo, Syria, that took place between 9 and 23 August 2012 (“Satellite imagery analysis,” n.d.). The conflict analyzed in the report concerns the largest city in Syria, which is situated in the northwest of the country. As...

Benjamin Franklin vs. Jay Gatsby: Character Comparison

The Great Gatsby deal with contradictions present in a romantic figure, certain troubling discrepancies between appearance and reality which that figure reveals under critical scrutiny. The main character can be compared with Ben Franklin as he possesses the same qualities and virtues. Similar to Ben Franklin, Gatsby value knowledge and...

The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention

Introduction The chapter “The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention” of “The Lexus and The Olive Tree” by Thomas Friedman is devoted to a unique and rather insightful finding. This finding is exclusively the author’s own and has been challenged by some. While McDonald’s is one of the restaurants around...

Pharmacy as a Professional Field and Its History

Pharmacy is one of the unique and creative professions which combine modern knowledge and skills and ancient traditions. I am excited about the profession because it joins unique principles of folk medicine and modern innovative approaches to treatment and curing. Popular medicine was based primarily on the use of home...

The Word “Mateship” in Australian History and Literature

Introduction The term mateship as a specific Australian idiom can include various meanings in its essence. Its meaning can differ from the standard definition of friendship in a way that this form of relation or reference can be used between people who are actually not in friendship. This paper will...

Air Pollution: Effects and Regulations

Introduction The problem of environmental protection is one of the most important challenges of modern society. Among different components of ecological crisis (exhaustion of raw resources, the shortage of clean freshwater, possible climatic catastrophes) the most threatening characteristic is the problem of the pollution of irreplaceable natural resources – air,...

The Charles W. Chesnutt Beliefs About the Social Status of Minorities

The issues of race and ethnicity have always been rather important for human beings. The modern society tries to be more tolerant and polite towards the identities of every single race or ethnic group. However, in the past discrimination according to the racial identity was a usual phenomenon. Only the...

Do These Media Affect How People Perceive Reality?

We have been raised in world where perception is key. It is the basis by which we judge everything we see, taste, or feel as being real or imagined. Everything we see and hear influences our way of thinking and method of life. Of all the existing influences in our...

Technology and Its Impact on Contemporary Communication

A blog is a form of website mainly sustained and operated by an individual who makes regular commentaries and other material such as images and clips. Bloggers usually provide descriptions of events, news or comments, and observations on a subject of their interest. Blogs at times also function as online...

Dark Age or Anticipation of Renaissance? Analysis of the Era

There is a tendency that one civilization should replace another one that is to be more improved and highly developed. To be more exact, each civilization has it own important role in establishing of culture and developing science. So, could we believe that the Early Middle Ages period has a...

Motivation & Control: The Police Supervisor’s Dilemma

Introduction It is reasonable to insist on the fact that motivation and control are two opposites since control always induces to commit obligations under the leader’s authority and seldom applies some incentives. In its turn, motivation is unlikely to be promoted if it is controlled. After an overhaul examination of...

Concepts of Human and Natural Laws in Boccaccio’s “Decameron”

Introduction Establishing new moral and social norms can be a controversial issue, especially if these norms contradicted the social flow in the fourteenth century. A close vision to such breakthrough can be seen through the book “Decameron” by Giovanni Boccaccio – a hundred novels narrated through ten days in the...

Critique of a Study on Ergonomics

“Effectiveness of an Intervention to Increase Construction Workers’ Use of Hearing Protection” is a study on ergonomics which deals with proving the effectiveness of hearing protection devices for construction workers. “Hearing damage is one of the most common occupational diseases… affecting workers in manufacturing, construction, transportation, agriculture, and the military.”...

The Importance of Education and Educational Objective

Educated people have a clear advantage over those who don’t have one. Education liberates you from the suffocation murkiness of ignorance and illiteracy. It opens new horizons for you, frees your imagination, and helps you realize your full potential, your capability of achieving greater heights, and embark on tougher endeavors....

Fairies Presence and Significance in Modern Society

My research project aims to give an account of the presence of fairies in modern society. This project work will also examine the significance of fairies in modern society. This subject concerns us because fairies are widely believed to be troublesome to men and women. Fairies would prove the existence...

Should People Be Paid to Stay Healthy?

Introduction In my view on this, I must say yes people should be paid to stay healthy. In September 2006 the New York mayor Michael Bloomberg informed the people of a new policy to be known as conditional cash transfers. This plan was intended to deal with the fact that...

Step-By-Step Guide for Horse Grooming

Horse grooming has always been a very important part of hygienic care. It is not only a means to keep your horse clean, the horse grooming is exercised before the horse shows to present a pet at best. So, this essay will elaborate on the way to groom a horse...

How to Increase Forex Business

An analysis of revenues generated by ABC bank from its foreign exchange (forex) division shows that returns have been unpredictable over time. The bank needs to understand what is wrong and how it can rectify the situation. While the market situation may not necessarily support huge profits like those seen...

Indirect Emotion Regulation in Intractable Conflicts

The essence of conflict is known to exist since the times a human being has learned to keep an upright posture. As Whetten and Cameron state, “conflict is the lifeblood of vibrant, progressive, stimulating organizations. It sparks creativity, stimulates innovation, and encourages personal improvement” (306). Facing conflicts is a natural...

Public Funding for Professional Sports Facilities

A research study conducted by Murray (2009) addressed the controversial arguments about the appropriateness of using public funds to finance arenas, stadiums, and other additional amenities for sporting activities. In the United States of America and Canada, it was claimed that the franchising activities were owned privately by profit-making businesses....

Societal Imperfections in the U.S. Through Human Interactions

The paper adopts Goffman’s idea that people attribute the cause to their own and others’ behavior. They propose explanations for their own and others’ successes, failures, and responses. These forms of interactions produce world imperfections based on the division of labor, disruptions of the division of labor, social solidarity, social...

College Experience and Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol use is related to a high number of health problems in the United States. The reason is that half of Americans consume beverages that contain ethyl alcohol. In terms of prevalence, university students are the ones who drink alcohol the most. Current statistics show that more than 80% of...

Social Media: The Negative Impact on Relationships

Introduction Modern technologies are revolutionizing the way human beings share ideas, pursue their goals, and solve emerging social problems. Such inventions streamline communication processes and guide people to make informed decisions. Broadcast media is essential in educating, training, and informing the targeted audience. However, those who use these innovations stand...

An Overview of the Arguments for & Against Circumcision

The first half of the international society firmly opposing the circumcision procedure usually names the following reasons to stand up against it: prejudice and cultural significance, the marital status, age, the social pressure, ethical factor. For example, some people refuse to get circumcised because they believe it will somehow distinguish...

What Is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trade bloc that was formed in the year 1994 to enhance free trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. As a trilateral arrangement, NAFTA replaced the trade agreement that was signed between Canada and the U.S. The previous agreements between the...

The Great Depression in the United States

The Great Depression that occurred in the 1930s was a severe economic depression capturing countries worldwide, beginning in the United States. The Black Tuesday of September 4, 1929, marked the start of the process due to the rapid and significant stock prices crash that impacted the US financial capabilities (White...

Health Promotion in School Health Center

Introduction The purpose of education activities is to inform the audience about healthy lifestyles and address the social issues affecting their well-being and health. It is also necessary to provide useful and up-to-date information on healthcare organizations that community members can turn to if necessary. The main goals that should...

The History of Columbine Massacre of 1999

The tragic events of 1999 made the entire international society shudder with horror. All the world newspapers enlightened the accident that took place at Columbine High School and became the cause of thirteen deaths. The terrible tragedy happened on April 20 in the Colorado state. In the morning two armed...

The American Dream: Values and Hopes

The American Dream is a set of national values that can be traced back to 1620 when the Plymouth Colony was established. The spirit of unification and the common welfare of new settlers became the basis of the perfect American life of that time. These and other values were reflected...

Health IT: Epic Software Analysis

Health information technology (Health IT) is an integral part of modern healthcare affecting individuals and organizations. The implementation and adoption of Health IT systems are crucial for the improvement of medical practice, workflow efficiency, and patient outcomes. Being the primary users of the technology, nurses play a pivotal role in...

Research of Abolitionist Movement

Abolitionists: Reformers or Agitators? Abolitionism played a defining role in the history of the United States. The primary goal of the movement was to end slavery, and it is considered the main reason for the American Civil War (Newman, 2018). Besides abolishing slavery, the movement also influenced other reforms that...

Exploring the Evolution of Fungi: Ancient Origins

Fungi have ancient origins: the most recent evidence suggests that they appeared as early as one billion years ago. However, the fossil record available now is scarce and inconclusive, which makes scientists rely on mapping the evolutionary relationships of fungi using biochemical characters. The commonality found in fungal groups is...

Leadership Styles in Organizations

Leadership is when an individual envisions a goal and motivates others to work with them towards that target. Managing a team in an organization can be a daunting task for any leader since they need to create strong leadership-followership relations and also meet the organizational objective. The followers can assist...

Rhetorical Appeals as a Means of Convincing the Audience

Rhetorical appeals are persuasion methods that are often used by speakers to convince their audience. A person can use any appeals depending on the context or people he or she is addressing. In his court ruling, Judge Pauley used logical appeal to guide his final verdict in the case of...

The Disease of Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common integument impairment which causes are still not known. There are different factors that may predispose to this disease such as male sex, winter season, light skin color, and Malassezia yeast1. Because the effect of topical corticosteroids and antifungals is temporary, it is crucial to identify...

The First Date Is One of the Most Nervous and Significant Events

Introduction The first date is perhaps one of the most nervous and significant events in a couple’s relationship. To begin with, it seems to be genuinely challenging to ask a beloved person out for the first time. It seems fair to notice that the first date is marked by awkwardness,...

How Social Media Affects Individual Freedom

The Internet has been actively changing people’s lives for decades, and over time this influence is growing. Nowadays, technology not only makes life more convenient but also affects the human psyche. Closely related to this is the question of individual freedom that arises in this connection. People are continually receiving...

Video HTTP Streaming: Work Principles and Usage

Introduction Communicating video content may take a variety of forms. These may include a point-to-point communication and broadcast method in addition to the multicast method. To communicate video efficiently in a fraction of the initial downloading time, streaming video is an important requirement. HTTP streaming Video HTTP streaming is an...

The Ethical Treatment of Animals

Introduction Over decades, varied animals have been used to help in carrying out research and other tests across the varied fields and laboratories across the globe. In most cases, these animals are subjected to controlled conditions to achieve accurate results. Nevertheless, despite the move, many unexpected consequences sometimes emerge. One...

10-K Ford Motor Company Review

Introduction Modern public companies are expected to file Form 10-K annually in order to report the specifics of their financial performance. This report is usually rather comprehensive and detailed to reflect what financial goals were achieved by a company during a certain period of time (Epstein, 2014). The purpose of...

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workforce

It is astonishing to find out that even in the 21st century, the workplace is still haunted by the issue of diversity. Working women, immigrants, people with disabilities, and parents of children under 15 years are still finding it challenging to navigate and establish themselves career-wise. Having a diverse pool...

Researching Wellbeing and Stressors

Health directly depends on the daily habits that each person collects during his life. On the one hand, some of them are beneficial and promote longevity and mental health. Others, on the other hand, cause stress and problems in different body systems. One of these critical issues is a heart...

What Do Hamlet and Oedipus Have in Common?

Hamlet by Shakespeare has similar elements in its plot and main characters with Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. This essay aims to show the common features of Oedipus and Hamlet, the main characters of eponymous plays. Both texts are tragedies; this genre largely defines the main characters of respective works and...

Advances in Autonomous and Automatic Systems

Introduction In the twenty-first century, technological progress is concentrated in the field of semi-automatic and automatic innovations. It can be seen everywhere in both the private and military sectors. This is why it is essential to know the latest advances in this scientific area. This paper aims to review academic...

The Specialization of Nurses

Introduction The specialization of nurses directly depends on the chosen clinical settings for work. The oncology nurse is involved in the diagnosis of cancers that require remission after treatment. Specialist certification for this position requires a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree in nursing. Then the oncology nurse undergoes an...

The Modes of Persuasion in “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

The persuasion of the speech is often assessed by standards set by the great philosopher Aristotle. He divided the structure of an effective pitch into logos, ethos, and pathos. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail is recognized as one of American history’s most persuasive writings. It was so compelling...

H.R. 6201: Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Summary of the First COVID 19 Response Bill COVID 19 has hit the global community. America has responded by enacting. This Bill was enacted on March 6th, 2020. Precisely, $ 8.3 billion was set for response (Olson et al, 2020). Has improved COVID 19 service delivery. Aim of the Bill...

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Psychopathy or Conduct Disorder: Assessing Juveniles

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Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring and Nursing

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Teenage Pregnancy and the Means to Address It: A Case Scenario

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The best environment for teaching dog commands Many think that it is hardly possible to teach all the necessary dog commands by yourself; however, we can prove that home dog training is as effective way as any other is. Everyone wants their dog to know at least basic commands, but...

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The Constitution Day in the USA

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The COVID-19 Pandemic Organizational Risk Management Strategies

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Cultural Intelligence and Cross Culture

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Comparison of “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “The Nation Behind the Diary”

Primary sources are the original documents that allow analyzing real facts about a certain epoch. They reflect the mood of real people who were eyewitnesses of events. Letters, films, posters belonging to the time period in question can serve as primary sources for historians. Anne Frank’s diary is one of...

The American Nurses Association and Their Organizational Structure

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