Five Principles of Connection Art and Christianity

Christianity plays a significant role in the creativity and talents of the artists, explaining how these skills emerge and how people should engage with religious norms and expectations. Barrs (2013) applies five principles of this connection between art and Christianity to demonstrate how the artworks should serve all humans. The...

Feminist Connotations in Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

The subject of feminism is among one of the subtle and underlying themes of Frankenstein. Mary Shelley, the author of the story, primarily emphasizes the issues of male oppression and patriarchy through the use of subordinate women imagery. In addition, the fear of femininity and the power of womanhood can...

Personality Traits and Leadership Style

I am well-organized, and I work by rules, which can help me stay focused on the task. I am also grounded, and as a leader, it may help me orient the employees on the results. I am not contentious as I try to conflict with other individuals. However, scoring low...

Similarities Between “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman and “The Story of an Hour”

Introduction Traditionally, women were viewed as less equal, which led to them fighting for their rights. Through different amendments touching on equal rights for women, everything seems to be changing whereby women are now holding prestigious positions alongside men. Besides that, they are receiving almost similar treatment like men. Literature...

The Seven Feasts of Israel: History and Symbolic Meaning

It is commonly known that the Israelis celebrate festivals or feasts described in the Bible. These holidays have a great significance to Israel and the whole idea of the Bible. According to Missler (2016), each Jewish feast has not only historical meaning but also a prophetic role for Christian believers....

Chasing Heroin by Marcela Gaviria: Film Analysis

To eradicate the major drug crisis in America, programs like LEAD have been instituted to help the drug addicts as they give the individuals who are using drugs relief. In the centers, the individuals always feel secure and share their feelings and experiences. The people are allowed to move at...

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) is an amended act to establish the Office of Juvenile Justice’s work. JJDP supports both the local and state efforts to reduce delinquency and make changes by developing the Juvenile Justice System. The advancements are made to protect the lives of children and youths. The...

The Impact of Climate Change on the United States

The year 2020 was challenging for the entire world due to the pandemic and the high number of deaths, as well as the economic disruptions it brought. Yet, there were also events related to climate, which in many instances also claimed the lives of numerous people. For instance, there were...

The Russian Federation and Its Economic Trends

The economy of the Russian Federation is based on the rapid development of the most profitable sources of overall revenue, which is funded by the government. It means that the official policy of the country is the main driver of its future successes in this respect. The initial examination of...

Transdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Theorizing

Aging is a complex and diverse process, and the complexity of the aging experience is rarely recognized. Gerontological research and practice often do not take into account key principles of interdisciplinary research and activity and the experience and involvement of actors such as the elderly. The traditional dualism of objectivity...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Postcolonial Theory in Literary Works

Postcolonial literary theory is a broadly related theory of the struggles and consequences of colonial rule in European countries. The theory implements literature techniques to describe effects of colonialism and the struggle for independence. Nonetheless, the concept of this theory does not solely imply struggle for freedom and life in...

People With Disabilities: Ten Beliefs

It is important to note that people with disabilities are among the vulnerable groups to be excluded from various integral aspects of societal life. Therefore, it is of paramount relevance to understanding the key fundamental principles and beliefs, which are designed to ensure comprehensive and all-encompassing inclusivity for people with...

Gender, Labour and Financial Agency in “Jane Eyre”

This paper will summarize the fifth article ‘Charlotte Brontë’s Circumvention of Patriarchy: Gender, Labour and Financial Agency in Jane Eyre’, by Owsley Lauren. The main argument is whether Jane Eyre functions as a primarily feminist text in the modern literary and gender discourse (Owsley). She does this by examining the...

The Concept of Criticism Theory

Critical Theory and its emergence The Critical Theory was developed in the early 1930s by a collection of scholars and German scientists (Morelock 15). The concept was associated with Carl Marx’s Marxism theory as it borrowed a lot of its guiding principles and cannon concepts from the Marxism theory. Most...

Advantages of Computer Technology in Healthcare

Before the utilization of computer technology within healthcare, several issues were prevalent and directly impeded the quality of patient care. Records were organized in non-universal and non-permanent structures and were not always easily accessed. Similarly, individuals in remote locations had little access to medical consultation and treatment. Patients with ongoing...

Is “Ethics and Economics” an Oxymoron?

The idea that economics is thoroughly divorced from ethics has been disturbingly persistent among general audiences. While the premises for the specified assumption could be seen as understandable given the multiple examples of global companies engaging in dishonest practices to multiply their benefits, economics should be seen as inseparable from...

The Quran and the Thousand and One Nights

The diversity of the Islamic culture is vividly depicted in many literary works. An incomparable embedding into Islamic heritage is presented in the Thousand and One Nights tales, also known as Arabic Nights, which have stirred the imagination of generations around the world for centuries. The account comprises 250 short...

Visual Effects in the “Decommissioned” Short Film

Animation and visual effects of outer space in cinematography are used for a long period of time. In the space related movies 3D and other effects look appropriate, as they are the only available way to conduct a shoot in the modern realities. Through visual effects, viewers begin to feel...

“And Muhammad Is His Messenger”: Special Features

In the introductory part, the author points out that the purpose of his writing is not to discuss the deformation associated with Muhammad by the western scholars, which has been the significant reason why Islam, unlike Christianity, has a lot of obstacles. However, Muhammad represents a model and exemplar for...

“Saving the World” by Emile G. McAnany

“Saving the World” by Emile G. McAnany is a brief study of communication, its role, and significance in the framework of development and social changes. The chronological narrative of the work originates from the appearance of mass communications in American higher education institutions and the Marshall Truman plan. The ‘events...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diversity in Social Work: Spirituality Concept

Spirituality is a core concept of Christianity and is enshrined in our core belief as Christians. The bible teaches us to be accepting of others no matter their beliefs. Today, social work is enshrined in the belief of Christianity, where we are taught to help people who are in need....

Pandemic in Seurat’s “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of la Grande Jatte”

Since the coronavirus pandemic started, it has become clear for the previous way in which society has socialized will most likely never be the same. Children across the globe have been pulled from daycare and schools, college and university students have transferred to online learning, while the majority of companies...

Jesus and Expectations of Messiah

In order to determine whether Jesus fulfilled or subverted the expectations for the Messiah, one should start with identifying and describing the three types of Messiahs that many Jews expected during the first century. The main expectation that the Jews laid upon the future Messiah was that he would return...

Edgar Allan Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado

Annotated Bibliography Elhefnawy, Nader. “Edgar Allan Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado.” The Explicator, vol.7, no. 2, 2018, 103-105.  Nader Elhefnavi explores the Cask of Amontillado, emphasizing the importance of understanding Montresor’s motives. The retelling of the murderer’s events does not reveal what he felt or thought (Elhefnawy 103). This type...

Character Sketch of Dr. Jekyll

“Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is a classic gothic novel depicting the complexities of life when people exhibit distinct personalities. The novel gives us a tour into an admired life of an England- based physician Dr. Jekyll. The protagonist Henry Jekyll is a composite that strengthens the theme of good...

Modeling the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus has taken a substantial toll on people worldwide, making it an international pandemic. Being only a year after the eruption of the virus from Wuhan, its effects have been felt globally. Undoubtedly, the virus’s impacts have been detrimental to almost every country universally, claiming thousands of lives, especially in...

Nonprofit Management, Purpose and Income

The primary aim of many nonprofit organizations is usually to help those in need, which can only be achieved with the fruitful cooperation of the board and CEOs. In other words, it seems vital to achieve collaboration that focuses on reaching the same goals, and where every member shares the...

Enzymes in the Human Digestive System

Digestive enzymes are compounds that ensure the proper digestion of foods consumed. Among the organs that help produce digestive enzymes are the salivary glands, small intestine, and pancreas. These organs do so by breaking down the significant, complex compounds that create proteins, carbs, and lipids. This permits the micronutrients in...

A Criterion-Related Selection Test

A criterion refers to the standards against which people or things will be measured. According to Sanders et al., 2021, a criterion is a set of skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience required for the job in employment selection. For example, it is best to do a job analysis when hiring...

Prevention and Control of Computer Abuse

IT departments are strongly encouraged to extend enterprise-level protection to employees’ devices, but this is only possible if employees themselves seek to place their devices under the care of specialists from the IT department. This is important because it is necessary to consider the influence of the American Civil Liberties...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Thomson and Abortion Discussion

A Defense of Abortion is the most famous text by the American researcher in philosophy and ethics, Judith Thomson. It is interesting because Thomson is trying to bridge the gap between supporters of abortion, who believe that the fetus is not a person and a woman has the right to...

The Fertility and Life Expectancy Math Project

Histograms Descriptive Statistics Statistic 2019 Fertility 2019 Life Expectancy Mean 2.64 73.81 Median 2.20 75.01 Mode 1.70 77.47 Standard Deviation 1.24 7.12 Kurtosis 0.11 -0.45 Skewness 0.97 -0.53 Minimum 0.90 55.17 Maximum 6.80 85.29 Count 191.00 191.00 The provided dataset had two variables, including 2019 fertility and 2019 life expectancy...

The Science Behind Obesity and Its Impact on Cancer

In their article, Stern et al. (2019) address the connection between cancer and physical activity, diet, and obesity in Latin America and the USA. The significance of this research is determined by the fact that due to increased globalization, transitions in dietary practices may be observed. That is why children...

J. C. Penney’s “Fair and Square” Pricing Strategy

The CEO of JCP devised a “Fair and Square” concept to enhance sales income and market recognition. However, he mainly changed the logo, spokesperson, environment of stores, sales structure, and pricing strategy. Nonetheless, the CEO primarily altered the brand, spokesman, retail atmosphere, sales organization, and price policy. In other words,...

Solution-Focused vs. Compared to Narrative Therapy

Both SFT and NT are postmodernist approaches to therapy, which means that their techniques are built on the idea that reality is relative and people’s experiences are influenced by everything around them. Therefore, the role of the therapist is in assisting the client and helping them understand more about themselves...

T-Shirt Design and Customization

Creating something with your own hands is a unique experience connecting the imagination and reality. Hand-painted clothes are an excellent way to make things stylish and distinctive. Each painting is unique, representing the style and character of the creator. In the modern fashion world, the mass market produces stuff in...

Slavery as a Human Rights Issue

In today’s society, people seldom remember the phenomenon of slavery. However, numerous studies has shown that the issue is relevant and requires scholarly reflection. Modern slavery tends to be felt with impunity in the least developed countries, whose governments cannot eliminate the problem on their own. Unfortunately, even in developed...

The NextGen Air System Plan and Its Goals

Introduction In today’s world, flight frequency has significantly increased, which is why the question of modernized protection and tracking of air transport has arisen. NextGen air system is an air transport service system that is designed to modernize U.S. airspace. The primary objectives of this system are to provide better...

The Business Proposal: Mobile App to Improve Time Management

In the process of creating a commercial product that will be successful and profitable in the market, it is crucial to take into account the market demand and the existing competition in the market. In the era of globalization and digitalization, one of the main problems students and workers face...

Oedipus as a Tragic Hero of Sophocles’ Play

Oedipus by Sophocles satisfies the requirements for a character to be classified as a tragic hero and serves as an example of the Aristotelian theory of tragedy. According to Aristotle, tragic heroes must be distinguished individuals who exhibit noble traits and possess a hamartia or a fatal flaw. An illustration...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Important Changes in the American Economy

America has one of the greatest national economies, serving as a capitalist and democratic benchmark for many countries worldwide. Its financial markets, growth, and innovation have always helped the government to retain its impeccable reputation. However, the history of the U.S. economy is long and not without failures. The system...

Federalism Cycle and States’ Coping Mechanisms

Federalism is a governing system in which two divisions of government oversight the same region. Federal systems accomplish this by enabling basic policies to be developed and executed through some type of discussion so that all members may participate in making and carrying out choices. As a result, the structuring...

The Change Process in Psychological Counseling

Regressions and other types of effective research must be supplemented by change process research, which examines the mechanisms through which change happens in psychotherapy. The many sorts of psychological therapies that are now being used have long dominated the area of psychotherapy. An explanation of the continuous improvement idea is...

Hypnotherapy as an Effective Method for Treating Depression

Depressive disorders are a significant problem that affects many people in the United States and worldwide. The emergence of practice guidelines and evidence-based therapies implies that satisfactory treatments for the condition exist, and not all of them are traditional. Currently, a lot of attention is drawn to the method of...

Techtonic Group: Recruiting Strategies

Techtonic Group is a fast-developing IT organization attracting young specialists to ensure the introduction of new and unique features. According to Dessler (n.d.), the company has already introduced a program of training people without experience and providing paid internships when they show positive results. However, additional strategies might be introduced...

Corruption in the African Countries

The main purpose of the work is to present the problem of corruption and possible solution in different parts of the world. African regions have been chosen to stay more specific in the discussion, and, on the examples of developed countries, the possible strategies unique for the African countries can...

Five Factors of Personality Differences and Similarities

The five-factor theory of personality is one of the dominating personality theories in psychology that attempt to categorize personality types depending on the manifestation of one of the five primary factors. According to Boyle (2008), the five-factor model, which is also referred to as the Big Five, is comprised of...

Mental Health Therapist: Professional Resume

Professional Summary A highly experienced mental health counselor specializing in depression, stress, and anxiety management. Years of successful mental health practice as a therapist have contributed to the expertise in delivering patient-centered care with the prioritization of the particularities of the individual in therapy. The use of behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, psychosocial,...

Responsibilities of Business to Society and Stakeholders

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a strategy used by businesses and other institutions that have evolved to the point where they can benefit society. The more successful a corporation is, the more responsibility it bears for upholding standards of ethical behavior. First and foremost, firms are accountable to their shareholders...

The Theory of Mind From Behavioral Perspective

The behavior under study is the Theory of the mind. This term is used in psychology to describe the ability to understand others by attributing mental states to them (Ho et al. 1). Previous research has revealed a lot concerning the Theory of the mind from which further research has...

How Women in Politics Make Strategic Changes

Women entered politics not long ago because the patriarchal conditions of the world continue to affect every nation. Female Political Representation and Substantive Effects on Policies: A Literature Review by Hessami and da Fonseca identifies how politics changes when women enter its history. The authors view women’s politics as an...

Angelou’s Poem “Still, I Rise” Analysis

Angelou’s poem, Still, I rise, incorporates figurative language in stanza five. The speaker uses metaphor in the first and second lines of stanza five to express her view and emotions toward racists. “… shoot me with your words” Angelou (line 21) and “you may cut me with your eyes…” Angelou...

The Dougherty County School System Budget for Fiscal Year 2023

School district budgeting can be considered a tool that allows districts to outline their mission, find room for improvement, and pursue educational objectives. According to Tomal et al. (2013), the budget provides an estimate of resources and plans for the district’s education program. In the state of Georgia, school districts...

Virtue Ethics and Education: Can We Teach Character?

The ethics of virtue today is one of the three main approaches in normative ethics. It can be characterized as an approach that attaches particular importance to virtues and moral character. This is put in contrast to approaches that emphasize the importance of responsibilities and rules or the consequences of...

Empowering the African-American Community

The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis plays an important role in empowering African-Americans within St. Louis. Accordingly, in a review of the mission statement, “The mission of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc. is to empower African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance,...

Significance of Sweeteners: The Presence of Sugar in Nutrition

Introduction In the current increasingly health-aware culture, sugar receives substantial criticism. Refusal of sugar is usually justified by two reasons: excessive weight and weight loss or health problems. Regular consumption of sweet food leads to an increase in body weight and the risk of diabetes, the development of heart or...

Review of Saint Bonaventure Interpretation of the Soul

Introduction Saint Bonaventure was a member of the Franciscan order and a philosopher in the 13th century. The philosophy of Bonaventure can be considered Augustinian because it was heavily influenced by Augustine (Sutanto, 2021). One of the most significant issues that Bonaventure advanced was the nature and status of the...

Does Training Have to Be Fun: Article Review

This discussion is based on the article by Tews and Noe (2019) entitled: “Does training have to be fun? A review and conceptual model of the role of fun in workplace training”. The main takeaway is that training should be enjoyable; it should be fascinating, motivating, stimulating, and demanding to...

Republican Party of Louisiana: Lawrence Bagley’s Political Summary

The Republican Party of Louisiana was chosen for this review dedicated to the political structure at the state level. It goes without saying that it supports the main principles of the Republican Party’s platform that include economic libertarianism, support for the free market and the private sector, the low level...

Economic Chaos of a Taiwan War

Tense and conflictual relations between countries can have an impact on all parties involved. Thus, a precise analysis of the situation, the reasons for the involvement of countries in a potential military conflict, and the possible consequences are necessary. The central topic of the paper is the effect that a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Their Finest Hour: Winston Churchill’s Speech

The analysis of the speech of a historically significant figure is of particular value. This is due to the fact that it can provide an understanding of communication methods and approaches that can interest and engage the listener to achieve the most significant effectiveness. When researching this topic, Winston Churchill’s...

Historical Events That Changed the World

Background Unlike conventional history, historical research comprehensively emphasizes patterns that cut across geographical divides. World history places a strong focus on how civilizations collaborate. It contrasts various global growth patterns in ages where such connectivity is scarce. International antiquity emphasizes cultures that interacted and influenced one another in real life...

The Management Style in a Grocery Store

Introduction In the development of an organization, management plays a crucial role. Moreover, the leadership style directly affects the employees’ development within the company, the organization’s success, its corporate culture, and the retention of specialists (Stone et al., 2020). Accordingly, depending on the type and functions of the business, the...

The Regulation of Chemicals in Cosmetics

The European Union has adopted a much stricter policy on the regulation of chemicals in cosmetics than the United States. The EU has banned thousands of chemicals from being used in cosmetics, while the US has illegalized only a few. The compounds found in these cosmetics, such as mercury and...

Dealing With Violence in the Community

Introduction In recent years, Baltimore, Maryland, has consistently ranked among the cities with the most significant levels of violence in the United States. To address this issue, community-oriented policing efforts have been implemented in the city. However, it is essential to review these strategies critically and suggest actions that may...

Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing

Reflection is a valuable aspect in the formation of self-awareness and understanding of the importance of the experience gained. This process is of particular importance in the nursing profession. The acquisition of medical knowledge and evidence-based practice contribute to the empowerment of students and the provision of opportunities to improve...

Artificially Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Contemporary tutoring norms require educators to constantly strive to improve their professional skills and maintain their knowledge’s relevance. The recent developments in artificial intelligence technologies and digitalization have presented a broad range of potential applications of AI-based systems in education which are covered in the article “How ‘Intelligent’ Tutors Could...

The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration

Introduction In the United States, healthcare is heavily regulated by a variety of government and non-government organizations. One of these organizations is the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), which is responsible for the licensure, certification, and accreditation of healthcare organizations in the state of Florida. It plays a...

The Global Impacts of Corruption

Corruption, which is the abuse of power for personal gain, has long been a global issue that affects both developed and developing countries. It is a problem that undermines the rule of law, hinders economic growth, and erodes public trust in institutions. The negative impact of corruption on a global...

Alzheimer’s Disease: The Case Study

The patient described in this paper is my family member, who has experienced Alzheimer’s for the last three years. It is a 69-year-old man suffering from memory, language, comprehension, and reasoning impairment, which makes him vulnerable during interactions with the outer world. The laboratory test results include an MRI scan...

Social Studies: Teaching Civic Values

Introduction Social Studies refer to “the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities in order to promote civic competence” (Waring, 2011, p. 43). Social Studies curriculum provides a coordinated and a systemized study drawing upon various fields of humanities such as Anthropology, Geography, History, Sociology, Political Science, and Religion...

Glass Ceiling for Women in Today’s Society

Introduction Glass ceiling is a term that describes invisible obstacles on a woman’s way to a leadership position. The circumstances have improved over the past decade, and now there are more female leaders. However, the situation still needs more improvement, and a number of ways exist to provide it. What...

Nursing: Long-Term Care Facilities

Shawnee Christian Nursing Center (SCNC) is a lowly rated (1/5) nursing home compared to Monticello House nursing home (MH) (4/5), even though they are both located in Dallas city. The difference is derived from SCNC health inspection ratings, which stand at 1 out of 5 (MH ratings stand at 4/5)....

America and Germany Comparison

This paper is aimed at comparing such countries as the United States and Germany. In particularly, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as employment, education, and medical insurance. This discussion of these aspects is important for understanding the policies of the governments and the experiences of many people...

Organization’s Performance Measurement: Key Components of the Corporate Mechanism

The measurement of an organization’s performance presupposes a thorough evaluation of the key components of the corporate mechanism, including both the internal (e.g., the workplace environment, the corporate ethics, etc.) and the external (i.e., the logistics processes, the international relations, etc.). The Global Logistics Performance Index (LPI), which measures six...

Management: Power, Authority, and Influence

The source of power and authority within an organization depends on certain structural conditions. A form of “dependency” always exists in every company or organization. After taking the recommended test, I have observed that I am constantly “gaining power and information” at my workplace. I have always worked hard in...

“Digital Natives Invade the Workplace” by Lee Rainie

In his article, Lee Rainie discusses the challenges that modern employers may encounter when they need to hire young workers. The author argues that people, who are aged below 20, have different attitudes towards information technologies. In particular, they believe that the use of such tools should be an inseparable...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Analysis and Reflection

Gilman’s short story called The Yellow Wallpaper is partially autobiographical; otherwise, I cannot imagine a healthy person with any physical and mental concerns writing such a stunning literary piece. The novel, as if criticizes the medical approaches to curing women of the depressive disorder by the so-called “rest cure.” Written...

Compensation System Management: Incentive Pay Concept

Establishing a sensitive and appropriate compensation system is crucial for any workplace. Lack of fair and equitable appraisal and payment will lead to a number of issues, among which there will be employee shortage and turnover. Experienced and high performing workers will be likely to leave their jobs first. To...

The “Values” Wasteland by Charles Sykes Literature Analysis

Lots of writers prefer to use exemplification in their works. Such preference is based on one simple thing – the essence of exemplification and its ability to express the major idea of the text using examples and their explanation. (Zillmann & Brosius, 1) Nowadays, readers want to find information that...

Literature: The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden

The name of the author of the story is George Selden. He is an American writer; he was born in Connecticut. George Selden is an author of several books about Chester Cricket and his friends. The main characters of the story are Chester Cricket, Mario Bellini, Tucker Mouse, Harry Cat,...

WDG Consulting Site Location Selecting

WDG Consulting proposes a structured decision process on selecting the appropriate site location. The process consists of four phases which are The Building Blocks, including the development of profiles for locations; Location Screening, including the examination of locations according to criteria and ranking; Location Selection, including the evaluation of the...

Decision Making: Selection of Suppliers

The supplier selection process is quite complex due to the wide range of unpredictable and uncontrollable factors, and thus, it requires wise decision-making addressing the arising issues. Besides the cost, considered the primary basis for this choice, there exists a row of crucial parameters. In the following paper, the research...

Operations Manager Key Responsibilities

The significance of the role of an Operational Manager (OM) is truly ample; creating premises for the efficient completion of the key objectives and smooth running of all operations, the specified member of an organization certainly is to be appreciated. To identify the key tasks that an OM must accomplish...

Love in Historical and Social Contexts

While speaking about the concept of love, sociologists usually note that love is a product of people’s relationships which also serves as the medium to make these relationships not only easy and pleasant but also productive. Thus, love in the historical and social contexts can be described from the perspective...

World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index

The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI) is constructed to assist countries in determining the key challenges and opportunities in logistics. It is an interactive benchmarking tool, which can be deployed for improving performance because it provides insight into the trade logistics environment in...

Patient Safety and Risk Management Plan Development

Introduction The issue of patient safety plays a paramount role in contemporary health care as it defines the quality of services, prescribed medication, relationships between a nurse and a patient, nutrition, and so on. In this connection, it is important to ensure continuous improvement of patient safety, thus meeting the...

Armand Vallin Feigenbaum’s Contribution to Quality

Introduction Promoting quality in the context of an organization or a particular team of employees is an essential step toward building a thriving company with several loyal customers. The approaches to enhancing quality management, however, are very numerous, with a variety of frameworks having been developed over the past few...

Current State of Talent Management

The current discussion of talent management is based on the idea that the research on the problem lacks a clear definition of the term, as well as the variety of perspectives to apply in order to guarantee the complex and systematic approach to discussing the issue (Collings & Mellahi, 2009)....

Greeks Between Bronze Age and Peloponnesian War

Introduction American history is defined by borders and clear definitions. To understand the worth of all historical events and take the most important lessons, it is necessary to differentiate the concepts and know their direct explanations. For example, there is a significant difference between a citizen and a subject, and...

The Pullman Strike, Its Reasons and Today’s Outcomes

A civilized society is often divided into classes where each has its specific and unique characteristics. As a result, there are layers of civil masses, and the conditions for existence are not always equal. One of the most important aspects of any society is the working class, and the way...

Microcytic Anemia and Recommended Treatment

Introduction Anemia is defined as a condition that makes it impossible for the hemoglobin to be at regular or high levels, which means that the red blood cell count is predominantly less than normal. For women, anemia is of particular concern due to the losses of blood during menstruation. Common...

Versailles: The Allies’ Last Horrible Triumph

Provisions of the Treaty that will Hurt Germany’s Economy Germany’s economy will be hurt by several provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. According to authors of the Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on the Conditions of Peace (1919) document, the statement of “the consideration that...

Income Inflation: Absorption Costing vs. Variable

This paper presents a summary of and a reaction to the article, Income Inflation: Absorption Costing vs. Variable by Wink and Corradino. The summary covers the main points presented in the article while the reaction shows an interpretation of the article and application of the knowledge learned. It is established...

Concentration Issues and the Means of Managing Them

Areas of Concern Young patients are exposed to a range of factors that may impede their further development and affect their health to a considerable degree. In the case under analysis, the patient suffers from frailness and has an evident lack of concentration, which signifies the presence of a larger...

Measuring Tendency: Typology and Examples

Population Mean Definition The population mean is the average of all samples included in the study (Rubin, 2012). To retrieve the population mean, one must add all values and divide them by their number. Being rather basic, the given type of measurement is used in a variety of cases. For...

Librarian Management Consultancy: Challenges and Solutions

During this project, I worked in a suburban public library, located in a more or less affluent community. This library serves the needs of approximately fifteen thousand people of various age groups. I cooperated with an acquisition librarian whose primary responsibility was to order new books for the library. Five...

Translational Biomedical Informatics and Public Health

Introduction Over the last decade, there has been significant development of biomedical research in the field of genomics, the cellular basis of the pathogenesis of diseases, and the definition of methods for their drug correction. Nevertheless, the gap between practical health care and traditional methods of diagnosis and theoretical information...

Station Night Club Fire Tragedy and Prevention

Introduction The Station Nightclub incident is one of the most tragic episodes in the history of the United States that engulfed the Rhode Island in 2003. The catastrophe stemmed from the pyrotechnics display that appeared in the club during the concert and led to an instant flaming. The incident had...

Brazilian Real and British Pounds Exchange Rate

The relationships between the currencies of different countries may be discussed in a variety of ways regarding the existing theories and formulas. Interest rate parity (IRP) theory is one of the methods that can be appropriate for the evaluation of the interest rates and exchange rates (Eun & Resnick, 2015;...

Confidence Intervals Differences and Similarities

Identifying population parameters is essential to the success of a research or the production process (Sharpe, DeVeaux, & Velleman, 2015). Herein the significance of the tools known as confidence intervals lies. Allowing estimating the key parameters of the target population, continence intervals serve as a means of reducing the chances...

How Can the Negative Effects of Disasters Be Avoided?

A crisis is an event that results in a hazardous and detrimental situation that affects a group, community, country, or a region. It is considered to bring undesirable changes in the economic, political, social, security, and environmental aspects. Crises occur unplanned, and if people are not well prepared to cope...

Eco-City Development and Associated Problems

The concept of the eco-city becomes rather significant in nowadays world, where traditional cities with their powerful socio-economic and engineering infrastructures act as the key causes of environmental degradation. However, the eco-city development encounters various problems that are associated with financial, political, technological, and other aspects. In particular, political instability,...

Personal Leadership Philosophy: Situational Leadership

Introduction Situational leadership requires a person to analyze any emerged situation in accordance with his or her team members’ individual skills and experiences. Therefore, novices or people who are not productive enough or do not show good results should receive developing tasks, whereas their leader ought to reconsider his or...

Business Information Systems in Preschool Setting

The Week’s Learning and the Final Project: Summary Pre-school education is an important issue with which several parents are concerned nowadays. With a steep increase in the number and level of demands in the contemporary global economy, it is crucial to building the foundation for academic success for younger children....

The Modern Business World Groups: Concepts and Problems

Introduction Many people say that the characteristic feature of the contemporary business world in western countries is individualism and competitiveness. However, group work is still essential for organizations of any kind as the vast majority of processes presupposes the involvement of groups of people. It has also been acknowledged that...

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Rorschach Inkblot Test was created by Hermann Rorschach, a prominent Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and the follower of Freud and Jung. The date of the test creation is 1921 (Schachtel, 2013). The original Rorschach Inkblot Test was set of 40 bisymettrical inkblots that seemed formless. However, later, to reduce the...

Aggression and Violence in the Media

Introduction Many people in society encounter different forms of violence or aggression. The bad news is that communities have not been keen to address this problem using adequate initiatives. In the recent past, diverse platforms have been used to sensitize more individuals about violence and why it should be addressed...

The Care Plan Implementation

The selected group for this care plan includes two families with children. Each family includes a father, a mother, two kids, and grandparents of one of the spouses. This particular small group has been chosen for the reason that there are numerous factors affecting the occurrence of slip and fall...

Emotional Intelligence and Feelings in Healthcare

Introduction To work with patients in the healthcare environment successfully, it is essential to be aware of the features of such a concept as emotional intelligence. This term implies the ability to recognize people’s reactions to certain situations guided by the observation of facial expressions, gestures, and other manifestations of...

Transgender Care and Health Care Professionals

Currently, transgender population is one of the most underserved groups. Despite the adoption of policies aimed at limiting discrimination, transgender people still face daily challenges in the aspects of employment, education, and healthcare access. Healthcare disparities are particularly dangerous, because gender dysphoria is considered to be a mental disorder and...

Ultrasound Technology and Intravenous Access Quality

The research question is how the implementation of ultrasound technology may affect the quality of intravenous (IV) access in patients at the given hospital. The objective of the potential research is to explore the association between multiple IV attempts and vascular ultrasound technology. To conduct the study, it is appropriate...

Toyota Company: Foreign Direct Investment

Introduction The Toyota Motor Corporation has its headquarters in Aichi, Japan, with several international plants in countries across the globe. It is the largest vehicle manufacturer in the world with the capacity to produce more than ten million automobiles each year. This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review how Toyota...

Mindfulness Practice in Law Enforcement

Within many industries, job stress and personal attitudes can affect the perception of work which will alter productivity and efficiency. Moreover, the well-being of individuals should be the main scope of focus for managers who want to build sustainable organizations. The idea of mindfulness practice of being in the moment...

Karl Marx and His Social Theory

In his work, Marx focuses on the issues of labor and class struggle noting that the political economy has divided the society into two main classes those who own properties and those who work for the owners but have no property (Marx 32). The concept of private property is central...

Culture and Values Role in Societies and Organizations

Introduction Culture refers to a collection of behaviors, traditions, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that distinguish a society or an organization from another. Culture determines the rules that should govern the way a firm or an organization should operate in a particular environment. Values refer to the central viewpoints that inspire...

Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model for Mental Care

In nursing, theories play an important role, showing what has already been achieved, and what kind of work must be done. Dorothy Johnson is one of the prominent nursing theorists, whose behavioral system model is frequently implemented in various clinical and healthcare settings. In this paper, Johnson’s theory will be...

Supply and Demand Impacts on the Transportation Industry

Introduction The transportation industry is made up of suppliers of transport-related services and consumers of such services. Drawing from a study by Rodrigue and Notteboom (2015), a transport industry that functions efficiently facilitates the meeting of transport demand to ensure that the mobility requirements of individuals are sufficiently met. Every...

Postpartum Bipolar Disorder and Depression

Important Elements The case presents some very important elements in the description of the patient’s condition. The first is an obvious feeling of sadness and anger, both of which are common for depressive disorders. The lack of sleep over a long period of time is another usual symptom that has...

Green Engineering: Principles, Benefits, Constraints

The 20th century was characterized by rapid economic growth, which widely used natural and energy resources. This was the main reason for the increasing environmental pollution and depletion of valuable natural resources. Green engineering aims at the design and manufacture of products to preserve natural resources in terms of sustainable...

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Vaccinations for Children: Issues and Recommendations for Positive Change

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American Association of Heart Failure Nurses

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Major Components of Medicaid and Medicare

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Kentucky’s State Strategies for Improving Medicaid

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Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Trilogy: The “Blue” Film

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Human Factor and Actions & Policies in History

Outline To begin with it is necessary to mention, that there are numerous instances in history, when the actions and policies by governments or individuals led to unpredicted or unintended consequences. The current paper is aimed to review such instances in the history of Latin America, reviewing the period from...

Civil Liberties: The ACLU’s Project of Capital Punishment

Death Penalty Issue The Capital Punishment Project is aimed at the introduction of challenges connected with arbitrariness and unfairness as to death penalty abolishment. It is important to stress that the capital punishment inception resulted in the execution of 14,000 Americans. In recent years the death sanction for the murder...

Complex Supply Chain Networks and Drivers

Introduction The success of complex supply chain networks existing between business units greatly depends on proper communication and managerial support. In every business operation, there involves supply chain network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and demand markets. “A supply chain network economy describes the environment (competitive and cooperative, in parts) of...

The History of Post Modernism Era

Introduction The post-modernism era is easier described than defined. One of the postmodernism principles states that there are no definite terms, boundaries, or absolute truth. Therefore, to define the notion would mean a violation of the postmodernist’s premise. In general, the post-modernism era is a term used to denote the...

Daisy Miller’s Personal Analysis in “Daisy Miller” by Henry James

Culture is the phenomenon that differs human beings from all other animal species in the world. However, culture is also a matter of prejudice and streotype formation against this or that nation or ethnic group. Accordingly, this paper will examine the issues of cultural differences and stereotypes discussed in the...