Ho Chi Minh’s Fight for Vietnamese Independence

Minh’s speech proclaiming Vietnam’s independence contains a demand that the free world support that independence in part as payment for services rendered during World War 2. What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? In his speech on the independence of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh states that the country’s freedom...

Technologies and Equality in Modern US Society

Introduction The Industrial Revolution introduced the first machinery in the US. Since that time, lives of many people have constantly been altered by the development and growth of technologies. In this essay, I will examine the impact of the Industrial Revolution on American society and discuss the issue of equality...

Prison Reform: Rethinking and Improving

Introduction Prison reform should be implemented through ensuring public safety, improve the circumstances of incarceration to create a constructive culture, and develop a model to incentivize behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles conducive to personal self-control and responsibility. First Step Toward Prison Reform The topic of prison reform has been highly debated...

Emily Dickinson’s and William Carlos Williams’ Poems

The focal point of the paper is to present a Comparison and Contrast essay between the poems, “I Felt a Funeral in My Brain“, by Emily Dickinson and “The Widow’s Lament in Spring Time“, by William Carlos Williams. The paper would look into the parameters of the inner world of...

“Waiting for Godot” by Beckett

“Waiting for Godot,” a play written by Samuel Beckett, postulates the idea that a human being’s life is wholly dependant on chance, meaningfulness and the futile reliance on ‘Godot.’ The two characters in this story, Estrogon and Vladimir, have evoked pity in me as they wait for hope to arrive....

Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson

The turn of the 19th century has been marked as the progressive era in which two American Presidents, President Theodore Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson have played a significant role on domestic as well as foreign policy-related issues. These two leaders reformed the system based on the decision which was...

Food Safety in the Commercial Industry

Introduction Food safety is very important since it involves protecting human health. In considering food safety in the commercial industry, it is important to consider this seriously since food production is carried out on a large scale to serve many people. Lack of food safety in this industry can lead...

Industrial Tourism Impacts on National Parks

Polemic: Industrial Tourism and the National Parks, is one of the most cherished works of Edward Abbey (1927 – 1989). This is a hilarious proposal whose setting conforms to Abbey’s days as a ranger for the U.S. Park services way back in 1950s. It is one of the highly reputable...

“The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury

Introduction The onset of the 21st century has brought on unimaginable and unprecedented leaps in commercial technology which has been woven into the very fabric of society. If 20 years ago few adults, let alone children had a cellphone, and 10 years ago, social media was a fun gimmick, both...

Sudden Decrease of Vision in the Patient’s Left Eye: Case Study

Subjective Chief Complaint: sudden decrease of vision in the patient’s left eye. History of Present Illness (HPI) Jessica, a 32-year-old female, developed blurred vision in her left eye in the morning. Progressive deterioration occurred over the past few hours. Denies traumas, injuries, tearing, redness, and exposure to chemicals. Experienced blurred...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Multinational Enterprises’ Choice of Modes of Entry

Why MNEs Struggle with MOE There is no “one shirt fits all” strategy when it comes to figuring out the best mode of entry (MOE) into foreign markets by multinational enterprises (MNEs). MNEs have to take into consideration various variances to come up with an effective entry strategy. Most of...

Shoals Corporation’s Net Present Value Analysis

Net Present Value The net present value is used to calculate the return on investment for an expenditure or project. It is defined as the present value of cash flows at the required return rate of the project compared to the initial investment (Noch & Kusto, 2018). To calculate the...

The Impediments to the Diffusion of the New Technology

Although new technologies are highly helpful in businesses, at least because they provide opportunities for simulation in the training processes of different organizations, there are various obstacles to adopting e-learning. Such impediments include cultural resistance, the difference in learning style, threats to the human resource (HR) offices, delivery costs, and...

Disinformation and Its Impact on Individuals

Introduction The existence of news breeds misinformation, whether intentional or accidental. The strengthening of information technology leads to the expansion and eradication of the data flows around the individual, which he needs to process. However, it is impossible to consider the phenomenon of disinformation as an exclusively negative one. It...

Changing Landscape of Mexican Politics Since Revolution

“Tierra, Agua, Libertad, Justicia y Ley” which translates as Land, water, liberty, and law, often shortened to “land and liberty,” was the rallying cry of the Mexican Revolution, one of the most iconic of the 20th century. Prior to the revolution, Mexico lived in a state of tremendous socioeconomic injustice,...

“Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt in the Context of Microeconomics

Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt provides essential information about microeconomics that non-economics professionals need to know. The author provides examples of major economic misconceptions, public misinterpretations, and public policy failures. Mostly, the author talks about economic policies and their consequences. Hence, the basic rule of economics “consists in...

Health Workers’ Experiences During COVID-19 Epidemic

Introduction In this paper, I am reviewing the journal article by Hanna et al., titled “Health and social care professionals’ experiences providing end-of-life Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” (Hanna et al., 2021, p.1249-1257). The qualitative study is written collaboratively by healthcare professionals from the University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry...

Nursing: Aspects of Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction The COVID-19 epidemic has fundamentally disrupted key global economic, sociological, and healthcare infrastructures, which may only exacerbate clinical nurses’ decision fatigue. The article under discussion, Decision Fatigue among Clinical Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic, is the first instance in which the decision fatigue scale has been psychometrically validated among...

A Project Addressing the Shortage of Nurses

Problem Statement Despite the high academic discussion around the problem of the shortage of nurses, it is evident that governmental interventions do not definitively address the issue. This issue is directly related to the national quality indicator as the adequacy of care is not met due to the simple lack...

Sociology. Analyzing Everyday Life: Doing Nothing

I chose to conduct my experiment at a mall in my home town. It was an ideal location for the experiment because so many people purchase their household goods from the mall. They also come there for recreation and the like. I knew that there was a very serious likelihood...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Black Theology and Its Impact on Drug Addiction

Introduction I have chosen the topic of Black Theology and its impact on drug addiction because I have experienced the impact of opioid addiction on my family. My mother has been addicted to prescription opioids for approximately eight years, and it has been a highly traumatic experience for the family....

Gender Studies: Feminine Men and Masculine Women

Introduction Despite the emergence of feminist organizations and anti-discrimination laws, the world is dominated by men. There is still a long way to go for males and females to be equal in all aspects of life. Even though men and women are of the human species, they have many differences...

Fast Foods Lead to Fast Death: Informative Speech

Introduction The fast food industry has expanded at a rapid pace during the past half century. The consequence of this convenience has been the rapid expansion of the nation’s collective waistline. Obesity, caused primarily by a diet high in fat, is spreading across the country at epidemic proportions affecting more...

Dystopia. Personal Vision in Modern World.

My vision of the dystopian future for our world is something that is closer to reality. The ideas in my mind that tell me what sort of future our planet faces is fed by the constant stream of information that is fed to me by the daily national and international...

The Ethical Issues of Western Bank and Trust and Bobby’s Bagels Managers

The ethical issues in business and accounting play a crucial role in the company’s developing and acquiring the status of the influential and reliable enterprise. In this paper I am going to examine ethical issues in two companies: Western Bank and Trust and Bobby’s Bagel. As far as the case...

“Stealing the Scream” by Munch

The Scream by Edvard Munch has inspired an American poet Monica Youn to depict her impression of the painting and the story of its stealing in her poem Stealing the Scream (Youn). The poet has chosen the genre of ekphrastic poetry to express her idea. This genre implies describing another...

Causes of the Great Depression

Introduction Several decades later, the aftermath of what is regarded as the worst economic slump in US history is still being felt across global economies. Following the 1920s economic turmoil commonly referred to as the Great Depression, economists are still investigating the underlying factors that motivated the onset of such...

The Letter to Dean of the Nursing Department

Dear Madam, Re: Request to Re-take the ADN 151 Class and Stay in the Program. My names are DC and I was admitted into Rio Hondo’s Nursing program in the summer of 2011. Regrettably, I failed to obtain a passing grade in my AND 151 class. This has jeopardized my...

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders Analysis

Introduction In this particular case, S.H. suffers from a number of different symptoms, including insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, and hypertension. For this reason, the initial goals of therapy would be the reduction of such symptoms and stress that is connected with sleep disorders. Moreover, the improvement of function during...

Parallel Prosecution: Review

Parallel prosecution implies similar structures and procedures in two legal agencies. For this very reason, parallel procession would not be possible for the US government and state government. It is important to note that the bulk of criminal cases are for minor offences and they are dealt with in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Integrated Talent Management Project Plan

Summary The economic term “Talent” refers to individuals that come together to create change in the operations of an organization. Talent management is a process of change, systematic growth and development, reconstitution, re-deployment of assets or talents necessary to create a change in an organization. Talent management transcends from talent...

Competitive Environment Between Traditional and Budget Airlines

All the traditional industries operating in conventional ways are today facing quite hard challenges from their new competitors who offer services at lower budgets. Generally, any traditional business industry for providing full service with a touch of conventionality and high quality has to keep the prices high for their services....

Jair Bolsonaro and Hillary Clinton in Social Media

Abstract Social media use by political leaders during presidential campaigns is a widespread phenomenon in the present-day world. However, this aspect of their activity seems to be controversial due to the possibility of neglect of the ethical part of the matter. From this perspective, such leaders as Jair Bolsonaro can...

Acceptance of Offer Under English Contract Law

Issues It is seen in this case study that Adam has reneged on his offer to sell his motor car for £1000, made to the world at large through public advertisement. The main issues are (i) whether Adam was legally correct in refusing both the offers made by Ben and...

Target Market Segment Description

Description of the Primary Target Market A primary target market is a segment of a market section that the business believes will provide an opportunity for it to sell its products or services. My full-service beauty salon business seeks to attract these potential consumers to purchase the services and products...

Victimization in White Collar Crimes

White-collar crime can be identified through a combination of definitions. The definition of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) states that white-collar crimes are “illegal acts characterized by deceit, concealment or violation of trust, which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence”(Online Lawyer, 2010)....

Ethical Lens in Developing Moral Competence

Memorandum According to the golden rule, one should treat others how one wants to be treated in return. As a philosophical theory, the law of gold can be used to direct your actions in various situations, and many organizations throughout history have devised it. We will go into greater detail...

Computer Applications and Concepts

Introduction While using any application patent to Microsoft Office, there is the obvious need to format the text generated. Under the default menu bar, there are formatting commands to be used. The scroll bar allows one to navigate through pages and have a wider view of the generated content. The...

Cuban Missile Crisis: Intelligence-Gathering Operations

The Historical Value of Intelligence Gathering The US was interested in the Cuban missile crisis and its imminent threat to US national security. Essentially, the information was crucial because Cuba’s relationship with the Soviet Union was a security threat. The American intelligence authorities were highly concerned about the potential political...

Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development

The cognitive development of children determines their ability to understand certain concepts. Adults often experience situations where they try to describe something to a child, but the child does not understand something that seems obvious. Children may lack understanding of what adults say to them, which is determined by what...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mitigate Stress Exercise Program at the Work

Pitch Reducing the inducers of stress in the workplace environment is essential in developing the workforces’ team spirit, cultural interaction, and the reduction of health costs (Seaward, 2015). Physical exercises and body or mind practices have been proved as effective strategies towards the management of stress in the workplace situation,...

Participation of Students with Severe Disabilities

Introduction Following the studies showing that there is isolation and discrimination of students with intellectual disabilities, this article attempts to evaluate and assess the effect of new instructional model, with the aim of enhancing the performance of these students. The discrimination and isolation of the students with intellectual disabilities is...

Mary Rowlandson’s Story as a Faith Narrative

Introduction Mary Rowlandson, a middle-aged female settler who moved from England to Massachusetts Bay Colony and then to Lancaster, was captured by the Wampanoag Indian tribe during King Phillip’s War. Mary Rowlandson’s experience as a hostage became a foundation for A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary...

Evidenced-Based Nursing and the Meaningful Use

Why do not we do evidenced-based nursing? Recent researches prove that evidence-based practice significantly improves client outcomes. However, the results of the survey point out that nurses fail to implement evidence-based practices because nursing leaders are considered to have some barriers or show resistance. The fundamental reason for the leaders...

Pop Culture, Entertainment and Media Representation

“Batman, Deviance and Camp” by Andy Medhurst The camp is a cultural and aesthetic phenomenon that deals with sophisticated taste and specially cultivated sensitivity and theatricality. Describing camp in the example of Batman 1960 movie, Medhurst notes that camp is a manner of depicting serious things in a comic and...

Pamperzhou Day Spa Business Plan and SWOT Analysis

Summary Pamperzhou Day Spa is a newly opened spa service provider located in Freeway County, CA. The services it offers include the whole range of day spa experience including the “seven ultra-chic, ultra-comfortable treatment rooms with the finest spa linens and equipment,.. massage in a variety of styles,.. facial and...

Short Movie “Darkness/Light/Darkness” by Jan Svankmajer

The author of this movie is Jan Svankmajer, the clip is called “Darkness/Light/Darkness”; it was produced in 1989. This clip can be easily found on the World Wide Web. From the first point of view, the main character of this short movie is a hand made of plasticine, it looks...

Characteristics of Critical Thinking and Decision Making

“Critical thinking entails fair mindedness with specific traits such as intellectual humility, integrity, courage, autonomy, empathy, perseverance and confidence in reason” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. 6). Critical thinking involves fairness and it implies in-depth thinking with highly insightful thinking. A critical thinking mind treats every opinion as relevant to...

Diabetes: Causes and Effects of Disease

Diabetes is a common disease that is found in all parts of the world. Its defining feature is the accumulation of excessive sugar {glucose} in the bloodstream. There are 2 kinds of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. At present, approximately 23 million people suffer from diabetes in the United...

Conflict Theory: Definition and Main Concepts

Definition and Analysis Conflict theory is a concept used in a wide range of disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, criminology, communication, education, among many others. This theory takes its roots in Carl Marx’s teachings since class struggle is based completely on a conflict. Therefore, the main aim of Conflict theory...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stop Disasters Game: Learning, Entertainment, or Both?

Natural disasters have stroke and their consequences are unimaginable. Lives have been lost, property destroyed, dreams shuttered, bodily injuries inflicted among all these happen regardless of race, economic status, gender, level of education among other characteristics. For this reason, there is need for all the stakeholders to have basic and...

Ladysmith Black Mambazo’s Concert in March 2020

Ladysmith Black Mambazo is the worldwide famous African male choral group with more than fifty years of performance history. In 2020, the singers were forced to cancel their tour due to the pandemic and death of the group’s founder, Joseph Shabalala (Ladysmith Black Mambazo). However, Ladysmith Black Mambazo gave one...

Prisoners’ Human Rights Protection

Introduction Though limited in power and resources, the advocacy agency may advocate for human rights in different ways. Prisons have become centers of various law violations as the current system does not treat prisoners fairly. For the protection of human rights in prisons, it is important to examine the existing...

PTSD Group Counseling

American Psychiatric Association (2013) defines PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) as a psychiatric disorder that can manifest itself in people that witnessed or experienced a traumatic event. What counts as a traumatic event is often contingent on individual perception. However, some of the most common categories of traumatic events include natural...

Haitian Immigration and Religion in Florida

Root Causes of Haitian Migration A significant number of Haitian nationals have migrated to other countries during the last century following the country’s political and economic turmoil. Audebert (2020) states that approximately 20% of Haitians live abroad today. Plantation-based economics and the US occupation of Haiti are the main historical...

Lightning Damage and Protection for Pilots

Introduction Lightning is a rather common natural phenomenon that is accompanied by noise, a burning smell, and a bright flash of light. The distressing nature of lightning cannot be underestimated since it could affect most of the individuals on a plane, from customers to crew members. Even though the possibility...

Urban Planning of Thanks-Giving Square

Introduction: Olmsted’s Philosophy and Principles of Landscape Design Before starting the virtual tour of Thanks-Giving Square and the evaluation of its architectural design, it is necessary to give the outline of design principles formulated by outstanding landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. Initially, he was not a professional landscape designer...

Analysis of Elizabeth Bishop’s “In the Waiting Room”

Pulitzer Prize awarded and one of the most important poets of the twentieth century – Elizabeth Bishop – is the author of “In the Waiting Room”. This poem was published in 1971 and starts with setting the time and place of the story. Little Elizabeth came to a dentist’s appointment...

A Leadership Development Plan for a Nurse Manager

When it comes to my leadership traits, the latter include conscientiousness, emotional intelligence, agreeableness, and charisma in close circles. It is important to note that I do not deliberately avoid conflicts, but I tend to have fewer of them due to my agreeable nature. In most cases, I am likely...