Performance Review of Advanced Technology Investment Co.: Key Metrics and Insights

Abstract The aim of this research is to investigate, comprehend, and construct the orchestration of performance of Advanced Technology Investment Company; in order to do so, the paper first focuses on the significance of the study, the background of ATIC, the ‘vision and mission’ of the business, the key achievements...

Modern Aircraft Company: Management Control of Project

Summary This paper is going to address the issue of management control of projects. The author will use the case of Modern Aircraft Company (MAC) to analyze the concept of project control and management. The paper will be divided into several sections. The first section will deal with an analysis...

Narcoterrorism: Case Studies from Mexico and Terrorism Criteria

Abstract The presented project utilizes two cases from Mexico to discuss the terrorist aspects of narcoterrorism. Given the ongoing concerns regarding the appropriateness of the term, a contribution to this discussion was deemed useful. In addition, the gravity of the issue and the limited effectiveness of the currently deployed countermeasures...

Nurse and Pharmacist Prescribing in the United Kingdom

Introduction Since time immemorial, administration of medications and drugs through prescription has always represented a paramount aspect especially in healthcare management. While prescriptions has served to lower the levels of morbidities and mortalities due to common illnesses, it has occasioned a jump in the cost of managing illness that is...

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Impacts on Citizens

From iPhone’s Siri, Microsofts Cortana, Amazons Alexa and soon to be launched Googles search assistant for self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) continues developing at a rapid pace. Innovations also become a burden of handling big data. As an emerging field, AI is often portrayed as machines with human-like characteristics. However,...

Depending on the line spacing, a text of 7000 words takes 14 to 28 pages. All the most common citation styles imply that an essay is double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman. This is about 250 words per page. You might want to use a different font, but a double-spaced 7000-word essay will anyway take about 28 pages.

A 7000-word essay contains 46 to 70 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A 7000-word paper is a very extensive piece of writing that needs to be carefully planned and prepared. You might need to write a research paper, a term paper, or an academic article of such a length. Depending on the genre of the paper, it might include an abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The exact list of elements will depend on the paper’s genre.

It will take you about 140 to 280 minutes to type 7000 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 23 hours for 7000 words.

An average 7000-word essay contains 58 to 59 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 70 to 150 words long.

The Online Technology in the Experiences of EFL Pre-Service Teachers

Abstract This paper describes how a course on TEFL methodologies presented to the students of DELTC was transformed into a blended learning experience by use of an online portfolio hosted by This e-portfolio allowed the course teacher to introduce new ICT-educational aspects to the participants and at the same...

The Effects of Nurse Burnout on Patient Care and Safety

Abstract This paper aims to review and study the issue of professional and job burnout in nursing practitioners, as well as to identify the primary causes and the main consequences of this problem. The adjustments that have been made to the system and management have resulted in a new strain...

Improving Depression Care: NICE Guidelines at VEGA Center

Depression is a severe condition that decreases patients’ quality of life and tends to be rather challenging to manage. As a result, it is crucial to equip healthcare workers with tools to help them in depression management. The present proposal describes a project that offers the VEGA medical center, which...

Evaluating Performance of Public Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria

Introduction In the context of public construction projects in Abuja Nigeria, project success can only be realized when stakeholder performance is evaluated against a performance evaluation framework. A performance evaluation framework provides well established and evaluated standard measures against which the performance of project stakeholders can be measured to evaluate...

Suicide Prevention in Teen Gays After They Come Out

Abstract Suicide has been identified as the third leading cause of death among youths between 10 to 24 years of age. Gay teens’ contemplation of suicide is three times higher than that of heterosexual youths. The disparities in suicide rates and attempts between heterosexuals and LGBT youths have been a...

Sexual Abuse of Children in South Africa

Introduction Child sexual abuse (CSA), which is common in sub-Saharan Africa, infringes on children’s rights and dignity. It entails the sexual exploitation of underage boys and girls for commercial gains. CSA has been attributed to four causal factors: “poverty, poor living conditions, migration, and economic and social insecurity” (Kistner, Fox...

The Effect of the COVID-19 on the Automotive Industry

Abstract The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on various industries around the world, including the automotive industry. In this paper, the primary focus was to investigate the effect of the pandemic on the financial performance of companies in the automotive industry. The researcher collected data from secondary sources....

Customs and Courtesies in the Military: Survey Feedback

The survey feedback system has been defined by Wilson (2008) as a potentially powerful tool in improving and transformation of the organization. Feedback can be observed in both physical and social system perspectives and includes such concepts as collecting data, assessment, and implementations of action plans. The use of survey...

Philosophical Foundations of a Qualitative Study

Abstract This paper aims to provide necessary insights and information focused on SSCM concept, avenues of application and its impact on consumer’s purchasing behavior. It is advocated to investigate / survey consumers’ perceptions of a company’s green initiatives towards sustainability and the implications on their purchasing behavior. In it, the...

Doha Bank Qatar’s Strategic Thinking and Leadership

Abstract The strategy is a plan that describes the course of action in the future. Strategies are adopted by organizations to help them determine their course of action in the future. The strategy needs to be flexible enough to reflect environmental factors and changes. Organizations have two environments; the external...

Disrespect and Failed to Follow Orders in the Army

Military discipline is a condition that demands from military personnel a high sense of order and compliance with the commanding officers. Discipline in the military entails the willing subordination of individuals for the betterment of the entire group. It extends as a specialized devotion to a high sense of conformity...

Downstream Processing of the Monoclonal Antibodies

Goal To establish antibody purification needs. Abstract The variance in the antigen and antibody interaction coupled with the choice of molding these interactions has enabled us to open a new world of antibody use. Today antibody fragments and antibodies are used in immunochemical techniques. It is because of the advanced...

Competitive Market Hypothesis: Croatian Companies

Introduction This paper reports on time series analysis of the persistence of profits of 97 Croatian Companies from 1995 to 2005. This report is unique in the way it is conducted in Croatia. Although, many such researches are conducted in various parts of the US and Europe, a study of...

Measuring Bubble Size in Two Phase Separator

Introduction General idea Erdal, 2003, states that this project seeks to provide fundamental information on the size of gas bubbles produced in oil from a cyclonic inlet to a gas/oil separator. FRAMES Separation BV support the work, and will consist of three phases: Phase 1 “Gas Carry under” – will...

Dubai Construction Cost and Its Political Factors

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this research paper was to determine how political factors affect the construction industry in Dubai and what can be done to lower these costs. Design: The research used both primary and secondary sources of data to collect the needed information. Primary data were analyzed both...

Strategic Planning: Research and Development

Introduction Successful marketing requires recognition and authority at the top decision-making level. Marketing programs must be carefully planned and based not merely on knowledge of internal corporate affairs, but also on knowledge of external environments. A homeostatic point of equilibrium between customer wants and needs, is called for on the...

Managing Information Systems Strategy and Security Risks in EasyShopping Ltd

Introduction Easy Shopping is one of the major regional players in the UK grocery shopping market. Between 2006 and 2009, EasyShopping has realised rapid expansion. Despite the company recent growth, EasyShopping is not able to challenge major grocery companies such as Tesco or Morrison. However, the managing director of Easy...

Takeover Defenses in International Practice

Introduction The unique and defining feature of a hostile takeover is that the management and board of directors of the target company resist the proposed transaction. In order to overcome their opposition, the bidder wishing to gain control over the target company directly approaches and appeals to the target’s shareholders....

Contrastive Discourse Markers Usage in Academic Writing

The CDMS A wide range of alternative terms have been used in academia to define contrastive discourse markers (CDM) among different researchers with some labeling them as pragmatic connectives, discourse signaling devises, phatic connectives, pragmatic markers, and sentence connectives as used in making sentences and paragraph writing. Al-Yaari, Al Hammadi,...

Family Hui Hawaii’s New Marketing and Funding Strategies

Introduction Family Hui Hawaii (FHH) is a nonprofit organization located in Oahu that aims to prevent child abuse and neglect by engaging parents and caregivers of young children in parenting support groups. The vision of the organization is that “every family is equipped with the knowledge and support systems needed...

How Satisfied Are Older People With the Quality of Care

Introduction There are times at which an individual needs special care in our daily lives in order to live as long as he can. People reach a stage when they become old and require special care. These individuals also include people suffering from cognitive impairment either in their early age...

Wellbore Stability Explanations

What is Finite element analysis via (FLAC)? And how is it done? Finite element analysis (FEA) could run in 2D or 3D and is used for geotechnical applications in the determination of tunnels, deep foundations, slope stability, seepage analysis, soil structural analysis, and capacity for earth retaining structures (Lee, Y.S....

Outsourcing in India: Cheap and Reliable.

Introduction Outsourcing entails constricting through erstwhile establishments to carry out business dealings that are deemed “non-core” as well as “non-revenue” producing in the direction of the business dealing. Establishments utilise “outsourcing” facilities on behalf of tasks, for instance “payroll”, invoicing and so on. While these practices may perhaps be achieved...

Historical Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Corporate social responsibility is a concept that has gained massive popularity over the recent past as corporations try to give back to society. According to Hategan, Sirghi, Curea-Pitorac, and Hategan (2018), successful business entities have realized that they can achieve sustainable success if they have the support of the...

Nurse Empowerment, Self-Efficacy, and Patient Safety

Introduction Patient safety, as defined by the National Patient Safety Foundation, is “the avoidance, prevention and amelioration of adverse outcomes or injuries stemming from the process of health care” (National Patient Safety Foundation, 2016, para. 12). Patient safety is an expected characteristic of hospital stays. Although patients, their families, and...

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