345 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples

Are you looking for the best obesity essay topics? You are at the right place! We’ve compiled a list of obesity research questions and catchy titles about various aspects of this problem. Read on to discover the most controversial topics about obesity for your research paper, project, argumentative essay, persuasive speech, and other assignments.

🧃 TOP 7 Obesity Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Obesity

  1. Obesity as a Global Health Issue
    The purpose of this research is to identify obesity as a global health issue, evaluate the methods and findings conducted on obesity, and find solutions to reduce obesity globally.
  2. Junk Food and Children’s Obesity
    Eating junk foods on a regular basis causes weight gain and for one in five Americans, obesity, is a major health concern though no one seems to be sounding the alarm.
  3. Health Promotion for Obesity in Adults
    This is a health promotion proposal for preventing obesity among adults in the US. People get obesity when they acquire a given body mass index.
  4. Obesity as a Disease: Arguments For and Against
    Although some people consider that obesity is a disease caused by biological and psychological factors, others are confident that it should not be perceived as a disease.
  5. Nature vs. Nurture: Child Obesity
    On the basis of the given assessment, it is evident that a child’s environment is a stronger influencer than his or her genetic makeup
  6. Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Quantitative Methods
    Obesity in children and adolescents has increasingly become prevalent in the recent past and is now a major problem in most developed countries.
  7. Childhood Obesity: Data Management
    The use of electronic health records (EHR) is regarded as one of the effective ways to treat obesity in the population.
  8. Health Promotion Proposal Obesity Prevention
    The purpose of this proposal is to inform and educate parents, children and adolescents of the importance of having a well balance diet and exercise in their daily lives to avoid obesity.
  9. Obesity: A Personal Problem and a Social Issue
    Obesity is a problem affecting many persons and society as a whole. According to World Health Organization, over 40% of the US population is either overweight or outright obese.
  10. Childhood Obesity and Overweight Issues
    The paper discusses childhood obesity. It has been shown to have a negative influence on both physical health and mental well-being.
  11. Childhood Obesity and Nutrition
    The prevalence of childhood obesity in schools can be compared to an epidemic of a virulent disease on a global scale.
  12. Link Between Watching Television and Obesity
    One of the primary causes of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle, which often includes excessive screen-watching periods.
  13. Public Health Strategies for Addressing Childhood Obesity: Results and Insights
    Childhood obesity can be significantly reduced through a public health intervention grounded in the socio-ecological model, in particular, parents’ active participation.
  14. Link Between Obesity and Genetics
    Obesity affects the lives through limitations implemented on the physical activity, associated disorders, and even emotional pressure.
  15. The Role of Nurses in the Problem of Obesity
    Nurses cannot control people’s daily activities, but they can educate people regarding the principles of a healthy lifestyle to avoid risks of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  16. Obesity Problem in the United States
    Obesity is not just people going fat; it is a disease that causes maladies like type-2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and strokes.
  17. Obesity Issue: Application of Nursing Theory
    This analysis will show that well-established theories are valuable to nursing problem-solving as frameworks for analyzing issues and planning solutions.
  18. Childhood Obesity Prevention: The Role of Nursing Education
    Nurse practitioners have to deal with childhood obesity challenges and identity healthy physical and environmental factors to help pediatric patients and their parents.
  19. Childhood Obesity Interventions: Data Analysis
    The described analysis of research variables will make it possible to test the research and null hypotheses and contribute to the treatment of obesity in children.
  20. Children Obesity Prevention Proposals
    The purpose of this paper is to propose the study of motivational interviewing benefits in preventing childhood obesity in the context of the literature review method.
  21. Community Nursing Interventions for Childhood Obesity
    Due to the gravity of the childhood obesity, there is a need for health professionals to design efficient and effective interventions to alleviate the problem.
  22. Betty Neuman’s System Model for Adult Obesity
    Betty Neuman’s system model can beneficially influence a physical and emotional state of the person who is experiencing difficulties with being overweight.
  23. Childhood Obesity: Prevention and Mitigation
    Over the past three decades, childhood obesity has developed into an epidemic and is considered as one of the major health issues in the world.
  24. Obesity: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention
    Improvement of the healthcare system would reduce the amount of biased and unfounded prejudices towards patients suffering from obesity.
  25. Children Obesity Research Method and Sampling
    This paper presents a research method and sampling on the investigation of the issue of childhood obesity and the impact parents` education might have on reducing excess weight.
  26. Community Nursing Approaches for Preventing and Managing Childhood Obesity
    In the recent decades, the issue of childhood obesity in the US has been increasingly coming to the forefront in the public view and in academia as a major health problem.
  27. Health Promotion Strategies for Obesity
    The paper outlines and critically analyses the population based strategy as a method of managing and preventing obesity used in United Kingdom.
  28. Behavioral Modifications for Patients With Obesity
    This paper aims to find out in obese patients, do lifestyle and behavioral changes, compared to weight loss surgery, improve patients’ health and reduce complications.
  29. The Consequences of Obesity: An Annotated Bibliography
    To review the literature data, the authors searched for corresponding articles on the PubMed database using specific keywords.
  30. Adolescent Obesity in the United States
    The article reflects the problem of overweight in the use, a consideration which the authors blame on influential factors such as age and body mass index.
  31. Obesity in the World: the Prevalence, Its Effects to Human Health, and Causes
    There are various causes of obesity ranging from the quantity of food ingested to the last of physical exercises that utilize the accumulated energy.
  32. Obesity: Background and Preventative Measures
    Obesity is an epidemic. It tends to have more negative than positive effects on the economy and can greatly reduce one’s life expectancy.
  33. Obesity Prevention: Social Media Campaign
    A variety of programs aimed at reducing the risk of obesity has been suggested by healthcare practitioners and scholars. Among them, diet interventions are highly popular.
  34. Childhood Obesity: Research Methodology
    Based on their body mass index measurement or diagnosis by a qualified physician, all children in the sample should be qualified as having obesity.
  35. Obesity Prevention in Community: Strategic Plan
    This paper is a plan of how to change the way the community should treat obesity and improve people’s health through the required number of interventions.
  36. Childhood Obesity: Methods and Data Collection
    The first instrument that will be used in data collection is body mass index (BMI). The BMI is measured by dividing a patient’s weight in kilograms by height in meters squared.
  37. Understanding Childhood Obesity: A Comprehensive Literature Study
    Obesity in children remains a major public health issue. A growing body of evidence suggests that social networks present a viable way to improve the situation.
  38. Overweight and Physical Activity in Children: Key Factors
    This paper examines the relationships between overweight and parental education, child overweight and physical activity, and investigate the domestic co-occurrence of overweight.
  39. Childhood Obesity Causes: Junk Food and Video Games
    The problem of “competitive foods and beverages” that are sold in schools outside the existing breakfast and lunch programs has been discussed for a while now.
  40. School-Based Obesity Interventions: Efficacy & Parent Impact
    Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that is associated with significant health complications, including elevated cardiovascular risk, pediatric hypertension, and diabetes.

👍 Good Obesity Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Family’s Role in Childhood Obesity: Understanding Influences and Interventions
    Families and healthcare providers develop numerous interventions in order to provide their children with a chance to avoid obesity complications.
  2. Childhood Obesity in Southwark: Causes, Trends, and Preventative Measures
    The following report presents the evidence of the obesity rates in Southwark borough of London as an urban issue. The metrics and statistical data are compared to the determinants.
  3. Obesity Prevention in Childhood
    This paper discusses what are the effects of after-school education practices programs on reducing the risk of obesity and related health concerns in young children over one year period.
  4. The Role of Parental Education in Preventing Childhood Obesity: Key Strategies
    It can be extremely important to compare and contrast the role of parent education and common methods of treatment in childhood obesity prevention.
  5. Obesity Education Plan for Older Adults
    The given paper presents an obesity education plan targeted at adults and older adults who are overweight or obese and, therefore, are at risk of developing various diseases.
  6. Humanistic Theory in Childhood Obesity Research
    The humanistic theory will assist in research investigating how the use of dieting and parental supervision can help to resolve the issue of obesity.
  7. Fast Food Consumption and Obesity Severity: Key Findings
    The scholars attempt to determine the influence of various behavioral factors on the degree of obesity. This is the main research question that the authors strive to examine.
  8. Reducing the Prevalence of Obesity in Children
    This paper will discuss childhood obesity in relation to measuring parameters, risk factors, consequences, and preventive strategies.
  9. Youth Obesity In Clark County in Vancouver Washington
    The major factors contributing to the rise in obesity cases are; inadequate dietary intake of fruits and vegetables, high intake of refined food, and inadequate physical exercise.
  10. Addressing Childhood Obesity: The Impact of Awareness on Promoting Healthier Family Lifestyles
    As far as childhood obesity is prevalent and leads to related health issues, raising awareness can encourage healthier lifestyle changes within families.
  11. Childhood Obesity Statistics, Causes, and Prevention Strategies: A PICO (Nursing) Question
    The study formulates a PICO question to address the childhood obesity issues, which are driven by poor diet and inactivity and can be mitigated with education.
  12. Addressing Obesity in Illinois: Urgent Action Needed for Healthy People Project 2030 Goals
    Highlighting the rising obesity rates, this paper urges the state committee to prioritize policy review to meet Healthy People Project 2030 goals.
  13. Factors Contributing to Childhood Obesity and Effective Interventions: A Literature Review
    With recent studies focusing on childhood obesity, this review examines causes and highlights interventions to prevent and reduce the issue.
  14. Childhood Obesity: Causes and Implications
    The exploration of childhood obesity, its causes, and long-term health implications discusses the role of genetics, family environment, lifestyle choices and psychological factors.
  15. Best Interventions for Obesity
    The best plan for preventing obesity involves the combination of healthy eating habits and regular physical exercises.
  16. The Childhood Obesity Problem Significance
    Childhood obesity is one of the most severe issues that affects children and teenagers. It involves various risks to their health.
  17. Parental Education to Overcome Childhood Obesity
    Parental education plays a crucial role in addressing childhood obesity by influencing children’s behaviors and habits. Encouraging healthy eating, and promoting physical activity.
  18. Obesity Management: Educational Behavioral Interventions
    The current project is devoted to the use of educational behavioral interventions in the management of obesity.
  19. Reducing Obesity Among Children Aged 5-19 From Low-Income Families
    According to Jebeile et al., since 1975, the number of obese children has increased by 4.9% among girls and 6.9% among boys.
  20. Obesity and Lack of Its Treatment Project
    The paper aims to treat obesity in a primary care setting, thus reducing the individual and social health burden that obesity poses.
  21. “Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS
    In the article “Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS, the dire situation concerning excessive weight in adults and children is discussed.
  22. Obesity: High Accumulation of Adipose Tissue
    It is important to point out that obesity is a complex and intricate disease that is associated with a host of different metabolic illnesses.
  23. Obesity and Iron Deficiency Among College Students
    The study seeks to establish the relationship between obesity and iron deficiency by analyzing the serum hepcidin concentration among individuals aged between 19 to 29 years.
  24. Childhood Obesity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    While the COVID-19 pandemic elicited one of the worst prevalences of childhood obesity, determining its extent was a problem due to the lockdown.
  25. Overweight and Obesity Prevalence in the US
    Obesity is a significant public health problem recognized as one of the leading causes of mortality in the United States. Obesity and overweight are two common disorders.
  26. Obesity Screening Training Using the 5AS Framework
    The paper aims to decrease obesity levels at the community level. It provides the PCPs with the tools that would allow them to identify patients.
  27. Prevalence and Control of Obesity in Texas
    Obesity has been a severe health issue in the United States and globally. A person is obese if their size is more significant than the average weight.
  28. Nutrition: Obesity Pandemic and Genetic Code
    The environment in which we access the food we consume has changed. Unhealthy foods are cheaper, and there is no motivation to eat healthily.
  29. Preventing Obesity Health Issues From Childhood
    The selected problem is childhood obesity, the rates of which increase nationwide yearly and require the attention of the government, society, and parents.
  30. Childhood Obesity: Causes and Effects
    Childhood obesity has many causes and effects, which denotes that parents and teachers should make children with obesity engage in regular physical exercise in school and at home.
  31. Describing the Problem of Childhood Obesity
    Childhood obesity is a problem that affects many children. If individuals experience a health issue in their childhood, it is going to lead to negative consequences.
  32. Researching of Obesity in Florida
    It is important to note that Florida does not elicit the only state with an obesity problem, as the nation’s obesity prevalence stood at 42.4% in 2018.
  33. Obesity and Health Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients
    The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges over the last three years, and significant research has been done regarding its health effects and factors.
  34. Obesity in the United States of America
    The article discusses the causes of the obesity pandemic in the United States of America, which has been recognized as a pandemic due to its scope, and high prevalence.
  35. The Problem of Childhood Obesity
    Obesity in childhood is a great concern of current medicine as the habits of healthy eating and lifestyle are taught by parents at an early age.
  36. Oral Health and Obesity Among Adolescents
    This research paper developed the idea of using dental offices as the primary gateway to detect potential obesity among Texas adolescents.
  37. Obesity, Weight Loss Programs and Nutrition
    The article addresses issues that can help increase access to information related to the provision of weight loss programs and nutrition.
  38. Childhood Obesity in the US From an Economic Perspective
    Looking at the problem of childhood obesity from an economic point of view offers an understanding of a wider range of causes and the definition of government intervention.
  39. The Science Behind Obesity and Its Impact on Cancer
    The paper addresses the connection between cancer and physical activity, diet, and obesity in Latin America and the USA. The transitions in dietary practices may be observed.
  40. Obesity From Sociological Imagination Viewpoint
    Most obese individuals understand that the modern market is not ready to accept them due to negative sociological imagination.

🍔 Obesity Argumentative Essay Topics

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  1. Should fast-food restaurants be liable for increasing obesity rates?
  2. Does public education on healthy eating reduce obesity prevalence?
  3. Is obesity a result of personal choices or socioeconomic circumstances?
  4. Should the government impose taxes on soda and junk food?
  5. Weight loss surgery for obesity: pros and cons.
  6. Should restaurants be required to display the caloric content of every menu item?
  7. Genetics and the environment: which is a more significant contributor to obesity?
  8. Should parents be held accountable for their children’s obesity?
  9. Does weight stigmatization affect obesity treatment outcomes?
  10. Does the fashion industry contribute to obesity among women?

🌶️ Hot Obesity Essay Titles

  1. The Current Problem of Obesity in the United States
    The paper raises the current problem of obesity in the United States and informs people about the issue, as well as what effect obesity can have on health.
  2. Childhood and Adolescent Obesity and Its Reasons
    Various socio-economic, health-related, biological, and behavioral factors may cause childhood obesity. They include an unhealthy diet and insufficient physical activity and sleep.
  3. Pediatric Obesity and Its Treatment
    Pediatric obesity is often the result of unhealthy nutrition and the lack of control from parents but not of health issues or hormonal imbalance.
  4. Impact of Obesity on Healthcare System
    Patients suffering from obesity suffer immensely from stigma during the process of care due to avoidance which ultimately affects the quality of care.
  5. Trending Diets to Curb Obesity
    There are many trending diets that have significant effects on shedding pounds; however, the discourse will focus on the Mediterranean diet.
  6. Issues of Obesity and Food Addiction
    Obesity and food addiction have become widespread and significant problems in modern society, both health-related and social.
  7. Diet, Physical Activity, Obesity, and Related Cancer Risk
    One’s health is affected by their lifestyle, which should be well managed since childhood to set a basis for a healthier adulthood.
  8. Articles About Childhood Obesity
    The most straightforward technique to diagnose childhood obesity is to measure the child’s weight and height and compare them to conventional height and weight charts.
  9. Obesity From Sociological Perspectives
    The social problem under focus is obesity originating from Latino food norms. The problem of obesity is the direct result of adherence to social norms.
  10. Obesity: Causes, Consequences, and Care
    Nowadays, an increasing number of people suffer from having excess weight. This paper analyzes the relationship between obesity and other diseases.
  11. Discussion of Freedman’s Article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”
    David Freedman, in article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”, talks about various misconceptions regarding healthy food that are common in society.
  12. Obesity Prevention Policy Making in Texas
    Obesity is a national health problem, especially in Texas; therefore, the state immediately needed to launch a policy to combat and prevent obesity in the population.
  13. Childhood Obesity: Quantitative Annotated Bibliography
    Childhood obesity is a problem that stands especially acute today, in the era of consumerism. Children now have immense access to the Internet.
  14. Obesity and How It Can Cause Chronic Diseases
    Obesity is associated with increased cardiovascular diseases, and cancer risks. The modifications in nutrition patterns and physical activity are effective methods to manage them.
  15. Aspects of Obesity Risk Factors
    Obesity is one of the most pressing concerns in recent years. Most studies attribute the rising cases of obesity to economic development.
  16. Obesity as a Wellness Concern in the Nursing Field
    A critical analysis of wellness can provide an understanding of why people make specific health-related choices.
  17. How Junk Diets Can Reduce Obesity
    To control obesity there is a need to ensure that the junk foods produced are safe for consumption before being released into the foods market.
  18. The Problem of Obesity: Weight Management
    Obesity is now a significant public health issue around the world. The type 2 diabetes, cardiac conditions, stroke, and metabolism are the main risk factors.
  19. Sleep Deprivation Effects on Adolescents Who Suffer From Obesity
    The academic literature on sleep deprivation argues that it has a number of adverse health effects on children and adolescents, with obesity being one of them.
  20. Obesity: Racial and Ethnicity Disparities in West Virginia
    Numerous social, economic, and environmental factors contribute to racial disparities in obesity. The rates of obesity vary depending on race and ethnicity in West Virginia.
  21. Obesity in Low-Income Community: Diet and Physical Activity
    The research evaluates the relationship between family earnings and physical activity and overweight rates of children in 8 different communities divided by race or ethnicity.
  22. Dealing with Obesity as a Societal Concern
    This essay shall discuss the health issue of obesity, a social health problem that is, unfortunately, growing at a rapid rate.
  23. Obesity Problem Solved by Proper Nutrition and Exercise
    Most people who suffer from obesity are often discouraged to pursue nutrition and exercise because their bodies cannot achieve a particular look.
  24. Hispanic Obesity in the Context of Cultural Empowerment
    This paper identifies negative factors directly causing obesity within the Hispanic people while distinguishing positive effects upon which potential interventions should be based.
  25. Health Psychology and Activists’ Views on Obesity
    This paper examines obesity from the psychological and activists’ perspectives while highlighting some of the steps to be taken in the prevention and curbing of the disease.
  26. Childhood Obesity Teaching Experience and Observations
    The proposed teaching plan aimed at introducing the importance of healthy eating habits to children between the ages of 6 and 11.
  27. Care Plan: Quincy Town, Massachusetts With Childhood Obesity
    This study will develop a community assessment program based on the city with the aim of creating a care plan for tackling the issue of child obesity in the town.
  28. Obesity, Diabetes and Self-Care
    The paper discusses being overweight or obese is a high-risk factor for diabetes mellitus and self-care among middle-aged diabetics is a function of education and income.
  29. Obesity in Hispanic American Citizens
    The issue of obesity anong Hispanic Americans occurs as a result of poor dieting choices caused by misinformed perceptions of proper eating.
  30. Multicausality: Reserpine, Breast Cancer, and Obesity
    All the factors are not significant in the context of the liability to breast cancer development, though their minor influence is undeniable.
  31. The Home Food Environment and Obesity-Promoting Eating Behaviours
    Campbell, Crawford, Salmon, Carver, Garnett, and Baur conducted a study to determine the associations between the home food environment and obesity.
  32. Obesity Management and Intervention
    Many patients within the age brackets of 5-9 admitted in hospital with obesity cases have a secondary diagnosis of cardiovascular disease exceptionally high blood pressure.
  33. Childhood Obesity and Healthy Lifestyles
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss childhood obesity and the various ways of fostering good eating habits and healthy lifestyles.
  34. Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity Among School-Aged Children
    Increased screen time raises the likelihood of children becoming overweight/obese because of the deficiency of physical exercise and the consumption of high-calorie foods.
  35. Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis
    The proposed study will attempt to answer the question of what is the relationship between eating fast food and obesity, using correlation analysis.
  36. Public Health Interventions and Economics: Obesity
    The purpose of this article is to consider the economic feasibility of public health interventions to prevent the emergence of the problem of obesity.
  37. Nursing: Issue of Obesity, Impact of Food
    Obesity is a pandemic problem in America. The fast food industry is under pressure from critics about the Americans weight gain problem.
  38. Childhood Overweight and Obesity
    Childhood overweight and obesity have increased in the US. Effective transportation systems and planning decisions could eliminate such overweight-related challenges.
  39. Childhood Obesity as an International Problem
    This paper explores the significance of using the web-based technological approach in combating obesity among Jewish children.
  40. Depression as It Relates to Obesity
    This paper will argue that there is a positive correlation between depression and obesity. The paper will make use of authoritative sources to reinforce this assertion.

🥤 Obesity Topics for Presentation

  1. The link between excess weight and chronic diseases.
  2. The role of genetics in obesity.
  3. The impact on income and education on obesity risks.
  4. The influence of food advertising on consumer choices.
  5. Debunking the myths related to weight loss.
  6. Obesity during pregnancy: risks and complications.
  7. Cultural influences on eating patterns and obesity prevalence.
  8. Community initiatives for obesity prevention.
  9. The healthcare and societal costs of obesity.
  10. The bidirectional relationship between sleep disorders and obesity.

🎓 Most Interesting Obesity Research Titles

  1. The Effects of Gender on Child Obesity
    The high percentage of women’s obesity prevalence is a result of poor nutrition in childhood and access to greater resources in adulthood.
  2. Child Obesity Problem in the United States
    Obesity is a disease commonly associated with children in most countries in the world. Obesity means weighing much more than is healthy for someone.
  3. Obesity Rates and Global Economy
    The process of obesity in modern society is undoubtedly a severe obstacle to the development of the global economy, as well as to the achievement of its sustainability.
  4. Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity in School-Aged Children
    Obesity in school-aged children negatively influences their health, educational accomplishment, and quality of life.
  5. Obesity: Cause and Treatment
    The sphere of contemporary medicine faces the problem of obesity as a troublesome trend that proceeds to embrace the global citizens.
  6. Obesity Treatment – More Than Food
    Researchers concluded that due to underlying issues, obese adolescents failed to achieve their goals in terms of losing weight.
  7. The Problem of Obesity in the Latin Community
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the matter of a large number of overweight people in the Latin community of Florida and how the situation can be improved.
  8. Obesity Prevention in Ramsey County, Minnesota
    The problem of obesity has risen among working-class people but declined barely among children and senior adults. Ramsey has a low level of obesity relative to the national level.
  9. Childhood Obesity and Its Potential Prevention
    The paper delves into the use of early onset obesity detection in children and suggests methods of potentially preventing childhood obesity later on in the child’s life.
  10. Non-Surgical Reduction of Obesity and Overweight in Young Adults
    This paper review exercise, behavioral therapy, and good dietary habit as non-surgical means of managing obesity.
  11. Obesity Prevention Due to Education
    For obesity prevention, the current study will focus on patient education as an initiative that can potentially decrease the incidence of this disease.
  12. Physical Activity and Obesity in Children by Hills et al.
    Obesity has become one of the most significant health issues for high-income countries. Living standards are rising; people can afford to buy more while working less.
  13. The Best Way to Address Obesity in the United States
    This article examines the types of questions and notes the importance of being able to identify the type of question to answer it correctly.
  14. Nursing Diabetes and Obesity Patients
    Nursing diabetes and obese patients are regarded as one of the most serious problems of contemporary nursing practices.
  15. Obesity in People with Intellectual Disabilities’: The Article Review
    Mashall, McConkey, and Moore, in the ‘Obesity in People with Intellectual Disabilities’ article, seek to assess obese and overweight individuals.
  16. Childhood Obesity in Ocean Springs Mississippi
    The purpose of this article is to look at the problem of childhood obesity and how prevalent it is in Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
  17. Effects of Obesity on Human Lifespan Development
    This paper aims at examining the effects of obesity on different development stages in the four domains of human development: physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, and spiritual.
  18. Obesity and High Blood Pressure as Health Issues
    Since the patient’s symptoms are characteristic of several possible diseases, the clinical assessment of his health is an essential aspect of compiling a treatment plan.
  19. Adult Obesity: Treatment Program
    An effective treatment program for obese patients ought to have a significant impact on the utilization of medical resources and the costs of health care.
  20. Obesity as a Major Health Concern in the United States
    A better understanding of the obesity prevalence in the United States might help determine associated societal causes and provide appropriate intervention strategies.
  21. Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity
    Obese and overweight children have a high likelihood of proceeding with the problem into adulthood, in addition to the threat of chronic illnesses.
  22. Technology as the Cause of Obesity
    Today, humanity witnesses the third industrial revolution, or the broad implementation of innovative solutions into various spheres of activity.
  23. Janet Tomiyama’s “Stress and Obesity” Summary
    “Stress and Obesity,” an article by A. Janet Tomiyama, covers the interrelation between the two issues listed in the title and their mutual influence in psychological terms.
  24. A Dissemination Plan on Adolescent Obesity and Falls in Elderly Population
    Research on clinical diagnoses and conditions is essential for obtaining practical information and adjusting current intervention strategies.
  25. The Issue of Obesity: Reasons and Consequences
    The issue of obesity is controversial, as its reasons and consequences are not examined enough to provide an ideal solution.
  26. “Obesity and the Growing Brain” by Stacy Lu
    In this article Stacy Lu argues that, in children, an unhealthy diet and body fat could potentially affect brain function, which ultimately leads to cognitive problems.
  27. Obesity Among Mexican-American School-Age Children in the US
    The clinical problem for the final project paper is the increased rates of obesity among Mexican-American school-age children in the US.
  28. Obesity: Diet Management in Adult Patients
    This paper aims at answering the following PICOT question on adult obesity diet management and improved healthy lifestyles within 6 months.
  29. Children’s Obesity in the Hispanic Population
    The purpose of this manuscript is to examine nurses’ knowledge concerning the major risk factors of obesity in school-age Hispanic population.
  30. Childhood Obesity: Problem Analysis
    The introduced project addresses childhood obesity problem and highlights the inconsistency between the existing programs and their implementation in real life.
  31. Prevention of Childhood Obesity
    The school’s mission is to educate students and teach them how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition lessons should go hand in hand with promoting an active way of life.
  32. Assessing Inputs and Outputs of a Summer Obesity Prevention Program
    Health management information systems (HMIS) compose a relevant and feasible way to collect, store, and analyze data collected from the participants of the study.
  33. Designing a Program to Address Obesity in Florida
    The CPPW is an initiative to support change in Florida by focusing on poor nutrition and a lack of physical activity.
  34. Prevention of Obesity in Teenagers
    This paper aims to create an education plan for teenage patients and their parents to effectively inform them and help them avoid obesity.
  35. Widespread Obesity in Low-Income Societies
    The unequal food distribution became a tool used to exercise power over the other members of the society, which included women who often were not even viewed as human beings.
  36. Obesity in Clark County and Health Policy Proposal
    Obesity is a chronic medical condition that has really affected the lives of the people living in Clark county. Efforts should be made to address the spread of this epidemic.
  37. Obesity: Is It a Disease?
    The author describes the discussion about obesity, arguing that recognizing obesity as a disease would heighten weight concerns while ignoring other important health concerns.
  38. Clark County Obesity Problem
    Clark County has had a history of obesity since the year 2003 and before. The problem has been persistent over a period of time.
  39. Obesity Action Coalition Website Promoting Health
    This paper aims to discuss information on obesity presented on a website. An extensive online search has helped me to find an official website of the Obesity Action Coalition.
  40. How to Reduce Obesity and Maintain Health?
    Health is becoming a matter of grave concern, especially the health of teenagers and adolescents, who are becoming increasingly overweight and obese.

💡 Simple Research Topics on Obesity

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📝 Obesity Essay Examples

📌 Easy Obesity Essay Topics

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❓ Research Questions About Obesity

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. What Factors Causes Obesity?
  2. What Are Five Problems With Obesity?
  3. Can the Government Help the Obesity Issue?
  4. What Are the Three Dangers of Obesity?
  5. What Are Ten Health Problems Associated With Obesity?
  6. Are the Parents to Blame for Childhood Obesity?
  7. What Are the Social Effects of Obesity?
  8. Does Adolescent Media Use Cause Obesity and Eating Disorders?
  9. How Is Obesity Affecting the World?
  10. How Does Obesity Impact Quality of Life?
  11. Does Society Affect America’s Obesity Crisis?
  12. How Does Obesity Affect You Mentally?
  13. How Does Obesity Impact Children?
  14. How Does Obesity Affect Self-Esteem?
  15. How Does Obesity Cause Depression?
  16. Are First Generation Mexican Children More Prone to Obesity Than Their Second Generation Counterparts?
  17. Should Fast Food Companies Be Held Responsibility for Children’s Obesity?
  18. Does Obesity Cause Mood Swings?
  19. What Are the Causes and Effects of Childhood Obesity?
  20. Is Obesity a Mental or Physical Illness?
  21. What Comes First: Depression or Obesity?
  22. What Makes Obesity Dangerous?
  23. Which European Country Has the Highest Rate of Obesity?
  24. What Is the Obesity Rate in Africa?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 345 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/

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"345 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." StudyCorgi, 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) '345 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi. "345 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "345 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "345 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/.

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