The Significance of Deforestation

Introduction Human beings have lived on earth for many years and have undergone various evolution stages to get to the current normal people. Over the years the environment has always offered man food, clothing and shelter that have sustained and made life bearable. Vegetation is one of the most important...

Whittington’s Classical and Evolutionary Approaches Towards Business Analysis

Theoretic Basis Even though the strategic approaches towards business development presuppose the definite and clear realization of further development processes. This notion is confirmed in numerous research resources, however, the actual situation is far from forecasting in detail the events that may come. A professional business leader needs to know...

Dole, Chiquita and Del Monte: Corporate Statements

Introduction The banana plant is considered to be the largest herb in the world and it belongs to a family of plants called lily plants. The plant matures in a period of nine months and after that it’s able to produce fruits all year round. The fruit was introduced on...

Ethnic and Racial Stereotypes in American Media and Literature

Introduction Race is an aspect of categorizing people into groups based on a set of observable transmissible traits. People can be placed in their race by observing significant physical features like the color of their skin, hair color and texture, body height, and features of the face (Segal, 1991). An...

Headscarf as an Ingredient of Fashion and Cultural Traditions

Introduction Scarves in general captivate a lot due to their diversity in type, the purpose of wearing, and mode of wearing. They can be worn in a variety of ways including headgear, accent pieces, shawls, belts, and as garments which means that they are diverse and versatile and really add...

Principles of Curriculum Design

Introduction A curriculum can be taken as a generalized attempt to transfer the important features of an educational system’s goals and objectives in a precise format that can be translated for practical execution. An effective curriculum design gives room for professional criticism aimed at improving on its content and relating...

Apple: Marketing Communication and Branding

Executive summary Apple as a brand has made itself a strong reputation. The brand is considered among the most powerful among other consumer electronics and communication devices, and is the leading brand in portable and online music industry. Its success is attributed to customer loyalty, technology, a healthy financial position,...

UH-72A Lakota Utility Helicopter in U.S. Army History

Overview The US military sanctioned the acquisition of the utility helicopter UH-72A Lakota in the year 2005. The light utility aircraft has been manufactured by the EADS of North America. The helicopter is well equipped to support some operations like evacuation among others. The aircraft is designed in a manner...

Torture Debate in America’s War on Terror

Introduction Torture is a process by which severe mental or physical pain is intentionally inflicted on an individual. Torture has mainly been used as a way to extract information from crime suspects for example who are intent on withholding it. as individual could confess of having committed or involved in...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Social Skills Program for Preadolescents

Basic research question This research is more concerned with the role of peer relations in the social development of youths and children. Its main objectives include evaluating the effectiveness of social skill programs for preadolescents. The basic research question looks at outcomes of social skills that were crafted to better...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tayama Katai’s the Quilt the Ancestor of “I-Novel”

Introduction At the end of the nineteenth century, Japanese literature experienced many striking moments. In particular, in the late 60th, it endured the most deplorable declines under the governance of Emperor Meiji. The famous authors were doomed to resort to writing books about formless and meaningless gossips. So far, having...

International Business Strategy for Foxton, UK

Executive Summary The UAE and other Middle Eastern countries pose a great market for real estate investments (Walker, 2009). The UAE’s political, economic, and social environment is also suitable for foreign investment. However, the company is bound to experience competitive challenges from real estate multinationals and agents because they constitute...

Globalization and Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Introduction Today globalization has become one of the most discussed notions both in theoretical findings of scholars and in the everyday practice of decision-makers. Progress and technology have been rapidly turning our planet into a “global village” where one can cross the ocean in several hours, talk virtually with strangers...

The Effects of Battered Women Syndrome

Overview A battered woman’s syndrome is a mixture of feelings alongside other temperamental patterns which are as a result of the consequences of trauma, lack of assistance and a round of violence which makes the affected female victim to blindly acknowledge that it is impossible to evade the abusive relationship...

Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

Introduction Governments closely monitor their education systems and the developments that arise from time to time. Ministries of education among other bodies are tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the developments. A major challenge that arises in the education sector is the relevance and applicability of a particular education system...

Management Research: Training and Development

Abstract Management research is a complicated process requiring a plethora of sophisticated approaches and methods since this scientific investigation is connected both with the consideration of strategic principles (qualitative analysis) and statistical techniques (quantitative analysis). In that regard, the main purpose of our research proposal is to track the main...

Service Evaluation of Teaching Practice in the Workplace

Introduction Education is identified as a key pillar for development in the United Kingdom. Recognizing the importance of education in human development, the government of the United Kingdom has been implementing various policies aimed at raising the standard of education in the country. Apart from compulsory education and higher education,...

Energy Innovation Evolutionary Economics and Policies

Introduction This article the important contribution of evolutionary economics has been put into focus particularly concerning policy making in environmental issue. The use of innovative energy technology is influenced by insights into evolutionary economics. Through such insights better policies can be formulated and lead to sustainable development using innovation in...

Oceania Islands as an Tourist Attraction

Introduction Tourist attraction plays a major role in the Gross Domestic Product of any country and is majorly taken into consideration by the policy makers of the country. A lot of investment is put into this and part of the investment involves setting aside areas that will specifically be used...

Relational Database Management Systems in Business

In the recent past, a manager of almost any small organization has (and sometimes still is) able to keep track of necessary data by using a manual file system. As long as the collection of data was relatively small and an organization’s managers had few reporting requirements, the manual system...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Punishment and Modern Society, a Study in Modern Theory” by David Garland

The question of who has the right to pronounce and dispense punishment to a criminal, what constitutes a crime, and what role does the family and community have in both preventing and allowing crime to flourish has been the foundation of the criminal justice system throughout time. Dave Garland followed...

The Issue of Psychopaths in Society

There are characters in the society whose habits and moral behaviors are something out of the ordinary. These individuals exist in each society. They have the propensity to engage in certain inhuman activities without being empathetic in any way. The cruel acts they commit do not seem at all cruel...

Haier Group: Company Case

Introduction Most Americans pronounce it as “hair”, while others make it sound like “higher”. The latter is more like it, for Haier Global occupies a higher place in the world’s electronic and home appliances goods and products. This Chinese company with a global presence has a long history, from a...

Hallmark Cards Inc.: Trends and Countertrends

Introduction Ask any American whether they have heard about Hallmark Cards and the answer is more likely to be in the affirmative. This company has been around the American social scene for the past one hundred years. It was established in 1910 by one visionary teenager named Joyce C. Hall...

General Electric’s Global Research

Introduction “Imagination at work” (General Electric, 2010, para. 3) is the slogan for General Electric’s research and development arm, GE Research. The company has lived up to this phrase if the number of innovations and patents coming from it are anything to go by. Edison, one of the company’s researchers,...

Pedagogical Theory and Practice and Improving Student Learning Experience

Introduction Pedagogy involves the performance of teaching accompanied with theories and practices that shape it. It directly links the act of teaching with culture, structure and mechanisms of student or learner control. Pedagogy may also refer to the process by which teaching activities, interactions, and assignments are structured in accordance...

US Policy During 1967 and 1973 Middle East Wars

Introduction Beginning with the 1948 War of Independence, four conventional wars were waged between Israel and her neighbors. The two great victors of the Second World War, the U.S., and the Soviet Union had become archenemies in the Cold War and both were anxious to spread their conflicting social visions...

The Impact of Teacher Unionization Upon the Education of Students

Introduction Teacher unions were formed basically to give teachers a collective bargaining power and a way to air their views. According to statistics by the NEA and AFT by the year 2004 an estimated 45% of the teachers in public schools are members of one union or another1. Teacher loyalists...

Specific Language Impairment: A Common Learning Impediment With an Uncommon Physiological Origin

Introduction Whenever teachers take charge of children whose acquisition of speech and reading ability is painfully slow, the tendency is to look for physiological problems that affect intellectual, emotional, neurological, and sensory development. These problems include dyslexia, aphasia, autism, and Down syndrome, among other disorders and syndromes. In recent years,...

E-Commerce in the Airline Industry

Introduction The airline industry exemplifies the effectiveness of e-commerce and the way technology can re-create the industrial structure. Today a traveler from New York can book a return flight from New York to London, a car on reaching, and the hotel room. The traveler on reaching the airport can get...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How Can We Do ESL Better? Pedagogical and Ethical Issues

Executive Summary The paper is about how ESL is perceived and in what context throughout the globe. The paper starts with applying various ESL concepts to housekeeping employees, at their workplace. The increasing workplace diversity has developed a need to improve the ability of workers to communicate in English. Many...

News Corporation’s Horizontal and Vertical Hegemonic Power

Introduction Every student of political science, sociology, journalism or any other expression of the social sciences has been taught during its studies that the communication system among humans is the cornerstone of their building of society. From a political point of view, the communication system could either be used by...

Politics of the Global Economy International Relations

Executive Summary It has been an addition to the central position attained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) at the cost of the United Nations economic organizations in the scheme of global economic authority and the control of the philosophy of...

Foreign Direct Investment for Overseas Organizations

Executive Summary Most of the advanced countries in the world involve themselves in foreign direct investment in the less developed countries with an aim of increasing their potential for investment and making appropriate use of other countries’ resources to promote development (Hill 2008). Before an organization decides on the country...

The Impact of International Sporting Events and Local Residents

Abstract Industrialized and developing countries bid for hosting such mega-sporting events as the Olympic Games and the World Cup. This happens mostly because of the economic benefits the country which hosts the tournaments gets. International sporting events proved to produce a certain impact on the residents of the countries which...

Obesity Problem in the United States

Question of Judgment: What is the best way to address obesity in the United States? This requires a question of judgment because this is a subject for discussion and debate: obesity is the number one health problem in the United States today. We will be seeking the best answer within...

Pearl Oriental Innovations Ltd.: Marketing Plan

Terms of Reference The objective of the plan is to maximize the potential of current services on offer and to indicate the potential of the firm given its current budget constraints. Executive Summary The report realizes that Pearl Oriental Innovations Limited is faced with tough competition and tougher economic times...

The Concept of Operations Management

Introduction Operations management (OM) is defined as the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary products. Operations Management is concerned with the management of entire system that produces or delivers a product. Operations Management includes certain decision making that has three aspects to...

Families, Delinquency and Crime

Introduction Crime would be considered a major social problem in the United States according to opinion surveys, with the major cause being laxity and inefficiency in parenting (Simons, Simons & Wallace, 2004). Antisocial tendencies can be evidenced in children right from childhood, with adult antisocial lifestyle being implanted in people...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Deere & Company Establishing E-Business Standards

Introduction A B2B exchange should present Deere with an opportunity to market its products using a cheaper platform. This should in turn reduce its operation cost hence an increase on profits. There is however one big question about the whole exercise. This is on whether Deere should join an existing...

Psychology. Learning and Individual Differences

Introduction I started the paper with description of Social Cognition and Dialogical Self paradigms as the issue is to explore the chances of integration of above two. In the above context, I used Forgas writings that quoted Plato about primitive, animalistic mode of responding and ended up with universally beneficial...

Beak & Johnston: Human Resource Managment

Introduction to Beak & Johnston Beak & Johnston is a family-owned business, and has been operating in Australia since 1986. The company produces and supplies pre-packed meat portions, roasts, soups and seasoned meat products to both domestic and export customers. Servicing some of Australia’s largest supermarket chains and countries such...

Racism in “Native Son” by Richard Wright

We live in time when the legacy of racism in America is now being assumed a thing of the past, with more and more people adopting interracial tolerance as the integral component of their existential mode. In its turn, this prompts many contemporary social scientists to suggest that, as of...

Toyota Company: Project Performance Management

Executive summary Strategic management is an important facet of any given organization. The strategy in most cases normally has enduring allegations. In most scenarios, the line of attack is bequeathed to a strategic business (SBU) where the inventiveness are clustered into portfolios of schemes and ventures. The proposals and projects...

Biblical Terms Used in Christian Counseling

Introduction Ever since the practice of translating the Bible into secular languages had attained a theological legitimacy in the 16th century (the rise of Protestantism), the Holy Book has been increasingly resorted to by people experiencing mental anxieties, as such that supposedly contained answers as to how these anxieties could...

Lowering the Drinking Age in the United States

Introduction A major issue that the US faces now is teenage or under-age binge drinking. Binge drinking means heavy drinking for several days together. Today in the US, the term means drinking heavily at once, for example; five or more drinks in a row by men and four or more...

Smoking and Public Policy in the United States

During the 19th century, not many people of the developing industrial era were in favor of restrictions and policies, which banned smoking. However, at the turn of the next century a number of moral and social reformers irritated and annoyed with the local people who used to consume tobacco and...

Security Managers’ Functions and Responsibilities

Introduction Security management is a broad field of management that involves a wide range of asset management activities, the physical security as well as functions that relate to the security and well being of organizational human resources. Just like all the other functions of business management (risk management, marketing management,...

Organisational Behaviour. Psychodynamic Theories

Introduction Psycho dynamic and family system theories are relevant to the understanding of the group, organization or community and to the development of interventional strategies. “The term ‘psychodynamic’ refers to systems that use motives, drives and related covert variables to explain behaviour. Psychodynamic career counselling refers to counselling approaches that...

Disadvantages Faced by Multinational Corporations in Markets

Outline Due to invention of highly developed technology business community has more and more become a unit and as a consequence, global business is the present form of trade in this 21st century. Also due globalization concept there have been immense disregard to countrywide boundaries, the governments of many countries...

Graffiti: Is It Art or Vandalism?

Introduction – What is Graffiti? Graffiti is a word used to describe any writing or images that have been painted, sketched, marked, scrawled or scratched in any form on any type of property. It can be a design, figure, inscription or even a mark or word that has been written...

How Leadership Develops Leaders

Summary Leadership is often exemplified as the practice of social authority in the course of which an individual can procure the assistance and support of other people in order to fulfill a common objective shared by them. Some of the most important qualities in a leader are: a strong drive...

Interaction Design and User Experience

Introduction Interaction design can be defined as the discipline that is concerned with identifying systems’ behaviour and products with which the user can freely interact. Interaction design is a unique field that aims to establish better systems that trigger from targeted users. This can be achieved through either creating more...

Toledo Specialty Glass Problems: Solar Sandwich Project

Abstract This paper examines the problems of Toledo Specialty Glass concerning the Solar Sandwich Project. It analyzes the problem, then proposes solutions supported by business management and innovation theory. The major problems looked at include team making, synergy, motivation, and behavior modification. Introduction Kiernan cites James Brian Quinn in his...

Bradford Bingley Company: Case Study

About Company It is a company that offers a wide range of products to its customers. The products are saving products, financial planning service, insurance products, mortgage products and loans. The company was formed in 1964 after the merger of the Bingley Equitable and Bingley that was formed in 1851....

Realtech System Plc.: Modeling Default Risk

Abstract Realtech system PLC is in trouble to raise 3m for short term financing. If it wants to raise the fund form the banks it will have to pay LIBOR+2% which will be threat for liquidity position. So, the firm is thinking to use some derivatives for risk exposure. The...

Dividend Policy in Business

Rights issues Selling of ordinary shares to the existing shareholders of the company to raise capital is called right issues. The law necessitates that the new ordinary shares must be first issued to the existing shareholders on a pro rata basis. Shareholders through a special resolution can forfeit this pre-emptive...

Published Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statements

Introduction According to the American Accounting Association (AAA) it states that accounting refers to the process of identifying, measuring and communicating the economic information so that it can allow the making of informed decisions and judgment that they can be used by the users of the accounting information. The accounting...

Managing Risk: Risks Faced by Multinational Companies

Multinational Companies are the companies that manage the production establishment or delivery services in at least two or more countries. They have a budget that exceeds more than those of other countries and have a powerful influence on international relations and the local economies. They have branches in many countries...

The Healing Ministry of Jesus

Introduction This paper looks at the healing ministry of Jesus. This ministry is one of the most acknowledged yet controversial parts of His work on earth. However, He is the most recognized healer because of His expertise and compassion, as the paper will illustrate. This research is based on historical...

The Relationship Between Youth, Lifestyle and Consumption

Introduction Young people as a special group of society have always been in the focus of attention of researchers and politicians during many years. Nowadays it is possible to talk about the beginning of the new stage of development of youth. The problems of youth are very interesting for the...

Dividend Policy Rights Issues

A rights issue involves selling of ordinary shares to the existing shareholders of the company. The law requires that the new ordinary shares must be first issued to the existing shareholders on a pro rata basis. Shareholders through a special resolution can forfeit this pre-emptive right. Obviously, this will dilute...

Refugees of Today Are Essentially an Urban Phenomenon

Introduction The rising trend of refugees has been observed globally from 2002 to 2006 (UNHCR 2007). The migratory trend of refuges crossing international borders is expected to increase in the years to come (Moses, 2006). The number of refugees registered with UNHCR has risen from 9.9 million to 11.7 million...

Change Process in Social Work

The world is in a constant state of change and seemingly lacks organization and no one or no organization can escape the effects of operating in a continually dynamic, evolving landscape. So huge are these forces of change that the future success, and the very survival, of thousands of organizations...

British Petroleum Company’s Marketing Plan

Introduction British Petroleum – BP ranks third among the worlds largest producer of ol and natural gas. The organisation is among the top 6 energy sector companies and is active in the oil and gas exploration, petroleum products refining and marketing and non conventional energy systems. For the year ending...

Queen Margaret University’s Plan for Korean Students

Executive summary and introduction Queen Margaret University (QMU) was formed in 1875 to bolster and promote high quality education to the residents of United Kingdom and the entire world. The university’s recent expansion and collaboration is a result of high quality education service that the university offers. Introduction This report...

Organisational Culture Influence on Employee Engagement

Abstract Most of the organizations have their unique ways of distinguishing themselves from the rest as Brown (2002) states. They have an organisation culture that helps in the development of their organisation. These organisation cultures benefits the employees and the company itself (brown, 2002). Some of them are meant to...

The Challenge of Long-Term Strategic Planning in the Modern Business

Abstract Experts and discipline intelligentsias continue to fill this field with views and ideologies some garnered from experience or newly developed or old recycled models. Unfortunately, no matter how well drafted the desired course in company operations is, it is subject to the business environment. The type of market, economic...

Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes in the Movie “Crash”

The movie Crash is a brutally honest film that depicts the harsh realities in today’s society. It tells of a convoluted story that shows how intertwined the lives are of people from all walks of life, from all kinds of races and cultures and value systems. Without shame nor apology,...

Education, Training and Employment for Young People From the Horn of Africa

Introduction For a variety of reasons, Australia has welcomed, even encouraged immigration from war-torn nations since early in the last century. The country provided the incentive of permanent settlement and therefore seemed welcome to the early waves of immigrants fleeing the Russian Revolution, World War I and in 1938, Jews...

Evangelism in Christians Analysis

Introduction Evangelism is the endeavor of Christians to convert people who do not believe in Christianity or who belong to other religions to convert to Christianity. Evangelism has its historical background because it was started in the 19th century in the historical era of ‘The Great Awakening.’ However, in modern...

Coca-Cola Company’s Recruitment Effectiveness

Introduction Human Resources Management Human Resources Management, or in other words Employee Resourcing, is a rather important function of every company. One can even say that this very function is basic and all other functions are built on its basis, as far as the work of any company depends greatly...

BCG Growth-Share Matrix – Hewitt Packard Company

Introduction Portfolio analysis is one of the most important strategy tools that multi-product or business unit companies employ to ascertain their product situation and take their decisions regarding the product’s future. One of the most widely used analysis tools is the BCG matrix. This article aims to understand the usefulness...

Information Communication Technology and Managerial Work

Introduction Information communication technology (ICT) essentially means technology used for communication in any situation. It can include any system or gadget that can be used as a communication tool. The telephone and the telegraph were the early examples of ICT. In a sense even the postal system is a form...

Policy Statements and Procedures for Fire Alarm Project.

Summary This paper has been constructed in order to check out the proprietary industrial and commercial standards as has been affiliated by ISO. The purpose of the paper is to give an elaboration of the incidences that determines the procedure for the application of the same. The information is all...

The Construction Industry in Australia.

Introduction As a crucial driver of Australia’s economic activities, there are over 200,000 businesses in the building and construction industry, and these offers employment to 700,000 Australians; which is close to 7.5 percent of the country’s workforce. In addition, the industry contributes to a 5.5 percent of the nation’s GDP,...

Critical Review of Rhabdomyolysis

Rhabdomyolysis has been defined as the dissolution that leads to a “nonspecific clinical syndrome causing extravasation of toxic intracellular contents from the myocytes into the circulatory system” ((Alterman, 2007, p 64). I am pursuing this subject for my critical review. Searching for the matter related to rhabdomyolysis was interesting and...

Scrum – Software Development Process

Abstract This world is growing so fast and number of changes is taking place in different fields. Computerized system and digital solution has added life to number of fields. Scrum is a software development process which ensures high quality and performance. This paper fully deals with scrum terminologies, case studies...

Innovation and Creativity Factors in Management

Introduction Innovation is one of the core subjects that is important in determining the success of a business enterprise in meeting its customers’ needs. The main objective in innovation is the creation of something new that will lead to positive changes. The difference between innovation and invention is the former...

The USA Patriot Act History

The USA PATRIOT Act was adopted on October 26, 2001, and bears the official name of “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism”. The reason for its adoption was the act of terrorism New York faced on September 11 2001 when Islamic terrorists...

Pollution And Health: An Analysis

Introduction Global warming is a real threat to the global community, and we can save the future generations by employing simple solutions to considerably minimize pollution and the global warming. It is to be ensured that global warming reduction must be initiated within 10 years to save the earth from...

Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement

Introduction Organizational culture represents what an organisation is and not necessarily what an organisation should have or what it has. It is more sublime and differs from the hype created by terms such as corporate social responsibility. It is made up of the experiences, values, attitudes and beliefs and is...

Management Concept: Organization Culture

Introduction Organizational culture is the one that determines the behavior of the organization as a whole since the kind of values and mentality that the people running the system have in mind are dependent on the organizational culture. New employees that have different mindsets from that f the culture are...

Diabetes Chronic Condition Management

Executive Summary The purpose of this data review project is to examine the diabetes management practices applied by Anthem through data review of key indicators and compare this information to the benchmarks set by the AHQR. The focus is on diabetes as a chronic condition because it requires specific attention...

Innovation and Creativity in Management

Introduction A critical analysis of the case study ‘Photovoltaic Breakthrough’ has been performed in this paper. The case relates to frameworks and concepts of innovative management concepts at a Palo Alto Research Centre. The company was formerly called Xerox PARX and it has a very innovative product related to photovoltaic...

Metric, The Sheepdogs, and Bazini Concert in Ottawa

Artist I have visited the Metric, The Sheepdogs, and Bazini concert in Ottawa recently. All these performers are known as professional bands and artists who are popular in different states of the world. Despite the fact that both bands and Bazini have Canadian origins, their popularity in various parts of...

Social Welfare Systems Definition

Abstract This paper concludes a functional casing to comprehend the social policy plus the attempts confronting it. In this paper it is evident that due to the transferring ‘task of policy invention and fabrication’ down from the centralized administration to the regional and then lastly to the natives/habitats, the lingering...

Review of Aviation Airframe Icing Accidents in the U.S.

Introduction Ice in flight is awful news. It destroys the flat flow of air, increasing haul while decreasing the aptitude of the airfoil to make lift. The actual heaviness of the ice on the aircraft is unimportant when compared to the airflow disturbance it causes. As power is additional to...

Carnival Corporation’s Financial Management

The manner in which a specific cost reacts to changes in the levels of activity can be described as ‘cost behavior’. It is possible that the cost may remain the same or may change in direct proportion to a change in the level of activity. Managerial decisions on creating a...

Tourism in Bath in the United Kingdom

Bath in the United Kingdom is visited by people from all over the world and this has made it to be the Heritage City. Visiting as well as living in Bath has a very good experience and great offers. Accommodation, food and drinks, shopping and the tours offered makes it...

Marketing Management Analysis of FedEx Company

Introduction More and more people are earning their livelihood by working staying at home. Work-at-home manufacturing is flourishing with a miscellaneous huge of profits earning chances. Workers from back-office data entry to supervision staff are able to achieve part or all of their works at home. The telecommuting alternative is...

Role and Importance of Human Resource Management

Introduction Mergers and acquisitions are common types of strategic alliances aimed to improve strategic position of the company and its competitiveness. The article”Factors affecting the role of HR managers in international mergers and acquisitions” by Antila and Kakkonen vividly portrays the role and importance of human resource management in international...

Poland and Thailand Fdi-Automotive Companies Analysis

Executive Summary FDI investment in the automobile industry is a looming trend due to the increasing cost of production in developed countries. So, we target emerging economies that provide new markets of opportunity as well as incredibly lower production costs. For the research of our car company, we chose two...

Complexity Theory in Educational Administration

Introduction Complexity theory is closely linked to chaos theory, this theory studies systems that are very complex to precisely forecast their future, but nonetheless show fundamental patterns which can assist us to deal with this increasingly complex world. Science typically examines the world by breaking it into smaller and smaller...

Management Control and Working with Teams

Effective working with teams has proved to be the key factor for success in modern high-tech entrepreneurial organizations. Working in teams enhances individual performance, individual satisfaction and results in the accomplishment of both long term and short term organizational goals and visions. Thus, effective utilization of the individual human resources...

School Improvement. Professional Learning Community

Introduction The concept of a “professional learning community,” perhaps most ubiquitously understood at present within the framework proposed by Richard Dufour and Robert Eaker (1998), has captured the collective imagination of North American educators with its promise of fundamentally altering teaching, learning, and the generally stifling bureaucracy and individualism that...

Castleford Regeneration Project and Social Equality

The 18th century was the final historical stage of a lengthy transition from feudalism to a capitalist epoch. The contents of the historical process had included rule affirmation of developed middle-class society and culture’s classical forms. This process elapsed differently in different countries of the European continent. Britain had an...

Managing Projects and Its Principles

Introduction Project management is a process that uses carefully planned and organized efforts that seek to accomplish specified aspects of a project. A project has been defined as any work that happens once with a clear begging and a clear end and which has an intention of creating an impact...

Organisational Cultures and Employee Engagement

Introduction Culture can be looked at as a pattern, or general ways of doing things in a community, society, or organization. It consists of fundamental values that people in the organization learned as they solved their problems of external and internal integration. These values worked well enough to be considered...

Organisational Culture Influences Employee Engagement

“Culture: the way we do things around here” (Deal & Kennedy, 2003, p. 501).” Much of the current strategic management writing and that of the recent past has been preoccupied with a focus on corporate culture. The discussion not only centres on the question of whether corporate culture affects organisational...

Economic Role of Government

Introduction In order to ensure the successful performance of the state in the economic world arena, some governments prefer to restrict their roles in economic affairs both on local and worldwide scales. Others, vice versa choose the total control of the economy and defining the state economic course. In a...

Law: Drug Treatment and Testing Orders

Introduction The issue of drug-related offenses is a tragic phenomenon in recent days. This is drastically affecting the young people of the country. The criminal justice system of the country is to face a critical reality in addressing this complex psycho-social phenomenon. The frequent selling and purchasing of drugs are...

Reducing CAUTI: The Quality Improvement Project for Nurses

Abstract Because of their negative outcomes, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are a significant and rather widespread problem in long-term care. One of the potential interventions is daily bathing with 2% chlorhexidine gluconate washcloths. This intervention was used in a 100-bed long-term care facility unit with the intent of reducing...

Aluminium Production Company’s Efficiency in 2018

Introduction The report aims at assessing the efficiency of an aluminium production plant utilising provided historical data for 2018 year. The dataset consists of a random sample of pots from four sections of the aluminium production plant from the previous year. The present report contains a statistical analysis of provided...

Insider Threat in Civil Aviation

Introduction In the last several decades, aviation has experienced a significant number of challenges that arose because of its strategic importance for the modern world. As an integral part of the international discourse and relations, air transportation becomes the primary target for malefactors and terrorist groups trying to destabilise the...

Sustainability Works Foundation and Project of Expanding Lishan Road

Executive Summary Sustainability Works Foundation finds itself in an awkward situation where it has to plan for and execute the project of expanding Lishan Road at a time when the promise of extra land space given by the government is no longer available. It has to choose one of the...

Critical Evaluation of Windsome’s Risk Management Strategy

Executive Summary This paper discusses vital components and processes of a risk management structure. The processes are designed for the purpose of helping companies identify and evaluate their susceptibility, enhance their resilience against threats, and augment their ability to resume operations after a man-made, technological, or natural event. This discussion...

Gap Between Nursing Education and Practice

Matching what nurses learn in the classroom to what they encounter in the field is a major problem. According to Mackey and Bassendowski (2017), many nurses disclose that they suffered from anxiety in their initial days in the field. All nurses experience a theory-practice gap at some point as they...

Personality and Intelligence Theories

Introduction Research into spheres of intelligence, personality and their interplay is often built on discussing various traits or capabilities that unite people. For example, theories regarding personality traits separate people into groups according to their relatability to certain behaviours and feelings (Pérez-González & Sanchez-Ruiz 2014). Similarly, the information processing approach...

The Inability of Escaping Fate. Postcolonialism in “Steins Gate”

For many years, time travel did not fit into the framework of serious science. Nevertheless, this topic has become a kind of side occupation for theoretical physicists. Reflections on such travels lead to rather amusing, but also very thoughtful conclusions. For example, if free movement in time, at least in...

Gender and the Rights of Women in Morocco and Saudi Arabia

Introduction For many years, women in the Middle East and the Arab world have been forced to live in societies that are dominated by males. Men have been observed to have absolute control over the experiences and life outcomes of women. Most of the cultural values and traditions established in...

Effective Negotiations in Business

Introduction Negotiations are one of the ways to resolve existing disputes that arise across different subject areas of business. For the most part, the concept of negotiation is closely linked to the notions of collaboration, settlement, and bargaining. Not only negotiations are a common element of business actions, but also...

Emotional Intelligence, Its Merits and Importance

Potential Benefits The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) is an integral part of all areas of human development. However, as with many other scientific ideas, scientists still cannot agree on what emotional intelligence is. There are many definitions of emotional intelligence. Some define emotional intelligence as a set of non-cognitive...

Purchasing as a Vocation

Business and economics are key elements in the analysis of any form of trade. In this paper, the author addresses the issue of purchasing and how it relates to the two concepts (business and economics). The analysis is made from the perspective of purchasing as a vocation. The discussions are...

Environmentally Friendly Sustainable Fuel: Business Idea

Vision and Opportunity Executive Summary The preservation of the environment is one of the main issues that bother modern society. As humans, we have the duty to reduce our influence on nature and resources in order to ensure that they remain in the best condition possible for future generations. In...

Romans and Church History: Exegetical Assessment

Introduction My thesis consists of two major parts and a conclusion. The first part would cover the previous interpretations of Romans 7 by famous analysts found in church history. This will help us to focus on how the traditional interpretation has affected the church’s point of view concerning this section....

Women Leadership Perspectives in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Over the ages, a great number of analysts have spoken about women leadership, their role, how they lead and the challenges they face when leading a company or an organization and how they have achieved good results in their leadership. It is imperative to note that leadership is a...

Business Ethics Role in the Organization

Introduction Ethics in the office is usually taken for granted. When we are busy with our job, focused on increased profitability, we usually forget simple things that are needed in ordinary business dealings, or common conversations with office mates. This is true for me. I have been a leader most...

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“Development and Social Change” by P. McMichael

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Innovative Technologies in the Modern Business World

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Policy on National Security and Terrorism in the USA

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Tuberculosis Education in Mumbai, India

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Toys R Us Company’s E-Commerce Strategy

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Depiction of South Africa in Neill Blomkamp’s Movies

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Target Engineering Company’s Risk Management

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Creative Problem Solving: Corporate Experiences

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Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibilities

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SBE Innovations Ltd.’s Value Engineering

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The Art of Negotiation and Suicide Prevention

Introduction Longing for problem resolution is normal for all spheres of life. Negotiation is a tool for non-violent conflict settlement. The term “negotiation” is mostly used concerning business or politics, but its application is not limited to these spheres. Thus, crisis negotiation is considered to be one of the most...

Smoking Bans in the Nationwide Indoor

Introduction Smoking is a widespread habit that causes many diseases. The issue of whether to ban smoking indoors by the governments of various countries is popular as they try to take a step towards curbing the harmful effects of smoking. People support smoking bans because they understand the harmful effects....

Technology Acceptance Model

One of the most successful theories for exploring and examining technology acceptance is the Technology Acceptance Model (Holden & Karsh, 2010; Sun & Zhang, 2006). The theory approaches the examination of technology acceptance by two variables, that is, Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU). The popularity and...

Juvenile Justice and Adolescent Brain Development

Introduction The juvenile justice system in the United States was established to help in transforming children who engage in criminal acts or unlawful behavior. The system is structured in a way that is meant to help these youngsters understand how to lead a normal life as per the laws of...

US Response to Intervention Program and Its Role

Introduction The Response-to-Intervention (RtI) movement is issuing new dawn in public education in the United States by enabling struggling students to be moved on to special learning institutions. In the past before the RtI program, students had to deteriorate severely before being assessed for special education programs. Following the inception...

The Programmer Ethos Advocated by Bob Stuart

Executive Summary This paper delves into the programmer ethos advocated by Bob Stuart and attempts to dissect it based on a variety of ethical frameworks in order to determine whether his ethical position is dubious or legitimate. Who are the key stakeholders represented in this case study? When examining the...

Organized Business Crime Prosecution and Investigation

Anytown is a hypothetical American city with fully functional systems, including public transportation and garbage collection. For an ordinary citizen, it appears as an incredibly good place to do business. However, deeper scrutiny reveals how the municipal council that helps in facilitating the daily activities of the city has become...

Schedule Delay Analysis in Construction Projects

Abstract This research project is devoted to the analysis of schedule delays and the techniques that can be used to evaluate the probable delays on the basis of the existing information regarding the parties involved in the dealings and several external factors that are typically generated by the environment. The...

Procurement Management in Car Manufacturers

Introduction For any project to be implemented, resources are needed. These can be either services or materials required to accomplish the project. It is important to note that the type of resources and the source determine the extent of success in completing the project and subsequently satisfying the end user....

The Supply Chain Management Concept

Abstract The modern business environment is characterised by the increased complexity and sophisticated patterns of cooperation between multiple agents needed to attain success. At the same time, the high level of rivalry preconditions the importance of the competitive advantage. Under these conditions, the supply chain management as one of the...

Engineering for Sustainable Development

Background Study Sustainability construction involves an integrated strategy to construction that considers environmental, economical, technical, social as well as institutional concerns at every phase of construction. It helps to guarantee long term results of the house designs as well as ensuring lasting solutions in the supply of related infrastructures such...