The Korean Wave: Transnationality and Hybridity

Korean popular culture has infiltrated the global arena of entertainment. Millions of fans worldwide have an obsession with Korean media, including TV programs (K-dramas), films, and music (K-pop). Korea has managed to leap forward far beyond the expectations some might have had for a small East Asian nation. As of...

Indian Culture: Analysis of the Document

Introduction Each country, region, nation, and particular group of people represent a set of unique, individual, and inimitable traits and characteristics. Undoubtedly, certain people’s norms, customs, traditions, and orders represent some aspects of a general nature that have developed historically over many years. These are unshakable and eternal truths, which...

Cultural Diffusion: The Dominant Influence of the American Culture Abroad

The topic of cultural diffusion is planned to be explored in the research paper by examining the diffusion of American culture within the processes of globalization and Americanization. The relevance of the identified issues is validated by the increasing level of expansion of American popular culture, business-related concepts, and lifestyle...

Aspects of the Maya Culture

The Mayan civilization is one of the most ancient and advanced civilizations that existed in Latin America in pre-Columbian times. Mayan culture is known for advanced knowledge in architecture, mathematics, and astronomy, as well as a developed system of communication, religion, and art, which still impact the modern peoples of...

Barriers to Intercultural Communications

Communication between people can be complicated by different factors, even within one culture. Farnen (2017) provides several possible barriers that can emerge during the interactions, such as language, body gestures, context level, chronemics, stereotypes, and emotions. Language is the most apparent difficulty that can hinder communication even if a person...

Identity and Indigenous People

Introduction Cultural identity is important in the prevention of mental illnesses and better adaptation to life. Looking at the relationship between cultural integrity and emotional wellbeing could illuminate endeavors to improve the psychological health of indigenous people, who have frequently encountered various adverse life occasions and stressors. Native people groups...

Cultural Heritage in the Case of Hoi An

Summary In the era of rapid globalization, the traditional Vietnamese industries have declined subsequently raising such socioeconomic concerns as poverty. Only a few economies such as the agricultural industry have survived to help Vietnamese citizens (Vo, n.d.). One of the consequences of industrialization has been the reduction of the ability...

Reflection of “Globalization of Missions” Article

In “Globalization of Missions: An Exegesis on the Great Commission (Mt 28:18–20),” Kgatle undertakes a fairly thorough exegesis on the end of Matthew 28 to establish its implications for proselytizing in the modern world. The author’s interpretation raises several main points regarding the Great Commission. These include the global nature...

Cultural Intelligence and Cross Culture

Cultural diversity has promoted cultural bias in current society mainly because many people are culturally blind. Cultural intellects create an accessible environment by practicing acts of generosity towards people regardless of their differences in identity and behavior. In addition, diverse cultures create religious rituals, beliefs, and stories that explain life...

A Good Death: Family Ritual of Death Anniversary

Death anniversary is one of the everyday rituals that every family practices in memory of their departed relatives. It has become an extraordinary occasion such that most families will go to the extent of spending fortunes to ensure they celebrate these occasions in the best way possible. Even though some...

American and African Weddings Comparison

Introduction A wedding is one of the most ancient ceremonies of humankind, held differently in various corners of the planet. Each country in the course of historical development sets its own rules, habits, and features of wedding ceremonies. In some places, they are strikingly different, because the countries themselves differ...

Oceania Culture, Religion, Lifestyle, Cook Island

Cook islanders are an indigenous group that inhabits the Cook Islands, a country in association with New Zeeland. Cook islanders are approximately 19,500, and 79% of them are Polynesian (Sissons 15). Below, the major characteristics of Cook islanders’ society will be addressed in detail. The Culture Individuality is the main...

Cross-Cultural Differences: Unique Antecedents

Executive Summary Cross-cultural differences dictate the way companies and individuals pursue their goals or address the challenges they face. A person moving from one region to another should be prepared for the potential social, work, and religious changes and experiences that might emerge. The discussion presented below gives a detailed...

The Value of Learning About Other Cultures and Communities

Introduction Studying other cultures is an integral part of modern education; it is subtly included in almost any program where that is possible. It is generally believed to have a positive influence on the students, and not many people wonder why that would be the case. This paper will analyze...

Sundiata Epic: Culture and Traditions of West Africans

Sundiata epic indicates that in West African history before the arrival of Europeans, power was hereditary. King Maghan, who was the king of Niani city, had to have one of his sons as the heir of his throne. According to a prophecy that he heard from a hunter, his heir...

Multicultural Education in America: Benefits and Challenges

America as a country with diverse, racial, ethnic, and cultural groups has adopted multicultural education in its learning institution. Multicultural education has greatly improved unity among the different cultural groups in the region, especially among the youths. While James Banks gives the advantages of multicultural education in American society, Arthur...

Linking Cultural Variations and Family Cooperation

Introduction Harrison (2002) defines culture as a set of basic characteristics that makes a certain group of people distinct from another. For example, we may be able to distinguish the way in which Indians act as compared to the Chinese through their cultural differences. We therefore take the differences and...

Cultural Diversity in Teamwork: Research Process

Topic Origin The topic is inspired by the major, which is communication and media studies. Topic Reason The topic is closely associated with the major, so it would be interesting to investigate it. When covering various aspects of life in the media, one needs to keep in mind the peculiarities...

Cultural Events in French-Speaking Countries

Traditional events pertinent to various cultures may be significant for the analysis, as they may tell a lot about the country. This paper explores three cultural events that share many similarities, although being different from each other. The report addresses the origins of the selected traditions, reviews their aspects, and...

The Têt New Year in Vietnam

Introduction When learning about the culture of Vietnam, it is of great importance to pay attention to the so-called Têt Nguyen Dan, also referred to as Têt or the Lunar New Year. The full name of the celebration refers to the very first day of a new part of the...

Interconnection in Popular Culture

This essay considers the interconnected in popular culture. With globalization and commercialization of culture, every aspect of culture seems to be merged into one single realm. This essay illustrates that despite the commercialization and merging of cultures into a kind of global pop culture, much refreshing diversity remains. The diversity...

Cultures of the Middle East

There are several distinct groups in the Middle East, ranging from political through religious to sectarian. Each of these groups has some distinct core values or principles that guide or inform its existence. These values justify its difference from the rest of the batch. There are various reasons why the...

Value, Mores, Folkway, Sanction in Holiday Celebrations

Value Value encompasses people’s preferences that concern a course of action or outcome that can be termed as right. Values enhance the aspect. One of the values might for instance entail treating others with dignity. Values usually have the capability of influencing people’s behaviors as well as their attitudes. Someone...

Cultural Journey from Greece to England

Immersive Cultural Experience Cultural Biography In one sentence, I would define a major cultural change as analogous to uprooting and replanting a grown tree. My time in England has involved starting a new life of sorts. I have had to question and reconsider attitudes I took for granted, and my...

Iranian Folk Tales and Culture

The world’s beauty lies in its pluralism: it has a lot to do with cultural and traditional differences. Meanwhile, it seems ironic that the liberal idea of mutual respect of cultures is not appreciated globally. At the same time, tales are an excellent source of knowledge for the ones seeking...

Chinese Culture: Collectivism and High Context

Introduction The origin of glorious culture of China occurred in ancient times, which is why I became interested in this topic. I am attracted to this culture because China is a huge ancient country, which can be paralleled only with the world of ancient Rome. Therefore, today I will explain...

Cultural Influences on Police Decision-Making

Introduction Culture remains myriad and vital to the events within the criminal courts, hence a need to evaluate its influence on police brutality and arrests effectively. Each institution has its unique culture that influences individual thoughts and behavior. Police culture also needs to be understood by identifying what influences them...

Heritage of Philipines Culture

In the modern age of globalization, medical workers are required to be culturally competent in order to provide high-quality service. A transcultural approach helps nurses adapt their clinical practice to the cultural differences of their clients. Due to the high presence of Filipinos among the immigrant population, this research is...

Culture of Maori People of New Zealand

Maori People are the native Polynesian culture of continental New Zealand. The Maori People originated from East Polynesia with settlers, arriving in mainland New Zealand through several waves by voyages (in canoes) between the 1320s and 1350s. With many centuries existing in isolation, the settling immigrants developed a distinct cultural...

Cultural Perspectives and Dimensions

Introduction Culture is diverse with multiple topics and is based on several aspects. Culture can be defined by ways of life, beliefs, attitudes, perception by a group of individuals, and norms of behavior. Due to many different people belonging to different cultural groups, it is vital to consider that no...

Visual Media vs. Literary Portrayals in Culture

Culture has many different manifestations and forms, each of which has its own characteristics. One of the most significant is visual media and literary portrayals. These aspects have their own unique features that distinguish them from each other ((Flint 183). Hence, for example, the transfer of a character in a...

Child Growth and Development: Effects of Culture

Child development is a collaborative, vibrant, and unique process depending on the toddler. Every individual is unique, and as children grow, they adopt many things from other people and the environment that shapes their behavior and thoughts. Different cultures offer different inputs to children during growth, and this is the...

The Basics of Peoplehood of Indigenous People of Canada

Introduction Studying the cross-cultural dynamics of indigenous populations is exceptionally important if people want to achieve true equality and find the most appropriate ways to minimize the effects of centuries-long oppression. It is crucial to learn about the cross-cultural concepts, which dictate the daily lives of the Native people in...

Aboriginal Australian Cultural Tradition

“Aboriginal Australian” is an umbrella term that covers one of the two groups of the indigenous population of Australia, the other one being Torres Strait Islanders. It encompasses a broad range of cultures and communities, with languages alone numbering in the hundreds. With this in mind, it is clear that...

The Concept of Cultural Diversity

For each work, a necessary aspect is the application of a particular literary theory. With its help, authors can have a clear idea of the problem that will be raised in the text and in which direction it is better to develop thoughts. A critical race theory (CRT) was chosen...

Appropriation or Appreciation: Clothes of Other Cultures

Since the traditions and customs of each country have their peculiarities, residents of different countries have various attitudes towards the choice of clothing. While in some states, a woman in trousers looks quite natural, in other countries, she can shock citizens. However, there are certain conditions under which people of...

Creative City and Culture in Modern Megapolises

Introduction In the modern world, the level of urbanization is constantly growing. As the infrastructure develops, cities attract more and more resources and extend their borders. Metapolicies and, in general, cities with a high population density appeal to the creative class and to people whose professions are associated with inventions...

The Huli People and Their Culture: Interview

My interviewees were a family of three Huli men, all from different age groups. I picked the men from these age groups because I believed I would get a different perspective from each. Even though the culture has barely changed, the three were raised in different eras. My goal was...

Personal Culture and Worldview

Introduction Culture is an integral part of personal identity and social order. It consists of values, beliefs, and regular activities that make up the lives of people all around the world. Numerous cultures are influencing the world today. Understanding cultural diversity provides a broader look at the surrounding environment and...

Canada and the USA Indigenous Symbols on Team Logos

The issue of the exploitation of Indigenous symbols and mascots in sport team logos has long been a controversial one both in Canada and the USA. It has been widely discussed in media and academic circles, as well as in educational and professional sport environments. Despite the fact that since...

The Concept of Multiculturalism

The multinational liaisons are becoming a widely practiced phenomenon in terms of modern society. However, the concept of multiculturalism is indeed a complex issue to examine due to outmoded and inhuman customs to which some immigrant families are strongly committed. Theodore Dalrymple is a retired physician who shared his professional...

“The Devil’s Playground” by Lucy Walker

The Devil’s Playground represents a significant detail in life of Amish youth who reach the age of 16. This documentary by Lucy Walker describes the choices that are proposed to Amish youngsters in terms of Rumspringa, a so-called rite of a passage (Walker). The film provides the picture of the...

Old Age and Death in Different Cultures

As Jared Diamond (2013) explains in his talk “How societies can grow old better?”, the life of the elderly population varies considerably in different parts of the world. Similarly, the attitude towards death and dying is not the same in every country and culture, and it also changes depending on...

Akeelah and the Bee: Multicultural Diversity

Culture assimilation among various social groups worldwide has been a great problem where some social groups seem to discriminate against others in certain ways. In the contemporary society, as it has been occasionally witnessed there exist various alienations among various social groups, despite their interaction across various social activities. The...

Comparison of Maasai and Japanese Cultures

Maasai is an ethnic group; which lives in East Africa at the border of Kenya and Tanzania. According to their history, the Maasai migrated to their Kenyan home from Sudan and established themselves around the Rift Valley; while others moved to the Tanzanian residence. The fact that the Maasai have...

Challenges Multicultural Children Face in United States

Humans are social animals. They cannot live a life of solitude and isolation, alone in this world. All humans need other humans in order to live their lives properly. They might be strong enough to be able to live without fulfilling their emotional desires etc but they can certainly not...

Israeli Culture and its Diversity

History of the Israeli culture The history of the Israeli culture dates back to the period between 1750 and 1280 B.C.E when the Israelites were held captives in Egypt. After the end of this period they were driven out of the land of Egypt by Moses who died within the...

Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Society

Cultural diversity can be characterized through ethnical, gender, religious, and national features differing individuals from each other; this notion covers their customs, values, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and communications. Cultural diversity is not only referred to the uniqueness of different persons, but to the fact, that human beings make social groups...

Culture and Diversity in the Field of Psychology

The United States of America is popularly known as a ‘melting pot’ with a “foreign-born population of about thirty million” in which in about 10% of the citizens have an “immigrant background” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000), as a result of “the greatest migration in history” since the year 1990 (U.S....

Culture and Society of Dubai and the UAE

Ancient and traditional culture in the UAE In the period preceding 1960, some of the popular foodstuffs in the UAE were vegetables, yogurt, baked bread, different kinds of meat from goats and camels, rice and dates were also eaten. In the UAE lunch which is mostly served in the afternoon...

Facts About the Culture of Russia and Nepal

Facts About the Culture of Russia In our world, there are hundreds of different countries and cultures with their own rules, traditions, and beliefs. Many people consider Russia as a drab, faraway, and dark country. However, this is not true as Russia is a hospitable country with a rich culture,...

The Fundamentals of the Chinese Culture

Abstract The paper provides a thorough observation of the fundamentals of the Chinese culture that require careful attention from the participants of the study abroad program. Emphasis on family ties, respect to the elders, transitions from democracy to the republic, and rich historical heritage play a significant role in China....

Chinese Culture, Society Language, and Religion

Introduction The cultures of the east have always intrigued me, especially that of the Chinese people. There are billions of Chinese people around the globe. China towns have been built wherever there is a significant number of Chinese people in the area. These towns are oozing with Chinese culture. The...

Subcultures in “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Ryan Moore

Thesis Statement Ryan Moore’s book contributes to the historical understanding of American culture by identifying the connections between macro-environmental changes in the United States and the formation of various youth subcultures and musical genres. As a rule, these two phenomena are studied separately, while the author attempts to highlight the...

“The Spirit Catches You and You Fall” by Fadiman

Introduction Differences in cultural outlooks are a reality of modern living, especially about health approaches. While some cultures have embraced sophistication as a solution to health issues, others choose to turn to simple traditional remedies. This reality is a running theme in Anne Fadiman’s book, The Spirit Catches You and...

Pop Culture in America

Introduction Pop culture is a multidimensional concept acting in many interpretations as the opposite of elitist types of cultures and is often replaced by the term mass culture. Nevertheless, popular culture, the formation of which is related to the process of industrialization, took its final shape in XIX-XX centuries (Cottrell...

Cultural Sensitivity, Awareness and Competence: Similarities and Differences

Introduction It should be noted that political, economic, social, and other processes taking place in society are gradually reflected in inter-ethnic contacts. This leads to the fact that they activate various psychological reactions both at the personal and at the group levels (Bird & Mendenhall, 2016). The exacerbation of ethnocentric...

Irish Celebrations Features

Introduction Like every country, Ireland has a rich history of celebrations, holidays, and festivals. While some of them are shared by the whole world, like New Year or Christmas, others are solely Irish peculiarity, like St. Patrick’s Festival, Bloomsday, or the Irish wake. Each holiday has its traditions, which are...

Sports, Music, and Arts for Modernization

Over the last decades, a new culture has emerged and spread all over the world. This new culture has replaced the pre-modern or traditional cultures of some communities or countries in some cases, while the cultures of some states have been transformed or mutated. This evolutionary transition which has affected...

The Importance of Cultural Framing

Introduction Setting the premises for a conflict, cultural frames determine the scope of the vision of the world for a specific social or ethnic group. Preventing the members of the groups in question from seeing past the frames set by the philosophy, which they created, the given phenomenon explains basically...

The Canadian Myth of Multiculturalism

Modern-day Canada has become an amalgamation of different cultures, religions, and races. Like other first world countries, Canada is a land of immigrants from all over the world. Similar to countries such as the United States, Canada’s early immigrants were from France and England (Bibby, 2000). Around the 1960s, Canada...

Analysis of the Feature: Traditions and Culture in Dubai

All features have specific target audience. Due to the specificity of the material in the text, the piece would be relevant to only a section of readers; people traveling to Dubai as tourists or traders. With this target in mind then, the article is able to address specific questions and...

The United States’ Cultural Profile

The USA, the second-largest country in the world, is made up of a mixture of massive urban centers and vast plains with few populations and stunning natural scenery. Likewise, the United States has a wide variety of cultures, and “Due to the large number of immigrants that make up the...

Cultural Aspects of Any Indigenous Peoples of Fiji

Fijian society greets its guests and welcomes them with a special drinking ceremony. A tourist would have to drink a local beverage (bula) from half a coconut shell in a particular manner. The ceremony starts with everyone sitting cross-legged in a circle. Then each guest is given a coconut bowl...

Food Habits and Acculturation of Immigrants

Food is an essential component of our lives as it is the primary source of nutrition. Dependent on the available resources, people in different areas have developed different food customs and preferences. As a result, food is not only a basic physical need, but it is part of a culture,...

Japanese Cultural Identity and Its Influence on Tanka

Introduction The ideas, ideals, practices, and customs of the societies in one’s life are assimilated, evaluated, and adopted as a vital element of one’s cultural identity. Japan employs Tanka poems as a popular and representative form of ancient Japanese poetry which aids in the promotion of Japanese cultural identity. Tanka...

The Nacimera Cultural Practices and Relativity

Introduction Cultural practices vary greatly depending on geographical position. The advent of the technological age has shaped the world into one large community, allowing people across the globe to experience and critique new cultures. While the Nacimeran people share some similarities with conventional communities, the people’s focus on the human...

Discussion: Race and Ethnicity

The definitions of race and ethnicity seem to be often confused, and usually, the line between them blurs, and people do not use the terms correctly. At first, there was no difference between these two concepts, and I believed that race implies specific cultural features and characteristics. However, over time...

Case Study: Cross-Cultural Miscommunication

Introduction The first participant is the school counselor: an American woman with at least an undergraduate degree and undetermined ethnicity (not Hispanic). The other figure is Elena, 13, from an immigrant family with many siblings, perhaps a first-generation student. Her family lives in California: Mexican father and American mother. Their...

The Death and Burial of the Chinese

Introduction The attitude to death in the countries of the East is considered best of all in the example of China. This is because it is the country where the classical form of the cult of ancestors is the most developed. The Chinese funeral rituals and traditions are deeply rooted...

Chinese Guardian Lions

Chinese guardian lions are national symbols of power and richness that protect people from evil spirits. While they represent real-life lions, they are frequently referred to as foo dogs or lion dogs. Chinese guardian lions are an essential part of rich Chinese history, but they first originated in Persia (Pang,...

The Role of Coffeehouses in the Ottoman Empire

Introduction Interpersonal interaction is a complex subject of social sciences that concerns communication between two or more people. Since the rise of the earliest civilizations, people have found mediums for communication as certain subjects “united” people together. In the Ottoman Empire, coffee and smoking were valued greatly as instruments for...

Spanish Cuisine and Its Importance in Spanish Cinema

Goals and Thesis I will be talking about the aspects of Spanish cuisine as a cultural element and its role in Spanish cinema. I want to highlight why Spaniards’ food preferences are part of the national identity, how much eating habits may tell about people, why utilizing cuisine is essential...

Cross-Cultural Analysis of Germany and the US

The modern culture of the USA and Germany is based on some patterns and manifests itself most often in everyday practices that ordinary people go through. Greetings, communication, language and courtesy, food and alcohol culture, and attitudes towards the property. In general, German culture is individualistic and based on the...

Business Culture as a System of Values in the UK

Culture as a system of values serves to form people’s outlooks, attitudes, and stances. It plays a major role in all spheres of life but is especially relevant in business, as it may hinder or assist cooperation depending on how close the businessmen’s cultures are. The UK, being the center...

The Native American Pipe Ceremony Then and Now

The Native American Pipe Ceremony is the heart of the spiritual and cultural life of the native people of North America, particularly the Sioux or Lakota, the Northeast Indians, and Plains Indians. The ritual ceremony connects people spiritually and physically; therefore, it was considered to be sacred (Waabanong Centre, 2012)....

Islamic Culture and Civilization Then and Now

The Arabs were the major settler in the Middle East and along the Arabian Peninsula. They majorly practiced a traditional way of life that is different in different aspects of life. Some of the main traditional aspects they embraced include staying in houses built out of the mud and primarily...

Cultural Expressions: Photography, Religion, Films

Introduction It is important to note that cultural expressions play a major role in my life in order to reflect my beliefs, customs, and way of life. The given assessment of these elements will be centered around photography, religious traditions, and films. The former is reflected in the minimalism photo,...

History and Identity and Significance of Indo-Saracenic Architecture

Introduction Indo-Saracenic Architecture is a notable part of Indian, Malaysian, and British culture. The style has developed over the course of history with notable influences from both traditionally gothic architecture and classic Indian/South Asian/Arabic features. The buildings created in this style still present both historical and cultural interests. The present...

Philippine People: Examining Culture and Traditions

The significance of recognizing cultural barriers to effective communication, as well as the specifics and common aspects of several cultures that allow for building mutual understanding of the target audience. Thus, the integration of effective tools for communication between the group in question and the rest of the community will...

Multicultural Competence in Counseling

Disability is a state usually viewed as deviant by people without it and the community. Such negative attitudes are not necessarily the same as those held by people with disabilities and their families. Consequently, even well-intentioned professional counselors are subject to the impact of societal and historical attitudes concerning disability....

Traditional American Apple Pie

Cultural works differ in shapes, colors, and tastes and represent anything meaningful to a nation. Many cultures are associated with a specific food that has become conventional long ago. Food is interesting to view from a cultural standpoint because it usually reflects historical events. Traditional American apple pie was chosen...

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan Review

In Mother Tongue author Amy Tan expresses her views on both English for Asian-American stereotypes and their culture based on their degree and language “classes” during their school years. As the author of the story, Amy feels that teachers force Asian-American students to take math and science classes, distracting students...

Cancel Culture Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Cancel culture is a phenomenon that has roots in much older concepts of social accountability and public shaming. While it is very often associated with wrongful accusations and harassment, cancel culture is equally capable of benefiting and negatively contributing to a social space. As such, the following paper aims...

Cultural Artifacts Through History and Social Science Lenses

Introduction Liberal arts fields offer a distinct perspective on the world that other fields do not match. Professionals in natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and history all ask questions to gather information. Still, they may do it in various ways to enable them to study various facets of a subject....

Hispanic Culture Immersion in United States

Over the recent years, Hispanic population has shown significant development in the United States. Around 31 million people are recognized as Hispanics, constituting the biggest minority group in the country (Kagan, 2019). Hispanics in the United States incorporate any individual of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or...

The Term “Oriental” as Discrimination Against Asian People

The term ‘oriental’ remains disputable because of the historical context and numerous cases of mistreatment. In some contexts, it is used to speak about violent and discriminative policies related to Asian people or culture. At the same time, it demonstrates that Asians were not integrated into U.S. society and were...

Values, Theories, and Concepts in Chinese Culture

Introduction China has one of the oldest cultures recognized internationally, dating back to over a thousand years ago. Every nation is identified with its culture and traditions, and China has been conspicuous in maintaining its culture and preventing it from the influence of the outside world. China has a rich...

‘Reindeer People’ and Their Spiritual Doubles

This essay analyzes the nature of the relationship between Eveny, also known as the ‘Reindeer People’, and their spiritual doubles. The connection between these people and the reindeer that live alongside them is almost magical (Vitebsky). While the primary cause for this bond is purely practical, over time, it expanded...

Value of Human Creative Expression for Contemporary Culture

The ability to creatively express oneself is rightfully deemed as one of the defining characteristics of humans. Interpreting the objective reality through the lens of a specific culture, value system, and imagination, people have managed to create artworks that serve both aesthetic purposes and the ones of emotional relief for...

People and Culture in America

Melting Pot Presented by Tateh in Ragtime Doctorow’s Ragtime literature is a historiographical metafiction’ in which real historical information and incidents from 1902 and 1914 are combined with fictional characters and acts. By intertwining stories of different Americans, particularly in terms of race and ethnicity, Doctorow portrays the melting pot...

Balinese Weddings: Royal Wedding

Balinese wedding ceremonies are different from other cultures’ ceremonies and traditions, because they represent a unique combination of animistic, Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. Spirituality is an integral part of daily life in Bali, and royal families’ weddings are best to look at to see how different traditions mix together to...

Through the Looking Glass of an MNC and Its Culture

There is a direct link between national culture and the success of a business model. Venaik and Midgley (2015) argue that national culture, in relation to business, can influence purchasing behaviors, consumer patterns and even use of disposal income. Additionally, national culture influences organizational culture, which can in turn, determine...

Music, Art, and Dance of Latino Culture Group

Music, art, and dance are vital variables that unite people in one culture group. Different artistic and creative directions within one ethnic community impact the development of culture and influence people who identify themselves as members of the group. This paper will present the music, art, and dance features of...

Researching Modernity and Modernism

Summary Christopher Crounch, defined modernity as a period in the history of mankind that shows a transition of their life from traditional agricultural practices to the industrial revolution, through individualism way of living and finally, whereby a state achieves economic stability. It basically shows the changes in terms of intelligence...

Ethnic Principles of Solving Problems in Indians: The Role of the Family

Introduction Intercultural studies have become increasingly important in the current society. The globe is continuously becoming globalized making it significant for people of different cultures to learn different cultures for the purpose of smooth interaction. This paper will examine the Indian culture in reference to the family, communication and worldview....

The Importance of Face-Saving in Chinese Culture

The communication between the Chinese and Americans went wrong from the very start. Cory Wright right neglected the basic Chinese politeness and addressed Jackie Wong as “Jackie” without honorifics, which is typical for Americans but disrespectful for Chinese, especially when recognizing the person for the first time (Cardon & Scott,...

Influence of Modern Superheroes on Culture

Culture is an extremely vague notion, but overall, it can be understood as the human heritage of all times. It may include art, technologies, or, for instance, social habits, or, for instance, political traditions. In this piece, culture is perceived as a poll of ideas and movements present in the...

Depicting Arab Culture and Society

Identification Cultural Primitivism The term “cultural primitivism” has emerged as a response to the current level of civilization and the challenges associated with it. Human beings who embrace this idea will pursue the state of nature as the best model of leading their lives and getting rid of their predicaments,...

Cultural Holiday Paper: Distinguishing Features

Various cultures have their traditional holidays that highlight their characteristics, values, and distinguishing features. For this reason, by learning more about different celebrations and traditions, people have an opportunity to understand other nations and become more developed citizens of the contemporary world. For instance, one of the most authentic cultures...

Social Changes in Iraq

Introduction The term social change is used to refer to a shift in the human aspect of biological development which encompasses; social behavior, community relations, nature, social structure, and social institutions to mention a few. A social change starts with a slight change of thought, then behavior, this will then...

Leadership and Organizational Change: Diversity and Globalization

Introduction The process of globalization has transformed society, politics, and economics in a tremendous way (Taylor, 2005; Parker, 2005). The transformation has affected the demographics within the workplace in many ways. Diversity at the workplace entails a range of elements; these include differences in primary languages, social statuses, national origins...

The Relations Between Language and Cultural Differences

Introduction Language and culture have a heavy impact on how people from different cultures communicate with other people and how the cultural differences impact their effectiveness at communicating effectively. (Hybel &Weaver, 23) Discussion Language and culture are closely inter-related. As such ones language is heavily influenced by his or her...

Intercultural Communication: Problems and Benefits

Culture is a notion, which has a huge amount of meanings in different spheres of human activity. It is the object of study of such sciences as philosophy, history, linguistics, pedagogics, and others. In general, culture means human activity in all of its aspects, including all means of a persons...

Canadian Identity Foundation Through the Development of Communications

Diverse multicultural Canada has always been an interesting and enigmatic object for investigation of scholars, writers and researchers. It’s certainly obvious as Canada, with its so tightly interwoven variety of languages and cultures, gives rise to many questions and deep thoughts of how it can correlate and coexist on one...

Cultural Pluralism in the United States History

Introduction Cultural pluralism is accepting everyone’s right to economic and political opportunity and the right of every ethnic group to maintain its own identity (Olson 155). This term is used to refer to minor cultural groups in a big society maintain their cultural unique entities and the large society accepting...

The Shirazi in Swahili: Traditions, Culture, and History

The background of the issue Shirazi people are a sub-clan of the Swahili speaking community found on the East African coast. These people are mainly found in Zanzibar and Pemba. Documentations and customs of these people show that they are descendants of traders from Persia (Shirazi) who came to the...

“The Face of Tomorrow” by Scott London

Introduction The article that appeared in the September/October issue of the Hope Dance Magazine in 1998 was done by Scott London. The author drew inspiration from a Time magazine cover material that had an exotic girl with a mixture of features drawn from African, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Caucasian backgrounds....

Mayan Culture: Traditions and Achievements

Introduction The Maya community is a classic society who has made use of almost the same land for thousands of years. The society speaks about thirty languages that are interrelated in such a way that scholars argue that they come from the same place. The Mayan culture over the years...

Babylon: Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization

Introduction In the time period 605-562 BC, Babylon was a renowned power. This time period also coincided with the life time of King Nebuchadnezzar. His father, King Nabopolassar, had created the Chaldean dynasty and had invaded Assyria, forcing them to go towards Northern Mesopotamia. This set the stage for Nebuchadnezzar’s...

The US Independence Day’s Cultural Significance

Introduction Thesis Statement Every nation and every culture has its own belief and values, customs, and traditions. Among the traditions that characterize the United States culture and distinguish it from all other cultures of the world is the tradition to celebrate the 4th of July every year. Attention Grabber Being...

Celebrating Tet: Tradition Analysis

Advertisements on television these days continue to encourage individuals to eat dinner together as a family because this is what fosters a sense of togetherness that will keep the family together well into the future. It seems that the American culture is such that the individual members of a family...

History of the Medici Family

The Qualities of the Ruler Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527), was one of the outstanding Italian philosophers. Born in Florence in the second half of the fifteenth century, Machiavelli has combined a politician and a writer, and a practitioner and a theorist. Machiavelli collected all his experience in regards to the qualities...

The UAE Cultural Dimensions Review

Cultural analysis An analysis of the target market is a very important issue before making the decision to move into the market with goods or services. Market analysis comprises of various aspects. Culture is one of the aspects that ought to be considered during market analysis. In the course of...

Iroquois: History and the Effect of Christianity

Iroquois have historically been about six nations although before they were five nations and as a result are commonly referred to as the Five Nations. They were initially a confederacy that included Oneidas, Mohawks, Onondagas, Seneca and Oyugas. Tuscarora later became the sixth member. Iroquoian language was spoken both by...

Hofstede’s Taxonomy of the Samala Chumash Tribe

The topic that will be discussed in the paper is related to the Hofstede model of national culture analysis and cultural peculiarities of the Samala Chumash American tribe according to the mentioned pattern. Samala Chumash tribe has a rich history and traditions, as well as strong respect for its roots....

African American Expressive Culture

Abstract My culture is the thing that defines me and my behavior. It influences my decisions and values in life. As I am African American, I have a bicultural identity, which means that both Africa and America are my homes. Today my culture is not the same as it used...

Cultural Rites and Customs in Latin America and Vietnam

Latin American Culture: Day of the Dead To fulfill the task and understand the Latin American background better, I interviewed Yuli Marquez, my Facebook friend from Tijuana, Mexico. She was excited about different traditions and finally decided to tell me about Día de Los Muertos – the Day of the...

Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans

In the process of socialization, human beings adopt a certain culture; culture is defined as commonly experienced attributes and traits that can be seen in a homogenous group of people mostly living within the same locality. Socialization tools are responsible for the passing of culture from one generation to another;...

Globalization vs. Traditions in Eastern Culture

Introduction: Encountering a Symbol of the United States in the Middle of China It has been quite a while since the word “globalization” was a neologism. Becoming a part and parcel of the modern world, globalization seems to have shaped every single country, opening states for new relationships with the...

Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity and Competence

Introduction The 20th century has seen a steep rise in the levels of diversity on a global scale. Due to the increase in the number of cross-cultural interactions and intensity thereof, the necessity to develop an in-depth and intrinsic understanding of other cultures has emerged (Holland, 2017). Indeed, without the...

The Legend of La Llorona and Its Versions

Legends play a significant role in the culture of every country. Historically, such stories were used to transmit certain moral values to the younger generation and served both for educational and entertaining purposes. Therefore, it is believed to be interesting to get familiar with some legends that still affect the...

Chinese and Japanese Cultural Differences

Culture refers to customs, beliefs as well people’s practices. It encompasses their source of livelihoods as well as the immaterial phenomenon that they pass on from one generation to another. Culture is dynamic and this applies to all the societies in the world. For our discussion, we will be handling...

The Tibetan Culture Views on Stress Management

Introduction High levels of stress can hinder the efficiency of a person’s undertakings, thus resulting in undesirable outcomes. The management of stress is vital for the enhancement of aspects of spirituality and communication (Seaward, 2015). Fear can emerge due to stress whereby an individual loses self-confidence, which can be portrayed...

European Encounters With Native Americans: Colonial Perspectives

Introduction In Columbus’s Journal, the author describes the Native Americans he encounters as “loving and friendly” people who are willing to share their resources and offer assistance. The publicist also notes their physical appearance, praising their “fine shapes” and “handsome faces.” These positive descriptions reflect the European value of civility...

Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Culture

Introduction Globalization is primarily connected with the internationalization of all social activities on Earth. This means that in the modern era, all of humanity is part of a single system of socio-cultural, economic, political, and other ties, interactions, and relationships. Accordingly, all existing relationships between cultures and countries are especially...

The Temples in Chichen Itza: Architecture Issues

Chichen Itza was founded around the 6th Century. It was formed by the Mayan people who at the time occupied the Yucatan Peninsula. The name is two-part, drawn from its access to water in the arid region chi meaning mouth, and Chen meaning well. It is located in the region...

Increasing Diversity in Columbia Consulting

Introduction As a company, we would like to better represent the community in which we do business. In this presentation, I will define what it means to have a diverse workforce and describe the business benefits of diversity. I will also outline the steps we plan to undertake to increase...

Blackface Minstrelsy’s Impact on African-American Culture

Introduction Minstrelsy shows started to spread performances in theatres in America, especially blackface ones. Blackface Minstrelsy was the show where white people portrayed Blackface. This show appeared before Civil War and included many themes, such as masculinity, race, class, culture, and gender, but the theme of race was trendy, as...

The Elements of Symbolic Culture in the Nacirema Group

Introduction In “Body Rituals of the Nacirema,” anthropologist Horace Miner presents a satirical account of the cultural practices of a fictional group known as the Nacirema. Through his descriptions of the Nacirema’s daily rituals, beliefs, and customs, Miner aims to highlight the cultural biases and ethnocentrism of American society. The...

Cross-Cultural Emotional Perceptions: Study Proposal

A suggested way to further understand the cultural values and emotional perceptions of African American and Chinese American cultures is to conduct a longitudinal study. This study will follow the emotional perceptions and cultural values of a diverse group of African American and Chinese American individuals for several years. The...

Cultural Intelligence and Diversity in the Workplace

Introduction Cultural intelligence (CQ) is understanding, appreciating, and effectively interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. In today’s globalized world, cultural intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the workplace, where individuals from diverse backgrounds often work together. According to Alexandra et al., (2021), high CQ individuals are skilled at adjusting...

Embracing the Meaningfulness of Subcultures

A cultural identity represents a crucial component of one’s personality, defining one’s life and choices. Though subcultures are typically seen as the elements of culture that have a lesser meaning than full-fledged cultures, the role that subculture play in the shaping of one’s identity is still undeniably large. Due to...

The Dutch Culture and Its Unique Features

Culture is the values, ideas, beliefs, customs, and social behaviors of a group of people. It is the determinant of the character and behaviors of a people based on the values and traditions that individuals adopt throughout their lives (Lin, 2020). Culture is influential because it determines an individual’s identity,...

Unaffected, Autonomous, and Influential Navajo Culture and Tradition

From the historical viewpoint, when interacting intensely, all cultures undergo one of these three types of processes, which are merging, absorption, and eradication. Modern history as an academic discipline knows many past and present examples of each of these three. There are ancient Greeks and Latins in the Roman Republic,...

The Traditions of Death Practices

Introduction Dia de los Muertos is one of the country’s most spectacular and extravagant celebrations. For Mexicans, unlike Americans or Europeans, death is merely the end of earthly existence, which continues in the other afterlife, the Mixtlán. That is why one cannot see sadness, tears, and grief on people’s faces...

Benefits and Disadvantages of Multi-Cultural Mingling

Multicultural exchange gives insights into diverse societal perspectives influencing interpersonal skills such as communication, etiquette, creativity, adaptability, ideas, tolerance, negotiation, and cultural awareness. Essentially skills obtained from intercultural exchange are powerful in exposing one’s to different viewpoints and enhancing their overall competencies, such as diversity essential for employment. From a...

Diversity Vis-à-Vis Integration: Multiculturalism

Introduction As geopolitics and national politics take center stage in the modern discourse, various interests are being pushed forward and adopted. According to Kastoryano (2), multiculturalism is a general term that refers to societies’ interactions and experiences across languages, cultures, and geographical borders. In addition, multiculturalism encompasses the interaction of...

American Culture: Linguistics and Culture Review

Cultural universals are characteristics or traits shared by all societies worldwide. They include the institutions’ values, practices, and cultural patterns determined to exist across all people throughout space and time. Examples include performing activities such as singing, storytelling, and cooking (Woods, 2018). Some cultural universals, such as funeral rituals, take...

Aspects of the Environmental Activism

Introduction The environmental activism subculture is centered around ensuring the best outcomes for the environment. Members advocate for these interests through initiatives like informational campaigns, marches, lobbies, and peaceful protests. Its active expression of biospheric and altruistic values sets this group apart. The former values promote the interests of the...

Multiculturalism and Power Dynamics

Introduction “It is a credit to Foua’s general equanimity, as well as her characteristic desire not to think ill of anyone, that although she found Lia’s birth a peculiar experience, she has few criticisms of the way the hospital handled it.” (Fadiman, 1999, Chapter 1) Discussion The quote is about...

Rituals and Cosmologies: The Role in Human Cultures

A ritual is a ceremonial act that has spiritual or religious significance. Rituals create cosmologies they enact in different ways; firstly, they promote a sense of cosmos and order by establishing recognizable patterns of behavior. Secondly, they foster community logic by uniting people with similar interests. Thirdly, the key moments...

The Ideal Woman of Ancient China

In the Han dynasty, women contributed to social order by demonstrating the womanly behavior of virtue, which was comprised of humility, obedience to the husband, humanity, gentleness, and deliberation. The support for this statement stems from literary artifacts and connections between Confucianism, the wife’s responsibility for the marital union’s purity...

The Role of Culture in Intelligence Development

Introduction Culture is a unique phenomenon impacting the life of every person. It can be determined as specific behavior patterns, beliefs, and views that are transmitted within a certain group (Cohen et al., 2022). For this reason, it influences all aspects of people’s functioning and abilities. Thus, when measuring individuals’...

Culture and Humanities: Artwork and Its Author

Objects created by people do not always become culturally or historically significant. Nevertheless, there are many examples of man-made articles becoming ingrained in the culture as they incorporate the values of a particular place at a certain point in time (“What Are the Humanities?,” 2020). One such object is the...

Culture as Innovation: Pop and Global Culture

The popular culture of society is that which is embraced and admired by a large number of people. The traditions and customs of a particular group constitute culture. According to Little (2016), the term “pop culture” refers to artifacts and human expressions that come from the creative efforts of ordinary...

Need for Change at Laura Secord Elementary School

Description The assignment focuses on Laura Secord Elementary School that is located at the following address: 2500 Lakewood Dr, Vancouver, BC V5N 4V1. As figure 1 shows, the school is a nice-looking 2-store building. It is placed on a quiet side street among private buildings. This fact denotes that children...

African American and Samoan Cultures

Introduction Each culture has its distinctive features and similarities. These intersections may occur due to the similarity of many practices and the mixing of cultures during historical development. Thus, within the framework of this work, particular emphasis is placed on African American and Samoan cultures. Therefore, these people are characterized...

Red Square and Lenin’s Mausoleum

The Red Square is one of the most memorable and impactful pieces of culture and architecture. It features a couple of rather interesting buildings, such as Lenin’s mausoleum and the GUM Department store. Surprisingly, the Red Square managed to preserve its relevance even during and after the Soviet era. Moreover,...

Barriers to Global Cultural Flows

Introduction The wide range of cultural differences in customs and traditions creates a significant barrier to international cultural awareness. Failure to understand one another’s cultures and the roots of their customs is the fundamental barrier to global cultural flow since it increases prejudice and hostility. The inability to communicate effectively...