Inuit: Mythologies From Distant Places

Introduction, Ancestry and Migration of the Inuit This group of people refers to themselves by the term Inuit. However, they have been referred to by the term “Eskimo” since when the seventeenth century ended. This is a term that means the one who eats of raw meat. The Inuit are...

Subculture and Subcultural Capital

Introduction A subculture defines a group of individuals different from other individuals of the same larger culture to which they belong. A subculture could either be distinct or hidden. Nonetheless, it has elements and practices that are different from those of the dominant culture. Subcultures could be differentiated from the...

The US Independence Day’s Cultural Significance

Introduction Thesis Statement Every nation and every culture has its own belief and values, customs, and traditions. Among the traditions that characterize the United States culture and distinguish it from all other cultures of the world is the tradition to celebrate the 4th of July every year. Attention Grabber Being...

Korean Culture From the Psychological Perspective

Culture defines the way of life of people from their simplest interactions to the most complex of their social values. It covers everything that a person does, thinks and how they perceive the world as a result of growing and living within a certain social system. The total way of...

Prenatal Issues and Birth in Mayan Culture

Introduction This research paper is designed to provide information basically on the highlighting topic of Mayan Culture. Mayan Culture has been derived from the ancient Native American culture and its description would be provided in the later topics of the paper. Apart from that, the issues which would be described...

The UAE Cultural Dimensions Review

Cultural analysis An analysis of the target market is a very important issue before making the decision to move into the market with goods or services. Market analysis comprises of various aspects. Culture is one of the aspects that ought to be considered during market analysis. In the course of...

Malaysian and Thai Tourism: Promotion of Cultures

Abstract Tourism the abstract thing now a day is the best service to earn a lot of tourism currency. The importance of this sector is growing rapidly due to geographical, political traditional, social and economic concerns. Now, tourism is going to be for the Asian countries for the rent few...

People of Haitian and Iranian Heritage

Introduction To provide high-quality care, health professionals should be aware of the peculiarities that the patient has. These peculiarities include the patient’s family history as well as the background that comprises the cultural peculiarities of the patient. Since different ethnicities have their health care beliefs that have been formed historically...

African American, African and Haitian Heritage Culture

A Brief History of the Cultural/Socio-Cultural Group Values Worldview Language and Communication Patterns Art and Other Expressive Forms Norms and Rules Lifestyle Characteristics Relationship Patterns Common Rituals Degree of Assimilation or Marginalization from Mainstream Society Health Behaviors and Practices References Carteret, M. (2011). Health care for African American patients/families. Web. Haitians,...

Hispanic Ethnocultural Population: Immersion Project

Reflection Observation The population that I choose for my Immersion Project can generally be referred to as ‘Hispanics’. This population is best defined as such that consists of the US citizens (as well as illegals) affiliated with the Hispanic (Spanish, South-American, Latino) ethnocultural background, who appears to share a number...

Saudi vs. U.S. Cultures: Lifestyles, Religion & Women’s Roles

Personal Experience The United States and Saudi Arabia have different cultures and lifestyles. Remarkably, people, who live in the respective countries, demonstrate a range of diversities in their lifestyles. As a woman, who is a mother of four children, and a teacher, who traveled from Saudi Arabia to the United...

The Batek Community in Malaysia: Cultural Behavior

Introduction The Batek of Malaysia represents a group of people from the Semang dialect that lives near Lebir River in the Kelantan State, Malaysia. People from Semang are characterized by physical feature of Negros origin, which are inclusive but not limited to noses that are flat and broad, curly hair,...

The Legend of La Llorona and Its Versions

Legends play a significant role in the culture of every country. Historically, such stories were used to transmit certain moral values to the younger generation and served both for educational and entertaining purposes. Therefore, it is believed to be interesting to get familiar with some legends that still affect the...

Lebanese Weddings’ Traditions

Introduction The research at hand will investigate Lebanese Weddings as an important social phenomenon and track how they evolved from traditions to nowadays. A traditional Lebanese wedding is currently perceived as an indicator of power and social status, which makes it strongly tied to the market of luxury services and...

Stages of Grief: Acceptance of Death in Diverse Cultures

Death is an inevitability, and sooner or later every human being is put to face it. Grief comes together with death, especially when a loved one dies. The depth and scale of grief depend on the psychological stance of the grieving person: the reaction can be stoic or destructive. However,...

Indian Music vs. Western Influence: Traditional vs. Modern

Introduction Indian culture is highly articulated through art, especially music and movies. Most Indian-based musicians often highlight the principles of traditional music in their songs. As entertainment grows, the process of composing these forms of art is embracing Westernization. Mostly felt in music, Westernization is incorporated in the form of...

Body Ritual Among the Nacirema Article Review

Reaction to the Article The article “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” by Miner examines the cultural rituals and body practices of a tribe known as the Nacirema. These rituals include excessive body grooming, including teeth-cleaning and hair-combing, and the use of medicinal preparations that are applied to the entire body....

Cultural Influences on Police Decision-Making

Introduction Culture remains myriad and vital to the events within the criminal courts, hence a need to evaluate its influence on police brutality and arrests effectively. Each institution has its unique culture that influences individual thoughts and behavior. Police culture also needs to be understood by identifying what influences them...

African American and Samoan Cultures

Introduction Each culture has its distinctive features and similarities. These intersections may occur due to the similarity of many practices and the mixing of cultures during historical development. Thus, within the framework of this work, particular emphasis is placed on African American and Samoan cultures. Therefore, these people are characterized...

Rites of Passage and Emerging Middle Classes

A ceremony or ritual known as a “rite of passage” signifies a person’s movement from one group to another and involves a significant change in their social position within the community. Rituals of passage encourage a sense of renewal since they mark the beginning of a new phase in our...

Nanook of the North: Analysis of a Movie

Cultural and religious practices and traditions might seem strange and pointless to a side observer, yet they are imbued with crucial cultural meaning and value for members of the specified group. In her essay, Rony represents taxidermy as a crucial cultural tradition stemming from the beliefs associated with the afterlife...

Cultural Differences: Japan and Germany

Introduction One of the most critical elements distinguishing the perceptions of people around the world is culture, and its comparison between Japan and Germany can shed light on the way views are formed. It is to be performed with regard to the activity of citizens, linked to traditions and their...

Chinese Guardian Lions

Chinese guardian lions are national symbols of power and richness that protect people from evil spirits. While they represent real-life lions, they are frequently referred to as foo dogs or lion dogs. Chinese guardian lions are an essential part of rich Chinese history, but they first originated in Persia (Pang,...

Ancient Culture in Chapter 10 of Gomer’s Odyssey

Chapter 10 of The Odyssey is a cultural text that captures the ideals of the time it was written and sheds light on how people saw bravery and virtue. Hospitality, a prevalent pre-modern social custom, is at the heart of The Odyssey and is a fundamental part of the ancient...

The Role of Coffeehouses in the Ottoman Empire

Introduction Interpersonal interaction is a complex subject of social sciences that concerns communication between two or more people. Since the rise of the earliest civilizations, people have found mediums for communication as certain subjects “united” people together. In the Ottoman Empire, coffee and smoking were valued greatly as instruments for...

Visual Media vs. Literary Portrayals in Culture

Culture has many different manifestations and forms, each of which has its own characteristics. One of the most significant is visual media and literary portrayals. These aspects have their own unique features that distinguish them from each other ((Flint 183). Hence, for example, the transfer of a character in a...

“Eating Christmas in the Kalahari”

In his paper “Eating Christmas in the Kalahari,” Richard Lee recounts his close acquaintance with traditions of one African tribe, namely, the Kung Bushman. The story is built on the Kung Bushmen’s annual custom of haunting and slaughtering an ox for the commune during Christmas, in which the author had...

Cross-Cultural Analysis of Germany and the US

The modern culture of the USA and Germany is based on some patterns and manifests itself most often in everyday practices that ordinary people go through. Greetings, communication, language and courtesy, food and alcohol culture, and attitudes towards the property. In general, German culture is individualistic and based on the...

“Why Cultural Diversity Matters”: Central Theme and Purpose

A central theme of the presenter’s talk was recognizing the importance of promoting cultural diversity as a critical social tool for ensuring the future viability of communities. Culture is indeed dynamic, and globalization processes are affecting it. Without assessing these integrative effects, it must be said that they can —...

Hijab, Burka, and Niqab and Their Main Differences

Introduction Headveilig plays a significant role in many religions, including Judaism, Catholicism, and Muslims. Nowadays, covering is a manifestation of cultural and religious identity and is ubiquitous among Muslim women all over the world. This practice, with rare exceptions, is not compulsory even in Islamic countries. In Muslim countries, as...

The Native American Pipe Ceremony Then and Now

The Native American Pipe Ceremony is the heart of the spiritual and cultural life of the native people of North America, particularly the Sioux or Lakota, the Northeast Indians, and Plains Indians. The ritual ceremony connects people spiritually and physically; therefore, it was considered to be sacred (Waabanong Centre, 2012)....

“The Folklore of Small Things: Tradition in Group Culture” by Fine

Author’s Background The article The Folklore of Small Things: Tradition in Group Culture was written by Gary Alan Fine and published in the Western Folklore journal in 2018. Gary Alan Fine is an American sociologist and author of various publications. Small groups and their folklore is one of the leading...

Multicultural Competence in Counseling

Disability is a state usually viewed as deviant by people without it and the community. Such negative attitudes are not necessarily the same as those held by people with disabilities and their families. Consequently, even well-intentioned professional counselors are subject to the impact of societal and historical attitudes concerning disability....

Culture, Cultural Identity, and Cultural Influence

Introduction Culture, cultural identity, and cultural influence form the fundamental elements through which human beings interact and behave. They are considered the society’s binding that regulates the behaviors of the individuals within the society. Culture shapes behavior and relationships by determining how individuals express creativity within the public. Each community...

Cultural Power of Images in Society

As an old English saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This adage is probably truer than ever in the contemporary world. Images do not only make complex concepts simpler, but they can make both complex and simple ideas more interesting and attractive. Among other things, modern visual...

Values, Theories, and Concepts in Chinese Culture

Introduction China has one of the oldest cultures recognized internationally, dating back to over a thousand years ago. Every nation is identified with its culture and traditions, and China has been conspicuous in maintaining its culture and preventing it from the influence of the outside world. China has a rich...

Culturally Appropriate Practices

An article written by Zeynep Isik-Ercan in 2017 for YC Young Children magazine and published in issue 1 of volume 72 on pages 15-22 is titled “Culturally appropriate positive guidance with young children.” This work is devoted to the interpretation and adjustment of teachers’ work, taking into account the cultural...

Art Pieces of Different Cultures

Several individuals tend to take artworks and design for granted yet it is widespread in human’s daily lives. Artworks reveal the use of people’s imaginations and their expression of something special such as culture and other forms of lifestyle. This paper discusses three artworks namely the Standard of Ur, the...

Canada and the USA Indigenous Symbols on Team Logos

The issue of the exploitation of Indigenous symbols and mascots in sport team logos has long been a controversial one both in Canada and the USA. It has been widely discussed in media and academic circles, as well as in educational and professional sport environments. Despite the fact that since...

The Relevance of Cultural History in Leadership

Introduction Interactions between people from different backgrounds affect both personal and professional relationships. Factors such as variations in ethnicity and religion affect the degree to which organizations function. In addition, they impact leadership styles because individuals who have experienced inequality and discrimination are attuned to the challenges faced by a...

The Relations Between Environmental and Cultural Determinism

Over the years of studying the world, the history of humankind and its development, scientists have asked what decisive factors have the most significant influence on society’s development. In an attempt to answer this question, they proposed several theories that are designed to explain what exactly determines the path of...

Researching Modernity and Modernism

Summary Christopher Crounch, defined modernity as a period in the history of mankind that shows a transition of their life from traditional agricultural practices to the industrial revolution, through individualism way of living and finally, whereby a state achieves economic stability. It basically shows the changes in terms of intelligence...

Cross-Cultural Differences: Unique Antecedents

Executive Summary Cross-cultural differences dictate the way companies and individuals pursue their goals or address the challenges they face. A person moving from one region to another should be prepared for the potential social, work, and religious changes and experiences that might emerge. The discussion presented below gives a detailed...

Clash of the Cultures

Each society has its own culture, which is superimposed on all elements of human life; however, the interaction between them can be problematic. The purpose of this essay is to study the provided text “Case Study 2: Culture Clash in the Boardroom” to identify possible scenarios and fundamental approaches to...

Ethnocentrism & Othering in Intercultural Relations

Nowadays we live in a much faster world, where information is able to cross borders with the help of the Internet easily, and people are freer to travel or even migrate than ever before. These types of changes are related to the phenomenon called globalization. In simple words, it is...

Schieffelin: Rainforest Environment and the Kaluli Food Production

In the book “The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers,” Edward Schieffelin devotes attention to the Kaluli tribe. Schieffelin actively discusses the rainforest environment, Kaluli modes of subsistence, and food production, so the question of why he pays attention to these descriptions appears. The author spends...

Comparison of the Culture of China and Japan

The world is made of many nations, unique and mostly unknown to others. The cultures that are close by geographically are better known between themselves, as people have to communicate with each other. But if cultures are far away separate from other peoples, then very little is known about them....

Multicultural Education in America: Benefits and Challenges

America as a country with diverse, racial, ethnic, and cultural groups has adopted multicultural education in its learning institution. Multicultural education has greatly improved unity among the different cultural groups in the region, especially among the youths. While James Banks gives the advantages of multicultural education in American society, Arthur...

Akeelah and the Bee: Multicultural Diversity

Culture assimilation among various social groups worldwide has been a great problem where some social groups seem to discriminate against others in certain ways. In the contemporary society, as it has been occasionally witnessed there exist various alienations among various social groups, despite their interaction across various social activities. The...

“The Face of Tomorrow” by Scott London

Introduction The article that appeared in the September/October issue of the Hope Dance Magazine in 1998 was done by Scott London. The author drew inspiration from a Time magazine cover material that had an exotic girl with a mixture of features drawn from African, Middle Eastern, Asian, and Caucasian backgrounds....

Chinese Language and Culture

Culture entails the defining elements of the lives of a given group of people. In addition, it includes such other aspects as language, arts and sciences, spirituality, thought, social activities, and interaction. There are two main elements that are explicitly identifiable from a given culture. To start with, there are...

Culture and Society of Dubai and the UAE

Ancient and traditional culture in the UAE In the period preceding 1960, some of the popular foodstuffs in the UAE were vegetables, yogurt, baked bread, different kinds of meat from goats and camels, rice and dates were also eaten. In the UAE lunch which is mostly served in the afternoon...

Domestication of Horses and Its Impact on Native American Civilizations

The domestication of horses has been an important breakthrough in the history of humankind. Horses offered civilizations that had them significant advantages in agriculture, transportation, and warfare (Price, 2017). Some argue that the presence of horses was the locomotive for evolution from primitive hunter-gatherer nations to more advanced societies. It...

A Nurse’s Hispanic Cultural Competence: Purnell Model Analysis

Overview The interviewee’s name is CS and she is of Hispanic origin. CS’s paternal family emigrated from Mexico to find a better life in the United States two generations ago and first settled in Texas. CS was born in California, United States. Her father had come to America at the...

Cultural Competence: Overcoming Stereotypes

There is no doubt that national culture, traditions, and customs impact our behaviors and shape self-identity. In its turn, cultural and social identity largely defines actions and decisions every person makes, influences his or her social orientations and preferences. At the same time, the term “cultural competence” implies the ability...

Pop Culture in America

Introduction Pop culture is a multidimensional concept acting in many interpretations as the opposite of elitist types of cultures and is often replaced by the term mass culture. Nevertheless, popular culture, the formation of which is related to the process of industrialization, took its final shape in XIX-XX centuries (Cottrell...

Indian Wedding vs. American Wedding

Introduction A major characteristic of different countries and religions is that they have varying traditions. However, some traditions and events are universal to the human community. One tradition that is common among all countries and religions is the wedding ceremony. Great importance is placed on this event and it entails...

The Emo and Goth Subcultures Comparison

Introduction The paper at hand will attempt to compare the Emo and Goth subcultures. Both subcultures emerged in the 1970s on the basis of punk rock and quickly spread across the globe (Brake, 2013). The present study aims to prove that despite the fact that representatives of these movements seem...

Is Multiculturalism a Good or a Bad Thing?

Introduction Multiculturalism is a term that can be viewed from different aspects. First of all, it is a fact of the surrounding world: our planet is culturally diverse, and most of the modern countries have also ceased to be monocultural. Apart from that, multiculturalism is an ideology that depicts the...

Stress Management in Tibetan Culture: Spirituality & Communication

Introduction High levels of stress can hinder the efficiency of a person’s undertakings, thus resulting in undesirable outcomes. The management of stress is vital for the enhancement of aspects of spirituality and communication (Seaward, 2015). Fear can emerge due to stress whereby an individual loses self-confidence, which can be portrayed...

Subcultures and Reasons for Their Existence

Introduction Each person living in a society is a part of its culture. This is inevitable; whether we want it or not, we learn from what surrounds us and adopt other people’s habits and manners. However, there exists such a phenomenon as subcultures; members of subcultures are a part of...

Introducing Popular Culture: Foundational Perspectives and Trends

Introduction Population culture includes all the aspects of life that we live by. It is the manner in which we socialize and the basis that helps in decision making (Danesi, 2008). It is the laid out set of laws by the society at any given time, which defines changes in...

Blackface Minstrelsy’s Impact on African-American Culture

Introduction Minstrelsy shows started to spread performances in theatres in America, especially blackface ones. Blackface Minstrelsy was the show where white people portrayed Blackface. This show appeared before Civil War and included many themes, such as masculinity, race, class, culture, and gender, but the theme of race was trendy, as...

Cultural Intelligence and Diversity in the Workplace

Introduction Cultural intelligence (CQ) is understanding, appreciating, and effectively interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. In today’s globalized world, cultural intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the workplace, where individuals from diverse backgrounds often work together. According to Alexandra et al., (2021), high CQ individuals are skilled at adjusting...

Death and Culture: Cross-Cultural Beliefs and Practices Associated With Death

The concept of death is, perhaps, the most recognized idea globally. It is a natural phenomenon that marks the end of life. Many cultures around the world have inculcated the concept into rites of passage, given that it represents an individual’s return to the origin, which is thought to precede...

Chinese Culture: Collectivism and High Context

Introduction The origin of glorious culture of China occurred in ancient times, which is why I became interested in this topic. I am attracted to this culture because China is a huge ancient country, which can be paralleled only with the world of ancient Rome. Therefore, today I will explain...

Diversity Vis-à-Vis Integration: Multiculturalism

Introduction As geopolitics and national politics take center stage in the modern discourse, various interests are being pushed forward and adopted. According to Kastoryano (2), multiculturalism is a general term that refers to societies’ interactions and experiences across languages, cultures, and geographical borders. In addition, multiculturalism encompasses the interaction of...

High-Context vs. Low-Context Cultures

The theory that divides cultures into high-context and low-context was developed by Edward Hall. It is based on the difference between the use of verbal and nonverbal communication, and particular importance is given to the context during the interaction. At the same time, it is essential to realize that there...

Culture as Innovation: Pop and Global Culture

The popular culture of society is that which is embraced and admired by a large number of people. The traditions and customs of a particular group constitute culture. According to Little (2016), the term “pop culture” refers to artifacts and human expressions that come from the creative efforts of ordinary...

Barriers to Global Cultural Flows

Introduction The wide range of cultural differences in customs and traditions creates a significant barrier to international cultural awareness. Failure to understand one another’s cultures and the roots of their customs is the fundamental barrier to global cultural flow since it increases prejudice and hostility. The inability to communicate effectively...

Cultural and Entertainment Activities in Saudi Arabia

Tourism is an essential pillar of the economic growth and development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is crucial to enhance the apt promotion of socio-cultural and entertainment activities. On the one hand, engagement fosters a prominent boost in the diversification of the tourism experience among the customers. On...

Culture of the United Arabic Emirates

Over the past twenty years, the Emirates witnessed the improvement and stimulation of cultural evolution in the Emirati community. Culture and its varied parts evolved into an innovative way to accomplish conceptual understanding and foster environmental sustainability. The procedure has been and continues to be carried out since the millennium’s...

Multiculturalism and Cosmopolitanism

Multiculturalism The concept of multiculturalism refers to or is associated with understanding the perception that races, ethnicities, and cultures specific to minority groups are specifically acknowledged due to their differences (Holliday et al., 2010). However, in Malaysia, being a grandchild of a Chinese immigrant, the government’s political system promotes racism,...

South Tennessee Culture and Stereotypes

Tennessee has its own unique culture, which is rooted in its long traditions developing throughout the history of the US. Starting from the Spanish explorers, who moved the Cherokee population to the south and continued by other European settlers sidelining the Confederates, Tennessee was the last state to give women...

The Emergence of American Identity

The formation of the so-called American identity was a centuries-long process, which incorporated numerous struggles of the first citizens of the country. The conditions of their lives drastically differed from those of British people, and the loyalists on the new continent were experiencing significantly more challenges due to their attitudes...

Business Culture as a System of Values in the UK

Culture as a system of values serves to form people’s outlooks, attitudes, and stances. It plays a major role in all spheres of life but is especially relevant in business, as it may hinder or assist cooperation depending on how close the businessmen’s cultures are. The UK, being the center...

Aspects of the Maya Culture

The Mayan civilization is one of the most ancient and advanced civilizations that existed in Latin America in pre-Columbian times. Mayan culture is known for advanced knowledge in architecture, mathematics, and astronomy, as well as a developed system of communication, religion, and art, which still impact the modern peoples of...

Child Growth and Development: Effects of Culture

Child development is a collaborative, vibrant, and unique process depending on the toddler. Every individual is unique, and as children grow, they adopt many things from other people and the environment that shapes their behavior and thoughts. Different cultures offer different inputs to children during growth, and this is the...

Libya’s Cultural and Ethnic Frameworks and Political Relations With America

Introduction Libya is one of the North African countries with a larger economy. The state borders the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Niger, Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Algeria, Tunisia, Greece, and Malta. The nation spans 1.8 million square kilometers, and Tripoli is the capital city of the empire. Libya’s political structure...

Barriers to Intercultural Communications

Communication between people can be complicated by different factors, even within one culture. Farnen (2017) provides several possible barriers that can emerge during the interactions, such as language, body gestures, context level, chronemics, stereotypes, and emotions. Language is the most apparent difficulty that can hinder communication even if a person...

Autoethnography: The Subculture of Sneakerheads

Introduction There is no doubt that a person does not exist in isolation. People are representatives of a particular culture that reflects a set of ideas, beliefs, and customs. However, it is a typical case that individuals, especially young ones, feel more connected to a specific idea or value system,...

Culture Impact: The American Apple Pie

Cultural works differ in shapes, colors, and tastes and represent anything meaningful to a nation. Many cultures are associated with a specific food that has become conventional long ago. Food is enjoyable to view from a cultural standpoint because it usually reflects historical events. Traditional American apple pie is what...

Importance of Maintaining Multiculturalism in the Current World

Introduction Multiculturalism leads to different and sometimes conflicting values and interests among people living in the same country. Nowadays, the boundaries between cultures and countries are becoming increasingly blurred due to the phenomena of globalization and mass immigration. There is a tendency to argue that immigration and multiculturalism have caused...

The Concept of Cultural Diversity

For each work, a necessary aspect is the application of a particular literary theory. With its help, authors can have a clear idea of the problem that will be raised in the text and in which direction it is better to develop thoughts. A critical race theory (CRT) was chosen...

The Elements of Cultural Humility

As American society grows more multicultural and globalized, the healthcare system is starting to integrate diversity and cultural humility into its core values. This perspective asserts that our cultural identities are heterogeneous and intersectional constructions based on history and the society we grew up in (Yancu & Farmer, 2017). Our...

“Freedom Writers”: Immigration and Indigenization

Education is an important process during which a person gains knowledge, learns to interact, gets involved in culture, and adopts society’s values. When there are cultural prejudices in society, development and deepening knowledge on a particular issue can help gain awareness of the existing multiculturalism and the need to accept...

Cultural Immersion: Interview With Latino in the US

Introduction Understanding the culture of different communities is relevant given the fact that the world is increasingly becoming interconnected. For the first two phases of this project, I have been exploring the culture of Latino America. There are several aspects of their lifestyle which I have learned through interactive activities...

Challenges of the Creative and Cultural Industry

Background and History For the first time, the term “creative economy” was used by the New York magazine Businessweek in 2000, and since then, it has only become wider (Brouillette, 2020). Although the term “creative industries” has been in the vocabulary of cultural economists for over 20 years, discussions about...

Value of Human Creative Expression for Contemporary Culture

The ability to creatively express oneself is rightfully deemed as one of the defining characteristics of humans. Interpreting the objective reality through the lens of a specific culture, value system, and imagination, people have managed to create artworks that serve both aesthetic purposes and the ones of emotional relief for...

Modern American Culture vs. Traditional Societal Value

Introduction Societies develop and promote unique norms and values that all members need to follow. Those who fail to do so might be identified as outcasts and be treated indifferently by their relatives, colleagues, and even friends. Some of the current global forces, such as the wave of globalization and...

Cultural Relativism: James Rachel’s Claims

The concept of cultural relativism is a well-known phenomenon described by scholars, and the six claims of James Rachel is a model allowing us to examine it. However, since not all of the statements are equally justified, the strongest of them is: “There is no “universal truth” in ethics; that...

Mayan Civilization in Modern Belizean and Guatemalan Societies

Introduction The culture of Mayan civilization continues to exist nowadays in many parts of South America. The people of Maya have lived for almost four thousand years, stemming from the Olmecs (Carmack et al., 2016). Carmack et al. (2016) write that “the Formative period (1800 B.C.–A.D. 200) saw the origin...

Cultural Globalization as the Americanization of the World’s Cultures

The process of globalization has swept the entire world, unifying countries and nations and bringing people across the world closer. Although the specified process has been reasonably viewed as mostly positive, one cannot argue that it is likely to entail multiple confusions and misunderstandings due to the differences in cultures...

Food and Family in the Hispanic Culture

Introduction The definition of culture has always been one of the most controversial discussion subjects due to the variety of aspects that create a cultural paradigm for an individual with a certain ethnic and social affiliation. Some people perceive culture as a notion that stands for particular behavioral patterns predetermined...

Afrofuturism as a Subculture: Key Issues

Introduction Afrofuturism can be defined as a movement in literature, art, and culture. It is a subculture which seeks to highlight the plight of the black people. Although it started as a small colligation of an uprising, it has expanded into a fully-fledged subculture that is recognized and practiced by...

The Effect of Disgust on Outgroup Dehumanization

Abstract The two studies examined how food disgust affected the perception of a foreign culture and was associated with outgroup dehumanization. The first study focused on how groups could be dehumanized based on the level of disgust displayed by participants who were introduced to different food options of a made-up...

Racial, Ethnic and Gender Categories in the U.S. Census

Racial, ethnic, and gender categories have been used to gather information on the population by the U.S. Census since the records started. However, this system is always evolving, with these categories being adjusted and improved over the years. The paper aims at analyzing the concepts of race, ethnicity, and gender...

Cultural Holiday Paper: Distinguishing Features

Various cultures have their traditional holidays that highlight their characteristics, values, and distinguishing features. For this reason, by learning more about different celebrations and traditions, people have an opportunity to understand other nations and become more developed citizens of the contemporary world. For instance, one of the most authentic cultures...

Alfred W. Crosby on the Environment Exchange

In his article, Infectious Disease and the Demography of the Atlantic Peoples, Alfred W. Crosby argues that population densities in the Americas in pre-Columbian times were probably equal to those in Asia, and even greater when compared to Africa. Although he admits that the inhabitants of the Americas occupied the...

The Relations Between Language and Cultural Differences

Introduction Language and culture have a heavy impact on how people from different cultures communicate with other people and how the cultural differences impact their effectiveness at communicating effectively. (Hybel &Weaver, 23) Discussion Language and culture are closely inter-related. As such ones language is heavily influenced by his or her...

Common Sense Learning for Japanese Children

A Japanese scholar fostered education in general and women’s education in particular. Tokugawa’a philosophies were neo-Confucian wherein he challenges “the plausibility of continuing to assert that women’s lives were shaped by one hegemonic discourse throughout the more than two hundred fifty years of Tokugawa governance.” (Ko, Haboush and Piggott 195)....

Gender Ideology in the U.S. and Japan

Introduction America and Japan have individuals from different cultures and ethnic groups. In the two countries, there are other variations such as people of different classes. The different races, ethnic groups and classes of people in America and Japan lead to cross cultural variations on the roles of individuals of...

Culture Briefing of a Country: China

The nations of the world are at a rising competition with one another presently. Each country has evolved on the globe in its own unique manner, and every nation has gained its current status with the efforts put in by the people residing in it. With distinct cultural and traditional...

Multiculturalism in the Canadian Society

Introduction Multiculturalism is one of the dominant features of Canadian society. Canada has a unique history, important elements of which are an indigenous population, a British and French colonial past, and recent extensive immigration of people from many different countries and cultures. This has resulted in one of the most...

Rituals in Human Life: Birthday Party

Introduction Our life is full of rituals; however, we often fail to see them, probably the main reason for it is that we often take them for granted and therefore forget about their symbolism and meaning that they convey. Overall, a ritual can be defined as the prescribed or established...

The Pantheon: Roman Architecture’s Enduring Legacy

Introduction Roman culture, especially the culture of construction, inspired and set standards for European architecture for many hundreds of years to come. One of the most striking examples of the embodiment of the ideas of the Roman architectural school is the Pantheon of Rome. According to Muench, “the Pantheon is...

African American Expressive Culture

Abstract My culture is the thing that defines me and my behavior. It influences my decisions and values in life. As I am African American, I have a bicultural identity, which means that both Africa and America are my homes. Today my culture is not the same as it used...

Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans

In the process of socialization, human beings adopt a certain culture; culture is defined as commonly experienced attributes and traits that can be seen in a homogenous group of people mostly living within the same locality. Socialization tools are responsible for the passing of culture from one generation to another;...

Rites and Customs in Various Cultural Backgrounds

Indian Custom: Diwali India has an ancient culture with many rites and customs. One of the best-known traditions is the festival of Diwali, which celebrates the triumph of light over darkness. It is celebrated throughout the country with some regional variations and comprises some important rituals that are traditionally performed...

Chimamanda Adichie on the Danger of a Single Story

Introduction “… and that is what people become…when they realize there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise” (Sarah Para 9). It is surprising to learn the high capacity of human being exposing themselves to the dangers of trusting and believing in one-sided...

“The Spirit Catches You and You Fall” by Fadiman

Introduction Differences in cultural outlooks are a reality of modern living, especially about health approaches. While some cultures have embraced sophistication as a solution to health issues, others choose to turn to simple traditional remedies. This reality is a running theme in Anne Fadiman’s book, The Spirit Catches You and...

Cross-Cultural Interactions and Differences

Cultural Dimensions It has been postulated that the behavior of every individual is largely defined by the cultural environment in which he or she lives. Cultural traditions and values themselves are developed under the influence of various social, political, and historical contexts. Due to the uniqueness of the combination, each...

Sports, Music, and Arts for Modernization

Over the last decades, a new culture has emerged and spread all over the world. This new culture has replaced the pre-modern or traditional cultures of some communities or countries in some cases, while the cultures of some states have been transformed or mutated. This evolutionary transition which has affected...

Halloween, Its History and Celebration

There are quite a number of holidays in the world, each having different reasons for being observed, different degrees of significance, and different levels of popularity, depending on where one is located. Among the holidays, I am most fascinated with that which features a pumpkin lantern, scary costumes and decorations,...

The Canadian Myth of Multiculturalism

Modern-day Canada has become an amalgamation of different cultures, religions, and races. Like other first world countries, Canada is a land of immigrants from all over the world. Similar to countries such as the United States, Canada’s early immigrants were from France and England (Bibby, 2000). Around the 1960s, Canada...

Culture Shock, Ethnocentrism, Cultural Relativism and Their Impact on Society

Introduction Culture shock, ethnocentrism, and cultural relativism are three essential concepts related to culture and its effects on people and society. Understanding Key Concepts Culture Shock Culture shock is something that happens when a person from one culture enters into a new culture that is new to them. It can...

The Role of Culture in Shaping Society: Understanding Material and Non-Material Components

Introduction The socially established traditions and norms determine one’s culture, affecting viewpoints and behaviors. As the fundamental element of individuals’ lives, culture continues, challenges, and changes according to the group’s beliefs and modern trends. The more chances people receive to interexchange their ideas and share their cultural values, the more...

Jewish Mourning Rituals and Adaptations: Impact of COVID-19 and Cultural Practices

Cooper, L. (2021). Kaddish during COVID: Mourning rituals during a pandemic. Contemporary Jewry, 41(1), 39-69. Web. Cooper (2021) focuses on the Jewish mourning rituals during the COVID-19 breakout that led to many deaths all over the globe. According to this study, the traditional Jewish mourning practices often involve Kaddish recitation...

The Intersection of Music and Literature: Analyzing “Erlkönig” and “The Benefits of Luxury”

Introduction Literature and music have always shared a bond, each providing unique storytelling and aesthetic expression platforms. Oliver Goldsmith’s “The Benefits of Luxury, In Making a People More Wise and Happy” from Sporre’s textbook (2014) and Franz Schubert’s “Erlkönig” from OxfordLieder’s YouTube channel (2013) both offer insightful perspectives on the...

The Impact of Culture on Intercultural Communication and Workplace

The Influence of Definitions of Culture on People’s Perspective on Intercultural Communication Definitions of culture can influence people’s perspectives on intercultural communication by shaping their understanding of what culture is and how it influences communication. For example, if someone defines culture as primarily consisting of tangible aspects like food, clothing,...

Exploring the Caste System’s Enduring Influence on Indian Society

Introduction Every nation has a variety of traditions and customs that contribute to its unique cultural heritage. Observing how people from different countries develop their relationships and attitudes is always interesting. India is one of the oldest civilizations, having emerged in 4000 BC and retained its distinctive caste system engrained...

The Cultural Divergence of Cinco de Mayo Celebrations in the U.S. and Mexico

Introduction Sharing borders often means sharing culture and social elements, including events. The United States and Mexico may differ in political and economic perspectives. However, cultural aspects between the two countries often overlap as they share a similar colonial past. One event in the USA and Mexico is the Cinco...

The Dilemma of Support and Accountability for Indigenous Tribes

Introduction to Indigenous Tribes Native tribes are communities of people who have lived in a specific location for many generations. They each have distinctive cultures, languages, and ways of life that are frequently closely tied to their nations. Indigenous tribes preserve their traditions and identity despite several issues, such as...

Cultural Fusion and Historical Significance of Toledo, Spain

Introduction Toledo is an ancient city in Spain that once experienced many important historical events. Under the influence of Islam, mosques were built in Toledo, as well as churches and synagogues that are of historical value in themselves and also within which history lies. Later, thanks to Toledo, part of...

Overview of American Culture: Values, Customs, and Behavior

Introduction As a nation of immigrants, the United States has been influenced by many cultures, including different customs and traditions in religion, art, food, and more. The United States is often defined as a “melting pot” into which various nations have contributed their own flavor or taste, forming one great...

The Work “Cultural Consequences” by Geert Hofstede

Geert Hofstede’s publication Cultural Consequences was among the rear world’s shaping studies on the database. His research and conclusions were influential and rational that anyone who came across them had but to read to gain further point of view on the aspect of culture across the world. The evidence is...

European Encounters With Native Americans: Colonial Perspectives

Introduction In Columbus’s Journal, the author describes the Native Americans he encounters as “loving and friendly” people who are willing to share their resources and offer assistance. The publicist also notes their physical appearance, praising their “fine shapes” and “handsome faces.” These positive descriptions reflect the European value of civility...

Analysis of the Feature: Traditions and Culture in Dubai

All features have specific target audience. Due to the specificity of the material in the text, the piece would be relevant to only a section of readers; people traveling to Dubai as tourists or traders. With this target in mind then, the article is able to address specific questions and...

Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Culture

Introduction Globalization is primarily connected with the internationalization of all social activities on Earth. This means that in the modern era, all of humanity is part of a single system of socio-cultural, economic, political, and other ties, interactions, and relationships. Accordingly, all existing relationships between cultures and countries are especially...

The Temples in Chichen Itza: Architecture Issues

Chichen Itza was founded around the 6th Century. It was formed by the Mayan people who at the time occupied the Yucatan Peninsula. The name is two-part, drawn from its access to water in the arid region chi meaning mouth, and Chen meaning well. It is located in the region...

Increasing Diversity in Columbia Consulting

Introduction As a company, we would like to better represent the community in which we do business. In this presentation, I will define what it means to have a diverse workforce and describe the business benefits of diversity. I will also outline the steps we plan to undertake to increase...

Cross-Cultural Emotional Perceptions: Study Proposal

A suggested way to further understand the cultural values and emotional perceptions of African American and Chinese American cultures is to conduct a longitudinal study. This study will follow the emotional perceptions and cultural values of a diverse group of African American and Chinese American individuals for several years. The...

Embracing the Meaningfulness of Subcultures

A cultural identity represents a crucial component of one’s personality, defining one’s life and choices. Though subcultures are typically seen as the elements of culture that have a lesser meaning than full-fledged cultures, the role that subculture play in the shaping of one’s identity is still undeniably large. Due to...

Unaffected, Autonomous, and Influential Navajo Culture and Tradition

From the historical viewpoint, when interacting intensely, all cultures undergo one of these three types of processes, which are merging, absorption, and eradication. Modern history as an academic discipline knows many past and present examples of each of these three. There are ancient Greeks and Latins in the Roman Republic,...

Cultural Evolution in Vietnam’s Early 20th Century Article Review

The article entitled “Cultural evolution in Vietnam’s early 20th century: A Bayesian networks analysis of Hanoi Franco-Chinese house designs” investigates how diverse cultures and religious creeds influenced the architecture of Hanoi in the early 20th century. The paper states that by looking at facades and architectural features of buildings, one...

The Traditions of Death Practices

Introduction Dia de los Muertos is one of the country’s most spectacular and extravagant celebrations. For Mexicans, unlike Americans or Europeans, death is merely the end of earthly existence, which continues in the other afterlife, the Mixtlán. That is why one cannot see sadness, tears, and grief on people’s faces...

Benefits and Disadvantages of Multi-Cultural Mingling

Multicultural exchange gives insights into diverse societal perspectives influencing interpersonal skills such as communication, etiquette, creativity, adaptability, ideas, tolerance, negotiation, and cultural awareness. Essentially skills obtained from intercultural exchange are powerful in exposing one’s to different viewpoints and enhancing their overall competencies, such as diversity essential for employment. From a...

American Culture: Linguistics and Culture Review

Cultural universals are characteristics or traits shared by all societies worldwide. They include the institutions’ values, practices, and cultural patterns determined to exist across all people throughout space and time. Examples include performing activities such as singing, storytelling, and cooking (Woods, 2018). Some cultural universals, such as funeral rituals, take...

Aspects of the Environmental Activism

Introduction The environmental activism subculture is centered around ensuring the best outcomes for the environment. Members advocate for these interests through initiatives like informational campaigns, marches, lobbies, and peaceful protests. Its active expression of biospheric and altruistic values sets this group apart. The former values promote the interests of the...

The United States’ Cultural Profile

The USA, the second-largest country in the world, is made up of a mixture of massive urban centers and vast plains with few populations and stunning natural scenery. Likewise, the United States has a wide variety of cultures, and “Due to the large number of immigrants that make up the...

Multiculturalism and Power Dynamics

Introduction “It is a credit to Foua’s general equanimity, as well as her characteristic desire not to think ill of anyone, that although she found Lia’s birth a peculiar experience, she has few criticisms of the way the hospital handled it.” (Fadiman, 1999, Chapter 1) Discussion The quote is about...

Rituals and Cosmologies: The Role in Human Cultures

A ritual is a ceremonial act that has spiritual or religious significance. Rituals create cosmologies they enact in different ways; firstly, they promote a sense of cosmos and order by establishing recognizable patterns of behavior. Secondly, they foster community logic by uniting people with similar interests. Thirdly, the key moments...

The Role of Culture in Intelligence Development

Introduction Culture is a unique phenomenon impacting the life of every person. It can be determined as specific behavior patterns, beliefs, and views that are transmitted within a certain group (Cohen et al., 2022). For this reason, it influences all aspects of people’s functioning and abilities. Thus, when measuring individuals’...

Kanuri Culture and Nigerian Business Practices

African countries harbor a myriad of vast cultures whose exclusive aspects transform and define their nations. Nigeria is a country in West Africa with a one-of-a-kind collection of ethnic groups, business practices, and languages. The Kanuri culture, in particular, is a dominant culture occupying the country’s North-Eastern region. Nigerians have...

Culture and Humanities: Artwork and Its Author

Objects created by people do not always become culturally or historically significant. Nevertheless, there are many examples of man-made articles becoming ingrained in the culture as they incorporate the values of a particular place at a certain point in time (“What Are the Humanities?,” 2020). One such object is the...

Applications of Hofstede Cultural Dimensions

Introduction Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions theory is an outline established by Dutch management scholar Geert Hofstede to help students understand how different countries vary in culture. The dimensions are globally used to assist in good communication and politeness across communities with different beliefs in companies and mediation groups (Ferri 10). The...

Red Square and Lenin’s Mausoleum

The Red Square is one of the most memorable and impactful pieces of culture and architecture. It features a couple of rather interesting buildings, such as Lenin’s mausoleum and the GUM Department store. Surprisingly, the Red Square managed to preserve its relevance even during and after the Soviet era. Moreover,...

The Rite of Sun Dance: Ancient Native American Practice

The rite of the Sundance is an ancient Native American practice by the Lakota Sioux. It is a ceremonial dance done during summer at a Sun Dance gathering. The dance is a spiritual and cultural ceremony to strengthen their community and to give thanks to Mother Earth. They believe that...

Community of My Belonging: International Business Studies

In the modern world, globalization takes place at a rapid pace, affecting not only the economy and trade relations of countries but the lives of every separate individual. If communities were formed before based on straightforward interpretations of geography, ethnicity, race, and others, today, more and more people can find...