Forensic Psychology and Criminal Profiling

Abstract Criminal profiling and forensic psychology have become vital tools in solving mysteries of crimes for many law enforcement agencies across the world. Criminal profiling employs psychology to access the minds of offenders, bringing them to justice. This is based on the proposition that a criminal’s characteristics can be ascertained...

Stalking: Definition and Stages

Stalking can generally be defined as the repeated actions of an individual towards another; that brings or results in the feelings of being threatened in the person being stalked. This causes them to stay in fear of the harassment or retaliation for the rejection by the victim. The excessive flattering...

Policy Initiation and Policy Modification

Both policy initiation and modification serve a similar purpose – they are aimed at addressing health concerns that can be solved by implementing public policy. There are, however, significant differences between the two policymaking strategies. The former one is the development of an original law that passes through all phases...

China’s Political and Legal Environment

Political Environment With the opening of China’s operations amidst continuous reforms since 1978, the country, according to the World Bank, has moved to become the second-largest economy after the US-based on the purchasing power parity (PPP). Reforms in the political environment, as well as in the legal systems, have eased...

The Bank Robbery Crime Investigation

The robbery at the U.S. Bank, 1965 Diamond Blvd, requires thorough preliminary investigations to facilitate the identification of the prime suspect, and those may have helped him in his heinous activity. The initial step would involve identifying and effectively securing the crime scene. Although some officers had arrived at the...

Police Professionalism and Ethics of Policing

In many ways, modern law enforcement is experiencing an unprecedented crisis. With the attention of the general public now focused on the violations of officers and the systemic flaws of the structure itself now more then ever, the questions of what constitutes police professionalism and the ethics of modern policing....

Variance Analysis in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Chapter 12 of Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice examines a hypothesis-testing technique called “analysis of variance” (ANOVA) that can be used when the independent variable (IV) is categorical with three or more classes and the dependent variable is continuous. It tests statistics called “F statistics” due to its F...

The 1974 Copyright Regulations on Internet Videos

Introduction Copyrighting videos means claiming the ownership and protection of the idea and that when one shares it, no one can claim it as their own. In technical terms, the video is protected under intellectual property law. It gives exclusive rights to the video content, and other entities are restricted...

The Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III’s Criminal Case

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, six people were reported killed in Indianapolis by a 17-year-old man named Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III. According to media reports, the young man shot and killed his father, stepmother, two teenage relatives, and a pregnant 19-year-old woman expecting a baby soon (CNN, 2021). Given...

Hurst, Brook, and Solana: The Case Study

Hurst and Brook were two people in NewPort Beach, Orange County, California, who robbed a First National Bank. Later, the two men went to Arizona and divided the money. Hurst met his friend, Solana, in Arizona, and Brook was crossing the Mexican border. Hurst and Solana were both arrested because...

Black Letter Approach in Maritime Transportation Legal Research

Research purpose The key purpose of this research is to provide a critical interpretation of such concepts as laytime and its application to maritime law. It is necessary to focus on the following aspects: the commencement of laytime; demurrage claims, circumstances exempting from demurrage claims. There are three most important...

Research Methods in Criminal Justice & Security

Introduction Since criminology is scientific study of crimes and the behavior of criminals, effective scientific research methods are imperative to provide credible evidence to the justice system. The evidence must be valid and reliable to provide a basis of exonerating or incriminating suspects. Before 1960, criminology relied upon casual evidences...

Risk Management in Correctional Facilities

Abstract In any correctional facility, risk management is very important in ensuring safety and management of all potential risks. With a well-organized risk management unit, correctional facilities operate efficiently and hence serving the society adequately. However, in order to ensure that all risks are managed properly all stakeholders should participate...

Restorative Justice in the United Kingdom System

Introduction Restorative seeks to explore amicable ways of dealing with crime. This justice was provided for in the Crime and Disorder Act and it provides an opportunity for the offenders, the victims and the community as a whole to come together and derive a mediation strategy that ensures justice is...

Corrections and Prisoner Rights

Although individuals detained in prisons have limited civil rights in comparison to free citizens, they retain certain rights which are protected under various national state and federal laws. However, in most countries, violation of prisoners’ rights continues to be prevalent in institutions of rehabilitation and often go undetected and unpunished...

Characteristics and Aims of the Criminal Justice System

According to a studies done by a researcher Herbert packer from Stanford University, there are two prime models that represent two systems that compete for the right values that ought to be considered within a criminal justice system. These are the due process model and the crime control model both...

Criminology as a Science: Cause and Effect

Introduction Criminology is a study of the nature and degree of the problem of crime in society. For years criminologists have been trying to unravel criminal behavior. Most of the studies in modern study of criminology in efforts to comprehend criminal behavior, what origin it and how it can be...

Parole Office’s Work Environment and Ethical Dilemma

Analysis of Work Environment ​Professional issues According to Gregory (2010), the professional roles of a parole officer are to manage the cases of clients with different health issues. A study by Gregory (2010) established that professionalism entails the supervision of clients to ensure public safety. The professional parole officer dealing...

Criminal Behavior Theories and Contributing Factors

Introduction Crime, as it is known, is a social phenomenon that accompanies the humanity for as long as there is society itself. In the world, there is a certain evolution of criminogenic factors, both socio-economic and socio-cultural. For example, the first ones include the general tendency of the uneven distribution...

Youth Crime Prevention and Needs Assessment

The target population will include students from different schools regardless of their age, sex, and ethnicity. The total number of respondents is estimated to be 60 people. This amount of respondents seems to be appropriate to make relevant conclusions and suggest the corresponding recommendations to enhance the situation with juvenile...

Profiling Approaches in Investigative Psychology

A common technique used in modern law enforcement is offender profiling. Driven by the use of investigative tools, evidence, and data, forensics can provide characteristics which can aid in the identification, apprehension, and conviction of an offender. While it is less common that a specific perpetrator is identified, criminal profiling...

Gary Ridgway: The Green River Killer

Introduction Laws of their specific countries govern all native citizens; failure to abide by them may lead to punishment (Ruggiero, 2021). However, despite the strict measures against law-breaking, there are still natives partaking in a continuous law-breaking behavior. An example of these natives is the group of serial killers who...

Crime and Factors Influencing It

Gender Ratio Problem This problem describes one of the phenomena often observed in society regarding the number of crimes committed by people. As statistics show, there are significant gender differences since men commit much more crimes than women. This statement is true for almost any society and all types of...

Notion of Evil and Media Influence on Public’s View on Serial Murder

Being an “evil” person is different from simply being “bad”. Evil is unforgivable, while “badness” is expected to be found in many (Hickey, 2010). Fictional media, such as Friday the 13th, Saw, Scream, and other horror films, reminded society that evil resides nearby. However, the media has also gradually introduced...

The Lucy v. Zehmer Court Case Review

The court case Lucy v. Zehmer, ruled by Judge Buchanan, reviewed the legality of the Ferguson Farm selling contract between Mr. Lucy and Mr. Zehmer. In the court, Zehmer contended that an important contractual element was missing – his mental assent due to the inebriation of both parties. During the...

Examples of Legal and Ethical Conduct

Legal behavior refers to actions and decisions that conform to the general laws or regulations prescribed by the government, while ethical conduct aligns with a person’s beliefs and values. Thus, the former delineates the minimum threshold of demeanor expected of everyone for the maintenance of social order, whereas the latter...

Strain Theory Explaining Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction The strain theory investigates the correlation between the stressors of everyday life and the impact they may have on individuals, pushing them to commit a crime. Juvenile delinquency is a sensitive topic, and the strain theory perfectly explains the cause of crimes amongst the youngest members of society (Chen...

The Effectiveness and Importance of Byelaws

Introduction By definition, byelaws are laws or provisions passed by the local government or authorities. Primarily, they are passed by the local authorities with the objective of solving or preventing the occurrence of certain issues (Keene 2002). The authority of state law, charter or provincial, specifies the concerns which may...

Explaining Concepts of Forensic Accounting

Forensic accounting refers to the branch of accounting that deals with integrates legal practice in investigations and auditing. The standards for forensic accounting are thus derived from the law and they give this practice its law definition. The major advantage of forensic accounting is in its role in detecting fraud...

Timeline: History of Corrections

Introduction Crime and punishment was a major concern for people throughout history and since the establishment of social life. The earliest story of crime and its punishment can be referred to as the biblical story of Adam and Eve, and the story of Cain and Abel. Throughout history, the law...

Pursuing Criminal Justice Through Effective Organizational Behavior

Introduction More than just enforcing the law and reducing crime, criminal justice agencies are faced with gargantuan challenges in the modern age that it needs develop salient functions in order to achieve their goals and be effective as an organization. Apart from protecting people from crime, their activities now reflect...

Technology-Based Crime and Its Management

In the modern world of science and technology, new developments and advancements have changed the life and style of living tremendously. The world is very much complicated and the dramatic advancements in technology have added vigor to the life today. However, there is an opposite side to the same advancements...

Chapter 1-2 of “Are Prisons Obsolete?” by A. Davis

Prisons are a seemingly inevitable part of contemporary life. From a historical perspective, they make an impression of a plausible tradeoff between the cruel and barbaric punishments of the past and the need to detain individuals that pose a danger to our society. However, the penitentiary system still harbors a...

Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union

The impetus for the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU) organizing effort at SGA Industries The fact that the union experienced earlier defeat in the representation campaign has become the impetus for launching the organizing effort at SGA. Organizing effort stands for the intention to organize non-unionized workers to...

Community Policing Impact on Juvenile Delinquents

Abstract The current research dwells on the prevalence of delinquent behavior in teenagers residing in Columbia County, GA. The researcher effectively addressed the issues inherent in the concept of community policing and identified several programs that may help throughout the process of mitigating the occurrence rate of delinquencies. Moreover, the...

Case of the Killer Robot: Ethical and Legal Issues

The fictitious Case of the Killer Robot is the platform for determining ethical choices in designing machines. There is the major dilemma between the implementation of the program, machine or robot, and the ethics behind it. This paper is to assess the stakeholders’ points of view, facts, ethical and legal...

Principles of Forensic Toxicology

Introduction Forensic toxicology is the scientific study of the identification of drugs, poisons, chemicals, and metals that are present in the fluids and tissues of an organism. Forensic toxicology represents their various uses as well as their importance. These include the following issues. Uses forensic toxicology Forensic toxicology helps investigate...

Shoplifting: a Crime of Convenience

Abstract A limited, simple observation study was completed as a portion of a psychology major course requirement toward the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. The observation study was conducted over a period of six hours in an open-air market at the vacation destination location of Key West, Florida,...

Crime Commission: Legal and Social Perspectives

Introduction Crime or criminal activities are intentional in most cases. However, accidental cases of crime have also occurred in the past where an individual has no express intention of committing a crime. When committed intentionally, varied reasons may be given by the defendant or their accomplices as what led to...

Female Serial Killers and Their Key Features

Introduction The phenomenon of female serial killers is a rare process that is widely used to research different aspects of criminology and psychology from the gender perspective. There are different reasons for women to commit crimes, but they can be both similar and different from males’ reasons. Female serial killers...

Landmark Court Cases in Digital Communication

Introduction The landmark cases have established a continuous influence on our laws and future cases today. The cases entail court cases that are studied as they have legal and historical importance. A landmark decision establishes a substantial new legal concept or principle or transforms the interpretation of current law. The...

Family’s Role in Juvenile Delinquency Policy Change

Abstract The given exploratory paper is devoted to the policy change regarding families and the role they play in the juvenile delinquency sphere. It outlines the central causes that might precondition the emergence of negative effects and deteriorate relations between parents and children. They are discussed from the social perspective...

Critique of Negotiation Theory. Distributive Bargaining

Introduction Since disputes and conflicts are an integral part of a given society, they have led to development of various negotiation theories in a bid to ease their resolution. Resolution of conflicts and disputes is a process that requires strategies and tactics to enhance fair settlements and satisfaction of the...

New Jersey v. Tracy Lois Odem Lawsuit Analysis

Introduction T.L.O, whose real name is Tracy Lois Odem was a teenager and a student in high school. She was suspected of dealing with drugs by the school administration. Upon searching for her, a list containing students’ who owed her money was found in her purse, along with cigarettes and...

Political and Social Deviant Behavior Concepts

The use of political influence to gain material wealth is similar to the use of unfair means to obtain, maintain and increase political power in that they both involve the elite. The biggest similarity between the two is that they are both forms of political deviance. Further, the use of...

Halfway Houses in the Community-Based Correction System: Issues, Challenges

Introduction In the recent past, there has been a remarkable growth in the development of community-based correctional programs for criminal offenders. Although halfway houses have been in existence for a long time, the interest in the use of these facilities has escalated since the mid-20th century. Currently, the category of...

“Our Blind Spot About Guns” by Baron

In “Our blind spot about guns,” Kristof (2019) argues that gun regulations are less strict than those imposed on cars and that changing the matter would save lives. In “Don’t make English official – Ban it instead,” Baron (2019) offers to make the English language illegal as an unusual way...

The Requirements of a Valid Contract

Introduction Business environment requires a sound legal system which defines the relationship that exists between different parties. According to Whincup (2006, p. 89), a business unit cannot operate in an environment that lacks a clear legal system which would help dictate the way business units should relate. This scholar says...

Aspects of Crime Behavior

Crime is a behavior involving the forceful and cunning acquisition of resources by an individual or a gang from other people. From the legal perspective, committing a crime entails ignorance while acting on forbidden affairs, and such omissions are punishable. Majorly, harmful practices, including murder, rape, driving while drunk, burglary,...

Shared Responsibility for Victims

Traditionally, it is believed that victims of any crime are innocent people who have been unjustly wronged or afflicted by a perpetrator; however, many criminologists and lawyers believe that they may also bear responsibility for their misfortunes. In other words, they could have avoided the crime but did not do...

Victimization Prevention is an Effective Tool Against Crime

Introduction The focus on victimization prevention will help the criminal justice system and the crime victims to reduce the number of abuses and crimes that take place in the local community. Victimization prevention is an effective tool against crime as it helps potential crime victims to adapt their behavior patterns...

Civil Law, Common Law & Islamic Law System

Introduction Executive Summary Law is defined as a system of rules that guide people in a society on how to relate with each other and are usually enforced by predetermined institutions. In this research paper, three types of law systems are handled; Civil law, Common law and Islamic law. All...

A Practical Report on DNA Fingerprinting

Introduction DNA fingerprinting also known as DNA testing, profiling or testing is used to identify individuals based on their DNA profiles. Although sequences of DNA are commonly found in human beings, profiling of DNA uses variable repeat sequences otherwise known as (VNTR). DNA fingerprinting is applied in some areas which...

Effect of the Law on the Human Resources Process

Introduction The success of an organization is largely dependent on forces external to it and operating in a global external environment. For the effective implementation of managerial functions, it is necessary to understand the effect of these forces. Organizations have to adapt to changes in the environment and accordingly adjust...

Restorative Justice as an Approach to Justice

Introduction Restorative justice as an approach to justice that seeks to repair the harm done by the offense rather than punishment or incarceration. It emphasizes the offender’s accountability, his or her, as well as the victim’s, involvement in the community. Furthermore, this approach seeks to rehabilitate and reintegrate the offender...

The Doodler. Criminal Analysis

The Doodler, who is also known as Black Doodler, was a serial killer of the 1970s. He killed his victims near the Ocean Beach area by stabbing them multiple times, both from the back and front. His targets were exclusively gay men, whom he met at the local bars and...

Labeling Theory and Critical Criminology: Sociological Research

Theories that define why some members of society break laws and others never move in such direction are spread among multiple disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, and criminology. All of these theories seek for understanding of the motivational factors of crime and claim that deviance significantly impacts it. Giddens et...

Juvenile Delinquency Prevention in Our Community

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a legal term used to describe children or adolescent behavior that would otherwise be termed as criminal in a court of law if done by adults. In our community, children are mostly associated with theft, truancy, and general disobedience while rape and other violent behaviors are...

Terri Schiavo Medical Ethics Case

The relevant medical facts contributing to Ms. Schiavo’s condition While the case of Terri Schiavo remains disturbing, it was one of the most litigated medical cases in history, which focused on medicine, ethics, law and the role of the family in decision-making. Many case studies have claimed that all the...

Stealing Money From Corporations

Stealing money from corporations affects the financial sector of the business and economy and reflects the ethical issues of the act. There are ethical issues that appear as an excuse for people to steal money from corporations. However, it raises concerns about the limits to theft. Many people wonder if...

Offender Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Introduction The current expansive imprisonment policies led to the mass incarceration of criminals in the United States. Due to the criminalization of illegal drug use and possession, followed by lengthy prison sanctions, the number of incarcerated people increased dramatically, which caused a significant impact on society. The US criminal justice...

Identifying Strategic, Tactical and Administrative Crime Analysis

Introduction Crime is a collective concept, a social phenomenon that includes a set of various acts of individual criminal behavior. It is characteristic for crime to overcome these unique traits and a sign common to all prohibited acts, the totality of which defines its concept. The success of the fight...

Social Stereotypes: Unconscious Biases

Definition and Meaning Every person may have prejudices during their life – both negative and positive. These biases affect how people see the world, and many of them are conscious or explicit, but many unconscious or hidden biases affect our thoughts, decisions, and actions, while individuals are not aware of...

The Dudley and Stephens Lifeboat Case

Dudley and Stephens lifeboat incident is a famous criminal case where Dudley and Stephens killed Parker, a young man, to save themselves from starvation. The two sailors alongside Brooks and Parker faced a storm and were trapped in a boat in the deep sea for weeks without water and food....

Fazio v. Speedy Delivery Company’s Business Tort Case

Introduction A business tort is one of the most complicated and controversial realms of Corporate and Business Law, implying that one party committed wrongs against others who consequently suffer particular harm. In the case of Fazio v. Speedy Delivery Company, Fazio experienced physical damage because of the accident caused by...

An Analysis of the Theory of Self-Control by Hirschi and Gottfredson

Over the years, researchers and experts have developed numerous theories to explain negative phenomena which occur in societies. The self-control theory of crime proposed by Travis Hirschi and Michael Gottfredson seeks to utilize a general approach to the nature of all criminal acts. It is essential to possess an in-depth...

The Pros and Cons of Restorative Justice Model

Restorative justice means a form of justice system which sees crime as an interference with community harmony and relationships and thus should be dealt with in the community through involvement of the victim, community as a whole, and the offender. Restorative justice is a strong model of justice due to...

Legislation Issues: Limiting Photocopy Costs

There are three main branches of the US government, executive, legislative, and judicial. All three branches have their responsibilities and powers that influence each other and depend on each other. The legislative branch, namely Congress, prepares bills and laws; that’s why Congress will be the first to consider this legislation...

Grimshaw vs. Ford Motor Company: Ethical Analysis

Lily Grey who was aged about fifty two was on her just six-month old Ford Pinto in May, 1972. While crossing San Bernardino, her Pinto abruptly stopped in the middle lane of Interstate of California. Her Pinto was dashed by another car that trailed her car on the highway. Due...

Corporate Crime: Understanding and Explaining

Introduction Corporate scandals have become the stories behind many a company’s downfall1 and Corporate governance reforms throughout the world were triggered by the scandals which rocked the corporate world (Yang, 2006, p.75). Corporate crime in UK On December 23rd, a few activists who were harassing and blackmailing the employees of...

The Comfort and Luxury of Prison Life

Introduction A prison refers to an institution often run by the government where persons who have committed crimes are confined and deprived of their freedom and liberty to a certain extent. Such persons are confined therein for specific durations of time as prescribed by law depending on the crimes they...

The Constitution as the Fundamental Law

Constitution A constitution is a document that contains a set of laws formulated to govern a nation or an organization. The laws are based on agreements that the members of the society consent to; it defines the members’ rights and privileges and the mode of administration (Munro 3). A constitution...

Implementation of Community Policing

Introduction Insecurity and crime are some of the problems affecting many societies across the globe. Such challenges have informed the development of criminal justice systems. Such frameworks are designed in such a way that they can detect criminals and crimes. Culprits are usually arrested, tried, and charged by their offenses....

Modern Internet and Copyright Arguments

Firstly, Google’s idea of digitizing print media is understandable in motivation and laudable in its intentions. Google will take a massive step towards the victory over information discrimination, allowing people to know their rights. It will bring a lot of individuals with their unique store of knowledge to society. Secondly,...

The Fixed-Price Contract: Advantages & Disadvantages

Such contracts are often criticized because they have a little formal incentive for the contractor to control expenses, as they are paid regardless of the final price. Moreover, the final cost of such a contract is not guaranteed. In addition, there is a problem with a limited number of contractors...

Is Equality Act 2010 Equal Enough for the Workplace?

Introduction Employment law is a broad branch of law that determines how employers and employees are protected. It regulates the hiring and firing of employees’ wages, shapes the moral standards enshrined in law, and deals with cases involving beliefs and free speech in the workplace. Employment law is designed to...

Aaron Hernandez’s Murder Trial

Introduction In the history of prosecutions in the United States, Mr. Hernandez’s murder trial elucidated mixed reactions from the public. The former football star for the New England Patriots was accused of killing his long-time friend Odin Lloyd whose body was found near his home with gunshots in June 2013...

The Judicial Review Process and the UK Constitution

Any judicial decision, including a verdict, represents the opinion and conclusions of a person, even if one has a special judicial authority, special status, and exceptional competence. Therefore, on the one hand, the criminal procedural system cannot fail to take into account at the institutional level that, by its very...

Kids Behind Bars: Analysis of Film

Summary People can commit crimes at any point in their life, even when they are young and have not reached legal age. At the same time, both children and adults are capable of severe actions, which can guarantee them a life sentence in prison. Kids Behind Bars is a documentary...

Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages

In some circumstances, a patient may be enduring painful suffering from a terminal disease. Assuming the likelihood of the illness being treated to free the individual from the agony is zero, the client may choose to allow the doctor to intentionally end his life. The act by which a physician...

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray

Abstract Medical Malpractice Lawsuit People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray presents a case of medical malpractice. The paper discusses the allegations which were made in the case, evidence presented, defense argument, punishment awarded to Dr. Murray and whether the situation could have been avoided. Introduction The legal case concerning the Michael...

The Future of Private Security

Introduction Security involves the protection of property, persons, as well as the deterrence of crimes within society as prescribed by law. For a very long time, the issue of security has been a duty of the government towards its people through the police as the main players who provide security...

Correlation Between Poverty and Juvenile Delinquency

Crime significantly impacts the standard of life across the world. A case study of the United States reveals that crime has grown into a very expensive venture. There are myriads of social costs incurred by both individuals and government agencies in combating crime. Before the onset of the last decade,...

Sexual Abuse and Different Factors of Rape

Definition of rape There are several definitions of rape that vary in different states. However, in most cases rape is defined as forced sexual contact.Generally, during rape the victim is forced, constrained or is manipulated into sexual abuse by a stranger, a partner or even a friend. It is an...

Sexual Assault: Criminology

The Definition of Rape Researchers stress that the prevalence of rape culture leads to the increasing rate of this type of sexual assault worldwide. There have been several definitions of rape throughout the centuries. The word originates from the Latin word rapere, which means “to take by force” (as cited...

Handwriting Analysis: History, the US Law

Introduction From the ancient days of antiquity to the present days of technological advancement crime has been part of the major social ill. It is through the development of this ill that experts have been brought on board to combat the increasing trend as well as ensure that the perpetrators...

Integrity as a Key Value: Criminology and War

Integrity is included into the list of the LEADRSHIP values, which exist to direct military servicemembers toward an appropriate conduct. Integrity can be defined as being honest and morally correct despite any difficulties or consequences that might result from following legal and moral principles (Walklate & McGarry, 2016). This definition...

Causes the Murder and Homicide

Introduction Murder as well as homicide is one of the most serious violent crimes that often has detrimental effects for all stakeholders involved. Clearly, it is essential to understand what causes the crime to be able to prevent it. Numerous theories explaining the nature and causes of different crimes exist....

Doctrine of Confidential Information: Professor Peres’ Case

Background Professor Peres is an employee of a university. He gives a one-hour guest lecture to a local business enterprise group on the enterprise’s premises. Peres’ lecture is based on his research and notes and he gives out a written summary of his notes to the attendees after the lecture....

DNA Retention: Advantages and Disadvantages for DNA Collection

During the last decade, DNA samples have become a popular tool of criminologists to find and prove the criminal behavior of an individual. The FBI collected DNA in its agency since 1990 (Siegal et al 2000). The FBI professionals suppose that DNA analysis allows finding a partially individual and there...

Victimology: Individuals & Terms as They Relate to the Study

Menachem Amir Menachem Amir is best known for his controversial and sensational study of rape. He collected huge data from the police achieves and reported that out of the total number of rape committed about 19% was induced or provoked by the victim herself and the victim participated in the...

Smoking Ban in Bars and Restaurants

The smoking ban in bars and restaurants law took effect in New York in the year 2003. The law stated that there was no one who was supposed to light a cigar, pipe or a cigarette in a café, restaurant or bar but anyone who wished to do so was...

Criminal Justice Leadership: Challenges in the Present and Improving for the Future

Introduction As fast-paced times brought in numerous technological innovations in the modern world, crime, drugs, violence, terrorism and other types of social malaise still remains to be a problem like in the past. Worse, new and modern types of misdemeanors have sprouted like cybercrime, organized crime and many more that...

Fair Trade: Japan – Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages

Facts The World Trade Organization indicted Japan for what it described as a violation of the internal taxation and regulations as stipulated in the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 1994. Japan had pledged to synchronize the Liquor Tax Law to comply with the World Trade Organization’s requirements. The World...

Children Labor in Sweatshops

Introduction Contemporary discussions on global labor practices often feature sweatshops and child workforce. Opponents advocate for stricter regulations against the use of child labor in sweatshops (factories) run by multinational firms or outsourced to subcontractors in developing economies. On the other hand, economists contend that sweatshops help developing nations expand...

Concept of Natural Legal Crime

Our legal system is set up with the innate goal to protect, as the old adage goes, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As citizens of this country we put our faith in the system and trust that the laws are based on rationale and justice and exist to...

Legislative Requirements for Recruitment and Selection

Introduction When an organization seeks to accomplish its goals of performance excellence and competitive advantage, it is only natural that it should pay particular attention to the selection of qualified professionals as employees. Indeed, in the contemporary world of competitive economies and innovative organizations, human resources and talent are regarded...

Offender Profiling in Apprehending Serial Killers

Introduction Crime prevention is one of the most prioritized objectives of law enforcement organizations globally. From these considerations, offender profiling or investigative analysis of the criminal’s behavior is an effective method of predicting the offender’s future actions (Canter and Youngs, 2003). This approach is particularly beneficial in apprehending serial killers,...

Criminal Profiling: Pros and Cons

Criminal profiling is the process of forming a psychological “portrait” of the offender based on the available information about the crime, such as the location, the identity of the victim, and other various features. The criminal’s identity is manifested in the peculiarities of their behavior, and the profiling process is...

Chapter 5 of Research Methods by Maxfield & Babbie

Maxfield, M. G., & Babbie, E. R. (2018). Chapter 5: Concepts, operationalization, and management. In Research Methods for criminal justice and criminology, 8th Ed. Cengage. Web. The chapter is devoted to measuring the characteristics of a neighborhood, which is the primary step to identifying its possible relation to the crime...

Criminological Theories on Community-Based Rehabilitation

Theory Social control is a multifaceted phenomenon that entails community structures and institutions that influence human behavior. Over the decades, different scholars carried out research studies to establish the various elements that compose the phenomenon. Other scholars focused on the ways that the components influence character. Hirschi (2017) argues that...

American Football League v. National Football League Case

Case Summary American Football League vs. National Football League, 205 F. Supp. 60 (D. Md. 1962) The American Football league, abbreviated as AFL, filed a lawsuit against the national football league (NFL) on the grounds of the Anti-Trust Act breach. The AFL sought to get injunctive relief and recover damages...

Constructive Eviction and the Implied Warranty of Habitability

Introduction The case scenario includes Steve, who is renting a property from Billy and faces the issue with the non-compliant renting conditions and negligence of the house owner. As such, this situation resulted in a leg injury because of the unfixed stairs, as well as the broken heater, which was...

How Education in Prisons Help Inmates Rehabilitate

Criminal justice presupposes punishments for committing offenses, which include isolation of recidivists from society. However, the more time people spend in places with minimal contact with the outside world and access to resources, the less they will be able to adapt back to normal lawful life. Many ex-prisoners struggle with...

The Relationship Between Education and Recidivism

Introduction Training and the learning or academic programs have been there in prisons for a long time. These programs were developed in America because prisons have been in existence there for a long period of time. In this annotated bibliography, different research are analyzed to determine whether inmates who engage...

Prenuptial Agreements and Islamic Women’s Rights in the US and UK

Introduction The practice of prenuptial agreements is common among Islamic marriages for marriage contracts protect a woman’s right during wedlock. The Islamic family law serves as an international family law among Muslim marriages around the globe but agreements drafted out in marriage contracts must be in line with the local...

Reflection on Juvenile Case

Summary Juvenile courts have been in existence for many years handling cases that involve children under the age of 18 who are convicted of committing various crimes. The courts remain vital in addressing errant children; thus, there is a need for making the judicial system better so that it continues...

Criminal Justice Systems

Introduction Criminal justice systems denote groups of organizations and procedures embedded in countries’ constitutions to control and prevent their citizens from breaking the law. The systems also propose punishments for lawbreakers. However, a person who may be charged with breaking the law is considered to be innocent until proven guilty....

Duties of Directors Overview and Analysis

Introduction Given the diversity of shareholders who are the owners of limited companies and their large numbers, it is prudential that few people are given the mandate of running the day-to-day affairs of these corporations. Shareholders, therefore, employ managers and choose directors who are responsible for decisions about how the...

Different Perspectives of Viewing Crime

Crime should not be taken to refer to some obvious act of commission or omission. Normally, the mention of the word crime brings to mind the image of some deranged character or some fanatical fundamentalist group(s) out to cause some social, political and economic havoc by way of stealing, killing,...

Women in the Workplace

The modern society is characterized by the increasing extent of globalization. The concept of globalization refers to the “intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa” (Giddens, 1990, p.64). This process...

The Use of the Internet to Solve Crimes

Introduction Law enforcement agencies have in the recent past turned to using the internet as a way of solving crimes. This has been accelerated by the increased rate of online as well as complicated crimes that are taking place. Internet use as a way of solving crime has also been...

The Victims of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the illegal transportation of individuals through coercion and force for sexual exploitation, forced labor, and organ harvesting. The practice has been part of society for many centuries going back before the slave trade (Attwood, 2019). Most of the victims of human trafficking are young boys and girls...

Ted Bundy: Social Behavior of the Serial Killer

The early stages of a person’s life are a great determinant of the kind of life the person lives in adulthood. A person who enjoys an uneventful childhood is likely to have a normal adult life. On the other hand, a person who is exposed to tumultuous conditions in his/her...

Criminals: Are There More Men or Women?

Introduction Criminality seems to be an inseparable part of humankind’s history, which has been inextricably linked to human activity for centuries. As soon as primitive people mastered the tools, they began to use them for creativity and the deliberate killing of their tribesmen. The history of crime has many of...

Bribery as a Crime

Introduction Bribery is a crime which consists in payments provided by some people (officials, ordinary people, or business owners) to others that make decisions concerning some important and, usually profitable projects in order to get more profit, get a more profitable project, win the bidding for a certain project under...

Code of Professional Responsibility for Lawyers

Introduction Professional ethics is that code of conduct, which various professions have to observe primarily with themselves and the public in general. Code of ethics, which has to be observed primarily with themselves, with the public at large, with their clients and courts during the period of their profession, is...

Prison Reform in the US Criminal Justice System

Working Thesis Statement Prison reform should be implemented through ensuring public safety, improve the circumstances of incarceration to create a constructive culture, and develop a model to incentivize behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles conducive to personal self-control and responsibility. Working Draft The topic of prison reform has been highly debated as...

Chapter 9 of “Criminology Today” by Schmalleger

The chapter 9 “Social Conflict Theories” describes the following analytical perspectives on law and social order. The consensus perspective revolves around the statement that the majority of society members have the same assumptions on the right and the wrong, and people collaborate to achieve some greater good. The pluralistic perspective...

Procedural and Distributive Justice

It is impossible to maintain the proper state of human society without justice. As for the latter, it has a variety of definitions; nevertheless, in a general sense, it can be regarded as the use of principles allowing to give people everything that they deserve and prevent depriving people of...

Bangladesh and the US: Working Conditions Comparison

Introduction Every country has well-defined working conditions. The implementation and adherence of the set labor rules determine the nature of economic growth and development. Labor is a very important factor of production, hence the great need for governments to regulate working terms by introducing policies and rules that employers must...

Concepts of Law Enforcement: Pursuing Criminal Justice

Law-enforcement practices can be traced back to the year 1016 when King William attacked and conquered England. His ruling style was oppressive and never considered people’s right to freedom. The king partitioned England into military areas and assigned each area an officer, who could control it. In addition to these...

The Issue of Overcrowding in the Prison System

Introduction Overcrowding in prison is where the number of convicts in a nation exceeds the capability of its jails. When charged, criminals get a penalty that consists of a set duration of time before being discharged. Other reasons for discharge might include a legislative release, old age, or a medical...

The Role of Social Seclusion and Economic Marginalization in Crime

Introduction High rates of crimes and violent activities are becoming a dire threat to the population worldwide. With rapid population growth and challenging economic times in society, criminologists have difficulty controlling crimes leading to extensive studies on the significant causes of crimes. Crime causative factors include social seclusion, economic marginalization,...

Aspects of Crime Against Morality

Men’s rea can be described as a mental element of a crime or conscious planning or intent (Dressler 23). Actus reus is the guilt act prohibited by the law (Dressler 23). Every criminal offense should have both actus reus and men’s rea as two critical components comprising the given phenomenon....

The Russian Federation Constitution’s Features

Introduction The Russian Federation Constitution was adopted by a national referendum on 12th December 1993. The Constitution’s creation involved drafting from the constitutional conference that more than 800 participants attended. In most cases, Anatoly Sobchak, Sergei Alexeyev, and Sergey Shakhray are considered the Constitution’s initial co-authors. After its formation, it...

Classification of Legal and Illegal Drugs

Drugs pose a significant risk to the health of an individual mainly because of the chemical compounds used during manufacturing. In this case, it is important to classify drugs based on the chemical composition due to the relational risks and impact. Researchers argue that there is a significant possibility of...

The Importance of Creating a Will

Creating a will is an important step that every person should consider taking. Besides it being a safe way to ensure one’s property and assets are taken care of, a will helps a person decide who can be the legal guardian of their children. A trust can take care of...

Diversion Programs for Juveniles and First-Time Adult Offenders

Summary Many teenagers in today’s generation participate in risky activities, make poor decisions, and are affected by peer pressure. Thus, several young people can engage in various immoral behaviors such as robbery and drug abuse. Although police arrests are frequent among adolescents, most of them are not arrested after committing...

Digital Forensic Examination of Counterfeit Documents

Introduction A concerned citizen has contacted the police regarding the selling of counterfeit public documents. He told the police that he was going to the state residents to apply for a driver’s license. When he was almost reaching the office, he was approached by a man who told him he...

Enron Corporation’s Scandal: White-Collar Crime

Enron Corporation’s Scandal: The Apex of Corporate Fraud An accounting scandal that shook the corporate world, Enron Corporation’s white-collar crime saw the downfall of one of the world’s most illustrious companies. Headquartered in Houston and operating expansive natural gas transference systems in North America, Enron had established itself as a...

Prisoner Re-Entry into the Community

Introduction The return of ex-offenders into the community and their establishment in society is one of the correction system’s critical challenges. The rate of re-entry success depends on various factors and is associated with particular risks and issues. This paper aims to discuss the problems that might occur during the...

Legal Aspects of Health Care Management

The Doctrine of informed consent The doctrine of informed consent is related to the concept of self-sufficient authorization of medication by a physician. A legally informed consent should be obtained prior to a medical process in order to relocate the consent in the context of institutional and social rules (Pozgar,...

Case: Evaluation of Ethical Dilemmas in Microsoft

Acting either ethically or unethically has consequences. Businesses need to rationalize and analyze the driving force behind their decisions to ensure they can maximize profits using ethical models. Oracle Corporation and Group International are facing accusations of having used unethical means to achieve their objectives. During Microsoft’s antitrust trial, Microsoft...

Managing Crime and Deviance at Public Events and Public Venues

Introduction One of the greatest challenges in the world today is the problem of insecurity. This problem is gradually getting out of hand because of an increasing number of criminal cases. Crime can be defined as “the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such...

Victim Impact Statement Benefits for Different Parties

Introduction A Victim Impact Statement (VIS) is a statement made by victims of crime after the defendant has been convicted and is to be sentenced, regarding the financial, psychological, social, and medical effects of crime on the victims. It is among the initiatives endorsed by President Reagan’s task force on...

The Rates of Crimes in America

It has become a rather normal phenomenon to hear cases of rape, robbery, arson, vehicle theft, etc in the neighborhood. American neighborhoods have become breeding grounds for professional robbers, serial rapists, burglars, etc. Despite large budgetary allocations by the government on the fight against crime, the rate of crime is...

Copyright Infringement in Music and Film Industry

Introduction Copyrights are legal frameworks that allow access to exclusive control and ownership of work in music and film industry. Such statutory provisions seek to govern commercial aspects such as sharing, distribution, reproduction, and sale of artworks (Levitt 2). Under this legal framework, artists and custodians of artwork get an...

Civil vs. Criminal Law and Differences Between Them

People are governed by laws that are either set by the community or the state. In many cases criminal law is the most common type of law that people are familiar with. There is another type of law called the civil law, which is not known to many people. But...

Russian Organized Crime: History & Personalities

Introduction Developed and developing countries have not only experienced economic and social stability but they also have to deal with a well-organized gang of criminals who are out to exploit every opportunity in the world to benefit in monetary terms using systematic criminal means. Organized crime has always had several...

Workplace Harassment Summarizing of Culpable Behavior

Introduction The employee Giovanna has been harassing another worker Carole during the job process. The former regularly makes belittling and derogatory comments in front of their workgroup. The actions made by Giovanna are leading to Carole’s chronic stress and are taking a significant toll on her mental health. As a...

Ancient Mayan and the Modern Criminal Justice Systems

In human understanding, justice and law mean respect for rights and, therefore, is the result of progressive evolution. Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, natural law, religion, fairness and objectivity, and punishing violations of relevant social norms. The laws of the ancient peoples like Maya...

The Importance of Criminal Justice Practitioners

Introduction Criminal justice usually seizes public intrigue in relation to high-profile cases and their media representation. However, people working in the legal system also help to regulate day-to-day activities of people. Criminal justice professionals are an integral part to the prosperity and stability of any nation. The government grants citizens...

Juvenile Delinquency Project: Trends and Theories

Abstract Juvenile delinquency has been an issue of major concern not only to Americans but also to other societies. A number of studies have been carried out to examine the reasons that drive young people to engage in delinquent and criminal behaviors. This paper aims to discuss the historical, contemporary,...

The Role of the Criminal Justice Administrator

The criminal justice administration in the courts plays many roles one of them being to ensure that justice is passed to a criminal in accordance with the Constitution and existing federal and state laws. This always entails the assessment of the available evidence obtained by the police and other law...

The Rule of Law vs. Obedience to Law

Rule of law is different from obedience to laws. This means that what is legal is not necessarily moral to be obeyed. It is however the nature of laws to expect to be observed or obeyed but there are requirements before they could become as such. These laws need to...

Disaster Operations and Decision Making

Normal Decision Making Versus Crisis Decision Making One of the main differences between normal and crisis decision-making is that the emergency response process involves a wide variety of personnel and agencies (Huder, 2012). The video by Aksecmiami (2013) indicates that, in an emergency, “the federal government interfaces with state, local,...

Sexting in Teenagers: Legal Perspective in Canada

Introduction Sexting is a recent phenomenon when people send sexually explicit texts, pictures, and videos via text messages. Even though it may be argued that sexting is a healthy way of expressing one’s sexuality and fulfilling one’s needs, the normalcy of the phenomenon might be compromised when minors are involved....