Employee Termination: The Employment Law

Introduction Labor laws in the United States are aimed at protecting the rights of employees and employers. They prohibit discrimination and harassment based on factors such as age, ethnicity, and gender. There are procedures that should be followed when discharging an employee, and this depends on whether they are employed...

Impact of Environmental Law on Businesses

Introduction The legal environment is one of the most important external environmental factors that dictate the operations of a firm. Business units cannot operate in an environment that does not have clearly defined laws that govern their trade and relationship with other entities. The laws are made to help regulate...

Prisons and the Different Security Levels

Prisons are differentiated with regard to the extent of security, including supermax, maximum, medium, and minimum levels. Prisoners experience different degrees of freedom depending on the prison they are placed in. The security level of a prison also determines whether inmates are isolated or interact amongst themselves and with visitors....

Theories of Law: Legal Moralism

Legal Moralism refers to the law’s propensity to legitimately prohibit individual behaviors that are inconsistent with the collective moral judgments held by a society. The individual behaviors need not be injurious to any other person in the community, but could be outside the established morals in a society. Accordingly, the...

The U.S. Antitrust Law and Economics

Abstrac The US antitrust law is a set of laws governing the business industry (Hyton 2003). The goal of these laws is to enhance reasonable competition through agreements among customers, suppliers, or competitors (Hyton 2003). These laws thus protect all the parties involved in business activities from unfair competition, violation...

Criminal Justice Technology

Introduction Advances in criminal justice technology is one of the most important factors that assists law enforcing agencies as well as service providers to enhance safety and give critical lifesaving assistance to victims of crime. Hence, it is worth noting that embracing modern technology in the cranial justice system is...

Critical Review of a Shoplifting Study

Introduction The critique will start with an analysis of the research problem and purpose of the research. Thereafter, an analysis of the suitability of the method will be done as well as the reliability and validity of the article. Ethical considerations and conclusions made will also be analysed so as...

Megan’s Law: the History and Other Issues

Megan’s Law Sexual crimes committed by various individuals are quite depressing for the victims and equally highly immoral. In the wake of sexual violence, there are shattered lives, scarred victims, frightened communities, as well as disrupted families (Genord, 2019). Such was the ordeal when Megan, Maureen, and Richard Kanka’s daughter,...

Murder Cases: Technology for Crime Monitoring and Control

Every day, man is coming up with new developments and inventions in different fields. This is due to the innovativeness, intellectualism and credibility that is contained in the human mind. The developments have been made in, somewhat, very crucial fields like medicine. One of the most important inventions was the...

Yellowstone Fires of 1988 Analysis

Introduction The Yellowstone fires of 1988 occupy a distinctive place in the history of the United States, largely as a result of the force and extent of public scrutiny and media attention that the fires received, as well as for the “great costs of their attempted suppression” (Agee et al....

Southeastern Community College V Davis: A Case Review

Introduction In this case, Frances Davis applied for a nursing course at the Southeastern Community College. This institution is one of the American colleges and universities that receive state funds to run their programs. Davis had a hearing disability at the time of application, and could only depend on lip-reading...

Bradley v. Bradford & Bigelow, Inc.

Facts A non-compete agreement between Bradford & Bigelow, Inc. and Mr. Bradley was signed in 2015. In general, non-compete agreements impose an employee’s obligation to avoid competition with the employer during or after particular employment (Kubasek et al., 2017). It successfully prevented competition between the sides during the next 12...

US Criminal Justice System’s Most Significant Problems

A criminal justice system of any country is meant to ensure justice and maintain law and order in the society. A good criminal justice system must therefore provide for safer environs and reduced crime in a country. The US Criminal justice system seems to have failed on this account if...

How to Define a Case as Attempted Murder

Introduction The circumstances under which a person can be charged with attempted murder tend to differ in various countries. In Britain for instance, a person can only be charged with attempted murder when there is evidence of intention to kill, which is motive and prove of premeditated acts of the...

The History of Criminal Justice Systems

Criminal Justice Systems date back thousands of years during the times of Cain and Abel in the bible. The golden rule used was an “eye for an eye.” During the 125BC however, the Roman Republic took place in ruling of criminal offences. The ruling was so inefficient due its many...

Application of Forensic Evidence in Legal Cases

Introduction Forensic evidence is important in ruling on criminal court cases where an eye witness is not available. There are however, various legal constraints in determining the admissibility of forensic evidence presented before a court for prosecution. The legal constraints are based on the fourth and fifth amendment of the...

Proving the Act of Robbery and Defense Arguments

Issue’s summary Defendant went to the victim’s house supposedly to look at and buy a rifle owned by the victim. When the victim gave the rifle to the defendant to inspect, he turned the rifle on the victim and refused to give the rifle back. Introduction Under the US criminal...

Evaluation of the Meaning and Impact of Globalization in Relation to Criminal Justice

Introduction Globalization can be viewed as the process where the world’s markets and business become more connected and interdependent. Through globalization, various parts of the world have become closely connected through economic activities. For instance, various countries are engaged in trading activities with each other. This process has been fuelled...

Mechanisms to Fight Serious Forms of Organized Crime in Italy

Introduction Safety in Italy has been a challenge in Italy. Organized crimes range from corporate crime, Neapolitan Camorra and mafia. The violence is sometimes racial and affects Italian citizens. In major cities where people are overcrowding and at parking lot, crimes such as pick pocketing and handbag snatching. Other overcrowded...

We Are Living in a Risk Society Governed Through Crime

Introduction To say that we are living in a society or a world governed through crime is an understatement. Society and the world at large are under siege of crime; all sorts of crime from pickpocketing to capital crimes and even treason. Criminals seem to be evolving by the day...

Cycle of Juvenile Justice: a Way to Break It

The creation of a separate legal institution to judge the moral and immoral behavior of our youth did not exist until the early 1800s. There was a time when youths were subjected to the same laws and due process as adults and when found guilty, dealt the same punishment. Today’s...

Attending Court: Personal Experiences

Introduction On 23th February 2011, I attended a bail hearing of an accused police constable who shot and killed a 26 year old man. The hearing took place at Ontorio Court of Justice located at 7755 Hurontario Street Brampton, Ontario. The court room consisted of the Crown attorney, the lawyer...

Brady v. Maryland Case Study

Brady v. Maryland is one of the landmark cases in criminal justice decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. The case was an appeal following the first-degree murder committed by two perpetrators, John L. Brady and Donald Boblit were both sentenced to death for first-degree murder. While the...

Maritime Insurance: A Case Study Law Report

Introduction Operations in most sectors of the economy are regulated by a wide range of legal and other forms of provisions. For example, operators in the banking sector have to adhere to various legislations touching on the industry. Disputes arising in the industry are resolved with the help of these...

The American Criminal Justice System

Introduction The United States has one of the very elaborate criminal justice structures with each component playing crucial and peculiar roles. An analysis of these components indicates that they are interrelated and hence form what is commonly referred to as criminal justice system (Wadman, 2009). They are designed to complement...

The Case of Camara vs. Municipal Court

In protection of the Fourth Amendment Municipal officials have no right to enter without permission the property of any person if they do not have probable cause and an authorized search warrant. The fact that they entered the private dwelling of the appellant without a warrant of permission is a...

Is Law Always Right?

It might be difficult for people to openly discuss the moral dilemmas that can cause one to choose between abiding by the law and helping others. This story is placing the reader out of their comfort zone by showing such a dilemma in a hospital setting. The thesis of this...

Three Case Briefs in Criminology

Macomber v. Dillman Case Facts The plaintiffs Macomber had approached the defendants to have a permanent operation for sterilization, that is, tubal ligation. The operation was done by the defendants. However, the plaintiff conceived a child after the operation. The plaintiffs thus filed a suit to the superior court to...

Central Intelligence Agency Analysis

Introduction The Central Intelligence Agency was established in 1947 by the National Security Act. The agency’s role was limited to only providing national intelligence on transcendent issues (Johnson 1991). It did this by coordinating the information collected by the various department of government. CIA has historically taken a leadership role...

Theories and Hypothesis of Criminal Justice

The four commonly used theories of research include deductive, inductive, grounded, and axiomatic research theories. Deductive research theory refers to the data that has been obtained or collected from a general theory that leads to the prediction of what will happen or what is going on. It deals with specific...

Impact of Sentencing Guidelines on the Criminal Justice System

The topic selected is “impact of sentencing guidelines on the criminal justice system”. Several reforms have been introduced into the criminal justice system to make it better. It is always essential to analyze them so as determine whether they have been effective in reducing crime or in handling any of...

Principles of Restorative Justice

Restorative justice relates to an approach used to respond to a crime or any other form of conflict, injustice, or wrongful act, which centers essentially on restoring the damage triggered by an offense and reinstating the involved parties’ well-being. This strategy focuses primarily on the relational justice theory due to...

Breaking the Law: Psychological Reasons

The law is an integral element of every society that regulates the life of people inside it. Nevertheless, although the rules were created for the safety of the humans themselves, individuals who violate them have always been found. The purpose of this essay is to study the factors that force...

Corporate Occupational and Avocational Crime

Introduction Corporate crime has been a way of life for as long as corporations have existed; however, there is a need to respect the fact that white collar crimes have become more of a reality in recent decades mostly because the role of corporations has expanded drastically. Why it is...

Construction Management and Law in United Kingdom: An Analysis

First of all, for any construction work in UK, the following provisions shall apply; A building construction project needs the following: building contractor quantity surveyors for measurement and valuation of work-in-progress and for cost planning. If contract involves specialised new technologies, the services of structural engineer will be needed. Project...

Why Are People Fascinated by Fictional Serial Killers?

People’s views on various concepts and phenomena undergo constant changes that are determined by the transformations in human society. The good and the bad are two aspects that have also been reconsidered many times. Crime and criminals, being a manifestation of the bad, were regarded as inherently evil and disgusting...

Deontological Ethics in Criminal Justice

The moral dilemma that has been described in this case study can be resolved by means of deontological ethics. In particular, one can apply the theory, developed by Immanuel Kant. According to this approach, a person, who has to choose between two alternatives, must act out of inner duty and...

Environmental Law: International Agreements

Southern nations have constantly approached issues of the environment as the reference point in negotiations of the unequal utilization of resources instead of protecting the environment from industrial capitalism. Thus, the main differences between the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere over global issues of the environment rotate around three...

Postmodern Criminology: The Violence of the Language

Starting from the 1990s, postmodern criminology has been gaining substantial importance. This discipline lays particular emphasis on such aspects as gender, class, and race in its theories of the origins of crime. According to Arrigo (2019), postmodern criminology recognizes the specific value of language as a non-neutral, politically charged instrument...

Crime Causation Theories

Introduction Although different types of crime have distinct causes, biological theories explain the foundation of most antisocial behaviors. Criminalities constitute deviant behaviors that violate the prevailing standards or norms and are punishable by the state or other authorities. Criminologists have identified various antecedents to crime and classified them into biological,...

Bibliography on Criminal Justice

There is a glut of information available both in print media and internet digital content, elaborately touching on criminology and the criminal justice system. Criminology deals with the felony committed in society, its punishment, and defense for the offended. The criminal justice system seeks to bring harmony in society, to...

Las Vegas Mass Shooting in 2017: The Causes

In every society, regardless of geographic location, and other aspects, some people are always ready to commit illegal actions. Despite all law enforcement agencies’ efforts, criminals still exist in any modern society. There are many reasons for this, from global economic to cultural and personal problems (Films Media Group, 2003)....

Applying Codes and Guidelines in Forensic Psychology

Introduction The codes and guidelines for forensic psychologists are designed specifically to provide a direction to forensic psychologists when addressing their official duties as directed by courts. These guidelines, which are informed by the Ethical Principles of Psychologists, are to be followed by professional psychologists at all times in order...

Ethical Dilemmas in Psychology

Introduction Forensic psychologists face numerous ethical dilemmas as they write reports and testimonies related to therapeutic interventions or evaluations in court proceedings (Ackerman, 2006). This paper uses a case study to evaluate some of these ethical dilemmas and underlying ethical codes and standards. Ethical Dilemmas and Description The first ethical...

Homicide Investigations and Forensic Evidence

Introduction Forensic evidence forms an integral component in the investigation and prosecution of homicide crimes. Without forensic evidence, it would be impossible to prosecute a good number of homicide crimes whose weak link to the crime in many cases is evasive without forensic tactics. The belief is that people are...

Transactional Organized Crimes: Growth and Implications

Introduction The growth of international crime and transnational crime is a vital threat to the peaceful existence of humanity. Globalization and developments in the field of information systems have increased the scope of cross-border crimes as they have facilitated easy communication among world nations. Time and distance no longer create...

Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences. The Notion of Criminality and Crime

Introduction The exploration of the notion of criminality and crime is essential for the prevention and management thereof. Thus, a profound analysis of crime as a notion. Its implications, and patterns is a critical aspect of managing breaches of the present-day laws. However, the study of the subject matter will...

Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2019

Bill summary Seeks to amend title VIII of the Public Health Service Act (Govtrack, 2019). To extend grants to advanced education in nursing. To support clinical nurse specialist programs. Awarded funds to supplement non-federal funds. Bill Summary: Continuation Only authorized clinical nurse specialist programs to be considered. RNs will receive...

Crime Causation Theories: Contrastive Analysis

The crime level has been a severe issue for society since the genesis of the world’s earliest civilizations. However, it was only in the 19th century when various scholars decided to examine patterns of behavior and social environment of the criminals in order to establish regularities between those factors and...

The Influence of Family, Peer and Economic Factors on Juvenile Delinquents

Introduction The engagement in crime by children whether in schools or communities has a negative influence on safety, the well-being of others, and the academic performance of such learners. In modern times, young children from as early as 10 years are forming school gangs that are notorious for interrupting serenity...

Intermodal Transportation

Introduction Intermodal shipping is an approach of transferring cargo from the shipper to the consignee using multiple modes of transport. The commonly used modes of transport in intermodal shipping include rails and trucks. Particularly, the intermodal shipment of goods and services relies on special containers that can fit in well-designed...

Alcohol Consumption and Sale Laws in the US

Summary Alcohol consumption and sale in the U.S. are regulated by several laws, each of which may vary depending on the state. The main law governing this issue is the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It authorizes the states to determine their own regulations regarding the sale, distribution, importing,...

Policies and Protocols in Healthcare

In today’s healthcare environment, policies and protocols are essential, as they guide medical professionals in providing high-quality, evidence-based care to all patients. These documents can also reflect ethical considerations involved in care provision, thus ensuring compliance with relevant professional codes of ethics. Therefore, policies and protocols help to promote patient...

Tort Law: Duty of Care and Negligence

Duty of Care Related to the Determination of Negligence: The Case of Bad decision, Ontario Facts of the Case Negligence is defined as the failure to do something. It occurs when someone makes an omission of an act that an individual who is reasonable and guided by the considerations that...

Labor Relations Systems Questions

Distributive and interrogative bargain The Interrogative Approach is a system where agreements satisfy the interests of both parties. It aims at creating options that are good enough to serve both parties to their satisfaction. It involves brainstorming that leads to the discovery of common grounds and mutual benefits. On the...

Organized Business Crime Prosecution and Investigation

Anytown is a hypothetical American city with fully functional systems, including public transportation and garbage collection. For an ordinary citizen, it appears as an incredibly good place to do business. However, deeper scrutiny reveals how the municipal council that helps in facilitating the daily activities of the city has become...

Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure and Evidence in Australia

Introduction The problem of child sexual abuse has been a major problem in Australia for several years. According to Frost, Daniels, and Hudson, laws have been enacted to ensure that the offenders are subjected to appropriate punishment as a way of deterring the behavior within the community.1 However, reports indicate...

Workplace Surveillance and Employee Privacy

Issues in the labour relations case study The matter presented by the management of Harding Space, Inc concerns the subject of employees’ privacy at the workplace. This topic falls under employee privacy Act. In the recent, issues related to working environment privacy and how companies address this topic has brought...

St. Louis County’s Cybercrime Task Force Plan

Executive Summary The current paper presents a plan for the development of a cybercrime task force for St. Louis County. The plan provides an overview of the most relevant areas of cybercrime threat to assign priorities for the task force, describes its proposed structure, including the required skills of the...

Deviance, Crime and Social Control

Selected Topic The selected topic from the class text is “Deviance, Crime, and Social Control”. The term deviance “refers to the violations of established contextual, cultural, or social norms” (Zembroski, 2011, p. 241). Crimes occur when someone breaks existing laws and social norms. This analysis shows clearly that all crimes...

Regulation and Deregulation Effects on Transportation

Introduction The benefits and downsides of regulation or deregulation in the sphere of transportation have been discussed for decades. Still, there are quite different views on the matter. Some researchers and practitioners claim that the industry has to be regulated heavily as it is associated with the economic and environmental...

Environmental Legislation: Clean Water Act

Environmental Legislation Clean Water Act (CWA) is the legislation piece of the United States that determines water quality standards, serves as a basis for the enactment of pollution control programs, and regulates the presence of contaminants in surface water. The law covers both point and non-point pollution sources. The former...

High Plagiarism Rate in Chinese Universities

Introduction Plagiarism is an academic problem that is widespread around the world. Despite the problem being a global one, it is viewed and received differently in various parts of the world. While Westerners are more serious about the issue, their Asian counterparts do not accord it the importance that it...

Juvenile Delinquency and Punishment

Abstract The given paper is devoted to the investigation of the topical theme of juvenile delinquency and punishments provided to young offenders. The modern justice system considers this group to be more vulnerable and important for society and provides an altered approach to sentencing. However, this perspective might be considered...

Criminal Justice Process: Felony Criminal Charge

Abstract Criminal justice process is an important judicial process that involves arrest, trial and sentencing of criminal offenders in the society. In the event a criminal offence is of high magnitude and seriously affecting the lives of the community, it amounts to felony. Normally, the judicial process begins with arrest...

Tort Law Case: Clements v. Clements

Introduction to Tort Law In Canada, there are ten provinces and three territories that follow the regulations of common law and the regime based on tort law (Baudouin and Linden 21). The inhabitants know how to discern right from wrong and behave in regards to the social expectations. Still, people...

Defining Domestic Violence Reasons – Family Law

Introduction The social phenomenon of domestic violence has given rise to scholarly debates concerning its main causes and consequently, the methods for handling the issue. The measures offered for solving the problem depend upon the definition of the primary reasonsthe for abusing a spouse or a child which range from...

Bullying and Sexual Harassment at Work Place

Introduction According to Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention (SHARP), workplace bullying occurs when an individual or a group of people direct irrational actions repeatedly towards their fellow worker(or workers) in order to threaten, degrade, disgrace or demoralize them (1). Sexual harassment, on the other hand, takes place...

The Lucy v. Zehmer Unintentional Contract

Contractual Element Zehmer argued that the signed document was not a legally binding contract because the contractual requirement of mutual assent was absent. A document must have mutual assent, also referred to as a meeting of the minds, which calls for both parties to agree on the terms and conditions...

Race of Suspect and Eyewitness Identification Accuracy

Annotated Bibliography Eyewitness reports have been used in courtrooms to administer justice for a long period. The effectiveness of the information is based on the different social factors. The annotated bibliography will address the topic of how the race and ethnicity of the suspect and witness impact eyewitness identification accuracy....

Juvenile Recidivism and Its Environmental Factors

Introduction In criminal justice, the issue of juvenile recidivism is an acute one. According to estimates, 7.1 million adolescents in the United States were involved in child welfare programs in 2020 (LaBerge et al., 2022). Children who interact with the child welfare system are more likely to engage in youth...

Law Enforcement in the City of Memphis, Tennessee

Statement of the Problem In Memphis, TN, the Wokefield Police Department faces many internal and external issues that influence its normal working and thus need effective measures and solutions. One of the external challenges is the increased crime rates, especially carjacking, executed by juveniles. Crimes committed by persons below 18...

Post-Crime Offenses: News Overview

Introduction Improving the tools and resources used by law enforcement is fundamental to ensuring public safety. When a suspect is arrested and charged, the individual’s mental state can be unpredictable, which leads to the phenomenon of post-crime offenses. This term refers to any offense that occurs after charges have been...

The Concept of Crime Analysis and Its Value

Criminal analysis requires evidence-based analysis to reduce crime by implementing resources available for high-crime regions, high-risk offenders, and recidivism. Crime analysts use hot-spot policing, problem-oriented policing, as well as intelligence-led policing in reducing crime as they focus their resources on high-crime regions, high-risk offenders, as well as recidivism. The Bureau...

Victimization in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Victimology is a criminology branch focused on exploring the link between a victim and the offender by examining the causes and the extent of suffering the injured person underwent. In other words, victimology presses on whether the perpetrator was a stranger, an acquaintance, friend, or family member and the...

Communitarian vs. Libertarian View of Social Laws

Dr. C’s arguments are based on the communitarian philosophy, which promotes the belief that an individual’s social identity and personality are molded and shaped by community relationships. Dr. C will state that banning the sale of most flavored tobacco products is for the common good of the local community as...

Forensic Entomology: Collecting and Handling Arthropods

Introduction Forensic entomology defines the use of insects and other arthropods in investigating the crime scene to determine postmortem interval (PMI) in cases of missing or dead victims. The life stage of the arthropods present on the scene is critical in determining the PMI. The most prominent insects in forensic...

International Students in Law Schools in the US

The changing social dynamics in today’s society have led to more diverse backgrounds in the student community. In American universities, four in ten students are of mixed race, while two in five students come from foreign countries (Fossum, 2020). The rising population diversity has led to a compelling awareness of...

Community Policing: Police Officers’ Role Orientations

Community policing has shown to have multiple benefits for both local citizens and law enforcement in the activities to both prevent or respond to potential threats or disruptions. Despite the tenants of community policing being first introduced as far back as 30-40 years ago, only recently, in the light of...

Nine Principles of Policing

It is crucial for the government to perform its duties to the best of its abilities, uphold peace in society, and prevent destructive behavior. However, the current state of policing provides unsatisfactory results through many examples of such agencies creating socioeconomic and racial disparities (Albrecht, 2019). Ensuring that the current...

Civil vs. Criminal Law Differences

Various classifications can be applied in law studies. One of the broadest divisions in justice is between civil and criminal law. They are two major, distinct areas of law with various regulations and penalties. Judges have different authority in criminal and civil courts to determine punishment, ranging from a fine...

Human Trafficking and Its Use in Historical Lens

One of the most significant and complex problems relating to human rights that affect the entire population, both locally and globally, is regarded as human trafficking. A person is recruited, moved, and exploited in this situation. There exist many distinct forms of human trafficking, but the most well-known ones are...

Identifying Employer-Employee Relationship

Introduction The most basic and most contested unfair dismissal claim is at the heart of evaluating whether a relationship is one of employment or something else, such as an independent contractor. There cannot be a wrongful termination or dismissal claim unless an employer-employee relationship exists (Van der Waarden, 2017). The...

Prisons as a Response to Crimes

Introduction Classic psychosocial research has demonstrated how prisons are advanced and intricate places that can significantly influence individuals incarcerated there. Each nation in the world uses imprisonment as a kind of punishment. It is the most punitive punishment that authorities can impose in most countries. Since World War II, the...

Robert Clark’s Case Overview and Analysis

In legal practice, there are cases where DNA traces of a suspect on various objects are used as evidence. Moreover, this aspect of forensics has gained popularity in mass culture through numerous TV series, media, and literary works. However, its efficiency may be demonstrated in various cases, one of which...

Rawls’s and Nozick’s Theories as Applied to Criminal Justice

The issue of justice is obviously of paramount importance for the criminal justice system. According to common sense, as well as most philosophical perspectives on the matter, it should be concerned with providing individuals with their just deserts based on whether they support or violate the social contract. However, Rawls...

The Americans with Disabilities Act Violations

A complainant sued AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. for violating Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The case is based on the allegation that the captioning devices at Tyler Galleria, one of AMC’s movie theaters located in Riverside, California, failed to work appropriately on several occasions. The complainant claimed...

Negotiation as an Alternative to Litigation

Introduction Definition of Negotiation Appealing to the judiciary system, presumably, is the primary method of resolving serious conflicts for which many opt. The most probable reason why people as well as businesses prefer litigation is the theoretical framework of law that it provides, adherence to which simplifies identifying the directions...

Becker’s Theory Effects on the Felons’ Life

Introduction The emergence of Becker’s labeling theory provided a perspective of criminology in the 1960s, different from the 1800s’ view. Becker’s theory presents significant insights on how social labeling affects crime development and deviance. This theory posits that despite several conditions and causes being promoting initial crime and deviance, the...

Police Standards Should Be Modified

There is a certain need for standards modification in the police that should be performed immediately. Firstly, in recent years the departments started to decrease the entry barriers for the officers in order to attract more people to work there (Collins and Pane, 2016). In such circumstances, even those who...

Cyberbullying Facts and Statistics

One of the most reliable ways to confirm any information is statistics. With it, it is possible to verify the presence or absence of any problem and obtain specific evidence. The use of highly reputable sources also helps to ensure the high validity of the study. That is why well-known...

Criminal and Social Justice

During the course of my criminal and social justice studies, I have come into contact with a variety of information that has shaped my current understanding of the field. While I can certainly say that a large portion of the knowledge is new to me and aligns with the way...

Incorporating Criminological Theories Into Policymaking

Introduction Criminological theories, primarily behavioral and social learning, are pivotal to the policymaking process. They mainly provide insights into certain situations and provide extensive knowledge of the critical policy aspects that need significant attention. Moreover, these theories offer patterns that enhance the comprehension of society’s most efficient, effective, and beneficial...

Crime Rates in Urban and Suburban Areas

The number of crimes in different territories, in particular urban and suburban, varies. However, the urban environment, in contrast to the suburban environment, is also highly heterogeneous, which explains the different levels of crime in particular areas of one large city. Thus, the increased number of crimes in the city...

White-Collar Crime: Definition and Special Features

White-collar crimes are defined as deception, concealment, or breach of trust. The term “white-collar crime,” which is said to have been invented in 1939, currently refers to a wide range of scams perpetrated by business and government officials (Berghoff & Spiekermann, 2018). These crimes are motivated by a desire to...

Trustee of Columbia University and Local 2110 International Union

The collective bargaining between the Trustee of Columbia University and Local 2110 International Union is like a contract between management and labor. Collective bargaining is a negotiation of work and employment terms in writing between the employer and the trade union regarding pay rate, working hours, and other work conditions....

Analysis of Fact Pattern Case Study

In this case, Chris is a police officer, and he is investigating a theft at a local jewelry store. Officer Chris secured a search warrant for a suspect’s house she felt committed the crime and believed there could be evidence inside the suspect’s residence. Chris must have probable cause to...

The United Kingdom Separation of Powers

The United Kingdom self-identifies as a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. As a democratic country, the UK has a separation of powers into executive, legislative, and judiciary branches. The judiciary branch is independent of the other two branches and includes magistrates’ courts, county courts, high courts, the Crown Courts,...

The Difference Between Fraud and Abuse

Fraud is defined as the purposeful deceit or distortion of the truth that results in the receipt of unfair advantage or payment. Abuse is defined as activities that are inappropriate, unethical, outside of accepted professional responsibility norms, or clinically unwarranted. This work was written to study the laws associated with...

The Security Concept in the Post-Cold War Era

Security issues have always been critical for human societies. People have always wanted to feel protected and benefit from the absence or minimal risks threatening their well-being. However, over time, the notion of security and the concept altered because of the growing demands and new challenges emerging due to technological...

Inheritance of Property Legal Aspects

Your Honour, the case of the transfer of inheritance is presented to your attention. The case of the plaintiff’s property was divided into equal shares between the plaintiff and his brothers, which was bequeathed to the wife of the plaintiff’s father, despite the existence of assertions that the property should...

Adultification of Juvenile Criminal Behavior

In our time, justice is faced with a number of difficulties and problems stemming from the unusualness of some instances and factors. One of the most challenging issues to resolve is juvenile trials, as well as the problem of juvenile adaptation. Based on the Haerle study (2018), one can judge...

Civil and Criminal Law in the English Legal System

Each country has a complex legal system that enforces the rule of law. England and Wales have a reputation for having one of the most effective and widely respected legal systems in the world. It is divided into civil and criminal law branches, each with its own procedure and independent...

The System of the Agency Theory

Agency Theory In business, the hierarchical leadership system allows business leaders such as principals to delegate duties to their business representatives through a system known as the agency theory. This theory examines how agents and principals relate and perform their responsibilities for a common purpose. A relatable example of the...

Burning the American Flag: The Texas v. Johnson Case

Summary In 1989, in a landmark ruling pitting the state of Texas against an individual identified as Johnson, they ruled in a 5-4 decision that desecrating the American flag was a symbolic speech protected by the United States Constitution First Amendment (Barnett et al., 2020). This research paper outlines the...

Minnesota Constitutions and the US Constitution

The US constitution and the Minnesota state constitution are structurally similar in terms of having a preamble where an introduction to the document is presented. Moreover, both the MN and US constitutions have a bill of rights where the legal rights of citizens are listed. Furthermore, the two documents have...

Business Law: Trade Union

Corporations can allocate a lot of resources to prevent unionization in the United States. If an employer violates the law to avoid unionization, the legal system is entirely inadequate in establishing remedies. Therefore, very few employees are committed to public associations striving for equal rights and opportunities. This work is...

Sentencing Juveniles as Adults: Arguments For and Against

In the United States, the justice system has a non-standard approach to juvenile justice. According to the current legislation, children from 11 to 13 years old and adolescents up to 18 years old are brought to trial on a general basis, and after reaching the age of 18, are automatically...

The United States “Check and Balance”

Introduction The system of government in America was first tried in 1776 to demonstrate democracy and liberty. Over time the system adapted and became resilient to changes withstanding any adjustments (Block, 2004). The supreme law in America is its constitution; thus, it’s more of a federal constitutional republic than a...

Indigenous Canadians in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system (CJS) plays a crucial role in providing and ensuring the general safety, wellness, and productivity of the Canadian population. The efforts of making sure that the public of Canada presents as a law-abiding and just society with an effective justice system directly contribute to the...

Researching Environmental Criminology

Environmental criminology is the study of crime and criminality in connection with, firstly, specific places and, secondly, with how individuals and organizations form their activities in space. Crime prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is another practical application based on the idea that situational factors, such as the environment (poor lighting),...

Barrister’s Ethical Issue of Defending a Guilty

Case Summary Charlie, a barrister is called to court to represent Lucy who has been charged with murder. Lucy shot her friend Sally after discovering that she was having an affair with her boyfriend, Franklin. The crime was heinous and Lucy is known for being involved in organized crime. Charlie...

Mortuary Law: The Cultural Significance of Burial Sites

A decent burial ground is a good business opportunity in American urban centers. Cities have high population densities with little space to lay the dead. Many individuals prefer to cremate their loved ones because of the high cost of burial spaces, but many families still give the latter priority in...

Discussion of Legalization of Abortion

Berer, M. (2017). Abortion law and policy around the world. Health and Human Rights Journal, 19(1), 13-27.  The source aims at providing a clear view of various policies and laws around the globe on abortion. The author, Berer, has played a vital role in establishing a number of social issues...

The Elkhart Four Case With Focus on Levi Sparks

The Elkhart Four case has become a cause celebre and gathered national attention. In 2012, Jose Quiroz, Levi Sparks, Anthony Sharp, and Blake Layman were charged with felony murder. This all happened after they decided to break into an Elkhart house and had their accomplice, twenty-one-year-old Danzele Johnson, shot and...

Crime Causes Among Adolescents Aged 12 to 17 Years

Statement of the Problem The topic for my term project is “The main causes of crime among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years.” I intend to explore the major reasons for the crime commitment among adolescents of this age group. Juvenile delinquency is a paramount topic to raise and discuss....

Morality Policy Making: The Relationship between Politics and Morality

One of the methods of direct determination of human actions is normative regulation, in which the needs of people living together in society and the need to coordinate their mass actions are recorded in general rules of behavior, instructions, and assessments. Morality is one of the main types of normative...

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Federal Criminal Prosecution

As a matter of fact, the jurisdictional issues of the United States are straightforward, and as any crime occurred within the boundaries of a particular state violates its laws, this state is provided with the prosecution power. However, under specific circumstances, the involvement of the federal court system is required...

Types of Fire Arms and Gun Ownership in the US

For many years, gun ownership in the United States has been on the increase leading to violence in various states. Although there are inadequate studies on the correlation between the prevalence of arms to violent crimes, guns used during these incidents have been identified and described. On the contrary, weaponry...

Rape as a Sexual Assault

Rape is defined as illegitimate sexual intercourse through the anus, vagina, breast, or any other body part, with or without force, through one’s sex organ, or any other body parts, or a foreign material without the permission of the victim. Rape is committed when a victim withdraws his or her...

Theories in Ethics and Criminal Justice

Introduction Ethics is designed to help a person behave correctly with other people and follow the standards of morality. It can be applied at the workplace, at home, or in social structure. Ethical theories elaborate on how to improve an organization by integrating moral concepts into a situation. An ethical...

Comparison of Primary Crime Data Sources Used In the United States

Introduction The United States government has for a long time been using the Uniform Crime Reports and the National crime victimization survey as the two major sources of crime data (Schmalleger, 2009). These primary crime data sources have been extensively used by the government to establish the magnitude, characteristics and...

Leadership in the Los Angeles Police Department

Leadership is a very important element in any organization and more so in those that have a paramilitary structure, such as the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Leadership is one of the major factors that determine the performance of police organizations. Many police organizations have introduced leadership qualities into their...

The US Copyright Law in the Oracle v. Google Case

Introduction The expansion of digital technologies into people’s daily lives and all spheres of human activity, especially business, creates new opportunities and challenges, especially in the legal field. The most common and complex are civil cases over copyright and intellectual property. The current and future generations of lawyers have to...

Criminal Mind: Truth or Fiction?

Introduction The study of criminal minds has been in existence for many centuries but has only gained prominence in recent times. This can mostly be attributed to popularization by the media especially in the West. Psychologists and criminal profilers have been gathering valuable data regarding to the reasons behind any...

Crime against Persons With Disabilities

Introduction The world faces a crisis in terms of the treatment of individuals with disabilities. Although activists should certainly advocate for the fair treatment of disabled people in society, it is now much more important to focus on violence against such persons, rather than their oppression. It is apparent that...

Harassment and Employment Related Laws

Employment laws refer to regulations that oversee the relationship among the employees, employers and their unions (Appleby, 2008). These laws consist of contract doctrines and statutory regulations. Matters such as labor wages, hours, safety, and protection are predetermined in the employment laws. Apart from enhancing the relationship among labor stakeholders,...

The Midwest Airlines Flight Attendants’ Contract Dispute

Background In recent years, the resolution of individual workplace conflict has occupied an increasingly important place in policy debates and formulation due to the decline in collective industrial action and the coinciding rise in the volume of employment tribunal applications (Carducci, 2012). As employment disputes become more entrenched due to...

Alternative Dispute Resolution for Sports Parties

Mediation refers to the process where conflicting parties enter into a negotiation with the help of a third-party neutral person who helps them reach a resolution that benefits both sides. The mediator’s primary role is to help communicate, obtain necessary information from both sources, and give resolution options that the...

Forensic Science: Killing of JonBenet Ramsey

Case study of JonBenet Ramsey Jon Benet Ramsey was murdered in the year 1996. The killing took place in Boulder, Colorado. After looking for their daughter for close to eight hours, the parents found JonBenet’s body placed near a remote room next to their home. From the look of things,...

Legal Advice for the Landlord or Tenant

Introduction This is a report on legal advice (based on the UK law) for the landlord or tenant on the resolution of specific problems identified, such as dilapidations, asbestos, health and safety matters, Equality Act (and DDA), and fire safety issues. Dilapidations Youens Finance Ltd holds the Head Lease of...

Juvenile Delinquency and Situational Action Theory

Abstract This paper focuses on crime among minors; there a number of social challenges that they face, which lead them to juvenile courts for justice and case determination. A situational action theory elaborates on delinquent behaviors among adolescents. This theory explains that criminal actions are a result of a perceptional...

Conceptualization of Homeland Security

Since September 11, 2001, the United States of America has made Homeland security an increasingly important political spectrum, significantly strengthening the law enforcement area. Despite the vitality of homeland security to the country’s protection, the government fails to provide a single clear definition of this department. The article by Bellavita...

Social Change and Crime Rate Trends

Introduction Cohen and Felson (1979) have extensively discussed criminology along with the theory of routine activity. This theory dwells a lot on the circumstance with which criminal activities occur with relativity to time, space, the category of offenders, and their targets and agree that criminal acts are considered a routine...

Digital Data Retrieval and Inspection Methods

Digital Data Retrieval and Inspection The social environment of the 21st century is characterized by the global implementation of technological advancements. The lives of most people today are inseparable from sophisticated electronic devices. These appliances serve to enhance access to knowledge and facilitate numerous procedures while containing large amounts of...

Copyright Law Regulation Debate

Introduction Copyright is one form of intellectual property that is naturally used for making an economic analysis of law. Intellectual property is very vital especially when you consider its aspect of a public good. The cost of coming up with an idea and its subsequent production for use is usually...

Public Corruption in the Field of Criminal Justice

Corrupt judicial and policing systems hinder the success of anti-corruption efforts in various states. Morally compromised justice sectors have crippled institutional frameworks for curbing deception. The extreme effects of corruption undermine the rule of law and avert sustainable development. Essentially, the act compromises the principles of integrity, independence, equality, and...

Service Contract and a Joint Venture Oil and Gas Transaction

Introduction Over the decades, different parties have entered into different types of contracts such as service contracts and joint ventures for disparate purposes in various nations throughout the world. Nonetheless, before settling on a particular type of contract, certain factors are considered so that the most applicable and effective type...

Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Americans with Disabilities Act The ‘Americans with Disabilities Act’ (ADA) is noteworthy legislation that was ratified to avert discrimination against disabled Americans. The Act was instituted to provide equal opportunities to disabled individuals. In addition, the implementation of the Act was meant for the provision of unbiased access to public...

Intervention Plans in Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is a phenomenon that has for long been difficult for behavioral specialists to handle. Some specialists have argued that it is caused by child abuse while others argue that child abuse is not reason enough to be linked with juvenile delinquency. Some sociologists have indicated that a...

The Liability of Employers for References

Common law duty of care holds that, an individual is owed duty of care if he suffers any unreasonable loss or harm resulting from activities of another individual which were under his control. The person who breaches the duty of care will face legal liability to the duty-owner. He or...

Constitutional Law in China and Hong Kong (NPCSC)

Introduction After many years of colonization, the British relinquished their hold on Hong Kong in 1997. Immediately after this, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) took over the governance of Hong Kong. The PRC designed a framework through which Hong Kong would maintain its autonomy especially with regard to governance....

DNA Analysis: A Crime-Fighting Tool or Invasion of Privacy?

Introduction The 21st century has witnessed a technological explosion that has led to the great advancement to man and monumental improvements for the human civilization. However, these great advancements have also made it possible for crime to become more prevalent and sophisticated as criminals utilize technology to engage in their...

The Sex Crime: Influence of Childhood Experiences

Sex crime denotes, but is not restricted to, molestation, rape, and incest. There is no simple response as to why sexual offenders engage in such criminal activities because it appears that there is a connection among numerous variables such as psychological, environmental, biological, and cultural aspects (Levenson et al., 2017)....

Contract Term Is a Mutual Agreement

Introduction The laws, promises, and agreements date back to the origin of humankind. Although, initially the terms of the agreement were verbal, civilization has initiated the use of formal and informal terms as well as the integration of both. Therefore, contract term is a mutual agreement, which enslaves and spells...

Criminal Law Case Analysis: Review

Majority Decision of Supreme Court Two of the three presiding judges of appeal dissented with the ruling that had denied the accused an appeal. The first judge argued that leaving the ‘defense of provocation’ with the jury was inappropriate without proper judicial instruction. Additionally, the appeals judge said that the...

Trends to Piercing the Corporate Veil Among Courts

Abstract The aim of forming a corporation is to protect owners from the liabilities and debts of their ventures. This ensures the growth of the business. However, we must establish whether courts will reach a point where they will take a separate business enterprise as a means of achieving an...

Law of Tort. Breach of Duty Care

Introduction A tort is referred to as a civil wrong committed against any individual rather than the society or the tort (Bermingham and Brennan, 2008)1. The tortuous liability usually arises when a breach of duty is primarily fixed by the law takes occurs. The main aim of tort law is...

Regional Threat Assessment for Belize

Introduction Belize, a country located in Central America, bordering Mexico and Guatemala along the Caribbean Sea. The nation has a population of roughly 400000 people as per the 2020 estimations. It boasts of third-ranking in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Central American countries (Verutes et al., 2017). Although Belize enjoys...