Albert Einstein, the famous German physicist, filed a declaration of intention to become an American citizen in 1936, and the document is still preserved. Apart from Einstein’s names, the form contains several people, including Einstein’s wife, children, and the clerk of the U.S. District Court, George T. Cranmer. Similarly, numerous...
Topic: Law
Words: 536
Pages: 2
It is believed that law enforcement officers are reliable defenders of the peace of citizens. People want to know that in trouble, such as, for instance, a robbery or car theft, police will come to their aid and guarantee protection. However, there are situations when officers cross the border of...
Topic: Police
Words: 763
Pages: 2
Introduction The England and Wales criminal justice system (CJS) is a ministerial department under the Ministry of Justice, which oversees the administration of justice in the country. It is an elaborate governmental infrastructure consisting of such institutions as the police, prosecution service, courts, and prison establishments. Over the years, the...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 2055
Pages: 7
The Case This memo introduces the information regarding the case of Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. The case was discussed at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in 2021. It addresses the issue of freedom of speech, guaranteed by 1st Amendment of the United States constitution. More...
Topic: School
Words: 920
Pages: 3
Gender Ratio Problem This problem describes one of the phenomena often observed in society regarding the number of crimes committed by people. As statistics show, there are significant gender differences since men commit much more crimes than women. This statement is true for almost any society and all types of...
Topic: Crime
Words: 651
Pages: 2
Each country has a complex legal system that enforces the rule of law. England and Wales have a reputation for having one of the most effective and widely respected legal systems in the world. It is divided into civil and criminal law branches, each with its own procedure and independent...
Topic: Civil Law
Words: 924
Pages: 3
Abstract This work’s primary objective is to research and analyze victimless crimes, namely drug abuse and sex work, from the viewpoint of criminology. For these purposes, various criminological theories were applied to victimless crimes to explore the problem from different perspectives. The research results have shown that causations of drug...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 2831
Pages: 10
In some circumstances, a patient may be enduring painful suffering from a terminal disease. Assuming the likelihood of the illness being treated to free the individual from the agony is zero, the client may choose to allow the doctor to intentionally end his life. The act by which a physician...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 332
Pages: 1
Introduction People often protect their reputation since a good reputation allows them to achieve their personal goals, whether social or financial. Various international instruments and local legislation have been formulated to protect people’s image from the public. Therefore, it is unlawful to use a person’s image, whether oral or written,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1725
Pages: 6
The robbery case at 34 Carton Avenue’s Stop & Rob exhibits several elements worth investigating. The incident involves inactive strategic inquiries because the investigations take place long after the criminals leave the premises. Examining the premise, counter, cash register, the utilized tape, door handles, and the garbage bag utilized during...
Topic: Law
Words: 946
Pages: 3
Introduction India is one of the countries with the largest population in the world. As a result, the country is prone to numerous crimes that may require a strong justice system to ensure that law and order are maintained throughout the country. The country has a rich criminal justice system,...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 2125
Pages: 8
Drug problem increasingly arising around the world due to using and transporting illegal drugs stands as an urgent problem. Their detrimental effect endangering people’s lives is well known, but it does not decrease the demand for them, especially in unwealthy regions. The drug’s popularity and associated high price led to...
Topic: Drug Trafficking
Words: 1374
Pages: 5
Introduction The case scenario includes Steve, who is renting a property from Billy and faces the issue with the non-compliant renting conditions and negligence of the house owner. As such, this situation resulted in a leg injury because of the unfixed stairs, as well as the broken heater, which was...
Topic: Law
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Crime is a dynamic phenomenon that evolves over time and through cultures. Biological theories of crime assume that certain people are biologically different from non-criminals and are thus “born criminals.” Criminals and non-criminals are said to have inherent variations, according to trait theories (Walter & Ilan, 2017). These distinctions can...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 293
Pages: 1
Sonia Sotomayor became the first Hispanic justice of the United States Supreme Court to be personally appointed by President Barack Obama. This position is very honorable because the appointment does not occur by submitting a resume, but only personally by the country’s president for merits, honesty, and wisdom, and the...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 368
Pages: 1
The concepts of power and authority are often used interchangeably, but such an approach does not allow properly understanding their nature. Therefore, it is critical to distinguish between these phenomena, which promote the awareness of the process of power acquisition in justice organizations. As noted by Stojkovic et al. (2015),...
Topic: Justice
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Birds are interesting creatures to watch and learn about. They have charming and colorful looks; have special adaptations, with a variety of food resources and unique habitats. Most birds are known to live on trees, but quite a number also stay in or around water bodies, in caves, mountain tops,...
Topic: Law
Words: 836
Pages: 3
The case of Liebeck v. McDonald’s regarding the former’s injury is a matter of public importance and, therefore, should be decided for providing the requested award in order to demonstrate the need for a change. This stance is explained by the fact that similar occasions contribute to the elaboration of...
Topic: McDonald's
Words: 301
Pages: 1
The crime-scene investigation’s primary aim is to recognize, collect, and document pieces of evidence. The collected proofs form the basis of these cases during judgment. In this instance, the different types of evidence which were collected include the broken window, paintbrush and the autopsy results of trauma to the head...
Topic: Murder
Words: 580
Pages: 2
A wrongful death claim permits the patient’s family to file a case against the nurse liable for the patient’s death. A circumstance such as medical malpractice can give rise to a wrongful death lawsuit. The suit allows the surviving family members to sue the nurse for damages when the patient...
Topic: Death
Words: 256
Pages: 1
A contract is “an agreement between parties for value, which is legally enforceable” (Tepper, 2021, p.25). Every contract has the necessary elements needed to bind parties: offer, acceptance, consideration, mutual assent. Additionally, the contract must comply with a legal purpose, and the parties must have the capacity to contract. Even...
Topic: Law
Words: 379
Pages: 1
Summary Many teenagers in today’s generation participate in risky activities, make poor decisions, and are affected by peer pressure. Thus, several young people can engage in various immoral behaviors such as robbery and drug abuse. Although police arrests are frequent among adolescents, most of them are not arrested after committing...
Topic: Law
Words: 2210
Pages: 8
Introduction Ethics is designed to help a person behave correctly with other people and follow the standards of morality. It can be applied at the workplace, at home, or in social structure. Ethical theories elaborate on how to improve an organization by integrating moral concepts into a situation. An ethical...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 870
Pages: 3
Operation Geronimo, also known as Operation Neptune Spear, held by the U.S. special forces against the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in 2011, resulted in the killing of its founder Osama bin Laden. Up to the present day, the legality of this operation still raises numerous questions and debates. The problem is...
Topic: Operation Geronimo
Words: 937
Pages: 3
Abstract This paper focuses on crime among minors; there a number of social challenges that they face, which lead them to juvenile courts for justice and case determination. A situational action theory elaborates on delinquent behaviors among adolescents. This theory explains that criminal actions are a result of a perceptional...
Topic: Juvenile Delinquency
Words: 1424
Pages: 5
Introduction The phenomenon of the Bystander Effect has gained quite large notoriety in the world of social work, psychology, and the related sciences. Multiple studies conducted to examine the problem of the Bystander Effect have proven that the subject matter exists and increases the threat faced by vulnerable populations (Levine...
Topic: Murder
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Legal Moralism refers to the law’s propensity to legitimately prohibit individual behaviors that are inconsistent with the collective moral judgments held by a society. The individual behaviors need not be injurious to any other person in the community, but could be outside the established morals in a society. Accordingly, the...
Topic: Law
Words: 854
Pages: 3
As a paralegal working with different attorneys, the author has to handle substantial amounts of confidential information. As Cannon and Aytch state, the attorney’s duty to protect this information extends to their paralegal assistant (55). In the scenario, there are opportunities for accidental exposure through monitors or files left in...
Topic: Law
Words: 284
Pages: 1
Introduction The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) are independent government agencies in the United States. The two bodies were established to promote consumer protection and eliminate inappropriate business practices. The FTC was set in 1914 and obligated with the principal mission of enforcing America’s...
Topic: Consumer Protection
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Abstract The level of crime in a country can only be established if appropriate criteria for investigating the extent of crime in that particular country are put in place. Two mechanisms that the USA uses to trace the rate of crime in the country are the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)...
Topic: Crime
Words: 1413
Pages: 4
Introduction The legal framework of business is the structure by which commercial decision is made. Basic knowledge is that legal issues are important in forming a solid foundation for the study of business (Pentony, 2011). There are different aspects of business law, they include the law of agency contract law,...
Topic: Law
Words: 3007
Pages: 11
Executive Summary Gun related violence and crime is a plague of modernity where death becomes as instant as noodles. While the US democracy allows freedoms that are unparalleled in many modern states and liberal countries today, it has also deprived its citizens who are victims of gun-related crimes who are...
Topic: Law
Words: 4960
Pages: 17
Citation 916 SW.2d 909.196, Tenn.109. Two school girls planned to poison their school teacher. However, their plan did not go through when one of the accomplices decided to inform another teacher concerning what they intended to do. These girls were Reeves, Coffman and the teacher was Janice. The two girls...
Topic: Law
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Summary Juvenile courts have been in existence for many years handling cases that involve children under the age of 18 who are convicted of committing various crimes. The courts remain vital in addressing errant children; thus, there is a need for making the judicial system better so that it continues...
Topic: Law
Words: 881
Pages: 3
Though there are different definitions of affirmative action, the underlying idea is more or less the same in most situations. According to the Minnesota department of human rights (n.d), affirmative action plans consist of goal-oriented management policies that help in ensuring minimum barriers exist in the pursuit of employment opportunities...
Topic: Action Plan
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Introduction Criminal justice systems denote groups of organizations and procedures embedded in countries’ constitutions to control and prevent their citizens from breaking the law. The systems also propose punishments for lawbreakers. However, a person who may be charged with breaking the law is considered to be innocent until proven guilty....
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1204
Pages: 4
In order to avoid chaos and anarchy the society and the governments have created a set of rules and laws that guide the behavior of individuals in a civilized nation. Disorderly conduct is one of such laws that prevents people from acting recklessly and harmfully towards others in public. It...
Topic: Law
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Davis, T. (2001). What is sports law? Marquette sports Law Review, 11(2), 211-243. Davis (2001) tried to explore what sports law was. He acknowledges the difficulty that many people including lawyers, students and other academicians encounter in answering this question. There are three different positions taken by people concerning sports...
Topic: Contract Law
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Integrity is included into the list of the LEADRSHIP values, which exist to direct military servicemembers toward an appropriate conduct. Integrity can be defined as being honest and morally correct despite any difficulties or consequences that might result from following legal and moral principles (Walklate & McGarry, 2016). This definition...
Topic: Crime Investigation
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Introduction The great Aristotle said that an arbitrator goes by and follows the equity of a case, a judge goes by the law, and the development of the process of arbitration was to obtain full power of equity. Through this saying, Aristotle has clearly shown the importance of arbitration in...
Topic: Law
Words: 1808
Pages: 7
Introduction Globalization can be viewed as the process where the world’s markets and business become more connected and interdependent. Through globalization, various parts of the world have become closely connected through economic activities. For instance, various countries are engaged in trading activities with each other. This process has been fuelled...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1062
Pages: 4
Introduction Previously, identity theft was considered a personal crime requiring criminals to have some form of contact with the victim. In this research paper, identity theft reflects unauthorized gathering and deceitful use of other individuals’ personal information. Today, however, identity theft has changed completely since it can be conducted as...
Topic: Law
Words: 2814
Pages: 10
Theory The social bond theory was developed by Travis Hirschi in 1969 to address social problems among delinquents and provide practical solutions on how these social problems could be solved. The theory which is one way or another similar to the social control theory originated from the Functionalist theories of...
Topic: Law
Words: 1161
Pages: 4
Corporate crime covers a very wide range of lawbreaking activities that include violations of accounting such as false statements of corporate assets and profits, occupational safety and health hazards; unfair labor practices, misleading packaging of products, environmental violations as well as illegal domestic political contribution among others. Recognition of corporate...
Topic: Crime
Words: 943
Pages: 3
The case of Cameron Todd Willingham was one of the most controversial criminal justice cases handled in Texas. In 2004, the man was charged with the murder of his three young children by arson. In Death by Fire, the PBS crew provides an analysis of the case, with the focus...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 551
Pages: 2
Introduction One of the greatest challenges in the world today is the problem of insecurity. This problem is gradually getting out of hand because of an increasing number of criminal cases. Crime can be defined as “the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such...
Topic: Crime
Words: 892
Pages: 2
Prison riots have been a part of such institutions for a long time. They are romanticized by popular culture, and they are known to be extremely violent. There are many causes of such events as well as special patterns. Meanwhile, there is a phenomenon of Security Threat Groups. While being...
Topic: Prison
Words: 615
Pages: 2
The Life of Aileen Wuornos Wuornos, whose national identification name was Aileen Carol Pittman, was born on 29th February 1956 in Rochester, Michigan. Diana Wuornos, Aileen’s Finnish-American mother, was born in 1939 and married Leo Dale Pittman, Aileen’s English-American dad when she was fourteen years old. Leo Dale Pittman was...
Topic: Serial Killer
Words: 1883
Pages: 6
Abstract Jeffrey Macdonald is an American serial killer who became notorious after murdering his entire family. At an early age, MacDonald showed no signs of violent behavior. His junior schoolteachers assert that he was a bright and quiet pupil. After completing high school, MacDonald joined a university in Chicago for...
Topic: Murder
Words: 2295
Pages: 8
Introduction Peaceful coexistence is a constituent of development in the community. A peaceful environment emanates from the application of various policing styles by relevant authorities. Policing connotes all processes aimed at modifying and controlling interactions of persons. This is tenable through regulating order, implementation of law, stopping, and identifying wrongdoing....
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 617
Pages: 2
Need Assessment and Policy Design The original social problem that requires a solution is families at risk of entering the child welfare system. Various reasons lead to family problems, including parent’s substance use disorders. Children in these families experience parental neglect or abuse and are more likely to have a...
Topic: Family
Words: 664
Pages: 2
Violent Victimization 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Male 41.7% 48.6% 48.1% 46.3% 49.0% 12 to 14 4.6% 3.9% 5.7% 6.5% 4.7% 15 to 17 3.0% 3.9% 3.6% 1.7% 3.9% 18 to 20 2.1% 2.5% 4.0% 2.2% 4.1% 21 to 24 5.0% 6.0% 4.6% 3.6% 4.1% 25 to 34 8.3% 9.7%...
Topic: Gender
Words: 866
Pages: 2
Introduction The American Constitution outlines the rights of all citizens. Some unique rights are also available to those in criminal justice systems. However, sometimes violations of such liberties occur. Lies in criminal cases can affect the outcome of cases. Law enforcers need to protect and promote people’s rights. This paper...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 857
Pages: 3
People are governed by laws that are either set by the community or the state. In many cases criminal law is the most common type of law that people are familiar with. There is another type of law called the civil law, which is not known to many people. But...
Topic: Civil Law
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Introduction The concept of intellectual property has existed for several centuries. In essence, it protects the right of a creator to label their effort in the creation of content. However, it also raises numerous issues, including the source of ideas, plagiarism, and conflicts between authors. Much of valuable information is...
Topic: Intellectual Property
Words: 591
Pages: 2
A witness’s testimony is a synthesis of information known to a person about the circumstances to be established in a criminal case, made during interrogation in the manner prescribed by law as a witness. Eyewitness testimony is the most common type of evidence during an investigation. Historically, such statements have...
Topic: Court
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Introduction A company is an organization made up of people working together in a bid to achieve the objectives set by the company’s stakeholders. The fact that an organization is made up of many tangible and non-tangible assets it therefore calls for the services of a security director. Thus, a...
Topic: Law
Words: 1388
Pages: 5
Abstract During the course of recent decades, it became a common trait among Americans to think of Puerto Rico in terms of being a crime-haven, even though America’s mass Medias and this country’s “progressive” sociologists continue to refer to this tendency as simply another proof of White Americans’ “biasness”. Yet,...
Topic: Murder
Words: 2815
Pages: 10
Actus reus in simple term means the “guilty act”. Actus reus, in other words, can denote liability for doing something. Majority of crimes believed to have two essential ingredients: “the mens rea” and the “actus reus”. In several criminal litigations, government attorney has to prove actus reus only and these...
Topic: Law
Words: 1047
Pages: 4
Hundreds of pharmacies operating in the country have clearly regulated conditions for the provision of services to the population and comply with specific standards dictated by the relevant legislation. With consumers free to access most drugs, control over pharmacy operations is an essential aspect of policies that are developed to...
Topic: Pharmacy
Words: 873
Pages: 3
Introduction The modern practice of law is a culmination of rituals that have been in existence for a long time and has evolved through the years to cooperate with other rituals from foreign lands. Trial procedures are uniform all over the land. Trials are of many types. They could be...
Topic: Law
Words: 2180
Pages: 7
Graffiti as a crime Graffiti naturally describes the round paintings, a wide assortment of markings and sketches that disfigure concealed property. The unlawful writing is normally done on walls of cities, streets, buildings among others. Graffiti is currently a major issue in big cities and towns ranging from all perspectives....
Topic: Crime
Words: 1362
Pages: 5
According to FBI statistics, the crime rate in the United States is growing. In the early 2000s, it declined significantly, especially in the number of homicides and other serious violent crimes (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2019). However, in recent years, the murder rate has risen significantly across the country, and...
Topic: Murder
Words: 1181
Pages: 4
Introduction The United States Constitution provides protection of civilians from irrelevant searches and seizures of individuals and premises. Such protection is provided specifically by the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution. In fire incidents, investigations are needed to ensure that a potential recurrence of the fire is prevented, to...
Topic: Law
Words: 1680
Pages: 6
The suggested case describing the plan to commit a crime of bank robbery is characterized by several elements that are commonly identified in crime attempts. Firstly, the two friends engaged in the planning, which implies their clear intent to commit a crime. Indeed, they found and studied the plan of...
Topic: Banking
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction Executive Summary Law is defined as a system of rules that guide people in a society on how to relate with each other and are usually enforced by predetermined institutions. In this research paper, three types of law systems are handled; Civil law, Common law and Islamic law. All...
Topic: Civil Law
Words: 1877
Pages: 7
What is the extent to which the drug subculture influences criminal behavior? How does it achieve this influence? Nowadays one can see that in every nook and corner thousands of people are addicted to drugs. It is increasing day by day among adolescent children too. This will lead the children...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 912
Pages: 2
Alexander Pichushkin was born on April 9, 1974, near Moscow. The boy’s father was fond of alcohol and left the family when his son was not even a year old (Harrington 8). Pichushkin did not like his studies. He was only fond of tennis, checkers, and drawing. Due to his...
Topic: Law
Words: 880
Pages: 3
Shima Baughman, a Professor of Criminal Law, wrote an article titled “Police solve just 2% of all major crimes.” The author researched police reports issued within the last fifty years and found that it fails to solve serious crimes. The findings of Baughman prompted the author to conclude that the...
Topic: Police
Words: 289
Pages: 1
Menachem Amir Menachem Amir is best known for his controversial and sensational study of rape. He collected huge data from the police achieves and reported that out of the total number of rape committed about 19% was induced or provoked by the victim herself and the victim participated in the...
Topic: Law
Words: 838
Pages: 3
Introduction Victimology is a comparatively new field of study that includes the emotional or physical assaults of the victim. At present, there are three distinct forms of study or Ideological tendencies of Victimology in the discipline. They are conservative tendency, liberal tendency, and radical tendency. This paper would evaluate each...
Topic: Law
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Governmental establishment of any policy includes several stages: building, formulating, adoption of the law system, implementation, evaluation, and termination. Policy implementation is a variety of actions made to put a federal legislative decision into effect by the local authorities and organizations (Gholipour, 2016). It often leads to changes in broader...
Topic: Health
Words: 350
Pages: 1
Background There were approximately 29, 900 gangs in the US by the year 2011, and 29, 001 in the previous year (Egley & Howell, 2013). In terms of membership, there were about 756,000 gang members in 2010, and 782, 499 in 2011. The number of homicides that these gangs committed...
Topic: Law
Words: 1180
Pages: 4
Introduction American litigation is known for several landmark proceedings, which were widely covered in newspapers, television, and social networks. In the late 20th century, the People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson case thundered in Los Angeles, California, which became one of the most protracted trials in...
Topic: Law
Words: 609
Pages: 2
Labeling Theory The current criminal justice policy exercised in the United States and across the globe arises from the processes of labeling, social reaction, and state intervention. The responses and measures different states implement tend to be counterproductive when seeking to address the challenges of crime. For example, harsher and...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Since the late 1970s, Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) has been used as a specific defense in many criminal cases. Nevertheless, after it was introduced to support claims of insanity and self-defense in spousal homicide cases, some legal, normative, and empirical questions appeared. There is no particular legal Battered Woman Syndrome...
Topic: Law
Words: 379
Pages: 1
Criminal Justice Policies and Constitutional Protections The most important task of the criminal justice system is to avoid crimes and reduce their number. Naturally, in this issue the authorities rely on the police and the court, both of which more often use “sticks” instead of “carrots”. In some cases, the...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 557
Pages: 2
The issue of security has received deficient attention with much focus being directed towards the clause of State security. The vulnerability of the state to certain threats and its military capabilities has been on the forefront in regard to security matters in most cases. However, the emergence of concepts related...
Topic: Law
Words: 1141
Pages: 3
In 1966, the Highway Safety Act was passed and this called for the uniformity of the highway safety programs. This was also reinforced through the introduction of a penalty for the states that fails to implement it. However, the law never lasted for long and was suspended. Among the laws...
Topic: Law
Words: 2079
Pages: 8
Mention of the phrase criminal justice evokes the image of a violator, police, the court and prison or a crime. Criminal Justice entails a system of practices and institutions of government that prevent and act on crime by way of imposing discipline on offenders with penalties and rehabilitation efforts. The...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1694
Pages: 6
Introduction Good afternoon ‘Your Honor’, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ of the jury. My name is (please enter your name), and I will be representing the prosecution in today’s case against Thomas Morton. Your honor, this is a story about a boy who deliberately decided to walk the road of delinquency. A...
Topic: Law
Words: 1205
Pages: 5
In 1925 the State of Tennessee passed a law that prohibited the teaching of evolution in schools funded by the State. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was quick to realize that this law was not only an attempt to control public school curriculum it was also a violation of...
Topic: Law
Words: 3543
Pages: 13
Introduction A crime against humanity is a crime where a serious attack has been operated on many human beings. The dignity of the human beings is attacked where they are humiliated or even killed in large numbers. Crimes against humanity are quite common especially in developing countries where the politics...
Topic: Court
Words: 2281
Pages: 8
Abstract Juvenile delinquency has been an issue of major concern not only to Americans but also to other societies. A number of studies have been carried out to examine the reasons that drive young people to engage in delinquent and criminal behaviors. This paper aims to discuss the historical, contemporary,...
Topic: Juvenile Delinquency
Words: 5751
Pages: 20
The criminal justice administration in the courts plays many roles one of them being to ensure that justice is passed to a criminal in accordance with the Constitution and existing federal and state laws. This always entails the assessment of the available evidence obtained by the police and other law...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1111
Pages: 4
Introduction The death penalty, otherwise known as capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues in our society. Although it is not a recent topic and has been disputed over for centuries, our society has still not come in accord to make a firm implementation of the rule. The...
Topic: Death Penalty
Words: 2222
Pages: 7
Introduction Corporate scandals have become the stories behind many a company’s downfall1 and Corporate governance reforms throughout the world were triggered by the scandals which rocked the corporate world (Yang, 2006, p.75). Corporate crime in UK On December 23rd, a few activists who were harassing and blackmailing the employees of...
Topic: Crime
Words: 3563
Pages: 15
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (hereinafter referred to as The Act) is a statute enacted by the UK Parliament. It is an instrument meant to implement and put into place the Freedom of Information legislation and give the same a national outlook in the UK. The most basic of...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 1995
Pages: 9
Introduction The cases Chapman v. Hearse and Voli v IngleWoodshire Council are both legal cases that were tried in the High Court of Australia in the years 1961 and 1963 respectively. The Judges for the Chapman v. Hearse case was Dixon C.J.; Kitto J.; Taylor J.; Menzies J.; Windeyer J;...
Topic: Construction
Words: 834
Pages: 2
According to the online Canadian Encyclopedia, the term labor relation refers to, “the relations between employers and employees”. It can also be defined broadly as the term that covers all forms of interaction between employers and employees; this includes that which occurs among employees, trade unions, employers, and employer associations...
Topic: Law
Words: 1763
Pages: 7
Introduction Organized crime is defined as the “systematically unlawful activity for profit on a city-wide, interstate, and even international scale”. It is believed that criminal organizations are trying to maintain their illegal activities as a secret. Gangs, youth groups that are usually connected with juvenile activities are sometimes considered as...
Topic: Crime
Words: 2815
Pages: 12
Introduction The United States is one of the most successful multiethnic, multireligious and multiracial societies in the world. However, these differences have also proved to be negative sentiments in society leading to violence, such as anti-Semitic, anti-black, xenophobic, homophobic, and anti-Catholic. “Hate crime” as a term and as a legal...
Topic: Law
Words: 2341
Pages: 9
In the modern world of science and technology, new developments and advancements have changed the life and style of living tremendously. The world is very much complicated and the dramatic advancements in technology have added vigor to the life today. However, there is an opposite side to the same advancements...
Topic: Crime
Words: 1174
Pages: 5
As the waves of change are intensifying in the Information Age, the role of technology in police operations has become pivotal because it aids our law enforcement agencies to do their tasks easier and less time-consuming. Indeed, the growth of technology in policing, from crime analysis and crime mapping to...
Topic: Crime
Words: 2258
Pages: 7
Introduction Policing organizations are the cornerstone of homeland security in all countries, and as comes big responsibility, come many problematic issues that require new approaches and solutions. Out of dozens of issues that 21st-century policing faces, this paper will focus on the damaging narratives regarding police as an institution that...
Topic: Law
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Introduction The exploration of the notion of criminality and crime is essential for the prevention and management thereof. Thus, a profound analysis of crime as a notion. Its implications, and patterns is a critical aspect of managing breaches of the present-day laws. However, the study of the subject matter will...
Topic: Crime
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Many drivers can find speed limits to be annoying, distracting, or lacking any meaningful contribution to road safety. However, there is an alarming trend that reveals the increase in the number of road fatalities in the past few years (Farmer, 2019). I believe that human lives must be put above...
Topic: Law
Words: 219
Pages: 1
Albert Fish: Overview If every single creepy story ever told by the campfire or within the confinement of anonymous Internet forums could come to life, it would probably take the shape of Albert Fish. With his record of kidnapping, murder, grand larceny, and overall deviant behavior, the man wrote himself...
Topic: Serial Killer
Words: 1467
Pages: 5
The healthcare industry imposes a crucial issue of information privacy for professionals within different departments. The case study describes a situation in which a medical social worker unwillingly violated the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Tom represents a covered entity and has authorization for access to the records of the patients. However,...
Topic: Law
Words: 643
Pages: 2
Introduction Perhaps few other pop culture television shows have been as iconic as Law and Order SVU (Special Victims Unit) which has been airing for more than 20 seasons in the 19 years since it has been released. Despite never receiving critical acclaim, the show retains its popularity by adapting...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1744
Pages: 6
Introduction The issue of juvenile crime has an overarching influence on today’s society. Concerns about it have been widely shared not only by government officials but also by the general public. While the juvenile crime rate showed a peak at the beginning of the 1990s and subsequently decreased over the...
Topic: Crime
Words: 2206
Pages: 8
Executive Summary The purpose of the present memorandum was to provide practical recommendations for the management of a medium-size, tech company that considers to expand its research and development (R&D) ventures and patent some of its innovations. The main questions were whether patenting will generate more benefits than disadvantages in...
Topic: Law
Words: 2186
Pages: 8
Abstract Violence remains a major problem in different regions and islands across the Caribbean. This kind of malpractice affects the integrity of the entire society and discourages people from pursuing their economic and social goals. The paper focuses on the nature and effect of gang violence in the Caribbean and...
Topic: Law
Words: 2512
Pages: 11
Facts Reasons Ensuring that products manufactured by companies are safe for use and do not lead to injuries is paramount for organisations. The described issue is of especially high concern for vehicle manufacturing companies since road accidents are highly likely to lead to fatal outcomes (Leichtamer v. American Motors Corp)....
Topic: Law
Words: 1133
Pages: 4
Introduction The 21st century has witnessed vast alterations in a range of domains including economic, financial, and legal ones due to the shift in priorities and the extent to which information management has affected the world. Changes to economic relationships between physical persons and entities have had a tangible impact...
Topic: Gender
Words: 2758
Pages: 11
Cases of unreasonable searches made by the representatives of the law entail serious litigation since the violation of the Fourth Amendment on the right to uninterested and warranted data collection might be proven. As an example for analysis, the case Mitchell v. Wisconsin (2019) will be reviewed. The critical problem...
Topic: Fourth Amendment
Words: 311
Pages: 1
Introduction Sexting is a recent phenomenon when people send sexually explicit texts, pictures, and videos via text messages. Even though it may be argued that sexting is a healthy way of expressing one’s sexuality and fulfilling one’s needs, the normalcy of the phenomenon might be compromised when minors are involved....
Topic: Teenagers
Words: 1117
Pages: 4
Introduction Judicial precedent is a common law system by which a precedent serves as an authority, principle, or rule established in litigation formerly decided. This becomes a binding or persuasive precedent for lower courts or tribunals to follow in deciding future cases with similar facts or issues. The precedent appears...
Topic: Law
Words: 1125
Pages: 4
Legalizing Cannabis in the UK Legalizing cannabis is quite controversial. Legalizing cannabis agents have highly defended the move. Proponents of the move argue that legalizing the drug will decrease the social evils witnessed. Opponents feel that legalizing the drug will rot the society. Advantages of legalizing cannabis It will save...
Topic: Cannabis
Words: 329
Pages: 3
The constitution of the united states, under the First Amendments provides that “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” (Cohen 36). The constitution continues to add that “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right...
Topic: First Amendment
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Facts The World Trade Organization indicted Japan for what it described as a violation of the internal taxation and regulations as stipulated in the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 1994. Japan had pledged to synchronize the Liquor Tax Law to comply with the World Trade Organization’s requirements. The World...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 281
Pages: 1
Introduction The Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) of 1978 was an essential step towards creating an effective government system in the US. President Carter together with unions created a system in which employees could serve the country and perform their duties. The law had direct and indirect implications on the...
Topic: Law
Words: 820
Pages: 3
Introduction The key purpose of this paper is to analyze and assess the main similarities between the Hobbesian and Austinian concepts of the sovereign, precisely outline the constitutive elements of John Austin’s theory, and thoroughly examine how the definition is applicable to the laws in the United States. The Thesis...
Topic: Law
Words: 1379
Pages: 5
Introduction Computer forensics involves collecting evidence in situations where digital information is compromised. Computer forensics scientists assess digital media to identify, preserve, recover, analyze, and present facts about the information under investigation. Many firms across the world are spending huge amounts of money on an annual basis to ensure that...
Topic: Computers
Words: 1377
Pages: 5
Abstract Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v. Harkat was a landmark case in Canada especially in regards to the era of terrorism. This case brief outlines the details of this landmark Supreme Court Ruling. Included in the brief are the details of the case, in summary, its background, accompanying facts, the...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 1196
Pages: 5
Due to its complex nature incorporating social, psychological, biological, and other factors, the problem of juvenile delinquency needs to be addressed from several perspectives, the social one being the critical component of a comprehensive analysis. Combined with economic and financial issues, social stereotypes and prejudices often serve as roadblocks to...
Topic: Juvenile Delinquency
Words: 2062
Pages: 8
Selected Topic The selected topic from the class text is “Deviance, Crime, and Social Control”. The term deviance “refers to the violations of established contextual, cultural, or social norms” (Zembroski, 2011, p. 241). Crimes occur when someone breaks existing laws and social norms. This analysis shows clearly that all crimes...
Topic: Crime
Words: 830
Pages: 4
Abstract This paper discusses the significance of the Religious, Mental Health, and Educational programs within the penal paradigm (in the US), assessed through the lenses of the Deterrence, Incapacitation, Punishment/Retribution, Restorative Justice, and Rehabilitation philosophies of corrections. It also provides some discursive insights into what accounts for the main obstacles...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1969
Pages: 8
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that the Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. However, even though the freedom of speech does not directly affect national security, some argue that in times of conflict, the government should limit the freedom of speech to...
Topic: Speech
Words: 843
Pages: 4
Introduction Family law litigations have exposed the strengths and weaknesses of various judicial systems in society. Over the decades, family matters regarding business have taken surprising turns, owing to the judgments made by the court. Litigated in 1980, the Pettkus v. Becker matter is one of the interesting family law...
Topic: Law
Words: 3314
Pages: 13
Abstract The Choctaw Three refers to Victoria Bell Banks, Medell Banks, and Dianne Bell Tucker, who were indicted and prosecuted in the great State of Alabama for the capital murder of a child that never existed. This case demonstrates what transpires when a prosecutor fails to adhere to the standards...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 926
Pages: 4
Introduction The enactment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was meant to streamline the relationship between employees and employers by minimizing instances of discrimination in relation to race and other categorizations. Title VII prohibits among other things, the discrimination of employees on the basis of their...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1147
Pages: 5
The issues connected to occupational health within the organizations are extremely significant as the opportunity to work in safe conditions is one of the most important rights of any employee. It is necessary to protect the rights of the employees, and this is why the particular bodies that fulfill this...
Topic: Health
Words: 564
Pages: 3
From a legal perspective, discovery can be defined as the procedure that allows obtaining crucial evidence from other parties involved in a legal process by means of interrogation and other techniques (Bergman and Moore 183). As a rule, four types of discovery are identified. These include deposition, interrogatories, production of...
Topic: Discovery
Words: 325
Pages: 2
Introduction Plagiarism is an academic problem that is widespread around the world. Despite the problem being a global one, it is viewed and received differently in various parts of the world. While Westerners are more serious about the issue, their Asian counterparts do not accord it the importance that it...
Topic: Intellectual Property
Words: 2828
Pages: 11
How important is eyewitness testimony in criminal cases? Nowadays, criminal justice is one of the most complicated procedures. This situation takes place, as the original sequence of events is not clear (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2008). Using the testimony of eyewitnesses is important. They help to add missing details to the...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 689
Pages: 3
Situation The problem/concern The problem at hand is insufficient nurse-to-patient ratios often occurring in healthcare facilities of different kinds and specializations. The major causes of this problem are the shortage of skilled nurses and high nurse turnover in healthcare organizations. The lack of clear legislation limiting the ratios based on...
Topic: Law
Words: 620
Pages: 3
Abstract This paper tackles the issue of what should be considered the foremost contributing factors to the formation of gangs in the U.S. Based on the conducted literature-review; the paper’s analytical insights expose the economic, psychological, and cultural forces of influence, in this regard. The provided recommendations, as to what...
Topic: Law
Words: 2331
Pages: 9
Abstract Ethnic refers to a group of people that share a common ancestry heritage, language, nationality and culture. We can therefore say that ethnicity refers to a group of people with common characteristics that distinguish them from the rest. Race on the other hand refers to a group of people...
Topic: Crime
Words: 2090
Pages: 8
Introduction Obamacare or what is commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) refers to a law that seeks to ensure that Americans have access to health insurance. Additionally, the law aims to minimize the cost of healthcare in the United States. The law dictates that no American should be...
Topic: Obamacare
Words: 833
Pages: 4
It is paramount to note that the availability and application of due process of law are equally important for both criminal justice system and the civil justice system. The reasoning behind this statement is that one of the main principles of this legal requirement is that every individual needs to...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1000
Pages: 4
Our legal system is set up with the innate goal to protect, as the old adage goes, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As citizens of this country we put our faith in the system and trust that the laws are based on rationale and justice and exist to...
Topic: Crime
Words: 1000
Pages: 4
Introduction Three Strikes Laws are legislation implemented by various states that aim at punishing offenders who commit the same crimes again. Kenneth (2000, p. 457-469) indicates that the significant of the law is to secure the society from those who repeatedly commit felonies that put the individuals at risk. Three...
Topic: Law
Words: 1178
Pages: 5
Introduction The case of Mullins v. City of New York focuses on the police department’s violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in failing to pay police officers for their overtime work. However, the case’s importance for consideration lies in the essence of the lawsuit and in exploring the...
Topic: Law
Words: 591
Pages: 2
Influence of Unfavorable Environments on Juvenile Crime Many variables can explain why some youngsters commit crimes and show no regret. One probable explanation is that they grow up in an unfavorable environment. Suppose a youngster is forced to endure a life of violence, poverty, or hopelessness. In that case, they...
Topic: Law
Words: 357
Pages: 1
Abstract The Innocence Project (I.P.) is a nonprofit organization that works to reform the criminal justice system and employs DNA testing to exonerate wrongfully convicted persons. This essay focuses on the story of Thomas McGowan, a man imprisoned for 23 years for a crime he didn’t commit, and how the...
Topic: Law
Words: 2800
Pages: 10
Introduction At the center of the case are the arrest and subsequent searches of Heather Juliano, a passenger in a car that had been stopped for a possible seatbelt violation. The Court’s main concern was whether Juliano’s detention and the searches that were conducted on her were justified based solely...
Topic: Law
Words: 824
Pages: 3
Introduction Although many criminals believe they can be safe and run away from justice, it is rarely the case. “Chasing Lincoln’s Killer” by James L. Swanson is an account of the events that followed the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. During this time, a significant search occurred, and John...
Topic: Law
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Introduction The individual discussed in the case is Aileen Wuornos, born in Michigan on February 29, 1956. She is the youngest of two Wuornos children, with her late brother Keith being the eldest. Her family members severely abused and traumatized Aileen during her childhood and formative years. Her father, convicted...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1108
Pages: 4
Introduction It is important to note that rehabilitation plays a central role in addressing juvenile delinquency. The two selected rehabilitation programs of interest for the given evaluative analysis are cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and multidimensional treatment foster care (MTFC). Both interventions have their own set of strengths, but CBT is generally...
Topic: Justice
Words: 291
Pages: 1
Four main conditions must exist for a contract law to be valid. The first condition is that both parties must be legally competent to enter the contract. Any contract with a mentally incompetent person is invalid (Showalter, 2020). The second condition is that there should be a meeting of minds...
Topic: Contract Law
Words: 1102
Pages: 4
Introduction In the book written by Rempel (2017), Advocacy in Practice: Creating a culture of social change in human services, section six is titled “Advocacy stories” and extends from pages 129 to 151. In addition, the book is published by Oxford University Press Canada and covers critical aspects of advocacy...
Topic: Law
Words: 1443
Pages: 5
Introduction In contemporary society, cyberbullying through Facebook has become very common and serious because of the growth of the internet, particularly among students. In this case, the dignity and rights of people happen to be violated, particularly when they are school-going. Therefore, the courts of law have their work well...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Introduction Juvenile delinquency refers to juveniles engaging in illegal activity; traditionally, this refers to those who are under the age of 18. Numerous reasons have contributed to the growth of adolescent delinquency, which is an issue that many cultures are becoming more concerned about. These include poverty, a dysfunctional family,...
Topic: Illness
Words: 1963
Pages: 7
Multiple social concerns impact schools by generating barriers for young people. The phenomenon highlights the vulnerability of the demographic and the importance of implementing various techniques to minimize potential risks affecting individuals in this age group. One of the concerns that require examination and confronting is juvenile crime. Juvenile crime...
Topic: Crime
Words: 307
Pages: 1
Introduction The US Constitution protects the individual liberties of the American citizen by providing guidelines upon which further laws must conform. The Constitution establishes checks and balances for the three arms of the US government, especially the power limits that define operational scopes for each branch. Therefore, when a legal...
Topic: Affordable Care Act
Words: 502
Pages: 2
An unequal distribution of cases against members of different ethnic groups characterizes the use of force by police officers against citizens in Canada. For instance, in Peel municipality, regional police use of force against Black people is 3.2 times higher than for other population groups (Balintec, 2022, p. 1). This...
Topic: Crime
Words: 873
Pages: 3
Introduction The landmark cases have established a continuous influence on our laws and future cases today. The cases entail court cases that are studied as they have legal and historical importance. A landmark decision establishes a substantial new legal concept or principle or transforms the interpretation of current law. The...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1208
Pages: 4
Introduction In today’s business, zero-hour contracts are becoming more typical. However, they have come under heavy fire as a means for companies to exert more authority over their workforce. Interestingly, some research suggests that people with zero-hour contracts are more likely to experience psychological discomfort and are less prone to...
Topic: Law
Words: 1355
Pages: 5
Introduction Domestic violence is a debilitating behavior and a significant public health problem that affects both men and women. Although the latter group is impacted disproportionately, domestic abuse can occur in any relationship regardless of the age, marital, social, or economic status of the partners. It can also happen between...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 940
Pages: 3