The Language of Science & Evidence-Based Management

Introduction Each person tries to personally learn and evaluate what surrounds them. At the same time, the knowledge that people acquire in different ways affects the formation of thinking and helps them make certain decisions (Rynes & Bartunek, 2017). Therefore, this article aims to introduce readers to scientific evidence that...

People’s Behavior: Building Communities of Care

For many years, scientists have been interested in various aspects of human behavior. For these purposes, a new concept was introduced into psychology, which is called behaviorism. This section of science deals with the study of people’s responses to various situations occurring with them. Some of the most important studies...

The Amazon Company’s Econometric Models

Modern economic theory, both at the micro and the macro level, ever more complex economic processes have led to the need to create and improve unique methods of study and analysis. At the same time, the use of modeling and quantitative analysis has become widespread. Based on the latter, one...

Olfactory Sense as the Most Rapid Warning System

The human evasion reaction to unsavory scents related to risk has for some time been viewed as a conscious cognitive process. However, the research from Karolinska Institutet shows that it is an unconscious and fast reaction. The brain processes involved in the translation of an unpleasant odor into avoidance behavior...

Convergent Evolution and Analogous Structures

Convergent evolution is a situation whereby different unrelated species independently develop similar traits. In some biological cases, other organisms develop identical characteristics to solve a common problem presented by their habitat (Sackton & Clark, 2019). When two or more organisms portray similar traits not inherited from a shared ancestor, they...

The Process of Excretion in Rodents

Introduction The main objective of physiology is to observe, describe, and analyze the various processes that occur within biological organisms. Through these procedures, the field provide new knowledge in regard to the profound mechanisms of animal and human bodies. The data is applied across a range of adjacent disciplines, utilizing...

Trobriand Islands: History and Culture

Trobriand Islands are located closely to the coast of Eastern New Guinea, and people living there have unique traditions different from other nations. Over the years, the Islands were influenced by neighboring countries, and, according to the Trobriand Cultural sketch, they only received independence in 1975. The population’s lifestyle includes...

Average Lifespan: Human Population Data Analysis

This lab aims to gather and analyze human population data using statistical methods to analyze data. The data used in this analysis was gathered from the “Find a Grave” website, which can be accessed at Calvary Allied Cemetery, commonly known as Calvary Cemetery, was used because it is one...

Receptive Vocabulary Size and Proficiency in English as a Foreign Language

Introduction The use of scatter plot is one of the strategies that studies employ to visualize and present information to readers. Data visualization has numerous advantages, including enhancing the understanding of a phenomenon, highlighting trends and patterns, and summarizing complex information (Li, 2018). Scatterplot aids in data visualization by depicting...

Challenges of Intensive Grazing Systems

The need to graze livestock to meet market demand comes with its fair share of nutritional requirement challenges. Different jurisdictions have different requirements for livestock products based on set quality standards. Therefore, to meet these demands farmers have come up with different grazing techniques to help them meet the demands...

Qualitative Methods and Analysis

Qualitative analysis can be defined as a way a researcher develops a deep understanding of a phenomenon by employing deep research. It is aligned using a particular methodology, and there has never been a single way to analyze qualitative data. In other words, it is a nonlinear and interactive process....

Measurements of Intelligence and Why They Are Good

The measurements of intelligence are a controversial topic, and it is stated sometimes that intelligence cannot be measured at all. However, in my opinion, intelligence can be measured and even should be. The tools such as intelligence quotient, based on the standardized test, are well known, but it is commonly...

Reaction Rates and Effects of Temperature, Concentration, and Surface Area

Introduction When an acid and a base are reacted, a neutralization reaction occurs whereby a solution and a gas are formed. This experiment tests the effect of temperature, concentration, and surface area on the rate of reaction. Temperature is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance,...

Discussion of Life-Span Theory Exploration

The theory of four stages of Cognitive development was developed by Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s. Through the process of observing children’s cognitive development, Piaget defined four significant stages of intellectual development. The stages included the sensorimotor stage from the child’s birth to the development of language...

Exploring Primate Evolution: Evolution Patterns

The natural advancements made by various species are an essential topic of scientific discussion in multiple fields of study. The development of the order primates, which currently includes a large number of animals, has been thoroughly discussed by numerous researchers interested in animal and human species’ progression. From the first...

Plant Invasions and Invasibility of Plant Communities

Plant invasions Plant invasions are crucial and refer to exotic species’ invasion of a particular ecosystem with or without native plant species. Plant invasions slowly occurred in the past as the earth was minimally explored, and there weren’t enough vectors to carry out the migration of exotic species to new...

Pluto: The Status in the Galaxy

Pluto has been a topic of many arguments for scholars during the centuries and has caused numerous debates. Through the paper flows the idea of the inconstancy and the motion of the science that result in changes of astronomer’s perceptions. Therefore, the provided article observes the events and discoveries that...

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

The Lewis and Clark Expedition that took place in 1803-1806 was the first land expedition across the United States from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific and back. Although the original purpose of the expedition was rather modest – to investigate what the US acquired through the Louisiana purchase from...

Haiti: Artifacts, Culture, and Today’s Issues

Self-expression and Artifacts Humans may create cultural artifacts for such simple reasons as survival. However, the object will be different from that created by another person, although if they belong to the same culture, some similarities are also likely to exist. The need for self-expression arises from the sense of...

Thua Thien Hue Province’s Culture & Infrastructure

Introduction Thua Thien Hue is one of the five provinces in the Pacific Ocean that borders Quang Tri, Da Nang, Quang Nam, and Laos it is located on the central coast of Vietnam, and Hue City is its capital. The city is 660 kilometers from Hanoi and 1080 kilometers from...

Urban Sprawl in Portland: Advantages, Disadvantages, Net Effect

Introduction Urban sprawl refers to the loss of a land’s rural characteristics due to the geographic expansion of cities and towns or spatial footprint. Urban sprawling is caused by the need to accommodate an increasing urban population and fulfill residents’ desire for increased living space and residential amenities. The European...

Digestion of Foodstuffs as Process

Digestion of foodstuffs is a vital process for the organism’s proper functioning and an irreplaceable part of the metabolism. Metabolism, in turn, provides the bodies of living organisms with energy and valuable substances, which ensures activity and health. Digestion is a process that is designed to help the body absorb...

Autobiography of an Alternative Life in China

If I had an opportunity to be reborn as a person who lived in East Asia, I would choose China of the Qing Dynasty as the place of birth. Since boys have always been valued in traditional China, I would also choose the male sex for birth. This will allow...

The Central Asian Region Description

The Central Asian area is focused on a region of relatively flat terrain surrounded on the east and south by mountain ranges and on the west by the Caspian Sea. Weather patterns, animal and plant species, and populations have all engaged and intermingled for millennia inside these loosely confined natural...

Whirlpool in the Sea off the Coast of Scotland Near Ayrshire Due to Waste Water

Description: Stunning drone images near Lendalfoot in South Ayrshire captured a glimpse of a mammoth whirlpool off the Scottish west coast. According to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), the phenomenon is linked to recent rainwater that came into contact with wastewater, forming leachate (as cited in Parsons, 2021). The...

Probability Sampling Importance for Successful Research

In the academic setting, the ideal for any study is a reliable and high-quality procedure that produces results that effectively represent objective reality. In other words, scenarios in which a statistical experiment was initially based on an incorrect, unrepresentative approach to measuring the quantity sought should be eliminated. For this...

Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

The use of either qualitative or quantitative methodology in a study constitutes several research determinants. The present exploration is used to explain the concept behind the two articles by Le et al. (2018) and Kuo, Hiler and Lutz (2017), but not to position one item as superior to the other....

Discussion of Epigenetics Meanings and Aspects

Introduction Epigenetics is the study of how gene expression takes place without changing the sequence of DNA. The epigenetics video is mind-opening about how our behavior can influence our health. The video sheds light on the possible differences in people with similar genetic makeup due to epigenetics. It helps individuals...

Aspects of Absorbtion of Dyes

Introduction The absorbance of a substance can be measured by determinig the absorption spectra of the substance. A spectrometer can be used to measure the energy transition from the ground state of a substance to an excited state of the substance which is usually above 300KJmol-1(Bhowmik et al., 2018).The absorbance...

Mendelian Genetics and Chlorophyll in Plants

Abstract Several common plants and animals have shared chromosomes and are identified as diploid. Mendel’s principle of segregation states that in a heterozygote, one characteristic will hide the presence of another trait for the same feature. Rather than both alleles contributing to a phenotype, the dominant allele will be conveyed...

How to Structure a Good Research Paper

A research title persuades readers to study the research paper. Titles in academic research must thoroughly inform the readers of the goal of the research to entice them to look at it (Brancati, 2018). For this reason, neatly encapsulate the fundamental subject that the research covers. Moreover, list important terms...

Oxygen Consumption by the Body

The human body is a complex and multilevel system whose components are combined into a coherent and balanced mechanism. The need for molecular oxygen defines the body as an open system, which needs the resources of the environment to maintain effective activity. More specifically, at the macro level, oxygen is...

Duck Billed Platypus as Example of Mammalian Beginnings

General Information One of the most amazing transitional forms between reptiles, birds, and mammals is the platypus, a modern mammal. The platypus was first discovered in 1797 on the shores of Australia, and it took many years for researchers to figure out what the chimera was. Today platypus is fully...

How America Became a World Power?

American internal and external strategies allowed it to gain political power worldwide. The violent competition for establishing the new world order was particularly evident during the Cold War era. However, the lack of competitive forces in the 1990 and the 2000s resulted in creating an idea about taking responsibility for...

Africa’s Great Civilizations: Cities

Introduction The analysis of documentary stories about individual geographic regions is often built on standard research patterns when milestones in history and key achievements are mentioned. The video Africa’s Great Civilizations: Cities directed by Mark Bates and presented by Henry Louis Gates Jr. cannot be included in the list of...

Hypothesis Testing a Conceptual Introduction

Summary “Hypothesis testing a conceptual introduction” is chapter 9 of the book called “Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice” written by Jacinta Gau. It examines the foundation and purpose of hypothesis testing, provides steps, which should be followed to conduct statistical research. Moreover, this chapter describes expected and observed outcomes,...

Evaluation as a Significant Part of People’s Lives

Evaluation is a significant part of most aspects of people’s lives. Evaluation provides people with opportunities to assess past events along with their effectiveness and estimate possibilities of future events along with probabilities of their success. Evaluation is also crucial in doing research or conducting a study to assess various...

Comparison of British Common Law System and Quebec’s Civil Law System

Introduction The fundamental differences between the British common law system and Quebec’s civil law system are associated with the national, historical, political, psychological, and other characteristics of countries and peoples. Due to its natural and other features, each of these legal systems develops on its own. This development, along with...

Discussion of The Future of Nevada

Nevada is a flourishing state with a tumultuous history. However, for a bright future with improvements on different levels, certain aspects need to be discussed. One of the critical topics that will assure a certain brighter future is addressing environmental issues. Water is precisely the problem that needs consideration when...

Depressive Symptoms in Patients: Archival Data Analysis

The option chosen for theproject My topic of choice is “Archival Data Analysis.” Archival data refers to data that already exists in libraries, reports, or other data sources. It exists in other files written by another person or organization. Archival data is initially collected for research purposes and kept for...

“A New Class of Faults and Their Bearing on Continental Drift” by Wilson

The article explains the nature of faulting aspects. The author states that any feature may be transformed into a mountain or a ridge. During the transformation process, the horizontal shear changes into an expanding tensional motion across the ridge or rift with a change in seismicity at the point of...

Astronomical Knowledge from Copernicus to Newton

People have always been looking in the sky to find an answer to the question, what our world actually is. Admittedly, the 17th century brought about specific conditions that promoted the rapid development of astronomy. These are mainly the geographical discoveries of that time, the invention of tools necessary for...

The Formation of Medieval Japanese Confucianism

Medieval Japanese Confucianism is a unique phenomenon, which spread across the whole nation. The main reason for its popularity in the country of the rising sun is the fact that Japanese neighbors such as China had been practicing Confucius’ teachings for centuries before it got to the island. Japan was...

Secondary Structures in Proteins and Signaling Lipids From Arachidonic Acid

Secondary Structures in Proteins Secondary Structures in Protein entail the local folded structures forming within a polypeptide following interactions between backbone atoms. They entail the polypeptide chain, which is not part of the R groups. The most common structures are the β pleated and α helix sheets (Taechalertpaisarn, 2019). Hydrogen...

“Are Neanderthals Human” Article Review

In the article “Are Neanderthals Human” written on September 20, 2012, Carl Zimmer suggests that there were numerous various species of human in the past, including Neanderthals, which helps modern scientists determine the nature of other species. The author reveals the story of anthropologic discoveries and describes the ideas of...

Methods of Evaluating Evidence in Research

Depending on the type of assessment one needs to conduct, there are different characteristics and variables to base the evidence evaluation upon. For the purposes of this discussion, the relevance-based assessment and the representativeness-based assessment were chosen. Since these characteristics are essential to any scientifically valuable research, both types are...

Skin Functions and Risk Factors

The skin is the most critical and largest human organ. It provides a connection of the body with the surrounding nature and is also a feature that distinguishes one person from another. Moreover, it supports the homeostasis of body temperature, and changes in this indicator are called hypo and hyperthermia....

Which of the Body’s Senses Is the Most Difficult to Live Without

All living beings, including humans, evolved to live in changing external environments and interact with them. Sensory reception, which consists of five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, is a complete system that enables one to survive effectively (Pfaffmann, 2017). Pain is usually attributed to touch, as it is...

Researching of the Shoot System of Flowering Plants

The shoot system of flowering plants consists of leaves, stems, and bud structures, as well as flowers and fruit. The root system has mechanical and conductive functions. The mechanical role of the roots is to create a stable position of the plant on the surface. The conductive function is responsible...

The Biological Foundations of People’s Bodies

Introduction Carbohydrates are sugar molecules that play crucial roles in our body system. Carbohydrates are involved in several significant functions in our body, which are discussed below. First, carbohydrates provide energy and regulate blood glucose in the body (Stoker, 2015). Once eaten, carbohydrates are digested and then consequently broken further...

Costs and Benefits of Being Honest Among Non-Human Primates

Species typically live in groups where they should involve in cooperation with other living creatures for feeding, breeding, and others. Non-human primates can use various signals and cues to achieve the tasks above. Számadó (2011, p. 4) indicates that the two can influence the receiver’s behavior, while signals are peculiar...

An Aspect of Evolutionary Biology as Phylogenetic Analysis

The article chosen explores such an aspect of evolutionary biology as phylogenetic analysis. More specifically, it is known that phylogenetic analysis with the construction of a tree is a tool in the hands of biologists to study the relationship between species or strains. Such a tree makes it possible to...

Sampling Method Evaluation and Analysis

Sampling is an important component of research that can have a substantial impact on the findings, their validity and reliability. The article understudy is written by Labrague and McEnroe-Petitte (2016) and is concerned with the influence of the level of anxiety among women undergoing gynecological surgery. The study involved 97...

Phytoremediation Lab With Hyacinth Plants

Introduction Phytoremediation is when green plants are used to treat and control hazardous chemicals and contaminants from groundwater and soil by uptaking the pollutants into the plant tissue or leaves. Examples of these contaminants are metal and metalloids, sludge, convectional wastes, and xenobiotic pollutants. The process is eco-friendly, which can...

Does Cellular Respiration Increase as a Person Does Exercise?

Background Cellular respiratory is a set of processes and reactions that occur inside the cells of a living organism. They aim at converting chemical energy from oxygen molecules to energy that can be used by body tissues (Budin 1186). Additionally, these reactions convert nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The cellular...

Europe: One Continent or Forty-Four Nations?

Although Europe is often perceived as one geographic or political unit, modern society must understand and be aware of the fact that Europe is comprised of more than 44 nations. Due to the large concentration of nations in one area sometimes it is easy to wrongly perceive Europe as one,...

Chi-Square: A Statistical Approach to Research

Introduction Statistical research is one of the most popular modes of examining patterns and variable associations. It entails collecting a large amount of numerical data and analyzing it to make meaningful conclusions. Its three most important phases are data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Often, data analysis can only occur when...

Predictive Modeling: Regressions and Neural Networks

Introduction Predictive modeling is used to forecast results and outcomes for various types of situations and processes. Neural networks are the tools individuals can utilize for these purposes. This paper provides insight into the complex process of constructing predictive regression models, as well as training them and choosing appropriate input...

Discussion of Principle of Least Action

The principle of least action is a natural principle, according to which natural processes tend to evolve towards the most energy efficiency. Fundamental physical and chemical processes are governed by the principle of least action, seen in material formation, heat transfer and electrical currents, taking the path of least resistance...

Privacy Concerns Over DNA Sequences

Introduction The depth of studies increases alongside the technological progress of humanity. Genetics is one of the scientific fields that benefit greatly from these advancements, as many of its aspects rely on the analysis of massive data sets. However, when scientists began working with human DNA, it became apparent that...

Bias and Confounding as Sources of Lack of Statistical Precision

Introduction In epidemiology, statistical precision and information exactness are extremely vital. As such, accuracy on the associations between outcomes of interest and exposure should be free from any form of distortion. However, different factors may hinder information validity resulting in distorted exposure/outcome associations. This essay discusses bias and confounding as...

Socio-Economic Impact of Grabbing Water Bodies: A Sociological Study

The two hypotheses of the article include: H1 – Grabbing water bodies have a negative socio-economic impact on indigenous residents with different livelihoods, H0 – Grabbing water bodies do not have a negative socio-economic impact on indigenous residents with different livelihoods. The hypothesis is correct since the research is focused...

Identifying a Material in a Chemical Lab

Lab Report This laboratory exercise used thermal expansion to identify a material. In most cases, solids expand after heating due to the faster vibration of atoms about their fixed points. However, some solids, particularly polymers, experience contraction when exposed to heat. The main cause of negative thermal expansion is the...

Randomized Clinical Trials Examples

When it is necessary to make data from research credible, healthcare managers and leaders can use numerous types of studies. They include case-control studies, cohort studies, and randomized clinical trials (RCTs), and each of them has specific peculiarities. Thus, the paper will offer examples of such studies and comment on...

Agricultural Technology Implementation by Medieval Europeans and West Africans

Agricultural developments were an essential step in technological progress for humanity that allowed people to sustain high population counts. However, due to the differences in availability of usable soil masses and their scale, West Africans and Medieval Europeans approached agricultural issues with entirely different solutions. This paper will examine how...

Major Organelles in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

It goes without saying that the functioning of the human organism is a complicated process. Cells are mainly categorized as either eukaryotic or prokaryotic. Regardless of the classification, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells share a lot in common. Both of them are surrounded by a semi-permeable plasma membrane that has...

Human Nature Definition in Social Theory

Human beings were trying to answer the simple from the first glimpse throughout the whole history, but enormously broad from the other perspective question: “What human nature is like?” The biggest problem with this question is that too many possible answers eliminate the one “right” answer. This is because of...

The Height Values Obtained Through Statistical Research

Figure 1 below shows the screenshot of the values obtained through excel. The mean height is 68.9 and the standard deviation is 4.41. Compared to the mean height of the results, I am taller since my height is 72. Step 2 The participants for the study were selected through sampling....

A Hypothesis Testing Process, Making a Decision

A hypothesis testing process consists of four consecutive steps that present a logical basis for decision-making concerning the validity of a hypothesis. In particular, the first step is stating the hypotheses, where a null hypothesis implies that there is no relationship between the variables. The alternative hypothesis implies that there...

Manual Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data

Introduction An identification process of protein that is accurate is required to be able to produce quantitative proteomics; this process is mostly carried out by searching automated softwares, they track the sequence of the database which contains mass spectra tandem of peptides, if these peptides do not have enough data,...

Streptococcus as a Pathogenic Bacterium

According to Nizet and Arnold, GAS (Group A streptococcus) is has the scientific name of Streptococcus pyogenes, the only species that exists in the beta-hemolytics group of streptococci (698). Streptococcus is a gram-positive bacterium that develops in the form of chains, predominantly in the fluid environment. In the relation to...

The Four Basics of the Human Evolution

Evolution refers to the process that causes changes in allele occurrences in a population over a period. Conferring to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the event takes place by natural selection (Ashraf & Sarfraz, 2016). Thus, evolution enables organisms to acquire characteristics that best suit their environment, increasing their chances...

Chapter 7 of “Moral Choices” Book by Rae

As the name of the seventh chapter of Moral Choices suggests, Rae talks about biotechnology, genetics, and human cloning. He generally discusses the various ways professionals perform genetic testing, and, as the result, the ways they determine whether a person or a child has a predisposition to a specific genetic...

Homo Floresiensis: Distinctive Features And Ancestry

General Description of Homo Floresiensis Homo Floresiensis is a primitive hominine species that has become an object of active scientific debates. H. Floresiensis was discovered in 2003 in Lang Bua (Indonesia) in the Late Pleistocene sediments (Sutikna et al., 2016). For a long time, the scientists have been discussing the...

IgM and IgG Immunoreactivity of SARS-CoV-2 Recombinant M Protein

Introduction It is important to note that a major part of human immunity is reliant on antibody-antigen interactions. Antibodies are produced by a body to detect and eliminate antigens. The main antigens of SARS-CoV-2 are nucleocapsid proteins (N) and spike proteins (S). The study focuses on a more abundant antigen,...

The Future of Satellites Lies in the Constellations by Nataniel Scharping

The recent article “The future of satellites lies in the constellations” by Nataniel Scharping, published in Astronomy magazine, discusses possible opportunities and problems that may arise from the launching and operation of numerous satellites. The author argues that by 2030, the number of active satellites revolving around the Earth may...

Aspects of the Bootstrap-T Algorithm

The bootstrap-t algorithm is inspired by Student’s t-test, as its name indicates. It introduces a similar parameter T and calculates its percentiles, which can then be used to establish confidence intervals for the initial parameter of interest. With that said, since the T-percentiles are unknown, it is necessary to approximate...

Intelligence: Definition and Theories

Intelligence is the ability to reason, solve problems, make decisions and learn new concepts. Additionally, creativity and emotional knowledge constitute the intelligence levels of an individual. My IQ test result is 103, reflecting my intelligence levels since the test focuses on analytic and mental capabilities (Ruhl, 2020). Some ways of...

The Empirical Rule in Statistics

The empirical rule is one of the basic statistical terms associated with the normal distribution. Also called the three-sigma rule, this law states that for a normal distribution, virtually all observable data will be within three standard deviations (Hayes, 2021). There is a ratio of 68-95-99.7, according to which 68...

Fossil Fuels Formation and Processing

Fossil fuel derivatives are produced using plant and animal deposits. These sources are found in the earth’s deep layer and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be singed for energy (Strand, 2007). Coal is a solid raw material that is formed for an extended period by the rot of land...

Biotechnology: the Protein Separation

Materials and Methods GST Pull Down The protein-protein interaction experiment produced the 6*His-USP elution fraction that was carefully transferred into a microfuge labeled USP7D. The labeled microfuge was then stored on ice. GST and GST-EBNA 1 peptide columns, which were initially loaded in the freezer, were obtained and allowed to...

Practical Proforma Enzyme Kinetics

Introduction Crude acid phosphatase, an enzyme, is vital in speeding up biological reactions, and as such, it comes in handy in the manufacture of proteins as well as the conversion of sugar compounds into usable sugar substrates. The enzyme phosphatase is an ubiquitous acid found in both plants and animal....

Researching of Amino Acids in the Human Body

It is important to note that there are approximately 500 amino acids, but proteins in the human body are mostly comprised of 20 amino acids, which can be further categorized into three main groups. There are essential amino acids, nonessential amino acids, and conditional amino acids. The former group includes...

Origin and Biochemical Basis for the Therapeutic Action of Morphine

Background Morphine was discovered in early 1800 by 21-year old Freidrich Wilhelm Serturner. Through curiosity, Serturner got interested in the opium medicinal plant which was used by 18th-century physicians. His main concern was the medicinal properties of opium (Clark & Graham, 2008). He however used his free time studying the...

Describing of Basic Substances of Life

Introduction Traditional Chinese medicine has a fundamental and very different outlook on human health developed and supplemented for over two thousand years. While modern Western medicine is reactive, focusing on the treatment of disease, traditional Chinese medicine focuses on health to prevent disease. This work in its content describes the...

The Relationship Between Parenting Styles

Introduction Quantitative studies often allow for a deeper understanding of phenomena (Campbell & Stanley, 1963), and a multiple regression is a method which permits for estimating whether there is a relationship between a number of predictor variables and an outcome variable (Frankfort-Nachmias & Nachmias, 2015). It can also be used...

Dental Public Health Research in the U.S.

The term research refers to a systematic inquiry that seeks to investigate new forms of hypotheses, comes up with the latest interpretations of texts or data, as well as poses previously unasked questions for future researchers to explore and come up with solutions. Any research activity usually consists of asking...

How to Construct a Mixed Methods Research Design?

A mixed method research design is a research approach that primarily utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods in order to cover a wide range of data assessment criteria. It is stated that it is comprised of seven main aspects, which include complexity, plan, typology, integration, timing, theory, and purpose (Schoonenboom...

Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research

Introduction There are no other cells in the human body that can generate more different cells than stem cells. Research scientists have developed an interest in stem cells’ composition and applicability in the medical field (Wang et al., 2017). Cell division of the stem cells can generally occur in the...

Usage of O2 in Complex IV Reaction

The final stage of cellular respiration – oxidative phosphorylation – requires the presence of the oxygen and special enzymes to successfully perform all needed reactions. Mansilla et al. (2018) state that “the respiratory chain is composed of several multiprotein complexes, which are involved in the transfer of electrons and the...

Bacterial Shapes Laboratory Manual

This laboratory experiment demonstrated the method used to identify different bacterial shapes. The manual provides background information on the three most common bacterial shapes before providing manual guidelines for the examination and identification of respective bacterial shapes. It begins with extensive insight into bacteria and their unique characteristics. Bacteria are...

Blood and Mannitol Salt Agar Plates Test

The results obtained in the experimental test with Mannitol salt agar (MSA), showed that there was microbial growth in the plates inoculated with staphylococcus aureus. However, the colonies of S. aureus were quite different in size and color components. Actually, the colonies of S. aureus were small in size, but...

Gadolinium Chelate Coated Gold Nanoparticles

Introduction The objective of investigations in oncology is the discovery and assessment of therapeutic strategies on models. These studies require efficient and modern functionalized contrast agents to envisage tumor growth, for evaluating the effect of treatment, and/or for propagating the annihilation of cancerous tumors. These applications involve ample pharmacokinetic aspects...

Statistics. How Changes to Variables Affect Conclusion

Definitions In the process of researching, the necessity to provide the correct meaning of discussed terminology units arises on a regular basis to ensure readers accurate understanding. Therefore, the methods and the process of defining are issues of great importance in every study. There are two common approaches to carefully...

Statistical Data Testing in Public Health

Compare the various types of ANOVA by discussing when each is most appropriate for use. Include specific examples to illustrate the appropriate use of each test and how interaction is assessed using ANOVA Analysis of variance (ANOVA) has two different types: the tests can be one-way or two-way, and the...

Electromagnetic Assisted Impact collision (MAIC)

The process of electromagnetic assist impact collision (MAIC) is used to combine reactive nanoparticles with activated carbon bead to produce a multi-functional particulate. A reactive-adsorptive multi-functional protective particulate contains both chemically and biologically protective capabilities in a form whose handling during use and manufacture does not pause difficulties. The nanoparticles...

The Importance of Including the Effect Size Into Study Reports

Introduction Effect size is an important statistic that reflects the strength/magnitude of a relationship between two variables. This paper uses the article by Mancuso (2010) as an example to show that effect sizes should be reported in studies because they allow for assessing the practical importance of the attained results,...

Logistic Regression: Research Methods

This is a method that used in the modeling of dichotomous outcome variables. It is usually represented in two forms, either as simple logistic regression or multiple logistic regression. The simple logistic regression is used whenever there is one nominal variable with two values and a measurable variable. Under such...

Re-Engineering Photosynthesis to Stimulate Crop Growth and Productivity

Introduction With the growing population, meeting the necessary food demands needs improvement of crop productivity, possibly by enhancing photosynthesis efficiency. Photorespiration happens in most C3 crops, leading to toxic byproducts such as glycolate. Processing these toxins is costly as it utilizes a lot of the plant’s energy reducing the crop’s...

Toxoplasma Gondii Tropism Toward Rats Brain Regions

The change in the host behavior, which parasites are allegedly responsible for according to the tenets of the behavioral manipulation theory (Lim et al. 2012), can be seen when observing rats. According to the principal concepts of the theoretical framework, parasites, in general, and Toxoplasma gondii, in particular, are capable...

The Correlational Statistic: Pearson’s Coefficient

Introduction The Pearson’s correlation coefficient r is a statistic that shows the degree to which the values of two variables x and y are in the linear correlation; r takes values from -1 to 1, with r = 1 when the correlation can be described with the linear function (y...

Bioinformatics of Plant Therapeutics

Gamma Gliadin will bind to the APC receptor and initiate an inflammatory response. Antisense protein can either make a cluster of Gamma gliadin hence not making them available to initiate the reaction. The other possible method is that it interrupts with tTG enzyme that mediates this reaction and modifies Gliadin....

Carrots and Silverbeet: Review

Carrot is considered a root vegetable because it has a horn like shape. It comes in different colors like red, white, and yellow varieties. However, most varieties come in an orange colour. A fresh carrot has a crisp texture. Its taproot is commonly eaten as it contains a high concentration...

“The Plague Year” From the New Yorker Source Analysis

It is important to note that sources and their credibility plays an essential role in ensuring that the writing is evidential and persuasive because the lack of high-quality and reliable sources is indicative of the questionability of the presented statements. The New Yorker article is not as credible as it...

Natural Migration to Bring Wolves Back to Colorado

Today, the debates about the benefits of wolves’ coming back to Colorado for citizens continue. On the one hand, we cannot neglect the well-known fact that a gray wolf was a symbol of the West during a long period in the 19th century. On the other hand, it is necessary...

Reddy Attipalli and Rong Zhou on Photosynthesis

The topic of photosynthesis has widely been researched by scientists as it is significant for green plants and other organisms to form chemical energy from light energy. The conversion of light energy involves carbon dioxide (CO2), water, and minerals to organic compounds rich in energy and oxygen. Therefore, this suggests...

Scientific Method: The Risk of Contracting Diabetes

Introduction Scientists sought to experiment that drinking coffee may have a positive implication to blood sugar levels that may lead to diabetes. This procedure had to be carefully conducted to articulate positive results that could be verified through standard experimental procedures. In a research procedure, some experiments may only be...

Effects of Increasing Nitrate Concentrations

Introduction Background Invasive plant species can be described as “introduced species that have the ability to thrive in areas beyond their natural range and dispersal” (Cellot et al. 1998). This category of plants easily adapts to new environments in an aggressive manner with high reproduction rates. They lack natural enemies,...

Kenya’s Demographic and Economic Profile

Introduction of Kenya Kenya has become an investment target for many foreign countries and investors, with China at the forefront. The Kenyan demographics’ profile as of 2013 was primarily affected by factors such as increased mortality rates due to HIV/AIDS. As a result, the country generally experiences low life expectancy,...

Research Interview Types and Practical Usage

Interviews are an important element of research, which must be given a higher preference when choosing a data collection method. According to Hagan (2017), interviews refer to conversations in which one party, the interviewer, solicits responses from a second party, the interviewee, to gather information. Based on a critical review...

Missing Data and Skip Patterns in Statistics

Introduction: Importance of Handling Missing Data and Skip Patterns In statistics, missing data occur when there is no value of data stored for a specific variable in observation, which means that no information is provided for a subject (quantitative research). Skipping patterns refer to one or several questions linked to...

Underdevelopment of the Mentoring Theory

Apparently, there are several significant problems in the mentoring theory development. Bozeman and Feeney (2007) from the Department of Public Administration and Policy at the University of Georgia focus their article on identifying these persistent issues and critiquing this theory, as well as a number of existing findings that are...

Evolutionary Mismatch and Mental Health

In the study of human evolution and psychology, a few definitions guide the discussion on evolutionary mismatch and its connection to psychology. The first definition relates to human behaviour as understood from the point of evolution. During the growth and development phases, human behaviour refers to the potential and embodied...

“Measuring Inequality in Community Resilience to Natural Disasters” by Hong et al.

The overview of the study The scholars analyzed mobility patterns of mobile devices to determine the movement of people in Houston, Texas after Hurricane Harvey hit it. The research aimed at developing a generalizable method that could predict people’s response and recovery after a natural disaster. It was found that...

Nucleic Acid Hybridization Analysis

Introduction This particular set of experiment was aimed at hybridizing nucleic acid and then characterizing the hybridized nucleic acid, which is a very important process in gene detection. This analysis helps us gain more insight into the structures, arrangement, and genes expression. Nuclei acid hybridization is a molecular technique that...

Methodology and Rationale for the Research

Methodology The proposed research aims to investigate if people with down syndrome are less likely to have behaviors if they are provided with one-on-one care. Typically, people having Down syndrome without assistance tend to demonstrate aggressive conduct towards other people (Valentini et al., 2021). Therefore, it is crucial to research...

Nanotechnology to Generate Electricity on Mars

In the recent past, NASA has spearheaded efforts to understand the planet Mars through its Mars rover referred to as Curiosity that gathers evidence to show whether life is possible there. The sole idea is to colonize Mars, an idea that some scientists believe is possible and must happen. Mars...

Political Sampling: Pros and Cons of Probability and Non-Probability Sampling

Introduction In many parts of the world, politics is an area of interest for many people, given the immense weight that political systems confer over the wellbeing and the governance of societies. Political systems are categorized as part of social systems and are among the major sectors in the world’s...

Aseptic Technique and Use of Media

Purpose The purpose of this lab experiment is to equip learners with essential laboratory techniques and skills employed to avoid contamination of microbial cultures by maintaining purity. This experiment will allow us to utilize an aseptic technique to inoculate a pure culture of Lyompholized Escherichia coli to broth, slants, and...

Brainstorm: Stem Cells Research

Stem cells potential application in medicine and medical research. Main points: Cells grown in the laboratory can be used to replace damaged tissues and organs or correct their improper work (Cafasso, 2017) Their study can also help in the research of genetic defects in cells and the development of cancer...

Each Human Being as the Owner of a Library of Ancient Information

Human beings have been trying to decipher their origin and roots for centuries onwards. They easily observed that living things inherit traits from their parents, and used this finding for the cultivation of certain features in animals and plants. But the means of such heredity represented a mystery to people...

“Exploring the Moderating Effects of Operational Intellectual Capital” by Onofrei

Introduction and Background Companies worldwide have adopted lean practices, and there has been a significant focus on the connection between lean manufacturing practice and organizational success. The goal of Lean manufacturing is to maximize consumer value while reducing waste. The ultimate aim of introducing lean production in a business is...

Art and Science: Collaboration and Interdependence

Art and science have for a long time been complemented in several ways. It is difficult to differentiate the key features between the two. The key variance is that art is subjective, unlike objective science. Art expresses knowledge whereas science depicts the acquisition of knowledge. The collaboration between art and...

Sampling Methods in Evaluating Research

It is true that for researchers, the use of sampling techniques in statistical testing is critical. For example, the concept of probability or nonprobability sampling can be used to form a group of participants. Smallidge et al. (2018) used a quantitative cross-sectional approach to assess licensed dental hygienists’ awareness gathered...

Mercury Consumption Effects on Human Beings

Objectives The report’s objective is to determine the capacity and the danger of mercury consumption by human beings. Introduction Mercury is a toxic heavy metal and is found in some parts of the environment. There are several artificial and natural mercury sources; however, the most significant ones are those which...

Modern-Day Chimpanzee and Ancestor Comparison

Binomial Nomenclature of Modern-day Chimpanzee In this paper, the organism of focus will be the Modern-day Chimpanzee. It is also referred to as chimp, robust chimpanzee, or common chimpanzee. Chimpanzees are of the species great apes native to the savannah and forests in Africa. There are four main subspecies: the...

Human Biology – Scientific Method

A scientific method is a form that which scientific questions are asked and answered through observations and experimenting (Starr 1). The first step in a scientific method is the inquiry of a question about an observation made. The second step involves doing background research on the question. This gives more...

Qualitative Research on Suicidal Behavior

Research plays a critical role in the scientific world, discovering and describing various phenomena, events, causal relationships, thereby promoting the resolution of numerous issues. It can be applied in many industries, especially healthcare, education, psychology, social science, marketing, and business overall. Nevertheless, depending on a research question, scholars use different...

Relationship Between Gender and Death Anxiety

Introduction This critique is concerned with the qualitative article by Sharma et al. (2019) entitled “Death anxiety among elderly people: Role of gender, spirituality, and mental health.” The authors conceptualized spirituality and death anxiety and provided a brief literature review concerning the research on the matter. Sharma et al. (2019)...

“The Geological Significance of the Geoid.” by Chase

The central dataset picked up by satellite geodesy is most useful in the geoidal anomalies than in gravity anomalies form. One noted feature of the earth’s field of gravity is the level of dominance in the low degree, long wavelength harmonics, and a way of viewing the significance of a...

Description of the Radiopharmaceutical

Introduction A radiopharmaceutical, otherwise known as nuclear medicine, is made up of one or more radioactive isotopes called radio-nuclides. Radiopharmaceuticals are pharmaceuticals prepared in readiness for applications in curing and/or identification of diseases in persons. Radioactive element 133Xe, 131I-NaI, or a labelled compound 131I-iodinated proteins and 99mTc-labeled compounds are a...

Sampling Bias and Non-Response Bias

Sampling distortion happens when some people are more likely than others to be chosen systematically in a survey. In the medical profession, it is also known as ascertainment bias. Since sampling bias jeopardizes external validity, especially population validity, findings are restricted in their generalizability. In other words, results from skewed...

Stem Cell: Environmental Science

Research on the stem cells is a more advancing knowledge concerning how an organism forms from a solitary cell and how strong cells restore the injured cells in adult organisms. Stem cells are the mainly mesmerizing areas of environmental science at the moment. Nevertheless, study on stem cells tends to...

Nature-Nurture Debate: People’s Uniqueness

Human social and genetic research seeks to understand the occurrence and magnitude of environmental (nurture) and genetic (nature) effects on people’s uniqueness, cognitive capacity, behavior, and interests. Adoption and twin research affirm that behavioral attributes are principally heritable (“In Colombia” par. 2). However, attempts to establish genes that influence behavior...

Darwin and the Theory of Evolution

Have you ever asked yourself about how life appeared on Earth? This question has always been at the center of attention. For many years, there have been debates about whether life was created by God, as described in the Bible, or if it has a more scientific explanation, according to...

Identification of an Unknown Sample

Introduction This laboratory test aimed to recognize one unknown species from a diversified culture. The researcher conducted three trials in the laboratory to ascertain the unidentified species. The experimenter’s tests include; Columbia CNA Agar, Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, and the Phenol Red Test (Vega & Dowzicky, 2017). The analyzer realized...

Good Night’s Sleep for Brain Function and Waste Disposal

The video concerns the connection between sleep, the brain, and waste disposal. The body’s biological system processes create the problem of waste disposal. A constant supply of nutrients is crucial for all body parts to function. The brain comprises only 2% of the body’s mass but consumes 25% of its...

Seismic Waves Definition and Overview

Continental plates are constantly moving which leads to a series of natural occurrences. One of these occurrences is the earthquake, which results from sudden contractions along the fault lines. Therefore, these sudden contractions transfer from their epicenter in form of seismic waves. According to Brûlé et al. (2017), there are...

Creating a Process for Analysis of the Data

Summary This paper aims to generate a process for analysis of the data collected in previous works resulting in the concise and proper analysis and development of the data implementation into a workable plan. In order to create a comprehensible project, it seems appropriate to apply the table format. A...

Rice Scientists Create a Super Antioxidant

Introduction and Choice of article The article that has been selected for this essay is, ‘Rice scientists create a super antioxidant – Common catalyst cerium oxide opens door to nanochemistry for medicine’. The article was published in Rice University News and Media on October 14th 2013 where it was posted...

Processing of Palladium-Silver Composite Thin Membrane

Abstract In this paper, specific conditions for palladium as well as silver deposition were determined. Also, the simultaneous, co-deposition of the same was determined for hydrazine-based solution bearing both element precursors. The electroless plating kinetics for simultaneous, co-depositions for both elements in the mixture were determined. Moreover, a mathematical model...

Analysis of Fatty Acids Methyl Esters by Gas Chromatography or Mass Spectrometry

Results and Discussion The key results of this laboratory work were direct measurements of analytical signals from fatty acid esters obtained using the classical instrumental GC/MS method. Since it is well known that this technique uses a reference method, the organic methyl caprate with a reference peak value was chosen...

The Reaction of the Salicylic Acid With Acetic Anhydride

Objective and Overview The goal of this lab is to produce a sample of pure aspirin crystals. Towards achieving this, the experiment utilizes the reaction of the salicylic acid with acetic anhydride, which yields aspirin and acetic acid. The word and chemical equation for the reaction can be illustrated as...

Ethical Principles Tantamount to the Research Involving Human Subjects

Two general ethical principles followed in nursing that can be discussed as tantamount to conducting the research involving human subjects are the respect for person and human dignity and truth telling. It is possible to state that these ethical principles are directly related to the ethics of the research involving...

The Future of Classical Archaeology

Broadly, archaeology scientifically studies prehistoric and historical human activities by recovering and analyzing material culture. As such, archaeologists excavate and describe past human-made objects ranging from simple tools such as stone daggers to complex structures as temples and cathedrals. On the other hand, classical archaeology has traditionally focused its attention...

Should Wolves Come Back to Colorado?

“Is wolves’ coming back to Colorado beneficial for citizens?” is the main research question for this project that has to be thoroughly discussed and analyzed. The history of gray wolves in this state can be traced back to the middle of the 19th century. A wolf was recognized as a...

Whats Soil Consolidation

Soil consolidation is a process by which there is a decline in the volume of soil due to a reduction in the level of water. The one-dimension theory was established hence changing the definition which was previously associated with clay sediments. Gurjar (2018) suggests that the applied pressure that causes...

Bacterial Growth Requirements in Different Environments

Introduction Bacteria are minute single celled organisms that live around and inside our bodies.They are so small that scientists often use microscopes to view and study them and each bacterium is estimated to be a micrometer long in size (Bauman & Tizard, 2004). Bacteria just like any other living organism...

Integration of the Research Process: Disseminating Research Findings

Disseminating findings is a significant step for every research since it determines how other scientists and audience groups can become familiar with a study and its results. According to Yegidis et al. (2018), there are numerous ways to share these data, and they are internal correspondence or in-service training sessions,...

Doctoral Methods of Scientific Inquiry

Doctoral methods of scientific inquiry aims at enabling the inquirer to unveil new information pertaining to particular subject from his/her perspectives of view at the same time not negating the prior scholarly works. The intent is to depict the relevance in conformance or departure from other scientist’s garnered information about...