Overview of Research Methods

Research is a dynamic and systematic procedure, whose aim is to establish one or more facts. Because the process is generally dynamic, there are different methods of conducting it (Houghton, Casey & Shaw 2013). The type of research strategy, approach, and technique to be employed is entirely dependent on the...

Research Terminology: Definitions and Distinctions

Abstract This essay gives detailed definitions of the terms paradigm, ontology, epistemology, and philosophy of science. The paper goes further to highlight the distinctions between (and among) these four terms. Researchers should be aware of these four fundamental terms. This discussion explains why such researchers should have a clear understanding...

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Nursing research gained momentum within the last half of the 20th century. Currently, there is too much emphasis on evidence-based practice; hence, nursing research is imperative. Research can either be quantitative or qualitative, but critics of qualitative research associate it with epistemological issues. This paper aims at reviewing one part...

Oman Representation in Oman Culture

Introduction The main aim of this paper is to address the rare subject that entails the inclusion of the Oman culture in English literature. Oman is one of the most conducive places to visit in the United Arab Emirates. The region has a rich history, culture and background. In addition,...

Bromination-Debromination of Cholesterol

Bromination/debromination which is an important organic reaction that aims in purification of crude cholesterol from impurities which include 3-cholestanol, 7-cholesten-3-ol, and 5,7-chlestadien-3-ol was performed in a laboratory scale for two weeks. Due to steric constraints, only cholesterol reacted with bromine and crystallized from the solution making it possible to be...

Marsupials: Evolutionary History, Key Features, and Ecological Role

Mammals are vertebrates, and the main distinctive feature separating them from other animals is the presence of mammary glands. Other differentiating characteristics among mammals include integument, skeleton, and internal anatomical features. In modern times, this class of animals exists in three clades – marsupials, monotremes, and placental mammals. Marsupials are...

The Photosynthesis Light Reaction

Cells need to produce considerable amounts of energy to sustain day-to-day operations and reproduce to grow and create new organisms. For example, the meiosis process involves the replication of chromosomes so that one cell can become four gametes (Ko, Chapter 13, 7). The photosynthesis light reaction is the first stage...

The Relationship Between Air Temperature and Relative Humidity

The graph describes the connection between relative humidity and temperature as well as the variations in these two parameters at different times of the day. The overall relationships exhibited are that the relative humidity increases as temperature reduces and vice versa. The peak relative humidity is measured at 6 am,...

Why Anthropology Matters?

Anthropology is the systematic and scientific study of humanity, which encompasses a wide range of fields. Its interests can span from mere human biology to human culture and societies. Anthropologists also study linguistics and ethnography with the main focus on humans. It is a highly important and essential field, which...

Quantitative Sampling Design

Introduction Many people often learn with surprise that even without their participation in opinion polls, pollsters still release results on certain characteristics of a population that they are members. People who are ignorant about processes of doing research, often rubbish findings of research studies in which their input was not...

Four Big Validities: Internal, External, Construct, Statistical

Romantic Red Revisited: Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Young, but not Menopausal Women Internal Validity The internal validity of a study is the extent to which cause-and-effect relationships are established between variables. The study by Schwarz and Singer (2013) aimed at understanding if the red background was associated with increased...

Symbiotic Relationship Between Cleaner Gobies and Fish

Introduction According to Deloach and Paul, symbiotic relationship refers to the interdepenence between two animals of different species for a long duration of time (7). Symbiotic relationship occurs only when different species are involved in intra-specific relationships (relationships within the same species).They include mutualism, when the two species benefit from...

The Research Method ‘Case Study’

The method to be used in acquiring the data to be used in making the inferences, analysis, conclusions and recommendations within the field of education in this case; is the research methodology of using case studies to study and learn the area of focus. However other supporting research methods will...

Importance of Our Moon

Introduction The moon has been the subject of wonder, story, rhyme, and song since the beginning of mankind. People’s fascination with the moon has extended to fairy tales and myths, religious ceremonies, hunting and farming rituals, boating routines, and romance. The moon has been a fundamental element of human culture...

Geography of Development: Informal Sector and Economic Development

Informal Sector Defined Economies the world over are characterised by the concept of economic dualism. The dualism constitutes formal and informal business models or concepts. The informal sectors refer to all forms of business activities which fall without the precincts of all business activity regulated and governed by the state....

“Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History” by Mintz

Having access to a variety of food and drinks today, people would hardly think about their history. The availability of flour, salt, or sugar is usually taken for granted. Sidney Mintz, an American anthropologist, challenged the approach to treat food as something ordinary and focused research on the history of...

Biomimicry: Innovations Inspired by Nature

Introduction The book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine Benyus describes theoretical technological innovations that are inspired by nature and natural processes. The author argues that many of current technologies and attitudes are unsustainable (Benyus 13). She draws attention to specific current ecological problems, such as the increasing carbon...

Police Service Transformation: Research Onion

Introduction Saunders et al (2009) assert that an onion can be used to represent the research process (see Figure 1). The layers of the onion must be unwrapped before one can reach the innermost core of the onion (the data collection and data analysis). The outer layer comprises of philosophies...

Sampling Strategies for Social Sciences Study

The Organizational Assessment Study leader should implement sampling strategies which Iwamoto, Crews, & Coe Company could use to collect the data they require. The data sampling strategies include the following: Probability Based Sampling Strategies Simple Random Sampling Methods In simple random sampling techniques, each component of the population is given...

Two-Way Factorial Anova Analysis

Introduction This paper reports the results of an analysis of data using a two-way factorial ANOVA. The data set is briefly described; the assumptions for the factorial ANOVA are named and tested; the research question, hypotheses, and alpha level are articulated; and the results of the analysis are provided. Finally,...

Relations Between Biology and Culture

Introduction There are many thoughts on the origins of human beings. A lot of people believe that they were created by God or some other spiritual form. However, the scientific approach usually recognizes humans as one of the biological species that obey the same laws of nature. Darwin’s theory offers...

Action Research in Human and Social Services

The participatory action research method is one of the many methods used in qualitative research. Action research sees a lot of use in areas that have to do with people – namely psychological, sociological, and educational studies. The method is popular in these areas due to its circular nature, which...

Ocean Research vs. Outer Space Exploration

The exploration of space has always set people’s imagination on fire. Popular science fiction only added to the excitement of the humankind, making people wonder what wonders the Universe has in store for its explorers. However, focusing on the unknown and the mysterious that the outer space concealed, people are...

Weather on Other Planets

Introduction All planets in the solar system experience varying weather conditions and seasons. However the occurrence of seasons on other planets is distinct from the conventional system of winter, autumn, summer and spring that is experienced on earth (Carson, 11). It may seem hat the weather system is different across...

Recycling of Materials

Introduction The challenge of waste disposal has affected both the developed and developing world for years. In urban areas, the situation is worse as more complex forms of garbage are being produced. The state is spending billions of dollars in its efforts to use modern forms of waste disposal, as...

Environmental Studies: The Chernobyl Disaster

The Chernobyl disaster, affecting all of Europe to some extent, was a tragic but perhaps inevitable result of decades of government policies that affected plant design, regulation, transparency, governance, training, operating procedures, and the value placed on human safety, and which all permitted inadequate practices to persist without being challenged....

Living Things and Their Main Characteristics

Introduction Ever since biochemical evolutionary processes caused the origin of life on Earth several billion years ago, the drivers of natural selection, heredity, and variability have resulted in a wide range of biodiversity. This diversity is the foundation for questions about what determines the properties of living matter in the...

Positionality and Perspective in Qualitative Research

Introduction and Definition Research processes require sharing of spaces between the researcher and participants. A researcher may take a stance on a particular subject by forming biases and perceptions of others and how outsiders perceive them. Participants may have a specific belief that contradicts the ontology and epistemology of the...

Selling Price and Area Analysis for D.M. Pan National Real Estate Company

Summary This report was commissioned by the D.M. Pan Real Estate Company’s sales team. The report aimed to study the correlations between the area of the real estate objects measured in square feet and the selling price to benchmark. The final deliverable of the model was to create a model...

Arm Span vs. Height: The Relationship Analysis

Introduction Vitruvius was a Roman architect and engineer who existed in the first century B.C. He used a formula to describe what he considered to be ideal male dimensions. Leonardo da Vinci, a famous Italian Medieval innovator and painter was influenced by this work. In 1490, Da Vinci used Vitruvius...

Dr. Mah Hussain-Gambles: The Transitional Moments in Her Life

Abstract Having a strong sense of self-identity is critical to coping and adapting through transitional periods in a person’s life. Any life change, such as relocating to a new house, starting a new school, and even coping with the loss of a relative, may influence how a person copes with...

Sampling Methods: Probability, Non-Probability, and Stratified Samplings

Probability Sampling Probability sampling is the method that is based on the premise that all the members of the population have an equal possibility of being chosen for study or observation. It usually includes such main sampling types as simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster samplings (Etikan and Bala, 2017)....

Beta Sitosterol and Gamma Oryzanol Compound

Beta-sitosterol is a substance found in plants and is normally called plant sterol ester while, Gamma Oryzonal is found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It is often used for lowering cholesterol level and improving symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Whereas gamma Oryzanol is a compound extracted from rice bran...

Experimental Designs in Research

Introduction The experimental design is among the most systematic and comprehensive survey blueprints. This approach encompasses manipulating a single or more independent variable as treatments, the random allocation of participants to various treatment levels, and the observation of treatments’ consequences on outcomes. There are three primary experimental designs, namely quasi-,...

Action Research: Challenges Students Face

Action Research is a methodology that simultaneously involves the researcher and the participants in a cyclical process. Thanks to the theoretical knowledge of the former and the practical experience of the participants, a system with an established working mechanism are realized. There are traditionally three stages in this system: planning,...

Nature Versus Nurture in Dog Aggression

Introduction The cause of aggression in dogs has been an ongoing debate, with some factions arguing that it stems from the breed of the dog and is hence inherent. Other groups contend that the hostility is due to environmental conditions. Aggression in dogs is characterized by loud backing, excessive hostility...

Skeletal & Muscular and Digestive Systems

Introduction In this paper, the structures, systems, and organs of the skeletal and muscular systems and the digestive system will be discussed. This paper will review the main components of these systems and discuss how they aid the functioning of the human body. Additionally, for each system, two common diseases...

Sustainable Agriculture Against Food Insecurity

Numerous changes that continue in the environment take place over a long time. Sustainable agriculture provides a long-term impact on the agro-ecosystem. It aims to produce food in an environmentally friendly environment that prevents depletion of soil fertility or pest problems. This area uses a proactive approach as opposed to...

The American Crow: A Bird Species Description

Introduction This presentation focuses on a single bird species, the American Crow. It is a common name of this bird, while its scientific name is Corvus brachyrhynchos (Townsend, Taff, et al., 2019). Its picture is present on the slide to demonstrate its appearance. American Crows typically live in the northern...

Aspects of Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative research is aimed at obtaining valuable data on the deep motivation of respondents and detailed information about the subject of research. Qualitative methods involve the collection of information in free form; they focus not on statistical measurements, but rely on understanding, explaining, and interpreting empirical data. Additionally, they represent...

Work and Energy Forms in Physics

Work is a measure of energy transfer between a system and the adjacent regions. Potential Energy (PE) and Kinetic Energy (KE) of an object increases when positive work is done on it when there is no friction present. Work is done when the force exerted on the object causes a...

Archaeological Research Report

Introduction Archeology is a broad discipline that relies on excavation, survey, historical documentation (publication), and aerial photography to discover various activities and cultures of the human past. There are many factors to consider when deciding on the research method to use. Primarily, the site and objective of the study influence...

Statistical Testing for Various Research Questions

Modern data analysis includes multiple approaches allowing to conduct of tests for dependent and independent variables in different scenarios. Descriptive statistics, correlation, T-test, ANOVA, and regression can be applied to test healthcare researches information to provide exact responses to studied questions. For example, the answer to “What is the average...

Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy

Background Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is an analytical method that employs two distinct yet depended techniques. Infrared spectroscopy entails use of the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum in identification and study of matter. A mathematically derived algorithm called the Fourier Transform is then used to convert the raw data...

Rittel and Webber: Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning

Introduction Contemporary socio-political state involves continuous problem identification and solution debate, in which there is no one universal right or correct approach. Rittel and Webber (1973) in their paper, explore the roots of such debates and examine strategies people use to tackle social, political and economic dilemmas. Problems that once...

Identified Limitations and Threats to Validity

In a multi-site empirical study on cross-organizational Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) size and effort estimation, Daneva (2008) identifies some limitations and potential threats to validity and reliability of the research findings. The first major threat to external validity identified is that ERP projects that the study focused on might not...

Mathematical Equations: An Overview

In the mathematical sciences, much attention is paid to classification and methods of solving equations: linear, quadratic, and polynomial. There is no doubt that the practical application of the equations can be found in any environment of public life: from sociology to rocket science. Thus, the precise identification of the...

The Scientific Method in the Real Life

It goes without saying that the scientific method plays a highly essential role in the design and performance of experiments. In general, the scientific method may be defined as a series of specific processes that investigators may use in order to gather impartial, systematic, and well-founded knowledge and answer particular...

Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Dimethoxybenzene

Introduction A Friedel-Crafts Alkylation reaction is an eletrophilic aromatic substitution reaction that is employed in introducing tert-butyl alcohol sets on an activated benzene derivative ring. Eletrophilic aromatic substitution entails production of a positively charge tert-butyl compound as a result of the reaction between the acid catalyst and tert-butyl alcohol. After...

Modulation Concept and Types Comparison

Modulation is characterized as converting data to radio waves by adding it to an optical or electronic carrier signal. In turn, a carrier signal has a steady waveform – frequency and constant amplitude, or height. The primary modulation concept is as follows: the original form of a message signal cannot...

Problem-Solving Case With the Scientific Method

I had a friend who was not very good at money management. He was careless about his expenses, earnings, and savings. He owed me some money so I decided that to receive it back sooner I could give him a friendly piece of advice on how to handle his finances....

Research Process in Social Work

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Research work in social work is either qualitative or quantitative in nature. Qualitative research, according to Neill (2007, p. 1) is used when the data that is gathered, or the research that has been performed, can not be quantified or assigned numerical weight. For example,...

Astronomy. Life of a Star in the Sky

Introduction If one was to consider a star that shines ever so brightly in the sky, it is quite ironic to see that the center of many fairy tales is actually nothing more than a ball of plasma that is held together because of its own gravity and is luminous...

Human Body. Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Paper Outline Introduction The male or female reproductive systems form the human body’s reproductive system. During reproduction, the male sperms (gametes) are synthesized by the male reproductive system for the eventual fertilization of the female ova (oocytes). On the other hand, the female reproduction system plays an important role in...

Statistical Graphics in the Press

Statistics has been predominantly been used by the press to demonstrate the pictorial graphics of the data that has to be presented to the readers. Tables, graphs, maps and even text, whether static or dynamic, provide some means to see what lies within, determine the answer to a question, find...

Quantitative Research: Methodology and Main Focus

The strategy uses for this study is going to be quantitative. In quantitative research, your aim is to determine the relationship between one thing (an independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) in a population. Quantitative research designs are either descriptive (subjects usually measured once) or experimental (subjects...

Changes in Entropy Under Adiabatic, Isothermal, and Isobaric Conditions

Abstract The second law of thermodynamics relates entropy with time and proposes that the universe generally favors increasing entropy. The purpose of this experiment was to use various thermodynamic equations for entropy to determine the total entropy of a system when copper metal was immersed in liquid nitrogen in a...

Thermogravimetric Analysis of Inorganic Compound and Rubber

Summary Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a method of thermal evaluation of substances where deviations in physical and chemical properties of materials are quantified with changes in time or temperature. The purpose of this experiment was to use TGA to determine compositional information about an inorganic salt and formulate a series...

Water Treatments and Maximum Plant Height

Introduction The first question this research attempted to explore was how different water treatments affect maximum plant height. The hypothesis stated that the greywater would result in shorter plants in the experiment because such water has potentially harmful chemicals and materials that may have adverse impacts on the soil in...

Robert Hooke’s Contributions to Modern Science

Introduction Robert Hooke was one of the most significant scientists of the 17th century. While his research and discoveries were often argued by his rival Isaac Newton, it is impossible to question the importance of his developments in such fields as physics, astronomy, biology, and medicine. This outstanding figure had...

The Square of Opposition and Its Components

Conflicting statements and arguments are the objects of research of logic as a science, and special mechanisms exist that are designed to determine connections among the individual components of various hypotheses and their veracity. One of such tools is the square of opposition that is a common technique for analyzing...

Air Pressure Experiment Methods and Results

Methods The plastic mesh fabric was placed over the mouth of the Mason jar, and the metal screw band of the latter was fastened firmly over the plastic mesh sheet. Scissors were used to cut the edges of the plastic mesh to make it perfectly match the mouth of the...

Made Ground’s Characteristics

Abstract The main aim of the paper is to categorize and classify the different forms of the made grounds. As made grounds are a category of the artificial man-made ground, the paper first delineates the different areas of the artificial ground and how the made ground can further be classified....

Approaches to Death, Their Types and Differences

How do the biological, psychological, anthropological, philosophical, and sociological approaches to death differ? The biological approach mostly differs from philosophical and sociological approaches while being correlated with psychological and anthropological approaches because this approach depends on studying death in connection with changes in human bodies. From this point, medical issues...

Econometrics: Wages Changes’ Statistical Analysis

Determinants of Wage: Analysis Linear Econometric Model Linear model for the natural log of wage as a function of age and education: In[W]=c+a1E+a2A Where: W is the wage E is education level A is age in years C is a constant term The Possible Consequence of Ignoring Age Age is...

Qualitative Data Analysis and Trustworthiness

When the researcher deals with qualitative data, the concepts of reliability and validity are not applicable. Instead of that, trustworthiness must be established. This can be done in the following ways (Creswell, 2013): by establishing credibility, which contributes to the general trustworthiness of the information since it is created as...

Teat Dipping and Milk Iodine Concentrations in Dairy Cows

Article Similarities and Differences The three articles reviewed give different approaches to optimal udder preparation practices before and after milking to obtain high-quality milk. The papers involve primary studies investigating teat disinfection practices that affect iodine levels in milk. In all three studies, the variable measured in milk iodine content...

Action Research and Its Types in Social Sciences

Action research is a type of research used in social sciences that implies taking action toward solving problems while conducting the research. Action research has been proved to be an effective method of addressing certain issues that involve human interaction and cooperation (Stringer, 2013). Also, there are many other areas...

Determining the Flow Rate with Venturi Flow Meter Tool

Experiment Description Introduction Identifying the flow rates of liquid in a specific environment is a complicated task. However, the adoption of the Venturi Flow Meter contributes to acquiring rather accurate results. Purpose The purpose of the experiment is to understand the principles of flow measurement and to learn to apply...

Christianity Role in Positive Environmental Changes

Introduction Environmental groups and other secular entities often emphasize the importance of natural and uncultivated land. However, this may not always get to the root causes of environmental degradation. Essentially, restoration must take on a small scale approach so that individual efforts can be combined to make a huge impact....

Natural Sciences: Cessna vs. Piper PA-28 Cherokee’s Fuel Systems

Executive Summary The purpose of the report is to compare Cessna 150’s fuel system with that of Piper PA-28 Cherokee in terms of performance, efficiency, and cost. Both systems use the same working principles. Fuel for the flight is initially stored in the tanks located in the right and the...

Conventional Farming vs Hydroponic

Introduction The use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers for crop production is called conventional farming. Farmers use convectional farming system to grow large quantity crops such as rice, grains, and genetically modified crops. Hydroponic farming utilizes chemicals and liquid fertilizers to facilitate plant growth. While consumers prefer hydroponic vegetables and...

Bottled Water Impact on Environment

Introduction The bottled water industry cannot be stopped today because of the great awareness of people about drinking only bottled water so that they will not be ill. Another reason for the rise of the use of bottled water is because of the convenience that it offers in terms of...

Impact of Chlorine

Introduction Chlorine is element number 17 and is found in group 17 and period 3 of the periodic table. It is a greenish-yellow pungent, poisonous gas, and is very reactive. It has two isotopes, one with a mass number of 35 and an abundance of 75.75% and the other one...

Solar System: the Weather on Other Planets

Introduction All planets in the solar system experience are varying weather conditions and seasons. However, the occurrence of seasons on other planets is distinct from the conventional system of winter, autumn, summer, and spring that is experienced on earth (Carson, 11). It may seem hat the weather system is different...

Metal Chelate Affinity Chromatography Method

Metal chelate affinity chromatography is a method based on the different affinity of organic compounds to ions of some metals. The concept of metal chelate affinity chromatography (MCAC) was first formulated and presented by Porath in 1975. It was based on the well-known affinity of transition metal ions, such as...

Chemistry: Collision Theory of Reactivity

Introduction It is essential to evaluate what occurs during a reaction on the molecular level to understand the kinetics of chemical reactions and the factors affecting them. Based on the collision theory of reactivity, reactions happen when reactant molecules collide effectively (Felder et al., 2020). However, for this collision to...

Non-Traditional Historical Research Methods

Introduction Conducting research activities requires preparing and reviewing a sufficient evidence base, which particularly concerns the field of history. Various methods and analytical tools may be utilized, as well as supporting materials, including scholarly books and peer-reviewed documents. These types of sources provide a credible background to obtain a comprehensive...

Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis

Introduction Social research utilizes two data analysis methods: quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative approach interprets textual data and observations, while the quantitative method analyzes numerical data using statistics. This paper will compare qualitative and quantitative data analyses based on two articles published in the Public Administration Review. One study, conducted...

Kakapo Should Be Urgently Saved from Extinction

Kakapo, or owl parrot, is an endemic species of New Zealand. Being distributed throughout its islands in the past, this bird is currently on the brink of extinction – in June 2020, only 210 were registered (New Zealand Birds Online, n.d.). The Department of Conservation of New Zealand introduced the...

Anthropology. Kinship Diagram: Story of Family

To complete this kinship diagram project, I prefer to use a nonunilineal descent system, also known as bilateral descent. In anthropology, understanding kindship is a crucial aspect, with the help of which individuals are able to identify and describe their family relationships. There are three functions of any kinship system:...

Leonhard Euler’s Research and Its Significance

Many mathematicians influenced the fields of statistics and probability; nonetheless, the brightest example is Leonhard Euler. Notably, Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician who contributed remarkably to statistics and probability. Essentially, Euler was born in Switzerland; nevertheless, he worked mainly in Berlin, Germany, and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Thanks to Leonhard...

Standard and Nonstandard Normal Distribution in Statistics

The probability or chance of an event occurring is the probability or chance of it happening. In the most straightforward cases, to calculate the likelihood of event A occurring, divide the total number of events by the number of possible outcomes; after obtaining the probability of event A and its...

Importance of Lifespan Development

Lifespan development is the complete process of the human being’s development from conception until the time of death. It is also referred to as a holistic approach to better understand all the physiological, emotional, cognitive, and fundamental social changes that normal human beings undergo. Therefore, this discussion will extensively look...

Solid-Liquid Equilibrium in a Binary System

The cooling curves of the pure compounds and various mixtures were used to construct a solid-liquid phase diagram of the biphenyl and naphthalene systems. A phase diagram shows melting, freezing, vaporization, and sublimation. These graphs represent the temperature, pressure, and composition relationships. One of the easiest ways is to use...

Impacts of the Democratization of Making Maps

Democratization of Maps began in the late 1970s, although some geographers opposed the idea of democratization of maps with a view that it would lead to the demise of cartography. However, the program gained popularity in 2002 when many people joined the race. The color brewer tool was the leading...

Lake Mattoon: Recreational Site and Water Reservoir

Introduction Lake Mattoon is a man-made water reservoir located in central Illinois. It was created in 1957 to provide an additional source of water for the population of Mattoon and Neoga. Moreover, the lake is continuously stocked with various fish species, including catfish, bluegill, brass, and crappie. Today, lake Mattoon...

Fruits vs. Vegetables Distinction

The arbitrary distinction between fruits and vegetables can be seen when examining some products that are erroneously included in one or another category by consumers. Thus, for example, tomatoes technically belong to the former type while they are not referred to as such (Miller, 2018). From the scientific perspective, they...

Discussion of Sleep and Its Influence

Sleep is a special state of consciousness, as well as a natural physiological process characterized by a reduced reaction to the surrounding world and specific brain activity. Scientists are still investigating the structure of human sleep, and the purpose of this need is not fully defined. Sleep occupies an important...

Evaluation of UFO Arguments in Articles by Hynek and Condon

The articles by Hynek and Condon are both dedicated to the topic of UFOs and their public perception. Despite the ten-year gap between the publications of both pieces, the general idea of the authors is the same – subjective experiences ought to be considered with caution. However, the implications of...

The Domestication of Animals and Plants

Hunting and gathering were the primary activities of foraging communities in the prehistoric era. It implied that people simply harvested the goods already prepared for them by nature and resettled to a different area once the previous one was depleted. According to Suzman (2018), archaeologists and historians used to believe...

Speech of Ralph Waldo Emerson “The American Scholar”

In his speech titled The American Scholar, Ralph Waldo Emerson presents his unique perspective on what it means to be a scholar. To fulfill this communicative purpose effectively, the speaker explores and reflects on the various external influences on scholars and scientific thought in the United States. Among such factors...

Capillaries and Their Functions

Capillaries are small blood vessels that help connect veins and arteries while also facilitating the exchange of different vital elements between tissues and blood. They represent core connections in the arterial system, which includes the blood vessels that carry blood in the direction away from the heart and toward the...

Physics. Friction: Ways of Increasing and Reducing

As a fundamental physical process, friction is an essential characteristic of the mechanical interaction between contacting bodies and their surfaces. Indeed, it is only theoretically possible to assume perfectly smooth surfaces that do not experience friction, since in practice achieving such a condition seems impossible or extremely difficult. Friction between...

Alcohol Oxidation to Aldehydes and Ketones

Background Alcohol oxidation to aldehydes and ketones is vital during the synthesis of organic compounds. However, bleach can only directly oxidate some alcohols to carboxylic acids, ketones, or aldehydes. The shortcoming emerges because oxidation requires displacement of OH using NaOCl during substitution reaction (Chem 242: Lab Section, 2014). Most organic...

Whooping Cough: Pertussis

Introduction Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a respiratory tract infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. In earlier days before the development of a vaccine, it was viewed as an infantile disease that affected children, mainly between the ages of 1 and 9. In this age group, it...

A Multiple Regression Analysis of the Data

Introduction In science, it is paramount to be able to analyze data in order to discover correlations between phenomena (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This paper provides a multiple regression analysis of the data for the task 4 of the textbook by Field (2013, p. 355); the data can be found...

The Big History of Civilizations – Origins of Agriculture: Video Analysis

What was a foraging economy and way of life like? Foraging was the leading way of lifestyle for the oldest communities across the globe. This economy did not imply a controlled source of sustenance, meaning that people had to cover great territories. Hunting and gathering were the primary activities of...

Quantitative Studies and Their Critical Appraisal

Quantitative studies comprise a significant portion of the basis used for making decisions in evidence-based practice (EBP). However, different studies on the same subject can propose contradictory conclusions. This can complicate choosing the findings that one must follow when making evidence-based decisions. Therefore, one must critically assess the study by...

All Knowledge Is an Illusion

All knowledge is an illusion. While this declaration does not mean that we should support the supernatural or ignore knowledge, I trust that it is essential to accept some limitations of knowledge that relate to its source. Unless we consider some fundamental premises, we may be surprised to come across...

The Definition of Hand Skin Anatomy

The skin is the outer vertebrates guarding and protecting the underlying muscles, internal organs, ligaments, and bones. Different body locations have different skin layers which support diverse appendages and subsequent functioning. The hand skin aids in preventing the inner body against harm and regulating body temperatures. Therefore, the hand’s skin...

Converting Dimethyl Ether from Methanol

Dimethyl Ether (DME) is made by converting hydrocarbons which are first converted to methanol and then to DME (Molar 13). It can be made from other sources such as wood byproducts, household and crop waste, or from algae biomass. It’ chemical formula is CH3OCH3 and is considered a more clean...

Helicopter Experiment Assessment

This paper is a report of a paper helicopter experiment that was carried out in a group. The experiment involved designating a paper helicopter in varied designs and then dropping it severally while recording the flight time. The report starts by explaining the essence of having one person drop the...

A Sound Research Plan: Definition

Introduction Research plans illustrate plans aimed at solving declared problems. They state the relevance of the challenges and the importance of addressing them. As such, the research plan contains the list of literature to be utilized, the methodology of the research, and the expected findings (Mitchell, 2007). The aim of...

The Phenomenon of Visual Illusions

Introduction We have always ignored the intricacies of human vision and taken vision for granted but there are a number of controversial issues surrounding human vision that should draw curiosity. Just like the other bodily senses, human vision does not call attention to itself in order to work. It is...

Three Famous Irrational Numbers Are Pi, Euler’s Number, and the Golden Ratio

Irrational numbers make up a significant sector of mathematical sciences and find utilization not only in theoretical models but also in engineering, construction, and scientific applications. Although most likely, irrational numbers — such as Pi, the Euler’s number, and Golden Ratio — have always existed, humankind did not immediately guess...

Improving Stress Resistance in Agricultural Crops

Introduction Traits that protect the crop yielding potentiality will always be vital. Advanced technologies are being used to design products for insect control such as dsRNA which generate new modes of action. Research efforts mainly focused on enhancing complex traits like biotic stress mitigation and intrinsic yield potential which are...

Should Parents Have the Right to Choose Their Children Based on Genetics?

Introduction There has been a remarkable breakthrough in molecular biology over the last ten years. Already today, it is possible to read the genetic code of a person and to predict what diseases it will inherit. With the help of gene technology, scientists clone animals, attempt to create children “on...

Sodium Borohydride Reduction of 2, 6-Dimethylcyclohexanone

Introduction The aim of this experiment was to prepare a stereoisomeric mixture of secondary alcohols from the reaction of cis and trans 2, 6-dimethylcyclohexanone with sodium borohydride. 2, 6-dimethylcyclohexanone is a mixture of cis and trans isomers each containing a ketone functional group. The cis:trans ratio of 2,6-dimethylcyclohexanone used in...

The Meaning and Purpose of Combinatorial Chemistry

Introduction Combinatorial chemistry is a new technique found by scientists mainly for the process of discovering drugs. It is a technology for carrying out simultaneous synthesis as well as testing of hundreds and thousands of compounds of related structure in a single container. Traditional chemistry is usually marked by the...

A Detailed Look at Brucellosis

Introduction Etiologic agent Brucellosis is a common infection that affects man, swine, goats, and cattle, although it rarely infects wild mammals such as deer in the United States. The disease is responsible for the occurrence of abortion in cattle (Ingebrigtsen, Ludwig, Arlin, & McClurkin, 1986). Brucellosis is caused by bacteria...

The Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

Introduction The study of the structure of DNA is important not only to biologist, but to every inquisitive mind and every person that is interested in knowing how this life we live is recreated. Many researchers have come up with findings which have contributed greatly to the body of knowledge,...

Role of Mobile Learning in Mathematics

Introduction Mobile learning is a relatively new study area founded effectively and efficiently integrating mobile computing and digital learning technologies. Now more than ever, learners are able to acquire knowledge at any time and from any place. Thus, mobile learning has revolutionized the era of digital learning, making it easier...

History of Batteries, What Is a Battery, Recycling of Batteries

Introduction History of Batteries (Types – Production – Consumption) in Europe, the USA and China One of the most revolutionary ideas at the time of the invention was the battery. A battery is defined as a device where energy is stored and delivered through electrical means. Alessandro Volta invented the...

Validity and Reliability in Quantitative Studies

To be able to critique quantitative studies is crucial in each evidence-based process. In healthcare, an appropriate appraisal ensures the quality of one’s medical practice and patient treatment. The following factors should be assessed when appraising a study: validity, reliability, and applicability. A critical analysis of all three elements should...

Teleological Reasoning and Its Strengths and Weaknesses

Human beings cannot perceive nature as random, unplanned, or unexplained, accidents because such phenomena should have an explanation in their minds. Consequently, since the time of Ancient Greece, many people have interpreted the natural world’s beauty and elegance as the deliberative and directive actions of somebody’s creation. Apart from cosmological...

Human Body: Blood Components

Introduction The human body is a complex machine that has various components that play different roles to ensure people develop and grow without problems. Blood plays an important role in the body because it ensures there are efficient gaseous exchange, respiration and excretion systems, and coordination of various parts. It...

Data Methods for the Tourism Industry

Conceptual Theoretical Model In most countries, particularly in developing nations, tourism is one of the significant sources of revenue and the main contributor to economic growth. Tourism also plays a vital role in promoting economic growth by contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP) (Shih, and Do 2016, 371-372). East...

“Why Evolution is True” by Jerry Coyne

Introduction Even in the age of information and scientific developments, the theory of evolution continues to separate people. This theory supports religious separation by disproving the concept of intelligent design, according to which the complexity of living organisms on the planet makes life unexplainable and suggests the presence of an...

Quantum Theory and the Inverse Square Law

Two massive changes in the worldview of physical phenomena relate to Newton and Einstein. Their ideas and theories contributed greatly to shaping the science of physics and the perception of nature. However, some foundation for their works had been laid before them, as in the case of Planck, who preceded...

The Cultural Identity of Turkey

The issue of ethnic minorities seems to have played a significant role in the history of the Turkish Republic. Amy Mills characterizes the Turkish nation as ethnically Turkish and religiously Muslim while mentioning many minorities that play a significant role in defining the identity of Turkey. According to Mills, even...

Correlation and Regression With SPSS

Statistical assumptions In this analysis, the labor force status will be the explained variable while the number of people married will be the explanatory variable. In the analysis, it will be assumed that there is a linear relationship between the two variables and that the data follow a normal distribution...

Describing Kinship: Kinship Theories Analysis

What Kinship is all About? The idea of kinship has been very complex causing scholars a lot of trouble in defining and creating functional genealogies. Some scholars argue that kinship has to do with a flexible idiom concerning grammar and language use. On the other hand, other researchers view kinship...

Activation Energy for Viscous Flow of Water, Acetone, Toluene, and o-Xylene

Abstract The knowledge of physiochemical properties of binary mixtures of solvents is of great importance for learning intermolecular interactions. The aim of the research was to investigate the hypothesis that the activation energy of a substance depends on intermolecular forces that arise in this substance. To test this hypothesis, activation...

Beryl Mineral’s Physical Properties

Introduction Beryl is a mineral composed mainly of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. However, traces of cesium, lithium, and sodium can be found in beryl. The gemstone originates from igneous, metamorphic rocks. It has a refractive index ranging from 1.57 to 1.58 and a specific gravity of 2.6 to 2.92 (Sultana &...

Kenya: Country Analysis and Economic Development

Executive Summary Kenya is a developing country located in the eastern part of Africa. It has a thriving economy and serves as the major communications and logistics hub in East Africa. It borders with Uganda, Tanzania, Somalia, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. According to government statistics released in 2016, Kenya has...

Antikythera Mechanism: Photography and Radiography

Introduction During the year 1900, in one Greek isle of Antikythera, sponge divers stumbled upon statuettes on an ancient shipwreck (Cowen 10). Their mission unearthed the many artifacts from the ruin. The shipwreck has been dated by numerous autonomous investigations to the early eras of the 1st century BC. The...

Statistical Datas Bivariate Analysis

Introduction In research work, scholars more often than note collect more than two sets of variables. In situations where two variables are collected and used for analysis, this has been termed as bivariate analysis. Typically the aim of doing this is to establish causes or relationships between the variables (Pallant,...

Research Bias and Literature Review

Eliminating bias in research A crucial element of any competent research is objectivity and researchers are responsible for critically examining the methods and conclusions for bias. To help researchers avoid and eliminate biased attitude, a standard of validity and reliability may be instrumental in research (Creswell, 2013). One of the...

Institutions and Agencies of Spatial Planning in Belgium

Spatial planning is one of the issues that are of great concern to policy-makers in Belgium. Currently, this country is strongly affected by such trends as increasing population, the growing necessity to protect cultural heritage, and transformation of former industrial zones (Gropas 2014). Therefore, it is vital for local communities...

Algebra – an Islamic Contribution to the West

Introduction The contribution made by Muslim mathematicians towards Western civilization cannot be underestimated. Unlike other religions where dogmas are not linked to science, Islam and science are correlated (Ahmed 63). Muslims have contributed greatly to the development of modern science especially in the area of algebra. Muslim mathematicians are the...

Water Management and Ecology Issues

On the whole, water management is one of the job skills that are of great importance to many organizations and institutions that can be both public and private. It should be noted that this area incorporates the elements of different disciplines; for example, one can speak about hydrology, geology, planning...

Coefficient of Determination in Regression Analysis

In regression analysis, the relationship between dependent and independent variables is the focus of all calculations. The quality of all measurements and their connections have to be checked to ensure that the results of a research show correct results. To achieve this goal, such measures as the coefficient of determination...

Salinity’s Effects on Seed Germination

Introduction Nearly 42 million acres of irrigated agriculture in the United States are at risk from salt buildup, which either already exists or could do so. It will be necessary to irrigate much of the undeveloped land in the world, which is located in arid and semiarid areas. Right now,...

Repeasantization: Impact on Agriculture

Introduction As the world developed and new technologies emerged, all areas of society, including agriculture, were transformed. While for an extended period, the main workers on farms were peasants, later they were partly replaced by machine and automatic labor. This process is called the industrial revolution, in other words, the...

Zinc Carbonate: Biotechnology Information

The ingredient that this post will discuss is a Zinc Carbonate found on the Head & Shoulders shampoo’s ingredient list. Zinc Carbonate is an ionic compound consisting of zinc, carbon, and three oxygen ions. The chemical formula of the ingredient is ZnCO3. This compound is often used in cosmetics, agriculture,...

Three Types of Research Methodology

In managing research in any area of life, it is imperative to employ procedures to collect data and analyze it. When viewed in that perspective, it is referred to as research methodology. Research methodology is a critical decision in the whole process of an individual’s research. Developing one’s research methodology...

Biotechnological Innovations in Medicine

Introduction Biology has endless possibilities for developing new technologies for genetic engineering and treating various diseases. Biotechnological innovations in medicine already bear the separate name of biomedicine. Thus, experiments are being conducted in editing human genes, which will help eradicate genetic diseases such as the aforementioned schizophrenia. This is why...

The Use of Microbes is in Our Interests

People associate germs with a negative definition, but these parts are different. Most microbes in our body or another environment bring positive results. They help organisms to develop evenly and provide them with everything they need. Most existing microbes are part of a specific ecosystem and perform their function. With...

Studying the Venturi Effect Through Water Flow Calculation

The Venturi effect is of particular importance in fluid dynamics, characterizing the pressure drop of a fluid as it flows through narrow spaces. The Venturi effect is named after the Italian scientist Giovanni Battista Venturi, who is also known for his work in optical physics (Gallitto et al., 2021). The...

Determining the Polynomial Model for Amazon

Introduction The polynomial model is an integral concept in mathematics, especially in determining relationships. It is a form of regression where the relationship between dependent and independent variables is determined (Fox & Burks, 2019). For example, the model can identify the relationship between Amazon’s net income/loss and sales. However, there...

World Archaeology: Ancient Egyptian Mortuary Rituals

Archaeological studies have focused on the role played by ritual practices and belief systems in ancient societies. Ancient societies depended on rituals and belief systems to communicate with the spiritual world and also to interpret their material world as well as their own being. Some aspects of ritual and belief...

Poisonous Mushrooms: Species and Dangerous

Nowadays, there are numerous kinds of mushrooms, which can be an issue for foragers. While there are mushrooms that are safe to consume, there are poisonous species that are infamous for their toxins and lethal outcomes, along with other effects. Furthermore, some of such inedible mushrooms have similar appearances to...

Singapore and the United States Comparison

Despite the rapid development of technology and society, some countries lag behind others in some aspects. Therefore, the comparison of States is of particular importance. This work examines the similarities and differences between countries such as Singapore and the United States of America. This process is necessary to identify those...

Data Sampling and Collecting Methods

I would choose the stratified sampling method for studies like this, which allows to represent the population on a smaller scale. The population is conveniently divided by several characteristics: gender, social class, level of education, and religion (Moser & Korstjens, 2018). It is then important to sample within each category...

New York and Los Angeles Comparison

Introduction The United States is one of the most urbanized countries in the world. It houses some of the largest and most attractive cities in the world. The cities attract visitors and residents from all over the world because of the opportunities they offer. Los Angeles and New York are...

Moist and Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rates

Adiabatic lapse rates refer to temperature changes as altitude increases with no heat loss or gain to and from the surrounding environment. Adiabatic lapse rates can be distinguished as dry or moist. Condensation and latent heat release make the Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate (MALR) slower than the Dry Adiabatic Lapse...

The Rings of Saturn from the Cultural Perspective

Introduction Astronomy was an important part of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Observations of the sky were not the task assigned to a limited circle of chosen individuals’ rather, they were an integral component of indigenous Australians’ life (Johnson, 2014). Aboriginal Australians had the knowledge not only...