A transportation essay is a writing piece that describes means of transport, their advantages and disadvantages, problems, and solutions. It can be an argumentative, persuasive, expository, or descriptive essay.
The disciplines which might include such papers are:
Technology Studies.
Environmental Studies.
Public Transport Essay
Public transport is a system of vehicles for group transportation that operate at fixed times and on settled routes. The transportation system is a vast field for research and analysis. It is not a secret that public transportation is well developed in European countries but is not popular in the United States.
Importance of Public Transport
In this essay, you have to explain why public transport is essential or not crucial for modern society. Support your argumentation line with credible sources and relevant examples.
Take a look at the topics below:
Does the United States need an efficient public transportation system?
Public transport is an ecology-friendly alternative to private transport.
Traffic jams: how public transport can solve this problem.
Pros and Cons of Public Transport
There are several pluses and minuses that you can always consider when choosing transport. You can discuss the routes, the time spent commuting, or ecological aspects.
Here are our essay topics:
Overcrowding in public transport during rush hour.
Public transport vs. electric cars: which option is more ecological?
The value of time and money: the benefits and drawbacks of public transport.
Essay on Bus Transportation
Bus transportation involves municipal, intercity, or international routes. Each type can become the area of your research. You can compare buses with other public and private transport means, discuss the CO2 emissions, costs, and comfort. You might also analyze the development of bus transportation and compare the successful and unsuccessful systems.
Check the selection of topics below:
What country has the most developed bus transportation?
Why should we use buses instead of cars?
The advantages and disadvantages of traveling by bus.
Essay on Water Transport
Water transport is not as popular as ground transportation but is still an integral part of public transport. Water transport varies from small boats to giant liners and can involve both commuting and recreation.
Here is our choice of topics about water transport:
Water taxis and water buses: the efficiency and experience.
The benefits of urban water transport.
The dangers of long-distance trips using water transport.
Essay on Air Transportation
Air transportation is the fastest way to travel long distances. However, the amount of CO2 emissions is harmful to the Earth. You can also compare the quality of the services of legacy and low-cost airlines.
Our essay titles on air transportation:
The business models of low-cost and legacy airlines.
Coronavirus pandemic and air transport.
What types of planes are the most sustainable?
Essay about Transportation in the Past and Present
From horse carriages to huge planes, public transport evolved drastically even in the last one hundred years. In this essay, you can compare and evaluate the means of transportation, their impact on our lives and ecological situation, and your attitude to them.
Take a look at our topics:
The history of aircraft and its evolution.
Traveling one hundred years ago and now.
The future of public transport: what might be different in one hundred years?
Transportation Essay: How to Write?
Here are some tips that will make it easier to write a decent paper:
Always remember what your instructor said. Follow the requirements on the format, word limit, and don’t forget about the deadline.
Be disciplined. Create an outline, a list of sources, make short notes. It is also a good idea to create a couple of drafts.
Follow the structure. Each essay should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Make sure you answer the main question that you state at the beginning of the paper.
Pay attention to the credibility and relevance of your sources. Use college databases or verifiable information.
Proofread and check your information. Incorrect spelling or wring grammar can spoil the impression.
Thank you for reading this article! You can use our free essay examples below to get some inspiration.
Need to write an electric cars benefits essay or an electric cars vs. gas cars compare and contrast paper? Then make sure to read this sample for inspiration! There has been a lot of development in the car industry, especially if comparing the current achievements to the first car models...
Nowadays, public transport systems play an integral part in the lives of locals and visitors in all regions around the world. As a result, the issue of public transportation costs has been debated for a long time. While some believe that a free public is unattainable and doomed to failure,...
Introduction Whether or not you have been looking for a parking space to park your car, it is an essential problem in the present day. Being worried about finding a parking spot to park your car for a long time will always cause anxiety and stress, especially when you are...
Introduction According to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (2017), 9% of the country’s GDP is made up by transportation functions. Exports and imports account for over $860 billion annually (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2016). The national freight movement is also considerable and is growing alongside with the American economy....
Autonomous vehicles are designed with integrated mechanical, visual, and sensor technology to enable them to drive independently on the roads. This robotic technology will have significant implications for future travel. Optimists foresee the production of reliable, reasonably priced, and safe autonomous cars in the next ten years. More companies have...
Firstly, it is important to note that the word to be defined is a term airport, which is a structural complex comprised of buildings and runways designed to enable a proper and safe landing and take-off of aircraft vehicles with civil transportation purposes. In addition, airports are critical for the...
Summary Ford-Firestone case is a large-scale controversy related to the tire company Firestone and the Ford Motor Company. The event itself concerns a period where an increased number of tread separations were reported in tires by Firestone. The event first gained traction in 1998, when an insurance agent has researched...
Introduction Electric cars are also known as battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). These cars use one or more electric motors instead of standard internal combustion engines. Some of their most known advantages are a cleaner environment since they do not use fossil fuels. The question is whether they have a low carbon...
Introduction Technology is being changed every day and its impact occurs in every sphere of life. It influences the transportation systems also. The emergence of automobiles made a tremendous change in the life of the people. This paper mainly presents the new advents in the automobile sector and its impact...
The airline industry in the United States is an extensive network of companies providing air transportation services for passengers and cargo. It is characterized by a dynamic nature, hence the need for efficient strategic management for companies involved. In particular, Porter’s five forces model is frequently utilized to identify the...
The Cyclic Nature of the Transportation Industry The transportation industry is one of the critical pillars of various economies across the world. As an industry, the transport sector has positioned itself at the epicenter of economic activities because people and goods have to move from one point to another. The...
Introduction Transport for London or TfL is a local government agency serving Greater London in England and it is not only the present transport authority of London but is also responsible for many aspects of their transportation system. It came into effect due to the Greater London Authority Act 1999...
Introduction This is child’s play for most people but there are others out there who have never changed a tyre in their life. Maybe they live in an area with fantastic roads and in case they get a puncture there is always a tow-truck company that is a phone call...
Abstract Several decades ago, the very idea of electric cars seemed absurd. With the advanced technologies of the XXI century, however, the long-awaited dream was finally turned into reality. The number of electric cars is still admittedly low in the market. However, compared to the previous sales statistics, the demand...
Introduction The marine transportation system consists of various structures. They include, among others, waterways, fixed infrastructure, such as ports or terminals, and intermodal connections. It is also made up of means of transportation, system users, and organizational networks that ensure the vessels and infrastructure are used effectively. Marine transport can...
The pursuit of sustainability and caution toward the environmental impact are characteristics of a developed society. In these terms, combustion engines cause pollution, the effect of which multiplies with the unprecedented spread of automobiles across the globe. Consequently, the pursuit of efficient transportation did not stop with this technology, and...
Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a set of measures intended to regulate the movement of aircraft. The main function of ATC is ensuring a safe flow of planes, helicopters, and other vehicles using airfoil. Flying aircraft is a complicated activity with numerous factors involved. As traveling by plane becomes more...
Introduction The number of vehicles on the campus ground has been increasing at an alarming speed. This has created a high demand for a parking space on the campus ground. Notably, the campus requires spacious parking for the ever-increasing number of automobiles on the compound. In addition, the existing parking...
Traffic speed limits set the legal minimum and maximum speed range on roads. They are usually placed by governmental authorities. While some people might be against them, I argue that speed limits are of high importance. Firstly, speed limits improve traffic safety and reduce the number of casualties. According to...
Introduction For the past two decades, Saudi Arabia has been experiencing significant developments in most aspects of its economic sectors. One of the sectors, which have had tremendous growth, is the transportation sector. The recent developments began close to two decades ago when the population of Saudi Arabia more than...
Introduction A review on global road accidents fatalities by Jacobs &Thomas shows that there is an increased accident fatality rate in Saudi Arabia. Fatality trends between 1988-1995 show that the fatality rate due to accidents to 58% in Saudi Arabia which is the highest compared to other countries in the...
The threats of terrorism, drug trafficking and violence are forcing governments and businesses to tighten control and security measures in crowded places. Even at concerts or in schools, one can see metal detectors that check visitors to find dangerous items for society. Airports and planes are areas of increased risk,...
The aviation business has experienced rapid evolution patterns and intense rivalry recently. On the one hand, the profitability of the airline business is declining as airline competition increases. On the other hand, privatization processes present new managerial difficulties to airports. These trends affect not only international airports but also regional...
Introduction Denver has a large airport that serves the city and state. The airport opted to construct an automated luggage system ” to efficiently disperse all of the airport’s goods, encompassing check-in, arrivals, and pick-up. However, the development’s goal was not met by the airport. The involved stakeholders delayed the...
No one can fully identify, document and compile data on the shipwrecks that happened along the Oman coast people. Tracing the history of shipwreck is considered to be the province of archeologists and according to them the cargo narrates a lot about the history of the sailors, the voyagers and...
Introduction Airline management can be particularly challenging because managers have to find a balance between customer satisfaction, safety, and regulatory compliance. Traveling with pets is growing more and more popular, as people found that they can enjoy new destinations or visit their loved ones without leaving their pets at home...
Abstract The 737 MAX represents a poor investment idea made on the part of Boeing. To successfully address the topic, the paper is organized in comparison and contrast to the present research studies, as well as recommendations. The study is a review of concerns that emanated from the failure of...
Abstract This study was aimed at investigating the concept of air transport equipment modernization for Tanzania People’s Defense Forces challenges and the road map. The study was guided by three research questions and specific objectives namely; to investigate the challenges in modernization of air transport equipment in TPDF. The second...
Transportation is considered to be among the major industries around the globe. It is one of the most expensive and burdensome areas not only for citizens but for the government as well. Nevertheless, it is well known that dependable transportation allows people to travel throughout the country and to live...
Maritime Trade as a Facilitator of Global Trade Maritime trade has accompanied human civilization from the moment the boats strong enough to cross seas were invented. The use of sea vessels allowed to reduce the traveling time to the minimum, while significantly increasing the volume of transported goods. Thanks to...
Introduction The following subsections of this study explain the purpose, as well as the contextual background in relation to the systems compared herein. Purpose The following report compares flight control systems of a conventional fixed wing aircraft and rotor blade helicopter. Pilots utilize flight control systems while flying aircrafts, in...
Aviation remains one of the most important means of transport for the modern globalized world. The high level of safety and speed of delivery is viewed as the basic advantages that are usually associated with civil aviation. However, at the same time, the strategic importance of the sector and its...
Owing to increasing reports from pilots concerning the impeding of commercial vessels to and from the docks by recreational craft participating in races organised by the local club, a number of safety concerns arise. Luckily, so far, there has been no major incident or accident. It is however the primary...
Introduction Nowadays, many people use cars daily, be it for getting to work, delivering the food bought from supermarkets, or taking your children to school. Extensive use of your car certainly does not make it look any better. That being said, taking care of your car is not only necessary...
Introduction Following a decline in the recession period of the beginning of the 1990s, public transportation use in the United States increased rapidly from 1996 to 2009. Unlinked traveler trips grew by 22 percent, increasing whole ridership to the highest level in 50 years. The New York City region contributed...
Introduction For most motor vehicle owners, changing g the oil in the family car is a matter of driving up to the local chain store or dealership, then waiting for others to do the job. However, there may be a time when the car owner will need to know how...
Location and Limit The deployment of scientists, an engineering team, and aircraft for marine applications requires intensive efforts and operational expenses. However, the cost of implementation may not provide adequate resolution and analysis to guarantee comprehensive information accessibility for all regions and functions of recovery. Unmanned maritime vehicles (UMV) can...
Transportation plays a very important role in moving people, information as well as freight from one location to another. Rodrigue, Comtois, and Slack (2006), state that the purpose of transportation of fulfilling the demand of mobility makes it the leading outcome of derived demand (p. 2). They further argue that...
Introduction Transportation refers to the transfer of people and commodities from one geographical location to another. Transportation system involves the objects being transported, vessels used to transport the objects and mode for movement of the vessels. The objects being transported can either be people or goods, the transportation vessels are...
Introduction Topic: The topic of this persuasive speech is to explore the difference in operation between manual and automatic transmission in vehicles. The choice of the most favored transmission depends on its ease of use, serviceability, impact on driving, as well as on the balance between the price and quality....
A port is a coast facility comprising of harbors. Among the different port types, neither serves best the interest of humanity other than the one that will provide efficiently the shore operations for a particular locality and populace. Ports are built to meet specific overriding need (s). According to Patrick,...
Air transportation represents a vast field of operations that require precise control within different departments and possible issues. The airline industry has to consider numerous aspects of transportation, including proper design of the routes, weather, registration procedures, employees’ expertise, and others. Air safety and security is the essential area of...
Introduction Low-cost carriers such as Southwest Airlines and AirAsia are becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide. They offer their customers access to quick travel at considerably lower prices than their more traditional network, or flag, carrier counterparts. As a result, their popularity has grown rapidly since the inception of the concept in...
Today, the US auto industry experiences problems caused by economic decline and financial crisis. Therefore, because innovation is all about creating new realities, change must deal first and last with sight. Many critics admit that the US auto industry will not be able to survive without innovations and new trends...
Introduction Transportation of goods and services is the primary concern of every manufacturer, which makes it an integral part of the production process. Transport and logistics are the main elements in the supply chain, providing the right quantity of goods to the right customer at the right time, in the...
Executive Summary This report analyzed and assessed two aviation incidents case studies (The crash of Asiana Airlines flight 214 and the Air France 447 disaster) using human factors. Moreover, human factor models (The Swiss cheese and Dirty Dozen) were utilized in the analysis of the two air accidents to determine...
The port is defined according to Patrick, (2008, p.5) as the area near the seashore and with infrastructure capacities for a vessel/shore interface and customs facilities. Knowledge claims consider Bruges Port as being the leader in Northern Europe in the thirteenth century. In the turn to the fifteenth century, Antwerp...
Summary Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Services (ARFF) typically refers to the firefighting services ensured at airports, including the appropriate emergency response, evacuation, and rescue of passengers and aircraft crew engaged in aviation accidents. Aerodromes with regular passenger flights are obliged to have special firefighting apparatus and firefighters prepared to fulfill...
Introduction Security in the aviation industry has remained a sensitive issue that stakeholders are often keen to enforce. According to Bruey (2018), major milestones have been made to eliminate any form of threat to the airplanes and airports around the world. Although regarded as the safest means of transport, incidences...
Introduction Denver International Airport (DIA) is believed to be the biggest international airport in the United States and second largest airport in the world. The strategic positioning of Denver has ensured that a large number of domestic and international flights touch down at DIA. It also happens to be the...
There is a need to build a very large commercial transport (“VLCT”) but the cost would be daunting even for the top two aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing. The design and manufacture of a VLCT which can carry between 550 to 800 passengers is expected to require the creation from...
The world is moving into a direction where many aspects of life, which were previously considered luxurious, turn into necessities and essentials. Many would admit that they are capable of living without a television, a mobile phone, and etc., but actually, they do not. Accordingly, in the course of the...
Up until January 2020, the expansion of air travel seemed inevitable. The number of people who travel by air has significantly increased over the past ten years. Predictions suggested that the number of passengers would keep rising, but this has altered since the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the main issues...
Introduction Civil aviation has outstanding strategic importance today. Its ability to support the globalization of the world, foster international relations, and provide clients with the desired levels of comfort contribute to the high speed of the sector’s evolution and it’s becoming the basis for the future rise of society (Stolzer...
Introduction Berths are stations within the port area, where shipping carriers can pick and drop loads during their routine maritime and mainland operations. Thus, a safe berth is convenient to shipping agencies. Terminals provide facilities for the berth. According to Alderton (2008), berths needed by a port will vary mainly...
Nowadays, it is hardly possible to imagine our lives without cars. Going to work, shopping, visiting friends – everything seems much easier when you have one. After all, even if you don’t, you can always get an Uber. Cars have become such an essential part of the modern lifestyle that...
Introduction The rate of traffic congestion in my school district is one of the leading causes of frustration for most teachers, students, and parents who want to get to different locations on time and without much hassle. The problem is part of a wider challenge in the transport sector where...
There are different means of public transportation in different cities which also come with different advantages. Disneyland captures what to expect from many of the cities of the world. In Disneyland, one will find such variety including scaled down railways, horseless carriages, riverboats and park trams. One of the most...
Transportation of cell phones over the ocean is a challenging issue even in the 21st century because the influence of weather conditions or other external factors is hard to be predicted. What is more, in comparison with other products, smartphones are noticeably expensive, which means that damaged devices would become...
Introduction In recent years, the legacy carriers (carriers established previous to the deregulation of the airline markets) grant a position to the recently formed ‘low-cost’ carriers. While the ‘low-cost’ carriers performed very well, the legacy carriers performed poorly; several carriers are on the edge of economic failure, while others had...
Introduction Driving has become more common and more difficult than it used to be. It has progressed from being an option to being a compulsion. Being a necessity, more people are on the roads, driving their own vehicle, which has resulted in multiple problems. Unsafe driving practices can cause several...
Description This report is about the analysis and comparison of hybrid and gasoline vehicles; and would use qualitative research method along with the definitions, description, background, findings, and interpretations of the models of Hybrid Ford Explorer and original gasoline vehicles. Definition Hybrid vehicles make use of on-board rechargeable energy storage...
Introduction Regulations and guidelines in the transport industry are essential since they ensure that corporations operate effectively and focus on stakeholders’ demands. Various governmental agencies implement and ensure that companies follow such policies. Some organizations go further to support or improve the performance of this sector. This paper gives a...
It is hard to imagine an average adult in the USA who does not own a car now. Americans’ reliance on traditional automobiles, ran on gasoline, is so high that they often think skeptically of more environmentally-friendly transportation alternatives, such as electric vehicles. Nevertheless, as Henry Ford once said: “If...
Abstract Aerodynamics is the study of properties of fluids in motion and the manner in which they interact with solid objects. It explores the properties of solid objects as they travel through the fluids. Thus, aerodynamic principles are to explore the movement of aircraft in the air. The term supersonic...
Introduction Air transport has evolved for over two thousand years. The development has been facilitated by advancement in technology. Man was motivated to design air transportation after observing the birds. Kites were the first objects made by man to fly at around 200 B.C. Gliders were invented at around the...
Introduction The National Rail Network is a vital component of the national infrastructure. It is a network that provides passenger services and freight transport across the country, from Penzance to Plymouth via Exeter St David’s (Goodyear, 2022). The network covers most of Great Britain, with a route length of about...
The economic system of many countries across the world is heavily influenced by the transportation sector, including air travel. Better transportation systems enable several businesses to prosper (Williams, 2017). Enterprises may connect with their particular markets and other businesses anywhere in the world through the transportation system. Furthermore, a reliable...
Introduction The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global airline industry became a worldwide obstacle to proper mobility. The dramatic effects of the health issues on transport communications across the globe are affecting people internationally, even two years after the initial breakthrough of the coronavirus (Bouwer et al., 2021)....
Introduction Human factors play a significant role in the effectiveness of machines, and so are cases with airplanes. However, the same elements are also responsible for the failures associated with devices, and airplanes are no exception. Based on investigations by the National Transport and Safety Board (NTSB) on air accidents,...
This paper discusses the impact of United Airlines’ policy on its reputation among customers. There is a need to change the standards of interaction with the company’s clients since the regularly occurring removal of passengers from the airplane, and refusals in flight due to the non-compliance of passengers with the...
Introduction Manual flight management was done away with as a result of high rate of accidents. Flight planning software refers to programs that are used to manage and execute flight and other processes undertaken when the plane is airborne. After the pilot has issued the requisite flight specifics, the software...
Introduction To protect the U.S. ports and waterways from the terrorist attacks the Maritime Transportation Act was designed and signed by President Bush on November 25, 2002 (Protecting America’s Ports, 2003). “This act is a means for the United States to address the increasing concerns in homeland security, especially due...
Introduction Definition, Transport refers to the movement of goods and services from one place to another; railway transport involves the movement of goods, people, and services from one place to another. Railway refers to a laid down track that guides the wheels of a train to ensure it does not...
The renowned safety of air transport is dependent on three factors. These are the many safety and redundant systems built into modern passenger aircraft, the rigorous training and monitoring accorded pilots, and the multitasking skill of air traffic controllers (ATCs). Not surprisingly, therefore, ATC salary scales are very attractive early...
Introduction Security concern in the aviation industry is one area that has left many players rethinking their strategies. With the current global security threats mainly terrorism the aviation industry is riskier and the business, the fraternity has been technically compelled to devise new techniques capable of addressing security issues properly...
Introduction According to customers’ surveys, safety is the main concern for those travelling by air. Interestingly enough, statistically, the chances of perishing due to an airplane crash are meager. Today, they are estimated at one in 11 million for a single person taking a commercial flight. For the sake of...
Measuring capacity and utilization For companies of the Southwest Airline capacity, the capacity and utilization can be measured by managing the sizing and timing strategies, economies of scale, and scientific and systematic accommodation decisions. The Company has attracted many passengers to its airline in terms of measuring the economies and...
Pedestrian safety is a crucial skill that should be learned by children to reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality from traffic accidents. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2017), children and older adults are most at risk of being killed in traffic crashes. The present...
Introduction An increase in the negative impact on the environment accompanies the development of traditional road transport. During the combustion of petroleum fuel, about two hundred different harmful substances are formed in internal combustion engines. Given the current environmental problems, a potential solution is to use cars powered by gas...
A roundabout is an area on the road where several routes become one, and all vehicles drive in the same direction to another lane. In other words, it is an example of a traffic circle that aims at facilitating the transition from one road to another. The question of whether...
In the context of the accelerated growth of the air cargo industry and security concerns, coordinated and collective actions of customs authorities are essential. Moreover, the civil aviation authorities, and other stakeholders at the international and regional levels are of great importance for the creation of a reliable, safe and...
Introduction Traffic congestion presents a significant problem currently faced by large and growing cities. According to Ranjan et al. (2020), “with the increase in the economy, rapid urbanization, and desire toward private traveling, the traffic congestion level around the world has increased drastically, directly affecting the cities’ growth, development, and...
Introduction Transportation networks in cities make it feasible to connect various sources of production. People, land, labor, capital, and technology can all be connected through roads and airways because they make it easier for resources to move from one region to another. It is expected that the process will be...
Introduction The shipping industry has become vital for facilitating trade, defense, and the overall global economy. Maritime shipping is among the most critical components of the international economy, accounting for around 90% of trade conducted worldwide (Balcombe et al., 2019). However, there has been increasing pressure on the industry to...
Introduction Long-haul truck drivers must move large volumes of cargo across vast areas. They frequently operate specific vehicles with huge cargo capacities, and they are subject to stringent roadside safety requirements. Driving long-distance trucks is a physically strenuous occupation that also requires exceptional focus on accuracy and practical communication abilities....
Introduction Since the first airplanes were relatively light and developed low speeds, not requiring a long run on takeoff or landing, they could use small flat areas as an airfield. As a consequence, airports for such planes were located in any suitable places convenient for servicing the population. They had...
A similar checkboard pattern can be noticed in many places where railroad tracks have been laid and railroad stations built. The main reasons for this were government grants with sides up to several miles in size along the railroad. Such grants were given as a subsidy and were an alternative...
Despite technological advancements in the aviation industry, noise has remained a persistent problem, and its effects have been devastating. Aircraft noise has adverse effects on the academic performance of children who live next to airports; it disturbs sleep and is uncomfortable for passengers (Will et al., 2017). In addition, noise...
Although driving seems like a mundane task, it can be extremely challenging and dangerous. Different weather, traffic, and road conditions, as well as vehicle condition, can have a significant impact on one’s driving. Driving during the summer months differs considerably from driving in winter, when roads may be covered in...
The document critiqued is a report of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on the implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). NextGen is a platform for transitioning air traffic from ground-based control to satellite navigation, digital communications, and automated position reporting by...
Prior to the analysis and the implementation of potential solutions, it is vital to assess the underlying issues that are contributing to the current excessive costs of travel. Currently, the total expenses of seven executives contribute to $75,000 in ticket costs and $15,000 in additional fees for services such as...
The term “air industry” refers to companies that provide air transportation services to paying clients or coworkers. Both passengers and freight may use these air transportation services, which are most frequently offered by jet aircraft. However, some airlines may also employ helicopters. And just like every other business, the air...
The National Airspace System’s (NAS) navigation is being modernized thanks to the efforts of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other aviation partners. Essentially, FAA and aviation stakeholders created and released a study titled “Roadmap for Performance-Based Navigation (PBN)” as part of this endeavor. PBN services establish the groundwork for...
The airline industry is very influential, as it includes many services and unites various areas of activity, for example, cargo transportation and tourism. It also requires significant coordination between different processes and destinations. As a result, the industry gives jobs to many people. Any shocks and changes in the airline...
Introduction Air travel is one of the most integral components of the modern world. Using planes for reaching far-flung destinations has become so habitual that numerous industries actively rely on aircraft to function. Yet, today’s realities were a distant dream a century ago. The second half of the twentieth century...
The necessity to develop an airport infrastructure that meets current demand is a driving force for the NGATS. Therefore, the regular advancements that include adequate security, agile air traffic, environment protection, and capacity expansion may increase customer satisfaction. Overall, it is of utmost importance to analyze the current operating system...
Air cargo transportation, along with passenger air transport, are important areas of the global economic industry, providing key aspects of human activity. Air transport operates to serve people on a variety of scales, from individual travel and the transport of small private cargo to multi-ton cargo flights. Given the speed...
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on civil aviation is seen as unprecedented in today’s realities. The virus has had a huge impact on transport logistics in all countries. Thus, this system has undergone significant changes and difficulties, being one of the most affected by economic problems. The negative consequences...
The car I chose combines the German automotive industry elements and Japanese design ideas. It is the RWB Porsche 911, which is an author’s variation of the famous German sports car, equipped with additional unique elements. The history of these cars is closely linked to the creator of RWB, which...
Introduction Due to technological advancement, different functionality such as Heads-Up Display (HUD), synthetic vision, Integrated Flight Control System (IFCS), Voice-Activated Commands, Automatic Braking Systems, and Active Noise Cancellation have become helpful in ensuring aircraft efficiency. These features will be critical in ensuring that the future aircraft’s safety, efficiency, and comfortability...
Introduction Multiple industries that have been known offenders of environmental premises are willing to make a switch to more sustainable ways. The automotive industry, in particular, has been heavily preoccupied with offering more mindful consumers options that would be less damaging for the environment. Hence, the electric car market has...
The stresses and damages of World War II, the Korean War, and the recessions of the 1950s had severe impacts on various industries. In order to survive and recover after those terrifying years, the industries needed to implement a number of changes and try to restructure their systems in order...
Introduction Turkish Airlines is a major airline and national flag carrier that serves as a key aviation service provider and central hub for global flight. In order to determine a company’s competitiveness and business standing in the market, it is necessary to perform strategic analyses. This paper will examine and...
The airline industry was among the main ones which were severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even large airline carriers such as United Airlines did not avoid suffering considerable financial losses because of the lack of passengers. The reduction in the number of people using the services of airlines was...
Introduction The present case study reveals the steps that companies in the transport industry have made to penetrate the new business segment. It covers the crucial problem that many companies have to encounter, and it is not a trivial task as statistics show that only one firm out of four...
Sydney Metro Sydney Metro is Australia’s largest public transport scheme and the new independent metro system. It is also the new generation of world-class trains that are fast and reliable. Moreover, this project is supposed to link citizens to where any destination they wish. The technological system applied by Sydney...
Introduction Transportation and logistics play a significant role in the world’s economic growth and development. Raw materials and finished products rely on transportation to get to the factories and consumers, respectively. Equally, transportation systems ensure that employers get to their working stations on time. Air, truck, rail, pipeline, and sealift...
After 40 years of regulatory protection, in 1978, the U.S. government decided to deregulate the airlines. This happened because the economists concluded that without any regulations, the airline industry would be close to perfect competition (Marcus et al., 1991). In the first years of this deregulation reform, companies differed in...
Introduction The Boeing B737-8 (MAX) operated by Ethiopian airlines that crashed was considered one of the fatal aircraft accidents. It was also the second and the last to involve the B737-8 (MAX) planes, which have since been grounded by several airline companies globally and are non-operational. The events of that...
Airplane inspections can be partitioned into two general classifications, which incorporate booked and unscheduled assessments. Scheduled and unscheduled support and airplane assessments are fundamental for all airplanes to protect them from plane crashes. Mostly, inspections are known to the lodge team and airplane experts. However, some specialized issues seen by...
Cars are expensive, and their prices can be out of reach for many individuals. Even though long-term auto loans exist, it can get tough to acquire a vehicle. Luckily, car leasing allows people to drive a new car through a monthly payment typically lower than when purchased (Vincent). While the...
The recent introduction of Vaccinated Travel Lanes (or VTL) in Singapore allows passengers with recognized vaccination certificates to use airlines on special terms. The key distinctive feature of VTL is the absence of tests and quarantines, which were major impediments to international travel. In response to the new initiative, airlines...
Introduction Aviation security is a set of measures aimed at protecting civil aviation from unlawful interference. As a rule, this safety is provided by qualified people with the use of any material resources. In its long history of air travel, the number of fatal accidents has dropped to levels that...
Precis The attacks of September 11, 2001, made the US aviation enterprise pay more attention to security. The industry, previously regarded as safe, faced new challenges and risks. Moreover, many experts believe that those threats come not just outside the state but from the aviation industry employees. The unmitigated insider...
Introduction Trans-Tasman Single Aviation Market (SAM) is a product of deregulation of two countries: Australia and New Zealand, which implies an agreement on freedom of flight and landing in these countries and standardizes air transportation in these territories. Similar agreements are also linked to the European Union and ASEAN, linking...
Introduction of TSA Process and History Behind It Travel Security Administration (TSA) is a US Department of Homeland Security tasked with monitoring security issues for traveling individuals in the US. On November 19, 2001, TSA was formed to respond to September 11 attacks during the tenure of former President George...
Many of the societal phenomena that play a functional role for communities and reflect the scientific and technological progress of the era do not have an unambiguous effect. The advent of trains is humanity’s most ingenious invention, offering a timely solution to a transportation problem. On the other hand, the...
As technology advances, recent years have seen the increased development and application of autonomous vehicles in the ground, air, and marine operations. Unmanned vehicles come with the benefits of automation, reduced transportation costs, fewer accidents, and improved lane capacity. Despite these merits, the mode of operation, programming, and potential security...
Introduction The issue of human settlement plays a pivotal role in defining and understanding the key social processes, including urbanization and intercommunication between individuals and environmental systems. However, only since the advent of the innovative technology era, has humanity been able to trace the dynamic landscape evolution due to operational...
Brief Synopsis of your Selected Air Cargo Hub The FedEx air cargo operators contain the majority of hubs at Memphis International Airport (MEM). It is located in the north of the United States (US) and serves the cities of Memphis, Tennessee. It is the busiest hub since aircraft are up...
Introduction Since the beginning of the 20th-century, air cargo and passenger transportation have become an integral part of the global economy. The alternative route for shipping, in some cases, has replaced sea and surface transportation. Nonetheless, the growth of the air freight business has experienced a decline in the 21st...
The crash of any aircraft is a serious incident demanding an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of factors resulting in the emergence of an unexpected situation and failure. The data collected during these investigations is vital for improved risk assessment and the creation of new guidelines to avoid similar scenarios and...
Aviation and its development have been an area of intense interest for engineers and mere observers for more than a century. Since the late 18th-early 19th centuries, humanity has been fascinated with human-made machines capable of taking people to the sky. Governments and private investors allocated considerable resources to the...
Introduction Aviation plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the American economy. The aviation sector has consistently grown and expanded in recent years and is expected to extend even more in the future. Such developments shape significant opportunities for innovations, including applying new technologies and operations which will...
Introduction Managing an airport is technical considering that it comprises a variety of systems, regulations, workers, facilities, and users. Operations are usually intricate and finely-tuned to create a balance between demand and volume, customer experience and the service cost, as well as the anticipated and the unexpected. The success of...
The United States greatly depended on rail transport in the 19th century. This is evidenced by figures that represent total haulage by rail road. Though the trend as compared to motor carriage seems to be declining, it surely represented the great bulk of total freight cargo. In the 1950s, rail...
Introduction The name “Congonhas Airport” is associated in the minds of many aviation industry professionals with the largest airplane crash in South America’s history. In 2007, TAM Airlines A320 Flight 3054 veered off of the runway while landing and crashed into a fuel station and an air cargo service building....
Ownership and Management Airport involves various models in management and overall ownership of the aeronautical activities. For instance, the traditional model and federal authority placed practices of management of airports in the hands of the national government agencies, such as the national civil aviation authority. The only drawback of the...
Absrtact This study investigates the demand for alternative vehicles and defines the market in hopes that the American auto producers will take up the challenge and put themselves in the forefront of the production and marketing of affordable environmentally friendly vehicles for the American consumer. It would help the environment,...
Driving a car is one of the most routine activities in which the consequences of a mistake are especially severe. The influence of speeding has been a subject of researchers’ interest for decades, and thus a significant body of literature was created, demonstrating the dangers of driving too fast or...
Orlando International Airport (MCO) is located in Orange County, Florida, approximately six miles southeast of Orlando. The airport is situated in the vicinity of popular tourist sites and attractions, making it one of the busiest in the country for domestic and international flights. The MCO is capable of receiving aircraft...
All the traditional industries operating in conventional ways are today facing quite hard challenges from their new competitors who offer services at lower budgets. Generally, any traditional business industry for providing full service with a touch of conventionality and high quality has to keep the prices high for their services....
The automobile industry has always played a substantial role in the economics of any modern country. It provides thousands of people with workplaces, and its products are invaluable in the daily life of an ordinary citizen. However, it is impossible to ignore the fact that their products are expensive and...
According to the Carney (2006) transportation refers to the activity of (or the system used in) moving people or things from one place to another (p.1531). By moving people or things from place to place, transportation is a service delivery industry with an essential economic role to facilitate the meeting...
The topic chosen for this project is an electric car with one seat, which is cheaper than the standard electric or fuel-powered vehicles. The reason for selecting this topic is that electric vehicles’ popularity is increasing each year (Peegov & Pontes, 2018). However, for a state to have a sufficient...
Introduction People who operate those large and heavy commercial motor vehicles on the roads do not manage their tasks without specialized skills and preliminary training. An abbreviation “CDL” stands for Commercial Driver’s License, and it gives an individual permission to drive buses or large commercial vehicles (LCVs) on a highway...
Introduction Dubai metro is a project that has been commissioned in Dubai to serve a population of 1.5million people and it’s forecasted that it will serve a population of 5.5 million people by the year 2020. The project is developed and operated by roads and transport authority and the red...
Executive Summary The following report is aimed at defining the major tendencies in terms of employee education in the airline industry in the United States. The notions considered in terms of the research include learning and development, employee training, performance management, and employment legislation. In order to define the relevant...
Introduction The components of organizational culture of any company, although carting a unified message, can be dispersed over many small details and aspects, all of which carry a part of such culture. One of the aspects that can reflect the organizational culture is it cost accounting practices. In that regard,...
There are a couple of intangible qualities which make it beneficial for public transportation systems in large cities to flourish or be around for long periods. These include:- Exuberance Relaxed Spirit Ease Congestion Better visibility Emotional and physical experience Exuberance The approach of the omnibus almost always spurs a predictable...
Air Freight The main aspect that limits the frequency of air freight in developing nations is the inadequacy of considerable volumes of two-way movement. The enhancement of air freight necessitates landlocked countries to reinforce activities at airports and open access for foreign airplanes. The volume of air freight is mainly...
Introduction A safety case report is a document that provides evidence of safety. In this light, the document aims at showing that, the facility can be used for a certain reason. In addition, it seeks to show that the facility can fit into a certain environment without failing. It includes...
Introduction Security at the airport is a key factor to consider in all airports. It is important for effective and tight security systems to be put in place. Security can either be construction security or that security enhanced by the management for people to be free and safe while at...
The Toyota Company drew attention to itself in the 1980s. Back then, it was starting to become evident that Japanese-made cars could last longer than their American counterparts. By the beginning of the 1990s, Toyota, in particular, gained considerable acclaim compared to other Japanese car manufacturers: Toyota designed and produced...
The National Shipbuilding Strategy Global transportation is fundamental in exchanging products and developing international relationships. More than 80% of worldwide exchange by volume and about 70% of its worth is performed by more than 50,000 vessels (Perry, 2017). Marine transportation is one of the first means of exchanging commodities in...
This is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. It involves distance coverage and the use of time. There are various modes of transport depending on the means of transport being used which include water, air, road, space, pipeline, and rail (Bardi, Coyle and Novack, 2006)....
Introduction Throughout history, the human race always sought ways to ease the burden of labor. At the beginning of time, the first humans developed primitive tools to relieve themselves from certain manual processes. Since then optimization of tools and processes has become the primary goal of the human race in...
Introduction The period after September 11 was a delicate period. The American airlines flight 11 and the united airlines flight 175 had been hijacked and crashed into the twin towers of the World trade centre in New York. The hijackers had been of Middle Eastern descent, members of the terrorist...
Changing the engine oil is a process of great significance for it extends the operational life of a car’s engine. Regardless of the time of year and the driving experience and conditions, a change of oil is required for the engine just as a person needs water (Fracchia, 2019). Otherwise,...