Amazon Web Services (AWS): Optimization Possibilities

Introduction Businesses often experience multiple changes necessitated by changing environmental and technological factors. Most organizations rely on websites and the Internet to reach out to new markets and clients worldwide. Therefore, the need to expand business operations on the Internet led to the development of powerful and complex servers that...

Flight Planning Software and Aircraft Incidents

Introduction Manual flight management was done away with as a result of high rate of accidents. Flight planning software refers to programs that are used to manage and execute flight and other processes undertaken when the plane is airborne. After the pilot has issued the requisite flight specifics, the software...

Inequality Disparities in Georgia State

Introduction Georgia has been known for its social and cultural differences, encompassing people from diversified backgrounds. However, economic disparities have been manifested as the most significant social disparity separating Georgians from the rest of American society. The state’s discrepancy between the rich and the poor has been widening, which has...

The United States Constitution Review

The US Constitution is the supreme law of the U.S., designed to protect and preserve the rights of the state citizens. According to the Constitution, the vacancies in the House of Representatives should be filled through a special election. The Constitution has been changed majorly through Amendments, but also through...

Factors of “The Shawshank Redemption” Production

Introduction The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most iconic films produced in the nineties. Considering that it was a time where anti-prisoner sentiment in the US was on the rise, the film, which humanizes prisoners, would inevitably become controversial. However, controversies aside, the movie is also famous due to...

Race and Caste: Religion-Based Caste System

Introduction Race and caste have increasingly formed a divergence in human perceptions. How both race and caste have been reiterated, have effectively supported this. For instance, several researchers have reiterated the basic commonalities and differences between the two. Caste is a setup comprised of individuals belonging to a specific social...

Impact of Kendrick Lamar Music on Racism

Introduction Popular music, and rap music in particular, has always played a major role in addressing social and economic issues of the mankind. Many rap songs were written with the idea of reflecting topical problems and making people think over the ways to resolve them. Kendrick Lamar’s music has stood...

Nothern Lights Essay (Aurora Borealis)

Abstract For centuries, people had been marveling at the phenomenon of northern lights, attempting to explain them in the ways available to them: through legends, myths, and supernatural forces. Northern lights, or auroras, still represent a source of awe, and many go on special tours designed to provide the observers...

Modernism in Architecture: Mies van der Rohe

Abstract There can be no possible doubt that the era of modernism has played an incredibly important role in the development of the further Postmodernist tendencies and was a completely new stage and a unique experience in the world history. The importance of the Modernism as an epoch was huge,...

Aviation Advances at the Science Museum

Short N.2B seaplane (1917) Short N.2B seaplane was first launched in December 1917 during the First World War in the Rochester manufacturers also known as the Short Bros Ltd in Britain. Francis Webber who was being supervised by Oswald Short designed the first seaplane which was tested at Marine experimental...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Resource Training and Managerial Involvement

Importance of training the Human Assets in an organization Employees in any organization’s structure are mandated to accomplish the organization’s goals through the formulation of policies and also working towards achieving objectives of the set policies. This aspect has changed the perspective of observing employees as part of the workforce....

Film Studies. Authorship Theory in Examples

Introduction The concept of authorship has been a topic of multiple discussions in film theory during the last several decades. Its idea is to analyze the work of directors and authors, investigate their roles, and compare their contributions to a final product. In his article, Naremore says that modern motion...

Early American Religion History

Introduction According to Mark (2007), colonies that formed the U.S had people who were deeply rooted in religion, which resulted in the movement across the Atlantic Ocean where they spread their beliefs freely. However, it was thought that this vigor would last for only a short period and then diminishes...

Clear Cutting in Rainforest Should Be Limited

Introduction Tropical rainforests are characterized by tall trees, lots of rain, and warm climate. Some rain forests experience rains of up to one inch each day. They have a variety of tree and animal species, they contain between 50 and 90 percent of the earth’s species although they only cover...

Book Review “Religious, Feminist, Activist ” by Laurel Zwissler

Introduction Religious, Feminist, Activist by Laurel Zwissler examines the political and theological patterns of women who claim that their activism is tied to religious beliefs. This book explores the civic importance of faith in the pluralistic setting of North America and the globalized society. Zwissler approached researching from a perspective...

Health Care, Economy, and Their Effect of People

Introduction Nowadays, lots of countries have a quite developed health care system that is available to all people. However, numerous factors considerably influence its development, creating more and more difficulties for people to get the appropriate treatment. The United States of America is one of those countries, the heal care...

Marsupials: Evolutionary History, Key Features, and Ecological Role

Mammals are vertebrates, and the main distinctive feature separating them from other animals is the presence of mammary glands. Other differentiating characteristics among mammals include integument, skeleton, and internal anatomical features. In modern times, this class of animals exists in three clades – marsupials, monotremes, and placental mammals. Marsupials are...

Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: A Literature Review

Introduction This review of literature attempts to examine various aspects of evidence-based nursing practice in nursing. It further attempts to describe the importance of literature materials in nursing practice. In addition, it attempts to describe the standards needs in evidence-based care in nursing. Within the last few decades, evidence-based nursing...

Autoimmune Disease: Sarcoidosis

Introduction Sarcoidosis is a disease that is characterized by abnormal development and the gathering of chronic inflammatory cells. These cells develop into nodules that collect in a variety of organs. The syndrome is also referred to as sarcoid or Basnier-Boeck-Schaumann. The disease is common in various parts of the world....

The Use of Wiretapping in Police Technology

In this report, I will discuss Chapter 14 of the book, “Police Technology” by Raymond E. Foster. Dr. Foster, LAPD (retired), in his book, has written extensively on technical tools and gadgets which are applicable to law-enforcement. Chapter 14 deals with the subject of wiretapping which has immense learning value...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Government in Market Economies in the UK

The Role of Government in Market Economies Market economy refers to an economy, whereby it is little or no interference from the government and the prices and availability of goods and services are purely dependent on the forces of demand and supply. The various assumptions in a market economy include:...

Business Plan of Pharma Supplies

Business Plan Pitch Pharma Supplies LLC is a medical courier company that will be involved in transporting medical tools to patients and healthcare practitioners, samples to medical workrooms, and transport donor organs and receiver patients to health facilities. The main objective of the business is to become one of the...

Southwest Airlines: Competitive Advantage and Strategy

Introduction Advantages that may assist an organization in outperforming its rivals are referred to as competitive advantages in business. In addition to being the largest low-cost airline globally, Southwest Airlines Co. is based in Dallas, Texas. When other airlines have struggled for the previous two decades, Southwest Airlines has emerged...

Mexicanidad in Frida Kahlo’s Paintings

Introduction Frida Kahlo is renowned for using symbolism in her creative paintings to portray her personal experiences via subliminal and imaginative lenses. In addition to depicting her emotional suffering, adversity, and fragility, Kahlo included societal and political principles in her artwork. Her paintings consistently include surrealism and social realism. The...

The Process-Oriented Research Approach

Introduction In translation studies, scholars take many approaches to analyze and understand the translation process. One such approach is known as cognitive translation studies. This approach focuses on the role of cognitive processes in translation, such as memory, attention, and decision-making. The relationship between cognitive translation studies (CTS) and translation...

Abortion: Women’s Health as Their Integral Right

Introduction The discussion about abortion is one of the most intensive and debatable topics in the modern world. The supporters of the right to abortion adhering to a pro-choicer approach claim that a woman should have the right to independently make decisions concerning her body and the artificial termination of...

McDonalds’ Entry into Latin American Market

The Top Ten Companies The franchise list features firms from different franchise categories. According to the Entrepreneur’s (2016a) ranking, the top ten companies that pursue franchising as a mode of international expansion include: Jimmy John’s Sandwiches (Food). Hampton by Hilton (Mid-price hotel). Supercuts (Hair salon). Servpro (Insurance/disaster restoration and cleaning)....

Improving Letter-Sound Fluency of Preschool Children

Abstract The purpose of the proposed study is the analysis of the difficulties experienced by preschool children when studying letters. The research problem is the identification of a viable approach to promoting young learners’ understanding of the letter-sound correlation. Given this problem, the intervention has been selected that is aimed...

Pearson Plc’s Business Strategy Options

Introduction Pearson PLC is a multinational media and education company. It has its headquarters in London. It is the world’s leading book publisher. In addition, it has over 40,000 employees in more than 70 countries around the world (Grant 2008). The company delivers its content through a wide range of...

Plagiarism in Neims’s vs. Goldsmith’s Views

Graphic Organizer Unedited copy of the First Draft The topic of plagiarism becomes one of the most critical issues in writing. In the context of the modern technology-driven world, the concept of plagiarism acquires new perceptions and definitions. In their articles, Neims (2015) and Goldsmith (2011) consider plagiarism in writing...

Anil’s Ghost: Implications of Fiction on Justice

Introduction The pursuit of truth and justice is usually an essential part of the mystery novel; ‘Anil’s Ghost’ and The Lovely Bones approach the themes of truth and justice in unusual ways. The two stories have deep seated relationship regarding truth and justice. These qualities have been promoted, hidden, denied...

Global Health Issues, Tuberculosis

For a long time, tuberculosis (TB) has been a disease of concern for global health. Caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it spreads through aerosol droplets, meaning that people breathe in the bacteria from infected persons. Tuberculosis is often latent and reveals itself when the immune system is weak. Risk...

The Sensors in Fault Detection

Fault Monitoring and Condition monitoring In the field of control engineering, fault detection and isolation and condition monitoring have happened to be among the most important topics. As a result, this paper intends to identify these two phenomena and how they are incorporated in the field of automotive engineering. To...

Fair Treatment of Experienced Pilots Act (The Age 65 Law)

Introduction The productivity of employees is a crucial topic in human resource management. Several bodies have had to come up with pieces of legislations to help in specifying the retirement age of certain categories of employees. These pieces of legislations have been subjected to debate by experts of labor laws....

Employee And Labor Relations

Introduction One of the most challenging and disconcerting decisions faced by employers and human resource (HR) managers in establishing a fair and equitable standard for promotion. Many public and private sector organizations are in a dilemma when creating union contract clauses because the HR managers may prefer merit or ability-based...

Art Exhibitions: Museum Research Assignment

The study of the works of previous figures is of particular interest. Considering how artists worked, what they used for their drawings, and what topics they wrote can give a large amount of information for understanding earlier eras. Two works were selected for analysis in this scientific work- The Last...

Companies Response to Supply Chain Disruptions Due to COVID-19

Introduction Undeniably, supply chain disruption is not a new phenomenon for many leading companies worldwide. Over time, pandemics such as SAR-2012, MER-2013, and political situations, including Brexit and the 2019 China-US trade wars, have caused supply chain disruptions for many companies in some parts of the globe. However, the outbreak...

Africa in World History: Reasons of Hindering Success

Colonization took place almost in all parts of the world, depending on the level of civilization that societies had then. Many countries would overpower colonial agents after a series of battles towards independence. Africa, in this case, appears to be among the continents that were at the hands of colonialists...

Existence of God: The Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas

Introduction When studying philosophy, one will inevitably come across Thomas Aquinas and his five arguments for the existence of a higher being, such as God. His justifications for the existence of a higher being were developed to offer a firm basis for the conviction that a God does, in fact,...

Tyler Perry’s Contribution to the Growth of the Film Industry in Atlanta

Introduction Tyler Perry, a black Atlanta filmmaker, and producer, has significantly contributed to the growth of the film industry in the city. The filmmaker has a 330-acre studio from which he has made many films and series for the Atlanta industry. Tyler Perry has employed hundreds of people, including producers,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sexual Identity: Attributions and Meaning-making

Identity forms an integral part of the very human existence. The term is often used in social sciences to refer to an individual’s understanding of himself or herself in relation to other people, ideas and nature. Of late, the sexual identity of an individual has become an increasingly important concept...

Labels’ Effect in Children’s Category Learning

Summary The present article, written by three scholars specializing in psychology, is devoted to the effect, which labels have on children’s category learning. The research was supported by several grants. The central problem of the research is the nature of the label’s effect: while some argue that labeling facilitates a...

Historical Philosophy: Information Concepts

History is the knowledge that humans collectively possess and can use to own advantage. Unfortunately, people seem to ignore the past and strive to reach the future in the fastest way, forgetting the learned lessons and attention to details. History is significant on several levels and the first is biology....

Leadership Theories and Examples

Trait Leadership Definition/Characteristics The timeframe in which the theory was popular is between the 1880s and the middle of the 1940s. According to it, one can be born a leader; thus, no further efforts would contribute to the development of the needed skills (Nahavandi, 2015). Trait leadership theory takes into...

Comparison of Canada and Algeria Economic Development

Economic development varies from one country to another depending on the nature of economic and non-economic factors. These factors determine the quantity of goods and services that a country generates in a given period, as well as the trend of the real gross domestic product (GDP). Capital, technology, population, and...

Civil Society: The Transnational Activist Group

Introduction The term global civil society can be defined as a voluntary society that shares information or does a certain activity together. Civil society is usually referred to as the society that is doing things against the current social norms. It was more recently termed as the ‘activist groups’. This...

The Details of a Venue Suitable for a Corporate Meeting

Executive Summary Details A meeting with about 50 delegates is being considered. The venue should be able to accommodate a one day meeting for 50 delegates with “break –out” facilities for the delegates to 2 smaller seminar rooms each seating 25 delegates. An 8-hour delegate rate will be calculated. In...

English as the Official Language of the US

Introduction Despite English being the official language of more than fifty nations globally, it is yet to become the official language of the United States of America. If English is made the official language, it means that all government operations must be carried out using the language and that no...

Social, Technical, Economic and Ideological Factors of a Capitalist Economy

Introduction Capitalism has been defined as that economic system that allows both wealth as well as its production means to be controlled and owned privately, as opposed to being controlled and owned by the state, or the public for that matter (Wallerstein 1979). As such, land, capital, labor and any...

The Maintenance of Solidarity in Ousmanes’ “God’s Bits of Wood”

Introduction “God’s Bits of Wood” is a book that was released in 1960 just when Senegal had achieved independence. This probably has a historical significance i.e. a strong theme that stresses on unity is emphasized probably because of its importance by then, specifically so when it come towards building the...

Thermodynamics and the Arrow of Time

Introduction Heat transfer is a common process in most machines, especially where two surfaces are in contact. The process is conceptualized as energy in transit. The transfer of heat is used to perform work, for example when the parts of the machine are in motion. Heat can also be generated...

Five Skill Areas of an Auto Parts Sales Manager

Final Case Study The human brain presents a complicated system that enables a person to process environmental stimuli and make predictions and judgments about reality based on this information. Using ten questions submitted in session three of the course, the author of this paper interviewed a 39-year-old man employed as...

Intrapreneurship: Control on the Company’s Goals

Intrapreneurship is a system that gives employees of an organization control over their work, goals, objectives based on the company’s goals. Intrapreneurs are self-motivated with an entrepreneurship mentality, although they are not directly affected by their losses and profits. Firms allow employees to act independently to achieve a project’s tasks...

Bazin’s Ontology and Approach of Daniel Morgan

Morgan looked at Andre Bazin’s key work, which has been misinterpreted and mainly dismissed due to his brilliance and skill in grappling with tough difficulties of style and ontology. A more nuanced reading of Bazin reveals components of the classical theory that are crucial for thinking about images, regardless of...

Class and Racial Ideologies in “Bastard Out of Carolina” by Allison

Introduction In Bastard Out of Carolina, the author renders and challenges major stereotypes on identity through the harrowing account of the narrator, Bone. She builds a portrait of a brave, traumatized girl considered illegitimate by the State and who endures repeated abuse without recourse. Mythological positions about poverty, sexuality, and...

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia: Assessing Risks

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia offers consumers a variety of products and services in publishing, Internet, broadcasting media platforms, and merchandising product lines. With a global multimedia reach of around 100 million a month, MSLO still does not have a significant online presence. The company’s main focus continues to be selling...

Dominic Blakemore: Manager and Leader

Management and leadership are frequently thought to be terms that are essentially interchangeable. A manager is described as someone who assumes charge and is responsible for directing, administering, and seeing that events happen and operate as they should (Leroy et al., 2018). On the other hand, a leader may be...

The Introduction of a Vaccine Against COVID-19 Among Healthcare Staff in Moldova

About 180,000 Moldovans, encompassing over 9,000 children and around 900 expectant mothers, have been diagnosed with the coronavirus disease since the commencement of the pandemic, and over 5,000 people have died because of COVID-19. On March 7, 2020, a Moldovan female passenger returning from the Italian Republic was confirmed positive...

Challenges of Hospitality Business in Nigeria

Introduction The travel industry is a huge supporter of the Nigerian economy, which as of late has extended consistently. It is obvious that the cordiality business has been adversely affected by the pandemic. The business overall is battling to restore the work to the state as it has been before...

Overview of the Malcolm Baldridge Award

Introduction The Malcolm Baldrige Prize is an award created by the United States Legislature in 1987 to enhance top-notch administration consciousness and to honor firms in the United States that have successfully integrated continuous improvement. The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the country’s highest distinction for outstanding accomplishment. Baldrige assists...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cross-Body Men’s Bag: Trend Analysis

Introduction The market is a volatile environment characterized by the emergence, fast evolution and disappearance of various trends affecting the work of various companies. The increased demand for specific products is explained by their ability to satisfy specific groups of clients and fill their needs for a particular product. The...

Cinematography and Animation Courses in Nigeria

The current situation with cinema in Nigeria is the most promising public sector of the entertainment industry. The film industry is the second-largest globally in terms of the number of films produced while contributing significant percentage shares to the national GDP: in 2016 alone, there were about three (Etuk, 2020)....

The Impact of Residential Schools on Indigenous People

Introduction Colonization had significant effects on numerous indigenous communities worldwide, which is still evident in their lifestyles, culture, mental and physical wellness, and spirituality. One colonial policy that greatly affected the indigenous population was the introduction of residential schools in Canada. The policy involved assimilating indigenous students into Canadian society...

Two Spirit in “Johnny Appleseed” Book by Whitehead

Introduction Johnny Appleseed is a novel written by Joshua Whitehead exploring the theme of sexuality and the indigenous nature of people. He writes about a young man named Johny, who is seen yearning to get back to the city for the burial of his stepfather. After some time, Johny becomes...

Food and Shelter Inc.: Organizational Overview

Food and Shelter Inc. is an Oklahoma-based non-profit determined to generate better outcomes for the local community. The organization specializes in providing food and shelter for the most vulnerable individuals in Norman, Oklahoma. Namely, children, women, and men who are in need of assistance can apply to Food and Shelter...

Barclays Bank’s Innovative Managerial Practices

For the analysis of the entrepreneurship’s encouragement in Barclays Bank’s structure, one is to determine the meaning of the relevant concept. One of the most vivid examples of Barclays’s encouragement of entrepreneurship processes is the LifeSkills program designed for providing young people with access to the data necessary for becoming...

Christianity and Buddhism for Terminally Ill Patient

Introduction George was recently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and in the spinal cord, causing muscle atrophy and leading to eventual complete loss of muscle control. The median life expectancy for this diagnosis is between three and five years, but...

“Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Benjamin

Introduction The shift towards capitalist values in the modern world has marked a distinct change in the perception of art, which prompted numerous attempts to explain the phenomenon. The current paper analyzes the essay “Work of art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Walter Benjamin in order to determine...

Total Quality Management in the Oil and Gas Industry

Introduction Total quality management is essential to the success of most organizations. The course focused on three core principles of TQM: benchmarking, Six Sigma, and just-in-time (JIT). When applied in practice, these principles can assist organizations in minimizing costs and increasing the quality of their products, thus making companies more...

Econometrics: Wages Changes’ Statistical Analysis

Determinants of Wage: Analysis Linear Econometric Model Linear model for the natural log of wage as a function of age and education: In[W]=c+a1E+a2A Where: W is the wage E is education level A is age in years C is a constant term The Possible Consequence of Ignoring Age Age is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Candide and the Context of Enlightenment

Enlightenment is an imperative term of political philosophy that urges the application of intellect and logic in order to discover truth and reality from natural and social phenomena. It seeks its roots in liberalism which aims to get the man free from the clutches of fear, slavery, and ignorance. It...

Gender & Politics in Post- Modernist Society

Introduction The idea of gender and politics has been taken as an important aspect for analysis in the recent past. Society has all along treated women to be apolitical, creating a scenario where men dominate the political scene, leaving little opportunity for the former. In many literary works, it has...

Vendor Management: External Assessment

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the success of any company partly depends on its vendors. Their critical importance is that they ensure the ability of the organization to achieve profit goals and revenue and drive new growth within the particular industry. Therefore, vendors are at the heart of...

“Beggars in Spain” by Nancy Kress

Beggars in Spain is a highly allegorical work of fiction that was impactful, not only from a pure entertainment point of view but also by delivering deeper meaning and lessons that pervade more than just the superficial. The theme of discrimination, in separation and segregation, is pervasive throughout the book....

Teen Pregnancy and Single Young Mothers

Teen pregnancy in Los Angeles (LA) is on the rampant increase and measures must be taken to prevent this (LA Health, 2010, p 4). Having the highest rates in the United States, the report shows that four girls of 14-years old out of four state that the first sexual intercourse...

Acme Medical: Validating Cleanroom Biocontamination

Introduction Medical devices decontamination services for re-processing re-usable invasive medical devices used by several hospitals is a very important undertaking in view of the critical role that these medical devices play in the lives of human beings (ISO 14971:2000). Consistency of contamination control within the clean room is therefore of...

Strategic Planning in the Homeland Security Organization

Introduction Strategic planning refers to an organized focus of an organization in the future. It is the determinant of where the organization is going to be in the future, the means to get there, and how it will be sure that it will get there. Some may confuse the focus...

Rheumatoid Arthritis as a Chronic Illness

The human body is arguably among the most complex form ever to be studied. Over the years, scientists and other specialists have dedicated significant efforts towards trying to understand how different parts of the bodywork. Through these studies, the origins of various ailments have been discovered and solutions to the...

The Controversies of Animal Testing

Science has made tremendous progress in the last few centuries. Since the introduction and subsequent application of the scientific method, almost any scientific discipline has seen the rise not possible otherwise. Many of the branches of science, like applied physics, chemistry, and medicine, have also changed the level of welfare...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Environment of the Arab Spring in Egypt

The Arab Spring refers to a series of uprisings, armed rebellions, and prodemocracy protests that occurred in North Africa and the Middle East against entrenched authoritarianism that characterized the regimes of the region from 2011. It began in Tunisia after a jobless youth set himself on fire in response to...

Microbiology: Industrial Employment

Introduction Microbiology is a field that is employed in multiple areas as it can be implemented in various processes that can improve human life. Microorganisms can be applied in the agricultural, food, medical, and waste management industries, and the development of the scientific area is promising. While currently, microbes are...

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare Malpractice

Introduction This essay contends that alternative dispute resolution procedures best settle most medical conflicts and that these procedures can improve patient security by encouraging more open and thorough risk disclosure. Additionally, it makes the case that patient autonomy should be used to frame discussions about medical conflicts and patient safety....

Future Trends in Healthcare

Introduction Progressively, individuals the world over are finding themselves depending on the internet as a source of health-related information. For example, in the United States alone, over 52 million adults are believed to have accessed the internet as a source for medical and health information (CMAJ, 2008). Consequently, there has...

Zambia Population: Strengthening Human Resources for Health

Introduction: Mysterious Charm of Zambia Zambia is by far one of the most peculiar African states. It has a unique culture and exotic nature. However, because of the health issues, Zambia will soon have to face a serious challenge. Taking the necessary measures, the state government can possibly prevent the...

Napa Valley Wine Industry and Climate Change

Climate Change and the Napa Valley Wine Industry The current competitive landscape of Napa Valley is formed from a multitude of stakeholders of varying sizes. According to the latest data, 529 registered wineries were operating in Napa Valley in 2016 (Hoffman). The overwhelming majority of the businesses are family-owned enterprises...

Making Science Optional in College

Executive Summary Currently, many colleges require that art students undertake science courses as their minors. The main argument behind such a direction is that art students will be thus equipped with prerequisite science skills, which they can then apply in their field. However, such an argument has not considered the...

“God Grew Tired of Us”: Documentary’ Review

“It was as if the last day, as people say in the Bible, that there will be the last day, that Jesus Christ will come, and whatever on Earth will be judged. That was my imagination. I thought that God felt tired of people on Earth here, felt tired of...

Marketing Plan for Scafé Fabrics’ P4DRY

Introduction Firms that want to succeed in their respective segments need to develop and implement the most appropriate business plans. Competition remains a major obstacle that can affect the overall performance of a given organization. Scafé Fabrics is a modern company relying on emerging technologies to design and develop superior...

Moral Character in “Principles of Biomedical Ethics“ by Beauchamp and Childress

The issue of moral actions can be reviewed from different perspectives. One aspect of it is the virtues of a person that guide his or her decisions and their connection to ethical behavior. The difference between norms and virtues is essential because the former is not subjected to changes due...

Exxon Mobil Corporation’s Budgets

In general, budgets are both planning and control mechanisms that, although essential to control (particularly cost control), serve as a balance between planning and control. They refer to future periods of time and translate company plans into financial resources. They furnish a guide for future expenditures, and by helping to...

World Trade Organisation in the Modern Global Economy

Acknowledgments This report would not have been made possible without the kind assistance of university librarians who assisted me in tracking down the correct books and articles needed for data collection. Moreover, the bulk of the research was done online particularly when it comes to accessing the Internet to retrieve...

Programs to Reduce Recidivism: Literature Review

Introduction The consequences of crimes committed within the society bear impact on the entire society. These consequences range from medical costs to loss of income due to disabilities that may arise from the act. Some of these consequences last for a lifetime, thus increasing costs of living for the victim...

“Sonny’s Blues”: Relationships Between the Brothers

Introduction One of the main themes in the short story “Sonny’s Blues,” written by James Baldwin, is family support, which is essential for uniting the characters and allowing them to solve their problems. However, it is mostly described in a negative light throughout the narrative, which changes to a more...

Mark Twain’s Place in American Literature

Introduction According to Ernest Hemingway, all modern American literature sprung from Mark Twain’s iconic work, called the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Although Mark Twain died over 100 years ago, he remains one of the centerpieces of American literature (Long and LeMaster 8). His novels – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer...

Starbucks Corporation’s Principles of Finance

Introduction Millions of people around the globe prefer consuming coffee products from Starbucks Corporation due to its delivery of high quality coffee products. The corporation offers the best coffee to over 80 countries worldwide and extends its services through over 33,830 stores worldwide. More than half of these stores are...

The Individual’s Position in Society: Impact of Ethnicity

Introduction An individual’s position in society may depend on many identities, one of which is ethnic origin. This work focuses on ways in which ethnic identity impacts individual social standing. The definitions of an individual’s position in society and ethnicity are examined to provide background for the discussion. Then, impact...

Nursing Informatics: Healthcare Blockchain System

Introduction Nursing informatics is presently the discipline that combines computer science, nursing, and data systems to transmit information, knowledge, as well as intelligence in the nursing profession. Nursing informatics empowers health care institutions to convert data into information which allows healthcare workers, such as doctors and nurses, to provide the...

Selecting a Place of Worship in Glendale, New York

Introduction Church is generally considered to be a place of worship for believers and people who are willing to have a conversation with God and ask different type of personal and non-personal questions. For this research paper, Queens Bible Church, which is located in Glendale, New York, the United States...

Conditions Leading to Statehood in Israel- Palestinian Conflict 1948

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been categorized as a political-ideological tussle rather war by many historians. The conflict, which occurred in 1948, is distinct due to precedent events that happened in the Arabian countries and Israel. The Israeli-Palestine war illuminates both diplomatic and political issues, such as the Zionist story,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marriott Hotel: Reputation Management

Introduction The Internet revolution and evolving market dynamics in the 21st century have altered the modus operandi of several enterprises in contemporary marketplaces. The rising significance of reputation in the internet world is one of the most significant transformations. As a result, hotel reputation management is the process of monitoring...

Toyota as a Guarantor of Careful Production

Introduction Toyota is one of the most successful companies in the world. It is lean manufacturing concept and holistic approach to business organization studied in the most prestigious business schools of the world. Toyota’s business consists of two basic components – continuous improvement and respect for people (James, 2021). Toyota’s...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Triple Bottom Line Approach

The beginning of the 21st century has been thus far marked by a rapid and wide spread of the social justice and environmental sustainability movements. While previously, issues related to human rights and preservation of the environment were considered to lie in the domain of local and national governments, now...

Cross-Cultural Management and Work Abroad

In the present-day business world striving for globalisation, organisations do their best to benefit from cost-saving technical expertise in other countries (Thomas 2008). This creates a specific kind of business environment necessitating ongoing cross-cultural interaction. Managers have to deal with teams that are scattered across the globe and consist of...

Stigmatization and Its Invisible Damage

Introduction Stigma affects several many people around the world and results in great suffering among them. Several causes of stigma include abuse, sexual assault, violence, and discrimination. The effect of stigma is detrimental and varies from a loss of self-worth, trauma, stress, and mental illness that affect personal life as...

“The Birth of Eve” an Artwork by Judith Schaechter

The Birth of Eve is an artwork created by Judith Schaechter in 2013. There are many critiques of this piece of art as the style of the author is uncommon and unique. However, many people like the specific style the creator presents as it combines old techniques and new approaches....

Volkswagen Company’s Emissions Scandal

Introduction According to Bowler, the infamous VW emission scandal refers to a controversy that revolved around software that was strategically embedded in the company’s vehicles with the aim of fraudulently confusing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).1 The software, popularly known as the “defeat device”, had been fitted in about 11...

The Budgeting Process: Planning and Control Cycle

Introduction The budgeting process is the way toward outlining, executing, and operating spending plans. It is the administrative procedure of budget spending and planning, budgetary control, and the related strategies. Budget planning requires volumes of the bookkeeping regarding the firm’s operations (Okpanachi & Mohammed 2013). In summary, spending plan is...

Martha Stewart: The Ethical and Legal Challenges With Respect to ImClone Shares

Introduction Martha Stewart is one of the most well-known women in America, an author of books, and a successful businesswoman. Coming from a middle-class family she founded one of the world’s strongest brands and built a $200 million Empire based on the ideas of domesticity. In 2002, a stock sales...

Mortality Rates in UK

Introduction Mortality rate in the UK has improved largely in the UK, with only 12 percent people dying before the age of 60 in 1999 as compared to 63 percent in 1901 (Hicks & Allen 1999, p. 5). There has been a steady decline in the death rate in the...

Khashoggi in the US and Saudi Arabia Relations

Introduction The assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi on October 2, 2018, at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, turned into a serious test of the strength of relations between Riyadh and the US. It would seem that the purely intra-Saudi incident was a shock to the western partners of the kingdom....

Decision Making Within an Organization

Decision making is described as the process of choosing which action to take when there are a number of alternatives to consider. Wise decisions should always be made so as to achieve best results from the decisions made (Van & Schein, 1979). However, it should be noted that an individual...

Religious Health Care Analysis

Introduction In any consultancy procedure, it is important to identify areas that top the list of agendas. Considering that health care is most critical, it is important to identify major issues that stalls its provision. It is also important to note that Religious health care system has been performing as...

Social and Economic Factors of International Migration

Human migration is a process of movement of people from one country to another, usually from one country to another. It usually includes long-distance travel across geographical areas. Colonialism is the act or policy of controlling other individuals by creating colonies, usually for economic gain. As part of colonialism, colonialists...

Expanding Medicare and Medicaid into a National Health Insurance System

Introduction The Medicare and Medicaid systems are among the most important elements of the US health care system, although they are often subject to excessive criticism. The advantages of these systems are more significant than the disadvantages, and a detailed analysis of the included processes and the results and consequences...

Strategic Analysis of Hansen Yuncken

Introduction to Hansen Yuncken 1968 saw the beginning of Hansen Yuncken, a construction company based in Australia. With annual sales of more than one billion Australian dollars and a workforce of more than three thousand people, the company enjoys a prominent position in the competitive construction market in Australia (Sexton,...

Evaluation of Opening a Private Care Medical Practice

Statistical Report The volume of patient visits: Assumptions – It is assumed an average of 20 patient visits per day in the first year will increase by 5% annually in the next two years. Revenues: Medicare – It is assumed to have a reimbursement rate of 85% from Medicare, per...

AIDS and Other Social Viruses

Introduction Aids is a disease which was discovered in the early 1980’s and is believed to have originated in Central Africa from a virus that had been existence in certain monkey species for over fifty thousand years. Since its discovery in US in1981, the virus has spread rapidly. The US...

Scientific Experiments on Animals from Ethical Perspectives

Abstract This paper discusses the controversial topic of using animals in cruel scientific experiments. Three ethical approaches are considered, namely the consequentialist perspective, the Kantian deontological view, and Donna Yarri’s Christian character-based perception. Strengths and weaknesses of each approach are discussed. The consequentialist perspective is used to show that the...

Wheatgrass Company’s Business Plan

Introduction: Implementing a Socially Responsible Marketing Plan A wheatgrass business represents a profitable venture that includes a variety of farming activities. The industry of wheatgrass cultivation, however, produces a wide range of environmental concerns. Therefore, it is crucial to developing a socially responsible marketing plan for the wheatgrass production launching....

Haiti as a Country with High Mortality Rates

Introduction: Haiti The healthcare situation differs greatly between different countries around the world. It is affected by many factors, ranging from finances and education to governmental policies, climate, weather conditions, natural disasters, predispositions towards certain diseases, and others. As it often happens, countries with high mortality rates tend to be...

Nursing and Medicine in South Africa

Introduction: South Africa South Africa, a country that officially bears the name of the Republic of South Africa, has one of the largest economies among the countries on the African continent. However, despite this, the country is still stricken by numerous problems such as poverty, unemployment, disease, and extremely high...

Reflection: Critical Thinking and New Habits’ Development

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that performing some kind of activity a person develops his/her own personal and professional skills. Moreover, the more difficult this activity is, the better the results are. With this in mind, it is also possible to suggest that each teaching course or...

King’s Theory of Goal Attainment in Care Delivery

Introduction In healthcare, issues and problems should be addressed in the most effective manners to obtain optimal outcomes, satisfaction, and positive patient perception of the quality of care. Various techniques, especially on nurse practice, are employed to optimize performance in health care systems and facilities. For instance, King’s Theory of...

Capitalism in “Out of This Furnace” by Thomas Bell

Introduction Capitalism is one of the most effective forms of governing at the present moment. However, it has not been that beneficial for the first wave immigrants who moved to the United States of America to find better living standards and conditions in general. The book, written by Thomas Bell...

Corporate Social Responsibility or Triple Bottom Line?

The beginning of the 21st century has been thus far marked by a rapid and wide spread of the social justice and environmental sustainability movements. While previously, issues related to human rights and preservation of the environment were considered to lie in the domain of local and national governments, now...

Under Armour Company’s Strategic Audit

Current Performance and Mission Under Armour is one of the leading brands in the sports clothing industry, which specializes in the invention and distribution of athletic apparel, footwear, and various sports accessories. Under Armour was created in 1996 by Kevin Plank as a result of an attempt to solve a...

Project Management Tools

Introduction Project management today draws a lot of attention based on the benefits that accrue from its successful application. As business processes keep changing, a need for a defined process to start, plan, execute, and monitor these processes is necessary. This discipline normally presents itself through project management. The dynamic...

Fire Cases of World Trade Center and Dupont Fires

Background Information It was on September 11, 2001, when World Trade Center, WTC suddenly collapsed following terror attacks by the suspected Al Qaeda group. Following the destruction of this stature, everyone was surprised at first, and to establish the cause of the incident, there were speculations that the building was...

The Challenges and Roles of Leaders in the Groups

Leading a group is something that requires an individual to apply many leading skills. Some people are naturally born as leaders but others acquire leading skills with time. Whether an individual has received formal training in leadership skills or not, the most important thing is that every good leader must...

Relationship Between Korean Culture and Language

Introduction There are many cultures and languages ​​in the world, which can have similar words and their meanings or are radically different in all aspects. Scientists usually associate these similarities and differences with countries’ geographical locations and cultures and their historical development, uniting languages ​​into families and groups. These features...

Restructuring of Los Angeles Police Department Fiscal Budget

Abstract The compilation of LAPD’s annual budget involves the administration of all fiscal resources, including the acquisition of all equipment and supplies, management of contracted services, and the processing of travel and training expenses. The Administrative Services Division (ASD) is responsible for the centralization of fiscal wage bills and synchronization...

The Dystopian Consumer-Driven Culture in Anderson’s “Feed”

The fact that the world realizes new wisdom faster than understanding exposes generations to immeasurable danger. Nothing exemplifies this statement better than technological invention and its utilization in the information realm. Feed is a hi-tech novel by Mathew Tobin Anderson that ridicules the present and future generations that tend to...

Apple Incorporation’s Strategic Plan

About Apple Inc. Founded in 1976 by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, Apple Incorporation is a multinational technology business that specializes in producing consumer goods, personal computers, servers, and computer software. The Macintosh computer, iPad tablet, and iPhone product lines are the core product categories the company focuses on. Timothy...

The Industrial Revolution in Europe

European Industrial Revolution: Essay Introduction The European industrial revolution occurred between the eighteenth century and nineteenth centuries. During this time, the European and American pastoral populations that appeared to be mainly agricultural turned into urbanized and industrialized populations. However, in the late 1700s, British communities were the first to experience...

Tree Planting and Climate Change

Introduction Climate change has serious effects on the environment and the existence of living organisms. Environmentalists and policymakers have been designing strategies to ameliorate climate change in a sustainable manner. As one school of thought believes that planting trees is an effective strategy of ameliorating climate change, the opposing school...

Ysujiro Ozu’s Biography: Japanese Director Life and Career

Background Yasuhiro Ozu was born on 12 December 1903 in the Fukagawa district of Tokyo where his parents were residing. His father provided for the family by selling fertilizer, and he was forced to send his children to his rural home in Matsusaka because the urban life was very expensive....

History of the Industrial Revolution in Europe

Introduction The European industrial revolution occurred between the eighteenth century and nineteenth centuries. During this time, the European and American pastoral populations that appeared to be mainly agricultural turned into urbanized and industrialized populations. However, in the late 1700s, British communities were the first to experience the Industrial Revolution, but...

Bereaved Military Children: Group Intervention

Introduction Bereavement is one of the most stressful events, and it is closely linked to anxiety, depression, fear, aggressiveness, and regression. The consequences of bereavement are more severe in children than in adults. Studies designed to explore the effects of the demise of a parent on children indicate that the...

Service Department’s Quality Improvement Plan

Introduction In a modern economy, any venture that wishes to survive aggressive competition needs to makes an emphasis on effectiveness, quality, and customer relations. High levels of product rejection, returns, and customer complaints indicate a greater problem within the company that needs to be urgently fixed before the revenues drop...

SWOT Technique: General Analysis

Introduction In business, it is vital to change and adapt to innovation, and it is also crucial to be able to adequately assess the potential of these changes when developing a strategic plan for a firm. SWOT analysis is among the commonly used techniques in business that allow one to...

Ethnocentrism & Othering in Intercultural Relations

Nowadays we live in a much faster world, where information is able to cross borders with the help of the Internet easily, and people are freer to travel or even migrate than ever before. These types of changes are related to the phenomenon called globalization. In simple words, it is...

The Problem of Abuse on Women and Children

Reason 1: Afraid to Report One of the reasons why abuse on women and children is rampant is the fact that the victims are afraid of reporting their experiences to the relevant authorities. Hamilton explains that the fear to report is usually based on two things (6). The first is...

The Book of Ephesians: Literary Analysis of Passage

The book of Ephesians consists of two major parts, one of which is Doctrine, which explains who the people in Christ are (1:1 – 3:21), and the second one is about Duty, or how people live in Christ (4:1 – 6:24). These are two blocks of thoughts, the ideas of...

Violence and Generational Trauma in There There by Orange

“He did what? I’m sure that’s not true, he is not that type of person. I’ll talk to him and see what really happened.” The majority of sexual violence cases often go unreported in the United States. This may be due to society doubting the victim when they come forward...

Should Free Healthcare be a Right in America?

Introduction Nothing exposes the inequalities prevalent in America more than the existing unequal healthcare system. It is a mix of healthcare providers and public and private insurers responsible for creating barriers to accessing quality services for a large portion of the population. Access to lifesaving medical treatment usually depends on...

Ethical Dilemma of Client Privacy Breach

Introduction The case of Hannah and Adara entails an ethical dilemma related to the appropriateness of a therapist’s breach of privacy and confidentiality when deciding the client’s best interest. In this case, the counselor will work with a student from a diverse cultural background who prefers her issues handled with...

Muslim Integration in Switzerland

Introduction Religious tolerance is one of the basic principles of Swiss democracy, and it is especially critical for the country to provide people with freedom of religious expression. At the same time, there is a controversial attitude to the Muslim community among Swiss citizens who are predominantly Christian. It is...

Home Environment’s Role in Child Development

Introduction The surrounding environment has the potential to impact the mental abilities and overall wellbeing of young children. The attributes and opportunities available at the home setting will determine a person’s experiences and opportunities. Parents and relatives who provide appropriate support, resources, and guidelines will ensure that most of their...