Medical Marijuana Bill, Its Pros and Cons

Problem Statement Since there are plenty of health care issues, policies, regulations, and laws that are discussed regularly by health care legislators, it is important to select the one that seems to be most controversial. As far as Florida is concerned, the issue that is addressed most frequently is the...

The Lack of Industrial Revolution in China

Reading Response Why the Industrial Revolution did not originate in China in the fourteenth century is one of the most controversial questions many ask. Despite the fact that the Industrial Revolution did not occur in China, there was a chain of contributing factors that can be considered crucial to the...

American Psychological Association (APA) Citations

Why is APA Style Used to Document Ideas in Writing? APA citation style is used to document ideas in writing because it demonstrates that a person who works on a particular text refers to other authors’ opinions, statements, and conclusions. It is essential to outline a certain idea of another...

Healthcare Centers Employee Benefits and Compensation

Providing benefits to employees is a necessity for all companies. However, standards may vary depending on the institution (Gitman, Joehnk, & Billingsley, 2013). Although Iroquois Healthcare, Albany Medical Center, and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital as nursing organizations share vision and missions, the employee benefit and compensation packages provided by different...

Work and Family in Pakistani Working Women’s Views

Faiz (2015) explores the experiences of Pakistani working women who have to work in quite an oppressive working environment and balance their work with domestic responsibilities. The focus of the study is the females’ views and attitudes towards their work and home life. The researcher chose the case study methodology...

“Religion in Chinese Society” by Ch’ing-k’un Yang

Religion has always been an ongoing issue for human society. For centuries people have been trying to define the role it plays in their lives and the extent to which this phenomenon impacts their being. Yet, the attitude to religion in Eastern and Western societies differed greatly. Yang states that...

Nestle’s Nespresso Brand’s Competitive Advantage

The competitive advantages of Nestle’s Nespresso brand? There are several competitive advantages that Nespresso has over other companies. This organization has a well-established brand that is recognizable to people living in different countries. There are other businesses that sell similar products but these companies are not as popular as Nespresso....

Socrates’ Innocence and Defense

To come in defense of Socrates, I will travel back in time and take my position as part of a jury in an Athenian court where Socrates stands accused of corrupting young minds thereby, subverting the democratic order of the day and impiety. My verdict is ‘not guilty’ for several...

“The Danger of a Single Story” TED Talk by C. Adichie

Chimamanda Adichie is a renowned African novelist. In TED talk, she extensively addresses the dangers of hearing a single story about a person or a country. She argues that such a phenomenon exposes people to the risk of developing wrong impressions about a subject. She begins the talk by narrating...

Wastewater Management Systems in Orange County

Wastewater management systems in the Orange County water district have proved to be effective and become an illustration of potential solutions for areas where droughts are severe. One of the major benefits of the system and using treated wastewater is the provision of access to high-quality drinking water in territories...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: Road to Peace

The road to peace among Muslims and other inhabitants of the Philippines is a long one and has no end. CNN Philippines Staff gives the chronology of the conflict in the country and mentions the most significant events that have occurred during the civil war. The period of the past...

Ideal Social Meeting Place from Personal Viewpoint

Introduction The ideal social meeting place is different for every individual since people’s notions of relaxation are dissimilar. For me, such a spot should be calm and pleasant first of all. If I were to open a coffee shop with the aim of turning it into the coolest place for...

New Clinical Practice Review

Obesity is one of the central problems for the US healthcare system. According to Fildes et al. (2015), the probability of decreasing body mass index (BMI) or maintaining weight loss among obese patients is low. Therefore, traditional treatment frameworks based on community-based weight management programs are considered ineffective (Fildes et...

Safe and Affordable Health Care Services

The proper access to healthcare services is one of the most critical ethical issues associated with financing. In the US, a lack of insurance is seen as the essential factor that allows a person to maintain his or her health, and the situations when an ill person cannot afford the...

Lack of Humanistic Perspective and Social Responsibility

Summary of the Article The article by Dragga & Voss the lack of consideration of human life in reporting accidents in the media. The article provides that most of the reporting of accidents done in print as well as a television-based mass communication medium is impersonal and does not hold...

ABC Hotel: Executive Summary. Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry can be characterized as highly competitive one due to the presence of well-established companies and the need to ensure that the location and the target market are properly identified and selected reasonably. In the ABC Hotel case, a multi-faceted project was developed to wander into a new...

Health Risks: Smoking and Usage of Substances

Health risks associated with pipes, cigars, cigarettes, vaping/or e-cigarettes for the lifespan of the individual Smoking is generally known as a bad habit, but its new types continue to appear. It affects most organs of the human body, worsening their work – the lungs and oral cavity are especially influenced....

The Evidence-Based Approach in Medical Practice

In “Tools for Implementing an Evidence-Based Approach in Public Health Practice,” Jacobs et al. (2012) provide the results of their research of open-access tools aimed at meeting the evidence-based public health (EBPH) needs. The paper contains a brief analysis of resources and programs developed for practitioners and recommendations on their...

Race and Ethnicity and Meaningless Conflict

History, which is full of violence and division among people, has shown that race and ethnicity are notions that imply and result in meaningless conflict. Although considered important and valuable, both concepts only fueled war, segregation, and genocide. It is crucial to embrace individuality and the past, including the harsh...

Sex Education Among Young People

Dispensing contraceptives Dispensing contraceptives to students in high schools has long been a controversial topic for many parents, teachers, and concerned citizens. These people argue that giving out free condoms would only encourage teenagers to have more sex. While this might be true to a certain degree, a recent survey...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Man vs. Society Conflict in ”The Lottery” by S. Jackson

Arguably, the main drive of “The Lottery” involves man vs. society conflict. It occurs when the protagonist has a distinct belief against many community members. The majority of them see the individual as the antagonist, whose aim is to violate the stipulated norms and ways of life. In the short...

Epilepsy, Its Treatment, and Prevention

Diseases such as epilepsy pose a significant risk to people’s well-being not only because of their symptoms but also because of the stigma surrounding the condition. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019), around three-fourths of people with epilepsy living in low-income countries do not get treatment. This high...

Healthcare Industry: Pay-For-Performance

Pay-for-performance is a phenomenon that has been developed to improve the efficiency and overall quality of the healthcare industry. According to James (2012), this term stands for providing “financial incentives to hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers to carry out such improvements and achieve optimal outcomes for patients’ ‘...

Music Elements Manipulation

The process of music work creation requires a great deal of effort in terms of conveying the primary composer’s idea through some basic music elements like harmony, tone, dynamics, rhythm, etc. Music composition as a notion is closely correlated with the paradigm of human emotive response to the environment. Thus,...

”Boy” Directed by Taika Waititi as a Representation of the Local Culture

The film Boy (2010), directed by Taika Waititi, is a comedy-drama that tells the story of a young Maori boy’s relationship with his father, who returns from prison. The story is set in a poor Maori village, with all actors drawn from local communities, and many details communicating the local...

SaaS Forms Builder Platform for Businesses

SaaS forms are important to every business regardless of their size as they enable them to streamline various day-to-day processes and functions. It is critical to note that they do not require coding skills. For instance, it is essential in conducting market or customer surveys. Customers can quickly fill in...

Women’s Roles in Society Overview

One of the main ideas of Virginia Woolf’s essay is that women have the same rights to professional and personal development as men. With this text, she tried to show how deep a person’s inner world can be, regardless of gender. She achieved multiple goals herself, but she understands that...

Literacy Narrative: “Make a Wish”

I vividly remember the day I realized life was too short and unexpected not to wish for more. It was April, and I sweet-talked my mom to take me to the amusement park on the weekend. I was eight years old, and I had never been to the amusement park...

Sickle Cell Anemia and Its Symptoms

Infant healthcare has always been one of the most extensive fields of scholarly research, as professionals are eager to define all the possible predispositions for all the possible health conditions as early as possible. However, one of the fascinating aspects of research concerns the investigation of genetic disease development, as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Statistics Misuse: Collecting and Organizing

Collecting and organizing various information is an essential part of modern life. The statistics presented in the form of multiple graphs and tables are compelling. People are used to trusting this data so much that organizations and states base their activities on it. More complete and well-structured information should help...

Medication Errors in the Operating Room

Personal Reasons Being a part of the surgical team, I am specifically concerned about patient safety in this clinical setting. I am well aware of the fact that medication errors constitute a substantial portion of medical errors that lead to adverse patient outcomes. Clearly, the surgical team has to implement...

Self-Assessment in Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is crucial for people’s health, and self-assessment is an essential part of hygiene. It is worth mentioning in the curriculum because hygienists must have these skills for self-improvement and personal growth in the profession. The value of that practice will help to monitor both their health and their...

Medical Case – Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarction or heart attack is the heart muscle damage that occurs due to insufficient blood supply because of one of the arteries’ thrombosis. The main sign of myocardial information is severe chest pain. Often this pain extends to the left half of the body – the arm, shoulder, neck,...

Early Detection of an Ovarian Tumor

In the developed world, ovarian cancer is regarded as a leading cause of deaths related to gynecological cancer as it is generally diagnosed in the late stages. As a matter of fact, only approximately 20% of ovarian tumors are detected at an early stage due to the absence of symptoms...

Digital Imaging and Traditional Methods of Crime Scene

Technological progress allows police to integrate the latest innovations into their work routine to make crime scene reconstruction, geospatial analysis, and surveillance more efficient. One of such approaches is digital imaging, used for a long time but has recently reached rapid development. Criminalists create databases to collect text, digital, and...

Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave”: What Does It Symbolize?

“The Allegory of the Cave” describes a human community, forced to live in a dark cave. Shackles limit the prisoners’ movements so that they can see only the things in front of them. Their perception of the world is limited to the shadows they can see on the walls and...

Heroin Addicts. “Righteous Dopefiend” by Bourgois & Schonberg

Righteous Dopefiend by Philippe Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg is an ethnography following several homeless heroin addicts in San Francisco’s Edgewater Boulevard (not the real name of the area) between 1994 and 2006. The book starts by describing its primary subjects and the area they inhabit, immediately establishing them as persons...

Product Proposal: An Electric Car With One Seat

The topic chosen for this project is an electric car with one seat, which is cheaper than the standard electric or fuel-powered vehicles. The reason for selecting this topic is that electric vehicles’ popularity is increasing each year (Peegov & Pontes, 2018). However, for a state to have a sufficient...

T. Williams’s Essay “The Clan of One-Breasted Women”

Terry Tempest Williams structures her essay so well that it has the flow and exhibits a considerable amount of creativity. She envelops the readers in a heart-wrenching narrative about her family, inducing emotions and developing a sympathetic heart (“The Clan of The One-Breasted Women – Rhetorical analysis,” 2020). Additionally, she...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Justification on Treating Criminals With Mental Disorder Over Imprisonment

The imprisonment of people with mental illnesses presents significant controversy. Globally, criminal justice systems neglect the mentally ill offenders by imprisoning them without providing substantial treatment. Besides, due to overcrowding in prisons, the possibility of identifying convicted criminals with mental illness reduces. The result is the loss of government revenue...

Personal Information of Patient Protection

NCSBN brochure preview describes the common myths and misunderstandings of social media. The most surprising misinterpretation is the acceptance to discuss or refer to the patient when they are not identified by name but use a room number, nickname, condition, or diagnosis. The article argues that this belief is a...

Extremism and Terrorism in the Society

The processes of globalization in the economic, political, and cultural spheres draw the population of countries into migration flows of different nature and level. To a certain extent, these factors stimulate tension in interethnic relations, accompanied by interracial conflicts. On this basis, various opposition groups begin to appear, trying to...

Schizoaffective Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment

Schizoaffective disorder is one of the less understood conditions because it shares diagnosing criteria with other psychiatric disorders. It is mistaken for schizophrenia as it was first classified as a subtype of this illness. Since there is no single definition for schizoaffective disorder that is agreed upon, it is difficult...

Using Independent Commissions

I believe that the independent commissions should be used to set the boundaries of electoral districts. Currently, gerrymandering is a significant issue in the United States, as elected state politicians face at least two conflicts of interest. On the one hand, incumbent legislators want to ease their reelection, which makes...

Whole Foods: An Organizational Needs Analysis

Whole Foods is a large international supermarket chain which offers healthy, natural, and organic products. The organization’s mission is to extend its role from sustaining people to feeding the planet (Whole Foods UK). Thus, the individual stores often support local area programs on ecological causes. Employees regularly clean local areas...

Value of Human Creative Expression for Contemporary Culture

The ability to creatively express oneself is rightfully deemed as one of the defining characteristics of humans. Interpreting the objective reality through the lens of a specific culture, value system, and imagination, people have managed to create artworks that serve both aesthetic purposes and the ones of emotional relief for...

The Importance of Planning in the Establishment of a Small Business

To successfully establish a small business or an entrepreneurial venture, it is important to devise a thorough plan where each of the stages is carefully designed. A business plan should consider all the elements of the venture, from the specific tactics to the consideration of the competitive strategies for the...

An Insured Risk and the Application of Excel and Technological Skills

Insurance companies take the risk of loss or damage caused to an asset on behalf of the owner. Auto insurance is an example of insurance that I have chosen since it protects me from risk in case of uncertainty. Auto insurance policy entails six fields namely comprehensive, collision, bodily injury...

Schizophrenia Symptoms and Diagnosis: Patient Interview

Chase, the schizophrenic patient, exhibits both positive and negative symptoms during the interview. Regarding positive signs, he reveals auditory hallucinations, which are evident when he says that there are people he talks to, but they are now asleep. The scenario means that Chase hears them talk and makes comments in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Leader and Manager as Different Roles

A nursing career is characterized by a number of interesting and sometimes challenging tasks and responsibilities, and, in the majority of cases, it requires the development of leadership and management skills. Either as leaders or managers, nurses have to make sure that patients receive high-quality care and that the environment...

Amazing Grace: The New Testament

In my understanding, the New Testament offers countless opportunities for exploring the grace of God. It reaches its highest point in God’s decision to sacrifice his Son’s life in the name of humanity’s moral improvement and salvation. In Peter 3:18, the audience is encouraged to “grow in grace of our...

“The Pirate of Kindergarten”: Main Idea of the Story

A disability can strike a person at any age, young or old. Some people are born with it, and others get it later in life. Living with a disability can be challenging to explain to adults and even more so to children. Books made with this subject in mind can...

Employing the Idea of Grit in My Everyday Life

A dilemma of talented people not succeeding in their lives seems disturbing to anyone. However, according to Angela Duckworth, everyone can reach their goals with the help of grit. To be more exact, grit is “a special blend of passion and perseverance” that is even more fundamental to success than...

The Allied Health Segment: Dietetics and Physical Therapy Career

Allied health is a department of health care that deals with the delivery of services that involves the identification, evaluation, and prevention of diseases and disorders, dietetics, rehabilitation, and health systems management. Two careers that are of interest within the allied health segment are dietetics and physical therapy. Dieticians are...

Vaccination of Healthcare Workers

Vaccination is the most effective way of protection against COVID-19: a highly contagious disease often followed by a set of serious complications. The effectiveness of this measure directly depends on the number of people vaccinated, since together, they generate a collective immunity for their sector of society. Health professionals around...

Introduction to Food: Macromolecules Analysis

Carbohydrates exist in both simple and complex forms. Some of the simple types of the macromolecule are monomers referred to as monosaccharides. These monomers include fructose, galactose, and glucose. Combinations of two of these monomers create a new class of carbohydrates known as disaccharides, which include lactose, sucrose, and maltose....

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market

Agrawal, A, Gans, J. S. & Goldfarb, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence: The ambiguous labour market impact of automating prediction. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(2), 31-50. Web. The article in question considers the impact the spread of artificial intelligence technology may have on the labor market. The authors define their...

AAC Systems for Individuals With Degenerative Disorders

ACC systems are communication supports that help individuals with impaired language, cognitive, motor, or speech domains maintain functional communication with others. According to Beukelman and Light (2020), the provision of AAC systems is accomplished in three stages: early, middle, and late. The content of the stages may vary depending on...

Theater: An Opportunity to Appreciate the Transience of Time

Theater provides an opportunity to appreciate the transience of time by revealing the eternity of art as part of cultural heritage. “Prologue in the Theater” discusses the purpose of art between a theater director, a poet, and an actor. The theater director sees art as income, the poet romanticizes theater,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Facebook and Companies Acquired by Zuckerberg

The main problems of Facebook and acquired by Zuckerberg companies are the protection of data and privacy, manipulation of behavior through these social media, and lack of personal accountability by the executives (Kinicki, 2018). The organizing framework implies person and situation factors. Personality, experience, values, skills, ethics, and others are...

Chocolate Bliss Global Expansion

The first country that the company should choose to expand its business in Italy. This country has a long tradition of cooking pasta and pizza, but it lacks specific associations with chocolate brands. Accordingly, Chocolate Bliss has the opportunity to overcome Ghirardelli and other competitors in their effort to win...

“The Vanishing Half” by Britt

The Vanishing Half is a multi-generational, multi-geographic story that jumps back and forth between the 1950s and the late 1990s, and from Mallard, a small, light-skinned community, to New Orleans and the Northern States. The novel covers, among others, the topics of colorism and the ways in which it affects...

Understanding the Metabolic Function

Describe Metabolism, Catabolism, and Anabolism and Explain Their Role in the Body The broad definition of metabolism suggests that the subject matter includes the entirety of the processes within a body required to sustain life in an organism. Being extremely complex, metabolism involves multiple stages, one of which is represented...

Current Events in Macroeconomics – Monetary Policy

The problem discussed in the selected episode of the podcast is related to the recent changes in citizens’ wages, which, surprisingly, do not bring extra income. These outcomes are conditional upon the ongoing inflation resulting in rapidly growing gas prices, which becomes an obstacle for some people (Smith, 2021). The...

Analysis of Sense of Smell Aspects

The sense of smell in humans, and in primates in general, is relatively poorly developed. Nevertheless, it’s role should not be underestimated. It is extremely important for a person, since one of the functions of the sense of smell is to prevent dangers that are invisible to other senses (sight...

Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations

Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations is entitled “Protection of Environment,” encompassing federal provisions and guidelines on programs, grants, and standards aimed at organizing frameworks to save the environment. Specifically, part 172 of the Title’s Subsection C addresses the guidelines of issuing experimental use permits (“Title 40”). According...

News and Research Study Comparison

The news article is titled “Can Too Much Work Increase Your Risk of Death? What to Know” and focuses on the outcomes of long working hours. At the same time, the article is based on the study conducted by the WHO and titled “Long working hours increasing deaths from heart...

The Unfair Control of Power

There are a number of factors that make the methods by which kings and their heirs or relatives inherit control and power inherently unfair, inefficient, and even potentially harmful to the people which they rule. Historically, the male heirs are the only ones who can acquire the position of a...

Unlisted Procedures and Services in Healthcare

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) restrictions mandate that health workers are obliged to determine the name of the medical practice or service that accurately specifies the assistance accomplished. In the absence of a complete and appropriate description, clinicians may use a procedure or service code that is not listed (“Unlisted...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Symbols of the “Riders of the Sea” Play by Synge

The main theme of the play “Riders of the sea” is to represent conflicts between religion and nature. The sea is a representation of fate and tragedies in the play. It is a great factor for the people living on Aran Island. It is a source of living as it...

Electronic Health Record: Resources and Tools

Simulated electronic health record (EHR) is a new information retrieval system focused on a streamlined, intuitive, and accessible electronic record scheme. Its integration into medical education is essential because it will allow future employees to access the different information bases they will have to work. These learning systems include documented...

The Role of Law and Social Control in Society

As the societies grew from closed homogenous social groups into complex heterogenous communities, the necessity for an organized institution that would manage the various interactions within it also increased. Social diversity, the impossibility of direct interaction between all of the members and aspects of a community, as well as miscellaneous...

“Once a Marine” by Popaditch and Steere: Book Review

The book by Nick Popaditch and Mike Steere titled Once a Marine: An Iraq War Tank Commander’s Inspirational Memoir of Combat, Courage, and Recovery can be described as an outstanding military biography. It describes the perspective and experience of Nick Popaditch as a tanker who fought courageously in the Iraq...

Coronavirus Could Trigger a Backslide on Freedom

The debate on the importance of freedom and security has a long history. With the emergence and development of states, people began to contemplate the dilemma of liberty and public safety. The governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic contributes to the discussion and can be examined as a real-life instance...

Dun & Bradstreet Firm’s Competitiveness Assessment

Understanding the extent of competition in the target market, as well as evaluating a company’s ability to withstand the observed rivalry rates, are crucial steps in securing a company’s position in the chosen business environment. Dun & Bradstreet offers an innovative digital tool for evaluating the competitiveness of an organization....

The Ethical Issues in 1940’s U.S. Experiments With Syphilis in Guatemala

Clinical distrust mirrors the historical unethical acts experienced by socially and financially underrepresented groups. The Guatemala tests have been viewed as a dark side of the U.S. clinical examination’s set of experiences. The U.S. Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues tracked down the Guatemalan trials ethically off-base, close...

Discussion: Sam Berns’ Philosophy for a Happy Life

Sam Berns’ talk on how he achieves happy life while living with a rare medical condition provides valuable insight for all people who ever face obstacles and prostration. His philosophy is founded on three primary principles: focusing on possibilities instead of inabilities, choosing positive communication circles, and bringing certainty to...

Introduction to Sociology and Its Aspects

Registering for a sociology course helps discern various problems in life. The interconnected nature of sociology to societal wellbeing is a major concern that allows one to develop an acute understanding of the environment. Working as a surgical technologist aids one in determining the various factions necessary for surgery. It...

Non-Symbiotic and Symbiotic Mutualism

There are two main types of mutualism: symbiotic and non-symbiotic. In symbiotic mutualism, both parties involved benefit from the relationship. This type of mutualism is often seen in nature, where two species help each other exist. For example, many plants have a mutualistic relationship with bees; the bees collect nectar...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Researching of Record-Breaking Floods

Largest World Flood Floods are natural disasters, usually caused by excessive precipitation, leading to severe consequences. It is believed that the most significant flood in the world occurred in 1931 in China, and its victims were more than 4 million people (Mann). The events were preceded by two years of...

Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling Sets Off New Court Fights

The decision of the Supreme Court to ban abortions and give states the right to decide on their local level whether they want to prohibit it or not is an example of a civil legal issue. “Supreme Court’s abortion ruling sets off new court fights” was published by Associated Press...

Analysis of Standart Language Ideology

Many kinds of people with differences in race, ethnicity, and social status speak the same language. However, depending on their background, they will use the varieties of the language that challenge the concept of Standard Language Ideology (SLI). According to Kircher and Fox (2021), SLI is a socially constructed hierarchy...

“Why Abortion is Immoral” by Don Marquis

Summary Don Marquis is an author of an essay that argues that abortions are immoral from a non-religious standpoint. He begins with a general discussion on why killing is wrong. According to Marquis, killing any human being is morally wrong not because it inflicts suffering on their loved ones but...

Social Media Networks’ Role in America

Social networks provide users with many opportunities that greatly simplify their lives. It includes sharing information, personal messages, and opinions and ensuring collaboration between people or brands. In the late 1970s, bulletin board systems (BBS) appeared, which were the first type of social network (Dhingra & Mudgal, 2019). The systems...

Culture War and Gun Violence in the United States

Introduction It is important to note that culture wars are major social events, which, in some cases, are centered around social justice issues. These events had a strong impact on the development of American society, and they are still continuously shaping its modern state by raising issues on a wide...

The “SiCKO” Documentary by Michael Moore

One of the most baffling occurrences from the SiCKO documentary, to me, was the opposition to universal healthcare. Throughout the film, the audience sees that the arguments against free healthcare view it as a sign of communism and a danger to the values of the US. I found it baffling...

Sensation and Perception Skills in Early Infancy

The early years of children’s lives are associated with intense brain development and acquisition of new skills, with perception maturity being one of the essential tasks. Although infants’ study is related to certain theoretical, practical, and methodological difficulties, there is a significant body of knowledge that attempts to explain which...

Stress and Cognitive Appraisal

I have recently had a stressful experience related to my essay, which had to contain three thousand words and was due in three days. Even though I was familiar with the topic of the essay, I had much work to do, including reading many scholarly articles and analyzing and summarizing...

Stealing: The Unethical Issue

Stealing is not a good act of human behavior, and there is no excuse for it, regardless of the circumstances that led the person to commit it. One can hardly justify the theft of twenty million dollars by sending one million to charity. However, in the above situation, there is...

“Noises Off” by Frayn and “Our Town” by Wilder: Comparison

There is a distinct longing that is clear in both “Noises Off” by Michal Frayn and “Our Town” by Thornton Wilder. The overarching theme of the loss of other people permeates these plays. Wilder expresses this feeling through the words of Emily, as she mourns the deaths of her acquaintances...

The European Debt Crisis and the EU Erosion

The EU has been showing crisis tendencies for over a decade. Grexit and Brexit are clear manifestations of the EU erosion causes. Grexit is linked to the sovereign debt crisis that peaked in Greece in 2009 and led to the 2015 referendum (Terzi, 2020). In 2016, the UK left the...

Social Problems and Policy: Youth Unemployment and Mental Health

In the history of the US, the federal and state governments have been at the forefront to facilitate effective social programs to ensure the citizens achieve the necessary basic social life. There are several programs directed to the communities to promote the economic growth and development of the people across...

Violence against Women

There are several reasons why women experience higher rates of abuse. First, many societies worldwide still have a patriarchal structure, and even in those that seem to have changed, the history of patriarchal norms still influences the communities (Zara & Gino, 2018). This fact results in a variety of other...

COVID-19 as the Most Pressing Health-Related Issue

At the beginning of 2020, the lives of all people across the globe changed because it was the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. A pandemic is a worldwide spread of disease by definition. This status was obtained by COVID-19 because of the lethal outcome and fast outspread of the virus....

How Sarah Rosetta Wakeman Overcame Challenges of the Civil War

The proposed project will discuss a notable person in a period of the United States from 1492 to 1877 who faced a significant challenge. It is interesting to consider the role of women in society throughout the years, how gender inequality affected it, and how they responded to different challenges...

Balancing Customer Willingness to Pay and Production Costs

Any price should combine the willingness of the buyer to pay and the company’s production costs, creating a balance between the two sides. Generally, different pricing approaches can be used for various products, and the complementary approach to the goods will change as the market develops. Nevertheless, only by combining...

Pernicious Anemia: The Case Study

The patient is a 57-year-old Mr. X, whose tests confirm pernicious anemia. This condition is an autoimmune disorder characterized by gastric mucosa atrophy and decreased parietal cells (Pandharkar & Thote, 2021). One of the reasons for this type is the absence of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) or folic acid in the...

Computer Technologies in the Education Process

The use of communication technologies (ICTs) in education is one of the essential areas of development of the information society. Pupils must be able to find information independently, analyze, synthesize, and communicate it to others, and master new technologies. Computer technology has opened up new opportunities for teachers themselves to...

The Russian Revolution in October 1917

The Russia Rebellion of 1917 became one of the most explosive political uprisings of the 19th century. This Revolution was violent, ending the Romanov throne and decades of imperial rule. During this Rebellion, the Bolsheviks, spearheaded by the Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, grasped the power and obliterated Russia’s bizarre ruling...

The Counseling Process in the Adlerian Approach

Introduction Adlerian therapy emphasizes the ability of an individual to bring up a positive impact on their own life. In the Adlerian approach, there are several stages of the counseling process, consisting of the engagement stage, assessment, insight stage, and reorientation stage. For this Adlerian approach of counseling, individuals work...

Nursing: Aspects of Comfort Theory

Introduction Kolkaba’s comfort theory is that he considers the comfort of the patient as the main component. This helps people alleviate their psychological state during stressful situations associated with health problems. Many researchers have applied comfort theory to show how its aspects are implemented and how effective it is. Discussion...

The Short Story “Raymond’s Run” by Toni Cade Bambara

Another win by Squeaky in the fifty-yard run is the climactic and conclusive story element in Raymond’s run. However, this event is not central to the story; it is not what all the premises and descriptions were about. The core element of this short story is that the heroine, for...

The La Sierra Members: The Self-Defense Doctrine

Introduction The La Sierra members were not entitled to assert a defense of self-defense. The self-defense doctrine is only available when an individual reasonably believes that they are in imminent danger of severe bodily injury or death and that using deadly force is necessary to prevent that harm (Muñoz 2021)....

Mahayana Buddhism’s Beginnings

Introduction Mahayana Buddhism’s beginnings are still a mystery; neither its beginning nor its location is documented, and it is most likely that the movement developed over time and in several areas. Most representations have been hugely affected by the goals of contemporary sectarian motions, and the holy texts most highly...

Rhetoric: Different Types of Speeches

Introduction People use different types of speeches to achieve their communicative goals. Speeches are essential in managing the audience’s mood, their attitude toward the presented topic, and their subsequent reactions. Good speech builds support and trust, which can be used to develop future interactions with the audience. Informative and persuasive...

Online Training on Health: A Proposal Memorandum

Problem Summary Due to extensive feedback from customers and employees and results from the previously conducted research, we have discovered that there is a need to increase employee training on health and safety management. The research has revealed increased workplace accidents recorded in the past three months. We have also...

Union Representation in Workplace

Union representation is a controversial topic in the workspace sphere. It has been established that the number of unionized workers continues to grow. This trend points to the fact that an increased number of employees consider union representation an important factor in their work (Stevenson, 2018). There are various positive...

Organizational Culture in Criminal Justice Agencies

Organizational culture refers to a system of code or software of the mind that organizes and facilitates the behavior of individuals within a given corporate environment. Through these behaviors, critical lessons are learned and passed to the next generation of individuals within the organizations to address future challenges (Denison Consulting,...

The Short Story “The Man From Mars” by Margaret Atwood

“The Man From Mars” by Margaret Atwood is a short story about a young man who finds himself on another planet and the psychological implications of his experience (Atwood). In this work, it is possible to see how repression can structure and inform the work, as the protagonist is attempting...

Addressing the Mental Health Crisis of Healthcare Workers Post-COVID-19

Problem area The COVID-19 pandemic put an enormous amount of pressure and stress on the healthcare workers. This resulted in the increase in mental distress and illnesses among medical professionals from burnout to prolonged severe issues. Almost half of them experience burnout with more than quarter reporting depressive and anxious...

Helen Pearson’s Research: Topical Approach to Lifespan Development

The approach to Helen Pearson’s research was to take a group of children, for example, those born in a particular year and trace the life of a generation in detail. From the information received, Helen Pearson concluded that families who are planning the birth of a child should have financial...

Micro Policy Advocacy for a Pregnant Teenager

Teenage pregnancy is an acute issue all around the world. When analyzing the topic of teenage pregnancies, one can see the detrimental impact of poor sex education and how it can result in low quality of life for parents and children. Thus, when facing the issue of teenage pregnancies, authorities...

Seeking Conflict Resolutions

Introduction Greetings, today, I would like to discuss interpersonal and group conflicts and their resolutions. Disagreements are a common part of being human, as people can not always agree on everything. Limited resources, differing opinions, goals, and personal values can cause a rift between individuals that might have destructive consequences....

Perception: Impact on Everyday Life

One of the most striking and significant examples of the influence of perception on everyday life is the depth, comprehensiveness, objectivity, and speed of cognition of another person due to certain objective and subjective characteristics. Most often, the perception of other people is based only on assumed qualities, impressions, interpretation,...

The Concept of Self-Evaluation Maintenance Theory

The concept of self-evaluation maintenance theory supposes the ways to cope with the cognitive dissonance from comparing own self to the person who is better in the area that is critical for own self-esteem. It is possible to reduce the negative effect of this feeling by psychological alienation from this...

Navigating Legal Boundaries: Job Interview Do’s and Don’ts

Job Interview Employers might be constrained by the law and are required to follow specific criteria while interviewing prospective workers, notwithstanding their desire to pick the finest candidates. Main body For instance, businesses are not permitted to discriminate against job applicants based on their age, race, gender, or national origin...

Drug Safety Approach in Advanced Nursing Practice

Drug safety is an essential factor that has to be under control in every medical institution. In case of inaccurate accounting procedures, the local medical personnel might be responsible for the loss of a particular item. The following paper will discuss and cover a strategy of applying a drug safety...

The Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis

The case under analysis involved diagnosing a patient with the following symptoms: fluttering in the chest, shortness of breath, no traces of dizziness, and the signs of hypertension and high cholesterol, which had been addressed previously. The identified scenario implied several possible diagnoses, which was why communicating with the patient...

Advertising Promoting Organic Food and Beverages

The environmental issue has become quite a problem since recently, which has caused a surge of suggestions for improving the state of the Earth and maintaining the balance between nature and nurture. Among the most essential solutions on how to make the world more “organic” and preserve the treasure that...

Patient Rights in Case of Surgery Delay

A patient has the right to receive timely and efficient healthcare services. If the patient is denied the identified right, the specified scenario can be viewed as a legal issue. From a legal perspective, the regular delay of the surgery in Sue’s case can be deemed as an instance of...

Contract Law: Hamer v. Sidway Case and Court Decision

Facts William E. Story II was given a promise by his uncle to be paid $5,000 which translates to $72, 000 in today’s dollars rate under conditions that he refrained from drinking, using tobacco, swearing, and playing cards for money till he was the age of 21 years. To all,...

“The Oath of the Horatii” by Jacques-Louis David

Introduction The Oath of the Horatii is one of the great paintings done by Jacques-Louis David. The painting was completed in Rome before the close of 1785. It was widely and symbolically used as a communication tool in political and philosophical issues. It is apparent that romanticism influenced Jacques-Louis to...

Employment Strategies in Developed and Developing Economies

The rapid changes in the labor market in both developing and developed economies have made employers think about how to adopt sustainable strategies that can assist them to remain relevant in the global and dynamic market. Advanced economies such as the US, Japan, and the UK are expected to experience...

Sociology: Economic Level and Drinking Culture

Hypothesis People at the lower economic level are likely to be binge drinkers. Independent Variable The economic level: What economic level describes your living standard? The response categories are lower, medium, and higher economic levels. Dependent Variable Drinking behavior: Do you consume alcohol heavily? The categories of responses to heavy...

Explore Factors in IBM SPSS Statistical Software

The “Explore” command in IBM SPSS produces an output that includes several statistics for one variable either across the whole sample or across the subsets of the sample (Kent State University, n.d.). To divide the sample into subsets while utilizing the “Explore” command, it is needed to move the categorical...

Psychological Issues After a Crisis or Disaster

It is almost impossible to avoid crisis and hard to lead a disaster-free life. According to a developmental psychology theory by Erick Erickson, crisis and major life changes have similar features but distinct magnitudes and impacts on one’s life. How an individual or community copes with different life crises has...

Hope’s Article on Treatment of the Roman War Dead

The article by Hope describes the perception of death during the era of the Roman battles, as well as controversial nuances in relation to this issue. According to the author, the concept of dichotomy may be applied when soldiers and civilians followed two types of behavior regarding funeral ceremonies and...

How Botswana Is Developing a Democracy

History Although Botswana currently is legally defined as a democratic state, there are several issues with the implementation of democratic principles in the state. Botswana used to be a devastating place where people had scarce resources and even more limited rights, yet the change made 50 years ago allowed the...

Alternative Power System for Rovers

Rovers, due to their mobility, have become mainstream devices for the exploration of other planets. They are mobile, able to maneuver better, and can be controlled remotely from the Earth. However, the main shortcoming of these robots comes from their primary advantages – they cannot carry large-capacity power storage and...

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Telehealth After Open-Heart Surgery

In this scenario, a patient has been discharged from the hospital after a rehabilitation course following open-heart surgery. The person may still be at risk and affected by a variety of issues, but it is inconvenient for him or her to visit the clinic or call an ambulance due to...

Computed Tomography and Related Cancer Risks

Radiation exposure can have negative effects, including the development of cancer. Consequently, it is important to establish if computed tomography (CT) can induce cancer. This information is necessary to develop reasonable programs for screening high-risk populations because CT is an effective screening tool (Miller et al., 2016). Excessive fear of...

Budweiser: Industry and Competitors

Budweiser is an American-style pale lager produced by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, a large multinational beer company with headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. The producer is investing vast amounts of money (as much as $449 million) into the marketing of the beer, which makes Budweiser the most advertised drink in the United...

“Black Panther” Movie by Ryan Coogler

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Real Estate Company’s Information Management

Introduction This letter addresses one of the crucial concerns that real estate organizations face in the global market. As a developing company, this firm needs to consider the issue of data management in the real estate setting to develop a competitive advantage. Because of the challenges that the processing of...

Adolscents and Drunk Driving

Mention any holiday or party and what comes to mind of many a youth are thoughts of alcohol. A party in the mind of these youths is a chance to consume lots of alcohol, which as a result, increases the chances of tragedies one of which is fatal accidents due...

Present Day Resistance Historical Roots to the Trade Globalization

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Investing in the Current Market of Trading Cards

Introduction The current market of trading cards is experiencing a significant rise as the annual revenues of those collecting them increase. Trading cards include small cards illustrating sports figures, game characters, or other renowned images that gain value with time. The trend of collecting cards emerged in the 1980-s as...

Operations and Supply Chain Management

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US Historical Heritage: American Identity and the Issue of Equality

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Programming: Personal Development Plans

Over this course, I have learned much about Java and programming in general, particularly the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. As it draws to a close, I understand that the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism are complex and challenging to master. Although I understand their application and utility, I still have...

Nurses in an Interdisciplinary Team

The article on the topic of the role of nurses in an interdisciplinary team that will be summarized is “Teaching nurses teamwork: Integrative review of competency-based team training in nursing education” by Barton et al. It concerns the measures that are taken by the educational facilities to prepare future nursing...

Imagery in “Richard Cory” Poem by Robinson

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Upper Airway Obstruction and Gunshot Wound in the Emergency Room

Upper Airway Obstruction The inhaled air enters the person through the nose and mouth and moves to the lungs. The pathway is complex and consists of many airway tubes. Airway obstruction is a hindrance in any part of the air passage. It may partially or fully block the air from...

Communication in an Online World

Currently, the extremely intensive development of information technologies contributes to their widespread use for everyday communication. Margalit’s article explains why connection through social-oriented websites has become so much easier than in-person interactions. Actually, living in the digital age contributes to the fact that I prefer the former to the latter,...

Finding and Choosing a Partner for Marriage

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“Development of Gender Labeling” by Etaugh

Summary of the Article In the article Development of gender labeling: Effect of age of pictured children, Etaugh et al. consider the relationship between gender discrimination and age. Undoubtedly, gender studies are quite relevant at present, and this paper is dedicated to a particular issue: it notes the changes in...

The Humanities, Art, and Culture

The humanities are branches of knowledge that study various aspects of human society and culture. They include literature, art, philosophy, history, law, politics, religion, and linguistics. It is important to study humanities because they allow people of different nations to communicate with each other and understand the world they live...

Key Industries in China and the Middle-Income Trap Risk

China is a country in East Asia whose key industries include manufacturing, agriculture, and mining. With a 68.8% contribution to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), manufacturing is, by far, the biggest of the productions (Sawe, 2017). In the past decade, the country has surpassed the global leaders in this...

The Importation of Drugs into the United States

In the U.S., prescription drug costs are increasing considerably, and this issue continues to be a hot topic, particularly in the political arena. The importation of drugs into America became a possible strategy for addressing the problem of high prescription drug prices. Still, there are those people who disagree with...