Planning for the End-of-Life Care

Planning for end-of-life care involves important and sensitive decisions, which mindful persons have to make, especially when approaching the life expectancy age. As a senior citizen aged 65 years, I would adopt an advanced plan of care in the preparation of the health complications coming with old age. Bartley et...

Symbolism of the “Bechdel Family” by Alison Bechdel

Introduction Literary works require consideration through the lens of various techniques used by their authors, and in the case of “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic,” symbolism is essential. In the book, the author, Alison Bechdel, narrates about her childhood and relationship with her father with the use of a variety...

Do People Have Free Will? Psychologists Answer

One of the central and widely discussed questions of neuroscience and philosophy is whether we have free will. Scientists’ opinions about what free will is, and even about the reality of its existence, are very contradictory. The idea of free will can be conveyed as the ability for self-control, and...

France: Border Security and Mass Migration

As is the case for many economically developed members of the European Union, border security is a pressing problem in France. That is not to say that the country is at risk of being invaded; instead, it is facing a moral dilemma. The state struggles to deal with the pressure...

Directing “Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex”

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a classic tragedy that can be received by the public in any setting because its concerns are timeless. The central themes can revolve around dichotomy, including the image of light as the idea of knowledge and darkness as ignorance. In the original play, all characters’ worship...

Cache Memory and Virtual Memory: Compare-Contrast

Cache memory and virtual memory have some similarities in terms of function and access. First, both cache memory and virtual memory share the same purpose of being “proxy” and assisting random-access memory (RAM) in processing data. Second, when used in software mode, cache memory and virtual memory can vary in...

“The Trends for Cervical Ripening…” by Chodankar

The article “An overview of the past, current and future trends for cervical ripening in induction of labour” by Chodankar, Sood, and Gupta sought to discuss the benefits and risks of pharmacological and mechanical methods of labor induction (Chodankar, Sood & Gupta, 2017). The authors used a methodology almost similar...

Bureaucracy in a Democracy

Definition of the Bureaucracy and its Main Functions Bureaucracy is a considerable part of contemporary democratic society. Most organizations should be regulated by specific services to maintain uniformity because of their complexity. The term bureaucracy implies a complex, multilayered system and a group of nonelected officials who perform series of...

Religion and Spirituality in Nursing

Non-religious spirituality is a socio-cultural phenomenon that became widespread after the separation of the church from the state. It manifested in the public consciousness through the distinction between the concepts of religiosity, confessionalism, and church-going, on the one hand, and spirituality, on the other (Dossett & Metcalf-White, 2020). In the...

Profit and Loss Internal Controls

Among the core goals of every organization is to make a profit. Making profit enables an organization to remain in business and be able to transact its operations. Where there are losses, there is a risk of falling out of business and losing its relevance. This is because it runs...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflections on Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a nonprofessional and apolitical community, which gathers members having problems with alcohol consumption worldwide and supplies them with mutual aid. The main aim of such a fellowship is to reject alcohol abuse and support each other in achieving sobriety. The main criteria for entering it are...

The History and Implementation of Rotoscoping

The period from the 1870s and the late 1890s is regarded as the time when contemporary animation and film technologies started to develop. It originated when photographer Eadweard Muybridge discovered a method to capture the movement of a horse. Muybridge’s creative approach was tightly connected to Phenakistoscope technology. His innovation...

Pediatric Leukemia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Leukemia or, in other words, cancer of the blood and bone marrow is a disease connected to the abnormality of white blood cells. At the initial stage, it can be unnoticed by the patients since the condition implies the growing weakness of one’s body, which can be ascribed to other...

Mise-en-Scene of “Blade Runner” Film by Ridley Scott

Based on the opening scene of Blade Runner, the viewers can see that Los Angeles is presented as a modern and developed city. In addition, the fact that it is presented at night is another important element. The author wants people to see the lights and fires of the city...

The Six Questions of External Analysis

The six questions of external analysis present a reliable framework which allows companies to correctly determine their position in the industry and assess available options of gaining a competitive advantage, yet it also has weaknesses. This approach’s primary strength manifests itself in the flexibility it provides since almost any business...

Analysis of “A Fixed Income” and “Valediction” by Sherman Alexie

The two stories selected for the discussion are “A Fixed Income” and “Valediction”. A “Fixed Income” highlights the plight of minorities in the United States through Sherman’s experience at McDonald’s. He explains that most of the employees at the restaurant are blacks and Latinos. Moreover, these workers are college graduates...

The Issue of the Lack of Competition Among Digital Platforms

Various economic and social factors motivated the recommendations made by the House of Representatives subcommittee regarding digital market platforms. The key economic factors include the discouragement of innovative ideas and monopolizing of the market. The practices adopted by the organizations discussed in the report, such as the acquisition of entrants...

Ethics, Truth, and Reason in Eight Theories of Ethics by Graham

The concept of morality has always been considered subjective, as there are no specific rules regarding truth or falsehood in ethical considerations. Graham (2004) argues that people perceive it as a personal opinion, although it is only a kind of relativism since ancient times. Thus, morality is the personification of...

E-Shopping Market and Role of Technology

Nowadays, e-shopping is booming due to the rapid development and spread of technologies. As global online sales continue to grow annually for the past seven years, the market shows steady growth worldwide (“Global retail e-Commerce market size 2014-2023,” 2019). The sector is heavily influenced by the current situation, as the...

Social Construction of Gender. Sociology in Modules

Sociobiology entails the scientific study of social behavior’s biological bases among humans and even animals. It assumes that such behavior arises from evolution, and it focuses on examining and explaining social behavior from the given perspective (Schaefer, 2017). On the other hand, social construction is social, and feminism theory shows...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Juvenile vs. Adult Criminal Law

Many authors refer to the concept of “childhood” or “underage status” as an interdisciplinary object of research that belongs to different fields – history, law, philosophy, ethnography, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, and others. The issue that is associated with the death penalty or the legal status of juveniles, the age of...

The UNICEF Convention on the Rights of Children

It is widely accepted that minors’ health and well-being should be among the principles to guide humanity’s activities all around the world to maximize the chances of raising active and healthy generations of citizens. The UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child was accepted more than thirty years ago...

Criminal Justice: Murder of Travis Alexander

The murder of Travis Alexander was a shock for many because the victim was found stabbed and with a gunshot wound to his head in the shower of his house in Mesa, Arizona. The investigation process focused on Jodi Arias, Travis’s ex-girlfriend, as the main suspect. Initially, Jodi claimed that...

“Macbeth” by Shakespeare: Lady Macbeth Thesis Statement

In Shakespeare’s play, Lady Macbeth is revealed as an ambitious woman, overwhelmed with her desire to become a queen. She proves her strong verbal influence on her husband, who does not dare to challenge fate. Shakespeare created a vivid female character, combining a craving for villainy and the inability to...

The Significance of Soul Train

My pop culture moment was Soul Train, a television music program that aired from 1971 to 2006. As George (2019) notes, the program was “a pop cultural pipeline that taught mass audiences how to dance, how to dress, and who to listen to” (para. 2). Soul Train allowed the general...

Information Management Improving Patient Care Technology

The need to improve patient care in hospitals has led to the development of new technologies that assist nurses in managing, monitoring, and controlling clients’ conditions within the facilities. Information management allows each patient’s data to be recorded, stored, and easily retrieved by health professionals when needed (Bhatt & Chakraborty,...

Historical Exchange Rates in Accounting Practices

In accounting, many transactions are carried out, and one must be keen to ensure that the correct information has been obtained. The failure to balance the sheets will lead to wrong decisions, and this will affect the organization since there will be errors in calculations leading to the organization incurring...

Apple Inc.’s Strategic Long-Term Planning

The BCG Matrix is a tool applied for long-term strategic planning efforts, and in this discussion board, it will be applied to analyze Apple (Hanlon, 2021). The “dogs” are the iPods, which were expected to change the customer’s perception of headphones but failed to gain significant market share. The “cash...

The Tree Puzzle as an Epistemological Problem

Introduction The tree puzzle is a well-known philosophical paradox approached in diverse ways. Solving it requires engaging in complex decision-making processes based on the definitions of reality. Thesis statement: the tree puzzle represents an interesting epistemological problem, and Locke would probably argue that a falling tree always makes a sound....

George Orwell and Occupy Wall Street and Police Brutality

The statement in Friedersdorf’s article, ‘the length authority figures will go to avoid derisive laughter’ is incredibly reflective and in agreement with George Orwell’s perspective, especially in relation to ‘Shooting the Elephant’. This is because Orwell describes the relationship he had with the people of Burma at the time that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

On-Road Integrated Optimization

On-Road Integrated Optimization and Navigation, or simply ORION developed by UPS, has several major advantages. Due to the efficient routing, ORION improves each delivery’s cost efficiency, as fewer roads are covered, and fuel consumed. Consequently, it leads to the improvement in customer service and the environmental impact of the company....

Researching of Flat Organizations

In recent years, the changes in the business landscape instilled the evolution of companies’ organizational structures. Traditionally, most firms relied on hierarchical frameworks that prevailed in most industries. Within this format, an organization resembles a pyramid with front-line employees at its foundation and the CEO on top. Between them, there...

Sociological Imagination: Social Factors

Sociological imagination refers to the ability to consider a broader social context and its impact on individual challenges and problems. It is based on the idea that social factors can affect certain groups of people in similar ways, impacting common behaviors and beliefs, creating specific patterns, and contributing to existing...

“The Best Kindergarten You’ve Ever Seen” by Tezuka

In the video, “The best kindergarten you’ve ever seen”, the architect Takaharu Tezuka showcases the kindergarten environment that he has designed. The environment is different from a regular kindergarten because it is primarily in a large circular outdoors open space. It has no boundaries between the indoors and outdoors space,...

Child Advocacy: The Key Issues

Persons, experts, and advocacy groups who speak out for children’s best interests are child advocates. Advocacy, according to my opinion, is important in safeguarding children’s rights, which may be curtailed or abused in various ways. Because children are not regarded as accountable for their self-sufficiency, child advocacy is thought to...

Bart’s “Ethics: The Key To Organizational Culture”

Bart’s recommendation on ethics is that leadership in every organization has to define its organizational orientation that precisely details acceptable and unacceptable behavior terms. At Starbucks, the company’s ethics and compliance board has developed and distributes ethics awareness materials comprising its business conduct standards. The conduct allows for ethics training...

The Confucianism Role in Early Chinese Society

The importance of Confucianism for early Chinese society is conditional upon its role in establishing relationships among the citizens. In order to do so, the followers of this approach were guided by five relationships, and they seem quite informative from the perspective of analyzing its structure. However, these aspects had...

Management and Information Security Positions

Three management positions most commonly associated with information security within a given organization are the chief executive officer (CEO), chief information officer (CIO), and chief information security officer (CISO). CEO is fairly self-explanatory as the person in charge of running the company as a whole. Although information management and information...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” and Biblical Parables

The texts reveal the idea of the sinfulness of people who incur the wrath of God by shameful behavior. As for the story of Adam and Eve, the whole world was created for them, and everything was permitted except one fruit. Despite their respect and love for God, Eve violated...

The Civil Rights Movement: Impact on the African American Citizens

The history of the United States is intrinsically tied to the problem of racism and complicated relationships between African Americans and White Americans. Although the Civil Rights Movement has allowed for notable progress in the late 50s and early 60s, racism still remains a major problem in the U.S., shaping...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Euthanasia in the Terri Schiavo Case

End-of-life care and its elements, specific euthanasia, are associated with many ethical issues because it is not always clear whether euthanasia is necessary and whether the patient wants it. An exemplary case is the story of Terri Schiavo, a woman who had irreversible post-coma unresponsiveness. The case took seven years...

The de Stijl Movement: Rethinking Space

The de Stijl movement is a new idea of organizing space, born in the war-isolated Holland. The style was a way of breaking out of the standard framework of art and moving toward neoplasticism (Frampton, 1980). The artist Theo van Doesburg can be called the founder of the movement. However,...

Modern Technologies in the Learning Process

Modern trends in the world are increasingly advocating the implementation of technology into all aspects of life, including the education system. Technology has already entered the operations of colleges and universities in the form of digital libraries, social media integration, digital content creation, review and critique webpages, and so on....

The United States and the World War II: Fighting on Two Fronts

The Second World War became the most significant conflict in human history. According to Shi and Tindall (2016), more than 50 million people were killed, including civilians and jews. America faced a difficult task, as they had to fight on two main fronts: the European one and the Pacific front....

Assessment and Management of Nutrition in Older People: Analysis of Article

The article provides an in-depth discussion of nutrition and its significance in older adults. According to the article authors, nutrition is a crucial health module in older people and tends to distress the aging process (Ahmed & Haboubi, 2010). In this population, the malnutrition prevalence gradually increases and is mainly...

Art and Culture in the 21st Century

Born in Britain with Nigerian roots and raised between London and Lagos, Yinka Shonibare manifests a mixed heritage through artwork. In addition, his artistry prowess signifies a person living in two worlds with a global perception of issues such as nationalism, politics, and belonging. His work not only draws one’s...

Selecting Promotions and Spreading the Word

Advertising construction services on the Internet aims to attract customers for contracts, direct sales, and promote the brand and business. The best advertising of construction services is a demonstration of completed objects on the company’s website. Given the high competition in construction and repair, advertising should be aimed at the...

Ava DuVernay’s 13th Documentary Review

Summary I watched 13th by Ava DuVernay, and I can say that this picture was both reaffirming and revealing for me. This one-and-a-half-hour documentary shows and deconstructs the still-existing topical American problems related to race relations and the social hierarchy of the United States (US). Via a consistent and systematic...

Outcome Management in Business

Outcome management is one of the most effective forms of management, which is easy to apply and hard to execute since it requires honesty and working to the limit. In this situation, the application of features of outcome management can be detrimental to the company. At a critical moment, the...

The G20 Countries’ Competitiveness in Renewable Energy Resources

Definition of the Key Term Porter’s Diamond Theory is a theory of competitiveness of the national industry based on four primary components: factor conditions, demand conditions, state of related and supporting industries, and firm strategy, structure, and rivalry. Article Summary The article by Fang et al. (2018) presents an assessment...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advertisement: Purchasing Habits and Marketing

Ideally, people wish to buy only the items that they need, thus, reducing expenses. However, as the list above shows (see Fig. 1), this is rarely the case since intended purchases are often coupled with spontaneous ones. To avoid the urge to buy a certain product that is marketed aggressively,...

Mindful Approach in Various Life Aspects

In my experience, leadership, power dynamics, and conflict resolution are aspects that are highly influential and prominent in every society. Therefore, they affect practically every element of a person’s life. In my experience, leadership and power dynamics come from studying and working. While thinking about the connections that I have...

Social Inequality in the United States

Over the last 20 years, the rate of social inequality in the U.S. has substantially increased. The top ten percent of Americans owned around 70% of the wealth in the U.S (Saez and Zucman 4). A wide range of social, economic, and health challenges accrue inequality in the US including...

Emile Durkheim’s “The Elementary Forms of Religious Life”

Religion has been important and influential in people’s lives for a long time. Emile Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life explores religion’s essence and role by studying its primitive form. The author chose the study of archaic religion because he believes it will best reveal people and their religious...

The Mandate System: Impact on the Ottoman Empire

The mandate system proposed the allocation of the Axis’ post colonies to the members of the League of Nations. Hence, the set of regulations was directed toward the Ottoman Empire and Germany, as their armies were defeated as a result of the war. Moreover, apart from the Empire’s evident loss...

Cor Pulmonale: Etiology, Symptoms, Diagnostics, Treatment

Cor Pulmonale Cor pulmonale is a cardiac ailment in which the right side of the heart fails. Long-term elevated blood pressure in the lungs’ arteries and the heart’s right ventricle can result in cor pulmonale (Penn Medicine, n.d.). Right-sided heart failure and pulmonary heart disease are alternative terms. Etiology Pulmonary...

Does Cancel Culture Supress Offence or Diversity?

Introduction Freedom of speech is the basis of any sound democracy. The relevance of this freedom is nowhere more apparent than on social media sites, where the thoughts of multitudes are filtered and represented. Nonetheless, the significance of the platform and its impact on society is undeniable. The way of...

Opioids in Medicine and Personal Use

Introduction Opioids in medicine and personal use are the subjects of public controversy. Moreover, disputes concerning it have both historical and political specifics due to its ambiguity. On the other hand, opioids, as pain relievers, are more accepted in society since the current absence of alternatives explains their use. However,...

Arizona’s Kaibab Plateau: Carrying Capacity

The fluctuation of the deer population on Arizona’s Kaibab Plateau from 1905 to 1939 is an excellent example that demonstrates the importance of carrying capacity. This concept refers to the average population size of the species that the geographical area can support (National Geographic, n.d.). In other words, the environment...

Aspects of Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a fragmented political organization that aims to raise awareness about racism, prejudice, and injustice that black people face. When the group’s followers join together, it is mainly to oppose police abuse and racially-based brutality against black people. Stopping police violence and advocating for fair treatment...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Biopsychosocial Model for Understanding Behavior

Bill is a 19-year-old male with an 8-year-old history of heavy drinking, whose alcohol abuse requires specific treatment and professional counseling. Sue et al. (2016) recommend the biopsychosocial model as a good approach to understanding the patient’s behavior, covering the existing biological, psychological, and social factors. The chosen model helps...

Contemporary Human Resource Practices

This paper will discuss the topic of contemporary human resource practices. Nowadays, HR managers shift from traditional HR management, focused on handling labor relations, to strategic HR management, which aims to align HR practices with long-term corporate goals. Strategic HR managers recognize that people are the most valuable organizational resource;...

Boeing and Airbus: Trade Barriers and Government’s Role

Treaties, tariffs, taxations, and trade barriers limit free international trade. The impact of these limitations on global business is vast. Moreover, the government’s role is considerable, as seen from the example of Boeing and Airbus. Trade barriers are crucial for the financial prosperity of countries, as they encourage international trade....

Nursing Metaparadigm and Caring Science

A comprehensive framework to care is provided by the nursing metaparadigm, which is a collection of ideas and claims describing the events that nursing involves. The notion behind the metaparadigm may provide nurses with a valuable framework for responding to typically structured interviews or outlining their objectives and beliefs in...

Coming of Age: Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber by Hemingway

Coming of age has been quite a common topic in literature. Surprisingly, it does not always happen to a person during adolescence. For some individuals, maturity comes in their later adult years after a certain event, whether it is marriage or parenthood. However, in the wake of such situations, others...

The Importance of Strategic Risk

Introduction Adverse effects of internal and external nature always threaten every company. Some risks may not only impede operations or damage the reputation but can also lead to the inevitable liquidation of an entity. Therefore, strategic risk is the aspect that requires acute attention in any organization or business. Discussion...

La Malinche: The Historical Role

Native to Mesoamerica, La Malinche belonged to the Nahua people. As a Malinal, the daughter of an Aztec chief, La Malinche was born (Cypess, 2020). She gained an uncommon amount of literacy from this, which she would subsequently use as a translator and help lead the Spanish. Her mother gave...

How Does Substance Abuse Affect Mental Health in High School?

Introduction The topic of my research is the question, “How does substance abuse affect mental health in High School?” This topic is relevant because, recently, the number of people who use drugs has increased significantly. In connection with this, the number of students who, for one reason or another, begin...

Interview and Interrogation in Politics

Introduction Although interview and interrogation procedures have much in common, they have several differences. The purpose of both processes is to obtain information by asking questions. However, if the interview is an informal conversation, then the interrogation is a specific procedure for asking questions about the crime that has happened...

Pillars of Trust in Leadership Ethics and Governance

Trust is considered to be an essential aspect of each life sphere. It entails the confidence of believing that someone or something will act right as expected under any circumstances. Various barriers may hinder trust, but they can be overcome through the eight pillars of trust. As such, they include...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Management Report Information and Importance

A management report is a collection of operational information and data from various sections of a business understandably presented to managers to allow them to make informed decisions. Managers use the data provided to run an entity successfully since it contains risks, issues, and results created for the execution and...

Is Ethics of Care Paternalistic?

Ethics of care emerged as a feminist philosophical theory based on the relative and context-linked approach to decision-making and morality. Nevertheless, this concept has a paternalistic reputation because of its framework of care. Therefore, care ethics has become a major subject of criticism, though it does challenge common theories of...

HIS102: Western Civilization II

Middle class has historically exhibited higher internal complexity and greater regional volatility and has been highly vulnerable to changes in business cycles. It is commonly believed that middle-class status is most reliably associated with business people, even though it can also refer to a variety of other groups, such as...

Management: Investing in Diversity Case

Introduction For this discussion, the chosen strategic focus is to “provide culturally appropriate consumer experience; design products and services to meet their needs.” The selected diversity implication is to “deliver best in class customer experience.” Meta- and long-term goals at many companies are focused on customer satisfaction because commercial entities...

Evidence-Based Organizational Development for Criminal Justice Agencies

The goal of a successful organization is to maintain a high performance rate at all levels: from a specific employee to hierarchical divisions and integration into the national workforce. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the current dynamics of the organization’s performance, and positively influence it. Accordingly, one...

Aligning Passion with Expertise: A Career in Sports Finance

Pursuing a career in sports, I would nevertheless like to connect it with my proficiency in other spheres – thus, the profession of financial sports analyst may be regarded as preferable for me. The financial analyst provides financial performance management, financial analysis and support, and financial process and reporting rigor...

A Proposal for Eliminating Homelessness in Columbia, Missouri

The phenomenon of homeless represents a major barrier toward proper quality of life for a number of American individuals. According to the official statistical data, a total of more than 500,000 people in the U.S. are presently homeless (Pattillo et al., 2022). By providing cheaper housing options, as well as...

Health Disparities Among Hispanic Patients

The healthcare system in the United States is marred by disparities affecting racial minorities. Such inequalities have become a major topic of interest among researchers and commentators. Ethnic minorities face health disparities caused by a lack of social support, lower socioeconomic status, lower health literacy, disempowerment, and greater incidences of...

Health and Medicine: The Safety of Patients and Staff

Introduction In the practice setting, there are several best practices that are in place that promote patient, community, and provider safety. It is important for management boards in healthcare facilities to focus on the safety of patients and staff. It can be done through the use of evidence-based management and...

The Popularization of Social Media

Introduction The social infrastructure changes in response to each advancement in technology. The popularization and near worldwide dissemination of social media have meaningfully impacted modern society. Today, a global community is formed through social networking services as people from different parts of the world can engage with each other. Discussion...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Beyond the Game: Future Trends in Sports Promotion

Introduction Selling and promotion in sports have been the center of attention of many sports management resources since the industry is growing intensively. BeyondTheMatch website gathered multiple trends related to content marketing and digitalization that are likely to bring success to the organizations that will be ready to implement them....

The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy

The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment (CLCPA) was designed for the purpose of supporting community health centers and evaluating their preparedness for dealing with culturally, demographically and linguistically diverse communities (CLCPA, n.d.). This test shows the levels of awareness the agency in question has of other cultures and...

Nurse Manager’s Role in Staffing and Team Building

Staffing Considerations A nurse manager is a professional who is in charge of building effective teams that are satisfied with their occupation. In this way, I am supposed to ensure that all members understand one another and work towards a shared goal. My task is to focus on a common...

Alan Mulally’s Leadership in Ford Motor Company

It is significant to stress that Alan Mulally is an exceptional leader. The core of this statement lies in the fact that he did not concentrate on the contingency theory or transformational leadership approach. Still, the reverse – emphasized the role of every employee in the enterprise. He aimed to...

Peplau’s Theory in Patient-Nurse Interaction

Since in this research the interaction between a nurse and patients with obesity is the key element, Hildegard Peplau’s theory of Interpersonal Relations in nursing is taken. Originating from psychiatry, this theory was reconstructed for nursing by Peplau in 1952 (Jones, 2014). Her theory suggested that interpersonal relations with patients...

Grant Proposal: Writing Requirements

Writing a grant proposal is a challenging task. To win, the applicant should consider multiple factors. Establishment of a budget for the project and provision of an eloquent rationale supporting it are among the most important things one must take into account. In her post, Tylisha says that these areas...

Mahatma Gandhi and His Influences on Hinduism

Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest and most recognized spiritual leaders globally, was born on the 2nd of October, 1869. Gandhi became instrumental in fighting for India’s independence using non-violent means as well as championing for his people. His methods of attaining freedom inspired many across the globe, as this...

An Overview of Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays”

In her work, Johnson analyzes the poem by Hayden in detail and resorts to evaluating both the general idea and individual thoughts expressed in specific language constructs. According to the critic, the text in question cannot be considered complete since it lacks both a univocal introduction and ending (Johnson). In...

GreenField Health as a Patient-Centered Clinic

Patient-centered clinics emerged because of the necessity to reform the traditional medical system, which includes such stereotypes as medical cards, telephone communication, queue visits, and several other features. According to Brown and Park (2014), a patient-centered clinic is explained as an institution where “a small group of primary care and...

Language in Paul Auster’s The New York Trilogy

Word and language act as essential criteria for human self-awareness and self-identification. The word as the main character is a feature of postmodern prose; it not only reflects reality but also creates it, causing it to be discursive practices. This feature also applies fully to the work of the famous...

Role of Economics in the Upcoming Elections

The unrivaled uncertainty of the existing circumstances with the COVID-19 pandemic raging throughout the world has turned this election cycle into a unique one in modern American history. The variety of topics to be considered by the voters is unprecedented, and the polarized views of society make the outcome even...

Domestic and International Terrorism

Both positions of the authors have merit because there is a major issue of the arbitrary distinction between domestic and international terrorism. According to the first article, it is evident that there are several domestic terrorism incidents, which are not recognized as such, but instead, they are addressed as hate...

Formality vs. Informality Comparison

The English language is a paradigm of lexical diversity, a variety of semantic meanings and structures. Hence, when used in different utterances, one smallest lexical unit might bear a significantly different semantic load, which later modifies the whole conversation flow. For this reason, it is of crucial importance to learn...

Social Workers Ethical Issues

In a scenario where a colleague believes that a particular subset of clients does not deserve the same attention and care as other groups, several ethical issues arise. The most prominent value that social workers have to uphold is the person’s dignity and worth (National Association of Social Workers [NASW],...

Financial Statements and Their Preparation

Financial statements are records of all financial activities reflect the position of a person, business, or any other entity. Generally, they report an organization’s assets, liabilities, and owner’s capital at any given point. There are four types of statements: the owner’s equity statement, income statement, statement of cash flows, and...

Discussion Data Volume Challenges

Modern unmanned ground-controlled stations (GCSs) are valuable equipment used to remotely control aircraft. One of such systems is the Desert Rotor station, a high-precision GCS that makes it possible to control flights of drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles (“Portable ground control stations,” 2019). The station is equipped with a...

The Magical Science of Storytelling

All the stories David Phillips told in the video evoked different kinds of emotions: from joy and interest to sadness and sympathy. The reason is that while listening to stories, the brain is filled with neurotransmitters and hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and others, the so-called “angel’s cocktail” (TEDx...

Health Insurance in the US

Health insurance is an essential medical document that an individual in the US must have to obtain easy and affordable access to health care services when needed. I have chosen an insurance plan with United Health Care, which allows me to spend less on my medical procedures. The insurance plan...

Technological Solutions for Effective Communication

The adoption of technology in the area of sport communication is an essential step towards the increase in its efficiency. Therefore, present-day organizations intend to address this need through such solutions as Twitter, and the most efficient tools are hyperlinks, hashtags, public messages, and retweets (Wang, 2020). The researchers claim...

An Outbreak of the Irrational: Refusion from Measles Disease Vaccination

Even though measles’ disease was almost eradicated due to the invention of vaccines, its outbreaks still manifest in the modern world. A simple vaccination procedure saved lives and raised the standard of living of a person. Nowadays, people do not face this disease and its consequences, and for this reason,...

The NBA Global Expansion

American men’s professional basketball league, the National Basketball Association, is one of the most well-known sports leagues in the United States and the whole world. The popularity of the game itself, NBA teams, and signed players is only growing, which in turn explains the Association’s plans for further global expansion....

Comparison of Nature and Nurture

Nature vs. nurture is a debate that seeks to determine what shapes the human personality the most if not exclusively. Nature in this debate denotes genetic and biological predispositions that each human possesses. Conversely, nurture symbolizes the influence of a person’s environment and its ability to mold their behavior and...

Economic Growth of East Asian States: The Impact of Foreign Workers

In recent years, there have been increased levels of international labor migration in various nations. Eastern Asian countries, such as Thailand, have seen a considerable surge in migrant workers, raising interest in individual nations’ impact. Walmsley et al. (2013) mention that immigrants comprise people with varied skill levels. He further...

The Services of Professional Buyer

How the Person Got into Buying The interviewee’s response regarding the beginning of his career confirmed that people become involved in professional buying when their talents in this area are acknowledged by others. The specialist stated that he started this work when he realized that present-day companies are willing to...

Bible Classes, Blessings for Public Schools

Religion plays a central role in the overall development of society and an individual’s morality. The Christian religion, in particular, can be considered as a source of many essential human values. It forms a social and civilizational basis of the Judeo-Christian value system, which promoted the correct societal structure. The...

Pareto Principle as a Phenomenon in Inventory Management

The Pareto principle is an essential phenomenon in inventory management. It is so because it allows companies to understand that various parts of their inventory deserve more attention because they are more significant than others (Nemtajela & Mbohwa, 2016). Jacobs and Chase (2014) explain that this principle is a basis...

Nursing Informatics: Rural vs. Urban Setting

The attempts at integrating nursing science with the data management tools that have become available due to the digitalization of the industry and the recent technological breakthrough have led to the creation of nursing informatics. A nursing informaticist plays an important role in ensuring that patient data is arranged properly...

The Evolution of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) on the development and constant improvement of modern health care cannot be overestimated. EBP enables healthcare professionals to standardize their work by scientific evidence, which results in eliminating adverse health outcomes. In this respect, it is viable to...

Impressionism and Symbolism in Music

In Claude Debussy’s “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun” the opening melody is played by the flute. Throughout the whole piece, the parts of the woodwind section – especially flute, oboe, and clarinet – are very prominent and lead the melody. String section also plays a major role, coming...

Types of Justification Defenses

There are four major types of justification defenses all of which can be instrumental in explaining people’s actions. The necessity defense and self-defense have long been considered to be closely related. Both of them center around the situation in which a person is exposed to immediate threat and protects himself...

Boards of Directors in Strategic Management

Strategic management is a critical aspect of any company which helps an organization develop and implement the policies and plans to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. In Fortune, Walmart is leading the charts in the 2020 rankings once again as the most admired company, while other notable U.S....

Consumer Complaining Behavior in the Service Industry

Complaints in general and consumers’ behavior about expressing their complaints are of vital importance to the improvement procedures aimed at performance excellence in the service industry. The article by Patwary and Hamimi (2016) provides an extensive overview of the key factors influencing consumer complaining behavior and the channels they use...

Generation Z and Face Time

The 21st century is a time when several circumstances are rapidly changing. For this reason, the world has seen the first generation that has grown up under the influence of gadgets and social networks. That is generation Z, which consists of teenagers and people in their twenties. One of their...

Mark Rober: Communication Skills Analysis

People with nearly ideal communication skills can often be described as leaders with many followers. In the digital era, such people regularly acquire a fair amount of followers on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. These channels of communication require a high level of social skills that...

The Code of Ethics for Human Services Professionals

The selected field of interest is that of human services since it allows social workers to support and empower troubled people to lead better lives. The presented standards include focusing on existing community strengths, getting informed consent from individuals, and maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality and privacy (“Ethical Standards...

Muscle Strength Assessment for Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis

Muscle strength assessment is one of the widespread methods to diagnose multiple sclerosis. According to Jørgensen et al. (2017), muscle strength and force development are abnormal in patients with the mentioned disorder. Since the normal neurological condition implies full control over muscle movements, healthy patients do not demonstrate involuntary contractions,...

American Association for Community Dental Programs: Overview

The American Association for Community Dental Programs (AACDP) focuses on supporting efforts to promote vulnerable populations’ oral health at the community level. AACDP (n.d.a) offers guidance and information support for those participating in program development and implementation. Another critical area of activity is the organization of conferences and professional events...

Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Payment of Scholarships

Historically black colleges and universities are a particular category of higher education institutions in the United States of America created for the education of the African-American population. This type of educational institution was associated with the abolition of slavery in order for black people to have the opportunity to receive...

African-Americans Grievances After Slavery Abolition

Slave-Like Conditions Among African-Americans The black people experienced different slave-like conditions, which denied them social and economic justice. For instance, African-Americans were prohibited from using public facilities belonging to the white race in the 1880s (Oshinsky, 1997). The former were punished severely by the authorities when found in the slightest...

Abnormal Event Classifier for Nuclear Power Plants

The article under consideration is titled “Dynamic bayesian networks based abnormal event classifier for nuclear power plants in case of cybersecurity threats.” It is drawn from a journal called “Progress in Nuclear Energy” and is authored by Pavan Kumar Vaddi together with seven other scholars. The article explains that nuclear...

Moderna Company’s Entrepreneurial Climate

Moderna is a pharmaceutical company that was founded in 2010 and has a special focus on mRNA technology and immuno-oncology, infectious, rare, autoimmune, and cardiovascular diseases (Moderna, 2021). The early 2010s were a time during which major innovations and diversification of the pharmaceutical industry began to take place. The past...

Abstract Life Story Build upon Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s Biography

Background Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is a remarkable person, who played a considerable role both as the judge, and later, the first Hispanic and Latina member of the court. According to Vincenty (2021), she claims that her judicial philosophy “is simple: fidelity to the law. The task of a...

The Empirical Rule in Statistics

The empirical rule is one of the basic statistical terms associated with the normal distribution. Also called the three-sigma rule, this law states that for a normal distribution, virtually all observable data will be within three standard deviations (Hayes, 2021). There is a ratio of 68-95-99.7, according to which 68...

The Venus of Willendorf: The Significance

The value of the Venus of Willendorf is its aesthetic component. The creation of this work of art demonstrates to modern people that their ancestors were concerned about beauty issues (Zygmont, n.d.). It has no practical application, and the theory that it could be used for religious purposes can be...

Assisting Nancy to Improve Social Interaction and Eat

Helping Nancy requires a collaborative effort between the teacher and her mother. Nancy is experiencing social problems as she appears not to fit in her age mates ‘ group perfectly. When children experience social conflicts, especially for children below ten years, an adult must step in and offer the essential...

Cultural Sexism Versus Other Macro-Level Factors

Cultural sexism refers to the way people are perceived solely because of their sex. Sexism is mainly used as a negative term and implies things such as discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice, and gender-based hatred such as misogyny. Cultural sexism, in particular, refers to sexism, which can be seen in media, art,...

Parenting Philosophy in “Where the Wild Things Are”

The book is about a young boy called Max who is unruly, and at the opening of the book, he is running around the house wearing a wolf-suit. He is carrying a large hammer, runs around making mischief, and later chases the dog around with a fork. The mother shouts...

Effective Mortuary Administration and Its Principles

The efficient operation of a mortuary depends on the kind of administration that manages it. Being a facility meant to uphold human dignity even in their death, the mortuary is entitled to offer quality services that are only possible with a good administration. An adequately administered mortuary should divide its...

Macroeconomics: Women-Operated Small Enterprises

The paradigm of macroeconomics, and the notions of aggregate supply and demand, in particular, serve as the drivers for the emergence of specific economic trends, competition in the market, and pricing patterns. However, when considering the fact that the aggregate demand and supply usually focus on the average supply curve...

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Jo’s Testimony in Act III of Baldwin’s “Blues for Mister Charlie”

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Language Development in Critical Period of Life

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Unconstitutionality in Smith v. Goguen

I agree with the decision that the language in the Massachusetts statute is unconstitutionally vague concerning the presented case. Smith v. Goguen (1974) began in 1970 with two police officers seeing Valerie Goguen as he wore jeans with a four by six inches United States flag sewn to the left...

The World’s Need for Transition to Carbon-Free Production

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The Effect of Vaccinated Travel Lanes in Singapore

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Good Management Versus Leadership

There are different types of bosses in different organizations, so it seems that the question of whether the boss is good depends on the individual preferences of employees. As for me, I think that I lean more to consider myself a conservative person, so it is always hard for me...

Discussion of Conquest of the Aztecs

In 1518, on behalf of the Governor of Cuba, Diego Velazquez, the young Hidalgo recruited a detachment of volunteers to equip an expedition to capture Mexico, inhabited at that time by the mighty Aztecs. Mexican civilization was then at the peak stage of its heyday – not even a century...

Diet, Physical Activity, Obesity, and Related Cancer Risk

Regardless of the place of residence, every person is exposed to various illnesses. Stern et al. (2019) suggest that due to globalization, people now more easily exchange lifestyle and dietary practices and, therefore, numerous health conditions. For example, obesity has spread and become more common in the Americas (Stern et...

Personal Leadership Experience: Position and Leadership Style

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Economic and Demographic Reasons for the Fall of the Roman Empire

With the growth of the lands controlled by Rome, its fragmentation into provinces also increased. After the land reforms of the Gracchi brothers, subsistence farming began to develop in Rome, which led to a reduction in the share of the processing industry, and prices for the transportation of goods increased....

Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint

According to most mainstream discussions concerning legal and political components of the judicial system, there are two approaches that govern much of court proceedings. These can be summarized as judicial restraint and judicial activism. Judicial restraint refers to the direct and uninvolved interpretation and decision-making within legal parameters according to...

Urban Farming and Smart Greenhouse

As population of the world is rapidly growing, the issue of hunger is as relevant as ever. Although technology provides unique opportunities for most individuals, each ninth person in the world experiences hunger or lack of clear water. These facts concern scientists who want to optimize agriculture that to be...

The Black Dog Video: Modeling Mood Disorders

Depression arises unexpectedly and unpredictably, and just as suddenly leaves a person. There is no cure for depression, and this uncertainty can be scary for many people. But the positive side is that the inability to completely control depression leaves room for a more eager life perception. In other words,...