Breast Cancer: Types, Survival Rates, and Research Insights

Summary/Abstract We know the cancer of breast tissue as Breast cancer. It has reported too that breast cancer affects woman ageing of any age at least in the western world. Breast cancer is supposed to be the most fatal cancer for women only to be holding second place after lung...

Innovation in Organizations: Ryan Air

Executive Summary The study has shown that innovation is a strong business weapon that can give an organization a competitive edge over others. By adopting certain characteristics that encourage innovation, an organization puts itself in a position to compete favorably and even stay afloat during economic hardships. The characteristics mentioned...

Confessions: A Key Element of the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Interrogations are a vital element of the criminal justice system. They are helpful for solving cases and bringing perpetrators to responsibility. However, not all professional policemen are able to collect enough evidence during interrogations and investigations. In this way, it is important to point to another critical element of...

Chernobyl Disaster’s Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact

Introduction Over two decades ago, the world witnessed the most serious nuclear accidents in the history of mankind. The accident occurred on 26 April 1986, when an explosion occurred as a result of a technical mistake from the nuclear power plant. This accident changed many people’s lives as huge amount...

A 3800-word text usually takes about 15 pages. All the major citation styles assume that an essay will take approximately 250 words per page. The most common format is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. The details might differ – for instance, in MLA 9 and APA 7, Calibri and Arial are also accepted. However, 12-point Times New Roman remains preferable.

A 3800-word essay contains 25 to 38 paragraphs on average. The length of a typical academic paragraph is about 100 words. You should include at least four sentences in your paragraph.

A 3800-word paper is a very extensive piece of writing that needs to be carefully planned and prepared. You might need to write a research paper, a term paper, or an academic article of such a length. Depending on the genre of the paper, it might include an abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. The exact list of elements will depend on the paper’s genre.

It will take you about 76 to 152 minutes to type 3800 words on your keyboard, depending on your typing speed. However, if you also need to perform research, make a reference list, add in-text citations, and graphic materials, you’ll need more time – not less than 12 hours for 3800 words.

The final number of references that you should include in an essay of 3800 to 3850 words will depend on the assignment’s genre and complexity. For instance, on middle-school level, you’ll have to add 25 references on average. A bachelor-level assignment of 3800 words will require 75 references, while a graduate-level paper should refer to at least 50 sources.

Royal Caribbean Limited Company’s Research Process

Research Methods & Processes Justification of the selection of the research methods and processes The systematic processes applied in the planning of actions and the subsequent analysis of data play an important role in any research process. They form the basis for understanding how the project was carried and the...

Bertelsmann AG: The Way to Success

Introduction Bertelsmann AG is a corporation that is based in Germany and was founded in 1835. It conducts its business in almost 63 countries as of the end of the year 2007 and has 102, 397 employees. The company primarily serves and markets media as it is included in the...

How to Address Obesity in the United States

Obesity is a disease that leads to other killer diseases. America must face it as a dangerous foe in the twenty-first century. These are facts and no exaggeration. What are the other facts? America is an advanced nation, a leader of the world, economically, politically, and as a nation it...

Argos and Sainsbury: Contemporary Management Issues Report

Executive Summary This report has been developed to provide an evidence-based analysis of Argos’ takeover by Sainsbury’s in 2016 from the perspective of change management strategy effectiveness. Firstly, the background of the analyzed change management decision is introduced. Secondly, a brief overview of the case is provided with a discussion...

Command, Control, and Communications Subsystem

Abstract Subsystems are evidence-based models for ensuring that competent individuals complete specific functions in a timely manner. In the identified organization, the proposed command, control, and communications (C3) framework will transform operations and guide leaders to identify new or initial technologies that have the potential to deliver positive results. The...

Starbucks Company’s Branding: Cultural Phenomenon

Introduction Branding is a very important tool for the marketing purposes of any business. In entails a lot more than just giving a product a name. For instance, Starbucks branding is a long-term strategy of relational advertising and it helps in creating relationships between the companies manufacturing the product, the...

Deciphering the Meaning of Animals in Films

Introduction In looking at the use of animals in film, with the possible exception of family type, feel-good animal stories, animals are usually symbolic when they are seen in anything more than a cameo type appearance as pets and other casual uses which simply give realism to the film. Most...

Sassoon: Binary Vision and Repression Trench Experience

Introduction and Thesis statement Siegfried Sassoon is regarded as the preeminent war poet of the 20th Century. His works offer graphic narratives of the violence and brutality of war. What is ironic is that his background of wealth and privilege was about as far from the destitution of war that...

Talent Management Strategies at Abu Dhabi Municipality: Practices and Outcomes

Summary of the organization and the strategic objectives The organization under the study is Abu Dhabi Municipality. Abu Dhabi Municipality is a state body responsible for providing public services and ensuring a proper plan for the city’s development. It is under the state’s municipal affairs department, which is also in...

VLCC Report: Human Resource Management

Introduction The VLCC company is an industry leader in wellness and beauty services and products, founded in 1989 by Vandana Luthra (VLCC Health). It serves clients in 310 locations across 143 cities in 12 countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Gulf Cooperation Council Region, and East Africa. The VLCC...

Drug Offenses and Youth Impact: Criminological Theories & Solutions

Introduction The issue of drug-related offenses is a tragic phenomenon in recent days. This is drastically affecting the young people of the country. The criminal justice system of the country is to face a critical reality in addressing this complex psycho-social phenomenon. The frequent selling and purchasing of drugs are...

International Competition Law: Comparative Insights Between Russian and European Approaches

Introduction Competition law is a regulation that is enacted to promote market rivalry. It achieves this by regulating anti-competitive practices in the business arena. The legislation is enforced through a partnership between the private and the public sectors. In the United States and the European Union, the edict is referred...

Male Business Executives Earn More Than Females

Executive Summary There is evidence of gender pay discrimination in the United States with such figures as those of women in sales occupation, male and female professors at medical school faculties and full-time physician jobs earning lesser than men at equal positions indicating this trend (LCCR & LCCREF, 2000). Women...

Marriott Hotels: Organisational Leadership and Strategy

Introduction Background of Study The key objective of this research paper is to analyze the role of leadership in a complex and global hospitality industry. In order to do so, this paper selects Marriott Hotel International in order to discuss the affect of leadership on this global organization. Marriott International...

Australia Live Export and Government Regulations

Introduction Australia’s live export is the trading of goats, sheep, llamas, cattle, and other livestock by sending them to other countries across the world. The livestock is exported for both breeding purposes and food consumption. The livestock is considered to be free from diseases. In 2018, the Australian live export...

Changes in Management of Coventry Airport

Abstract This report will try to analyse and allocate arrival and departure of airplanes at Coventry airport in the United Kingdom. The main aim of the paper is to reduce the number of flights that are diverted to Birmingham international airport at the same time reduce the time the planes...

Holocaust Denial and Antisemitism: Analyzing Ideologies and Their Impacts

Introduction Antisemitism has existed for centuries and taken different forms. This is a very dangerous phenomenon as it often resulted in cruel pogroms and even legal persecutions. The ideas of antisemitism are spread in most countries and accepted and cultivated by millions of people. This contagious concept is even supported...

Medicine: On Medical Malpractice

Milestone One Introduction Medical malpractice has always been one of the most complicated investigation subjects due to a variety of pitfalls when resolving a court case. As a result, a single case can be addressed in court for several years, followed by several appeals. A prime example of such a...

Love and fear of the Modern Boss

The article poses the age old question as to which is a more apt leadership style: autocratic or a more benevolent and democratic approach. Snook demonstrates the different leadership styles from a historical perspective. He states that in the 1950s the leadership style was more autocratic with reward and punishment...

Career Burnout in Nurses Serving Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

Outline In this article, I use the phenomenon of Alzheimer’s neurodegenerative disease to study the syndrome of professional burnout in nurses who provide care to such patients. This is a comprehensive project that consists of two key sections, namely the study of Alzheimer’s disease and the study of nursing burnout...

How COVID-19 Affected Human Trafficking

Introduction The coronavirus pandemic (henceforth COVID-19) has had a devastating effect on global economies. Pandemics are known to be large scale outbreaks of infectious illnesses that significantly raise the mortality over wide geographical areas causing social, political, and economic disruption (Sun, et al., 2020). COVID-19 has been an international pandemic...

Assessments and Screening in Family Therapy

Information-gathering strategies Information-gathering is as crucial as the actual writing of the report. This is because the final report will only refer to the methods employed in the process of acquiring relevant information (Neukrug & Fawcett 2010). The choice of inappropriate instruments or carrying out a poor interview usually results...

Furniture Manufacturing in the UAE

Introduction The successful realization of any project depends on the development of an appropriate schedule and the allocation of resources. The focus of this project was on enhancing furniture manufacturing in the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) with reference to finding the best possible project management practices to ensure that...

Under Armour Marketing Communications Report

Introduction The purpose of this report is to evaluate Under Armour’s marketing communications and formulate a strategy and a plan for their improvement. Due to the current circumstances, the company’s sales have declined despite their prior steady growth. Moreover, there are indications that its marketing may have become inadequate before...

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The Commodification of Science in the Sugar Industry

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Omani Oil and Petroleum Company: The Decision About Which Markets to Enter

Introduction Globalisation is one of the forces in the external market environment that a firm cannot control. The emerging technologies in the field of communication and transport have made it possible for companies to explore foreign markets as a means of achieving growth. In Oman, various foreign firms have set...

The Role of HRM in Career Management

Introduction Traditional perceptions of careers are slowly being replaced by new views. Career management was once considered as a role for employers. Job security was a reality, and careers were associated with jobs. However, these factors are no longer true today; off-shoring, mergers & acquisitions and downsizing are new buzz...

School Improvement. Professional Learning Community

Introduction The concept of a “professional learning community,” perhaps most ubiquitously understood at present within the framework proposed by Richard Dufour and Robert Eaker (1998), has captured the collective imagination of North American educators with its promise of fundamentally altering teaching, learning, and the generally stifling bureaucracy and individualism that...

ABC Manufacturing Company’s Project

Introduction Technology is redefining the approach that manufacturers take to run various activities. One of the main areas of manufacturing that has been redefined by the emerging technologies is in warehousing. Firms are moving away from the manually-managed warehouses to automated warehouses because of the need for efficiency and reliability....

Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisation

How communication skills are used in health and social care Health and social care communication involves interpersonal relationships with healthcare professionals on one hand and clients and patients on the other. This process largely depends on the healthcare professionals or workers as they are the privileged class, i.e. their background,...

Analysis of Severstal, Air Asia & Tune Group Case Studies

Introduction This paper is a strategic analysis of three large companies – Severstal, Air Asia & Tune Group Case Studies. Strategic analysis is a way of researching and turning the database obtained from the analysis of the environment into an enterprise strategy. It allows to assess the internal capabilities of...

Marriott Hotels’ Marketing Management

This study analyzes Marriott Hotels’ marketing management and how it is connected with Marriott brand positioning. Keep reading to learn more about Marriott positioning strategy. Abstract This report assesses the performance of Marriott Hotels concerning strategic marketing. The report assesses the type of segmentation that the firm has integrated. This...

Reading Program for First-Grade Students

Reading Program for 1st Grade The reading program discussed in this essay is going to focus on the first-grade students. The key components of an effective reading program are fluency building, phonemic awareness, and phonics. Phonemic awareness is especially crucial for first-grade students because it is the basis of the...

Exploring the Role of Leadership and Management in Organizational Success

Introduction The modern times have become competitive and very challenging for managers and leaders. In as much as the challenges face leaders and managers, very few individuals understand the differences that exist between managers and leaders. In some cases, people use the two terms interchangeably. It is fundamental to explain...

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Learning and Cognition as Aspects of Educational Psychology

Introduction Education is rightfully considered to be the basis of the modern society as far as it is education that allows people obtain knowledge in the various spheres of human activity and develop industrial, business, social, and political relations. Understanding these, numerous scholars like B. F. Skinner, Shiffrin, Atkinson, and...

Diabetes Management in Primary Care

Introduction According to Burns, Richardson, and Brady (2010), type-2 diabetes is classified as one of the common lifestyle diseases known to be more prevalent among the elderly. This does not necessarily mean that children cannot fall victim to the disease. Type 2 diabetes is becoming increasingly common not only in...

Mutual Intelligibility of Classical and Moroccan Arabic

Introduction Amid a flux of languages around the world, there is one common characteristic; that is communication. While there is an ever-increasing need for people to interact, language has become an integral part of facilitating the same through sign, speech, or written form. As such, Arabic is one of the...

Organizational Development Diagnosis and Intervention

Introduction Organizational development depends on multiple factors that are interconnected and illustrated through the overall outcomes of the company. While employee satisfaction, customer demand, and competitiveness on the market are vital factors that highlight how the business operates, specific negative implications may affect all these essential concepts. The identification of...

Transformational Leadership and Management

The topic of leadership development within organisations has become high on the agenda, as businesses need to become more competitive. Nevertheless, there is no clear answer to the question of what makes a good leader. While some think that effective leaders are born, others think that it takes experience to...

Application of Technological Success in Toyota Motor Corporation

Introduction This case study that is being currently examined relates to the success story of Toyota Motors in handling people, and more contextually, use of technology with greater degree of effectiveness and success in the global competitive automobile market. The main aspects that need to be considered that Japan has...

American and Romanian Cross-Cultural Psychology

Introduction Researchers are increasingly encountering the need to accommodate diverse and multicultural environments as well as to apply their methods and results in unfamiliar cultures. This trend is particularly prevalent in disciplines that work with people directly, such as the social and psychological sciences. As such, the topic of evaluating...

The Bible Book of Revelation

The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath Summary In this chapter, John continues to observe the events on earth from multiple angles in Heaven. He primarily God’s wrath against the unfaithful, which was spilled upon people of the earth since they chose to pursue false religions and prophets and worship the...

Insights into the Practices and Challenges of the Forestry Industry in Tasmania

Executive summary The Tasmanian forestry industry is shifting towards efficiency in processing timber. The effectiveness of subsidies or tariffs depends on the elasticity of supply and demand. Low elasticity of supply will make both policies ineffective. The high elasticity of supply becomes effective even when the demand in the local...

Environmental Policy in America: Addressing Hazardous Waste Challenges

Introduction and background information Numerous products that seem to make human life easier and more comfortable characterize the post-industrialization world. Mobile phones, personal computers, vehicles, pharmaceutical products, and polythene products are some of the products that are being manufactured in huge numbers. The mega-productions of these products result in the...

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Google HR Practices & Google HRM

Google HR Strategy: Essay Introduction Founded as a small company in 2008, Google has grown to be a major technology company operating in almost all countries around the globe. Like many global companies, Google’s management and major operations are based in Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California. Google is a leading...

Leadership and Management Styles in the Technological Era: Adapting to Change

Introduction Changing consumer trends dictated by technological advancements and globalization of the modern market require a wise selection of leadership and management styles. While leadership and management are two distinct concepts, they have a close connection, which makes it complex to utilize one and leave the other. Leadership roles such...

Private Equity in the Business World

Introduction In today’s business environment, capital happens is regarded by many as one of the most important resources (Padget 2011). One way through which companies are able to finance their business ventures is through private equity (PE). According to Snider and Howards (2010), private equity is treated as capital drawn...

Critical Review of IT’s Role and Impact on Marketing Websites

Introduction In today’s competitive world, firms are compelled to work smartly to not only woe but also to maintain existing customers. Driven by a desire to stand out from the rest, almost every business is turning to the use of technology to reach its intended market segment. An approach taken...

Evangelism in Christians Analysis

Introduction Evangelism is the endeavor of Christians to convert people who do not believe in Christianity or who belong to other religions to convert to Christianity. Evangelism has its historical background because it was started in the 19th century in the historical era of ‘The Great Awakening.’ However, in modern...

Blackface Minstrelsy’s Impact on African-American Culture

Introduction Minstrelsy shows started to spread performances in theatres in America, especially blackface ones. Blackface Minstrelsy was the show where white people portrayed Blackface. This show appeared before Civil War and included many themes, such as masculinity, race, class, culture, and gender, but the theme of race was trendy, as...

Occupational Psychologist’s Role in Employee Mental Health

Introduction The assigned case involves a 28-year-old employee at Data Analytics Ltd., whose name is Steven. He has been working in the company for eight years and showed excellent results in the first years of his employment. However, a traumatic event that occurred five years ago affected his mental health,...

The Treatment of Anxiety and Depression

Introduction As one of the methods used in the treatment of depression and anxiety, cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) is not only safe but also effective. Psychotherapists have been using CES in the United States and Europe for decades. Although CES has been in clinical use for decades, its safety and...

Hypothyroidism in Canines: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Hypothyroidism is one of the most common deficiency disorders among canines although it can not be easily diagnosed. It was first diagnosed in canines (dogs) in the 1970s (Volhard, & Volhard, 2011). It is mainly caused by an impairment of the thyroid gland responsible for the production and secretion...

Blue Sky’s Integrated Marketing Communication

Terms of Reference Overview: This is a business plan for Blue Sky that sells sports clothing. Corporation: The business organization is small and growing against key competitors in the market. The Business: The business specializes in selling of all seasons sports clothing for people aged between 24 and 45 years....

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The Role of Semiotics in Shaping the Feminist Discourse in Palestinian Cinema

Film studies became an essential way of rethinking feminist theory in the late 1960s. Earlier film studies developed within the framework of cultural studies. The latter made its intellectual debut in the early 1960s with the founding of the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham. Feminism is the most...

Economic Environment in Apple Inc.

Apple is one of the Big Five technology companies, alongside Amazon, Google (Alphabet), Facebook, and Microsoft. Its array of products includes smartphones, tablets, personal computers, and wearable devices, among others. It serves a clientele that seeks authentic and aesthetically pleasing performance products with assured quality and durability. Hence, in this...

Innovations in Research and Development at Castrol Company

Importance of R&D in Businesses The business environment continues to witness numerous changes that affect the way organisations operate. In the wake of the inevitable wave of globalisation, changing consumer demographic factors, and technological advancement, it has become vital for firms to commit resources to proactive Research & Development (R&D)...

Copyright Law Regulation Debate

Introduction Copyright is one form of intellectual property that is naturally used for making an economic analysis of law. Intellectual property is very vital especially when you consider its aspect of a public good. The cost of coming up with an idea and its subsequent production for use is usually...

Introduction to Macroeconomics: Investing in Transportation Infrastructure

Introduction The transportation infrastructure is important since it leads to economic growth of countries in the world. It is believed that in the 19th century investments the transportation systems such as the roads, railways, and canals stimulated economic development in the United States of America. There have been the propounded...

Teaching English to Second Language Learners

Introduction Today’s classrooms provide a diverse environment with increased opportunities for teachers and students to learn. Most often, many institutions across the globe use the English language as a medium of exchange during the instructional processes. As a result, there is a need for the teachers and other instructors to...

Efficient Firm Processes: Compliance, Quality & Management

Organizational Report and Recommendations Processes It is imperative to mention that most processes and functions of the firm are not complicated. The ones that are viewed as the most important will be explained and discussed. First of all, employees receive orders from customers and record every item in the computer...

Hedge Funds and Financial Markets in Africa and USA

Introduction This paper investigates issues involved in financial markets in both Africa and North America and what is fast becoming a global economic village as countries are becoming interconnected and economies becoming more and more converged. Financial markets in North America are more juxtaposed and epitomized than anywhere in the...

Nature vs. Nurture in Child Psychology

Introduction Children depend wholly on their parents or guardians for support and care. At birth, they have hereditary material (genetic effects) acquired from their parents, and as they grow, they experience the influence of the psychological, social, and physical settings (environmental aspects). Children develop quickly in all spheres of life:...

Marketing Contemporary Events: Insights from a Topping Out Ceremony

Introduction The success of any given event depends on the planning behind it. Strategic planning is needed at all times. Management bodies of such events find it essential to rely on fundamental theories and various best practices to enhance the experience derived from such undertakings. A number of foundations act...

Identities, Gender & Sexuality: Linguistic Anthropology

Throughout the course of the second half of the twentieth century, the discussion of how one’s identity is being formed and also how possession of such an identity affects the existential mode of a concerned individual, had become strongly associated with the methodological framework of linguistic anthropology’s discourse. This can...

Hepatitis B Virus: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Abstract Hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and it causes inflammation or scarring of the liver, flu-like illnesses, abdominal pains, anorexia, and nausea among the affected individuals. The disease is majorly spread through the exchange of body fluids. The study reveals that the best way of...

Cisco Company’s Technological Change Management

Introduction Change Management is considered to be an integral component of IT Service Management. The fundamental purpose of Change Management with regards to this context is to make certain that standardized techniques and procedures are made use of for the competent and timely treatment of all changes to the controlled...

Plan of Care: Nursing Goals and the Importance of It

Introduction A care plan is essential especially to persons with long-term ailments. Under a care plan, a healthcare professional and a client enter into an agreement for provisions of healthcare services; for instance, nursing services on the day-to-day basis. Since these services are demand-focused, the clients are highly required to...

Ryanair: The Low Fairs Airline – Always Getting Better?

Organizational strategy development is not easy to navigate since it involves ambiguity and complexity at every stage of the strategy execution process. For instance, constructing the strategies involves applying either prescriptive, deliberate, or emergent approaches (Ul Musawir et al., 2017). Thus, before putting the plan into action, the prescriptive approach...

How to Start a Startup

Entrepreneurial Mindset It is true that every business starts with an idea. However, the most important prerequisite that a person seeking success in the business world should gain way before even considering to open his or her own business is the entrepreneurial mindset. An idea precedes action in the same...

Responding to Chemical Terrorism: Super Bowl Cyanide Attack Plan

The modern world is vulnerable to various threats. Terrorist attacks have become quite common in many parts of the world. American cities are not absolutely as safe as terrorists use different techniques to attack as many people as possible. Terrorists tend to attack various events and areas where many people...

The Rental Housing Market Challenges During the COVID Pandemic

Introduction In addition to its social importance in human life, housing is also one of the primary investment instruments for investors and households in Turkey. In countries with a high population growth rate and where capital markets are not deep enough, housing investments are widely preferred by individual investors. As...

Corporate Law in the EU: The Right of Establishment

Introduction One of the major principles that have underlain the drive towards the formation of the European Community (EC) is the need for the creation of a framework that would allow the integration of member state economies. For the idea of a free market to be realized within the members...

A Care Home’s Business Analysis and Planning

Introduction The population of the elderly people in the United Kingdom and many other developed countries in Europe and North America has been in a consistent rise over the past decades. Improved healthcare systems, technological development among other human development index factors have extended life expectancy in these countries (Goodwin...

Hospitality and Restaurant Management: Singapore

Introduction The hospitality industry is one of the industries that is growing very fast due to the fast growth of economies that have necessitated the growth of this sector. Many investors opt to invest in this industry because it is widely known that, such businesses have considerable profits. Hospitality is...

Oral-B Electric Toothbrushes: Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Company Description Oral-B is an oral care company that produces premium-quality electric toothbrushes for people who would like to receive professional dental cleaning experience at home. Target Segment Oral-B’s target segment is upper-middle-class representatives who live in urban areas of developed countries. They maintain a healthy lifestyle, are...

Henry Darger’s Art Brut and Outsider Art: The Paradox of Innocence and Darkness

Introduction Henry Darger’s Personality and Art Henry Darger, an anonymous recluse, rose to prominence as one of the most well-known figures in outsider art after his death. Darger’s life was complex; he was born in Chicago in 1892. He had a difficult upbringing in hospitals and orphanages after losing his...

Benefits for Teachers: Social and Medical Insurance

Introduction Teachers have benefits which he will use for pre and post retirement protection. The most commonly used by most teachers is Teachers’ Pension Scheme which is abbreviated as (NUT). The teachers’ pension scheme covers all types of members who are in the teaching profession and members benefit when they...

Independent Child Hero in Coraline Novel by Gaiman

Introduction The book Coraline mainly focuses on courage among children, as depicted by Neil Gaiman. Neil Gaiman’s children’s novel, Coraline, is about a tale of a child and mother, belonging, and the variances between reality and fantasy. After Coraline moved into a new apartment located in a remote area, she...

Negative Effects of Human Cloning

Abstract Human cloning as an assisted reproductive tool has numerous harmful effects. The goals of human cloning include creating human beings or developing human tissues for empirical studies. The practice is now the subject of discourse with critical implications on moral, economic, and political issues among others. This report evaluates...

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