Heritage and Cultural Sector in the Travel and Tourism Industry

Tourism is one of the most rapidly growing industries that generate billions of dollars and create thousands of job places across the globe. As the world is increasingly globalizing, more people have resources and the desire to travel to other parts of the world. Specifically, tourists want to familiarize themselves...

“The Image” Concept in Anthropology and Philosophy

Introduction An image is simply defined as a visual representation of something meaning to reproduce its likeness (Marriam-Webster, 2020). This can be photographic material, pictures, paintings, and even human memory and imagination. This paper will seek to explore “the image” in its many forms from a range of perspectives and...

Tencent Analysis. Micro Innovation Strategy

Introduction Tencent is a Chinese multinational company situated in Shenzhen, China. The company is a technological conglomerate and works both domestically and abroad to bring innovation and improvement into people’s lives (Tencent’s Innovation Strategy 2020). Founded in 1998, its influence has significantly spread throughout the world with the popularization of...

Sexuality in Playboy: Factors and Interpretations

Introduction In contemporary society, the expression of sexuality is viewed by antagonistic feminists as the pinnacle of moral decay. However, irrespective of the stand, both the protagonists and antagonists share the same view that human beings have had a deep interest in pornographic material in the image of sex. Authors...

Report on company Pfizer, INC.

Introduction Aims of the Report The current paper contains an analysis of the recent major issue faced by Pfizer, Inc, and the way the company solved it. In addition to that, the report critically analyzes Pfizer’s problem-solving approach and suggests alternative approaches to the issue that will be outlined below....

Nestle: Internationalization of Business

Introduction Today, the global economy can be characterized by the increasing tendency of internationalization. These changes can be explained by the free movement of goods, people, and resources, the growing importance of international trade, and the overall trend of globalization in many spheres of business. Companies worldwide start to target...

Medical Personnel Shortage: Evidence-Based Proposal

Introduction Medical personnel shortage is the main threat to the modern worldwide healthcare system and one of the leading healthcare barriers. There are several reasons for this issue, including the aging and retirement of medical workers and their transition to higher-paid jobs. It leads to the remaining of their positions...

Islamic Culture, Politics and Religion

In the Arab world, the word ‘Islam’ means submission and peace. As a term, it refers to the messages revealed to Muhammad by Allah. Cultural practices and beliefs associated with the people who practice this religion give rise to Islamic culture. In the recent past, the religion has spread into...

Eating Disorders in Adult Population

Introduction Eating disorders are at increase in recent times and there are many interventions of researchers to assess and understand the recent steady growth of the incidences. This paper presents the group proposal for the treatment of the adults who are affected by eating disorders. It has addressed various topics,...

Native American Poems’ Comparative Analysis

Introduction Unfortunately, much of human history consists of the events of one group of people conquering another and erasing the culture of the defeated nation, so the latter submit. Thankfully, the latter does not always happen, and sometimes the culture of those who lost replaces that of the invaders, or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tourism: Historical Trends and Developments in the 20th Century

Introduction Travel dates back to prehistoric times, but tourism is a more contemporary industry that emerged following the industrial revolution. The search for new experiences, activities, and lifestyles has prepared the way for this notion known as “new tourism” (Hunt and Layne, 1991). As times change, so do the wants...

Clarkson Company’s Financial Decision Making

Selected Company Horace Anderton Clarkson formed Clarkson PLC (Clarksons) as a shipping service provider in 1852. The headquarters of the company is located in St Katharine Docks, London, and Andi Case is the present Chief Executive Officer. The main activity of the company is to act as a negotiator between...

Benjamin Franklin “The Autobiography” Review

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is among the most important historical documents of the United States and is the major literary work of its author. It was and is the very first autobiography to reach the general public and gain widespread popularity. The document’s importance lies in the fact that...

Extraversion & Social Connectedness for Life Satisfaction During the Pandemic

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic was a global event that significantly disrupted the established order of life. In addition to its obvious economic and political consequences, the pandemic has also shown significant effects on the social sphere. This laboratory report critically examines the effects of strict isolation and social distancing on...

Border Management Agencies and Principles

Introduction The modern world is characterized by a high level of globalization and multiple travel opportunities. The development of different means of transport, especially civil aviation, provided millions of individuals with a chance to move to numerous states. This openness is viewed as one of the most outstanding achievements; however,...

The Impact of Quality Customer Service on Amazon’s Success

Introduction Amazon is one of the biggest and most profitable companies in the world, and it owes a substantial part of its success to its customer-centric approach. Since it was founded, the e-commerce giant has set an example across the retail industry on customer service excellence. Customer service plays a...

Trident Seafoods Company’s Corporate Governance

Introduction The success of any business firm depends on the level of leadership involvement and the willingness to respond to the changing economic times. Companies that fail to focus on emerging forces, formulate proper models, and address identified challenges find it hard to achieve their business aims. Organizational theorists propose...

Corporate Governance: AGL’s CSR and Risk Management

Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Prior to discussing the specifics of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the modern business world, it is necessary to define major terms and concepts that will be utilized further in the paper. CSR can be referred to as the major business initiative enabling companies to operate...

Sequentially Planned Integrative Counselling for Children Model Approach

Introduction The Sequentially Planned Integrative Cancelling for Children (SPICC) is a model developed to assist in child psychotherapy through five phases: applying theories to assist in counseling children with psychological distress. The purpose of the essay is to evaluate the theoretical framework of the SPICC, considering the strengths of the...

Travel Industry Recovery From the COVID-19 Restrictions

Introduction The global pandemic caused significant economic, social, and even political consequences worldwide. Restrictions influenced almost every aspect of everyday life. Some industries suffered devastating blows, whereas others managed to benefit from the new economic paradigm. In many cases, the well-being of businesses depended on their ability to adapt to...

Northwell Health Care System Evaluation

Introduction Northwell Health Care System is a healthcare institution that provides health-related services to a consortium of at least 800 hospitals and care centers. Northwell Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA), a constituent of the Northwell Health Care System provides a range of professional home health services to its clientele. Medication...

The Australian Biscuit Market Analysis

The Market The Australian biscuit market is facing rapid growth due to the changes in preference for snacks. Relevant sources have projected the consumer market of the Australian biscuits to rise to an average of $4 billion by the year 2025. The market recorded a 2.2% growth rate from 2010...

Euthanasia: The Legal and Ethical Perspectives

Introduction Many people feel that they have no control about when or how they are born, but they do have control over how they die. Individuals who have been diagnosed with diseases or chronic conditions may wish to end their lives early by suicide based on the fear of experiencing...

The Global Impact of Climate Change Into Our Homes and Families

Introduction A home is a space used either permanently or semi-permanent by an individual, family, or group. A home can be semi-sheltered or fully sheltered and contain both interior and exterior aspects (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948). For instance, homes provide shelter and rooms for domestic activities such as...

The Eureka Effect Description and Its Application

What is the Eureka Effect Most of the greatest scientific ideas that have transcended history appeared to the investors unexpectedly. A perfect example is that of Isaac Newton, who, while resting under a tree in the cool of the day, was abruptly hit by a falling fruit, and it is...

The Ideal Society and Form of Government

Introduction Although socialism, capitalism, and communism offer various benefits to society, libertarianism’s strong valuation of individual freedoms, distributive justice, and the protection against state authority interference makes it the ideal form of government. The ideal societies are characterized by free citizens with equal and inalienable rights coexisting within an egalitarian...

Fraud and Ethics in Managerial Accounting

Introduction Ethical standards in the field of accountancy are an essential factor due to the focus on uniformity and justice in the marketplace. Over the decades, different countries implemented various principles within the financial sector to enhance the optimal monitoring of the performance within the business environment. However, the expertise...

Nature Journal Report Sample

Wildlife plays a vital role in economic, ecological, environmental as well ascultural spheres. It can include a broad range of species, ranging from amphibians, insects, and birds to mammals. As a rule, fauna includes some organisms that are native and the ones that were introduced or re-introduced to their current...

Trends of Modern Tourism Industry

Understanding Modern Tourism Industry Within a fast-growing, technology-based society, the majority of leading industries aim to keep up with the latest changes to achieve stable progress. Tourism is generally considered one of the most prosperous business domains, which faced critical challenges over the past year. The dramatic spread of COVID-19...

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

The main criteria for the effectiveness of government procurement are the purchase price and the cost of subsequent ownership. The main task is to buy goods, works, or services of the required quality with minimum spending of budgetary funds. The activity, which consists in the implementation of procurement, is complex...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Foreign Aid to Africa: A Vicious Cycle

Introduction Africa has been a historically underdeveloped and financially disadvantaged region due to various factors, both internal and external. According to the neo-liberal school of thought, the problem is rather internal, with the blame focused on Africa’s corrupt and inefficient governments. Others disagree with the claim, suggesting that most of...

Contract Managers’ Code of Ethics in Acquisition

Introduction Contract management is the sphere, which implies achieving compromises between different sides and fulfilling their interests, which may contradict each other in some cases. In this context, misunderstandings and conflicts are highly likely to arise, and in order to avoid them, the contract manager’s Code of Ethics has been...

Epistemology of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

Introduction The Zaire Ebola virus is amongst the most contagious pathogens among the disease-causing hemorrhagic fevers, with reported case fatality rates of approximately 90%. EVD causes severe bleeding complications and multi-organ failure resulting in death. By October 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) had reported 5335 cases of EVD (probable,...

New Zealand Investment for Sainsbury’s Supermarket

Summary Today’s economic landscape is characterized by its rapid globalization, prompting brands to expand their operations. Once an organization succeeds in its local market, it is natural for the management to consider international opportunities by launching a new project in other locations. However, such a development process can pose certain...

Financial Inclusion and Income Inequality

Introduction Financial inclusion is important in improving economic growth by reducing income inequalities. Economists agree that reducing income inequality increases disposable income among the poor, which is a primary demand. Governments have attempted various strategies to tackle the issue over time. Income distribution through financial institutions has been given prominent...

Human Factors in Aviation

Introduction It is important to point out that today; aviation is the safest mode of transport. One of the key challenges facing the aviation industry and regulatory authorities is to improve the safety of the air transport system. The solution to this issue is associated with some difficulties. Considering flight...

Social Distribution of Illness in the United States

Introduction Health and illness sociology is a discipline that scrutinizes the interactions between society and health. The main objective that sociology seeks to achieve is to determine how people’s social life affects mortality rate and morbidity and vice versa. The difference between this sociology and medical sociology is that branches...

The Analysis of Microeconomics of Sberbank

Introduction Exploring the nature of the company’s microeconomics is an essential part of developing a successful strategy for its future growth. This paper will review the banking and financial management of the Russian company Sberbank, which began to expand globally in recent years. Frexias and Rochet (2008) describe banks as...

Activities to Improve the Health of 5-10-Years-Old Children

Introduction The management of health disorders has become a serious concern in various clinical settings. Irrespective of age the problem is at the high end. To say, there is an increased predisposition to obesity and mental decline at younger ages. Lack of awareness in association with poor intervention strategies at...

Racism and White Privilege and Benefits

Introduction Racism and white privilege are topics discussed on different platforms when confronting issues of social inequality. Racism is commonly viewed as the discrimination practices that people from the minority racial groups undergo. On the other hand, white privilege is the benefits that a white individual obtains from others in...

Social Justice: American Arab, Jewish American, and Africans

American Arab Culture and Values American Arabs are people who came from the Middle East or Africa, and their native language is Arabic. The main cultural feature of these people is collectivism and close relations between members of an extended family (Sue & Sue, 2016). This feature is both a...

The Concept of PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)

Rape remains among the dominant crimes in the USA; almost every minute an American becomes a victim of it. The problem is especially acute in penitentiaries, and, for the record, staff members are reported as offenders 16% more frequent as compared to inmates. However, reporting apparently is dramatically insufficient since...

Importance of Self-Insight for Business Leaders

Introduction Self-insight is important for business leaders because it helps them identify their areas of improvement and win the trust of their followers. In this paper, I aim to take a step toward self-awareness by exploring my strengths and areas of improvement, identified through the VIA Character Strengths questionnaire. First,...

Jerusalem’s History and Religious Developments

Introduction Jerusalem is a place on the political map of the world known to all the followers of the three Abrahamic religions. Its historical past and political status have been a thorny issue between the peoples and states of the Middle East, Arabs, Jews, Israel, and the Palestinian over the...

Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

Introduction In recent years, the United States public has seen a strong debate about the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. As some states began implementing various levels of decriminalization for the substance, marijuana remains a highly illegal Schedule I drug at the federal level prompting discussions at the policy...

Aircraft Solutions Company’s Security Assessment

Aircraft Solutions (AS) is a recognized leader in the design and fabrication of component products and services for companies in the electronics, commercial, defense, and aerospace industry. The mission of AS is to provide customer success through machined products and related services and to meet cost, quality, and schedule requirements....

Universal Health Care Under Free-Market Capitalism

Introduction The promotion of good health is one of the major governmental contributions to society’s development. During the last centuries, certain attempts were made to stabilize healthcare services and choose between universal and single-payer care types. Governments worldwide find it necessary to spend billions of dollars annually to ensure their...

KLM and Pan Am Accident Due to Human Factors

Unfortunately, plane crashes are a frequent occurrence, and they take away the lives of hundreds of people at once. The danger of such accidents is that the conditions in which the aircraft is located, precisely high speed and altitude, significantly reduce the likelihood of rescue and survival. At the same...

Occupational Health Nursing Theory and Model

Introduction Whitaker and Baranski described occupational health nursing as “a frontline role involving a range of aspects, namely: clinician, specialist, manager, coordinator, advisor, health educator, counselor and researcher” (Oakley, 2008, p.1). At the same time, the discipline can be seen to be at the forefront in addressing the question of...

Number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering

Abstract This paper investigates the number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering and analyzes the methods used in numbering. The purpose is to obtain the correct number of clusters in a given document with the least number of errors and achieve an accurate number of clusters. A comparison of the different...

Medical History Patient With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is among the leading causes of death globally and is estimated to be the fourth leading cause of morbidity and mortality in 2030. Even though the obstruction of airways characterizes COPD, it is linked to metabolic disorders, which include obesity, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, and...

Ireland’s Aviation Safety Strategic Plan

Introduction Safety is one of the primary concerns for air transport. Although it is always relevant for aviation, the recent events, for instance, COVID-19, have underlined the need for better safety measures and regulations, as the number of risk areas has increased. Irish airlines strive to provide their services while...

Lowering Incarceration Rate in the United States

Introduction Criminal punishment has been a greatly debated topic for quite some time between citizens and various organizations. Justice is considered served when the offender is either fined or imprisoned for a specific period of life. The imprisonment verdict is authorized by the head of the court, such as a...

Women’s Non-Monetary Contributions in Supporting Their Families

Research Topic: The research topic is focused on women’s non-monetary contributions to supporting their families. The analysis will primarily focus on housework and similar unpaid work performed primarily by women in recent decades as well as the ways of recognizing and valuating these efforts in order to properly and accurately...

Italian Futurism of 1909-1944 and Its Influences

Introduction Futurism refers to a social and artistic movement that Marinetti established in Italy in 1909 and which lasted to 1944. The movement championed machine age advancements and urban environment significance, propelling people in a progressive mindset. It advocated for science and technology with its mantra seeking to provide answers...

Genetic Testing and Privacy & Discrimination Issues

Introduction An opportunity to use genetic testing as a way to predict and eliminate dangerous diseases is a unique phenomenon that was not possible several decades ago. Today, people can undergo laboratory tests to protect themselves from unwanted diagnoses and maintain confidence in the absence of health risks. However, genetic...

Boeing 737 Max Accidents and the Company’s Reaction

Introduction The crash of two Boeing 737 Max planes was one of the most significant aircraft accidents affecting the entire world. Hundreds of people died in the two crashes, and many families are still looking for a fair solution and an apology from the company. The main reason for the...

9/11 Attacks as a Turning Point of Contemporary History

Contemporary history develops at a rapid pace, as globalization has the entire planet deeply interconnected. Political and economic processes, which happen in one area, may affect the rest of the world to a considerable degree, and the density of important events is also on the increase. Nevertheless, it is possible...

Health Care, Economy, and Their Effect of People

Introduction Nowadays, lots of countries have a quite developed health care system that is available to all people. However, numerous factors considerably influence its development, creating more and more difficulties for people to get the appropriate treatment. The United States of America is one of those countries, the heal care...

The Molecular Cause of Cystic Fibrosis

Abstract Cystic fibrosis, a chronic disease that develops gradually is a disease that would cause one to have a reduced life expectancy. This is a disease that affects some systems in the body specifically the digestive, reproductive, and the respiratory affecting young adults as well as children. This may also...

Management of Working Capital in Business

Working capital demonstrates how much liquid asset is accessible to satisfy the short-term cash requirements obligatory by current liabilities in a business. The working capital assumes that current asset and current obligation are short-term concepts; thus, it is defined as a short-term concept. A working capital shows the efficiency and...

Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Google Wave

Since the invention of the internet protocol, communication has astronomically advanced creating new possibilities that did not exist before. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (C.S.C.W) is a technology that seeks to use computer systems to allow, coordinate and monitor collaborative group work. Developed recently, Google Wave is a web service technology...

Community Health: Assessment of New York’s Chinatown

Introduction Good health is a necessity for all individuals because it determines their quality of life and productivity. The government takes necessary measures to ensure that the community has healthy living. Nevertheless, health disparities among communities living in New York, a city that contributes significantly to the American economy, continues...

4Fingers Entering Vietnamese Market

Executive Summary 4Fingers is a successful business with operations in Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Since entering new markets requires a thorough analysis, the purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive description of the attractiveness of the Vietnamese market, including market size, growth rate, pricing trends, and competition. Besides,...

System Simulation and Modelling: Arena Operating Software

The term Arena as used in software and technology science represents an object-oriented, hierarchized, rapid, and broad advancement in simulation technology that enables the use of enterprise-wide simulation. It is extendible and provides a complete simulation environment that supports all the base steps in a study [1]. The Arena simulation...

Business Relationship With Its Stakeholders

Executive summary Stakeholders can be defined as people who are interested and directed by a business’ actions. They stand to either lose or gain from a business’ operations and many times influence its decisions. A business’ stakeholders include preferred and common shareholders, creditors, manufactures of its products, employees, suppliers, customers,...

Honduras: Global Change and Development Project

Introduction Globalization is an integral part of modern world development, which has an impact on all spheres of people’s life. However, this process affects states differently as some of them receive profit and benefit from it, while others only aggravate their crisis and become dependent on global players. Honduras belongs...

Sea Shepherd: Public Relations Proposal

Executive Summary Sea shepherd is an international non-governmental organization involved in the activities aimed at conserving the whales. Sea shepherd believes that, the whales need to be preserved for the future generation to have the opportunity to see them. The organization has faced stiff opposition and criticisms from the various...

Legal and Equitable Rights to Property

Issue In this case, involving Angelina, Brad, Charles, Jennifer, Erica and Angelina and Brad’s children, each party is faced with different circumstances relating to the right to the property which is the subject matter in this particular case. Angelina and Brad are joint legal owners as both their names appear...

Eruption of Toba: The Key Issues

Introduction No volcanic eruption is believed to cause more or similar effects on the Earth relative to the Toba super-eruption. The Young Toba Tuff (YTT) is the latest series of about four eruptions that constitute the Toba volcanic event. YTT is believed to take place about seventy-four thousand years ago....

Health Care Leaders’ Ethical Issues in the US

Abstract Ethics applies to many fields. It simply signifies a moral obligation to do right or wrong. Ethics in health care can be defined as moral principles that guide the medical care conduct between medical practitioners and patients. Ethics gives medical care choice of right and wrong and also outlines...

Elusive Records: Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary The marketing strategy for Elusive Records is to ensure the artists get the best publicity to increase album sales. This is why the promotional activities are taken as such great opportunities to ensure adequate exposure for the overall marketing objectives. The Old Blue Last and Peacock are known...

Homeland Security-Protecting Critical Infrastructures

Criticism against FBI post 9/11 Post 11th September, 2001 attacks on the twin towers of World Trade Center; the FBI has faced a brunt of a lot of criticism from the public and media alike. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the primary unit in the United States Department of Justice,...

Narcoterrorism in Mexico: Proposal

Introduction Terrorism is a violent form of criminal behavior, and the terrorism-associated or terrorist-like activities of drug organizations, which have been termed as “narcoterrorism,”1 are similar. Consequently, they pose a significant and apparently growing threat to national and international security. For example, the number of homicides that are associated with...

Athena as an Important Symbol for Women

Introduction Mythology is one of the richest sources of knowledge left by ancient people. It contains information about all spheres of human activity, objects of worship, mysteries, and values peculiar to society at a certain period of time. Creating various gods and giving them superpowers, people tried to explain phenomena...

Divorce and Child’s Mental Health in the UK

Introduction The given project is devoted to the investigation of children’s mental health and factors that might impact it, specifically, parents’ divorce. The choice of the given issue is preconditioned by several factors. First, children’s health is one of the major concerns of contemporary society as they are the future...

Stella McCartney’s Falabella Bags: Creating and Capturing Value Through Bags

Introduction Stella McCartney’s Falabella bags have become an iconic product despite the industry’s scepticism regarding the reduction of the use of animal-sourced materials. Its success is attributed to the fact that the accessory was issued as an opposition to the traditional view of luxurious handbags and also introducing new materials...

Role of Irgun in Disrupting Peace

Introduction The peace process targeted at eliminating violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is extremely complex and multi-dimensional. Before the establishment of the state of Israel, the British government that was in control of Mandatory Palestine developed strict immigration policies that prevented Jews from immigrating to the territory. This led to...

Supply Chain as a Crucial Component of Sustainability in the Fashion Industry

Introduction The fashion industry has always been one of the most influential drivers of society. For many decades, designers of apparel dictated the rules, and millions of people all over the world obeyed them. However, with the recent emergence of the movement towards sustainable development, the roles have switched. Nowadays,...

Abu Dhadi Airports Innovation in Aviation

Contemporary economic development is under the significant influence of innovation. New technologies provide companies with outstanding opportunities to improve their performance and achieve sustainability. One of the industries that benefit from technological advancement in aviation. This report focuses on innovative aspects in the activity of Abu Dhabi Airports, one of...

Sex Trafficking by Organized Crime Groups

Introduction The modern world is experiencing tremendous paradigm shifts as consistent and systemic efforts are being made to eliminate discrimination and create a tolerant and egalitarian society. Feminism is a movement and ideology which seeks to redefine social attitudes towards women and establish the provision of equal rights. Despite significant...

The Events of 9/11 from a Sociological Standpoint

September 11 aroused not only national grief, pride, and rage, but also a prevalent feeling of frustration at the way things were since the fall of communism. In the Cold War era, the United States had operated via a containment policy in an attempt to prevent the propagation of communism,...

Deforestation and Emissions in Salt Lake City and Los Angeles

Introduction Forests have a diverse effect on natural complexes and the biosphere as a whole. The conservation and functioning of eco and geosystems largely depend on the state of forests. Therefore, forest protection is of paramount importance when solving many issues related to the environment. However, deforestation has become a...

Theology: Virgin Mary as a Goddess

Goddesses have always been part of various pantheons during the various stages of human history. Their role is inseparable from the role of women in ancient, medieval, and modern societies, as religion was used as a blueprint for morality, proper behavior, and the establishment of societal and gender roles. Ancient...

Minnie’s Deed in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” Play

Introduction Susan Glaspell’s Trifles is widely accepted as the most shining example of feminist drama. Within only one act, the author manages to evolve a complicated plotline, to describe settings in detail, and, most of all, to represent the life of a woman in the early 20th-century society. Representing such...

United Airlines’ Employment Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Sexual harassment in the workplace is one of the most heinous and underreported crimes in the world. The rising effectiveness of awareness campaigns, the popularity of the #MeToo movement, and the increasing attention from the media and the press have managed to turn the tide and bring about the...

Single Afro-American Mothers’ Experience: Theories

Theories Commonly Applied in this Study Single African American mothers’ experience of relationships with sons is always unique. In this qualitative investigation, the focus is to investigate the experience of these single African American females of being mothers to their adolescent sons. According to Williams and Smalls (2015), single women...

Local Police Response to Terrorism

Abstract Timely response to possible terrorist threats and prevention of extremist attacks are a direct responsibility of law enforcement agencies. The purpose of this work is to determine how the police respond to this danger. This paper describes possible measures taken by law enforcement agencies to protect civilians from the...

Amazon’s, Zara’s, Ocado’s E-Business Processes

Explain Amazon’s core business model People know Amazon as the world’s largest online retail store. The Amazon name traces its way to the Amazon River. In 1994, Jeff Bezos incorporated the company as an online bookstore (although the company publicly started a business the following year) (Schneider 2011). The companies...

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Multinational Companies and Global Imbalances

Examine the opportunities for multinational companies to shift resources around the world and the implications of this for nation-states Why Multinational Corporations shift Resources A multinational company refers to a firm whose business operations are spread out in more than one country. For the last two decades, there has been...

A Modus Ponens Deductive Logic in Defense of JTA Argument 36

Rene Descartes was not the first philosopher to show concern over dreaming as an epistemological issue. However, his treatment of the matter popularized it and occasioned its development, over the years, into a Cartesian argument. Today, epistemologists agree that people must defeat this argument for “knowledge of the external world”...

Philosophy of the Bronies in “My Little Pony” Fandom

Introduction The critical examination of popular social trends is an essential component of analytical social science research. It makes it possible to qualitatively identify and measure not only sentiments peculiar to individual groups and communities but also for the population as a whole. The best medium for the contemporary and...

Oman Oil Companies’ Third-Party Logistics

Abstract This paper aims at investigating transportation and logistics management in the oil industry. Two companies of the Sultanate of Oman, Oman Oil Company and Oman Shell Company, are chosen for the analysis. These companies demonstrate good results in the development of their transport and logistics services. Their experiences could...

The Fukushima Daiichi Accident

Abstract The Fukushima Daiichi disaster occurred in March 2011 in Ōkuma and Futaba Prefectures. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant consisted of six boiling water reactors, which generated the electric power of 4.5 GWe. The disaster occurred after the energy accident, which was caused by a tsunami and the Tōhoku...

GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis Companies’ Merger

Statement of the Issue and Justification of Approach GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Novartis Ag (NVS) In March 2015, GlaxoSmithKline plc, UK and Novartis AG, Switzerland completed a deal that saw drug firm GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals acquire Novartis’ vaccines business and diversified its marketed oncology portfolio to Novartis Healthcare (Wang, Plump & Ringel...

Microsoft Company: Employee Motivation and Retention

Executive Summary For companies to stay at the peak of their performance and to make their competitors struggle, retaining motivated employees who have positive attitudes is essential. High rates of employee turnover usually lead to additional expenses while also contributing to lowering the morale of those workers who are retained....

Theories in Depression Treatment

Introduction The PICO that is being discussed can be phrased as follows: in psychiatric patients with mild depression, what is the effect of psychotherapy on health compared with pharmacotherapy? To respond to it, it is necessary to consider the information available on the topic, as well as the conceptual underpinnings...

Business Law: Consent and Contract Enforceability

Introduction Individuals operating in the modern business environment must be able to form a contract by taking a rigidly schematic approach to rights, duties, and privileges of all the parties involved. Those entering the world of business should also know how to evaluate the enforceability of a legally binding agreement...

Clinical Quality Improvement Guideline

Introduction Evaluating the impact of organizational change is an evidence-based process that requires the key stakeholders to assess whether the organizational intervention improved the health outcomes of patients and thus demonstrated value and effectiveness (Schrag, 2009). Clinical practice guidelines are examples of organizational change that can vary depending on the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Film Review: “Scarface”

Scarface (1983): A Cross-genre Creation The image of a man riddled with bullets, in the last scene of Scarface (1983), screaming in agony creates a rush of adrenalin felt by the audience. Next, the sequence shows, an army of assassins showering bullets at the already fallen body, when the bullet-ridden...

Pollution Forms, Effects and Mitigation

Abstract Pollution is a major global issue that affects all countries. It is imperative to note that human activity is a major cause of pollution. As such, in attempts to mitigate environmental pollution, human activities should be regulated. This article discusses the major forms of pollution, including air, water, noise,...

Supply Chain Integration in the Oil and Gas Industry

The First Article Critical Analysis of the Article The article by Ahmad, Brito, Rezaei, and Tavasszy (2017) examines factors that influence the sustainability of the supply chain of companies in the oil and gas industry. Given that the oil and gas industry deals with the non-renewable form of energy that...

Amusement Park Concept and Opportunity Analysis

Executive Summary This report presents an opportunity analysis for an entrepreneurial concept of an amusement theme park based on the historical, mythical city of Cibola. The park would use unorthodox methods of design and offer an authentic historical and cultural experience. It is a bold and innovative idea, meant to...

Marketing: Cooperation with Customers

Introduction Modern businesses tend to become more customer-oriented; this is one of the reasons why they involve clients in the design of the products. This practice is called co-creation, which means that users are able to express various opinions about the qualities that a product should have (Bhala 2010, p....

Sao Paulo Airport Safety Evaluation

Introduction The name “Congonhas Airport” is associated in the minds of many aviation industry professionals with the largest airplane crash in South America’s history. In 2007, TAM Airlines A320 Flight 3054 veered off of the runway while landing and crashed into a fuel station and an air cargo service building....

The State of Foreign Born Latinos in Haiti

Introduction The republic of Haiti occupies the western portion of the island of Hispaniola. It shares this end of the island with the Dominican Republic. A significant percentage of the country’s citizenry is made up of Latinos. The population of this group has been growing rapidly over the years. The...

COVID-19 Effect on Hospitality and Tourism

Introduction Coronavirus disease, also known as COVID-19, is one of the most dangerous recent diseases, and people should take multiple steps to manage its prevalence and adverse effects on different spheres of life. Global tourism and the hospitability industry have undergone significant changes because of the pandemic and the necessity...

The Peter Principle and Poor Promotion Decisions

Introduction Strategic HR management ensures that organisations achieve long-term benefits such as the core competence and positive business returns from their human resources. Strategic HR management is crucial for strategic planning and long-term goals of an organisation. This enables the HR to identify employees’ skills that can ensure an organisation...

Sany Group’s History, Products, and SWOT Analysis

Overview Sany is a Chinese-based multinational company specializing in construction machinery. Since its creation in 1994, it has grown to the leading company in the domestic market and, starting from the mid 2000s, reached out to the global scene, where it quickly became recognized and acclaimed for the fair pricing...

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Edinburgh Trams: A Case Study of a Complex Project

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Behavioral Modifications for Patients With Obesity

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The Digital Government Websites Requirements

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Economic Impact of the ACA Analysis

Introductoin On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Act (ACA) effectively making it a law. The ACA is one of the most influential, controversial and comprehensive piece of social legislation that has been passed in recent times. The legislation aims at expanding health care to...

Brand Identity of Abercrombie & Fitch

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Informal Agents of Social Control

Introduction Social constructionist argues that world surrounding a person is constructed by the people in that social setting and imposes those things on them. The social organization is constructed by the participants and not inborn by character. The good example of social construct is gender and marriage. Sex is based...

Tesco Plc.’s Financial Analysis for Investors

Introduction The global retail industry is one of the most vital sectors in the world, providing various categories of goods to consumers. Tesco is a multinational company operating in the United Kingdom managing multiple groceries and general merchandise. Established in 1919, this corporation’s shares have been listed in the London...

Abortion: Comparing Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction The issue of abortion has been an issue that has been greatly discussed due to the sensitivity of the act itself. It narrows down to the question of whether the life of an unborn child is less valuable as compared to the life of the ones who are already...

Corporations and Environment: Pollution Management in the European Union

Introduction “Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere” 1. Extreme climatic changes and degraded air quality is clear evidence of just how...

Continuous Professional Development in Contemporary Nursing Practice

Introduction This essay focuses on such a concept as Continuous Professional Development and its importance for contemporary nursing practice. It should be noted that the modern world is marked by technological innovations, which have served to improve the form of care provided. In addition, treatment procedures are constantly being improved...

Personal Development as a Manager and Leader

Task 1 Continuous self-development is an imperative aspect of leadership that needs to be realized by every leader for proper management. Essentially, this process requires critical planning and self-awareness to realize one’s goals in any profession. As a system manager in a food manufacturing firm, workload planning is a major...

Human Behaviour in the Event of Fire

Factors affecting human behaviour Numerous factors contribute to human behaviour in the event of fire outbreak. Some of these factors include characteristics of occupants, features of the affected building, and fire dynamics (Bruck 2001). Moreover, environmental factors might also contribute to human behaviour during fire outbreaks. The occupant characteristics play...

Anti-Theistic Arguments on Existence of God

Usually, people perceive religion and belief as aspects of personal choice that are difficult or impossible to dispute. Most often, belief is based on unjustified facts or events; however, this feature does not prevent people from holding on to their positions. On the other hand, anti-theistic arguments are most often...

Corporate Governance System’s Effectiveness in the UK

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the system of corporate governance in the UK. Corporate governance is “the system by which companies are directed and controlled” (Cadbury 2002, p. 7). There have been significant developments in the UK’s corporate governance system since the...

The End of Life Care Systems: Cost of Dying

Introduction Even though end of life care is an important healthcare policy, it can be regarded as non-feasible, thus making several patients to die at home with the support of hospice and family, instead of spending a lot of money on ICU hospital bills and patient visits. End of life...

The Various Attributes of Auditing About Financial Fraud

Introduction Auditor is an independent examiner of financial expressions in an enterprise. Auditing, therefore, involves careful examination of a firm’s financial records to ascertain their accuracy. An auditor carefully studies the enterprise’s financial reports and summarizes their findings for the persons who have requested the audit. These are persons such...