Helping Save Whale Sharks

Introduction The impact of human activities on the environment is a commonly discussed theme in modern society. Although people understand how dangerous and provocative their actions and decisions are to nature, they cannot stop putting animals under threat of extinction. Biodiversity loss in species living in the ocean turns out...

Chilean Sea Bass on the Menu and Its Impact on the Environment

Introduction Restaurants have different types of menus that customers choose from depending on their tastes and preference. Before reaching the plate, the ingredients undergo several steps, such as harvesting, transportation, and cooking. During this process, there are several environmental impacts associated with them. Chilean sea bass, also known as Patagonian...

Fresh Water Toxins: Serious Threat to Health

Legal but not Safe Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) regulates only 91 contaminants; Clean Water Act (1972) sets pollution control programs; Environmental Protection Agency notes 60,000 chemicals used in the US. Los Angeles Drinking Water In Los Angeles, cancer-causing compounds that form under sunlight were detected in water reservoirs and...

Sustainability: Consumption of Natural Resources

Sustainability is the preservation of wellbeing and is involved with economical, environmental, and social scope. It entails the component of stewardship, which involves proper use, and maintenance of resources. The main aim of sustainability is to enable humans in the whole world to get their basic needs and have a...

Why Do We Need to Decrease Fuel Consumption?

Today, air pollution, global warming, overpopulation, and other issues start revealing the catastrophic consequences of the vast progress humanity reached within the last few centuries. This essay draws attention to the invention that roughly harms the environment – fossil fuel. National Geographic counted that nearly 90% of air pollution and...

Global Warming Challenges Solving in General Electric

What do you advise leaders at GE to do about satisfying customers who are not so environmentally conscious? General Electric Company is a mega-company that seeks to expand its business and gain a larger share of the market. The issues of global warming due to the emission of carbon dioxide...

Food Waste Management Importance

The world is gradually losing its beauty and is constantly coming under pressure from different problems every other day. Diseases, food shortages, among others are some of the numerous issues that are hitting up news headlines. Even among the most developed nations, some of these problems limit the effort and...

Fast Fashion and Its Impacts on Global Warming

Literature Review Fast fashion refers to the expensive clothing and accessories that mass-market retailers produce quickly to close a market gap and respond to their needs. Fashion conforms to the latest trends, and as soon as the trend disappears, the fashion evolves into another new trend (Garcia-Torres et al., 2017)....

TED Talk Analysis: Nic Marks and Happy Planet Index

The video titled The Happy Planet Index features a statistician Nic Marks talking about how the environmental movement adopted a wrong strategy to convince the world about the importance of ecological problems. He assesses that people shut down negativity and ignore it, instead of acting (Marks, 2010). Some of his...

Environmental Problems in Today’s Belarus

Environmental problems in today’s Belarus go back to the times of the Soviet regime. An agrarian republic, Belarus suffered from one of the biggest tragedies of the 20th century: the Chernobyl disaster. Even though the accident occurred at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant, a neighboring Belarus endured the devastating effect...

Air Pollution in the UAE and Its Management

Context The 21st century is characterized by multiple concerns linked to the environmental sphere. The 2021 trends include attempts to minimize the negative impact of human beings on nature and find new ways to save our planet from radical climate changes. Today, we can see the results of our activity...

Discussion of Renewable Energy Resources

Introduction Environmental awareness has recently become one of the key values addressed by governments, corporations, and social capital across the globe. The question of environmental challenges catalyzed by industrialization and overpopulation was first explicitly stated during the United Nations conference in Stockholm (Niankara & Zoungrana, 2018). Since then, various public...

Microplastics and Environmental Health

Introduction Currently, the world faces a period of rapid changes with technological developments revolutionizing the way people live and, simultaneously, leading humankind to the global catastrophe of resource scarcity and climate change. The environment suffers from microplastics (further referred to as MPs) released by the degraded synthetic clothing, cosmetics, plastic...

Nevado del Ruiz Eruption of 1985 and Its Impact on the Community

Introduction Natural disasters tend to have a profoundly destructive impact on the communities that happen to be situated close enough to the epicenter. Should the unfavorable natural conditions coincide with the cumulative human error, the toll on resources and human lives alike may become very high. Economy, culture, and education...

Canada: The First Victim of Global Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is a worldwide phenomenon, which directly affects all nations. However, the effect is more explicit among countries closest to the poles, such as Canada. Such an occurrence negatively affects the nation’s economy, urban infrastructure, and politics due to ice caps melting. The economy and the financial sector...

The Significance of Deforestation

Introduction Human beings have lived on earth for many years and have undergone various evolution stages to get to the current normal people. Over the years the environment has always offered man food, clothing and shelter that have sustained and made life bearable. Vegetation is one of the most important...

Environmental Benefits and Challenges of Urbanization

Introduction Physical growth of cities is known as urbanization. This is a time that our environment undergoes serious changes. Involvement of human being is very high in worst changes in the environment. Many serious discussions are going on in different parts of the world for the protection of environment. Urban...

Environmental Ethical Issues: History, Current Events, and Significance

History of environmental ethical issues Environmental ethics entails the part of environmental morals and philosophy aiming at extending the boundaries of ethics (traditional) from particularly including human beings to include other non-human players in the world and universe in general. Environmental ethics exerts its influence on several disciplines such as...

Mississippi’ Disaster: Hurricane Katrina Crisis Strategy

Introduction The primary strength of the crisis plan adopted by the authorities in Mississippi is the commitment of the authorities to safeguard public infrastructure, build temporary and permanent homes, provide emergency health care, and respond faster than they did during Hurricane Katrina. The primary limitation of the crisis plan is...

Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats

The legitimacy and ethics of environment activism are often discussed by legislators and journalists. People, who are engaged in this activity, can be regarded as fighters against corrupt practices of companies. However, at the same time, they can be viewed as criminals disrupting the life of the community. In many...

Environmental Impact of Rice Production

Introduction The production of rice has greatly increased as it is a staple food and hundreds of people consume it from across the world. Mostly, these are people living below the poverty line struggling to make a living in the developing countries such as South America. The production of rice...

Myrtle Beach in South Carolina: Ecosystem Analysis

Introduction Governments and international organizations raise their attention to environmental issues as the consequences of human activities become severe for nature. Indeed, climate change air and water pollution result from expanding population, industrial development, and hazardous emissions. Ecology, the essential science to consider when elaborating nature protection programs, explores the...

Human Population Growth and Environment

The population of the planet is still increasing, although the trend has slowed down compared to previous centuries. In many nations and regions where fertility changes quickly, demographic growth is a key factor in predicting future population increase. The future patterns in reproduction, death, and migration are unclear, however, there...

Security and Climate Change

Climate change has been happening at an unprecedented rate over the last decade to become a major global concern. People’s livelihoods and wellbeing, global security, and climate are intricately intertwined, and affecting one of these factors has a ripple effect on the other. As such, climate change poses serious security...

Land Pollution and Ways to Minimize Pollution in the US

The biggest environmental challenge that has been witnessed in the US since time immemorial has been land pollution. It can be defined as the disposal of material wastes into the soil or substances that can contaminate it. This type of pollution can be caused by different reasons, such as garbage...

Soil Pollution: Causes and Effects

Human activity has a negative impact on all aspects of nature, including the soil. The problem of soil contamination is relevant for all continents of the Earth, even for the least developed regions. The amount of land affected by degradation currently reaches one-third of the total surface. While pollution can...

Joint Intelligence: Operational Environment Preparation

Planning is an essential aspect of military confrontations, and it is necessary for army leaders to be able to make sound decisions in order to succeed. Without required information on an adversary, it is not possible to defeat them. The primary objective of Joint Intelligence Preparation of Operational Environment (JIPOE)...

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemics on the Environment

The COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, significantly changed the world and forced humanity to revise its values and set health as the priority instead of production and growth. Most of the nations had to deal with the spread of disease by establishing lockdowns, obligating people to wear protective items, and...

Deforestation Problem Overview and Analysis

Introduction Deforestation to create land for agriculture is an issue of great importance, it destroys native forests and affects the ecological balance. A greater percentage of global biodiversity is located in forests (Celentano et al. 2017). Cutting down trees hinders the survival of various animal and plant species. The forest...

Human Impact: Improving Living Standards

With regards to the growing problems in the modern world such as overpopulation, the environmental pollution, malnutrition, terrorism, increasing crime rates, religious and social conflicts, genocide, the housing market, failing financial institutions, the need for highly qualified professionals in the area of human service is high. My position is that...

Environmental Policy and Sustainability

Environmental sustainability and policy formulation are two main branches of the environment which are concerned with finding solutions to the problems that are affecting the environment. There are so many environmental problems that are facing the globe today due to a number of reasons including the rapid process of urbanization...

Ecofeminism, Pluralism and Environmental Pragmatism

The life of each and every being in the world is very valuable and at the same time nature is a treasure house for all beings and because of this reason no one has the right to diminish the richness of nature. Eco feminism, pluralism and environmental pragmatism are some...

Deep Ecology: Principles and Movements

Deep Ecology The term “ecology” emerges from the science of biology, where it is applied to portray the various ways in which living things interrelate with each other and their environment. Thus, deep ecology is an environmental faction that seeks to emphasize the importance of human relationship with nature. The...

Engineering for Sustainable Development

Background Study Sustainability construction involves an integrated strategy to construction that considers environmental, economical, technical, social as well as institutional concerns at every phase of construction. It helps to guarantee long term results of the house designs as well as ensuring lasting solutions in the supply of related infrastructures such...

Sustainable Development Goals in the UAE

Introduction Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refer to the global initiatives aimed at ending poverty, protecting the earth, and ensuring that all global citizens have peace and prosperity. They are also known as the Global Goals that focus on building on the achievements of Millennium Development Goals. These goals cover areas...

Natural Disasters: Rebuilding and Recovery

Natural disasters affect the lives of many people without singling out a specific cultural group or family. Human service professionals must, therefore, use adequate initiatives in order to meet the needs of diverse communities. The initiatives should support more people from diverse backgrounds and re-pattern their experiences (Hayden, Williams, Canto,...

The Urban Development Impact on the Environment

Urban development refers to a term used to describe the capability of the city’s developed infrastructure and services. For instance, it resulted in advancements in culture and the sciences, expected to rise with growing urbanization. Cultures integrate more easily the closer people are to one another and the more they...

Renewable Energy Technology in Egypt

Introduction Climate change has made renewable energy a global priority to replace fossil fuel that continues to impact the environment negatively. Egypt is one of the leading producers of oil in Africa. The country has been generating significant income from exporting oil, which has contributed immensely to the growth of...

Deforestation: Analysis of the Issue

The aim of this project is to research a technology-based solution that would help address the problem of deforestation. The problem is deforestation, which is especially concerning in tropical rainforests. Technology can help address deforestation by tracking the areas where trees are destroyed. The different solutions include using satellite images,...

Psychology, Climate Change and Ecological Problems

First of all, it should be noted that climate change and environmental problems are behavioral in nature. This can be explained by the fact that in addition to production and global causes, less large-scale, but no less significant ones, determined by human consciousness, stand out. The fact is that a...

Noisy Neighbors in Los Angeles

Sound is one of the environmental influences for all living organisms, including humans. Machines, propagating systems, and transport systems are easily argued to be the grassroots sources of loud sounds (Morillas 214). In nature, loud sounds are rare, and the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound...

Why Must We Protect Crocodiles?

The article “Why must we protect crocodiles?” explaining the value of the Philippine crocodile to rural communities” discusses various methods, approaches, and reasons to protect the endangered Philippine crocodile. Although it is strictly prohibited from hunting, its numbers continue to decline due to the use of poaching fishing methods. The...

Plastic Pollution: Study the Problem

Introduction One of the central issues that affect wellness of the Earth’s population is plastic contamination. Today, almost every person knows that plastic kills millions of animals every year by entanglement or starvation (Parker, 2019). However, a rare person realizes that plastic is a source of significant problems with wellness....

The Food Chain: Groups and Functions

Producers, consumers, and decomposers are the three groups of organisms that comprise a food chain in an ecosystem. Each group performs a different function and its members are differentiated by their mode of food acquisition. The producers’ main function includes the capture, conversion, and storage of energy as nutrients in...

Challenges Facing The Planet And The Human Race

Earth is a piece of space that is a living and breathing entity just as the people who live on its surface. Her main job is to provide us, with shelter, food, and water to ensure the survival of the species. However, our planet does not have unlimited resources and...

Journal and Newspaper Collection on Global Warming

This paper comments on Journal/ newspaper articles on global warming from major newspapers and journals around the world. In February 2007, the United States Scientific panel concluded that global warming being experienced today is irreversible. It is also apparent from the report that anthropogenic activities have been the major cause...

Environmental Studies: Deep Ecology

What is deep ecology? What are its principles? Are the aspirations of deep ecologists achievable? Why or why not? The term “deep ecology” is a subdivision of ecological philosophy that regards all human kinds as a fundamental element in this environment. This philosophy gives the idea that all living beings...

Rubbish Waste & Recycling Program “Rubbish Are Us”

Waste Services Coordinator As the overall manager of the “Rubbish Are Us” team, he is expected to set goals, solve problems, manage time, provide effective communication, with good interpersonal skills, work well in the team, and has the ability to manage conflicts. He is expected to: Oversee the whole staff,...

Climate Changes Impact on Agriculture and Livestock

Introduction Saudi Arabia commonly referred to as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the second-largest country after Algeria in the Arab World. Its neighboring countries include Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Iraq. The approximate size of Saudi Arabia is 2,000,000km2. The climate of Saudi...

Global Awareness of Environmental and Moral Issues

Introduction Global awareness entails the aspect of making people, society, have an understanding of various life issues that is based on knowledge of global perspectives. It encompasses factors that affect the world at large rather than a specific nation for instance economic, social, cultural, political as well as environmental-related aspects...

Recycling in Dubai and Its Impact on the Population and Environment

Introduction Recycling is an effective strategy of cleaning the environment from hazardous materials and pollution (Zailani, Eltayeb, Hsu & Tan, 2012). The following research proposal focuses on how recycling can be conducted in the city of Dubai. The proposal provides insightful information as to why recycling has become a necessity...

Environmental Changes: Negative and Positive Impact on Human Health

Abstract Environmental changes have both negative and positive impacts on human health. While some effects are direct, others are hard to decipher. Researchers claim that environmental changes create a favorable condition for the proliferation of deadly diseases. For instance, floods facilitate the breeding of mosquitoes, which spread malaria and dengue...

All About Water: Problems and Solutions

Introduction When I saw the competition title, “What is one thing you could not live without?” I immediately thought about water. Regardless of the context, water is something that all people need for functioning, and it also has multiple other benefits. It improves digestion, prevents dehydration, and significantly enhances kidney...

Climate Change as an Ethical Issue

Climate change is a pressing issue for individual countries and the entire world. Excessive carbon dioxide emission, the primary cause of global warming, resulted in significant ecological problems and biodiversity loss in the most affected regions (Cooke, 2020). Furthermore, the scientific community presents an increasing number of facts that the...

Environmental Issues in Namibia Due to Rössing Uranium Mine

Introduction The entire African continent suffers from environmental problems, and Namibia is no exception. Namibia is a large country rich in natural resources, but their extraction does not benefit the population. Incorrect processing and disposal of waste negatively affects the state of air, water and soil. Improper extraction of minerals,...

Climate Change and Global Warming Awareness

Introduction Climate change is a global phenomenon that generally occurs due to natural causes. However, global warming is a relevant problem that is getting worse each day because of greenhouse gas emissions from human-made factories and industrial processes. The global temperature rises, causing food security issues, biodiversity loss, and changing...

Water Scarcity as Effect of Climate Change

Introduction The United Nations defines climate change as the long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns due to natural causes. However, since the 1800s, human activities such as deforestation and air pollution have been the significant causes of climate change (UN Water, 2017). The resource that is mainly affected by...

Waste Management in Urban Sprawls

Introduction Waste management and related dilemma have been a problem in the modern lifestyle, especially in the urban centers occupied by industries disposing of waste daily. Due to continuous waste production in these areas, many issues must be addressed by developing effective waste management programs. These areas have had sprawls...

It’s Not My Fault Article by Sinnott-Armstrong

The article “It’s Not My Fault: Global Warming and Individual Moral Obligations” by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong is an ethical monologue that evaluates the personal necessity to contribute to the prevention of global warming. In general, the author bases his argument on eight assumptions to prove a point that common responsibility should...

Pandas as a Symbol of Endangered Species

Introduction Of all animals affected by human activities, pandas draw the most attention to themselves. Be it for their looks or the extent of the damage done to them, this species symbolizes the danger humans pose to the safe existence of animal life on Earth. Although the human impact has...

The Tohoku Earthquake: Tsunami Entry

The Tohoku earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan in 2011, near a subduction zone where two tectonic plates clash. One plate moves beneath another into the mantle, the hotter layer beneath the crust, in a subduction zone. The huge plates are rough and adhere to one another, accumulating energy...

The Environmental Impacts of the Food and Hospitality Industry

Introduction The relevance of environmentally sustainable practices in the food and hospitality industry in Australia is explained by the fact that hotels and restaurants witness food leftovers and wastage daily. Food wastage is an issue that affects countries’ environments and economics adversely. The investigation aims to identify how food and...

The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability – Designing for Abundance: Summary

The book The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability – Designing for Abundance by McDonough and Braungart is a famous sequel to their previous book Cradle to Cradle. The Upcycle presents the authors’ innovative view on how humankind should interact with nature for mutual benefit. In particular, McDonough and Braungart affirmatively state that...

Strike Activity in the United Kingdom

Introduction: The Trend of Strikes in the UK for the Past 40 Years The unemployment rates in the UK – that is, the number of people without a formal source of income who have been seeking employment and are ready to work – have decreased over the past decade. According...

Greenpeace International Company Analysis

Greenpeace International is one of the most renowned environmental organizations in the world. Their campaigns aim to change governmental policies about pollution and biodiversity (Luxon & Wong, 2017). Although Greenpeace lacked structure until 1975, its increased global popularity and financial support helped it become a successful non-governmental organization (Zelko, 2019)....

Pollution as a Global Challenge

Pollution is a global environmental problem that diminishes the quality of life of communities across the world. Whereas several initiatives have been made toward environmental contamination management, the limited political will has slowed down the administration processes. Pollution affects the ecosystem by interfering with ecological biodiversity and jeopardizes communities’ health...

Recycling: Finding the Solution

We should recycle garbage using biogas technology because it has tremendous economic and environmental benefits and also wins out over peers in terms of performance. Introduction The modern appearance of large cities seems to have become closely associated with the problem of trash recycling. While in central areas and historic...

Air Pollution: Conducting a Quantitative Study

In conducting a quantitative study, the major research question would be: “what are the potential contributors to air pollution and how can they be prevented?” The sample selection method to be used would be stationary source monitoring, which would involve collecting, handling and preserving samples depending on the applicable method...

“Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Introduction Nowadays, ecological issues are acquiring more importance, and people all around the world are aware of global warming, endangered animal and plant species, ocean and air pollution, deforestation, and other environmental problems. The reason for all of them is humanity’s attitude to nature, which may be characterized as unappreciative,...

Analysis of “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

Octavia Butler’s 1993 publication is a science fiction novel, with the main character, a young black girl, Lauren Oya Olamina, predicting the dire environmental consequences which would befall the world due to climate change. Through her journal entries, Lauren envisions a world full of global warming effects, 13 years before...

It’s Not My Fault: Global Warming and Moral Responsibility

There is a number of science and fiction works on global warming covering this issue from different angles. The philosophical work of the American professor of ethical sciences Sinnott-Armstrong approaches the phenomenon of global warming in terms of individual and collective responsibility. The author is convinced that global warming exists...

The History and Current Usage of Greenwich Park

A brief description of the history and current usage of Greenwich Park and the current plans for use of the Park in the Olympics According to the Royal Parks (2009), the 73 hectare Greenwich Park is the oldest enclosed Royal Park located on a hilltop that provides a scenic view...

Deforestation Causes and Barriers to Solution

Brief Outline The loss of forests has led to numerous negative outcomes including climate change, air pollution, and additional challenges to agriculture and other industries. Demographic changes have also contributed to an increase in the rate of deforestation as the need for more resources continues to grow (Lawrence & Vandecar,...

Melting Glaciers and Its Effects

How are glaciers a part of the hydrologic and rock cycles? Glaciers are frozen water. When water penetrates the structure of a rock and then freezes, it tends to expand and destroy the rock formation around it. The glaciers are the reason for the erosion of the rocks. The glaciers...

Panama Canal Expansion: Goals and Effectiveness

Introduction The Panama Canal expansion is a mega construction project initiated in 2007 by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) – a Panamanian government agency – with a goal of doubling the shipping capacity of the passage and enhancing ship calls to the East/Gulf coast. The Canal is a fifty-mile long...

Energy Management: Key Components

Introduction Data centers consume a significant share of energy produced globally. With the growing demand for services, the number and scale of data centers are expected to rise further over the next few years. Given that the vast majority of data centers use non-renewable energy, this adds to the global...

Human Ecological Footprint Impact on Environment

Introduction Every human need and activity “demands different natural resources” (Dietz, Rosa, & York, 2007, p. 14). Such activities also produce numerous wastes. The term “human footprint” focuses on the continued use of the earth’s resources for survival. Human activities tend to have copious impacts on the natural environment. Human...

The B.E.A.C.H. Environmental Campaign

With the growing environmental change awareness, more nongovernment organizations engage in the development and environmental campaigns. These campaigns pursue two essential goals. First, they are intended to educate the public about the severity and irreversible consequences of environmental change. Second, they deliver important information on how communities can promote positive...

Water Recycling: Why Is It Important?

Introduction Water shortage is a situation where the available water cannot meet the demands of the population sufficiently. With the continued rise of the population and industrialization, there is much pressure on water sources to serve the growing needs of the people. The rise in demand for water has led...

The Problem of Water Scarcity

Introduction Water is a critical need to maintain the life of people, but humanity is faced with a lack of resources. Although water is technically a renewable resource, the scarcity problem is severe in the United States for several reasons. First, climatic changes lead to a decrease in precipitation, which...

The Effect of Climate Change on Weather

Climate change is resulting in weather extremes that are affecting millions of people around the world in recent times. The article by Thomson Reuters (2022) published in CBC News describes how extreme weather events such as heat waves or rainfalls are a consequence of climate change. In addition, the author...

Effect of Rice Production on the Environment

Overview of Rice Production Rice is a major staple crop that millions of people use in their daily diets, particularly those living below the poverty line in Asia, Africa, and South America. For this reason, improvement of food security and reduction of the poverty level are more likely to occur...

Humans and Their Global Home at Earth

Introduction Planet Earth has always served humankind as both a parent and a home. For most of its time, human civilization has lived in harmony with nature’s processes, rules, and laws. Human beings did painful and damaging things to the Earth’s ecosystem, but most of them were local, not global....

Impact of Climate Change on Property Development and Management

Introduction This essay will focus on the BBC article, COP26 promises could limit global warming to 1.8C, with a specific focus on the impact of climate change on property development and management in the global market. The article discusses the various climate change initiatives, status quo, and necessary targets. It...

Solutions for Food and Water Security Issue

Introduction The emerging threat to the world’s food and water security is a crucial issue for the academic community. Access to clean and nourishing food and water is a requirement for any individual throughout the world. However, in the current age, some countries are struggling to provide their citizens with...

Deforestation and Its Impact on Ecosystems

Introduction Forests play a vital role in the planet’s global ecosystem, providing a home to many species and resources to people. About 30% of the Earth is currently covered by forests, although this number was initially higher by 10% (Nunez, 2019; Prevedello et al., 2019). From 1990 to 2016, approximately...

Economic Examination of US Waste Disposal Programs

Introduction The environmental and economic considerations are closely intertwined, and their connection can be seen from the evaluation of the importance of various waste disposal programs in the United States. The link between the two aspects is conditional upon the fact that the efficiency of measures intended for better management...

Land Usage and Water Quality in Saudi Arabia

Land use refers to the total preparations, activities, and inputs individuals undertake in a specific land cover type. Alterations in land cover as well as management activities have been viewed as the key influencing aspects behind the change of hydrological systems, which tip to the change in the water quality...

Global Warming in Relation to Human Population Size

Global warming remains to be one of the human-induced environmental issues affecting society today. Warming of the earth’s surface happens once carbon dioxide and other air pollutants accumulate in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight. Due to these toxic substances, which can remain in the environment for years to centuries, heat...

The Problem of Ocean Pollution Today

Introduction Millions of people around the globe continue celebrating their achievements in the fields of technology, business, health care, and education. Certain steps have already been taken to improve the quality of life and create the best living conditions on the ground. However, society usually forgets that about 70% of...

Climate Change in Terms of Project Management

Climate Change and Management Over the past years, climate change has inevitably become the most discussed matter in terms of both social and scholarly contexts. The major reason behind this interest is the fact that people try to identify what anthropological actions contribute to the emergence of a worldwide natural...

The Problem of Plastic Waste in the UAE and Options to Address It

The Problem The problem of plastic waste in the UAE is a significant ecological issue regarding plastic pollution and the safe disposal of waste products. Despite the efforts to use alternative materials and the recent developments in biodegradable plastics, the situation is still not ideal. Plastic waste has a severe...

How Pollution Is Poisoning the Leisure and Recreation Industry

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment. Pollution can take the form of air, water, land and noise pollution (Spengler, John, and Sexton, 1983). Of importance is the fact that these contaminants enter the environment through human activity. Human activities like farming, mining, construction, and transportation have contributed...

The Amur Leopard: A Critically Endangered Species

The Amur Leopard (scientific name: Panthera pardus Orientalis, common names Far East leopard, Manchurian leopard or Korean leopard, the latter because some are supposed to inhabit North Korea.), subject of the video in this critique, bears the dubious distinction as the world’s most endangered of the great cats for being...

Earth Science: The Deep Sea

Introduction and Significance Earth Science refers to the investigation of the Earth and various processes happening there. The primary aim of this discipline is to discover the evolution and different activities that take place on the Earth and, eventually, use this information for the advantage of humankind and share it...

Why Hunting Is Environmentally Beneficial

Despite the mixed feelings about hunting, the practice has been recognized as environmentally beneficial. Many animal and environmental advocates view hunting as a barbaric and morally wrong endeavor, regardless of the practical considerations. However, a substantial proportion of the public espouses hunting and its practices as a fundamental wildlife management...

Summary of the Article “Consider the Lobster”

Introduction In the article “Consider the Lobster” published in Gourmet magazine, David Foster Wallace writes about his experience of attending the Main Lobster Festival. Wallace provides a history of this event, describes the audience, and different aspects of the festival. The author raises the moral question of boiling live lobsters...

“The Basics of Climate Change” Blog

The author of the text “The Basics of Climate Change” reveals the main concepts about the balance between the input and output of energy on Earth that directly relate to the climate. One thing that was new information to me, from this reading, is the fact that the climate relies...

“The Land Ethic” by Aldo Leopold

Introduction As the environmental movement becomes less of a fringe subculture and more of a cornerstone of modern life, a generational shift in human consciousness is inevitable. However, what human consciousness should be shifting towards is up for debate. The Land Ethic, proposed by Aldo Leopold, is a framework of...

Will Banning Plastic Bags Not Solve Pollution Problem?

Plastic bags provoke problems for both environment and human health. They go to landfills or to the ocean, where the garbage islands are accumulating. These are immense masses of waste generated in the ocean due to currents. Plastic is often dumped directly into the seas or gets there from rivers....

Littering on Campus: The Issue of Maintaining Cleanliness and Averting Health Hazards

Cleanliness is next to holiness. Going by this saying, one wonders how godly we perceive ourselves when visiting this campus. Walking down the streets and alleys of the university grounds, one notices half-filled drink bottles and candy wrappers strewn everywhere. White spots distort the plush green scenery of fields, these...

Sloy Hydro Power Station Project’s Environmental Impact

Project Description With the current global concerns on climate change, Scotland is on a mission to facilitate the efficient use of renewable energy. One of the major forms of renewable sources of energy that Scotland has focused on is hydroelectric power (HEP). Sloy HEP station is a major conventional hydroelectric...

Alternative Fuels: Pros and Cons of Different Types

Introduction The issues of environmental protection, air pollution, and the necessary reformation of the car building industry are currently among the most burning problems nowadays. Car builders are concerned with the matters of various engines and fuel types. The aim of this paper is to compare various types of alternative...

Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Agriculture and Food Supply

According to the laws of dynamics, the earth, together with all its resources can be viewed as a closed system, which is governed by irreversible energetic processes. As such, it behaves as a single, self-regulating structure comprised of physical, chemical, and biological components, and this will include humans (Robert, et...

Global Warming: Myth or Reality?

Introduction The Free Online Dictionary defines a problem as “a situation, matter, or person that presents perplexity or difficulty”. A problem is thus a state or situation associated with difficulty and which needs a solution. When a problem does not receive an immediate solution, it creeps into a dilemma; an...

Water Scarcity in the Middle East

Introduction The Arab region has always had issues with the water supply but as the population continues to grow steadily, this issue has become even more alarming. As a result of this scarcity, there are competing claims over water rights which can create disputes between entire nations. Some of the...

Climate Change and Social Responsibility in the UAE

The UAE is rapidly developing for the several decades already, which has a positive influence on the well-being of the population. However, the changes that entail this process affects the environment adversely. People tend to use cars, which spoil the air, dangerous substances, and chemicals that can pollute water and...

Solid and Hazardous Waste Reduction

Introduction The environment in which we live is composed of people, vehicles, industries, animals, machines, and other enterprises, which in the end, produce wastes to the environment. These wastes may take the form of solid, liquid, gaseous, or radioactive agents. Most of these wastes become hazardous to the environment and...

Pollution Forms, Effects and Mitigation

Abstract Pollution is a major global issue that affects all countries. It is imperative to note that human activity is a major cause of pollution. As such, in attempts to mitigate environmental pollution, human activities should be regulated. This article discusses the major forms of pollution, including air, water, noise,...

India’s, Indonesia’s, Haiti’s, Japan’s Earthquakes

India, 2001 At 0316 GMT (0846 local times) January 26, 2001, the major tremor hit the Indian state Gujarat. The nearest town, Bhuj was nearly destroyed by the earthquake with the magnitude rated from 7.6 to 7.9 using the Richter scale. It was reported as the most significant earthquake in...

Environmental Management: OK Tedi Copper Mine

Introduction The Ok Tedi copper mine is situated in the upper drainage area of the Fly River in Papua New Guinea (PNG), near one of its branches, the Ok Tedi River. It is one of the chief mines globally. In addition, it is a main source of revenue for the...

“Erin Brockovich” Film and 2014 Flint Water Crisis

Introduction The physical and natural environments affect human life in various ways, as outlined by ecological studies. Environmental education is essential in informing individuals on how to deal with ecosystems to attain life sustainability. When discussing the environment, chief elements like soil, organisms, air, water, and solar energy have to...

Bottled Water Impacts on Environment

As the use of bottled water continue to rise steadily around the world, many critics have focused on its impacts on the environment, economy and other social implications related to the use, including waste management issues, depletion of groundwater, energy consumption and many more. In the US, for instance, in...

Environmental Pollution Effects on Health

Introduction Humans do not live in a vacuum but in a damaged environment that impacts individuals’ health every second of their existence. People cannot avoid air as they must breathe, water as they must drink, or land as they must eat what is grown in it. When polluted substances from...

The Effect of Global Warming and the Future

Introduction Global warming can be described as the increasing average temperature of the oceans and atmosphere of the Earth which began to go-up in the late 19th century and it’s expected to keep rising (Simon 45). Ever since the early 20th century, the average surface temperature of the Earth has...

Mining as a Cause of Environmental Disaster

Unfortunately, a tremendous upgrowth of the production sector requires the extraction of more and more materials that can be found on our planet. Mother Nature is generous, but we tend to impose upon her kindness and use her gifts in a way that does hurt our planet. Our industrial activity...

Climate Change and Resource Scarcity

Introduction The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. The SDGs are meant to be a blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all and address...

Philosophers’ Theories on Climate Change

Introduction The paper demonstrates two philosophers’ theories on climate change, namely Laura Westra and Graham Long. The thoughts and ideas are evaluated by using a hypothetical situation. Company X, an engineering firm, decides to shift its operations to a developing country with less rigorous environmental rules in order to conceal...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Air Pollution

In several regions worldwide, quarantines and shutdowns due to COVID-19 have improved air quality. Mobility changes in all types of indoor and outdoor settings have a substantial long-term influence on CO emissions at the national and regional levels (Ravindra et al., 2022). Increasing internal or residential mobility decreases CO emissions...

Investing in Climate Change vs. Space Exploration

Introduction Climate change and outer space exploration are two causes that have been discussed by many scholars and scientists. The question of which of them should be prioritized in terms of investing in it on the national level remains an arguable issue in the United States and other countries. Both...

Benefits and Disadvantages of Recycling

Introduction Recently, the media has been actively praising all recycling efforts, emphasizing its importance to the environment, society, and even commercial organizations. Humanity produces nearly 1.3 billion tons of waste annually, and recycling is one of the most effective methods to minimize environmental damage (Geiger et al. 78). However, some...

Renewable Energy in Japan: Clean Energy Transition

Introduction One of the world’s largest renewable energy markets lies in Japan, as the vision is for long-term growth potential. Renewable energy in Japan became significantly important after the Fukushima Daiichi and tsunami that struck Japan in 2011. This event made Japan rethink its reliance on nuclear power as it...

Save the Rhino, Save the Plant

In the present day, a lot of animal species are threatened with extinction. The presented article deals with the fact that Sumatrian rhinos are the most endangered species of rhinoceros. Because of this, several plants are endangered as well, as only large animals can disperse their seeds by eating fruit...

The Great Pacific Gyre and Indigenous Population

Introduction The Great Pacific Gyre refers to marine debris found in the North Pacific Ocean. It can as well be described as litter that finds its way to the water bodies, especially the seas and oceans. It affects waters from the North American West Coast to Japan. It consists of...

The Issue of Food and Water Security

The global issue selected for the final paper is food and water security. This is a topical problem nowadays, especially in light of climate change and population growth. Statistics show that, currently, about 690 million individuals worldwide are hungry, and three billion people cannot afford to eat healthily (“Food loss,”...

Environmental and Public Health Risks Caused by Plastic Pollution

Introduction The build-up of synthetic plastic products in the surroundings to the extent where they constitute a threat to wildlife, and their habitats and humankind is referred to as plastic pollution. Plastics can be classified either in primary plastics, for instance, cigarettes butts, bottle caps, or secondary plastics, that is,...

Eco-Friendly Carnival and Its Impact on Bulgaria

Introduction The organisation of events for the general public plays an important role in forming social opinions on some pivotal issues and raising awareness about tentative problems. That is why it might be used to make an impact on a local or even global scale by educating the public and...

Beaver Harvesting in Newfoundland

Introduction Before the start of the twentieth-century, the need for the fur as well as food from the animals almost led to its extinction in Labrador and Newfoundland. In the years between 1968 and 1971, the insular Newfoundland was pictured and divided into twelve management areas I order to establish...

Critique of “Silent Spring” Book by Rachel Carson

A 1962 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publication, Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is considered one of the essential publications that began the international grassroots environmental movement. This movement sought meaningful involvement in the imposition of practical solutions to prevalent environmental concerns. The book mainly focuses on the negative effects of the...

Discussion of Impact of Climate Change in Society

Introduction Archeologists and historians believe that life has existed on planet Earth for millions of years. The survival of different species has depended on a wide range of factors, such as the rate of resources utilization, conservation, and focus on posterity. Unfortunately, the past few centuries have been characterized by...

Mia Mottley’s Speech at the Opening of the #COP26 World Leaders Summit

Mia Mottley, the Prime Minister of Barbados, made a speech at the Opening of the #COP26 World Leaders Summit of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) held in Glasgow. She explained the possibility of climate change becoming irreversible if the temperature increased by two degrees Celsius (UN Climate Change,...

Green Technology: Comparison of Economic and Environmental Implications

Introduction Technological advancement and innovative solutions in a variety of industries worldwide drive the business trends. However, significant environmental concerns contribute new demands to the technological and business discourse by necessitating the implementation of innovative solutions to facilitate environment-friendly technologies. Indeed, the opportunities for innovation have created a unique setting...

Environmental Justice Problems in the Global South

Introduction The existing environmental problems are spread unequally among the countries, and this circumstance allows speaking of regional problems of the so-called Global South. The prevalence of issues related to injustice in this area is explained by the exploitation of its resources by the North, whereas the methods for addressing...

Air Pollution in New York City

Introduction Air pollution is a critical public health threat and one of the most significant environmental problems in urban centers. Kinney explains that New York City is among the most polluted areas in the United States (176). Odach states that environmental experts have ranked it sixteenth compared to other cities...

Greenhouse Effect as a Cause of Global Warming

Introduction Among the issues of most concern to humanity, it is customary to single out ecological issues. This is not surprising, considering that the possibility of human existence directly depends on ecological security issues. For example, one of the most pressing issues on the current agenda is rapid climate change...

Saving Energy in a Restaurant Enterprise

Abstract Reducing environmental damage and, in general, using eco-friendly innovations has to keep pace with energy saving practices, therefore, these are perceived in conjunction. Equipping any enterprise in such a way as to cause damage to the environment as little as possible is at the moment one of the fundamental...

The Evolution and Purpose of Contemporary Environmental Health

The scope of environmental health refers to safe environmental measures by registered personnel in both the private and public sectors. Such sectors include private organizations, government departments and agencies, and general environmental consultants and emergency response groups (Fanchi, 2017). The purpose of environmental health is to enhance the policies and...

Community’s Role in Fighting Air Pollution

The community needs industrial activity to provide various consumer resources. However, it can violate environmental standards, which leads to discontent among people who live near factories. O’Rourke suggests the processes and authorities in Vietnam that control the permissible environmental pollution level do not work adequately enough and require more detailed...

Environmental Problems and Their Potential Solutions

In general, the environment may be defined as specific conditions or the surrounding in which a plant, animal, or person survives or constantly operates. In the present day, disturbing changes in the environment lead to the international community’s increasing awareness of the particular environmental problems that cause these changes. Climate...

The Importance of Addressing Climate Change

Introduction There are a plethora of problems humanity faces on a daily basis, and they all vary in their level of complexity and scope. Some of them have a systemic nature and pose a direct threat to the existence of millions of people on the planet. The issue of climate...

Emergency Response to a Volcano Eruption

More time is taken to respond to a volcano eruption and this depends on the distance from the volcano. In the same perspective, fewer dangers are encountered when people are located further from the area of the volcano. Around the volcano area, the potential and immediate dangers include damage from...

Talking Rubbish. How to Manage or Dispose of It

Introduction Rubbish is universal yet many do not understand how to manage or dispose of it properly. In many parts of the world, it is practically impossible not to see rubbish littered. Rubbish is produced on a daily basis as people consume goods. Some dispose of their rubbish properly whereas...

Environmental Issues: Intensive Farming

Introduction Environmental issues in most cases arise from activities in the natural environment by human beings. These human activities are also referred to as anthropogenic a Greek word that means man-made. They are the wastes that are produced as by-products in the process of practicing helpful human activities. Those wastes...

Marine Environmental High Risk Areas Definition

Introduction Marine Environmental High risk Areas (MEHRAs) was first used by Lord Donaldson in His Report titled Safe Ships, Clean Seas (1994). He defined these areas as locations with high environmental sensitivity and prone to high pollution due to heavy shipping activities. There are other natural activities characterizing these areas....

Information Technology Impact on the Environment

Introduction “Information is power.” That familiar saying is true. Have you ever taken time to consider how the world will be without faster technologies of processing information? Information technology in itself refers to all systems of software along with hardware used in data collection, storage, analysis, processing and easy access...

Climate Change and Impact on Human Health

Introduction It is well known that nowadays, due to the destructive activity of human beings, climate change has become a burning issue. Thus, it may lead to global warming, which causes sewage contamination in cities, ozone air pollution, and wildfires (Patz, & Thomson, 2018). As a result, all these changes...

Social and Environmental Impact of Burberry’s and Gucci’s Business Operations

PESTLE Framework, Its Advantages and Disadvantages The PESTLE framework is a tool with the help of which one can analyse the marketing principles of organisations. PESTLE is an acronym that stands for political, economic, social, technological, legal, and ecological (environmental) factors. The political environment is composed of legal systems that...

Water Management in the “Flow” Documentary

Man cannot live without necessities, such as air, food, shelter, and water. It has been said that man can live for many days without food but only a few without water. It is, therefore, a comforting fact that like air, water is free. No one owns the water, and because...

Environmental Conservation Project Management

Introduction The world is increasingly getting competitive. Firms are faced with a difficult situation of having to deal with the dynamics in the corporate world. The emerging technologies and environmental concerns are some of the factors that corporate bodies have to deal with in order to ensure smooth operations. According...

Water Pollution Causes, Effects and Solutions

Introduction Rivers are common sources of water in the world. Water is useful in various ways both domestically and in industries. It is imperative that such water remains clean and safe and free from any pollution. Unfortunately, water pollution takes place in various water bodies all over the world. This...