Cortes and Columbus’ Roles in the Discovery of the New World

In the development of the various pieces of literature, the authors have a tendency to consider different styles of writing, which determines the type of language they utilize. Historical figures write pieces of history with an ambiguous language, while critics tend to emphasize the content to determine what they present...

Machavellian Ideologies in Europe in the 16-17th Centuries

Introduction Machiavelli advocated a government whose powers were centralized around one person, who allegedly represented the state. The main reason he stuck to this type of government was his long service as an aide to Cesar Borgia. He took time to study the behavior of Borgia before coming up with...

French Revolution and Latin American Independence

Introduction Many countries were colonized in the early years. Before a country got its independence, there was a struggle that it had to undergo. Colonizers mistreated the local people and made them work for their benefit. In Latin American, the Spanish were the colonizers. They treated the locals as inferior...

Mesopotamian and Modern American Contracts on Marriage, Divorce, and Adoption

Introduction In every period of human development, specific juridical structures and laws formed how people live and perceive each other. One of the most essential parts of these rules is how people should interact in society. This essay will explore such aspects as marriage, divorce, and adoption in the contracts...

Revolutionary Movements in Mexico and Cuba

Introduction Across the globe, government systems forcefully overthrow prevailing social orders in favor of new ones. Revolutions often trigger disastrous consequences in society’s economic, political infrastructural, and cultural sectors (Skidmore & Smith, 1984). In Mexico, the Revolution took place ten decades ago, while Cuba experienced its Revolution in 1960 (Jenkins,...

American Patriots: Ethical Concerns and Civic Engagement

Introduction Due to governing-related imperfections in the American colonies, the middle of the 18th century was marked by devoted colonists’ concerns and a desire for respect. The Patriots’ history of advocating for change reveals various responses to financial exploitation. The Patriots were represented by colonial citizens critical of taxation strategies,...

Emergence and Success of the Empire Ottoman

Introduction The rise and dominance of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th and 15th centuries was influenced by many factors both internal and external. One of the main reasons for the emergence of this Empire was the legacy of feudalism, where the nobilities were given lands in exchange for military...

The Post-Apartheid Period Impact on Education

Introduction An education system exists to serve the interests of society. African leaders derive a delegated authority to empower learners with knowledge. However, when the school fees are high, many learners cannot pursue their studies, and the value of learning institutions to the citizens diminishes (Christie, 1985). A working environment...

Writings of Sarmiento and Bolívar on Identity

Comparing the documents and writings of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento and Simón Bolívar, one of the primary findings is drawn from the examination of their thinking regarding the connections between diversity, identity, and otherness. The historical context of their work is concerned with breaking free from colonial ties, which enables considerations...

Modern Society’s Approach toward the Pursuit of Happiness

The term “pursuit of happiness” can be found in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. This statement relates to the freedom to participate in any activity that offers one joy. The activity in question does not violate other people’s rights or the law. The pursuit of...

The Causes and Effects of the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction “The time is always right to do what is right,” said Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most famous civil rights leaders. His words expressed the hopes of many people for justice, fairness, and equal opportunity for African Americans. The civil rights movement in the 1950s and...

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society

The Industrial Revolution refers to a period throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries within western societies such as Great Britain, the United States, and Europe. It was defined by the rapid increase of new manufacturing processes and the transition to steam and water power (Wilkinson, 2020). Overall, the...

Martin Luther King’s Leadership

Martin Luther King is an excellent example of a leader who managed to change the world in a positive way and highly influenced society’s perspective on racism. He is known for his encouraging and memorable speeches that inspired black people to keep fighting for their rights and freedom. King spoke...

History vs. Fiction of Oroonoko, Inkle and Yarico

There are many uncertainties as to what is absolute truth, exaggeration, or understatement within fiction based on stories that were told centuries ago. That is the case of Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko, a fictional work of prose recounting the elements of the life of the Oroonoko, a Coromantin prince. It is...

The Impact of the Great Depression on Women, Families, and Children

Introduction The Great Depression was a worldwide economic crisis that severely influenced the economic situation of the USA. The fall of prices in the American stock market led to an adverse effect on the financial situation of the whole population. The decline in the economy influenced employment, living conditions, and...

Western Civilization: Two Lives of Charlemagne

One of the most well-known kings of the Franconia Empire was Charlemagne. Charlemagne’s popularity stems from the fact that he founded the Carolingian Empire, which revived education, implemented religious reforms, and established civil policy (Sherman 210-211). Charlemagne exhibited great signs of becoming a ruler and, eventually, an emperor. The biographies...

The English Civil War: The Major Cause

Introduction When studying the factors that might have led to the English Civil Wars, it is essential to consider that the conflicts did not begin as a revolution. The individuals who were actively involved did not wish for replacement of the Monarchy. Conflicting attitudes towards the royal power as well...

World History: The Crusades, Humanism, and the Printing Press

A variety of events have shaped the social, cultural, and political dimensions of the world. The significance of most historical events is apparent to date, thus validating the study of history at all levels of education. The Crusades shaped the future of Christianity in Europe, humanism changed how people viewed...

The Factors Complexity in The Fall of the Roman Empire – Was It Inevitable?

Introduction The Roman Empire is a post-republican phase in the development of the ancient Roman statehood, a characteristic feature of an autocratic form of government and large territorial possessions in Europe and the Mediterranean. The chronological framework of the existence of the Roman Empire covers the period from the reign...

The Drama “The Marriage of Maria Brown”: History of Germany

This film has become widely known in Germany and around the world. In Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s extensive film biography, she may not be the best. However, it is most indicative of him and essential in a certain sense. The drama “The Marriage of Maria Brown” can be interpreted from various...

Herodotus on the Egyptians: World History

I believe that Herodotus had a valid opinion on how influential some of the Egyptian customs have been to the Greeks. For instance, Egyptians had the same type of social hierarchy, with the upper class of land and slave owners and the lower class with limited rights. Some religious similarities...

Giles Fletcher’s “Of the Russe Commonwealth”

“Of the Russe Commonwealth” is the work Giles Fletcher written in 1591. Giles Fletcher was an English scholar and diplomat who described Russia right after the reign of Ivan IV and before the Time of Troubles. He was sent to the court of Fyodor I Ivanovich, who was a tsar...

Tartan: The Symbol of Rebellion?

Tartan refers to the pattern of interlocking stripes that runs through the cloth vertically and horizontally. Today, tartans’ different fabrics and designs are thought to represent specific Scottish clans and families. It has a long-standing history, with the earliest known Scottish tartan dating to the fourth century AD (The Scottish...

The Causes of the Mexican-American War

The conflict under consideration, the Mexican-American war, which started in 1846 and lasted two years, is notable for its role in the history of the relationships between the countries. This event reflects the attempts to expand the territory by the United States’ leaders and the resistance of Mexico, which could...

Discussion of Civil War in Bougainville

Introduction In media and communication, information can be shared in different features that may vary in one way or another. For instance, news feature is based on timely trending content with a human interest that is widespread from one region to another. The civil war in Bougainville lies under past...

Pericles’ “Funeral Oration”: Speech Analysis

Pericles’ “Funeral Oration” is one of the world’s greatest and most influential speeches that may still relate to society and governments. Delivered in 431 B.C., which was the first year of the Peloponnesian War, this speech praises Athenians’ sacrifices, comforts parents, brothers, and sons of the warriors deceased with honor,...

Alfred Nobel: Man Changed Everything

Explosive substances were not new to people who lived in the nineteenth century. For instance, gunpowder had been known to humanity in the Middle Ages. However, it was quite unsafe to use explosive powders and many accidents were associated with unmanageable explosive substances in the eighteenth century. However, one man...

The Nature of the Cold War Between the US and the Soviet Union

Introduction Following the Second World War, the US and the Soviet Union marked the most powerful countries around the world and were referred to as superpowers. However, the two countries had different notions concerning government and economics, which resulted in their fighting a battle of ideas known as the Cold...

Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies History

Introduction Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay Colonies were the two large settlements founded at the beginning of the seventieth century. Their appearance, though motivated by different ideologies and purposes, has made a significant contribution to the future of the USA. Taking into account the basic structural principles of these colonies,...

The Republic of Texas: Brief Overview and the End of the Republic

Introduction The Republic of Texas was an independent North American state that was located on the border of Mexico and the United States of America. The state existed for a decade then run from 1836 to 1846 (Hämäläinen, 55). The creation of independent Texas had resulted from the Texas Revolution...

The South vs. The North in the American Civil War

Introduction The United States of America is a powerful and great nation that plays an essential role in the modern world. However, it was not always so, and the 19th century, for example, witnessed as it was divided into two parts. It refers to the Northern and Southern regions that...

Hewes and the Ideological Premise of the Revolution

The political events that unfolded in Boston in the 1770s and the following developments leading to the Revolution were driven by a range of factors and supported by a huge number of people. However, of all citizens, George Robert Twelves Hewes stood out as a particularly important figure in the...

“The History of Development” by Gilbert Rist

Chapter 11 of the book The history of development: from western origins to global faith by Gilbert Rist provides a scope of the author’s opinions on the development of the South since the very beginning of the 1990s. The whole discussion in the chapter is dedicated to the development of...

European Contact With the Aztec Empire and China

The history of European travels to the East as well as to new lands with a view to their further colonization contains a number of achievements initiated by individual explorers. These people significantly contributed to the development of the economy of the time. However, their activity did not necessarily lead...

The Short Life of Évariste Galois and the Big Life of His Ideas

209 years ago, a famous mathematician Évariste Galois was born. He lived only 20 years but managed to become a classic of mathematics and one of the founders of higher algebra. His short biography is well known because it is romantic and interesting to young people. Galois was a fiery...

The North American Phalanx

A utopian community is a group of closely assembled people united by common ideals and beliefs that live together, support each other, and share work, lands, and profit. Utopian communities were a new social phenomenon that arose in America in the nineteenth century. They quickly became popular, grew, and spread...

Effect of Flooding on Cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia

Egypt and Mesopotamia were two civilizations that bore as many similarities as did differences. Mesopotamia was originally concentrated in Tigris and Euphrates rivers valleys though it gradually spread to other areas. The effects of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers largely impacted the Mesopotamian culture more so about its frequent and...

Colonization of South East Asia

Introduction During the 16th and 17th century Europeans were able to penetrate South East Asia. In the process they were able to control the international trade of the region1. The profits that were accrued from the exercise were taken back to Europe. These profits were responsible for the high level...

Gender Relations in Roman Society

Introduction Roman culture has always attracted special attention on the part of both scholars exploring ancient societies and ordinary people enriching their knowledge in ancient history. Sometimes it seems that modern society has much to learn from the ancient one for different kinds of values were an essential part of...

Socio-Cultural Shifts in European Renaissance

The expression renaissance has the meaning of revitalization or rebirth. During this period many themes that affect human beings were re-discovered, re-made, and perfected. To make this happen there were several foremost factors. During the Middle Ages, human societies in Europe did not find time to change their ways of...

Jim Crow Laws for African American

Introduction In the 20th century, it was a common belief among the White Americans that having black Americans in their neighborhood would lead to decline of property values. The United States came up with a policy to separate the country by having different facilities for the white Americans and the...

Rosa Parks: Mother of the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction Rosa Lousie McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 to October 27, 2005) has been described as the “Mother of the Modern-day Civil Rights Movement,” in the United States of America (Parks). She had selflessly dedicated her entire lifetime for the cause of underprivileged and segregated colored sections of this country....

History of African Americans in Florida

African Americans are people who are either citizens or residents of the United States of America whose ancestors came from one of the black populations that inhabit the African continent. American history tabulates a series of atrocities and degradations committed against African Americans by their white counterparts, perpetrated under cover...

The Era of Good Feelings

Introduction The beginning of the 19th century was marked by the differences of opinions among the political parties. The War of 1812 served as the major ground that made America assert a new feeling of nationalism: people had a considerable need to take the steps, which could improve the relations,...

Alexander The Great, Trajan, Charlemagne Comparison

Empires in Western Civilization I had some similarity as well as differences in the way they dealt with people, geographical expanse as well as success determinants as discussed under. Charlemagne was the king of the Franks. He changed the Frankish Kingdoms into the Frankish Empire which took the entire Western...

The History of Gaius Julius Caesar

Introduction Julius Caesar’s determination and political savvy allowed him to rise to the head of the crumbling Roman Republic. Caesar amassed a great deal of power and popular support and single-handedly ruled Rome for years. However, some members of the Senate feared that Caesar’s autocratic rule would destroy any possibility...

The Getty Kidnapping: Ransom, Resolution, and Aftermath

Background of the Case The case under consideration is one of the most discussed kidnapping stories of the twentieth century. The case roots back to July 10, 1973, when 1-year-old John Paul Getty III was kidnaped by Italian criminals in Rome. The people who organized the crime were the members...

Humanities from Ancient Greece

Of the eras covered in the course, the one that had my favorite example of Humanities was Ancient Greece. This era is believed to have started in the 8th century BC and finished with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. However, the Greek civilization was only disestablished...

Suleiman the Magnificent, Shah Abbas I and Akbar the Great

Introduction History is always written by the winners. It is a well-known phrase that perfectly demonstrates the nature of our world and the way it evolves. However, there is one more fact that should also be mentioned. The thing which makes a person the winner is his/her outstanding character and...

American Dream vs. Reality Throughout History

Narrowed Focus: The concept of the American dream held by many citizens in the United States has become a dream. Thesis Statement: Although many American citizens continue to hold on the American dream and its role in promoting upward economic and social mobility, the existing facts reveal that the conception...

Isaac Newton: The History of His Discoveries and Myths

Though implying accuracy and requiring factual information, the world of science is full of legends and has unique mythology that coexists with the foundations of contemporary science (Numbers and Kampourakis 11). Isaac Newton’s biography and the scientific revolution that his discoveries led to (Berkun 4) are the domains that are...

History of the United Arab Emirates

Introduction The history of the area starts in the 7th century when Islam was converted, but the archeological research shows that the first human occupation can be referred to as the Neolithic period. A new formation, United Arab Emirates, comprising six emirates (Abu Dhabi, Umm al-Qaiwain, Sharjah, Fujairah, Dubai, and...

Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists: Debating the 1787 Constitution

Introduction The Constitution of 1787-1788 is known for having created one of the greatest controversies in the history of the United States. The proponents of the Constitution, who believed in the necessity of strengthening the republic, were referred to as Federalists, whereas those who were against the ratification and opted...

The American Frontier: Reality and Myth

Introduction The American Frontier is often recognized as the single most popular period in the history of America, especially when it comes to the portrayal in the popular media and, as a result, the recognition in the public consciousness. There are many reasons for that, and different scholars tend to...

Social Welfare History in America

Introduction The establishment of the social welfare system in the United States of America was one of the most critical undertakings. The institution of social welfare dates back to a few centuries ago when Queen Elizabeth introduced it in the 15th century. The true “definition and perspective of looking at...

European Colonialism in Africa

Introduction Colonialism refers to a governance system in which a powerful country takes control of a weak state by ruling its people and exploiting its resources for economic gain (Gann and Duignan 5). Colonials assume that they have the right to impose their will and authority upon other countries. Most...

“You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train” by Zinn

Howard Zinn’s life was full of important events and experiences which shaped his political and social views. Being a devoted historian, he was aware of the many influences that affected his opinion on politics, government, and various social debates. In his book “You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train,”...

President Obama’s Remarks: Reflections on the Trayvon Martin Case

Viewed by many black folks as a case of racial profiling and acts of civil rights, president Barack Obama had to move in to cool the rising tempers among African-American communities. In his address, the President reminded law enforcers of the historical injustices that the people of color had undergone....

European and Other Empires Differences 1500 – 1914

Several structural differences existed between European Empires and other kingdoms found in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. However, the empires that existed in Europe and other parts of the world between 1500 and 1914 shared several features. They were both dynamic, implying that they always embraced change where one kingdom...

History of the Industrial Revolution in Europe

Introduction The European industrial revolution occurred between the eighteenth century and nineteenth centuries. During this time, the European and American pastoral populations that appeared to be mainly agricultural turned into urbanized and industrialized populations. However, in the late 1700s, British communities were the first to experience the Industrial Revolution, but...

Oppression and Identity in Chesnutt’s “The Wife of His Youth”

The years of slavery in the USA provoked a lot of social problems and contradictions which were not resolved even after the years of the Civil War. During the period of slavery, it was typical to speak about the opposition between ‘whites’ and ‘blacks.’ The end of slavery resulted in...

The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent

Introduction Sultan Suleiman is one of the greatest leaders in history. Sultan was the leader of the Ottoman Empire was born in the year 1494 on the 6th of November. He was in the reign for the longest time beginning in the year 1520 until 1566 when he died. He...

History and Role of the Money

Introduction Money is any commodity or token that serves as a medium of exchange that is legally and socially acknowledged in payment for services and goods and in the disbursement of debts. Money serves as a store of value and as a standard of value for determining the comparative worth...

The Impact of Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement on Racial Justice in America

Introduction The Civil Rights Movement and the Reconstruction Era are two crucial eras in American history that highlight the country’s ongoing struggles with racism and racial issues. These periods, which close and begin a century of conflict, illustrate America’s arduous march toward freedom and equality. In order to prepare for...

The Portrayal of the Roman Emperor Commodus: Annotated Bibliography

Abbey, Ettal. Historia Augusta. 117. The primary source that is relevant to the topic is The Historia Augusta, a collection of biographies of Roman emperors written during the late 4th century CE. The section on Commodus provides insight into his reign and character, as well as the political and social...

Abraham Lincoln: A Leader Shaped by Illinois and the Civil War

Introduction Abraham Lincoln is among the most respected figures in American history. He is best known for leading the country during the Civil War and assisting in the abolition of slavery. A close examination of Lincoln’s early life in Illinois, his political career, and his impact on the state during...

Greek Legacy in Ancient Roman Culture

Romans were fascinated by how the Greek culture was advanced. Romans used the Greek philosophies and concepts to their advantage and developed one of the most powerful empires in the world. Politically, the ancient Greeks had a system of government that had a group of citizens vote on whether to...

The Legality of Operation Geronimo

The legendary Geronimo was the commander of the Chiricahua Apache tribe who evaded capture by the United States government. As per Soherwordi and Shahid, the US military selected the code phrase since, like Geronimo, bin Laden had avoided apprehension for years (3). From the perspective of liberal autonomy, however, the...

Greek and Macedonian Empires of Ancient Times

Introduction The two most influential empires that helped to shape the ancient world on European land were Greece and Makedonia. The expansion of these civilizations has had a lasting and considerable impact on the formation of modern cultures and nationalities in Europe. Though the two empires were historically closely interrelated,...

Ronald Takaki’s “A Different Mirror” Book

A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America is a book written by Ronald Takaki (published by Little, Brown and Company for the first time in 1993 and revised by Back Bay Books in 2008). The main idea is to describe the essence of multicultural America through the prism of...

“The Secret History of Mongol Queens” by Jack Weatherford

Introduction ‘The Secret History of the Mongol Queens’ is a 2010 politically sensitive book by Jack Weatherford. This book provides an up-close perspective of the private life of a dynastic family. The author also analyzes the primary responsibility of Mongolian women in the empire and their influence on the contemporary...

Strauss’ The Trojan War: A New History

Introduction The events of the Trojan War are connected with various myths, and historians have tried to distinguish the truth from fiction for many centuries. Homer’s variant of war history is used as the source of historically accurate facts, a biased position. Barry Strauss’ position on the Trojan War is...

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

During the Civil War, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were implemented to improve and create justice for the formerly enslaved people. The American Civil War involved the North and the South in the abolition of slavery in the country. These three amendments were designed to grant African Americans and...

The Syrian Civil War and Its Factors

Introduction Violence against Syrians’ street protests promptly escalated into a civil war about a decade ago. This Syrian Civil War would later become one of the world’s most deadly and extended humanitarian crises. As the Syrians endure these incredible moments of suffering, what are the lessons learned, and what are...

Pilgrims: The Establishment of Plymouth Colony

The arrival of the Pilgrims to the shores of the future United States of America has been viewed as a turning point in the history of the U.S. Although the colony established by the Pilgrims was not the first or the largest on the land of the New World, it...

American Cowboys and Their Long Drive

Many people wonder about the glory days of American cowboys, but what were the 1870s really like? Well, the job of moving large herds of cattle all across America was a challenging but rewarding task. One of the greatest jobs during this period was the Long Drive. The cowboys moved...

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Main Achievements

Introduction Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only US president to be elected 4 times in a row. Therefore, his presidency lasted a long period – from 1933 to 1945. Not surprisingly, the politician’s reforms were generally perceived as successful. The most important achievements of Franklin D. Roosevelt were the development...

Mysteries about President John F. Kennedy Assassination

JFK assassination is a mystery, and no one knows exactly what happened. After more than half a century of research and discussion, there are still discrepancies in peoples’ understanding of the mystery. The murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy 50 years ago remains unsolved; for this reason, many conspiracy theories...

Industrial Revolution and Nationalistic Movement

Both the industrial revolution and nationalistic movements rapidly developed in the 19th century. Nevertheless, even considering all the effects of the industrial revolution on nationalism, they are different. The industrial revolution had a social impact but was mainly related to technological changes, whereas nationalistic ideology related more to economic and...

Julius Caesar: Ancient Ruler of Rome

Introduction Julius Caesar is a renowned ancient ruler of Rome who considerably transformed the country by expanding its borders and introducing an imperial system. Caesar gained popularity due to his military competence, impeccable political skills, and support from Rome’s oppressed middle and lower-class people (Orlin 2021). His achievements have had...

Ethics and Civics of the Patriots in the 18th Century

Introduction The history of the United States in the 18th century is fascinating for several reasons. Firstly, colonial changes became the causes of new problems and requirements that need to be answered. Secondly, it is the American Revolution, which resulted from the Great Awakening and the flowering of Enlightenment. Thirdly,...

Utilitarianism and the Civil War

Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism that bases the judgment of morality on the consequences likely to follow. Therefore, consequences are the only thing that matter in utilitarianism to justify the morality of decisions. Utilitarianism is the only moral framework that can justify military force or war, considering the positive...

The Role of Family in Ancient Greece

Thee research study of the history of historical events is of great interest. Despite the fact that the history of Ancient Greece can not be called entirely reliable, since many books were lost or damaged. The main topic of interest is Greek family life, where the rules were clearly distributed...

Rise, Decline and Collapse of the Han and Roman Empires

Introduction The Chinese and Roman empires are two of the world’s most formidable empires. The Roman empire is credited with laying the groundwork for western civilizations and political systems. The Han dynasty is credited with establishing the foundations of Chinese governance and culture. This dynasty had a profound impact on...

Analysis of the French Revolution

The critical event in French history was the revolution of the 18th century. A combination of reasons made people infuriated with the situation in the country, with the local aristocracy playing a pivotal role. As a result, the events of those years caused upheavals not only in France but also...

Carter-Reagan-Bush Bipartisan Consensus

The last two decades of the Cold War are filled with many political controversies in the inner policies of the United States. Within the span of sixteen years, America was dominated by both Democratic and Republican parties, yet, the general policy has remained surprisingly the same regardless of the presidential...

Religious Influence in the Salem Witch Trials

Introduction The 1692 Salem Witch Trials are remembered as one of the most horrific mass hysteria cases in American history. A group of Salem citizens accused their neighbors of witchcraft, leading to the execution of 19 people (Laskaris 1). In 1953, American playwright Arthur Miller took Salem Witch Trials as...

The Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The Civil Rights Movement in 1960 was the culmination of the end of people’s dissatisfaction with segregation and discrimination in almost all spheres of society. The march on Washington and the piercing speech of the fighter for justice, Martin Luther King, made a wide response among citizens. Since then,...

Van Helden’s Article “The Telescope in the Seventeenth Century”

The article “The Telescope in the Seventeenth Century” was written by Van Helden in 1974. The author discloses the science behind the invention of the telescope and how it affected humanity’s future and development. Van Helden (1974) argues that the telescope was invented in approximately the 1600s but became known...

History of “The Black Death” by Rosemary Horrox

In his book Rosemmary Horrox, she traced how the Black Death in Europe and part of Asia affected the entire continent and particular spread across the part of England and Ukraine. Majority of researchers including Rosemary Horrox showed that the Black Death was associated with plague caused by bacterium pestis,...

French Revolution and Consequences of Radical Reform

The French revolution took place to change the monarchy and take control of the government due to poor economic and political policies that existed. The monarchy had lacked dynastic legitimacy; thus, republicans demanded a regime based on popular sovereignty. Further, France had undergone international humiliation hence the need for revolution...

Racial Segregation in the USA

The struggle for equality between all citizens has been going on in the United States almost from the beginning of the state’s founding. A prime example of this ongoing struggle is prejudices built around white and black people in contemporary America. Fortunately, this movement has made some progress, especially compared...

The 1990s Decade in the United States of America

The 1990s in the United States of America is also called a golden decade for its relative calmness, welfare, and the rising development of technologies. Various subcultures, art directions, and fashion styles appeared during that time. The end of the Cold War, the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, and the rise of hip-hop...

The Lessons That Can Learned From Wars

The great wars in the history of mankind teach about the importance of proper communication between nations, the impossibility to predict outcomes, and the control over the human ego. One group of individuals who do attempt to gain from history are war leaders. In spite of the fact that they...

Successes and Failures From Reconstruction Through Progressive Era in America

Introduction From the 1890s to the 1920s, the United States’ history faced an era of intense social and political change aimed at making progress toward a better society by solving problems in many areas such as the economy, education, labor, politics, environment, and transportation. This era came after the Reconstruction,...

Pericles as Athens’ Greatest Leader

Among many antique politicians and orators who ruled Greek city-states, Pericles was described as one of the most influential historical figures. The leader ruled Athens in 461 BC – 429 BC, and that period was named the city’s Golden Age (Mark, 2018). Pericles contributed to the development of democracy, promoted...

The Internment of Japanese Americans

The internment of Japanese Americans is the right choice, and those who are against it do not understand the current situation. Our country is leading a war with Japan, why cannot we punish those who belong to our competitors? Foreign soldiers do not have mercy on children, women, and elderly...

Quotations of “After the Firebombing” by Malcolm X

The issue of misinterpretation and mass delusion is the one that was and is controversial for Western society. Some people prefer to avoid notions about the lying press and trust the majority of information that they encounter. The other type of people develops an apparatus for criticism of the messages...

The Importance of Persia on the World Stage

Persia is one of the oldest states and empires, now called Iran. In the best “heyday period,” the Persian Empire became one of the most significant states in history. From its origin to the conquest by Alexander the Great, Persia occupied a dominant position in the ancient world for two...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Impact on Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The civil rights movement began in the United States in the middle of the last century. Even though the Civil War of 1861-1865 had ended 90 years earlier, racial equality had never been established in America. White immigrants from Europe were at the root of the formation of the...

American Civil War and Western Expansion

Introduction Post-Civil War American registered significant economic and industrial growth accompanied by westward expansion caused by the increasing number of Americans moving across the Mississippi River in search of opportunities. In the years that followed the civil war, the promise of opportunities and other issues that divided the country inspired...

The Seven Voyages of Chinese Admiral Zheng He

Introduction Admiral Zheng He, China’s ultimate sea captain, was born and bred in the countryside in a household of glorious Muslims around 1371. When his predecessor was killed, he was taken as a prisoner, beginning the incredible journey of switching identities upon which he would embark. In the 1400s, Zheng...

China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire Modernization in the 19th Century

Traditional societies, in particular the Ottoman Empire, China, and Japan began to experience difficulties in the nineteenth century. They all found that they are much weaker militarily than European countries or America. Military achievements gave stronger countries power to gain more lands and profit, make deals on their terms, and...

The Historical Evolution of the International Community

Introduction The emergence of international community is linked to the treaty of Westphalia of 1648 which was signed following the thirty year war and which created the modern states. Westphalia treaty relegated the position of the church in the society and helped in the disintegration of established European empires and...

Winthrop’s “City Upon a Hill”

John Winthrop’s speech to his Puritan community is a well-known example of a person’s vision of the future. Many American scholars and politicians refer to the expressions and phrases implemented by Winthrop (Squiers, 2018). The advice presented by the Puritan leader is still relevant to this day, providing a significant...

Spanish Colonisation of America

The discovery of the New World made by Christopher Columbus in 1492 is regarded as the onset of the Spanish colonization of the continent that after years became known as America. The vast undeveloped territories and greed attracted numerous adventurers – conquistadors. In this connection, the Royal Spanish court promoted...

“The Vietnam War: An Intimate History”: Book Review

Introduction Ken Burns best known for creating a series of documentaries about the American Civil War, shot in 1990, also made a new series about the Vietnam War in 2017. This violent conflict in which America fought to ensure that the communist North did not subjugate the South of Vietnam...

Bintel Brief Letters – Discussion

The “Bintel Brief” letters and responses from the Jewish Daily Forward editors are remarkable proof of how similar in nature, albeit different in shape, were the problems encountered by immigrant Americans throughout the twentieth century. The main topics revealed in letters and replies are the opinions of the inner circle,...

Women as the Reserve Army of Labour

Introduction Reserve army of labour is a part of labour force that is kept in reserve to be entitled to work when they are needed or when they are able to work. If such people were not there it would be difficult to open new companies to undertake crisis projects....

The Major Causes of the Great Depression

Some of the major causes of the Great Depression include (but are not confined to) the stock market collapse (of 1929), the failure of the banking system, the economic downturn in many countries, the American international trade policy (Kennedy, Cohen, & Piehl, 2012). The crash of the stock market is...

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom 1963

August 28, 1963 is considered to be a prominent date for the history of America. It was the turning point for the Civil Rights Movement. It was the day when the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place, and millions of black people were inspired to fight for...

The Civil Rights Movement’s Success

The Civil Rights Movement was successful in achieving its objectives. The movement’s main goal was to promote equal rights for American residents regardless of racial or ethnic affiliation. The fundamental laws, including the Civil Rights Acts, Elementary and Secondary education Act, Voting Rights Act, and Housing Act, were passed to...

20th Century Ideological Conflicts

The history of the 20th century was turbulent, but it is possible to trace at least one persistent feature present in each of its important moments and periods. As political and military struggles embroiled the powers of the world, there was always an evident ideological subtext present in the events....

Syncretism as a Cultural Movement in the Americas

Modern families in the United States and many other countries have uncommon blends of cultures, beliefs, and traditions, most of which appeared due to the past’s syncretistic occasions. Colonization forced people of different backgrounds to meet and combine their views, thus now, for example, American traditions include Christian and native...

Women in Classical Rhetorical Theory during Ancient Times

Introduction The classical rhetorical theory dated back to the 5th Century BCE has been used by many great philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Isocrates. Whether these rhetoricians were orators or writers, they all used this theory to influence their audience and spread messages to their listeners (“Rhetoric in ancient...

African Continent and the Cold War

Americanah is a novel that was written by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who spends a significant part of her life in the United States; therefore, she knows American everyday life properly, and in particular, the current situation and politics about racism. The example of this novel can examine...

Segregation and Racial Discrimination in Housing

Introduction The primary aim of this essay is to understand the role of segregation and discrimination in creating housing disparity between African Americans and the white community. However, for centuries now, national spatial imaginary has been racially marked, with segregation serving to induce a fine line between the majorities from...

The Assassination of Julius Caesar

Introduction Rome is one of the most important and ancient historical landmarks in European history. The contemporary cultural, political, and philosophic tradition was built on the basis of old Roman practice and theory. Nowadays, it is still held in high regard, although few people concern themselves with the full history...

A Time to Break Silence: Martin Luther King Jr.

There are many precedents in world history when religious leaders openly fought against injustice, backed by state laws, and sided with the oppressed. Martin Luther King Jr., who fought against racial inequality in America, considered social activity the only legal opportunity to counteract cynicism, indifference, and despair. The theology of...

The Philippine-American War or a Tagalog Insurgency

During this time, most people called the Philippine-American war a Tagalog Insurgency because the Philippine troops commenced surrendering to the U.S army. The war commenced on February 4th, 1899, lasting until July 2nd, 1902. The war was a struggle for independence, which had early begun in 1896 under the Philippine...

“Black Boy” by Richard Wright: Analysis of Setting

Black boy is an autobiography written by Richard Wright, a Black American writer who faced the challenges typical for a member of his race at his time. The voice of the author is that of an adult, but the described events are presented through the eyes of a boy, with...

1960’s Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The United States has always been a country that promotes freedom and civilian liberties. Nevertheless, civil rights movements have been a priori attribute of the American social agenda throughout its history. The reason is that the understanding of freedom has not always been expanded on all the groups present...

The Impact of Martin Luther King’s Speech

Before the Speech Martin Luther King Junior delivered the speech, “I Have a Dream,” in 1963. It was heard by an initial two hundred thousand people, beyond any other rally in the history of the U.S at that time. The speech’s content put pressure on President Lyndon’s administration to push...

Analysis of Japanese-American Internment

Japanese-American internment is a significant problem in the 21st century as it questions the credibility of the democracy and values of equity in the USA. This case shows the imperfection of the political system as human dignity was not taken into consideration in prison camps that were organized by the...

William Swinton’s Thesis on the Human History Development

The current paper is an argumentative essay that aims to provide a reasonable disagreement with William Swinton’s thesis on human history development. According to Swinton, there is only one “civilization of progress”, and it belongs to European people (Aryan races). The statement appears to be unreasonable due to the existence...

The Americas in the Age of Revolution 1750-1850

Introduction The present-day literature has much research available on all issues connected with the emergence of the USA, the development of the country, the fight for independence in the period of colonization, etc. In general, every country has a history of which it is proud and which has to be...

The Age of Revolutions and the Modern World

Introduction The Age of Revolutions is most often dated 1775-1848 and is defined as a period of rapid evolutionary change from empires (monarchies) to constitutional republics in various parts of the world (particularly North and Latin America and Europe). The period starts with the American Revolution and ends with the...

The Declaration of Independence

Outline America’s Declaration of Independence lays the foundation for the growth of democracy in the United States. The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God and the concepts of equality and unalienable rights for all form the fundamental principles of governance. This makes Declaration America’s most important historical document. Introduction The...

The History and Overview of French Revolution

Overview The French revolution is perhaps the most significant event not only in the history of France but also in the whole of Europe. The revolution represents the transition to liberty and freedom for the Frenchmen. This can be traced from the fact that France had been ruled by monarchs...

The History of Roman Emperor Diocletian

Introduction Diocletian was born in the year 236 AD and reigned as a Roman emperor between the years 284-305 AD during which, his reign was faced with many changes in the Roman Kingdom. Before his reign as a roman emperor, Diocletian was an army commander before becoming a consulate. During...

The Indian Mutiny of 1857: Causes of the Rebellion

The rebellion that came to be called the Indian Mutiny started on the 10th May 1857 with the soldiers of the Light Cavalry regiment and the Infantry of the Bengal army which was posted at Meerut shooting the British officers in the precincts of the army cantonment. They broke open...

Great Fire of London and the Way to its Reconstruction

On September 2, 1666, the City of London burnt with fire that lasted for three days. The entire territory of the City was ruined, the houses and stone buildings burnt down. More than 80 000 citizens of London lost their homes. First, they camped in the fields nearby the city,...

Art and Literature Response to Horrors of War

There are a lot of sufferings that people undergo in events of the war that are not accounted for. Soldiers as well as prisoners of war are subjected to suffering by their enemies. Innocent citizens are displaced with others being killed in the process. Women and children are the most...

Exposing the Real Che Guevara by Humberto Fontova

Ernesto “Che” Guevara is described by many people as a hero and a source of inspiration to societies. T-shirts with his heroic logo are proudly worn by those who know him as a hero. Various media outlets and Hollywood actors have played a major role in trying to lionize the...

Comparison of the Slavery Systems in Ancient Rome and Ottoman

Introduction Slavery refers to a situation whereby an individual is owned by another individual and is sometimes denied some of his rights. Slavery was mainly practiced in ancient years. Examples of the empires which practiced the trade include Rome and Ottoman. This research will shed light on how slavery was...

Post-Confederation Period in Canadian History

Canadian history is generally divided into two periods – pre-confederation and post-confederation. Originally, this division is stipulated by the fact that essential changes have taken place after this beak point. The main tendencies, which featured the post-confederation period, were the centralization and expansion of the territories. These tendencies were encouraged...

The Impact of the Great Depression on Education

Introduction The great depression and its impact on education can be viewed from the perspective of decline in the number of students in institutions and the inadequacy in In terms of resources to support education. The great depression was marked by important features that had significant implications on the education...

Rhetorical Analysis of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address

Introduction Stewarts (2004) suggested that Herbert A Wichelns influenced rhetorical studies since 1925 through his essay “The Literary Criticism of Oratory.” In this sense, oratory is considered naturally as statecraft but critics have almost always focused on “the minutiae of style and with whether a speech was “literature” (p 407)....

Spanish Culture in Equatorial Guinea

Introduction Equatorial Guinea, located in Africa, is a land filled with Spanish culture. Formerly known as Spanish Guinea, Spain has played a key role in the country’s history, while its influence continues to remain evident in culture today. While language is the predominant example of Spanish culture, Spain still influences...

Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”

Introduction Thomas Paine was born in 1737 to a poor Quaker in Thetford, England. In his early life, he was surrounded mostly by farmers and the uneducated. He left school at the age of twelve, and shortly after became apprenticed to his father as a corset maker. This trade was...

The Monroe Doctrine’s Critique and Analysis

Introduction In the early 19th century, the young United States, with hopes of becoming a major world power like its former mother country, started a campaign for territorial expansion. In an era dubbed the Age of Imperialism the political and economic power of nations was secured through the acquisition of...

Nationalism in the French Revolution of 1789

Introduction It is the year 1799 in France, a country that has undergone historical and trying times as social protests and political upheaval have thrown the country into chaos and instability. The French Revolution led to the French Republic, guided by new Enlightenment and democratic ideals, the political philosophy of...

The Industrial Revolution and the First World War

Introduction The industrial revolution and the First World War are the two historical events that produced a tremendous effect on the development of the United States. They changed the course of history and laid the foundation of modern-day society by forming the principles and technologies that people currently use. Given...

Was the American Civil War Inevitable?

Introduction The Civil War is among the most widely studied events in American history. It had an essential role in shaping American society and securing the national identity of the United States. The Civil War began in 1861, shortly after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, and lasted for over four...

Renaissance and Modern Societies

Introduction The Renaissance is a generally talked about period on the planet’s history as it changed the targets and speed of humankind’s advancement. The procedures of the fifteenth century essentially influenced every single European nation. The life of customary individuals, just as that of the nobility, changed incredibly and began...

Rise, Expansion, and Fall of the Mongol Empire

Introduction The Mongol empire was the hugest and the most influential empire in world history. During the 13th and 14th centuries, it became the largest contiguous land empire that covered a vast territory from Hungary to Korea. It started from Central China, westward into Central Europe, eastward into the Sea...

Triangular Trade, Its Legs and Mechanism

Introduction The transatlantic triangular trade resulted in the forced migration of more than fifteen million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the 15th century to the 19th century. In the 18th century, almost all European countries were involved in the trade. However, Britain later became a leader in...

Ancient Egypt: Its Culture and History

History of Egypt Egypt is one of the countries that had a long and remarkable history. This country had an immense influence on the development of western civilization. Ironically, the country and its culture were also shaped by western civilization, as well as other cultural traditions. The Egyptians are a...