The Great Wall at the US – Mexican Border

Introduction The Great Wall at the border that separates USA and Mexico is one of the largest barriers between two countries in the world. The wall is a series of barriers meant to minimize illegal border crossings into the US through the southern border entry. The US government has had...

Construction of the America’s Great Wall

Introduction The Great Wall of America is made up of a metal structure that is 2000 miles long. It is a physical barrier between Mexico and the United States of America. In the 1990s, the number of immigrants crossing the border to the USA was very high. The situation led...

Immigration in the US

Introduction The debate on whether to grant illegal immigrants in the United States amnesty or not, is very controversial. On the one hand, there are those who argue that illegal immigrants should not be granted amnesty. They maintain that there is need to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in...

Obamacare Policy-Making in the Federal System

More often than not, the structure of the government in the United States makes it quite daunting to effectively implement policies, especially the policies that are developed at the federal level. One of the policies that have been subjected to criticism and failed to live up to the expectations of...

Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

The population of illegal immigrants in the United States continues to rise at an alarming rate. This has prompted the need for a solution to deal with the issue. Many proposals have been made; ranging from deportation to granting amnesty to illegal immigrants (Ashabranner 16). Amnesty refers to the act...

Opposition to the Dream Act

Introduction The DREAM Act is a bill proposed in the US that seeks to make persons who moved in the US as juveniles, but have lived in the country for five or more years before the bill is signed into law, and have graduated from an American high school permanent...

Public Union Restrictions in State of Ohio

Introduction Ohio and Wisconsin, the two states that are controlled by Republicans have for the past few years wanted to control the collective bargaining rights of government workers and have been proposing anti-union agendas. The bill comes just a few weeks after the same bill that was passed by Republicans...

Why the DREAM Act Is Beneficial for Americans?

Introduction The DREAM Act has sparked off a heated debate on whether illegal immigrants’ children can have the right to obtain higher education in the USA and, basically, obtain a legal status. There are many opponents to the Act. These people state that the enactment of the DREAM Act will...

DREAM Act: Exploring the Benefits

Introduction: overview of DREAM Act perspectives The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a legislation that provides students from minority groups who lived in the United States with permanent residency. Adopted in 2001, the act creates wider opportunities for undocumented residents in the field of military...

Barack Obama and Sheikh Zayed

Heroes The term ‘hero’ draws various definitions from across the world. As it would be observed, various communities across the world view heroism differently. This would have the meaning that, there are various reasons as to why one can be regarded as a hero or heroine in a particular community....

Legislative Issues in Georgia

This paper is aimed at examining the central questions that are viewed as the top priority by the governmental officials in Georgia. The upcoming legal acts are related to such aspects as economic development of this state, the work of police, and regulations of various narcotic substances. It is necessary...

U.S. Mexico Border Dilemma

U.S Mexico border dilemma has been present for several years. It is apparent that the space between the countries exists almost as a separate state (Coleman, 2005). It attracts a lot of immigrants, who would like to pursue the American Dream (Heyman, 2001). Some of them cross the border illegally,...

The Supreme Court of the United States: Analysis

The power of the Judicial Review plays a very important part in preserving the Constitution Developing it according to the changing circumstances America has a federal Constitution, which has divided into powers between centers and the component State. It has declared that the constitution is supreme law which cannot be...

America’s Choice: A Move Towards Socialism

Has capitalism failed? Look at some of the events of the past few years; they have left the average Joes, nurses, teachers, journalists, and countless others ready to throw in the towel regarding our free-enterprise system. Capitalism has seemed on the verge of a heart attack. The economy has been...

United Kingdom Environmental and Waste Management Policies

Background information Guided by the Kyoto Protocol, environmental and waste regulations as well as the United Kingdom government’s commitment to greenness and resource efficiency, the country adopted policies with regard to waste. In fact, in an era when there is an increased awareness of environmental issues, there is a need...

Modern Imperialism and Former Colonies

When colonization of most African and Asian countries ended, the ruling regimes or mother countries did not fully exit; thus, giving rise to neocolonialism. However, while imperialism existed during the colonization era, the current society has coined the word into modern imperialism to fit the current strong economic, social and...

Socialism and European Workers in the 19th Century

Introduction Socialism was a new ideology introduced in Europe in the 19th century. It was considered a modern political ideology after conservatism and liberalism, which were dominant in various European societies. Even though liberalism and conservatism were still the main ideologies in Europe, socialism was able to find its way...

Ukraine’s International Help: Preventing Ukraine From Falling Into Economic Shambles

The long standoff between Russia and the US on the annexation of Crimea by the former had made it difficult for Ukraine to receive international aid. However, the crisis-stricken nation recently received some motivating financial news – the tentative approval of up to $18 billion by IMF. Even though Ukraine...

Presidency in US: Bush Vs. Obama

American society has long been regarded as one of the most democratic and exemplary societies in the world. The three branches of power balance each other, and society is secured from any violations. However, the beginning of the twenty-first century was the beginning of the new era for American society...

Obama’s New Immigration Law

Introduction Immigration laws are the policies that governments across the world establish to regulate who enters a certain country and the period that such s person is supposed to stay in the host country. The United States of America is allegedly a nation of immigrants as it is characterized mainly...

Political Science: On How Taiwan Belongs to China

Introduction The official name of Taiwan, which is an independent state in East Asia, is the Republic of China. Initially, Taiwan Island was based in China, the People’s Republic of China that is commonly known as the China Mainland. The countries that neighbor the ROC include Japan, the Philippines, and...

The Issue of Illegal Immigrants and Access to Social Services

Introduction America is the epitome of civilization, and many people will want to live and work there. Moreover, the dream of getting good employment in developed countries has led to many people migrating in search of better working conditions. The United States has received many immigrants being the largest economy...

Political Sciences: Using Guns in Public

In the United States, gun ownership is a common phenomenon. Civilians are allowed to own guns for personal safety (Burke par4). However, the law is unclear as to whether using guns in public is legal. This has been a hotly contested issue among politicians, policymakers, and civilians. It is important...

Political Sciences: Building Global Democracy

The Coming of the Micro-States by Fred Weir This author claims that the declaration of Montenegro an independent state in 2006 triggered other stateless territories to demand their sovereignty and separation from their mother nations and named Kosovo, South Ossetia and Transdniestria as some of those that were already planning...

Military Medical Assets Usage

Whenever a disaster strikes, it is crucial that the people, who are under the threat of being affected by it, should be able to locate the required resources fast and use them efficiently to prevent injuries and ensure safety. However, it should be kept in mind that in case of...

Political Issues: The United States Military

The United States military is considered to be one of the most respected forces in the world. The treatment that the serving men and women receive there is full of respect, proper training, and many other advantages. One of the primary reasons one would want to become an officer in...

The United States Policy on Climate Change

Executive Summary The United States environmental policies are a set of federal government acts aimed at protecting the environment from the ecologically hazardous actions of the citizens. Lawmakers in the US have created many policies and federal agencies to handle environmental affairs. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is...

Racism in American Schools

Introduction This paper attempts to review racism in American schools as a social problem.the The focus is on the PSQ that has been adopted to deal with this social problem. The PSQ under consideration is ‘No Child Left Behind’ (NCLB). Like any other program, NCLB has had a fair share...

Ulysses Grant’ Leadership Type

Introduction Ulysses S Grant was the 18th President of the United States. He was born in 1822 in Ohio and died in 1885. The alumnus of the United States Military Academy was a career soldier. Ulysses is mostly remembered for the role he played during the American Civil War (Gardner,...

International Relations: Korean Conflict and US Economy

Introduction The Korean Conflict was a domestic and armed war that took place in the Korean Peninsula. The conflict was between North and South Korea. It got to its peak between 1950 and 1953. The conflict emanated from the partitioning of Korea after WWII. As a result, industrialist and socialist...

Planning Disaster Management in the Urban Context

As it always occurs with management processes, one of the major problems with the principles of handling disaster issues is that they are hardly applicable to large cities. Simplifying the problem of disaster management for megalopolises, one must admit that, the bigger the city is, the harder it is to...

Guns Control in the US

In the US, the gun control debate is usually revisited when a tragedy related to guns occurs. Accordingly, the Connecticut massacre, once again, ignited this debate. In this tragedy, twenty children and six teachers were killed (Jam). Subsequently, many people, including President Obama, were drawn into this debate. In one...

Globalization Impacts on the United Nations Institution

Introduction The prime principle of globalization is featured by the interconnected holistic phenomenon. Due to globalization, the world has become a village on the periphery of politics, economical endeavors, and cultural interaction. Thus, this analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the political, cultural, and economic impacts of globalization in the...

Homeland Security – Immigration Policy

Introduction Every country in the world has immigration laws; they are particularly used to regulate entry of foreign citizens into their respective countries. Moreover, policies are aimed at protecting refugees as well as those seeking for temporary or permanent asylum who may otherwise face abuse in their native countries. Immigration...

Comparing Homeland Security Research Products

Analysis: NYPD Radicalization Report-Executive Summary The major goal of the research was to examine the al-Qaeda-inspired threat at the point where radicalization begins and to understand the specifics of the process of radicalization in order to prevent future attacks (Silber & Bhatt, 2007). Silber and Bhatt were eager to identify...

The Bernie Sanders Phenomenon Among College Students

This year presidential elections unveiled various issues and trends existing in the USA. Major fears, hopes, and concerns of Americans have become clear as the candidates bring those issues to the fore, and the audience responds to them. This year elections are also associated with a number of scandals as...

Roots of the Arab Spring

The Arab Spring has already touched a number of countries around the whole world. Some people, who are not directly involved in the situation, want to know more about the reasons for the events. The native citizens try to understand their possible impact on the development of the events. Academic...

Globalization and Citizenship in EU

Globalization processes have had a great impact on national ideas and citizenship. Put another way, those propositions of a normative kind that invoke the non-state, be they with regard to global citizenship, conflict and peace studies, or the promotion of human rights, and have to be accompanied by some persuasive...

Governing at the Grassroots

Democracy The fair and peaceful elections are the pledge of democracy. They are evidence of the high level of civilization, and they play a crucial role in the transfer of power in a peaceful manner. The voting right allows the citizens to elect their leaders and to determine the future...

Immigrant Children and Poverty

For some considerable time now, the impact poverty has had on the children of immigrant workers, has gone unnoticed. It may look as if immigrant child-poverty does not merit a lot of concern, for the sole reason that they tend to look even better in their new country than in...

Border Control: A Mixed Method Approach to Mexican Immigration to The U.S

Introduction A person can be termed as an illegal immigrant when he/she enters a country without due inspection, approval, or possesses flawed documents such as an expired VISA or a fake VISA. The 2007 Pew Hispanic Center report shows that the people who had migrated to U.S. without the government’s...

Effects of Gun Control Measures in the United States

Introduction Considerable research indicates that consistent gun control measures do not prevent criminals from possessing firearms. Rather, these laws offer the criminals an advantage over the law-abiding citizens, thereby increasing crime. LaRosa indicates that one of the effects of gun control is that the violent and harmful people acquire arms...

Traditional and Alternative Education in America

Education is considered to be necessary in bringing up an individual, a personality. Alongside with commonly accepted traditional education, there exists nontraditional one. Surely, their conceptions and methods are different. Both are trying to make its system as effective, as possible, but there can be no perfect educational system. One...

The Case for Torture, or the Ways we Lie

One of the reasons why America got involved in WW2, was because Jewish Media magnates had succeeded in convincing the majority of Americans that Germans were nothing but brutes, who took a particular pleasure in torturing innocent civilians. During the course of this historical period, not a single day would...

Growth of Nuclear Weapons

Introduction Since the end of the Second World War, countries have become concerned on how they can manage the use of nuclear weapons however, some countries that have nuclear weapons in their military bases and are continuing to develop other. During this period, the United States and Soviet Union had...

The Afghanistan Strategy: Afghanistan Without Al-Qaeda or the Taliban

The afghan strategy is a United States’ strategy of sending American troops to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda in order to make a safer world. Obama has started implementing the Afghan strategy by ordering 30000 troops to be sent to there, because America’s security is at stake. He has promised...

Decision Making in Human and Social Services

The presented case explores how a human service professional finds himself in a precarious situation. According to the case, the professional realizes that the targeted community engages in specific rituals such as smoking marijuana. This kind of ritual is a critical attribute of their meditation processes (Diller, 2015). The professional...

Abortion: Women’s Health as Their Integral Right

Introduction The discussion about abortion is one of the most intensive and debatable topics in the modern world. The supporters of the right to abortion adhering to a pro-choicer approach claim that a woman should have the right to independently make decisions concerning her body and the artificial termination of...

Political Science: Authoritarianism vs. Totalitarianism

Difference between nation, state, country, political system and government A nation state is a defined territory occupied by people of a given cultural background. An example of a modern nation state is Portugal. Portugal is a nation state because the Portuguese; which is a distinct cultural group has occupied the...

Government: Transportation Policy

Introduction A realistic and practical transport policy paper must take cognizance of key factors that have the potential to significantly enlarge or limit its scope (IPCC, 2007 and DoE/DoT (Department of Transport) (1994). The introduction of 2002 transport policy that in UK that seeks to tax car drivers according to...

How Wealth Inequality Affects Democracy in America?

Abstract Democracy has always been associated with social inclusion and a closing gap between the rich and the poor. However, theory and reality change in the historical perspective – so does the situation with inequality. Undoubtedly, a deeper insight is needed to study the relations between democracy and inequality. The...

American Presidents: John F. Kennedy’s Biography

Outline This paper discusses about the life of John F Kennedy, from his childhood till his assassination. This includes his educational background, interested activities he had done and more overly about the Peace Corps, one of the important successful missions John F Kennedy had made while he was president. Introduction...

International Response: The US Role in Darfur

Summary of US role in Darfur The Janjaweed, a group of government backed Arab militia has been setting villages ablaze and carrying out massacres in the Darfur region of Sudan. Three years later and there seems that no lasting solution is forthcoming. The Sudanese government and the rebel forces seem...

Right and Left Wing Terrorist Groups

Introduction There mainly exists two terrorist or extremist sets of groups; the right-leaning and left-leaning ones. They mainly differ from their root ideologies and from the basis where they draw their inspiration. Right-leaning extremism takes up its inspiration from a multiplicity of beliefs and convictions, together with modern authoritarian hierarchical...

Terrorism in Perspective: Characteristics, Causes, Control

Introduction The term terrorism comes from the word terror, which is a Latin word that means to scare or to frighten. Over the years, there have been disagreements on the actual definition of the word Terrorism. However, there are various definitions that have been accepted, and these include: “every criminal...

The Right of Habeas Corpus in the Context of the War on Terror

Habeas corpus is associated with the Americans’ main civil rights and liberties because this writ protects US citizens from illegal detention. The right of habeas corpus has a long history, and it serves to support the liberties promoted with the US Constitution. However, the war on terror developed in the...

Dallas County Homeland Security and Emergency Management

The major question that will be answered in the proposal can be formulated as “Why did the tragedy with shooting policemen take place in Dallas in 2016? What were the gaps in Dallas County homeland security and emergency management? What changes both regionally and nationally did take place after the...

Whether Death Penalty Can Be Applied Fairly?

The death penalty is also known as corporal punishment and is a mode of punishment for convicts who have committed capital offenses. It is documented that 58 countries still practice it, including China, India, Indonesia, and the United States. Ninety-five countries in the world are doing away with the law,...

Political Culture: Failure of Democracy in Iraq

After the removal of Saddam Hussein as the leader of Iraq, Western strategists had calculated that with American help, democracy would spread quickly in Iraq and would lead to a stable democratic country. However, these predictions have gone horribly wrong, pointing to a certain lack of understanding of Middle Eastern...

Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized and Crack or Cocaine Remain Illegal

Legal use of marijuana Marijuana (cannabis) has varied medicinal uses, and many States in the Americas have allowed the possession and use of small quantities of marijuana for medicinal purposes only. This is consistent with the fact that “Eleven states in the United States passed laws allowing cannabis possession and...

Consequences of Religious Freedom in America

Since 9/11 the most contentious issue pertains to whether or not religious freedom should be granted in America and whether granted or not, what would be the appropriate means of interpreting and applying the First Amendment’s clause. The answer takes us back to 1791, when Congress enacted the First Amendment...

Ronald Reagan and What it Means to lead a Nation

The President of the United States of America has two primary responsibilities aside from the usual routine of governing a country. The first one is to develop and execute domestic policies. The second one is to develop and execute foreign policies. The domestic policies that will come out of the...

Why Say “No” to Capital Punishment?

The death penalty debates have led to the abolition of capital punishment in numerous countries all over the world. The most important arguments against capital punishment include the inappropriateness of violation of the right to live, the possibility of executing innocent people, and the high cost of procedures required for...

Leaders Traits and the US Elections

Both great man and trait theories agree that leaders are naturally raised to ascend to authority based on the same criteria. For example, conventional Western Europeans believed that a person born in a royal family or in a military background had high chances of leading the concern community. Similar views...

Essay on Police Brutality in the United States

Police Brutality Essay Introduction Police officers are allowed to use “non-negotiable coercive force” to maintain public order and control the behavior of citizens. This provides a loophole for use of brutal force according to Bittner (1970; cited in Cao, 1999). The central problem or area of concern appears to be...

The Rise of Police Brutality against African-American Males

Introduction The problem of police brutality against minorities is actively discussed in the modern American society because of the public’s attention to each case when police officers demonstrate the excessive use of force. In most cases, those situations in which victims of police brutality are African-American males attract more public’s...

Support of Capital Punishment in the United States

‘Capital Punishment’ means the obligation to death as a punishment for doing a crime. In the US, many states follow the system of capital punishment is strictly and most of the people support it even though some feel that it is not justifiable to terminate life of a human being...

Inmate Medical Transport System in Arizona

The case of Arizona inmate medical transport system suggests that planning and effective strategic management is the core of any organizational processes. The evaluator of the case will develop various instruments designed for the change program under study. It is important to recognize that the medical care problem is one...

Involuntary Resettlement in Urban Transportation Projects

ESIA in Public Transportation Developments in public transportation projects such as rapid mass transit as it is in the Dhaka Urban Transport Network Development Project have played an important role in the country’s economy. Many cities, when faced with a threat of ever-increasing traffic-generated pollution and congestion, tend to adopt...

Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems

Introduction Motor vehicle user in the United Kingdom or any other part of the continent knows the magnitude of problem caused by diversions and other traffic-related issues. “According to a study by the European Commission, the external cost of congestion already amounts to 0.5% of the gross national product (GNP)”...

Personal and Political Pacifism

Personal pacifism as stated by Reitan refers “to that personal commitment to non violence, essentially not construed under the general obligation to abstain from violence and …not to express the belief that all persons ought to oppose violence under every circumstance indented to”. Going per the above definition it appears...

United States Invasion in Afghanistan: Arguments For and Against

Introduction The launching of Operation Enduring Freedom by the United States military on October 7th, 2001, marked the beginning of the US-led war on terror in Afghanistan. The response came as a response to the devastating terror attack on September 11th, 2001, which the terrorist group al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for....

Blair Doctrine from Moral Perspective

Most wars involve land interests. The idea of war as a rescue of people in danger of a humanitarian catastrophe might seem noble. However, what are the criteria that allow one nation to interfere with another hiding behind the idea to help? In the middle of the Kosovo conflict, the...

Habitat for Humanity and Its Activities

Introduction Habitat for Humanity refers to a nonprofit organization that is devoted to building simple, decent, and affordable housing affordable for homeless individuals. Most of the homes are built by volunteers and are then sold at no profit, where no interest is charged on them. This organization was founded in...

US International Trade and Economic Nationalism

The economic success of each country can be seen through its international economic relations as far as the exports and imports are a concern. Being a global enterprise, the various economies of the world have developed as a result of diversifying its markets and an effective imposition of policies, which...

Representative Democracy and Its Crisis in Europe

Introduction In the contemporary world, representative democracy is believed to be an elementary principal. In fact, the ideal of democracy in Europe, for instance, is based on the representative democracy. The model of democracy is designed in line with reverence to human civil liberties and the tenets of a bylaw....

Political Parties in the Democratic World

Lipset and Rokkan argued that Western European party systems had enjoyed relative stability since competitive electoral politics was incepted. However, modern scholars claim that party systems that were established after 1978 have been characterized by a lot of volatility, and stability is almost absent. Lipset and Rokkan (1976) had argued...

Do Electronic Voting Machines Improve the Voting Process?

Electronic voting machines comprise of a variety of gadgets used to facilitate the actual voting process and counting of votes. In order to assess whether electronic voting machines really improve the voting process, there is a need to examine the advantages, disadvantages, and impacts of the electronic voting system. In...

Obama’s Citizenship, Religion, and His Political Ideology

Introduction If there was one president whose life and leadership has been most controversial is that of the U.S president Barrack Obama. The accusations, rumors, and fallacies leveled against him range from not only his country of birth, but they stroll down to even his presidency. Skeptics of his administration,...

Political Sciences: Gun Control in the United States

Introduction In the recent past, the debate on gun control has intensified following President Obama’s 2013 proposal to give 23 executive orders towards tightening gun control across the United States (Lucas par. 1). Even before this occurrence, the adherents and critics of gun control had heightened differences concerning the issue....