Reflection about Statistics and Probability – Essay Sample [New]

Learning statistics is viewed as an essential subject. It is also crucial to do statistics and probability reflection about their role in math, data management, and one’s daily life as a student. This statistics essay sample is going to cover what I have learned in statistics and probability. Essay will...

Information Technology and System Types

Definition In order to discuss different types of information systems, it is first necessary to define the discipline. Depending on the area of implementation, information systems can be defined differently. The most typical approach is to identify a range of hardware and software components used to collect, store, process, and...

Gender Question in O’Connor and Williams’ Novels

Introduction To fully understand the underlying theme and sentiments that both Flannery O’Connor and Tennessee Williams tried to bring out in their respective writings, Revelation and A Streetcar Named Desire, it is necessary to understand the time and location of the novel and the social milieu in which the characters...

“The Bustle in a House” by Emily Dickinson

It is hard to lose a loved one. My father passed away 15 years ago and he died in front of me. What can a person do to cope? No one is prepared for an event as tragic as that. No amount of study and knowledge acquisition can steel the...

The Nursing Research and Its Advantages

Significance of Research Nursing research helps nurses to develop and advance their skills in the field, stay updated on the current technological trends in nursing, and equally offer excellent care services to patients. Research shows the nurses the best practices which they can adopt to ensure high-quality service provision which...

The Structure of a Computer and the Meaning of Each of Its Elements

Introduction In the study of the computer architecture, it is paramount to consider the theoretical and the practical aspect of the computer architecture model. An exhaustive knowledge of both the practical and theoretical aspect of the computer provides a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the working architectural design of the...

Stakeholders Karl Popper and the Vienna Circle

Introduction Scientific progress has taken different shapes over the past centuries, including the discovery of new ideas or phenomena, the emergence of theories, the promotion of analytical methods and procedures, and technological advancements. Due to the nature of these processes and how they take shape, different scholars and philosophers have...

Beauty Through the Prism of Feminism

Some researchers consider beauty as a social construct, while others claim that it is rooted in human nature itself. The standard of female beauty in the modern world appears as social capital and a means of achieving certain resources. Advertising and the beauty pageant industry have a huge impact on...

Obamacare’s Impacts on Taxes

Obamacare is an act of the government of the United States of America that was formulated and signed into law in order to give affordable insurance services to the citizens. The health insurance act of 2010 has become very popular, not only to the citizens of the United States of America...

The Novel “The Tale of Genji” by Murasaki Shikibu

World’s literary culture contains monumental works written by authors from different regions and living in different times. Japanese literature is also an essential element of world literature, in the context of which Murasaki Shikibu and his work “The Tale of Genji” cannot be overlooked. The story is about the heir...

Popular Research Paper Topics

False News in the 21st Century

Nowadays, technology plays an integral role in every person’s life. Be it a phone, computer, TV, or radio, these sources serve as channels of information, allowing people to learn more about daily events. However, with the advent of technology and the Internet, the dissemination of any bits of information and...

Classroom Management and Techniques to Incorporate in Student’s Reinforcement Plan

Managing a classroom is a very complicated affair in modern times. Teachers are faced with many challenges in the course of handling students in classrooms. The modern student is more rebellious towards authority either as a result of lifestyle differences, the influence of drug and substance abuse, or social pressure...

Great Lakes Chemical Corporation Supply Chain

There are different companies in the globe and each produces different products. Though some companies may be dealing with similar products or services, they are differentiated. Furthermore, companies have different policies hence differentials in operation. Supply chain map is the different levels that a product goes through before reaching the...

Gendered Images Displayed in a Shopping Mall

A commoditized society is instrumental in transforming and creating images of identity and interpretation. The commoditized image projected through the set images forms the hyper-reality that becomes more real for us. Lauren Langman (1993) points out that various objects, images, and events attaches a new symbolic value to our perceptions....

Management: Performance Measurement in Organizations

Introduction Performance measurement is vital in all organizations because the organizations need to verify the validity of the selection methods; they also need to do performance measurement in order to improve productivity of the organization. As much as this may seem an important and key aspect of management, still it...

The Qualities of Leadership in Hospital Service in California State From 1985 to 1996

Introduction This cased study intends at sifting out and discussing the qualities of leadership in organizing and managing the disarrayed relations in the hospital service providers in California State from 1985 to 1996. C. Duane Dauner on his assumption of charge as the President of California Healthcare Association organized all...

Quantitative Research Design Analysis

Introduction In order to evaluate any quantitative study, we need to pay special attention to such aspects as the use of research methods and their appropriateness, the sampling procedure, the validity of the information, obtained in the course of investigation, and finally, the importance of the work and its implications...

E-Commerce: The Using of Credit Cards

Trade has always been one of the main spheres of human activity acquiring new forms as it developed through time. Nowadays one of the widespread forms of trade is electronic commerce, or Ecommerce, which consists in selling and buying goods and services over the Internet. With the growth and popularization...

Mexican American Cultural Group: Background and Current Experience

Helpful Information About the Cultural Group There are several aspects characteristic of the Mexican American cultural group. One aspect is the group’s family relationships. The group has extensive family memberships and strong family values. Such a factor contributes to the group’s collectivist mindset, were helping younger siblings and relatives, in...

Timothy Garton Ash on Liberal International Order

More than twenty years ago Francis Fukuyama declared about the end of history. The Cold War showed the absolute dominance of Western system of liberal democracy. However, today we can evidently observe the new systems initiation. In the article We Friends of Liberal International Order Face a New Global Disorder...

Understanding Biopsychology and Cognitive Neuropsychology

Biopsychology is the branch of psychology that studies the relationship between physiological events (biology) and psychological processes (behavior) (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). If human behavior is studied in the framework of biopsychology, cognitive processes such as perception, memory, speaking, thinking, etc., are studied within the scope of cognitive neuropsychology. Cognitive...

The Concept of Epigenetics

Epigenetics is a study of heritable phenotypic changes or gene expression in cells that are caused by mechanisms other than DNA sequence (Grossniklaus, Kelly, Ferguson-Smith, Pembrey, & Lindquist, 2013). Epigenetic changes may be ‘stored’ in a number of cells and may be inherited by future generations. Basically, epigenetics studies how...

Gender Roles: “Alice in Wonderland” (2010)

Introduction While women achieved some degree of equality with men in terms of economic, political, and social issues, their position remains stereotyped in many cases. The women’s movement that started in the 1960s allowed females to understand that they deserve equal rights and attitudes. Popular culture is one of the...

Spanning Tree Protocol and Its Security Issues

Making protocols at layer 2 or otherwise Spanning Tree Protocol represents a great percent of attacks originating within the organisation. Using Ethernet PAUSE frames alongside STP makes networks more vulnerable to attacks. Most STP security threat issues include; becoming root, changing STP timers, modifying STP active topology, generating persistent and...

“Paper Tigers” Documentary Directed by Bao Tran

The documentary Paper Tigers is based on the story about Lincoln High School, where the staff revolutionized the conventional approach to teaching by integrating awareness of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) into their curriculum. The team does not treat the students with prejudice or labeling. Still, it integrates their life stories...

The Theory of Absolute Advantage and Its Limitations

Introduction International trade involves many different procedures that are of particular interest to study. Similarly, this sphere of human activity has its own theories and practices. This scientific paper aims to study the theory of absolute advantage. In simple words, it consists in producing more goods under the same conditions...

Slavery Emancipation in Cuba, Haiti, and Brazil

Introduction Slavery was viewed as both an infringement of human rights in addition to the existence of forced labor. Numerous differences existed in the manner in which slaves were treated across the globe. These differences were based on gender and age differences, location and other demographic features, such as skin...

King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Summary

In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. along with 52 other African-Americans set out on a quest to put an end to the segregation laws in the south. It was their mission to march into downtown Birmingham, Alabama to let their disapproval be known. This act of defiance was greeted...

Sociology of Education: Teaching Methodology in UK and Poland

Introduction In accordance with established laws in the UK children of between 5 and 16 years receive compulsory education. This is the same case in Poland especially after undergoing reforms in the education sector. In the British system secondary education is programmed to last for seven years. (Schoolzone) Summary The...

Economics – Production and Cost

Introduction Production refers to the process of converting inputs into outputs. It is an economic process that involves use of resources in creating a good or service that is important for trading purposes. Production covers aspects of manufacturing, aspects of packaging, shipping and storing (Frank, 2004). Isoquant in economics is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Planning and Implementing of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is a broad term which can be defined in several ways. A concise way of defining would therefore mean that it is the social responsibility which the organization exercises on the societies within which they exist. In other words, it is the responsibility linked with the employees,...

What Qualities Should a Leader Have?

Outline This journal project discusses about different qualities of a leader like creativity, credibility, and the ability to handle conflicts in an organization. For the success of any organization it needs a good leadership. A good leader should have the ability to communicate with his followers and understand their feelings...

Microeconomic Theory: Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

Micro Economic Theory The micro economic theory is a function of many micro economical factors that relate to internal affairs of a given company. The micro economic theory is based on the fact that a company’s operations and success is primarily based on the company’s position in terms of its...

Effects of Science and Technology in Modern World History Since 1500

Introduction Science and technology has proved to be one of the most dynamic spheres of life on earth. Each passing day has seen the discovery of new technologies and scientific breakthroughs that have had a lasting impact on life on earth in general and human life in particular. The common...

Design and Implementation of the Safety Program

Introduction This paper will use the high reliability theory (HRT) in the design and implementation of the safety program. According to Huber (2017), it relies on interdisciplinary teams to introduce an organizational commitment to safety and create backup protection steps in their accident prevention systems. The result is a robust...

A Right to Sex Work as a Point of Discussion

Introduction The attitudes toward prostitution and the related activities have been changing and have experienced a major shift over the past several decades, the specified change has been essential in determining the legality of prostitution, as well as its overall perception and the status that the specified concept ha in...

Rendering Ethical Judgement in Sports

Abstract Sport like every other business has its guidelines, rules, and standards. Sport is defined in different ways depending on the individual or group of people involved. It is regarded as a source of entertainment, a profit-making venture, an avenue for fitness and sometimes it is even seen as a...

The Problem of Environmental Pollution: Fresh Water

With the development of civilization, one of the more important concerns that are fast becoming a major threat is pollution and no form of pollution seemed to be bigger than that of fresh water pollution. Thus, the focal point of this dissertation is based on the factors and affects of...

Auxins Hormone and Rice Dwarf Virus

Summary Auxin hormone is one of the plant hormones, among other hormones, which include cytokinins, abscisic acid, salicylic acid, and ethylene. Unlike the other hormones, some of the roles of Auxin to plants include helping in the interlinkage of many behavior and processes of growth of the plants in their...

How Globalization Influences Citizenship Concept

The one force that drives modernity most inescapably is globalization. As a result, the nation-states’ political and economic power, as well as their political imperatives, were weakened. Globalization thus prevails in this world over free will, citizenship, and nation-states, as the latter is no longer relevant1. Concepts like citizenship, which...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Contract Law and Consumer Protection Act

A contract is a legally binding exchange of promises or agreement between parties that the law will enforce. Contract law is based on the Latin phrase pacta sunt servanda (pacts must be kept). Breach of contract is a legal concept in which a binding agreement or bargained-for exchange is not...

Australian Sony Handycam’s Advertising Campaign

Australian Sony Handycam – kiss ad Advertising is the public face of brand displays and can be the first, more memorable impression a brand can make on a consumer. Advertising often refashions old ideas to conform to the taste of the time. It helps to create brand identity in a...

Feminist Ethics: History and Concepts

Introduction Feminist ethics describe approaches of various feminists towards ethics. Feminist ethics dates back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and amongst its pioneers include feminists such as Mill, Beecher, Stanton, Gilman, and Wollstonecraft. Their aim was to correct male biases towards women subordination as characterized by conventional ethics. According...

Google and Technology: Business Model Case Study

Google has, for a long time, utilized its technology and search engine to stay ahead of its competitors. Google has proved its prowess in the internet technology by owning more than 50 data centers around the world, which indicates the vast amount of information it can handle. In addition, it...

S&P 1000 Company’s Competitive Advantage

Competition has gone global and the market and industry dynamics have necessitated the need for companies to make concerted efforts streamlined towards ensuring that high quality goods and services are offered in the market at competitive prices. The American business concept and model embraces the fact that improved marketing abilities...

English Colonization of Virginia and Massachusetts

During the years 1754 – 1765 many, significant changes took place which is important in the history of the British Empire. A vast expansion of the Empire was witnessed by the people during this time. The Empire was made up of various heterogeneous colonies with different economic institutions etc. The...

Jealousy and Its Examples in Literature

Introduction Jealousy occurs when a person longs for something they do not possess, whether it is a relationship, talent, or a material object. People may choose to control the natural reactions regarding this feeling or exhibit them freely regardless of the consequences. Jealousy could occur toward other humans, dead or...

Webster Jewellery Case Study

Introduction Willy wanted all of his staff to become licensed gemologists for them to be good teachers. The science of gemology was also in its early stages at the time. Gemologists research gemstones and general gemstone offers. This credential meant that the staff had adequate knowledge about their goods to...

“Citizen Kane” Relevance for 21st-Century Journalism

Most film critics have repeatedly deemed Citizen Kane the greatest film of all time. The film is about a newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane, the foundation of journalism in the whole storyline (Armstrong 126). While Kane is on his deathbed, he utters the word “Rosebud.” Jerry Thompson, a reporter, is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Role Theory and Its Cultural Aspect

Introduction The role of society in the life of each person plays an essential role in its formation and development. The way a person communicates and meets with people depends on his personal views and behavior. Since childhood, people are taught the right choice of friends to strive to be...

“The Girl in the Window” by Lane DeGregory Literature Analysis

Nature / Nurture Danielle – Dani was almost seven years old when detectives Mark Holste and his partner were called in to investigate the child abuse case. At only 46 pounds and anemic, this malnourished little girl had seemingly suffered from parental neglect for a long time. Their home was...

Globalization and Cultural Knowledge of China

Introduction China is growing at an unprecedented rate in the history of the world. It stands to cause ripples in the world as its presence in various aspects of the global economy grows. The policies that the Chinese government makes going into the future have to reflect on a globalization...

Policies Related to Family Presence During Resuscitation

Introduction This paper is aimed to provide a critique of a selected research article that is devoted to a relevant topic in the nursing filed. It is going to reflect on the following sections: 1) the research problem and purpose, 2) the review of the literature, 3) the theoretical framework,...

Theatre Play: “The Addams Family”

The Addams Family is an action-packed musical comedy based on a book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice with the characters taken from the eponymous cartoon. It is another adaptation of the well-known story of the weird, macabre family, making clumsy attempts to live among normal people, who find them...

Diversity and Society: Race, Ethnicity and Gender

Abstract Self-identification is a complex process, and it includes answers to questions of how a person views his or her ethnicity and culture; whether a person feels privileged or discriminated ideologically, personally, or institutionally; and even how an individual can identify oneself sexually. Each person needs to answer all these...

Social Issues in the “Little Red Riding Hood” Tale

“Little Red Riding Hood” is one of the tales that seem simple yet addresses complex social issues such as sexual predators, stalking, date rape, and many others. It is the way in which a comparatively old fairy tale shapes relationships and interactions in modern society that seems to be especially...

Registered Nurse’s Interview on Career Decision

Introduction Introduction and Statement of Purpose The main purpose of this interview is to communicate with a registered nurse and collect information about her experience, feelings, emotions, and factors that impacted her decision to become a nurse. It will help to understand the motivation of health workers and their experiences...

Austria’s Entry into European Union Analysis

Late 1980s were more eventful in the economic and political setting of Europe. With the weakening of the Cold war, European Community was undergoing transformation and new power and trade relations were emerging. An integration drive was initiated by European Community, including those neutral countries that had a prosperous existence...

Diuretics to Treat Congestive Heart Failure

Abstract Diuretics and drugs that increase cardiac muscle strength (digitalis) are the main drug treatment for congestive heart failure. There are few randomized clinical trials that show diuretic treatment affects mortality rates of patients with congestive heart failure. Clinical experience shows their importance, however close monitoring is essential to avoid...

Films and Tourism: Antecedent Relationship

The focal point of this paper is to present a critical analysis of the relation between films and tourism. For this purpose, the aspect of the enhanced tourism industry in China would be taken into account in the parameters of two successful movies in the US based on China. Georgette...

Effectiveness Techniques in Short Stories Analysis

The concise format of a short story often turns out to be an ideal way of creating sharp and concentrated narratives rich with meaning. The charm and fascination of short stories consist in their focusing intensely on one incident with a limited range of characters developing within a short period...

A Mythical Miracle on Utube: Tchaikovsky Concert

This e-concert is amazing. There are three different orchestras playing some of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s best pieces: The Tchaikovsky concert program began with the 1812 Overture with full cannon and bells as done to celebrate the 150th birthday of the composer in a gala with Yuri Temirkanov conducting the Leningrad...

Correlation Between Childhood Attachment and Adult Anxiety

Abstract The relationship between childhood attachment and adult anxiety is an essential aspect to analyze due to the many negative implications for physical and psychological health. The formation of specific behavioral habits at an early age is a factor affecting further cognitive development, and certain aspects of parenting increase the...

Life’s Greatest Miracle: Birth of a Child

The eight videos on the site depict the process of human reproduction and the scientific principles governing the reproductive process ( The videos are placed in a sequential manner; one following the other with a total viewing time of one hour during which the birth of a new baby and...

Patients’ Safety in the United States

Introduction People make errors that result in accidents, adverse health outcomes, and mortality. For a long time, the healthcare system has been organized in a manner that errors in the health organizations are blamed on the individuals (Marx, 2001). As a result, a healthcare practitioner is held accountable and punished...

Genetic Disorder Cystic Fibrosis

Description of the disease Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that is passed from parent to offspring. It is a hereditary, autosomal and recessive medical complication. Its main feature is the accumulation of more dense and sticky secretions in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body (Wilschanski...

Marketing Media and Marketing Effect

Introduction This paper gives a critical analysis of the effects of Internet on change in the ICT Services Industry. The internet offers a super highway for unbundled and heterogeneous information through sophisticated distributed information networks. The ICT system is crucial because it offers services to many other industries and the...

Native Americans: Impact of European Colonization

Introduction With the arrival of European colonists to North America, its native residents had to face a plethora of unique problems related to their social, economic, and even physical well-being. Being motivated primarily by the need to expand the range of Europe’s influence, colonists neglected the needs of local residents....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lululemon Company: Poor Management Under the Conditions of Fast Corporate Expansion

Introduction Lululemon is a multinational company specializing in selling athletic apparel. While the company has been experiencing worldwide success and opportunities for growth and market expansion, some circumstances turned out to cause the corporation financial issues. Moreover, the customers grew unsatisfied with the selection of items they could reach in...

Physical Activities as Treatment for Depression

Introduction Greetings, today I would like to highlight some of my findings regarding the following topic: is it possible to reduce depression with the help of regular physical activities? There is a definite need to define the best possible method for reducing the occurrence of depression and anxiety among the...

Sexual Health and Identity Through Historical Lens

Historically sexual health and identity have been and still remain taboo topics for the majority of people in society. Despite all the detachment from the topic all along, it affected different spheres of a person’s life. Reproductive health and sexuality will always be the inevitable part of humanity, whether it...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare

The play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare is characterized by comedy, farce and humor that are present throughout the play. It is mainly based on love, magic, mistaken identity and the sudden reversal of relationships. Act I begins with a scene where Duke Theseus is conversing with his bride....

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Competencies

QSEN Competencies include graduate, pre-licensure, and safety competencies targeted at developing skills and knowledge for future nursing graduates (QSEN, 2014). They include safety, quality improvement, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, informatics, collaboration, and teamwork (QSEN, 2014). NLN competencies for nursing education include competencies for both nurse educators and graduates. For graduates,...

Jewish Memorials in the SBZ and GDR in 1945–1987

Summary of the Source When the Second World War ended in 1945, Germany was divided into four occupational zones controlled by the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. The German society started the demanding task of reconstructing the country after the destructive war. As the country restructured...

ACME: External Finances for Multinational Enterprises

ACME is a US-based MNE that wishes to raise for its Greenfield investments and wishes to secure all funds in the US. Long-term funding is required by ACME, as the project costs around $500m. As we know multinational enterprises are domiciled in various countries and that causes the capital structure...

The HIM Department as a Part of the Healthcare Industry

Organization Structure As an integral part of the healthcare team, the HIM department is responsible for providing services to the healthcare industry and the general public through the efficient management, analysis, and utility of data necessary for the optimal delivery of services to patients. This data is saved and made...

Compensation and Pay Plans Explained

Whatever the size or nature of the National Lewis and Clark Corporation, having a skilled and motivated team is very important for the future success of the company. Having and finding the right employees in this organization can lead to an enhancement of team work, lower worker turnover, and business...

The Biological Basis of Eating Behavior

Human eating is both a driven and a biological need, and it is consequently affected by a variety of mental, commercial, and ecological factors. Comprehending the biological base of feeding behavior is essential for determining how extra-biological stimuli are converted into nutrients intake. From childhood to adolescence, human-eating behaviors change...

Valorant Is a Video Game That Is Both Enjoyable and Beneficial

General Purpose: To imform. Specific Purpose: To give information about Valorant games and deliver the benefits of playing high-quality video games. Thesis: Valorant is an engaging and high-quality game, and such games have positive effects on the players’ health and mental state. Introduction Attention Getter: What comes to your mind...

English Colonization: The National Image of the Colonization of North America

During the year 1754 – 1765, many significant changes took place, which is important in the history of the British Empire. A vast expansion of the Empire was witnessed by the people during this time. The Empire was made up of various heterogeneous colonies with different economic institutions etc. The...

The Kitchin Cycle in Modern Economy

Business cycle can be characterized as the economy-wide fluctuations in the economic activities or production over certain period of time, involving shifts in growth, decline, stagnation and recession. There are a number of cyclical theories of economic development, concentrating on the analysis of these business phenomena, cyclic measurements and stages;...

Karl-Erik Sveiby: KM Today and Tomorrow

Karl-Erik Sveiby is world-renowned as he is one of the founding fathers of Knowledge Management. With over 20 years of experience, he is credited with the development of most of the concepts associated with knowledge management today. According to Liebowitz, Knowledge Management (KM) is the systematic and explicit application of...

Barn Burning by Faulkner: Symbols & Setting Analysis

In the story Barn Burning by Faulkner, we first encounter Mr. Snopes in a courthouse. He is accused of burning Mr. Harris’ barn. The justice of the court tells Mr. Harris to prove his allegations but he is unable to do so because Mr. Snopes is cunning and does not...

The Age of Revolutions and the Modern World

Introduction The Age of Revolutions is most often dated 1775-1848 and is defined as a period of rapid evolutionary change from empires (monarchies) to constitutional republics in various parts of the world (particularly North and Latin America and Europe). The period starts with the American Revolution and ends with the...

Long John Silver’s Restaurant’s Marketing Analysis

This paper aims at analyzing different advertisement strategies and mistakes made by businesses that lead to losses or closure. A food restaurant in the United States has been struggling to pay workers and make a profit. The business is among the poorly rated with an average daily income of less...

Stem Cells and Related Ethical Controversy

Introduction Stem cell research has received a lot of public attention evoking mixed feelings and opinions. Some religious groups and politicians have strongly opposed the idea while scientists and a significant percentage of the public, are in support of the use of stem cells. Both parties have been leading campaigns...

Intrusion Detection in Computer Network

Goodall, J. R. & Ozok, A. A User-Centered Approach to Visualizing Network Traffic for Intrusion Detection. USA, 2005. The article is dedicated to the disclosure of the intrusion detection analysis aimed at providing integrity and safety to high-speed computer networks of the modern period. The authors managed to pay attention...

Healthcare Promotion and Ethical Considerations

Case Overview Health promotion is a practice of encouraging particular types of lifestyle choices and habits in people as a way to improve their general wellbeing and lifespan. The action allows knowledgeable individuals to better enable and support the public, increasing their control over their health and living. In general,...

Phonetic Analysis of the New Orleans Dialects

Introduction Although the New Orleans dialectic group belongs to the vast family of North American accents, it has its own unique character. The New Orleans dialect represents a whole group of dialects, individual features of which are completely different from nearby regional ways of pronunciation. The dialect situation in New...

Learning Approaches, Theory, and Practice

Introduction Vygotsky’s Theory of Sociocultural Development emphasizes the importance of a child’s exposure to both social interaction and culture in developing their cognitive capacities. Some of the theory’s main tenets are as follows: The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is the gap between what a child is capable of doing...

Tort Law and Negligence: The Case Study

Introduction This case study’s purpose is to show an in-depth comprehension of tort law, with particular attention paid to tort law. The topic of carelessness will receive the most attention in Tort Law, and students will learn about its practical applications by analyzing a media piece pertinent to the construction...

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl

Introduction The book Man’ Search for Meaning is one of the most influential works on the psychoanalysis of the modern time. It was written by Viktor Frankl, a former Auschwitz prisoner, and the outstanding psychoanalyst. The existential vacuum is one of the most important concepts explained by Frankl in his...

Nursing Education Technology: Mobile Learning Technology in the Form of Smartphones

General Overview A significant increase in the technological use of observes in higher education because educational technology has an impact on the ways nurses could learn and take care of patients (Merrill, 2015). Technological tools could help students with patient-centered care including self-directing, time-saving, and cost-saving details, skill-building, and increased...

Promoting Sound Organisational Cultures

Introduction The field of organizational behaviour (OB) has become a crucial area of research and application in organizational management. It focuses on understanding and influencing people’s behaviours that have an impact on organisational outcomes. According to Scott (2008), the field has evolved from the scientific studies of management, principles of...

Leadership in Organizational Behavior

Introduction Organizational Behavior (OB) is basically the study of how individuals and people groups act in a given organization. During the study, a system is established where both individuals and people groups are analyzed and classified according to their behavior. It starts with interpreting an individual’s behavior looks at h/her...

Global Codes of Conduct: Coca-cola, Bank of America, Sears

Introduction Global codes of conduct that are to be followed by companies are aimed at ensuring that acceptable trade practices are adopted. The international trade organizations emphasize practices that will not corrupt the norms of the people. Practices such as corruption are completely discouraged internationally. Employees are expected to treat...

October Days During the French Revolution

Introduction There is no doubt that the French Revolution was one of the greatest and memorable events of history. The revolutionary ideologies showed their strength in France. During the fall of Bastille, both Paris and Versailles were flooded with various newspapers and pamphlets; speeches spreading the revolutionary thoughts were delivered...

Theories of Violence in Hockey

Executive Summary Violence during sports has been on the rise especially among the hockey players. Such was a case during a hockey match where a player was fined, suspended and arrested for criminal offences as a result of tackling an opponent in a violent manner leading to exchange of brawls....

Customer Satisfaction in the Fashion Industry: H&M Case

Introduction Research design is a prominent and vital part of marketing researcher. By applying various methods of analyzing and interpreting data, one can form solutions to emerging problems and ensure the stable development of a company. In this process, choosing the most appropriate type of research design is especially important,...

The United States Criminal Court System

A Criminal Justice System is a practice used by independent states and organizations to ensure that law and order are maintained by controlling criminal activities and sanctioning those who are caught violating the set rules and regulations. But as much as the government attempts to bring to justice the suspected...

Ethics and Its Place in Educational Research

A Personal Perspective The moral landscape of the nation is a minefield for the person who wishes to be upright. All of us expect ethical behavior from persons high and low. In the name of political expediency, however, the highest official in the land withdraws U.S. troops from Iraq to...

Anorexia and Eating Disorders Treatments

“Eating Disorders.” Teen Health Series: Stress Information for Teens, edited by Siva Ganesh Maharaja, Omnigraphics, Inc., 3rd ed., 2017. Credo Reference, Web.  The article explains three main eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. For all conditions listed above, the author provides short encyclopedic entries...

Ventilation Associated Pneumonia

Evidence The Cochrane database of systematic reviews was used to obtain background information because the main interest was in evidence -based data that would help in deciding on the best course of action to take in an effort to reduce of VAP incidence. To this end, the search term ‘Ventilator...

Tuberculosis Desease: Symptoms and Prevention

Introduction Today’s population records infectious diseases as the utmost killer presenting the greatest challenge to the global community. Governments in collaboration with health-based organizations are investing numerous resources in mitigating the spread and re-emergence of contagious illnesses. This paper seeks to explore one of the re-emerging infectious diseases the world...

School Shootings: Literature Study

Kerr S. E. M. (2018). Columbine school shooting. In: Gun violence prevention? (pp. 57-71). Palgrave Macmillan. The chapter from this book is dedicated to the notorious and terrible event of 1999 – the mass and violent shooting at Columbine school. The author proves the powerful impact of this tragedy as...

Nationalism and Shinto in Meiji Restoration

The term “Shinto” refers to the native religion of Japan, which has historically had a significant impact on many people’s lives in terms of politics, society, and even the economy. The Shinto religion still values several ancient rituals developed throughout those times. The procedures are rigorously carried out to establish...

“Pride Is More Than a Parade…” Article by Murphy

Introduction The article “Pride is more than a parade and rainbow transitions. We Need Action and Allyship,” written by Anna Murphy, was published on September 3, 2022. In his article, the author opines that pride is necessary to eradicate the fetishization and demonization of 2SLGBTQIA+ people. According to the author,...

Balanced Budget, Monetary and Fiscal Policies

Balanced Government Budget A balanced government budget is a budget, in which expenditures are on the same level as revenues; however, a budget can also be considered balanced if the expenditures are smaller compared to revenues. In this environment, there is generally no deficit, although there could be a surplus...

Communication Strengths and Weaknesses and Tips

What are your biggest communication weaknesses? And what are your strengths in communication? Knowing your communication strengths and weaknesses can help you develop more effective communication skills. Introduction Communication can be simply defined as the process through which people interact to share information, ideas as well as personal feelings. The...

Budgeting and Marketing in the Clinical Practice

One year’s budget for my clinical practice Item Description Amount in USD Anticipated Revenue Startup Requirements 20 rooms Apartment rent for 1 year 60,000 Revenue from consultancy and service delivery 500, 000 Expenses One years’ salary for employees Utilities like water, electricity and tax payment 60, 000 20, 000 Capital...

Otherness in Anne Sexton’s ‘Her Kind’ Poem

Introduction Social demarcation in the population is portrayed in geographic, tribal, or ideological lines. Identifying these differentiations within us enables individuals to establish themselves based on how they perceive others. A faction may find itself superior, based on its subjective appreciation of other cultures being inferior. Othering has been used...

Humanistic and Naturalistic Ideas of Art

How did the arts express humanistic and /or naturalistic ideas during the Renaissance? Explain using one example of art. While it is agreeable that the renaissance’s framework was laid by political, social and economic factors, it is also clear that the talent of artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Brunelleschi...

Business: Dealing With Competition

Introdcution With Taziclor as the only available product in the market, Aveta was able to enjoy a monopolistic position. There could be no close substitute to the product, as Aveta was holding the patent for Taziclor. Since Aveta was the sole supplier in the market the demand curve specific for...

Lysistrata and Medea: The Women That Were Born to Rule

Some people say that men are born to rule, while women must stay at home and raise children. Even nowadays, this idea is very popular with a lot of people, mostly men, but some women as well. However, women’s role in the society has been well discussed and grounded enough...

Cicero’s and Aristotle’s Friendship Notions

Introduction In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle explains the principle of friendship and virtue are the coe of social relations, Aristotle supposes that all people were not equal. Aristotle believed that there were a more intelligent master or ruling element and a ruled element or slave. In contrast to Aristotle, Cicero believes...

Diabetic Neuropathy Effects on Foot and Its Treatment

Introduction Diabetes mellitus has deleterious effects on many systems of the body especially the immunity and the nervous systems. This article focuses on effects of diabetic neuropathy on the foot, its signs and symptoms and treatment. Effects on the foot The effects of diabetic neuropathy can be explained using parameters...

The Links Between Language and Culture

Nacirema culture’s devotion to the holy-mouth men is among the strange parts of this essay. The Nacirema think that if they do not visit the holy-mouth men, their mouths will bleed, and their teeth will deteriorate, making them social outcasts in their communities (Miner, 1956). Their beauty standards are so...

Skin: Anatomy, Physiology, Functions

The skin may be regarded as one of the most important organ of the human body due to its multiple indispensable functions. It protects a person from all challenges that may come from the environment and assists in the regulation of inner processes as well. This paper is dedicated to...

Caterpillar: Key Findings, Recommendations, and Rationale

Introduction Caterpillar Inc. is presently one of the leading manufacturers and marketers of both building and mining equipment in the world. The company has operations in most regions across the globe, including Europe, Africa, South America, North America, and Asia. The use of sustainable goals, vision and mission statements, and...

Technology for Human Capability Development

Technology is an important aspect in both developing and developed communities that focus on the innovation of highly sophisticated advances in neuroscience, computing, and biotechnologies. It holds a promise to transform our world for our sake and create overall availability with a character development where newer and improved mechanisms are...

IPhone: Marketing and Purchasing Decisions

Introduction The study of products made by Apple can reveal many interesting details about the smartphone market in general and the customer decision-making process in particular. One of the latest releases is the iPhone X, launched in the second half of 2017 (Simon 2017). After the concept for the new...

Four Seasons Website’s Traffic Ranking

Traffic Statistics Traffic ranking Traffic Rank Changes 7 day 9,410 -1,045 ↑ 1 month 10,463 -875 ↑ 3 month 11,029 -461 ↑ From the statistics above, Four Seasons traffic rank has been experiencing a significant drop in the past 3-month period. From the statistics above, the company’s site had experienced...

The Design of a New Kentucky Urban Village

Have you ever thought about a village or a city of your dream? The city will be built according to your plan and design. Everything is possible due to design thinking. The method commonly considered as design thinking is an established and repeatable indicative procedure that can be employed by...

The Example of the Office Memo

Facts of the case The case here deals with the Rocky mountain mutual funds, which consists of around 250 employees, situated in suburban area of Utah. The place is well known for the professional landscape and the offices, which was not much expensive and was affordable by the firm. A...

The Influence of Context on Individual Achievements

Why do some have everything while others have nothing? Why do some become successful while others drown in a river of failure? Why do some live to the fullest, while others just exist and even try to survive? There are two opposite points of view on these issues. On the...

Comparison of Brain Disorders: Mental Disorders vs Behavioral Disorders

Tracy, N. (2019). Brain disorders: Mental disorders vs. behavioral disorders. HealthyPlace. This article provides vast knowledge about mental and behavioral disorders and their differences and their manifestations in children. The author gives many statistics and data useful for the research, such as the heritability of behavior disorders or their symptoms...

Techniques That Make Claudia Rankine Poems in “Citizen” Relatable

Introduction Claudia Rankine is politically charged prose poet, and her works, especially Citizen, have a great influence on the modern American society. Citizen is a poem conducted in prose, thus making it one of the staples of the contemporary literature. One of the important things about Rankine’s work is that...

The Thanda Company’s Audit Risks Assessment

Audit planning Audit planning is an important preparatory phase of an audit that includes several necessary processes. It will provide the possibility to develop strategies for dealing with issues identified, which will facilitate the task in the future. Moreover, planning includes the identification of specific audit procedures at each stage....

Maybelline Case Study Analysis: Marketing & Competitors

Several key elements were crucial in Maybelline’s victories in the past. The purchase of the firm by L’Oreal Paris and ascent on the global market as a consequence were among them. With access to new markets, the company was able to become a worldwide brand and expand its sales. Thus,...

US Health and Human Services’ Cyber Security

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) This report focuses on HHS, one of the United States government agency mandated with providing and protecting health among the Americans, especially the helpless. The federal government has allotted about a quarter of its outlays to HHS Medicare and Medicaid insurance. As a...

Buddhism and Life: Living the Principles of the Buddhist Religion

Explain the following quote using Buddhist terms and beliefs “Do not think about the past. Do not worry about the future. Things of the past have died. The future has not arrived. What is happening in the present should be observed deeply. The Wise Ones live according to this and...

Information Analysis for Persuasive Communication

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Leaders in business organizations are occupied with several tasks and duties. One of the experiences I obtain as a leader in data analysis is based on persuasive messages. A persuasive message is one of the central sources of information that may call to action, convince,...

A Medical Treatment of Addiction

Introduction Medically, addiction can be defined as the abnormal dependence of substances which cause the body to poorly respond to stimuli that are naturally available. It starts as a repeated craving of substances and urge to get the substance leading to continuous use (Dorsman 12). This eventually causes intoxication to...

Paul and Philemon. Conversion of People to Christianity

Introduction During the period when the first church had just been established, Paul, then Saul, was a force to reckon, both before and after his conversion to Christianity. He exhibited strong leadership skills whichever side of the divide he was on. He believed so much in the ideals he followed,...

Ancient Traditions: St. Paul, St. Augustine, Virgil

There is no denial that works of literature, cultures and beliefs of different nations are interconnected and interrelated. Moreover, every new narrative or piece of art created by a human is based on previous traditions and consequently establishes the foundation for further development. In this paper, I am going to...

UK Media Representation of Ethnic Minorities

British society is not outnumbered by ethnic minorities, although new immigrants have come, mainly from Asia and Eastern Europe. 85% of UK citizens are white British, while the remaining 15% are recognized as ethnic minorities (Georgiou & Zaborowski, 2017). Black African, Black Caribbean, Indian, and Pakistani are the four largest...

Arab Heritage: Patient-Centered Care

Arab Heritage Case Study Mrs. Nasser arrived at the urgent-care center with her 16-year-old daughter, who had been experiencing burning upon urination, itching around her genital area, and a high fever. Mrs. Nasser appeared very anxious, explaining to the nurse that her daughter had never had these symptoms before. The...

Economic and Sovereignty Concerns Related to Brexit

Introduction The issue of Brexit has been a particularly divisive one for the British people, with arguments both in support and against it being said all around the nation. As a whole, Britain’s left seems to be much more eager to support the “remain” option, than the leave one, betraying...

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