COVID-19 and Aviation Labor Relations

Introduction Air transport is a small sector, but it has a significant effect on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The aviation industry, including airports and aircraft manufacturing, is a crucial enabler of many economic activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted various sectors of the economy because it was unexpected....

Types of Social Media Users

One of the many changes brought about by the Digital Revolution was the appearance of social media websites and phone applications that have transformed the way people communicate and share news, opinions, facts, and ideas in the 21st century. For the first time in history, people went from being passive...

Modelling in the Marine Environment

Storm surges provoke increasing interest in relation to catastrophic occurrences and their damage in coastal and estuarine areas as the physical processes presently observed jeopardize coastal life. Notably, Global Warming raises the danger of coastal flooding caused by multiple phenomena (Rahmstorf, 2017). For instance, the Atlantic hurricane season in 2017...

DNA and the Birth of Molecular Genetics

The birth of molecular genetics has been significant in furthering the knowledge concerning the cell’s coding of information. Assuredly, the cell is responsible for carrying out specific functions in the body. Inside the cell is the nucleus, which contains the deoxyribonucleic acid accountable for carrying out the transcription and replication...

Organizations’ Environment and Sustainability

Organizations must learn to adapt and try to fit in with components within the external environment for them to be successful. This environment comprises of components that are beyond the control of organizations. Organizations can be broken down into four main categories. They include; Private, Public, Profit and Not-for profit...

The Walt Disney Company: Main Strategies

Disney has a dominant presence in major entertainment segments and markets. The company’s primary operations are in mass media entertainment, but it has diversified into theme parks, personalized gifts, and cruise lines through large acquisitions. It produces and distributes animated films via its business units, including Media Networks and Disney...

Foundations of Army Leadership

Good leadership is important for the success and continuity of any organization. In particular, the army holds leadership in high regard and strives to create efficient leaders. The responsibility of army leaders is to guide their juniors by providing them with purpose and motivation. Additionally, army leadership is founded on...

Elegante Motors Ltd.’s Cost Engineering Team Performance

Project Description Elegante Motors Ltd. is a luxury car manufacturer located in Rome, founded in 1968. It focuses on delivering unique, handcrafted vehicles that represent the latest advances in comfort and performance. To that end, it employs 4,000 people at its factory, which also serves as the company’s central office....

Improving Amazon Inc.’s Culture

Introduction Amazon Inc. is a global online vendor and a pioneer within the online retailing space. It has achieved its popularity due to its positive and quality provision of goods and services to its customers, maintaining a competitive advantage within the market sector. However, the corporation has been experiencing cultural...

Nursing Violence in the Workplace

Objectives Bullying in nursing is defined by the American Nurses Association (ANA) as “repeated, unwelcome unpleasant activities meant to humiliate, distress and insult the target. “Categories of bullying in nursing; Hazing, Horizontal hostility, Workplace incivility, Workplace incivility, Lateral violence, and relational aggression. Common bullying behaviors include; yelling, public belittling, Condescending...

World War I: Battle of Hill 70

Introduction Four months after Vimy Ridge, the Battle of Hill 70 was the first major Canadian battle of the summer and Lieutenant-General Arthur Currie’s first war in his whole career. Lens, a coal-mining city, has been under German occupation since 1914. Since assuming control of the Corps, it was Currie’s...

Alison Bechdel’s “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic”

Introduction Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic – graphic stories by Alison Bechdel with autobiographical roots, released in 2007. The author’s childhood and adolescence are shown through family conflicts. The main characters in this book are Alison and Bruce, a daughter and a father, who are going through difficult experiences in...

Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Summary Strategic planning is an essential part of organizational development that allows a business to remain viable and sustainable in a dynamically changing world. This type of planning allows highly effective use of available resources and opportunities in order to optimize the organization’s future development (Teixeira & Junior, 2019). In...

The Concert by the Musical Band Metallica

The hard rock and heavy metal band Metallica is an American musical group that is extremely popular all around the globe due to its legendary works and emotional performances. In 2019, the group organized a separate concert that was included in the global WorldWired Tour and which drew fans from...

Political Power in Machiavelli’s The Prince

Introduction Written during the European Renaissance period in Italy, Machiavelli: The Prince highlights the political turbulences and intrigues metaphorically. Further, the book is set against the backdrop of art, science, and literature, where it analyzes how leaders can obtain and maintain power in society. As such, Machiavelli argues that different...

Dollar Removal from the Gold Standard

The economic system is one of the driving systems for the development of the country. Thus, the government must constantly take various decisions and measures that will contribute to the improvement of this area. One of the most critical initiatives for the economy of the United States of America was...

A Hurricane Threat: A Risk Communication Plan

Introduction The presentation will discuss a risk communication plan for the residents of New Orleans about a hurricane threat. It will address disaster scenarios and introduce the risk communication plan. The presentation will discuss the plan’s purpose, communication issues, and needs and concerns of different stakeholders and how it affects...

How Gender Norms and Stereotypes Contribute to Inequality in Society

Over the years, the United States and other countries around the world have faced inequality issues. They arise from different factors, such as race, gender, religion, social status, ethnicity, culture, and other characteristics. According to Keister and Southgate, these attributes often determine one’s access to resources and opportunities in life...

Raul Healing Hospital: Holistic Patient Care

Introduction Raul Healing hospital has numerous roles that incorporate the roles of healing the mind, the body, and the spirit of a patient. A healing culture that touches on values, beliefs, and philosophies that surround a given societal background that the hospital serves is manifested. Many researchers have revealed that...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Signs, Stages, and Management

Introduction The process of ageing is associated with numerous changes such as generational variations, status, self-image, attitudes, and mindfulness of mortality that weaken bodies. Eventually, these changes lead to deterioration of an individual’s health. In serious cases, deterioration of health results in mental retardation. This essay explores the Dementia of...

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr: Internet vs. Traditional Reading

Negative Impacts of Computers One of the first negative impacts of computers and their related software that I would like to discuss can be seen in the arguments of Nicholas Carr in his book “The Shallows.” In it, Carr presents readers with the notion that the traditional method of reading...

Impact of Immigration Policies on Economic and Demographic Changes in the US

Introduction The debate on whether to grant illegal immigrants in the United States amnesty or not, is very controversial. On the one hand, there are those who argue that illegal immigrants should not be granted amnesty. They maintain that there is need to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in...

Building and Managing Collaborative Teams: Challenges and Solutions

The process of building and managing collaborative teams is often difficult because of the necessity to apply the persons’ skills and goals to complete the collective task. To understand the factors which can lead to building ineffective teams, it is necessary to focus on the discussion of the case “Two...

Pearl Harbor’s Attack: Analyzing Power Balance in Historical Context

The Second World War can be regarded as an illustration of people’s irresponsibility, ignorance, and vanity. Several nations tried to change the world order that had been established after World War I, and the only way to do that was to start even another war. Japan was one of the...

Entrepreneurial Leadership: Strategies and Challenges

There is a new definition to entrepreneurial leaderships in today’s dynamic markets. Dynamic markets are characterized by a high pace and direction of change that continually accelerates every now and then (Tarabishy, 2002, P. 14). This therefore calls for entrepreneurial leadership for success. In addition, Case, Kouzes and Drucker all...

Hepatitis Management and the Healthy People 2020 Program: Strategies and Goals

Introduction Hepatitis could be considered one of the greatest threats of the modern world. According to the official statistics, one-third of Americans have experienced Hepatitis at some point in their lives (Overview and Statistics, n.d.) It means that the main aspects of this diseases treatment become the major concern of...

The Micromanager by Bronwyn Fryer

While exploring and trying to explain the role of leadership and performance management, Jamail (2012) offers a fascinating and insightful look as to what should be regarded as micromanagement and which one should not. From his point of view, micromanagement is a contextual issue—it should be defined or looked upon...

Infection Prevention Strategies and Educational Interventions: Promoting Health and Safety

Introduction The problem of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) often contributes to deaths and high rates of infestations among patients during their hospital stays. According to the statistics on infection-associated deaths, mortality rates linked to CLABSIs can range from 5% to 35%, which points to the need to carefully choosing...

Interoperability in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Overview

Introduction The adoption of digital systems in healthcare poses a number of advantages for providers and patients. However, the wide variety of solutions raises the issue of compatibility between different platforms, preventing efficient data exchange. The following paper provides an overview of a solution to the issue covered in FierceHealthIT...

News and Feature Articles as Writing Genres

Introduction The proponent of this study attempted to appreciate the deeper meaning and intended message of two articles. The first one is a news article and the second one is a feature article. The process was made easier by reviewing essays regarding writing genres (Dirk 250). The same thing can...

Bioethical Decision-Making in Cases of Teenage Pregnancy: Challenges and Considerations

Introduction Nurses have a variety of responsibilities when providing care for their patients. In particular, one such responsibility is advocating for the patient if a need to do so arises. In this paper, a hypothetical situation in which a patient is threatened will be identified; the bioethical decision-making model will...

Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention Reduces HF Readmissions

In a reviewed article, Theodosios Stabrianopoulos focuses attention on a scientific experiment on two groups of people with a key goal to establish a correlation between a nurses-led telephone intervention and the frequencies of readmissions of HF patients. During his research, the author discovers that “telephone intervention programs appear to...

Colorectal Cancer: Major Health Threat with Unclear Etiology

Fiber and Colorectal Cancer Soluble fiber in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer is one of the major threats to the overall health status of the population. Nevertheless, the etiology of this type of cancer has not been determined so far. Different researches have been carried out to...

The Need for a New Constitution: Arguments and Proposals

In the aftermath of the American Revolution, the leaders of the newly independent states decided to create a legal framework that prevented the emergence of an extremely powerful central government. However, these apprehensions established a loose federation of states that was ineffective when it came to the need for decisive...

Rhyniophytes: Earliest Vascular Land Plants from 450 Million Years Ago

The “Rhyniophyte Flora” and the “Coal Age Flora” The rhyniophytes which has completely extinct comprises of the earliest vascular land plants. It is only known from its fossils and helps in understanding the origin plants. It existed 450 million years ago and once formed a dominants species of the Devonian...

Sacred, Sacrament and Relationship to Christ

The Sacred, the Profane, and Sacrament Sacred is a concept that identifies the association of an object or phenomenon as pertinent to divinity. As such, sanctity is present in the majority of the world religions and is usually characterized by either partial or complete absence of its manifestation from the...

Staphylococcus Aureus Infection in Humans

Classification and Morphology The genus Staphylococcus has various species, which are mainly divided depending on their ability to cause clotting of the blood plasma. This process is referred to as the coagulase reaction. Staphylococcus aureus is coagulase-positive, implying they cause clotting. The organisms are mainly found in the axillae and...

Business Performance of Nike Inc.

Introduction Marketing analysis of any company’s performance allows for a comprehensive and broad understanding of its primary field of work, advantages, and strategies. Some large profit-oriented corporations employ extensive marketing plans within which their tactics for the exploitation of the target market are demonstrated. Nike Inc., as one of the...

Citizen Activism and Political Courage: Insights from Kennedy’s Profiles

Introduction In 1957, then-senator John F. Kennedy won a Pulitzer Prize for Profiles in Courage. In 1990, the Kennedy family rejuvenated the idea and established the Profiles in Courage Award for selfless public service. In this expertly packaged collection, Caroline Kennedy and over a dozen well-known authors bring forth the...

Permission Marketing and Intrusive Advertising

In today’s internet society, a common complaint among users is the consistent use of bulk emailing referred to as “Junk Mail” or “Spam.” Opt-in advertising campaigns, a permission-based marketing practice, though technically not considered spam, are nevertheless viewed as intrusive. Strictly speaking, permission-based email advertising refers to email from a...

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Organic Food Purchases Among Customers of Different Ages

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“Roma” by Alfonso Cuaron: Main Topics and Issues Highlighted

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Pulp Fiction as Iconic Gangster Cinema

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Religion: Locating Sodom

Introduction Sodom and Gomorrah were two of five cities referred to as the Cities of the Plain in the Bible. The two places are infamous for God’s judgment upon the cities’ wicked inhabitants in the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Biblical scholars, including Steven Collins and Bryant Wood,...

Individual’s Role in the American Revolution

The Founding Fathers are featured prominently in most accounts of the American Revolution. The Revolution, on the other hand, began as a popular revolt in the 13 British colonies, affecting not only future historical events and international order but also the lives of a number of people, each with their...

Healthcare Program: Informational Campaign on Dementia

The role of nurses shall not be underestimated when it comes to designing and implementing healthcare programs aimed to improve the well-being of the general population. Nurses provide multiple care services to different patients with various conditions, personalities, and wishes. Moreover, since the interactions and frequent and close, the team...

A Personal Experience of a Destructive Conflict

Introduction Basically, a conflict arises when two or more parties disagree as a result of clashing ideas or thoughts, interests, attitudes, and requirements (Khamidovna, 2021). Conflict is only present when the parties involved communicate their struggles about an idea or thought in question. A destructive conflict is that which involves...

Health Policy and Professional Nurse’s Role

Professional Nurse’s Role in Health Policy In an increasingly changing healthcare industry, nurses represent a major group of the workforce providing primary and specialized care to millions of people. In the performance of their duties, nurses are affected by among other things, the policies that have been adopted by local,...

Evaluating a Corporate-Societal Relationship

Introduction The relationship between corporations and society is a critical issue that affects businesses, communities, and individuals. Companies like 3M have a significant impact on the communities in which they operate. Evaluating the corporate-societal relationship of 3M is an important step in understanding the company’s impact on society. This essay...

“Multiple Meanings of Money” by Smita Premchander

Today, money is the measure of success in many areas, influencing the way of assessing personal efficiency and well-being. Thus, it becomes increasingly more important to understand how to manage finances – on both micro- and macro-level. Various studies are interested the differences between men and women in their money-related...

Avalanches, Their Nature and Safety Precautions

Snow avalanches are a frequent occurrence in the mountainous regions of our planet, where the mountain caps are covered with many layers of snow. Everyone is familiar with a cinematic cliché, were loud screaming or noises manage to trigger an avalanche, sending powerful and destructive waves of stone and snow...

The Wal-Mart Story of Success – Company Analysis

Summary of the Book Since the demise of Sam Walton in 1992, Wal-Mart has witnessed a significant transformation. The company has moved from dominating the retail industry to clinching the top slot in the list of the 500 largest companies in the world as enumerated by the Fortune Magazine. One...

Diversity and Communication in Nursing Philosophy: Importance for Patient Care

Introduction Current nursing philosophies tend to place a specific issue at the helm of the nursing process, be it communication, knowledge management, identification of patients’ needs, etc. (McKenna, ‎Pajnkihar, ‎& Murphy, 2014). However, globalization as the continuous process of knowledge dissemination has reinvented the realm of nursing, hence the demand...

Trends in Human Resource Management

The main functional areas of HRM Collings (2009) opines that human resource management can be well understood by dividing it into five main areas. These include staffing, human resource development, employee compensation and benefits, employees and labor relations, and safety and health. Staffing is a critical function of human resource...

Modern Technology Transformations: Benefits and Innovations

Introduction Modern technology has undergone numerous transformations, and today people enjoy a lot of benefits derived from the use of sophisticated technologies. Therefore, scientists continue to work hard to invent new ways of doing things and making life easier (Boykoff & Yulsman, 2013, p. 1). This has pushed nations and...

Effective Manual Therapy for Joint and Tissue Pain

Manual therapy can be termed as all the techniques administered passively by trained practitioners to move/mobilize/manipulate joints and soft tissues for therapeutic purposes, especially pain management and treatments (Carnes, Mars, Mullinger, Froud, & Underwood, 2010). As such, the manual therapist endeavour to restore normal movement of joints and tissues. The...

Diagnosis and Management of Hyperthyroidism: Comprehensive Treatment Approaches

Introduction Hyperthyroidism is a health condition, which is characterized by hyperactivity of the thyroid gland with the release of an excessive amount of hormones. The thyroid is a small gland in the shape of a butterfly, located at the front of the neck; it produces T4 and T3 hormones that...

Optimizing Nursing Care with Health Information Systems

In nursing, the health information systems (HIS) constitute a system that works to capture, store and manage the patient data with the option of transmitting it from one healthcare provider to another in the process of delivering care (Toromanovic, Hasanovic & Masic, 2010). The purpose of the topic is to...

America’s Contributions to World War I: A Historical Perspective

Introduction The First World War occurred in Europe in 1914 and lasted for almost five years. This global conflict had many reasons and consequences. Historians throughout the world still discuss causes of the Great War. The main goals of this paper are to analyze aspects that led to the war...

Understanding the US Recession: Causes and Solutions

Introduction A general understanding of macroeconomics shows that recession occurs when the business cycle of an economy contract. During the recession, there is a fall in GDP growth, household income, business profit, and investment point towards an economy that is in recession (Colander 11). Consequently, recession increases unemployment and corporate...

Strategies for Effective Estate Planning and Trust Management

Estate Planning Minimizing Tax Liability One of the main benefits of estate planning for businesses is the possibility of reducing tax liability. If an owner fails to account for these expenses before death, the firm may suffer a significant financial loss in the form of estate tax (Herzberg & Boone,...

Philosophical Ethics in Organizations: Universal Acceptability and Moral Standards

Background This paper aims at identifying the application of ethics in business. A business ethics program is expected to provide the business architects with the best approach that should guide them in the process of designing and implementing the business initiative with minimal conflict with the societal norms of the...

How Personal Can Ethics Get?

Introduction Ethical decisions are essential aspects, which make efficient running of organizations possible. It is evident that, everyone evaluates ethical matters in the best way they understand. Thus, to avoid disagreement involving a person’s views and institution norms, organizations have put up rules and measures that guide individuals during decision-making....

False Memories, Their Causes and Implications

Introduction False memories are remembrances of events and experiences that never occurred, or they denote event recalls of incidences that occurred differently from how one perceives them. Through the use of findings from researches, analyses, and theoretical frameworks, it can be shown that false memories arise from coaching or accidental...

Managing Urban Sprawl: U.S. Urban Planning Insights

Urban Sprawl in the U.S. and Urban Planning The issue of peri urbanization has become especially topical for the cities of the XXI century. Due to the rapid growth of major cities, the options that large cities provide in terms of employment, and the possibilities for personal and professional growth,...

Integrating Leadership Models for Enhanced Nursing Practice

Model of Leadership and Its Application Playing the role of a leader invites a range of opportunities for altering and improving the process of meeting the set goals. As a leader, one should focus not only on accomplishing a basic objective of implementing a particular project or raising the revenue...

The Problem of Burnout in Nursing

Introduction Burnout is among the essential human resources issues in nursing. Nurses experience burnout due to high workload, poor working conditions, lack of support structures, and many other factors. However, research surrounding the issue shows that some leadership and human resources management strategies can be useful in reducing burnout. Researching...

The Concept of Hildegard Peplau’s Nursing Care Model

Introduction The work in a healthcare setting requires much educational and professional preparation, presupposes the possession of specific skills, and is rather demanding yet rewarding. In order to make the professional care about patients easier for nurses, several nursing care models have been identified and explained by scholars and nursing...

Social Control Theory: Criminological Context and Consequences

A Summary of Social Control Crime as one of the threats to human safety and a destructing force for society is often explained from the point of view of sociology. All governments develop a system of controlling techniques and mechanisms to deter crime and ensure the safety of the citizens...

Is Wal-Mart One of the Most Aggressive Retailers?

Wal-Mart is one of the most aggressive retailers opening hundreds of new stores during 1990s. You, probably, do not know that Wal-Mart positions itself as a wholesaler, catering to the professional trade rather than as a retailer selling to final consumers. Do not sleep and be alive! Wal-Mart is a...

Importance of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Intercultural Communication

Introduction Communication is a day-to-day aspect of the human being. People need to communicate in order to share thoughts, opinions or coordinate activities. Technological advancement, advancement in means of transport and communication, and globalization have allowed more intercultural interactions. Intercultural communication is essential as people interact in colleges, businesses, workplaces...

The Issues of Democracy in Australia and the USA

Introduction This essay discusses the issues of democracy in Australia and the United States. In this case, the essay specifically compares the similarities and differences between the two countries. In addition, the essay also discusses matters related to governance, social changes, and public policies. Democracy in Australia The chosen country...

Big Five Personality Traits

Introduction The human personality has been described using what has been named the Big-Five factors. It has also been referred to as the Five Factor Model (FFM) in other occasions. These factors of personality, which are the five perspectives, include neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion. Costa and McCrae established...

Corporate Governance Against Financial Risk Up to Date With Banking Crisis

Introduction Currently the cases of financial crisis especially in banks have continued to increase hence raising attention of many people as well as governments and business organizations. It is because of the increased financial crisis that there is need for more attention and focus on the proper corporate governance of...

Sub Networking: Definition and Role

A subnet is an individually identifiable part of a particular Internet Protocol network. Subnetting is achieved by dividing the computer networks into groups of computers that manifest a distinct, selected IP address routing prefix. Subnetting is important when dealing with many connections of computers in large networks. These large connections...

Genetics: Gaucher Disease Type 1

Abstract The Gaucher disease type 1 category is a genetically related complication in which there is an automatic recession in the way lysosomes store some important gene enzymes. This abnormality is mainly caused by the slow or sometimes dormant reactivity of the genetic chemical substance called beta-glucocerebrosidase. The latter is...

Investigating the Relation Between Law and Morality

Introduction Law and morality are two regulatory frameworks that control and manage practices in a human network to permit amicable and successful intersubjectivity between people. The two notions have a corresponding relationship in the ideas of individual self-rule and equivalent regard for everybody. There is an association between law and...

Dental Radiology: Critical Review of Journal

Introduction Direct (CCD or CMOS) and indirect (storage phosphor plate) digital systems for intra-oral radiography are now commonplace not only in dental research but also across diverse research fields. A recent article investigated the image quality and radiation dose of the two systems. This paper gives a critical review of...

Myocardial Infarction: Key Issues

Abstract Individuals with myocardial infarction experience abrupt blockage of coronary arteries leading to deficiency of oxygen supply in the heart. Due to numerous conditions arising from the reduction of blood flow in the coronary artery, doctors have adopted the use of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) to refer to the condition....

Vanguard Healthcare Services, LLC: Health Organization Case Study

Introduction Vanguard Healthcare is a United States non-profit medical organization that operates in four states. It was established in 1997 with a view of offering superior medical services in Arizona, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Texas. The facility offers diverse health care products and services such as behavioral health, critical, cancer, emergency,...

Infection of Chlamydia Trachomatis

Introduction Chlamydia is a common bacteria infection which is mainly spread through sexual contacts with infected persons. The bacterium that transmits this genital infection is known as Chlamydia trachomatis and when this bacterium is transmitted sexually, it can infect the reproductive and urinary organs. Generally, Chlamydia trachomatis is an “obligate...

Social Change and Crime Rate Trends

Introduction Cohen and Felson (1979) have extensively discussed criminology along with the theory of routine activity. This theory dwells a lot on the circumstance with which criminal activities occur with relativity to time, space, the category of offenders, and their targets and agree that criminal acts are considered a routine...

The Problem of Plastic Waste in the UAE and Options to Address It

The Problem The problem of plastic waste in the UAE is a significant ecological issue regarding plastic pollution and the safe disposal of waste products. Despite the efforts to use alternative materials and the recent developments in biodegradable plastics, the situation is still not ideal. Plastic waste has a severe...

The German Architectural History

The Controversy in the Deutsche Werkbund The Werkbund Exhibition staged in Cologne, Germany, in 1914 presented the primary architectural differences during those times. The debate was based on industrial methods and standardization against craft and fine artistry. Hermann Muthesius, a German nationalist, led the standardization supporters while Henry de Velde,...

Discussion of Jesus as a Servant Leader

Servant leadership is a philosophy of leaders within which they are to serve their followers. Within such a framework, the norm of interactions between leaders and followers is inverted: instead of the surrounding people serving the leader, the latter exists to serve them. Therefore, the servant-leader is instead a servant...

The Hero and Civilization in “The Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction Being among the oldest epic poems throughout the world, the Epic of Gilgamesh presents the story of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian King. Portrayed as an individual with superhuman strength, he can interact with the gods through his dreams (Sandars 63). The story illustrates how the gods gave Gilgamesh a perfect...

Ethical Theories and Data Processing

Introduction One of the key principles of ethics can be found in the underlying ideas of ethical theories, which provide a differential and diverse range of perspectives on the notion of morality, ethicality, and goodness. The given assessment of ethical, theoretical frameworks will primarily focus on the ideas of utilitarianism,...

Aspects of Racialization Processes

As a consequence of domination, the ethnic identity of the dominant group is less visible and prominent. The systematic underdevelopment of racial and ethnic relations studies in terms of examining dominant group ethnicity’s functions has resulted in the systematic underdevelopment of studies in as a result, the dominant group has...

Causes of the Changing Population of the World

The human population has seen unprecedented changes in numbers, demographics, and social patterns. The world today is much different from what it was less than a century ago: a third of the world’s people lived in economically advanced countries in 1950, while the end of the last century witnessed a...

Medical Sterilization and Its Implications

Introduction Medical sterilization refers to any birth control methods that intentionally make a person unable to reproduce. They can be surgical or non-surgical and can be performed on both males and females, and they are intended to be permanent. Sterilization can be done in various ways, but the common one...

Discussion: Neurobiology of MDMA Abuse

Introduction Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), commonly referred to as Molly, is a synthetic drug that alters perception and mood. The chemical components found in MDMA are similar to the hallucinogens and stimulants because, upon its use, the person experiences increased energy levels (García-Pardo et al., 2017). It is prudent to note that...

The Water Shortage Supply in Las Vegas

Executive Summary The water shortage supply in Las Vegas is a major problem due to the city’s reliance on Lake Mead and Colorado Rivers, which are drying up due to droughts. The solution is wastewater reuse instead of drilling deeper into Lake Mead. The two approaches can be implemented, which...

Japanese Colonialism in Kim’s “Lost Names”

Introduction In modern South Korean historiography, in relation to the period of Japanese colonial rule in Korea, the term “the period of forcible occupation by the Japanese Empire” is used. After the annexation of Korea, all power in the country passed to the Japanese governor-general, in whose hands were concentrated...

Strauss’ The Trojan War: A New History

Introduction The events of the Trojan War are connected with various myths, and historians have tried to distinguish the truth from fiction for many centuries. Homer’s variant of war history is used as the source of historically accurate facts, a biased position. Barry Strauss’ position on the Trojan War is...

Amazon Labor Union from Employee Perspective

Introduction Amazon Labor Union (ALU) entails a solitary labor union, particularly for Amazon employees. This organization was established on 20th April 2021. Additionally, it is vital to note that on 1st April 2022, Amazon employees at a store in Staten Island, JFK8, were supported by ALU to become the initial...

Euthanasia: A Child’s Right to Die

Introduction It is important to note that euthanasia is a highly intricate and complex ethical issue, which requires a thorough analysis and understanding in order to draw any form of evidenced conclusions. Euthanasia for children should be allowed only if a child is suffering from extreme pain, has zero chance...

Angel’s Treatment Plan: Psychosocial and Psychological Interventions

Angel will meet with a clinical provider who will discuss with him about his alcohol and/or substance usage patterns, his medical history, mental health disorders and legal issues. From these assessments done, the clinical provider will make a summary of the main problems that brought Angel in for medication or...

Enhancing the Healthcare System With Information Management

Data Security The HIPAA Security Rule is a federal policy covering healthcare organizations’ data security. It establishes national standards for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronically protected health information (ePHI) (Abouelmehdi et al., 2018). The rule requires organizations to perform regular risk assessments, implement physical and technical safeguards...

Arizona Inmate Medical Transport: Strategic Management Insights

The case of Arizona inmate medical transport system suggests that planning and effective strategic management is the core of any organizational processes. The evaluator of the case will develop various instruments designed for the change program under study. It is important to recognize that the medical care problem is one...

Enhancing Culturally Competent Care for Hispanic Patients: Best Practices and Insights

Introduction Hispanics make one of the fastest-growing demographics in the United States. Most of the Hispanic population that is found in the United States comes from Mexico, but a significant portion also comes from other South and Central American countries. The presence of Hispanic clients has necessitated healthcare professionals to...

The Process Behind Drafting and Ratifying the American Constitution

Introduction It is imperative to mention the drafting of the Constitution is a fascinating topic that is frequently discussed by scholars. The importance of the document should not be disregarded because the United States had to deal with numerous difficulties at that time as a result of the Great Depression....

Leadership Characteristics that Define Effective Management in Organizations

Leadership and Management There is no doubt that any specialist who would like to achieve success in the field related to coordinating other people’s efforts should see the difference between various notions that are often misunderstood. More than that, this assumption is especially important when it comes to those who...

Hyundai’s Branding and Marketing Strategies

Hyundai was recognized as one of the top spot terms based on corporate brand loyalty amongst American potential customers within automotive industry. Hyundai has improved over the years, migrating from cheap brand with cheaper quality to one of the most recognized loyalty based brand. Hyundai’s Kia brand appeared as one...

Virginia Henderson Theory: 14 Needs of Patients

Introduction Nursing is a unique sphere of knowledge which is aimed at delivering care to people who suffer from different illnesses. Being one of the integral parts of medicine, it has always been going along with humanity and evolving to be able to meet all challenges that might appear. Besides,...

Burnout Syndrome in Nursing: Cañadas-De la Fuente’s Study Critique

Introduction Research articles often portray the state of development of different scientific areas. In nursing, such studies may consider various topics from the education of nursing professionals to the main approaches of nurses to controversial issues. The article “Risk Factors and Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession” investigates...

Nursing Care Models: Healthcare Team & Transitional Approaches

Introduction There is a variety of nursing care models, each of them presenting specific attitudes to the process of looking after a patient and reaching the highest patient satisfaction level. All models, despite divergences between them, aim at encouraging nurses to arrange the most favorable working environment, which will inevitably...

South Korea’s Political Economy: Impact on FDI Attraction

Introduction Strong government-business ties are crucial in economic development. A country’s political establishment or government formulates and implements economic and regulatory policies that determine its developmental state. Political decisions and economic management are inextricably linked. In this view, a nation’s economic success depends on its political system and laws governing...

Are Schools Less Stratified? Evaluating De-Stratification Efforts

Some policymakers suggest that schools are becoming less stratified (streamed) overall as educational systems focus on preparing students for knowledge economies. Discuss your interpretation of the validity of this statement Some policymakers claim that “schools are becoming less stratified” since they are concerned with preparing youth “for the knowledge economy”...

Advertising and Culture

Importance of culture in advertising by Suzanne Robbe Summary Businesses in many sectors of the economy are continually becoming global. Technology continues to make the world smaller, and this offers a new business opportunity to local companies (Robbe par. 2). To enter these new markets and be successful, they must...

Opening Your New Dunkin’ Donuts Locations

Introduction The nature of the Dunkin’s Donuts’ system is determined not so much by its constituent elements but by their relationship between each other and each element individually with the system as a whole. These relations form the structure of the system, the main purpose of which is to ensure...

Nursing Research for Patients’ Safety and Health

Research is a vital aspect of modern nursing practice. Nurses have become advocates for their patient’s safety and health quality. Nursing research is necessary due to its timely contribution to evidence-based practice with a priority set on the contemporary findings in the essential areas of health care. A nurse practitioner...

Construction. The Hines Group and Babcock & Brown

Site Management The Hines Group and Babcock & Brown have done their best to provide the highest standards of security of workers and the best organization of the material delivery, storage and usage. Another important aspect of the site management that was developed by the companies carrying out the construction...

St. Louis: Rocky Mountain Rendezvous by Gowans

St Louis fur trade represents a unique and one of the most interesting pages in the history of the city. At the beginning of the 19th century, the fur trade in this region was connected with Rocky Mountain Fur Company, established in 1823. The book Rocky Mountain Rendezvous by Gowans...

Organizational Design: Supply Chain Management

Introduction The supply chain is used in every type of business. And the supply chain is followed in all spears of a business. The term “supply chain management” has two parts – “supply chain” and “management”. Supply chain is the circle where the work of passing the raw material, work...

Professionalism in Planning and Code of Conduct

Introduction According to the November 2002 issue of Academy for emerging medicine on professionalism and code of conduct for physicians, professionalism is viewed as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” (p. 1). This definition enlightens us on the existence of a...

Death Penalty Validity as a Form of Punishment

Outline This paper attempts to assess the validity of death penalty as a form of punishment for controlling the increasing crime rates. In doing so, it will first examine the arguments for death penalty, analyze whether the gist of these arguments are met by awarding capital punishment. Then the paper...

Islamic Mosque Customs and Architecture

There were some substantial differences between the holy places of Roman Catholics and the Sunni Islamic Mosque at Florida, the most crucial one being the segregation between males and females for entering the mosque. The Florida mosque is only for male members and females are not allowed to enter the...

Alan Paton’s “Cry the Beloved Country”

Literary works have been instrumental the world over in initiating wide ranging changes in human affairs. Alan Paton’s Cry the Beloved Country is one such striking work of fiction that had sought to bring about positive social change in South Africa and has been assiduously studied and debated by scholars...

The Roles of Women Changing in the World Today

Introduction Women have been one of the most important elements of society but were never able to make an eminent place in the world, due to the dominance of men all over. This gender of society has forever been the lower one, with male supremacy and authority taking their toll...

Body Mass Index and Health Risks

Arguably, obesity has become one of the most debated issues concerning public health. The centrality of this health crisis within the public agenda can be evidenced in the increased coverage by the media and other forms of communication. According to the Health Policy Institute of Ohio (2), the question of...

Literacy Skills and Knowledge: Implementing Literacy Instruction

Introduction Literacy is a fundamental aspect of communication that is based on comprehending or communicating thoughts, ideas, and intentions between individuals. The educator’s role implies assisting students in developing linguistic and non-linguistic patterns of communication. The literacy instruction covers both receptive and expressive skills and aims at encouraging independent thinkers,...

Intellectual Disability Problem Analysis

Introduction Developmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect people’s growth and the ability to complete normal tasks. A good example is that of intellectual disability (ID) and individuals who have limitations in various functional competencies. Researchers and scholars in the fields of genetics and psychology have been keen...

Glory of War in the Homer’s “Iliad”

Naturally, mention of participation in war is viewed with indifference because it often points to atrocities and other inhuman acts associated with it. Homer’s epic poem however contradicts this not by showing how magnificent war is but by presenting possible glory associated with involvement in the war. Homer forces the...

Lung Cancer among Indigenous Australians

Cancer appears to be the disease of the century, as it presents the most frequent reasons for deaths. Lung cancer is the most often type of oncological diseases, causing the greatest amount of fatal outcomes (Bilano et al., 2015). Due to poor social position, destructive lifestyle, unhealthy traditions and habits,...

National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Ethics Program and Sexual Abuse Scandals

Academic institutions have a range of responsibilities to meet to ensure that they meet the needs and secure the rights of students, protection against sexual abuse is one of the foundational responsibilities. Given the vulnerability of the target demographic, academic authorities at universities must ensure that all educators adhere to...