Attribution Theory and Behaviour of Other People

Introduction People’s tendency to explain their own or others’ behaviour constitutes the basis of the attribution theory. The father of the theory, Heider, famously said that each and every person is a psychologist of their own or at least tries to be. After the concept first emerged in the 1950s,...

Knowledge Dissemination: Case Study

Introduction A lack of patient awareness of the need to ensure the consistency of their treatment is a serious problem in healthcare. In the given case study, the Amish population is identified by Michelle as the target audience that needs education on reporting about their utilization of non-traditional medicine. Taking...

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: A Look at the Effectiveness of Anti-Bribery Laws

FCPA: Purpose and Penalties The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) is a federal law of the United State that has provisions for addressing transparency in the accounting requirements that fall under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the scope of bribery of any foreign official. The act...

Evaluation of the Clinical Outcomes of Telehealth for Managing Diabetes

Introduction The present paper is dedicated to a critical overview of a systematic review “Evaluation of the Clinical Outcomes of Telehealth for Managing Diabetes: A PRISMA-Compliant Meta-Analysis” by Wu et al. (2018) published in a high-quality, open access journal Medicine. The major purpose of this study was to compare existing...

The Right to Contract Out: Case Study

Which party has the burden of proof? Which level of proof should be used? Why? In the case 11-1 about the right to contract out in terms of the bargaining unit, the Union was the party that has the burden of proof. The Union was the party that initially filed...

Media Coverage of the China 2008 Earthquake

Introduction The tenets of the theoretical framework of deconstruction are some of the offer valuable insights in the analyses of particular art forms, artifact and as well as various media forms. The use of the term was initialized in the 9160s by Jacques Derrida. Gavin Ambrose et al (20010 offer...

Female Gender and Changes over the Last 150 Years

Introduction Even now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, there is a widely held opinion among many sociologists and psychologists that gender is the set of biological and social characteristics that distinguishes men from women. The word “social” is crucial in this case. In fact, physical characteristics of a...

Riots & Premiers of “Ubu Roi” & “The Rite of Spring”

Introduction Two major premiers which have been observed in Paris in 1896 and 1913 caused real outburst of emotions. “Ubu Roi” by Alfred Jarry and “The Rite of Spring” by Igor Stravinsky are considered to be the greatest performances having been remembered in the history of theatre. The paper is...

Community-Oriented Policing: Definition and Implementation Strategies

Community policing has gained impetus in the recent past in an effort to enhance the safety of the public and the quality of life in communities. This new approach is especially important in this era of recession, high unemployment rates, and increased crime. Frequent budget cuts and a low number...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Measurable Factors of Success of Ceo Jim Cantalupo

Leadership is an important factor that is essential to successful organizations. This is a case study of the turnaround of McDonald’s Corporation after Jim Cantalupo took charge as CEO. It will also provide a competency model for an ideal CEO candidate for the corporation. It will also look at the...

High-Quality Instruction: Creating a Lesson Plan

High Quality Instruction Educational professionals have often mentioned that the current system of learning and teaching program requires High-Quality Instruction that ensures structured student learning, desirable academic performance, which provides benchmarks for students’ classroom performance. This paper attempts to create a lesson plan that describes various steps of a language...

Different Aspects of Social Webbing

Currently, accessing social websites has turned out to be extraordinarily popular amongst all kinds of people. For example, sites like Face-book, my space, tagged and twitter have had most people acquire accounts there. These sites require regular status and profile updates together with constant communications with friends. Because of this,...

General Motors Operations Analysis

Introduction General Motors (GM) is a symbol of the American automotive industry and culture. It is known for an exceptional quality of manufactured automobiles as well as a high level of competitiveness and significant impact on both national and global vehicle markets. GM was founded in 1908. Since then, it...

Racial Disparities in Death Penalty Sentencing

Introduction The institution of the death penalty is one of the most acutely discussed both from the perspectives of criminal law practice and compliance with the principles of constitutional and international law. In the USA, the complexity and contradictory nature of the state doctrine regarding the ethnic problem are complemented...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is normally characterized by breathlessness, coughing and a wheezing sound that is normally heard when somebody breaths. These symptoms are caused by either chronic emphysema or bronchitis (Løkke, 2006 p.10). Patients with emphysema are normally plagued with persistent short breath where as those with chronic...

Super Bowl: Essential Date for the Whole Nation

The Super Bowl is the title of the final game for the National Football League (NFL) championship of the USA. This game became a national holiday of the country, especially because of multiple celebrations of the Super Bowl Sunday that accompany it. Like the Olympic Games, the Super Bowl brings...

Diabetes Community Health Programs in Florida

Introduction Chronic diseases affect the quality of life in many communities across the United States. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that results in significant societal, financial, individual, and economic burden (“Florida Diabetes Advisory Council”, 2017). Patients affected by the chronic condition have increased chances of having stroke, heart disease,...

The Basic Components of Organizational Processes

Introduction Analyzing the basic components of organizational processes is a valuable approach that allows highlighting the key models and principles of sustainable clusters aimed to support the work of a specific entrepreneurial direction. Assessing the types of these processes, structural frameworks, and some other aspects can help obtain in-depth information...

Examining Racism in American 21st Century Society

Racism has plagued American society for more than two centuries. Despite the country’s encouraging racial progress, many people still feel relationhips among the different groups have not improved. Approximately one hundred and fifty years after the passing of the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery in America, yet most black people...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Internet: The Roles of The Private Sector and The Government

Technological progress contributed to the transformation of communication and thereby promoted the mass participation of citizens in essential political processes. This outcome could not be neglected by the governments, and their involvement in this area followed numerous protests of the population (Tufekci 12). However, the development of a new space...

Social Justice in Britain’s Workforce

Although racism has been outlawed as a social vice, nonetheless, racial discrimination is still one of the major ethical dilemmas in the modern workplace. Workers from perceived minority and “inferior” races are repeatedly subjected to unfair treatment. Employers in Britain still discriminate against employees along racial lines. Britain is a...

Children of Neglect and Teaching Family Model

Introduction Neglect and abuse of children remain a prevalent social issue in the United States. Parent engagement is essential for improving family functioning in a meaningful way (Ingram et al., 2015). Nevertheless, political rhetoric surrounding the issue often concentrates on producing a “heroic social worker” and does not focus that...

Discussion of Pleasure in Social Activism

Introduction It is difficult to deny that in terms of social activism, people usually think about what is missing rather than what they desire. Generally, making social justice is perceived as work; however, according to a different opinion, involvement in social activism can also be a form of pleasure. Adrienne...

Language as a Tool in John Updike’s “A&P”

Thesis John Updike uses language as far more than a narrational or beautifying tool in his short story “A&P”; instead, he employs linguistic tools such as metaphors and colloquialism to enrich his characters and provide a riveting analysis of the many social trends at war in 1960s America. Introduction John...

Organizational Learning and Leadership

Introduction Most organizations establish learning cultures to capitalize on the departing employees to pass knowledge on to the current workforce. A learning culture helps organizations build a workforce with the correct knowledge and expertise, thus enabling seamless successive planning. Organizations always establish outstanding cultures that allow knowledge to be shared...

Collusion in Oligopoly and Game Theory

Oligopoly is a market structure in which a relatively small number of companies or organizations serve a large number of consumers. Along with monopoly, oligopoly as a structure exists in imperfect competition. Because the number of firms in oligopoly is usually extremely small, the profit of each participating company does...

Self-Motivation for Entrepreneurs: An Action Plan

Self-motivation plays an immeasurably important role for any entrepreneur as it substantially contributes to the success of his venture. At the same time, self-motivation along with the motivation of others differ from other components of this success, such as luck, self-discipline, and thorough planning with the use of professional skills,...

Environmental Change Management at Signal Sausages Factory

Introduction Environmental offenses at the Signal Sausages Factory at Haswell relate to violations of environmental regulations and regulations. The actions of the plant caused damage to the environment in connection with the improper handling of production and consumption waste. From the standpoint of labor law, the consequences for environmental offenses...

The American Dream and Related Constructs

Introduction The American dream is a complex term that implies multiple values, ideologies, and social consciousness concepts. The American dream penetrated many people’s mindsets and became an unattainable aim to which individuals failed to strive. Indeed, this conception was mentioned in many pieces of literary, economic, and political texts, which...

Childhood Obesity, Social Actions and Intervention

Introduction Obesity in children is one of the major health problems affecting many communities. Stang and Loth (2011) indicate that the prevalence of obesity in young children has been on the rise within the past two decades. Scholars have been focusing on the major issues associated with obesity. For instance,...

Individualized Education Program Accommodations

There are multiple ways to deliver the curriculum to students. Despite the fact that only one Ontario Curriculum is applicable at schools, the teacher can accommodate and modify it so as to respond to the existing diversity of the class and address the needs of every student so that no...

Affirmative Action Ban in Michigan

Social Policy: Affirmative Action In his article, David Savage discusses the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold ban on affirmative action in Michigan, something that shows history will always repeat itself. The aggrieved parties took the issue to the highest court in the land after the lower ones had clarified that...

Friedman Family Assessment and Nursing Diagnosis

This essay sample explores The Friedman Family Assessment Model and nursing diagnosis. Keep reading to find more information on how The Friedman Family Assessment Model can be used to identify family risk factors. The Friedman Family Assessment Model Essay Introduction A comprehensive family assessment is key to the process of...

“Technics and Civilization” by Lewis Mumford

Tombstone Title of the book: Technics and Civilization. Author: Lewis Mumford. Publisher, date of publication: Routledge & Keagan Paul Ltd., 1934. How the book was obtained: The book was obtained using an internet search. It was found in the form of a PDF. Author’s Background Lewis Mumford was a world-renowned...

“Nine Years Under” by Sheri Booker

This book critique presented below depicts the essence of the ‘Nine Years Under’ by Sheri Booker, how the protagonist of the story was influenced by events that occurred to her for nine years, and what is the modern value of the book. The author of ‘Nine Years Under’ Sheri Booker...

Nurse’s Role in Environmental Health Improvement

Abstract The profound impact of the environment on both individual and public health is a long-standing issue in healthcare. Its effects range from the development of health conditions to the general decline of health-related quality of life. Four categories of environmental effects can be identified: quality of water, quality of...

Power, Networking, Negotiation in Global Companies

Introduction Leaders within an organization have the role of ensuring human and physical resources in the organization has been managed effectively and effectively. They have the power to plan, control, and implement strategies that yield high results in an organization. The main difference between effective and ineffective leadership is how...

Religious Website “Faith Communities Today”

Introduction Religion can be defined as a particular essential set of beliefs and practices which are usually agreed upon by a group of people or sect, for instance, the Islamic or Christian religion. People generally believe in religion and follow it devotedly. There are various faith groups that are aimed...

Anti-Smoking Persuasion: Rhetorical Situation Analysis

Introduction The menace of smoking amongst youth is ruining their future. The smoking craze is picking up fast and good chunk of teenagers are smoking vigorouslyin colleges and high schools in the United States of America. This paper narrates about a rhetoric moment in which I had an argument with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

John Philip Sousa: the Marine and Bandmaster

John Philip Sousa, a known American composer, was born on November 6, 1854, in Washington, DC, in a family of former European residents. The legacy of this famous bandmaster is among the greatest national treasures of the United States. In the history of America, this remarkable figure is known as...

Ethics in Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction As the concept of evidence-based practice develops, the method begins distinguishing itself from other similar practices such as clinical research. Clinicians who would participate in either practice would submit their plans to the same ethics committees, which would, in turn, review them based on the same metrics. However, the...

Cloud-Based Storage and Its Security

Abstract In the era of digital technology and a massive transition to work in the virtual space, creating platforms for storing data online is a common practice. For this purpose, software developers offer cloud storage services where files of different formats and volumes can be downloaded and used. In addition,...

Antagonists in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: Analysis

Introduction Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the work of the unknown poet written approximately in the late 14th century, contains multiple topics for a discussion. The poem is referred to as an alliterative verse and medieval romance. Special interest of the work is the notion of the magical creature...

Mexican American Children and Type 2 Diabetes

Multiple programs aim to cater for primary, secondary as well as tertiary care in children with diabetes, diabetes-related diseases, and disabilities. There are government-based programs that run through the department of health and human services. These include the programs running under the National Institute of Health (NIH), as well as...

School: Educational and Constitutional Laws

From the onset, it is worth acknowledging that this is an age-long topical issue, which demands utmost attention. This paper thus seeks to tackle the matter against a backdrop of not only the Freedom of Speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and other assorted...

Ethics in Sports Medicine

Introduction We can characterize the medical profession as one which has been reposed on high standards and values of ethical behavior. A particular set of significant codes of ethics has been accepted and developed by the professionals of the medical community which operate as the foundation to the various ethical...

The Justice for Socrates: The Influence on the Development of the Philosophy

The influence of Socrates on the development of the philosophy could hardly be underestimated since his views provided a foundation for many philosophers to dwell upon. In this essay, one of the most fundamental works by Socrates, The Apology, will be analyzed with the aim to understand the Socrates’ attitude...

Community Disaster Preparedness in Nassau County, New York

Disasters strike when least expected, and when they happen, communities should be readily prepared to respond appropriately. Disaster preparedness involves predicting, preventing (where possible), mitigating their impact on the affected populations, responding, and coping with the consequences of catastrophes. In other words, authorities and other stakeholders should have elaborate measures...

The United States Healthcare System

Introduction The United States Healthcare system has been faced with numerous challenges over the years. Every administration that wins an election comes up with its policies regarding healthcare. However, various stakeholders, such as hospital administrators and even the patients, are not content with the current Healthcare environment. With the covid-19...

Frontiero v. Richardson 1973: The Landmark Case

Introduction The United States has a long history of gender-based discrimination on various issues including voting rights, property ownership, and in the workplace among other related cases. Before 1973, this pervasive nature of sex-based prejudice was common in the military where servicewomen did not enjoy the same benefits as their...

Angola’s Role in World History

Introduction Angola’s modern history is dominated by mass migration on the Atlantic coast and Portugal. In the 19th century, around 500,000 Africans (nearly all of them male) were taken as slaves and sent to different destinations, primarily Brazil. It is noteworthy that in about 100 years, the approximately same number...

Religious Beliefs on Issues of Segregation

Introduction The 1950s were a challenging time for Americans concerning racial tensions. To many white Protestant Americans, the majority of which resided in the South, desegregation directly challenged their way of life. In the light of the Brown v. Board of Education, some chose to accept it while others continued...

The Mystery of the Galapagos Finches

Introduction Among many exotic and extinct fauna, thirteen species of Darwin’s finches, namely Geospiza fortis, G. scandens, G. magnirostris and G. fuliginosa harbor Galápagos Islands, Santa Cruz, and Daphne Major (Grant & Grant, 2008). According to Grant and Grant (1995), these species have displayed remarkable evolutionary adaptations to survive harsh...

The Role of Effective Communication in Nursing

Executive Summary Purpose: The purpose of this project was to discover a way to facilitate effective communications between nurses, patients, and their family members, leading to better outcomes. To that end, it was decided to implement an educational program that would improve nurses’ communication skills through role modeling and simulation...

Conflicts in “Girl” and “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”

The stories with the girls as the main protagonists grew popular during the last couple of decades. They traditionally represent the problems girls usually meet during their lifetime (typically, teenage or young adult years). In “Girl” and “Where are you going, where have you been,” there are two protagonists with...

Information Security for Small Businesses

Introduction In the modern world, information is considered one of the most valuable assets. It is rational to invest in the development of qualitative and instant information sharing systems because this approach leads to a significant advantage in the market. That is why individuals and businesses draw specific attention to...

Quality of Health Care According to People With Down Syndrome

Introduction Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the chromosome disjunction and addition of a copy to the 21st chromosome pair. For people with Down syndrome, their major characteristic is intellectual disability. People with Down syndrome present a poor immune system and typically they have increased the risk of...

How Covid-19 Isolation Contributed to Depression and Adolescent Suicide

The recent outbreak of the Coronavirus has resulted in the recommendation of various disease containment measures around the world. For instance, health care organization bodies like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have been at the forefront in ensuring that countries around...

Gender-Neutral Toilets in Schools

Introduction The contemporary school populations are increasingly becoming diverse, and thus institutions have to come up with creative ways of addressing the ever-evolving students’ needs. Specifically, schools with both gender-expansive and transgender students are often endeavoring to create an enabling environment that addresses the needs of such a diverse population....

Intellectual Property Theft and Research Preservation

Introduction The growth in the international economy relies on technological innovations that fuel intellectual property (IP) development, innovation, research, and intellectual capital development. The reliance on IP has become the most valuable responsibility where organizations can potentially invest. In the past, the United States has been the universal leader in...

Death Penalty: Contradictions

Several crimes can lead to the death penalty: rape, racism, and murder. Rape cases have been on the rise, and criminals have faced severe punishment such as the death penalty. The death penalty occurs when the criminal is convicted before the law and thus assigned to a life jail sentence....

“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor: Literary Analysis

Introduction A Good Man Is Hard to Find was first published in 1953 after Flannery O’Connor’s permanent migration to Andalusia, her mother’s dairy farm, and displayed several characteristics typical of the author’s style. Constrained, in many ways, by her sickness, the author had to take advantage of various resources available...

Cloud-Based Computing vs. Traditional IT Infrastructure

Introduction With the rapid development of technology today, the web hosting environment is shifting at a higher rate. Cloud computing is the new frontier of business delivery of applications and software. This web solution is quickly overtaking the traditional IT system. However, several organizations already have the traditional IT infrastructure,...

Legalizing Marijuana: Analysis of Arguments

Marijuana is a mind-altering drug derived from the cannabis plant, used for either recreational or medicinal purposes. It is the second most used drug after alcohol, and the youths mostly use it. For medicinal purposes, marijuana is used by patients having various types of diseases. Physicians and scientists have been...

The Chinese Political System and Authoritarian Governance

Introduction An authoritarian political system is a form of government in which one person or group has absolute power. China is an authoritarian political system because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls all aspects of the government and society. Meaning that ordinary citizens have little say in how the country...

Aspects of Digital Knowledge

Introduction The modern world is highly digitalized because technologies are actively implemented in various fields, including education, science, everyday life, and other spheres. This statement denotes that people make and deal with large volumes of data created by these technologies. According to Belisle (2006), “digital knowledge is knowledge not only...

Effective Communication and Negotiation

Introduction Effective Communication is an important skill that plays a huge role in social and business settings. Individuals who have mastered the art of communication can be considered generally better negotiators. William Ury and Herb Cohen are some of the most renowned negotiators who have left a mark as masters...

Discussion: Rights in the United States

Summary The struggle to promote and ensure the wellbeing of citizens has been continuously shifting with each decade, culminating in the present rights and freedoms the US population enjoys today. However, there have been many instances in the US history when people’s ability to enjoy their basic opportunities. A number...

A Chinese Restaurant’s Cultural Taxonomy

Introduction Taxonomy is how names relate to each other and are grouped. Cultural taxonomy can be alluded to as the small related groups called taxa that form a culture. (Reynolds et al., 2019). The cultural model used in this study is the free listing methodology. All the cultural schemas that...

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Population Health Data in California

Introduction The role of nursing staff in improving population health indicators is high, particularly given the fact that the various levels of academic training are offered to nurses to form a wide range of professional competencies. As an essential link in the national healthcare system and participating in the effective...

Utilizing Digital Technology in Written Works Compartmentalization

The foundation for consciousness is the past, which serves as a reminder of universal human truths. History, who we are, whence we hailed from, how we existed, what we achieved, and how we did it—is being preserved through book conservation. We must maintain literature since we should not lose history...

Perception: Understanding Origins of Ideas

Introduction Exploring the process of cognition, Hume adhered to the central thesis of empiricists that experience is the only source of our knowledge. However, Hume offered his understanding of experience. Experience, the philosopher believes, describes only what directly belongs to consciousness (Hume). In other words, experience says nothing about relations...

Colonialism, Inequality, and Modernity in European History

Cesaire contends that Europe is to blame for both “the proletariat problem and the colonial problem,” that is, for making the world into its slaves and for assuming political dominance over it, he underlines that these are distinct facets of the same political struggle and history (Balandier 23) A rebellion...

Oedipus and Hamlet: To Be Resilient, or Not to Be?

Introduction A famous quote attributed to Confucius says, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall,” and teaches people the main principle of resilience against all obstacles and struggles. Being resilient means keeping a positive outlook on life, never giving up, and carrying...

A Business Start-Up Proposal for Royal Ice Cream Delights

This memo provides ideal circumstances and factors favorable for a proposed start-up. Due to the fact that establishing a prospective business requires a robust plan, it is also necessary to contemplate the basics of its start-up. For example, the considering the variable of production in natural resources, labor capital, and...

Transformational and Transactional Leadership Models

Introduction Effective leadership is integral for the successful completion of activities carried out by a number of people. By definition, leadership is the process by which a person makes use of the support of others to accomplish set objectives. The role of effective leadership cannot be overstated in modern society...

“El Señor Presidente” by Miguel Angel Asturias

Introduction El Señor Presidente (Mister President) is a landmark text in Latin American literature authored by Guatemalan diplomat and writer Miguel Angel Asturias (1899 – 1974) as it details the nature of political dictatorship and its impacts on the society. The award winning work, originally written in Spanish, tells the...

Curative and Palliative Choices

Introduction The end-of-life phenomenon has always been a complicated issue for health care practitioners, families, and patients. This is because each of these parties has different interpretations in relation to the appropriateness of the available treatment alternatives. According to practitioners, changing the families’ and patients’ decisions from curative to palliative...

Mistletoe in Pliny’s Natural History Book XVI

Description In this passage, Pliny talks about mistletoe, a parasitic plant that is mostly found growing on oak trees. The author notes that mistletoe can also grow on other trees apart from the oak such as turpentine trees and wild pears. It is noted that there are different strains of...

Marketing of the M.U.S.A Magic Pen Product

Executive Summary Successful introduction of a new product in the market requires research and critical analysis of the product, its competitiveness, relevance and acceptability among the targeted clients. Specifically, the successful introduction of the M.U.S.A Magic Pen product requires a balanced mix between marketing and strategic positioning in the expansive...

Tuberculosis, Its Description and Epidemiology

Description of the Communicable Disease Tuberculosis (abbreviated as TB) is one of the common communicable diseases in different parts of the world. This disease “affects the human lungs and is characterized by the growth of tubercles” (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2013, p. 12). The cause of this communicable disease is...

Chickenpox Epidemiology and Community Health Nurse

Introduction Chickenpox, which is also referred to as Varicella, is a viral disease with considerably high rates of transmissibility and is caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV) (Bloch & Johnson, 2012; Lopez & Marin, 2016). It is worth noting that, in the recent past, chickenpox was almost considered global childhood...

Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Teamwork Dynamics

The Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) that is located in Sacramento, California, has a developed organizational structure, and it is based on the work of several teams. Dr. Marissa Sandoval performs as the Clinic Director in the organization, and she administers and controls the work of the CVC’s teams that unite...

Evolving Nursing Practice and Patient Care Delivery

In the recent past, the U.S. government has been focusing on various measures to restructure the country’s healthcare sector. One of the targeted areas is that of nursing. It is agreeable that practitioners form a significant percentage of the country’s health workforce. Due to their massive numbers, the implementation of...

Nursing Care Models’ Analysis

Introduction Nurses use different models to deliver care to their patients. Practitioners can select the most appropriate approach depending on the needs of the targeted individual. Other critical issues to consider include the nature of the health setting and the availability of resources. Experts in nursing practice have managed to...

Personal Leadership Analysis in the Healthcare Industry

Introduction Healthcare organizations require leaders that combine knowledge of approaches and practices that contribute to improving people’s health and managerial competencies that contribute to the growth and continuous improvement of an establishment. Additionally, it is crucial to understand that the external environment of the industry evolves, requiring alterations in approaches...

John Stuart Mill’s Political Hierarchy

The ideas and theories of major philosophers John Stuart Mill and Plato are without a doubt essential to our study and interpretation of politics. One of Plato’s greatest works, The Republic, and Mill’s On Liberty and other essays, offer us some crucial insight about the concepts of knowledge and political...

Christopher Columbus: Voyage to Asia’s Discover Trade Routes

Executive Summary Christopher Columbus wants to attempt to find new trade routes to Asia by sailing westward. This desire is motivated by dangerous waters in the East, and the high cost of shipping. The goals of the expedition are to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity, and...

“Philosophy: The Power of Ideas” by Moore and Bruder

Compare and evaluate Peter Abelard notion of moral intent with that of Heloise Abelard and Heloise have the same notion of moral intent because both of them regard morality as the product of the mind but not the product of an action. Abelard argues that immorality is an intention to...

Information Systems: The Role of Data Warehousing

Introduction Information systems depend on the way data is stored and retrieved for use. Without a system where information is saved and collected, a user cannot track the history of changes or utilize data that was once present in a database. To perform these actions, the concept of data warehousing...

Themes in Maus by Art Spiegelman: Memory, Guilt, & More

Introduction Art Spiegelman’s Maus makes a powerful impression on the reader, not only through the book’s theme but also through its representation. Written and published in the form of a comic book, Maus portrays tragic topics in a seemingly entertaining way. Doherty remarks that Spiegelman’s creation presented “an unsettling aesthetic...

The Arab Spring Influences on Morocco

The Arab Spring is the term that represents many protests and rebellions on the territories of the Middle East and North Africa. The series of those events became an active catalyst for different ideological and political movements and contributed to the clash of various views within Arabic countries. The purpose...

Case of McDonald’s on Campus

Introduction The world of business is a versatile dimension in present days where every convenient means for making it effective is one more chance to exceed domains of a company’s influence. In this respect the ability of a company to provide new projects in making business successful and closer to...

Essays by Rawls and Nozick Analysis

Introduction The term justice is very controversial and, in a high manner, provocative word. This fact becomes evident after a careful reading of the essay by Rawls and answers to it by Nozick. These two of the greatest thinkers had the most significant effect on modern politics and topical debate...

Seasonal Influenza Analysis

Synopsis The review is based on the studies conducted by different scholars at various periods of time. The independence of each research helps us draw objective unprejudiced conclusions about CDC program relevance and cost effectiveness. Background CDC program on Seasonal Influenza is aimed at informing people about cases, treatment, protection...

Four R’s of Recycling in Modern Understanding

Focus of Essay The 21st century has been characterized by growing environmental concerns. Today, it is becoming obvious for many people that humanity has a great effect on nature, and researchers propose new ways of reducing this impact. Recycling is one of the areas, which receive much attention in terms...

Nonspherocytic Hemolytic Anemia due to Hexokinase Deficiency

Abstract Nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia due to hexokinase deficiency is a hereditary disorder marked by the annihilation of red blood cells. The disease occurs as a consequence of a deficiency in hexokinase that is specific to the erythrocytes. An inadequate amount of hexokinase in the red blood cells occurs because of...

Sex Offenders and Rehabilitation

Background of the study Sex offenders may be unwelcome in most parts of society, but their treatment and subsequent rehabilitation is critical. Sex offenders have been on the rise over the past years. Attempts to classify these offenders into particular categories where each case can be viewed in isolation have...

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Information Technologies Importance

Information technologies are among the fastest developing field in the world. As an industry, the term information technology implies various meanings, where “information technology is an umbrella term that describes all fields relating to the organization and dissemination of information, from the worker who lays cable wires to the telephone...

Popular Culture: Artifacts, Icons and Myths

Introduction Population culture includes all the aspects of life that we live by. It is the manner in which we socialize and the basis that helps in decision making (Danesi, 2008). It is the laid out set of laws by the society at any given time which defines changes in...

Informatics Technologies in Healthcare

Introduction Technologies are an integral part of coherent society as they penetrate all areas of human activity and drive radical changes. The modern digitalized world is also characterized by significant shifts in people’s mentalities and their perspectives on traditionally essential issues, such as healthcare. The scientific progress and the demand...

The Right to Vote in America From the Colonial Period to the Reconstruction

Active participation of the population in political affairs was one of the characteristic features of Britain’s colonies in North America. True to the English traditions of representation, British colonists and later the citizens of the independent United States always valued the right to cast their votes in elections. Yet while...

Vertigo: Pathophysiology

Introduction Vertigo is not an independent disease but a symptom that can occur against a background of various pathologies. According to Ma and Zeng (2019), vertigo is defined as “a sensation of environment spinning, often caused by a lesion in the vestibular pathway (also termed as true vertigo)” The source...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment

Introduction Mike is a 15-year-old White high school student in the 9th grade. He lives with his family in the city and transits to school from home every day. He suffers from attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which is a fairly prevalent condition in the United States. It is diagnosed early...

Importance of Professional Self-Assessment

The primary goal of the people profession is to advocate for improved working conditions and professional careers. Providing positions, incentives, institutions, and work conditions that enable individuals to achieve their full potential, resulting in exceptional organizational results that drive economies and make decent, fair, and inclusive work a societal consequence....

Public Trust in the Dental Profession

Summary The importance of trust between patients and healthcare experts, particularly professionals representing a specific healthcare field, is often underrated. However, people trusting in a certain medical profession often defines the extent to which they take pieces of advice dispensed by experts in question into account (Yuan et al., 2020)....

Sports Nutrition Strategies for Triathletes

Background Athletes should follow current sports nutrition standards to construct a practical, periodized, and individualized feeding plan that allows them to train harder, adapt and recover optimally. They are also advised to avoid injury and illness and perform at their top during the most important races. The triathlete in this...

Comparison of Gun Laws and Gun Culture Between USA and India

Introduction The United States and India are the world’s leading countries based on the number of gun ownerships; however, the exposure, culture, regulations, and impacts differ across the two, with the US experiencing adverse events. The American gun culture is as old as the country’s Constitution, which can be traced...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Trauma in Mental Health Facilities for Young Adults

SWOT Analysis The organization in which I previously worked is Mental Health First Aid, which focuses on the psychological well-being of people. I worked with young adults, and it determined the choice of methods to address their problems and adequately respond to their concerns. This organization is operated and managed...

Why the Aviation Industry Has Repeat Failures

The First Reason: Equipment Malfunctions Companies pay little attention to technologies on board and make unreliable vessels with malfunctions. They also often ignore problems during the inspection and do not modify the devices. Some aviation companies intentionally covered malfunctions of engineering construction by referring to them as typical side-effects of...

Homelessness Among Children in the United States

Homelessness among children in the United States is a growing problem. Children are particularly vulnerable in view of the fact that many run away from their homes to escape conflict and abuse. Poverty, economic challenges, and systemic obstacles add to the challenges minors face with regard to access to shelter....

Ulysses Grant’ Leadership Type

Introduction Ulysses S Grant was the 18th President of the United States. He was born in 1822 in Ohio and died in 1885. The alumnus of the United States Military Academy was a career soldier. Ulysses is mostly remembered for the role he played during the American Civil War (Gardner,...

Death of Monopolies – Economics

Introduction At one point in the history and evolution of companies and markets, monopolies were common across the world. During those times, competition was low for various reasons. Firstly, start-ups were few, and thus the monopolistic companies did not have emerging competitors. Secondly, the emerging competitors were highly disadvantaged due...

Strategic Compensation as a Human Management Approach

Compensation policies are based on the choices made by the compensation managers in order to provide and maintain competitive advantage (Martocchio 161). The professionals base their compensation policies on the pay level policies of their choice and can choose from three of those. They are market lead, market lag, and...

“Christina’s World” Painting by Andrew Wyeth

Are you about to write Christina’s World analysis? Explore the famous painting Christina’s World with our paper sample! Here, you will find explained Christina’s World meaning, genre, context, and other important aspects. Andrew Wyeth’s Christina’s World has a strong emotional appeal. This piece of art offers a unique insight into...

Standards of Quality Prose Fiction

High quality prose fiction is characterized by several unique features. These features include a properly chosen point of view, precise themes, appropriate stylistic devices, a relevant setting and realistic characters (Beers 27). Features such as themes, stylistic devices, setting and characters may be shared among many genres of literature but...

“The Making of a Leader” by Dr. J. Robert Clinton

Abstract The Making of a Leader by Dr. J. Robert Clinton explores the complicated nature of spiritual dynamics. The book provides readers with numerous accounts of leadership stories that are meant to serve as guidance for emerging leaders. In the first chapter of the book, Dr. Clinton describes five main...

Theme Parks in Dubai

Marketing Problem The rapid development of the UAE has attracted attention from the representatives of other countries. Being one of the biggest cities in the whole UAE, Dubai turned out to gather the majority of tourists and local citizens who have the highest income. It amazes people with its magnificent...

Patient with Fatigue: History and Physical Examination

Comprehensive History Identifying Data: Ms. J. A.; 27 years old. Chief complaint: “Debilitating fatigue accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, and chest pain. Cannot spend too much time on my feet because I get lightheaded. Dizziness can get worse because of sudden physical activity such as standing up too quickly...

Indian Residential Schools’ Issue in Canada

The issue of Indian residential schools in Canada roots from the idea to assimilate the local population, affecting their culture and language. With the opening of the first residential school in 1883, Indian children were taught according to Roman Catholic Church views that focused on the destruction of the authentic...

How to Become a Successful Leader?

Introduction Fundamental leadership success secrets separate the successful and effective persons in charge from the average and mediocre leaders in current firms. Leadership technique is studied from gurus, learned in discussion groups and exists as a component of an individual’s inborn special headship technique set built up over years, and...

Potential Iran’s Response to the US or Israel’s Attack

The United States or Israel forfeit to attack Iran could give free rein to horrifying consequences amongst them since Iran would certainly hit back. By Iran striking back, this will definitely end up in a third World War in the Middle East. Iran is also in a position to exercise...

Vandevender’s and Haimes’ Labor Law Cases

Abstract This paper is basically a critical legal analysis of two cases, in particular, Cheryl L. Vandevender Vs Sheetz and Haimes Vs Temple University Hospital. These cases are concerned with compensation. In both cases, the plaintiffs (Vandevender, the patient, and her husband) are seeking compensation for their rights violation by...

Child Observation Theories: Theories of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg

Introduction By applying Piaget’s theory of cognitive-developmental stages, one can say that A. has reached the pre-occupational stage. At this level, an individual should be able to use simple logic, take the viewpoints of other people, and classify various objects. A child aged between 2 and 5 should also have...

International Rescue Committee vs. American Red Cross

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian organization that has been in operation since the year 1930 (International Rescue Committee, 2017). The voluntary agency provides emergency relief, advocacy, rehabilitation, and resettlement assistance to many victims. The association uses its resources to ensure lifesaving aid and financial support are...

Disciplined Growth Strategies in Business

Introduction Growth opportunities achieved through development in a business may be divided according to the areas where improvements can be achieved. Based on modern management practices, leaders of organisations often resort to strategies that involve expanding the capabilities of their companies by working in different regions, selling new products or...

Marketing Management for Small and Large Companies

Introduction Marketing management nowadays is an integral part of a successful business. Any company which aims to succeed within the range of services it represents is obliged to abide by all the necessary rules of marketing management. Marketing management is a business authority focused on the empirical submission of marketing...

Ethics vs. Healthcare Reform from Nursing Perspective

Introduction Ethical issues addressed in nursing practice are not always associated with tense working conditions and the challenges that are directly related to the care process. Healthcare reforms adopted at the state level affect the activities of nurses directly and play a key role in forming opinions regarding the profession....

Popular Research Paper Topics

My Best Friend For Life: Explaining Realtionships

Every day, I sit at my computer at a specific hour and log into MSM Messenger. As the icon comes to life, I see that my cyberfriends are now online and ready to chat with me. These people have never seen me in person and I have never seen them...

“Liar’s Poker” by Lewis

Introduction The book Liar’s Poker describes the personal experience of the author and his cooperation with Solomon Brothers. The book consists of 11 chapters devoted to different problems and periods in life of Lewis. The book describes bond sales and trade operations on Wall Street, relations between partners and their...

The Quakers. Their Origin, Ideology, and Meeting Houses

Introduction The Quakers, also known as the Society of Friends, were the participants of the religious movement of the 17th century in England. In the course of its expansion, the movement extended into numerous parts of the world, particularly to Africa and America. With time, the Quakers started constructing separate...

Work Breakdown Structure Definition

Introduction The success of any business enterprise whether it is a small scale, medium or large enterprise depends on how well its management department works. According to Lonergan (2010), project management is the process by which the management department of an organization plans, organizes, and manages resources of the organization...

Influence of Gender and Race on Our Life Experiences

Marketing has been defined by the American marketing Association as a term that denotes the form of activities and an assortment of institutions as well as processes of creating, communicating and also delivering and the exchange of offerings that hold significant value for customers or the clientele pool (and the...

Evolving Practice of Nursing

Introduction As society develops, the needs of people become more elaborate. Similarly, technology pushes forward almost every sphere of human activity. Healthcare is one of such areas where change always persists. Innovations touch mostly upon the equipment that makes the work of nurses, doctors, and patients easier. However, the organization...

Common Networking Attacks: Overview

Summary With the development of innovations in the sphere of IT, new opportunities have been discovered, opening a path to even more impressive progress. However, apart from the creation of useful tools and programs, the specified change has also entailed the emergence of new malware for corrupting or stealing users’...

Mountainside Industries Limited: Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction This is a report on what should be done to improve coordination among divisions in Mountainside Industries Limited. This follows a request made by Mrs. K. Hill who had realized that things were not going on well in the company. Decision-making processes are usually initiated and completed at the...

The Necessity of Self-Contemplation

Introduction While modern technology and social media have done wonders in terms of connecting people, it can be argued that this integration has come at the price of one of our least celebrated necessities. Time strictly devoted to oneself is time spent analyzing beliefs, values, and the purpose one takes...

Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451”. The Light and the Dark

Introduction Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 was published in 1953, however, the reader can encounter relevant themes and conflicts existing in modern society. The novel accurately describes the twenty-first century as a world of technological advancement, social media, and the power it holds over people. Dictionaries define an anti-intellectual as a...

Company Risk Avoidance Plan Analysis

Introduction The BGP Technologies Company is facing financial difficulties that can be attributed to poor economic environment. As a result of this the Company would like a risk an avoidance plan that can be useful reducing some of the legal costs that arise owing to the nature of the business....

The Self-Identity Problem in Frankenstein

The relationship between humans and strange beings is a separate literary genre that is filled with symbolism. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a legendary novel that is considered one of the pearls of Gothic and science fiction literature. The main character in the book is Victor Frankenstein, who designed the...

Corrections: The Historical Perspective

The contemporary criminal justice system in the United States of America is rapidly evolving, leading to significant changes in the ways that policing, court administration, and corrections are carried out. The correctional system operates within criminal justice so that to entail a variety of measures and responsible bodies that enforce...

Application of Forensic Evidence in Legal Cases

Introduction Forensic evidence is important in ruling on criminal court cases where an eye witness is not available. There are however, various legal constraints in determining the admissibility of forensic evidence presented before a court for prosecution. The legal constraints are based on the fourth and fifth amendment of the...

Virginia Held’s Theory on the Care Ethics

Care is a fundamental way of relationships between relatives, couples, and family and a basic instinct inherent in almost all living organisms. Indeed, even animals take care of each other: when a female brings food to children, it is also considered as a manifestation of care. However, it took on...

Aboriginal Australian Cultural Tradition

“Aboriginal Australian” is an umbrella term that covers one of the two groups of the indigenous population of Australia, the other one being Torres Strait Islanders. It encompasses a broad range of cultures and communities, with languages alone numbering in the hundreds. With this in mind, it is clear that...

The Effect of Independence and Interdependence in the Global Economy

The Implications of Integration in the Light of Brexit and the COVID-19 The United Kingdom, which constitutes Wales, North Ireland, and England, has one of the major economies in the world. In 2019, the GDP of the UK was 2.83 trillion dollars. Due to the diversification of the economy, living...

A Philadelphia Museum of Art Experience

Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the most sophisticated museums in the US. It is also one of the most visited museums in the nation and is reported to offer satisfactory experiences. The museum, offering both historical and contemporary artworks covers the visitors with various types of experience. My...

Psychology and Theology: Worldview Issues, and Models of Integration

Psychology and theology are often viewed as two opposing forces with no common ground and the proponents of which deny the merits of each other’s disciplines. Nevertheless, the two fields of studies have a long-standing history, although the relationship between the two can be described as problematic. Many people who...