Nurses Union Activities and Its Impact

Changes in policies can be achieved by advanced practice nurses with the help of different approaches. One of these methods is belonging to a union (Yoder-Wise et al., 2014). As a result of participating in union activities, nurses can unite their efforts to achieve concrete goals (Mason, Leavitt, & Chaffee,...

Training and Development Programs’ Pros and Cons

Training and development is the sphere that is focused on organizational activity, particularly on the improvement of the performance of groups and individuals in an organization. It is also sometimes referred to as human resources development (HRD) (Sung & Choi, 2014). Basically, training programs developed by HR departments concern themselves...

Nurses’ and Social Media’s Role in Healthcare

The role of nurses in ensuring patients’ health is great, especially when it comes to opioid-related overdose and drug prescription overdose in general. It seems to me that a nurse is expected to verify a physician’s prescription and provide the corresponding teaching to patients. In other words, all the stakeholders...

Mexican Cultural Rites and Customs: Interview

The interview was conducted with a Mexican female aged 24 years old. She lived in Mexico for the vast part of her life until her family decided to move to the United States for work in 2011. Her family is very traditional and religious, which is why she has a...

Implication of Sperm Rnas in Transgenerational Inheritance

A study provided by specialists of the Zurich University (Switzerland) helps to clarify the situation with epigenetic inheritance. Gapp et al. (2014) studied the molecular mechanisms of inheritance behavior in mice. To do this, they caused animals’ childhood trauma: they were taken away from their mothers within two weeks at...

Electronic Music in Film: Leitmotifs and Melody

With the rise in the mainstream popularity of electronic music, it quickly worked its way into the cinema. Although less creative moviemakers view electronic music only as the background noise and the ploy for attracting the attention of modern audiences, most movie directors incorporate electronic music in movies thoughtfully. Due...

The Notion of Punishment and Its Measures

Punishment is believed to be one of the most efficient methods of ensuring the individual’s reconsidering of one’s actions after breaching the law. The punishment as a notion is then divided into some major types according to the scope of a committed crime. Hence, some of the punishments issued after...

Schieffelin: Rainforest Environment and the Kaluli Food Production

In the book “The Sorrow of the Lonely and the Burning of the Dancers,” Edward Schieffelin devotes attention to the Kaluli tribe. Schieffelin actively discusses the rainforest environment, Kaluli modes of subsistence, and food production, so the question of why he pays attention to these descriptions appears. The author spends...

Psychology and Mass Media Technology

The current globalization has impacted immensely on mass media technology. This forms the basic foundation for social communication networks. Mass media has immensely influenced global trends, with significant impacts noticed on individuals and the general society (Krahé, Möller, Huesmann, Kirwil, Felber, & Berger, 2011). Ideally, mass media simply stands for...

“What Will Future Jobs Look Like?” by Andrew McAfee

The selected video is What will future jobs look like by Andrew McAfee, which focuses on the potential ramifications of automation. The reason why the given TED talk provides the most comprehensive answer is the use of data on two types of human capital. The author suggests that structural unemployment...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Ethics of Care Concept: Summary

The Gulf oil spill of 2010 is explored based on the ethics of care concept about the global perspective of human development. According to Webteam (2011), Carol Gilligan, the author of the ethics of care term, applied it first in a feminist context to delineate the difference between the two...

Quality Management in Healthcare

Quality management in healthcare is essential to ensure patient safety and the effectiveness of care provision. The present course was helpful for understanding the importance of measuring and controlling the quality of provided services and described various methods that help to achieve that. The primary goals of quality management in...

MRP Decreases a Company’s Inventory While Improving Customer Service Level

Material Requirement Planning (MRP) is a production system valuable to hundreds of companies that rely on technology for inventory or production. MRP benefits acquire the system irresistible for corporates that are after promising and deliverable procedures. Primarily, MRP is a computer-based production management invention that is vital for accounting and...

Human Disease Course Importance for Nursing Students

Recognizing both health and disease is an integral part of the care process. Health pertains to the condition in which the body can normally perform its vital functions while the disease is the opposite of such a state. The knowledge obtained regarding such important healthcare concepts is vital for professionals...

Importance to be an Individual Among the Crowd

Transcendentalists, such as Emerson and Thoreau, put a great deal of emphasis on one’s individualism. For example, in the case of the latter philosopher, he promoted the concept of self-reliance as the basis of independent thought and ideas. I think that the term is highly important because people, as social...

Imitation of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

How all occasions do inform against me, And spur my bitter binge! What is a man, If his chief good and passing of his time Be but to cry and feed? A wreck, no more. Sure, during this godly feast I gorged Myself to slumber, and forgot That capability and...

Transient Ischemic Attack or “Mini-Stroke”

A transient ischemic attack (TIA), or so-called “mini-stroke,” is a short-duration stroke that may last only for several minutes. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, it is traditionally caused by the brief blockage of the blood supply to the brain’s part (MedlinePlus, n.d.). TIA’s symptoms are...

Prospective Payment System in Medicine

Prospective payment systems are seen as an alternative to retrospective payment systems. Retrospective payment systems suppose that insurance companies pay healthcare providers based on their actual charges (Harrington, 2020). The most common type of retrospective payment systems is fee-for-service plans, in which the hospital provided a detailed bill based on...

“Gender Wage Gap”: The Pay Disparity Issue

Introduction In the article Gender Wage Gap, the pay disparity issue is discussed, whereby in the past women were allowed to work in service and clerical occupations only, hence they could not support themselves financially. Arguably, Blau and Kahn state that one reason why there are instances of the gender...

Chipotle: Company Overview, Vision, and Mission Statements

Chipotle’s mission statement is “To provide food with integrity. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market” (“Chipotle’s mission,” 2016) It is a strong mission statement, as it has many qualities nailed down perfectly. It is concise, inspiring, socially responsible, and broad in scope to be applied to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Discretionary and Contractionary Fiscal Policy

Discretionary fiscal policy is a tool used by governments to regulate the economy via increasing or lowering the taxes and spending. Increased government spending and tax cuts are the tools used in expansionary fiscal policy. It is used to ensure faster economic growth, higher demand, and better employment opportunities. Contractionary...

Nursing: Low Middle-Range Theories

In nursing, researchers and practitioners distinguish between grand, middle-range, and practice theories. Grand theories are broad and abstract and explain complex phenomena. Middle-range theories are composed of simple concepts, and they can be easily applied to practice. These theories may also be high-, middle-, and low-range ones, and the difference...

Franz Schubert’s “The Lovely Maid of the Mil” Song

The song cycle originally called “Die schöne Müllerin,” which is translated as “The lovely maid of the mil,” is written by German composer Franz Schubert. The composer was fascinated with folk songs and scenes and tried to reveal and increase their significance in Germany’s culture through this cycle, which imitates...

Sociology of Religion: Inclusivists and Exclusivists

People have different beliefs in the wide variety of religious practices that currently exist. In each case, we have inclusivists who believe that other religions have some truths and learning which may be beneficial to everyone. From an exclusivist approach, the idea of acknowledging that other religions may have some...

Lucky Lou’s Rice Pudding: Market Analysis

Core Value Proposition and Target Market Identification Market Analysis. Lucky Lou’s Rice Pudding is a company that belongs to the grocery foods market, which is enormous, and continues expanding. In the US, the sales in retail and food service amounted to $6.2 trillion in 2019, increasing for ten years successively...

The Premier League Fan Festival Analysis

The fan festival hosted by the Premier League in Miami Beach, Florida, in 2019 is a prime example of how hosts have used multiple unmediated communication strategies effectively. The organization focuses on many aspects of sports such as “football, coach development, community, youth development, safeguarding, broadcast, commercial, communications, digital, finance,...

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Review

“Harrison Bergeron,” a short story written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. in 1961, presents the world 120 years later when the government has complete control over freedom of thought and full equality has finally been achieved – at a price, obviously. The story is interesting in many ways, especially in analyzing...

Protagonist’s Motivation in “Antigone” Play by Sophocles

Antigone acts the way she does because of all the grief they have suffered because of the curse of Oedipus and her brothers’ deaths. She believed that his brother Polynices was not a traitor, and he didn’t deserve to be left out on the field to be eaten by carrion...

Broadway Boogie Woogi Abstract Painting by Mondrian

Peter Cornelis Mondrian was born in 1872 in Amersfoort (Netherlands). Mondrian began as a teacher of art in elementary school. His early works were made in the manner of old Dutch masters, although the influence of Impressionism became more prominent. In 1911 Mondrian took part in an exhibition of contemporary...

“Trying Out One’s New Sword” by Mary Midgley Summary

Trying out One’s new Sword is an article on the topic of ethics written by Mary Midgley in 1981. In the article, Midgley aims to investigate different aspects of moral isolationism in order to assess the viability of the above-mentioned theoretical model. Midgley (2015) states that even though moral isolationism...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Oil Spills and How They Are Related to Climate Change

Since the discovery of oil and the emergence of the petroleum industry, the human impact on nature and the environment has grown exponentially. It was the moment when humanity became an active partaker in climate change. As of now, the overall influence can be described as primarily negative. It is...

Anabolic Steroids for Male Reproductive System

Anabolic steroids are one of the most prevalent ergogenic agents used to improve athlete performance. According to Mazzeo (2018), androgen steroids act by binding to a receptor in the cytoplasm and migrating to the nucleus to increment the activity of RNA polymerase, thereby increasing the production of RNA and proteins....

Religious Interpretive Art Project on God’s Omnipresence

Christ has no body now on earth, but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours; yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion looks out at the world, yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good, and yours are the hands with which...

Shoplifting as a Criminal Act and Its Punishment

This work looks at the criminal act of shoplifting. A man stole some wine from a shop and was caught by security when he tried to leave. The cameras showed that he took a bottle of French wine and hid it in his bag. When stopped, he denied taking it...

What Does It Mean to Be American?

Being American is often associated with a sense of pride and gratification. Many US citizens say this phrase as a way to elevate themselves above others. For example, people from the US often find it somewhat strange that South Americans also refer to themselves as Americans (Martinez-Carter). History highlights that...

Social Constructs of Race and Gender

In addition to existing as a part of people’s perceptions, both terms of gender and race have underlying deeper aspects that extend to broader social concepts. The world is made by social constructs through an ongoing dynamic process, and the existing reality represents a construction of society’s perception of reality...

Love and Friendship in Lysis and Symposium by Socrates

The discussion of love and friendship is present throughout Plato’s Symposium, but it is centered in Lysis, Socrates’s dialogue where he defines the nature of friendship. The text captures Socrates’ opinion regarding Hippothales’ feelings towards Lysis, eldest son of Democrates. Another character, Ctesippus, expresses concerns about Hippothales’ feelings to Lysis,...

Christian Perspective on Poverty

Poverty is one of the biggest problems in modern society, which is addressed by economists, international organizations, and politicians. Several Christian interpretations have different ideas about poverty and wealth. In the extreme example of the spectrum, wealth and materialism are portrayed as an evil that must be avoided and even...

Identification of Good Responses and Elimination of Bad Responses

It is important to note that the core idea of chapter seven of Summer’s book is centered around the process of identification of good responses and elimination of bad responses. It is stated that “good responses are constructive responses that promote rapport, facilitate collaboration, and build trust; poor responses block...

The “Real Value” Documentary Directed by Borkowski

The “Real Value” documentary is a film that depicts businesses and the alternative approaches to generating financial gain. The first relevant idea from this movie is that businesses can create value that is beyond the profit they generate. The second idea is that the majority of American businesses are built...

Popular Research Paper Topics

What Does Chaucer’s Characterization of the Monk in the Prologue Suggest?

The Canterbury Tales is a famous collection of stories about pilgrims, their adventures, and religious and social lessons created by Geoffrey Chaucer at the end of the 14th century. Many characters perform their special roles and make contributions to the plot development in a variety of ways. The Monk was...

Motivating Followers and Underlying Theories

Introduction Motivating followers is essential for a person who works and strives to receive accurate results. It is crucial for employers and supervisors, as the significance of appropriate motivation is excellent. The motivated worker contributes to their position and organizational goal, and thus, the motivation becomes mutually beneficial (Mahmoud et...

Art and Entertainment: Is There Any Difference?

Many people see art, especially popular art, as a form of entertainment. They consider that since art pleases the eye and senses, it is made to entertain and make people relax. However, this notion is far from being true. The difference between art and entertainment is that art often requires...

Personal Selling and the Job Search

The concept of personal selling and the process of implementing it is fundamental in the context of a job search. There are six stages involved in the personal selling process: prospecting, approach, approach, presentation, close, and follow-up (Kotler et al., 2020). Based on my recent job search experience where I...

“Why It Worked” by Clark: An Article Analysis

The article “Why It Worked: A Rhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Speech on Race” touches upon Barack Obama’s March 18 speech on race, focusing on the rhetorical strategies employed by the former president. The author emphasizes that the speech is more powerful in its audio format rather than in the script....

Assessing the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies

Accenture is an internationally established organization that serves various consumers. As a result, it adopts unique marketing strategies to ensure that its consumers find value and benefit from its marketing strategies. However, given the complexity of its business, the organization must continuously evaluate its marketing strategies to ensure that they...

Carl Rogers’ Position Regarding Encouragement

Encouragement is a well-known subject in psychotherapy, being utilized in a variety of approaches and popularized by figures such as Alfred Adler. However, other figures place far less importance on the concept of encouragement. As a primary example, Carl Rogers does not use encouragement in his psychotherapeutic approaches and practice....

East-Indian Culture and Subcultures

Individual cultural positions are essential in people’s everyday life since they influence the worldview in general and specific actions and routines in particular. According to research literature, the definition of culture “refers to the set of customs, traditions, and values of a society or community” (Kazi, 2022, p. 6745). In...

Discussion: Diabetes in the United States

Diabetes is among the most prevalent conditions affecting millions of people in the United States. According to the CDC (n.d.), “37.3 million Americans—about 1 in 10—have diabetes” (para. 8). There are significant racial disparities when it comes to diabetes. This condition is more prevalent and likely to occur in some...

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Psychotherapy

Rational-Emotional Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is a psychotherapeutic direction based on the sensitivity to the fact that a person experiencing psychological discomfort relies on irrational judgments in his thoughts and actions. The elimination of these judgments is predominantly portable in psychological intervention. The main task of REBT is to change emotions...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Psychological Counseling

Introduction Psychological counseling is one of the most popular services today. Humanity is currently experiencing one crisis after another, and many need psychological help to cope with it. Discussion The article “Privilege and Oppression in Counselor Education: An Intersectionality Framework” made a strong impression on me. It talks about how...

Researching of Cultural Awareness

Being culturally aware and knowledgeable is becoming an increasingly important competency necessary for healthcare professionals. Since the nation and the world are moving towards multiculturalism and globalization, the interactions between patients and healthcare specialists are intercultural as well. Therefore, cultural awareness is an essential skill comprising cultural sensitivity, ethnicity-related intricacies,...

Religious History of the God-Fearers

Theology is a complex field of study mainly because of its divine subject. The Holy Bible and different historical teachings describe people that were called God-fearers. Cornelius is the person demonstrated in the tenth chapter of the Apostles’ Acts in the New Testament and is named the God-fearer. This example...

Linguistics and Modes of Communication

There are several modes of communication in linguistics, including written and spoken words. Each of these modes has a potential list of advantages and disadvantages. In this particular case, one of the quick and easy solutions would be to just call a friend using the telephone. If the subject matter...

The “Crip Camp” Documentary by Newnham & LeBrecht

Crip Camp is a 2020 documentary directed by Nicole Newnham and James LeBrecht. It depicts the story of Camp Jened in New York and its attendees, as well as explains its role in the shift within the realm of disabilities rights. The main point that the documentary aims to present...

Nursing: Research Questions and Hypotheses

The research question may be formulated as follows: What effects does training aimed at improving new nurses’ cultural competence have on patient satisfaction? The independent variable, in this case, is the training provided to nurses as it will remain unaffected. The focus is on nurses who have little working experience....

Modernization and Dependency Theories in the Third World

Dependency theory is generally used to explain how less developed countries have failed to develop economically regardless of investments from developed countries. The fundamental argument of this theory is that developing countries are heavily dependent on more developed nations. Sympathizers of peripheral nations suggest that their under-development is a result...

Theravada and Mahayana Buddhist Teachings

Theravada and Mahayana are both schools of Buddhism that arose out of the basic teachings of Buddha. Both of the teachings are complementary but they are made up of different expressions of Buddhist teachings. The primary differences that exist between the two came into existence after Buddha’s death. Theravada Theravada,...

Southwest Airlines Overall Strategy Improvement

Southwest Initial Strategy Southwest’s initial strategy was to avail low fares, especially low unrestricted fares, to business and leisure travels to allow them to fly between short-haul city pairs (departure and destination points) instead of having to drive the distance between the two cities as was previously the case. Southwest...

”50 Ways to Keep Your Co-Teacher” by Murawski & Dieker

This article identifies and discusses 50 strategies that can be used to retain co-teachers. It is based on the idea that co-teachers do not stick around for long periods because they leave due to disagreements with their colleagues. This article presents 50 strategies explored in different literature sources regarding effective...

Multitasking as a Personal Time Management Issue

What are your greatest challenges with time management? Throughout the time of being a student, I have had many incidences where I needed to analyze my time management skills. Just like most people, I found out that I tend to spend time ineffectively sometimes which leads to delays that slow...

Aggression, Its Conditions and Coping Methods

The frustration-aggression hypothesis There is a hypothesis that aggression is conditioned by frustration from some situations. Suggested by Freud, it was further developed by other scholars (Burger, 2015). This hypothesis states that “aggression is always a consequence of frustration … that the occurrence of aggressive behavior always presupposes the existence...

US Coasts in Reeder-Myers’ and Robinson’s Articles

As sources for comparison, the articles by Reeder-Myers and Robinson et al. are used. Both scholarly studies deal with the archaeological safety of the coastal territories of the United States, and this is a key similarity. Also, certain nuances of the studies are similar given a single topic. For instance,...

Intimate Partner Violence: Screening and Care

Intimate Partner Violence Care Models Intimate partner violence is a serious issue that often goes unnoticed because the victims do not want to admit that it takes place. It is a highly private matter, and people are usually uncomfortable discussing it with others, especially strangers. Tasman, Kay, Lieberman, First, and...

Supply & Demand, Price Elasticity and Shift Factors

Supply and demand are the cornerstone interdependent variables in economics theory and practice. Supply is defined as the amount of goods and services available for customers to buy. Demand on the other hand is the number of people with the desire and willingness to pay for the available goods and...

Public Speaking Versus Conversation

For people who are just beginning to learn about public speaking, it is easy to mistake it for a form of conversation. Indeed, public speaking and conversation are similar in the way that they both involve imparting a message. However, other characteristics of these two forms of communication make them...

Human Resource Management Essential Competencies

The role of HR managers in an organization is difficult to underestimate since they manage the company’s most valuable resource – the workforce. Effectively managed employees are committed to their organization and do their best to help it achieve its strategic goals. To succeed in human resource management, HR professionals...

Tricky Negotiations: a Strategy of Handling Requests and Planning Working

Being a good team member, a leader, and a manager is possible to develop an effective strategy of handling employees’ requests and planning working schedules for holidays. The first step is to analyze the situation without being emotional and to discuss possible alternatives with Karen, who works directly with employees...

The Classical Concerto Analysis

Mozart’s Concerto no. 23 starts with strings beginning the movement and introducing the theme. While the concerto is focused on the piano, these instruments play an important role later. In the second half of the double exposition, the strings introduce the third theme that has not been heard in the...

The Notion of Nation Rebuilding

The notion of nation rebuilding seeks to create a robust national identity that recognizes its diversity and historical countdown. Nation building aims at bringing people together to create political stability. During World War I, Germany fought among the Central Powers against the Allies. After the war, Germany was obliged to...

The Role of Professionalism in Nursing

Nurses are expected to perform as decisive and experienced professionals, who can effectively address emergent and critical situations in healthcare facilities. In this context, professionalism in nursing means being confident, punctual, patient-oriented, and having developed theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Punctuality can be discussed as being of great importance for...

Movie Review: Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic waves of different lengths and frequencies are used for different purposes based on their characteristics and capabilities. The contemporary world technology utilizes the whole spectrum of electromagnetic waves from the longest radio waves to the shortest Gamma rays. Due to these waves’ capabilities to spread over long distances and...

Principles of Restorative Justice

Restorative justice relates to an approach used to respond to a crime or any other form of conflict, injustice, or wrongful act, which centers essentially on restoring the damage triggered by an offense and reinstating the involved parties’ well-being. This strategy focuses primarily on the relational justice theory due to...

Behavioral Cues in Healthcare Behaviors

Behavioral cues can potentially impact changes in healthcare behaviors because they provide an indicator for providers as to what interventions should be implemented to improve behaviors. For instance, nurses may provide frequent and small incentives occurring close to the completion of healthy activities for encouraging healthy behaviors while also incorporating...

Midsummer’s Night Dream by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s “Midsummer’s Night Dream” is a story about the complex relationships between people. Moreover, in this story, the author shows the sophisticated love and challenges one has to face to finally be with their loved ones. The couples Shapespear depicts are Hermia and Lysander and Demetrius and Helena. When portraying...

Language and Child’s Cognitive Development

Language development significantly contributes to a child’s overall development as it helps one think, speak, write, express thoughts, and understand. Primarily, language creates the foundation for all kinds of communication. A delay in language development may result in frustration and miscommunication (Otto 46). Therefore, parents should pay special attention to...

Drug Issues in Watertown, New York

Drug trafficking, use, and addiction are some of the issues that affect Watertown. Frequently, individuals are charged with conspiring in the trafficking of drugs such as heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine to the city NYS (Attorney General). The city is associated with violent drug trafficking as individuals from different nationalities flood...

Human Resource Management and Its New Perspectives

Human resources have always been the most valuable ones and hard to optimize out of all resources. However, currently, they are particularly crucial, as large groups of people are working on various creative tasks that are more complicated than ever. Therefore, modern developing society and economics demand specialists capable of...

Footwear and Tire Track Evidence

To properly document and collect footwear evidence, a number of specific tools and equipment is needed. In particular, a camera and a tape measure are required. A camera set on a tripod can be used to accurately capture the texture and size of tracks from different angles. Tape measures can...

“Go Carolina” by David Sedaris Review

David Sedaris describes several challenges which he faces during his life, starting from the first story, “Go Carolina,” about his childhood. Classism theme influences him from the very beginning at school due to external judgments and separation of himself from the majority of the surrounding community. A sense of belonging...

Six Stages of Change: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction

Recovery from addiction leads to lifestyle change. Individuals whose loved ones undergo the recovery process may feel long when they have doubtful expectations. Six stages of change, also known as the trans-theoretical model, explain how treatment works and how recovery is eventually attained. The six stages of change follow a...

The Relationship Between Science and Philosophy

Science and philosophy are strongly correlated because modern science has grown directly from philosophy. According to Ramchandani (2017), science means “knowledge” and stems from philosophy, which means “love of wisdom.” Therefore, people in former times considered philosophy as a method to express their love for wisdom, and the purpose of...

“The Age of Reason” Treatise by Thomas Paine

Paine’s arguments in his treatise The Age of Reason are transparent and objective, to my thinking. For instance, in the book’s first pages, Paine states that he believes in God (4). He does not believe in the creed of various churches and their revelations, emphasizing that “my mind is my...

Racism in Employment from Conley’s Viewpoint

Racism in employment, payment and general place in the capitalist system has never ceased to be an issue. Even in light of the general liberalization of today’s world and the fact that communities are becoming increasingly supportive of this issue, the size of the problem has not even diminished. Racial...

Pseudomonas Putida Organism Used in Bio-Remediation

Bacteria are one of the organisms used in bioremediation to degrade pollutants that jeopardize environmental and human well-being. Pseudomonas putida is a bacterium that plays a significant role in the bioremediation process. According to Weimer et al. (2020), the bacterium is gram-negative and rod-shaped which is found in different ecological...

The Anthropology of Christianity

The anthropology of Christianity is related to human Anthropos concerning God. Anthropology has a vital role in a missionary perspective. Anthropology, theology, and missiology have developed over the years. Anthropology has led to the change into postmodernism which makes it revolutionary. Anthropology has also led to the loss of certainty...

Latin America’s Economic Development Issues

The three main issues that I believe are attempting against economic development of Latin America are poverty, unemployment, and inequality. While there are many social policies that have strived to reduce poverty and inequality, the problems still persist due to poor productive structures that create unequal personal distribution of labor...

Type 2 Diabetes: Study Purpose, Design and Results

Purpose Maintaining glucose levels in the blood has proven to help type two diabetic patients control their situational conditions. This investigation, which went for two weeks, was to test if patients who would exercise at moderate intensities ten hours a day could reduce hyperglycemia, which also proved to play a...

Western Art Music of the Classical Era

Classical music refers to western art music that elaborates on the various styles of creating and singing various melodies. Mozart and Haydn were the top artists who composed their music according to the innovation and the new genres (Bonds 174). The new styles adapted were because of innovations in the...

The Importance of Right to Protest

Nowadays, many activists accuse common citizens of indifference towards injustice. The classmate’s post provides a specific point of view that nobody should be obliged to protest. Indeed, people are vested with power to stand up for themselves and defy unjust laws, but the cost of this fight may be too...

What Makes “Prismatic Visions” by Bart Ross Meditative and Addictive

“Mandalas,” or “Prismatic Visions,” are a series of works created by Bart Ross. The works were exhibited on September 11, 2021, in La Mancha Gallery (La Mancha Gallery, n.d.). The mandala project was started in 2009 and aimed to change the paradigm of photographing reality. In his childhood, Bart Ross...

Police Killing Black People in a Pandemic

Gupta, A. H. (2020). Since 2015: 48 black women killed by the police. And only 2 charges. The New York Times.  The article deals with the death of Breonna Taylor, the acquittal of the police officers whose responsibility it was, and the police violence towards black women. The article provides...

Lifting Mask Mandates: The Key Risks

CUNY has attracted mixed reactions after becoming one of the latest institutions to lift its mask mandate on March 7 in a premature decision that will likely put students at risk of getting infected. In an email dated March 4, the institution’s Chancellor Felix Matos Rodriguez gave the directive following...

Analysis of the Caledonian Modular Limited

Modern methods of construction (MMC) is a competitive area of research that defines contemporary standards and techniques in the construction industry. Some of the relevant factors that obstruct the industry in the UK and the analyzed company (Caledonian Modular Limited) are digitalization, thorough observation of the trends, and application of...

Researching of Civil Rights Movement

The period from 1945 to 1965 designates one of the pivotal points in American history concerning freedom, democratic values, and civil rights. The civil rights movement aimed to eliminate racial discrimination and ensure that everyone has equal rights and opportunities regardless of skin color (LeMay, 2021). Some notable events include...

Trinity Healthcare’s Internal and External Barriers

Trinity Health is committed to delivering exemplary care services to patients to improve their health outcomes. The organization is driven by the core values of integrity, stewardship, reverence, justice, and safety. The health care facility’s mission plays a leading role in improving the community’s health. Trinity’s mission is to serve...

Tesla Inc.’s Financial Risks Analysis

The company that I have chosen to look at is Tesla, Inc., which has experienced significant financial risks due to the volatility of the automotive market and the changing needs of customers. Among the main risk factors that the company has reported experiencing are delays in manufacturing and other challenges...

Aspects of Ethics of Duty and Justice

Primarily, according to the author, the most convincing, objective, and reliable criticism of male moral theorizing is the concept that focuses on the ethics of duty and justice. Thus, Baier (7) believes that men are more likely to make decisions based on the systems of fairness, honesty, and decency. Moreover,...

Tax Policy on Cryptocurrencies

The cryptocurrency market is expanding at an alarming rate, and it is estimated that it will surpass the $5 billion mark by 2030. Although investors and big business organizations have tried to evade the influence of cryptocurrency in the market, their evasion might not be sustainable for long. However, the...

Data Theft Issue Prevention Aspects

At its core, theft of private, proprietary, and sensitive data is a transfer or storage of this information by an unauthorized party. In other words, the offenders steal the information from electronic devices, including computers, storage devices, and servers. It can be performed from the inside by the employees of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Annotations to “Peer Performance and Budgetary Targets” Article

Annotation 1 The authors of the article are experienced in their fields of study. The intended audience of the article are their colleagues and business supervisors who have complications with their target-setting approach. The main point of the article is that in management, peer-based target setting is advantageous in comparison...

Permitting Process: The Role of Professionals

The role of the helper is to pay attention to the emotions he or she has in relation to the client and then to discover the roots of these feelings and emotions. It is crucial that therapists monitor their emotions during sessions with their clients and use their responses as...

Cohabiting Before Marriage: The Negative Effects

Nowadays, things that were rare and unheard of have become the new norm. Cohabitation among couples has become popular in the past fifty years, and young couples are normalizing it. Most couples decide to live together to test their compatibility, which will help prevent future unsuccessful marriages. Surprisingly, the divorce...

High-Context vs. Low-Context Cultures

The theory that divides cultures into high-context and low-context was developed by Edward Hall. It is based on the difference between the use of verbal and nonverbal communication, and particular importance is given to the context during the interaction. At the same time, it is essential to realize that there...

The Use of Brushstrokes in Paintings

Introduction The main idea or intent of an artist’s work is communicated through the use of brushstrokes. I agree with the statement, “in a painting of a rock, the rock itself is not expressive; rather, the brushstrokes that suggest the rock are expressive( Mironova et al., 2020). Discussion This is...

The Power of the Universe and the Earth Vulnerability

The issue of an ancient world is probably one of the most mysterious in the history. It is amazing to think that 65 million years ago there was a different world. There were no humans but flora and fauna were diverse and beautiful. Scientists still argue on the reason of...

American Pumpkin Growers Association’s Challenges

As the irrigation costs soar and are expected to double by the 2040s, growing pumpkins will become a challenge, the American Pumpkin Growers Association (APGA) stated in the Friday, Sept. 23, 2016 release. Droughts in the main farming districts will substantially decrease the average pumpkin diameter and possibly cause yearly...

Collaborative Learning Community’s Six-Point Business Plan

A business plan is a laborious undertaking that is thought of as an integral part of an entrepreneurial journey. However, most of the document’s formats that are generally accepted by the business world often add to the probability of the concept of death by paperwork (Volker & Phillips, 2018). I...

Brand Image Development: Project Scope and Analysis

As a former member of a business team, I used to be involved in a project concerning the development of a brand product. Particularly, it was necessary to come up with a brand image for a new application for smartphones, identify the key characteristics of the target audience and appeal...

Academic Peer-Reviewed Sources for Research

I think that the most important aspects of any peer review cycle are double-blind review and plagiarism check. The first point guarantees the objectivity of the papers evaluation and relevance of its findings (“What is peer review?” n.d.). At the same time, the second element is fundamental for any research...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: Ethnic Civil Wars

The wars for the independence of a particular ethnic group are not uncommon in modern society. The article by Regencia describes the positions of the Government of the Philippines regarding the conflict among Muslims and the local population. One of the primary thoughts is the assumption of the need for...

Watching Animals at the Zoo

The act of watching animals at the zoo can reveal a lot about human nature. Zoos have been present within human civilization for centuries. Despite the changes in their appearance and practices, their core function remains the same. In the following essay, I will reflect on my visit to the...

Childhood Crime at School in the State of Texas

The critical policy problem that is the focus of the proposal is the increasing number of school emergencies associated with childhood crime in the state of Texas. The three-step framework developed to address this issue targets crime prevention policies and the overall increase in students’ safety at schools and surrounding...

Theories of Value by Adam Smith and David Ricardo

Theories of value by Adam Smith and David Ricardo explain why goods are exchanged for certain amounts of money in the market. Both theorists stated that labor is the basis of all value and that the value of a good can be estimated by the number of labor hours needed...

The Benefits of Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is a ubiquitous technology that makes Internet access on many devices at once possible without much difficulty. It allows devices to connect to a network without the need for a cable, which is an excellent property due to the number of Internet-enabled devices that people currently use. It is...

Clinical Significance as a Component of the Research

Clinical significance as a component of the research process is the value that makes it possible to determine the differences in specific effects and, thereby, implement appropriate interventions. In some cases, the application of this practice does not require additional statistical correlations, for instance, when certain determinants of health and...

Effects of Meta-Synthesis and Meta-Analysis on Research Translation

The efficiency of research translation heavily depends on the reliability and validity of the conducted studies. Practices of meta-synthesis and meta-analysis allow combining data from multiple resources for the improved statistical analysis, providing the highest quality evidence on a research topic. By reducing bias and presenting consistent findings within the...

Building Americans’ Awareness of Their Lack of Civility

The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world. Despite its excellence in economics and technology, a number of social issues have been striking the nation’s positions. For many decades, American politicians have promoted the rhetoric of “America vs. world,” which has led to the...

Review of Paper Routes Exhibition

One of the art missions is to express public opinion and draw attention to acute social problems through vivid and memorable images. Some art people use shocking images or performances to demonstrate the imperfection and cruelty of reality. However, other artists express their ideas by helping viewers see the beauty...

Value Stream Mapping Analysis

Every company or firm does its best to improve its overall performance. It is possible to use various tools to identify improvement opportunities, and value stream mapping is among them. This term stands for a kind of flowcharting tool that is used to understand the development of lean processes (Jacobs...

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Target Client Population for a Health Coach

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What Is the “Soul-Making Process”? By Hick

There exist many debates concerning the existence of God. Atheists argue that there is no actual evidence of God’s existence. To prove their point of view, they say that He would have never allowed evil to happen if He existed. Thus, taking into consideration how many happens in the world...

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The Pelageya Group’s Live Concert in the US

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Benefits and Drawbacks of Hiring Inexperienced and Experienced Employees

It is safe to say that the staff is a crucial element of any organization. This statement is relevant for both local small businesses and transnational corporations. The hiring process of inexperienced and experienced employees determines the company’s future performance, and hiring both of these groups has its benefits and...

“Exercise Shown to Reduce Risk in 13 Cancers” Article Review

The chosen article is an overview of a study combined with the interview findings retrieved upon communicating with the author of the discussed research. As the article illustrates, a large-scale survey was conducted among 1.44 million people from the USA and Europe. The goal was to identify the association between...

Servant Leadership and Followership

In the few past years, various leadership styles and philosophies have become popular because they can assist leaders in achieving their goals, motivating employees, and fulfilling team tasks. Servant leadership has emerged as a distinctive leadership style with a unique relationship between a leader and his followers. This essay will...

Operations Management Definition

Operations management is an essential process that uses raw materials to turn them into goods and services. Cachon, Girotra, & Netessine (2020) mention that this phenomenon is connected with the supply chain because the two reflect the internal and external operational systems, respectively. That is why it is not a...

Impact of Social Networks on Communication

Social networks have become integral parts of everyday life, thus facilitating the exchange of information, including personal and professional. Communication through digital methods is efficient and convenient because of the capacity to connect instantly to another party. However, despite its convenience and the widened opportunities for information exchange, social networks...

Combatting the Factors Contributing to Preventable Deaths

To fight against preventable deaths effectively, the US health system needs to promote more programs to educate the population about threats and risks. Different medical institutions should be involved in a single system based on the creation of a mechanism to stimulate people to quit bad habits. This approach, as...

Messaging & Face-to-Face Communication: Setting Goals

Communication plays a great role in the modern world as it ensures that people properly understand each other in different settings. The exchange of information is related to the flow, coordination, as well as learning and listening skills. In addition, communication is the basis for establishing both personal and professional...

The Problem of Stereotypes and Labelling in Interpersonal Communication

The short film series “How You See Me” touches upon the problem of stereotypes and labeling in interpersonal communication. It involves members of different social and racial groups that are most often labeled in society discussing how they perceive stereotypes and what steps can be taken to reduce the existing...

Difference Between Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney

A living will is a health care directive that implies legal instructions for health care practitioners if the person is unable to express his or her wishes regarding the medical treatment (end-of-life medical care) (Olson, n.d.). Usually, it involves a situation when an individual is in a coma, seriously injured,...

Accrual and Cash Basis Accounting: Comparative Analysis

Financial reporting of an organization depends upon the accounting methods it uses. The most common approach, taken by many leading companies is accrual accounting. It is based on the premise that revenues should be recorded and recognized when the product has been delivered to the customer, and when the collectability...

Chipotle Mexican Grill EFE Matrix Analysis

The primary external factor that was found to be affecting Chipotle Mexican Grill is the competition. David (2017) defines it as one of the most critical factors that have to be taken into consideration when discussing a business’s environment. Chipotle has to contend with both other fast-food locations, including ones...

Decisions, Nursing Judgment, and Inter-Professional Team Role in Quality Patient Outcomes

Nurses have the responsibility to make clinical judgments and decisions. Decisions and judgment reflect how nurses come to comprehend the health issues and concerns of patients and develop effective intervention strategies. Nurse decisions and clinical judgment are required in a complex situation to improve patient quality of care. In such...

Social Issues in Sports & Activities: Athletics

In athletics, gender inequality and racial discrimination are two main social issues that affect females. One of the most vivid examples is the lower payment that is provided to female athletes in comparison to their male counterparts. Namely, $35-40 million is paid to the male winners of the FIFA World...

Hopewell Hospital: Ethics Case Study

The case describes an event at Hopewell Hospital concerning one of the general surgeons, Dr. Cutrite. E. L. Straight is the director of clinical services at the hospital; he has been working in this position for two years, and he enjoys his job. Although his contribution to the hospital has...

Patient-Centered Care in Nursing Practice: Philosophy & Principles

The philosophy of nursing that best guides my approach and practice is patient-centered care. Introduced in the second half of the 20th century, the framework of patient-centered care has undergone many iterations, but in modern nursing, it is believed to be the underpinning theory to practice. However, the complex modern...

COVID-19: Vaccination Program

About 20% of healthcare workers get infected, with the vaccination rate among them remaining unacceptably low. Therefore, after informing the employees about the benefits of flu shots, I would ensure that each worker gets a vaccine every flu season. Educating the workers reduces their opposition against the flu shots. However,...

Cave Drawings of Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc and Lascaux

Cave paintings are the oldest and most interesting source of knowledge about the cultural development of the past millennia. Each new image uncovered is an encouragement to a better understanding of the ancient world. The two remarkable finds, the murals in the Lascaux and Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc caves, are both the greatest...

The Nature of Memory and Its Practical Aspects

Ulric Neisser opened a conference on Practical Aspects of Memory with his article “Memory: What Are the Important Questions” in 1978. The author aims to find out why people recall sources differently, how it is possible to remember things, or what can be done to train the memory skill. Although...

Conflict Between Supervisor and Employee: Case Analysis

The main problem in this case study is the misunderstanding between the immediate supervisor Corey and employee Stacy. The staff member claims that his supervisor is extremely unapproachable, arrogant, and unsupportive. He does not provide Stacy with enough details about the tasks that should be completed, which leads to him...

Vertebrate Jaw Evolution From Developmental Perspectives

The vertebrate jaw is one of the essential developmental features associated with the crest cells’ changes. The history of jaws’ evolution in vertebrates can be traced to early fish species known as placoderms. Placoderms dominated the oceans, lakes, and rivers and lived for 80 million years before their extinction. However,...

Jehovah’s Witnesses Sect and Its Danger to Society

Jehovah’s Witnesses is a religious doctrine based on the Bible but unique in that it is radically different from all Christian religions. They are also known for their interpretation of the Bible, according to which they deny the doctrine of the Trinity. The sect was primarily organized according to the...