Tom Wingfield in The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams is a pen name of an American playwright, screenwriter, and novelist Thomas Lanier Williams. He was born on the 26th of March, 1911, in Columbus, Mississippi, and died on the 25th of February, 1983, in New York City. Williams is one of the most renowned dramatists of the...

Islam: The Rise and Spread Around the World

Islam is the youngest of the world religions, and the modern popularity of the doctrine speaks of its rapid spread. In 2015, there were over 1.8 million Muslims in the world, which is about 24% of the global population (Lipka, 2017). However, coercion or forced imposition is often cited as...

Gloucester City Community Description

Gloucester city has friendly neighbors, various restaurants and stores, and schools pay a lot of attention to students. First of all, it is effortless to get close to the people of Gloucester City as they are open to communication. I know everyone who lives near my house by name, and...

Prohibiting Legalization of Marijuana in the US

Despite multiple attempts to define the status of marijuana in the United States, the question of its legalization remains open. Cannabis is still illegal in some states and at the federal level, and people want to understand if its medical benefits could prevail over its evident harms. The purpose of...

Habilitation in Speech Pathology Practice

Habilitation is a process that allows specialists to help people acquire specific skills and abilities which are necessary for their full functioning and without which they cannot consider themselves normal. In speech-language pathology (SLP), this service most often concerns children whose speech abilities are not developed to the level they...

Nurse Turnover as a Crucial Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

It is exceptionally important for new hires to navigate the intricacies of quality management and improvement, both of which are integral to the operations of any healthcare organization. The National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators is a national database which provides in-depth reports of nursing-sensitive quality indicators in an effort...

Sunni and Shia Forms of Islam and Their Conflicts

The two major branches of Islam are Sunni and Shiite (Shia). The division originated from the argument over who should succeed Muhammad and become a new leader for Muslims – a caliph. For the Sunnis, the main criterion was his qualities as a leader, while the Shiites paid more attention...

Business Negotiations in Germany and the US

Difficulties in negotiations are often due to differences in national cultures. German and American business cultures both fall into the category of low subtext in communication, with little or no regard for hidden meaning (Meyer, 2019). That is why I decided to choose Germany for the company’s new venture, and...

Education for Truth and Service: Jesus and Martin Luther King

The meaning of service has brought controversy on their actual implication from the time of the Old Testament in the Holy book. Christianity has based a profound belief on how Jesus submitted to slavery, applying this misguided conclusion to exploit the marginalized groups in the community. Fundamentally, the disciples prejudiced...

Nike and Timm’s Vispac Model

Timm’s abbreviation VISPAC is a guide to exceeding customer expectations, and it contains six categories: value, information, speed, personality, add-ons, and convenience. The personality component in question is essential in achieving customer satisfaction. In this case, an important role is played by individuality. It can be manifested in the appearance...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Conformity in “The Vanishing Half” by Bennett, Brit

Stella passing for white in The Vanishing Half is an act of conformity. The term refers to behaving in accordance with some standard or authority. In the narrative, Stella acknowledges the power that the white population had in the novel which reflects the discussed concept (“Conformity”). She decides to escape...

Children’s First Language Acquisition

Father, mother, banana, hello, and lollipop are among the first words that a child learns to pronounce. The adult spellings for these words are dad, mom, banana, hello, and lollipop. A child would pronounce these words in various forms as listed. The pronunciation of dad by kids is dada, daddy,...

World Vision Company: SWOT Analysis

Recognizing and acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of an organization is crucial to determining the further path toward its success in the target setting. World Vision, an organization created to support the children in need and supply them with vital resources, has been striving to improve its services and remain...

Comparison of Rip Van Winkle and Young Goodman Brown

One of the aspects that are similar in stories that happened both to Winkle and Brown is that the culmination of events happens concerning them falling asleep. Winkle meets a man who is dressed in old clothes and goes to an amphitheater with him. When the man suggests a drink,...

Reducing Healthcare Expenses: Structural and Individual Measures

Healthcare is one of the significant issues in the world, and in recent years, healthcare spending has significantly increased. However, improving healthcare quality and reducing costs are two incompatible tasks, making the situation difficult for governments, organizations, and individuals. This essay will discuss what can be done structurally and individually...

Wallerstein’s World-Systems and Global Stratification

Wallerstein used economic and political factors to study global inequality as the foundation of their world-systems approach. Indeed, the economy is hierarchical when the countries’ development is described; thus, access and use of recourses determine the well-being of the citizens. Wallerstein’s world-systems approach divided the nations as core, semi-peripheral, and...

Colorado’s Political Culture and Influence Factors

The political culture that develops in an area or region is influenced by many factors. This is primarily because a given culture depends on society, and it can be defined by various elements, from geography to specific historical events. Therefore, it is helpful to study history and related fields to...

The Navajo Nation Ecological Problems

Navajos are primarily located in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico states. These people are descendants of the Navajo Nation, a Native American Tribe. Over the past decades, their homeland has been ecologically polluted, and the residents are being slowly poisoned every day. The problems of access to clean water, uranium...

Air Pollution in South Carolina

Environmental issues have become significant determinants of human health and longevity due to the disruptive influence of industrialization on nature. In particular, in South Carolina, one of the most significant environmental problems now is air pollution with ozone and particles, which is hazardous to human health due to deadly diseases...

Positive and Negative Images on Social Media and TV

Introduction Having lost its status as the most influential medium, TV still exposes society to various beneficial and negative images. On a positive note, diversity in TV series has been growing, affecting the number of characters to represent women, racial minorities, and sexual minority groups (Williams, 2021). Discussion In TV...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Los Angeles Country Jail: The Case Study

When the justice system works adequately, the number of prisoners might arise due to the power of the law. This occurred in Los Angeles, where the number of prisoners exceeded the acceptable quantity. The case has been discussed in Los Angeles Times and received the public’s attention. This essay will...

The Concept of ‘One at the Beginning, One at the End”

The concept of ‘one at the beginning, one at the end” involves making a resolution or an aspiration at the start of the day and acknowledging the achievement or the reason for failure. For instance, an individual can state that they will not sleep at work on a particular day...

Historical Facts of Tourism Development

Tourism development is related to many factors, including the desire to learn about different regions’ cultural and social characteristics. In addition, tourism has been facilitated by technology and the development of transportation, which has allowed people to move to almost any point on the planet. From a historical perspective, tourism...

A Policy Change Model: Cannabis Discussion

Due to cannabis’s dubious aspect, the evaluative discussion of why nations should authorize medical and recreational marijuana is still hotly contested and divisive in many places. Research can, at most, contribute to this debate in a limited way (Knopf, 2019). Due to the abundance of decades’ worth of proof on...

Socioeconomics in the Delivery of Healthcare

Introduction Socioeconomic factors such as income, education, and occupation can significantly impact an individual’s ability to access and receive healthcare. Lower incomes and less education may give the person more barriers to accessing healthcare than those with higher incomes and higher levels of education (Healthcare, 2022). It should be highlighted...

The Impact of Narrative Voice and Writing Style in Hong Kingston’s Reflections

The manner that Hong Kingston uses the narrative voice and the writing style she has chosen to express her personal emotions of perplexity and the distorting of the past is quite effective in illustrating the misogynistic society she is referring to. Throughout this chapter, readers are informed of the destructive...

Salmonella in the Caribbean

Population The research study pays attention to the population challenged by Salmonella bacteria who experienced abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and headache. In the 1980s, infectious cases increased among Caribbean locals and tourists (Stehr-Green, 2016). The emergence of Enteritidis infection was 6.8 per 100,000 annually in 1992: 48% of males and...

The Elements of Symbolic Culture in the Nacirema Group

Introduction In “Body Rituals of the Nacirema,” anthropologist Horace Miner presents a satirical account of the cultural practices of a fictional group known as the Nacirema. Through his descriptions of the Nacirema’s daily rituals, beliefs, and customs, Miner aims to highlight the cultural biases and ethnocentrism of American society. The...

Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” Story Review

Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” is a riveting story of exploration and self-discovery. The novel chronicles the narrative of Chris McCandless, a young man who embarks on a quest to discover himself in the Alaskan wilderness. While many may see Chris’s narrative as one of bravery and freedom, it is...

Best Interventions for Obesity

Best Interventions for Obesity in the Elderly The best interventions for obesity in elderly individuals can be categorized into dietary and physical exercise approaches. Dietary interventions include calorie consumption restriction, use of calcium and vitamin D supplementation, and protein intake. Jiang and Villareal (2019) indicate that intake of low-caloric diets...

Competitive Advantage in Business

Competitive advantage is the ability to offer products or services that are superior to those of competitors in the same local market. This may include a higher quality product, superior customer service, better value for money, or a faster delivery time. The success of any business depends on its ability...

TeamSTEPPS and Communication in Clinical Settings

The multi-team system implemented in all hospitals and the majority of healthcare facilities suggests the implementation of numerous coordinated activities in order to ensure safe and efficient patient care (AHQR, 2013). The most common types of teams found in a hospital setting are nursing teams and contingency teams working in...

Monocropping Cotton and Organic Cotton

Monocropping is the traditional agricultural pattern in Africa based on the practice of growing cotton year after year on the same land. This practice is very popular in Africa because it is one of the cost-effective solutions: it allows specialization of equipment and production techniques. African farmers use large amounts...

Obesity Disease: Symptoms and Causes

Introduction Currently, the problem of obesity is acute, and it calls for effective measures. Doctors are trying to identify the factors that trigger this disease. To my mind, the cause of obesity may lie in eating disorders and lack of physical activity. Xu and Xue state that obesity among children...

The Evolution of Family in the USA

Due to various events and the emergence of new laws, the traditional forms of families are now opposed to new types of families that become more common and create new traditions and behavior changes. This paper will discuss the evolution of marriage and family in the U.S. over the past...

International Business: Ethical Standards & Corporate Culture

The creation of corporate culture For international business management, the creation of corporate culture and the achievement of social responsibility goals depends on the ethical perspective the organization takes. In terms of emerging globalization in multiple spheres of economics, companies that operate internationally need to adjust their policies and codes...

My First Experience in Riding a Bicycle

Being a child involves dealing with new issues almost every day and learning how to overcome your fears. My first experience of riding a bicycle at the age of five is among my most vivid memories when it comes to the joys of childhood and conquering fears. On that day...

“Music of the Troubadours, Tant M’Abelis” by Lafitte

The composition Music of the Troubadours, Tant m’abelis consists of the instrumental accompaniment of mandolin or zither and female vocals. The instrument’s mood is major, calm, lyrical; the vocals are passionate, the tempo is average, but it accelerates from time to time (Lafitte, 2009). The troubadours’ audience was the inhabitants...

E-Leadership Job Description and Competencies

Goal setting. E-leadership goals are designed to provide employees with directions that are implemented electronically. E-leader uses information technology (IT) to change the attitudes, behavior, and performance of an organization and its virtual teams (Van Wart et al., 2019). In the digital workplace, the focus of the decision-making shifts from...

The Etiology of Hepatitis A, B, C, D

Hepatitis A The etiology of hepatitis A includes poor sanitation, male homosexuality, parental drug use, foreign travel, and household contact. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, jaundice, malaise, dark urine, and anorexia (Gilroy, 2019). Treatment is mainly supportive, and there is no specific antiviral treatment. Nausea and vomiting are managed with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Far and the Near” by Thomas Wolfe

There is a number of brilliant writers whose genius helps them create truly amazing writings that rarely leave the readers indifferent. One of such masterpieces is the story titled “The far and the near” by Thomas Wolfe. While reading this short text, one can feel various emotions and start thinking...

Inequalities and Police Brutality Against the Black

Abstract Systemic and deep-rooted racism has considerably contributed to the durability of race-based gaps that can be explicitly demonstrated in various socioeconomic indicators, including employment, family income, poverty, criminal involvement and justice, and healthcare delivery. Moreover, recent incidents of police brutality against the Black, especially George Floyd’s and Breonna Taylor’s...

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Community of Charleston, South Carolina

Introduction The spread of COVID-19 considerably affects the community of Charleston, South Carolina, in many ways. The pandemic hurts economics and potentially would cause the decline of population growth as a result of social isolation. Besides, many people, in the current situation, are obliged to face such challenges as insufficiency...

“Diary of a Confederate Soldier” by Law

During the American civil war, armies got destroyed while the survivors were left with memories that would remain in their minds throughout their lives. The soldiers had different experiences from all aspects of the economic challenges, politics, and social issues such as lack of food, shelter, and other basics to...

Bush, Obama, and Trump: Healthcare Policy

Healthcare is definitely one of the most essential industries in the U.S. because every citizen has a right to receive high-quality medical support. The topics of healthcare often become the fundamental discussions of presidential debates, and the candidates try to present the best and the most effective ideas and implement...

Extrovert and Introvert Comparison

Being an extrovert is encouraged and considered normal in modern society. Many kinds of social events, educational settings, and work environments are built in a manner that requires people to be communicative and open. However, many people feel uncomfortable when forced into social activity and interaction; those people are introverts....

“Measuring Inequality in Community Resilience to Natural Disasters” by Hong et al.

The overview of the study The scholars analyzed mobility patterns of mobile devices to determine the movement of people in Houston, Texas after Hurricane Harvey hit it. The research aimed at developing a generalizable method that could predict people’s response and recovery after a natural disaster. It was found that...

Aspects of Policy Which Make Life Protected and Equal

“Policy” can be many things including, but not limited to: laws put in place by national, state, or county/city governments; practice guidance (“best practices”) suggested by international or national organizations working in the field; and policies/practices adopted by organizations such as non-profits, coalitions, etc. For example, a set of rules...

Transforming and Improving Health Care in Hawaii

Upon reading Chin and Sakuda’s (2012) article, various aspects of electronic health records (EHRs) critical in improving health care have become clear. The study elucidates current and potential interventions in EHRs that can help enhance Hawaii’s healthcare. The authors feel that meaningful use of data may take three forms: e-prescribing,...

Analysis of Clinical Decision Support Systems

Although there are various versions of CDSS in use today, the three major types are diagnostic support systems MYCIN, Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), and Arden Syntax. Developed in the 1970s, the MYCIN helps clinicians choose antibiotics for such diseases as meningitis and bacteremia (Sutton et al., 2020). When using...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Promotional Videos: Cultural and Socioeconomic Themes

Video 1: Seoul The focus of the first promotional video, “BTS’ Life in Seoul,” is the urbanized, modern city, which manages to keep its uniquely ethnic elements in order to charm anyone who lives or visits there. The boys are the epitome of any group of young people: loud, fun,...

Discussion of Gender Roles in Modern World

During human history, gender stereotypes have been widespread, and the community has defined the person’s role based on gender. Although in recent periods, culture is more loyal to the fact that women can do work that associates with men according to the standard concept. Thus, today there are no questions...

Importance of Medical Staff Right Actions

When working with patients, especially those with severe diseases, it is essential for the medical staff not only to relieve the person’s symptoms but also not to worsen their condition due to negligent actions or errors. Therefore, it is possible to say that the guidelines for safe patient handling are...

Insurgency in Cabo-Delgado, Mozambique

Introduction 2017 the Mozambique region of Cabo Delgado was marked by insurgencies led by the Ansar al-Sunnah terror group that relates itself to the IG. The Mozambican government seemed almost powerless against the terrorists, as most of its counter-measures did not work (Mangena and Pherudy, 2019, 359). Since then, the...

The Failure of Armchair Economics

The article The Failure of Armchair Economics reveals the topic of scientific discoveries. The author of Scientific Discovery claims that the purpose of his work is to provide a comprehensive theory of the approaches that scientists use in their discoveries. In addition, an important task for the authors of the...

The Most Popular Stand-up Economist

The writings in the article are a representation of the economist comedian himself. Yoram Bauman argues that he is the only stand-up economist in the world who is also gaining considerable popularity. His most popular video gained over one million views (The world’s first). Bauman has a Ph.D. in economics,...

Free Will vs. Determinism as Philosophical Problem

The problem of free will or the question of determinism is a fundamental problem of human cognition and the nature of one’s thoughts. This problem is characterized by a well-known philosophical reflection on whether man’s mind generates his being or vice versa, and a great deal depends on it. Whether...

Analyzing Consumer Behavior and Market Dynamics

The Maximum Number of Tickets Sylvia can Buy in a Week If the budget is $24 and the cost of one movies ticket is $4, the maximum amount to spend on tickets equals the budget divided by the cost of one. Therefore, it will be; $24/$4, which equals six tickets....

Demand and Supply of Apples After Surgeon General’s Advice

Demand and supply of a product change considerably depending on various market factors, like price and customer preferences. When the doctor encourages people to take apples to lower cancer risk, many people will change their fruit preferences and opt to take more apples, considering the increased cases of cancer around...

Acculturation and Assimilation in the Mi Familia Movie

The movie Mi Familia tells the story of a Mexican family, the Sanchez, who immigrated to the United States. The plot revolves around three generations and how each character assimilates into American society. The film depicts the cultural differences between the Latino population and other residents of Los Angeles. Therefore,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Developmental Research: Human Development

Introduction Human development is a continuous process that occurs not once but throughout one’s life. Developmental research is the study of how a person changes as they mature. According to Davis-Kean and Ellis (2019), developmental research may entail studying behavioral aspects that could be the effect of chronic illness against...

Danielson Framework and Classroom Observation

The instructor takes on various roles throughout the circle time activity to promote the students’ learning. The teacher acts as a facilitator by asking questions, responding to them, and supervising activities to assist the students in learning. While presenting images, shells, and sand dollars, the teacher discusses the link between...

Genetic Technologies for Pathogen Identification

Introduction The first four concepts are connected as they refer to interdisciplinary fields and their subjects. As a science, genomics is concerned with exploring the genome, and the latter represents a collection of genes and chromosomes. Proteomics studies proteins in the human body, including their interactions, functions, and their internal...

European Exploration in the 15th Century: The Renaissance

The Renaissance was a period of renewed interest in cultural and scientific advancement in Europe in the 15th century. During this time, society investigated the functioning of the natural surroundings via scientific inquiry. The Renaissance was characterized by a great deal of innovation and scientific innovation, but it was additionally...

The Problem of Solving Employee KPI Problems

Introduction The chosen quantitative decision-making problem will be a situation in which company employees have an underestimated KPI relative to previous months of work. To solve this problem, the head of the department called a general meeting and put forward the idea for employees to independently propose actions that would...

Healthcare Rationing: Articles Review

Chen, B., & McNamara, D. M. (2020). Disability discrimination, medical rationing and COVID-19. Asian Bioethics Review, 12(4), 511-518. Web. This article talks about social equality and justice for vulnerable populations worldwide. The writers discuss how the public health crisis has exposed the inhumane actions that discriminate against people with disabilities....

Evidence-Based Nursing for Practice and Science

Today, using reliable evidence is known to be an effective method to better both theoretical and practical aspects of a particular sphere. In particular, the notion of using evidence is actively promoted in nursing today, and it is shown that it allows for significantly increasing the quality of care that...

Pneumonic Plague in Nursing Education

Pneumonic plague develops in a person when transmitting airborne droplets through the respiratory system. In the body of the sick, the primary reaction is characterized by the rapid development of multiple foci of inflammation in the lungs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014). The standard control practices, in this case, are keeping...

“The Eichler Home: Intention and Experience in Postwar Suburbia” by Adams

The article under consideration is entitled “The Eichler Home: Intention and Experience in Postwar Suburbia.” It was written by Annmarie Adams and published in the journal called Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture in 1995. In the article, the author compares the architecture’s vision of Eichler houses’ functioning and the actual use...

Opioid Use Disorder and Patient Education

What is the PICOT question? P- (Patient, population, or problem): In patients diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder, I- (Intervention): does Naloxone education for both patients and their families C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): compared to Naloxone education for patients prescribed Suboxone, O- (Desired outcome): reduce opioid overdose deaths T-...

The Definition of Euthyphro Dilemma

The Divine Command theory can be interpreted in two ways. From the Euthyphro Dilemma point of view, morality is either created by God or exists without him and is related by him to people (, 2013). If God is the creator of morality, anything, even murder, can be viewed as...

The Application of Ethical Principles in Nursing

In modern medical practice, nurses and patients can be in a variety of forms of social interaction. As a consequence, in the current stable system, the course of such events should be built by the application of certain ethical principles. In particular, it can happen by respecting the patient’s personality,...

Background for Committing Crimes or Being a Victim

Life is a combination of victories and defeats, and each person sooner or later faces troubles. Problems can arise from uncontrolled situations and occur due to coincidences. People react differently to a crisis, and crime may seem like the only solution. On the other hand, an accident can lead to...

Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman

This paper will analyze the graphic strategies used by Art Spiegelman on page 13 of his graphic novel, Maus: A Survivor’s Tale. This page represents a part of the narration when a father tells his son about his past, so it includes both the current timeline of the story and...

Adverse Effects of Smoking Marijuana on Probation

The use and distribution of marijuana is controversial issue in many countries around the world. The attitude towards this culture can be very different, even within the same state. For example, in the United States, some states allow the use of marijuana, but federal law prohibits it. Thus, a person...

Riding the Bull at Gilley’s” by Scully

Scully and Marolla discussed psychopathological assumptions on the conduct, psychological processes, and instincts of rapists. They found out that the psychopathological model of rapists’ behavior views rape as a result of mental dysfunction and claims that rapists are always unwell and lack self-control. Research indicated that male sexual vigor is...

Organizational Environment: Specific and General

There are two types of environmental analysis of an organization: specific and general. When one conducts a study on the specific environment, he or she focuses on examining the organization’s internal elements. It is possible to note that “internal factors include aspects of HR (owners, managers, and employees), financial aspects,...

Internet of Things in Manufacturing System

Cloud-Based Services At the moment, systems based on cloud storage are gaining more and more popularity. Service-based software architectures and technical solutions are being actively explored by various researchers because of their potential prospects for many manufacturing benefits (Kayday et al.). The main advantages of cloud services are the reduced...

Why Do We Need Sleep?: InFormative Speech

Title: Why do we need sleep? General purpose: To emphasize the importance of proper sleep behavior. Specific purpose: To enumerate the basic functions of sleep. Main idea: Sleep refills the body with energy and helps the brain function properly. Introduction Have you ever wondered about the role of sleep? In...

Serious Gaming and Its Impact on Society

Serious gaming comprises the use of digital games for reasons other than entertainment. In the recent past, these games have been associated with positive impacts in society. With regard to education, a game named Quandary was created to help solve emerging educational challenges (Rughinis, n.d.). Quandary enhances skills such as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Behavioral Issues and Theories, Which Explain Them

Behavioral issues are not commonly accepted types of disorder. People may display negative behavior at any point in their lives or make a judgmental error. However, behavior issues have a consistent pattern throughout a person’s life. Many theories may explain behavior issues. Although, in criminology, three different categories of theories...

Nonethnic Minorities: People With Disabilities and Queer Community

Introduction A crucial topic connected with the treatment of people with disabilities and LGBTQ communities is vital and needs to be discussed. This theme is not new, and many people have already come to realize how relevant it is to be compassionate and tolerant of exceptional people. The fact remains...

Modern Challenges of Immigrants

In modern society, people can change their residence and work several times, which is necessary for personal life success and is dictated by economic trends. To secure a better life for themselves, often fleeing the traumatic effects of war, civil unrest, or natural disaster, immigrants risk being subject to various...

Gross Domestic Product Per Capita in the US and Russia

The given comparative analysis will primarily focus on GDP and GDP per capita values between Russia and the United States. On the one hand, the overall GDP value for Russia in 2020 was equal to 1483.5 billion US dollars (“Russia – Economic Indicators,” 2021). On the other hand, the GDP...

Cloning for Medical Purposes: Ethical Issues

Cloning is a method of reproducing by which a new organism, genetically identical to the one intended to be cloned, can be obtained asexually. The first attempts to clone animals appeared in the 1930s. A new stage was defined by the experiments of Scottish scientists, culminating in the birth of...

World Trade Organization’s History, Achievements, and Challenges

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the global international organization that regulates trade between nations; that was established in 1995 and consists of 164 members. More precisely, this organization ensures that trade flow is smooth and that none of the countries imposes a tariff or non-tariff trade barriers. The role...

Hegemony in Culinary: Ethiopian and Scandinavian Cuisine

A symbiosis between two seemingly different culinary worlds does not necessarily mean that the cultural integrity on each of the sides is lost and that one’s traditional food is going to be dominant. While holding a strong traditional power, food is abstract since it relies on the experience factor that...

Dishonesty from Beneficiaries’ Perspectives

Dishonesty can have significant adverse effects on relationships and is widely considered a serious violation of social norms. Nevertheless, people have their reasons to be dishonest, and those can vary from case to case. This essay intends to explore the logic behind dishonesty and the various consequences of being dishonest....

Late Adulthood: The Main Categories

In modern gerontology, there are three main categories of human age at the stage of late adulthood. It is possible to consider and characterize these categories from biological, social and psychological positions. The first category is called young-old and includes subjects between 65 and 74 years of age. Usually, elderly...

The Profound Knowledge of Pharmacology

The successful absorption of the drug depends on various aspects. One of them is the gastric and intestinal motility of the patients. An increase or decrease in the acidity of the contents of the stomach and intestines can lead to a change in the ionization of drug molecules and their...

Bank’s Digital Trends, Opportunities, and Threats

The essay demonstrates the most crucial digital opportunities and threats for a commercial bank. In addition, the strategies to reduce the number of abandoned baskets are discussed. Notably, nowadays, digital currency is one of the most influential trends in the financial industry. Xu and Tang (2020) claim that central banks...

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Overture by Mendelssohn

Music was not majorly affected by Romanticism until the advent of the 19th century. German composers took the forefront when it came to Romanticism in music, with Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms, and Mendelssohn making sizable contributions. Symphonic poems, which struck a connection between music and literature, were familiar to Romantic composers...

Science-Based Targets Initiative

Science Based Targets Description and Calculation As part of the Paris Agreements, the governments of various countries have pledged to prevent a rise in temperature on Earth by 1.5°C, which would lead to irreversible climate change. Despite efforts, carbon emissions continue to rise, so Science Based Targets (SBT) offers companies...

Deep Dive Reading and Intercultural Communication

The articles “Intercultural communication competence in specialized languages and contexts” by Candel-Mora and “A Review on Intercultural Communication Competence for Business Research” by Topcu are evaluated in the reading reflection on intercultural communication. Candel-Mora’s study of the literature on cross-cultural-specific tools focuses on measuring an individual’s capacity to converse in...

Second Hand September: Advertisement Analysis

The Type of Marketing Being Used In this particular advertisement, the company uses cause marketing as a way of attracting buyers. The ad displayed works as both a showcasing of the clothing being sold and a promotion for people to buy more second-hand clothes. The impact of the fashion industry...

Linguistic Development: Skinner’s and Chomsky’s Views

Skinner proposed a linguistic development theory referred to as operant conditioning. He believed this involves giving children rewards when they use language practically. For instance, if a child learns the word “drink” and pronounces it correctly when thirsty, their parent or guardian should provide them with something to drink. This...

Iago’s Villainous Nature and Manipulations

William Shakespeare’s Othello has touched on a number of various topics and issues. But the way treason and schemes are depicted is probably the most interesting part of the play. This problem is perfectly represented through Iago’s words and actions as he adapts to people’s weaknesses. In this post, I...

The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets

Although mandatory retirement may not be a desirable solution, it is definitely a reasonable one under several circumstances. Mandatory retirement can be applied by companies to employees whose age surpasses the recommended working one in the industry (Börsch-Supan & Coile, 2021). In such cases, mandatory retirement is needed since there...

The Moral Arguments in Favor of Euthanasia

The term euthanasia comes from the Greek words: euth – “good” and thanatos – “death”. It means a conscious action leading to the death of a hopelessly suffering person in a relatively quick and painless way to stop incurable pain and suffering (Goligher et al. 150). Euthanasia, as a new...

Control Over Armed Weapons: Gun Violence

The guns were initially created for warfare reasons, to attack the enemy when wars and clashes were more frequent. In today’s world, guns are mainly used to maintain peace and protect civilians from crime inside the country. However, guns are still taking a shocking number of lives even in countries...

Morality and Rationality of Capital Punishment

The topic of the death sentence is tough and philosophical. The notion that there are some crimes that allow applying institutionalized execution to those who committed them is not obvious at all if one thinks deeply and thoroughly about it. In this reply, I would like to share my thoughts...

First Nations and Colonialism Dismantling

Introduction The Coast Salish Peoples originally inhabited the areas where I live, in particular the Tulalip, Snohomish, Stillaguamish, and Sauk-Suiattle Tribes. Their tribal villages were situated in the area around contemporary Surrey and Vancouver B. C. These are the first nations that are indigenous to British Columbia and came under...

The Suppression of Progressive Activists

The First, Second Red Wars and McCarthyism were among the most challenging historical events. They have affected every significant aspect of American society, and their common denominator is blaming communists and communism for all hardships. Thus, under the guise of their anti-communist sentiments, the McCarthys fought the liberal intelligentsia, the...

Resolutions to Fight Water Scarcity

The World Health Organization outlines water scarcity as a global crisis affecting more than 2.8 billion people. The California drought is a notable instance of water scarcity that began in 2012 (Roggenburg et al., 2021). Water scarcity is primarily associated with rapid climate changes resulting in extreme weather conditions, eventually...

Western and Eastern Philosophy: Differences and Their Religious Causes

Philosophies are reflective of nations’ lifestyles and perspectives on ethical decision-making. Western and Eastern philosophies have borrowed a lot from religious movements. There are two differences between these philosophies, including the individualism-collectivism dimension of ethics and the conflict of predetermined rules and searching for truth. Firstly, Western and Eastern philosophies...

A Child’s Behavior With Sensory Processing Disorder

A child with SPD has difficulty understanding and controlling the feelings their body and the environment produce. SPD affects children differently: some may be quickly overwhelmed by senses, but some are under-reactive. Apart from therapy and treatment, various practical actions can be taken, which lead children to develop self-help skills....

Role of Irish Traditional Music and Culture in Australian Music

Introduction Irish traditional music has played a significant and crucial role in the development of Australian music, both famous and classical. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the role of Irish traditional music and culture in developing Australian musical identity. This is partly due to the...

Dialogue in the Elementary Classroom

Classroom dialogue between the teacher and students is an effective and valuable tool for learning, understanding, and assessment. It allows children to discuss their experiences and express their own points of view while also encouraging them to understand why they have those points of view. The exchange of opinions that...

Cross-Cultural Emotional Perceptions: Study Proposal

A suggested way to further understand the cultural values and emotional perceptions of African American and Chinese American cultures is to conduct a longitudinal study. This study will follow the emotional perceptions and cultural values of a diverse group of African American and Chinese American individuals for several years. The...

The Affordable Care Act Coverage Expansion

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) aims to increase low-income Americans’ access to health care by granting access to Medicaid. The Medicaid expansion has not been utilized by every state, which has resulted in a significant gap in healthcare coverage between states. The economic justifications for and against Medicaid expansion, as...

Reflections upon the Quincentennial: Article Review

Jalil Sued Badillo’s article focuses on explaining the lack of morality in celebration of the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ voyage to America. The author provides several valuable arguments about the negative influence of European colonization on the formation of the native population’s consciousness by describing the European manipulations of...

Start Up Design for an Organizational Structure

You have started up a small durable medical equipment company. Fortunately, it is doing well and growing. At what point do you need to consider putting in a formal organizational structure? What would be your initial start up design for an organizational structure? Explain your response. When starting a business...

The Animal Skulls: Anthropological Discovery

Ancient cultures and living organisms that inhabited the planet before modern humans are particularly interesting to anthropologists. Any discoveries can answer old unsolved questions about the history of the development and evolution of humanity. A recent discovery by scientists from the University of Madrid may help better understand prehistoric people’s...

Training New Technology in the Classroom

Several schools are currently employing the use of technology in their classrooms. This is because they strive to keep up with the world’s technological advancement (Willson & Garibaldi, 2002). These technologies are aimed at providing improved instruction that contributes to improved student achievement (Krasavage & Stallings, 2002). Additionally, these novel...

Family Planning Services’ Effect on Budget

Answer It is rather difficult to answer unequivocally the question of whether eliminating funding on Family Planning Services would have a positive budgetary effect compared with the impact on individuals utilizing these services. Firstly, comparing the impact on the budget with the influence on people is not easy. Secondly, the...

Ho Chi Minh’s Role in Vietnamese Independence

After France withdrew its troops from Indochina, Vietnam was open to the Japanese invasion. Soon after Pearl Harbor, Vietnam was fully occupied by the Japanese forces. In May 1941, the Vietnamese League for Independence was created. It was an independent guerrilla network of peasants, socialists and nationalists designed to resist...

Accounting Research Paper Topics and Planning

Accounting research papers may become a pleasure to compose, but for some writers, they may turn into a complete nightmare. The main reason for this is the complexity of accounting terms that are not always comprehensible for nonprofessionals. Therefore, before starting to write an accounting research paper, one has to...

Where Politics and Medicine Intersect

Medicine and health care, like many other institutions, are part of a national and global politics. Certain health and medical issues can be addressed through policy changes, and conversely, efforts from medical professionals can inform political decisions. In recent years, issues related to access to health care have been a...

“Death in Venice” Novella by Thomas Mann

Introduction In the early novels of Thomas Mann, the readers can often follow the rethinking of Friedrich Nietzsche’s postulates. The influence of philosophical attitudes can be traced concerning the art of dance in the novel Death in Venice, written in 1911. In this story, Thomas Mann addresses his favorite topic...

Charles Duhigg’s Ecology Article’s Impact on Readers

The abstract under consideration, “Cleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways”, is taken from The New York Times, which is considered to be one of the main United States’ news delivers. The article was written Charles Duhigg, who has been working in The New York Times for several years...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pandemic and Its Aftermath Impact

Overall, health indicators will deteriorate as a result of the pandemic since all medical efforts are now focused on preventing and treating COVID-19. The pandemic will be followed by an increase in mortality rates among the vulnerable population (Bedford et al., 2020). Although the coronavirus pandemic has touched everyone, for...

White Collar Crime, Corporate Crime and Substance Abuse

A single corporate crime can cause financial, psychological, or physical harm to many people. The fiscal impact of white-collar crimes significantly surpasses those of blue-collar offenses. It is worthwhile to note that a corporate felony is a form of white-collar crime (Goode, 2016). For example, the World Health Organization reports...

“His Girl Friday” Film by Howard Hawks

Watching His Girl Friday, one may not only enjoy dynamic comedy but also learn much about the technique of cinematography by how Howard Hawks fills energy in the static, prosaic environment. The restaurant scene, where Walter Burns leads his ex-wife Hildy Johnson and her fiancé Bruce Baldwin, shows a sign...

Sarah Hall’s Short Story “Theatre 6”

The narrative is set in a hospital operating room and in-house chapel, perpetuating the atmosphere of democratic conformity that defies morality. The setting serves as the display of the conflict between individual choice and procedures. The author writes, “The on-call room is never dark enough, even with your eye-mask,” indicating...

The Great Gatsby: Chapters’ Review

Chapter 1: Nick Carraway decides to move from Minnesota to New York. He starts his story by mentioning that his father told him not to judge others because it leads to misunderstanding and wrong interpretations. According to Carraway’s description, Gatsby represents everything for which he had “an unaffected scorn” (Fitzgerald,...

The Relevance of the Polynomial

Contrary to popular belief, mathematics plays an essential role in human life. It should even be said that without knowledge of mathematical formulas, regularities, and concepts, we would not be able to progress and develop. People mistakenly consider that mathematics is limited to the textbook and the school board, but...

Racial Inequality in Education: Remaining Problems

Introduction At present, racial inequality is an outlawed subject and considered inappropriate in modern society. However, it continues to be a matter of concern, causing discussions and debates. This fact indicates that the diversity of opinions remains present in this field, and there are more issues to be investigated. Among...

An Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation

With the development of technologies, businesses begin to trust various computer programs with essential and vital processes. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a special type of software used by companies in managing everyday business activities, including supply chain operations, risk compliance and management, accounting, project management, and procurement (“What is...

Women and Political Leadership in America

For a significant period in history, men have held the most potent ranks in leadership. The past governmental construction was hugely archetypical with male political leaders, in both powerful and lesser positions. Until the last few decades, females in legal administrative offices were significantly lacking (Rhode 35). Women’s prejudice was...

Gene Modification: Means of Disease Prevention

Introduction This research was motivated by the observation of a faulty mutant MYBPC3 gene copy causing a lethal heart disease in people who have inherited it. Since the nature of the disorder is genetical, it was assumed gene modification with the use of the Cas9 enzyme would allow for a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cellular and Aerobic Respiration

Cellular respiration is necessary to transform glucose into energy. The ATP created via chemical processes then powers cellular reactions. Aerobic respiration only occurs when glucose burns to release energy in the presence of oxygen (Russell et al., 2016). Three essential stages ensure proper aerobic respiration: glycolysis, Krebs’ cycle, and electron...

Race and Ethnicity. Minorities Issues

The concepts of race and ethnicity are used to describe distinct groups of the population. The difference is that race characterizes unique physical traits such as skin color or eye shape that distinguish one category of people from another. Ethnicity is about the culture with which a person identifies himself...

Why We Shouldn’t Compare Transracial and Transgender Identities

The world keeps changing constantly, so new issues are brought into light every day. As our society is becoming more and more acceptable to transgender people, the case of changing identity arises in a different perspective. The start of discussions on transracialism – a transition from one race to another...

The Asperger’s Syndrome: Managing Children with Disability

Working with a student with special needs in a classroom requires special preparation and awareness from an educational professional. Children with Asperger’s Syndrome have significant developmental, emotional, social, and behavioral particularities that must be considered when working with them in a group of other students. Since children with Asperger’s Syndrome...

Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing Research Difference

Evidence-based practice (EBP) and nursing research are critical to the nursing practice because they provide the knowledge necessary to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of care and develop new, more effective practices. These two concepts have specific differences that nurses should understand to implement both them effectively in their...

Presentation of Change Models in Carrying out Indication-Based Training in Nursing

Introduction In nursing, revolutionary concepts have been established to investigate the phenomenon in different administrative backgrounds. Lewin’s three-step variation theory and Lippitt’s Phases and cognitive theory of Transformation model are examples of collective modification theories. This essay scrutinizes the efficiency of two revolution theories, social cognitive theory and Lewin three-step...

Ways to Make an Image-Heavy Website Load Faster

A photographer’s website is bound to be full of high-quality images. Heavy use of images on a website has the potential of slowing down the website. There are different ways in which a website could be made faster while maintaining the usage of images. The first step to making a...

Land and Labor Ideas in African-American Studies

The texts provide a thorough explanation of the concepts of land and labor. It describes how the slaves were abused at first and the types of harassment they faced. When they had had enough of suffering, they decided to demand land ownership and advocate for economic independence, allowing them to...

Consuming Technology: Why Marketers Sometimes Get It Wrong

Technology is a force that civilization forward and enables societies to improve their quality of life, making communication, transportation, and other spheres easier. Marketing is a powerful tool that is used extensively by businesses to promote products and new technological solutions. The article “Consuming Technology: Why Marketers Sometimes Get It...

Entrepreneurship on Mark Zuckerberg’s Example

Upbringing and environment can influence entrepreneurship, but this is not enough. Many people have good opportunities, but not all of them become great. In the case of Mark Zuckerberg, these factors had a positive impact since his parents could fully provide for his basic needs. Mark Zuckerberg grew up in...

Poverty and Problematic Housing in California

Issue: The issue that needs to be covered in this discussion is the issue of the homeless population in the States, particularly in California. Homeless residents of the state are experiencing enormous problems with social adaptation, suffering from mental disorders and substance abuse. The question at Issue: The question that...

“Kevorkian” Film on Assisted Suicide

The documentary Kevorkian features one of the most controversial men in United States history. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, labeled as “Dr. Death,” is an Armenian-American pathologist who helped dozens of terminally ill patients in the U.S. undertake physician-assisted suicide (Crime T.V. 3, 2014). The thought-provoking film reviews Dr. Kevorkian’s convictions about...

Emotional Intelligence Development in Contemporary World

In today’s realities, emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in personal communication. Since information is the least influential factor in interaction, emotions have the most significant impact on people’s impressions. David Goleman is one of the most powerful scientists in the emotional intelligence sphere (Goleman, 2012). His scientific works, books,...

The Passion of Legendary Martha Graham

In her writing, I am a Dancer, Martha Graham describes her attitude to life journey and mastering the dancing. She presents her feelings and thoughts in light and thoughtful manner, and the wonderful metaphors appear as if on their own. One of the most appealing passages that evoked some compassion...

Global Warming and Crop Production in Africa

Introduction Many people are aware of the current and future negative effects of global warming. This problem threatens the entire planet, and each country and side of the planet faces various issues. For example, it is expected researchers that global warming will cause severe reductions in the crop in Africa,...

Analysis of “Never Change” by Jay-Z

Crime may be viewed by some as an intrinsic aspect of American culture, particularly when it comes to music. Many kinds of music explicitly or implicitly laud or allude to crime in their lyrics. “The Bowl” by Rush and “Survival of the Fittest” by Mobb Deep. Criminological ideas can be...

Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto About Women

Donna Haraway is one of the most prominent scholars of feminist and posthumanist theories. Her work focuses on how society imposes boundaries on the concept of humans due to the separation between humans and animals and humans and machines. Therefore, she develops a concept of a cyborg as a metaphor...

Gender Inequality for Men and Women

Gender inequality in the US for men and women has significant consequences both in the family and in the professional sphere. Thus, in the family, inequality is primarily reflected in specific relationships between the genders, and it also affects parents’ roles. In the family, men may sometimes experience pressure and...

“The Soft-Hearted Sioux” and “Tecumseh’s Speech to the Osages”

Zitkala-Sa’s story The Soft-Hearted Sioux and Tecumseh’s Speech to the Osages have certain similarities and differences. For example, both works are based on the experiences of Native Americans and their conflicting relationships with white people. The main character in Zitkala-Sa’s story is the young Sioux who leaves his tribe to...