The Story “The Black Box” by Jennifer Egan

Jennifer Egan’s “The Black Box” has emerged as a unique short science fiction about future citizen espionage. Published in 2012, the story is a bold and triumphant experiment of narrative presented in new media. Besides Egan’s ability to embrace the wide-ranging virtues, forms, and pleasures that accompany traditional storytelling in...

HIV/AIDS: Etiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention

HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus which kills body cells aimed at helping people combat with different kinds of viruses. Human body is protected by the immune system which helps fight with viruses and illnesses. HIV destroys this system. AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a disease a person gets...

STEM Education: Resources and Teaching Reflection

Born to teach migrant children more effectively and optimally, STEM education technology is capturing more and more educators around the world every year. The abbreviation STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and denotes a practice — oriented approach to the construction of the content of education and the educational...

African American Culture and Identity in Visual Arts

Introduction Different looks towards something gives a theory and history of ideas regarding identity with consideration of visual arts and practices in the African American culture. With the early modern belief that art is an expression of a person, the painted picture expressing a coherent viewing point has led to...

Mining a New Organization Design

There are several organizational change issues at Anglo-American to be addressed. Specifically, Carrol emphasizes efficiency and operational effectiveness and wants to pursue focusing on core operations and assets, such as accountability, responsibility, design simplicity, and clarity in the organizational picture (Griffin, 2022). However, Angel cannot solely focus on efficiency without...

The Balance Sheet in Accounting

The balance sheet is one of the four core financial statements used to report the company’s financial information. The three primary characteristics documented in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity (“The four core financial statements,” n.d.). The former refers to cash, inventories, land, equipment, and other purchases...

The Junior Ranger Program’s Deliverables

Junior Ranger programs go beyond simply informing kids about parks and teaching them how to care for public areas. The Junior Ranger program’s primary objectives are to develop knowledge of nature, the environment, plant and animal preservation, and resource conservation among children and young people (Become a Junior Ranger, n.d.)....

Depression in the Elderly – Psychology

Introduction Depression can be defined as a state of anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2011). It can affect people across all ages, who present with diverse signs and symptoms (Blatt, 2004). It has been shown that there are different types of depression, which require unique approaches to...

Hilton’s Career Development and Employee Motivation

Case Description The case study focuses on Career Development and Employee Motivation Initiatives at Hilton Worldwide. As one of the pioneers in the hospitality industry, Hilton aims to attract and retain the best employees to drive its services and customer excellence. It also promotes a culture of learning to spread...

Terrorism Attacks, Motivations, Political Factors

Terrorist Attacks Terrorist Attack in Egypt in 2011 The suicide bombing of one of the Egyptian churches took 21 lives before New Year’s Day. Egyptian society admitted the government’s failure to cope with violence in the country, this is why several Christian protests spread over several cities of Egypt within...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Why Do Acquisitions Sometimes Fail?

Introduction When a firm proposes to buy the shares, stocks, or assets of another similar firm it is called acquisition. The process of acquisition is complete only when there is a concrete agreement signed by two or more parties. The acquisition process requires huge financial input because; firms have to...

Black-ish TV Show and Recommendations

Black-ish is an American TV show about an upper-middle-class black family living in a predominantly white community. The key cultural values of the American society that are reflected in the show are individualism and multiculturalism. Firstly, individualism is a critical notion in the United States, where each person is encouraged...

How to Develop a Strategic Mindset: Article Summary

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to give a summary of the assigned article by Sherman and Cohn (2019). Additionally, the paper seeks to establish the impact of the article contents on my future practice. The systems thinking stage helps to single out the components of the issue and...

Philosophy of Education Review

As a secondary teacher, I hope to be the kind of educator that students remember as challenging, fair, engaging, and caring. As I look at our society, I see the need for courses in family and consumer science. In order to combat increasing obesity rates and obesity-related diseases, like diabetes...

Desiree’s Baby: The Assumptions About Race

Introduction The world that we live in is one of a diversity of color. White, black, yellow and red- these all exist to paint a beautiful rainbow of humanity. However, this beauty is often obscured by the very same human beings that make up this rainbow. The subject of race...

Framers of the Constitution: Alexander Hamilton

Introduction The creation of the US Constitution was linked with essential progress in the legislation sphere of the country, and the attainment of independence from the British Empire. The US was longer a dominion, but, it was regarded as the independent State, able to perform all the decisions independently. Surely,...

Feudalism and Manorialism Collaboration

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to emphasize that manorialism and feudalism are often regarded as distinctively various systems. This notion is generally explained by the fact that these are the paradigms of various spheres of life, consequently, they have nothing in common. Nevertheless, on the other hand it...

Physical Privacy and Drug Testing

Drug testing is a process whereby companies make use of scientific methods to determine whether their employees use illegal drugs within the workplace. Although the practice, the practice violates fundamental individual human rights that can have negative effects on the morale of the workers. The issue has also generated lots...

Marketing Tactics: Wal-Mart and Winco Food Companies

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the issues of branding are generally regarded as one of the most important and crucial issues of marketing and advertising, as the brand name and logo of any company are regarded to be the face of production or services, which the...

Social Psychology Experimental Hypothesis: Effects of Watching TV on Children

Introduction This research will examine the effects of television watching on children. It intends to find out how television influences the behaviors of young children. Television has replaced the school as the key socializing agent apart from the family since a good number of American children spend most of their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Higher Education Organization and Governance

Governance in higher education can be defined as the ways and means through which institutions of higher learning are managed and operated. The governing structures of different institutions vary throughout the world. However, the traditional models used in these institutions are similar and do share a common heritage. Research work...

Holocaust and Moral Objectivism: “Surviving Auschwitz”

One of the most heinous crimes against humanity, the Holocaust, has served as an impetus behind many artistic endeavors. Surviving Auschwitz: Children Of The Shoah by WSGVU is one of them: a 2005 documentary that follows two Holocaust survivors as they visit their hometown and concentration camps. Surviving Auschwitz deepens...

American Revolution Overview and Analysis

The American Revolution is one of the most widely covered and well-known events in American history. Starting with small conflicts and discontent, the sparks have ignited the flame of retribution against the oppressive British rule. As a result of the events that transpired in the 1760s, the colonists have gained...

On the Importance of Advanced Training in Nursing

The professional development course in nursing is vital for equipping nurses with knowledge and skills. These skills and knowledge are extremely significant in career advancement and personal development. Therefore, professional development involves all sorts of learning chances, which vary from informal learning chances to conferences, formal class work, and university...

Amazon Inc.’s Global Supply Chain & Other Operations

Amazon has an extensive network of manufacturers who are partnered with the company and supply it with a significant portion of order volume. Procurement’s input resources consist of purchased goods from other vendors and manufacturers. Its processes consist of managing contacts with numerous sellers, seeking new partners, purchasing goods, and...

Religion and Faith for a Better World

Religion and faith make a very pivotal aspect within the social setting because of the significant influence it has on the wellbeing and existence of individuals within the community. Society consists of very diverse individuals who practice different forms of culture. Religion is one of the different forms of cultural...

“The End of China’s One‐Child Policy” by Wang et al.

Introduction The article by Feng Wang, Baochang Gu, and Yong Cai is called “The end of China’s one‐child policy”. The article was intended for the audience which does not live in China but is interested in its policies and affairs. The purpose of the article was to familiarize the audience...

Qualitative and Quantitative Variants of Research Methodology

Introduction As established in contemporary research practice, qualitative and quantitative variants of research methodology are the leading paradigms that are used in answering topical questions. While the two methods can be mixed within a single study, they are independent, well-defined frameworks that inform data collection and analysis techniques used today....

Social Media and Spirituality: Correlation Study

The authors implemented a quantitative research design where the participants were taken into a psychology lab and given a questionnaire to fill out. The aim of the study was to find out whether immersion in social media sites has replaced strong religious commitment and spiritual serenity leading to low psychological...

Critical Reaction to Hong Kong Stories by Eva Hung

The book by Eva Hung contains stories written by contemporary Hong Kong writers that were carefully selected to comprise a new literary work. The stories Tied Together by Fate and Plenty and Sorrow from the book tell the lives of people from Hong Kong and Shanghai and deliver important messages....

Bill George’s Authentic Leadership Ideas

Introduction Bill George is a professor at Harvard Business School and the author of True North. In an interview, Bill George brings up the topic of authentic leadership, a major subject of his books. George says that leadership is not a style or manner of speaking. An authentic leader is...

SWOT Analysis of Tesla Company

Introduction SWOT analysis is an effective method for assessing the main performance factors of an organization or business. The purpose of the use is to identify the areas of opportunity and the main threats to the enterprise, covering all the necessary aspects (Clark, 2017). SWOT analysis includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,...

The BNW Car New Models

With the advancing technologies, car makers have turned into making cars that consume less gas and yet can speed more. These cars not only are they fuel efficient but have also been modelled in a manner that their passenger capacity is bigger than the vehicles we are used to. For...

IT in the World of Micro- and Macroeconomics

Introduction: Concerning the IT Industry: The Things One Needs to Know It goes without saying that informational technologies, or IT, have become one of the leading industries in the world over the past few years. The given report focuses on the IT industry, namely, its role in the modern world,...

Biomedical Data in Probabilistic Decision-Making

Nowadays, clinical decisions are often correlated with uncertainty, mainly because of the characteristics of the data used. This data tends to be imperfect, which makes it challenging to manage (Owens and Sox, 2014), and it is typically diverse and produced by multiple loosely connected units, which makes it challenging to...

Listening and Understanding in Business Communication

The article Listening and Understanding written by Rogers Carl and Roethlisberger provides extremely significant guidelines required for effective communication. The authors argue that “good communication or free communication between or within people is always therapeutic” (Rogers & Roethlisberger, 1991, p.106). The authors further argue that people’s ability to evaluate is...

Social Media Activism in the Arab Spring Revolution

There is no doubt that social media has increased the power of communication between families, friends, and even among strangers. The Internet has become an important tool that links millions of people around the world. Although it is more convenient to send emails now, instant messaging and video calls are...

Best Baby Company’s Press Release

BestBaby today made a public statement at the company headquarters on the matter concerning the recent accident which was as a result of a BestBaby stroller rolling down a driveway. The accident resulted in the injury of three-month-old Avery Nelkin who is the daughter of Academy Award winners Nick Nelkin...

International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

The IFRS Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit making organization whose principal objectives are directed to the interests of the general public (IFRS 2011). The organization aims at developing a set of high-quality products and easy to comprehend globally accepted international financial reporting standards through the organization’s standards-setting body, IASB....

Low Cost Website Protection and Customer Privacy

Introduction Security to business ventures is very crucial since these ventures are prone to many crimes and risks present in the business environment. Businesses entering into the field of e-commerce should take caution on the impending risks and security threats on the internet. The cost of technology incurred by business...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Growth of the US Federal Government From 1865 to 1945

Introduction The growth of the federal government between the years 1865 and 1945 was characterized by a great deal of industrialization. There was a great change in society’s workforce. The reconstructions that were going on were a result of the impacts that resulted from the world wars and the civil...

The Simpsons vs. Family Guy

Both The Simpsons and Family Guy satirize the current problems of the contemporary family. Those animated television sitcoms are also aimed at revealing the major shortcomings and merits of the American lifestyle. Hence, the first show is more concerned with revealing humor imposed on cultural biases and a wide range...

Management of Change and Professional Safety – Article Critique

The given article reminds us that the management of change and risk management in organizations are interconnected. Many accidents, which entail significant human and material losses, are caused by the inability to recognize and manage changes correctly. It has repeatedly been confirmed in the course of investigations of the causes...

The Price Formation in the Movie Theatres

Introduction In the theater environment, pricing strategies have not been claimed as an advantage for a long time. Currently, the situation is changing and the price formation is becoming a key component in the provision movie theaters with audience. Furthermore, price problems are significantly magnified for a commodity such as...

Organizational Structure of Vipshop Holdings Limited

In general, the organizational structure of a company specifies its strategies, authority, formal reporting relationships, controls, procedures, and decision-making processes. Organizational structure helps to formulate specific strategies that may be required for the improvement of the firm’s performance and competitive advantages (Hitt, et al., 2017). Being one of the largest...

Edison International Company Analysis

Edison International (EIX) is one of the major Companies in the power generating industry in United States. As of 2009, it has annual total revenues in excess of $12 million dollars that recently peaked at $14 million in 2008 (YahooFinance, 2011a). Edison International is a conglomerate of three subsidiary Companies...

Correlation of “Climate Change” and Public Health

How “Climate Change” affects the population of the United States has been a point of concern for a considerable amount of time now, sparking numerous debates on the topic. Combating the possible effects of the changing environment stands at the forefront of many organizations, including the American Public Health Organization...

The American Criminal Justice System

Introduction The United States has one of the very elaborate criminal justice structures with each component playing crucial and peculiar roles. An analysis of these components indicates that they are interrelated and hence form what is commonly referred to as criminal justice system (Wadman, 2009). They are designed to complement...

Art Classes’ Efficiency in Different Regions

Art Classes in Boston and Baltimore Conkling, S., & Kaufman, B. (2020). Equality and quality: The influence of private funds in public arts education in Boston and Baltimore. Arts Education Policy Review, 121(1), 10-22. In the article is examined the influence of private foundation funding on arts policy and practice...

Nudity and Nakedness Compared in Art

The Ways of seeing chapter begins by explaining the difference between a man and a woman in terms of their presence. It says a man’s presence depends on power embodiments like moral, physical, temperamental, economic, social, and sexual. When this power is strong, the man is striking and when it...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Recommendations for a New Five-Star Resort

Terminal Values One of the most valuable terminal goals that the new five-star resort should adopt is to provide pleasure to the guests. Such entails ensuring the provision of indoor facilities for maximum enjoyment and leisure, such as swimming pools, movie theatres, play areas, social zones, and so on. Secondly,...

Decline of Christianity in Europe After 1675

One of the reasons for the decline of Christianity after 1675 can be seen as the consequences of the Protestant Reformation. The enormous power to govern people’s lives and the concentration of control in the church could not help but arouse discontent among the congregation. People found it no longer...

Must Identity Movements Self-Destruct? A Queer Dilemma

Introduction Joshua Gamson argues that the significance of the queerness phenomenon lies not in the gender definitions, but rather in the necessity, viability, and usefulness of such definitions. Gamson points out that insufficient attention has been paid to the tendency of such movements to destroy identities from within. He argues...

Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Services and Workplace

Introduction In 1957, Jack Taylor founded Enterprise Rent-A-Car in St Louis, Missouri. Ever since, the company has established itself as a leading global car-hire company. Currently, Enterprise Rent-A-Car has a workforce of over 75,000 employees and over one million cars as part of its global fleet (The Times 100, 2013)....

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum: Cultural Diplomacy

Cultural diplomacy is a specific kind of soft power and public diplomacy that incorporates the mutual exchange of information, ideas, and cultural concepts for maintaining trusting ties between different parties. The primary goal of cultural diplomacy is fostering a mutual understanding of the national ideals of parties with an effort...

Signs for Creating Meaning in Advertising

Signs and Codes Signs and codes in visual arts are described as the means for providing particular information and mood. People understand signs and codes in visuals as living in one and the same society we have common rules for interpreting those signs and codes that helps us understand the...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Plan

The paper indicates reasons for stakeholders in supporting the proposed plan for preventing pressure ulcer occurrence in hospitalized patients at intermediate care units. Patients Stakeholder’s Support Since patients suffer from pressure ulcer symptoms, the level of support will presumably be high if patients are explained why the changes are implemented....

Health and Safety Training for Early Childhood Educators

Thesis Statement Nutrition, health, and safety training are significant for early childhood educators. An early childhood educator is the first person after the parent who is involved in close interaction with a child. He or she, therefore, has a great impact on the child since a child is highly receptive...

Soccer and Sport as a New Medium of Communication

All form of sports has been of Ritual importance in the community especially when the character of sportsmen/women is based on social attribute. In this case, the athletes become a perfect figure who exemplify the moral value of the community and hence serves as a symbol of those values. Again,...

Anton Chekhov: A Lifetime of Lovers

Anton Chekhov is one of the most talented dramatists, whose plays are included in the repertoire of theaters all over the world. The depth of the thoughts, expressed in these plays, makes readers and watchers seriously think over world history, relations among people. Chekhov himself once wrote: “We have inherited...

Holocaust and the United States

How could it have happened? I think there is a good reason for people to ask how the holocaust could have happened. The tragedy seems unrealistic when one thinks about it, and others still think it never was. The latter are more of antisemitists. Considering that World War II was...

Confucianism in Modern Western Society

In a time where our economy is reaching the breaking point and faith in our current government has waned, many people have begun to look toward a different method of doing things in order to create a more positive society. One of those ways is to integrate the ideals of...

Leadership in Education: Preparation and Implementation of Educational Leadership

Introduction The university’s reputation and achievement heavily rely on the educational and faculty leadership patterns. Quality leadership simplifies the process of integrating and implementing new university-based educational standards and practices. The university objectives, including the provision of quality training and educational services, conducting extensive research projects and discoveries as well...

Angela Merkel’s Leadership Style – Article Evaluation

Analysis Main Conclusions Stefan Kornelius analyzes the leadership style of Angela Merkel – the Chancellor of Germany. The country’s citizens go to election in a few days and in spite of her successful eight-year leadership, the Chancellor might lose the elections according to Stefan Kornelius (2013). The editor of Germany’s...

“The Turkish Bath” by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

Introduction The painting The Turkish Bath by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres is famous for the combination of eastern and western styles with the mythological issue. In 1863, Ingres changed the standard form of the original painting to tondo. The art is rich in different motifs and elements from the earlier paintings of...

Pepperidge Farm Case: Gitson v. Trader Joe’s Co.

Large companies must protect their brands because otherwise, there may be problems with proving their intellectual property. The reason why small organizations do not protect their products or business names is that often they do not expect that someone will copy them. However, if a small business failed to legally...

Enron and Risk Analysis Theory

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” is considered to be a documentary film about the collapse of the greatest world corporation; it was presented to the public in 2005, demonstrating a closer look at the criminal traits of the company’s executives and depicting one of the greatest business scandals...

Magnolia Virginiana (Sweetbay Magnolia) Description

General Information Magnolia Virginiana or what is commonly called Sweetbay Magnolia or Swamp Magnolia is native to North America. This is a plant under the family Magnoliaceae that can survive in wet soils, but the soil needs to be acidic. The tree also survives with full sun but can tolerate...

IT Project Management Proposal BPM in KSA

The title of my research proposal is Increasing security in e-government through BPM in KSA. Background BPM is a strategy used in organizations and business operations to improve business processes. For example, it can be used to identify missing items that should not be missing or assist an employee in...

Treatment of Severe Hyperkalemia: Potassium

Normal lab value range and cause of imbalance Normal blood potassium levels are 3.5 to 5.0 millimoles per liter (Potassium blood test, 2019). Potassium is an electrolyte, and its optimal concentration is necessary for the body to perform physiological functions. With an average level of potassium in the blood, there...

Popular Research Paper Topics

An Afrocentric View on Policing in the US

Bent-Goodley, T., & Smith, C. M. (2017). An African-centered approach to community policing. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 27(1-2), 92-99. Web. This article explains how the Afrocentric perspective can be applied to community policing to address the issues of negative relationships between police officers and the Black...

The Case of Rodriguez v. the United States

In legislative practice, many cases may require special attention. Hence, one such case is the case of Rodriguez v. the United States of America. It affects, at first glance, the ordinary case of a citizen being stopped by a policeman, but it has several nuances. This scientific work aims to...

Motivating Employees at Pearson Urgent Care

Introduction Employee engagement is crucial to any organizational success. Several adequate organizational studies have concentrated on the importance of employee motivation in improving employee performance in a company. Furthermore, it is vital to recognize that individuals have various wants that constantly compete with other variables. Every employee has distinct needs...

Dam Break Flow Simulation Model

Developing a plan to minimize all hazards in the workplace is not easy. All employers face potential emergencies. Having a contingency plan for unexpected disasters is one of the best ways employers can protect their jobs from fatal accidents. An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is a document required by some...

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and Its Threats

At the edge of centuries, the world faced great changes. The tendencies in war also became different. A shift of power resulted in the increase of substate groups influence (Medina, & Hepmer, 2013). One of the biggest and the most influential terrorist organizations today is the Islamic State of Iraq...

Protagonist in The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee

I believe that Tom is the protagonist of the play by Tennessee. The play revolves around the lives of three key characters. The three characters include Tom, Laura and Amanda. Tom encounters many challenges in his life and he tries everything possible to have a new kind of life. The...

Miami-Dade Community Needs: Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Overview In Miami-Dade, people receive health care depending on their needs However, people with alcohol/drug addiction are underserved Many drug/alcohol-dependent persons live in Miami Campaigns to address their needs are required One campaign – discourage people from becoming addicts Another campaign – help those who are addicted Effectiveness of campaigns...

Nudity and Nakedness in Paintings

In his article, Danto suggests two opinions about nudity and nakedness. The first one is concerned with embarrassment – refinement opposition, and the second one focuses on the vulnerability and disgrace of nakedness as opposed to nudity’s serenity and beauty. Danto explains his first viewpoint on the divergence between the...

Music in the Movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”

Introduction: The Essential Details Movie title: The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Composer: Jon Brioni Music styles: Pop, soft rock (“Everybody’s Got to Learn Sometime”), psychedelic pop (“Light&Day”), art rock (“Mr. Blue Sky”), filmi songs (background music), trip-hop, electronic, indie (“A Dream upon Waking”). When the Music Is an...

Business Research and Practice: The Great Divide

Article “The Great Divide Between Business Research and Business Practice” by Dostaler and Tomberlin focused on exploring a unique problem: there is a significant gap between what is taught in business schools and what occurs in practice. While the vast majority of business school graduates possess a lot of knowledge...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Using One Thousand Dollars to Develop the Handball Team

Introduction One thousand dollars is not a lot of money for transforming my handball club team. However, this is a substantial amount that can be used accountably and wisely to make a difference in one day. Such an amount can be a supplemental budget that can see the team members...

How Coca-Cola Company Targets Its Audiences Through Media

The Coca-Cola Company is one of the leaders in producing beverages in the world. The Company has reached its brand name by the best quality of the products which are released in the markets. The modern world is impossible without advertising and the Coca-Cola Company uses the advantages of the...

Reaction to April 13th Rally for Quality Higher Education

Introduction The April 13th Rally for Quality Higher Education was organized and took place on April 13th, 2011. It was a part of Sac State Coalition from the University of California State, Sacramento. The rally was a form of a peaceful demonstration over several issues that are affecting their CSU...

Home Front of the United States during the Second World War

During the Second World War, the home front of the United States faced the number of challenges. Many poor people including Afro-Americans and Latino-Americans, as well as white people, could not bear the difficulties of war, and it caused the growth of aggression and racial tension among the population. While...

Value on Balance Sheet and Organizational Budget

Compounding In scenario 1 and 2, the future value is calculated using the following formula (Heyford, 2019): Future value = Present value (1 + Interest rate)Number of years compounded However, according to Heyford (2019), in scenario 3 and 4, the future value will be calculated as: Present value = Future...

Pros and Cons of Selective Attention and Multitasking

Introduction Selective attention and multitasking play a critical role in people’s daily lives. Divided attention is a technique of selecting certain stimuli to process while ignoring the perceived distracting parts. On the other hand, multitasking is the ability to perform more than one task at a given time. The technique...

Spirituality and Its Influence on Human Behavior

The Impact of Spirituality on Interactions with Clients Spiritual beliefs can influence a person’s cognitive assessment of negative life events. Religion and spirituality are critical aspects of all cultures, and social workers must incorporate spiritual diversity in practice (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2015, p. 354). Believing in a transcendent force often...

Adult Development and Social Theory: A Paradigmatic Reappraisal

The author of the above article is of the view that the study of adult behavior demands theoretical reformulations. Whenever a social scientist intends to understand human actions and the reasons for such actions, theories are always employed. However, theories must be interpreted to suit the existing environment because the...

Evidence-Based Practice to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Introduction Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is a Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) (Fernandez, Levine, & Restrepo, 2012). It is caused by bacterial infections that develop during mechanical ventilation using an endotracheal tube. VAP is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates (Rosenblatt, Reitzel, Jiang, Hachem, & Raad, 2014). The following is an...

AACN Professional Association Membership: It’s Time to Make a Difference!

Our Mission AACN is a professional nursing organization that strives for the well-being and excellent health of its patients. We understand how vulnerable people with health concerns are, and we make it our goal to provide reliable services of the highest quality. Our mission is to provide excellence because nothing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Scientific Method: The Risk of Contracting Diabetes

Introduction Scientists sought to experiment that drinking coffee may have a positive implication to blood sugar levels that may lead to diabetes. This procedure had to be carefully conducted to articulate positive results that could be verified through standard experimental procedures. In a research procedure, some experiments may only be...

The Height Values Obtained Through Statistical Research

Figure 1 below shows the screenshot of the values obtained through excel. The mean height is 68.9 and the standard deviation is 4.41. Compared to the mean height of the results, I am taller since my height is 72. Step 2 The participants for the study were selected through sampling....

Post-Slavery African-American Exploitation

The central theme of the paper is the oppressive laws adopted in the southern states after the abolition of slavery (PBS LearningMedia, 2019). Black freedoms continued to be oppressed, and the legal system was transformed in such a way as to preserve such a distribution between black and white populations...

Albert Einstein’s Declaration of Intention

Albert Einstein, the famous German physicist, filed a declaration of intention to become an American citizen in 1936, and the document is still preserved. Apart from Einstein’s names, the form contains several people, including Einstein’s wife, children, and the clerk of the U.S. District Court, George T. Cranmer. Similarly, numerous...

Relation of the Art and Design

In 1850, Wagner’s sayings led to controversy concerning Jewish music when he pronounced that Jewish music is unimportant, nonsense, and characterized by indifference. He wrote that the Jews had no passion to make him an individual who has the desire to undertake artistic creations. Moreover, Wagner did say that Jews...

Nutrition Diary and Self-Reflection

Throughout my diet diary, attention was drawn to three elements that were under-percentage in my diet. The shortfall was in the fiber department, which regularly missed a few grams to reach the Daily Standard. To an even greater extent, I did not receive sodium, which was consumed every day in...

Depression in the Elderly

Introduction Depression can be defined as a state of anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2011). It can affect people across all ages, who present with diverse signs and symptoms (Blatt, 2004). It has been shown that there are different types of depression, which require unique approaches with...

Personal and Political Pacifism

Personal pacifism as stated by Reitan refers “to that personal commitment to non violence, essentially not construed under the general obligation to abstain from violence and …not to express the belief that all persons ought to oppose violence under every circumstance indented to”. Going per the above definition it appears...

Older Adult Health Case: Assessment and Recommendations

Situation Mrs. Claudia Swanson is 69 years old. She has dementia of the vascular type; previously she was admitted to a hospital, where she spent over a year. Mrs. Claudia Swanson was put in the hospital after several attempts to maintain her while she was not able to stay in...

Emergency Preparedness Plan in Healthcare Facility

Disasters and emergencies are associated with the need for sufficient staffing in healthcare organizations or facilities. In the healthcare facility under discussion, a disaster response plan is developed according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. The plan for emergency preparedness is designed to include the policies for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Nature Philosophy in the “Rashomon” Thriller

If you are not selfish you cannot survive In the world today, people have changed unlike in the past during the days of our ancestors. According to the stories we hear, in the past people lived together in harmony and as one big family. In those days everyone was concerned...

Modes of International Trade Payment

Prepayment The importer pays for the goods before they are shipped for export. The supplier is fully protected from nonpayment for the goods as it gets done in advance. The importer is at a greater risk since the exporter may receive the payment, and either fails to deliver the goods...

How to Design a Personal Business Card?

Introduction To provide a proper demonstration, the presenter needs to provide a brief questionnaire to the target audience (Pearson et al. 259-268). The information collected will help the presenter understand the specific needs of the audience (Devito 35). Below is the questionnaire that I will present to my audience. Q1.Do...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at the Globe Theatre

The adaptation process becomes even less plausible when taking the play by none other than Shakespeare, whose inimitable artistic style makes his works both relatable and very difficult to shape to fit the modern discourse. However, the 2019 Globe Theatre staging of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” directed by Dale Neill...

Dual-Career Couple Policy in Organizations.

Introduction The organization recognizes, employs and supports dual-career couples, especially those who show commitment to the growth and success of the company. Definition: Dual career couples Dual-career couples refers to couples whose both parties are professionals and desire to work while they have family needs that require them to be...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Analysis

Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a collection of problem behaviors related with weak attention span. ADHD may include impulsive behavior, restlessness, inattention, hyperactivity and usually prevents them from learning a socializing in a normal manner. ADHD is considered to be a neurological disorder, and effects 5% of people...

Conservative and Liberal View Comparison

Introduction Conservatives and liberals are very different. Conservatives choose beliefs that are based on sayings others and stick to those beliefs; while liberals investigate several sources of information and develop a belief based on the most reliable evidence. Conservatives are confident in rightness of their belief, while liberals seek examination...

“The Red Wheelbarrow” by William Carols Williams

The poem’ the red wheelbarrow’ was written by William Carols Williams and is counted amongst the modern day literature. There can be numerous reasons for this but in order to understand them; it would require careful evaluation of the poem itself. The opening sentence itself begins with the use of...

People-Oriented Organization: Information Sharing

Introduction Information sharing is an important part of knowledge management in the company. Assessing the context of information sharing, it can be said that it is associated with personal attributes, as information sharing is “voluntary act of making information available to others, [where] sharer could pass information on, but does...

The Issue Of Abortion in the United States: Arguments For and Against

Introduction Abortion is one of the most debated issues in the modern United States. Liberals tend to view abortion in terms of privacy. For them, only the pregnant woman should decide if the fetus should be aborted; it is her body, after all. Moreover, liberals feel that if the pregnant...

Is Russia a Real Democracy?

Introduction To begin with, the point of characteristic features of Russia in its democratization process differs a bit from other post-communist countries. Western countries promote the complex of ways for such measures and do this with a “mixed success”. The reforms which were started by Gorbachev in 1985 gradually displayed...

Effective Situational Leadership Development

The line of action taken by a leader largely depends on a wide range of situational factors. This is because both transactional and transformational leadership do not fill the gaps in leadership especially when urgent decisions are needed. According to Changing Minds (2009), “Factors that affect situational leadership include motivation...

Financial Aspects of Sex Industry

Introduction Sex industry is a commercial enterprise where sales and purchases of sexual activities are done. It includes prostitution and pornography which are sold and paid for. Legalized and illegal sex work Illegal sex workers make a sizable proportion of the vulnerable population. They are treated as criminals in the...

Research Analysis: Trying On Different Lenses

Roger’s (2002) work is inclined towards an aim of understanding rather than changing the situation; thus, within the interpretive/critical continuum it can be precisely said it is “making sense of the way things are”. The research focuses on events being shaped up in the education life (that is, Vicky). The...

Sexual Abuse and Crisis Intervention Strategy

One of the psychological impacts that may be experienced by a young boy, such as Ryan, is a feeling of fear. Fear pervades the sexually abused children; in the course of the abuse, in the childhood aftermath of those who have been abused, and al through the remaining part of...

How the US of 1895 Differed From the One the Founding Fathers Envisioned?

Introduction When the Constitution of the United States of America came into force in 1789, the Founding Fathers had a specific plan in their minds to lead their country to its greatest. Unfortunately, certain difficulties, wrong decisions and their consequences in the following years made that impossible which will be...

Workplace Harassment in Canada

In recent years, more attention has been paid by researchers and people from various fields to the problem of harassment. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is common in many areas of human activity. It can occur at work, in educational and sports institutions, in shops, and in other places. This issue also...

Aspects of Child Adoption

Introduction Whenever a child is required to be adopted, letters of recommendation are sought from people who are known to the applicant. The recommendation letter justifies why the applicant is a fit case for adopting a child and why he or she will prove to be a good parent. The...

The Level of HIV & AIDS in African Countries

Opening statement: HIV/AIDS spread in African countries is much higher than in other developing countries in the world, however, the number of infected people can be reduced. Background to the study: HIV/AIDS has become one of the most urgent problems in the whole world. Considering the statistical information, about 350,000...

Managing Health Services: Concepts and Practice by Mary Harris

In her book Managing Health Services, Mary Harris discusses a variety of questions that are related to the management of medical institutions. The author addresses such questions as the improvement of organizational performance, the application of quality control methods and risk management strategies. By providing various examples, the author succeeds...

“Gone Baby Gone” by Ben Affleck

The movie “Gone Baby Gone” is an example of the moral dilemma of doing right things for right reasons. At the end of the movie, the main character, a detective Patrick Kenzie, has to answer the question what is morally right and what is good. This question can be analyzed...

Business Idea for Eco-Delivery Service

Currently, global society experiences a significant rise in environmental concerns. Surveys demonstrate that up to 77% percent are concerned with the damage human activity deals to the Earth (Lampert, 2020). Many people in the US and abroad care about how the products they consume affect the environment during production and...

Kant and Hume. The Western Tradition

David Hume, an empiricist within the British tradition, who nurtured his philosophy within John Locke’s tenets of empiricism, embarked on his philosophical thinking with a severe perspective of empiricism. According to him, when we exercise our mental faculties in thinking, we acquire ideas which essentially are experientially generated. By seeing,...

Off-Work Behavior of Employees and Company Policies

An employer can dismiss a member of staff based on gross misconduct while off-duty. Many employees have a misconception that their off-work actions do not concern their bosses. However, HR Insider (2020) underscores that the off-duty conduct of staff that hurt an employer’s standing, minimize an employee’s capacity to work...

The Mysteries of the Egyptian Pyramids

One of the major attractions of the modern world is the ancient Egyptian pyramids. These structures are considered truly unique because they provoke a paradox in the mind when comprehending their scale in relation to time. In ancient Egypt lived, excellent astronomers, to determine the exact time of sowing, very...

The Tennessee Tornadoes of 2021

Introduction There is minimal scientific evidence about how tornadoes occur exactly. This weather phenomenon has been documented widely, but the violent nature of its occurrence proves a significant limitation to the ability of scientists to collect conclusive data pertinent to establishing the exact causes. A tornado is a column of...

Starbucks’ Growth Prospects and its Current Challenges

Starbucks is the biggest coffee outlet in the world. The company was founded by Gordon Bowker, Zev Siegel, and Jerry Baldwin. Later on, Howard Schultz joined the company, and he took charge of the company’s marketing department. Under his leadership, Starbucks became the largest coffee retail outlet globally. Since 1987,...

The Human Resource Development Job Duties

Overview A meaningful way to retain employees is through professional development within the organization. Development is achieved through education, training programs, and the implementation of new motivation and competency systems. The KSAO (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics) of the employee development officer primarily focuses on managing the team’s potential,...

Drug Abuse During Pregnancy: Policy Options

Introduction The consequences of drug use on the well-being of pregnant women and their unborn babies is a social problem, as experts in this sector are committed to promoting maternal and newborn health. One method of giving pregnant women financial support so they may receive rehabilitation treatments that reduce the...

Patient Healthcare: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Introduction The healthcare system is concerned with the duties of providing the people with treatment, prevention measures, and overall management of health. This is ensured through professional service providers like nurses and physicians. These services require adequate financing and must be performed based on already set policies and standards that...

Teaching Statements and Beliefs

Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, teach others to teach… or do they? The idea that those people who cannot teach, teach others to teach is rather provocative, and it is based on following the balance between theory and practice, passive discussions, and real actions. This balance...

Credit Card Debt as a Natural Phenomena

Credit card debt is a phenomenon that is characteristic of the U.S. economy and banking system because the U.S. households prefer using credit cards and regularly report credit card debts. In this context, it is important to examine what factors can influence the increases in borrowings and accumulations of debts....

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Project Barriers

A concept map is a graphical tool for the organization and presentation of information, which helps to present the relationship between the event and different factors and to display the interaction of several elements vividly (Anderson, Day, & Vandenberg, 2011). In this paper, the concept map reflects the factors that...

Public Health Nursing Discussion

Essential Components of Public Health Nursing Public health nursing (PHN) is concerned with ten essential components that guide professionals’ practice. As defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), the components of public health nursing are the following: Monitoring the population’s health condition for problem identification; Diagnosing and...

European Americans and Jewish Heritage

A Brief History of the Cultural Group Offering Europeans to Immigrate The immigration of colonials Undergoing examinations on the Ellis Island The second wave of immigration (Shi & Tindall, 2016) The migration of East-European peoples Populating the East-Coast American territories A Brief History of the Socio-Cultural Group Inhabiting the USA...

Florida Legislative Matrix and Representatives

District State Governor: Rick Scott Rick Scott is the 45th Governor of Florida. The primary focus of his activities is job creation and improvement of the state economy (“Meet Governor Scott,” n.d.). Governor is interested in improving health care as well. As an entrepreneur, he specialized in healthcare transactions aimed...

Reason and Revelation: Mendelssohn vs. Ascher

Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) combined the notions of rationalism and revelation. This approach underlined the distinctness of Judaism as a religion as well as emphasized the belief that the Jewish population was the people chosen by God. Thus, while the idea of revelation has no supernatural background, it involves a prescription...

Zero-One (0-1) Integer Model

Summary Zero-one (0-1) integer linear programming represents a mathematical method that uses a set of binary answers (yeas and no) to solve with two mutually exclusive options (Anderson et al., 2016). The method has a wide application in different areas of life, ranging from the world of finance to everyday...

Parental Refusal of Medical Treatment for Children

Parents refusing medical treatment for children the tendency towards the increased level of refusals deterioration of the healthcare sector image poor quality of suggested services the unreasonably high price of treatment nurses inability to meet diverse demands cultural and religious issues Today, we could observe the tendency towards the increased...

Professionalism and Accountability in the Nursing

The delivery of nursing care and service is essentially guided by principles of nursing professionalism. An essential role in the nursing profession relates to the autonomous practices that relate to self-direction in nursing care with emphasis on a system of professional functioning. Nurses need to imbibe leadership skills in view...

Financial Ratio Analysis of the Restaurant

Introduction This report on financial ratio analysis is aimed at measuring the general performance of the restaurant. The ratios would help users to get an in- depth understanding of the restaurant’s profitability, financial stability and efficiency with which it is utilizing its assets to generate sales revenue. For the management,...

“The Confusion of Tongues” by William G. Bellshaw: Article Critique

Critique The purpose of this article is to trace whether the gift of tongues is still present today and to understand if the Holy Spirit has really bestowed this gift upon some people nowadays. In order to examine the view of the Bible on this problem, the author presents a...

Full Labor Market Equilibrium Characteristics

Introduction The labor market is constantly moving. As in every other market, the constant interaction of demand and supply influences the determining of various factors like the employment rate, the minimum wage, the wages according to categories, etc. Modern economy In the modern type economy there exist certain pillars on...

Preaching Acceptance of Santeria in Modern Society

Introduction Santeria is regarded as the syncretic religion of the Caribbean origin. Originally, it is formed on the biblical legends and oral legends of the Africans. All the santerians are officially regarded as Catholics, and the participation in Catholic church is the obligatory condition for joining santerian sect. As for...

The Difference in Consideration by Men and Women

Introduction Men and women are different, and it deals not only with the physical differences but also with the behavior, perception of the world, and convictions that are not easy to understand and to change. Men have their consideration about this or that fact, which usually differs from women’s one,...

Hawaiian Dance: Hula Dance Styles

Introduction Hula is the Hawaiian dance type that is accompanied by a chant or a song as the other best alternative. The Polynesians developed this form of dance in the Hawaiian Islands when they settled there. The accompanying song is known as “mele” and Hula dance dramatizes it (Tater, 1993)....

The Uniqueness of American Culture

Intercultural differences sometimes make it extremely challenging to achieve mutual understanding. Despite the United States’ cultural influence on the world, some aspects of American culture and daily life turn out to be completely alien to those outside of the country. There are multiple things unique to the United States, including...

Environmental Issues in Educational Institutions

Teaching and learning environments need to have various characteristics, which ensure that students and teachers are comfortable, safe and promote the acquisition of information. In many colleges and universities, there are always limitations that hinder the achievement of these characteristics. For instance, environmental improvements require a financial investment. Due to...

Risks and Origins of Criminal Behavior

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that criminal behavior, its risks and origins are regarded to be the psychological issues, the conflict of nature and nurture, which often contradict the most essential principles of life and living. Discussion In the light of the fact that the main origin...