Ethics and Technology: Bots in Social Media

An important part of ethical problems is the the proliferation of bots on the Internet. Their activity reduces the level of security when communicating on social networks; the credibility of the media and public speakers loses importance. The consequences of the work of bots contributed to the development of programs...

The Urban Development Impact on the Environment

Urban development refers to a term used to describe the capability of the city’s developed infrastructure and services. For instance, it resulted in advancements in culture and the sciences, expected to rise with growing urbanization. Cultures integrate more easily the closer people are to one another and the more they...

Recruitment Strategies in Hotel Industry: A Comparative Study

The travel and accommodation sector is one of the largest in the world economy, employing millions of people each year. After years of remarkable industry growth, the Covid-19 pandemic introduced numerous challenges, which are currently being addressed to allow the hospitality industry to rise again. Thus, high levels of retention,...

STEM to STEAM and STEM IT (iSTEM) Transition

Introduction STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has been a primary focus in many educational institutions for decades. The recent integration of information technology (IT) into STEM education, known as STEM IT, has transformed the way students learn and the way teachers educate. Furthermore, the addition of the arts to...

Antibiotics: The Biggest Medical Discovery of the Twentieth Century

The twentieth century was an era of discoveries in many scientific and technical fields that turned the world upside down. For a hundred years, scientific and technological progress has reached such heights that people who lived at the beginning of the century could not even imagine. Spaceflight, the Internet, civil...

Voter Suppression in the United States: Annotated Bibliography

Duignan, B. (2021). Voter suppression. Britannica. Web. This article is devoted to voter suppression in US history and politics. In this work, the author reveals the manifestations, causes, and ways to deal with this problem since the end of Reconstruction and up to the present. Particular attention is paid to...

Risk Factors of Neurological Conditions

Neurological conditions are one of the most common causes of deaths. Addressing this problem begins with identifying risk factors for these conditions. Hypertension and diabetes are the main comorbidities, aggravated by alcohol consumption, smoking and being overweight. Understanding the risk factors allows the medical professionals to assess the patient’s health...

Fake News and the Future of Journalism

The perception of the present false news that revolves around the area of journalism is created by the persuasive language used in communication. This concept is expressed by several individuals in various ways, which helps the audience absorb the information. Each strategy for journalism must persuade the audience and keep...

Ancient History: Bastet Goddess

Bastet Goddess: Introduction Having been the subject of a major cult following in 2890 BC, i.e., the era of the Second Dynasty in Ancient Egypt, Bastet remains one of the most famous Egyptian goddesses. The name of the goddess may vary; she is often called Bast, Bastet, Beast and Ubaste...

The Progressive Era History

The term ‘Progressive era’ in American history refers to a wide range of reforms in the country’s social, political, economic and moral aspects between 1890s and 1920s. During this period, the American society experienced a number of reforms in its economic productivity, science and technology, gender roles, roles of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Belo Monte Dam Project Environmental Controversies

Introduction In the city of Para in Brazil where the third largest dam in the world is to be built has run into legal controversies for years now. The Belo Monte dam project was proposed back in 1975 at an estimated cost of US$18.5 billion. The dam lies in the...

Housing for Disabled People: Needs Assessment

Housing for people with disabilities is still one of the unresolved issues in many developed countries including the USA. The US government has come up with some programs to assist non-elderly disabled people and their families. However, this effort is insufficient. More so, some programs do not meet their goals...

Advocacy and Nurse-Patient Ratios

Introduction Healthcare system in the US has many flaws that require legislative change. Nurses, being the primary and most numerous practitioners of medicine, are intimately aware of the problems that get in the way of proper healthcare. This is why nurses are urged to share their experience and step into...

Domestic Violence and Abuse Countermeasures

Domestic violence has always been an ongoing issue in human society. Relationships within family units are complex, and people might have numerous motivations for using physical power to affect their family members. This problem was disregarded for years and even centuries; however, due to the unique features of modern society...

The Tempest Play at Savage Rose Classical Theater

Introduction The Tempest is one of the many plays written in the 17th century by William Shakespeare – one of the most famous English writers and playwrights of all time. The Tempest is a story of magic, revenge, political trickery, intimidation, and arranged marriages to secure a position of power....

Genomics, Genetics, and Nursing Involvement

Differences between Genomics and Genetics The terms genomics and genetics refer to the study of genetic material. In many cases, the words are erroneously used interchangeably. However, they have distinct meanings. Genomics refers to the study of the genetic material that makes up an organism’s genome in its entirety. The...

University of Prince Edward Island and Its Vision

Articulating a vision of abundance includes five core elements. They are focus on positive deviance; include a left-and right-brain image; make the vision interesting; ensure source credibility, and attach the vision to a symbol (Whetton and Cameron 558). The following paper will consider these elements for the University of Prince...

The Relationship Between Depression and Self-Esteem

Research Topic The topic which is proposed to be studied is the relationship between depression and self-esteem. In this case, self-esteem can be defined as “individual’s subjective evaluation of his or her worth as a person”; it does not necessarily describe one’s real talents, and high self-esteem does not mean...

“Christian Anti-Semitism” Article by Pawlikowski

Summary of the Source The article “Christian Anti-Semitism: Past History, Present Challenges: Reflections in Light of Mel Gibson’s the Passion of the Christ” by Pawlikowski focuses on the problem of anti-Semitism among Christians in modern society (2). The biblical account, especially in the New Testament, explains the birth, activities, and...

Environmental Influences of Domestic Violence and Potential Interventions

Introduction Topic Research Question: What are the potentials drivers for the increasing rates of domestic violence, and how can different social and healthcare institutions intervene to minimize the consequences and impact of this issue? Working Thesis: Apart from the fact that domestic violence is one of the most common social...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Taboos in James Joyce’s “The Boarding House”

James Joyce’s “The Boarding House” is a short story published in 1914 that focuses on the life of Mrs. Mooney, a butcher’s daughter. After divorcing her husband because of his alcoholism, Mrs. Mooney sets up a boarding house, where her daughter engages in a premarital relationship with one of the...

Interpretation of Symbols in “Young Goodman Brown” a Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction “Young Goodman Brown” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne depicting the eternal battle between good and evil. It is a tale of a young man walking through a gloomy forest with an elderly companion to perform a wicked deed. Throughout the journey, the main character, Goodman Brown, doubts...

Palliative Nursing Care and Health Informatics

The challenges in the future of health care as they relate to the concerns and needs of the elderly The elderly population of the US (or any other country) is specifically intending to be especially dependent on healthcare. The elderly people experience the so-called age-related health problems, many of which...

Addiction Among Nurses: Professional and Personal Experience of Nurses

Overview Despite the common delusion that addiction to substances is more typical of marginal or minority population groups, drug and alcohol abuse can be encountered across all social strata, generations, ethnicities, and cultures. The nursing profession is not an exception to this rule. Addiction among nurses is a pressing issue,...

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Project Change

Cases of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) in the clinical environment are an acute public health problem because they not only complicate the treatment process but also create a negative reputation for medical institutions. To minimize this threat, a special plan needs to be thought out based on the available information regarding...

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Pros & Cons

Introduction Rapidly advancing artificial intelligence technologies are gradually changing health care practices and bring a paradigm shift to the medical system. While increasing the availability of data and enhancing analytics techniques, they facilitate practices that were previously considered to be an area only for human experts. Although there are several...

Y Health and Wellness Studio: Technology Plan, Management, and Social Responsibility

Technology Plan Technology in Use Y Health and Wellness Studio business has integrated software and hardware technological devices to support its service delivery to its clients, who are young children. The hardware components include mobile phones, tablets, and computers with physical exercise apps installed in them. The company has also...

Physician-Assisted Suicide: Arguments Against

Introduction In modern healthcare, there are many practices that polarize society, and physician-assisted suicide is one of them. Since the practice involves what many associate with an act of killing, the universal legalization of PAS has implications for medical ethics. Judging from modern researchers’ works, PAS is considered as an...

The Consideration of Health Problems Among Older Adults

The consideration of health problems among older adults is an urgent and essential task of modern medicine. Particular attention should be paid to such common ailments as hypertension, diabetes, and other dangerous diseases. The number of patients suffering from these illnesses is significant, and the issue is aggravated by the...

Johari’s Window – Model Definition

Introduction This model was developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 to describe human interaction. It tries to define personal awareness in a quadrants manner. It has four quadrants which each illustrate a different view of personality in terms of communication and relationships. Each window represents a kind...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Stephen King On Why We Crave Horror Movies” Analysis

It has often been said that “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”. A term that often refers to man’s fear of the dark due to not being able to see what lies ahead. This is perhaps also the reason why we, as intelligent beings, enjoy watching a good...

‘Globalist’ Theories of Economic Change

Introduction Globalization influence economic system of the world and stipulates economic and trade relations between countries. From globalists’ positive perspective, globalization improves conditions of life, facilitates trade relations and cooperation. Globalization allows greater choice of consume products, better quality and technology transfer. For the third world countries, positive effects of...

Peak Oil and Texas’ Energy Future

Introduction The concept of peak oil refers to situations regarding the reserves of oil in the world is limited and being gradually being depleted due to excessive use. Ultimately a situation would come when such reserves would start to run out and the production of oil will start showing a...

Global Supply Chain in a Time of Economic Crisis

This paper is a critique of the article about “Managing the global supply chain in a time of economic crisis” by Paul Laudicina who happens to be a senior principal with the global consulting firm, AT Kearney. The article is his keynote address at a meeting of global business leaders...

What Is Beauty: Discussion

Is there a clear definition of beauty? Are there standards that define the limits of beauty? Are there entities that can be taken to be universal beauties? These are among the questions to be asked when trying to elucidate what beauty is. Trying to answer these questions will always give...

Smirnoff Product Life Cycle on the Market

Diageo is a company that produces alcoholic beverages. It is operational in numerous countries across the world especially the US, Australia, Italy and India. It is recognized for its alcoholic beverages especially Guinness and Smirnoff. The company is successful as evident in its listings in the stock exchange especially in...

The History of Gilded Age

The Gilded Age was a period in U.S history that occurred in the late 19th century around 1870-1889. This period was characterized by the second Industrial Revolution and the post-reconstruction effects of increased agricultural activities. Consequently, this period witnessed a massive growth in the U.S economy whose outcome was an...

Behavior Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Introduction The purpose of the article is to expound on the interfering behaviors in persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), formulate an approach for preventing and lessening interfering behaviors, and present a range of evidence-based applications that can be used to tackle interfering behaviors in children and youth with ASD....

Beauty Pageants: Importance and Benefits

Beauty pageants are contests that have been held in almost all the countries of the world for a long time, where participants demonstrate their talents and, first of all, beauty. Their popularity can be explained by the fact that these pageants entertain viewers who cheer for their compatriots. Besides, such...

Collaboration and Leadership Reflection in Nursing

Interprofessional collaboration implies the engagement of several healthcare experts with different backgrounds and specializations to work with patients and their families to enhance the quality of their treatment. The current video describes my experience of such collaboration. Apart from that, the video presents suggestions on how to improve the quality...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lobbying Activities: The Florida Legislative Fellowship Experience

Lobbying refers to the activity of individuals, as well as groups of citizens, aimed at establishing partnerships with officials and deputies of legislative bodies to change a community. Activists and legislators work together on the implementation of political and administrative decisions that contribute to the well-being of people living in...

Globalization and Competition: The USA, Western Europe, Japan

The leading tendency of globalization is its presence even in those countries where other trends of the current world economy are weakly and hardly noticeable. According to Martin et al. (2018), “it is a complex admixture of different, though interrelated, historically evolving developments and transformations—economic, technological, cultural and social” (p....

Kant’s Ideas About Enlightenment

Kant’s ideas about enlightenment and its impact on the human mind are essential views. The philosopher’s thoughts on this topic are clearly expressed in his essay “What is Enlightment?” where the author tells about his view of how exactly the human mind is transformed under the influence of progressive thinking...

The American System, Transportation, and Communication

In the first half of the 19th century, the predominantly agricultural economy of the USA, the usual way of life,and the mentality of the traditional society were eroded under the influence of industrial revolution. The development of the economy and social sphere was determined by its deployment, as well as...

The Impact of Motivation on Employees

Introduction According to Chris Mittelstaedt, employee empowerment and collaborative teamwork are important elements to be considered when starting a company. His entrepreneurial path follows the need for change in his career life or business. His past professional background was instrumental when he began his company since he wished to treat...

Electronic Health Record Analysis

Introduction The Electronic Medical Record is currently used in hospitals due to an overflow of increased levels of data in the healthcare institution. The record upholds the relevant data that facilitates an effective health care delivery by the nurse practitioners. This technology has the capacity of generating a complete record...

A High-Protein Diet: A Monosaccharide

A monosaccharide is an organic compound, which belongs to one of the main groups of carbohydrates. It is the simplest form of sugar; monosaccharide is usually colorless, water-soluble, and transparent solids. Monosaccharides are divided into three groups, which include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Along with fructose, glucose can be found...

Development of Meaning: Social Science Value

Like any other science, social science has led to discovering new ideologies and evidence through a continued exploration of hypothetical perceptions. Stuart Firestein (2013) in “The Pursuit of Ignorance” argued that science traces its evidence from the unknown and that the acknowledgment of what data fails to solidify fuels scientific...

Free Association and Restrictive Professional Standards

One of the rights granted by the Constitution of the USA is the right to free association between individuals and groups (Batchis, 2012). Even though this right is stated to be technically absent in the Constitution, it is legally protected by the First Amendment. This was confirmed in several Supreme...

Evidence-Based Practice Paper of Oral Care

Oral care is a significant component in a set of nursing care activities provided for critically ill ventilator patients, and it needs to be discussed in detail because the provision of effective oral care influences the comfort of patients and their mucosal status. In spite of a range of approaches...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Researching Religion in America

Religion in the United States of America is misplaced. Its position in the public realm is among the many prickly issues analyzed in religion, in America, including in government programs. Contributors and researchers find diversified conclusions about the private, religious lives of Americans and their personal attitudes on the social...

Health Systems and Working Together for Global Health

Introduction A health care system is an arrangement in which stakeholders come together to mobilize resources to improve health. It involves quality service delivery by an effective and sufficient workforce. This can only be realized through effective funding, planning, and fair distribution of health care resources (Basu, et al., 2012)....

Women Coming Home: Long‐Term Patterns of Recidivism

Problem in the corrections system addressed in the research According to different studies, most women released from prison tend to fail parole and recidivate more quickly during the follow up period. Most women who succumb to recidivism are those with less schooling, dependant on drugs or possess far-reaching criminal histories....

Statistical Work in Manager Practice

The work of a statistician is closely connected with possible risks of sampling error; therefore, it is always important to approach the study of statistical data wholly and objectively. Thanks to the theory, which includes several analytical tools of sample assessment, specialists can check whether the data obtained during the...

Junk Food and Children’s Obesity

The consumption of junk food has expanded at a rapid pace during the past half century and the consequence of convenience has been the rapid expansion of the nation’s collective waistline. Junk foods dominate the grocery store aisles, are served every day in school lunchrooms and, in the form of...

Christian Apologetics of the Second Century

Christian apologetics refers to the defense of faith against spreading of spiritual falsehood. These individuals guard religious values and morals, as evidenced during the second century (101-200AD). Everett Ferguson identifies Adam as a representative and guard of God’s practices in the Garden of Eden (Ferguson and George 2016). The serpent...

Pediatric Assessment: Children’s Developmental Stage

Introduction Despite the development of new high-tech diagnosis methods, physical examination remains one of the central procedures that help to understand the overall health condition of the patient. The general principles of physical examinations are similar for all age groups; however, there are numerous nuances that a healthcare professional should...

School Violence: Causes and Mitigation Measures

School or campus violence in the United States is rising to a level that requires homeland security. In recent years, K-12 schools, such as Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas, and higher education institutions, such as Virginia Tech were among them. This paper explores the causes for the growing...

Communicating at Work: Advice for Effective Communication

Effective communication is critical to not only personal career success but also for any employee and manager in an organization for a variety of reasons. Communication skills, particularly the ability to work effectively in a team setting, are the most important factors that enable individuals to excel in their job...

Importance Healthcare Reforms and for Governments

With the adoption of healthcare reforms in the United States followed by the implementation of the bill on health reforms passed in 2010 as from 2014, all uninsured people are required to pay health insurance coverage. They are to do this either individually or through a plan arrived at with...

Complex Regional Pain Disorder

Introduction A 43-year-old male with a 4-year history of various symptoms is diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). CRPS is a neuropathic disorder characterized by chronic pain that commonly occurs after an injury and usually affects only one limb of the body. Although medical experts are not entirely certain...

Survey on Opioid Crisis in Anytown

Summary A survey is a valuable research instrument allowing for the in-depth examination of different problematic situations, conditions, or topics of interest by querying a specific group of people and analyzing the gathered data. In this regard, surveys help scholars or organizations to raise discussions about disturbing issues, reveal solutions,...

The Correlational Statistic: Pearson’s Coefficient

Introduction The Pearson’s correlation coefficient r is a statistic that shows the degree to which the values of two variables x and y are in the linear correlation; r takes values from -1 to 1, with r = 1 when the correlation can be described with the linear function (y...

The Importance of Including the Effect Size Into Study Reports

Introduction Effect size is an important statistic that reflects the strength/magnitude of a relationship between two variables. This paper uses the article by Mancuso (2010) as an example to show that effect sizes should be reported in studies because they allow for assessing the practical importance of the attained results,...

Ferdinand and Miranda in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” in Terms of Postcolonial Theory

Shakespeare’s last plays belong to the genre of tragicomedy – plays devoid of genuine tragedy, which, while slightly disturbing for the audience, were still mainly intended to entertain them by delivering a sharp and entertaining experience. Nevertheless, Shakespeare brings an exceptional tone to them, switching them into the fairy tale...

Healthcare Provision and Role of Culture

Multicultural Communication Multicultural communication refers to the interaction of people from different cultures (Zimmermann, 2017). Its origin can be traced back to the civilization era when people who were confined within particular regions started to explore other parts as they travel and conduct trade activities. Culture, Ethnicity, and Acculturation Culture...

Agent Technology Based Modelization Systems for Healthcare

Bid evaluation is the process of analyzing the bids submitted by a different organization by examining the validity of each bid and comparing them against each other to enable the responsible organization to choose the best offer to help the organization meet its goals. Bid evaluation is a crucial aspect...

Legal Process of Divorce as an Elaborate Legal Process

Introduction Divorce is a common legal phenomenon in the US and it depends on the couple’s socio-economic situation. Typically, childless short-term marriages result in a less complex time-consuming divorce than long-term marriages with weighty property entanglements, marital debts and kids below the consent age. Divorcing couples who negotiate the terms...

Income Inequality: A Historical Review

The problem of income inequality is of high social importance: it negatively affects the country’s economy and society. The United States has the highest income inequality among industrialized nations (Bor, Cohen, and Galea 1478). Measured for all households, US income distribution is comparable to that of other countries before taxes,...

Aspects of the Sociological Imagination

A certain action is interpreted by different people depending on their reasons and the universal perception. The sociological imagination in this sense prompts an individual to think critically and differently about the particular individual and universal perspectives and be able to discern the thought behind particular actions and perceptions. Therefore,...

Schizophrenia: Myths, Causes, and Impacts

Purpose statement: to educate my audience the myths, causes, and impacts of schizophrenia How our societies treat people with psychological disorders amongst us is a cause of worry. In the Bible teachings, the Bible specifies that we should all love each other and treat others with just. As most of...

The Cabuliwallah vs. Mini’s Father in Tagor’s Story

There are similarities and differences between the Cabuliwallah and Mini’s Father. The Cabuliwallah is from Afghanistan, while Mini’s father is from Calcutta in India. The Cabuliwallah has traveled from his country to Calcutta, India, to make a living by selling fruits, specifically grapes. He walks from door to door selling...

Miles Davis and Steve Reich: Geniuses of Experiments and Creativity

Miles Davis and Steve Reich are two significant and influential figures in music history. The innovative approaches they used in their works defined the direction of music development and inspired many followers. Although their music belongs to different genres, they are connected in their constant search for a new sounding...

Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

Individuals devote a lot of time to their screens, thanks to social media and smartphones. There is no denying that smartphones and social media may harm people’s mental health. Smartphone addiction is inextricably linked to poor mental health since many adolescents addicted to their phones are also addicted to social...

Moral Catastrophe in “Les Misérables”

Introduction The moral concept of Les Miserables corresponds to Hugo’s view of life as a continuous alternation of light and darkness. Hugo raises the theme of crime as one of the terrible vices faced by the characters. Is it possible to justify a crime that is entirely in the throes...

COVID-19: Influence on Labor Demand and Supply

Introduction World history has seen devastating global pandemics, which have drastically changed the situation in the economy. In this regard, it might be interesting to compare the impact caused by the current COVID-19 with the consequences of the earlier pandemics. Mankiw (2020) mentions the case of the Black Death, the...

Criminal Profiling: Pros and Cons

Criminal profiling is the process of forming a psychological “portrait” of the offender based on the available information about the crime, such as the location, the identity of the victim, and other various features. The criminal’s identity is manifested in the peculiarities of their behavior, and the profiling process is...

Flywheel and Doom Loop Principles in Criminal Justice Organizations

The development process of any organization, both commercial and public, depends on management and the correct allocation of resources. However, contrary to popular belief, such breakthroughs do not happen overnight. Although from the outside, such changes may look like a revolution, from the inside, this process is carried out step-by-step,...

The Interactions Between Cultures of Early North America

The following discussion post will examine the interactions between indigenous, colonial, religious, and commercial cultures of Early North America. Firstly, it might be reasonable to begin the discussion with an analysis of the relationship between indigenous cultures. The example of Tisquantum, who guided the Pilgrims on diplomatic missions (1620-1622), demonstrates...

Tesla Motors Incorporation’s Performance Analysis

Introduction Tesla motor is a firm that deals with advancing, manufacturing, and selling the technology of definitive electric automotive and power train components. The company was founded in Silicon Valley in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning to create electric cars. It was the first firm to commercially produce...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Brazil’s Aspirations to Join the World Trade Organization

The purpose of the World Trade Organization is to help each member state promote free-market relations and attain a better level of economic development. Historically, Brazil’s aspirations to join the WTO faced a certain resistance on behalf of the country’s left-wing politicians who feared that the membership would destroy the...

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism – Similar or Not?

The question of the relationship between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism is one of the most sensitive aspects of interreligious relations in modern society. Many claim that these religions are very similar, if not almost identical, in their nature, as all three worship the same deity disguised under different names. True,...

The Lenovo Firm’s Supply Chain Management

It goes without saying that high-quality customer service plays an immeasurably important role in the company’s stable growth and development. In the present day, Lenovo manages one of the largest and highly complex global supply chain networks with more than 30 manufacturing sites and 2,000 suppliers across the globe aiming...

Women’s Reasons for Seeking Abortions

Introduction The recent overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision has caused an end to the right to abortion in the U.S. It gives rise to discussions of whether individual pregnancy termination decisions are made for serious reasons or just as a consequence of careless attitudes to contraception. This cause-effect...

Analysis of Arguments for God’s Existence

There are different approaches in philosophy that discuss the existence of God from all viewpoints. Some intend to prove that God exists, whereas other concepts support the idea of his non-existence. The third ones suggest the idea of agnosticism, claiming that it is not possible to prove the existence or...

Parental Divorce’s Negative Impact on Children

Introduction This study analyze the developmental trend of a child in a family divorce. The primary research methodology will be a survey of existing cases, and an analysis of experiments that have been carried out earlier to confirm specific theories. The main limitation in the course of research is the...

Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Introduction At the adolescence level in human growth and development, behaviors begin ensuing and may define a person’s life for a long. Unhealthy traits such as addiction to substance use are rampant in society and have posed challenges to public health. When addicted to alcohol and drugs, a person’s physical...

Business Needs in the Healthcare Sector

Introduction Business needs are what resources or methods organizations require to reach their business goal. When business needs are identified, then clear problem statements can be derived. Thus, proper goals and objectives for business can be set. This paper will define business needs and problems in healthcare, specifically focusing on...

Virtual Exhibition: Medieval Art

Initial E from a Municipal Law Book This painting aims to educate Christians about the final judgment, keeping them mindful of their actions on the Earth. The image’s relevance originates from its element of conveying a visual message of justice, punishment, and accountability, as well as demonstrating the relationship between...

Frederick Douglass’s Narrative – Legacy of Resilience

Introduction The “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” calls readers on a heart-wrenching journey through the life of Frederick Douglass. This memoir is about Douglass’s years in slavery and his resolution to escape freedom. It was published in 1845 and played a significant role in winning the minds and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Apix Company Finance Report Analysis

Capital structure entails combining debt and equity in the specific promotion for the significance of raising finances necessary for investment purposes or company operations. The equity proportion of the capital structure may entail preferred stock, common equity, and retained earnings. Debt financing comprises both long-term and short-term debts, while common...

Stephen Crane’s “The Open Boat” Story Evaluation

The Open Boat is an 1897 novel based on four men in a life-threatening situation. Crane tells the story about four men, a captain, the oiler, the correspondent, and a cook, who survive after the ship they traveled on sank. Using a single lifeboat, the four men face nature’s harshness...

Alcohol Consumption Crisis and How to Combat It

Alcohol consumption is a widespread and often controversial in many countries, including the United States. Earl Rochester suggests a national system of licensing to combat this public health crisis in his proposal. In this essay, I will evaluate Rochester’s argument and discuss the extent to which I agree or disagree...

Sepsis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Currently, the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis remain largely unresolved. This is due to the lack of study of many aspects related to this diagnosis, as well as the ineffectiveness of the already existing methods of division used in hospitals. Lethality from sepsis varies between 20 and 80 percent, which...

QSEN Competencies for Healthcare Teamwork

Introduction The QSEN competencies are a collection of six essential abilities for every healthcare team. Patient-centered care, cooperation and collaboration, evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), safety, and informatics are some of them (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2012). Each competence has its own set of expectations for the...

Art’ and Money Relations

Since time immemorial, art has been the primary means of aesthetic expression and the indicator of the cultural development of society. While the cultural value of many artworks exceeds material dimensions, it is hard to imagine how the masterpieces would be preserved without being involved in commodity-money relations. Fine arts...

American Demographics of 1800s-1900s

Statistics indicate that the total population of the United States of America stood at 106,021,537 in 1920 (University of Virginia Library 1). Statistics indicate that quite a good number of people born outside the US composed the population of the time because of immigration from other countries. In fact, the...

Management and Business’ Information Systems Advantages

In the present-day world, nearly all business theorists seem to have agreed upon the fact that the right use of information that the entrepreneur in question has at his/her disposal makes a pivoting point in the development of private entrepreneurship. However, the so-called informational systems need a very delicate treatment....

Early Language Development: Phonics Controversy

Introduction Language is certainly an important requirement for proper and healthy cognitive, social, and emotional growth and development of a child. This explains why our education system is designed in a manner that ensures that during formative years children are exposed to the more direct teaching of pragmatic knowledge, phonetics,...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Case Analysis

The purpose of this paper is to review the health status of my friend S. B. He is a 27-year-old man who has been experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for two years after his wife disappeared. At present, S. B. is a single parent taking care of his 5-year-old child....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mind, Consciousness and Body Relationship

The Topic The general topic we wish to research in more detail is the relationship between the body and the mind. Our study of this theme will be based on the assumption that the mind and the consciousness are generated by the body. On the other hand, we will also...

China’s Growing Role in Africa: Implications for US Policy

The article “China’s Growing Role in Africa: Implications for U.S. Policy” provides useful information on how China continues to use its hard- and soft-power strategies to expand its tentacles in the African continent. The article also illuminates the implications of China’s expansion for the United States policy, including what needs...

Whistle-Blowing and Organisational Well-Being

Frequently, to gain more organizational benefits, companies act in a way that could be potentially harmful to the society or some of its members and, in this way, could be considered unethical. When practicing this kind of behavior, organizations usually close information about their activities so it can be accessed...

Nursing Knowledge and Collecting Information

Introduction The use of theory within nursing practice organizes nursing knowledge and provides a methodical way of gathering information to exemplify, clarify, and envisage nursing practice by translating knowledge into practice (Smith & Parker, 2015). Theories also promote levelheaded and well-ordered practice by inspiring and validating presentiments (Smith & Parker,...

Emily Dickinson vs Walt Whitman: Poems Comparison

Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are often compared to each other. Why? Well, there are many similarities between Whitman and Dickinson, but the most important aspect is the attitude towards nature that makes them such important poets. So, how do both Dickinson and Whitman show they value nature in 324...

Economic Versus Accounting Profit

Introduction (CRM) is a company that provides business software to organizations based on the cloud computing platform. The revenue model is based on subscriptions. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in San Francisco, USA. It is a publicly-traded corporation. The chief executives of the company are...

Piaget and Kohlberg Views on Moral Development

Moral development is the development of an understanding of right and wrong in children in order to later apply this knowledge in situations with moral choices. It also covers the development of a strong and independent character, which, when faced with such a situation, will make the right moral choices,...

SASMF Company: Affinity Networks Implementation

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates (2018b) is a large law firm that was founded in 1948 in New York and currently advises “businesses, financial institutions and governmental entities around the world” (para. 1). Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates (2015) won multiple Financial...

Purchasing Extra Equipment for Business Expansion

Scenario The owner of a small printing company is considering the purchase of additional printing equipment to expand her business. If the owner expands the business and sales are high, projected profits (minus the cost of the equipment) should be $90,000; if sales are low, projected profits should be $40,000....

Columbus’s Letter on the First Voyage: Analysis

This essay is about Christopher Columbus’ letter in which he reports on his first voyage. Here, you’ll find “Letter from the New Land” summary and analysis. Introduction Christopher Columbus is arguably the world’s most renowned explorer. His discovery of the New World was of epic significance to the European nations....

Students’ Procrastination and Attentive Therapy

Procrastination Describe the research study/studies you would conduct to determine whether your treatment is efficacious. Make sure to explain why each part of your study is important. What can you conclude from these studies? Students were replacing high priority tasks or responsibilities with tasks that are of lower priority. To...

Competitive Rivalry: Google vs. Microsoft and Uber

Google and Microsoft are two major American companies that compete in a number of fields, some of which include online search engines and online advertising. In this paper, the question of whether Microsoft should continue competing with Google, which enjoys more success in these markets, will be discussed. Using the...

Social Psychology Research and Social Media

How can applied social psychology research influence awareness and develop responses to diversity? Applied social psychology research can influence awareness of diversity because, even to carry out a study on the topic, it is necessary to identify both loci of diversity and its marginal manifestations; such identification makes diversity explicit....

Chick-fil-A Fast-Food Network Brand Analysis

Introduction The analysis of this or that brand depends largely on consumer interest in specific products and clients’ satisfaction with the services provided. Based on customer demographic data, it is possible to analyze the Chick-fil-A fast-food network and compare some data to compile a relatively accurate picture of people’s preferences....

Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa Painting Analysis

Name of the painting: Mona Lisa Name of the artist: Leonardo da Vinci Dates created: 1504-1506 Mona Lisa Analysis: Essay Introduction Mona Lisa is one of the most prominent and recognizable paintings in the world and is considered the greatest masterpiece of its author, Leonardo da Vinci. Created in 1503,...

Fitbit Firm’s Integrated Marketing Communications

Introduction The three key communication channels used in marketing communication plans are digital marketing, TV or radio advertisements, and sales promotion. The present paper will aim to discuss the recommended use of these communication channels by Fitbit, which will help the company to become more profitable. Communications Channel 1: Digital...

Nurse’s Role in the Occupational Health Setting

The classic image of a nurse sitting in a hospital with a clipboard has already been put aside. Nowadays, nurses are engaged in healthcare promotion among all the spheres of life. They serve as a bridge for the dialogue between people and healthcare systems as they directly communicate with workers...

Kakinomoto Hitomaro’s Poems 29 and 30

Conveying the feelings of poets, their works reflect not only the life of the poets’ souls but the state of the culture at a certain period of time. Poems by Kakinomoto Hitomaro included in Man’yoshu implement all the main theoretical achievements of Japanese poetics of the seventh-eighth centuries and illuminate...

Fredrick Douglas as an Example of a Strong Man

Introduction The question of race and equal opportunities remain sensitive for generations provoking the desire to harm other people. For years, a viable solution to these avalanches of negative desires and emotions, where one racial or ethnic group wants to take control over the other, has remained elusive. However, historians...

“The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot

Introduction Majority of the modern poets are tend to express things with a negative tint, just differ from the traditional style of writing poetry. The modern poet T.S Eliot is notable for using the same and his great epic, ‘The Waste Land’ exemplifies it. The very opening line of the...

Human Development: Key Aspects

The ecological, psychoanalytic, and biological perspective of development The ecological perspective studies humans from an environmental standpoint, which includes social, emotional, and biological influences. They aim to explain how human interaction affects people in the setting they have been born and raised in. Spencer Rathus states that ecological systems theory...

Bone Tissue as a Biomimetics Development

A confident majority of people do not find a connection between objects of daily use, such as jacket clasps, air shafts in the house and camera lenses, and science. On the contrary, many people think that the everyday and scientific spheres of life are absolutely incompatible, but some of the...

Critical Evaluation of the Concept of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) can be defined as the “ability to understand, reason about, and use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance thought and action” (Ford & Tamir, 2012, p. 285). It is a complex notion which has become rather popular in many settings, including educational ones. Along with other forms...

Summaries of Three Articles About Lung Cancer

COVID-19 in patients with lung cancer The research centers around the study of 102 patients who suffered from both lung cancer and COVID-19 (Luo et al., 2020). The study sought to find the impact of cancer-directed treatments and the factors which determined severity and recovery. The study claims that COVID-19...

Distribution Chain in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry requires supply chain managers to ensure that the product is in proper condition and delivered on time. Medical supplies are considered perishable goods, so they require adequate packaging, storage, and careful handling (Abideen & Mohamad, 2019). Moreover, many pharmaceuticals have a relatively short expiration period, which should...

Synthetic Life Created by James Craig

In the current world, significant theoretical shift in the link between scientific exploration and ethics has taken place. The time difference between ethical consideration and parallel scientific inventions is slowly vanishing. This simply means that ethics has set up its own cadence. This change has been unfalteringly led to the...

Helicopter Experiment Assessment

This paper is a report of a paper helicopter experiment that was carried out in a group. The experiment involved designating a paper helicopter in varied designs and then dropping it severally while recording the flight time. The report starts by explaining the essence of having one person drop the...

Patient Education to Increase Competence

Patient Education Plan Purpose of Patient Education Patient education was developed to increase the spirit of self competence and confidence of the client (patient). This helps the client to be responsible and prepared for self management. Patient education is also a transition phase that ensures the client change from being...

A Windshield Survey of the Hammocks Community, Miami

Health Resources Although there is no evidence of a health department within the community, there are several public, proprietary and non-profit private hospitals that are easily accessible to the population of 51,003 as per the 2010 estimates (, 2013). These health institutions provide in-patient and mental health services to the...

Social Networks and Support for Human Health

It was indicated that a percentage of deaths among the people that are more involved in social networks is much lower than the rate of those who mostly prefer loneliness. The certain investigations were arranged in the late 1970’s, which were about identifying the overall influence of social networks and...

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SARS-CoV-2: Virus Overview

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The Army as a Profession of Arms

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Discussion: Public and Private Good

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Rent the Runway: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Future Growth

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Real Growth of US Gross Domestic Product

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Social Epidemiology in Action in Marginalized Communities

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Analysis of a Scene in the Film “Vertigo”

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The Accenture Firm’s Promotional Mix Analysis

Introduction Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is the strategy that takes your marketing department from disparate functions to one interconnected approach. IMC takes various marketing collateral and channels — from digital to social media, to PR, to direct mail — and merges them with one dependable message. Accenture is a global...

Advocacy and Communication in Healthcare

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Public Health Organizations in Charlotte, North Carolina

Introduction The socio-ecological model is essential for healthcare organizations to evaluate organizational objectives and adapt them. This model influences interpersonal, political, and social factors; some inequalities affect ethnic minorities, women, children, and challenged people (Brown, 2015). It is essential to examine healthcare services in Charlotte, North Carolina, using the socio-ecological...

Project Management and Its Major Aspects

Project management is acknowledged as the most efficient corporate instrument at present. Creating and developing a project from its inception to its realization is the process of project management. It is feasible to resolve complicated issues of an industrial, scientific, and social character by using such a management system. Several...

Megaprojects’ Role in Atlantic Canada’s Economy

Introduction Megaprojects can advance regional growth in Atlantic Canada and beyond. However, this is likely to be impacted by the boom-to-bust cycles. Although they need a large labor force for the initial phase, they only really need a small number of workers for the operation phase. Additionally, once the project...