470 Christianity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples

Are you looking for the most engaging topics in Christianity? You’re at the right place! StudyCorgi has created a list of important Christianity research paper topics and ideas suitable for discussion, debate, project, and other assignments. Read on to discover the most compelling Christian essay topics and examples!

🏆 Best Christian Topics to Write About

đź“š Catchy Christianity Essay Topics

  1. The Christian Worldview: Gospel Essentials Essay
    This essay is a benchmark assignment paper that gives an overview analytical summary of the Christian worldview. It also highlights some of the essentials of the philosophical framework.
  2. Decline of Christianity in Europe
    The paper discusses the reasons for the decline Christianity: technological progress and scientific development, mass atrocities of the 20th century, and the rise of secular values.
  3. Importance of the New Testament for Christianity
    Christianity is the world’s major religion with around 2 billion followers which central figure is Jesus Christ.
  4. The Foundation of Christianity: Greek, Jews, Roman, and Heathen Traits
    Historically, Christians lived in diverse cultural contexts. The Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Heathen ancient cultural traits influenced the development and spread of Christianity.
  5. Comparison Between Buddhism and Christianity
    This paper seeks to compare and contrast the two religions’ differences and similarities based on three key aspects such as Afterlife, Suffering, and Rituals.
  6. Afterlife in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
    A basic belief that varies from faith to faith is that there is life after death. This essay examines the idea of the afterlife from Judaism, Islam, and Christianity perspectives.
  7. Addiction Among Adolescents and Christianity View
    This research paper explained three widespread addictions among young people from a Christian perspective, relying on statistical data about each one.
  8. Steward Versus Servant Leadership in Christianity
    Leadership is critical for any organization to succeed. Steward leadership and servant leadership are similar and different in some aspects.
  9. Importance of Speaking in Tongues in Christianity
    In this paper, we will focus on the mystery of speaking in tongues, where it originated from and its significance especially to the Pentecostal Christian believers.
  10. The Kingdom of God in Christianity
    The Kingdom of God portrays the rightful society ruled by God, where each member dedicates to their moral and spiritual development, and the principle of virtue is dominant.
  11. Christianity in Rome During the 1st to 5th Centuries
    Christianity started as an apparently unknown sect of Judaism. It survived persecution to become an important part of the Roman Empire.
  12. “The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach”
    The book “The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach” seeks to explain counseling from a Christian perspective.
  13. “Christian Theology” by Millard J. Erickson
    In his book “Christian Theology”, Erikson critically examines the nature of Jesus Christ through a discussion of the most prominent theological trends and opinions.
  14. The Christian Worldview: Fundamental Elements
    The number of Christians has steadily been growing in the recent past. The article below focuses on the fundamental elements of the Christian worldview and their effects.
  15. The Local Church of Christians
    The local church refers to a group of Christians who often oversee and affirm each other’s membership in Christ and God’s kingdom.
  16. African Christianity vs. Western Rationalism
    African Christians are less concerned with rationality but are completely prepared to accept different manifestations of spirituality and the universe.
  17. Religion: Christianity vs. Islam
    Islam and Christianity became the predominant religions; questions about their relations have been an interest globally.
  18. The Uniqueness of Christianity in Comparison With Islam
    The most prevalent distinction is that Islam requires worshiping only Allah, while Christians believe in Christ, who is God and human.
  19. Sikhism and Christianity: A View on Life and Death
    The purpose of this essay is to discuss the relationship between the two religious movements to the purpose of human life and the phenomenon of the afterlife.
  20. Medical Indications vs. Christian Faith: The James’s Case
    This paper describes the issue of medical indications of James and the Christian views of his parents, its principles, and balance.
  21. The Concept of God in Christian, Islamic and Hindu Religions
    This paper proposes a comparison and juxtaposition of the concept of God in the Christian, Islamic and Hindu religions.
  22. Why a Christian Environment Appeals to Me
    The Christian environment is appealing to me because of its advocacy for brotherhood and love among humanity, there is no judgment from fellow true believers.
  23. Evangelism in Christians Analysis
    Evangelism is the endeavor of Christians to convert people who do not believe in Christianity or who belong to other religions to convert to Christianity.
  24. Christian Spirituality in History and Today
    The question of spirituality and relationship of a man and God should be topical today taking into consideration the present cultural and ethical situation in contemporary society.
  25. Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism
    Over the centuries, there were formed a number of various denominations in accordance with the beliefs and religious traditions.
  26. Poverty from Christian Perspective
    Christians perceive poverty differently than people without faith, noting the necessity for integrated support to help those in need.
  27. The Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675
    European Christianity has a long and varied history of decline. The sunset of the influence of the Church is correlated with enlightened absolutism.
  28. Christian Mission Methodology
    The purpose of each Christian missionary is to transmit the ideas provided in the Gospel to a new audience, taking into consideration its cultural code and particularities
  29. Why Is It Important for a Christian to Study Church History?
    The church’s history began with Jesus Christ and apostles, who, after the Resurrection, carried his word to all parts of the world, particularly to Greece and then to Italy.
  30. Case Study of Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative
    The principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence are the core of medical practice. God mentors his followers to put the well-being of others first and love one’s neighbor.
  31. Discipleship in Christianity and Its Five Stages
    Discipleship is a core element of Christianity and it enables believers to start their journey in the companionship of Christ.
  32. Modernism and Postmodernism: Which World View Is More Conducive to Christian Beliefs
    This paper explores which world view, the modernity or the postmodernity, is more conducive to Christian beliefs.
  33. Theological Challenges Between Judaism and Christianity
    Judaism originated from the covenantal relationship between the Jews and God. Christianity emerged from Judaism, and both faiths believe that God is the creator of the universe.
  34. Character, Leadership, and Moral Code in Christianity
    Morality is determined by the Christian system of views, the eternal and unchangeable laws of good, unlike Greek, where virtue is based on behavioral traditions of etiquette.
  35. The Anthropology of Christianity
    The anthropology of Christianity is related to human Anthropos concerning God. The anthropologists have focused on the ways of worship of Christians.
  36. Nursing Leadership and the System of Christian Values
    Effective healthcare is partially built on the notion of leadership and management in nursing as it is one of its most extensive domains.
  37. Marks of Christian Maturity
    One of the major features of the Christian faith is the teaching that the believer must never stop growing in knowledge, wisdom and character.
  38. Anonymous Christian According to Karl Rahner
    The term “Anonymous Christian” outlines the notion that God’s grace provides the possibility for salvation of a corresponding faith for non-Christians.
  39. Christianity and Rastafarianism Comparison
    Several religious movements have emerged in the recent past. Rastafarianism is one of these movements and follows most of the ideals held by Christians.
  40. The Expansion of Christianity in North Africa
    The Christianization of North Africa had its peculiarities. It took place against the background of a deep division of the African Church in connection with Donatism.

đź‘Ť Good Christianity Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Christianity: History, Traditions, and Cultural Practices
    This paper provides a brief description of Christianity, its history, traditions and cultural practices, and the current demographic information.
  2. A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room
    When introducing biblical concepts during therapies, clients should understand that God is not far away because His spirit and work can be felt.
  3. Christian Doctrines of Humanity
    The paper discusses two Christian doctrines. They have in common the idea of wholeness and the relation of the human body and soul to God or the church.
  4. Comparing Behaviorist Versus Christian Points of View
    The paper will compare Christian and behaviorist views on free will, determinism, and responsibility to demonstrate how differently they interpret these issues.
  5. The Historical Rise of Christianity
    We will try to gain insight into the peculiarities of this new religion, so-called Christianity, and investigate its main differences from Judaism.
  6. Early Church History: Persecution of Christianity
    The early Christians endured persecution not only from non-believers, but also from believers who sought to change their faith.
  7. Hesychasm and Its Significance in Eastern Christianity
    Hesychasm is a form of religious practice in Eastern Christianity in which followers pursue spiritual silence through continuous prayer and worshipping of God.
  8. Christianity and Postmodernism: a Comprehensive Comparison
    The society of today is at a stage that is ultimately defined by a structure so complex that it is no more perceivable by traditional means.
  9. Christian Worldview: Ultimate Reality
    In the Christian denomination, ultimate reality refers to a transcendent presence, a supreme being, or an eternal being that governs the world.
  10. Christian Disciple, Obedience, and Teaching
    This paper discusses the issues pertaining discipleship in Christianity, including obedience to Christ, teaching, and helping others obey and become Disciples of Christ.
  11. Understanding the Holy Trinity in Christian Theology
    The assertion the solo God lives as or in 3 mutually supernatural beings is a popular way to describe the Christian belief of the Holy Trinity.
  12. World Christianity: Historical Traditions
    One of the major characteristics of world Christianity concerns the multiplicity of the religion’s manifestations in different countries, cultures, and historical traditions.
  13. Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism: The Afterlife Concepts
    The purpose of this paper is to compare the afterlife, as presented in Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism, through an examination of both primary and secondary sources.
  14. The Christian Faith and Its Advantages
    The paper states that the Christian faith emphasizes the importance of peace and readiness to forgive, critical for the modern world.
  15. Christian’s Role in Ethical Research
    The essay examines the role of Christian ethics in developing and carrying out morally sound research because a study that does not meet standards might constitute misconduct.
  16. Biomedical Ethics and Christianity: Balancing Patient’s Wellbeing and Trust in God
    This paper examines a case of a family with a diseased child that tries to balance their interest in his well-being and trust in God.
  17. Hinduism Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Comparison
    This paper compares Hinduism on the one part, and Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on the other part based on the existent points commonality in the Abrahamic religions.
  18. Christian Life in the “Everyman” Moral Play
    Everyman represents all humanity and critical issues related to all the people, including Fellowship, Material Goods, and Knowledge.
  19. Christianity as a Contemporary World Religion
    Christianity is a religion that has been in existence for many centuries. Its teachings are embraced and followed by many believers in different parts of the world.
  20. Christianity Role in Positive Environmental Changes
    Christianity is an ideal platform for instating positive environmental changes through personal approaches. This is because the church can easily mobilize and educate the masses.
  21. “Introduction to Christianity” by Joseph Ratzinger
    In “Introduction to Christianity” as a world religion the authors characterize the main aspects of Christianity, including theological, geographical, sociological, and historical.
  22. Historical Origin of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
    The world’s three major religions grew from the same historical rootstock. This paper will focus on the historical heritage of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  23. Divorce in Islam in Contrast with Christianity
    In contrast with Christianity, Islam permits divorce, as marriage is not considered sacral but rather an earthbound contract between two individuals that can be canceled.
  24. Globalization and Christian Mission
    Globalization has changed the landscape of industrial and business environments, and religion was inevitably affected by it, as well.
  25. Bass Fishing: The Role in Christianity
    Fishing is an essential concept for understanding the nature of Jesus’s doctrines. The correlation between the fish and Jesus Christ appeared at the time of the Roman Empire.
  26. The “Other-Worldliness” of Christianity
    The evidence of the “other-worldliness” of Christianity is recorded as there are several passages in the New Testament that warn worshipers against the world.
  27. Christianity in the 3rd Century AD
    The Christian Church in the 3rd century AD was in a state of active formation. Christianity developed separately from Judaism.
  28. Christian Identity, Nationalism, and Patriotism
    This work aims to identify both nationalism and patriotism and to analyze their relationship with Christian identity through the prism of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral.
  29. Comparison of Utilitarianism and Christian Ethics
    This paper will present a detailed analysis of utilitarianism theory and contrast it with a Christian ethic to explain why the latter is stronger in addressing the issue of suicide.
  30. Christian Theology and World Religions: Christianity and Islam
    Christianity and Islam share many similarities, although they are two distinct religious traditions. The paper analyzes their similarities and differences.
  31. Christian Symbolism and Imagery in “The Matrix” Film
    The Matrix film is a prediction of the negative effects of technology that can change us into mere creatures to be manipulated by the matrix system of the world.
  32. Biomedical Ethics in Christian Narrative
    The case study demonstrates how religious beliefs, in this case, Christian beliefs have a negative influence on the treatment of a patient.
  33. The Ten Commandments for Christians
    This essay provides an argument for why Christians should obey the Ten Commandments, for the law was given to humankind to help them align their actions according to God’s will.
  34. The Christian Leadership, Stewardship, and Ethics
    Christian leaders realize that they have a great responsibility to lead people where God directs, and therefore they make every effort to follow Him in the first place.
  35. Eastern Orthodox Christian Understanding of the Holy Trinity
    The paper looks at the Eastern Orthodox Christian understanding of the Holy Trinity taught by the Apostle Paul. It is among the three main Christian groups.
  36. Role of Gospel Essentials in Shaping Christians’ Beliefs
    While the Gospel Essentials play an important role in shaping Christians’ beliefs, this paper focuses on the essential gospel beliefs and Christian foundation.
  37. “A Model of Christian Charity” by John Winthrop
    John Winthrop lived from 1588 to 1649; as he was born into a wealthy family of land-owning merchants he received a good education.
  38. Psychology and Christian Theology Integration
    Finding connections between psychology and Christian theology might be a first step toward integration, and an integrative perspective can lead to the search for parallels.
  39. The Protestant Reformation: Impact on Christianity
    The Protestant Reformation transformed Christianity from a single, omnipotent religion to one that brings together new views that differ from the universal church.
  40. The Christian Church and Its Organization
    The paper indicates that in Roma, the Christian church was close to the state, leading to Christianity’s rapid growth in the region.

🎓 Most Interesting Topics About Christianity

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  1. Islam and Christianity: Comparison
    Islam and Christianity are the world’s two main religions. There are many differences in both religions’ belief systems, starting from the core of who he is and whether he is Holy.
  2. “Christianity and the Creed of Postmodernism” by Diogenes Allen
    The article by Diogenes Allen, “Christianity and the Creed of Postmodernism”, examines the intellectual positions on the end of the world.
  3. Postmodernism. History. Christian Apologetics
    Postmodernism works as an effective critique of contemporary approaches and an interesting way of talking about the subjects of reality and logic.
  4. Issue of Stewardship in the Exploration of Christianity
    The issue of stewardship as a crucial aspect of developing spirituality and faith has been the focus of the exploration of Christianity for years.
  5. “Basic Christianity” Book by John Stott
    Throughout centuries, the infinite world stands upon the rules, regulations created by humans, and, most importantly, religion.
  6. Christian Philosophy. “The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Etienne Gilson
    “The Christian philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Etienne Gilson, the author devoted the book to the analysis the teachings of Aquinas presenting the formulation of the Christian philosophy.
  7. Biblical Terms Used in Christian Counseling
    The available statistical data points out the fact that, during recent decades, the popularity of Christian counseling among citizens has been growing in exponential progression.
  8. Christian Counseling for Marriage and Family
    This paper discusses Christian counseling for marriage and family described in “Love and Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs.
  9. The Christian Worldview and Key Concepts
    The principles of Christian faith manifest themselves in not only the aspects of one’s life related to religious traditions but also regular life.
  10. Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation
    Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation of Current Approaches by Banks & Ledbetter analyzes the influence of leadership from a theological point of view.
  11. Roman Catholicism Vs Protestant Christianity
    This paper examines the differences between the beliefs of the Roman Catholicism and the mainstream Protestant Christianity.
  12. Christianity and Islam: Their History and Interactions
    The monotheistic meaning of religion is to worship one God while rejecting other gods’ existence, and Christianity and Islam fulfill this description.
  13. The Main Aspects of Christianity
    The current paper effectively provides information about the main aspects of Christianity and emphasizes its importance in human life.
  14. “Holy War” in Islam vs. Christianity
    The “holy war” concept emerged in the Middle Ages. Christian church considered Islam a threat to its existence.
  15. The Conciliar Model in Acts 15: Development of Christianity
    The paper states that the conciliar model as described in Acts 15 contributed much to the successful spread and development of Christianity.
  16. Analysis of Christianity as a World Religion
    Christianity is a global religion encompassing billions of followers throughout the world. It has been present and directly affecting history for over two thousand years.
  17. Theological Differences Within the Major Christian Traditions
    Christians are followers of Christ who use the bible as the primary religious book for conducting services and personal spiritual nourishment.
  18. “A Fall from Grace”: Christian Ethics in the Motivations of the Characters
    Interpreting the characters’ motivations and detailed analysis of their cues demonstrates that faith and trust are the main issues the film focuses on.
  19. Non-Christians and Their Beliefs
    Apologetically, it is worth approaching non-Christians from the position of dialogue and the realization of whether a person can accept Jesus Christ as his savior.
  20. Christianity’s Directions and Branches
    Christianity is one of the largest religions regarding the number of believers, which has more than a dozen main branches, which, in turn, are divided into different currents.
  21. Life With ALS in the Context of the Christian Worldview
    This essay is dedicated to the difficulties of life with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It discovers how to overcome the devastation caused by this diagnosis.
  22. Christian Foundations and Worldview
    Christianity is one of the most important and popular world religions. It was founded approximately 33 AD in Palestine.
  23. Christian Worldview. How God Allows Suffering
    A good, loving, and all-powerful God allows people to suffer, especially Christians so that they can grow to love Christ more and establish their faith in him.
  24. Christian Apologetics of the Second Century
    Christian apologetics refers to the defense of the faith against the spreading of spiritual falsehood. These individuals guard religious values and morals.
  25. Christianity and the COVID-19 Pandemic
    According to several news sources, the coronavirus outbreak revealed some of the flaws of Christianity, in this paper, this news item is going to be analyzed in detail.
  26. Hinduism and Christian Doctrine Investigation
    Taking into consideration the differences between Hinduism and Christian doctrine it seems that it is difficult to engage a follower of Hinduism with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  27. Strategic Priorities and Christian Worldview
    Since attending a Christian University, the author has discovered that its approach to teaching helps to see the elements of the Christian worldview in many aspects of life.
  28. Comparison of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
    The principles and stories of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism demonstrate that these religions have many common features that should unite people.
  29. Worldview and Christian Beliefs
    This paper focuses on analyzing five major questions that any worldview should answer are addressed by Christian beliefs.
  30. Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
    David Entwistle explains the interaction of faith and science. He opens an article about how Christians in a church were poisoned by carbon monoxide but continued to pray.
  31. Christian Salvation: Essential Elements
    The course of Salvation is completed by man’s acceptance of God’s proposal to save him. Man is a sinner and this is the situation that requires salvation.
  32. Christianity and Buddhism: Religion Comparison
    Christianity only became a religion, in full sense of this word, when materialistic spirit of Judaism was being transformed into something opposite to what it originally used to be by European mentality.
  33. Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine Literary Criticism
    In Augustine’s famous treatise, On Christian Doctrine emphasis is on the interpretation of the Bible, dealing with philosophical principles for the Christian use of the scripture.
  34. Baptism in Christianity: History and Meaning of the Rite
    Baptism is among the oldest Christian sacraments, as it has been introduced in the Bible and is likely older than the writing.
  35. Doctrinal Statements in Christianity
    Doctrinal statements serve three different purposes: providing instruction, creating and securing group identity, and establishing common beliefs.
  36. Issues of Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative and Christian Vision
    The given case study describes rather a controversial situation, in which Christian vision comes into conflict with common sense, ethics, and medical science.
  37. Christian Eschatology: The Destiny of the Unsaved
    Many Christians ask this question: why does loving God allow His creatures to suffer in Hell? Can an idea of eternal punishment be compared with the love of God?
  38. “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” by Mark McMinn
    In “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling,” Mark McMinn comes up with a healing model, which involves need, sense of self, and relationship with God.
  39. Human Life and Death in Christianity and Buddhism
    Illness often leads to agony and prompts the search for the meaning of life as people try to understand the reasons behind their predicaments.
  40. Euthanasia in Christianity and Buddhism
    This paper provides a discussion on a case study on euthanasia of a man, who finds out he has a severe disease that will disable him within several years.

đź’ˇ Simple Christian Essay Topics for Youth

  1. Biomedical Ethics Study in the Christian Narrative
    The case study at hand contains several controversial issues that can be called pressing if regarded in the context of the Christian narrative and Christian vision.
  2. The Features of the Christian Approach to Medicine
    Understanding the features of the Christian approach to medicine and treatments may seem complicated if the information is structured incorrectly.
  3. Christian History of Brazil From Global Perspective
    Brazil has the world’s largest Catholic population. The emergence of Christianity in Brazil is associated with the arrival of the first Europeans in the country.
  4. Tax Reforms From a Judeo-Christian Perspective
    Tax is a primary method used by most governmental organizations to collect revenue. Tax cuts are the depletion and changes made to taxes paid by citizens, saving taxpayers money.
  5. Christian Theism, New Spiritualism and Pantheism
    The disintegration of New Spiritualism, also known as Pantheism, and Christian theism will be covered in this debate.
  6. Christian Evidences of Jesus in the Bible
    There are references to him in historical documents from the time period in which he lived, including Roman census records and letters written by first-century historians.
  7. Mental Struggles Within the Christian Family Structure Without Headship
    The essay is dedicated to the concept of the Chrisitan family structure and the potential struggles it may face if the headship is not involved.
  8. Chapter 2 of “Introducing Christian Mission Today” by Goheen
    The current report summarizes the “Scripture as a Narrative Record of God’s Mission” chapter from the book “Introducing Christian Mission Today” by Michael W. Goheen.
  9. The Crusades and European Christianity in the Middle Ages
    The crusades are one of the major events within the history of Christianity that shaped medieval Europe and set the vector of its development for a long time forward.
  10. Birth Control and Christian Faith
    The Catholic church, and faith as a whole, does not have a solid definitive stance on birth control, as it is determined on the basis of intent.
  11. The Great Schism in History of Christianity
    The Great Schism became a turning point in the history of the development of Christianity and established the differences between two religious traditions originating from one.
  12. Conflict and Coexistence: Jews and Christians
    This study will evaluate the conflict between Jews and Christians in Germany and how Christians used their good relationship with the state to influence and dominate the Jews.
  13. Treating Addictions from a Christian Perspective
    Alcoholics Anonymous and its founders formulated the 12 guidelines with the aim of helping members of different faiths to deal with different forms of addictions.
  14. The Book “Introducing World Religions: A Christian Engagement”
    In the book, “Introducing world religions: A Christian engagement”, Charles E. Farhadian provides a thorough overview of popular new religious movements.
  15. God Concept in Christianity and Buddhism Religions
    The core purpose of Christianity is to love God, forgive others, and repent for one’s sins. The key beliefs in Buddhism revolve around nirvana and Four Noble Truths.
  16. The Salvation Element in Christianity
    Salvation is an essential element among the followers, and it is a reflection of the practice of the commandments while showing faith in God for better life and happiness.
  17. Christianity and Society Interrelation
    The religions are considered utterly different in their beliefs and values; however, their similarity is that they all shape society and at the same time greatly influence it.
  18. Baptist Christians Versus Deism
    The current paper attempts to compare Christianity and deism and answer the fundamental questions of worldview perception.
  19. Key Christian Beliefs and Practices
    The paper discusses the essential teachings of Christian faith come from the parables, or short stories, that Jesus told.
  20. Basic Biblical Christianity Summary
    During its stay on Earth, humanity found various gods, and accordingly, books were written that talked about these gods, and how to live with them and worship them.
  21. The Role of Christianity in Slavery: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
    Religion is an efficient tool of persuasion. The owners used faith to control the workers and claimed to be virtuous since they prayed regularly.
  22. Christianity and Shintoism: Death and Dying
    Every religion has its peculiarities and customs that determine what life the followers of this religion lead. The focus of this paper will be Christianity and Shintoism.
  23. Christianity in the Roman Empire
    The reason for the triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire is that the church has successfully taken advantage of the negative condition of the country.
  24. Appropriation of Aristotle’s Ideas in Christian Philosophy
    It should be mentioned that the Christian faith first spread among the Greek elites who were educated in the thought of Aristotle, Plato, or Socrates.
  25. Social Trinity: Interpreting Christian Doctrine
    Social Trinity is an interpretation regarding the Christian doctrine on the trinity. The concept of trinity comprises three persons whose relationship constitutes its very nature.
  26. Feminism: Historical Perspective and Implications to Christian Understanding of the World
    This paper focuses on analyzing how feminism changed the mindset of people, which affected the position of women, gender relationships, and Christian views.
  27. A Christian-Muslim: Is It Possible?
    On strict literal ground neither of the faiths fit in exactly on the other. This can be achieved when analysis are made beyond the doctrines into mainstream practices.
  28. Non-christian World Religions: History, Concepts, and Beliefs of Buddhism
    Buddhism is one of the widespread non-Christian religions in the world today. This paper discusses the history, beliefs, ethics, people and subdivisions of Buddhism.
  29. Paul and Philemon. Conversion of People to Christianity
    Paul was a leader who loved his followers dearly, often asking them to uphold love amongst each other. He would always pray for all the churches, even with tears.
  30. The Role of Medieval Roman Catholicism in Christianity
    The Roman Catholic Church is the mother of all Christianity that made tremendous progress in the Medieval Ages that amazingly changed the face of Christianity.
  31. Christianity in South Korea and Japan
    Korean Christianity started growing in 1785. The good news was brought to Korea by the Catholic converts who learned about Christianity in China.
  32. Western Civilization: Christian Heresies
    Establishment of the orthodox Christianity result from the emergency of the danger of new converts following teachings that differed from those widely accepted by Christianity.
  33. Iroquois: History and the Effect of Christianity
    The work discusses the Iroquois and the effect of Christian mission on their culture, which resulted in the adoption of new religious beliefs and changes in the gender roles.
  34. A History of Christian Church: Gnosticism
    The basic line of Gnostic ideas is the radical dualism in relations between the God and the world, the person and the world.
  35. Death & Dying Ethics in Buddhism and Christianity
    The paper describes the ethical challenge the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is facing and the best approaches to support him using religious values or ideas.
  36. Karl Rahner’s Concept of Anonymous Christians
    Karl Rahner introduced the idea of anonymous Christians stating that not only individuals who profess faith can be loved by God.
  37. Salvation in Christianity and Scientific Arguments
    When it comes to discussing the validity of the Christian salvation thesis, many people tend to do it in an emotionally charged manner.
  38. Christians and Going to Church
    It is important for Christians to meet regularly apart from the times when one may be in a hospital bed or working in a place where no church is available.
  39. Christian Personal Skills and Knowledge
    Leadership audits turns out to be a significant contribution to the development of a person as a Christian and as a leader. These audits show the distance a person and God have between.
  40. Euthanasia as a Christian Ethical Dilemma
    The issue of euthanasia has been quite topical over the past few years. It is viewed as inadmissible from the Christian perspective.

đź“Ś Easy Christianity Essay Topics

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✍️ Christianity Essay Topics for College

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🔎 Good Research Topics about Christianity

  1. Christianity Challenges, Mandates, and Dualism
  2. Biblical Theological Tensions Between Islam and Christianity
  3. Catholic Christianity and Islam: A Case for Comparison and Contrast
  4. Christianity and Rastafarianism – a Discussion of Six Similarities
  5. Christianity and African Traditional Religion in Kumasi
  6. Christianity and Religion According to on Liberty and a Letter Concerning Toleration
  7. Christianity and Its Impact on the United States
  8. Christianity: Living the Sermon on the Mount for Three Days
  9. Doctrinal Development and Its Compatibility With Belief in the Abiding Truth of Christianity
  10. Converting the Native Americans to Christianity
  11. Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity
  12. Christianity and Its Place in the Greco Roman World
  13. Christianity and Judaism and the Rites of Circumcision and Burial
  14. Christianity and Yoruba Are Two Great Religions
  15. Christianity and Paganism: The Key to Adventure
  16. Christianity, Scientific Revolution, and Industrial Revolution
  17. Chinese Women’s Rights and the Impact of Christianity
  18. Differences Between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity Religion
  19. Christianity vs. Neopaganism: The Human Condition, Theodicy, and Soteriology
  20. Differences Between Greek Mythology and Christianity
  21. Christianity and Its Impact on the World of the 20th Century Essay
  22. Christianity and Biblical Christian Worldview
  23. Christianity: Roman Empire and Christian Persecution
  24. Charles Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory and Christianity Creationism
  25. Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Its Differences to the Western Church
  26. Christianity Judaism and Islam Theology Religion
  27. Christianity and Religion: The Role and Importance of Women
  28. Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist Initiations of Christianity
  29. Christianity, Where Art Thou: Examining Religion, Mythology, and Mysticism in Film
  30. Christianity and Judaism: Subjects to Endless Corruption

🔥 Hot Christian Research Topics

Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. Financial Indulgence Saved Christianity in Europe
  2. Christianity and Politics: The Christian Way of Life
  3. Christianity and the Complete Opposite of the Religion
  4. Christianity and Islam View on Human Nature and the Human Condition, Freewill and Fatalism, Equality and Difference and the Value of Human
  5. Christianity and Religious Influence of the Romanesque Period
  6. Christianity and Its Effects on the Formation of Identity Among South Koreans
  7. Christianity and Its Effects on Modern Culture and Society
  8. Christianity and Traditional Culture: A Study of Their Judging Principles That Generate Conflict in Modern African Societies
  9. Finding the Genuine Happiness in the Religion of Christianity
  10. Christianity: Historical Background, Key Principle and Doctrines, Current Followers, Intolerance, and Key Ceremonial Practices
  11. Alleged Belief Conflict Between Christianity and Science
  12. Christianity and Moral Systems: Nietzsche’s Perspectivism
  13. Christianity and the Religious Services of Each Religion
  14. African Traditional Religion, Christianity, and Islam Assignment
  15. Christianity Claims That Suicide Is a Form of Murder
  16. Evangelical Christianity and the Holy Spirit
  17. Europe Between Secularization and Christianity Religion
  18. Christianity and Islam and Their Views on Life After Death
  19. Christianity and the New Germanic Kingdoms
  20. Christianity and the Cubiculum: Spiritual Politics and Domestic Space in Late Antique Rome
  21. Christians Truly Promote Christianity Through Fellowship
  22. Christianity and Its Impact on the Creation of the World
  23. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
  24. Christianity and Hinduism: According to the Human Truth
  25. Charismatic and Pentecostal Christianity and Spiritual Gifts
  26. Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Christianity
  27. Christianity and Christ Changes and Controversy via Seven Councils Over Centuries
  28. Craft Guilds and Christianity in Late-Medieval England
  29. Christianity and Judaism Development Influenced by Zoroastrianism
  30. Christianity and the Church in Europe From the Fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th Century Ad to 1600 Ad

âť“ Research Questions About Christianity

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. What Are the Similarities Between Christianity and Islam?
  2. Are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism “Male-Chauvinist” Institutions?
  3. Who Influenced the Spread of Christianity?
  4. How Did Christianity Become the Dominant Religion in Europe?
  5. Can Christianity and Other Religions Coexist?
  6. How Did Christianity Change by the Second Century?
  7. Why Have Koreans Increasingly Converted to Christianity During the 1970s?
  8. How Does Christianity Apply to Business?
  9. What Is the Fastest Growing Form of Christianity in the World Today?
  10. Is There a Link Between the Two Traditions of Pagan and Christianity in “Beowulf”?
  11. How Did Christianity Influence British Literature?
  12. What Does Evolution Mean in Christianity?
  13. How Did the Spread of Christianity Affect Medieval Europe?
  14. What Is the Difference Between Christianity and Rastafarianism?
  15. How Has Christianity Influenced Society Throughout History?
  16. Why Did the Romans Have a Problem With Christianity?
  17. Does Christianity Believe in Cloning?
  18. Why Was Christianity So Influential in So Many Areas of Medieval Life?
  19. How Did Christianity Spread Into Europe?
  20. What Was Christianity Like in the 18th Century?
  21. Can Christianity and Science Go Together?
  22. How Did Alexander the Great Influence the Spread of Christianity?
  23. Why Are the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Significant for Christianity?
  24. How Do Christianity and Hinduism Contribute to World Peace?
  25. What Does Christianity Say About the Afterlife?

đź“ť Christian Argumentative Essay Topics

Out of ideas for your paper? Generate them instantly with our toolkit:
  1. Is evolution compatible with Christian beliefs?
  2. Is same-sex marriage acceptable from the Christian perspective?
  3. Does the Bible support gender equality or traditional gender roles?
  4. Is religious pluralism a threat to the Christian faith?
  5. Should Christians support social justice movements?
  6. The Prosperity gospel as a distortion of the mission of Jesus.
  7. Can Christianity help address climate change?
  8. The doctrine of hell in Christianity: is it ethical?
  9. Should Christian churches accept LGBTQ clergy members?
  10. Is capital punishment justifiable from a Christian point of view?

🗣️ Christian Persuasive Speech Topics

  1. The role of Christians in fighting hunger in local communities.
  2. How can Christian churches address mental health stigma?
  3. Christians should take action to combat modern-day slavery.
  4. Why should Christians prioritize environmental stewardship?
  5. The importance of daily prayer and meditation for spiritual growth.
  6. Christians should take a stand against consumerism and materialism.
  7. How can Christians address domestic violence in communities?
  8. The role of Christianity in promoting family values and strong marriages.
  9. Christianity’s power to address prejudice and discrimination.
  10. How can Christians use their influence to promote peace?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 470 Christianity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/christianity-essay-topics/

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StudyCorgi. "470 Christianity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/christianity-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "470 Christianity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/christianity-essay-topics/.

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