Unitarist and Pluralist Perspectives in Management

Introduction Employee relations and management is an essential aspect of organisations. This cuts across organisations that prevailed in ancient days and the organisations in the modern days (United States, 2011). Different models and perspectives have been adopted by various organisations to manage employees. The employee relations in organisations emerged amidst...

The Energy Sector: Russia’s Policy

Introduction Russia’s economic and social environment is based on a previously populist system, maintained despite growing tensions with Western nations and civil unrest. As no political or economic reforms are expected, there is a need to examine the country’s structure, analyze its economic and noneconomic surroundings, and explore potential prospects...

Analysis of Terrorism in Spain

Introduction Spain has experienced her fair share of terrorist incidents from different terrorist groups. Studying the country’s history, it is evident that it is one of the most impacted nations of the world because of terrorism. The country was impacted by a great trend of radicalization that began in the...

Thriving in a Competitive Global Context: The Case of Sanofi

Macroenvironmental factors affect the performance of every business and require companies to alter their strategies in a way that allows overcoming external and internal risks and capture opportunities more effectively. It is valid to say that international pharmaceutical enterprises must strive even harder to adjust to environmental influences because the...

Employment Voice in the NHS in the UK

Organizations rely on employees to perform duties and enable the organization to realize its objectives. Therefore, employee relationship policies in any organization are mandatory (Bailey, 2009). They facilitate the management of employees to ensure that all members of an organization contribute towards the same overall objective. There must be trust,...

Amazon Inc. in the Context of International Business Economics and Markets

The Key Drivers of Globalization and International Trade on the Context of the Amazon Organization Globalization is the name used to describe the growing cross-border trade in products, services, technology and investment, and people and knowledge flows of economies, cultures, and populations in the world. Various technological developments and progressive...

Secondary Traumatization of PTSD Among Children in Military Families

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition that affects individuals who have undergone traumatic experiences. Children and adults can experience psychological trauma through violence, sexual assault, natural disaster, or war. The effects of PTSD can be manifested through psychological and behavioral changes, mood and sleep changes. Some of the...

Poetry Anthology on the Role of Art in Human Life

Summary Since my early teenage reflections, I have always been asking myself a question – what is the meaning of all my actions, hopes, and aspirations? What is the direction of my life, and am I doing everything right? I should admit that these issues cannot be perceived as unique,...

HSBC Bank and Barclays Bank: Comparison and Risk Exposures

Introduction The overall effect of the global financial crisis was making all financial institutions including the multinational ones experience threats of collapsing. The crisis “played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in trillions of the US dollars, and a downturn in economic...

Ethical Grounds of Nursing in Youth Mental Health

Introduction When Young adults with mental health problems are nearing their adult years, they may face the difficulty of transitioning between juvenile and adult medical systems. Currently, there appears to be a mental illness in almost one in five young people that further might evolve into “homotypic and heterotypic disorders...

Teaching Intelligent Design at Schools

Intelligent Design or ID has emerged as a controversial issue in recent years in the United States of America. The question of whether Intelligent Design can be introduced in schools has invited numerous reactions, some very vitriolic, from diverse quarters like the church, school boards, parents of school-going children, the...

Supply Chain Collaboration in Kernels Popcorn

Modern business houses have been involved in an enormous pact of debates regarding the collaboration of supply chain management. On the other hand, the dialogue about primary considerations for supply chain collaboration usually doesn’t get to the specific way out of how the collaboration in the supply chain works, how...

Berkshire Hathaway: Management and Leadership

Introduction Management and leadership play an important role in the delivery of good services and the establishment of fair and trustful relationships between employees, their leaders, and customers. Despite the existing differences between leaders and managers, these two strategic concepts have to go hand in hand because good managers should...

The Recruitment Process for the Early Childhood Centre

Executive Summary The quest is on for the replacement of Mrs. McBaine*, Twinkletoes Early Childhood Centre’s* Director for the past 14 years. She has manifested her intention to migrate to another country, thus, leaving her post vacant. This paper analyzes her Director position and presents a recruitment process adapted from...

ORPIC Company: Leadership Value Systems and Structures

Leadership is an ever-changing concept that evolves in accordance with social, cultural, and market changes and trends. For this reason, each historical period is associated with its own understanding of qualities that every excellent leader should posses. The Leader Mindset Profile model captures this constantly evolving nature of leadership and...

Walmart Company: Long-Term Development in China

Wal-Mart is one of the leading retailers in the world with a net income of over $13 billion and sales of $457.5 billion (Morning Star 2017). This multinational is also one of the fastest-growing companies. This success is partially due to the retailer’s successful expansion in the Asian market. The...

Authentic Leadership in Early Childhood Teaching

Introduction The practice of teaching, regardless of the setting, implies the knowledge and skills of teachers to exercise appropriate leadership and enact it in their everyday practice. The context of early childhood education (ECE) has been challenged by the fact that many leaders within the sphere have been unlikely to...

Unilever Company’s Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary Unilever is a multinational company that has implemented a large number of changes and innovative policies in an attempt to stay on top of the competition. It has added a new vision and mission to its objectives concerning sustainable development and social equality resulting in a more positive...

Electronic Surveillance as Unethical Practice

Introduction The government of the USA pays much attention to national security and tries to ensure it in different ways. Electronic surveillance is one of them. A special information-sharing network was created to let the law enforcement agencies monitor people’s phone calls and e-mails and gather this information so that...

Social Media Effects on Consumer Behaviour

Introduction Social media creates a platform where businesspeople communicate and/or interact with their customers. Through social media, companies market their products to reach worldwide consumers. Social media platforms are increasingly being caught up in voyeurism, gaze, and shadowing since many people have been connected to the internet, thanks to the...

Juvenile Delinquency and Punishment

Abstract The given paper is devoted to the investigation of the topical theme of juvenile delinquency and punishments provided to young offenders. The modern justice system considers this group to be more vulnerable and important for society and provides an altered approach to sentencing. However, this perspective might be considered...

Phenomenological and Experiential Approaches to Religious Education

Introduction Religion is an integral part of most societies. In the history of humanity, religions have influenced major parts of the way of life of most societies. In many societies, passing religious beliefs to the other members of the society is taken as major duty for existence. In accordance with...

Setting Up a Moto-Taxi Business in Tokyo

Introduction Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in Japan. It is a city that is dominated by numerous business activities making it densely populated. People travel from far and wide to come and settle business deals in the city. The need for people to transact businesses in the city...

Holistic Management of a Patient’s Symptoms

Introduction John is suffering from an advanced and progressive disease, which is lung cancer, and this is the reason his general practitioner referred him to the community palliative care service where he will be able to receive holistic care. ‘Palliative’ is a Latin word derived from the word ‘pallium’ which...

Advanced Nursing Technology

Differences between CPAP and BiPAP CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a form of treatment used to deal with patients suffering from breathing problems when they are asleep (sleep apnea). CPAP machines take positive pressure and then apply it inside the patient’s throat so as to prevent them from developing...

Transportation and Logistics Management

Introduction Transportation is defined primarily as the activity of (or the system geared for) moving load (things or people) form point of origin to destination. Thus, when transportation service meets a need by moving load, then an economic demand is satisfied. While the logistics management, comes in to provide classified...

The Impact of a Car’s Technology on the Purchase Decision of a UK Customer

Background: Study Justification and Knowledge Gap Identification People buy cars for various reasons: some do it to confirm their social and economic status, and others do it to address personal or business-related transportation needs. However, given the numerous car brands, models, and shapes, selecting one option is never an easy...

Hormones Effect on the Blood Glucose Regulation in Sheep

Abstract This is a study to understand the effect of various hormones on the regulation of blood Glucose in sheep. The researcher has used hormones such as Glucagon, saline, Dexamethasone and Adrenaline in sheep. The result is given in the table and it is talked about in the discussion part...

The Investigation of an Arson Attack

Introduction This is a case of an arson attack that occurred at around 11:30 pm at a semi-detached dwelling of 17 Hill Lane situated at the outskirts of a market town in a rural district. The act of arson claimed four lives of occupants. The investigators suspected Mike Golding as...

Oil Industry in Saudi Arabia: Analysis and Strategy

Executive Summary The oil industry of Saudi Arabia forms a practical situation to which the paper analyses Porter’s Five Forces model. For any industry, the magnitude of each of the Five Forces varies with the industry structure. This paper presents the barriers of entry as a significant force that dictates...

Procter & Gamble Company’s Marketing Audit

Executive Summary Marketing audit has become a common practice among many businesses as they undertake strategic planning in their marketing process. The audit aids in measuring an organization’s marketing capability as well as environmental threats and opportunities. This type of audit report is made up of a structure with detailed...

Routine Activity Theory and Crimes in Washington

Introduction The routine activity theory was developed by Felson and Cohen in the 1970s and created a subfield within the crime opportunity theory. What makes routine activity theory stand out is the fact that the researchers were among the first criminologists to shift the focus from the criminal to the...

The Global System for Mobile Communications: Security and Encryption

Introduction The Global system for Mobile Communications (GSM) is the most widely used system for cellular mobile communication. The GSM accounts for over 100 million mobile subscribers scattered across the globe. The system was developed to overcome weaknesses inherent in preceding analog system that was used for mobile communication. Analog...

Growth in Public Sectors of Major Economies Over the Past 60 Years

Introduction The public sector is the main service delivery point for most nations. Citizens obtain basic services from this crucial part of the economy. The control of the public sector is mainly by the government that is in power at any particular time. Traditionally, authorities were charged with the delivery...

Analysis Homeland Security Act of 2002

Overview The Department of Homeland Security was created by the federal government in a bid to tame domestic security, this being one of the largest overhauls in security systems and structures ever experienced in fifty years. The rationale behind this monumental task was to harness and consolidate the federal government’s...

Children as Perpetrators and Victims of Crime

Topic one: myth and evil According to Segal (2004), “A myth is a story with a meaning attached to it other than which it seems to have at first; and the fact that it has such a meaning is generally marked by some of its circumstances being extraordinary.” These stories...

Forest Biodiversity and Climate Effects on Ecosystem Carbon Flux

One of the most important issues at the border involving existence and ecological sciences is how ecological unit will react to worldwide alteration in the face of ongoing decrease of biodiversity. Owing to their possibility to stock up huge amount of carbon in biomass and to avoid soil decomposition, forests...

Radical Feminism Explains Prostitution

Introduction Living on morally wrong earnings and exercising control over prostitutes are criminal offenses. Interestingly, at the same time as constructing prostitutes as a social class of ethically different and sexually indiscriminate women, the social critics also see them as different from other women by virtue of some type of...

Miami Drug Wars of the 70s and 80s

Introduction Drug use and the resulting implications for the social, economic, and political wellbeing of the people is a subject that has raised controversies for decades. Countries like the United States of America have been plagued by drug crises and the fight against drugs is far from over. Researchers and...

Ethical and Legal Regulation of Human Tissues and Stem Cells Research in the European Union

Introduction Major advances in biological sciences have yielded new ways of tackling various environmental and health problems. According to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), novel areas of research such the stem cells continue to reveal enormous potential health benefits such as development of clinical therapies for degenerative diseases such as...

Public Air Travel and Pets Analysis

Introduction Airline management can be particularly challenging because managers have to find a balance between customer satisfaction, safety, and regulatory compliance. Traveling with pets is growing more and more popular, as people found that they can enjoy new destinations or visit their loved ones without leaving their pets at home...

Maritime Transportation and Security Act of 2002

Introduction To protect the U.S. ports and waterways from the terrorist attacks the Maritime Transportation Act was designed and signed by President Bush on November 25, 2002 (Protecting America’s Ports, 2003). “This act is a means for the United States to address the increasing concerns in homeland security, especially due...

Treatment of Opioid Addiction With Buprenorphine

Abstract Opiate dependence is a growing problem in young adults and in patients who have developed addictions while receiving pain management regimens. A major objective of treating patients for their opiate addiction is to suppress withdrawal symptoms while facilitating the detoxification process. Buprenorphine is one of the emerging drugs that...

Rem Koolhaas “Junkspace” Review

Rem Koolhaas explores different theories of architecture whereby he manages to intertwine history and its relevance to modern day architectural activities. He relates human debris to the concept of space-junk. There is a lot of human remains which have spoilt the universe as he narrates “If space-junk is the human...

Internationalization: The Strategic Challenge

For a number of years now, the European steel industry has seen the victorious privatization of one of its last state possessed steel corporations, Spanish Aceralia. The corporation has also seen configuration of the globe’s third major and Europe’s major makers of steel, Thyssen Krupp Stahl (TKS) as well as...

Comparative Urban Political Systems

Introduction Globalization is the broad outline of the places where most of humanity now chooses to live and work-cities. These cities are the engines of growth for their countries and gateway to the resources of their regions. They are the biggest; most interconnected cities help set global agendas, weather transnational...

Human Microbiome Project Analysis

Introduction The human body has evolved to harbor a variety of microorganisms. There are specific sites that promote the growth or colonization of the microbes which have led to the gradual development of enriched microbial flora. The important sites are skin, nasal epithelium, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina. Bacteria have dominated...

Protection of Information Assets

Introduction Information asset protection is a very critical aspect of business management process for the successful operations and continuity of any business. Any form of threat to the security of the electronic or computerized information and its process is a definite threat to the quality of business end result (Boran,...

Godrej Interior and Haworth Firms’ Product Strategies

Introduction Modern-day business environment is ever more challenging and complex. Dramatic shifts are constantly altering the business landscape. In today’s fast-paced markets, business organizations are required to constantly revitalize themselves for long-lasting success. Unlike the conventional business environment, modern firms’ focal point is on the construction of successful strategies that...

Women Sexuality Regulations by Government, Religion, Society, and Schools

Introduction Practice of issues related to women sexuality in public is still considered as immoral, dirty and thus unacceptable by the entire society. Women still face oppression on matters pertaining abortion, birth control, sexual abuse and female circumcision. Various disciplines such as religion, government and society continue to oppress women...

Corporate Governance and Ethics: Evaluation of Real World Ethical Problems

Introduction The proper functioning of an organization requires control and monitoring. Corporate governance comprises one of the ways of controlling and enhancing the monitoring of organizational operations (Caldwell & Karri 2005). At the heart of corporate governance is the need to mitigate or implement mechanisms of controlling and preventing conflicts...

The 2007–2008 Kenya Post-Election Crisis

Introduction The 2007 -2008 Kenya’s post-election crisis arose from the disputed 2007 presidential results. Kenya’s general election which was held on December 27, 2007 was marked with a lot of irregularities. Lack of fairness and transparency in the voting exercise with the associated default tallying procedures created a loophole for...

Web: Ready for Assistive Technology or Not

Abstract This research paper’s major purpose is to discuss and research accessibility issues in relation to websites. The paper questions whether enough is being done to make websites suitable for people with disabilities and from that look at what could be done to improve the area going forward. Do individuals/...

Intersectionality of Gender With Race, Culture, and Politics

In contemporary world organizations, race, culture, and politics are keys to an individual’s personality. However, politics, culture, and race are intersected with gender to form inequitable and discriminatory world structures, thus, affecting life experiences. The intersectionality provides a theoretical context of learning through examining the dissimilar coinciding world classifications and...

Speaker Recognition: Literature Review & Research Proposal

Speaker recognition refers to the process used to recognize a speaker from a spoken phrase (Furui, n.d. 1). It is a useful biometric tool with wide applications e.g. in audio or video document retrieval. Speaker recognition is dominated by two procedures namely segmentation and classification. Research and development have been...

“Ius Commune” and “Ius Proprium” Relationship

Although already in the sixteenth century there had begun to perceive the need for radical reform of the system the sources of law, the eighteenth-century structure of these modeled, essentially, albeit with differences. Once substantially from country to country, the medieval model, represented by the stratification of very hetero-normative sources...

Digital Marketing in the Fashion Industry

Introduction Today, the development of marketing strategies and ways of business development is impossible without considering technology. The most common marketing technologies are online sales, digital marketing, SaaS, cloud computing, cloud storage, robotic process automation, and robotics to collate data. The fashion industry is a massive segment of the global...

Railway Contributions to the Canadian Economy

Introduction Boasting a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of more than $1.7 trillion, Canada’s economy is ranked among the ten largest economies of the world (Toly & Segbers, 2016). A combination of different forms of transport is largely responsible for this performance. The health of the Canadian economy is linked to...

Negotiation Concepts. Opportunities

Introduction Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties with attached interests on a matter at stake attempt to reach a common ground of binding behavior that is beneficial to both parties involved (Nieuwmeijer, 1992). Negotiation is appropriate in a situation where a dispute exists between two or...

General Motors Company’s Operations Improvement

Introduction General Motors (GM) specializing in manufacturing automobiles has always been a symbol of American culture and a representation of the high level of competitiveness of the United States in the global economy. It was founded in 1908. Its plants located in more than 30 countries all over the globe...

Canadian Housing Market

Introduction The Canadian government spends money on social housing through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The CHMC has for a long time played a key role in implementing the government’s objective of investing in the housing market in order to provide affordable housing to Canadians. Over the last...

Road Network Infrastructure: Public Private Partnership

Introduction Government constructions and renovations of infrastructure by the contractual agreements with Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have become the most adopted processes in developed and developing countries (Abdullah et al. 2014). Infrastructure refers to the fundamental organization of the physical structures and facilities that are needed by the public. Project background...

Strategic Marketing in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector

Introduction Strategic marketing involves the use of analytical tools and techniques to find the optimum balance between the realization of a company and the consumer’s objectives and goals. The concept has been applied in different business fields, but its role in the rapidly evolving tourism and hospitality industry is still...

Domestic Violence Effects – Psychology

Introduction Domestic abuse or violence involves the expression of certain patterns of behavior that are abusive towards another party in a marriage relationship or any familial affair. Domestic violence is acerbated in a number of ways, including assault, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, economic deprivation, domineering, and intimidation, among other forms...

Ancient Sexuality: Women and the Ancient Greek Symposium

Any study into the role of Women in the Ancient Greek Symposium must come with considerable personal speculation. A perusal of the sources in Greek history will result in a finding that Greek Women played a very, very minor role in the affairs of Greek Society. Not only was Citizenship...

Nursing Course: Curriculum Design and Evaluation

Background Every field requires specialization for efficiency. Any medical course such as nursing is no exception here. However, specialization also requires a course to be studied, which requires organized planning. The organized plan for the effective study is what is termed a curriculum. The curriculum provides the direction of how...

Google’s Corporate Governance

Executive summary The manner in which organisations are governed or controlled coins the concept of corporate governance. Essentially, corporate governance can be described as the administrative procedures of the corporations. In other words, the corporate governance is the administrative structure, design and the management of firms. The process of corporate...

COVID-19 Effects for Truist Bank

COVID-19 is an infectious disease that was first identified in the United States in January of 2020. One of the main issues for banks is that a large number of clients, borrowers, and businesses are currently facing hardships such as job loss, slowed sales, and a decrease in profits. Due...

Lidl: Leading Grocery Discounters in the European and Global Markets

Lidl is one of the leading grocery discounters in the European and global markets. The retailer’s worldwide volume in sales was €62.7 billion in 2014, which made it the ninth top grocery retailer in the world or number one in Europe (Schmid et al., 2018). The company was established in...

The Impact of Media and Mosques on Political Participation of the Muslim Community

Introduction Democracy, with its impact on most countries, is an issue that has raised debates in many parts of the world. Some individuals support democratic ideals, while others view democracy as the tyranny of the elite because it does not represent the interests of the majority in society and puts...

Implementation of Capital Budgeting Techniques

Introduction Investment appraisal is very crucial before making commitment to huge capital investment. The appraisal process is characterized by two major activities. The first one is the assessment of the level of expected return accruing from the expenses incurred. The second one entails the estimates of future costs and benefits...

Child Labor in Fashion Industry

Introduction Globalization is regarded to be a significant process in our everyday life; it is more than just a simple technological process because it touches upon different spheres at the same time. The successful process of globalization is all about changes and improvements in the ways of how business works....

Benefits for Teachers: Social and Medical Insurance

Introduction Teachers have benefits which he will use for pre and post retirement protection. The most commonly used by most teachers is Teachers’ Pension Scheme which is abbreviated as (NUT). The teachers’ pension scheme covers all types of members who are in the teaching profession and members benefit when they...

Child Labour in Fashion Industry

Introduction There is a considerable difference between many works done by children. Some may be classified as difficult and more tasking than others, others may be considered as hazardous and to some extent morally reprehensible (Basu & Zarghamee, 2009). In this perspective it is logical to define what the term...

Project Management and Important Skills

Introduction Necessity of developing project management skills and knowledge. To succeed in the project planning, it is necessary to apply specific management approaches and techniques to develop a set of skills and talents. Indeed, numerous organizations make a gross mistake by allowing their best technicians and computer managers to handle...

The History of Florida and Hispanics in It

The ancestors of Hispanic Americans were present in the country of the United States before it was a nation-state. That heritage broadens from the 16th century in parts of present-day New Mexico and Florida and from the 17th and 18th centuries in parts of Arizona, Texas, and California. However, we...

The Prestige Company: Reward and Motivation

Introduction Human Resource Management [HRM] has undergone extensive changes over the past decades. Salvendy (2001) emphasises that developing economies of scale and leveraging on technology were considered as conventional sources of competitive advantage. However, changes in the contemporary business environment have reduced the competitiveness of conventional sources of competitive advantage....

International Business in the UAE

History of Dubai The economy was initially based on pearl-fishing until oil was discovered about 50 years ago. The economy became heavily reliant on oil that was discovered in various islands, and given the ready market in the world, the country’s economy was boosted. However, this did not last forever....

The Problem of the Air Rage

Introduction For the last couple of years, air rage has been on the rise; however, not much attention has been accorded to it, neither is there accurate statistics that have been developed. Air rage is bad conduct of plane passenger that may result in physical torture, emotional harassment or any...

Reformed Schooling for Migrants. Cabinet Submission

Program Context The proposal to reform the existing educational system in Australia for the children of migrant and refugee families stems from current Government aims and to provide improved learning access tools to these disadvantaged groups. Not only would such a move have long-term impact in terms of reduced government...

Simon Forman, a Late Sixteenth-Century Magical Practitioner

Introduction Several medical practitioners have risen with various unique events surrounding their lives, but none, at least in London, has been as controversial as Dr. Simon Forman. This man was involved in astrology, physiology, herbals and their interconnection with witchcraft also called polypharmacy.In addition, he did botched anatomy and other...

The United Arab Emirates: Environmental Issues

Introduction The developing countries all over the world are facing various challenges in the social, economical as well as environmental sectors. The invasions on the diversities of a nation are of much importance in the contemporary world. The different types of biological life on the earth are often referred to...

Barriers to International Outsourcing in Sysco

The research paper relates to Sysco Corporation. The firm’s background information has been given with reference to the products that the firm deals in. A set of objectives for research paper are outlined. The core objective of the research paper was to conduct an analysis of the barriers that Sysco...

Importance of Globalization on International Business

Introduction International business may refer to all money making deals that occur amid two or more countries and it be private or governmental sectors. This is normally done with the aim of making profit. The government is however not only interested in the profit making, but also on political bases....

The Behavior of the Young Toward Luxury Brand

Introduction The consumption process is a learning experience that affects and is affected by perception. Perception influences the selection and interpretation of marketing information, symbols, and products. Because it affects the expectations of potential results from various customer choices, it is a significant factor in individual and group reaction. In...

Economy Warm-up and Supply Chain

Introduction Supply chain management forms one of the most important components of the management of any one organization. However, just like any other part of organizational management, it is greatly faced with the risk of the changing business environment particularly the PESTEL environment. Specifically, the oscillations of the general economic...

The Theatre of Absurd History

Introduction The theatre of absurd is attributed to the origin when a French philosopher Albert Camus through his myth which he wrote in 1942 did outline that the humans situation sand surroundings are in basic terms on no use, lacks meaning and are literally absurd From the movies that followed...

Value Chain Management: Inventory Management

Introduction Today, business operations have become too complex. Everyday there are new changes in methods of operation and management. The interrelationship between competition, consumers and convergence in business has resulted to great challenges in business management across the world. The level of sensitivity of the economy to external environment together...

Te Whariki Childhood Curriculum: Early Childhood Education

Modern leadership demands are demanding change in all aspects of life. Early childhood education institutions being the pool of all job market resources can definitely not be ignored. It is common to say the children are the leaders of tomorrow and therefore there must be deliberate efforts of how they...

Culture Variables in International Business

Introduction As defined by Muhlbacher, Helmuth & Dahringer (2006:14) international business refers to all business transactions and trading relations that exist either between two countries or among multiple countries. It involves exchanges of good and services between or among countries within an established set up of both legal and international...

Difficulties Women Face Becoming Managers

Organization overview AF&L Insurance Company aims at providing the modern consumers with a complete end-to-end facility of healthcare insurance. The company is providing a 24-hour call-in facility where the customer can call to achieve healthcare insurance benefits from within the confines of their own home. The idea is to provide...

What Is Meant by ‘Glass’ and ‘Concrete’ Ceilings? How Are These Barriers Constructed and Manifest in Organizations?”

Introduction This paper is about managing diversity in an organization, this paper will critically examine the challenges that are faced by the HR managers in regard to managing diversity in an organization for example, barriers like ‘glass’ and ‘concrete’ ceilings are constructed and they manifest within the organization. Diversity can...

“The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini Book Report

Introduction Betrayal is a universal human experience that we don’t typically think about, but that permeates the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Although we are all likely to experience betrayal at some point in our lives, Hosseini also provides us with a means of defeating it through loyalty...

Mind of the Entrepreneur: Zuckerberg

Executive Summary Zuckerberg is one of the young millionaires as a result of this innovation and entrepreneurship that enabled him to create Facebook. Being the youngest billionaire Zuckerberg, has managed to supply the old businessmen who have toiled for many years but have not reached his levels. Zuckerberg has used...

Strategic Management and Logistics: ASDA Case Study

Introduction Recently there have been a lot of emphasis on both strategic marketing and logistics on research and business academics literature, illustrating a growing but confusing body of knowledge (Chernatory & McWilliam 1990, p112). Both strategic marketing and logistics disciplines have played significant role in the establishing basis for business...

Consumer Purchase Decision Psychology

Executive Summary Consumer purchase decision is influenced by external factors used as stimulus in store design. These factors enhance the consumer capacity to assess the stimulus meaning and initiate a response in them to involve in more purchases. Customer behaviour modification during shopping is based on the perception of customers....

Keeping Guantanamo Bay Open Review

Introduction Guantanamo Bay is located in the Cuba and is one of the oldest overseas naval base of the United States. The bay was leased in the year 1903 with 45 square miles of space for a coaling station. However, today Guantanamo bay is known for a much publicized conversion...

Personal Professional Development for the Workplace

Executive Summary This personal development plan is an important and very helpful tool that is in the disposal of someone who recently finished her studies. Even if there is so much learning in the theoretical aspect of managing a business there is nothing like working in a real-world setting. The...

Parker Pen Company’s Marketing

Introduction Parker Pen is a preferred writing instrument for older generations. Its quality and craftsmanship are unquestionable to many “patrons” who are mostly identifiable to afford a luxury such as Parker Pen. Parker Pen launched a globalization approach in the 1980s that sent its reputation and sales backward. Globalization is...

Balancing the New York City Budget

New York State’s Budget Gap originated from Wall Street and dot.com financial bubbles that led the economy into a recession. Other activities that activities that led to financial gap are the September 11th attacks , natural recession and overly ambitious multi-year tax reduction that could not be sustained through a...

Beijing 2008 Olympics: Hospitality Management

Introduction Tom (1989) argues that, planet Earth is full of natural and beautiful sites worth visiting and some of them are absolutely stunning, however, in spite this fact not every place is worth visiting. This is because not every country has gone through the cycle of better and sustainable hospitality...

Wood as a Construction Material: History, Properties, Use

Introduction For as long as mankind has been civilized, wood has remained an important material for the construction of housing and boats. Up until the close of the nineteenth century, virtually all the boats were constructed using wood (Hoadley, 1980). Today, wood is still a common material in the building...

Information Technology Training in Primary Care

Introduction Summary Nursing skills, IT training, and education are important factors having in-depth implications on the quality of health care. Many studies have been conducted on this topic, mostly in America and Canada. This paper has tried to bridge the gap between literature available on imparting information technology training in...

Cross-Cultural Human Resource Management: Work-Life Balance

Introduction In any organisation, the HR department has the objective of handling issues that relate to employees. Functional responsibilities of the HRM include training and development, recruitment and selection, employee conflict resolution, deriving employee motivation and job satisfaction programmes, and taking active roles in the establishment of remuneration programmes (Kramar...

American and Canadian Price Levels Comparison

Introduction The United States and Canada are the largest economies in North America. According to Pete (2015), there has been a raging debate as to which of the two countries is best to call home. Factors such as income and cost of living are some of the most important factors...

Performance Management in Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Introduction Stimulating employees to work effectively with the necessary level of dedication is one of the most significant areas of activity for managers whose business is based on using the workforce. Implementing the necessary strategies to increase motivation, creating sustainable systems of control over diligence, and similar organizational tasks form...

Rational Choice and Social Control Theories Comparison

Introduction The understanding of crime and its occurrence is limited without the development of theories, which represent useful tools for explaining the world around us. In criminology, theories help scholars understand the critical processes associated with the workings of the criminal justice system and relevant actors. To be used for...

Sustainable Marketing Application in IKEA

Abstract This paper explores the marketing tools and techniques used by IKEA, a global retail company that has an excellent reputation and is favoured by many customers. The analysis is based on a wide range of marketing concepts, which allow painting a comprehensive picture of all IKEA’s activities related to...

Sport Investment Analysis

Sports and physical culture have been developing rapidly in recent decades, turning into a whole industry of sports and spectacular events, which, from a business perspective, is a promising object of investment. In modern society, these are the most important factors in maintaining and strengthening people’s health, improving the technical...

Digital Marketing in Fashion Industry

Introduction The fashion industry is one of the most competitive yet very lucrative businesses in the developed economies. According to Kingsnorth (2019), it is estimated that about 1,875 fashion retailers in North America and the European Union were forced to shut down because of their inability to sustain their operations....

Pediatric Obesity and Self-Care Nursing Theory

Introduction Nowadays, obesity can be listed among extremely common health issues that lead to a variety of risks. The presence of excess body fat in children has to be given special consideration since healthy childhood is a prerequisite to normal physical and psychological maturation. The discussed research project is proposed...

Collaborative Partnerships in Early Learning

Introduction For young children, early learning is a prerequisite of success in future academic life. Appropriate educational strategies can help young children to develop basic skills and abilities that are necessary to progress to school-level education. While developing teaching plans and delivering instruction to young learners, educators must consider a...

Situated Learning vs. Networked Learning Approach

The educational system is constantly evolving in order to address the changing challenges societies have to face. The contemporary educational contexts are now characterized by the focus on such aspects as diversity, collaboration, knowledge construction, and the development of skills necessary for the successful integration in the society (Gee, 2008;...

Situated and Networked Learning Approaches

Introduction Critics have over the years debated on the benefits and limitations of both situated and networked learning approaches. Some have gone further to argue that the two approaches can complement each other for the benefit of the learner and the educator. This essay seeks to analyze the two approaches...

Collaborative Partnerships with Young Children

Introduction The days when formal education was regarded as the process of knowledge transfer from older to younger generations characterized by teachers’ instruction and learners’ passiveness have passed. Moreover, the number of actors involved in this process has been extended considerably. The relationships between the teacher and the student gave...

Madness in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea

Introduction/Thesis Ever since Jean Rhys’s novel Wide Sargasso Sea has been published for the first time in 1966, it had instantly gained fame as a prequel to Charlotte Bronte’s Victorian novel Jane Eyre – a classical work of British literature. This does not represent much of a surprise. Given the...

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics

What is business ethics? Business ethics is the field of study that is concerned with standards and principles that guide the behavior of firms in executing their business (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2011). In management, business ethics is concerned with issues of what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior within an...

McLuhan’s “The Medium is the Message” Nowadays

The term ‘medium’ refers to the communicative substrate that we choose to ‘fix’ a given message. McLuhan systematically asked himself what kind of media is favoured by the particular nature of a given media (Burke, 1966). Different examples include print, radio, film, television, the web and so on. The fascinating...

Emotional Attachment Theory in Childcare Settings

Abstract Emotional attachment is more than a normal feeling in young children. It is vital for the healthy development of children. Robbins and Zacks (2007) define attachment as “a reciprocal relationship formed between a child and a care giver” (p.457). It constitutes the bond that exists between a primary care...

Accident Investigation and Incident Reporting

Space Shuttle Columbia Report Investigation of any serious air accident demands an in-depth analysis of the root causes that preconditioned the emergence of the unexpected situation and failure of a flight. It helps to avoid the repetition of similar accidents and increases the level of safety in the future. For...

Religious Manipulation: “The Female American” Analysis

Introduction The religious memoir, The Female American, was first published in 1767 and it gives an account of Unca Winkfield, who is the main character/narrator. She comes from a bi-racial marriage living in 18th century America. Unca’s bi-racialism generates tension within the novel, as she appears to advance Christian views...

London Crossrail Project Management Principles

Introduction Over the past years, the global construction industry has been characterized by an increment in the number of challenges faced. The complexity is mainly associated with the increment in the degree of financial and operational risks. Dikbas and Scherer argue that the “construction industry has many problems such as...

Intellectual Property Law in Architecture and Design

Introduction Pleasure in intellectual and efficiency by architects is considered normal in modern life, in today’s world, it is advisable to use goods and develop innovativeness in view. The law concerning Intellectual Property has been erected to safeguard the main architects and their skills. Intellectual property can be described as...

Cross-Cultural Marketing and Hofstede’s Model

Introduction Marketing has taken a completely new approach from what it was some time ago. Immediately after the Second World War, The world was turned into a global village. Communication was made easy with the invention of telephone. Movement was also made easy with the invention of air transport. The...

Assessments and Screening in Family Therapy

Information-gathering strategies Information-gathering is as crucial as the actual writing of the report. This is because the final report will only refer to the methods employed in the process of acquiring relevant information (Neukrug & Fawcett 2010). The choice of inappropriate instruments or carrying out a poor interview usually results...

Proactiv, Its Qualities and Advertisement Strategy

Introduction Justin Bieber fans must have been happy to the max when their beloved appeared at their doors with a cameraperson and a box of acne treatment medication. Whether there was some casting for the most pimple-faced Bieber fan or not, it was an all-round ad campaign launched by Proactiv...

Globalization Influence on Product Development

Introduction Globalization has caused many threats and opportunities, which have caused firms, adapt their marketing strategies to meet these challenges and chances. Firms that respond with appropriate marketing strategies have found to help them improve their performance. While global market opportunities enable firms to access resources available worldwide, global threats...

Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control and Security

Identify and contrast two different approaches used to categorise access control methodologies. List and critique the types of controls found in each Access control methodology Approach Mandatory Approach and Discretionary Access controls can be either mandatory or discretionary. A mandatory access control approach allocates a specific security mark or label...

“The Gift of Sex” Book by Clifford and Joyce Penner

Is the Book “The Gift of Sex” for Me? Indeed, this is one of the most important questions that a young man or woman who is stepping into the life must ask him- or herself. This question can be paraphrased in the following way: “Am I ripe enough to read...

Importance of Nurses Professional Self-Development

Introduction Nursing is the profession that changes many lives, improves the quality of a human life, and promotes the development of personal and professional skills. Nursing is also a discipline that should be organized in accordance with some principles and rules. Therefore, it is important to identify and understand nursing...

Child Labour in Canada

Introduction From a general point of view child labour is described as a sustained and regular employment of children’s effort in both formal and informal work. This is an exploitative and harmful practice which is strongly abhorred by governments across the world. In a more specific approach Hindman (2009) defines...

Clinical Concierge Services Organization’s Strategy

Introduction To establish a successful nonprofit, it is important to develop a comprehensive strategic plan which is the basic blueprint for the actualization of the plan. Reflectively, the strategic plan is inclusive of the SWOT of the business environment, stakeholder analysis, goals, values, and mission. Thus, this analytical treatise attempts...

Enterprise Resource Planning for Small Business

Introduction The following is a discussion on various strategies used by the Enterprise resource to market the enterprise resource software to the small and medium enterprises. The following essay discusses how the reasons why small business enterprises have become the target market for most of the enterprise resource vendors. The...

The Wiggles Musical Group: Marketing Strategies

Introduction The Wiggles is a children’s musical group formed in Sydney, Australia, that mainly deals in children entertainment. It was formed in 1991 by four members namely: Anthony Field, Philip Wilcher, Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt and Greg Page although later other members joined such as Sam Moran who replaced Greg...

Wells Fargo & Company’s Human Resource Consulting

Wells Fargo & Company (simply known as Wells Fargo) remains one of the most respected brand names in the global finance industry. It is currently a revered “financial services holding company” (Wells Fargo, 2016, para. 3). The company’s human resource (HR) practices are critical towards empowering more workers. However, there...

Business Law: the Becker v. Pettkus Case

Introduction Family law litigations have exposed the strengths and weaknesses of various judicial systems in society. Over the decades, family matters regarding business have taken surprising turns, owing to the judgments made by the court. Litigated in 1980, the Pettkus v. Becker matter is one of the interesting family law...

Galanz Enterprise Group’s Organizational Structure

As a private company, Galanz consists of 14 production facilities that operate across China. It is one of the largest companies in the world in the microwave business. The structure of the company is based on three main segments. The first structural segment deals with Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM). It...

Walmart Company’s & Dunkin’ Donuts’ Sustainability

Introduction Walmart Company and Dunkin’ Donuts have been used in the sustainability reports analysis. The sustainability reports will focus on economic, environment and social issues. Under the social issues, the reports dwell on gender inequality at the workplace. It is evidenced that the main differences that are often witnessed in...

Congestive Heart Failure and Evidence-Based Therapies

Background Congestive heart failure, also known as CHF, is increasingly becoming a major health problem in the United States. According to Thomsen, Nicolaisen, Hasvold, and Sorensen (2017), CHF is a condition where the heart fails to pump enough blood to all body cells, making the nutrients and oxygen insufficient in...

Onion Prices’ Rise in India: Demand and Supply Factors

Introduction Demand and supply forces are often expected to determine the prices of a product in the market. However, sometimes these forces may lead to unprecedented price increases in the market that makes it necessary to have other forces to help regulate the market prices. In India, during the period...

New York City’s Sociology and Infrastructure

Introduction New York City has the highest population in the world for it has enormous amount of resources that facilitate social growth and development. The city has diverse races, which mainly comprise Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The major challenges in the city are congestion, housing, crime, and racism. Both the...

Finance: The Currency School-Banking School Debate

Introduction The period of the 1840s in the history of the economic thought is characterized by a significant controversy observed between the Currency School and Banking School. The debate influenced not only the British monetary system but also the approaches to the monetary policies in the United States (Block 15;...

Outsourcing, Its Importance, Pros and Cons

Introduction Every business from baking to banking depends, to some degree, on others for producing its products and services. The process of acquiring products and services for running one’s business is called ‘outsourcing’ in the business world. Though, outsourcing is not a new phenomenon for the companies, but in recent...

Emirates Airline Company Analysis

Introduction Emirates Airlines is a company based in Dubai. The corporation is owned by the government of Dubai. Since its founding in 1985, Emirates has grown to become the leading airliner in the Middle East (Taneja 2014). The reason why it tops other carriers is that it generates more revenues...

Cultural Diversity in the Workforce

Introduction With the global boundaries becoming more and more irrelevant owing to increasing international migration, the United States is gradually becoming multicultural. Individuals from all over the world have over time appreciated the United States as the land of opportunity. Hence, many persons ranging from professionals to unskilled individuals are...

Poor Living Standard and Its Effects on Education

Introduction Education has been the most hankered aspect of life in the contemporary world with the governments’ urge to increase their support towards equitable education gradually augmenting. This constant educational urge has provoked international controversies on equal access to educational success and its related resources. However, the social and economic...

Corporate Fraud as an Ethical and Leadership Dilemma

Introduction An ethical dilemma is a situation presenting conflicts of interest or a paradox while choosing the right cause of action among a set of alternatives. In such situations, making choices between two alternatives is difficult as choosing one means losing the benefit of the other. Ethics refers to standards...

‘ABC Graphics Company’ Publishing Firm Business Plan

Executive Summary ‘ABC Graphics Company’ is a home-based desktop publishing company, which started its journey to offer creative and innovative products; however, the initiator of this firm has higher proficiency in graphic designing. The estimated start-up capital is $70000, among this fund, principal’s equity is $10000, and borrowed capital is...