Mental Illness: Nursing Care Plan

Depressed Moods Intervention Identification of the level of risk for potential suicide will be done through asking of direct questions such as, “Do you still think about killing yourself?” The potential for suicide will be assessed at regular intervals and at key points in the course of treatment such as...

Impaired Nurses in Nursing Practice

In healthcare settings, impaired nurses are not praised because impairment is usually observed due to substance or alcohol abuse. In nursing practice, the definition of an impaired nurse is typically associated with a person who consumes alcohol and different types of drugs, and this behavior affects his or her performance...

Interdisciplinary Issue Identification: An Interview With a Nurse

Interview Summary In order to provide an appropriate foundation for the following project, a detailed interview with a nursing colleague was conducted. The organization that was discussed during the conversation was a regional hospital that provides a wide range of healthcare services to the population. It is a for-profit community...

Kinesiology: Volleyball Spike Overview

The process of human functioning is a highly sophisticated matter that has been constantly studied by scholars of various fields, as it represents a combination of social, physical, mental, and biomechanical endeavors. Thus, one of the major sciences related to the notion of human physical activity is the process of...

Intensive Care Unit Nursing ( ICU)

Job descriptions We live in a world wherein medical care becomes a very important part of the aging process. As we near the end of our life cycle, we find ourselves requiring more and more specialized medical care both at home and in the hospital. As such, nurses have slowly...

Fall Prevention among Older Adults

Aging is an inevitable process in the life of every human. From the physiological point of view, such a process is impossible to avoid or delay. Older adults are constantly at risk groups concerning many issues; however, one of the most serious and common is falling. With lower mobility and...

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Literature Review

Introduction Autism is a disorder that science has not yet studied thoroughly, although it is a common problem in society. Therapists have only partially learned how to diagnose it, understand the causes of its occurrence, and evaluate its impact on human life. However, although autism is a poorly studied illness,...

Cervical Cancer: Case Study

Cancer is the second frequent non-communicable disease in many regions of the world after cardiovascular diseases (Global health, 2016). To prevent and combat cancer, it is vital to unite efforts of international and local health organizations. This paper examines the key determinants of cervical cancer, factors to ensure access to...

Importance of Effective Communication in Nursing

Introduction Workplace communication is a critical component of professional interaction among colleagues as its effectiveness directly impacts a variety of performance indicators. In nursing practice, effective communication affects a wide range of competency and healthcare outcomes. Oral communication among staff helps to eliminate misunderstandings and mitigate conflict. Productive communication enables...

Cuban Ancestry in Nursing Cultural Communication

Introduction Cultural ancestry determines the behavior of its bearers in every sphere of life. People of different cultures demonstrate discrepancies in sharing thoughts and feelings, personal space, eye contact, gestures, and many other specific features. However, cultural ancestry becomes crucial in healthcare when the knowledge of the patient’s cultural background...

Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model in Family Practice

The model of nursing care The observed nursing model is Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model focuses that caring relationships which are often lacking in modern professional nursing due to overwhelming responsibilities. The model views health as a dynamic state that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual factors, thus providing nurses with value-based methods...

Using the Systems Theory in Solving Problems in Nursing

The quality of nursing services is one of the pivotal issues in any healthcare organization especially in the context of skilled personnel shortages. To solve the problem of service delivery well, it is however not enough to analyze the hospital-level staffing indicators alone. The view on the healthcare organization as...

Nursing Theoretical Frameworks: Joyce Travelbee’s Human-To-Human Relationship Model

In contemporary nursing science, there are numerous theoretical frameworks of various types, each describing a unique approach to caregiving. However, it is essential to notice that the development of nursing theory took a relatively long way, and it comprised many scientists’ contribution (Butts & Rich, 2015). Each scientist contributed to...

People With Disabilities: Health-Care Disparities

Introduction Individuals with developmental disabilities, including intellectual ones, usually experience more health-related issues than people without such disabilities. This phenomenon associated with being at risk of developing more medical problems in comparison to the general population is known as a health disparity (Krahn & Fox, 2014). However, the problem is...

Single-Parent Family Health Assessment

Introduction The family examined is a single-parent family with two children. After getting a divorce from the children’s father, Cayden, the mother, has been taking care of her two children, an 8-year-old boy Andres and a 10-year-old girl Aneesha. Cayden is a 35-year-old African-American female who is working as a...

Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model for Asthma Patient

Introduction: Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model (RAM) Making the necessary adjustments to help patients get used to the changes in their life caused by the disease and the introduction of the appropriate treatment strategies is crucial for the further success of the intervention. Herein lies the significance of Callista Roy’s Adaptation...

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Disease

Introduction Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a condition that can appear in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (both type 1 and type 2) and, in most severe cases, may turn out to be fatal if not addressed in due time. Although this type of a hyperglycaemic crisis is rather infrequent, its...

Nursing Ethics in “Invisible Patients” Documentary

Ethical Dilemma Invisible Patients is a touching and powerful documentary that describes the work of a nurse practitioner who helps the most vulnerable patients to live and struggle with their illnesses. Every case described in the documentary is unique and reveals certain problems peculiar to the modern healthcare sector. However,...

Nursing Theory of Vigilance and Its Values

Abstract The nursing theory of vigilance is grounded on the philosophical underpinning that care is the essence of nursing practice and vigilance is the essence of caring. Nurses cannot provide quality patient care without being vigilant. The theory was developed by Jeanine Carr. Professional vigilance can be defined as a...

Teenage Pregnancy Problem

Teenage pregnancy has become a major problem both in the developing and the developed world alike. It is both a social and health problem that every government is trying to address. Some worlds’ governments have allocated financial support to the relevant ministries and departments in their national budgets. The government...

Joint Commission: National Patient Safety Goals

Introduction Patient safety remains to be one of the main concerns in areas of health care and nursing. The Joint Commission is an organization that is responsible for accrediting health care facilities, and patient safety is one of the main criteria to consider while making a decision in hospitals (The...

The Integumentary and Muscular Systems: Functions and Interdependence

Introduction The human body includes several complex systems that support its functioning and protect it by working together. Integumentary and muscular systems play a significant role in sustaining the body, and their structures complement their functions. Human skin ensures protection and thermoregulation and supports sensory sensations, while muscles are responsible...

Good Leadership and Its Importance in Nursing

The field of nursing has undergone a tremendous evolution that poises it to adequately handle modern challenges. The theme of leadership resonates throughout nursing and seldom much is achievable without it at the personal and organizational level. The qualities that make good leaders are personality characteristics that poise them to...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in Mississippi

Advanced practice registered nurses are an important resource in the healthcare industry because they contribute to disease management and prevention. However, institutional, regulatory, and state barriers to APRN practice persist today leading to increased healthcare costs limited access and compromised quality of care offered. Regulatory Barriers State laws and regulations...

Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Hoarding Disorder

The client seemed absent-minded, strongly attached to irrelevant things, unconcerned, had an extreme level of anxiety and nervousness, and had no shame. These physical presentations give an impression of a mental-related issue, particularly a hoarding disorder. The client had and valued a huge possession of irrelevant things and felt no...

Parents Are Not to Blame for Obesity in Children

Introduction Childhood and adolescent obesity have recently reached epidemic levels in the United States. About 17% of children in the United States are obese (Derks et al., 2017). Being overweight is a chronic disease characterized by excessive adipose tissue accumulation, usually due to excessive food intake and low energy consumption....

Impact of Outdoor Activities on Mental Health

Rationale for Research The need for the present study emerged from the researcher’s observations of people whom they guided in the mountains during hikes and treks as a mountain leader and scout leader. The majority of individuals coming to the natural setting complain of having chronic stress in the environment...

Hair and Nails: Structure and Functions

Introduction Hair and nails belong to the integumentary system of the human body. This system provides the body with a waterproof protective shell, elastic and resilient, which defines external individuality. It also affects the harmonious work of the entire body. What is also interesting is that keratin, a tough protein,...

Importance of Dreams Analyzing

Introduction Dreams are natural experiences whereby people can picture themselves doing various activities while asleep. According to the self-organization theory, dreams are due to the organization of incongruous and discontinuous neural signals to form a narrative while asleep (Zhang & Guo, 2018). Although dreams are independent from a person’s function,...

Nursing Professional’s Skills and Functions

Introduction Individuals’ subjective understanding of their professional roles, crucial skill sets, and the opportunities for transferring other skills to a specialized task can permeate their professional identities. Thanks to focused self-reflection, nurses can build deeper connections to their intrinsic goals and beliefs. This essay presents my reflections on the profession’s...

Higher Incidence of Osteoporosis in Michiganders

Introduction The skin has a lot of benefits in ensuring strong bones. It functions as a connection between Vitamin D, Calcium, muscles, and bones of the body. The skin allows calcium absorption from the sun (through Vitamin D production), which is essential for healthy muscles and bones. Additionally, the skin...

Borderline Personality Disorder: Description, Diagnostics, and Management

Introduction Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that impacts emotional control leading to intense anxiety, impulsiveness, mood swings, and personal isolation. BPD is a chronic condition common in both the general population and clinical settings. Intensive fear or distress during childhood and past emotional, physical, and sexual...

Healthcare Informatics: Introduction to Theory

The Use of Electronic Health Records The introduction of electronic health records (EHR) is changing the paper records system for many healthcare workers. EHR can alert the nurse on a patient’s potential issues, such as allergies or intolerance to a specific medication. The latest technology in data mining and record-keeping...

Importance of Health Care Management

It is crucial to establish efficiency in a workplace to foster a positive environment that produces good performance. Good integration of organizational theories in a health care setting is crucial. It helps enhance the management of health workers to achieve objectives and goals and ensure safety for the patients. For...

Health Education and Health Promotion

In the modern world, almost every person can obtain information regarding their health through various publications. However, people who do not study medicine do not commonly opt for reading scientific medical researches. This happens since these sources need adaptation to more straightforward language, as they are often written for other...

Nursing Care Plan for Left Middle Finger Tenosynovitis

Introduction The patient for the care plan is a 68-year-old female of height 162.56 centimeters ailing from left middle finger tenosynovitis. She is allergic to NKFA foods and penicillin medication and always wears glasses. The finger tenosynovitis is also referred to as trigger finger, which is a condition that occurs...

The John Hopkins Hospital’s STEEEP Model Implementation

The implementation of quality improvement (QI) methods remains a critical issue in the healthcare field. Twenty years ago, the Institute of Medicine proposed its six-component STEEEP framework that orders organizations to provide safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care (Fallon et al., 2013). This paper aims to research the...

Organization Theory Improving Healthcare Operations

Introduction In every organization, specific behavioral patterns exist within its premises that guide how activities occur. Organizational theories explain the relationships between the business and its environment and how it affects its operation mode (Ferdous, 2016). Organizations apply various approaches that facilitate functionality and effectiveness within their operations. The paper...

Myth “Most People With Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives”

According to myth, the art of memory was born in the 5th century-B.C. when Simonides of Ceos, the Greek poet, after stepping outside came back to a banquet hall that had been raided and demolished (“People with Amnesia Forget All Details of their Earlier Lives,” 2021). When chaos and destructions...

Plastic Surgery Among Teenagers

Introduction More and more teenagers are seeking plastic surgeries in the United States and professionals believe that it stems from a lack of self-esteem and pressure from the media. These two factors affect the development of young people and prevent them from becoming healthy and confident adults. In this paper,...

Daly’s Predictive Cluttering Inventory

The Predictive Cluttering Inventory is an assessment tool that is used to diagnose cluttering. The Predictive Cluttering Inventory was developed by David Daly and Robert Cantrell, and the variant of their assessment protocol appeared in 2006 (Van Zaalen-op’t Hof, Wijnen, & Dejonckere, 2009). Still, the assessment became known as Daly’s...

Organizational Structure of The Ambulatory Surgery Center

A Description of the Organizational Structure or Design of Your Practice Setting The Ambulatory Surgery Center I worked at was not sufficiently equipped with all technical devices necessary for performing daily operations. Though the Medical Director of this center was a good manager, the organizational structure left much to be...

The Nursing Professional Code of Conduct

Introduction The way professionals behave when they are on duty is referred to as professional conduct. When a person works at a professional level, he/she should behave or uphold exemplary standards of behavior (Forrester & Griffiths, 2005). The nursing profession outlines a mandatory professional code of conduct registered nurses should...

Analysis of Health Care Around the World

Introduction A health care system is the totality of people, resources, and other means that healthcare organizations provide to satisfy health needs of the target public. Each country has its own historically formed and developed way to attract economic resources for the provision of health care, preservation, and promotion of...

Alberta Health Services: Organizational Structure

Introduction For any institution to operate effectively there must be some sense of leadership. Leadership is normally hierarchical in the sense that all managers, supervisors and any other form of authority in place cannot be operating on the same level. There has to be a sequential flow of authority from...

The Nightingale Pledge by Lystra Eggert Gretter

The Nightingale Pledge was written in 1893 by a committee chaired by Lystra Eggert Gretter (American Nurses Association, 2013).The committee was from a nursing school, Farrrand Training School in Detroit. It is modeled from the Hippocratic Oath which is an oath usually taken by physicians who promise to practice medicine...

Dentistry: Code of Ethics and Professionalism

Professionalism is always associated with professional ethics and the ability to respect client’s needs. Unsurprisingly, dentistry has its own Code of Ethics and, therefore, the perceptions of how a true professional should interact with the clients. Dentists commit to society and the society, in its turn, awaits high-standard help from...

Nursing Need Theory in the Contemporary World

Introduction Nursing Need Theory is one of the widely used nursing theories in the modern society. Developed by a nurse educator Virginia Henderson, this theory focused on how nurse can help their patients develop quick recovery by being active players in treatment and nursing process. According to Santerre and Vernon...

Epidemiology: Definition, Objectives, Subspecialties

Definition of Epidemiology Epidemiology is a medical terminology that is used to refer to the process of studying the causal factors as well as the spread of diseases (Last, 2000). From a careful review of literature, it is certain that the concept is very wide since it tends to answer...

Childhood Obesity and Nutrition

Summary The prevalence of childhood obesity in schools can be compared to an epidemic of a virulent disease on a global scale. Research statistics have shown that on average 15.5% of children aged between five to fifteen in school have body mass indexes reaching 30 or higher, far above the...

Synthesis of Information for Nursing Practice

Clinicians can improve their practices by embracing the new technology and the use of art and science in their operations. Most of the issues that affect nurses have their solutions in the literature, but practitioners rarely invest in the acquisition of information from written literature to inform their practice. On...

Eating Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment

There is a significant number of severe diseases that are recognized and respected by all people. It is hard to disagree that no one will claim that, for example, pneumonia, herpes, and asthma are not illnesses but just a way to get attention. However, some diseases are still believed to...

Quantitative Studies of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries

Background The problem of hospital-acquired pressure injuries is one of the major topics for the modern healthcare sector. For this reason, the selected quantitative studies are designed with the primary goal to improve the understanding of the chosen issue and offer possible interventions to achieve improved outcomes. These are articles...

Public Health Campaign on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Teenagers

Abstract Sexually transmitted infections account for high numbers of deaths and infections among the youth. A safe sex campaign can be an important initiative to reduce sexually transmitted infections. This essay discusses unprotected sex among teenagers as a public health issue that promulgates the spread of STDs. A large number...

Non-Invasive Ventilation Rewiew

The early use of non-invasive ventilation averts mechanical ventilation and intubation in adult patients that present acute respiratory failures. NIV reduces mortality in such patients. Over the past two decades, NIV has exhibited a tremendous reduction in the mortality of patients that suffer from respiratory failures. The treatment improves gaseous...

Nursing Process: Approach to Care

Introduction Such a severe disease as cancer often appears unexpectedly in a person’s life. Cancer treatment consumes significant biological and financial resources of a person. There is no universal cure for cancer, and cancer tends to recur. In this situation, the task of nurses is to make life easier for...

Nursing Process and Plan of Care

Phase 1: Assessment This phase is the initial start to the nursing process consisting of gathering information about the patient, their disease, and physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, spiritual, and environmental information. Nurses can obtain subjective data such as observations and patient communication or objective data through examination and measurable vital...

Stages of Life and Influence of Age in Healthcare

Life occurs in different stages from birth, childhood, teenagehood, youth, and adulthood, after which death occurs as the end of life. As people transition from one stage to another, they interact with the healthcare system to cater to their different health needs. In this process, individuals experience care differently. For...

Quality Improvement and Safety in Nursing

Ensuring a safe environment for patients is among the primary concerns for nurses. It could be difficult, as many factors impact safety within the health care setting. One of them is connected with medicine administration, which is an essential part of a nurse’s job. While it may feel routine, the...

Verbal Orders in Medicine: Challenges, Problems and Solutions

Introduction Quality health care is the primary goal of any health institution, and it highlights patient safety as the chief principle. Quality patient care implies avoiding errors, learning from the mistakes made, and applying safety practices to deliver proper care. It is necessary to state that several factors condition the...

Capstone Project Change Proposal in Healthcare Sector

Healthcare is a sector that is the most intensively exposed to stress and emotional exhaustion or burnout. Medical workers deal with patients’ health problems that imply constant mental pressure and a high level of responsibility for a professional. The problem of low staffing in the industry depends on the emotional...

McGill University Model of Nursing

Introduction Traditionally, most nursing theorists failed to recognize the importance of the strengths within nursing practice to appreciate the value of working with strengths. Currently, there is the steady growth of recognizing the importance of a strengths-based against a deficit-based approach to nursing but it had been observed that very...

Cancer: Symptoms and Consequences

Introduction The problem of cancer disease is spread all over the world because of global difficulties of its treatment. The identification of the notion “cancer” is not strictly fixed in the sphere of medicine. It combines thousands different types of cancer forms affecting almost every organ of human organism. The...

Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Quantitative Methods

Research question Obesity in children and adolescents has increasingly become prevalent in the recent past and is now a major problem in most developed countries. In what ways can we determine the main causes of obesity in this age group and whom should the blame be placed on? The Problem...

Advocacy Through Legislation

Problem The selected concern in the state of California is that of health workforce shortage. This problem has the capacity to be advocated through legislation to maximize the number of patients who have access to high-quality medical care. The nature of this issue can be understood by examining the percentage...

The Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing

Introduction This paper studies one of the most practiced nursing theories, the self-care deficit theory introduced by Dorothea Omen. The review explains its meaning and origins, providing insight into its ideas and purposes. The paper also revises its usefulness and testability, presenting an example of the study based on the...

Globalization and Health

Globalization is a critical component in international public health. It is impacted by various patterns of migration, extensive trade, altering dietary practices, and ecological catastrophes; all of which affect the health of populations and contribute to the spreading of disease. Globalization has emerged concurrently with urbanization, which offers a variety...

Critique of Population Health Intervention

Introduction Population-based health interventions are an essential part of the national health system, as they target not only individuals or small social groups but communities as a whole. It means that interventions cover groups at risk and promote healthy behaviors on a large scale. While there are multiple health intervention...

Professional Development of Nurses

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report has become a document that offers the most comprehensive range of recommendations and changes for improving and transforming healthcare. Its main points are aimed at reforming the education and practice of nurses since they are the most numerical in medicine and have the broadest...

Roy’s Adaptation Model vs. Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Introduction As valuable and useful guidelines used in nursing practice, special theories and models are utilized, which are designed to address specific cases and promote the necessary principles of work. The evaluation of individual concepts can reveal their significance in relation to a specific care environment, thereby helping to choose...

Nine Tenets in Nursing Practice

Introduction The nursing profession is of high importance as the main objective of it is to care for the patient’s health. Due to the seriousness that the nature of work has, it is crucial for nurses to uphold the highest standards of work. The way in which a medical worker...

Ethical and Legal Dilemmas Facing Family Nurse Practitioners

Like any other healthcare professional, a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) often encounters issues that require a thorough assessment from both legal and ethical perspectives. The problem of resource allocation in healthcare is especially severe because of the rising demand and increasing costs. This paper will describe a moral and legal...

Conceptual Frameworks in Nurses’ Practice

Conceptual frameworks are significant for guiding advanced nurses’ practice. They are related to concrete theories and provide a perspective on nursing meta paradigms. This paper presents an example of a conceptual framework that can be used in advanced nursing practice. The report describes its main ideas and shows how it...

Primary Nursing Care Delivery Model’s Pros & Cons

The choice of nursing care delivery model remains extremely important as it impacts the quality of care received by patients. The range of organizational methods helping to provide patients with high-quality service is quite large. If I were the manager of my healthcare unit, I would prefer to utilize the...

Critical Analysis of “Nursing Pain Management”

Article Title and Abstract The title of this article is straightforward in the sense that it captures the topic of interest and the direction of the research. For example, the reader is made aware of the study’s hypothesis and research methodologies through the title. The article’s abstract is also successful...

Hypertension: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment Data Analysis Health History The patient presents with high blood pressure. He complains that current medication does not improve his condition. He wants a new medicine. He has no other health concerns. Client’s strengths The client is aware of the importance of healthy living. He exercises every day in...

The Nurses Role in Strategic Management

From an interdisciplinary perspective, researchers have drawn contrasts between nursing and strategic planning (Carney, 2009). However, there is little evidence explaining the role of nurses in strategic management. Based on the failure to understand the interplay between nursing and strategic planning, this paper highlights the major areas of similarity and...

Optic Neuritis: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment To get better involved in the issue, defining characteristics, namely subjective and objective data should be examined. Subjective data – The client claimed that she experienced a sudden decrease in vision in her left eye. Objective data – blood pressure: 135/85 mm Hg; heart rate: 64bpm and regular; respiratory...

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Nursing Care Plan

Presumptive Nursing Diagnosis Although the information provided by the patient is rather brief, it can be supposed that Mary suffers from a case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). SLE is typically defined as an autoimmune disease that causes adverse effects to most organ systems. The pathology implies the release of...

Transformational Leadership and Theory Y in Nursing

The nursing profession necessitates the development of strong leadership and management skills inasmuch as they are of paramount importance for ensuring that care is delivered in a safe and efficient manner. The aim of this paper is to discuss the application of management and leadership theories in practice. Assessment of...

Pathophysiology of Heart Failure

Introduction The case of a 79-year-old man with a history of hypertension and Stage B heart failure will be discussed. Hypertension, myocardial infarction, and heart failure are the three differential diagnoses given to the patient regarding his main complaints which are shortness of breath, swelling in his legs, and a...

Pneumonia Diagnostics: Subjective and Objective Data

This case study is focused on pneumonia diagnostics in a patient with type 2 diabetes using objective and subjective data. For pneumonia diagnostics, these types of data are crucial. Subjective and Objective Data for Pneumonia Diagnostics It could be assumed that the patient will share the additional subjective data in...

Virginia Henderson’s Theory of Needs

Explore Virginia Henderson theory with our essay sample! Here, you’ll find the theorist’s background, theory description, major concepts, evaluation, use in nursing, and other important aspect. Learn more about Virginia Henderson theory with the help of our essay. Theory/Author Name and Background There are many theorists who have already made...

Discharge Planning in Nursing Practice

Introduction The problem of the lack of effective discharge planning, as practice shows, negatively affects patient outcomes and adversely influences recovery rates. As a solution to the issue, a special plan will be analyzed where the intervention model will be presented with its full justification and a description of all...

Nursing Community Practice and Its Objectives

Goals and Objectives A nurse must consider community practice as an important tool for building the necessary experience. Therefore, the practice in question must be viewed as an opportunity for developing a better understanding of how to meet the unique needs of the target population. A set of goals listed...

Telenursing Advantages and Disadvantages

Telenursing is the application of information technology and telecommunications in the nursing field with the sole objective of providing quality health services. Telenursing is common in cases where the nurse and the patient work remotely. The technology has become popular in a majority of the countries due to numerous reasons....

Expanding Nurse Practitioners’ Autonomy in Florida and Impacts on Healthcare Access

Scope of Practice for Nurse Practitioners in Florida Level of Independence Florida belongs to the list of U.S. states with a restricted state practice environment. Until a relatively recent change in state legislation, nurse practitioners (NPs) were not allowed to deliver primary care without an attending physician’s supervision (Gancarski, 2020)....

Swanson’s Theory of Caring: Five Stages of Compassion in Nursing

Introduction Swanson’s theory is one of the most informative in the medical field. It is heavily based on the theorists’ research and practice. The theory perceives caring as a sequence of five categories. It was primarily centered on maternal care, such as struggling with miscarriage; however, it spread to nursing...

Roy’s Adaptation Model in Nursing: Theory, Testing, and Evaluation

Introduction The nursing profession must adapt to the rapidly changing healthcare environment. A theoretical framework that can direct nursing practice is essential for such adaptation. I have picked Roy’s Adaptation Model (RAM) to complete the task of rebuilding a nursing theory. Callista Roy designed RAM, a well-known nursing theory highlighting...

Sterilization and Decontamination Practices

Sterilization and decontamination practices are essential for risk minimization and overall safety. In case the necessary measures are not applied, microbial contamination can occur. As a result, the process may lead to the transmission of certain diseases and infections, which would negatively impact the well-being of the general population. This...

A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography on Substance Use and Abuse

Finding helpful material on how to conduct research and the effects of substance misuse was made more accessible by using ProQuest, ERIC, and Google Scholar and comparing their functionalities. Considering its comprehensive record, Google Scholar is the best search tool available. Nonetheless, toggling between the three different search engines facilitated...

The PICOT (Evidence-Based) Format in Nursing Practice

Asking the right questions is key to gaining the right answers. Nursing is a highly responsible profession, which requires accuracy in solutions, which is why the PICOT format is needed there. The PICOT approach is a suggestion that is acquired from the clinical investigation questions, where P stands for a...

Post-Intubation Acute Encephalopathy in Patients

Introduction In recent years, there has been an increase in cases of post-intubation acute encephalopathy (PAE) in patients with hypercapnic and hypoxia respiratory failure. PAE is a potentially fatal condition that can occur when a patient is intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation. Most cases of PAE are caused by...

The Right to Healthcare as a Basic Human Right

Introduction Medical treatment and healthcare are basic human needs in modern society. It is considered that having the right to healthcare will prevent medical bankruptcies, enhance public health, lower overall health care costs, support small companies, and make healthcare a basic government function (Britannica 1). The American government should bear...

The Role of the Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Nursing involves making important decisions that can affect patients’ treatment. Nurturing leadership and appropriate knowledge can lead a nurse to be able to implement new approaches and practices in everyday work. This article will discuss how to use theoretical foundations and academic literature as the knowledge that nurses can...

Cultural Sensitivity in Nursing

Nursing is primarily associated with such values as kindness, compassion, and empathy. However, in the age of globalization, cultural competence, open-mildness, and respect for cultural traditions also became necessary for nursing staff. Furthermore, in addition to being respectful and informed about cultural differences, nurses should also know how to implement...

Caring for Patients With Diabetes

Most people with diabetes cannot take care of themselves, so they need outside help. In the presence of a complicated form of the disease, professional care is required. The main tasks of care are the systematization of medication intake, preparing a competent diet, providing moderate physical activity, and monitoring the...

The Duality of the Nostalgia Phenomenon

Introduction Nostalgia has become an emotional reaction that influences individuals to prefer longing for the past more than living in the present. It is indeed much more than a concept of the past but rather an altered view of the current circumstances. With most cognition in global capitalism, nostalgia has...

The Development of the Nursing Profession over the 1800s

While the nursing profession is one of the fastest-growing in the medical field, there is still a need to bridge the gap between theory and practice and encourage clinical nurses to participate in research activities. Nurses are responsible for promoting health, preventing disease, and helping patients deal with sickness. They...

Drug Misuse and Its Effects on Children

Introduction Drug misuse refers to using a substance in a manner, not per applicable legal or medical guidelines. Health and body functioning are negatively affected, and the condition may manifest itself in drug dependence or an array of other harmful and problematic behaviors. A person’s toxic or chronic use of...

ADHD & Personality

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by neurological impairments in human behavior that begin in childhood. The disease often manifests itself at the age of seven years or with the start of regular schooling or preparatory group. ADHD is characterized by inattention and high distractibility of the child in...

Pyromania as a Psychological Disorder

Introduction Pyromania, as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is an impulse control disorder that is characterized by an abnormal obsession with setting things on fire in order to relieve tension. People with this condition find it difficult to resist the impulse or the urge...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment

Introduction Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is comprised of two segments, which are compulsions and obsessions. Compulsions are monotonous activities that a person tends to repeat to reduce the overall level of anxiety that may be generated through the interface of obsessions. The latter represent unwanted thoughts and doubts that affect a...

Analysis of Cardiac Nursing Role

Summary Nursing professionalism is a holistic concept that provides healthcare services to community members to mitigate health disparities. Nursing roles require nurses to practice positive ethics that will enhance proper behavioral practice within the healthcare system, which is gained through an educational experience. In this case, the preferred Master’s prepared...

Management and Leadership in Healthcare

The professional level and quality of medical management are primarily related to the safety of medical care. However, one cannot ignore the fact that both the safety and quality of medical services are closely related to the quality of management of a medical organization. The effectiveness of this management can...

Parse’s Human Becoming Theory

Introduction The human becoming theory developed by Rosemarie Parse guides nurses to put emphasis on the quality of life as told and lived by the participants. It is an alternative to bio-medical and totality approaches of nursing. The theory rates a participant’s quality of life based on their own perspectives...

Addiction and Its Impact on John and His Family System

Introduction Addiction is a complex phenomenon continuously explored and re-imagined by academics and experts in different fields, yet little is known about the connection between one’s family system and addictive behavior. Nowadays, psychologists pay closer attention to the implications an individual’s social circle might have on their likelihood of becoming...

Being a Nurse in the 21st Century: Risks and Challenges

Depending on specialty and location, nursing staff turnover is one of the most serious problems of the profession. Nurses are changing careers due to the risks and problems they encounter at the workplace. This short paper aims to discuss specific challenges and risks that they experience in the work environments....

Families’ Suffering When a Medical Error Occurs

Introduction The two movies, A Closer Look at A Medication Error and Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm, illustrate families’ suffering when a medical error occurs to a close family member. For several years, I have regarded hospitals as a safe places where people get their health restored....

Anglo-Americans’ Health Beliefs and Practices

Introduction The term “Anglo-American” is primarily used to refer to people living in the U.S. and having at least partial English descent or origin. As per the recent American Community Survey, over 23 million U.S. citizens report having English ancestry, making them a populous subgroup (United States Census Bureau, 2019)....

New Nursing Documentation System Implementation

Introduction The Digital revolution has brought about exciting revolutions in healthcare which has led to the development of systems that can handle each person’s care, give solutions that are based on facts and evidence, and improve medical records storage. With digital evolution, care can be customized using the existing data...

Patient Pathway Aspects

Introduction The patient pathway or journey, also called the clinical pathway (CPW) is a medical jargon. It refers to the route followed by a sick person from the first encounter with a healthcare provider through referral to treatment completion (Aspland, Gartner, and Harper, 2021; Rogers, et al., 2019). In the...

Incivility Within a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Incivility consists of all the behaviors that are rude, disrespectful, or insolent in a workplace. Incivility may lead to emotional pain, which might threaten the working conditions. Some workers decide to be impolite to fellow employees knowingly without considering their feelings, while others may be discourteous without their conscience....

Applying Ethical Principles in Healthcare

Introduction Modern medical field requires new, high-quality ways of treating patients, considering the objective moral code. In everyday medical practice, the workers and the employees must know of and follow four fundamental principles of Health Care Ethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice. First, autonomy suggests that every medical professional should allow...

Competence for Nurses: Why Is It Important?

Introduction Nursing competence is the skill set that is required to provide quality patient care. This concept includes direct skills of care providing and the ability to build trust with patients, their families, and other health care professionals. At the same time, the level of competence and requirements for a...

Chronic Pain: PICOT Question

Introduction Chronic pain can be defined as continual pain patients experience for an extended period of time, and it can impact the quality of life of the affected persons. However, opioid medication prescribed to treat long-term pain is highly addictive and can lead to dependency, drug misuse, and overdoses. This...

Applying the Neuman Theory in a Case of Chronic Pain

The Betty Neuman systems model is one of the leading theories used in nursing. It applies the general systems theory to health, viewing patients as open client systems affected by various stressors (Masters, 2018). Due to its broad scope, this model should be understood as a grand theory that provides...

Nursing Theory: The Health Belief Model

Introduction Nursing theories strongly support specialists in their practice. Also, a purposeful application of nursing theory to research is essential since it allows making the study more credible and reliable. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the nursing theory relevant to the approved clinical issue, which is the...

Nasogastric Tube Insertion Teaching Plan

Introduction Leaders that set high achievable goals are leaders who are willing and able to take responsibility for a task through giving appropriate education or experience to nursing students as well as the nursing practitioners. A nasogastric tube is one of the most sensitive equipment that calls for great care...

Traumatic Brain Injury: Literature Review

Introduction Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a complicated insult that has diverse ranges of signs and restrictive conditions. Therefore, TBI effects can be devastating to the patient and relatives. Studies attempt to highlight management processes from shock and despair when a brain injury occurs and provide coping mechanisms and solutions...

Nursing and its Ethical Issues: End-of-Life Care

Introduction Health care across the world has arguably become one of the integral departments with significant advancements in the health care delivery and nursing practice becoming more eminent and increasingly imperative. As Hebert, Moore, and Rooney (2011) note, “Throughout history, nurses have sought ways to improve the quality of life...

The Purpose of Health Promotion

Introduction Health promotion is defined as the process of assisting or enabling people to enhance control over, as well as to better, their general health (Turunen, Tossavainen, & Kemppainen, 2012). Health promotion goes beyond the emphasis on individual behavior to an array of interventions that are environmental and social in...

Social Determinants of Health

Introduction The question that often comes into the minds of researchers when examining the issue of health revolves around the ability to create social structures that can prevent the emergence of diseases. This is what translates into a healthy society. This paper presents an analysis of social determinants of health...

Case Study of an Infancy Period

Infancy is a period when the most dramatic developmental changes happen in a human. The following essay will investigate multiple aspects of an infant’s development and the role of caregivers illustrated by the example of a 4-year old girl named Ann. Ann was born full-term, weighing about 6 lbs with...

Applying Theory to a Practice Problem in Nursing

Introduction and Problem of Practice This paper examines the significance of applications of theory in nursing practical situations. Concerned with the care of communities, families and individuals, nursing is an expansive discipline within the health sector, which encompasses collaborative and autonomous care of sick or health people in various settings....

Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety

Research Problem In her article “Interventional Strategies to Decrease Nursing Student Anxiety in the Clinical Learning Environment”, Moscaritolo focuses on the importance of support for students, who experience anxiety and doubts entering the clinical environment. The author introduces the problem of students’ inabilities to cope with their emotions during the...

Visit to Sterile Service Department (SSD)

Introduction Decontamination is a very important process at sterile service department because it is meant to ensure that reusable medical instruments do not pose any threat to medical personnel, and patients within a healthcare institution. Schultz and Crow (2008, p. 9) defines decontamination as “The physical or chemical process that...

The Importance of Health Literacy

Abstract This paper discusses importance of health literacy. It also compares health literacy to literacy. It is apparent that everybody needs to acquire health literacy to enhance his or her life. Health literacy helps individuals understand health terminologies and situations. The paper also gives an example of a situation that...

Quality Management Observation in a Hospital

Main post The concept of quality management embraces a bulk of aspects and perspectives that are not always presented on data collection agenda. In particular, there are services and daily responsibilities that nurses should undertake and that are not specified in the officially compiled codes and policies. It is obvious...

Nursing Practicum and Experience Gained From It

During the nursing practicum, I had the opportunity to develop and improve my skills and explore theories and practice models in the health field. I was able to assess my progress, reflect on setbacks and changes during the practicum experience, which was important in implementing my practicum learning agreement (PLA)....

Promoting Health and Wellbeing of Older People and Raising Community Awareness

Introduction Care of older people has become an important issue due to increased life expectancy and improved healthcare and health education (WHO, 2004). However, due to health deterioration as a person ages, their functional ability reduces and they depend on others. It means that the elderly require more attention in...

Why Health Insurance Should Cover Art and Music Therapy?

The artistic compositions can influence more than we can imagine. The individuals subject to art therapies indicate their arousal in both physical and mental levels. Considering the mentioned, music and art therapy are not simply for pleasure, but they can also bring a remedy for patients who went through trauma...

Human Reproduction: Fertilization

Introduction Background of the study Fertilization is the initial stage of human reproduction or procreation which involves the fusion of a female’s ovum or egg with the male’s sperm in the ampulla of the uterus (Cummings, 2009, p.165). The union occurs when a male and a female engage in sexual...

The Cobalt-60 Machine in the Fight Against Cancer

Introduction Cancer is a life threatening disease characterized by the development of malignant tumours in various parts of the body. Ravichandran (2009) reveals that this disease is the number one killer in the world. It leads to suffering in the patient and if untreated causes death. Scientists and doctors have...

Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model

The Health Promotion Model Nola Pender is one of the greatest nursing theorists of the 20th century. Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) theory supports the best health practices towards a quality life. According to Nola’s theory, human health does not always focus on the absence of diseases in the body....

History of Public Health

Abstract Public health is a powerful practice towards understanding the development and cycle of diseases. The occurrence of pandemics forced communities to invent new methods towards dealing with them. This fact explains why different practices such as quarantine became common throughout the Middle Ages. This paper offers a concise summary...

Pain Management: Practical Example

The term pain denotes a lot of feelings – it is complex and universal. Everyone experiences pain, but the explanation and meaning of pain are quite subjective. It is not difficult to describe, yet only the individual suffering from it knows what and how it is. Pain management can help...

Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom in Hospital

The patient of 36 years old has been admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath, high blood pressure, and wheeziness. Upon accessing the EHR, it was discovered that the patient had been previously diagnosed with non-allergic asthma. When asked, she said that the prescribed medication, Ventolin, has not been...

The Concept of Organizational Culture in Health Care

In today’s nursing practice, much attention is paid to the promotion and management of a working environment, also known as culture. The development of a safe environment plays an important role for employees and patients to choose helpful educational resources, prevent harm, and make positive changes (College of Nurses of...

Hospital Organizational Structure Breakdown

Any hospital has an adequately organized structure, consisting of specific components without which the healthcare organization will not function for its patients’ benefit. Thus, any hospital has a board of directors responsible for each healthcare department’s decision-making (Rivier University, 2020). The hospitals that are religiously affiliated usually have clergy or...

PICO(T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

It is of utmost importance to develop new patient care practices or implement changes to the existing ones, thus making them reflective of the recent trends in the field. The so-called PICO(T) method is used to guide the process of data collection since it allows practitioners to formulate specific questions....

The Theory of Cultural Care by Madeleine Leininger

Introduction Healthcare is an ever-changing industry. New technology, research, advancements and discoveries all shape the landscape of modern healthcare. Patients, too, are ever-changing. Global migration creates a dynamic patient profile as different cultures and ethnic groups relocate around the world. Studies show that patients are more comfortable in a healthcare...

The Issue of Maternal Mortality in the United States

Abstract Maternal mortality is among the most preventable deaths, which can act as a precise indicator of the quality of healthcare in the region. Although the global trend has been showing steady and gradual improvement throughout the years, there are still several regions where spikes can be observed. One can...

Malawi Health and Education System Analysis

Introduction The social sectors of developing countries are often not high enough due to various criteria, for instance, economic, political, and other factors that hamper progress in specific areas. In Malawi, the state in which agriculture prevails over other fields, the topical issues of education and medicine are raised periodically...

Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places

Smoking is considered to be one of the most dangerous problems of every nation since in many cases it leads to fourteen different types of cancer, including pancreatic, renal, bladder, mouth, stomach, liver and cervical cancer. Being the single biggest cause of cancer in the world, smoking causes about 70,000...

Western Psychotherapy and Traditional Healing Practices

Introduction Therapy is a form of treatment thought to be suitable, worthy and beneficial by both the patient and the therapist. Therapy aims at reducing pain and this happens by unearthing underlying issues that may be causing the pain. The pain may be physical or psychological. However, regardless of the...

Should the Sale of Human Organs Be Legalized?

An illegal organ trade preys on the healthy but poor people. In the black market, the people who give the highest price will get the live organ, and this appearance becomes the fodder of the black market. Therefore, many poor people sell their organs in exchange for pitiful amount of...

Vila Health Independence Medical Center: Stakeholder Communication

Abstract The proposed Electronic health record systems (EHRS) change for the Vila Health Independence Medical Center will impact all aspects of the hospital’s operation. Due to this fact, this paper reviews the stakeholders that are significant for the alteration and determines their involvement and value of the proposed strategy to...

Ensuring Children’s Mental Health

Introduction Mental health problems and potentially traumatic experiences that may cause them in young patients are often overlooked, which causes the development of serious mental health issues in the future. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that mental health issues in children are identified quickly and treated accordingly to prevent...

Quality Improvement Paper on Hand Hygiene

Issue of Hand Hygiene Washing hands properly is a health requirement so basic that it barely warrants discussion, yet the recent increase in the demand for high-quality care has defined stricter guidelines and standards for care. Thus, the problem of hand hygiene has risen as one of the issues that...