Influenza and Community Health Nurse’s Role

Introduction Influenza is a viral infection that is caused by the influenza virus. It affects the respiratory system and causes complications such as bacterial pneumonia and dehydration. There are three types of influenza viruses. They include Type A, Type B, and Type C. Types A and B are very common...

Quality Improvement Team in Healthcare Institution

The creation of quality improvement (QI) teams is essential since the involvement of the staff in the processes of change is vital for successful work redesign and the improvement of the existing practices (Rantz et al., 2013). QI teams are needed because changes in the provision of healthcare services do...

Nurses’ Role in Environmental Health

Abstract The environment has a substantial impact on people’s lives as far as people’s activity is always connected with being in the particular environment. Environmental health is often referred to as the public health segment that aims to investigate the impact of environment on human health. Hazardous environment leads to...

Health Promotion Proposal Obesity Prevention

The purpose of this proposal is to inform and educate parents, children, and adolescents of the importance of having a good balanced diet and exercise in their daily lives to avoid obesity. The latter is a serious problem in contemporary society. It is the main causative factor of a number...

Issues and Possible Solutions in the Healthcare Sector

It is hard to disagree that healthcare is one of the most fundamental and intricate sectors playing a crucial role in people’s lives. Despite the importance of individuals receiving quality medical services, several factors negatively affect healthcare. For example, currently, health policymakers face the need to solve problems like the...

O+ Blood Type Key Characteristics

A particular blood type constitutes a combination of genes inherited by a person. A certain blood type contains antibodies and antigens of a particular type that distinguish it from others. My blood type is O-positive, which is one of the most commonly observed blood types. In this paper, the O-positive...

Performance Appraisal Process in a Healthcare Organization

Introduction The performance appraisal process is a vital component in a healthcare organization in ensuring quality care. Employees can be evaluated based on established care standards. This process uses well-defined methods to enable employees to get information and determine if they meet the set-out expectations (Moradi et al., 2017). Aspects...

The Challenges Faced by Healthcare Workers

Healthcare organizations have faced many challenges that remain unaddressed despite the promising innovations of changing healthcare service delivery. The challenges faced by healthcare workers include transitioning from volume-based healthcare to value-based healthcare, increasing costs and expenses, provider shortages (Alemian, 2016), and internet-connected medical device security. The highlighted four issues are...

Medical Humanities and Their Impact on Medicine

Introduction Unlike most disciplines of medicine, medical humanity covers a wide range of fields, including social sciences, arts, and humanities. This field of study is the most complex, involving, and considerate because it seeks to strengthen the quality and practices of the involved activities of medical humanities. The discipline is...

Middle Range Nursing Theories

Introduction Nursing theories describe the nursing profession and provide a basis for distinguishing it from other disciplines. Nursing seeks to establish itself as a composition of a scientific knowledge base that enables it to increase its healthcare practice visibility. These theories guide the care provision in the professional practice, and...

Smoking in Public Places: Negative Effects

Introduction All living things desire to have a favorable environment that supports healthy living. Even though some pollutants are caused by nature most of them are to blame due to various human activities. It is important to state the need to identify pollution caused by nature and those caused by...

Evidence Based Medicine Analysis

Introduction Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) is also known as Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and targets to achieve the application of the finest evidence acquired from scientific methods for the benefit of taking medical decisions. It makes efforts to evaluate the potency of evidence accrued to the risk and the benefit of treatment...

Evidence-Based Nursing Practice: A Literature Review

Introduction This review of literature attempts to examine various aspects of evidence-based nursing practice in nursing. It further attempts to describe the importance of literature materials in nursing practice. In addition, it attempts to describe the standards needs in evidence-based care in nursing. Within the last few decades, evidence-based nursing...

Separation Anxiety Disorder in Adults: Sidney’s Case

Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the case of Sydney by using the DSM-5 criteria and other models for diagnosing psychopathologies. The symptoms described by the client indicate such differential diagnoses as paranoia, social anxiety disorder, and depression. However, the DSM-5 criteria and Beck’s cognitive model reject...

The Role of Religious Beliefs and Spirituality in Health Care

Spirituality and faith diversity are some of the important factors health care providers should keep in mind when caring for their patients (Young, 2006). Each religion has a varying knowledge-based perspective concerning health maintenance, adversity, and the certainty of death. The practical aspect of faith diversity may affect both the...

Online Learning and Students’ Mental Health

The accelerated development of technologies made online learning possible, allowing many students who would not have had a possibility to study otherwise, in a face-to-face setting, to continue their education. Access to a number of courses and educational opportunities also has been granted by this phenomenon. Online learning can be...

The American Nurses Association (ANA): Pros & Cons

Introduction The American Nurses Association (ANA) is an organization that primarily conducts federal lobbying on important issues in nursing and healthcare. The ANA address all issues such as the development of the nursing workforce, safe staffing, and pay. However, the membership of ANA stands at 6%, which can be attributed...

Pros and Cons of the Gatekeeper Healthcare System

The healthcare system can consist of three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary. The primary level is usually administrated by general practitioners (GP), who deal with common health problems (Bodenheimer & Grumbach, 2016). There are several advantages of implementing a primary-care-based system. First of all, patients are examined by a GP...

Automated Hospital Dispensing Systems

Introduction Both the Pyxis and Omnicell are products that are used to automate operations in a hospital. The handling of and management of medication has undergone a lot of transformations that are geared towards reducing costs and making medical services to be more effective and efficient. The use of automated...

Medication Error: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Nowadays, patient safety still requires continuous improvements that are based on evidence and lead to the elimination of health care system deficiencies. The sentinel events that will be analyzed are medication errors taking place at Clarion Court, Minnesota. This patient safety problem has been deteriorating for six months what seen...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse’s Role Conflict Resolution

Area of Conflict Collaborative interactions with co-workers and patients are a hallmark of nursing practice. Due to a diversity of perspectives, these relationships are bound to be strained. One potential area of conflict relates to the ambiguity surrounding advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) roles. Completion of graduate-level education prepares APRNs...

Nursing: Learning Needs Assessment

Introduction The nursing profession is a very sensitive job and requires a lot of commitment on the side of the practitioners. This is because the jobs deal with life and some silly mistakes can lead to loss of life, permanent injury, or disability on the patient. As a result, many...

Public Health in 21st Century

Public Health can be defined as the science and art of preventing disease and looking after the health-related welfare of the citizens. Basically, it is a preventive measure, not a curative process. Institutions like World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF they also wholeheartedly participate in the different public health programs. For...

How a Kidney Nephron Works

A nephron is the kidney’s basic functional and structural unit, undertaking the regulation of water and soluble substances in the body. It filters blood, reabsorbs critical components, and excretes the rest, ultimately ensuring that urine leaves the body in the correct concentration. A nephron constitutes a renal tubule and corpuscle,...

Family Health Assessment: Weaknesses and Strengths

Introduction Understanding a family’s features is an essential aspect of nursing practice as it helps determine the right approach for intervention. However, the assessment requires data that can be collected through observation or survey. This paper will examine the benefits of interviews to assess the structure, weaknesses, and strengths of...

Community Health Nursing: Concept and Scope

Community Health Nursing that may be called Public Health Nursing as well is a specific field of nursing characterized by the combination of public health, nursing skills, and some elements of social assistance. It is a part of the general public health program that focuses on health promotion, the improvement...

Virginia Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory: Concept Analysis

Introduction The concept that will be presented in this paper is extracted from Virginia Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory (Ahtisham & Jacoline, 2015). This theory emphasizes the fact that the patient’s independence directly influences the successes that they make after their hospitalization. The core idea is that any patient must realize...

Advocacy Through Legislation

Problem The selected concern in the state of California is that of health workforce shortage. This problem has the capacity to be advocated through legislation to maximize the number of patients who have access to high-quality medical care. The nature of this issue can be understood by examining the percentage...

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns in a Community

Resources for Proper Assessment In the community under consideration, there are certain resources that could help assess its needs, strengths, weaknesses, and other necessary details. In particular, the community is extremely homogenous when it comes to the system of beliefs and values about health. Despite the variety of nationalities and...

Abdellah’s Theory for Patient-Centered Care

Basic components Implementing a patient-centered approach has become a critical requirement in the clinical care environment due to the necessity to address patient-specific needs and create a positive environment in which recovery can occur at a faster rate. Therefore, the introduction of a theoretical framework that could assist in performing...

The Role of Microbes and Microbiology in Health

Introduction The moment of the scientific discovery of microorganisms allowed scientists to answer many questions about the origin of life and the processes of interaction of living beings. According to Appana (2018), “microbes play a critical role in the development of both physiological and anatomical features of the living organisms...

Analysis of Orem’s Nursing Theory

Background of Orem’s Theory The self-care deficit theory is a grand theory that was elaborated by Dorothea Orem to enhance nursing education and practice. After receiving a nursing diploma from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, DC, she practiced in various hospitals and operated in the role of a...

Dorothea Orem’s Nursing Theory of Care

Introduction Among the grand nursing theories of care, the work of Dorothea Orem stands out as one of the most recognized and applied models in healthcare. Orem was born in Baltimore, MD, in 1914, but she started working as a nurse in Washington, DC, after getting a diploma from Providence...

Conceptual Frameworks in Nurses’ Practice

Conceptual frameworks are significant for guiding advanced nurses’ practice. They are related to concrete theories and provide a perspective on nursing meta paradigms. This paper presents an example of a conceptual framework that can be used in advanced nursing practice. The report describes its main ideas and shows how it...

Principles of Primary Health Care

Introduction The principles of providing medical care are largely based on the specifics of certain diseases since many illnesses require an individual approach and the involvement of special treatment means. Junior personnel involved in the healthcare system have to be well-versed in the particularities of caring for different patients, including...

Access to Healthcare Services

Introduction The issue of access to care has been high on the agenda for healthcare organizations. Without access to comprehensive and quality health care, it would be impossible to promote and maintain the population’s health, prevent diseases, unexpected deaths, and comorbidities from occurring or reduce unnecessary disabilities (Healthy People, 2017)....

Nursing Critique: Comfort Theory

Meaning Katharine Kolcaba’s comfort theory focuses on providing comfort as one of the main purposes of nursing care along with patient safety and patient satisfaction. In the theory, a lot of attention is paid to defining the concept of comfort and establishing what contributes to it, what enhances it, and...

Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model for Asthma Patient

Introduction: Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model (RAM) Making the necessary adjustments to help patients get used to the changes in their life caused by the disease and the introduction of the appropriate treatment strategies is crucial for the further success of the intervention. Herein lies the significance of Callista Roy’s Adaptation...

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Clinical Question The clinical questions which guided this paper were related to the problem of utilization of traditional practices by nurses instead of using practices that are established to be best by evidence. The clinical question guiding a search for a qualitative article was: What are some of the traditional...

Electronic Medical Records: Life Cycle Phases

The Broad Category of HIT Chosen The type of health information technology (HIT) chosen for this paper is the electronic health records (EHR), also known by the name of electronic medical records (EMR), an innovative type of software for health care institutions. EMR is a software system that allows for...

Nursing Communication Process

This paper is focused on verbal and nonverbal elements of communication in nursing profession. It also assesses the importance of effective nursing communication process with patients in healthcare. Five Elements of the Communication Process The five elements of the communication process include the sender, message, receiver, channels, and feedback. Finkleman...

Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Theory

Imogene Martina King created the Theory of Goal Attainment in the early 1960s and was one of the foremost and most sought-after nursing theorists. Her work is used in several service contexts and taught to thousands of nursing students worldwide. King, a respected worldwide leader, had a substantial influence on...

Nursing Informatics Policy and Its Influence on Healthcare Delivery

The development of nursing information structures is an essential factor in improving the delivery of health services. It includes the development of regulations that will make the mechanisms of the individual and the healthcare institution interaction safe and convenient. In addition, the goal is to provide patients with confidence in...

Hansen vs. Baxter Healthcare Corporation

Litigation encompasses controversial cases addressing legal issues. The case that will be discussed further, namely Hansen v. Baxter, highlights the importance of awareness of the legal and ethical issues when entering the market. In March 1991, Andrina Hansen was admitted to Mt. Sinai and was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer....

The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment

Introduction Elderly patients in general, and individuals aged 70 years and older in particular, face a distinctive set of risks associated with age-related changes. The issues within physiological and physical health, economic status, social and environmental well-being, and functioning are characterized by particularities that are different for the elderly in...

Life Expectancy and Technology

Life expectancy has increased significantly with the development and discovery of new devices and medicine in the last century. Health technology played a substantial role in this process, making healthcare more accessible to people and improving the quality of life. For example, diagnostic tools, such as wearable trackers, x-ray machines,...

Mental Disorders: Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Health is not merely the absence of disease and bodily defects. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social condition. Therefore, it is apparent that three health segments: body, soul, and society, are closely interconnected and affect well-being. Individuals who are balanced and resistant to stress are wholesome...

Clinical Decision-Making in Nursing

Introduction Decision-making is the essence of nursing practice, as nurses must make choices about treatment and patient care countless times a day. Levett-Jones et al. (2010) note that nurses make 1428 decisions during a 12-hour shift in critical care. In turn, according to Razieh et al. (2018), about one hundred...

Analysis of Cardiac Nursing Role

Summary Nursing professionalism is a holistic concept that provides healthcare services to community members to mitigate health disparities. Nursing roles require nurses to practice positive ethics that will enhance proper behavioral practice within the healthcare system, which is gained through an educational experience. In this case, the preferred Master’s prepared...

Peplau’s Theory of Nurse-Patient Relationship

Introduction Peplau theorized the main goal of care is to create an interpersonal, therapeutic relationship to allow nurses to assist their clients in identifying their felt problems. The therapeutic relationship is considered a healing technique essential for providing professional assistance to clients. This professional relationship focuses on the client’s problems,...

PICOT Question: Postpartum Hemorrhage as a Care Issue

Summary Bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth remains one of the leading causes of maternal death in the world. Pregnancy-related blood loss can occur in women in all trimesters of pregnancy, in the first and postpartum periods of childbirth, as well as in the early and late postpartum periods. Often, postpartum...

Global and Local Evidence in Nursing

Evidence is crucial for nursing because evidence-based nursing is an approach to healthcare that incorporates research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values. When nurses make any decisions regarding their patients’ health and treatment, they should use different types of evidence to support their decisions. However, general evidence and nursing evidence...

Fad Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages

A fad diet is a quick weight loss plan that promises results that are typically unsustainable in the long run. It permits eliminating an entire food group or a strict decrease in one’s intake of a particular food category. In an era where it is easy to gain weight because...

Quality Improvement and Measurement Tools in Healthcare

In recent years, the public has paid more attention to medical quality, and risk management has received increasing attention. The broad health risk is present in all types of the treatment session, resulting in damage or disability uncertainties, including all unsafe events, such as medical malpractice, accidents, concurrent Disease, and...

Speech: On the Importance of Blood Donation

Attention Getter Who among you likes needles? (Pause) To be honest, I hate needles. (Transition) But they can be a tool that makes you feel better and increases your happiness. And not by injecting any illegal substances! I am talking about blood donations. Thesis Statement (Statement of Purpose): I want...

Expectancy Theory in the Healthcare Sector

Expectancy theory has been used by leaders and managers in all industries to better understand the motivations and choices of employees among various behavior alternatives. In theory, if the desired outcome is offered, each person or a group of employees will shift their behavior to what the manager requires. This...

Personal Experience and Reflections on Aging

Aging and experiences of aging are indispensable ingredients of the self. Most young people and adults have thought about aging at least once in a lifetime. Adults are more prone to think about aging than their younger counterparts (Steverink, Westerhof, Bode & Dittmann-Kohli, 2001). Simultaneously, self-conceptions predetermine how adults approach...

Why Family Planning Services Are Essential for Adolescents

Introduction The rate of adolescent pregnancy is currently on the increase. According to recent research, approximately half of the people in the universe are below twenty-five years old. Therefore, their decisions about childbearing are crucial for the future population. Even though many people become sexually active at teenage, they do...

Nursing Care for Elderly Patients

In fact, every nurse has to look for elderly patients in their professional practice. However, only geriatric advanced practice nurses have the special preparation for elderly care; the other nursing specialists often lack it (Melillo & Houde, 2011, p. 31; Touhy & Jett, 2014, p. 11-13). Therefore, for a nurse...

The Family Health Assessment

Introduction Matters concerning family health are receiving substantial attention in the contemporary decades, following a growing number of unpredicted health issues. Community health assessment and family health assessments have become common techniques utilized within the health care systems across the world purposely to promote good health (Willemse & Kortenbout, 2012)....

Kennedy Class II Removable Partial Dentures Review

During the last few decades, technology has combined well with science and innovation to bring about sweeping changes in dental treatment. People who could never afford a smile due to the sorry state of their teeth have been offered a new lease of life, courtesy of emerging technologies such as...

Measurement Systems and Uses of Scorecards and Dashboards

Scorecards and dashboards A dashboard is a real-time user interface that shows a snapshot and historical performance indicators of an organization (Chan, Parco, Sihombing, Tredwell & O’Rourke, 2010; Kelly, 2007). The performance indicators displayed by dashboards in a healthcare organization enable managers to make fast and informed decisions that improve...

Change Management in Nursing

Introduction Change is an indefinitely long time reality in both our activity directed toward making or doing something and personal lives. Consequently, our societies, our line of works, and our daily work lives are all changing, and the rapidity of this change appears to be speeding up, not decreasing in...

Behavior Intervention Plan for Tantrums

Abstract E.J. is an 8-year-old boy who was diagnosed with autism and referred to the Functional Behavior Analysis that revealed tantrums as interfering behavior. It is suggested that his tantrums occur when he fails to obtain peers’ attention to satisfy the need for sameness. This paper presents the behavior intervention...

Should Abortion Be Banned?

Introduction The issue of abortion has led to divergent opinions in the US with the pro-life activists advocating its illegalization and their pro-choice counterparts arguing in its favor. Pro-choice crusaders assert that a pregnant woman ought to be accorded the right to either sire the child or carry out an...

Nursing Process and Plan of Care

Phase 1: Assessment This phase is the initial start to the nursing process consisting of gathering information about the patient, their disease, and physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, spiritual, and environmental information. Nurses can obtain subjective data such as observations and patient communication or objective data through examination and measurable vital...

Healthcare in the United Kingdom

Introduction Healthcare delivery systems are aimed at resolving health problems and meeting the needs of the population, which makes research on this subject particularly valuable for assessment and improvement of healthcare quality. The search strategy for this paper involved keyword research among sources not older than five years. The purpose...

Comparison of Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

Type 1 and 2 diabetes originate when an individual’s blood sugar is too high for a body to handle. A hormone called insulin helps the glucose in the blood to get into cells to be used for energy purposes. In type 2 diabetes, a body cannot produce a sufficient amount...

Grand Theory v. Middle Range Theory

Background of the Theories Dorothea Orem’s grand theory and Nola Pender’s middle-range theory are some of the most popular theories in the field of nursing. These concepts are often used to define the approach that nurses should take when caring for their patients. Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory is one of...

Nursing Career and Reasons to Choose It

Choosing a profession is one of the most crucial decisions every individual makes in their life. Various factors, such as personality traits, knowledge, skills, and opportunities have to be considered when pursuing a specific career path. In addition, specialization should be beneficial for the person and society and stay in...

Florence Nightingale’s “Environmental Model” Critique

Meaning The Environmental Model developed by Florence Nightingale in the second half of the 19th century is one of the first theories in nursing practice that became the basis for future nursing activity. Nightingale’s model mostly described how nurses must take care of their patients and what environment they must...

Proposal for Providing Healthier Food Choices for Elementary Students

Introduction Many people think that kids will eventually grow up to be healthy individuals, without being given the attention they need; they ignore the fact that children of all ages need a vigilant eye on them, for proper growth and development. For the body’s functions to carry out normally, it...

Validity and Reliability in Research

When creating a research design, it is essential to take into consideration the potential study’s reliability and validity, as they determine the efficiency of the methodology used and the relevance of the techniques applied. Though both concepts are utilized to assess the quality of quantitative research, the ultimate purpose of...

Obesity Issue: Application of Nursing Theory

Introduction and Problem Statement Obesity has been a growing concern for health professionals for the past few decades. Its prevention and management are difficult, especially because of the specifics of the lifestyles that are prevalent nowadays. In this paper, a specific case of chronic obesity will be considered. As an...

From Novice to Expert: Nursing Theory

Introduction Many practitioners use different nursing theories to develop superior care delivery models and meet their patients’ medical needs. A proper application of emerging concepts in this field can empower clinicians to transform the United States’ health care sector. The paper below gives a detailed analysis of Patricia Sawyer Benner’s...

Comparison of Nursing Theories: Orem’s Self-Care Theory and the Neuman’s System Model

Introduction Nursing theories have been developed for describing, predicting, and explaining the process of nursing for those in the field. They offer a foundation for the nursing practice as well as help to generate further knowledge to indicate the direction in which the discipline should be developed in the future....

Change Management in Healthcare

Thesis Statement Changes in the healthcare field are always associated with difficulties since they affect the ways care is delivered, as well as medical professionals’ and clients’ experiences. For my research paper, I have chosen the topic of change management in healthcare. More specifically, I am planning to examine innovation...

Patient Fall Prevention Study: Literature Review

The purpose of the literature review is to provide a synthesis of recent scholarly studies focused on the identified research problem. Since the research question is concerned with the potential of various educational programs to reduce the incidence of patient falls, the review of literature will revolve around this topic....

Statistics Application in Healthcare and Nursing

Introduction The field of healthcare and, in particular, nursing practice, provide for the application of various theoretical approaches and concepts aimed at studying the principles of helping people and analyzing potentially successful interventions. These procedures require calculations and making correlations, and in this case, statistics are a valuable method for...

AIDET Nursing Communication Framework

Initial Intentions of the AIDET Strategy Implementation (p. 2) Importance of nurse-patient communication quality improvement Evident problems in patients’ data management (Kelly, Runge, & Spencer, 2015) Strategies for effective communication about nurses AIDET communication for sensible hospital changes Opportunities for nurses, patients, and educators Background of the Offered Inquiry (p....

Barriers to Collecting a Health History

Introduction A competent healthcare specialist cannot succeed in therapeutic care unless he or she is capable of collecting a sufficient amount of reliable information about the health history of a patient. Since the obtaining of the data about prior health issues of an individual is essential, it is vital to...

Nursing Theoretical Frameworks: Joyce Travelbee’s Human-To-Human Relationship Model

In contemporary nursing science, there are numerous theoretical frameworks of various types, each describing a unique approach to caregiving. However, it is essential to notice that the development of nursing theory took a relatively long way, and it comprised many scientists’ contribution (Butts & Rich, 2015). Each scientist contributed to...

Asthma Patients’ Health Education and Promotion

Health education is a crucial component of healthcare that enhances awareness about various disease courses thus helping patients to lead healthy lives. Effective patient education endeavors should strive to meet the precise needs of patients by ensuring that pertinent health information is delivered effectively and promptly. The purpose of this...

Nurse-Physician Conflict and Resolution

Introduction Interdisciplinary collaboration is an important part of nursing care in hospitals and primary care settings. Nurses communicate with a variety of health professionals, including physicians, surgeons, lab workers, and other staff. Therefore, it is important for nurse leaders to understand the possible consequences of interdisciplinary collaboration and to seek...

Teaching Plan: Immunizations and Vaccinations

Introduction In an immunization schedule, provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eighteen diseases are marked as possible to prevent with the help of appropriate vaccinations. Vaccinations for children (birth – six years) and teenagers/young adults (seven years – eighteen years) are scheduled differently, according to their age....

Community Hospital in Ypsilanti: Janice Portfleet Case

Introduction Case Study: Janice Portfleet is a nurse manager of a 12-bed critical care unit (CCU) for a community hospital in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Her superior has just notified her that the productivity level in the CCU has declined. Nurse Portfleet is asked to cost out nursing services for her unit,...

Hypertension: Patient and Staff Education

Broad Instructional Goals Patient Education Hypertension or high blood pressure is a widespread disease that, without careful observation of the patient, can result in serious complications or even fatal outcomes. According to Wilkins et al. (2010), 22.6% of Canadian adults have hypertension, and 20% have prehypertension (p. 42). In order...

Mother and Newborn Contact and Its Benefits

Introduction It is a common practice in some hospitals to separate the infant from his or her mother right after birth. The mother can see her newborn after some time when the baby is already wrapped or dressed. However, many believe that an instant contact of the mother and her...

Nursing Theories Variety, Its Pros and Cons

It was not until 1950s that first nursing theories began to be formulated and applied to nursing practice after many centuries of tradition-based experimental learning. Since then, a whole number of theories manifesting different approaches, philosophies, and perceptions have emerged. These worldviews provide contrasting paradigms of knowledge comprehension and development...

Organ Donation, Give the Gift of Life

This organ donation essay will provide you with arguments for and against the procedure. Read it to get inspiration for your paper. Introduction Organ donation refers to giving out of a person’s body organ to somebody whose organ has malfunction and who needs a transplant. Organ transplants substantially improve the...

Non-Verbal Communication in Mental Health Nursing

Introduction In the nursing profession, proper work with patients plays a vital role in the overall treatment process. While the patient is in the hospital, the nurse becomes his guardian, the closest person to him in the place. Therefore, it is critical to establish proper communication between the patient and...

Benchmark Crisis Intervention Plan

Introduction An intervention plan is a guide used when it comes to helping individuals who are going through a difficult situation. When it comes to social science, a crisis intervention plan is always geared towards addressing a specific problem within a specified period. For this assignment, the skills of a...

Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Hoarding Disorder

The client seemed absent-minded, strongly attached to irrelevant things, unconcerned, had an extreme level of anxiety and nervousness, and had no shame. These physical presentations give an impression of a mental-related issue, particularly a hoarding disorder. The client had and valued a huge possession of irrelevant things and felt no...

Benefits of Physical Activity on Old People

Introduction Life expectancy has increased, and the main concern that follows this development is whether the extra years entail periods of health-related high quality of life for the old people. Physical movements and exercises are a great method for maintaining physical fitness and wellness. Physical exercise refers to any kind...

Effects of Poor Workplace Culture on Healthcare Organizations

Introduction The role of workplace culture cannot be underestimated nowadays, especially knowing that the diversity of employees continues to increase. The influence of different factors on employee performance and patient outcomes cannot be ignored either, as these may be linked to safety, health, and wellbeing (Rider et al., 2018). Therefore,...

Lady Gaga’s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental illness that affects those who have experienced or witnessed a horrific tragedy. Catastrophic incidents, accidents, terrorist acts, war assaults, death, sexual brutality, or injuries are examples of terrifying events (American Psychiatric Association, 2020). Family and individual functioning may be disrupted due to...

Antisocial Personality Disorder Case Study

There are numerous issues that may undermine the proper formation of a personality during childhood and adolescence. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the challenges that affect children and teenagers and lead to the development of a broad spectrum of symptoms that may indicate the early stages of mental disorders....

Discussion: Smoking and Health Risks

Introduction Smoking is generally considered to be one of the most harmful habits. Moreover, it continues to poison billions of people worldwide despite the numerous policies that aim at reducing its popularity. In many societies, smoking has become an essential part of traditions and one of the favorite leisure activities....

Traditional Public-Health Prevention Model

Summary Nowadays, the treatment of many common diseases is believed to be influenced by prevention. It is generally much easier to allocate resources toward the implementation of various properly functioning mechanisms that ensure that people do not get the disease in the first place. Therefore, new approaches have been developed...

Nurse Turnover as a Crucial Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator

It is exceptionally important for new hires to navigate the intricacies of quality management and improvement, both of which are integral to the operations of any healthcare organization. The National Database of Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicators is a national database which provides in-depth reports of nursing-sensitive quality indicators in an effort...

Vaccinations Against COVID-19 in Canada: A Structural-Functionalism Perspective

Broadly defined, sociology is a study of society and social life, interactions, and the reasons and consequences of the behaviour of its members. It offers a variety of perspectives on life in society, providing insights into different issues and helping to understand the causes of societal trends. This post will...

Improvement Plan Tool Kit

Introduction Communication and collaboration in the healthcare sector are indispensable practices that promote relevant information sharing, improve professionals’ knowledge, and contribute to care quality. In this respect, a resource tool kit is a valuable instrument that arms front-line staff with authoritative, helpful resources and allows them to examine specific issues...

Formal Employment for Advanced Practice Nurses

Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are highly qualified professionals in the healthcare field who have high demand. Many positions are available to them, including those of leadership. However, some prefer to be independent practitioners, working as contractors. It allows for flexibility and negotiations, but being formally employed also has its benefits....

The US Healthcare Delivery System and Role of Nurses

The health care delivery system in the U.S. has undergone significant changes within the past decades to meet the ever-growing demand for medical care. Economic, social, and cultural factors, along with emerging technologies, influence patient care services. As primary care providers, nurses are affected by the transformation and expected to...

Theory, Risk, and Quality Management in Healthcare Facilities

Introduction Risk management approaches were incorporated into the health sector following the increased malpractice crises. Hospitals were encountering increased compensation demands and more plaintiff verdicts leading to financial loss. Hospitals were faced with a decline in crucial specialists as well as higher insurance rates. Thus, risk management can be referred...

Canada’s Public Health System

Introduction Canada is a progressive country, not far behind the United States, the UK, and other developed countries in Europe. But it has a big problem with its health care system. There are discrepancies in the implementation of health care plans at the federal level down to the provincial level....

The Connection Between Education and Better Health

Education is necessary for better health, which is a critical provision in the realms of societal wellbeing. It is understandable that learned individuals are able to comprehend and embrace the virtues of exceptional health. Consequently, they are able to work towards attaining it. This argument shows the relationship that exists...

Quality of Nursing Care: Challenges and Difficulties

Abstract Nurse staffing is very important to the delivery of high quality patient care and that staffing has impacts on quality and safety. Research has established that there are a number of challenges that affect quality nursing care, including the rate of turnover of the nursing staff and nurse shortage....

Health Promotion for Obesity in Adults

Introduction This is a health promotion proposal for preventing obesity among adults in the US. People get obesity when they acquire a given body mass index. People with 25-29.9 BMI are considered overweight, whereas others with 30 or more BMI are considered obese. Obesity is related to several chronic conditions...

Antibiotics: Definition, Uses, and Examples

Definition Antibiotics are drugs that are used in the treatment of infections (Lancini, Parenti & Gallo, 1995). The main causative agents of these infections are bacteria alongside other microorganisms. The ability of a microorganism to produce a substance that can hinder the growth of infection was initially used as an...

Dental Public Health Project

Introduction The project revolves around reducing the incidence of dental caries in African American children aged between seven and 11 years. The high prevalence of dental caries among African American children demonstrates the existing oral health inequalities in the United States (Brocklehurst, Morris, & Tickle, 2012). As such, it is...

Influence of Culture and Gender on Personality Disorders Diagnosis

Introduction The psychiatric debates are centered on the issue concerning the diagnosis problem. The ongoing polemics is believed to have a positive influence on the structure, definitions, functioning, measuring the health perspectives level, and finding new approaches while treating the personality disorders. The purpose of the paper is to provide...

Sickle Cell Disease: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Introduction Sickle cell disease is a problem that can be encountered by newly-born individuals. This disease has been explored by scholars and has been reported to shorten life expectancy. The current report is aimed at producing an approximate plan of action for a definite patient who has been diagnosed with...

Diabetes and Diabetic Foot

Problem Identification Diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs when the body fails to regulate the level of glucose in blood. There are two types of diabetes mellitus, type I, and II, classified according to availability of insulin in the body. Type I diabetes occurs due to failure of pancreas...

Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge

Nursing as a professional has continued to evolve overtime. In the process of evolution, nursing cannot do so without involving advancement in information technology. Information is the main and valuable resource in the field of health care. It is a concept that is changing the manner in which healthcare organization...

Capstone Project Change Proposal: Implementation

As noted in previous chapters, the chosen practice change for preventing pressure ulcers (PU) is repositioning and turning patients with decreased mobility. This task is one of the nurses’ duties, and the theory that may explain how nurses approach patient care is the Three Cs of Lydia Hall. According to...

Nursing: Curing & Healing

Traditionally, nurses did the caring while medication did the curing. However, this has changed since nurses started performing both the caring and curing processes. This gradually resulted in the distinctions made between healing and curing. Curing is primarily related to the scientific way of making a case recover from illness....

Kinesiology: Volleyball Spike Overview

The process of human functioning is a highly sophisticated matter that has been constantly studied by scholars of various fields, as it represents a combination of social, physical, mental, and biomechanical endeavors. Thus, one of the major sciences related to the notion of human physical activity is the process of...

The Issue of Maternal Mortality in the United States

Abstract Maternal mortality is among the most preventable deaths, which can act as a precise indicator of the quality of healthcare in the region. Although the global trend has been showing steady and gradual improvement throughout the years, there are still several regions where spikes can be observed. One can...

The Role of Negotiation in Patients’ Education

Introduction Negotiation is viewed as the process by which several parties with different interests attempt to find agreement. Regarding the patients’ education, negotiation helps doctors and clients to reach an understanding. It assists in changing the misconceptions of a client and improves treatment compliance with healthcare standards (Goldman et al.,...

Obesity Prevention and Weight Management Theory

Nursing Theory for Obesity Prevention The issue of obesity prevention within the project will be guided by a nursing theory. One of the theories applicable in case of childhood overweight is a middle-range theory of weight management (Pickett, Peters, & Jarosz, 2014). The focus of this theory is on psychosocial,...

Malpractice Action Brought by Yolanda Pinellas: Case Study

Case Overview The case with the 21-year old Yolanda Pinellas refers to an instance of malpractice that resulted in significant damage to the patient. During the intravenous (IV) therapy, infiltration occurred and, although the RN discontinued the infusion, Ms. Pinellas developed necrosis that required surgical intervention and ultimately led to...

Change Resistance and Nurse Leaders’ Strategies

Introduction The modern healthcare sector is influenced by various factors and processes that challenge organizations to adapt. Thus, as part of their work, nurse leaders are required to implement and facilitate organizational changes. Resistance to change is among the key barriers that affect change implementation and success (Salam & Alghamdi,...

Future Goals in Nursing

The healthcare environment is witnessing a new set of ever emerging patient conditions. In light of this, nurses should be versatile with a wide array of healthcare tasks, including but not limited to drawing proper health policy, providing visionary leadership in the healthcare scenario, incorporating research to the planning process...

Patient Assessment, Health Patterns and Family Characteristics

How should you use Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns to assess individual health? What health screening interventions do you regularly participate in? Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns present a valuable framework for evaluating a patient by a nurse. An individual’s health assessment may begin with the identification of living conditions, background, and...

Electronic Health Records Implementation Examples

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are becoming increasingly popular with the growing demand for convenient and high-quality healthcare services. Nowadays nursing care greatly depends on EHR because of the convenience of having all health information about a patient. One of the most important benefits of Electronic Health Records is the option...

Nursing Philosophy: Personal Nursing Beliefs

Definition of Nursing My nursing philosophy focuses on the best processes to maximize the health outcomes of every targeted patient. That being the case, nursing is defined as an integral aspect of a health delivery system that provides evidence-based, culturally competent, timely, and adequate care to clients with diverse needs...

Role, Conflict, Social Exchange Theories in Nursing

Natalie’s Case The case of Natalie Kazakova is familiar to many nurses that come from diverse backgrounds and want to pursue a career in healthcare. She is regularly challenged by her co-workers to prove her self-worth as well as show her professional skills. This occurs because the immense pressure in...

Emergency Nurses Association: Interest Group Presentation

Group choice: Selected group: Emergency Nurses Association It is abbreviated as ENA The group is an advocacy institution ENA focuses on existing emergency laws The group promotes safe working environments The selected group for this discussion is the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). The interest group conducts research to inform or...

Patient with Sore Throat: Nursing Health Assessment

Subjective Data Kelly is a 24-year-old white female. She addresses a hospital with her chief complaint (a sore throat). She comes here on her own. She looks normal and calm. The only problem is that she does not talk a lot because it is evident that this necessity causes some...

Single-Parent Family Health Assessment

Introduction The family examined is a single-parent family with two children. After getting a divorce from the children’s father, Cayden, the mother, has been taking care of her two children, an 8-year-old boy Andres and a 10-year-old girl Aneesha. Cayden is a 35-year-old African-American female who is working as a...

Falls in Older Adults and Their Risk Factors

Introduction Falls have recently become one of the most documented cases in hospitalization, especially when it concerns acute medical units. Although falls can touch all groups of the population, most of them happen to geriatric people (Murphy, Labont, Klock, & Houser, 2008). Falls are known to bring about higher mortality,...

Gap in Nursing Education and Practice

Nursing education is a field that prepares and equips students with apposite dexterities and theoretical models that can be applied in different clinical settings. This scenario explains why nursing is subdivided into two parts. These include practice and education (Mohsen, Safaan, & Okby, 2016). Experts indicate strongly that nurses and...

Pneumonia: Diagnosis and Treatment

The purpose of this assignment is to review pneumonia with reference to clinical and pharmacology concepts related to a patient situation. Thus, it demonstrates how knowledge and evidence are applied in clinical decision-making to deliver quality care to patients. Pneumonia is the eighth major cause of death in the Unified...

Collaborating Community Nursing and Faith-Based Nursing

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate community nursing collaboration with faith-based nursing. Faith-based nursing is delivered by various religious or faith-based organizations (FBOs). These organizations have a rich history of autonomously and collaboratively advancing health promotion programs in different areas, including health education, screening for illnesses, management...

Research-Based Practice: JHNEBP Model and Iowa Model

Introduction The process of integrating scientific evidence into nursing practice is critical for ensuring efficient performance. Thus, there is a wide scope of different models developed in order to assist nurses in implementing the relevant knowledge in their work. The paper at hand provides a brief overview of the two...

Healthy Eating Habits in Adolescents

Introduction Contemporary adolescents often fail to have a healthy diet due to various reasons. This has led to an alarming number of obese teenagers who have a variety of health issues (Chelvakumar & Kessler, 2010). This study focuses on the factors affecting adolescents’ eating choices: Parents’ Influence Peer Pressure Focus...

Hospital System Management

Introduction Technology in modern world is increasingly becoming important and necessary in the lives of many people and organizations. For example, use of technology can be cited to be in great use in key areas like education, entertainment, advertisements, banking, warehousing and health (Prakashan 2008, p. 6). Due to this,...

Teenage Pregnancy Problem

Teenage pregnancy has become a major problem both in the developing and the developed world alike. It is both a social and health problem that every government is trying to address. Some worlds’ governments have allocated financial support to the relevant ministries and departments in their national budgets. The government...

The Importance of Patient Safety in Nursing

Introduction The importance of patient safety in nursing cannot be overstated. It is a critical concept that requires constant attention and effort from healthcare professionals. By using evidence-based practice, effective communication, and proper infection control measures, healthcare professionals can ensure patient safety and prevent harm while providing healthcare services. This...

A Reflection on Leadership Skills in Nursing

Introduction Leadership competencies encompass most factors that regulate how well a leader serves. Various inclusive factors must be considered, such as attitudes and the knowledge that make a practical leadership style. This kind of leadership skill requires authentic communication in addition to the act of empowering other people. I always...

Nursing: Kotter’s Change Model Theory

Introduction Kotter’s change model theory posits that there are eight steps necessary in order to successfully bring about change in an organization. This model is an important tool for nurse leaders because it provides a framework for leading change in health institutions (Lv, 2017). Kotter’s Change Model through the Bedside...

An Incident Report on a Medical Blunder

Details of the incident A 64 years old man was admitted to an emergency ward of North District Hospital in Sheung Shui, Hong Kong on April 23, 2018. The reason for the hospitalization was abdominalgia, vomiting and weakness in the lower limbs of the patient. After medical examination, he was...

Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory

Introduction Attention to patients’ interests and characteristics is one of the key responsibilities of nursing staff. Among the many theories of care, Virginia Henderson’s concept called the nursing need theory is among the main ones. With its help, junior medical specialists can control and address the targeted needs of patients,...

Sepsis: Early Detection and Management

Introduction Sepsis is a critical health condition in which the body reacts to an infection. Previous infections can sometimes pose serious risks to people because it leads to septic shock, where the body organs become overwhelmed, leading to organ failure (Lauriston et al., 2019). Sepsis is serious because it attacks...

Patient-Centered Healthcare Coordination Plan

Introduction The ultimate phase of the development of care coordination planning is creating a final care coordination plan. This program will facilitate an essential part of the care coordination process. As defined in assessment 1, care coordination is the way of converting several operations and interdisciplinary teams to solve a...

Aspects of Maternal Child Health

Introduction Over the past decade, the world has made some significant strides in improving global health. However, maternal and infant mortality rates particularly in low and middle-income economies are still proving to be a mirage. The well-being of mothers, children, and infants is not only a determinant of the status...

Correctional Nursing Stress Theory of Adaptation and Resilience

Introduction Correctional nurses working in a jail setting often feel stress due to a high workload, role conflicts, aggression, and other factors. Moreover, correctional nurses may suffer from stress because of staff shortages, overload and safety issues, and the high-risk behaviors of prisoners. Moral distress is another challenge experienced by...