Child Kidnapping in the 21st Century

Introduction Child kidnapping is a global issue that affects countries all over the world. It can be defined as a terrifying crime involving the illegal or unauthorized removal of a child from their parents or guardians (Hilson 91). From a legal perspective, child kidnapping is a criminal act of unjustly...

Laziness as a Modern Enemy of People

Every person has dreams that they want to fulfill. Someone dreams of becoming a teacher, someone a doctor, and someone plans to travel to many countries. All this can be achieved if a person is not lazy. Laziness is a modern enemy of people because of which problems appear in...

Feminism and Social Phallocentrism: Psychoanalytic Approach

Language is a unique feature typical of representatives of the human race; it is natural for people to talk because language is the means of communication. We transmit some messages through language and speech; we learn something new with the help of common rules established in various languages. It is...

Aristotle and Virtue Ethics

Explore the importance, advantages, application, and other aspects of virtue ethics theory with the help of our reflective essay sample! Get some ideas for your virtue ethics essay! Virtue Ethics: Essay Introduction Aristotle holds that virtues originate from actions that human beings perform because one can either be a good...

Hofstede’s Cultural Model in Negotiations

Introduction Effective negotiation skills are vital for positive interactions in multicultural contexts. (Caputo et al. (2019)) define negotiation as an interactive process in which parties engaged in a form of conflict choose to adopt a common action plan to resolve the dispute. The impact of cultural influences on negotiations is...

Why Celebrities Should Be a Positive Role Model

Living within a culture that values fame and stardom, celebrities enjoy followership, attention, and admiration from their fans. It is not surprising that the appreciation of a famous person’s work may expand to include interest in their lifestyle and the desire to emulate it. Coincidentally, it is often the most...

Does Technology Promote Loneliness?

Introduction In the 21st century, people tend to use technology in all aspects of their lives. Since early childhood, they play video games, listen to music, and use their smartphones and laptops. Specialists argue whether these technologies cause social isolation or, on the contrary, increase interaction. Without a doubt, the...

Introduction to Sociology

Introduction All people live within societies, belong to different groups, and have various kinds of relationships with other individuals. Sociology is the science that is interested in how people function in society and how they relate to each other. This paper aims to provide a definition of sociology and outline...

Free School Lunches: Support of Free Lunch and Opposition and Rebuttal

Introduction Children are delicate, and they should be given all the necessary support that they need at school, including being offered free lunch. Hungry children cannot learn efficiently because they lack the capacity to tolerate the effects of an empty stomach. However, whether school lunches should be free or not...

Bullying in Schools: Anti-Bullying Programs

Introduction Bullying in schools is a growing concern all over the world. Violence and insults cause psychological harm not only to victims but also to bullies. Students who get abused often feel insecure at school and dream of a safe place to go. In turn, those who insult their classmates...

Ideal Society and Its Constituents

Introduction In the contemporary world, the issue of an ideal society is fundamental to discuss, especially in the context of problems such as mental illnesses, widespread bullying, and the harmful effect of social media. In accordance with Aristotle’s topoi, to have a more comprehensive review of an ideal society, one...

City Life vs Country Life: Essay on Similarities and Differences

City Life vs Country Life Essay: Introduction Living on a farm has been described by many people as the best experience one may have. Some say it is cheap and healthy, while others claim that people brought up on farms have good family values. Yet, people like comparing farm life...

Why Do We Need Sleep?: InFormative Speech

Title: Why do we need sleep? General purpose: To emphasize the importance of proper sleep behavior. Specific purpose: To enumerate the basic functions of sleep. Main idea: Sleep refills the body with energy and helps the brain function properly. Introduction Have you ever wondered about the role of sleep? In...

Males and Females Learn: Similarities and Differences

Similarities in the Way Males and Females Learn A new wave of feminism has reintroduced the subject of gender equality in education. Supporters of inclusive academic environments, where all genders are welcome, argue that there are no distinct differences in the male and female thinking processes, which is proved by...

The Importance of Groups and the Society

Introduction Society is structured into groups where people belong, depending on various factors. Some groups are based on people’s shared interests, while others are based on people’s shared identities. This essay analyses the meaning of a group, its defining characteristics, and its importance to individuals in society. It also includes...

Changes in Definition of Family

Introduction The progressive social and cultural organization has led to changes in the structure and concept. A family is the backbone of any society, and therefore, it is a society’s basic structure. The traditional definition of a family, the basic structure of a community, is too narrow to give modern...

Modernization Theory and Its Applications

Description of the Theory Modernization theory refers to a concept that elucidates a gradual process of transition in cultural, economic, political, and social practices over a period to an advanced way of living. Matunhu (2011) describes modernization theory as a framework for socio-cultural transformation from a traditional lifestyle to a...

Gender Roles Effects on Children Development

Introduction Many aspects of children education affect their development. One of these aspects is the way in which they are taught about gender roles. Gender typing refers to the process through which children acquire certain values, behaviors, and attitudes that are ascribed to either of the two genders (Banks and...

Comparison of Cultural Deviance Theories

Any behavior that violates cultural norms is called deviance. Deviance can either be formal or informal. The former is exemplified in day to day crimes such as arson, assault, homicide, robbery, fraud, theft, rape and so on. It follows that perpetrators of such crimes often violate formally instituted laws. The...

Empowerment and Poverty Reduction

Introduction Many nations in the world have given priority to health promotion through investment in the major determinants of health. Their increased focus towards improving health outcomes reconfirms the new prominence to health promotion approaches adopted by these nations. Most third world countries are faced with poverty menace and this...

Women and Their Roles in the Family and Workplace

The modern society focuses on success and self-expression. Today’s world had become more tolerant to different cultures, nationalities, and gender roles shifting. There are many reasons why men and women are changing their social roles more often. It is promoted by changing in economics and structure of society. There is...

Ethical Egoist and Social Contract Ethicist: On Abortion

Introduction The ethical egoist and social contract ethicist differ, with the former preferring abortion and the latter focusing on the existing law, even with professional and familial conflict for nurses. The ethical egoist supports abortion since it serves individual interests, while a social contract ethicist would only do that if...

Socio-Cultural Barriers for People With Disabilities in the Rural Community

County Selected Developmental disability refers to the situations that arise due to the impairment in learning, physicality, or the behavior of individuals and exists throughout the life of the individual affected. Their life stories and progress are always slightly different from ordinary people’s (Tiller, 2019). It is estimated that over...

McDonaldization of Society: Principles and Advantages

Introduction McDonaldization is a phenomenon described by an American sociologist George Ritzer. By this term, the author means the process of domination of the principles of fast-food restaurants over the whole society in the U.S. and in other countries as well (Ritzer 20). It is characterized by several basic principles,...

Non-Verbal Communication Through Clothing

Abstract Non-verbal communication is the major player in the human behavior and it is always important to realize that major communication taking place is usually non-verbal communication. Hence, for effective communication we must understand the role non-verbal communication plays as one of the measurement for competence of communication. Non-verbal communication...

Gender Stereotyping in the “Pretty Woman” Movie

Introduction Back in the 1990s, the movie Pretty Woman, starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere with Gary Marshal in the director’s chair, created quite a bit of stirring among the feminist supporters of the country. This is because the movie effectively stereotyped women’s roles via its depiction of prostitutes, sexual...

How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners

The given report is focused on the video titled “How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-step tutorial)” uploaded by the Think Media channel. The channel Think Media has 2.17 million subscribers and is focused on providing weekly tips and tools for building online influence. The structure and format...

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory Overview

Cultural dimensions theory of Geert Hofstede, a Dutch social psychologist, is widely accepted worldwide and used for modeling cross-cultural communication. Hofstede introduced several criteria for the assessment of the culture, which enables successful intercultural communication. This analysis will examine the five criteria of evaluation of the culture. At the end...

Should Same-Sex Couples Be Allowed to Adopt Children?

Introduction Emboldened by increasing global recognition of their sexual orientation, gays and lesbians’ latest venture into obtaining more rights has moved them into the arena of parenthood. They have done this by adopting one of three methods: firstly, they bring with them children from earlier relationships; secondly, they take the...

A Lesson You Learned the Hard Way

Introduction Numerous lessons can be learned from our life experiences and the experience of others. This is a story about a boy returning to his old neighborhood during the holidays. Our hero and his family had to move to another town many years ago, and now our hero and his...

The Effects of Early Childhood Education on Cognitive Development

Introduction Child development is a fascinating and complex subject that encompasses a wide range of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur during the first two decades of life. From the moment of birth, children begin to grow and develop at an incredible pace, and their experiences and interactions...

Rhetorical Strategies in Mobley’s “Justice or Murder?”

It is hard to disagree that there is a vast number of ‘eternal questions’ – controversial issues and concerns that humans will most likely never solve. One such topic for debate is the death penalty. Punishment on the one hand and murder on the other, this practice has questionable morale,...

Marriage: Types and Characteristics

Marriage comes in different dimensions and forms this day, unlike in the past when it was legally the union of two people. Past generations had a standard marriage style which is no longer experienced by the modern generations. The new generation offers a variety of marriage styles and marriages that...

“The Nature of Things: Biomimicry”: Article Analysis

Written texts, whether scientific or entertaining, short articles or books, mostly follow several linguistic criteria. Texts may differ in the style of writing, the primary purpose of the author, and the main purpose of the reader. Such standards are crucial for authors, as it makes the structure of the working...

Feminist Theory: Theoretical Framework

In studies on African American women and their experiences in higher educational institutions, as well as faced barriers, researchers usually apply such theories as to the feminist theory, the glass ceiling theory, and the leadership theory. The theoretical framework that appears most frequently in studies than others is the feminist...

Social Deviance and Delinquency

A failure to comply with the norms and rules of behavior established in society is closely connected with a phenomenon called deviance. Sociologists define this term as a person’s carrying out some actions that are considered unacceptable by a group. Isolation, treatment, correction, or punishment of the offender belong to...

Media and Functionalism, Conflict, and Interactionism

Introduction Mass media can be defined as the print and the electronic means by which communication takes place. It is through it that information is passed to different groups of people in society. Mass media plays a significant role in shaping and informing society in every nation. The media surveys...

Peer Pressure Problem: Negative and Positive Influences

Introduction Peer pressure denotes the direct influence on a person by his/her peers through following their conduct, attitudes, and ways (Black, Devereux, & Salvanes, 2013). It varies from social influences as it makes a person change his/her approach or behavior with respect to the influencing individual or group. Peer pressure...

Social Stratification in Modern Industrial Societies

Social stratification means formation of classes basing on person’s social and economic wealth. Melamed (2005) explains that income, level of wealth, and employment rate play a key factor in determining the strata within which an individual is defined. Stratification therefore, is the process of placing individuals within specific classes, which...

Social Identity Theory and Social Learning Theory

Introduction Formation of one’s sense of self is an individual and a societal process. The cognitive maturation that occurs throughout adolescence is widely believed to be the time when a person’s sense of self is shaped by their experiences with various identities and the role models they see. Many theories...

Teenage Drug Addiction Problem

The modern world is full of diverse activities and hobbies that can have both strictly positive and negative effects. In other words, the world’s versatility becomes both a virtue because each individual can find his own business, and a disadvantage because among the hobbies are often destructive addiction. One of...

Categorical and Consequentialist Moral Reasoning

Introduction Every day people have to deal with various moral dilemmas. Each decision has outcomes, and everyone has different opinions about what is right and what is wrong. In certain situations, it is not that easy to make a choice because it might seem that there is no ethical resolution....

An Analysis of the movie “Crash” by Paul Haggis

In the movie “Crash,” Paul Haggis tries to show how our racial biases affect the way we interact with others. In the movie, the characters tend to assume certain socioeconomic status and behaviour with certain cultures. As a result of these prejudices, the characters feel threatened even when they are...

The Harm that Good Men Do

Introduction It is not easy to tell the true picture of those people held with high regard in society. These people are usually considered virtuous and held in very high esteem. Russell, in his work, opens the curtain behind which such people hide. Russell sets off the argument by describing...

Family as a Social Institution in Modern Times

Introduction Family is an essential part of society as it is the first agent of human socialization. An individual’s status, education, and upbringing depend on their family. However, the structure and the purpose of the family alter with time due to economic and social changes. These alterations are likely to...

Conflict Resolution Techniques

Introduction Human communication, regardless of the sphere of interest, cannot exist without critical evaluation of events, beliefs, and social convictions. Thus, once these evaluations do not reach a justifiable consensus, people tend to have disputes in order to prove one’s point of view on the matter of interest. While conflicts...

Sociable Letters: Inequality in Social and Economic Status

Literacy in the twenty-first century is usually written in a literal manner, making it simple to deduce the story’s meaning. Unlikely, Sociable Letters, published in 1664, is regarded as “a valuable virtual representation of the material and social factors of English literature in eighteenth-century England” (Sarasohn, 200). It portrayed literacy...

The Experience of Asking for Help

Since the purpose of this assignment is to analyze the experience of asking for help, the behavior of the person whom I asked it for, and the results that I obtained, I started recollecting similar situations. It was not hard to make a decision, as the problem that I am...

Communication Strengths and Weaknesses and Tips

What are your biggest communication weaknesses? And what are your strengths in communication? Knowing your communication strengths and weaknesses can help you develop more effective communication skills. Introduction Communication can be simply defined as the process through which people interact to share information, ideas as well as personal feelings. The...

Definitions of a Good Life

At all times, philosophers and thinkers have been pondering what the Good Life is. This concept is subjective and can differ for every person because everyone views the world through the lens of their own values, beliefs, and experiences. As for me, the Good Life is the one where you...

Social Impact of Population Growth

Introduction Over the past centuries, the number of people inhabiting the planet has rapidly increased. Growing population consumes more energy, food, and water, thus exhausting the environment. The loss of resources emerges as a severe threat on the social, economic, and political levels due to the influence of climate change....

Gender Roles in Modern Society: Structural-Functional vs. Conflict Perspectives

In the modern world, gender norms continue to undergo certain changes and improvements regularly. Some people are obsessed with their biological or social differences, while others prefer not to pay much attention to these concepts. Compared to the physiological characteristics based on sex, gender touches upon the way of how...

Juvenile Delinquency as Social Problem Within Education Institutions

Children, adolescents, and young people desire to discover something new, previously unknown, to assert themselves in innovative activities. The younger generation is naturally characterized by increased activity, which manifests in the negative (relatively high criminalization, drug addiction, sexual deviation) and positive (artistic, technical, scientific creativity) manifestations of deviance. The paper...

The Problem of the Unemployment

Introduction Unemployment is a serious problem in the modern world since it has social and economic consequences for individuals and the country. Crises and disruptions in the state’s economy can lead to the fact that it will no longer be able to create a sufficient number of jobs for citizens....

Freedom of Speech: Right and Responsibility

The body: the freedom of speech and its limits Freedom of speech has been accepted as a universal and essential right of every human being (Belavusau, 2013). It is obvious, however, that the rights of one person should not violate the rights of another person. Therefore, the right of expressing...

Steve Jobs’ Commencement: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction The speech by Steve Jobs titled “Commencement” was a part of Stanford University’s graduation ceremony. A commencement ceremony is a traditional part of graduation, where the students get a chance to listen to advice from others, which should help them make better life choices. In his speech, Jobs described...

Annoying and Obnoxious Person’ Description

There is a sort of people who are unable to make decisions and who have gotten used to relying on other people any time they face problems. They are reluctant to look at the problem from a different angle and think over possible solutions. I have met such people many...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Psychology

Abstract All behavioral therapies attempt to improve the mental health of patients. Various theories have served as the underpinning for these therapeutic treatments for mental health disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the efficacious treatments for some of the psychological problems affecting humans. This paper discusses the history of the...

Human Responsibility: Issues Determining Responsibility

The term responsibility refers to one’s ability to meet individual and societal requirements. The elements that determine human responsibility include freedom, self regulation, and submission to societal rules and regulations. Human responsibility also implies that every individual has some values, beliefs, and principles that guide behavior and actions. This also...

Impact of Fashion on Gender and Sexual Identity

Fashion has long been used to communicate gender and sexuality. From corsets to contemporary streetwear, clothing is a powerful way of expressing identity and communicating with the outside world. It can express edginess, femininity, masculinity, or any combination. By adopting certain styles, people can show others how they want to...

Poverty and Theories of Its Causes

Over the past decades, poverty has adversely affected some schools’ performance. For example, in my workplace, some students cannot afford the basic requirements to support their learning. In addition, they do not get adequate parental support because the parents are spending most of their time looking for resources. Behavioral learning...

Functionalism vs. Conflict Theory on Social Stratification

Despite considerable efforts toward global equality in recent years, society, in general, is still prone to stratification. People around the world experience severe discrimination, which is detrimental to society’s overall development. The issue can be examined from various perspectives and the points of view of functionalism and conflict theory. The...

The World Problem: Famine

Famine is a global problem affected developing countries. The main causes of famine are low income and low developed economies. It is known that among the developed countries, increases in per-capita food production since the 1950s have generally moved upward in tandem with increases in total food production. Among the...

How Men and Women Are Portrayed in Magazines

Introduction Nowadays, media sources are used to shape people’s opinions about life values and differences between attractive and unattractive things. Advertisements in popular magazines often represent gender stereotypes, and this tendency is manifested in various visual means, including models’ body postures. The extent to which models in popular magazines, including...

Female Education: Challenges and Benefits

How often does an average teenager complain about going to school? Unfortunately, there is no empirical data, but it is clear that millions of students are unable to suppress their emotions on a Monday morning. This might sound ignorant to millions of young people who do not have access to...

Domestic Violence, Consequences and Solutions

Introduction Domestic violence is a burden of contemporary society. In the United States, there are more than ten million victims of violent actions every year (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015). Cases of domestic violence can be found in any community. Their prevalence does not depend on age, social status,...

Causes and Effects of Divorce

Introduction Since 1860 when the United States Bureau of statistics started keeping records of divorces, the frequency of divorce cases has continued to increase based on the same reasons. Reasons have remained relatively the same in comparison to the ever-increasing rise in cases. Studies have also highlighted that the reasons...

Physiological Psychology as a Branch of Psychology

Introduction Psychology is relatively one of the oldest disciplines that have ever been studied by mankind. It strives to understand the behavior patterns exhibited by human beings and their relationships with various mental processes (Wundt, 2005). Due to the broadness of the subject, it has been subdivided into numerous branches...

Application of Vygotsky’s Theory in Education

Introduction In Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, children gain their cultural identities, perceptions, and problem-solving techniques through cooperative conversations with more experienced members of society (Crafter & Maunder, 2012). The zone of proximal development, private communication, and culture-specific tools are only a few of the ideas found in Vygotsky’s theory. Since Vygotsky...

Violence on TV: Impact on Children

In modern society, the media is one of the leading channels of socialization of children and adolescents that serves as an alternative to school and family. The impact of the media on the personal and intellectual development of the child, his or her psychological and mental health and emotional status...

How Coronavirus Affected College Students

Introduction Since early 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has posed serious challenges to individuals and institutions globally. Academic life has been dramatically changed, as universities and colleges replaced traditional in-person learning with virtual classrooms or hybrid models. Many students had to leave residential campuses, which disrupted their academic and social lives....

Social Pressure to Young Adults

Social pressure has existed for as long as human beings have lived in groups. People exert influence on their friends and colleagues, making them take some actions and change their behaviors to engage in their social circle. Various persons have suggested that, despite the differences between generations in terms of...

Sustainable Development of the Community

Introduction Sustainability can be perceived as ensuring continuity by addressing human beings’ actions and needs in an environmentally friendly and socioeconomically stable manner. It involves the use of natural resources with future spawns in mind. The process addresses the community’s current and future concerns for long-term supportable development without necessarily...

Deviance and Social Control

Introduction Deviance is a form of behavior that violates the social norms of a particular culture or social group. It is generally considered an inherent part of a functioning society influenced by several social and psychological factors and regulated by internal and external mechanisms of social control. There are many...

History of Differential Equations

The historical and practical significance of differential equations cannot be overstated. Centuries of research conducted by hundreds of mathematicians, physicists, economists, chemists and other scientists around the world have broadened the range of applications and solutions. For a better understanding of the thought processes behind those equations, there is a...

The Behaviors of a Person in the Society

Introduction Macro-Level One of the social norms that were observed was greetings between different nations. It was observed while standing in a queue. An Arab man saw another Arab man who apparently was his friend. They had extended greetings that included kisses on the cheeks and holding their hands for...

The Importance of Kindness and Love

Love and kindness can take place in the most unexpected places and situations. For example, the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan is often misunderstood and underestimated concerning the power of its narrative. To an average modern person, it might seem that the jest of the story is that the...

Domestic Violence Against Women in India

Introduction Domestic vehemence is a severe social problem in India, with among the world’s highest rates. Around 30 percent of all women in India have suffered family abuse at minimum once for 15 years (Domestic Violence and Women’s Health in India: Insights from NFHS-4, 2022, para. 4). Approximately 4 percent...

Effective Interpersonal Communications Principles

Introduction Interpersonal communication is a word that is used to describe the styles and tactics that are used by different people to convey a message. There are various stages that a message has to through for it to be declared communicated, to a larger extent depending on how the people...

Sociological Observation in a Shopping Mall

There seems to be no action more common than going to a shopping mall. All of the visitors come there with one and only purpose: to shop. However, each person’s perception of the visit can differ drastically. Some suffer from the pangs of choice, while others, on the contrary, improve...

The Problem of Bullying in School

Introduction Bullying refers to the consistent and deliberate actions used by individuals to undermine others. Such actions aim to cause distress and provoke the victims since they are perceived to be powerless. In schools, bullying poses a danger to young students since it creates an uncomfortable environment for them to...

Tourism and Children Prostitution in Bahamas and Asia

Introduction Prostitution occurs when people offer sex to their sexual counterparts for the exchange of money and other incentives. Prostitution is an old business that has been in existence for many centuries. Prostitution is most vibrant to individuals who do not spend most of their time in their homes. This...

Inductive and Deductive Theory in Case Studies

David Takeuchi’s Survey at the University of Hawaii Summary The case study describes a survey performed by David Takeuchi and his team in 1974 which aimed at explaining the reasons for different treatment of marijuana by the students of the University of Hawaii (Babbie, 2016). Various explanations for this issue...

Non-Parental Child Care

Childcare involves caring for young children, particularly from 0-9 years of age. There are two different types of childcare. The first one is parental childcare, where parents care for their children. The second one is non-parental childcare, where the child is taken care of by another person, but not the...

Communications: Texting Your Friends and Talking to Them

Thesis statement There is an opportunity to call or text friends in order to communicate with them, asking about something important or just inviting for a cup of tea while the choice depends on appropriateness, emotional aspect, and financial state. We live in an era of information technology, the era...

Max Weber’s Contributions to Sociology

Introduction Every academic discipline is defined by the work of a few founding fathers. One such figure is Max Weber, considered one of the most influential thinkers of the past century (Hanke et al., 2019). In a 1997 survey, two of his books were cited as the most influential publications...

Aspects of Green Social Theory

Introduction The green social theory represents a newer branch of social work that has emerged in response to sustainability concerns of the global community. The theory is concerned with the impact of declining environmental stability on humans. Therefore, instead of focusing on immediate environments, green social work extends to the...

Conflict Theory: Background, Critical Aspects, and Personal Views

Abstract Different concepts exist that make it possible for people to learn more about societies. Conflict theory is one of those models and it is believed to have originated from the works of Karl Marx. This model theory is informative and capable of describing the origin of class differences and...

The Issues of Aging Population

Over the past few decades, the birth rate in the world has been steadily declining while life expectancy has been growing. The aging population is one of four global demographic trends, along with population growth, international migration, and urbanization, which have a long-term impact on the development of the world....

Which Is More Important: Security or Freedom?

Introduction Freedom and security are two essential elements of society but guaranteeing one is often associated with violating the other. Considering the threats that the US is facing, security appears vital to some. However, others argue that freedom is more important for the success of the nation. This paper aims...

Agents of Socialization Overview and Analysis

Socialization is a process of becoming a member of a social group that accompanies a person throughout their entire life. One acquires the necessary roles, values, and standards as a result. People and institutes that facilitate the process are the agents of socialization, although some, particularly from the former group,...

What You Must Know of Charisma

Charisma is one of the most desired qualities people want to possess. It seems to be the critical factor on the road to success in any possible sphere of human life. Charisma allows people to make the right impression, charm, and convince others with the help of specific skills. However,...

Physical Punishment for Children

Introduction This paper summarizes the systematic learning about the different aspects in regard to aggression and violence towards children. Physical assault as a means of punishment to children in the family and in other circumstances is now looked down as being a practice that is very harmful for the long-term...

Alcohol Taking by the Teenagers

Introduction Teenage drinking has increased recently and has brought about a great concern in the society. The average age in which boys start consumption of alcohol is 11 years while for girls is 13 years. Teenage drinking is caused by peer influence, depression due to problems in the family, promotions...

Animal Welfare: Why Animals Should Be Treated With Kindness and Respect

Introduction Animal welfare refers to the physical and social well-being of animals or rather the concern for animals. Animal welfare movement is a movement that began in the mid 19th century with a primary goal of protecting and improving the treatment of animals that are used by human beings. Just...

An Ideal Society: Justice, Peace, and Security

Summary The concept of an ideal society has been extensively discussed, for it is every man’s dream. The subject, however, lacks a perfect explanation, and there exist numerous perceptions from various individuals in the modern world. In this article, I present my model of an ideal society which possesses key...

Characteristics of Effective Public Speakers

Introduction One of the most necessary skills in the modern world is the ability to speak in public. It may be helpful not only at conferences or work meetings but also with friends or during arguments when one needs to express his or her thoughts and ideas and be understandable...

Seeing the Strange in the Familiar

Introduction Social perspectives refer to the various ways human beings apply to understand and appreciate the social world. This involves seeing the strange in the familiar, by critically identifying and examining both our own and other people’s ethics and beliefs. Theories on this subject were explored by several prominent sociologists...

Postmodern Feminism and Its Theory of Gender as Social Construction

Introduction There have been many discussions about gender differences. Some people argue that boundaries between man and woman are created by nature. But post modern feminists argue that there are no natural building blocks between genders. It is the society that structures human being in a particular way to keep...

Relationship between Religion and Government

Introduction The government and religion should not be related at all as an individual’s religious choices are personal and should have nothing to do with the state’ actions. The paper shall look at the basis of this argument through examples. The relationship that should exist between religion and government In...

What Is Meant By Social Science Paradigms?

Social science paradigms can be defined as the frames and models according to which researchers can observe the world and make conclusions about the certain institutions, processes, and interactions within the society. As a result, social science paradigms are used in order to organize the researchers’ observation and reasoning and...

Animal Testing: Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction It is usually dangerous to give out a new medication to people without checking its safety levels. The outcomes are catastrophic since the drug may be poisonous to individuals, leading to severe illness or death. There is a significant similarity between humans and animals, making it necessary for experimental...

Cultural Influence on Personal Identity

Introduction Culture is well thought out as an important issue affecting personal life and social interactions. How people are associated with different characteristics of religion, behavior, and social norms shows that culture constantly changes and influences differences, increasing the interactive level of personal identity and the influence of society on...

Theories of Language and Thinking

Introduction Language and thinking have long been a hot topic for discussion among linguists and philosophers. Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf’s research on language and thought proposed that language affects the way we think (Mihalic, 2017). However, psychologists have since disproved this theory as one rooted in empiricism. The...

Smoking in Public Places: Should It Be Banned?

Everybody knows about the harmful effects of smoking tobacco. It does significant damage to one’s lungs, as well as teeth and skin. Moreover, smoking is addictive, and quitting the bad habit once it has been acquired becomes a serious problem with time. In addition to that, smoking strongly affects one’s...

Bias of Communication: Space-Biased Media & Other Concepts

Bias of Communication: Essay Introduction The concept of bias of communication has attracted many scholars over the past years. The media used to communicate to a given audience determine the nature of bias. Harold also argues that some communication platforms can retain a given message for a longer period while...

Sociology. Analyzing Everyday Life: Doing Nothing

I chose to conduct my experiment at a mall in my home town. It was an ideal location for the experiment because so many people purchase their household goods from the mall. They also come there for recreation and the like. I knew that there was a very serious likelihood...

Gender Discrimination and Performance in the Workplace

Introduction Gender discrimination today happens to be a great hindrance to optimal performance at the work place. This could be looked at from various perspectives more so on innovativeness and the quality of work. For developed countries for example where the economy is driven by service based industries the impact...

I Have a Dream Speech: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction It is not a secret that “I have a Dream” is the most famous, influential, and powerful speech of Martin Luther King. Its essence and concept consist of a vision of the future of the United States of America, where the white and black populations could coexist as equal...

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drugs: Use Consequences

The harm of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs to individuals is a common topic of discussion. However, their abuse is increasing as people continue not to consider them with the necessary seriousness. The influence of external factors – television or the environment – has a powerful impact on the image of...

Rehabilitation of Criminal Offender

Rehabilitation entails the process of restoring an individual’s character and reputation (criminal offender) be it a juvenile delinquent or a youth or adult offender, with the main aim of making him or her acceptable in the society as well as being transformed to a productive member of the society. Rehabilitation...

Social Issues in Sports & Activities: Athletics

In athletics, gender inequality and racial discrimination are two main social issues that affect females. One of the most vivid examples is the lower payment that is provided to female athletes in comparison to their male counterparts. Namely, $35-40 million is paid to the male winners of the FIFA World...

Public Relations Theories and Models

Introduction Although the field of public relations is characterized by complexity due to reliance on theories and certain practices, its role in the effective management of organizations cannot be dismissed. The clear definition of public relations also varies and is mainly based on interdependence through the creation of good relationships...

“Gifts” Article by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s article “Gifts” is a discussion on the social custom of gifts. The author conveys that love is the prime force that could be termed as the best possible gift and thus should be enumerated as the best possible gift that enriches both the giver and the receiver...

Prostitution Being Deviant: History and Theory

It is well known that following social standards and norms of behavior are crucial for establishing effective communication among people. However, some individuals prefer to ignore generally accepted rules of conduct and stick to their life concepts. This type of behavior is usually called deviant and implies a violation of...

Gender Stereotypes in Western and Eastern Culture

Introduction A stereotype is a statement or a thought that is directed towards a certain group, tribe or types of individuals, seeking to judge the way they live, act or relate to other people and the material world. There are a lot of stereotypes that exist between the genders in...

Examples of Conflict Between Personal and Professional Values

Introduction The profession of a social worker is meant to enhance human wellbeing by helping the needy people. In addition, it focuses on the empowerment of the socially marginalized people in a given society. In other words, the social work entails caring for the needy, which calls for professionals with...

Needs of Individuals with Disability

Introduction No one chooses to be disabled, and there is no one that cannot develop some form of disability regardless of age. Therefore, the debate about resources given to disability should not be reclaimed. Disability is that point in one life when their normal daily processes are interfered; disability can...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Unethical Practices

Ethically run businesses or organizations improve the attraction of investors and consumers. Ethics in the workplace are known to protect assets, increase productivity, and enhance teamwork. As a result, these organizations have a good decision-making policy as well as a good public image. Nonetheless, businesses and organizations that practice unethical...

Moana Through the Lens of Formalism and Feminism

Introduction Contemporary cinema encompasses a wide range of issues, discussing the themes pertinent to society. Such topics as gender roles, stereotypes, and the promotion of inequality are often represented in the movies, attempting to shed light on the negative consequences of these practices. In the current age, the stereotypization of...

The Theme of “Female Agency” in Literature

Introduction Female agency refers to women’s capacity to ultimately effect change that has a ripple effect across society. This involves altering society’s opinion of a lady and constructing an image that previously did not exist (Timko & Maria, 2020). The concept of female agency is exemplified in three novels: Wieland,...

Power and Authority in Decision Making

Introduction It is important to note that the terms authority and power are often used interchangeably, and some might perceive them as synonymous words. Although there is a certain overlap in the context of the underlying notions, one should be aware that there are critical distinctions and differences between the...

Impact of Culture on Communication

The Impact of Culture on Communication Communication is an integral component of interaction, and without proper communication, people cannot express their feelings, intentions, ideas, and thoughts effectively. There are different factors that affect communication between groups or individuals. As such, cultural difference is one of the key factors that affect...

Social Work as a Profession

Introduction Social work is a social science that deals in ensuring social justice and preserving the sanctity of life. It is a profession that deals in restoring emotional balance in human beings that becomes impaired during moments of stress. The practice pursues the well-being of society at large. The body...

Human Rights Role in International Relations

Introduction Today, more than ever before, human rights have become resolutely embedded in both the practice and study of international relations (IR), in large part due to the mounting growth of the United Nations (UN) international human rights regime coupled with the rise of international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and human...

Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Culture

In the contemporary society, gender and sexuality forms the basis for recognition. In effect, social construction defines that males and females are different creatures. Human classification in both contemporary and traditional society was synonymous with biological and physical characteristics hence the identification as males and females. To begin with, sex...

Racism in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie”

Preconceptions based on racial origin are exceedingly unjust and hurtful because one cannot select their ethnicity. Hearing disparaging statements from strangers is different from suffering emotional disrespect from those closest to an individual. The pain of discrimination is portrayed within a blended background in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie.” The...

Gender-Neutral Toilets in Schools

Introduction The contemporary school populations are increasingly becoming diverse, and thus institutions have to come up with creative ways of addressing the ever-evolving students’ needs. Specifically, schools with both gender-expansive and transgender students are often endeavoring to create an enabling environment that addresses the needs of such a diverse population....

Multidimensional Theory Applied to Social Work

Introduction Today’s social environment is characterized by the high degree of its complexity, which adds new dimensions to the context in which people live. These intricacies pose additional challenges for counselors and people seeking to preserve their mental health. The pressure of the surroundings can reach extreme levels without being...

Celebrities as Positive Role Models

Living within a culture that values fame and stardom, celebrities enjoy followership, attention, and admiration from their fans. The appreciation of a famous person’s work may expand to include interest in their lifestyle and the desire to emulate it. It is often the most pliable, impressionable people – children, adolescents,...

Development Stage: Early Adulthood

Introduction Early adulthood is one of the age-related stages of life, considering people in the age of twenty to forty. The phase is characterized by the individuals transiting from late adolescence who are determined to have a well-defined identity and lead a responsible life. They engage in various developmental tasks,...

Fixed Mindset Versus Growth Mindset

A mindset can be explained as the mental attitude that determines how an individual reacts or responds to different situations. The mind is a powerful organ that significantly affects a person’s behavior. People are responsible for their success or failure in life. Also, success or failure to achieve one’s goals...

Stages of Development Adulthood

Adults undergo several developmental stages including early, middle, and later adulthood. As they develop through these phases, they experience different health concerns and are forced to adjust to several changes in their bodies and personality (Bourisly, 2016). Some of the changes include how people relate and whom they relate to...

Why Men Spend More Money Than Women?

Introduction The relationship between gender and rate of expenditure is a topic that has attracted many scholars over the recent past. According to Klesment and Bavel, one’s gender defines what they are likely to purchase in large quantities or more regularly (468). Women often spend their money on cosmetics and...

Pornography: A Global Problem

WWW these three letters have changed the world forever, some might argue that the change has been for the worse but majority of the people would agree that the introduction of the internet has brought many changes in society. Internet offers unmatched facilities to countless people all across the globe,...

Should People Under 18 Get a Tattoo?

Introduction For many years, tattoos used to be associated with artists, prisoners, gangsters, and rebels in the community. However, the situation has changed significantly since they have become an integral part or feature of every society. Those who chose them find it easier to express their personal views and beliefs...

Femicide: Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Women

Femicide is a terrible reality of the modern world, which is hard to believe. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed health problems around the world and the problem of gender-based violence: many thousands of women were isolated along with male tyrants without the opportunity to leave. It is necessary to talk...

Social Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Social conflicts play a significant role in the structure of society and have a decisive effect on all spheres of life of an individual and society as a whole. Achievements of scientific and technological progress, primarily the development and globalization of communication systems, turn the world into a single complex...

Drug Abuse and Theories Explaining It

Introduction Drug addiction is a serious menace to society and to the individuals who engage in it. Many theories have been composed to try and explain the phenomenon. It makes sense for there to be a biological explanation of addiction since drugs are chemicals interacting with a biochemical system. Psychology...

The Political Opportunity Theory of Social Movements

In contrary to collective behavior, a social movement is organized, and a conscious group of people aimed to resist or advocate the social change within a more extended period. There are various types of social movements, such as revolutionary, resistance, religious, reform, and alternative movements (Della Porta & Diani, 2020)....

“Some Principles of Stratification” by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore

The article “Some Principles of Stratification” by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore contributes to my understanding of social class by explaining the functional relevance of social stratification in society. The authors observe that stratification is a consequence of society’s need to place different members in specific positions and to motivate...

Audience Analysis: Characteristics and Major Aspects

Introduction It is every business’ goal to achieve sustainable success, however, this cannot be fulfilled without effective communication, marketing and organizational culture, among others. When business employees, such as marketing personnel present results or proposals in stakeholders’ meetings, it is quite essential to analyze the audience. This is because, in...

Human Trafficking from Perspectives of Deontology, Utilitarianism and Egoism

Introduction Human trafficking is a modern practice of oppression characterised by heinous acts such as recruiting, transferring, and harbouring a person using coercion, kidnapping, and trickery, among other intimidating means. This practice has grown into an international problem. About two centuries ago, slavery was an everyday business in many countries,...

Workplace Harassment and Retaliation

This paper discusses the topic of workplace harassment and its different aspects. In particular, the definition of harassment as a whole is discussed, pertaining to both employee and non-employee led harassment against individuals. Furthermore, particulars of verbal, physical, and online harassment are discussed. The paper aims at enhancing the awareness...

Improving Intercultural Communication Skills

Intercultural communication is important in the modern world due to the close relations between countries and cultures and their influence on each other. However, not everyone has the skills and knowledge necessary for effective intercultural communication. These skills can be developed with the help of a person experienced in communication...

The Machiavellianism Theory’s Application to Slavery

The discipline of social sciences is widely used to denote the way individuals behave within a society, differentiating the morally accepted behaviors that are mostly referred to as immoral. Those individuals occupying certain leadership positions are prone to being dictators and thus many of them would be vulnerable to leading...

Persuasive Communication in Different Contexts

Personal Context Communication is a fundamental aspect of people’s lives as it guarantees successful cooperation and the ability to achieve particular goals. For this reason, it is vital to be able to select an appropriate strategy that depends on the context and use it to guarantee that people will understand...

Social Exchange Theory in Organizations and Workplaces

Summary Social exchange theory is based on the premise that the interactions and communications between human beings occur from the motivation of rewards and reduction of losses (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959). The theory is also built on the premise that the outcome of profitable relationships is generally durable trust and...