In the modern world, gender norms continue to undergo certain changes and improvements regularly. Some people are obsessed with their biological or social differences, while others prefer not to pay much attention to these concepts. Compared to the physiological characteristics based on sex, gender touches upon the way of how...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1697
Pages: 6
George Simmel and William DuBois have played a significant role in developing the theories of social science. Their double concepts are among the most known approaches to addressing the idea of consciousness and the stranger. The stranger represents a particular social kind, which is shaped by the inherent traits of...
Topic: Consciousness
Words: 1398
Pages: 5
At all times, philosophers and thinkers have been pondering what the Good Life is. This concept is subjective and can differ for every person because everyone views the world through the lens of their own values, beliefs, and experiences. As for me, the Good Life is the one where you...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 873
Pages: 3
Introduction Diversity encompasses a wide range of areas, which might include the workplace, organizations, education, politics, society, and laws. One should be aware that diversity is an essential part of multiculturalism, where a multitude of different cultures co-exists in harmony. Promoting and adhering to the notion takes a substantial effort...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 837
Pages: 3
“Human Freedom and the Self” is a paper written by Roderick M. Chisholm in the middle of the 20th century. The author’s main idea is to discuss determinism and libertarian beliefs, relying on human actions, attitudes, and knowledge. In this paper, the first nine sections about deterministic and indeterministic views...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 669
Pages: 2
Since the purpose of this assignment is to analyze the experience of asking for help, the behavior of the person whom I asked it for, and the results that I obtained, I started recollecting similar situations. It was not hard to make a decision, as the problem that I am...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1956
Pages: 7
Tuskegee University was founded in 1881 by Booker Washington. The University has a rich history and a great legacy. 9 May 2015, the First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a Commencement Speech to the 2015 Tuskegee graduates. By her speech, Michelle Obama honors the distinguished Tuskegee alumni and encourages the students...
Topic: Speech
Words: 1368
Pages: 5
Social Inequality Essay: Abstract Human society is a phenomenon that has its own advantages and disadvantages, and one of the major disadvantages of it is the eternal division of people into classes, whether they are social or racial. People have always tried to find those who are lower, as they...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 3503
Pages: 13
Both modern and historical fashion follow a variety of social, cultural, and gender norms. These are susceptible to frequent change due to external and other factors. However, gender norms in relation to dress are especially prominent and largely accepted. This can range from strict adherence to trends to the rejection...
Topic: Fashion
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Introduction Drama theory is a communication theory for analyzing human relationships and exploring the nature of motivation. The theory proposes to look at relationships as part of the non-materialistic nature and to use the sensual aspects of the personality as the primary tools for studying communication mechanisms. According to the...
Topic: Communication
Words: 854
Pages: 3
Managing international groups requires proper understanding of the key notions of intercultural dimensions and their general concept. In terms of establishing effective communication channels with various nations, the factor of recognizing the main cultural distinctions plays a crucial role. Since Australian and Thai people are different due to the Hofstede’s...
Topic: Cultural Competence
Words: 732
Pages: 3
Should the path to equality be violent or peaceful? Many would choose the path of peace because it is moral and orderly, while equality achieved by violence is controversial and unethical. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech, “I Have a Dream,” and Old Major’s speech from Animal Farm has the...
Topic: Animal Farm
Words: 1115
Pages: 4
Introduction Communication is a day-to-day aspect of the human being. People need to communicate in order to share thoughts, opinions or coordinate activities. Technological advancement, advancement in means of transport and communication, and globalization have allowed more intercultural interactions. Intercultural communication is essential as people interact in colleges, businesses, workplaces...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1157
Pages: 6
Introduction Butler argues that gender is not a static identity but can be constituted and constructed through the acts and performances, hence, gender depiction is arbitrary and biased depending on cultural, political, and theatrical perceptions. She views sex and gender as quite different entities of self that have been constructed...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 569
Pages: 2
Introduction Nowadays, due to the modifying of traditional values of society, many women go to work. However, even though the roles of males and females became different over the years, the issue of housework remains topical. Despite the changes that occurred in gender roles, women have more welcoming attitudes toward...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 941
Pages: 3
Functionalism theory Functionalism theory developed from the work of Durkheim, who evaluated how part of society unite to form a whole society (Andersen and Taylor, 20). The theory gives an account of each section of society that comes together to build a whole society. According to functionalism theory, each part...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 605
Pages: 3
Abstract Different concepts exist that make it possible for people to learn more about societies. Conflict theory is one of those models and it is believed to have originated from the works of Karl Marx. This model theory is informative and capable of describing the origin of class differences and...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 3181
Pages: 11
Introduction Animals are classified as sentient beings; most of them have abilities to perceive and even think. They are capable of emotions, feelings and can form complex behavioral patterns. They deserve a just and rightful attitude, but animals are still treated mostly as property, not as sentient creatures. Animal welfare...
Topic: Animal Rights
Words: 1194
Pages: 4
Gender inequality is widely discussed in the modern world and inspires the feminist movement to promote its philosophy instead of the idea of male superiority. Functionalists argue that social change in relation to gender roles is impossible since differentiation is the basis for the functioning of society (Croteau & Hoynes,...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 943
Pages: 3
Introduction Children are of most importance to parents since they represent the parent’s hopes, ambitions and indeed future. As such, most parents cherish and love their children and try to provide a quality life for them. Even so, not all children are cherished and loved as they should be and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 5016
Pages: 18
Description of the Theory Modernization theory refers to a concept that elucidates a gradual process of transition in cultural, economic, political, and social practices over a period to an advanced way of living. Matunhu (2011) describes modernization theory as a framework for socio-cultural transformation from a traditional lifestyle to a...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1132
Pages: 4
Gender refers to the social construction of the differences between men and women. A good example of the social construction of gender is the belief that all men are brave and strong, while all women are coward and weak. Sex is described as the biological differences between men and women....
Topic: Construction
Words: 1431
Pages: 6
Introduction Personality theories have drawn sharp reactions from different theorists around the world. Several theories have emerged with the aim of explaining personality issues. These theories include Adler’s psychology and Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis, among others. Alfred Adler worked with Freud in his analytic society from 1902 until 1911. He then...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 3062
Pages: 12
Report The History of Tourism Policy Tourism policy refers to a set of practices, decisions, and discourses initiated by governments and sometimes in partnership with social and private sectors to achieve diverse goals related to tourism. According to Hall 1994, the history of international policy outlines impacting tourism is classified...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 4577
Pages: 16
Introduction In the present-day world, the universe has been considered a global village because of technology’s exposure and connections. Human interactions have been improved, primarily through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (Leng and Phua 3). Mostly these channels are dominated by socialites, entertainers, and celebrities from...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1099
Pages: 4
The speaker, Isaac Lidsky, examines human perception and the unattainable desires, which always form our thoughts. Our judgment is based on what we see, for instance, one is likely to pair a behavior with what is generally known about a phenomenon. In this aspect, we pay little or no attention...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 293
Pages: 1
Introduction Men and women are different in various ways. From birth, males and females differ greatly. These differences are both physiological and psychological. For example, when a child is learning a language, the female child is noted to have a good memory in that she can recall faster. This ability...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2257
Pages: 8
I argue that gender separation in sports is both useful and necessary, and there are several reasons for that. Gender-separated sports provide better opportunities for all gender involved while also respecting gender-related patterns of building social relations, and replacing gender with other criteria, such as athletic performance, would likely undermine...
Topic: Gender
Words: 285
Pages: 1
Language is a unique feature typical of representatives of the human race; it is natural for people to talk because language is the means of communication. We transmit some messages through language and speech; we learn something new with the help of common rules established in various languages. It is...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 1389
Pages: 5
Introduction Since ancient times, class relations and class values have been discussed by scholars, educators, politicians and ethnologists. Person’s virtuous behavior can be habitual and effortless in different circumstances, but this does not alter the fact that for human beings in general class relations and social position are tempting. Hence,...
Topic: Virtue
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction Business ethics is a complex subject that aims to use ethical theories and principles to guide the decision-making process in organizational settings. Business ethics considers all types of business relationships, including those between companies, between leaders and their employees, and between the company and the community (Mann and Roberts...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 674
Pages: 3
Numerous disciplines have differing definitions of intelligence, which makes it harder to describe and classify it. Various psychologists have proposed various intelligence; for example, Sternberg (2020) proposed multiple intelligence. Both of these propositions have some generalizations stemming from the theories of intelligence. Although there are divergent viewpoints regarding intelligence, the...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 349
Pages: 1
Introduction Nowadays, children receive a cellphone at the age of nine and use it daily afterward, which, for their parents, serves as a way of protecting a young individual. As the year’s pass, teenagers begin to feel the constant need to be connected to others through their smartphones. Technology has...
Topic: Technology
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
Introduction The use of animals for medical research has generated heated debate in recent times where certain quarters in society support the use of animals for research while others don’t. It is evident that the use of animals for research has enabled tremendous steps in the field of medicine that...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 2048
Pages: 7
Introduction Back in the 1990s, the movie Pretty Woman, starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere with Gary Marshal in the director’s chair, created quite a bit of stirring among the feminist supporters of the country. This is because the movie effectively stereotyped women’s roles via its depiction of prostitutes, sexual...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Jules Ferry, a politician of the early Third Republic, is famous for his strategy of secular education and the fruitful extension of France as a colonial empire. He served as the Prime Minister of France for two terms. At that time the French imperial expansion started. Although criticized, he had...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 562
Pages: 3
Introduction Some people claim to perceive differences in social interactions in terms of women exhibiting more criticism toward others than men. For example, many females can recount being rudely treated by another woman, including criticism or unfair treatment based on their appearance, words, or actions. Such judgmental behavior may exist...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1666
Pages: 6
Introduction Getting attention The act of murdering other people is, unfortunately, a common thing in our society. To kill one person is already a horrifying deed, to kill more than that is a crime against all humanity. Nowadays, those who have killed three or more people are officially called serial...
Topic: Serial Killer
Words: 965
Pages: 3
Mayor Mitch Landrieu gave a controversial speech on removing four statues from the city of New Orleans. The confederate statues were erected over 100 years ago, and they were a part of the city’s heritage. They were identification markers, but they were removed in 2017 by the Mayor. In this...
Topic: Speech
Words: 302
Pages: 1
Introduction Today, hundreds of unique cultures exist on the planet, and they are espoused by millions of people who promote and develop them further. Thus, cultural diversity is an essential part of the modern world which constitutes a challenge for those who have chosen to fulfill the Great Commission. In...
Topic: Intercultural Communication
Words: 1163
Pages: 4
Introduction Selective attention and multitasking play a critical role in people’s daily lives. Divided attention is a technique of selecting certain stimuli to process while ignoring the perceived distracting parts. On the other hand, multitasking is the ability to perform more than one task at a given time. The technique...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 536
Pages: 2
There seems to be no action more common than going to a shopping mall. All of the visitors come there with one and only purpose: to shop. However, each person’s perception of the visit can differ drastically. Some suffer from the pangs of choice, while others, on the contrary, improve...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 611
Pages: 2
“Why humans have sex” is the article that discusses the reasons people become engaged in sexual relations, including the most frequent and infrequent ones. It is written by professionals in sexual psychophysiology, Cindy Meston and David Buss. The authors claim that the common belief that people have sex only “to...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 856
Pages: 3
Understanding the interrelation between a biography and a history is vital for building a broad and realistic view of the roots of everyday challenges and possible solutions to them. The idea of the sociological imagination introduced by C. Wright Mills demonstrates how the ability to analyze the personal experience as...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 1958
Pages: 7
Introduction Professor Michael Boylan stated in his book “A Just Society” that ethics is a science that deals with the right and wrong of human behavior (Boylan, 2004). Ethical theories emphasize on different points, each theory trying to reach a morally accepted conclusion. If a gay marriage is blessed in...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2491
Pages: 10
Introduction Gender refers to the cultural distinctions between men and women, such as those made by society and culture based on sex. As a result, a person’s sex never changes, but their gender occasionally does. The society in which people live largely shapes how men and women are perceived and...
Topic: Gender
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Popular culture is an initiative that was established to give voice to the common masses through various forms of media such as magazines, TV shows, sports, folklore, fashion, pop music, paintings, and technology, among others. In understanding how popular culture influences ethics, it is essential to assess how TV information...
Topic: Culture
Words: 729
Pages: 2
The rights of women have grown from being just a single movement to an ongoing struggle. Women across the world are continuing to fight for their rights in almost every aspect of life. Judy Brady satirically championed for the rights of women in her classic writing “I want a wife”....
Topic: Women's Rights
Words: 1499
Pages: 5
Introduction Many historians take different viewpoints on whether the development of civil society led to the introduction of agriculture or the agricultural advancement made society and humanity advance. Most, however, agree that agriculture started a long time ago, and in its preliminary stages, it was combined with other methods of...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 1148
Pages: 4
Throughout the history of humanity, a woman has been assigned the role of being dependent on a man and, to some extent, subordinate to him. It seems to us that even though a lot has changed in the sexist-patriarchal structure of the world by the XXI century and it would...
Topic: Gender
Words: 894
Pages: 3
Socialization is how culture is learned and is critical for human existence and survival. Effective mingling is essential for a person to be considered fully human as interaction is a means of human survival. People communicate with each other to express feelings and send requests and information. Communication can be...
Topic: Socialization
Words: 948
Pages: 3
Similarities in the Way Males and Females Learn A new wave of feminism has reintroduced the subject of gender equality in education. Supporters of inclusive academic environments, where all genders are welcome, argue that there are no distinct differences in the male and female thinking processes, which is proved by...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1120
Pages: 4
The generalized other is a social science term, particularly in symbolic interaction. It is the general concept that a person can possess in popular perceptions regarding behavior and ideas in a society. It is the attitude of a wider community and people’s opinions, which reflect individuals’ traditional positions. This essay...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 284
Pages: 1
Societal processes are reflected in cultural products, which are used for their analysis. The example of the movie “Frozen” proves that these works play a significant role in shaping the main characters, and their consideration will allow examining the shift in gender stereotypes. The purpose of this paper is to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1127
Pages: 4
In the past, people’s knowledge of psychology was limited to their visits to marriage counselors, religious leaders, family therapists, and traditional dispute handlers. Psychologists were considered to be those who resolved conflicts and offered guidance during distress. Over the years, the concept of psychology has changed and has been recognized...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 730
Pages: 2
Introduction Freedom and security are two essential elements of society but guaranteeing one is often associated with violating the other. Considering the threats that the US is facing, security appears vital to some. However, others argue that freedom is more important for the success of the nation. This paper aims...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 315
Pages: 1
Summary Social exchange theory is based on the premise that the interactions and communications between human beings occur from the motivation of rewards and reduction of losses (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959). The theory is also built on the premise that the outcome of profitable relationships is generally durable trust and...
Topic: Social Change
Words: 1233
Pages: 5
Introduction The course in sociology removed the notion I had that certain issues in my life were completely private. I thought that my will was the determinant of all my actions. Initially, my view on the world and my life was looked at from a tunnel lens. This has changed...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1309
Pages: 4
Introduction The concept of a home has always had multiple levels of complexity as it was approached by different scholars in various ways. Nevertheless, the associations that come with the word ‘home’ are the most comforting and reassuring to most people on this planet. Home brings one’s mind to a...
Topic: Home
Words: 1112
Pages: 4
Introduction George Orwell’s dystopian book 1984 is seen as one of the brightest examples of the fictional representations of the autocratic and totalitarian societies. Of course, the reader can hardly believe that, at least, something from the book could have happened in reality. For instance, it is impossible to imagine...
Topic: 1984
Words: 2019
Pages: 8
Introduction Adolescent drug abuse remains a big challenge in the world today. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality amongst young people. Also, drug abuse is costly to society. It is crucial to note that the factors behind adolescent alcohol and drug abuse are preventable. Chakravarthy, Shah, and Lotfipour...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 667
Pages: 3
Introduction The current ethical dilemma concerns a pregnant sixteen-year-old girl who is hesitant to tell her parents about her condition. During the counseling session, she stated that she wanted to terminate the pregnancy but asked the working school-based professional to keep it a secret from her parents. This situation is...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 915
Pages: 3
Introduction Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford university commencement address illustrates how rhetorical components should be utilized while giving a discourse. The speaker uses humor, individual encounters, and perceptions from their life, among other expository strategies, to interface with his crowd in his discourse. He likewise requests to his crowd’s ethos, pathos,...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 1130
Pages: 4
The term “sexual behavior” encompasses various actions that people engage in to show their sexuality. Sexual arousal is a part of these behaviors’ biological and cultural aspects. Sociologists in sexuality study sexual attitudes and behaviors rather than physical anatomy or physiology. Sexiness is defined as a person’s ability to have...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 829
Pages: 3
“A&P” is a short story written by John Updike in 1961. It narrates one episode from the life of the “A&P” grocery store. Sammy, a 19-year-old cashier clerk, notices three girls who enter the store wearing “nothing but bathing suits” (Updike 140). The girls walk along the aisles, drawing other...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1001
Pages: 3
To achieve the desired level of attention to the issue, the author calls on the audience’s feelings of respect towards her and her peers for her effort, which provides ethos. Suzuki calls for the audience’s reason and rationale when she states that “if you don’t know how to fix it,...
Topic: Speech
Words: 210
Pages: 1
Ethics, Religion, and the Meaning of Life Ethics and morals attempt to explain human behavior and the underlying moral beliefs that distinguish right from wrong. Gordon Graham’s book “Eight theories of Ethics” reflects on the credence and theories that underpin human deportment and conduct. This paper summarizes the fundamental concepts...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 866
Pages: 3
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s article “Gifts” is a discussion on the social custom of gifts. The author conveys that love is the prime force that could be termed as the best possible gift and thus should be enumerated as the best possible gift that enriches both the giver and the receiver...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction The role of society in the life of each person plays an essential role in its formation and development. The way a person communicates and meets with people depends on his personal views and behavior. Since childhood, people are taught the right choice of friends to strive to be...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1024
Pages: 5
Introduction Privacy rights are significant among human beings since they enhance their dignity and protect their information. Every person has the right to conceal information about themselves from the public. Privacy is essential for personal data protection, maintaining social boundaries, building trust, and protecting someone from aggressive public actions. Therefore,...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 1649
Pages: 6
Decision making is one of the most important aspects of social work. It can affect not only one element in the life of a person but immediately have an effect on all its further course for a group of people or an individual. The article Professional judgment and decision-making in...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Cosmetic studies on animals refer to a specific type of product examination meant to ascertain the hypoallergenic nature and safety of animal products intended for use by human beings. Due to the pain and harm the animals are subjected to, there is a concerted effort by the animal activists and...
Topic: Animal Testing
Words: 1184
Pages: 4
Most modern humans are raised in a society where they are taught to talk, interact, and develop different skills according to the norms of the people around them. Children are expected to walk upright, learn the language, and communicate with others by a certain age. It is possible because of...
Topic: Socialization
Words: 1216
Pages: 4
Genetic theory of learning Learning and behavioral habits in human beings can be influenced by social, environmental and genetic factors. Genetic theory describes how genes help in shaping human behaviors. Human genetic influences are usually complicated and are among many other factors affecting behavior. Although genes on their own can...
Topic: Genetics
Words: 1050
Pages: 4
Is there a clear definition of beauty? Are there standards that define the limits of beauty? Are there entities that can be taken to be universal beauties? These are among the questions to be asked when trying to elucidate what beauty is. Trying to answer these questions will always give...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 656
Pages: 2
Introduction The stratification system classifies and hierarchizes people according to their social status. Undoubtedly, the structure of British society is undergoing tremendous changes associated with more significant opportunities for social mobility, such as access to education, technological development, and new professions. The stratification system of the United Kingdom consists of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 947
Pages: 3
Introduction Tyler, the band’s leader, wrote “Stressed Out,” claiming that “blurry face” reflects the person he is as a personality and the things the author feels uneasy about. Most of the official video was filmed at his childhood home, which is what the song says. Tyler added that one of...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction Materialism is defined as the tendency to believe that physical comfort and material possessions are the most significant life satisfaction source. Materialistic individuals believe that desirability and success are achieved by buying certain belongings. A possessive society concentrates more on wealth acquisition rather than cultural, intellectual and spiritual values....
Topic: Materialism
Words: 826
Pages: 3
The concept of culture is a widely used term in the field of sociology. There is often a presumption that it is equivalent to artwork, such as art, poetry, songs, and painting. However, sociologists’ viewpoint goes beyond such activities. Becker, the author of the article “Culture: A Sociological View,” observed...
Topic: Culture
Words: 354
Pages: 1
Introduction Today, more than ever before, human rights have become resolutely embedded in both the practice and study of international relations (IR), in large part due to the mounting growth of the United Nations (UN) international human rights regime coupled with the rise of international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and human...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 3907
Pages: 15
David Takeuchi’s Survey at the University of Hawaii Summary The case study describes a survey performed by David Takeuchi and his team in 1974 which aimed at explaining the reasons for different treatment of marijuana by the students of the University of Hawaii (Babbie, 2016). Various explanations for this issue...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 831
Pages: 4
Introduction The author brings to the limelight conflicts between cultures of the world. He begins by unfolding a traditional ceremony for the Asante king. Surprisingly, this ceremony is said to have happened in the 21st century when globalization should have eroded most traditional cultures. However, According to Appiah, Ghana remains...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 842
Pages: 4
Introduction The interactions between two or more individuals develop over time depending on the shared emotions, goals, ideologies, and purpose of existence. Relationships have different types of bonds that result in acceptance or rejection. According to Brown and Fredrickson (2021), the longevity of social relationships depends on the nature of...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 2074
Pages: 7
Introduction Despite the fact that a man and a woman, according to mythology, are created as two equal principles that make up a single whole, in practice the ancient woman was completely subordinate to a man. The male spirit of rivalry has pushed women out of public life, and in...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 1161
Pages: 4
“Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers” by Steven Greenhouse is an opinion article published on August 3, 2019, in New York Times, talking about a skewed system with no regard for workers’ affairs. Greenhouse describes the United States as the only developed country with no laws guaranteeing paid maternity leave,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 374
Pages: 1
Introduction Interviewing people about their cultures and, more specifically, their effects on family life provides an insight into the intrinsic mechanisms defining the external manifestation of their particular characteristics. They primarily include gender roles, goals, traditional and alternative lifestyles, communication methods, education, and occupations correlating with spiritual and religious beliefs...
Topic: Culture
Words: 862
Pages: 6
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is one of the most famous fictional characters in the world who lent his name to the whole play by William Shakespeare. Though written in 1623, due to the tense plot and sharp political and love conflicts, the tragedy has remained popular for several centuries (Joughin,...
Topic: Hamlet
Words: 371
Pages: 1
Despite considerable efforts toward global equality in recent years, society, in general, is still prone to stratification. People around the world experience severe discrimination, which is detrimental to society’s overall development. The issue can be examined from various perspectives and the points of view of functionalism and conflict theory. The...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Cultural dimensions theory of Geert Hofstede, a Dutch social psychologist, is widely accepted worldwide and used for modeling cross-cultural communication. Hofstede introduced several criteria for the assessment of the culture, which enables successful intercultural communication. This analysis will examine the five criteria of evaluation of the culture. At the end...
Topic: Culture
Words: 490
Pages: 2
Introduction One of the most necessary skills in the modern world is the ability to speak in public. It may be helpful not only at conferences or work meetings but also with friends or during arguments when one needs to express his or her thoughts and ideas and be understandable...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 381
Pages: 1
Introduction What has helped Michelle Obama, the former first lady, achieve a great level of success in public speaking? It is important to note that, currently, she can be viewed as a role model and a source of inspiration for every student and any African American woman in the United...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 852
Pages: 3
Tim Kreider writes the article “The “Busy Trap”,” and it deals with modern people’s attitude towards life. The author stresses that people take up responsibilities to feel important rather than do particular tasks. Kreider also emphasizes that being too busy makes people less creative and productive, so it is necessary...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Responsibility can be determined in a variety of ways, depending on the views of a person. As far as I am convinced, being responsible means being aware of the future outcomes of your current choices. My responsibility covers my words and actions in my personal sphere, as well as in...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 557
Pages: 2
The term responsibility refers to one’s ability to meet individual and societal requirements. The elements that determine human responsibility include freedom, self regulation, and submission to societal rules and regulations. Human responsibility also implies that every individual has some values, beliefs, and principles that guide behavior and actions. This also...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 567
Pages: 3
A party is always the best way to communicate with your friends in the informal atmosphere, to discuss many interesting topics, and have a lot of fun. A good party is also the best way to entertain your friends and the excellent chance to share some good news with a...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 828
Pages: 4
The memorable speech of Barak Obama after his victory remains popular presently. This speech is unique as it is written for all Americans to encourage them to change and to show that they can do everything to improve their lives. Barak Obama addressed all essential issues in American society, such...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Introduction In the present day, cultural competence in multiple spheres of life attracts society’s particular attention. A considerable number of studies emphasize its significance and the importance of the inclusion of ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic identities in various processes, including education and language learning. The LGBTQ community may be regarded...
Topic: Classroom
Words: 5065
Pages: 18
In a diverse multi-cultural society, cultural conflicts between individuals that represent different backgrounds might occur frequently. The differences in the cultural background might be attributed to the distinctions in age, gender, race, ethnicity, or nationality. The inability of individuals to understand each other’s worldviews or behaviors due to the inherent...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 633
Pages: 2
Judith Thomson and Don Marquis were philosophers who debated a lot about abortion in their time and had their views on it and the factors surrounding the topic. While Thomson advocates the legalization and support of abortion and says that people should do everything to help each other, Marquis completely...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Despite the fact that healthcare organizations have been raising awareness about opioid addictions and the problems caused by this epidemic in recent decades, it still remains a topical issue in many countries across the globe. One of the ethical questions often discussed in relation to this problem is whether pharmaceutical...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 305
Pages: 1
Body language comprises multiple nonverbal signs that address feelings and intentions. Body language improves our conscious understanding of what other people say, how they say it, and whether or not it is true by assisting in interpreting their moods and emotions. Posture, facial expressions, eye contact, distancing, and body movements...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Introduction Human communication, regardless of the sphere of interest, cannot exist without critical evaluation of events, beliefs, and social convictions. Thus, once these evaluations do not reach a justifiable consensus, people tend to have disputes in order to prove one’s point of view on the matter of interest. While conflicts...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 2601
Pages: 10
Society relies on communication between people to evolve, but many language barriers rise when different cultures interact. International communication becomes difficult with hundreds of different languages existing all around the world. Despite Internet’s accessibility and versatility, many struggle to learn more than their native language. While some languages gain international...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1180
Pages: 4
Despite the many positive effects, globalism is the cause of many ills. The leading global issue is migration, a permanent change of residence by an individual for various social, economic, and legal reasons (De Haas et al., 2020). Some people seek economic opportunities, while others try to escape terrorism, human...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1186
Pages: 5
The Impact of Culture on Communication Communication is an integral component of interaction, and without proper communication, people cannot express their feelings, intentions, ideas, and thoughts effectively. There are different factors that affect communication between groups or individuals. As such, cultural difference is one of the key factors that affect...
Topic: Communication
Words: 925
Pages: 3
Introduction In today’s world, not many people understand what kindness actually means and what benefits may be observed. For example, a man is confident of his kindness when he holds a door in an elevator or gives a seat to a pregnant woman or the elderly. However, it is necessary...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 849
Pages: 3
Since the turn of the 19th century, women’s role in literature has evolved as they take on bigger roles in literary writing. This essay follows the progression of women writers and their texts in society in three genres. The works used are Fanny Fern’s book Male Criticism on Ladies Books,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1241
Pages: 4
Introduction Socialization serves as a kind of connecting bridge between two such dissimilar phenomena – personality and society. There is an extraordinary variety of theoretical approaches to socialization in social sciences, and each scientific school offers its approach. This paper analyzes the concepts of socialization and resocialization and particularly focuses...
Topic: Socialization
Words: 1178
Pages: 4
Personal awareness is an important aspect of life because it empowers a person on how to make cognizant decisions in life. Friends, family, education and the society at large have a profound impact on personality. These aspects have been responsible for shaping my personality and personal awareness. My gender identity...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1561
Pages: 5
Being a comparatively isolated island country of Asia, Japan has been finely sheltered from external incursions. Even though its past includes a few domestic conflicts, the populace of Japan has by and large preserved and benefited from a nonviolent country for more than two thousand years. The populace of Japan...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1406
Pages: 5
It is well known that following social standards and norms of behavior are crucial for establishing effective communication among people. However, some individuals prefer to ignore generally accepted rules of conduct and stick to their life concepts. This type of behavior is usually called deviant and implies a violation of...
Topic: Prostitution
Words: 1145
Pages: 4
Introduction – Theories and debate on human perception of the external world According to empiricism theorists, only what a person experience is real, which means that there is a problem with the way on which humans can check the truthfulness of their perception. Therefore, all knowledge humans obtained is based on...
Topic: Realism
Words: 1936
Pages: 8
Introduction Psychology is relatively one of the oldest disciplines that have ever been studied by mankind. It strives to understand the behavior patterns exhibited by human beings and their relationships with various mental processes (Wundt, 2005). Due to the broadness of the subject, it has been subdivided into numerous branches...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 879
Pages: 4
Introduction Glass ceiling is a term that describes invisible obstacles on a woman’s way to a leadership position. The circumstances have improved over the past decade, and now there are more female leaders. However, the situation still needs more improvement, and a number of ways exist to provide it. What...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 554
Pages: 3
Moral dilemmas and questions are something that individuals face daily. In cases with a clear answer, most people will follow their code of ethics without giving it much thought. When people consider how they have navigated the moral sea, their ethics become clear. The trolley dilemma is an example of...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1432
Pages: 5
Introduction “Ain’t I a Woman?” is a seminal speech by Sojourner Truth at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1851. Truth was born into slavery in the 19th century United States, subsequently becoming an outspoken abolitionist speaker and women’s suffragist (Inniss 1637). The title is derived from the...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 744
Pages: 3
As the societies grew from closed homogenous social groups into complex heterogenous communities, the necessity for an organized institution that would manage the various interactions within it also increased. Social diversity, the impossibility of direct interaction between all of the members and aspects of a community, as well as miscellaneous...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 304
Pages: 1
Introduction Social networks have made global changes in the sphere of political activity due to the wide availability of various types of information and the increase in its diversification. People began to receive information much faster and the field of political news and election campaigns was no exception. The speed...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1377
Pages: 5
Introduction Various concepts and theories were introduced in pre-modern and are still relvant in modern times. Concepts help to bring understanding on how society and its people function. Georg Simmel and W.E.B. Du Bois have significantly impacted social theories that have ignited scholarly debates for many years. As discussed in...
Topic: Consciousness
Words: 1140
Pages: 4
The article “Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools,” written by Karin A. Martin, narrates about the dependency of one’s gendered perceptions on social constructions instilled in schools. The scholar’s observations serve for determining the link between these two phenomena while discussing them in detail by the sphere of influence...
Topic: School
Words: 583
Pages: 2
The speeches of famous people at graduation universities make students think and decide what to perform next in life. Steve Jobs gave an awe-inspiring oration in 2005, consisting of three personal stories. Communications’ goal was to show by the example how important it is to be yourself and to find...
Topic: Apple
Words: 564
Pages: 2
The American dream assures freedom and parity and is cherished by all the residents of the US. With the dream in mind, most people will be inclined towards the support of equal rights for all, encompassing members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) groups. Asking some members...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1378
Pages: 5
How often does an average teenager complain about going to school? Unfortunately, there is no empirical data, but it is clear that millions of students are unable to suppress their emotions on a Monday morning. This might sound ignorant to millions of young people who do not have access to...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1312
Pages: 5
The history of a family, a country, or a culture is essential for correcting the future. Everyone has a history, be it a family tradition or a significant cultural occasion, but why are these things vital for people’s lives? It creates the basis of one’s identity and plays the role...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 285
Pages: 1
Introduction Development can be described as the growth and improvement in a country’s social, economic and even political conditions of a country. As such, development is used to refer to the improvement in the ways that particular countries manage their natural and more so human resources for the purposes of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 3107
Pages: 10
While success is very much desired and admired, it has been known to cause some negative effects. People tend to regard successful people with high regard and respect and successful people such as doctors, business owners, sports personalities, musicians, and people from other professions are regarded with great regard. However,...
Topic: Success
Words: 633
Pages: 2
Introduction It is the nature of a human being to judge a person based on the impression they develop of them over a given period. When an individual classifies another as being good or bad, they may not necessarily be judgmental. According to Burns, one only passes the test of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 897
Pages: 3
The specifics of communication between a man and a woman who are in relations that they define as friendship, but that can actually be described as love, are interesting to be examined in detail. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of interpersonal communication observed between the characters...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1662
Pages: 6
People are diverse in every sense of the word. Their cultures, languages, cognitive abilities, and the manner in which they make sense of the events that occur around them support this assertion. In fact, if individuals from the same ethnic group or clan are observed, it will be seen that...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 1432
Pages: 6
Rhetoric Analysis The Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft is a key work in developing feminism. It was penned in 1792 and is a passionate plea for granting women the same chances and liberties men had long enjoyed. Wollstonecraft employed ethos, logos, and pathos in this piece to establish her...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1229
Pages: 4
Introduction A social dilemma refers to a situation where multiple economic factors are acting in self-interest although not completely cognizant of the influence such actions have on the group. Precisely, they could infer circumstances in which someone’s rationality results in shared irrationality. Such situations are challenging since acting on individual...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1239
Pages: 5
Introduction Society is constantly undergoing various changes, and in recent decades this process has intensified. First of all, the technological revolution and the constant introduction of innovations have had a huge impact, which has identified a number of new professions and allowed people to communicate, shop, and exchange opinions at...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 419
Pages: 2
Introduction In the context of this discourse, it is decided to raise the topic of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. In applying ethical theories to this concept, it is necessary to note the conflict of the two main most appropriate ethical theories, relativism and egoism, paying more attention to the latter,...
Topic: Egoism
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Objectives The aim is to study modern contacts between representatives of different cultures, arising both within the same and different states, and whether they carry problems, misunderstandings, or conflicts in communication. Establish whether they are associated with stereotypes and prejudices. And also, to identify ways to reduce conflicts in international...
Topic: Communication
Words: 272
Pages: 1
Abstract The agenda-setting theory is one of the important tenets of mass communication and its relevancy continues to be seen even in the new era of modern media platforms away from the mainstream media. Since its emergence in 1972, the agenda-setting theory has proven to be one of the consistent...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 2539
Pages: 9
Introduction In his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell claimed that ethnic differences could dramatically influence a working performance. To illustrate the point, he provided an example of Korea Air’s crash in 1997. While attempting to land at the Guam airport, the plane hit a mountain. According to...
Topic: Communication
Words: 563
Pages: 2
The deep social crisis that has gripped the world demonstrates the crucial role of the quality of the institutional environment in confronting and overcoming the recurrence of anti-social phenomena. Under these conditions, the thesis of institutional transformations as the core of social development is essential (Midgley, 1999). Recognition of the...
Topic: Social Development
Words: 287
Pages: 1
Communication is an essential human activity allowing individuals to exchange information and express feelings and their physical, social, and personality needs. Moreover, people need to communicate to react to different problematic situations, participate in decision-making, and address conflicts. In this regard, persons should be aware of communication competence principles and...
Topic: Communication
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Luther King wrote his letter with the aim to inform the clergy that he had a right to be in Birmingham and that his actions had moral, just, and honorable reasons. He uses rhetorical devices to convince not only them but also the rest of the American citizens. Above all,...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Introduction Child labor is among the many challenges that the world continually experiences. It is where children are forced to work from a young age. Currently, there are millions of children between the ages of 5 and 17 who are working in various sectors to earn an income (Sámano-Ríos et...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
The current world only recognizes two genders: male and female, with no room for in-betweens; anyone else who identifies differently is perceived as deviant. When the Europeans and other nations of North America perceive one thing as the norm, then anything that contrasts it is considered abnormal. Subsequently, the world...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Introduction Developmental psychology focuses on how our thoughts and behaviors change from birth to old age. The biological, environmental, cultural factors of human growth, among others, are investigated in developmental psychology. Numerous theories and models in varied psychology branches have influenced developmental psychology. Each theory and model has contributed significantly...
Topic: Human Development
Words: 1394
Pages: 5
In chaos, there is opportunity; a chance to rebuild the broken pieces and to find oneself in a better situation once the circumstances become calmer. Most individuals encounter chaos on a regular basis since its unexpected nature makes it nearly hard to escape totally. Some are faced with the existence...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 308
Pages: 1
Phrasing Of the Specific Purpose and the Main Ideas The specific purpose tells the audience the main intention of the speech which may include, “to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.” Undoubtedly, the specific purpose provided in the speech Outline about “Tilling a Bathroom Floor” is properly phrased because it...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 713
Pages: 2
Introduction Nowadays, young people are involved in numerous activities unknown to their parents. The reason for it is that technologies rapidly and continuously change, dramatically reshaping humans’ lives. At certain times, it causes considerable benefits; at other times, it leads to adverse consequences. Gaming consoles are popular products among American...
Topic: Youth
Words: 1678
Pages: 6
The distinction of people as those related to a dominating group and others has been a subject of an ongoing discussion of sociology and psychology. As the contemporary world becomes more inclusive in terms of eliminating discrimination, the discussion of othering as a concept becomes particularly relevant. This phenomenon exists...
Topic: Disability
Words: 1772
Pages: 6
Introduction Adolescence, as a stage of both physical and psychological development of a human being, is a crucial phase in the lifespan. It is at this time when teenagers become mature individuals, explore their identities, and develop behaviorally, socially, cognitively, and emotionally. For a relatively long period of time (approximately...
Topic: Adolescence
Words: 1429
Pages: 5
Introduction Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas published in 1845 is a classical autobiographical piece. In the book, Douglas described multiple injustices that American slaves faced on a regular basis and provided arguments against the practice of slavery. He extensively utilized Biblical references and allusions to support his messages....
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Introduction Effective and persuasive speeches should have certain elements in order to attract the audience’s attention. Furthermore, the structure and organization of a speech also influence its perception (Griffin, 2014). The purpose of this paper is to analyze the speech by Ron Finley with the focus on its effectiveness to...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 553
Pages: 2
This essay provides discussion on how the social constructionism can be comprehended in the aspect of sociology. The research explores several relevant appeals to gender and sex regarding the matter of sociology (Brickell, 2006). We will establish the differences between sex and gender; define the term of gender identity; interpret...
Topic: Gender
Words: 862
Pages: 4