Dubai Expo 2020, Its History and Initiatives

The History of Expo and Its Effect on the Development of the Humanity The current Expo is hosted by Dubai and it was planned to happen in 2020, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was postponed to 2021. The Expo itself is a global exposition, which provides countries with a...

Islamic Banking and Its Development Problems

Islamic banking implies a way of banking functioning that is characterized by consistency and does not contradict Muslim principles in relation to monetary settlement operations. The main rule of the Islamic religion is the rejection of future transactions and the prohibition of charging a loan interest by a banking institution....

The New World: North America’s Colonization

The history of the first Americans used to be shrouded in mystery for quite a long, with multiple gray areas remaining. However, based on the existing historical analysis and studies, the first inhabitants of the North American continent were represented by hunter-gatherer tribes. Moreover, the lineage of Native American tribes...

Global Economic Systems Comparison

Introduction At its core, the state represents the intersection of its political, economic, social, and cultural elements. Due to the cultural differences in world views and visions of how society should work, many diverse political ideologies were invented and implemented economically and socially. As a consequence, the economic organization was...

Interprofessional Collaboration Examples in Nursing Case Study

Introduction The case under study has exposed the importance and the need for different healthcare experts’ cooperation for better patient outcomes. Interprofessional collaboration is the joint participation of numerous specialists in the medical field working with patients and communicating each other’s distinctive viewpoints in providing the highest quality care (Vatn...

Computers History, Classification and Development

Discussion In history, computers were only used as machines that performed calculations. These changed over time with more supplicated machines which were being developed to perform more general tasks (Null L.& Lobur J., P. 34) Modern computer is a result of advances in technologies and the need to quantify record...

Pharma Controversy Presentation: Vaccination and Autism

When Was the Medication Introduced to the Public? Measles vaccine: first introduced in 1963 (Betáková, Svetlíková, & Gocník, 2013). Mumps vaccine: introduced in the late 1960s (Betáková et al., 2013). Rubella vaccine: introduced in 1969 and enhanced in 1979 (College of the Physicians of Philadelphia, 2017). Before, the incidence of...

Drug Prescription Policy Analysis

Prescription drug policy will be examined in this paper. Prescription drug policy is a highly relevant topic dealing with both clinical practice and public health. This type of policy deals with various factors regarding prescription drugs such as methods of prescribing, cost, and the recent opioid crisis which ties into...

The Gap Company: Purpose and Mission

Company Profile The Gap, Inc. started after its incorporation in 1969 and it has become a global retailer of clothing, accessories and personal care products under the apparel store industry. Its products are uniquely designed and made for men, women, children, and babies and are being marketed under the familiar...

Correlation Between HIV, AIDS and Kaposi Sarcoma

Summary of the Public Health Topic Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is a rare type of skin cancer, which has a strong association with HIV, as the causative agent. The condition mainly affects the human skin, mouth, or lymph nodes. In extreme cases, it may affect vital organs, such as the liver...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Indian Culture Examined Through Street Food

Introduction There are a variety of ways to express, teach and preserve culture. With a variety of different peoples and nations around, and the influence of globalization, it becomes increasingly important to familiarize oneself with other traditions. Traditional modes of cultural awareness, such as museums or art galleries can present...

Max Weber’s Contributions to Sociology

Introduction Every academic discipline is defined by the work of a few founding fathers. One such figure is Max Weber, considered one of the most influential thinkers of the past century (Hanke et al., 2019). In a 1997 survey, two of his books were cited as the most influential publications...

Solubility of Carbon Dioxide Related to Climate Change

Abstract The aim of this lab experiment was to study the effect of temperature and acidity (pH) on the solubility of carbon dioxide in water as it happens in oceans. The study was conducted in a laboratory setting. The results indicate that the solubility of carbon dioxide is significantly reduced...

Women Role in the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The women’s movement can be considered as a platform that transformed the women’s lives in the long-run. There were so many changes that accompanied this movement. The main reason why the women during this time engaged in the formation of this movement was to fight for their rights in...

Barack Obama Inauguration Speech 2009: Analysis

Barack Obama Inaugural Address: Analysis Introduction President Barack Obama made history by being America’s first African-American president. On 20th, January in the year 2009, he took an oath of office as the 44th president of America. On this icy day in Washington D. C, Barack Obama gave his inaugural speech...

“Human Change” and “Do What You Can” Posters

It is possible to presume that the visual materials may largely support the contemporary initiatives for the achievement of climate sustainability. Images on the ecological issues aim to encourage the ecologically friendly behavior and raise awareness of the topical problems. When arguments are visually supported, it becomes easier to comprehend...

Alice Walker’s Concepts of Everyday Use

In Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use”, the author places two sisters side by side for an afternoon of visiting. One of these sisters, Maggie, lives with her mother in a small, poorly built shack on the edge of the country and is planning to marry a somewhat unattractive but...

J. Austen’s “Sense and Sensibility” Review

The novel Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin depicts love relations through the lens of the 19th-century ideology and social philosophy of life. To some extent, Austin idealizes love and romantic feelings portraying passion and pre-marriage arrangements. The plot of Sense and Sensibility develops through a set of sub-elements, both...

Shakespeare’s “Othello”: Iago’s Honesty

Introduction In Shakespeare’s play Othello, the character Iago is the most well-known and multifaceted. To the characters in the play, he is a trustworthy and honest person who everyone in the community is willing to confide in. The audience on the other hand can note that he is the evilest,...

Cultural Competence in the Nursing Process

The issue of cultural competence in health care is a rather new topic, one that has appeared as a response to persisting inequality in the health status of people from various ethnic minority groups, which are often disadvantaged and even marginalized when it concerns cultural sensitivity and tolerance. The education...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advertising and Promotion Manager as a Potential Occupation

Choosing an occupation is a profoundly responsible choice for each person, where the United States occupational structure’s awareness is a crucial point of the process. The review of essential sources related to occupational employment and comparing the desired occupation can significantly ease future careers. Therefore, the following essay will conduct...

Life Insurance: Types, Value of Money

Life insurance can be defined as the contract between the insurer and the person owns the policy. Some countries include some events like bills and death expenses are included in the premium policy. The insurer is bound to pay some money incase an even happens to occurs. If the insurer...

Hurricane Maria and Community Response to Hazard

Hurricane Maria, which took place in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Dominica on September 20, 2017, is believed to be one of the most devastating natural disasters of the 21st century, taking the lives of 64 people, according to the official death poll. It was a tropical cyclone hurricane...

Global Logistics and Risk Management in Organizations

Introduction Global logistics, as the name well suggests, is a short form of global supply chain, which allows companies to expand beyond their domestic markets. Often considered as an extension of the domestic supply chain, global logistics work in accordance to a certain set principles, which in turn, govern and...

Kelo v. City of New London – An Analysis

In Kelo v. City of New London, U.S Supreme Court held in June 2005 that the state government can influence the private parties to sell their property for the object of economic development. Whether a government can control the use of private property for a public purpose or whether the...

The Second Gulf War – The Iraq War of 2003

Introduction As Cashman (2007, p.10), stated, we do not live in the golden age of peace. There are Constant conflicts, frequently reported in magazines, newspapers, televisions and every possible media means. Statistics about wars are always threatening and the trends in war data convey both good and bad news. Many...

Marketing Research of Children as a Buyer Group

Marketing is an important tool in product branding, packaging, distribution and primarily production of the actual product. It gives insight into what the consumers want and how they want it. This paper therefore looks into strategies employed in researching the children as a key consumer group and the issues that...

Societal Mores in Communication and Interaction

Societal mores are a part of life and existence. They determine principles of communication and interaction between individuals in society. Mill and DeToqueville underline that for people to believe (or to pretend to believe) that they could establish “good” institutions to control “bad” men, i.e., men who in the narrow...

Ian Curtis and the Decline of Western Civilization

In my opinion, Ian Curtis’ words “No language, just sound, that’s all we need to know” do not correspond as much to the fact that the general public in the U.S. lacks the scientific knowledge, as they actually reveal the essence of author’s subconscious anxieties, related post-industrial living. At the...

Assessment of the Health Status of an Individual Family

Questionnaire What are your priorities in ensuring a healthy lifestyle? What kind of values do you hold and share? How would you describe the overall health and wellbeing of all family members? What does your daily diet consist of? How often do you cook at home and eat out? What...

Interview With Chief of Police Mr. William Evans

I had a rare chance of interviewing the Chief of Police for Hinds Community College Mr. William Evans in his office on Wednesday 19 November, 2014 at 5 p.m. Mr. Evans is a very busy person and the fact that he set aside one hour out of his busy schedule...

Social Media and Modern Society

Social media is a facet of modern life that is incredibly influential in the daily activities of its users. However, an ongoing debate cites that social media presents both beneficial and detrimental consequences to individuals that engage with it. Despite the negative effects that may occur during the use of...

Feline Mental Health and Separation Anxiety

Introduction Physical health in cats has been a very commonly reviewed topic. But it also sparks discussions regarding feline mental health. Since mental health research in pets focuses typically on dogs, it is essential to review the existing studies related to cats. Moreover, the almost insignificant amount of data about...

Fostering Cohesiveness Among Teams in the Workplace

Introduction. Building Team Cohesiveness in the Workplace A team dedicated to working together through mutual understanding is a cohesive team. Through the development of skills and competences, managers and employees can be inspired to work toward a common objective (Mutonyi, Sletten & Lien 2020).. Clear objectives, planning, individual contributions to...

Shakespearean Double Plot in “King Lear”

Introduction Shakespeare’s use of two plots in a single play is an important literal structure that appears in several of his works. However, his play ‘King Lear’ is the most important work that provides evidence of this literal structure. Arguably, despite criticisms that Shakespeare confused his audience with more than...

Rational Choice Theories in Social Sciences

Abstract Rational choice theories emerged in economics models and were designed to examine human action and behavior in social science. RCT is a set of theories that emphasize the unforced nature of human action and actors’ capability to decide and act according to rational calculations of benefit and cost. Human...

How Media Shapes American Society Today.

Introduction The matter of the influence of TV on American community stays a burning one due to the effects that TV has, on that society. The impacts can be regarded in the conduct of persons, both youthful and adult, who have been impacted by different images that they have seen...

The Issue of Moral Reasoning Processes in Justifying Behaviour of Professionals

Criminal justice professionals need to be trained in ethical practices and moral reasoning to justify behavior that justifies their roles and expectations from society. It is vital to enable a comprehensive analysis of the ethical perspectives of moral reasoning and behavior so that criminal justice professionals can effectively fulfill their...

Chris McCandless’ Behavior in “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer

The closer analysis of the character of Chris McCandless, in Jon Krakauer’s novel “Into the Wild”, points out to his personality as such that can hardly serve as a “role model” for young people, due to the fact that McCandless’ “pro-nature” stance appears to have been an intellectual by-product of...

Phones and Society: The Relationship

Over the years, various spheres of the society have experienced improvement in technology. There has been a continued application of practical knowledge from generation to generation especially in the field of communication technology. Communication technology evolution initiated in1876 with the introduction of the telephone by Alexander Graham. At that moment...

Laptop Computers in Police Cars: Benefits & Drawbacks

Introduction The Issue or Problem on Which the Investigation Focuses As criminals become more sophisticated, elusive and technically perceptive, information and communications technology (ICT) has been harnessed to optimize the effectiveness of law enforcement in general and the police in particular. One such technological advance is the by-now ubiquitous portable...

Embryonic Development – Anatomy & Physiology

Introduction Embryos have different stages depending on organisms for instance, in humans, it is a newly developing being up to the ninth week of development. In organisms with multiple cells, the term ’embryo’ broadly describes the life cycle or early stage of development before hatching or birth. The embryonic development...

Developing a Diverse Team in an Organization

Introduction Facebook is an industry leader in technology and social media. Occupying a management position in such a company means having to deal with many complicated challenges. One of the most critical present-day challenges is posed by diversity, which includes differences in race, gender, age, culture, and functional background. A...

Neurological Alterations and How They Can Be Managed

Problems that arise when the diseases become sphere cause alterations in the spinal code, causing stroke and status epilepticus. (Bohmwald et al., 2018). The paper aims to discuss some neurological alterations in detail by considering how they can be managed, aspects of nurse interventions, cultural considerations, and the patients’ teaching... Company Website Design

Introduction This is a website design report for, a software, hardware, and network product and services company with a steadily growing client base now in several states across the US. specializes in providing hardware, software, and networking products and services at the most competitive costs presently on the...

Group Therapy Sessions for Addicts

Compare and contrast the effectiveness of group therapy. What elements are particularly helpful for the group? What elements are potentially detrimental to group dynamics? The type of addicts best suited for the Self-Evaluation Group are learners who have to abuse drugs to perform an array of tasks as individuals or...

Higher Education in the USA: Company of Educated Women

Introduction The issues of equality of rights and adequate division of rights and obligations of both sexes in society have always been rather important for mankind. The whole history of human society is filled with different conflicts that were caused by inequality and possible oppression. Among the most important aspects...

Tourism and Children Prostitution in Bahamas and Asia

Introduction Prostitution occurs when people offer sex to their sexual counterparts for the exchange of money and other incentives. Prostitution is an old business that has been in existence for many centuries. Prostitution is most vibrant to individuals who do not spend most of their time in their homes. This...

Cigarette Advertising Ban on Television

Given the society that we currently live in, it is almost acceptable to have any kind of commercial aired. Advertisements promoting cigarette smoking have been aired for so long despite the fact that some organizations have been campaigning against it. When one is viewing an advertisement on cigarette smoking, it...

Reducing Cigarette Smoking American Youth

Abstract The number of smokers among youths in America is alarming. Instead of going down, this number just leveled up. Many researchers and health service providers are worried about this trend. It was, therefore, necessary to carry out a research to establish the causes of this situation and possible solutions....

Visual Rhetoric in New-Age Beauty Advertisements

Visual imagery is a unique form of communication that allows companies to share their message with the audience. Advertisements help brands to make themselves noticeable among the increasing number of competitors, which is why the role of creative marketing is crucial to the success of the business. In order to...

1031 Exchanges in the New Tax Environment

Introduction The American real estate market provides many people with significant taxable profits on a sale. However, in the past decade, especially after President Biden came to power and announced his campaign on taxation, there has been a well-founded talk of experts that some opportunities are threatened by new possible...

Homeostatic Imbalance and Diabetes Symptoms

Scenario J.S. is an 8-year-old male who is short in stature. His parents have become concerned as J.S. has been wetting his bed, drinking a lot of water, and appears sluggish. The doctor orders several blood tests after J.S.’s urine test was positive for glucose and ketones. Diseases That Should...

Pride and Prejudice: Book Review

“Pride and Prejudice” was first issued on 28 January 1813 (Bloom, 1987). This book is considered to be the most well-known of Jane Austen’s works. This novel is related to one of the first works in the genre of romantic comedy. The author of the novel Jane Austen (16 December...

Oliver Cromwell’s Aims in Ireland 1649-60

Oliver Cromwell was an English military and political leader best known for his contribution towards making England a republican and as the head of state in England, Scotland, and Ireland: mostly known as Lord Protector. He served these roles between April 1649 and September 1658. Oliver was commander of the...

Treatment of Blacks by Law Enforcement

Introduction Blacks have for long been victims of various forms of discrimination in many aspects of their lives. They have been denied access to vital areas of life and been treated as sub-human species for many years. The mood has changed to a great extent from the days of legal...

Homosexual Rights on a Historical Timeline

Introduction Homosexuality is a sexual behavior that has generated a lot of interest throughout time. Some people are of the opinion that homosexuality is a deviant behavior while others see it as a natural phenomenon. This needs to be a more developed thesis statement which also needs to be restated...

“Loathe at First Sight” by Ellen Conford

“You ARE dripping on my toes.” The girl seemed to be really angry with the boy, as her deep blue eyes shone almost black. “I’m sorry. I was admiring you from afar, and I wanted to admire you from a-near. From afar you looked terrific.” The boy flushed, pecking at...

Supply Chain Management. Evolution

Supply chain management (SCM) entails the planning and management of every activity involving sourcing and procurement, conversion and all logistics management activity (Rajeev et al. 299). SCM encompasses a broader scope within the organization, which also looks at the coordination and collaboration with other stakeholders within the supply chain (Rajeev...

Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA Analysis and the CODIS Database

Short tandem repeat (STR) is a molecular biology tool mainly exploited in forensic science in order to determine certain locations known as loci present on the nuclear material, DNA. STR sites exhibit remarkable polymorphism which offers a reliable platform for forensic investigations to differentiate the DNA profiles from one individual...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immigration: Definition, Reasons and Solutions

Introduction The issue of immigration has been in the limelight for an extended period now. The area most affected is the US since most immigrants prefer settling there. Generally, immigration denotes the movement of individuals from their residents to new sectors for settling purposes. Individuals may design to move from...

Technology Acquirement in Project Management

Introduction An organization must invest in technology if it wants to meet the evolving needs of its customers. Remarkably, it should be based on extensive research and analysis, not just a ballpark figure. This is to ensure that the best technology is selected and implemented appropriately. The essay addresses culture...

Measures of Central Tendency

Introduction Measures of central tendency are values that fall in the midline of a given data set (Dodge, 2003). Measures of central tendency are often used in research to get an idea of where most data values lie. Other data measures that are closely related to measures of central tendency...

The Lottery Analysis: Essay on Shirley Jackson’s Short Story

Are you about to write The Lottery summary essay and looking for examples? Then check out this The Lottery analysis essay sample! Here, you’ll find information on the setting, themes, and other aspects of the story. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is one of the most recognized short pieces of...

Death of a Salesman as a Social Drama

Introduction The play, Death of a Salesman, portrays the theme of American dream and its impact on ordinary citizens like Willy Loman and his sons. Miller portrays that for Willy, the pride, the disappointment, the suffering are never so deeply felt, or so variously, as in relation to Biff, the...

The Motivational Potential of Family-Friendly Compensation Program

Case Scenario Being a manager I feel that the Motivational Potential of DHC’s family-friendly compensation program should be applied to each store for the growth of its business. Even before advertising or closing the majority of their store brands to think on running Target, the previous Dayton-Hudson Corporation unspoken that...

Negotiation Strategy: Miami School Negotiations

According to the Zoning Board, with the congestion of the school districts, it is advisable to rezone to mitigate the issue of overcrowding of the districts (Carnahan, 2003). The board also thinks that rezoning is considered more cost effective as compared to building new school blocks more cost effective than...

Brand Personality and Self-Image and Consumer Behavior

Abstract A product personality frequently signifies that the product/brand has a gender or gender-being. To distinguish the apparent gender of manufactured goods or brands, salespersons choose to display images and copy-text for diverse marketing communication (Berry 2000, p.149). Problem statement The problem statement of this proposal is on consumers’ traits...

Health Care: The Situation in a Multi-Bed Hospital

The present description is about the paper that highlights the situation in a multi-bed hospital. Generally, the efficacy of a clinical setting rests with the management of patient information. With the ever increasing health problems and hectic work load growing over health care professionals, there is a need of efficient...

Hardware and Software Systems and Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice System and Information Technology Technologies have a considerable effect on the daily lives of people since they facilitate workflow, streamline processes, and introduce efficiency. The criminal justice system benefited from technological advancements because they allowed individuals serving the law to have more tools for identifying perpetrators and managing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cholera: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Cholera is an acute diarrheal infectious disease caused by Vibrio cholera bacteria. The disease characteristics are acute rice water, severe diarrhea and vomiting, which may lead to dehydration, shock, and eventually death within hours if not treated. In underdeveloped countries, the disease is seasonal mainly in summer because of...

Product Marketing: Application for Online Startups

Rationale for the new product or service The impact that the coronavirus has been producing on a global scale does not seem to subside, causing multiple businesses and organizations to manage severe disruptions in their performance and general efficacy. The outlined impact has been especially negative for entrepreneurs and those...

NutriHealth Canine Product’s Marketing Project

Product Name The name of MSH Brands’ new weight-management product should reflect its properties as a premium and quality dog food designed specifically for obese and overweight pets. Clients have to know exactly what the product is capable of simply by looking at it. Therefore, the new product will be...

Nursing Profession and Its Historical Roots

Introduction Nursing, like any other science, has a millennia-long history. The origins of medicine are linked to the early phases of human evolution and civilization. It is true that, in the beginning, medicine was the realm of everybody rather than a chosen few. Following that, the woman, the leader of...

Religion as a Belief System: What Is It?

Introduction A belief system, as is generally understood, contains high values, moral ideas and thoughts which provide a moral lesson. An overview identifies different types of belief systems that have been prevailing in the modern world. One can regard “belief system is the actual set of precepts from which you...

Behavioral Finance and Personal Investment Decisions

Behavioral finance is a hypothetical insight into behavioral and psychological aspects that are involved in evaluating investment decisions. In light of the above statement, the outcome of any investment decision largely depends on two variables namely psychological and behavioral. Behavioral finance encapsulates two variables majorly cognitive psychology and the limits...

Technology’s Influences in Our Lives

Introduction During the last two hundred years there has been an unprecedented acceleration in man’s knowledge of and power to control his material environment. This has been achieved with the help of technology such as, steam, then electricity and now atomic energy. With these discoveries and inventions, there has been...

Land Use, Zoning and Planning

Introduction Land is one of the vital natural resources on earth. It forms the basis on which all other human activities are done. Human beings use land for various activities including farming, establishment of buildings and infrastructure. Therefore, land is a necessity if any other activity needs to be done...

Healthcare and Welfare State in the U.S.

In your opinion, is mobility more or less certain now than at the beginning of the 20th century among new immigrants to the United States? Use examples from the reading to support your answer. Mobility among Immigrants is less certain than it was at the beginning of the 20th century....

Family Health Intervention: A Caregiver’s Perspective

Agren, S., Eriksson, A., Fredrikson, M., Hollman-Frisman, G., & Orwelius, L. (2018). The health promoting conversations intervention for families with a critically ill relative: A pilot study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 1-9. The outlined in the article pilot study concerns conversations intervention for family members and was conducted in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Cinderella: Not So Morally Superior” by Panttaja

Introduction Modern advances in psychology allow us to take a fresh look at fairy tales known to everyone from childhood, finding new meanings and interpretations that differ from the usual ones. The moral of the story is much more contradictory, complex, and ambiguous than the usual interpretation. In the article...

A Plan for Internet Pedophile Investigation

Pedophile Investigation Today, children are becoming increasingly adept users of the Internet, where they are attracted to online games and social networks. With Wi-Fi and mobile Internet, access to the network is always there – day and night. Basically, they benefit from the connection: they do their homework, communicate with...

Nursing Theories and Approaches in Practice

Aldohaian, A. I., Alshammari, S. A., & Arafah, D. M. (2019). Using the health belief model to assess beliefs and behaviors regarding cervical cancer screening among Saudi women: A cross-sectional observational study. BMC Women’s Health, 19(1). Web. The study explores the phenomenon of cervical cancer prevalence using the Health Belief...

SOAP (Nursing) Note on Dyspnea, Confusion, and Fatigue

Patient Initials: ____B.M__ Gender: M/F/Transgender: ___F_ Age: __38___ Race: __Black ___ Ethnicity __ African American __ Reason for Seeking Health Care: A 38-year-old African American woman was admitted because of dyspnea, confusion, and fatigue. HPI: The patient had been well until 18 months before the current admission, when the blood...

Gothic Elements in “The Passion” by Jeanette Winterson

Introduction Jeanette Winterson is a postmodernist writer whose work blends history, fiction, fairy tales, and feminine romance. Postmodernism allows the combining of different writing techniques and genres. In this sense, in The Passion the author could employ parody, irony, historical rewriting, self-reflectivity, and gothic elements. Postmodernism is often characterized as...

Liberal Arts: Otis College of Arts and Design

Private school education has been one of the major topics for serious discussions these days. There are many significant issues concerning private education that deserve close scrutiny today. Otis College of Arts and Design, the most distinguished institutes of the kind in the state, has involved in one such discussion...

Communication Methods: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Face-to-Face Communication Face to face communication has several advantages. Numerous observers say that face to face contact can never be replaced irrespective of the numerous advancements in technology (Oxford Economics, 2009). It should be noted that face-to-face contact enables the transmission of unspoken or implied knowledge. It also...

Russian Cyber Terrorism and the United States: A Research Proposal

Introduction Cyberattacks have become a political weapon relatively recently, but this new development poses significant threats to the national security of countries all over the world.1 For example, in 2016, Russia performed a number of activities aimed at interfering with the federal elections in the United States (US). Among other...

Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction

A family is a natural social system that occurs in heterogeneous forms today and represents a diversity of cultural heritage. The addictions that have effects on marriage can be classified into two groups: substance addiction and process addiction. Prominently ranked among the various types of substance addiction is drug addiction....

The Contemporary Fashion Collections of Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci

Introduction Several clothing empires have shown their latest creations for this year. However, I would like to concentrate on the two of the most influential designers of today’s generation, Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci. Ann Demeulemeester and Gucci have contributed greatly to the world of fashion, and have given enormous innovative...

Popular Research Paper Topics

J. M. Smucker Company: External Environment Analysis

Executive summary External environment analysis helps identify the opportunities and threats prevailing outside the organization. The company J. M. Smucker is headquartered in Ohio, in North America; it was established in 1897. It is a globally known company that manufactures and distributes food products mainly related to desert items, spreads...

Media Violence and Children

Abstract Studies, surveys, and common sense dictate the obvious, exposure to violent media forms by impressionable children beget violent behaviors. Television violence has evolved well beyond the Roadrunner/Coyote cartoon that many parents of today watched. Popular video games such as Mortal Kombat and Doom aren’t your father’s pong and space...

Christianity and the Issues of the Later Roman Empire

The history of establishing and development of the main principles of Christianity in the Roman civilization and the role of the religion for the progress of the state is characterized by a great number of issues. AD 381 can be considered as the year when the conception of Christianity as...

Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality

Introduction Personality development is essential in a child and relates to organized behavior and attitudes which distinguish a person from others. Personality is defined by Beckmann and Wood (2017) as the dynamic system of a person that involves the person’s psychophysical systems that influences his thoughts and pattern of behaviors....

Diabetes Mellitus: Cost-Effective Solution for India

Introduction At present, a large number of people are experiencing health complications due to a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities, poor nutritional habits, and substance use disorders (SUD). Among the potential diseases, diabetes mellitus is one of the most harmful and impactful developments that negatively affect the quality of...

The Dark Age and Early Iron Age Debate

Summary In her article Lights and Darks: Data, Labeling, and Language in the History of Scholarship in Early Greece, Murray S. C. attempts to make sense of the terminology and available discoveries and finds of Dark Age or Early Iron Age Greece by comparing quantitative historiography with neighboring periods. In...

Communication in Black Communities

Introduction Various ethnic and cultural groups may have distinct communication styles that are not understandable to others or create barriers in the interaction between these specific communities with people of different ethnicities. Indeed, as the cultural contract theory states, communication is the foundation of the process of identity negotiation (Castle...

Senge’s Five Disciplines of a Learning Organization

My organization is a learning organization since it has the capability to create, acquire, and transfer knowledge and can modify behavior to reflect novel insights. One of Senge’s disciplines of a learning organization is mental models. According to available evidence, Occam’s razor has been applied in the past. However, it...

Emotional, Ethical, and Logical Arguments

Summary Nowadays, it is impossible to always and forever live in harmony with others. When billions of people live on the Earth, everyone has different opinions and does not always coincide with others’ views. It is almost impossible for a person to earn money, live, and generally be happy without...

Credibility of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Website

Introduction The reliability of the sources used in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is an essential component of its overall success. It entails checking to see that the information in question is up to date and supported by facts (Balneaves et al., 2018). Acupuncture is one of the complementary and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Prohibition and the War Against Drugs

The American prohibition of the 1920s was the government of the United State’s move towards restricting the production and sale of alcohol. Many states adopted laws that prohibited the sale of alcohol. However, the government’s move was seen and has always been seen as one of the biggest failures because...

Critique of Westerhoff’s Spiritual Life

Introduction This is a critical analysis of the book entitled “Spiritual Life” by Westerhoff. Westerhoff says that it is not possible for preachers as well as the teachers to have a ministry that is fully effective if their personal divine lives are not effervescent. He therefore offers a resource to...

Cryptography System for B Manufacturing Company

Encryption The security of data and information of the B manufacturing is paramount. The computer network represents one area that is vulnerable to security compromise, which might be detrimental to the prosperity of the company. Therefore, it is would be useful to encrypt data or information Schneier, 2001) that is...

Healthcare Organizations’ Mission, Vision and Values

Introduction In the contemporary world, organizations are experiencing rapid changes emanating from globalization and the advancement in technology. Different sectors including the health industry have to understand the fluctuations in the markets to meet the customers’ expectations. Changes within an organization comprise alterations in the structure, operation methods, strategic plans,...

Reduce Emergency Room Wait Times

Introduction An emergency-room is special medical treatment care that normally specializes in providing acute care to a number of patients who visit the hospital without any appointment, either through ambulances or by their own means. The emergency department is a department that is found in all hospitals and also in...

Community Obesity and Diabetes: Mississippi Focus Study

Community-Based Teaching on Diabetes Diabetes is a human disorder that is brought about by the miss-production of insulin that helps in the breakdown of blood sugars in the body. Diabetes is known to be very fatal. It can cause serious problems to the human body depending on the type and...

Hand Hygiene in Reducing Transient Flora

The APA Citation Kapil, R., Bhavsar, H. K., & Madan, M. (2015). Hand hygiene in reducing transient flora on the hands of healthcare workers: an educational intervention. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, 33(1), 125. Web. Problem Statement The healthcare environment is ironically not the safest of places as may be...

Sources of Finance: Models That Can Be Deployed by a Company

Executive Summary The finance market is made up of different institutions that play different roles that are complementary or totally different. Whenever businesses require more money that they do not have, they are entitled to borrow from other institutions without forgetting that they are profit making organization. Different financing options...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnostics

Clinical disorders and medical conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention Diagnostic code: 309.81 (F.43.10) DSM-5 Name: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, with delayed expression Other condition(s) that may be a focus of clinical attention Condition code: 278.00 (E66.9) Name: Obesity V62.29 (Z56.9) Other Problem Related to Employment V15.41 (Z62.810)...

Industrialization: How It Changed the Lives of Europeans

The first industrialization and the increasingly popular enlightenment movement were considered influential and changing the lives of eighteenth-century Europeans. The industrial revolution ultimately brought changes in the economics, population, family structure, labor, and consumption patterns. With the introduction of new technologies, smoke-stack industries rose to replace the agricultural economy of...

Southern Comfort Company’s Promotion Strategies

Introduction The southern comfort company is a liquor company. As such, the company is restricted in the way it advertises its products. In T.V. advertisements, for example, the company and others like it are only allowed airtime at night hours to do their promotion. All these rules are founded on...

An Accurate Portrayal of Schizophrenia

Introduction This paper will analyze the Schizophrenia along with its symptoms. It will also analyze an important scene in the movie “a beautiful mind” which was directed by Ron Howard. The main character in the move is John Nash who is played by Russell Crowe; he is supposed to be...

J.M. Smucker Company: The Internal Analysis

Executive Summary Internal analysis of an organization helps the organization determine its internal strengths and weaknesses. The J.M. Smucker Company is the leading manufacturer and marketer of branded food products in Northern America. It manufactures ice cream toppings, fruit spreads, beverages, health and natural foods, natural peanut butter, and shortening....

Design for Testing and Specification Compliance

Abstract This paper discusses the design process of testing and specifications compliance. Testing and specifications compliance is an issue that any venture introducing a new product into the market has to observe. This paper investigates how these parameters and stipulations are designed. It also contains an outline of how entities...

Mobile Commerce Adoption in Saudi Arabia

In the recent years, several developments have been experienced in the field of information and communication technology. One of the major developments has been in internet and web development field. Accordingly, the increasing mobile phones usage has opened up avenues for mobile commerce services across the globe in the recent...

SEC Auto Exchange Company and Good Corporate Governance

The SEC Auto Exchange company is an organization based in Thailand that is involved in the import and purchasing of cars into the country which are subsequently resold. Its particular focus is on luxury cars ranging from coupes and sports cars to sports utility vehicles. Most of these are from...

An Examination of College Student Wellness: A Research and Liberal Arts Perspective

The work that I do entails vigorous-intensity activity that increases the breathing rate or heartbeat. I do vigorous-intensity activities thrice per week and 12 hours per day. I spend two days per week doing moderate-intensity activities that involve my work spending around six hours per day. Traveling and Walking I...

Medication Error Impact on Healthcare Quality

Introduction Medication errors are issues that exist in everyday medical practices. The presentation makes it possible to show the impact medication errors have on the economy and the number of people at risk annually, and this phenomenon is considered a failure in practice. Several initiatives are put in place, and...

Healthcare Institutions: Budgeting, Planning, and Implications

Introduction Budgets are used to help improve the financial stability of an institution, whether corporate or in healthcare. Preparing an effective budget can help identify areas for improvement, areas that are effective, and overall cost-efficacy within the institution. Within inpatient settings, nursing managers are responsible for monitoring budgets. In some...

Scoliosis: Causes, Effects, Prevention and Treatment

Introduction In the context of present-day public health concerns, the issues of posture are often overlooked. However, while the shift in the focus of health management is understandable given the greater threat, addressing musculoskeletal concerns is also necessary. Due to the effects that abnormal spine curvature and the associated issues...

Researching of Cultural Shifts

Cultural conformity was a hallmark of 1950s American culture, where young and old followed the group’s guidelines rather than going their way. Men and women had to work in new ways during WWII, but traditional roles were reintroduced. Previous women believed their place was at home even if they worked....

Foundations in Couple and Family Therapy

Abstract When counseling, questions have a significant role; they enable the interviewer and interviewee to engage in various aspects. Linear and systemic questions have a significant impact on the performance of the interview. Counselors make use of these types of questions to gain insights into the problem experienced by the...

Health Information Technology in Nursing Home Setting

Introduction The setting which will be analyzed in this proposal includes a nursing home within a metropolitan area. Currently, a group of twenty-five registered and unregistered members of staff are in need of improved education in regards to medication compliance. While the facility only includes eighty-bed spaces and limited staff,...

Life Insurance: Theory and Practice

Life insurance can be defined as the contract between the insurer and the person who owns the policy. Some countries include some events like bills and death expenses are included in the premium policy. The insurer is bound to pay some money in case an event happens to occur. If...

The Debate Over Gun Control

Introduction Different countries have different opinions about gun control whereby some countries have strict gun control laws while others are liberal. The debate surrounding gun control has two differing sides: the pro-gun control and anti-gun control. Each of these sides bases its arguments on different reasons. Gun control debate touches...

Email Fraud and Protection Strategies

Introduction The invention of the Internet has triggered numerous changes in human communication and interaction. Electric mail (email) has become an important method for passing across messages, letters, and information from one person to another. Many organizations are embracing this innovation to pursue their aims. Unfortunately, every revolutionary idea usually...

Retirement in Nevada Analysis

Retirees are always attracted to Nevada because of the various amenities that it offers to them. These amenities include parks such as the Big Bend Park for recreational purposes, convenient swimming pools that serve children, houses to rent, facilities for picnics, and mild waters. Nevada’s ample sunshine also attracts most...

Parents Are to Blame for Youth Violence

Violence among youth has drastically increased in recent times. This problem of violence has become a global phenomenon whereby youth from all walks of life are engaged in violence. It seems there must be an internal or an external driving force that entices the youth to engage in acts of...

Tamika Burgess v McDonald Contractors Ltd Case Analysis

Question Presented Tamika Burgess, a resident of New York, inherited 10 acres of land in Ohio. She decided to sell the property to McDonald Contractors, Inc. for the sum of $500,000. McDonald Contractors entered a contract with Tamika Burgess for the purchase of the above property on June 1, 2007....

Cyber Attack Scenario Development

Introduction In the cyber world, cyber-attacks are quite a common occurrence. The attacks target computer hardware such as scanners, computers, servers as well as software programs such as operating systems and protocols. The recovery of data is made increasingly difficult by the encryption and steganography programs (Britz, 2009, p. 217)....

The Legality of the Scope of a Police Search

Introduction One afternoon in January 1998, Clinton Stoddard, a U. S. Border Patrol agent, was at a checkpoint on a highway north of Douglas in the state of Arizona. The area was known to be frequently used by smugglers and traffickers. Therefore, the roads were equipped with sensors alerting the...

Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

Introduction Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs target RNs looking to advance their education. As a BSN-prepared nurse, I have more opportunities and job options coming in handy than I would with an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN). With detailed research about BSN including its...

Major Types of Depression

Introduction Having a continuous sense of exhaustion, feeling of sadness, and hopelessness are the key signs of clinical or major depression. This mood disorder is an illness; it makes one feel frustrated, angry, miserable, and apathetic. Such mood changes alter the daily life an individual quite a long and may...

Communities Reflected in Kafka’s and O’Connor’s Works

Introduction Literature is an artistic piece of work used to creatively pass information/ideas to people in society. Since the authors of these pieces of work are members of the society, the ideas/information found in the latter are usually a reflection of the day to day happenings in the society; literature...

Personality in Classic and Modern Theories

Psychoanalytic Aspects of Personality In this week’s learning, the subject of the greatest interest is the eight aspects of personality. In this context, the topic about traits contains intuitive information about human nature (Friedman & Schustack, 2012). The traits consist of a person’s motives, skills, and to some extent their...

The Investigation of True Intentions Reflected Through Social Violence

Introduction Modern world faced the problem of terrorism spreading being the darkest side of human behavior throughout the whole history. Terrorism is expressed by means of incredible violence towards the society; its promotion contributed to the challenges within social stability and people’s consciousness. It is necessary to underline the idea...

Government Explanations and Interpretations

Outline The following paper discusses the government explanations and interpretations by analysis of the following statements and questions. The first question regards why there is no right that is absolute and what is meant by the statement that, the power to tax is the power to destroy. The paper also...

Mark & Spencer Company in Australian Environment

For Mark and Spencer, Australia is a potential country to expand its business and gain a new market. Australia represents a small, open economy with unusual wage-setting institutions. During the past twenty years, its development has been similar to that of most nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and...

Feeding America Organization Curbing Hunger Crisis

The Organization Feeding America is a non-profit organization based in the United States with its headquarters in Chicago. The Organization is dedicated to curbing the hunger crisis for the vulnerable populations of the University State. Having a wide scope of a network that spreads throughout the country, Feeding America feeds...

Salmonellosis: Problem Solution in Epidemiology

Salmonellosis is a dangerous infectious disease of the mainly gastrointestinal tract, transmitted by the oral-facial way. The pathogen of the disease is several serotypes of the bacterium genus Salmonella from the family Enterobacteriaceae. Thus, the most frequent way of infection is associated with the consumption of poor-quality food or thermally...

Automation and the Future of the Welfare State

Introduction A theme of AI development takes a notable place in science fiction books, movies, and video games, but it is not limited by them. Skynet from the Terminator franchise became self-aware and almost succeeded in the destruction of humanity. In Mass Effect 2, EDI successfully operates a state-of-the-art space...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Competitiveness and Profitability

SWOT Analysis of Coca-Cola Strengths The company is the largest non-alcoholic beverage manufacturer in the world. It produces 32% of all the types of drinks consumed in the world and owns more than 500 brands in over 200 countries globally. Due to its size, the firm always reinforces its market...

Music of the Renaissance

Background The Renaissance era (1400-1600) refers to the period that marked the revitalization of art and rebirth of music. Musicians and artists of this time composed and performed style of music that was different from that of the medieval era due to the influence of the ancient Rome Greece classical...

Functional Behavioral Assessment and the Behavior Intervention Plan

General information about Fred The student under consideration is a boy, Fred. He is eight years old, and he is a student of elementary school. Fred has a grade level “3”, his disability is autism. During the class activities, the boy takes everything lying in front of him and chews...

Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions

Introduction Disease diagnosis is an ongoing examination to ensure the quality of health is preserved. Inadequate awareness of the illness or pathophysiology mechanism leads to misunderstanding and acts as a deterrent to correct management and slow recovery. There is a need to carry out a systematic study of the disease...

Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination

Introduction Nursing homes, also known as residential nursing homes or care home with nursing, are facilities that provide health care for people with distinct conditions or various types of disabilities. A Nursing home focuses on providing such care for individuals who may have struggled with daily life and may need...

Astronomy and Its Influence on Civilization

Astronomy has had an important influence on many aspects of past civilizations. Culture, agricultural farming, education, film, and communication industry as well as medicine have used astronomy widely. The knowledge of time as well as differentiating different seasons has depended on astronomy to a great degree, especially in many developing...

Causes and Risks of Water Pollution

Introduction Global anthropogenic activities, manifested in industrial and agricultural initiatives and innovative technological solutions, have become one of the main causes of massive water pollution. This topic has been discussed by ecologists and other stakeholders for decades, and every year, the issue is raised more and more acutely. Large reservoirs...

The Four Seasons Resort Whistler Hotel’s Analysis

Introduction Four Seasons Resort Whistler is a 5-star hotel and resort located at 4591 Blackcomb Way Whistler, British V8E 0Y4, Canada. The resort is nestled among evergreen alpine forests, presenting a premium luxury mountain lodge and offering getaways throughout the year. A Canadian entrepreneur founded Four Seasons in the 1960s;...