Project Management: What Is System Development?

Introduction Companies and organizations big or small, rely on information technology for their continual survival. Consider such organizations as power and water companies that have to calculate millions of customer bills every month. The clerical effort needed is simply enormous. Consequently, without a proper and effective information system, it is...

Treatment of Women in Society in Shakespeare’s Plays

The audience of all art forms perceives and forms different ideas from the works of art. In this context, some readers may find the treatment of women in William Shakespeare’s play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, unreasonable and, therefore, troubling. The readers may have several reasons for forming the opinion. Some...

Problems of Smoking in Public Places

Introduction Smoking has always been a contentious issue when it comes to health matters. Not only does it tend to affect first-person smokers but also secondary and tertiary smokers alike. Therefore, policies have been formulated on where and when to smoke. This has brought up heated debates with many individuals-...

Theory, Risk, and Quality Management in Healthcare Facilities

Introduction Risk management approaches were incorporated into the health sector following the increased malpractice crises. Hospitals were encountering increased compensation demands and more plaintiff verdicts leading to financial loss. Hospitals were faced with a decline in crucial specialists as well as higher insurance rates. Thus, risk management can be referred...

The Link Between Self-Esteem and Social Network Usage

Social networks have become an essential element of daily life in the digital age, allowing people to communicate. Researchers have discovered that while social networks are frequently promoted to combat loneliness and provide social support. A growing body of research suggests that excessive use of these networks might harm self-esteem...

Leadership in Medical Institutions: Resolving Workplace Conflicts

Introduction Nowadays, different medical institutions highly focus on leadership to avoid and resolve conflicts at work, as they may have a negative effect on the quality of the provided services and well-being of the patients (Finkelman, 2006). Apart from their sufficient training, they continue to arise. To understand the nature...

Economic Models and Market Structures

Free market and mixed economy An economic system is important in allocating scarce resources. There are several economic systems that have distinct characteristics. In a free-market economy, there are minimal or absence of interventions. The market is controlled by forces of demand and supply. Further, the economy is self-adjusting. Thus,...

International Merger and Acquisition

Abstract Merger and acquisition refer to the process where one company acquires another to help in improving its operations. The process leads to the acquired company adapting the control mechanisms of the acquiring company. One of the examples of mergers is the one between InBev and Anheuser-Busch. The success or...

Case Study of Columbia: HCA Hospital Business Ethics

Key Stakeholders R.E. Freeman in his book “A Stakeholder Approach”, defines a stakeholder as” a group engaged varied interests and participants, each of them may contribute and attain rewards as a result of activities of a company or business.” It is to be noted there is an interrelationship that is...

Reinforcement of Sexist Stereotypes in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Introduction Jane Austen’s work occupies one of the leading places in British literary history and remains relevant from the Victorian era to the present. The novel “Pride and Prejudice” describes the love story of a young lady Elizabeth Bennett and an aristocrat Mr. Darcy, developing in the complex context of...

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“Ghosts” vs. “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

Introduction Ghosts were written in eighteen eighty-one as a scathing commentary on nineteenth-century fatalities. The two plays were sensational and often regarded as being indecent. Ghost and a Doll’s House criticized contemporary Norwegian society. A Doll’s House is an earlier play than Ghosts written in 1879 during the European revolution...

Should the U.S. Resume a Millitary Draft?

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The Christological Interpretation of the Psalms

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Impact of High Labour Turnover on the Hotel Industry

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Factors and Principles of Successful Multinational Marketing

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Newspeak as a Language of Fiction

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Spanish Cuisine and Its Importance in Spanish Cinema

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How Can Organizations Promote Work-Life Balance?

Introduction Organizations must recognize the significance of work-life balance to construct a strong and healthy team. There are various approaches to promote this idea, such as allowing flexible schedules and pauses, investing in ergonomic furnishings and tools, making mental health support services available, and developing an environment of understanding and...

Social Cognitive Theory

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“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: Hidden Meanings

Medieval literature is often difficult to understand not only because the English was different in that time, but because the way in which they were written was intended for a more oral audience than a literate one. Within this story, Gawain is seen to be under the care of King...

Art Perception and Ways of Seeing

Art Different people will describe this term in their own different ways of seeing, thinking, and understanding. What people see or describe to be art today may not be what it was sometime back. Many of the things that were done sometime back we describe to be art today e.g....

‘He’s Just Not That Into You’: Depiction of American Culture

Introduction Culture may be defined as the behavioural patterns of people within a given period of time, with regards to their beliefs, organizations and products of their activities (Jenks, 1993, p.2). Movies perform different roles in our lives. These range from entertainment to teaching the moral lessons behind certain issues,...

Bullying and Parenting Styles

Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there is a direct connection between bullying incidents and poor parenting. A significant number of these incidents occur within educational establishments. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal,...

Persuading the Judge and Creating a Criminal Profile

Main Arguments Casey Hendrick is suspected of committing a series of murders in Urban City during the previous year. He has been observed in the areas where the victims’ bodies were found at roughly the times when they were discovered. Though every time Kendrick had an alibi of doing his...

Current Ethical Dilemma: HIV and AIDS in Africa

The New Hock Times news paper published on May 14, 2010; was about the rising percentages of people suffering from Aids in South Africa. In this case, South Africa is a nation devastated by HIV Aids which is a decease associated with social disgrace and shame. From the newspaper it...

Digital Forensic Examination of Counterfeit Documents

Introduction A concerned citizen has contacted the police regarding the selling of counterfeit public documents. He told the police that he was going to the state residents to apply for a driver’s license. When he was almost reaching the office, he was approached by a man who told him he...

Personal Reflection on Christian Ethics and Spirituality

Christian ethics, or the moral teaching of Christianity, determines the ethical guidelines of human behavior. Christianity’s ethics is expressed in a Christian ethos, a certain style of life, diverse in its manifestations and inherent in both individuals and large social groups. People who follow Christian ethics have a high level...

Essential Techniques for a Musician’s Tool Kit

Musical technique refers to instrumental players’ ability to exercise optimal control over their instruments to generate the desired musical effects. Improving the skill often requires practicing exercises that increase muscle sensitivity and agility. The compositional style is the composers’ talent and knowledge to create music. It differs from the instrumental...

Courting in Fisher’s “Anatomy of Love” and Dickerson’s “Never Die Alone”

Introduction Courting is generally regarded as the necessary ritual between representatives of two sexes that is needed for making the proper choice. Because this ritual is attributed not only to humans but to animals also, the significance of courting is biological. Its duration and significance strongly depend on the development...

The Cristian Perspective and the Scientism in Healthcare

The Cristian Perspective Despite the advent of science, religion and the Christian faith still play a prominent role in the field of healthcare. In the medical industry, care professionals are responsible not only for ensuring the physical but mental well-being of their patients as well. Christian principles can provide the...

Plastic Pollution – Problem of Modern World

Introduction One of the central issues that affect the wellness of the Earth’s population is plastic pollution. Today, almost every person knows that plastic kills millions of animals every year by entanglement or starvation (Parker, 2019). However, a rare person realizes that plastic is a source of significant problems with...

Philosophy: A Change in a Personal Belief

Introduction Man is one of the most controversial creatures on earth, with unique features, characteristics, and peculiarities. People learn about the environment with the help of perception types, discover the secrets of being and make specific conclusions and suggestions from their reflections. Every human, by nature, tends to stray and...

Warfare Theories, Military Technology and Pacifism

Warfare generally denotes the intentional and consistent military action among independent nations or states until the defeat of the opponent. It usually results in the armed defeat of one or multiple parties in the field, the destruction of dwelling locations, as well as the significant loss of human life. The...

Modernization Theory in the Afghanistan Situation

Modernization Theory Przeworski, Adam and Limongi, Fernando. 1997. Modernization: Theories and Facts.” World Politics 49 (2): 155-183.  This article presents a compendium of theories surrounding the concept of modernization and tries to offer the most intelligible interpretation of this term. Modernization and renewal should be understood not only in connection...

DME Sports Academy as a Learning Organization

This essay presents a profile of DME Sports Academy. The discussion draws on the results of field research that included interviews and observations and a review of secondary sources. It incorporates digital articles addressing the larger context of education and multiple creative sources to justify main points. DME Academy is...

Early Childhood Educators’ Roles and Responsibilities

Introduction Early childhood teachers are a group of educators issuing career guides to learners undergoing various developmental transitions of learning and socializing in the external surroundings away from homes. The professionals provide a safe learning environment and engagement spaces in manners that shape the future traits, attitudes, and intelligence of...

Ethos Analysis: Activision Blizzard Company

Introduction Building credibility is crucial for businesses since it directly affects customer relationships and profitability. Hence, companies should continually improve their ethos – a unique notion of character that defines the group’s trustworthiness. Throughout the years, Activision Blizzard has been the golden standard of the video game industry in the...

Women’s Rights in Chopin’s, Updike’s, Auburn’s Works

Not many of us think about the way life was hundred, or fifty, or even ten years ago. Even less of us ponder on the topic of the change in society, for example, human rights. However, when one encounters a work of art, for example, a literature piece or a...

Business and Management Research Methods

Understanding business and management research methods Research is a very important discipline for scholars. Scholars with superior research skills are always placed at an advantage because they can use these skills in their career fields (Creswell 1994, p. 3-15). It is therefore highly important to know that as a scholar...

Comprehensive Health Assessment Tools: Enhancing Nursing Heritage Practices

Heritage health assessment tool is used in nursing in order to assess, maintain, and promote healthcare habits in individuals and families based on one’s culture and beliefs. It provides healthcare specialists with critical information regarding individuals’ habits in relation to their culture, which can vary from one person to another....

Risk Management in Health Care

Introduction The history of risk management in health care organizations dates back to the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi. This code stipulated severe punishment for medical practitioners who through malpractice caused injuries or even death to patients. The escalated law suites occasioned by malpractices made health care providers face an unprecedented...

Winterson’s “Written on the Body”: Feminist Text

Introduction A distinctive feature of Written on the Body would be an attempt to go beyond the main idea and significantly expand the range of problems and relationships. The work, thanks to the skillful pen of the author, is filled with subtle and vivid psychological portraits. It seems reasonable to...

English Reformation and Its Consequences

The great Protestant Reformation took place in Europe from approximately 1517 to either 1555 with the Peace of Augsburg or 1648 with the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia. There were many movements that were sparked due to Martin Luther nailing his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the church...

The “Candide” Work by Voltaire: A Close Analysis

The actions of Candide can be explained by underlying aspects of his devotion to Pangloss. Although not apparent in the story, this essay will demonstrate that what Pangloss tells Candide shapes his worldview and behavior. When Candide first meets Pangloss, he stays with his German uncle; it could be said...

The Impact of Sponsorship on Nike’s Marketing Strategy and Future Outlook

Introduction Across the globe, Nike is well known for its sponsorship programs that majorly target clubs and leagues in different countries. Besides sponsoring teams, the marketer further supports individuals participating in various events. Therefore, the firm is well known for its approach to funding sports events. For instance, the business...

Marijuana Legalization: History, Debate, and Policy Implications

The topic of marijuana legalization has been debated at the global level for numerous decades. It is important to have a certain idea about the subject of discussion, therefore the policy differences and comparisons on cannabis in different states will not be the main subject. The given research proposal will...

Chinese Migrants Roots in Australia

I am currently a citizen of Australia but not a native (an aboriginal) I am a descendant of Chinese immigrants to Australia many years ago. Many decades ago, people of different origins moved to Australia from all parts of the world, settling there and becoming citizens of the country. This...

HSBC: Risk Management

In this paper, the risk management approach adopted by HSBC Bank plc has been reflected upon. However, the discussion cannot be commenced without a prior understanding of the concept of risk management. Hence, the paper intends to shed some light upon the basic concepts linked with risk management and subsequently...

Spread of Multiculturalism After 9, 11

Introduction Multiculturalism can be defined as the practice of acceptance or promotion of the existence of multiple ethnic cultures in a country, school, college, business and neighborhoods among many other contexts. The advocates of multiculturalism are focused towards ensuring that all ethnic and religious groupings are accorded equal status in...

History of Project Management

According to Marion (2002), project management is an activity that is concerned with organization and its processes. It is more commonly associated with applications in computer engineering and information technology. The process of project management entails the management of resources and teams that are involved in the project this assists...

Drug Cartels in Mexico: Supporting Regional Conflicts and Their Impact

Introduction Over the years, Mexico has been associated with production, distribution and consumption of drugs, an exercise that is mainly conducted by organized groups commonly referred to as cartels. Currently, there are six major cartels in drug syndicates namely Sinaloa Federation, Gulf Cartel, Los Zetas, Juarez cartel, Tijuana, and Beltran...

Improving Health in the African American and Hispanic Community

Assessing the clinical situation in communities such as African American and Hispanic inevitably requires assessing their cultural situation. Culturally prerequisited Internet usage, for one, can prove a valuable asset in adopting an HIE: for instance, the overall rating of Hispanics using Internet through mobile devices is 10% bigger than that...

Job Design Around Groups

For any organization to have high levels of efficiency, it is very important to organize any job in an organization around the groups since it has very many advantages rather than giving a job to an individual. Some of the reasons that justify this are that the group members of...

Shakespeare’s ‘Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day?’

The eighteenth sonnet of Shakespeare is the most famous of his one hundred and fifty-four sonnets. This is because it treats the subject of literary immortality. The beginning lines are so oft-quoted by many young people to a fair lady even in our times. We could daringly say that it...

“Sing the Song of My Condo” by Evelyn Lau: Logical Fallacies

Introduction In “Sing the Song of My Condo”, Evelyn Lau in an ironic tone tells a story of a would-be-homeowner, desperately searching for an appropriate flat for about 12 months. Although it needs to be admitted that the writing belongs to the category of fiction rather than argumentative articles, it...

Aid Agency Discussing Different Solutions to Poverty in Urban Areas

Introduction Urban poverty has taken root in almost all cities and urban dwellings in the world, posing a new threat to the set social structure and resources, which are being strained beyond what they can support. Demand for water, medical and other services is straining available resources in many cities...

Fall in the Elderly: Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Planning Before Teaching Name and Credentials of Teacher: Estimated Time Teaching Will Last: 4 weeks Location of Teaching: Classroom no. Supplies, Material, Equipment Needed: Presentation and fall prevention equipment Estimated Cost: $3000 Community and Target Aggregate: Older adults susceptible to falls Topic: Fall in the Elderly Identification of Focus for...

The Concept of Fibre Optics Overview

Abstract Communication via an optical fibre is as old as the technology itself. This technology is the brain child of scientists Daniel Colodan and Jacques Babinet, who demonstrated how light transmitted through refraction. Consequently, other scientists followed suit brain storming and in less than 50 years ago, scientists opened a...

The Pace for Civics Education in America

The questions of the quality of education and the development of academia are becoming the center of attention in the United States. Recently, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis has approved legislation that will enhance civics education across the nation (Florida Department of Education, 2021). According to the publication of the Florida...

Benefits and Impact of International Trade on the US Economy

Introduction International trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between and among countries. It involves using the global markets to deliver products that are not available in some countries and to move products from countries with excess supplies to countries with fewer supplies of commodities. Many states have...

Live Music Pub: Company Analysis

Introduction Swansea city is located in the Wales in the UK. In the Wales, Swansea is the second largest city and offer many business opportunity for the potential business expansion. The location of Swansea offers wide range of opportunities for various type of businesses in Wales because for the past...

Competitor Analysis: Medical Centers

This is a business review of hospitals located in Alaska and comparing the way these different hospitals provide their services to the people who live in tense regions, as the way the patients are treated provide the patients with the will of going back to the health facility to acquire...

Gender Disparity in Citations in High-Impact Journal Articles

“Gender disparity in citations in high-impact journal articles” by Chatterjee and Werner (2021) is published in JAMA Network and considers the differences among scholars. Both authors have qualifications in the Department of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and the Leonard Davis Institute of Health...

Engineering Ethics Education for Social Justice

Incident at Morales is a case that provides the reader and the viewers with a moral problem that is arguably confronted at work and home and indicates the ability to attain an ethically supported decision. The case provides information regarding a group of individuals and their safety-related issues to adhere...

Technologies and Trends in the Real Estate Industry in the USA

The USA as a Global Driver of new Building Technologies and Trends Technology has played a significant role in advancing the building and construction industry as it has mapped the United States among the countries with the most advanced structures. The country has invested greatly in research and technology over...

Medical Practitioner’s Work Environment and Ethical Dilemma

Analysis of Work Environment ​Work environment The work environment consists of people from different cultural and professional backgrounds who use information systems to communicate and share information across computer networks. The people are of different age groups and educational backgrounds, moral and immoral behavior with ethical and moral behaviors across...

Ethical, Legal, Multicultural Challenges in Crisis

Unfortunate events or occurrences affect the profitability and performance of organizations (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). Stakeholders expect their respective companies to have crisis management plans to tackle such events whenever they occur. A crisis that is not properly managed draws negative ideas or perceptions from different stakeholders such as...

Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange Business Model: Key Insights

The Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange Business Model Significant components of ADX’s business model are presented by resources and activities. Nowadays, it has five different trading locations, and it allows the stock exchange to collaborate with clients across the United Arab Emirates. In terms of its labor resources, ADX presents a...

Indigenous Australians and Its Problems

The problem of defending human rights and freedoms has concerned people all over the world and it is the most significant purpose of legislation bodies. A special attention should be paid to defending rights of aboriginal population and their rights to their native land. That issue is on the agenda...

Explication of “Diving Into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich

This poem dramatizes the conflict between the fight for women’s empowerment and rights. Rich’s oeuvre is characterized by the extended metaphor at the heart of this poem. She speaks about the struggle for women’s empowerment by using the image of a woman training for a deep-sea scuba dive and discovering...

Vaccination and Immunization Promotion

The plan of the session COVID-19 has overwhelmed our society and divided us into confronting groups that either support vaccination or not. The virus disrupts the health of the community and presents even more threats than it might seem. So, it is necessary to know about the medical suggestions for...

John Rawls’s Justice-as-Fairness and Political Liberalism Theory

Introduction Unlike classical constructivism, Rawls significantly revises the concept of the social contract. It is a kind of ideal hypothetical situation in which people choose the principles of a fair social structure. Philosopher seeks to model the conditions for concluding a contract that would guarantee a fair outcome; in other...

Nursing Assessment of Patient With Respiratory Disease

Subjective Findings The subjective data used in nursing diagnosis typically refers to the visual examination of patients and their reported symptoms. In this case, subjective data included in the diagnosis was the reported shortness of breath and difficulty breathing that the patient indicated upon admission to the emergency department. The...

Marriot Chain Hotel’s International Management

Introduction The global market has been developing due to increased technology and the continued development of current issues in entrepreneurial activities. It has led to the development of global management that ensures that the companies run their activities in the proper manner. This paper will explore international management, its major...

General Electric: SWOT Analysis and Future Plan

SWOT stands for Strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of a company while some of such variables of General Electric are – Strengths Some stronger criteria of GE are – General Electric Co. (GE) has long experience as it established in 1892; GE has a strong brand image in the global...

Employee Management Supervision in Complex Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my experience working at Bridgestone Aiken (BA), good supervision is always based on the relationships working in favor of organizations. It offers safe environments for critical reflection, professional support, and challenge. In my experience, setting the standards of quality and expertise for a position...

The Family Suffering Surrounding Bipolarism

Introduction All of us get depressed at one time or another for one reason or another. But these feelings are in general brief and only have slight effects on our day-to-day life. The distress in a family is even more when a member is suffering from bipolar disease. Bipolar disorder...

Stock Performance Analysis

Introduction Predicting stock performance is extremely difficult and has been called a futile exercise by many people. This is because due to the inefficiency of stock markets about information asymmetry. Many of the fundamental factors affecting stock performance do not fully reflect themselves in stock prices in the Long-run or...

Art Gallery Centre Business Plan

Executive Summary Art Gallery Centre, a gallery that is planned to be opened on the 1st of January, 2010. In a business plan presented on the main aspects of the venture, the conclusion was that there is a high level of profitability that the business will be successful. As requested,...

Real-Time Reporting: Accounting Information Systems

It was not too long ago that the competition at the global market, which generally stayed at the same level or increased very slowly, allowed corporate accountants to take their time collecting, assessing and packaging financial data for organizations (Gullberg, 2016). However, in the past few years, the situation has...

Addressing the Needs of Families with Loved Ones in Intensive Care Units: Challenges and Solutions

Yinet Literature Review Paper Critical illness denotes a severe condition that is usually fatal (McAdam, Fontaine, White, Dracup, & Puntillo, 2012). Therefore, critical illness signifies a condition, disease, or sicknesses such as cancer, renal disorder, heart surgery, myocardial infarction, coma, stroke, loss of sight, transplant of a major organ, and...

Academic Honesty: Definition and Importance

Educational institutions are the places where students are taught to build their values, moral integrity, and strength of character. As such it is very important that academic honesty is inculcated in them through rules, regulations, and guidelines. Academic honesty has become the focus of discussion among educators in recent times...

“Wake Up, Little Stevie” by Christina Olson

Artists and poets use their experiences, observations, and encounters to create works of art that guide readers to analyze various events, challenges, or situations from different perspectives. Their competencies become a new opportunity for human beings to relate positively and change their lives for the better. In the poem “Wake...

Assessing as an Important Task of a Social Worker

Introduction One of the primary tasks of a social worker lies in assessing. It not solely allows to be aware of the atmosphere in the family but also enables gathering essential information on each particular client. The data to collect may, notably, be related to “the client’s unique circumstances, social...

Social Welfare in the USA: From Roosevelt’s New Deal to Today

History of Social Welfare The establishment of social welfare, in the USA, was one of the most critical undertakings in the history of the country. In essence, the true definition and perspective of looking at social welfare have undergone profound evolution. Authors have come up with new and better ways...

New Employee’s Success and Performance Management

Introduction Maximizing the success of new employees sounds like an employee’s personal concern. However, the truth is that it takes great input by the employer to ensure that new employees excel and become effective in their jobs as soon as possible (Bauer, 2010). In an attempt to maximize employee effectiveness...

Human Resource Manager’s Career Opportunities

Introduction This research paper covers some aspects of a possible career in human resource management. The career is important because it involves the management of the most vital resources – human resources in any organization. Hence, it is imperative to recognize that human resource management (HRM) is now considered a...

The Nature of Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is a term used to refer to criminal acts that are committed by a minor. In most countries, there is a set age in which a person is referred to as a minor and after that age, referred to as an adult who is capable of making decisions...

The Life of Euclid, Greek Mathematician

Euclid is referred to as the father of Geometry. He was a Greek Mathematician who is thought to live in the years 330-260 BC. However, the exact date that he was born is not known. At the same time his place of birth is not certain but his works can...

Using International Relations Theories to Predict the Future Communications With Aliens

Introduction Astronomers would describe outer space as infinite, varied, and astonishingly complex. However, when it comes to international relations (IR), the immense world of extra-solar planets and gigantic galaxies is rather irrelevant to theorists. Although the Space Age (the mid-20th century) has raised several important questions for foreign policy scholars,...

Tort Law in the Robert Ray Courtney Legal Case

Introduction One of the major sub-branches found in law is that of the law of Tort. Unlike the other branches, the law of Tort entails civil wrongs that have been committed to an individual thereby causing harm (Showlter, 2007, p. 73). The law of tort has found its way commonly...

Food Donation and Food Safety: Environmental Health

Introduction to Food Safety Food safety is often taken for granted, with most people relying on basic practices and following essential hygiene standards without giving the second thought about the meaning of these rituals. However, in order to avoid multiple health complications and diseases, particularly, foodborne ones, it is vital...

Jane Austen’s and Her Works’ Influences

Have you ever thought where the works of imaginative literature come from? The writers create them when inspired, but what is inspiration? It is nothing less than the genius that enables people to commit their thoughts to paper in such a way that these thoughts are embodied in words in...

Legal Responsibility of Child Soldiers in Africa

Introduction The use of child soldiers is not a novel concept in the grand scope of history. In fact, the first recorded cases of children used in war date back to ancient Greece. These were known as ‘spartan boys’ and were exposed to high degrees of violence from childhood to...

The Cold War’s Impact on Global Politics

The Cold War was a significant period in global history and has massively shaped the current state of affairs in the world. Before this class, I had blurry ideas about the conflict and how this period has shaped the balance of power in the world, and how it influences current...

Ethical Approaches to Counseling Alcohol Use Disorder: A Case Analysis

Identifying the Problem Kassi is a 38-year-old mother of a daughter who is seeking drug misuse therapy because of the adverse effects alcohol has had on her career, parenting, and personal relationships. The ethical issue here is that Kassi is unwilling to admit the true extent of her alcohol use...

Obedience to Authority in Society

Introduction The predicament of obedience is a critical element in the structure of our social life. In a community of people, there is a requirement of some form of authority that involves other people responding through disobedience or obedience to the instructions of others. People living in segregation do not...

The Capella University Mental Health Counseling Program

Rarely do people stop to think of mental health unless they are forced by circumstances. In my case mental institution is a topic that always fascinates me because I have been around people who happen to have mental problems, I find them very interesting, and I would love to help...

Narrative Inquiry as a Research Design

Introduction In psychology-related studies, qualitative research plays an important role because it allows for focusing on subjective perceptions and concerns of study participants, and they are important for examining in psychological studies. Narrative inquiry is one of the research designs typical of the qualitative methodology that contributes significantly to psychological...

“My Year of Magical Thinking” by Joan Didion

Summary of the Narrative The book “My Year of Magical Thinking”dives into memories of Joan Didion’s life with her husband John and their daughter. She becomes fixated on a phenomenon she refers to as magical thinking and consistently reviewing the events leading up to John’s death’. She consistently reads and...

Hutto ISD’s Recruitment Strategies for Attracting Qualified Staff

Introduction Hutto Independent School District (Hutto ISD) is a Texas district committed to providing a highly developed learning environment. The staff carries out a variety of academic and educational tasks as part of their work. Hutto ISD is concerned about having responsible and qualified people on their team who want...

Criterion and Norm-Referenced Tests

This essay reveals the difference between a norm-referenced test and a criterion-referenced test. Check it out if you’re looking for NRT and CRT examples in education. Introduction The concept of testing students and learners has been there since time immemorial. Many individuals have not understood the real context and reasons...

Health Assessment Focus: Nuclear-Caucasian Family Health Insights

Introduction A family health assessment helps identify family and nursing diagnoses and develop nursing interventions. In this paper, a health assessment will be performed on a nuclear Caucasian family, the Johnsons, using open-ended questions touching on 11 functional health domains related to the family. The paper also includes a summary...

Pacific Grove Spice Company’s Investment Decisions

What is the possible reason for the current pressure from the bank to reduce the debt level in 2011? While it is notable that Pacific Grove has made substantial growth in sales as evidenced by the financial statements, clearly, the increased costs of financing long -term financing has served to...

Legal Issues and Benefits over Surrogacy

Surrogacy is the act of a woman gestating and birthing a baby for another woman (Anleu, 30). Examples of this phenomenon can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible. For Abraham and his wife Sarah to be able to have children one of their servants carried the child...

“The Metamorphosis” by Kafka

In all societies and all epochs, judging individuals by their appearance was a prevalent tendency, which normally allowed creating a first impression about the person, their possible nature, lifestyle, and behavior. However, there is a negative side to such practice, which consists of prejudices against those, who look different in...

German Economic Situation in 2007-2008

Size Germany is located in the center of Europe and borders the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Poland, Luxemburg, Czech Republic, France, Austria, and Switzerland. The Federal Republic of Germany has an area of about 357 010 square km (61st in the world), which is equal to the general area of the...

Strategic Human Resource Management Issues at Volvo

Outline Modern human resource management has evolved over time, with the development of new technology and competition among the companies in the increasingly congested market. Volvo Corporation has developed a management strategy to cope with their complex networks of business models all over the world. The first approach is remote...

Grimshaw vs. Ford Motor Company: Ethical Analysis

Lily Grey who was aged about fifty two was on her just six-month old Ford Pinto in May, 1972. While crossing San Bernardino, her Pinto abruptly stopped in the middle lane of Interstate of California. Her Pinto was dashed by another car that trailed her car on the highway. Due...

Phobias and Addictions as Manifestations of the Human Mind Weakness

Both phobias and addictions are two weak states of a person’s mind where one can be weak while thinking of or seeing something. They can really weaken a person and if a person has intensive phobias or addictions then he or she must consult any psychiatrist to resolve the problem...

Nursing Personnel Role in Burn Care

Research Goals The first goal of this study is to explore the experiences and perceptions of nurses who offer psychological care to victims of burns in healthcare institutions. The second goal of the study is to highlight areas within the healthcare sector that require assessment, improvement or complete reforms to...

The Roman Empire and Julius Caesar’s Death

Introduction It is important to note that Caesar’s death was a pivotal moment in the history of the Roman Empire, marking the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the imperial era. The research question guiding this inquiry is: What was the significance of Julius Caesar’s death in...

Income Inequality: Causes and Impacts on Wealth Disparity

Introduction Growing income inequality in advanced countries has drawn more attention to and concern due to the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor. This essay will examine the various reasons for income disparity to argue that these causes have come together to create a system that has enabled...

Enhancing Active Learning and Academic Integrity in Nursing Education

Introduction Forming a learning environment is an important task that must be carried out in an educational institution to better motivate students to learn more actively. Teachers are responsible for improving nursing by creating a more advanced and comfortable environment in which students can actively learn. At the same time,...

Tuberculosis, Health Determinants and Nurse’s Role

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that affects the lungs and that is caused by a strain of bacterium knows as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Primarily, it affects the lungs even though it can spread to other parts of the body including the brain, lungs, and the liver. There are two types...

Environmental Changes and Their Effects on Public Health Examined

Since the humankind and the environment are in an ongoing interaction, the attempts to restore the damage that has already been done by industrialization and minimize its future impacts on the ecology are actually long-term contributions to the public health of the population of the entire planet. Due to the...

Classical and New Public Administration Theories

Introduction American society is often regarded as an example of flourishing democratic values where all branches of power balance each other and where people’s interests are central. The efficacy of American public administration is one of the premises for this view. However, the system is starting to fail in some...

Health or Self-Indulgence? The Motivations and Characteristics of Spa-Goers

The aim of this article is to examine the factors, which motivate travelers to look for spa experiences, especially the Hong Kong spa-goers. It analyzes perceptions towards the spa and the identification of spa-goers in terms of socio-demographic characteristics and motivational factors. A sample of 302 respondents was used in...

Southern United States Politics in 20th Century

Introduction Southern USA history has a lot to offer to the overall history of the United States. Written, oral, and other historical sources passed across generations reveal a region that spans an extensive range of cultural and civilization forms. Many social, economic, and political issues have been raised about this...

Culture Impact on Effective Leadership in Criminalism

Introduction It is seen that the culture of the American Indians (AI) is very much different from other cultures prevalent in the US, especially in the urbanized sectors. Among this community words of venerable elders are revered and held in great awe and respect. Moreover, the importance attached to Indian...

Creating a Nurse Utilization Management Program

Introduction Many healthcare organizations experience either overutilization or underutilization of their resources. These challenges create further problems with costs. In this particular scenario, the organization under consideration is experiencing underutilization of its resources hence the organization incurs high costs. The paper proposes a new service called Managed Care. The focus...

Netflix Opportunity Project: Introducing New Subscription Options

Introduction Over the past years, the perception of consuming video content has changed drastically, as the introduction of streaming services facilitated people’s ability to access and enjoy TV, reality shows, and movies. As a pioneer in the streaming service universe, Netflix is rightfully considered one of the most successful and...

The Phenomenon of Slavery and Its Abolition

Introduction English colonies sprang up along the east coast for a variety of reasons. The original reason for migrating to Virginia was the desire to get rich because, in addition to the conditions created by the king to motivate people to settle in the New World, these regions were attracted...

Social and Economic Problems of Abortion

Adib-Rad, H., Basirat, Z., Faramarzi, M., Mostafazadeh, A., & Bijani, A. (2019). Psychological distress in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion: A case-control study. Journal of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 16(3), 151–157. Web. The article investigates the psychological impacts of recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) among women and their family...

Parole Office’s Work Environment and Ethical Dilemma

Analysis of Work Environment ​Professional issues According to Gregory (2010), the professional roles of a parole officer are to manage the cases of clients with different health issues. A study by Gregory (2010) established that professionalism entails the supervision of clients to ensure public safety. The professional parole officer dealing...

Race Stratification in USA

Scholars have not yet come to a consensus as to the concept of stratification because it can be interpreted from various perspectives and has many manifestations. In the most general sense, this notion can be defined as a hierarchical division of the society according to certain criteria, which can divide...

Trojan War Saga: Legend and Historical Reality

Troy is believed to be a historical city, the place where the Trojan War was fought. The city of Ilium was built on this place which many historians think was the site where Emperor Augustus ruled in his era. In the 19th century, several excavations on this site suggest that...

The Issue of Police Injustice in the United States

With the growth of the American population, the number of interactions between people also increases, which affects the number of crimes committed. To control such a vast country, people need multiple police officers able to maintain order. However, despite the long and high-quality training of law enforcement officers, there are...

Confucianism as the Ideology of the State

Introduction The history of Ancient China is rich and highly diverse, with various schools of thought coming to prominence during its existence. With many changes to its internal structure came events that influenced the values held by the people of China. Revolts and dynastic shifts in the government were commonplace,...

Global Marketing Management: Theoretical Concepts

Abstract The paper introduces global marketing as the means of channelling resources in the world market then examines the theoretical concepts and extensions on global marketing management. It then discusses the various kinds of management orientations and their differences in relation to global marketing. Then it goes ahead to discuss...

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