Raising Kids Without Overparenting

In her TED Talk, Julie Lythcott-Haims discusses important ideas about raising children who are successful without overparenting them. Therefore, the main notion that she challenges in American parenting is that there is a fear that parents have regarding the need to be involved in every aspect of their children’s life....

Public Relations: Preparing for a Job

Friedman’s suggestion about the requirements for applications in public relations seemingly undervalues the work and role of public relations specialists. Viewing the work of public relations specialists through the lens of added value allows Friedman and other wide audiences an opportunity to undervalue the role of public relations in the...

Analysis of Supportive Recreation Inclusion Services

The problems the community agency faces are the lack of skilled staff and poor embrace of groups with disabilities. Moreover, no marketing efforts of inclusive services are conducted and no inclusive assistance in provided by the company (Scholl et al., 2006). To improve the situation, three action points should be...

Banks’ Roles in Averting or Resolving Financial Crises

Banks are the main financial intermediaries not only in the national but also in the global economy. Accordingly, the progressive development of the international economic system with all its connections and interdependencies depends on how stably and efficiently their activities are organized. To prevent financial crises and create conditions for...

COVID-19 Health Equity Data Reporting in Canada

It is more appropriate to utilize quantitative analysis with a specific set of data gathering methods to collect data and evaluate the success of a project proposal on evidence-based practice. Quantitative data appears to be more essential in this respect, as the research will deal with a collection of parameters...

How Is a Black Hole Formed at the End of a Star’s Life?

A black hole is a space object with a very strong gravitational field resulting from massive amounts of matter fitting into a small area. The gravitational pull in the black hole is so strong that not even light can exist there. The gravity from the black hole also attracts all...

Hallucinogens and Their Therapeutic Advantages

The NCBI article I read discusses the potential therapeutic advantages of hallucinogens. I learned that N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) functions by momentarily obstructing chemical system communication in the brain. Clinical studies on hallucinogenic substances as therapies to treat depression, terminal disease, and substance misuse issues have thus recently regained interest. Additionally,...

President Joe Biden’s Effective Leadership

Effective leadership involves understanding the fundamental factors that influence the leader and others. Further, it is essential to realize five main factors of self-awareness. These items include emotional intelligence, values, cognitive style, attitudes toward changes, and core self-evaluation (Whetten & Cameron, 2016). I believe the most important part for President...

Multilateralism: Advantages and Disadvantages

Multilateralism is the process in which several independent countries partner together to seek solutions to the challenges they are commonly experiencing. This collaborative method plays a critical role in fostering good ties between partner countries and enhancing global stability. It majorly involves formulating policies and practices that address the various...

The Anti-Firearms Law in the United States

The article written by Fleegler et al. in the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal focuses on estimating the practical efficiency of the anti-firearms law passed in the United States. The work analyses the data related to the firearm deaths reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web-based Injury Statistics...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Good Leadership in Organizations

I believe a good leader can make me feel secure, even if I have to put my own needs to those of the company. Leaders should be more than simply authoritarian personalities who can rally their followers to work together (Sinek 2014). Leaders need to be selfless providers who prioritize...

Swinging Bach: New Interpretation of Music

The approach to Bach’s music throughout the Swinging Bach performance is unique in that it has allowed for the mixture of contemporary and classic in one performance. The jazz-like style introduced throughout the songs can be seen as a type of crossover with Bach’s music and a new interpretation. Crossovers...

Best Learning Environment in Pre-School Setting

The learning environment plays a significant role in the learning process. This is due to the fact that it dramatically affects the concentration and motivation of students and should take care of maintaining their well-being and safety. Therefore, this work compares the learning environment, green and orange classrooms, to determine...

Risk of Tele-Medication on Controlled Substances

Telehealth medication enabled continuum health care in the U.S.A with minimal risk of Covid-19 transmission. However, despite the DEA restricting controlled substance prescription to only allow audio or visual programs that allow patients to speak with physicians in real-time, it could have negatively implicated the prevalence of Substance Use Disorder...

The Novel “The Great Gatsby” by Fitzgerald

In Chapter 1, “Gender, melancholy, and the whiteness of impersonal form in The Great Gatsby,” Greg Forter observes two main points. The first is that Fitzgerald’s feminine expressiveness is connected to Gatsby’s creative responsiveness. However, the author also finds a connection between Gatsby’s ethnicity and Fitzgerald’s ethnicity (Forter 51). At...

Transforming Care at the Bedside

For many years nurses and doctors have been working with patients and need to improve the quality of care. Due to the high level of patient care, there was a need to improve the quality of respect for the patient and the staff to increase their satisfaction and ease of...

Alcohol Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The article by Grossman et al. titled “Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Survey of US Adults” raises the topic of increasing adherence to alcoholic beverages during the coronavirus pandemic. This scientific work did not surprise me, as I noted from personal experience that an increasing number of...

Community-Led Environmental Activism: Mobilizing Against Tree Cutting

The problem of tree cutting has become massive in my local neighborhood, and people started protesting to protect nature and save the environment from the such problem as climate change. The local mayor has become the leader of many protests, and his role model invited activists to share their thoughts...

Tax Return Form 1120: Internal Revenue Service

Tax return Form 1120 shows the company’s profit, deductions, taxes, credits, and payments. Deductions allow you to reduce the company’s taxes by calculating them from taxable income. Some of them the company can make in the expense column in the income statement. In addition, certain categories of deductions allow you...

Discussion: Native Unisex Deodorant

Native is a skincare company that provides products that are vegan and cruelty-free. One of their products that I use on a regular basis is Native Unisex Deodorant. This product has a sufficient competitive advantage that it has gained by being non-gender specific (“Deodorant – Native,” n.d). It can cater...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Sublime and Beautiful” by Burke

Burke provides a unique representation of sublime and beautiful as two different powers that infuse the natural world and the artistic renditions. They imply a contrast between something that causes beautiful and warm feelings (beautiful) and something that causes horror and the strongest negative emotions (sublime). This aspect becomes a...

The Stock Market: Investment Instrument

Recently, the stock market has become one of the most interesting and main instruments for investing and raising capital by companies and investors. Most companies use the advantages of stock markets to attract public funding for business development. Thus, it is important to discuss how companies and different investors choose...

Freud’s Contention “Love One’s Neighbor as Oneself”

Love is a strong feeling of care that a person has towards something or someone. This feeling grows with time. A neighbor is not the person that lives next to one’s homestead but is any person who needs an individual’s help. The commandment of love is one of the foremost...

Alumni Associations and Benefits for Colleges

The essence of any alumni association is to help former students get into a new way of life. When the time to graduate from college comes, many students panic and forget what they have to do. However, alumni associations focus not only on student support. The variety of their functions...

Telling “White Lies” for Society’s Sake

Individuals usually find themselves telling “little lies” at one time or another. Some lies are necessary as long as they don’t amount to breaking the law. Even a person who considers him or herself, to be honest, tells lies in certain situations. It is therefore a natural aspect that people...

Veterans Court Designing: Three Crucial Stages

Understanding What Veterans Face It is no secret that the battlefield changes a person forever. Many veterans suffer from the traumatic things they have experienced during their military careers. These lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicidal tendencies. Experts say that about one-fifth of all veterans suffer from these...

Isaac Newton and the Scientific Revolution

Though implying accuracy and requiring factual information, the world of science is full of legends and has unique mythology that coexists with the foundations of contemporary science (Numbers and Kampourakis 11). Isaac Newton’s biography and the scientific revolution that his discoveries led to (Berkun 4) are the domains that are...

Great Depression and World War II for Americans

The Great Depression is one of the greatest upheavals that affected the global economy for around 10 years. The Americans encountered numerous problems during the period. The first problem was unemployment and lack of opportunities. The country’s unemployment rate increased to 25 percent in 1933 (Smethurst 5). The people had...

“Get Out” Movie’s Rhetorical Analysis

I have selected the movie Get Out because it is an entertaining horror movie from the comedian and producer Jordan Peele. The film brings up the topics of race and interracial interactions. The give rhetorical analysis is aimed to identify the methodologies, which are used in the Get Out to...

Investors’ Choice for Unmanned Cargo Aircraft

Although unmanned vehicles have been used for decades, their applicability in cargo transport is now slowly being recognized (Knoblauch et al., 2019). As a venture capitalist seeking a start-up company, the use of unmanned systems in the commercial sector, especially long-distance cargo transport, is a relatively new technological adaptation that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Professional Nurse’s Educational Challenges

Barriers Encountered In my journey to become a professional nurse, I have encountered numerous challenges. One of the main challenges was the conflict between professions. When I graduated from high school, I wanted to join a law school. I wanted to become a lawyer, just like my parents. However, an...

Advanced Practice Role in Nursing

This essay is aimed to consider the functions which nurses have in their advanced practice. The paper is going to touch on a nurse practitioner, a nurse educator, a nurse informatics specialist, and a nurse administrator. Besides, the functions are going to be compared and contrasted. A nursing practitioner should...

Theories of Cognitive Approaches to Teaching and Learning

The process of cognitive development is highly complex, and various scholars sought to propose their view on how this process occurs. Cognitive development is usually defined as the process when a child acquires and learns various thinking processes (Galotti, 2015). Understanding cognitive development is crucial for educators because it enables...

Resveratrol and Mouse Model for Werner Syndrome

The study was conducted on mammals, in particular, the mouse model. The research question was whether resveratrol increases lifespan or only protects the human against the causes of death, for example, heart attack, increasing the average life expectancy. As a result, the authors revealed that it can protect against common...

Workplace Bullying in the Nursing Areas

Workplace bullying is defined as either short- or long-term deviant behavior towards peers, superiors, or subordinates. In the nursing areas, the persistent and deliberate negative actions to colleagues cause a hostile and unstable environment. The hospitals with a high level of bullying are characterized by increased burnout, dismissals, and conflicts...

Social Cognitive Theory: Group Discussion

The social cognitive theory (SCT) was elaborated by Bandura based on the experiment with Bobo dolls. It was revealed that children who observed aggressive models of playing also practiced similar behaviors, while those who viewed others playing peacefully were likely to be non-aggressive (Harmon et al., 2014). The very purpose...

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Journal

Journal Identification The Health and Quality of Life Outcomes journal seems to be relevant for the publication of my scholarly project results. This journal focuses on the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) assessments, including summaries, reviews, and patient-reported outcomes. Since I plan to explore the impact of obesity on comorbidities...

The Measures of Central Tendency

To carry out adequate statistical calculations and obtain objective data on specific correlations, in academic research, special measures of central tendency are utilized – the mode, the median, and the mean. As an example of a scholarly article containing these components, the study by Butz et al. (2016) will be...

The Issue of Plagiarism: Copying, Downloading, or Self-Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a type of cheating when a person uses someone else’s ideas for their research. Intentional plagiarism presupposes such actions as direct copying, downloading, or self-plagiarism. Unintentional coping represents incorrect paraphrasing or the lack of citing (Das, 2018). The latter type occurs due to the lack of students’ knowledge....

Ecological Rationality and Decision-Making

Ecological rationality is a theory that focuses on decision-making processes depending on the particular context a decision is made. As put by Mata et al. (2012), “the notion of ecological rationality sees human rationality as the result of the adaptive fit between the human mind and the environment” (p. 1)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Border Security in the United States

Safeguarding the state borders is traditionally regarded as one of the key priorities of home security. In its essence, border security is expected to shield a state from intruders and illegal migrants, thus preventing the threats of terrorism and economic instability. Therefore, creating a safe environment for citizens is the...

Neurotransmitters and Behaviour Relationship

There is a widespread belief among people that self-awareness and control are responsible for all actions taken. However, in reality, some behavioral patterns and motives are controlled not by consciousness at all, but by the work of neurotransmitters. In other words, not all actions and decisions are controlled by a...

Type of Government Budget Deficit in United States

The phenomenon of deficit is a rather straightforward one, implying the lack of financial resources and suggesting that the current approach toward spending and resource management could use improvements. Traditionally, two types of budget deficit are singled out; these are cyclical and structural ones (Long, 2018). Applying the specified taxonomy...

Girl in Translation: An Immigration and Coming-of-Age Story

The story of young Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrating to New York from Hong Kong told in Girl in Translation crystallizes hardships that immigrants undergo. The family experiences financial troubles, exploitation, and discrimination on its way to prosperity. At first, Kimberly lives in a crummy Brooklyn flat without heating...

Critical Thinking and Transgender Ethics

Sexual orientation and preference is a debated and complex topic involving biological aspects, including hormones, which can alter and change people’s behavior and feelings. Equally, sexual orientation elicits various ethical issues, including discrimination and alienation. Thus, transgender people cannot be generalized to limited ascriptions that male-to-female transsexual persons prefer males...

Hierarchical Market Economy in the Philippines

I have to disagree with this argument since the development of this country did not yet reach the transformation required to change its economic model. Despite the noticeable increase of skilled laborers on the Philippine market and recent foreign investments, the amount of low-skilled, low-wage, and low value-adding workers is...

Research Methods in Psychology. Methods against Racism

Racism is a significant problem many people have to face in today’s reality. I agree with Kendi’s statement that anti-racism is a dynamic state. When gathering data using one point at a time or multiple points, it is possible to conclude that the one-time or multiple-time observations are reliable if...

The Relationship Between Air Temperature and Relative Humidity

The graph describes the connection between relative humidity and temperature as well as the variations in these two parameters at different times of the day. The overall relationships exhibited are that the relative humidity increases as temperature reduces and vice versa. The peak relative humidity is measured at 6 am,...

A Plan for Searching for Articles

The literature review section of a DNP project is significant both to readers and the writer. It provides readers with fundamental knowledge that is required to understand the main body of the paper. For the writer, it is a starting point of any research – it provides the necessary information...

Plotting Demand and Supply: A Reflection

Understanding the correlation between demand and supply is one of the fundamental requirements for gaining competence in economics. The specified correlation represents the primary ratio that defines the emergence of new companies, the choice of business strategies, and the changes in communication approaches. Therefore, determining the demand and supply curve...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Facebook and Pintor Oral Contract

Issue The author of this essay addresses the legal issue that arose between Facebook and Eduardo Pintor. Facebook made an oral contract with a world-famous mural painter. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, and president of Facebook, then terminated this contract before its execution. It is important to note that after the...

Are Tight Pants Healthy?

In this day and age, skinny jeans seem to be one of the most popular clothing items among young people. Nevertheless, since this fashion is relatively modern, there is not enough research on the impact that it has on the human body. Researchers and medical professionals, however, do not recommend...

Sir Arnold Malcolm, the Composer

Sir Arnold Malcolm is a well-known 20th-century English musician, conductor, and composer. He was born in 1921, and at the age of twelve, he started to learn how to play the trumpet. Before beginning his career in 1941, he managed to enroll in the Royal College of Music, where he...

“Exposure to Sexually Explicit Media” Review

Early exposure of adolescents to sexually explicit media is likely to result in the former engaging in risky sexual behavior both now and later in life. Although the developed nations are more affected by sexually explicit media, the developing countries are also influenced negatively due to technological development. Risky sexual...

Motivation and Manufacturing Jobs

I do not think that the loss of traditional manufacturing was inevitable, but a temporary reduction in manufacturing jobs is a reasonable option to demonstrate all fixable flaws in the U.S. economy. Modern jobs are more challenging and require more skills, therefore, they require more qualified employees. As can be...

Cloward and Ohlin Concept of ‘Illegitimate Means’

Cloward and Ohlin found some of the theories limited and flawed by examining the influence of social conditions on crime rates in different areas and social groups. Scientists agreed that poverty is a factor that increases the crime rate but also tried to explain why young offenders choose a certain...

“Schindler’s List” filmed by Steven Spielberg

Being one of the most prominent stories ever filmed by Steven Spielberg, Schindler’s List demonstrates a precise sequence of historical events which took place during the Holocaust. What is special about the film is that all the people and places correspond to reality, and the majority of events and dialogues...

Government Accounting Article by Bergman & Weinberg

The article explores the concepts of budget, expenses, and expenditures, compares them, and explains how math can be applied to politics. Moreover, the author states the difference between expenses and costs, pointing out that the latter one is also responsible for managing finances. Multiple governments create budgets based on funds...

Feedback: Heart Failure Project

This is feedback to the Heart Failure Project. The Project’s main objective is to decrease 30-day readmissions of heart failure patients at Odessa Regional Medical Center (ORMC) in Odessa Texas. It relies on a dedicated heart failure nurse educator to provide comprehensive heart failure education and to bridge the transition...

Administering Medication: Risks and Monitoring

Administering medication for patients is an important and responsible task, which requires attention to multiple factors, such as patients’ individual needs, counter-indications, and possible complications. The wrong prescription of medication resulting in health deterioration may be connected with various aspects, such as incorrect dosage or manner of taking medicine. According...

Marxian Alienation in Modern Capitalist Countries

The ideas of Karl Marx have a notable influence on everyday reality, both through past events and modern communist and socialist movements. However, the historical materialism of Marx is a product of nineteenth-century society; hence, the question of practical relevance is worth asking. This paper aims at answering a more...

Influence of Gender on Life and Sexism

Sexism is a negative phenomenon meaning that individuals face various opportunities and attitudes based on their genders. MacKinnon and Fiala (2018) argue that sexism is one of many forms of discrimination that leads to inequality in society. According to The King Center (n.d.), Marin Luther King also considered sexism a...

Analysis of the First Movement of the “Fifth Symphony”

In Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, a motto-resembling four-note rhythm starts the first movement. It creates a rhythm for tapping rather than a music melody, and its unsolved form gives the impression of an unanswered question. The sentiment conveyed by the C minor key within this motto in the first movement often...

Gender Inequality Articles by Beaumont vs. Eigenberg

The article written by Elizabeth Beaumont reveals how gender-based biases impact an individual’s behavior, which in turn spreads inequality. The author explained that there is a gendered cycle of inequality endorsed by laws and policies which undermines multiple opportunities and discriminates against one sex. Gender-based disparities result in severe legal...

The Concept of Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods

In various industries, calculation and forecasting techniques are applied to identify the relevant outcomes and consequences of decisions or interventions. In particular, the two most common approaches are utilized – deterministic and probabilistic. According to Muriana and Vizzini (2017), one of the main values ​​of deterministic models is an opportunity...

Evolution of Humans and Natural Selection

It is a common belief in contemporary society that with technological advancement people are exempt from natural selection. This is due to the fact that individuals are provided with a wide range of possibilities to adapt to the modern environment, survive, and reproduce. However, there is still a question to...

Balinese Weddings: Royal Wedding

Balinese wedding ceremonies are different from other cultures’ ceremonies and traditions, because they represent a unique combination of animistic, Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. Spirituality is an integral part of daily life in Bali, and royal families’ weddings are best to look at to see how different traditions mix together to...

The Registered Nurse and Guided Research in the Clinical Setting

The effective practice of registered nurses usually depends on applying the findings of research and the principles of evidence-based services and care. In order to understand what practices and approaches to use when achieving the best results in treatment and care, it is necessary to refer to previous research in...

Verbal Operants for Teaching a Child to Ask for What They Need

Coined by B. F. Skinner, the concept of a verbal operant incorporates the principal communication skills developed by children to achieve specific goals at the early stages of their cognitive and behavioral development. As a rule, a child uses verbal operants to reach a very specific, concrete goal, such as...

Belief Systems in Projecting the Future

Beliefs, and belief systems, are a significant factor in the transmission of information. According to Shannon & Weaver (1948), the process of communication in any form involves encoding a message into a signal, transmitting, and then decoding it to receive the original message. This principle applies to computer systems as...

Nature-Nurture Debate: People’s Uniqueness

Human social and genetic research seeks to understand the occurrence and magnitude of environmental (nurture) and genetic (nature) effects on people’s uniqueness, cognitive capacity, behavior, and interests. Adoption and twin research affirm that behavioral attributes are principally heritable (“In Colombia” par. 2). However, attempts to establish genes that influence behavior...

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and Strategic Alliance

The Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia is a media company that works in a variety of business segments, including the internet, media platforms, merchandising, and publishing. The company primarily focuses on selling and advertising homemaking products, how-to content, and similar products for the average population (“2021 media kit”, 2021). The idea...

Social Solidarity During the Pandemic

During the pandemic, sociological thinking is a tool that allows ensuring comprehensive protection of the population due to citizens’ responsibility to one another. Individual precautions are important, but if the community does not promote general safety measures, for instance, ignore threats to the most vulnerable segments of the population, the...

Colonel Cars Incorporated Issues

Colonel Cars Inc. plans to introduce an innovative speaker system in their cars’ steering wheels and prepares an advertising campaign centered around it. Although both the speakers and the campaign are kept secret, the competitor, European Motor Works (EMW), manages to launch a similar campaign before Colonel Cars starts its...

Sexual Harassment Study Without Probability Sampling

Notes Contrasted with men, women have more worries about using public transportation modes and stations. Also, more women compared with men have safety worries just as a bigger probability of harassment in other public spaces like roads and parks, transport stops, and metro stations. This absence of trust in broad...

Electricity Source Determines Benefits of Electrifying China’s Vehicles

The findings show that an estimated 1.2 million Chinese people suffer consequences from air pollution. The article states that by reducing emissions from power generation, health and environmental benefits might be achieved. In order to help the Chinese citizens, a team of Northwestern University researchers studied the idea of widespread...

Issues of Gun Violence

Gun violence is one of the most acute problems that modern society faces. It is a daily tragedy because many individuals are severely hurt or even killed. Gun violence can affect anyone, yet, in certain cases it disproportionately affects the most vulnerable groups: people of color or other marginalized communities...

Asian Americans. Internationalization of America

America has been a multinational country from time immemorial, and representatives of different nations are trying to get there. This usually leads to positive developments, as it increases cultural diversity. In particular, Asian Americans have a significant impact on the country. Increasingly, Asians are being elected to political agencies. This...

Distinction of Concepts: Bond Prices

When performing financial calculations, it is crucial to distinguish strictly between theoretical concepts. This will allow for a deeper understanding of the essence of the calculations being made and not to get confused when searching for a solution to a problem. In the context of this study, these concepts are...

Media and Communication Technology: The Positive and Negative Impacts

The negative impact of media and communication technology involves aspects such as reduced productivity and depreciating mental health in individuals. However, such technology also has a positive impact on human beings. By channeling their energy into online activities, individuals can become more productive and gain knowledge that could change their...

Cryptography for Work of Systems and Algorithms

Cryptography has many interconnected components that ensure the work of systems and algorithms. They all have their characteristics, which are most important in different areas of application and professional sectors. However, I am most impacted by such a component as encryption algorithms, or rather their differences. Modern encryption algorithms use...

Sexual Orientation Debate: Born or Chose This Way

The advantage of the ‘born this way’ argument about sexual orientation is that there is no way around nature, and it is impossible to change a person’s brain chemistry or genetics. The disadvantage of the argument is that it is limited to issues of biology and does not allow for...

The Common Condition System by Socrates

The guardian philosopher-king is the leader with distinguished characteristics such as wisdom, intelligence, efficiency, and sacrifice. The willingness to live a minimalist or simple lifestyle is what Socrates advocates in his theory of the character of the just. Therefore, the guardian is prohibited from private property ownership but encouraged to...

Reasons for Companies to Enter Foreign Market

However, there are five distinct but mutually related reasons why companies decide to enter foreign markets, which is intended to result in an increase in income. These motives are: to gain access to new customers, to achieve lower costs through economies of scale, experience, and increased purchasing power, to gain...

“The House of the Spirits” Novel by Isabel Allende

In the first chapter of “The House of the Spirits,” Isabel Allende introduces the two main characters, Clara and Esteban Trueba. Notably, the reader learns about Clara’s superpower to move items as well as Esteban’s depression after the death of his beloved, Rosa, who was actually Clara’s sister. The second...

Arguments Against Masks During Pandemic and Personal Freedom

In recent decades, modern society has faced several problems and tasks that require analysis and solutions. One of the most famous and essential in changing the culture of human behavior is the recent pandemic of the COVID-19 virus. Despite all the destructive effects and consequences of the pandemic, many people...

Discussion of Working With Groups Aspects

Cultural competence is essential in counseling both as the means of establishing a rapport with the client and as the tool for adjusting the selected therapy approach to the client’s needs. A culturally competent counselor is aware of the significance that cultural specifics have in therapy, which is why incorporating...

Aspirin: Vascular Pharmacology

Aspirin is one of the most used medications worldwide, with its history going all the way back to 1897. It is a plant-based drug made out of salicylic acid, which can be found in Willow, scientifically known as Salix. Aspirin was originally intended as an anti-inflammatory drug but is currently...

Importance of Studying History

People should attract attention to the importance of studying history and developing historical thinking skills. The study of the past extends our understanding of how people and societies behave in various social settings (Stearns). This understanding of human behavior features allows managing people’s lives in the present. Moreover, historical knowledge...

Ways of Obesity Interventions

Introduction Diet is a foundation of most weight loss initiatives, as it determines the energy and food composition consumed and demonstrates effectiveness in weight loss (Fock and Khoo, 2013). At the same time, physical activities play a support role in maintaining the diet-based weight loss achieved earlier. Therefore, these methods...

Annual Reports’ Importance for Organizations

A direct and effective reporting system is typically deemed a vital advantage that a company must possess in order to maintain proper performance. However, while the significance of annual reports for a company is self-explanatory since it allows viewing the key performance issues, its significance for investors and other stakeholders...

Reflections on the Differences in the Religious Views of Payne and Williams

The religious views of Paine and Williams are strikingly dissimilar, as they advocate entirely different things. Unlike Williams, who supported the separation of church and state and religious tolerance, Paine criticized traditional religion. Williams defended his spiritual principles, condemned the orthodoxy of New England Puritanism, and decried the theological foundations...

Incarceration and Mental Illness

Mental health problems and their relation to prisoners and incarceration slowly became more evident in the last two decades. In an article on incarceration being ineffective in prisoners’ cases that involve mental health problems, Wagner (2000) emphasized how prisons cost more to build for the government and are less effective...

Hunger and Satiety: Regulating Factors

Food ingestion and digestion are essential functions of the organism, and many factors regulate hunger and satiety. The associated processes result from the interplay between the human brain and the gastrointestinal tract, or GIT for short. Researchers believe that various gastrointestinal mechanisms, namely motilin release and gastric accommodation, are key...

“First, Do No Harm”: Tread Carefully Where Oral History

In long-term crises like Covid-19, Jennifer Cramer (2020) asserts that changes in oral history fieldwork in inevitable. Therefore, before engaging in any activity that might result in more harm, Jennifer shows that following the law might be the one thing that prevents or minimizes the effects of an ongoing crisis....

The Future of Coal Plants Regarding Climate Change

The use of coal plants to provide energy has been at the center of the growth of many economies of the world. In the US alone, coal powers 25% of all electricity used domestically and industrially (Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, 2022). On the other hand, studies associate coal...

The Analysis of the Google Sustainability Campaign

The Sustainability campaign was launched by Google in 2007 and targeted the improvement of the ecological situation on the planet. The campaign promotes carbon neutrality for businesses and states that Google wants to become carbon-free by 2030 (Google, n.d.). Being primarily a service provider, Google sets an example for other...

Diana Baumrind Theory of Parenting Styles

Children exhibit different behavioral characteristics depending on their upbringing. Diana Baumrind developed four parenting styles explaining children behaviour in specific situations. The authoritative style is associated with clear rules, support, independence, and high expectations. Children raised by authoritative parents are most likely to develop good social skills and self-esteem. The...

Review of “Beowulf” Poem by Heaney Seamus

The monsters that played a vital role in the fights were Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. These monsters are depicted as sinful and deadly creatures that disturb people’s peace by attacking them. The poem describes Grendel as a sin-stained creature that used to kill and terrorize the Danes often....

Fredrick Douglass and “Sunday School”

Douglass’ story shows how white slaveholders propagate subjection by keeping their slaves illiterate and unaware of many opportunities. At the time Douglass was composing, many individuals accepted that subjugation was a characteristic condition. They assumed that blacks were intrinsically unequipped for taking part in ordinary society and, accordingly, ought to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Language and Identity in Patel’s “Dreaming in Gujarati”

The theme of language as a vital aspect of identity is prevalent within Shailja Patel’s “Dreaming in Gujarati”. Patel, from a Kenyan-Gujarati background, outlines how her languages, as well as those of her father, interacted with her perception of herself and how she had been observed by others. Patel recalls...

Roger Williams’ Opinion on Religion and Politics

Religion and government have always been considered topical issues that oppose each other in many ways. People’s opinions are not united when talking about religion and politics; they either choose one of the sides or incline from the conversation. Thus, Roger Williams, who was born in 1603 and was a...

Confidentiality from Ethical and Legal Perspectives

In all moral codes, the boundaries of confidentiality are prescribed, about which the consultant must warn the client. The limits of privacy are usually discussed at the first meeting with the client and during further interaction when newly manifested circumstances require it. Surveys of clients show that, unfortunately, most of...

Correlation of HIV, AIDS in White Males Who Are Injection Drug Users

For a better understanding of how the health factors of the population develop and form, it is necessary to conduct epidemiological studies. Epidemiological methods enable healthcare to obtain a large amount of knowledge necessary for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The ongoing process of spreading HIV infection is one...

Measures Versus Concepts or Visions in Business

The measures used by companies for metrics vary depending on the environment and its requirements, and their effectiveness is determined by these factors. In my current workplace, the preferred approach to the task is interval since the grades of students are the main criteria that draw the attention of the...

The Role of the USA Authoritative Bodies

The United States’ authoritative bodies are essential for establishing financial accounting and reporting standards that both private and public organizations will have to follow in order to operate successfully in their relative markets and spheres of operations. For example, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) sets standards through an inclusive...

How We Would Be If We Were Less Afraid

Most people are afraid of something, even if they do not admit so. Children are often scared of monsters under the bed, the darkness, heights, or going to the dentist. Adults can be fearful of those things, but they are also afraid of public speaking, failing exams, or being fired....

Employment Center for People with Disabilities: Project Plan

The project is an employment center for people with disabilities and any kind of physical or mental limitations. It will connect employers and companies from all over the United States with potential employees. The scope of the project is relatively small with growth potential. The work breakdown structure is the...

The Level of Privilege of an Individual

At first thought, I would consider myself an unprivileged individual. However, after investigating this topic more deeply, I believe that there is no simple answer to the question of privilege. There are several factors about my background and identity that put me at a disadvantage compared to some other people....

Analysis of The Ballad of Mulan

Mulan was displayed weaving with the noises of weaving equipment while facing the doorway, as mentioned in the first half of the poem. The poem suggests that a daughter’s natural function is to remain at home and do chores like weaving, which Mulan is undertaking. Mulan tells people that nobody...

Is Transracial Adoption Appropriate?

Historically, the question of the adoption of children from different races was controversial. For example, the National Association of Black Social Workers released a document against transracial adoption in 1972 (Nelson & Colaner, 2018). Although modern society has become more tolerant of white-black adoptions, cultural and racial identity issues for...

Ben M’an Perdut and L’Orfeo Comparison

Ben M’an Perdut by Bernart de Ventadorn is a troubadour song from the 12th century. Claudio Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo is an opera, created in 1607. These works are prominent examples of their respective ages’ secular music, demonstrating the common characteristics and properties of such music. Comparing the two allows one to...

Discussion: Adapting to Change

The inevitability of change requires prior preparation to facilitate a seamless transition. Failing to prepare can lead to the unsuccessful implementation of a change project at personal and organizational levels. Taking conscious steps towards adopting a transformation and embracing the scope of work and resources needed to achieve the revolution...

Discussion of Plato’s Views on Reality

The main concept of Plato’s cave allegory is to describe the human condition, in which genuine truth is veiled and misleading pictures and information are mistaken for reality. Plato describes the narrative of a person who is led down the Gnostic road in the allegory. This allegory depicts the state...

Raciolinguistic Ideology: Language, Capitalism, Colonialism

Raciolinguistic ideology was born from European colonialism, and it suggests that language and race are correlated, which leads to a deficiency of language practices among racialized communities. According to historians, colonialism “resulted in the uneven development of forms of capitalism across the world and the destruction and/or transformation of other...

Leadership and Team Management

Leadership and team management are complex tasks that often go hand in hand with various hardships. One of those hardships is motivating the team in unfortunate circumstances, for example, when the deadline has been significantly changed. When people must change their plans, and large amounts of work need to be...

Interrelation of Human Language and Primates

Human civilization is predicated on the principle of collaboration. We collaborate in multi-ethnic groups, with relatives and confidants, and with new people, we have not encountered before. Nevertheless, we are unified in our participation in social interactions be conditioned on commonly agreed notions that determine how certain group members need...

Rhetorical Triangle Assignment: “In The End” by Linkin Park

Music is a powerful medium capable of conveying highly impactful messages. Modern rock is especially noteworthy for its combination of electronic sounds and important social meanings. Linkin Park is one of the most recognized rock bands in the world. Although it has produced a substantial number of memorable songs, In...

Utilitarian vs. Kantian: Comparative Analysis

A utilitarian person is usually characterized as having a desire for practical benefits. The concept of utilitarian means imbued with narrow practicality, limited by immediate interests, needs or prescriptions of utility motives, benefits (Mensah & Agyemang, 2020). This means that such a person will see a valuable advantage in having...

International Managers: Competencies and Qualities

International leadership is more difficult today compared to a decade ago. Most managers operate beyond national borders with technological advancements, finance, legal institutions, business practices, air travel, and communication. A successful managerial career in any industry today necessitates competent international navigation (Lane and Maznevski). As a result, the worldwide environment...

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Reflection on Xenon’s Star: Incorporating Personality in User Interface Design

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Their Eyes Were Watching God by Hurston: Analysis

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Google’s Recruitment Strategy: Analysis

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“Miss Ever’s Boys” a Film by Joseph Sargent

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Value-Driven Healthcare and Reimbursement Programs

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Capital Punishment Applied Research Proposal

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Opioid Use Disorder and Central Nervous System

CDC guidelines for prescribing opioids to manage Central Nervous System complications encompass a range of recommendations to advise primary care clinicians regarding the prevention of opioid use disorder. There are three key points on which the CDC guidelines focus: When opioid prescription should be initiated or continued for managing CNS...

Diabetes Among Hispanics in Miami: Risk Factors

Introduction Diabetes is one of the most serious health-related threats in the world as well as the USA. Almost 10% of Americans had diabetes in 2007, and twice more had pre-diabetes conditions (The state of diabetes, 2010). Hispanics are more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes type 2 (Tavernise, 2015)....

Science, Nursing, and Knowledge Base Expansion

The concept of normal science seems to be crucial in the realm of nursing since it promotes the further improvement of patient outcomes and the enhancement of knowledge and skills acquisition among nurses. The emphasis on the exploration of the existing opportunities and the use of research as the tool...

Alcohol Consumption in Children and Public Health

Alcohol has long been a big concern for public health, especially alcohol use by children. Undoubtedly, alcohol negatively influences many aspects of life: firstly, health, education, and social relationships. Current research of Sumnall et al. attempts to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a combined classroom curriculum and parental intervention...

Advantages of Pilot Studies Over the Randomized Controlled Trial

Introduction There are two types of research in nursing. Pilot studies are usually minor experiments that are aimed at proving different hypotheses. RCT (randomized controlled trial) is used for making various tests and analyzing the acquired results at the end. The following paper is intended to discuss some advantages of...