Introduction The counseling services People First San Diego provide promote mental health and boost social support, respectively. The Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), respectively, are evidence-based tools that may be used to assess these outcomes. A 14-item self-report questionnaire called the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 357
Pages: 1
Influence of Unfavorable Environments on Juvenile Crime Many variables can explain why some youngsters commit crimes and show no regret. One probable explanation is that they grow up in an unfavorable environment. Suppose a youngster is forced to endure a life of violence, poverty, or hopelessness. In that case, they...
Topic: Law
Words: 357
Pages: 1
Effective communication is an important, if not primary, element in the management system. When it comes to a written form of communication, formatting, and citation rules are essential. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is the professional writing standard, so a specialist needs to understand this style for further work....
Topic: Business
Words: 357
Pages: 1
Professor Justin Dunnavant and his team have put extensive effort into exploring the history and effects of slavery on the island of St Croix. Through the in-field tour on heritage sites with archaeological works, the Salve Wrecks Project, in short of SWP, has assisted the public effectively in comprehending how...
Topic: Heritage
Words: 358
Pages: 1
FruitRich Private Limited to be established in Australia is manufacturing natural fruit juices in different flavors. “FruitRich” juices are ultra-premium nutritious fruit juices, 100 percent natural sold in attractive 250 ML, 1Litre, 2 Litres, and 3 Litres pet bottle containers. The word “Fruit” in the brand name of the product...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 358
Pages: 2
This case demonstrates US legislation’s imperfection to protect health care workers and the need to change it. In the case of Teoka Williams, I would refuse to satisfy the patient’s request, since it does not have a compelling legal reason. As noted in the case, the staff’s non-discrimination rights are...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 358
Pages: 1
DNA is a unique code that identifies each person, and science keeps revealing its opportunities to find more information about humanity. Nowadays, the unique nature of DNA is utilized for multiple purposes, such as finding biological parents or victims of catastrophes and convicting criminal offenders. However, is there a guarantee...
Topic: DNA
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The Romantic era is an important period in the history of English literature when many of the touching and evocative poems were presented to the public. My choice of the “Romantic” group is explained by the profoundness of themes and emotions expressed by the authors. Through the use of imagery...
Topic: Literature
Words: 358
Pages: 1
From a personal perspective, the study dedicated to the examination of patient safety incidents in the home and their potential reasons is an appropriate first attempt to explore the area of home hospice nursing. However, it has several specific flaws, and its findings cannot be regarded as fully credible. First...
Topic: Home
Words: 358
Pages: 2
The learning paths that we embark on play a fundamental role in shaping how we view the world and the paradigms that we chose to live by. These constructs become rooted in our minds and govern our interpretations of life and everyday situations. Biblical education is different from other fields...
Topic: God
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Reform movements have greatly impacted today’s life by creating ideal social, economic, and political transformations and bringing them close to the people. They campaign for the desired change that will preserve and improve the present values and provide better means of implementing policies and frameworks (Young et al., 2019). I...
Topic: Reforms
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Hashtags are mainly used as an unmoderated invitation to reflection and discussion. It is the combination of symbols starting with the # sign. Any hashtag supported by a sufficient amount of people can create a trend and attract even more users to the debate. These days, hashtags start creating global...
Topic: Social Change
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Introduction Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is an inspirational model that was established by Abraham Maslow. The model comprises of five levels of human necessities, which are categorized in stages within a pyramid. It explains how an individual’s most basic needs must be met before they become motivated. As such, Maslow’s...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Reflective practices are crucial as they enable the healthcare personnel to identify their strengths and weaknesses. According to Butts and Rich (2019), healthcare practitioners need to evaluate their daily performance to deliver the best care services to patients. Watching the videos on live birth, postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancy complications, postpartum assessment,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 358
Pages: 1
In his article entitled “When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism,” Jonathan Haidt explains why right-wing populism is increasingly gaining popularity in Western democracies. The article starts with the author citing the rise of Donald Trump in the US and the assortment of right-wing parties in Europe following the June 23...
Topic: Nationalism
Words: 358
Pages: 1
People of different cultures do not see the world around them in the same way. Those differences are often manifested in the languages they speak. Some linguists believe that language shapes the way we think, while others argue that language does not control the human ability to think and understand...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 358
Pages: 1
In my Culture Immersion Project, I sought to gain a better understanding of the LGBTQ community. While generally aware of its problems, I still had insufficient experience with it. The project slightly deepened my intellectual understanding of LGBTQ and, perhaps more importantly, exposed me to the cultural representation of the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The first article under consideration criticizes the gratuitous use of gore in horror media for its inability to impact the audience. While the techniques become more advanced, they do not contribute to the feeling of being scared in the same way as familiarity does (Harris). However, some shows manage to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The Elkhart Four case has become a cause celebre and gathered national attention. In 2012, Jose Quiroz, Levi Sparks, Anthony Sharp, and Blake Layman were charged with felony murder. This all happened after they decided to break into an Elkhart house and had their accomplice, twenty-one-year-old Danzele Johnson, shot and...
Topic: Law
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The coloring of the iris that environs the minor black hole in the middle of the eye and pupil controls the amount of light entering the eye, controlling an individual’s eye color. The color of the iris differs from extremely pale blue to natural shady brown. The most common eye...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Diverse and large teams of professions and specialists are significant when handling a significant and critical initiative such as acquiring the IT of big companies and states. These teams are convened to provide an urgent solution or come up with a solution. My review of both ‘Case study material and...
Topic: Collaboration
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act nearly doubled the standard deduction and eliminated or restricted many itemized deductions. As its name implies, it cut individual, corporate, and estate tax rates. The lower corporate tax rate is one of the key components of the Act. This cut is said to be...
Topic: Reforms
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Cultural Artifacts I have chosen two paintings created by different authors for the current analysis. The first one is called Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth, created in 1948 (Esaak, 2020). Currently, the painting is located in the Museum of Modern Art in New York (Esaak, 2020). The second painting is...
Topic: Art
Words: 358
Pages: 1
As the world is digitalized as never before, computers have become an indispensable part of our lives. Over the last decades, with their introduction, humans could simplify everyday life, hence, increased productivity. Computers have also become an essential source of fun as people can access enjoyable activities at a lower...
Topic: Computers
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Michael Jackson was one of the brightest pop stars of all time. His talent was admired, millions of fans idolized him, and colleagues recognized his brilliant performing and dancing abilities. The list of epithets that journalists gave him for a long and unsurpassed creative life is unlikely to fit on...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Fraud is defined as the purposeful deceit or distortion of the truth that results in the receipt of unfair advantage or payment. Abuse is defined as activities that are inappropriate, unethical, outside of accepted professional responsibility norms, or clinically unwarranted. This work was written to study the laws associated with...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Sustainability is about the balance between three main structures, which are environment, equity, and economy. Sustainability also implies that people’s necessary material things for survival depend on the natural environment (United States Environmental Protection Agency [US EPA], n.d.). It means living in such conditions that will provide for future generations...
Topic: Environment
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Affirmative action means particular policies intended to give rights and privileges to some groups based on their race, nationality, or gender. It appears as an attempt to eliminate all kinds of inequality, specifically, in Western countries. For example, in the United States, John F. Kennedy signed “Executive Order No. 10925”...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Nurse Manager Abdulai Koroma is the Director of Nursing at Potomac Falls Health and Rehab. He received his first BSc Econs (Hons) education at Fourah Bay College, the University of Sierra Leone in the field of economics, and a second bachelor’s degree from Shenandoah University in the field of nursing....
Topic: Leadership
Words: 358
Pages: 1
As a supporter of Algerian independence, I, for a long time, considered the option of sacrificing myself for the benefit of the country. The occupation by France forced the Algerians to live in an environment incompatible with our values. Therefore, when I discovered that there was a group of active...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Homo sapiens and craft are of the same age; it is based on conscious use of the exterior materials scientists can determine the level of development in a particular historical period. The craft began with stone, having existed in various ways of finding and splitting pieces of rock for about...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The examination of archeological objects is interesting as it allows learning about early cultures and the interests of people who lived thousands of years ago. The Bull Headed Lyre was founded in the King’s Grave at the Ur Royal Cemetery, and its parts (the head, bread, strings, and panel) reveal...
Topic: Culture
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Marriage is an important part of an individual’s life and a solid social institution. It is deeply rooted in most people’s understanding that at some point in their life, they should get married; in the case of the conservative part of the population, married to someone of different sex and...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 358
Pages: 1
This paper discusses the concept of consent using an example of an incident of calculated consent that happened in my life. Consent refers to an approval or agreement to a proposal of another person. Consent is important when communicating and setting of personal boundaries when interacting with other people (Bolinger,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Being one of the oldest and by far most famous epic poems in English literature, “Beowulf” still remains an engaging and exciting story of magnificent proportions. Though the characters would, later on, become archetypal, they are still clearly defined and well-built, the leading one being a primary example. Though Beowulf’s...
Topic: Beowulf
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Roald Dahl is one of the renowned authors. Dahl was named after a Norwegian scientist. Roald spent his boyhood in Oslo, Norway. His father died when he was four. Roald Dahl: Life Dahl’s initial school was Llandaff Cathedral School. Roald finished his education at Repton. Roald became Shell Petroleum Corporation...
Topic: Literature
Words: 358
Pages: 2
Social alliances are voluntary collaborations between two or more entities with different organizational structures, such as corporations and nonprofit organizations, to tackle environmental and social concerns. The paper researches types of social alliances where companies seek to improve their brand image and reputation, and nonprofits seek to increase their funds(Martínez,...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The temple cleansing is described differently in the three gospels, Mathew, Mark, and Luke. The different event versions show how the three apostles perceived the incident. Despite Mark being considered the shorted gospel, his description of the event is longer than Mathew and Luke’s description. In addition, mark extensively elaborates...
Topic: Temple
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Slavery optimally attributes to social injustice and inhumanity across society. In chapter four, Douglass (1845) narrates one of the core issues the enslaved people encountered. While working on Colonel Lloyd’s farm, he witnesses Mr. Gore, the overseer murder Demby. Mr. Gore affirms his actions to the colonel by articulating that...
Topic: Literature
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Introduction Many people want to live long, be happy, and thrive. However, only a few achieve this goal, and the materials studied this week, Dan Buettner’s TED Talk on longevity and Mitsuhashi’s article on the concept of ikigai, reveal the reasons. Even though ideas and actions standing behind longevity are...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 358
Pages: 1
One of the medical industry’s primary concerns is patient safety. Disfavored events during medical activities can occur because of any medical intervention, even when performed correctly (regardless of whether it is diagnostic, therapeutic, or rehabilitative). Improving patient safety requires comprehensive resolutions within the health care system, and safety standards are...
Topic: Health
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Effectual thinking implies the necessity of understanding the resources a person currently has at hand. Those resources may be different, from the finances an aspiring entrepreneur possesses to specific skills they have managed to acquire throughout their life. Effectual logic calls for analyzing the given means, or controlled resources, and...
Topic: Success
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Introduction It is hard to disagree that same-sex marriage is one of the most controversial topics in the U.S. Many people consider such marriages a fundamental right of humans, while others find them inappropriate and try to cancel this tendency. Same-sex marriages have long and challenging relationships with federalism, and...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The term geospatial technology encompasses a variety of tools utilized for gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing Earth and the location of objects on it. Throughout history, cartography and mapmaking were crucial parts of human civilizations that allowed exploration and creation of new settlements. Thus, the earliest maps edged on stones...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The expert practice of the production of primary and repeated examinations, the analysis of the review of conclusions in the systems of expert institutions of various departments indicate that experts make various kinds of mistakes and omissions. The most common mistakes in the practice of forensic examinations occur with a...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Introduction The main takeaway is how big data has been used to transform research in many fields, such as business, accounting, and marketing. The article confirms that human resource managers can use big data analytics to influence the decision-making processes to improve the firm’s performance (Hamilton & Sodeman, 2020). Therefore,...
Topic: Business
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Introduction Burnout can become a problem for all people, regardless of what field of human activity they are engaged in. This critical issue requires special attention, as it can significantly affect both the professional and personal spheres of life. Hence, for pastors in Judaism, there is a Sabbath, or the...
Topic: Judaism
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Introduction Christianity became one of the main factors that influenced the formation of Western civilization. Throughout the long history of human existence, this religion has influenced social norms in society, political institutions, and the cultural customs of man. Christianity gave mankind the basis to understand how the world and man...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 358
Pages: 1
Essentially, a fable is a concise story that usually involves animals, plants, or forces of nature, among others, as characters. Fables often carry moral lessons through the actions and interactions of these characters. I want to describe an example of a fable called “The Wise Condor and the Impatient Rabbit,”...
Topic: Literature
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The teaching plan for the patient’s nutritional needs should focus on realizing maximum metabolic outcomes associated with glycemia, lipid profiles and blood pressure levels by maintaining a healthy diet comprising manifold servings of fruits, low and intermediate carbohydrate vegetables, whole grains, bread, low-fat dairy products, fish, lean meats, and poultry....
Topic: Teaching
Words: 359
Pages: 2
In this essay, you will find everything related to categorical logic: examples, definition of a categorical proposition, and more. What Is Categorical Logic? Categorical logic is a type of deductive logic that is based on four propositions. These propositions are statements, which categorize members of different classes on the basis...
Topic: Logic
Words: 359
Pages: 2
Errors during the medication administration process remain among the leading causes of compromised care quality. An ongoing transformation of care is expected to minimize the adverse impact associated with the activity. The following paper provides an overview of possible applications of a transformation process to the practice of home health...
Topic: Health
Words: 359
Pages: 2
Summary of William Zinsser’s article “College Pressures.” “College Pressures” is an article written in 1979 by William Zinsser of Branford College. The author focuses on pressures faced by college students caused by their dire need to succeed (Zinsser 2). Zinsser identifies the four types of pressures that work on students:...
Topic: Education
Words: 359
Pages: 2
The main themes of existentialism The basic themes of existentialism include isolation, freedom of choice, meaninglessness, and death. A person’s life is not predetermined. Isolation, one’s struggle to become a person in the world, is one source of anxiety; responsibility of choice is another. A person has the freedom to...
Topic: Existentialism
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The two learning theories that are of the most interest to me are behaviorism and cognitivism. These two theoretical frameworks for understanding the mind stand in opposition to each other in what value they attach to human thought process and cognitivism actually developed as a response to behaviorism. Behaviorism covers...
Topic: Behaviorism
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The target market for take-home single serving salad tubs will be concentrated (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2011), for it will target mainly one segment of the market – single individuals (although it might be possible to state that the target market is multi-segment, for the set of single persons is...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 359
Pages: 1
This business plan is prepared to provide details of the proposed business Generational Health and Fitness (GHF) which will operate in the fitness industry. GHF will operate as an indoor cycling program provider to the local community. GHF will partner with the City of Seattle to operate out of Seattle...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Primary care needs are going to expand worldwide, and there will be a significant shortage of physicians, nurse practitioners in the future. DNP-prepared nurses are intended to fill that void and make a substantial impact on evidence-based practice (EBP) culture. The DNP can teach a nurse how to apply various...
Topic: Culture
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The issue of death rises numerous debatable ethical questions connected with the attitude of terminally ill patients and their relatives to it. The current paper described five stages of dying developed by Kubler-Ross that include “denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance” (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2018, p. 551). Apart from this,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are lung diseases that are qualified as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD. Emphysema is a lung disease in which the alveoli supplying oxygen to the blood are damaged, so the blood is not oxygenated properly (Papadakis et al., 2018). Chronic bronchitis is a respiratory illness...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Healthcare ethics is a set of basic principles and values that are applied when making decisions about medical procedures. These ideas include such bioethics notions as autonomy, justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence. These important factors should be taken into consideration to make recommendations and decide on the best course of action....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Nutrition and Oral Hydration: Resuming Postoperative Diet The first diet doctors usually prescribe after an operation is a clear liquid diet. It is fat-free and based on water and juices. A soft diet corresponds to the next stage in recovery and contains limited solid foods. Eventually, a patient can gradually...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Drew Hayden Taylor uses comic to explore community politics, intergenerational legacies, identity, and traditions in his book Motorcycles and Sweetgrass. I believe his primary theme is rational because it emphasizes the dire need to balance the modern world’s realities and culture. The author presents a troubled woman, Maggie, to demonstrate...
Topic: Literature
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The ethical standards of auditing are the independence, competence, conscientiousness, and objectivity of the auditor. In carrying out their professional duties, the auditor should be guided by the standards established by professional audit associations. It is also necessary to observe the following ethical principles: independence, honesty, objectivity, professional competence and...
Topic: Auditing
Words: 359
Pages: 1
I believe that the implementation of Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” could have resulted in the creation of an international peace organization. In his speech, Woodrow Wilson proposed several principles and goals for maintaining peace in the world, which might have been a foundation for an intergovernmental organization such as the...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 359
Pages: 1
James Madison is the fourth president of the United States and one of its Founding Fathers. His most notable contribution to the constitution of the country was his vision about the distribution of powers outlined in five Federalist Papers (47-51). Madison’s ideas are an inherent part of the U.S. system...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 359
Pages: 1
“Romeo and Juliet” was written by William Shakespeare about two young people deeply in love. It is set in Italy during the 16th century, and it has been one of the most debated narratives. Love is an archetype that is evident across the piece. The story relates to my chosen...
Topic: Romeo and Juliet
Words: 359
Pages: 1
To move toward her goal, Cheryl Hailstrom, a newly appointed CEO of Lakeland Wonders, can implement a two-part plan. The first objective involves changing her style of leading others to gain favor with managers. The second part of the plan focuses on negotiation and persuasion. The first step related to...
Topic: Business
Words: 359
Pages: 1
A Streetcar Named Desire is a play written by Tennessee Williams, which premiered on Broadway in 1947. The play touches upon a variety of themes and subjects, such as masculinity and femininity, sexual desire, reality, and illusion; however, it also provides a substantial commentary on the concept of the American...
Topic: American Dream
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Urbanization moved more than half of the global population to the cities, and homeland security measures and regulations must maintain a safe and healthy society in crowded areas. Kendall (2020) claims that “poverty, crime, racism, sexism, homelessness, inadequate public school systems, alcoholism and other drug abuse, gangs and guns, and...
Topic: Homeland Security
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Margaret Atwood set her novel The Handmaid’s Tale in Massachusetts due to its symbolic meaning. Throughout the novel, the evidence point to the Cambridge town as the center of Gilead’s power. In 17th century, Cambridge, Boston, and Massachusetts comprised the essence of the American society’s intolerance and fierce religiousness due...
Topic: The Handmaid's Tale
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) team consists of the nurse manager, the director of the pharmacy, and the facilitator. These experts can use their knowledge of administering medication procedures, electronic documentation, medicine ingredients, and the components of identifying the errors’ root causes. The effective collaboration between the nurse manager who...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 359
Pages: 1
A Rose for Emily – William Faulkner’s Storytelling by Emily Grierson. The yellow wallpaper is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman about the young woman Jane. Both stories illustrate girls who became recluses in one way or another. If Emily did not let anyone into her house after her...
Topic: A Rose for Emily
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Data Analysis Plan This paper used two types of variables, the manipulation of which was expected to lead to specific results. The first of these was a gender characteristic of students: choosing only two discrete values determined the categorical essence of the present variable. The categorical variable was also the...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Finding a creative middle ground is an essential strategy for issue resolution. It is sometimes feasible to identify a plan of action that satisfies both sides by using creative thinking but possibly not in the way that was initially intended (McGinn, 2018). However, there are situations when there is simply...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The in-depth analysis of the environment and staffing issues is the major objective of HR planning along with the strategic coherence of all HR systems and activities to organizational goals. Bennett and Brush (2018) support this statement through their article that addresses Corning’s HR Strategic Planning Process. The authors examine...
Topic: HR
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The article “Intramuscular anabolic signaling and endocrine response following high volume and high-intensity resistance exercise protocols in trained men” has the purpose of examining mTORCI signaling. mTORCI signaling during the training on two different protocols: HV (high volume) and HI (high intensity). This study has several main findings. First of...
Topic: Sport
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Fictional works of art are of particular value to both culture and society. They are some indicators of the intellectual achievements of mankind, which can be used to track its progress. When considering contemporary works of art that could become classics in the future and remain relevant for a long...
Topic: Art
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The novel “1984” written by George Orwell, raises many social and political issues, and at the same time, its plot is built around the relationship of the main characters – Winston and Julia. In a totalitarian state, where love is prohibited, their romance is rebellion and crime. However, when the...
Topic: 1984
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Recent years have been marked with increased effects of pollution and growing harmful impact of humans’ activities on the planet. Since people are now paying attention to pollution, scientists and activists have started searching for effective ways to reduce its level and adverse influence on nature, animals, and humans themselves....
Topic: Environment
Words: 359
Pages: 1
On June 18, 2012, the United States and Great Britain went to war over maritime rights breaches. The War of 1812 was the name given to this war (Warrick, 2017). The impressment question, trade wars, and a dispute over the fate of Native Americans all played a role in the...
Topic: War
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Nathaniel Adams Coles, also known as Nat King Cole, was one of the most prominent figures in the jazz music genre. Nat King Cole was a pioneer in many areas, being the first African American variety TV host and a visionary for jazz music’s further development. Famous for his uniquely...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Mental health nursing is a multi-component and complex process requiring specific training and knowledge. The foundations are based on the fact that recovery from mental disease must focus on the patient’s life experiences, health concerns, abilities, and goals. The primary purpose of nurses is to help with emotional trauma and...
Topic: Health
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The integration of the new territories represented not only a benefit to the United States but also a source of many challenges. The imbalance that emerged between North and South, supporters and opponents of slavery, led to a severe crisis that was never fully resolved before the Civil War. Thus,...
Topic: History
Words: 359
Pages: 2
Ever since the antique times philosophers and scientists have been proving that humans are not much different from other animal species. For example, genetically, Homo sapiens are almost identical to chimpanzees. However, through the course of the evolution, humans diverged from other representatives of the animal kingdom. Meat consumption played...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Communication is only effective when the participants are willing to listen, hear, and try to understand the person expressing an idea. While this does not necessarily mean changing one’s mind or shaping personal overviews to fit the agenda of the other party, a dialogue implies an exchange of opinions rather...
Topic: Communication
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The perception of weed smoking as a creativity amplifier is popularized in western cultures because substance abuse is frequently mentioned and even praised among famous artists. Moreover, the bias that masterpieces and exceptional works cannot be crafted without enhancing abstract thinking with drugs forces young people to underestimate their natural...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is broadly used with children with autism spectrum disorders as several studies presented their high effectiveness. Principles of respondent conditioning and instrumental conditioning are used in the basement of ABA. Respondent conditioning, or classical conditioning, is a process of learning in which two stimuli (neutral and...
Topic: Autism
Words: 359
Pages: 1
In the preface of his book, Zimbardo reveals a number of justifications for why he carried out the Stanford Prison Experiment. A significant portion of his motivation for writing this work came from the Abu Ghraib Prison Trial when he served as an independent expert for Sergeant Ivan “Chip” Frederick...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Introduction From the many discussions about the ancient Mediterranean, I would prefer living in Rome to Greece. An effective government was critical to the cultural development of Ancient Rome. Among its many goals, the government aimed to improve citizens’ quality of life, protect their rights, maintain public order, ensure national...
Topic: History
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Introduction Cultural competency is crucial for healthcare organizations since it promotes diversity and a cordial working environment. The student’s proposal concisely provides background information on the Rockland Psychiatric Center’s (RPC) cultural diversity. The use of percentage representation of the different ethnic groups in the organization allows one to understand the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The traditional agents of socialization in modern society are the family, school, and church, which open up the world and friends to each person. Each of them complements the other in equal measure and serves as a support for the individual, allowing them to exist comfortably in society. However, digitalization...
Topic: Social Networking
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Introduction Emerson critiques and distinguishes between two categories of knowledge seekers as a writer. In particular, Thinking Man is against a bookworm, which is, in my opinion, a good stance. According to Emerson, the difficulty is that the holiness innate in creation, the activity of thinking, is immediately transferred to...
Topic: Literature
Words: 359
Pages: 1
The terms dysfunction, disability, and handicap are all related to the functioning of an individual, but they are distinct concepts. Understanding the differences between these terms is important in the field of healthcare, as it allows professionals to accurately assess and address the needs of their patients. It is crucial...
Topic: Disability
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Today, many experts from different fields address neuroscience to find explanations about how cognition works and affects various practices. The main idea of neuroscience is to examine the work of the nervous system and the brain as products of evolution that affect human behavior and learning (Cisek & Hayden, 2021)....
Topic: Neuroscience
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Introduction The issue of morality has been a contentious subject for many scholars. Notably, the concern has unearthed vital genetics topics in non-identity problems. For instance, David Brocks has summarized his position on the non-identity issue. Brocks provided three case scenarios to illustrate his reasoning for his assertion. Discussion In...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 359
Pages: 1
“The Whisperers: Private Life in Stalin’s Russia” by Orlando Figes is a historical work that explores the fascinating aspect of daily life in the Soviet Union during the Stalinist era. Despite the strict control exercised by the state, Figes asserts that Soviet citizens were still able to maintain some degree...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 359
Pages: 1
It is a mistake to believe that a human’s brain reaches its peak of development in childhood. On the contrary, a brain changes throughout life because it, as a rule, reacts to experience and can be overwritten due to education (Smith, 2020). In brief, a lot depends on how people...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Slavery influenced millions of people around the world, particularly Black people. The poem “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou concerns the most acute social issue for African Americans. The poet talks about slavery and the differences in the quality of life that free and enslaved people can enjoy. The poem aims...
Topic: Literature
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Introduction Valuation of a diversified company is a process undertaken to assess the value of the enterprise. This can involve different estimates for potential losses and profits, asset values, planning of future projects, and monitoring of the company’s development process. A diversified company can be valued in several steps. Steps...
Topic: Business
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Series of Events On 8th December 2005, at about 7:14 pm Central Standard Time, a South Western Airlines Boeing 737-7H4, N471WN, overran a runway at Midway Airport, Chicago, Illinois. According to the National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) report (2007), the aircraft had departed Thurgood Marshall Airport in Baltimore earlier that...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 359
Pages: 2
Introduction It is a generally recognized fact that the future of each child is affected by the relations with their parents, but why? Regardless of being developed more than five decades ago, attachment theory is still relevant today because it is one of the best ways to explain both short-...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 360
Pages: 2
Introduction The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACCN) is a leading organization that develops evidence-based concepts and practices to improve the quality of care available to more patients. One of the specific care guidelines published by the association focuses on end-of-life support. The guideline acknowledges the need to acquire new...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 360
Pages: 2
One of the main differences between factor analysis (FA) and principal components analysis (PCA) is that FA attempts to find “unobserved variables” (factors) in a set of original variables, whereas PCA transforms the existing variables into several new variables (components) (Field, 2013, sec. 17.3.0-17.3.2; Warner, 2013, p. 830). Therefore, in...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 360
Pages: 2
Quick development pace and globalization significantly alter human lives and industries, and there is almost no field that is left unchanged. In recent years, the nursing workforce has faced several challenges, among them being physician shortages and uneven distribution and an increasing rate of registered nurse retirements. The other significant...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Introduction Most Soviet Muslims lived in Central Asia; they were the first to adopt Islam from the chronological point of view (7-9th centuries). There are two things that characterized Central Asian Islam: The unofficial clergy in the region has always been very influential, having emerged from Sufistic orders; it opposed...
Topic: Islam
Words: 360
Pages: 2
Softball is a team sport with a ball; it is a form of baseball. This sport originated in 1887 and is generally popular with non-professionals. This is due to the fact that, unlike baseball, softball is adapted for less physically prepared people and is not traumatic. Initially, softball was developed...
Topic: Sport
Words: 360
Pages: 1
In a U.S. context, exclusive English-language education is frequently criticized as putting the children of immigrants at a disadvantage and undermining their cultural identity. Teaching some classes in Spanish or another prominent minority language is often advocated as a more equitable alternative. However, conflict theory suggests that this approach to...
Topic: Conflict
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Google and Microsoft are major multinational technology companies, together with Amazon and Apple they constitute four ‘Tech Giants’ – corporations which dominate the information technology sphere. While Microsoft and Google have similar business models, it might be relevant to research the differences in their functioning. Microsoft was the first company...
Topic: Google
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Mining is considered a physically demanding and hazardous activity for its workers. More than a hundred years ago, it had high mortality and occupational injuries due to insufficient development of technologies and methods for ensuring operations security. However, numerous innovations and regulations have been introduced over the past 100 years...
Topic: Health
Words: 360
Pages: 1
“Dragged High on Alcohol” is about an alcohol addict Ryan, and the film crew follows him and his family, showing how Ryan experiences his addiction. At the end of this film, Ryan dies from injuries he received in a bike accident, and because he was consuming so much alcohol, his...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 360
Pages: 1
The brain is one of the most complex body organs, and addressing the issues that relate to it can be sophisticated as well. The TED Talk video gives an elaborate description of the common misunderstanding of the brain like a bag of chemicals and that related ailments can be resolved...
Topic: Brain
Words: 360
Pages: 1
I have worked for a company that is involved in the sphere of online sales. I would suggest the following inspiring vision statement for it – the best customer is a satisfied customer. Given the fact that the firm has to constantly get in touch with clients, it is essential...
Topic: Innovation
Words: 360
Pages: 1
The provision of healthcare services for the world population is a challenging task. It is complicated by insufficient coverage of people, whereas this circumstance is a clear violation of their rights. As follows from the World Health Organization’s principal conclusions, the observance of access to medical facilities should be a...
Topic: Health
Words: 360
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The primary reason people have limited access to healthy foods is the fact that humans’ food choice is influenced by business models that promote unhealthy products in their check-out. Most stores have candy bars and junk foods that contribute to obesity. Currently, sugar is being added to almost all products,...
Topic: Brain
Words: 360
Pages: 1
How to Talk to Girls at Parties is a fantasy story by Naiman, set in 1970s London. Enn, the main character, narrates it after thirty years from the action. He and his friend, Vic, in their teenage years decided to meet young ladies. They study at the school for boys...
Topic: Literature
Words: 360
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“A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge” is a graphic novel created by Josh Neufeld, a cartoonist who published the work as a webcomic at the beginning. It explores the story of the natural disaster of 2005, hurricane Katrina, through various characters and viewpoints. The author inspects the horrid story through...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 360
Pages: 1
A single story can be a basis for forming judgments in a person or a group of people about others. This situation is dangerous since the insufficient amount of information does not allow a person to form a complete picture and give an objective assessment. Thus, it is important to...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 360
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The following summary reviews four significant articles that are dedicated to the theme of third-culture kids. Bonebright provides an article can be viewed as a significant insight into the topic. The author exhaustively explores this phenomenon appealing to the related reliable literature on the mentioned individuals. It is claimed that...
Topic: Culture
Words: 360
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Creating a strong workplace culture that will allow keeping organizational behavior in order and promote corporate values in decision-making practice is paramount for any company. However, when building the required set of values and introducing staff members to them, managers often face the challenge of balancing organizational culture with national...
Topic: Culture
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Love and justice are the two concepts that form the basis of ethical and moral principles. These two principles cannot exist without each other, and without each it is impossible to imagine the natural tendency of the human soul, character, and nature. However, the question of the importance of the...
Topic: Justice
Words: 360
Pages: 1
In the work “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” Edward Gibbon names the main reasons for Rome’s fall: external enemies, the strengthening of Christianity, and illiterate governance. Gibbon claims that the Romans were unaware of the extent of the danger and the number of their enemies. Although the...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Five concepts, including empathy, witnessing, respect, the stages of grief, and one’s relationships with grief, permeate counseling suffering clients. Empathy is a basic ability all counselors should have, so I would frequently ask myself whether my skills in communicating it are sufficient (Neff & McMinn, 2020). Next, the concept of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Within modern society, it is crucial to be acknowledged about the core principles of the economic theory and its implications on every aspect of daily life. According to Mankiw, there are four key economic concepts, including “scarcity, supply and demand, costs and benefits, and incentives,” which illustrate the underlying reasons...
Topic: Tax
Words: 360
Pages: 1
The ability to communicate one’s thoughts to others clearly and concisely is a cornerstone of any people’s collective activity. For this reason, miscommunication leads to misunderstanding, which, in turn, negatively impacts the outcome of the work. Mistakes related to the exchange of information in the medical sphere, however, are additionally...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Introduction Benneton ads use inclusivity to their advantage, as a tool for communicating a message and attracting customers. Research into customer behavior has shown that people are more likely to buy when they can see people similar to themselves associated with a certain product. Therefore, inclusivity plays a large role...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Introduction There are many fields in which the study process relies heavily on local and regional specifics. However, in studying Business nowadays, in the era of globalization, it is crucial to understand how general rules and tendencies within the sphere can be applied internationally. As an example of structural changes...
Topic: School
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The prior understanding of the forces of flying was based on the assumption that air is what pushes things upwards. Aerodynamics is the primary explanation behind the functions of air and flight. Exploring the topic of aerodynamics can be fun and engaging because it requires an observation of the object....
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Due to rapid growth in various neighborhoods, society is diverse in terms of races, ethnicities, cultures, languages, and sexual orientations. There is also a significant disparity between the extremely wealthy and the poor (“More diversity activities for youth and adults,” 2022). As a result, cultural and social class diversity has...
Topic: Culture
Words: 360
Pages: 1
A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America is a book written by Ronald Takaki (published by Little, Brown and Company for the first time in 1993 and revised by Back Bay Books in 2008). The main idea is to describe the essence of multicultural America through the prism of...
Topic: History
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Generally, the dilemma of whether to make investments or finance pending debts is a challenge. There are several factors that an individual must consider before opting to invest or pay current obligations. Based on the given situation, I bear three key personal liabilities which include a loan for the vehicle,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Batalla, Guillermo Bonfil. Mexico Profundo: Reclaiming a Civilization. University of Texas Press, 2012, pp. 4-39. This article discusses the Indians who rejected civilization and continued their way of life, preserving their primitiveness. There is no exact information about how many of them are left (Batalla, 19). In addition, the article...
Topic: Culture
Words: 360
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Biogeochemical cycles are the transportations and transformations of chemicals in ecosystems (UCAR, n.d.). Some chemicals can be a part of a plant or an animal one day and then be a part of a river the next day. Biogeochemical cycles are of extreme importance for the planet, as they help...
Topic: Water
Words: 360
Pages: 1
The United States has a troubling history of plundering and subjugating other people. Gross human rights violations have been perpetrated under the guise of the ‘White Man’s humanly duty’ to save the world. This modus operandi was perfected at home when slavery was a glorious industry, thanks to inexhaustible but,...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Introduction The chosen article, “US tech investor Joe Lonsdale refuses to apologize for ‘loser’ paternity tweet,” from The Guardian, describes an imagined community of masculine men who must put efforts into the well-being of their families. Lonsdale particularly emphasizes men in “important positions” to highlight their significance to society and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Introduction The central problem of the given speech is to inform the population about the issue of food insecurity and methods of how this problem can be solved. It is especially problematic that some people do not have access to healthy food, while 40% of food produced in the USA...
Topic: Food
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Marie de France devotes a special place to the disclosure of the concept of love and how it happens. Her works often feature selfish love, as well as love sincere and genuine. Such a true love occurs between Guigemar and the Queen. Their love is presented as an external force...
Topic: Literature
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Vincent van Gogh, in his classical painting titled Starry Night, created one of the most brilliant paintings globally. Contemporary culture centralizes this artistic work as a great masterwork of history (Art in Context Para 4). Van Gogh’s painting can be understood from numerous perspectives of social orbs since the image...
Topic: Vincent van Gogh
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Introduction The origin of glorious culture of China occurred in ancient times, which is why I became interested in this topic. I am attracted to this culture because China is a huge ancient country, which can be paralleled only with the world of ancient Rome. Therefore, today I will explain...
Topic: Culture
Words: 360
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Introduction The Slave trade was associated with acts that infringed upon natural human rights. The enslaved were subjected to poor working conditions, including low wages, harsh treatment, and a lack of basic needs such as food and shelter. Consequently, the majority of the enslaved people died while others suffered from...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 360
Pages: 1
As an expert in the treatment of cough problems, I would try to receive more detailed information about the issue of the seven years old patient. It is unclear what could be the initial cause of the problem as the child could catch SARS from school or catch a cold...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Introduction The theories of the practice of nurses are valuable for study and understanding. These theoretical approaches provide an opportunity to gain knowledge about the nuances of the work of these medical specialists and improve the results of the provision of health services. Therefore, the theories by Ernestine Weidenbach, Virginia...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Capital punishment is meant to serve as deterrence of crimes. However, it seems as if it does not deter crime as expected. States that have capital punishment also record high rates of homicides, unlike those without capital punishment. Therefore, capital punishment does not act as a deterrence to crimes because...
Topic: Capital Punishment
Words: 361
Pages: 1
Introduction Animals are often taken for granted, being viewed as either pets, or an instant threat, or an annoying pest. However, understanding the role that animals play in people’s lives is essential. In a large category of animals, four smaller subgroups can be identified. These are farm animals, pets, wild...
Topic: Zoology
Words: 361
Pages: 1
Jacob’s Staff Design Jacob’s staff, which is also referred to as a cross-staff, is the simplest tool used to make qualitative conclusions regarding the angle and height of an object concerning the observer. It was commonly used by navigators and astronomers before the telescope was invented (Winterburn). The simplest form...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 361
Pages: 1
Military operations and the relevant environment for activities are highly dependent on a wide range of factors included in a region’s PMESII-PT. In the case of Caucasus, the political sphere affects the operations through a bipolar form of governance, such as democracy and autocracy. Military power concentration also influences the...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 361
Pages: 1
It is almost impossible to find a person who has never cheated in school or university. Reports reveal that more than half of high school students admit to plagiarizing papers or cheating on tests, and seventy-four percent report copying their friends’ homework (Simmons, 2018). Interestingly, both successful and failing students...
Topic: Cheating
Words: 361
Pages: 1
The article under consideration, “Influence of participation in strategic change: Resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement,” written by Rune Lines, examines strategic change implementation. It highlights the importance of participation in the process for a positive outcome and reflects the possible adverse effects of employees’ failure to contribute to...
Topic: Business
Words: 361
Pages: 1
The Relationship Cafe will serve the Miami area community with a mission to create a peaceful world by teaching our parents, children, and couples the life skills they need for more respectful relationships. Children ages five to seventeen, parents of children who have difficulty disciplining them, step-parents who are trying...
Topic: Culture
Words: 361
Pages: 1
Contemporary advertisement strategies are well-defined and are being used on a regular basis. They attempt to gain the customer’s attention and indirectly persuade clients to better perceive ads’ information. The appeals used in the advertisement “True Fruits – Awkward Eat Banana” are humorous and sexual (The Star Ads, 2019). This...
Topic: Humor
Words: 361
Pages: 1